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Thread: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Dear Board,

    Ok, I'm on slightly shaky ground here, but I decided not to keep this story to myself. As some of you know, a while ago a really good writer briefly appeared on the board. He went by the name of Whistler and he wrote several stories and then stopped. He deleted his stories and asked that they not be shared. I don't think that is entirely fair and I have used some of Whistler's stories as inspirations to write stories of my own. So far, my stories "Desert Duels" and "World War III" are spun out of Whistler stories. My stories are quite different, a lot more detailed and a lot longer, but they start with Whistler's beginnings.

    This story has a similar origin, except the first part is probably much closer to the original Whistler story than anything I've done before. I'm very sensitive to charges of plagiarism and I have changed a fair amount in Part I of this story, but I've also kept a lot. I've changed verb tenses, details and the names of the main characters, but the situations remain the same. The original Whistler story was called "For Fun and Profit."

    My main contribution here is that this story is only the start of a longer story. The original Whistler story ended where Part I of this story ends - right where, in my view, the most exciting part of the story starts, i.e, the actual sexfight. Part II of this story tries to address that. Below, I've posted Parts I and II. I will not return to the rest of the story for quite a while, given that I have a number of other stories I still have to finish, but I had this one on my brain and I needed to get it out.

    I promise to next turn my attention to finishing off my incomplete stories, especially "New Girl."

    As always, feedback appreciated. Enjoy!


    Part Time Work – Part I by JB57

    Kristina surveyed the calm water. She was about a half mile offshore, a good place to set up for the night. Kristina slowly stood up and stretched her magnificent body. She raised her arms above her head, arching her back and standing on tiptoe. She lowered her hands and briefly played with her curly, golden hair. Her womanly figure was hidden by the white denim button-down shirt that hung low over her baggy jeans and gumboots. Her mother had named her “Kristina” but all her friends called her “Kris.” It was a more fitting name for a woman who made her living as a tugboat captain. But the name was also a bit misleading because ,while Kris was a very tough woman, she was also all woman.

    Her little tug boat grumbled to a halt as she killed the engine and stood out on the bow to take in her surroundings. The sun steadily sank under the ocean, casting amazing pink and amber hues along the horizon.

    With the flip of a switch, the tug’s anchor rattled down to the ocean floor. The little boat bobbed up and down. Kris surveyed the mainland as one by one the little shops and homes that dotted the coastline began to light up with the evening's embrace.

    Kris frowned to herself. She would have liked nothing more than to go ashore and find some sort of entertainment for the evening, but times had been tough and she needed to save money. For the past several months she had been weighing anchor and sleeping out on the ocean because she could not afford the cost of a mooring.

    “Well, let's see what dinner is tonight.” she said to herself as she pulled up a tiny net that had been dragging behind her vessel for the past few hours. She picked through a few bits of ocean junk caught in the webbing until finally dropping a couple of small tropical fish into a waiting bucket.

    “Let's hope you little guys cook up nice,” she murmured.

    Kris bent down to light a small gas stove in the cabin, her loose top revealing a fabulous amount of lush cleavage as her massive, beautiful tits swung freely. She cursed as the lighting mechanism failed over and over to ignite the fumes flowing up from the cooker.

    “Aw come on ya piece of junk!”

    As she struggled with the cooker, the sound of an engine in the distance gradually gained her attention. The motor was getting closer. She had heard stories of nefarious people looting abandoned looking boats during the night hours in the area, so she quickly turned off the stove and strode out onto the deck with a large knife in hand. She had a harpoon fixed to the side of the cabin if she needed it.

    The moon had risen and its illumination revealed a small speedboat rapidly approaching Kris’s boat. In the darkness, Kris could make out the two figures on the boat. One was standing at the steering wheel. The other was seated at the rear, on one of the passenger seats.

    “Hmm... could be a pirate craft,” Kris thought. But it looked a bit small for a pirate craft and only two people did not seem that threatening. As she thought this, the boat slowed down and began slowly puttering in towards her tug over the last hundred yards. ” I wonder what their deal is?” the buxom blonde thought. She tightened her grip on her knife and considered taking down the harpoon.

    Off in the distance, a very large and brightly lit yacht was visible on the horizon. It had not been there before when she had first gone in to start supper. She wondered if the smaller craft had come from the larger ship. She watched as the small vessel moved closer.

    “Ahoy, there! Is that you, Kris?”, a man's voice called out. Kris instantly recognized the deep, salty voice.

    “Jack Dorn? What the Hell are you doing out here?”, she shouted back.

    “Got a little business proposition for ya, if you're up for it this evening”.

    Kris thought for a moment. She had done 'business' with Jack before. A year or two ago when things had gotten tough, she had found herself a few towns over, competing in a wet T-shirt contest for some much-needed cash. She had easily won. Beneath her baggy clothes was hidden the body of an absolute goddess. Her strikingly large, meaty breasts, narrow waist and thick, round booty had easily bested the comparatively scrawny little girls at the competition.

    Jack had been one of the judges and before she knew it, she had agreed to accompany him to a private function afterward. He explained that she would be competing in a slightly more physical competition with another girl who was a closer match to her in size. There was a much, much larger cash prize to be won compared to what the wet T-shirt contest had offered.

    Being intrigued and always looking for a way to make a bit of extra money, Kris soon found herself covered in oil and wrestling naked with another incredible blonde in an inflatable ring in the back of a local bar. The other girl had been magnificent, with tits and a body to rival Kris’ muscled perfection It had been a pitched battle between them with each Amazon dominating for a time. The physical battle quickly became an outright sexfight and Kris found herself tit to tit, cunt to cunt and clit to clit with her beautiful challenger. In the end, after a long, hard fight that Kris almost lost a number of times, she was able to win by finally driving the other girl to a screaming orgasm. Afterwards, she and the other girl had gone to a motel together and spent the rest of the night fucking each other until they were absolutely exhausted. Thinking about it always sent a shiver of erotic delight down Kris’s spine, brought a smile to her face and made her pussy wet. Overall, it had been a very memorable and enjoyable experience and some of the most delicious sex she had ever had.

    She made over $2000 that night and was able to pay for some much needed repairs to her tug. She remembered telling Jack that any time another opportunity like that one was available, she would be up for it. Time passed and she had moved locations for more steady tugboat work. She assumed that Jack had lost track of her. But now, here he was. She hoped that he had an offer similar to the last one. The idea of locking up with and fucking another voluptuous woman’s brains out sent a thrill through her pussy.

    She tossed Jack a rope and he secured his speedboat to the side of the tug.

    “Permission to come aboard, Captain Kris?” he asked with a grin.

    Kris motioned and he clambered over the side and up onto the deck.

    “I see you still look amazing,” the older man smiled.

    Jack slowly took in the sculpted perfection of womanhood standing before him. Even in her baggy clothing, Kris was an incredibly sexy and luscious woman. He knew what lay beneath the clothing and his memories of watching Kris, slicked with oil, her incredible tits bouncing as she scissor-fucked an equally magnificent blonde, was a memory that had warmed many a night for him. He could feel his prick swelling just looking at her.

    “Out with it, buddy. What is it this time? More oil wrestling?” Kris hoped so. Unbidden, the memory of the feel of the other blonde’s lush body sliding and slipping on her voluptuous flesh came to mind and sent another spike of heat through her nether regions.

    Jack shook his head, “Well, not exactly. You see that party craft off in the distance?” Jack motioned to the well-lit yacht on the horizon.

    “Yeah, sure...”. Kris's curiosity was piqued.

    “I'm playing host to a band of about 50 rich Korean businessmen on that barge. They're all pissed out of their minds and looking for action!” Jack grinned.

    Kris made a face. “Aw hell no. I don't care how much you're offering; I'm not getting gang banged for a lousy couple of bucks!”

    “Oh no no no... sorry, I didn't mean to imply that. No, Asians are well known for their love of gambling – and this crowd is no different.”

    Kris relaxed a little. “Well... fine. But what do they want to bet on? You said it wasn't oil wrestling this time.”

    “Nope. No wrestling this time. Tonight... they're howling for a titfight!”

    Kris unconsciously moved her hands to her incredible rack and slowly squeezed her breasts together.“A titfight, huh? So... like, you mean boob boxing then?”

    “Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to call it. So what do you think? You in?”

    Kris took a moment to think. She was no stranger to physical competitions with other buxom women. If Jack had said that he needed her for another naked oil wrestling match tonight, she would have jumped at the opportunity. But bashing her breasts with those of another woman was, potentially, very painful.

    “What's the purse?”

    “It's $2000 if you agree to participate, and an extra $3000 if you win!”

    Kris's eyes grew wide. “Five grand just to smack my tits into some other chick's boobs?”

    Jack smiled and nodded “Assuming you win that is. It's still two grand if you lose.”.

    An ear to ear smile began to creep across Kris's gorgeous face. “So you're guaranteeing that they're not going to touch me in any way? It'll just be me and some other chick smacking our boobs into each other?”

    Jack nodded. “Yep. Most of the men brought their wives with them too, so if nothing else they'll behave. They're just looking for something hot to bet on.” Jack smiled and looked Kris up and down again. “And they don't come much hotter than you!”

    Kris thought for a moment before placing her hands on her womanly hips and sticking her chest out. “OK, I could be up for this. Who am I fighting?”

    Jack smiled again and nodded toward the dark figure in the boat. “Would you like to meet her?”

    Kris nodded. Jack disappeared into the darkness for a moment and then returned, helping a cloaked figure onto the tug's deck. The low lights of the tugboat revealed the outline of a woman wearing a hood and cloak. The cloak was open just enough to reveal that its owner was completely naked – right down to her clean-shaven pussy.

