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Thread: Adventures of Anna Maria - The Car Show (First Half)

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    Hostboard Member fenix13's Avatar
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    Sorry guys, I couldn't finish the whole thing on time. You know how it is, Monday morning, back to work. I'll try to put the conclusion up by next weekend, if anybody cares to see it.


    The bright red BMW Roadster convertible streaked down the 5 Freeway on a sizzling Southern California afternoon, top down; big, round, yellow sun overhead; long black hair blowing wildly in all directions; zigging and zagging and zigging and zagging between lanes to get around slower cars clogging up the left lane; occasionally zooming all the way over into the right lane and then swooping all the way back into to the left in order to find a nice, clear, empty stretch of highway ahead of them. It?s not that they were in any particular hurry. Anna Maria was driving. She always drove that way.

    Life just didn?t get any better. They were young; they were beautiful; they had plenty of money; they had the open road in front of them; and they could do just about any goddamned thing that crossed their minds, any time they felt like it. Lupe punched a CD into the player, and you could see her little white miniskirt riding dangerously high up her thighs as she stretched her long, tanned, shapely legs in front of her, crossed her ankles, and wedged them into the space between her side view mirror and the windshield, so that her cute little feet and cute little red-painted toenails were hanging all the way out on the other side. Carlos Santana?s ?Black Magic Woman? came blasting out of the speakers, and you could see the girls immediately getting into the music, swaying back and forth in their seats; their heads bobbing and weaving to the beat; their thick, luscious red lips moving seductively as they sang the words to each other - ?Don?t put your spell on me baby ... don?t put your spell on me baby ... ? It was their song. They knew exactly what poor Carlos was going through.

    ?Check out the guy in the Mercedes ... ? Lupe giggled, ? ... I think he likes you. He?s kinda cute, too.?

    You could see the long black Mercedes sedan over in the next lane, purposely staying even with them; windows up; air conditioning on; young business type in a suit and tie leaning all the way up against his steering wheel and craning his neck all the way to the left to get a good look at Anna Maria?s face. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, trying to catch her eye.

    ?Not my type.? Anna Maria declared as she dropped it down into 4th and gunned it, leaving the poor guy behind her in a cloud of smoke.

    They were putting on a show. Everywhere they went, these two always put on a show. Two good looking girls in an expensive car. In LA, that?s an invitation to gawk, and wave, and use hand signals, and blow kisses, and beg, and plead, and get teased, and get your hopes up, and have your heart broken, all in the space of five minutes. Every last guy on the freeway was looking at them, and they just got the biggest kick out of it.

    ?Check it out ... ? Lupe said as she jabbed Anna Maria?s upper arm with her elbow. Anna Maria looked over to her right, and she couldn?t help bursting out in laughter. There they were, a whole car load of baby-faced, pimply-faced high school boys, all piled into this big, old station wagon with wood paneling on the side - which was probably mom?s car before they bought a new one and handed it down to their kid - hanging all the way out of their windows and hooting and hollering at the top of their lungs with their tongues hanging out of their mouths and their eyes popping out of their heads.

    ?Let?s give them a thrill.? Anna Maria chuckled as she took control of the steering wheel with her knee and grabbed the top of her halter with both hands. Lupe read her in an instant, and you could see the two of them, as if on cue, turning straight towards the boys and pulling their tops all the way down over their skimpy little bras, flashing them some boobie while at the same time puckering up and blowing them these big, exaggerated kisses. An instant later, you could hear the squealing of tires and brakes and you could see the big, old station wagon twisting and fishtailing and barely staying in its lane as the boys narrowly avoided slamming into the car in front of them.

    ?Oh shit ... ? Anna Maria exclaimed as she zoomed off. ? ... one of these days were gonna kill somebody.? You could see the two of them, laughing and high-fiving each other as they made their escape down the highway.

    About an hour into the trip, you could see the look of concern in Anna Maria?s face as she looked in her rear view mirror.

    ?What?s wrong.? asked Lupe.

    ?I don?t know.? Anna Maria replied. ?This same big-rig has been on our tail for the last fifteen minutes. He keeps pulling up along side of us, and every time a slower car in front of him makes him drop back, he just cuts right in behind us and then comes back out along side of us again. He?s driving like a fucking maniac and I can?t lose him.?

