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Thread: Breast Feeding

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    Breast Feeding

    Back in 2012 an author named dawn_f started a story about characters named Sarah and Karen who were single moms living together and had a clash over one breastfeeding the other's newborn. Unfortunately it never was finished.

    In 2016 DogWithABone rewrote a couple of the parts, but also never finished it.

    So, here were are at the end of 2024, and I've taken the names of the women and the concept of breastfeeding another woman's child, but I've changed almost everything else about it. I hope you enjoy.

    Part 1

    Matt and Jake were half-brothers from a large family, both self-employed and doing reasonably well, who had married in their late 20s. Matt’s wife, Karen, worked in health care. She was a pretty shoulder length brunette who did crossfit and jiu jitsu a few days a week because she was afraid her curves would lead to her getting fat if she didn’t work out. She even did a little kickboxing and was a natural athlete but her build limited how far she could go in any sports. Matt compared her to a shorter, sexier version of Gina Carano when she had filled out after her fighting days.

    Jake’s wife, Sarah, was an event planner. She was a pretty long haired blonde who jogged a bit but otherwise was proud of her curves. She knew there might be a time where she would have to focus more on keeping her body from getting out of control, but for the time being she enjoyed being right on that edge of being fat that the kids these days called thick. Jake considered his wife to be a taller, sexier version of Tiktok influencer Anelia Verbin, a.k.a. yellz0.

    Matt and Jake were both boob men and many playful arguments had arisen between the two when comparing their significant others. Matt was certain that Karen’s slightly smaller pair was firmer, due to her working out and taking better care of her body, and would wear out Sarah’s bigger rack and squash it flat. Jake obviously disagreed, telling his bro that there was no workout that would make the brunette’s smaller pair stand up to his blonde wife’s bigger globes.

    The couples got together fairly often, leading the men to compare their wives even more. One that kept their fantasies going for a while was a night that ended up in Matt and Karen’s hot tub with both women sporting two piece bathing suits that flattered their bodies. Matt begrudgingly admitted that Sarah’s bigger tits were closer in firmness to Karen’s than he originally thought while Jake reluctantly noticed that Karen’s smaller boobs were closer in size to his wife’s own pair than had believed they would be.

    Karen and Sarah were not unaware of the fetish each husband had. They both had indulged in comparisons with women they saw in public and some role playing in bed as they described the titfights they would have with a variety of potential opponents. Each read some of their husbands favorite stories and watched videos on the sites their men had frequented to get their fix of female competition, mostly focused on no hands titfights. While neither man had broached the idea of the other’s wife with their own, neither woman was oblivious to their obvious similarities. When they saw their husbands eyes darting back and forth between both pairs of tits in the hot tub, Sarah and Karen began to take closer notice of their counterpart.

    Before anything came of it, something much more interesting happened. Both women got pregnant and gave birth to girls within a few short weeks of each other. Sarah’s body finally pushed over that edge from thick to carrying more fat than she wanted while Karen’s muscle disappeared behind her own layer of extra meat on the bones. While both wanted to get back to their pre-pregnancy look, neither was upset about the transformation of their boobs. Sarah’s big rack had gone up a full cup size, at least, without any more sagging at all even when fully loaded with milk. Karen’s pair had also grown quite a bit and, even though they didn’t look or feel quite as firm with the extra volume, both she and Matt secretly thought they had caught up to Jake’s wife’s pair in size.

    Every other week one of the couples would drop their little one off with the other, just so they could get some husband and wife time alone and refresh a bit from the frantic nature of being first time parents with an infant. This particular week in December saw Matt and Karen drop off little Allie with Jake and Sarah. After a relaxing dinner at a fast casual chain they returned to pick up their daughter.

    As Karen began putting her in the car seat, she noticed that the bottle she had pumped ahead of time was still full. “Did Allie not eat?” Jake responded, “We tried giving her the bottle but she just wouldn’t take it this time. It’s okay though, Sarah fed her.” Karen and Matt’s heads both turned to the blonde wife standing off to the side as she blushed and lowered her head, “I had enough to take care of her. It was no problem, really.” Matt hesitated for a moment before he responded with a simple, “Oh, okay, thanks,” and then the couples chatted for another minute or two until Allie was fully in her seat and everything was ready to go.

    “Did you see that!” Karen was fuming as they turned the first corner leaving Jake and Sarah’s house.

    “See what, honey,” Matt responded as he tried to not focus on the image his mind had created of the blonde pulling out her big tit and feeding both girls at once.

    “Don’t act like you didn’t fucking see it. She smiled while she was pretending to blush and put her arm under her fat tits to push them up while she was acting like she didn’t have any choice but feed Allie herself instead of using the bottle. She knew exactly what she was doing. I bet she does that same fantasy shit for Jake that I do for you and she wanted to show me up in front of both of you.”

    “Come on honey,” Matt said as they neared their home across town, “I’m sure it was completely innocent.” “Innocent!” Karen yelled at her husband.

    “There’s no way Allie wouldn’t take a bottle of my milk. She did that on purpose. She better not do it again if she knows what’s best for her.”

    Matt felt his cock jump a bit at that last comment and barely got out a whisper, “What if she does?”

    “You know those milking titfights between mom’s that you like to read about so much honey?” Karen said as her anger subsided just enough to notice her husband’s arousal, “If your brother’s cow-titted wife ever feeds my baby with her fat, flabby tits again then you’re going to see a real titfight and I’m going to milk her dry with my better tits.”

    Part 2

    Jake looked at his wife with a sly smile. It was true that Allie was being fussy about the bottle before she eventually drank from it. While Sarah was feeding Kaycee and Jake was trying to feed Allie, he joked that maybe his blonde boob goddess should pop her other big tit out and let his sister-in-law’s child feed on it. Sarah rebuffed the idea, knowing how awkward it would be if Matt and Karen found out, and they continued as normal. As the kids finished, Jake blurted out another comment that should have gone nowhere.

    “Hey, babe, does the bottle they use fit your breast pump?”

    Sarah mindlessly answered, “Yeah, I think it’s the same brand.”

    “You want to have a little fun,” Jake followed, “and fill it up with yours?”

    The blonde looked at her husband for a minute and then, “And what would that do?”

    “Oh, I don’t know, we could tell them Allie wouldn’t eat and you had to feed her. Let them wonder about it for a minute and then you could tell them we’re just joking and it was my idea for you to refill the bottle.” Jake was proud of himself. He imagined his half-brother struggling not to gawk for a moment while Karen would probably have a horrified look on her face before Sarah told her the truth.

    “Okay,” Sarah said to her husband’s shock, “I’ll do it in a few minutes after we’ve got these two burped.”