    Kris relaxed a little and took in what she saw. Her possible opponent's face was obscured by the hood but, at first glance, the rest of the woman’s body looked remarkable. Kris noted the woman's perfect toes and immediately wondered how they would match up to her own amazing feet.

    “Well, come here honey. Let's get a look at you,” Kris purred.

    A well manicured pair of flip-flop shod feet carried the mysterious woman to within an arms length of the tug’s captain. Her features were still hidden by the hood, but even with the cloak Kris could tell she and the woman were about the same size and body type.

    “What's your name, sweetheart?”

    The woman slowly looked up and locked eyes with the blonde. Kris gasped involuntarily as she saw two of the most beautiful green, almond shaped eyes she had ever seen.

    “I am Larisa”, the woman answered in a soft Russian accent. She seemed to want to say more, but she stopped.

    Kris smiled and felt her crotch begin to moisten and tighten. This was one of the most beautiful women she had ever laid eyes on. She was about to suggest that she and the Russian just stay on the boat and get to know each other better... a lot better... when she remembered the money at stake.

    Jack enjoyed watching the two woman interact. “Well, what do you think?” He asked Kris. “You up for this?”

    “Do you speak English, baby?” Kris asked Larisa, still lost in the beauty of the Russian's eyes. The beautiful Russian hesitated, then nodded.”Yes,” she said, plainly.

    “Oh sure, Larisa understands English perfectly,” Jack explained. “But she is a bit shy about speaking it. She thinks she’ s a lot worse at speaking than she really is. But she’s getting a lot better really fast. Why don't the two of you look each other over a little bit. Then if you're both on board with this, we'll shove off to the main event.”

    “You want a look?” Larisa asked sweetly, placing her hands on her wide, womanly hips. Her cloak opened a little more, revealing the side swells of two very large and firm looking breasts.

    Kris returned the sweet smile. She slowly reached up and opened Larisa's robe to reveal the rest of the Russian’s body. Kris’s heart skipped a beat as she was treated to a view of one of the most impressive female bodies she had ever seen. Larisa sported a remarkably firm set of EE breasts with areola the size of silver dollars and taut looking nipples the size of pencil erasers. Kris's eyes continued the journey down, taking in every voluptuous curve. The rest of Larisa's body was firm and athletic looking, not a hint of cellulite or flab. Her abs were toned and taut, her navel was a thin, deep slit, her beautiful pussy was clean-shaven, smooth and powerful-looking, the cleft of her vulva deep and thick. Her hips were wide but perfectly formed and defined by sexy muscles. Her legs were beautifully muscled columns of sensuous flesh. The woman’s entirely body was a golden tan. Larisa was truly an incredible creature.

    “I look at you?” Larisa asked, her sweet smile becoming a little more lustful.

    Kris gave a little smirk, then stuck out her breasts and placed her hands on her hips, mimicking Larisa's earlier pose. Larisa looked the blonde up and down for a moment. She returned Kris' smirk and slowly reached up to begin undoing the buttons on Kris's white denim shirt. Kris felt a little shiver go up her spine as the Russian goddess opened her garment to reveal Kris’s dense, meaty rack.

    Larisa's eyes grew wide and a ravenously hungry smile crossed her face. Kris was every bit the woman that the Russian was. The blonde's own EE rack was just as thick and juicy looking as Larisa’s magnificent tits. Kris’s tight looking midriff was a testament to the fact that she was a hard working woman and kept herself physically fit. The Russian could not see the rest of Kris’ body, but she had no doubt that it measured up to what she could see. Larisa licked her lips, her excitement building as heart sped up.

    The blonde and the Russian looked deep into each other's eyes. A mutual respect and hunger was revealed as both women smiled lustfully. They shared the image of coming together, naked body to naked body, juicy cunt to juicy cunt. A mutual shudder of passion and desire ran through the beautiful women as their eyes locked.

    “Alright!” Jack shouted, grinning widely. “I take it we've got a match then? Do the two of you need to do anything else before we get going?”

    Larisa looked at Jack for a moment, then looked back to Kris. “You want a feel?” she asked with a knowing grin. She arched her back, her taut tits jiggling slightly. Her amazing breasts seemed to present themselves to the blonde.

    Kris licked her lips and slowly reached up to strongly grip her opponent's globes. They were just as firm as they looked and the woman’s nipples were nothing short of spectacular. Kris gently pinched the nipples between her fingers, causing Larisa's eyes to close in sudden pleasure. The Russian let loose a soft groan as a big smile involuntarily revealed her perfect teeth. Kris sank her fingers into the thick, juicy titflesh, kneading the dense meat carefully and possessively.

    A moment later, Kris moaned in pleasure as Larisa's hands found their way onto the blonde's meaty orbs.

    Both women smiled lustfully into each other's eyes as their hands explored one another's mammoth breasts, squeezing hard nipples and massaging thick, resisting flesh. Both women could feel the other’s heart pounding, they could see the pure lust lighting the other’s gorgeous face. For almost a minute, Kris and Larisa fondled and manipulated each other’s magnificent tits. Kris could see the Russian woman’s pussy thickening, she could see juice glistening on the woman’s twat as her body became more aroused. Kris felt a trickle of cunt juice sliding down her own thigh inside her baggy jeans. Finally, Jack broke the spell.

    “OK, OK ladies. I think we're all ready. Save some for the show, alright?!” Jack tossed his head back and laughed. He took Larisa by the arm, pulling her away from Kris. The beautiful Russian woman released the blonde’s tits reluctantly. Jack led Larisa back to the waiting motorboat.

    Kris did up one or two buttons on her shirt. “Do you have a fresh water shower on that rig? I'm kind of a disgusting mess right now. And I’m going to need something to eat. I haven’t had supper yet and I’m pretty hungry.”

    “Yeah, for sure,” Jack replied. “I”ll have the cook make you a sandwich and you’ll have a nice room on the ship where you can get ready. I'll drop you back here when the show's over.”


    A few moments later, Jack and his two prize fighters were making their way to the well lit yacht on the distant horizon.

    Larisa and Kris sat facing one another in the back of the boat as they traveled over the ocean swells. As the boat bounced on the waves, the women’s matching tits jiggled enthusiastically in response. Their eyes locked. Both women felt a stirring of intense heat in their loins. Larisa smiled and slowly licked her upper lip. Kris returned the smile and let her eyes make the narrow journey up and down Larisa's mostly closed cloak.

    Larisa slowly leaned forward; Kris did the same. For moment, the beautiful women paused, nose to nose, enjoying each other’s eyes and sweet breath. Kris thrilled to the sense of intense sexual anticipation, the realization that this gorgeous Russian woman’s soft lips were only a fraction of an inch away from her own. After a few moments, the Russian slipped past the blonde's face and spoke in her ear.

    “When we finished banging boobs, we fuck after?” Larisa breathed. Kris wasn’t sure if this was a question or a statement. She did not care.

    It was Kris's turn to lick her upper lip. “Oh honey,” the curly-haired blonde murmured in the Russian woman’s perfect ear,” When we are finished banging boobs, we are going to fuck each other raw! I promise you!”

    Larisa pulled back until she was nose to nose with Kris again. The women smiled into each other’s beautiful eyes, their gorgeous faces lit with pure lust. The women joined hands and interlocked their fingers. They continued to stare into each other’s eyes for what seemed an eternity before finally leaning forward. Larisa’s soft, wet lips met Kris’s equally exquisite lips. The women moaned in unison as their lips mashed, as their strong tongues invaded each other’s mouths and began wrestling and scouring the inside of each other’s oral orifice. As they continued kissing passionately, they eagerly swallowed back each other’s spit. Kris could not remember the last time she was so horny and she pulled their arms to their sides and pressed her body forward. Larisa moved to meet her and, for a moment, the women’s meaty orbs pressed into each other, sending a shudder of pleasure through both voluptuous beauties. They groaned into each other’s mouths in mutual passion.

    Jack looked back to see what was happening between his two fighters and laughed “Hey, girls, come on! I said save it for the show!”

    Reluctantly, smiling seductively at each other, Kris and Larisa pulled apart. But they continued holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes for the rest of the brief trip. By the time the small inflatable boat reached the shining yacht, Kris’s twat was sopping wet and she was sure her Russian rival was equally aroused.

    The small craft finally roared up to the stern of the party boat. A few burly looking deck hands assisted the women onto the ship and led them into separate rooms to prepare for the night's events.

    Kris surveyed her accommodations. There was a large waterbed, a vanity and small bathroom complete with luxurious looking shower. A few moments later, Kris’s grubby work clothes were on the floor and a fantastically naked Amazon was scrubbing herself clean in a cascade of hot water and suds. A thick steam filled the room and relaxed the curvy blonde warrior as she lathered herself.

    A knock at the door snapped her back to reality. Jack poked his head in.

    “Hey Kris, here’s a sandwich for you.” He placed a plate with a sandwich and a glass of milk on the vanity. “Are you almost ready? Larisa's good to go and the Koreans are calling for action!”

    “Just give me two shakes!”Kris replied. “I”ve got to eat and finish up here.”

    “There are toothbrushes and other things you’ll need in the bathroom and in the vanity,” Jack informed her. He left her to her preparations.

    Kris hurriedly rinsed off and covered her nakedness with a short, fluffy white robe left for her on the bed. She squeezed some of the water from her hair and then used a blow dryer to get rid of the damp from her blonde curls. She examined herself in the vanity mirror.