    ?Have you ever been in one of those things?? Lupe asked. ?It?s so cool. You?re so high up that you can look right down inside of all of the cars below you. You can even see the people?s feet. It?s like, he could be looking straight down our tops between our boobs.?

    Moments later, the big-rig pulled up alongside them again, and this time, Anna Maria made it a point to watch what the guy was doing. She saw him leaning out of his window and looking straight down at Lupe, and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lupe nonchalantly spreading her legs and slowly raising the bottom of her little white mini skirt. She quickly glanced between Lupe?s legs, and you could see Anna Maria?s eyes popping right out of her head at the sight that greeted her. There it was, Lupe?s big, black bush, in all of its naked glory. She wasn?t wearing any panties, and Anna Maria watched her, slowly sliding her long, red, sexy fingernails all the way down there, spreading open her lips, and languidly fingering herself.

    ?Are you fucking crazy?? Anna Maria exclaimed as she reached out with her right hand and grabbed the end of Lupe?s skirt, pulling it back down over her bush. ?I can?t believe that you?ve been doing that all this time! No wonder he?s driving like that. That idiot?s gonna follow us all the way to Riverside.?

    She reached into the back seat, grabbed her gym bag, looked up at the trucker and yelled out to him at the top of her lungs; ?Show?s over ... asshole.? and then she threw the bag right into Lupe?s lap. She checked in her rear view mirror to make sure that the trucker had backed off, and you could see the relief in her beautiful face as she watched the big rig disappearing in the distance. ?I swear, girl ... ? she said, shaking her head in disbelief as they continued down the highway ? ... sometimes I think that you are even crazier than I am.? After a couple of minutes of complete silence, they both burst out laughing at once, and couldn?t stop for the longest time.

    They were sick of driving. Riverside is an hour and a half drive from LA without traffic, 3 or 4 with, and by this time, all they wanted to do was get to where they were going. You could see Anna Maria?s eyes light up when she saw the ?special events? sign that directed them to the off ramp that lead to the car show. ?Riverside Autofest 2005, next two exits.? Their long trip was over. They had finally arrived at their destination.

    ?So ... ? Anna Maria casually asked, ? ... you think the competition is going to be tough down here??

    ?What the fuck do I care?? Lupe shot back. ?You never let me win anyway. You really are a selfish bitch, you know.?

    Lupe knew. Lupe knew that Anna Maria was better looking than she was. She had known it since the time that they were kids, playing together at each others? houses. She didn?t let it bother her, though. She was family, after all, and besides, everybody knew that Anna Maria was better looking than ... than ... well ... just about everybody.

    As they pulled into the parking lot and showed the attendant their ?participant?s pass? which allowed them to park in a special area right up close to the stage, Anna Maria could barely contain her excitement. She was just about to do one of her favorite things in the whole wide world. She was just about to put on her skimpiest, sexiest little bikini, rub baby oil all over her shapely body, walk out onto the stage side by side with a whole bunch of other young, hot, sexy women, all of them wearing their own skimpiest, sexiest little bikinis, and then compete with them, right in front of hundreds and hundreds of leering, drooling, overheated guys, to see which one of them was the hottest, and the sexiest, and the most beautiful of them all. God help her, she just loved it so.

    The big, round, California sun hung low in the crystal blue desert sky like a giant yellow disc, and the air at the Riverside International Speedway was so hot and light and thin that it made you feel like you were weightless as you moved around inside of it. It was day two of the car show, and the bikini contest was reaching its climax. The final cuts had been made the day before, and they were down to the last five finalists. Of course, Anna Maria was one of them. Poor Lupe, she just missed the cut.

    Anna Maria could feel her entire body tingling with excitement as she pulled back the big, blue tarp which covered the back of the stage, and peered out into the crowd standing in front of it. There they were; the men; hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of men; shirtless, sweaty, overheated men of all shapes and sizes and colors and ages, all crammed together in front of the stage like wet, sticky sardines, anxiously waiting for the show to begin. There probably wasn?t a single guy out there that she would give the time of day to, but she just loved it when they looked at her, though. It showed her the kind of power that she had over them.