    At first it was playing out just like Jake had said it would. Karen found the full bottle, Jake told the story about Allie not taking the bottle and Sarah feeding her, and Matt’s instincts put his attention directly on Sarah before he quickly composed himself. Where it didn’t play out like he planned was his own wife’s response. Instead of letting the cat out of the bag, she noticed the looks from the other couple and then blushed and went off script, lifting her tits with one arm while telling his half-brother and sister-in-law how it wasn’t a problem because she had enough milk in her boobs for both girls.

    After Matt and Karen left, Jake looked at his wife and said, “What was that?”

    “Did you see the look on her face?” Sarah responded. She wasn’t horrified. Her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed. I think she was mad, or jealous, or maybe both.”

    “You don’t think,” Jake said mostly to himself, “that she was really angry, do you?”

    His blonde wife lifted her tits with one arm again and replied, “Even if she was, she couldn’t beat these on her best day.”

    Part 3

    Matt was panting, his heart racing faster than he could ever remember, his body soaked in sweat and, despite all he knew about himself, he could feel another erection growing after three Earth shattering orgasms. Karen had started describing the titfight before they had gotten home. By the time they were out of the car he was at full mast and trying not to cum in his pants as he walked to the door to open it for his wife. She kept talking while putting Allie in the crib and making sure the baby monitor was on, and both of them had shed their clothing before they got from the baby’s room to their own.

    While neither of them had actually seen Sarah fully topless, Karen described the other woman’s pair in detail while regaling her husband with the story of how her own pair would pound the milk out of them. After their first shared orgasm, she told the story again, this time adding more detail and throwing in a touch of humiliation at the end where she made the loser get on all fours and grabbed the hanging tits to milk them like a cow. The second orgasm came and went and Karen still wasn’t done. Her description took longer, she talked about what both women would be feeling physically and emotionally, and then she added to the humiliation stakes at the end by forcing the loser to suck her tits until she was satisfied. Each time followed the same basic pattern of Karen’s firmer tits causing Sarah’s to mold around them as she used her superior strength to move the curvier woman’s back against a wall where she would batter the bigger pair flat with little resistance.

    Matt could barely get a word in edgewise as he was too busy following along and trying to picture every detail his wife mentioned. He was confident that any real titfight between the two would result in her winning, but he did have one quibble with Karen’s storytelling. He was certain that Sarah would put up a better fight than his wife was giving her credit for, making his brunette titty queen earn the win that she would undoubtedly get.

    As his member slowly became engorged again, Matt leaned over and latched on to one of her nipples with his mouth while his hand reached over to fondle the other breast. As Karen moaned softly at the sensation, her husband tried to form his own best guess about Sarah’s tits. He knew they were big and full, and seemed softer than his own wife’s rack. What he didn’t know was what the other woman’s nipples looked like when fully engorged and how big her areola were. Karen had described her foe as inferior in both areas, but he wasn’t sure about that at all. He did his best to pull up memories of any scenario where the blonde’s breasts were exposed enough to get a sense of what they would look like fully uncovered. While they had all been together in similar states of dress in several situations, the night they got in the hot tub together was very cold. Sarah’s nipples had definitely been tenting the triangles of her top pretty significantly and he thought he remembered a bit of the outline of her areolas after she had dipped under the waist high water at one point and come back up, causing the wet top to stick a bit more to her tit meat.

    “What are you thinking about?” Karen asked as she realized her husband was almost methodically working over one nipple in his mouth while exploring the nipple and areola on the other with his hand.

    “Honestly, honey, I was forming my own mental image of Sarah’s breasts compared to yours.”

    You think my description of her fat, flabby boobs was wrong?” Karen questioned, a little irritation in her voice.

    “You made her tits sound like they were no match for yours at all. Like you would just walk through her.” Matt knew he had to tread lightly as his wife’s expression darkened a bit more before she continued.

    “So, you think my tits aren’t better than her flabby cow tits? Do you think she would win? Is that what you want?”

    “No, no honey, that’s not it at all,” Matt scrambled to try and salvage a fourth romp of the night. “It’s just that you completely dismissed them. Yours are better, and you will win, but I don’t think it will be the 5 minute cakewalk you were making it sound like.”

    “Okay,” Karen said with a bit more subdued tone, “where do you think I’m getting it wrong?”

    Matt then paused for a moment before sharing his honest thoughts. “Well, for one we don’t know what her nipples or areola are like. They might be a good match for yours. I’ve heard tons of women say that firm nipples poking into their areola is one of the most surprising sources of pain in a titfight.” Seeing that Karen seemed to be open to more he continued, “She’s also more athletic than you’re giving her credit for. Sure, you’re a better athlete and definitely stronger, but we’ve done a lot of physical activities together and she’s usually able to keep up for most of the time. She’s also a runner so her endurance is probably better than people would think when they see her body. Finally, while your boobs might have caught up to hers in size, we both know that you’ve lost a little bit of firmness due to the added weight and having a baby sucking on them every day. Her’s have probably softened a bit as well, but when we were all in the hot tub hers weren’t as far behind yours in firmness as I thought they would be and her nipples were poking out pretty far in that top.”

    Karen thought for a few minutes before asking, “So how do you think it would go?”

    Matt jumped on this chance, telling a story similar to the versions she had told just a short while earlier, but he added things like Sarah successfully landing some good punches by swinging her looser boobs, Sarah’s nipples poking her areola painfully a few times, Karen’s tits taking a few big hits that would likely hurt for a few days, and an estimation that she could end it just like she planned but she should probably prepare herself for a fight that lasts 10-15 minutes before she eventually prevails. “Then, you would milk her beaten cow tits and make her suck your better tits in front of me and Jake so that nobody would have any doubts about whose boobs are better anymore.” That seemed to satisfy his wife and before he knew it, Karen was on top of him riding him like a bronco while she told a version of the titfight that was closer to his thoughts than her own.

    Part 4

    Jake was going to spill the beans, and let Matt and Karen know that the breast feeding story was just a joke, but Sarah told him not to. They continued their dirty stories about titfighting women they saw or knew, but the topic of the other couple remained taboo. Two weeks passed and it was time for them to drop Kaycee off while they went on their own dinner date. When they arrived, even though it was ice cold outside in the middle of December, Karen was wearing nothing but short shorts and a thin t-shirt that showed the semi-erect nipples of her braless tits. As soon as they pulled out of the driveway and headed towards their destination, the conversation started.

    “See,” Sarah said, “I told you she was jealous of these.” Jake had to fight every urge not to turn his head completely as he was driving to look at his wife once again lifting her heavy, full tits with one arm.

    “Yeah,” Jake said a bit breathily, “she was definitely wanting to put on a show for you with that top.”

    “Not just for me,” Sarah responded, “she wanted you to think her tits were as big and sexy as mine.”

