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Thread: The Styx and Aprilius One

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    HB Forum Owner charon's Avatar
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    Charon Thanatos, decorated veteran of the First Space War, sat comfortably in his chair of command aboard his new ship, the Styx. He and his crew were on their way to Aprilius One, capitol of the ZAFT Forces. He was to meet with the council, probably concerning the new war they had just declared.

    Thanatos had been surprised to learn that the Supreme Chairman's son was assigned to his ship. He had already met and spoken with young Lance Traeborn, and had the impression that the boy was much more capable than his soft-spokenness implied.

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    HB Forum Owner charon's Avatar
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    Lance had heard the rumors from his crewmates, but he hadn't been sure if he believed them. And then he met the Captain for himself, and knew that there was truth to the rumors: this man was cold. As they shook hands, he saw Thanatos give a smile that didn't reach his glowing green eyes.

    Now, Lance laid in his bed in the officer's quarters, waiting to reach Aprilius One and his father.

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    HB Forum Owner charon's Avatar
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    Styx docked with the PLANT colony of Aprilius One, and Captain Charon Thanatos made his way to the boardroom with Lance Traeborn trailing behind him. There sat the twelve council members, all in purple. They watched Thanatos as he approached.

    Charon gave a bow to the council, and waited for them to speak.

    <font color="maroon">"Captain Charon Thanatos, veteran of the First Space War, Captain of the Styx Eternal-class, and friend of the ZAFT Council, we bring you here today to honor your achievements. You have made us proud, and we were elated to bestow upon you the honor of FAITH. We understand you have just recently incountered trouble at the hands of Freelancers. We would like to apologize. It was our fault for not preparing you correctly. We had recently learned of the Strike Freedom's capture, and the least we could have done was equip you with the proper equipment."</font>

    Whatever Thanatos had expected, it wasn't this.

    <font color="grey">"Sir, what is this about?"</font>

    Supreme Chairman Traeborn gave him a smile.

    <font color="maroon">"When we created the Strike Freedom, we had also created an updated version of the Justice. We see now that we should have given you the Infinite Justice, especially since we were about to announce our alliance not much later. But now, we have decided to make up for our lack of foresight. We do not grant you the Infinite Justice. Instead, we grant you a prototype model, one that we hope will be a trump in this Second Space War. You have exhibited moments of particular insight before, and you can read an opponent at first glance. And so, this Council grants you the ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam."</font>

    Thanatos rose a brow, though the motion was only partially visible.

    <font color="grey">"What is it?"</font>

    The Supreme Chairman gave a barking laugh that struck Lance in the chest.

    <font color="maroon">"It's an experimental model developed after the original Strike and Justice Gundams. It uses a system we call DRAGOON, a network of funnels that detach from the gundam and fire at your opponents. It requires that it's pilot be a Newtype."</font>

    Thanatos nodded, understanding. He wasn't surprised they thought he was one of the rumored Newtypes. He probably was. And this machine sounded suited to his liking.

    <font color="maroon">"That is not all. We do not completely trust this Zeek Murcor. We need somebody we know will fight for the rights of Coordinators and not leave us behind after the fighting is over. And so, Charon Thanatos, we hereby promote you to the rank of Vice Admiral, despite your current low rank."</font>

    The Supreme Councilor handed Thanatos the pins that denoted the rank of Vice Admiral, and then turned to his son, Lance.

    <font color="maroon">"And you my boy, we must make use of the Styx's METEOR system, I believe. The Council grants you the ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice Gundam. I'm afraid that you may run into those pirates again. This should even the odds between a team of GINNs and their Strike Freedom."</font>

    Lance resisted the urge to sneer at his father and bowed graciously.

    <font color="scarlet">"Thank you, Father."</font>

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    HB Forum Owner charon's Avatar
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    Later that same day, back aboard the Styx at the head of the second fleet on its way to Earth . . .

    <font color="grey">"The Styx, the Phlegethon, and the Acheron, the three Rivers of Hell. Poetic, do you not think so, Lieutenant, that the one named for the ferryman of Hell should command these three ships?"</font>

    Lance turned to look at Thanatos. They were aboard the bridge of the Styx, leading the fleet of three to Earth.

    <font color="scarlet">"I've never really read much poetry, sir."</font>

    The Admiral smirked.

    <font color="grey">"I didn't either, before my first war. In my quarters I have a translation of a book written in the 13th century of Christ: The Inferno by Dante Alighieri. It is only one part of his Divine Comedy, but it is my favorite. It explores Hell in all its levels and degrees. You should read it; it may help you to respect the irony of our situation."</font>

    <font color="scarlet">"Of course, sir."</font>

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ February 21, 2006 11:31 PM: Message edited by: Charon Thanatos ]</font>

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    HB Forum Owner charon's Avatar
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    <font color="violet">"Sir, we are entering atmo in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1-"</font>

    The Styx shook as it broke into the Earth's atmosphere followed by the Acheron and the Phlegethon. Violent turbelance stayed with the ship until they evened out over the continent of Australia.

    <font color="grey">"Alright. Bring us down near the northern coast. Lieutenant Traeborn, I want you ready for drills upon landing. After you finish a breif training session, you are to commence your mission. Is that understood?"</font>

    Lance's voice did not quaiver as he answered.

    <font color="scarlet">"Yes, sir. I will return the Strike Freedom to ZAFT control."</font>

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