    She was wearing her favorite bikini, a pure white, teasingly sheer, lacy little thing which consisted of little more that two tiny triangles that barely covered the fronts of her bulging boobs, and a third little triangle that was just wide enough to cover her thick, black bush. It looked more like sexy lingerie than an actual bathing suit, and it was made out of this ultra-thin, gauzy material that was partially see-thru, so that when you looked at her, you could clearly see the sexy darkness of her big, chocolate brown nipples and areola showing through the thin, transparent whiteness of her top, and her dark black pubic hair crunching up against her panties.

    You could see Anna Maria?s beautiful black eyes moving up and down as she surveyed the sexy, half-naked, bikini-clad bodies of the four other finalists who were all huddled there next to her. As far as she was concerned, the outcome was a foregone conclusion. She had checked out the competition thoroughly. She had seen the reaction of the crowd the day before. There wasn?t a single girl in the group that even came close to her, and there was absolutely no doubt in her mind that she was going to win.

    She wasn?t being stuck up or egotistical about it. She was being completely realistic. After all, she had eyes; she had a mirror; she knew exactly what she looked like, and what all of the other girls looked like, too. It was Grandma?s first rule: ? The strongest, sexiest, most beautiful women, always have the biggest, firmest, shapeliest tits.? It doesn?t matter how beautiful your face is, and how good your legs are, and how shapely your body is. If you don?t have a pair of big, firm, heavy knockers to go with it, you will always be second rate. And when was the last time that you saw a woman with spectacular tits, who didn?t have a spectacular body to go along with it? Mother nature doesn?t make that kind of mistake very often.

    She had checked out the tits of the other girls, and they were all different shapes and sizes; hard, smaller ones that swelled out from their chests like little domes; big, fat, floppy ones that hung way down on their rib-cages and jiggled when they walked. Not a single girl had the kind of tits that she had. Not a single girl had those big, firm, solid globes that stood up so incredibly high and jutted out so incredibly far in front of her chest, and made her look like the strong, proud, beautiful woman that she was. Not a single girl had a body that was nearly as shapely and sexy as her?s was, or a face that was nearly as beautiful.

    There was no doubt about it; she was going to add ?Miss Riverside Autofest 2005" to the list of titles and awards which she had accumulated over the years. She didn?t really care about the title; it would just be another trophy that Grandma would have to hide in the back of her closet with all of the rest of them. It wasn?t about the $1,000.00 prize money, either. She didn?t need the money. It was the experience. It was the competition. She just loved every little thing about it.

    The big moment had finally arrived, and you could see all of the girls forming a line behind the big, blue tarp and getting ready to step out into the spotlight. They called them out one by one, introducing each one of them by name, and you could see them, strutting out onto the stage, accompanied by the hoots and howls and whistles of the rowdy crowd, and walking all the way over to the master of ceremonies, who was standing there in the middle of the stage with a microphone in his hand.

    ?Next up, we have contestant number 5, from Los Angeles, California, the beautiful Anna Maria.?

    She stepped out from behind the curtain, and you could see the big, pearly white, absolutely adorable smile that lit up her beautiful face when she heard the sudden, spontaneous roar of the crowd that boomed out the instant that she set foot on the stage. She was the one that they were cheering for. She was the one that they all wanted to see. And everybody there knew it, including every last one of those other four sexy, half-naked girls who were out there with her.

    God help her, she just loved it so. She loved being out there, half-naked, in front of all those hungry, wild-eyed, lust-filled men. She loved the way that they looked at her, and the reaction that she could get from them. But more than that, she loved being out there right next to a whole bunch of other hot, sexy, half naked-women; competing with them to see which one of them could make the guys look at her the most; which one of them could make all of the guys look at her, and her alone, ignoring every other girl up there.

    It was the competition that she loved; the female competition, and as she stood out there on the stage in a line with the four other girls, you could see just the slightest hint of disappointment in her face. She wished that the competition was a little bit better. She thought back to the times when she was up against some real competition; when she was up against some hot, nasty bitch who had tits like she did, big and round and firm and sticking proudly out in front of her body; some hot, nasty bitch who was so good looking that she actually believed that she was even better looking than Anna Maria was.