    Dinner was intense as any they had had before, the couple picking out every single woman in the restaurant who could even possibly put up a little bit of fight and quickly telling stories of Sarah smashing them flat. The hushed conversation and prolonged looks were noticed by a few of the other patrons, and Jake was honestly hoping that one of the couples would say something about it so he could push for them to all go somewhere close and have the women titfight in front of the men. It didn’t happen, but now Sarah and Jake had a new element to their shared kink.

    While Karen’s brazen display was the impetus, and underlying motivation, for Jake and Sarah’s titfight story filled dinner, both had subconsciously put it aside as they pulled into Matt and Karen’s driveway and hurried through the cold and in the front door. It didn’t click for either of them that only Matt was in the living room as they got Kaycee and began packing everything up. When Sarah had nearly finished securing the car seat, she finally looked around and noticed the full baby bottle of milk sitting on a coaster on the end table.

    As she picked it up, both Sarah and Jake’s eyes went directly to Matt.

    “Oh, that,” Matt said with a bit of mischief in his voice, “a funny thing happened. Kaycee just wasn’t willing to take the bottle. I guess both of our girls like the fresh stuff if they can get it, so Karen went ahead and fed them both.”

    “I sure did,” Karen said as the other couple turned to face her leaning up against the opening leading into the kitchen, “and I had more than enough for both of them.” Her face beamed with pride while her eyes narrowed as she looked at Sarah and lifted her own heavy tits with one arm under them and pulled her shoulders back to achieve maximum effect.

    While Matt walked over to stand by his wife, Jake and Sarah both stared silently for a few moments at Karen’s top. She was still wearing the same outfit as when they dropped Kaycee off, but now the thin top had two wet spots over her fully engorged nipples.

    “That was a joke last week,” Sarah almost yelled. Jake noticed his wife’s body tense up as she continued, “we were just fucking with you. Did you seriously feed my baby girl with those stumpy little nipples, you whore?” Matt and Jake jumped into action quickly as both women’s claws came out and they lunged for one another with nails out and ready to slash. Just as both husband’s caught each other's eyes, and shared a questioning look about whether or not they should just let them go at it, both Kaycee and Allie started screaming at being woken up by the noise.

    Matt dragged Karen back to the baby’s room while he yelled over his shoulder, “Get her out of here bro! We’ll talk later!”

    Part 5

    Jake said little on the ride home. For her part, Sarah sat there actively tweaking her nipples to full length while occasionally blurting out a sentence like, “My nipples are way longer than hers,” or, “that extra weight has made her boobs softer than they were.”

    They got home and put Kaycee down for the night. As they got undressed for bed, Sarah immediately started describing how she would defeat Karen in a titfight. The first time she started by saying she would challenge the brunette to a nipple duel and after she quickly won that she would take advantage of the other woman’s shaken confidence and start slamming her bigger tits into the smaller pair, causing Karen to backpedal until she was trapped and the blonde’s bigger tits would grind the smaller pair out leaving them deflated with expressed milk everywhere. Jake busted a nut and immediately started getting hard again, which encouraged Sarah to tell it again, with more detail. This time she emphasized the nipple play and the milking along the way, finishing with her opponent submitting and then being smothered under the winning breasts. A third time happened as well, this one going further into the details and ending up with the addition of both husbands sucking the nipples of the winner while the loser watched.

    As they both felt their bodies revving up for session number four, Sarah noticed Jake gently kneading both of her breasts while flicking her nipples with his thumbs and staring intently at the globes he was handling.

    “What’s going on in that big, horny brain of yours?” Sarah asked.

    Jake stumbled over his words the first few tries before finally getting it out, “Well, you made it sound so easy, but she’s got a big, firm pair that won’t lose that easily.”

    “Where do you think I’m off in my assessment?”

    “Well,” Jake took a breath and just went for it, “we can start with the nipple dual. Yours are longer, and I do think you’ll win that, but hers looked wide and thick at the base. I’ve read some stories that say the wider base will win in a direct nipple duel, but the longer nips can poke the other woman’s areola and beat them up enough that the nipples start to shrink which makes them easier to beat.”

    He looked at his blonde goddess taking the information in like a college student intently listening to a lecture. “Once you beat her nipples, she will be lacking some confidence, but she’s more likely to get angry than give up. She’s also really strong, so backing her up like that with tit slams will probably take longer than you think. She’s stronger, but you’re a better athlete than she thinks. You ran a 4:35 marathon with those fuckers bouncing around in front of you and had enough stamina to go out for drinks afterwards. Those years you spent taking dance lessons as a kid mean you’re probably more agile too. She might be able to deadlift a car, but she’s not going to be able to dodge your Mack trucks pounding her flat. She’s nowhere near your endurance or agility level. Also, while you had a clear size advantage before y'all got pregnant, her tits seem to have grown even more than yours so trying to win with just sheer size will probably be harder. The good news is that most women’s boobs lose some firmness when they get pregnant, but yours didn’t so if her’s did then the small advantage she had there might be gone now.”

    “Okay,” Sarah responded inquisitively, “tell me how you think I really will beat her.”

    Jake was in his element now. He still wasn’t completely sure about Karen’s tits, but her display had given him valuable information. He suggested using her longer nipples to tenderize Karen’s areola and tit meat, using her agility and endurance to move around and attack with her tits from different angles, and on using her natural looseness in her chest to swing her tits, especially from below and above, in an effort to use her extra size to its fullest advantage. “Then,” Jake continued, “when she’s tired and her tits are looking splotchy and soft, you put that thick, curvy body to use and push her up against the wall where you grind her tits into submission. When she quits you grab her hair and throw her to the ground and then plop your perfect rack on top of her face while you shit talk her the best you can. When you’re satisfied with that, sit up on her stomach and have Matt and me suck your nipples for as long as you want.”

    Sarah took that info and told a new story. One where she took her time wearing down her opponent’s stamina before she started landing the more consequential blows with her bigger tits and eventually made Matt’s wife give up and suffer the humiliation she had agreed to.

    “Do you think she’ll really do it?” Sarah asked Jake as they were both finally starting to drift off to sleep.

    “Yeah, babe, I think she wants it almost as much as you do. Just let me talk to my brother and we’ll try to work out a time and place if Karen’s really willing to go through with it.” With that, Jake rolled over on his side and tried to fall asleep with another raging hardon tenting his pajama pants.

    Part 6

    Matt and Jake talked the next day. It was already the third Saturday of the month and Christmas was the following Wednesday. A few texts back and forth set up a lunch where they could quietly discuss matters without any kind of digital trail or arousing the suspicion of anyone who shouldn’t be eavesdropping in the first place. The easy part was settling on the place. Matt and Karen had a basement on their two story house, so that the sound would have farther to travel to wake up the infants sleeping on the top floor.