    “Hmm... maybe just a hint of foundation and a little eye liner. Got to look the part for the crowd after all.” She quickly wolfed down the sandwich, drank the milk, then began to apply makeup.

    Jack poked his head in again. “Hey come on! You said you were ready!”

    Kris put on a quick coat of lip stain. “I know, I know. I just want to look good for the crowd!”

    “They won't be looking at your face. Believe me”, Jack smirked.

    “I don't care. I still want to look good!”

    Kris made a kissing face to herself in the mirror. “Fine. The make-up’s ready. I’m just going to brush my teeth and I’ll be right out.”
    Kris brushed her teeth, brushed out her curly blonde hair one final time. She slipped on a pair of three inch pumps that had been left for her at the foot of the bed. They fit perfectly. “Time for the show,” she thought to herself, as she gave herself one final check in the mirror. She liked what she saw. She smiled.

    Jack held the door and Kris stepped out to the lower deck of the yacht. Larisa stood a little farther down and also wore a fluffy white robe. The robes were short, extending just to the top of the women’s thighs, and both women’s long, tanned, smooth-muscled legs gleamed erotically in the light flooding the deck, their legs made even more spectacular by the sensual effects of their spike heels. Larisa turned and greeted her soon-to-be opponent with a wink and a big smile. For the first time, Kris could see that Larisa had curly, inky black locks in perfect contrast with her own golden mane. Larisa looked at Kris’ fantastic legs and smiled appreciatively, happy to have her expectations of Kris’ beauty met.

    The blonde returned the smile and blew her rival a kiss, all the while thinking about what she planned to do to the buxom brunette after the match was over. The large waterbed in her room would come in very, very handy.

    The women were led up opposite staircases to the upper deck. A large crowd of Asian men and women were being very loud and having a good time. The smell of alcohol hung thickly in the air as their attention turned to the two combatants in white. Instantly the men began pointing and shouting in excited tones at the sight of the women. Fistfuls of currency began to change hands as members of the crowd began to make wagers with one another. Some of the Asian women scowled and disappeared deeper into the crowd while others stood about with expectant looks.

    Someone handed a wireless mike to Jack. He gave a big smile and began to engage the crowd.

    “Who's ready for a titfight?!” he roared. The crowd exploded. “You want to see what I've got for you tonight?” The crowd roared their approval and a light was shone on Larisa. A rhythmic dance tune with a driving beat began thundering out of the ship's speakers. Larisa gave the crowd a big smile and dropped her robe. Many of the Korean men seemed to instantly lose their minds as they drank in every amazing curve on display. A fully naked Larisa strutted up and down the length of the deck in front of her admirers – thrusting out her incredible chest to the beat of the song, her hands on her womanly hips, her hips swaying, her long legs flexing on her three-inch heels. More money came out as more wagers were hurriedly recorded.

    Larisa returned to her spot on the opposite side of the deck from Kris and gave her opponent a little smirk.

    The light shone on the blonde as a different beat started up. Kris dropped her robe and played to the crowd. She mimicked Larisa's performance up and down the deck, her hips swaying, her powerful legs flashing. But instead of thrusting out her mighty chest, she waved her breasts side to side. Everyone on the deck drank in her delicious nakedness. Again, a lot of money changed hands in the crowd as Kris returned to her original spot. She laughed and shook her amazing tits at Larisa. The Russian pretended to be unimpressed. She shook her own tits in reply.

    A few deck hands set up stools with water bottles and baby oil for the two combatants to enjoy in-between their bouts as Jack continued to work the crowd.

    “Who's ready to do this?!” he shouted. The crowd roared back, excited with anticipation.

    Jack turned his back to the crowd and motioned for both women to come close. Larisa and Kris seductively swayed their way to his sides. A deck hand tossed him a squirt bottle full of baby oil.

    “OK girls, lift ‘em up”, he smiled. The women lifted their breasts high as Jack doused both of their spectacular tits with oil. The women used their hands to spread the liquid around their dense boobs and lower bellies. Kris let her breasts flop down on her chest with a mighty 'plop' and gave Larisa a challenging grin. Larisa did the same and returned the gesture. Jack's pants were about to burst as he gave the final instructions.

    “OK you two, here's the deal. I'll ring the bell and you guys come out and do your thing. Each round will last 3 minutes with a 30 second rest in between. We're going to go as many rounds as we need until one of you signals your surrender. Any questions?”

    “Nope. I'm clear”, Kris purred. “I can't wait to press tits with this whore”.

    “I will enjoy mashing you flat,” Larisa said with a big smile. She blew a kiss to the blonde and seductively circled her areola with her index fingers.

    Both naked warriors retreated to their opposite sides of the deck. Their mighty breasts dripped with oil. A new song began to play. Both women slipped off their high heels and stood in their bare feet. They were now totally naked. The bell rang.

    Kris locked eyes with the beautiful Larisa. Both women placed their hands on their wide hips and seductively sauntered toward one another. They paused a few inches apart for a moment, staring deeply into the other’s eyes. Kris felt her pussy get hotter, her nipples tighten even more. She was unbelievably horny and she could see the same heat reflected in Larisa’s gorgeous eyes. Finally, with mutual hunger, the women closed the distance between their bodies and slammed their breasts together. The sound of thick, firm meat slapping together reverberated across the deck and both women gasped with the sudden surge of sensual pleasure as their incredible racks met and merged.

    For one long moment, the women stood deadlocked – their massive boobs mushroomed out equally, taut flesh throbbing with heat and tension, yielding to the pressure yet resisting. The crowd screamed as the battle began. The women leaned into each other with everything they had. Their mighty thighs flexed, trying to propel themselves through their opponent. Both women grunted with effort, but neither of them backed down or lost any ground to the other.

    Hands still on hips, the voluptuous vixens began to slowly rub their fleshy weapons into one another. A fabulous pair of light brown nipples found a matching pair of fabulous dark brown nipples and began a wrestling match of their own. The women licked their lips seductively, staring into each other’s eyes, while their enormous breasts slipped and slid into and alongside one another, the oil providing delicious slickness that fed their desire. Kris could feel a trickle of wetness running down her leg. Visions of mounting this exotic Russian danced through her mind and she continued to slowly, lustfully rub breasts with the buxom brunette beauty before her.

    Suddenly, Kris was forcibly snapped back to the present when Larisa took a half step back and rammed her massive tits directly into Kris's! The blonde was sent back two steps and the crowd roared!

    Larisa smiled at her foe, who recovered quickly. Kris narrowed her eyes. “OK honey, let's get serious.”

    The blonde returned with a massive tit blow of her own and this time it was Larisa who took a step or two backward. The Russian looked stunned for a moment before narrowing her own gorgeous eyes and wading into battle with her luscious adversary.

    The women begin earnestly banging their tits together in perfect unison now. Hands still on hips, they jerked their chests forward to smash nipple to nipple over and over again. They rammed their tits and rubbed hard, grinding hard nipples, mashing throbbing titflesh.

    All smiles were gone as both women gritted their teeth. The three minute bell rang and both women immediately returned to their corners. Kris took a long swig of water and quickly surveyed her breasts for signs of damage or weakness. It stung every time her tits met Larisa's, but she was confident that Larisa was feeling the same thing. There was a tiny bit of redness coming to the surface around her nipples, but a quick glance over at Larisa revealed that she was in the same shape. So far, neither woman had a perceptible advantage..

    Kris took the oil bottle and squirted a fresh coating of oil on her boobs, rubbing the liquid over her taut flesh. The round two bell rang.

    Again, both nude women placed their hands on their hips and slowly stepped towards one another on their perfect bare feet. Their lustful smiles were still there, but were now mixed with looks of concentration and steely resolve.

    The battle was joined again and the crowd roared its approval. Kris and Larisa began rhythmically pounding their tits into each other to the beat of the music. With each hit, both women gave a guttural grunt. They interlocked their own fingers behind their heads to raise their breasts as high as they could go and continued to smash them nipple to nipple, titmeat to titmeat. They stopped smashing and tried grinding each other down, meat to meat, but their fleshy weapons still appeared to be perfectly matched as they mashed together over and over and over again. Despite their best efforts, neither naked warrior woman was able to gain an advantage over her adversary.

    By the time the bell rang to signal the end of round 2, both women were showing signs of battle. Kris surveyed the damage when she reached her corner. The skin on her breasts had turned a pinkish color and some light bruising could now be seen around her nipples. They were becoming sensitive to the touch and she wondered how much more of this she could realistically take. Deck hands appeared and gave each women two bags of crushed ice in light towels. Kris gratefully pressed them to her tits and glanced over at Larisa to see her doing the same.

    The round three bell rang and Kris quickly splashed more oil onto her fleshy weapons. She turned to find Larisa practically on top of her. There was no sultry walking with hands on hips this round. Larisa led with her claws out this time. Kris met her in like manner and the women interlocked fingers. They raised their hands high above their heads and begin stumbling around the deck like two drunken sailors. They matched muscle to muscle, straining to overpower each other. They bounced off each other's bodies and slammed tits as often as they got the chance. Kris was amazed that Larisa seemed to be every bit her physical equal, even in strength.

    Larisa sent her tits flying sideways and they ripped across Kris's boobs. Kris screeched and returned the sideways attack. Both women now violently began twisting their torsos to swing their sexy meat sacks into one another. Huge breasts met and deformed as sweat and oil were sent flying into the excited crowd.

    For two horrible minutes the naked warriors raked their tits across one another in the most violent way possible. By the time the third round ended, both women were visibly shaking.

