The Ex-Girlfriend

My name is Joe. I am happily married and consider myself to be very lucky to have landed such a beautiful woman. Her name is Tina. She is a gorgeous blonde that keeps her body in great shape with regular exercise and diet. The 5? 6? blonde beauty is peppy and full of energy. She does however have a very pushy personality and can be very assertive. The girl constantly has her rock hard C-cup tits thrusting out. I?m not really sure if it?s just the way she walks or if she?s doing it on purpose. Sometimes she even manages to make them look like D-cuppers.

She has creamy white skin, sexy legs, a tight ass, and such a sexy ?fuck-me? looking face that it?s hard to keep from throwing her down and filling her with my cock every chance I get. Although I would have to say she probably initiates sex more often than I do. She gives off this sexy snarl that is totally wicked. It?s a look that is hard to explain and she pulls it off extremely well with her dark-blue piercing eyes.

Tina knows she?s a real knock out and I would also say she is very conceited about her looks. Although on occasion she has sought out reassurance by asking me how well she compares to other women while we're out in public. She'll ask me how well her ass measures up against a beautiful woman we'll pass in the isle of the super market, or how well her tits match up against the salesgirl in a clothing store. She seems to at least make it fair by picking out women her own size.

The only jealousy I see coming from her is usually when there might possibly be a better looking woman nearby. And even so I don?t think she?s worried about me, she seems more worried about the other women one upping her in the looks department.

One day she found my old high school yearbook. She knew I had a steady girlfriend back then, but what she didn?t know was that the girl was a good looking cheerleader. I might have down played this the first time I talked to Tina about Gina. Now a million questions came out. She even went as far as grabbing her yearbook and showing me pictures of herself. ?See I was a cheerleader too!? she stated. She went on comparing every picture of herself to every picture of Gina.

What really got her blood boiling is when she read what Gina had written to me. Actually it was how my ex-girlfriend sighed it, ?Love you, From Your Little Scrapper? she wrote.

I had to explain to my wife that I called her a little scrapper on occasion because they way she sometimes behaved with the other cheerleaders. There weren?t really any knock down drag out fights, but there were some very intense and very aggressive tussles I caught her in.
?I could easily take her!? was Tina?s response and then she stomped out of the room.

One day while we were out shopping and walking through the mall we couldn?t help but notice this sexy redhead walk by in a pair of short shorts and a skimpy little white tank top. What was so eye-catching was the fact that she wasn?t wearing a bra. Her nipples were poking out for the whole world to see. ?That bitch is obviously looking for a fight!? Tina snarled in a husky voice.

The next day Tina did a little shopping of her own and comes back with several tight-fitting, skimpy little tank tops in a variety of colors. She comes out of our bedroom in a new pair of shorts, tennis shoes, and a new strappy little tank top. I found it a big turn on that she had stolen the redheads look from the mall the day before. ?How do I look?? She asks as she pushes her tits out. The pink top she was wearing look like it had been laminated to her breasts. Tina?s nipples are definitely above average in size. They?re nice and fat, nearly ? of an inch long when aroused. She likes to refer to them as being angry. She damn near looked like she had just been in a wet t-shirt contest but without the water.

?You must be looking for a fight!? I tell her. Upon hearing my reply she flexes her tit muscles. ?Maybe I am!? She growls out. Tina has this strange ability to flex her breast muscles to make her tits look like two wrecking balls thrusting out from her chest. She has told me not many women can do this.

This attire seemed to become Tina?s new casual wear, and she didn?t seem at all shy about wearing it out in public, even to the ballpark. We attended a Friday night game and she wore one of her tight white tank tops, a pair of blue shorts and tennis shoes. Around the fifth of sixth inning we went down to the concession stand to refill our beers. Tina decided she needed to visit the little girls? room. As I stood there waiting for her return I was completely knocked back when an old friend of mine appeared, or should I say old girlfriend.

It was Gina and I suddenly found myself in a panic thinking about Tina returning at any moment. I quickly became somewhat distracted by Gina?s hot looks. Holy Shit she looked hotter now than she did in high school. I became even more panicked when I noticed she wasn?t wearing a bra under the pink little tank top she was wearing. Her nipples looked big and stiff, angry as my wife would say. Her pink top looked like it was laminated across her tits. If it couldn?t get any worse she was also wearing pair of white shorts and tennis shoes. I know how women are when they show up somewhere dressed the same, let alone a wife and an ex-girlfriend showing up dressed the same.