    Next was the time. They batted a few ideas around and finally settled on Christmas Eve. They were both going to spend Christmas Day with Matt and Jake’s extended family in the area, but the night before seemed like the perfect option. Jake and Sarah would stay there for the night and they would all go to the family Christmas gathering together. Each was going to present it to his wife as the one gift they get to open early this year. Attire came next, and it was agreed to pretty quickly.

    Finally, came the issue of the stakes that each wife had mentioned in their storytelling on the nights that they had fucked their husband’s brains out in response to the other wife. They finally settled on a sequence of the four ideas and each scribbled it down on a piece of paper with the other relevant information to take back to their respective wives. With the agreement made, each sent a simple text confirming it and then they began the wait for their fantasies to come true just a few days later.

    Both men pestered their wives the next two days. Each acted like some sort of titfighting coach mentioning strategies and techniques to their spouses. Matt worked with Karen on ways to initiate a clinch, how to move her chest in short, sharp motions to maximize her in close fighting, and how to dodge and move in order to lessen the effects of any potential big blows that Sarah might try. Jake worked with Sarah on stepping with the motion while she was swinging her tits from the side, jabbing with her nipples and backing out at an angle so Karen couldn’t grab her as easily, and how to maximize the velocity of her uppercuts from a crouch and downward slams from jumping up just a bit to get a better angle. The women found it silly, at first, but started buying into it when they felt their control of their own tits increasing as they practiced.

    The night finally arrived and Matt opened the door to let Jake, Sarah, and Kaycee in. He told them that Karen was already waiting in the basement, that the spare bedroom was available for Sarah to change, and to come down when they were ready to get the evening started. Matt joined his wife on one of the loveseats pushed up against the wall and they waited. It wasn’t long, no more than 5 minutes, before Jake and Sarah descended the steps and joined the hosts in the basement. Both men were in loose fitting sweatpants and t-shirts, knowing that they would probably have raging hard-ons for however long their dream scenario lasted.

    As the visiting couple took their seats against the opposite wall, Matt began going over the rules. “Ladies, you’ve both agreed to a no hands titfight. Grabbing your opponent for control is allowed, but hair pulling is out. You may attack in any situation other than injury. If your opponent is backed up to the wall or knocked down to the floor, you may continue attacking until they either get out of the situation or surrender the fight. There will be no official timeouts or breaks of any kind and you’ll continue until one woman utters her submission.”

    Jake picked up from that point. “You have both agreed to the other woman’s humiliation stakes at the end of the fight and to Matt and my order for implementing them. Upon submitting the match, the loser will move into position on all fours, allowing the winner unrestricted access to milk her boobs like udders until the winner decides to stop. At that point the loser will roll over on her back and make no attempt to stop the winner from using her boobs to smother the loser for as long as she likes to, up to the point of being rendered unconscious. Once the winner is finished with that portion of the stakes, the loser will sit up from her position and worship the winner’s tits with her mouth for as long as the winner wants. Finally, the winner will then signal both husbands and we will fulfill our duty of sucking on her nipples for as long as she wants while the loser is forced to watch. Do both of you still agree to these stipulations?”

    Both women nodded, neither saying a word yet. Jake and Matt were both still confident that their wife would win, but they also both noted that their respective wives still seemed confident but had a definite air of nervousness about them. Both sat wearing terry cloth robes and staring daggers at each other, waiting for their husbands to get the titfight started. Sensing the growing tension, the husband’s moved to the next phase of the event.

    Matt spoke first, introducing his wife. He listed off her current stats as both men had meticulously measured their wives. Karen stood up from their loveseat, listened as her husband finished stating her magnificent measurements, and then simply removed her robe and unceremoniously tossed it to the side. Karen was in a simple red thong that had a matte finish, that wasn’t as daring as some thongs but still showed plenty of cheek. While Sarah showed irritation, Jake clearly liked what he saw. The lightly tanned brown eyed brunette’s body was already starting to return to its former state. Her shoulders and legs were beginning to show definition, her abs looked like they were ready to stand out again, and her ass was getting back to its normally tight state. More importantly, her large, full breasts looked to still be at their new size as neither wife had let a drop of milk leave their body all day. They were round, they still looked unusually firm for their size, and the chocolate nipples on them sat in the middle of large areola that were bumpy with tension were as erect as they had ever been with a base that Jake knew was wider than his wife’s own points.

    After taking in the body of his sister-in-law displayed in almost all of its glory, Jake began introducing his own spectacular spouse. He went through the same list of measurements that Matt had done for his wife and it was now Sarah’s turn to stand up. While Karen was the health worker and fitness girl who did things in a more utilitarian way, Sarah was the event planner and former dancer with a flair for showmanship. She wiggled her hips a bit, doing a little dance to make a show of untying the knot on her robe. She then let it slide down her arms before catching it with both hands and making a display of letting it flutter to the ground behind her. Unlike Karen’s plain red thong, Sarah’s was definitely for show and made the brunette’s garment seem modest. Since it was Christmas Eve, the men had decided on a bit of a Christmas theme with the colors. Sarah’s emerald green thong was almost invisible except for the sequins that covered the front part and made it sparkle even in the low light of the room.

    Matt couldn’t see his wife’s face, but he also couldn’t help but gawk at the near nude hazel eyed blonde. Every measurement Jake had read off appeared to be accurate. Sarah was just a bit taller, her waist was actually more narrow than Karen’s while her hips were wider. Her ass was larger with more jiggle as she walked, but it wasn’t too big by any measure. She definitely had at least a solid ten pounds on the brunette. The real point of interest, though, was her breasts. She was pale compared to the other woman, but despite the gap being closed by the milk filling them her lighter colored tits were still bigger. Her long pink nipples looked ready for a sword fight as they seemed to angrily jut out in front of the big, firm globes they topped. Her own areola were a bit larger than the brunette’s, and they were also bumpy from the tightness caused by her fully erect nipples, with the narrower base seeming to the blonde to be the only place where her tits might be at a real disadvantage.

    With the formalities out of the way, the husbands stood behind their wives. Matt asked, “Karen, are you still sure you want to go through with this?” His wife answered, “fuck yeah I am,” and took a step forward towards her opponent. Jake followed suit, “Sarah, are you still sure you want to go through with this?” She quickly replied, “You’re goddamn right I do.” She also took a step forward towards the other woman. Standing with their breasts mere millimeters apart, each woman leaned in slowly, wanting to get a feel for another woman’s tits on their own.

    That moment quickly ended as Karen squealed lightly and stepped back. Sarah smiled widely and said, “If that’s what you do when my nipples barely touch your little boobs, then you’re in for a titty whipping you’ll never forget. Is it too late to ask for one more thing to be added to the stakes?” Both men agreed that was entirely up to Karen, and the brunette couldn’t fathom saying no after that initial embarrassing moment. “Once I’ve beaten your tits flat, milked you dry, smothered your face, and had all three of you sucking on my titties, I want you to have to sit there with me still over you as I suck your husband’s cock dry and then spit the cum out on your loser tits. Are you okay with that Karen, or are you scared?” Matt’s wife wasted no time answering, “That works for me blondie. If all you’ve got is fat, flabby tits and skinny little pointy nipples then I’m going to enjoy making you beg me to stop and then finishing the night giving Jake a blowjob he’ll never forget.”