    Kris stumbled back to her corner and splashed water on her face. She placed the ice bags on her breasts immediately. The stinging in her tits was quickly becoming unbearable. For the first time she began to wonder if she had what was needed to out-last the Russian beauty.

    The fourth round bell rang and the two titanic titfighters locked eyes across the upper deck once more. Both clutched ice bags to their tits and neither seemed to be in any hurry to join the battle again. Kris made the first move, slamming her ice bags back on the stool and whirling around to face the Russian. Larisa hesitated, and for a moment Kris wondered if the dark-haired beauty had had enough and was going to surrender. A moment later however, the fire returned to Larisa's eyes and both women returned to the middle of the deck. They interlocked fingers again.

    The women pressed their swollen breasts into one another, slowly, carefully and gritted their teeth. Both women experienced intense waves of pain coming from their battered tits. Their boobs, now red from abuse, mushroomed out from between their athletic frames as both women began moaning in pain. Their engorged nipples angrily pressed into one another, abrading their enemy’s red skin.

    Kris leaned into Larisa with everything she had and was rewarded with her Russian rival taking a step back. She could feel Larisa trembling with effort now – digging down deep to stop the buxom blonde's advance. Again Kris pushed with everything she had, but the buxom brunette was able to hold her ground. For the first time during the contest, the women spoke.

    “Got you on the ropes now, slut! My tits are squashing yours flat!” the blonde hissed.

    “Cunt! Your boobs are weak! I will crush you now!” Larisa shot back.

    Larisa screamed and leaned into Kris with renewed vigor. Now it was Kris's turn to take a step back.

    “Cunt! See?” Larisa spat viciously.

    “You damn fucking Commie whore!” Kris snarled. “I'm not losing to a weak slut like you!”

    Both women screamed incoherently at the top of their lungs and leaned into each other with all their power, desperately trying to squash the other flat, to break the other gorgeous woman with her pulsing tits. Their battered boobs somehow ballooned even more as their luscious breast flesh was forced to retreat from between the two buxom combatants.

    The fourth round came to an end and the women slowly staggered back to their corners. Both warriors cupped their swollen tits gingerly as they collapsed onto their respective stools.

    Jack looked on as the storm of Korean betting reached a fever pitch. The end was close at hand and everyone knew it.

    Kris cupped the ice bags to her tits and grimaced with gratitude as the cold provided some relief from the intense burning. She stole a glance at her rival. Larisa was leaned over her ice bags, pressing them gingerly into her tits.

    The fifth round bell rang but neither titfighter moved. Jack called out to Larisa, “Larisa... do you quit? Are you done?”

    Larisa managed to look up and, with a grim look, shook her head. She managed to slide off her stool, still clutching the ice to her tits.

    Jack called over to Kris, “How about it Kris? Is Larisa the winner?”

    Kris summoned all her strength and managed to shout “Hell no!”

    The blonde stumbled off her stool and again locked eyes with her brunette nemesis. Lust was replaced with hatred as both women began to breathe heavily, summoning all their remaining power. Their massive tits heaved up and down like a pair of battering rams as the two spent fighters readied themselves for their final attack.

    The noise of the crowd was deafening as all final bets were made and everyone began screaming for a conclusion. The music system was at maximum volume as the speakers blared out their techno-battle-hymn.

    Kris watched as Larisa raised herself up and screamed at the top of her lungs. Larisa seemed to move in slow motion as she shook her massive tits and began to run full force at her buxom blonde rival.

    Something rose from within Kris and she found herself matching Larisa's movement and intensity. Both titfighters thundered toward each other at top speed, magnificent mammaries bouncing on their mighty chests as the distance between them rapidly diminished.

    With a sickening thud, both women collided in the middle of the upper deck. Kris felt the wind being knocked from her lungs, she felt her tits absorbing an incredible impact, she could swear she felt her nipples stabbing into Larisa’s nipples, and then... everything went black.

    Kris slowly returned to semi-consciousness. Jack was standing over her and counting to 10. Her vision was blurred and everything still seemed to be happening in slow motion. From the corner of her eye, she could see the crowd surging forward around Jack to see who the winner was.

    Jack continued his count. Kris could only watch helplessly as she thought to herself, “I’ve lost. He'll reach 10 and it will be all over. Here it comes now... 8... 9... 10.”

    Jack turned to the excited crowd, made a motion with his arms and shouted, “It's a tie!”

    The words echoed in Kris’s head.

    And then, the world went black again.

    Slowly, Kris became aware that her lips and tongue were being moistened. The fog began to lift and she opened her eyes. At first, she saw nothing – but she felt an amazing sensation in her mouth. Then the darkness disappeared as Larisa broke her kiss and pulled back from Kris. Her curly, inky black tresses spilled perfectly down the sides of her face. She smiled down at her rival with lust in her eyes.

    “You fight real good. We fuck now?”

    Kris sat up a little and looked around to find that she was back below deck in her luxurious cabin. She was still completely naked, pleasantly intertwined with an equally naked Larisa on the waterbed. Larisa had mounted her and spread Kris’s legs. Larisa definitely looked worse for wear, but her beautiful face was lit by a seductive smile. Kris felt a rush of intense pleasure as the buxom brunette slowly began undulating her naked vulva against the buxom blonde's equally naked matching sex organ.

    Jack poked his head into the room.

    “Ah, good. You're awake. I was starting to wonder about you.”

    Kris's head began to clear. “Jack? What happened? Who won?”

    Jack smiled and produced a stack of $100 bills. “Well, turns out no one did. You both blacked out when you collided at the start of round five, so you'll be splitting the purse evenly.”

    Jack counted out the money and put it on the night table next to the bed. “There you go, two piles of $3500. You both earned it.” Jack looked at his amazing titfighters, their lush bodies interwoven on the bed, and smiled. “I usually end up doing this pleasure cruise every couple of months – would the two of you be interested in doing this again?”

    Kris locked eyes with Larisa, paused, and then pulled the Russian beauty in for a deep, tongueful kiss. She began to move her hips, joining Larisa in the slick vaginal rubbing. The women broke the kiss to smile at each other savagely, their breath coming in hot gasps, their gorgeous cunts lubricating as they slid and kissed and began to suck at each other. Kris felt her throbbing clit start to swell out of her wet, hot twat. Gasping, Kris briefly pulled her gaze from Larisa to reply to Jack.

    “Hell yes!” Kris said with a grin. “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to fuck my girlfriend here until she can’t walk.”

    Jack raised his eyebrows and a big smile crossed his face. “I guess I'll take you back to your tugboat in the morning then. Good night, ladies.”

    Jack left and the door clicked and locked into place behind him.

    Larisa interlocked her fingers with Kris and they both looked at the two piles of money sitting on the night table. They locked eyes one more time and a mutual understanding passed between them. The women sat up and scissored their legs while smiling sweetly at one another. Their spent nipples hardened once more as they brought their slick, naked vulvas together. Kris moaned, her beautiful face flashing a look of unbearable lust. Larisa gasped and cried out, her beautiful eyes burning with desire. The women thrust hard, penetrating each other, bringing their aching, swollen clits together in ecstasy. Kris and Larisa moaned in concert as the battle they wanted, the encounter they had both been breathlessly anticipating, finally arrived. Grasping the other’s rippling ass, pulling each other in, they began the next battle.

    To be continued:

    Part Time Work, Part II

    Kris stretched her out on the deck of her tugboat, enjoying the mid-afternoon sun. She was dressed only in a tiny black tear drop thong. Otherwise, her incredible body was completely nude, her massive tits turned to the sun, tanning nicely. Her bare, beautifully muscled belly glistened with sweat and the sheen of sunblock, her long legs stretched out endlessly, taut flesh gleaming. She was considering losing the thong; there was no reason not to tan in the nude out here.

    The past few months had been good to Kris. She had managed to get steady work and she had made the $3500 she had won from her titfight with Larisa last for a long time. When she thought back on that night, her body still shivered with delight. She and Larisa had fucked each other long and hard, enjoying every inch of the other woman’s incredible body. In the end, they fucked each other into blissful unconsciousness. They passed out in each other’s arms from the incredible intensity of the pleasure that they gave to each other. In the morning, Jack took Kris back to her tug, $3500 richer but no more. Kris was disappointed that Jack had not called in the three months since. Even with her winnings, she could use another infusion of cash. But, more than that, she longed to mash tits and cross clits with Larisa again. She often masturbated herself to sleep at night with the memories of her night of passion with the Russian beauty and she was anxiously looking forward to their next encounter. Between her encounter with Larisa and her earlier encounter with the blonde oilfighter from her previous battle, Kris was coming to the conclusion that she got a lot more pleasure from women in bed than men.

    Kris had not been sunning herself too long when she heard the low buzz of an approaching motor. She did not bother stirring. If the approaching boat had tourists who wanted to take in the show of Kris’s magnificent naked tits, that was none of her concern.

    “Ahoy there!” called a familiar voice.

    Kris sat up immediately, her tits bouncing vigorously. It was Jack’s voice! She looked out at the approaching boat and her heart leaped into her throat, even as her nipples tightened into spikes and her pussy lubricated ferociously. Jack was not alone; Larisa was there, sitting in the back of the boat, looking forward. The gorgeous Russian was wearing only a tiny white bikini; the rest of her luscious body was wonderfully tan and naked. She smiled widely as she saw Kris and waved enthusiastically. Larisa was wearing sunshades, but Kris could still feel the heat flowing between their voluptuous bodies.

    Kris got to her bare feet and put her hands on her wide hips. Her tits jiggled enticingly on her chest. She did not bother covering up.
    “Well, look who’s here,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant. “It’s been such a long time, I thought you’d forgotten about me. Do you have another match lined up?”