    For Anna Maria, that was the biggest thrill of all; the two of them, standing right next to each other in their skimpy little bikinis, their big, half-naked juggs jutting out in front of them; their shapely, half-naked bodies exposed directly to each other; looking challengingly into each others eyes as they strutted their stuff in front of all of those men; checking to see who they were looking at the hardest, and the longest, and with the most lust in their eyes. She felt as though she was competing directly against the other woman, and that every little sexy part of her body, was competing directly against the very same sexy part of the other woman?s body; long shapely legs against long, shapely legs; tight, round asses against tight, round asses; flat, hard stomachs against flat, hard stomachs; big, bulging boobs against big, bulging boobs. She just loved the incredible suspense of the last few seconds - her heart pounding in her chest and her hot blood rushing in her veins - right before they announced the winner, and the incredible look of disappointment, and jealousy, and anger, in the other woman?s eyes, when she realized that she had lost. It just made her feel like she was ?Sheena, Queen of the Jungle?; like she had just met this hot, sexy, busty woman on the field of battle, one on one, and that she had beaten her; she had proved to her that she was even hotter, and sexier, and bustier, than she was. Anna Maria was not a girl who was shy about touching herself in her private moments, and nothing, absolutely nothing, made her cum harder, and longer, and sweeter, than when she pictured those times in her mind.

    Nothing like that was happening this time. Anna Maria could tell by the looks in the other girls eyes that they had all resigned themselves to the fact that she was going to win. After some shaking and strutting and dancing around to the music, it was finally time for the audience to declare the winner. The MC came up behind the girls, one by one, and held his hand up over each girl?s head. The winner would be decided by which girl registered the highest on the decibel counter. It wasn?t even close. The cheers for Anna Maria were so much louder, that it was actually embarrassing. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the cute little Asian girl to her left, her face turning bright red, looking right at her like she wanted to kill her. She glanced down at her boobs, and you could see her eyes widening at the sight that greeted her. She could actually see the Asian girls nipples growing in anger right before her very eyes; rising straight up from her hard little domes, and pushing out against the material of her bikini.

    You could see from the look on Anna Maria?s beautiful face how turned on she was getting from watching it. She could feel a burning, deep inside of her loins, and her nipples twitching and rising up in response. She may have been a much smaller girl with much smaller boobs, but at least she was a feisty little thing. Anna Maria acted like she hadn?t noticed a thing, but you could see the excitement on her face as she nonchalantly turned her body towards the Asian girl, and slowly moved in her direction, bringing her big, round, olive globes closer and closer to the Asian girls perky little tits. Anna Maria glanced at the Asian girl?s face to see how she would react, and she could see her, giving her this meek little smile, even as she watched her nipples retreating all the way back into her boobs, just a quickly as they had sprung up.

    She may have been feisty, but she was no match for Anna Maria.

    A second later, the MC made the announcement into his microphone: ?Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you ?Miss Riverside Autofest 2005' ... Anna Maria!?

    She had won! She had won again! The thought that she might actually lose, had never even seriously crossed her mind. She had never lost one of these things in her entire life. She raised both hands up over her head in victory, strutted out to the very end of the stage, and shook her stuff right in the faces of all of the guys that were jammed up there in the front, letting them all have long, close good look at what she had.

    About an hour later, you could see Lupe standing there in the parking lot, leaning on their red BMW with both her arms crossed in front of her and this really bored look on her face as she watched Anna Maria walking towards her in the distance, big, gold trophy in hand. They had arranged to meet at the car after the contest, to decide whether they wanted to hang out in Riverside one more night, or just head straight back to LA.

    ?You won again, bitch!? Lupe yelled out as Anna Maria got closer.?

    ?Everybody knows that I?m the hottest bitch around!? Anna Maria yelled back, shaking her tits in front of her.

    ?Oh yeah?? Lupe replied as Anna Maria got to the car. ?Well I know somebody who doesn?t think so.?

    ?Oh yeah ... ? Anna Maria responded laughingly, ? ... and who would that be??

    ?You know that girl, Roxanna, who?s got that booth selling naked videos of herself?? Lupe said. ?She asked me to give you a message. She says that she?s got better tits than you do, and she?s willing to bet you $100.00 that she can prove it.?