    The men separated their wives one last time before starting the fight. Each spoke as much encouragement and strategy as they could think of, and then told the women to wait for the signal. Matt and Jake had agreed to start it off by having them simultaneously say “ding, ding” like Apollo Creed at the end of Rocky III. They did and both women quickly attacked. Their tits came together in anger for the first time and one yelled, “Oh fuck!” at the contact while her opponent smiled.

    Part 7

    Karen dipped down just slightly and endured the piercing feeling of the blonde’s longer nipples stabbing her as she drove her wider nips into the base of the thinner pink nubs, bending them up sharply, causing them to point directly at the ceiling. Sarah looked shocked at how quickly and easily her opponent had dipped down to deliver the blow, and how much it hurt to have her nipples bent like that. Before she could react, the brunette butted the blonde again with her tits. Karen hit Sarah with another chest butt, knocking her back a few steps, and followed the blonde in an attempt to land a fourth one.

    Sarah remembered what Jake had told her and quickly stepped to her left, twisting her torso that way before swinging back to her right, sending the outside of her right breast into the outside of Karen’s. Jake had prepared her to drag her boobs all the way across the other pair, showing her videos of it and telling her how it would let her long nipples dig into her opponent’s sensitive flesh. Instead what she got was a solid blow that spun Karen away from her, a nearly silent wheeze escaping the brunette’s mouth, the slapping together of their boobs making a loud clap.

    Karen turned back just in time to see the blonde’s big tits crashing down from above, the weight driving her own tits down and forcing her to her knees. Sarah followed down, dropping her tits onto the top of the brunette’s, her nipples buried into the top of the tanned flesh, and quickly snaked her arms around for a bearhug. She smiled as she heard the brunette let out a low groan but squealed herself as Karen’s arms wrapped around her upper back in response. The blonde leaned in but felt the brunette, despite her leverage disadvantage, start to pump her tits upwards like she was punching and working them out from under the bigger pair. Sarah quickly disengaged and pushed away, surprising the brunette with her quickness, spinning out to her left and returning to her feet while Karen stood as well.

    They faced each other, pausing for just a moment. Karen’s face showed intensity but no emotion. Just pure focus on her opponent. Sarah’s face held a bit of a grin while her mouth was open and tongue slightly out, lightly licking her own lips. The brunette closed the distance and feinted forward with her tits. The blonde stepped back and to the right only to have the brunette adjust her angle, charge in, and chest butt her solidly. Sarah let out a small oof as their breasts smacked together as the force pushed her back a step. A second chest butt happened before her feet were set, knocking her back again. Karen moved in with a third one, but the blonde set her feet widely and absorbed the blow, not giving ground. The fourth chest butt was matched and this time it was Karen pushed back as Sarah’s wider stance gave her a lower center of gravity. The brunette stepped forward again only to be met by the blonde’s tits exploding into the undersides of her own, the uppercut causing Karen to stumble back a couple of steps before falling and rolling quickly to her feet.

    “Relax babe, you’re thinking too much. You can beat her if you just let go and fight.” Matt was surprised so far. Karen had started strong but Sarah was more agile than he had thought and she was really quick at swinging her big tits to land solid hits. He was shocked when she was able to set her feet and stop his stronger, fitter wife from knocking her back.

    “Keep slapping her titties around, hon. Your big girls are too much for hers.” Jake was ecstatic. His belief that Sarah was quicker and more agile was proving true, and the way she was swinging her tits was working even better than he had hoped. He was also shocked that she withstood the straight forward onslaught and even turned it around on the fit brunette. His confidence was rising almost as quickly as his dick.

    Sarah, a beaming smile now on her face, placed both her hands on her hips and posed like Wonder Woman, giving her chest a slight shimmy which sent her breasts rolling sensually. Karen, still stoned faced with intensity, did her own little pose, drawing her shoulders back to push out her own beautiful tits and then using her pec muscles to bounce them independently without the use of her hands. The moves were seen as a challenge by both women who then moved closer together more slowly than before. Both husbands knew that their wives had stepped into what was called “the pocket” in boxing parlance.

    Matt and Jake considered this kind of close in fighting to favor Karen but were surprised as the next phase of the fight ensued. The brunette led with her left tit into the blonde’s right one, landing the first punch, and quickly followed up with another from her right to her opponent’s left. The blonde responded, surprising everyone by finding enough room to maneuver with her feet solidly planted, by dragging her tits across the front of the brunette’s and then quickly twisting to slam back and drive her left tit forcefully into the outside of the other woman’s. Matt had expected his wife to have an endurance advantage, fully believing that the blonde’s cardio from running wouldn’t stand up to his wife’s own cardio from high intensity workouts and kickboxing and jiu jitsu fight training.

    The next few minutes continued much the same. Karen was landing more blows with her tits but Sarah’s were obviously having more impact. With the women beginning to tire, they each reached out their hands to lightly grip the other’s hips and continue their boob battle. Again the fight continued for a few minutes before Karen suddenly shoved her boobs hard into the undersides of Sarah’s pair, tightly gripped a bearhug, and then lifted the blonde and carried her quickly to one of the walls in the basement.

    Karen quickly pinned the blonde’s arms to the wall, grasping the biceps to make it more difficult to pry them loose, and then began pistoning her tits into the sensitive undersides of her opponent’s boobs. She began varying the attack, taking a step back before slamming both of her breast’s into the larger pair. Sensing that she was in control, and believing she was coming close to ending the fight, she carefully lined her breasts up against the other pair and pushed forward. The mewling sounds escaping the mouth of the trapped woman were music to her ears.

    “Matt, honey, I’m pinning her skinny nips straight up with my own. They’re too weak to stand up to mine. It won’t be long now.” Karen stepped back and slammed in hard again, then went back to the shorter, pistoning types of blows. She felt a change on one hit and after a few more she paused for just a moment. “That’s it Sarah, I just popped your fat titties open. Give up now so I have something left to milk when we’re done.”

    “Fuck you,” was the raspy, barely whispered response from the blonde.

    Matt was beside himself. Sarah had put up a better fight than he had expected, but things were now going as he had anticipated. His wife was using her superior physical fitness to control the voluptuous blonde and her tits had just caused his sister-in-law’s big pair to start leaking milk. He figured it was only a matter of minutes before Karen finally forced the other woman to surrender and then humiliated her in a series of sexually dominant ways. “Come on babe, finish her fat tits off.”

