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Thread: ...and then she slipped away.

  1. #1
    Guest Dano's Avatar


    Brush on canvass, creating a universe of pigment, of texture, of semi-liquid life. A universe encased by edges of a reality it is wholly unaware of. The carpet extends less than a foot from her feet, the sofa is incomplete, the window only allows half of the sun into the room. She sits there, staring eternally, more than a frown but less than a smile, hands resting in her lap, her bare breasts partially hidden by her lustrous hair. What thoughts swirl around inside her two-dimensional mind, what longings and desires compell her to sit there for all time, looking out into a world ever changing while hers remains static? A book rests on a table, the title obscured, its thickness the only evidence of the contents, which really tells nothing. A vase with a single shock of baby's breath rests just behind it, it's water surely stale after so long. She came into my life, just as she is now, a gift from a woman who truly loved me, and I her. This new woman captivated me, ensnared my senses, enraptured me with her enigma and intensity. Before long, I became aware of the discomfort my staring created in the woman I loved, but try as I might, I could not let loose. Feelings were trampled, ultimatums given and ignored. More than once, I was given a choice, and every time I chose the newer of the two. Finally, my obsession became too much to bear. She stood in front of me, between myself and my new love, and said she regretted ever bringing another woman into our home. I didn't even look up, and then she slipped away.

    Raise Love
    Om Namaha Shivaya
    All Stories Are True

    You want to begin again / Pretend you're innocent / If you believe / You can convince yourself / I'm sure. -- Mark Sandman

    One day the world will be ready for you / And wonder how they didn't see -- E

    [This message has been edited by Dano (edited April 15, 2000).]

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner erisesoteric's Avatar
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    Wow. That's it. Just... wow.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner Branflakes's Avatar
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    And, wow.

    Branflakes, the ninja lesbian hair gel and milk getter.
    The one Necro calls "brain".
    Call me what you want, just don't call me Blue Falcon or Branni.
    Until the time you come back to me like fate.
    "See that star...the one shining brighter than all the others? I know the girl who hung it there."

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