    Anna Maria could feel her heart jumping into her throat. Roxanna. She knew who she was. She had seen her the day before.

    ?You?re full of shit.? Anna Maria exclaimed.

    ?No, no, I swear.? Lupe persisted. ?She told me that. She said that she would bet you a hundred dollars that her tits are better than yours, and she can prove it.?

    ?She must be out of her fucking mind.? Anna Maria answered. ?How the fuck do you prove a thing like that.?

    She wouldn?t show Lupe, but inside of her, Anna Maria could feel all of these butterfly wings, tickling the insides of her stomach, and her heart racing in her chest. Roxanna. Now there was a real sexpot. She was a woman who made her living taking sexy pictures in front of cars for the cover of automobile magazines, and she traveled from car show to car show selling soft-core videos of herself in action; naked at the beach, or naked in the shower, or naked, wherever. And she had the biggest, plumpest, nastiest looking mocha colored cleavage that Anna Maria had ever seen. Now that ... was a real woman. Now that ... was what Anna Maria called competition.

    ?She?s really, really hot ... ? Lupe chimed in, ? ... I wouldn?t mess with her if I was you.?

    ?I know, Lupe, I know ... ? Anna Maria responded, ? ... but aren?t you curious? What does she mean that she can prove it??

    It was a challenge, and it was simply too much for a girl like Anna Maria to resist.

    Roxanna spotted the two of them walking up to her booth a mile away. ?Here she comes .... Miss America.? she sang out mockingly.

    Anna Maria laughed good-naturedly at the joke. She still had on the bikini top that she had been wearing for the contest, but she had slipped on a jean mini-skirt over her thong panties.

    You could see Anna Maria?s beautiful black eyes getting bigger and bigger as she up got closer and closer to Roxanna, and was able to get a good look at her, standing there on the other side of the table at her booth. She was dressed in one of the ususal racy outfits that she wore for these things, a purple tiger print bikini top that was tied tightly in a knot in front of her big, brown melons, and a pair of skin tight blue jeans. Even from a distance, Anna Maria could see her big, bulging mocha-colored domes popping high up into the air in front of her, and her incredibly flat, rippled, bare midriff, running all the way down below her belly button. ?Wow! ... ? she whispered to Lupe, who was walking right along side of her, ? ... get a load of those knockers!?

    Anna Maria took a good look at Roxanna?s face, and she could see right away that she didn?t have the fine and delicate features that you would call ?pretty.? She knew that her own face was much prettier. But there was something about Roxanna?s face that was striking; something really exotic and sensual; the big, thick lips; the high cheekbones, the slightly flared nostrils; the wicked, wicked look in her eyes. No, her face wasn?t ?pretty?, but it sure as hell was erotic, and sexy, and totally fuckable. She could see where every guy that saw her would immediately want to fuck her brains out. She wondered whether there were men in this world who were really into that ?dirty? look; guys who would rather fuck a girl like Roxanna, than a truly beautiful girl like she was. No way, she assured herself. All they would have to do was take one look at her, and she was sure that they would want to fuck her brains out, even more.

    ?My God!? Roxanna exclaimed as Anna Maria reached the booth, ?Look at you. You really are beautiful.?

    She reached out, took Anna Maria by her left wrist, and guided her all the way around to the other side of the table, bringing her into the booth with her. Gently taking hold of both of her upper arms, Roxanna then positioned Anna Maria so that the two of them were standing there, face to face and toe to toe, with their big, round breasts jutting straight out at each other; lacy white material and thin purple material only inches away from each other.

    Lupe just stood there, on the other side of the table, and looked on in awe. She couldn?t believe what a perfect physical match they were for each other; the same height; the same weight; the same perfectly filled out, perfectly curvaceous bodies; and these two equally big, equally round pairs of knockers, pointing straight at each other.

    ?Look at how beautiful your hair is.? Roxanna cooed as she raised her right hand and ran her fingers through Anna Maria?s shiny, jet black locks. ?I?ve never seen hair that black before. Is that your real color??

    ?One hundred percent natural.? Anna Maria said with pride.