    Jake was beyond concerned. His game plan for his wife had worked so well early on, but now she seemed to be little more than a punching bag for his half-brother’s fit wife. Sarah had been on even footing, maybe even winning, for about 15 minutes but the last 5 or so had seen her physically dominated by Karen to the point that she was just being held against the wall and pummeled by the brunette’s tits while her own were leaking milk. He wanted to match Matt’s shout of encouragement but couldn’t think of anything to say that sounded believable.

    Karen was furious at the stubbornness of the blonde. She was beating Sarah soundly now, but the other woman wouldn’t give up. Deciding to end things, Matt’s wife made sure not to grab any hair while interlacing her fingers behind the blonde’s head, pulling it slightly down in a Thai clinch. With that secured, she began firing short, sharp punches with her tits into the still softening rack of her sister-in-law. After a sustained minute of battering the blonde, Karen took a deep breath and pushed back in to grind again. She moved back and began raining in more quick blows, this time for closer to 45 seconds, before catching her breath again pushing back into a grind.

    Pulling back a third time, Karen punched quickly with her tits for about 30 seconds. As she went to gulp in some air this time, Sarah suddenly ducked down and crouched slightly before launching an uppercut into the bottom of the brunette’s boobs. The blow caused a loud smack and brought a groan from the brunette. Still being held in the clinch, the blonde dipped again and landed another uppercut. With the clinch still being very loosely held, Sarah surprised her opponent and both husbands again, stepping forward and initiating her own bearhug with her nipples boring into the bottom of Karen’s pair. She lifted and turned, planting the brunette’s back against the wall with her bigger tits still digging into the opposing rack. Still moving quickly, she stepped back slightly and then dipped and fired a third uppercut into the brunette’s tan boobs, finally causing Karen’s arms to fully release the clinch and drop to her sides.

    “Time for some payback, bitch.” Sarah lined her nipples up right at the bottom of Karen’s areola and pushed in. Satisfied with her positioning, she widened her feet a bit and began grinding away at the brunette’s still firm rack. She smiled when she heard her opponent start to grunt in discomfort and her eyes went wide when she felt the first trickles of milk being forced out of the other pair of boobs. “Who’s getting milked now, Karen? Those stumpy little nipples can’t do shit against mine.”

    “That’s the way hon, finish her off with your perfect titties!.” Jake had gotten over the shock of seeing his wife battle back the way she had and was now ecstatic that her endurance and bigger boobs were taking over the fight. He believed she could do it, and was certain those things were advantages for her, but he couldn’t have imagined that she could take so much punishment and still fight back. He was swelling with pride at the phenomenal display his beautiful bride was putting on.

    It was Matt’s turn to not know what to say. He had told his wife not to underestimate the blonde and she really hadn’t. He watched Karen take over the fight in about as much time as he thought it would take, her tits milking Sarah’s bigger boobs as the blonde put up little resistance. That was supposed to be the end of it. His wife’s better fitness and firmer tits were supposed to be enough to wear down the curvy blonde and give him bragging rights over his half-brother that could never be matched. Instead, the more voluptuous woman had reversed things and was now dominating his own bride. They were closing in on the 30 minute mark and he could only hope his brunette goddess could catch her second wind.

    Part 8

    Sensing her chance to finish things, Sarah pulled her torso to her left and sent her boobs crashing into Karen’s pair from the right, their large right breasts clapping together. The force of the blow turned the brunette again, her left shoulder still against the wall at a 90 degree angle. The blonde pulled the brunette’s arm to push her back against the wall and then swung a shot from the left that not only turned the brunette, but sent her stumbling a few steps away with the momentum.

    Turning to try and locate the blonde, Karen almost screamed at the impact of another uppercut that stretched her own tits farther than they had ever gone before and sent her tumbling back on her ass, several feet away. Sarah went to pounce, jumping in the air to slam her tits down from above as the brunette was getting up, only to be met with an uppercut from the smaller pair of boobs. The force of the downward slam was so great that it knocked Karen almost straight down, landing on her hands and knees and muttering about the pain she felt. Fortunately for her, the uppercut she hit Sarah with landed so flush that the blonde’s legs went stiff before she fell back on her ass and the momentum caused her to roll away. She rocked back and forth for a moment, wishing the pain away. As she looked up, she saw Karen pushing back up to a position sitting on her knees.

    “On our knees the rest of the way. We just grind it out until one of us gives.” It was a statement, but the brunette’s face conveyed it as a question and challenge to the blonde. Matt was hoping Sarah would accept while Jake didn’t want her to give up the advantage she had in swinging her tits.

    “You’re on.” The blonde said it matter of factly and rolled to her knees facing Karen. The women walked forward on their knees, with Sarah raising one arm high and the other low to signal an over and under bearhug. She had seen it in some of Jake’s favorite videos and he said the reason was it kept either woman from having the advantage of both arms being on the inside where it was easier to apply pressure. Karen had seen some of the same videos and agreed without saying a word, as the four battered breasts came together in a tight embrace that each combatant intended to end the fight with.

    Neither husband was sure how long this would last and how it would turn out. Both still felt their wife had the better breasts but both also believed this could go either way. The trash talking from just minutes earlier was gone. The wives were grunting and groaning with each flex of their muscles as they tried to grind out the other woman’s tits with their own. They were each staring down at their tits in battle, as if they were mere spectators to their own bodies at war.

    The first indication that anything was changing was when Sarah’s head went down to rest on Karen’s shoulder. Matt began to think his wife was finally winning the fight while doubt about his wife’s chances crept back into Jake’s mind. When Karen did the same thing just a minute or so later, it buoyed her husband’s spirit while causing his half-brother to tense up a bit more. With their new posture assumed, the busty wives continued grinding together for a few more minutes with nothing seeming to change in the eyes of their observers.

    “No, no, no, no, no.” It was soft, and at first neither husband was sure who said it, but a louder, longer no was groaned out just a few seconds later and it was impossible to mistake the owner of the voice.

    “Just give up. My tits have beaten yours tonight. Don’t make me do any more damage to them.”

    “I…I…I give up, you win.”

    And just like that it was over. The loser started to sob lightly, only to have the winner lift her face up by the chin and lean in and kiss her defeated foe on the lips. It wasn’t particularly sexual, but it was one wife kissing the other on the mouth, it was reciprocated, and both men noted it for later questioning after the winner had taken her stakes and they were both comfortably in their rooms away from the other couple.

    “Matt, are you ready to watch me milk your cow wife?” Sarah said it with a playful tone that turned on both her husband and her brother-in-law. She took the lustful look on his face and the nod of his head as a yes and began the process of enjoying the spoils of her win.