    The speedboat had pulled up to Kris' tug. Jack threw her a line and she caught it and quickly tied the boat to the side of her little vessel.

    “Well, I’ve got a business proposition that involves you and Larisa, but it’s not a titfight. It’s a bit more than that, and it will require a bit of a trip. But the payoff is a lot, lot more.”

    Once the motorboat was secured to the side of the tug, Larisa stood up and reached for the ladder. She began climbing into the tug. Kris watched her hungrily.

    “Really?” Kris said to Jack, even as her eyes devoured Larisa as the Russian climbed up the ladder, her massive tits and her enticing cleavage barely contained by her tiny white bikini top. “Well, I’ll tell you what, Jack. Why don’t you come back tomorrow morning, say about 9 AM? I’ll be ready to talk with you then. But, right now, I’ve got other things on my mind.”

    As she said this, Larisa climbed onto the deck and began walking slowly, seductively, towards the buxom blonde beauty. Kris was so horny she felt dizzy. Her body was burning up with an erotic fever like she had rarely felt before. Larisa removed her sunshades to reveal her startlingly beautiful eyes and they were just as ravenously hungry as Kris’s. The Russian smiled fiercely. The two women looked deep into each other’s eyes as they came together, nipple to nipple. Both women’s nipples were rock-hard, throbbing into each other through the one layer of Larisa’s bikini top. Massive tits crushed, juicy titflesh squeezing nakedly against each other. The women pressed their foreheads together and interlocked their fingers, squeezing each other palm to palm. Kris and Larisa grinned at each other, both burning up with pure lust.

    Jack was grinning ear to ear. “Alright then. I’ll let you and Larisa get reacquainted. I’ll be back first thing in the morning. We can talk business then.”

    Neither woman was listening to him and neither noticed as he untied his boat and sped away. Kris freed her hands from Larisa’s grip and reached behind the Russian beauty’s back to untie her bikini top. Larisa leaned back, relieving the pressure between their crushed together tits, so she could slip the scrap of cloth off of her chest. She threw it aside. Kris and Larisa held each other at arms length for a moment so that they could each admire the other’s fantastic tits. Then, unable to wait a moment longer, the women came together again. Bare nipple met bare nipple; succulent tits mashed tight. Larisa and Kris wrapped their arms around each other as they squeezed hard. Their mouths sought each other hungrily, both women using a hand to push the back of the other’s head, to push their mouths as deeply together as they could. Their hot tongues wriggled and twisted together, they swallowed back each other’s mixed spit. Their tits burned with heat and tension as they rubbed and pulsed against each other and their naked bellies slid on each other sensuously. Kris and Larisa each shoved a thick thigh up into the other’s vaginal mound and moved their hips a bit, rubbing their pussies into the taut flesh. Larisa pushed Kris up against the outer wall of the cabin and leaned into the blonde’s incredible body, letting gravity pull them together even harder. The women moaned and groaned in unimaginable lust, their nearly naked bodies wriggling and writhing, hot flesh sliding and slipping on hot flesh, shared breath and spit flowing between them, their powerful arms squeezing, squeezing their bodies tightly together. For several minutes, Larisa and Kris kissed and rubbed against each other, getting more aroused with every heartbeat, their groans and whimpers of sexual delight becoming more urgent with every moment.

    Finally, Kris broke away, pushing Larisa back from her. She quickly took Larisa’s hand. “Come with me, baby,” she panted.

    Kris led Larisa into the main cabin of the tug, then down into her personal cabin at the front of the small ship. Her bed stretched from one end of the cabin space to the other. Kris released Larisa’s hand and threw the bed sheets aside. She turned around to face Larisa, then threw herself onto the bed, landing on her back, her massive jugs bouncing deliciously. She raised her hips to pull off her thong, sliding it down her long legs and throwing it to the corner of the bed. Smiling lasciviously, Kris spread her luscious legs wide, her feet touching both walls of the cabin. Larisa stared down into Kris’s beautiful bare twat. It was unspeakably gorgeous; thick vaginal lips were swollen with blood and heat, cunt juice trickled from the lush pink slit, Kris’s engorged clit protruded from the top of her succulent pink labia. Larisa groaned with unbearable lust as she looked down into Kris’ turgid sex flower. Larisa’s whole body vibrated with need. She was almost hypnotized by the incredibly beautiful twat before her, by the promise of ecstasy that it carried. As she watched, Kris reached out and grabbed a bottle of oil off of the bed table. She squirted a healthy dollop of oil onto her already juicy cunt; she squirted more onto her lush, muscled belly and then squeezed a good shot of oil on each of her bulging tits.

    “Come and spread this around, baby,” Kris purred at her lover.

    Larisa smiled, her eyes never leaving Kris’s sopping, juicy cunt. She kicked off the flip flops she had been wearing. She slipped her thong down her hips and her thighs, and let it drop to the floor. Completely nude, her body burning with need, her pussy dripping with lubrication, Larisa crawled onto Kris’s bed, positioning herself between the other woman’s spread thighs. Larisa stared down into Kris’s dripping cunt, her eyes burning. She could not resist. She dipped her head and shoved her beautiful face into the blonde’s sopping wet twat. Moaning with pleasure, Larisa ran her tongue up and down Kris’s thick, wet pink slit. She teased the woman’s thumb-sized clit with her tongue, then covered Kris’s cunt completely with her mouth and began sucking and licking furiously. She sucked at Kris’s engorged clit, running her tongue over the swollen sex organ. Kris screamed and screamed, her feet pressing even harder into the walls on either side, her fingers digging into the bedding, her massive tits quivering uncontrollably as her back arched in ecstasy.

    “Oh yes, oh yes, oh god, oh YEESSSSSS,” Kris shrieked, her whole body shuddering with pleasure.

    Panting with lust, her own body trembling with need, Larisa finally pulled her gorgeous face out of the depths of Kris’s boiling cunt. Her face was smeared with the oil that Kris had squirted on her cunt. Larisa wiped some the oil away with the back of her hand, even as she used her other hand to pick up the oil bottle. She opened it and shot a squirt of oil onto Kris’s dripping twat, replenishing the lubrication. She threw the bottle aside. Larisa locked fingers with Kris and pushed the other woman’s arms down to the bed, holding the blonde in place. Kris flexed her cunt, squeezing out some juice. Larisa stretched over Kris, then spread her own legs. Juice from her pussy dripped down onto Kris’s open, aching slit. The women shuddered in concert. Larisa slowly, slowly lowered her bare, throbbing pussy down onto Kris’s waiting, ravenous cunt. The women’s eyes locked, they both bit their lips, smiling in delicious anticipation for the moment when their cunts would kiss, then melt together, then seal, clit fused to clit.

    Their pussies kissed. Larisa and Kris closed their eyes and groaned in mutual joy, smiles of pure pleasure lighting their beautiful faces. They opened their eyes and stared at each other, both seeing her incredible lust mirrored in the eyes of the other. Kris could tell that, just as she had been dreaming of the next time she could mate with Larisa, so the Russian beauty had been dreaming of her. They held together that way for several more seconds, hot, throbbing twat pressed firmly to hot, throbbing twat, heat and wetness pouring off of their kissing cunts in waves of pure ecstasy. They tortured each other with the building anticipation of the pure, unbelievable pleasure they were about to give each other. Larisa began to move her hips, rubbing her twat into Kris’s aching fuckmeat, spreading the oil around on the blonde’s genitals. As the friction increased, the oil grew warm. The women shuddered and groaned in pleasure, their bodies growing hotter and hornier every instant. Kris bucked up; Larisa shoved down. Their succulent twats spread out to each other under the pressure. They sucked and sealed, their soft, wet labia meshed and interlocked like complex flowers of pink flesh. The women’s thumb-sized clits ground into each other hard, head crushing to head in an explosion of sheer, unrestrained ecstasy.

    Larisa and Kris screamed in concert, their bodies quaking with the waves of pleasure that roared through them. Larisa’s tits quivered uncontrollably; they hung from her chest, directly above Kris’s waiting orbs. Kris could not take it anymore. She freed her hands from Larisa’s grip, reached up, and pulled the Russian beauty down onto her. Both women moaned as their solid abdomens clapped together, their deep navels sealing; their heavy tits mashed in a pulse of pure pleasure. Kris slipped her hands down Larisa’s back and filled them with Larisa’s perfect, rippling ass. The Russian began pumping, driving herself into Kris’s welcoming cunt, grinding and sawing her clit against its luscious counterpart. Kris bucked and thrust to meet her, fucking back just as hard as she was being fucked. Larisa leaned forward and locked Kris in a spit-filled, tongue-twisting kiss. She reached down and sank her fingers into Kris’s bucking, flexing ass. Kris twined her legs through Larisa’s legs, locking the other woman in place. Thrusting, grunting, moaning, bucking, heaving, the two voluptuous vixens fucked furiously, unleashing all of their pent-up lust on each other. Their writhing bodies spread the oil around, slicking both of their bodies, helping the sweat and vaginal juice add a sensuous slipperiness to their epic fucking.

    Both women lost all sense of time and space. They came and came, their multiple orgasms feeding off each other, giving them both the desire to continue. Their screams and moans and grunts and shrieks of raw pleasure harmonized, echoing off the calm ocean surrounding Kris’s tug, their lovemaking audible for a thousand feet in every direction. At some point, Kris realized that she was on top of Larisa, grinding down into the other woman, Larisa’s head thrown back as she screamed and bucked in pure erotic joy.