    You could see Roxanna drop her right hand down and slide it inside of Anna Maria?s left arm, wrapping her long, sexy fingers firmly around her rib-cage, and gently pulling her in towards her; bringing the two of them up so close to each other that the material at the front of their tops was lightly brushing against each other. From the outside, it looked like innocent female intimacy, but Anna Maria knew that there was a whole lot more going on there than meets the eye.

    Keeping her left hand around Anna Maria?s right arm, and holding on firmly to Anna Maria?s rib-cage with her right, Roxanna lifted her right forearm and gently pushed it up underneath Anna Maria?s left breast, bouncing it up and down a couple of times; feeling its weight and watching how it moved.

    ?Wow!? Roxanna exclaimed. ?Look at those things! So big and full and heavy. No wonder you won first prize. Look how pale they are, though. You gotta get some sun on those boobs, girl, so that they can be all nice and dark and shiny like these.? she said, squeezing the sides of her boobs with the insides of her upper arms, so that they popped out even further towards Anna Maria.

    ?Yeah ... ? Anna Maria replied, squeezing her own boobs out with the insides of her arms, so that the fronts of their tops were now lightly pressing against each other, ? ... but look how smooth and creamy the skin is. Too much sun is not good for them. You don?t want to have wrinkled up old boobies when you get older, do you??

    ?You know ... ? Roxanna said, ? ... I won the bikini contest last year, but they won?t let you win it two years in a row. Otherwise, I would have been up there, kicking your ass.?

    ?You don?t know how much I wish that you had been up there, sweetie ... ? Anna Maria replied, ? ... it would have made the whole thing a lot more interesting.?

    Just then, Roxanna spotted one of her regular customers walking by. ?John! ... John! ... ? she shouted out to him. ?Come here for a minute and settle a bet for us.?

    Poor John did as he was ordered, all six foot five inches of him; baggy white shirt, pot belly, hair parted on the side, black frame glasses, rolling up to the table with this totally lost and confused look on his face.

    Roxanna quickly spun Anna Maria around towards John, slid her right arm all the way behind her back and then stood there, right next to her, so that both pairs of bulging, half naked boobs were out there on display, side by side, right under his nose.

    ?Tell me, John ... ? she asked laughingly, as if she was making a big joke out of the whole thing, ? ... which one of us has better tits??

    John just stood there, frozen in place, his eyes bulging out of his head; his jaw wide open; looking as if he had suddenly lost his voice and couldn?t get a word out of his mouth.

    ?Come on, John ... ? Roxy prodded, ? ... you can be honest, which pair of boobies do you like better??

    After several seconds of agonizing silence, it was clear to Roxanna that John was never going to say a word. ?Okay, okay John, never mind ... ? she said as she waved him away with the outside of her left hand, ? ... what do you know, anyway??

    A young, good looking guy happened by the booth, and Roxanna immediately seized upon him. ?Hey mister ... ? she said, ? ... you wanna settle a bet for us??

    She once again slid her right arm around Anna Maria?s back, only this time, she reached all the way around to the other side, grabbed her by her rib-cage, and pulled the left side of Anna Maria?s body all the way up against the right side of her own body, so that the naked skin of their long, bare torsos, and the naked skin of the outsides of their breasts, were pressing tightly against each other.

    Anna Maria could not believe the incredible sensations that were coursing through her body as her naked flesh made contact with the hot, dark, naked flesh of the woman standing next to her. She couldn?t believe how incredibly hot and sexy Roxanna?s skin felt against her own, and how it was making her own skin cringe and quiver against it. It was like she could feel all of this incredible sexual energy coming out of Roxanna?s body and penetrating into her own; like it was trying to overpower her; trying to dominate her. She could feel her entire body tingling, and she could see all of these big, olive colored goose bumps rising up on her luscious skin. She was embarrassed of her goose bumps, and she prayed to God that Roxanna didn?t notice them.

    Standing side by side, with their luscious cleavage up there in front of them and out on display right next to each other, Roxanna asked the question. ?Okay, so tell us, which one of us do you think has the better pair of tits??

    The young man was momentarily stunned, but it only took him a second to get his bearings back. ?Hmmm, that?s a hard one .. ? he responded, rubbing his chin, ? ... I would really need to see a lot more of them before I can decide.?