    “On your hands and knees Karen, it’s time to finish off those weak little titties.” The brunette did as she was told, still lightly sobbing at the loss she had endured and the humiliation to come. Sarah then moved around in front of the brunette, instead of at the side, and put her thong covered crotch in Karen’s face as she reached under the defeated woman and began forcefully squeezing the tan boobs hard enough to express milk. As she tired of this part of the humiliation, she looked at Matt and said, “You guys should leave that milk stain on the carpet as a reminder of who has the better tits.”

    Sarah roughly rolled Karen over onto her back and quickly mounted her, both of Sarah’s creamy, thick thighs along the sides of the brunette under her. “Welcome to big titty canyon,” the blonde said chipperly as she lowered her tremendous bust down over the face of her conquest. Matt and Jake both noted how the blonde stretched her body out, sliding her feet into a loose grapevine of the brunette’s legs to control the woman under her while she used her tits to cut off Kaen’s oxygen supply. Both men also noticed that not only was the brunette not struggling to free herself, she had reached her arms around the back of the blonde like she was hugging the woman on top of her and as her breathing became more shallow she even slipped one hand down to the round, jiggly ass of her conqueror.

    The blonde seemed unflustered and released the smother while the brunette was still barely conscious. She got off the defeated woman and scooted away a few feet until her back was up against the front of one of the loveseats that the couples had been sitting on at the beginning of the night. Seeing Karen stir and sit up, Sarah summoned her over with her finger, lifted her tits with one arm like she was offering them to Karen, and then put her arms up on the seat cushions to fully expose her tits to the woman crawling towards her. The brunette wife needed no prodding, as she greedily began kissing and sucking all over the bigger tits that had bested hers. The husbands made yet another mental note for questioning their wives later as Karen was almost out of breath with the intensity of her worshipping of Sarah’s tits and the blonde had thrown her head back while biting her lip with her eyes closed.

    “Boys turn.” Sarah was barely able to creak that statement out as the stimulation from Karen’s mouth on her breasts was almost overwhelming. “Karen, you stay right there and watch your husband suck my bigger, better titty right in front of your face.” Again, Jake and Matt were confused as the almost lustful behavior between the two women didn’t preclude the winner from being catty and rubbing in her victory with a few sharp barbs.

    As the men each took a boob in their mouth, latching onto the nipple to suck for as long as Sarah desired, the winner began verbally establishing her victory even further. The blonde ran her fingers through her husband’s hair, stroking it gently while he fed himself on her engorged nipple and bruised, beautiful boob. “That’s right honey, drink from the best tits in the family. Think about all the ways it crushed Karen’s little boobs while you’re sucking on it. You don’t have to wonder anymore, stud, now you know I’m the best.” She then turned her attention to her brother-in-law on the other tit. “Come on Matt, get everything you can out of this. I beat your wife’s titties right in front of you and this is your chance to taste the rack that beat her little girls into submission. Suck my titty the way you know I’m going to suck your cock right in your wife’s face.” That was all the loser’s husband needed, as he closed his eyes and began devouring the breast he was being offered. He bit down lightly on Sarah’s nipple, enjoying the moan of pleasure he caused before he heard her voice again. “Bite down harder, my perfect nips can handle anything you can dish out, stud.” The blonde endured as much aggressive mouth play as she could from each man, her tits having taken a real beating during the fight, and finally pulled both mouths off her tits with a pop.

    “And now it’s time for Matt to learn another thing I’m better than his wife at. But before you whip that thing out and let my mouth work its magic, I want you and Jake to look at Karen’s tits right now.” Both men did and immediately noticed what the blonde was hinting at. Despite her nipples having taken a beating during the titfight, especially during the final grinding session where she lost, Karen’s thick chocolate nipples were back at full erection and looking like they wanted a fight. “She’s as excited about me giving you head as you are Matt. Your wife wants to see a better woman suck you off. Now let me see what I’m working with.”

    Karen was furious at what was happening. She knew she had agreed to it, but her pride was getting slapped around at the moment and the worst part is her body and libido were betraying her while she was being humiliated in her own home. It was bad enough to lose a titfight to a woman she felt superior to in every way, but as she watched Sarah’s mouth working over her husband’s cock just inches away from her face, she had to begrudgingly admit that the blonde’s technique was flawless and it was a miracle Matt hadn’t blown his load in the first 10 seconds. As it was, she saw his cock tighten in a familiar way and heard him bellow out a guttural grunt as he grabbed the back of the blonde’s head and held it in place while he released a gusher that seemed like it would never end.

    Sarah’s eyes went wide as the cum in her mouth started spilling out the sides. She was desperately trying to keep it all, without swallowing, so she could spit the entire load onto Karen’s tits. As Matt finally finished, breathing heavily from the exertion of cumming so much as once, the blonde popped her mouth off his dick and pushed his brunette wife down on her back before spilling all his seed out of her mouth and onto the tanned tits below her. Going one step further than had been discussed, she then laid on top of Karen and placed her tits on top of the pair they had beaten, using her pale victor’s to rub the semen into the chest of the woman below her. She then dismounted the losing wife and, without a word, grabbed her husband’s hand and led him up the stairs to their bedroom for the night.

    Part 9

    Sarah rode her husband to a fabulous orgasm and then fell asleep almost immediately. Karen and Matt had returned to their bedroom only minutes after the fight was over while Matt got no sex. Both wives were out cold before their husbands could ask some of their most pressing questions, especially about the post fight antics. The next morning bore no more fruit as both couples had to be up and ready early to make the trip to the house the guys’ family was gathering at. With presents and food and conversation galore, Matt and Jake remained in the dark.

    While none of the four knew it, the rest of the women in the family were glad to see that, for once, the two busty women were wearing bras thick enough to hide their nipples and weren’t showing any cleavage at all. It was a relief to them all to not have to keep their elbows ready to needle their men at any moment if one of the “booby girls” was bending over with her tits almost flopping out or too excited with her nipples lighting the way for everyone to see.

    “I have so many questions.” Jake and Sarah had woken up the day after Christmas, and as they sat with cups of coffee after breakfast, the proud husband couldn’t wait any longer. He asked questions about the fight, how she felt during it, if she thought about quitting when Karen was dominating, and if she knew that the brunette was going to give up when she did. He gushed over her toughness, resilience, and her skill in using her breasts as weapons, but then he finally got to his real questions. “Why did you kiss her at the end?”

    “Well,” Sarah responded, “We had just fought for what felt like forever with our bodies and honestly I was horny as hell by that point. She kissed me back, so I knew it had turned her on too.”

    “How close were you to cumming when she was worshipping your tits?”

    Sarah hesitated for a moment and then said, “I actually did a little bit. I don’t know if it was the combination of the pain in my boobs, the high of winning, and the thrill of you guys watching, but she’s a fucking magician with her tongue.”

    “Yeah,” Jake continued, “She was also hugging you from beneath while you smothered her and reached down towards your ass. Then you pointed out how her nipples were back to full mast just watching Matt and I sucking your tits. What do you think that was about?”