    Kris and Larisa rode each other for hours, taking each other in every way that they could imagine. They sprayed oil on their asses, then went at each other ass to ass, rubbing the oil around and around, smearing it on their hot,wet twats, before slipping their cunts together from behind, locking up, and driving into each other until they both collapsed, gasping, moaning with insatiable hunger, their pussies and assholes sealed together in unbreakable bonds of flesh and suction. They sucked on each other’s tits, gnawing at rock-hard nipples and thick titmeat until their luscious titflesh was covered in spit and gentle bitemarks and their succulent areola were on fire; they ate each other’s pussies until their faces and hair were drenched with cum. They finger fucked and fisted each other, driving questing fingers and fists up into tight, hot cunts and tighter, hotter assholes. They kissed, licked and sucked at every inch of flesh on the other’s body, exploring each other’s curves and crevasses..

    Early afternoon passed into early evening. The sweat-soaked, cum-drenched lovers finally took a break. Kris led Larissa to her tug’s small galley. Naked, sitting knee to knee across from each other over the bench-length galley table, the two voluptuous women smiled into each other’s eyes as they shared a hearty meal and replenished their dehydrated bodies. Their beautiful tits hung entrancingly from their chests, hovering pendulously over the table. The women pushed their toes together under the table, enjoying the play of perfect feet on feet. Their nipples hardened as their energy and lust returned. It was only a short matter of time before they were both reaching across the table to fondle the other’s massive tits and play with swelling brown nipples.

    “God, you are such a good fuck,” Kris breathed to her Russian lover, her body growing hotter and more tense with anticipation and desire. She pushed the ball of her foot and her toes into their counterparts on Larisa’s foot; the dark-haired Russian pushed back, rubbing toe to toe..

    “So are you, baby,” Larisa purred, her Russian accent noticeably lighter than it had been three months earlier. “I’ve been dreaming of fucking your brains out every night for the past three months. I’m not letting you go until I’ve done everything to you that I’ve imagined.” She smiled, her expression filled with such incredibly intense, hot lust that Kris felt her knees go weak with desire.

    “You beautiful Commie cunt,” Kris smiled. “I haven’t fucked anyone in three months and I’m going to take all of that energy and pump it into you.” She smiled even wider. “I’m going to ride you so hard, you won’t be able to close your legs for a week.”

    The beautiful women exchanged hot grins. They both reached out to cup the other’s tit and tweak, squeeze the other’s engorged nipple. They pushed their faces together over the table, grabbed each other by the back of the head, and pulled each other in for a hot, deep, probing kiss. Eager tongues scoured the insides of each other’s mouths. Kris thrilled as she exchanged spit and remnants of masticated food with Larisa. This shared exchange of body fluids was a further measure of their intense intimacy, of their desire to join their bodies to each other as completely as they could.

    The women sat up from the bench seats, pushing together from across the table. Their heavy tits came together, thick brown nipples caressing and fusing to each other as they pushed tighter. As their lust built, Larisa and Kris could not control themselves. They came out from either side of the table, bringing their lush bodies together, wrapping arms around each other as their bellies slapped tight, as their powerful legs rubbed and twined around each other. They stumbled around the small galley until Larisa succeeded in overbalancing Kris and throwing her down onto the galley table, Larisa on top. Kris spread her legs eagerly, placing her feet on the bench seats on both sides of the the galley table, opening herself to her Russian lover as Larisa mounted her. Larisa eagerly began humping Kris, slapping her hungry cunt into the blonde’s welcoming twat.

    For long, delicious minutes the two women ground into each other in a hot, hard fuck, Larisa pumping Kris with her ass and hips, Kris’s fingers sunk into Larisa’s rock-hard assmeat, pulling the other woman into her. Their throbbing tits mashed together, almost exploding with pleasure with each delicious thrust. The women’s moans and gasps of intense pleasure grew louder and longer as they fucked furiously.

    Gasping, Kris suddenly pushed Larisa away. She slipped out from under the Russian woman and slid off the table. Panting, her eyes wild with desire and her cunt dripping with juices, Larisa stared at Kris, almost desperate to regain cunt to cunt contact. Before she could leap onto the blonde again, Kris gave her an evil smile and turned and ran below decks, back to her cabin. Larisa followed her eagerly. The naked women threw themselves together on the bed. Their nude forms twined together frantically, their asses exchanged hard thrusts. The sound of thick, meaty cunts slapping together echoed in the close quarters. Their heavy tits rolled and throbbed, titmeat melting to titmeat, breasts so aroused they felt like they would explode with pleasure. Kris finally pinned Larisa to the bed. Mounting her Russian lover, she fucked her slow, hard and powerfully, using her hips and ass to grind her cunt relentlessly into Larisa’s twat, going clit to clit and tit to tit until the women came simultaneously in a screaming symphony of ecstasy and hot cum.

    Gasping, momentarily spent, Kris rolled off of her incredible rival. The women lay side by side, panting furiously, their equally massive tits jiggling with each hot breath. Their bodies were wet with sweat, their pussies were dripping with cum. Thick strands of viscous ejaculate linked their bare, juicy cunts; their lower bodies were wet with sex juices.

    Larisa reached down and cupped Kris’ bare, wet twat; a moment later, she shoved three fingers up into the blonde’s throbbing fuckhole and began to work Kris still-hard clit and sex-slimed labia. Kris moaned, writhing on the bed, then reached down to cup and violate Larisa’s twat with her eager fingers. Side by side, groaning and writhing, naked bodies twisting and undulating beside each other, round tits quivering, the two gorgeous women finger-fucked each other. They pushed their faces towards each other and pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, sharing hot breath as they gasped and screamed and, finally, shrieked and bucked in mutual orgasm.

    Larisa raised her cum-slicked hand to Kris; Kris offered her ejaculate-wet fingers to Larisa. Sighing and moaning in pleasure, the women licked and sucked each other’s fingers, lapping their own cum off the other woman’s digits. After a time, they lowered their hands, squeezing each other’s tits, before cupping the other woman’s pussy once more, and pushed closer. Their heavy tits braced against each other. The women rubbed noses and licked each other’s faces and lips, smiling with tired pleasure. Black hair and golden locks twined together on the pillows. The women stretched against each other, not speaking, but enjoying their unspoken agreement to rest and regain their strength before ravaging each other again.

    Kris could see the digital clock on the wall of the cabin. It was barely 8 o’clock. She thrilled to the knowledge that she and Larisa had almost 13 more hours in which to fuck each other without interruption. She sighed and stretched, enjoying the hot feel of the other woman’s lush body pressed tight against her own. She knew it would not be long before one of them would mount the other and bring all of their luscious flesh into exquisitely intimate contact once again. She enjoyed the sense of building anticipation while she rested beside her lover.

    After a few minutes, Kris could wait no longer. With a smile, she rolled herself onto Larisa’s incredible body. She sighed with delight as her belly flattened to Larisa’s taut midriff, navel kissing navel, as their round, thick tits crushed tight and hard, nipple to nipple. Larisa smiled, her eyes closed, and reached around to rest her hands on Kris’ bubble ass, even as she opened her legs just enough to let Kris’ crotch slide onto her own.

    “What’s the matter, baby?” Kris cooed. “Have I tired you out? Can’t your pussy handle any more?”

    Larisa smiled a feral grin, her eyes half open and glinting with lust. “My pussy is much stronger than your’s, you blonde cunt,” she purred. She thrust up with her hips, slapping her juicy cuntlips to Kris’ wet twat. For a few intense moments, the women ground into each other, clam to clam, smiling at each other viciously as their genitals struggled for supremacy.

    Kris gave her lover an evil grin. She rolled off of Larisa and sat back, spreading her legs. Larisa rose to a sitting position, spreading her legs to match her blonde rival. Their eyes shining with desire, Kris and Larisa reached down and spread their juicy pussylips, freeing their swelling, throbbing clits. Kris could not stop smiling, even as she panted with lust. Her blood was boiling with need, the sexual tension running through her muscles was like a delicious electric current. Larisa was panting too, her beautiful tits jiggling delightfully, her gorgeous green eyes fixed on Kris’ thumb-sized clit. The women’s eyes locked as they closed on each other, both almost insane with desire. Their hot, wet fuckholes slapped together with the sound of thick, juicy slabs of meat. Kris and Larisa moaned with indescribable lust as they leaned back, braced their powerful bodies with their hands, and shoved into each other as hard as they could. Their overheated twats bathed each other with torrential sex juices as their pussylips flattened against each other. Their backs arched, their massive tits jiggled, they threw back their heads and groaned and cried out with each penetrating thrust. Their rock-hard clits ground directly on each other, trapped within the tight, fleshy confines of the vaginal arena created by the women’s locked and sealed cunts. The sheer ecstasy was unbearable but Kris and Larisa fucked and fucked, enjoying it far too much to want to stop. For 20, 30 minutes, they rode each other as hard as they could, their asses and hips moving in erotic rhythm, their bodies dripping with sweat, their majestic tits rocking with every powerful shared thrust, their nipples long and diamond-hard. Every wonderful thrust was accompanied by sharp, harmonized cries of ecstasy from both Amazons. After 40 minutes, the women leaned forward and pulled each other in, crushing tit to tit, nipple to nipple, seizing each other’s asses, locking mouths and tongues, as they felt the incredible orgasms building in their shuddering bodies reach the point of climax. They shrieked into each other’s mouths, stifling their screams of bliss, as their bodies spasmed and jerked and bucked through a series of multiple orgasms that left both women delirious with pleasure as they injected shot after shot of hot ejaculate into each other’s cunts. The mattress under their bucking bodies was soon soaked with sex juices.