    ?In your dreams, buddy. ? Roxanna shot back. ?Forget it ? she said as she waved him off. ?I couldn?t count on a guy like you to tell us the truth, even if you knew it.?

    ?Roxanna ... ROXANNA ... ? the male voice came booming from the other side of the booth. ?What are you doing? Did you forget that you have that photo-shoot for Low Rider Magazine? Come on, everybody is waiting for you!?

    Roxanna faced Anna Maria, put hands up around her cheeks, and ran her fingers right up into the hair around her temples. ?I?m sorry, baby girl, but I have to go. And I was having so much fun, too. If you?re not doing anything later on, why don?t you girls drop by my trailer tonight. I?m having some of the girls over, and it?ll be just us girls. No boys allowed.?

    In a flash, she was gone, leaving Anna Maria and Lupe standing there, their heads spinning, looking at each other like they had both survived a hurricane.

    The girls decided to spend another night in Riverside. It was Anna Maria?s idea, although both girls kinda liked Roxanna, and thought that she was a real kick in the pants. As wild as the two girls thought that they were, they realized that there were girls out there who were even wilder, and they just loved the excitement of never knowing what Roxanna might say or do from one minute to the next.

    For Anna Maria, there was more. There was much more. Her brief encounter with Roxanna was burned into her mind. It was the feeling that she got when they were standing there, face to face, the fronts of their thin, tiny little tops just barely touching each other. Even through the barrier of both of their tops, she could feel the hidden little movement of the material that was covering the front of Roxanna?s boobs; she could feel Roxanna?s nipples growing and pushing the material right out of the way. She remembered watching the little Asian girl?s nipples growing, and how quickly they shrunk back down when she moved her own boobs close to them, and she realized that Roxanna was a different kind of girl altogether. It was the feeling that she got when they were standing side by side, with the long patch of Roxanna?s hot, naked skin pressing against her own; how she could feel her incredible sexual energy; how she could feel it, trying to dominate her own. She knew that this was an incredibly powerful woman. In all of her young years, she had never met a woman who had posed such a personal and direct challenge to her; who actually made her question whether she really was ?the hottest thing around.? She couldn?t leave this place with all of her questions unanswered. And besides, there was still that little thing of Roxanna saying that she could ?prove? that her tits were better than her?s were. She was just burning with curiosity. What did she mean by that? How, she wondered, did Roxanna think that she could go about ?proving? a thing like that?

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    Senior Hostboard Member Wondering48's Avatar
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    Great start and I love the inclusion of the links, so as to get a better picture of the girls involve in your story. Nice touch.

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    Senior Hostboard Member SeaMonkey's Avatar
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    Another great chapter here, fenix! I can't wait to see what happens when these two women get together again!


  4. #4
    Hostboard Member ccfight's Avatar
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    YES, great story. Please Continue!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
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    [img]graemlins/party.gif[/img] Excellent...this story sizzles!

  6. #6
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Dear Fenix,

    Great story. I'm looking forward to the next episode. BTW, please check your PM - I'm about to send you one!


  7. #7
    Inactive Member barata's Avatar
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    Awesome work, fenix!

    You sure know how to build up a story, or an entire storyline. There's so much potential here, I just hope you can maintain the motivation to write as well as you've written so far!

    By the way, your style of writing about sex and titfights and women competing is similar to the stories of the late, have you thought about writing finishes to the stories that were on that site but sadly were never finished? Those stories were hot as hell, and you sure have the talent to finish them if any!

  8. #8
    Inactive Member Nipsy28's Avatar
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    More !! More !! Is it the weekend yet ?? [img]graemlins/cry.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Inactive Member Morton's Avatar
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    This is absolutely a great start--finally a story that sticks with a female POV in detail and one that doesn't take the sexfight idea for granted. I too would really like to see this continued. Very realistic dialogue and description. I'm just hoping that this dispute will be settled in private! Just my personal preference...

  10. #10
    HB Forum Owner RJLCyberPunk's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Nipsy28:
    More !! More !! Is it the weekend yet ?? [img]graemlins/cry.gif[/img]
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yess... More plz indeed! [img]tongue.gif[/img]

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