    “I’m not sure,” the blonde proceeded, “But she’s probably used to dominating women. She’s fit, she does that fighting stuff, and she’s got better tits than pretty much any other woman who does that kind of stuff. I doubt she’s used to losing, especially to someone who doesn’t look like a fighter, and maybe it turned her on a bit. Or, maybe getting beat brought out a little bit of a submissive side to her that we never see.”

    “Or,” Jake said, “maybe she has the hots for you.”

    “Get that idea out of your mind, hon,” Sarah replied, “We’re not doing any kind of swapping and I’m definitely not having one of your sexfights with her. I beat her tits and that’s all I needed to prove.”

    “Okay, hon, okay,” Jake conceded, “I won’t push for a sexfight or even another titfight, but you could beat her at both, couldn’t you?”

    “Yeah,” Sarah said a bit pensively, “I could beat her in another titfight, but it would be harder this time. I could beat her in a sexfight, too, but I’m not going to do either one if I don’t have to.”

    Jake accepted the answer, proud of his wife’s win and thrilled with the memories he would maintain for as long as he possibly could. He couldn’t help but note, though, that her answer about another titfight or a sexfight was way less confident sounding than anything else they had talked about.

    He did have one final question. “Are we still doing New Year’s Eve with them?”

    Part 10

    Matt gave Karen her space, but she knew the fight night was on his mind and on Friday night decided to get it over with. “Go ahead, babe, ask me anything you want to know.”

    He immediately turned off the TV, taking in the vision of beauty that was his wife as she sat beside him on the living room couch after dinner. He asked a few questions about the fight, gave his observations about what went wrong when she had Sarah pinned to the wall and was pummeling her, and told his brunette goddess that he was sure she could win if they fought again.

    “I know,” Karen responded. “I know I can beat her. I have better tits, but she slings those floppy things around so fast that they hurt like hell. If we did the whole thing like we did the last few minutes, I’d crush her flat, easily.”

    “Definitely, babe,” Matt responded, “she was more athletic than she looks and your boobs aren’t loose enough to fly around like hers do. You can take her for sure.” After a pause, he looked in Karen’s eyes and asked, “What was all that after the fight was over? She kissed you and you kissed back, it looked like you were hugging her and trying to grab her ass when she smothered you, and your nipples were rock hard watching Jake and I suck on her titties. What was going on?”

    Karen thought for a minute before answering. “The titfight was one of the most sensual, sexually charged things I’ve ever done. Sarah’s a bit beefy, but her curves are great and feeling her tits on mine all night was hot. I guess the lack of oxygen explains the stuff when I got smothered, but the stuff with you guys sucking her tits got me so fucking hot. I was still pissed about losing, but I saw the lust in her eyes and knew it should be me, and my body just took over. She’s also one hell of a cocksucker. I haven’t seen you get that way about a BJ in years.”

    “Are you attracted to her, at all?” Matt was fishing now, but he wasn’t sure just what he was fishing for.

    “Lose that idea right now Matt, the titfight is the most sexual thing I’m doing with her. We’re not having one of those sexfights you blow your load over and we’re definitely not swapping. Maybe one day you’ll get another titfight between us, but nothing more than that.”

    Matt realized that Karen had drawn a line in the sand and didn’t push any further. He did find it interesting that she dismissed the idea of being into Sarah but also wouldn’t even consider a sexfight. Even more so, he was surprised at how much less confidence was in her voice about winning a titfight against the blonde. He obviously knew she was still dealing with the idea of losing, but he hadn’t seen her this unsure of herself before.

    With all that running through his mind, he did have one more question. “Are we still going over there to watch the ball drop?”


    For a few years the couples had gotten together with friends and celebrated the New Year. They dressed up, had champagne and hot toddy’s, and got embarrassingly wasted while watching people free their butts off in the cold on TV.

    Since both wives were pregnant and going to have really young kids, Matt and Jake had decided to do something a lot more casual with just the four of them and the little ones. They planned on getting some finger food and good beer and just watching on the couch at Jake and Sarah’s as they tried to stay awake. Just a week before the festivities, their lives changed drastically as Karen and Sarah engaged in an epic titfight that permanently changed all their relationships and left them in an awkward place concerning their plans.

    The husband’s started texting again, making sure to keep things generic enough that no prying eyes could discern what was being discussed. Neither told the other about their own wife’s seeming loss of confidence after the fight, despite one winning and one losing, and ultimately they admitted that Karen and Sarah both seemed okay with going ahead with their plans.

    As they were getting ready, Matt noticed a pink bra and thong combo laid out on the bed that he hadn’t seen before. He assumed Karen had decided she wanted to feel a bit sexier and more feminine while she was around Sarah. He had chosen a simple red sweater and black jeans and as they prepared to leave he noticed that his wife had settled on skin tight bluejeans of her own and a cleavage enhancing beige crop top that, he was fairly certain, did not contain the new pink bra under it. He didn’t say a word about it and they headed off.

    Arriving at Jake and Sarah’s, they parked and quickly hustled through the cold to get little Allie into the house.

    Jake was wearing a red and black flannel with his favorite green casual chinos. He greeted the couple and shouted to the kitchen to tell Sarah that Matt and Karen were there. Matt wondered why his half-brother seemed nervous, and as he saw Sarah enter he understood why.

    The blonde was wearing tight red yoga pants, showing off her thick, meaty lower body. That alone wouldn’t have meant much, but the choice of attire on top made it clear why Jake’s demeanor was off and how Sarah felt about their last night together. Her top was a tight, bright green t-shirt that hugged her chest and barely covered her stomach. It clearly showed the outline of her areolas and was being tented out by fully erect nipples. The kicker though, was what it said. In block letters reminiscent of t-shirts you could get made quickly in a mall in the 70s and 80s, it had the words “TITTY QUEEN.” Titty was in an arch over the top of her breasts and queen was right across the meatiest part of them. Both husbands were certain that their wives were hesitant about another encounter and lacking the confidence they had the first time, only to see both brazenly showing their assets just a week later.

    “Ugly shirt for some ugly tits. You better be glad we’re not here for me to smash you flat and take it from you.”

    Sarah smirked at the threat from Karen. “We both know your tits aren’t good enough, and even if you got lucky one time it’s clear this shirt would be loose on those weak little things.”

    “I could take you anytime and any way,” Karen fumed as she pushed her tits out.

    “Whatever, muscle slut!” Sarah shouted, “You were getting off on my perfect tits beating the shit out of yours and your husband worshipping them the way they deserve! Shut your mouth around me or I’ll take your tits and your dignity before the year is over!”

    Jake and Matt looked at each other, the shock of the moment fading quickly, their faces beaming with the biggest smiles either one had ever had.

    Last edited by AL75; January 1st, 2025 at 01:45 AM.

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