I stood there nervously trying to hold a conversation with her and trying not to stare at her tits, but she was just too damn hot. I don?t remember very much of our conversation expect that she told me she was a fitness instructor at a nearby health center. There was no disputing that, especially after she did this cute little muscle pose. What really knocked me back was when she flexed her chest. I thought her tits were going to rip through tight tank top.

Quite a bit of time seemed to pass and Gina started to grow a little flirtatious with me. Before I knew it the girl was slipping me her number. Before I could object I suddenly heard Tina?s voice.

?Who do we have here?? My wife voice rang out with a sullen tone.

I look over at her. Not only could I see her tension I could feel it. Her body was tense and she appeared very confrontational. Her tits muscles were tight and straining against her skimpy little tank top, looking like they were about to exploded. Her nipples were pushing out like tent pegs. The look on her face was piercing and hostile. Stumbling for words I went about introducing Gina to my wife.

?This is Gina, ah ah an old friend from high school. Gina this is my wife Tina.? I looked over and was surprised to see the brunette standing in a very provocative pose, thrusting out a pair of tits that looked to challenge my wife?s tits in every way.

?An old girlfriend that is!? Gina was quick to correct me. She seemed to completely disregard the fact that Tina was my wife.

?Ah yes, his Ex-Girlfriend!? Tina shouted out with a cocky tone.

There was a long awkward moment of silence as the two of them thoroughly checked each other out. I couldn?t believe the lewd look on my ex-girl friend?s face as she picked apart my wife. It reminded me of the wicked look my wife gave me when she was pissed off, and it just so happened to be the same look she was wearing now.

The awkward moment continued. I wasn?t sure if the two of them were getting ready to go at it or not. They looked to be the same in height and weight, even their breasts where to close to pick out the better pair. However there was no doubt that Gina appeared more firm and tone; a real fitness instructor. Not a body builder or anything like that. Just a super fit women.

Gina finally broke the silence ?Well I have to say it?s very nice to meet you!? She sounded all phony. Her arms came up like she was going in for a polite ?New Girlfriend? hug, although the look on her face looked anything but polite. As she moved forward her chest seemed to expand. I went from feeling awkward to feeling tongue-tied as Gina came forward. It all happened so fast, but I have replayed this moment in slow motion a thousand times.

My wife, being the pushy woman that she is, wasn?t about to be intimidated. She moved forward to exchange greetings. I could see her body weight shifting forward and her tits thrusting out like two wreaking balls. Nipples were so swollen and stiff I?m surprised they didn?t slice their way right through her shirt. But then I looked over to see Gina?s tits thrusting out like two cannon balls, nipples possibly overpowering my wife?s. I was afraid Tina might be in for more than what she bargained for.

As the two of them came within a step of each other they leaned forward. They looked like they were practically falling chest first into each other. Their arms slipped into one another, one over and one under the other?s shoulders.

It happened. They slammed together tit to tit. Like wrecking balls bashing straight into cannon balls. There was no bounce at all. Instead they cinched themselves into a tight crushing clinch. There was a second unexpected collision as their groins slammed together, pubic bone into pubic bone. Instead of their faces passing over each other?s shoulders the two women came together nose to nose in total confrontation. I had to say Gina won the initial impact. I heard the double impact a gut wrenching grunt escaped from my wife?s lungs and she stumble back slightly.

It all came to a halt and for the longest time there didn?t seem to be any movement going on. They simply glared each other down nose to nose. I started to get excited as to which one of these hot goddesses would win if they cat fought. I couldn?t believe how similar these two women were. Their height and size would actually have to be measured with instruments to determine any differences. Even their angry faces were so sexy and similar it was hard to pick the better fuck. My wife however seemed to yield slightly to Gina?s fitness.

It was a good thing we were tucked back in the corner away from all the foot traffic. Otherwise a crowd probably would have started to develop. As the stare down continued I noticed their bodies moving together in small increments. I suddenly realized their bodies were locked together in a struggle. Their arms hid most of what was going on between their tits and I could only imagine what was going on between there nipples.

?Joe has told me all about you. Glad to finally come face to face with you!? Tina said with a riled tone and pushed in nose to nose.