    Kris and Larisa fell away from each other, still sucked twat to twat, flat on their backs. They gasped and moaned as their hearts slowed down, as their minds slowly returned to their sex-whipped bodies. After some time, Kris pushed herself up on her elbows and looked at the Russian beauty over her heaving tits. Kris felt the lust growing her again. She wanted this woman with a hunger that felt insatiable.

    The cabin was growing dim as twilight descended on the ocean and darkened the portholes to the outside light. Kris reached out and clicked on the bedside lamp, illuminating the cabin with a dull light. Larisa smiled up at the blonde over her panting chest. She squeezed Kris’ cunt with her own; Kris squeezed back and, for a moment, the women’s locked genitals quivered with muscular tension.

    “I know how we can really settle who has the strongest cunt,” Kris smiled.

    “How is that?” Larisa asked, pushing herself up on her elbows to mirror Kris’ position.

    Kris smiled again. With a grunt, she pulled herself away from Larisa, breaking the fleshy bond between their steaming cunts. Larisa moaned with disappointment. Kris slid over to the side of the bed and pulled out a drawer fixed into the bedframe. She pulled two large dildos out of the drawer, brandishing them like weapons. Both dildos were about 12 inches long, though one was slightly fatter than the other. Larisa’s eyes shone with pleasure as she stared at the massive plastic rods.

    “One for the ass, one for the cunt,” Kris smiled. “At the same time. Let’s see what you can really take, you Commie cunt.”

    Larisa smiled, biting her lip in excited anticipation. She turned around on her hands and knees, presenting her perfect, heart-shaped ass to her rival, her butt shoved high in the air. Kris grinned and leaned forward to lick Larisa’s sopping cunt and her tight, puckered asshole. The Russian woman sighed with pleasure.

    Kris pulled lubricant out of the drawer next to her bed and coated both ends of both dildos. She slowly, carefully, inserted one head of the bigger dildo into Larisa’s hot, tight pussy. Larisa moaned in pleasure as the thick plastic cock spread her twat and knifed deep into the depths of her vagina. A moment later, she groaned with pain and pleasure as the second dildo, almost as thick as the first, spread her tight, hot asshole and sheathed itself in her anus.

    Kris turned around and pushed up to Larisa on her hands and knees, ass to ass. Larisa used her internal muscles to hold the two shafts rigid and straight; Kris reached between her legs and used her hand to direct the head of each dildo to her matching ass and cunt. She made sure that she had a light grip on the heads of the shafts with each of her bodily orifices. Then, smiling in delight, giddy with anticipation, she backed up on the two dildos, slowly, exquisitely, impaling herself on the massive shafts. Larisa moaned and gasped in pleasure as she tightened her twat and her ass around the dildos as much as she could, holding them in place as Kris slid up the massive plastic cocks, burying them deep into her womanhood. The women groaned in shared ecstasy as their pussies and asses devoured the dildos whole. They whimpered as they felt the thick, sensitive lips of their distended cunts press tight and wet, folding and fusing together in a burst of erotic heat. They felt the flesh of their tight, stretched assholes mesh and merge, pressing and sealing tight as a drum.

    “Aaaaahhhhhh,” Larisa moaned.“Oh god, yessssss,”she sighed.

    “Mmmmmmmm,” Kris cried, biting her lip, her eyes closed as she reveled in the delicious feeling of the thick shafts so far up her vagina and her ass, of her most intimate body parts meshing and rubbing with their counterparts on another woman.

    On their hands and knees, their arms fully extended, their beautiful tits hanging and swinging from their chests, Larisa and Kris began to shove back and forth, each trying to clamp her muscles around the two shafts, to take control of one or both of the dildos and use them to fuck the other woman. The winner of this erotic showdown would be the woman whose cunt and asshole would prove stronger, better able to control the massive shafts, better able to use the sextoys to ream the cunt and ass of the other. The women’s round, taut asses rippled and flexed against each other, sending spikes of delicious pleasure through both. They pressed as hard and tight as they could and delighted as they felt the muscles of each other’s buttocks quivering against their own. They angled their pussies, pressing their swollen clits hard together, sending erotic electricity arcing through their perfect bodies.

    The women strained to gain control of the dildos, to keep the other woman from ramming the shaft deep inside of them. The women fought viciously, each one trying to pull the dildo far enough out to then jam it back in, hard, to fuck her foe. The constant squeezing and releasing of the dildo in the women’s cunts fed the sexual fever in both of them. It was like massaging a giant cock and their sexual lubricants flowed like water, mixing with the artificial gel already on the dildo to make it almost impossible to hold. The backs of the women’s muscular thighs pressed tight, their calves overlapped. After some time, Larisa drew her knees and thighs under her body and leaned forward, arching her back and shoving her ass in the air, pushing her tits into her thighs, trying to give herself more control over the shafts. Kris matched the move. The women pressed their bare feet together sole to sole, bracing against each other as their asses and cunts struggled for domination. Their powerful asses wiggled and writhed, ass cheeks crushed hard, locked in constant battle.

    Kris felt the incredible tension that had been building up inside her reach a point of no return. The thrusting, grinding dildos had stirred up her insides into a streaming cauldron of pleasure that needed to release. With a scream, she came hard, ejaculating hot cum down the length of the shaft in her twat. Sexual juices gushed, splattering the bed, soaking the intersection of the battling women’s bodies. An instant later, Larisa screamed and released, bucking in a powerful orgasm of her own. The women clamped their cunts around the shafts and struggled valiantly as their bodies convulsed in pleasure, as hot cum flowed between their locked cunts, mixing together into an erotic brew.

    Over the next two hours, Kris and Larisa exchanged orgasm after orgasm until their asses and crotches and legs were wet with cum. Their insides felt like toffee, softened and slick and hot from the constant sexual friction. Their pussies and assholes ached with the muscular tension of their combat. Their luscious bodies dripped with sweat. Both women fought with their heavy tits crushed into the mattress, their asses high in the air, their pussies pressed flat to each other, their throbbing clits mashed length to length. As the battle raged, they slowly lowered their asses until their bellies and tits were flat on the bed, their legs were spread wide and parallel. The women braced their hands on the opposite cabin walls and shoved and thrust at each other, ass to ass, cunt to cunt, struggling to wear each other out. Their moans and cries of pleasure and effort formed a continual erotic chorus.

    Larisa suddenly pushed herself up, curving her back, lifting her ass, and giving herself a slightly stronger position from which to use gravity to drive down into Kris’ perfect ass and cunt. Kris did not respond quickly enough; she tried to lift her ass to meet Larisa’s position, but the Russian woman had gained an insurmountable advantage. Even as Kris struggled to raise her ass again, Larisa pushed down on it, pushed down on Kris, forcing her further back on the bed and using her slight gravitational advantage to force both dildos deeper into Kris’s twat and ass. The harder Kris resisted the more her pussy and ass trembled with strain. Suddenly, her body was wracked by a incredibly intense orgasm. Even as she shrieked in ecstasy and loosened her grip on the invading shafts, Larisa pulled her ass up, then shoved back, hard. She pounded into Kris’ convulsing cunt, she twisted her hips to drive the other dildo deeper into Kris’ ass.

    “Fuck, you fuck, you cheating fuck,” Kris gasped. She could not stand the pleasure, it was just too intense. As Larisa pounded at her, she could only moan and gasp in enraged impotence as orgasm after orgasm rippled through her incredible body. She sank her fingers into the mattress and held on, her cheek flat on the bed, as she moaned in agony and ecstasy.

    “Whore!” Larisa cried out as she worked her ass and hips, driving back into Kris. “Who has stronger pussy and asshole, bitch?”

    “Fuck you, cunt!” Kris cried. But she knew she had lost this fight. As hard as she tried to grip and restrain the dildos with her deep muscles, the chaining orgasms wracking her body made it too hard to control her sex.

    Suddenly, Kris felt the two dildos pull out of her body. She gasped at the sense of being bereft of the massive shafts filling her holes, filling her body so completely and intimately. Larisa grabbed her and rolled Kris over onto her back. The black-haired Russian woman looked almost insane with lust as she pulled Kris’ legs apart and aimed her dripping twat at Kris’ matching cunt. Kris understood what Larisa wanted; their normally tight, slick cunts and asses were now distended by hours of being stretched by the massive dildos. They were literally open to each other in a way they had never been before.

    Kris pushed herself to a sitting position and spread her thighs as wide as she could, even as she aimed her open, gaping cunt at Larisa’s fuckhole. The women came together with a shared scream. Their ravenous, cavernous cunts sucked and sealed, pink inner labia melting into one, fused tight from the inside out. Their swollen clits wrapped around each other and then were squeezed in a viselike clamp as the two battling beauties contracted and folded their genitals around each other, devouring each other’s succulent pussies.

    Kris and Larisa screamed in concert as they penetrated each other as deeply as they could, as their vaginal mouths closed and locked and sucked at each other, becoming one mass of steaming erotic pleasure. Their engorged, throbbing clits twisted together like eager tongues, filling their bodies with unbearable ecstasy.

    “Oh god, you whore, you whore!!” Larisa shrieked as she clamped herself around Kris’ genitals and thrust and squeezed with all her power. The women leaned back, legs spread wide, pelvises tilted up so that their distended assholes could also mate.

    “Fuck, fuck you cunt!!” Kris cried, seizing Larisa’s sweaty thigh for leverage as she drove herself into the other woman with all her strength, her hips bucking powerfully. Their tits bounced, their bellies rippled with effort, their asses flexed as they fucked each other mercilessly, ecstatically, drawing as much sheer, raw pleasure from each other as they could. Their bodies trembled with pleasure and passion. Orgasm after orgasm roared through the women’s battling bodies, their screams of joy echoing in the dark night of the ocean. Kris’ little tugboat rocked and swayed as the two women fucked and fucked furiously, deliriously, fucking each other raw, fucking each other dry, squeezing every drop of pleasure that they could from each other’s incredible bodies.

    Finally, slicked with sweat and cum, writhing in ecstasy, the two women collapsed flat on their backs on the bed, their twats still locked together more deeply and strongly than ever before. They panted and gasped, their tits heaving, their hearts pounding, sweat streaming off their luscious, unbelievably voluptuous bodies. After a time, Larisa twisted her body away from Kris, separating their swollen cunts in a gush of sex juice. Larisa threw her naked body across Kris’ perfect form. Kris folded her arms around the other woman’s back and twined their legs together. She pulled a discarded bedsheet over them, trapping in their body heat, helping the women to stew together in their shared sweat and sex and heat. Kris turned off the light and the women cocooned together in the dark, surrounded by the heat and scent of hot sex. Cheek to cheek, tits crushed tight, moaning and sobbing with pleasure, the women fell into a deep, exhausted sleep, their wet, lush bodies knotted together in passion. Even so, they woke several times during the night to fuck each other furiously, emptying their cum into each other time and again, sucking on each other’s clits and tits, before falling into slumber again.

    At 9 AM the next morning, Jack returned to Kris’ tug. He found Kris and Larisa sitting in the galley, both wearing Kris’ oversized shirts. The shirts were unbuttoned, revealing the swells of the women’s majestic tits and the lush flesh of their bare bellies, down to their naked twats. Their long, bare legs stretched under the table and Jack could see that they were pressing their bare toes together, stroking each other’s calves with their feet. The women were eating toast and drinking coffee. They were totally focused on each other, staring deep into each other’s eyes as they ate. Jack wasn’t sure if the tension in the air was unresolved sexual desire, a growing sexual rivalry, or both.

    The women looked up as Jack came in and smiled at him. They looked incredible. Their hair was tangled and bedraggled and their bodies almost glowed with sexual power and arousal. Seeing these two gorgeous Amazons together after a night of hard sex, Jack began to think that his plan might just work.

    “So, how was your night, ladies?” Jack asked, grinning from ear to ear.

    Larisa and Kris looked at each other and smiled. “It was just fantastic, Jack,” Kris purred, her eyes never leaving Larisa’s. “We fucked each other’s brains out.”

    “Da,” Larisa concurred. “And we want to do a lot more of it, too.”

    The women leaned towards each other across the table. They touched noses and tongues and began to sink into a deep, erotic kiss. Jack spoke up quickly, before things went too far.

    “Great to hear that, girls,” Jack began. “I have a business proposition for both of you. I think you’ll want to hear this.”

    Reluctantly, the women pulled apart. They sat back on the bench seats, their backs to the wall, their shirts open, displaying the swell of their golden tits and bare bellies, and gave Jack their attention, if only for the moment. He knew he had to speak fast, before their attention slipped back to each other.

    “Here’s the deal: there is a private island about four days sail from here. It’s owned by a Japanese billionaire. Nice guy, but he has some exotic sexual tastes. He likes to watch but not get involved in the sex himself.”

    “You want us to sexfight in front of him?” Kris asked. She was intrigued. “How much will he pay?”

    “Well, close but not quite,” Jack continued. “He does want to watch you two sexfight, but not each other. The thing is this: he has a team of two women who are his prize sexfighters. I told him that I could find them some competition that would really give them a run for their money. I thought of you two.”

    Kris nodded. “So, let me get this straight. You want Larisa and me to be a team of sexfighters who will take on another team of women?” Jack nodded. “And how much do we get if we win?”

    Jack smiled again. “This is the good part. If you win, each of you gets $1 million.”

    “What?” Kris started. Larisa looked shocked. “We get $1 million if we win? What is the consolation prize?”

    “That’s just $100,000 a piece. Not nearly as much as the winner’s purse, but nothing to sneeze at.” Jack continued. “A million dollars may seem like a lot to you and me, but this guy is really rich and he has a very particular fantasy. He wants to see the most beautiful, sexy women he can find sexfight each other as hard and long as they can. He wants an all-out orgy fight. He’s willing to pay whatever it takes to make that fantasy real.”

    Kris’ head reeled. Larisa sat back, a stunned expression on her gorgeous face. The women’s eyes met from across the table. They shared a look, then a smile.

    “We’re in, Jack,” said Kris. “Larisa and I will fuck those other women into the ground.”

    “Good,” Jack said. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Kris, please pack a bag. We’ll head back to my ship as soon as you’re ready.”

    Larisa and Kris got up from the table and went down to Kris’ cabin. A few minutes later, they re-emerged, both wearing tiny string bikinis, Larisa’s white and Kris’ black (Larisa borrowed a bikini top from Kris, her own having blown into the water at some point), and Kris carrying a duffel bag. The bag had some items of clothing, several bikinis, her bathroom kit, and the two massive dildos she and Larisa had used on each other the night before.

    Kris secured her tug, locking what needed to be locked and depositing the key in her bag. The two bikini clad Amazons and the man made their way to the speedboat tied to the tug. Soon, they were shooting across the water, heading towards Jack’s yacht.

    Larisa and Kris sat together in the back of the boat, arms around each other’s shoulders, nearly naked bodies pressed tight. They enjoyed the feel of their tits rippling and jolting against each other as the boat bounced across the waves. The women smiled at each other, then leaned in for a long, slow, tongue-filled kiss. As the heat between their luscious bodies grew to a fever, Kris knew they were thinking the same thing. If they were going to be sexfighting for a million dollars each in four days, they had better get in as much practice as they could.

    To be continued:

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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Wow this is one red hot fucking story!!!! Can't wait for more.


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    Junior Hostboard Member maslabiudo's Avatar
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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    JB57 fantastic story, waiting for its continuation.
    And now you are writing some stories with several sexfights at once, I would like to ask if you could write some based on this:

    "Fighting on the day of meeting was something that Elisha and the other cheerleaders would only do with a rival school?s cheerleading squad. She remembered the sexfight orgies that occurred after important games were played. The cheerleading squads would usually challenge each other after the game, to defend their school and squads honor. After finding a suitable location, entire squads took on one another until only one squad was left standing"
    or that other:

    "The letter was from Jennifer's entire aerobics class challenging Jamie's class to a full-out aerobic fuck fight. Jamie immediately started her class practicing on each other"

    Thank you very much

    Pd I forgive my English, I'm from Spain

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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Finally!!! a dual double dong fight!! PLEASE do more of those!!!! this was probably the most erotic of all your stories!!!!

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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Great JB

    thanks so much for writing your own version of the female tugboat captain story - maybe one of the wifes watching the titfight match became so aroused that she some month later, finally managed to led a small boat to visit our captain on the tugboat for a sexfight of her own.

    Shortly after Whistler erased his original story, I actually suggested that you wrote your own story - I'm glad and grateful that you finally did and that it came out so well - looking forward to read about her further adventures - hm, maybe with another female captain.

    Your greateful fan

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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by maslabiudo View Post
    JB57 fantastic story, waiting for its continuation.
    And now you are writing some stories with several sexfights at once, I would like to ask if you could write some based on this:

    "Fighting on the day of meeting was something that Elisha and the other cheerleaders would only do with a rival school’s cheerleading squad. She remembered the sexfight orgies that occurred after important games were played. The cheerleading squads would usually challenge each other after the game, to defend their school and squads honor. After finding a suitable location, entire squads took on one another until only one squad was left standing"
    or that other:

    "The letter was from Jennifer's entire aerobics class challenging Jamie's class to a full-out aerobic fuck fight. Jamie immediately started her class practicing on each other"

    Thank you very much

    Pd I forgive my English, I'm from Spain

    Thanks very much. To be honest, I far prefer the one on one fights, but I will write at least a few more orgyfights in the future. But they are not my preferences; there are too many people to keep track of, eventually it becomes chaotic, and my writing depends on getting into the heads of the combatants. There are ways around this, of course, but I don't plan to make this too much of a habit - though I admit that many of my recent stories have fallen into this category - but I think these tend to be the ones based on Whistler stories and he was more into this. Again, I don't mind doing these kind of stories but I find writing them more difficult than the one on one.

    The second quote that you gave is from the "Pelvis War" story. I have been planning to write a sequel to "Club Wars", the story based on "Pelvis Wars" for quite a while. My plan was to update the story with a rematch between Amber and Vanessa. Since the original author of "Pelvis Wars" identified himself, however, and indicated that "Club Wars" was a ripoff, I've been uncertain how to proceed on that score and I've put it on the backburner. I may get around to it eventually, but I don't plan to have the women's respective classes fighting, at least not yet.

    Thanks for your kind words.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MR_TJ View Post
    Finally!!! a dual double dong fight!! PLEASE do more of those!!!! this was probably the most erotic of all your stories!!!!
    Credit where credit is due - I was inspired in this scene by "The Sorority" story by Kingofdapirates. "Top Cat Gets the Cream" also has a wonderful dildo scene that figured in here, but that involves only one dildo.

    I'll see if I can make these dildos a part of the upcoming battle. Just a teaser: the women Larisa and Kris are going to fight have appeared in a previous story of mine, also as a team.


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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Sorry JB57 but I need to set things straight. I never stated that "Club Wars" was a ripoff. I simply stated that someone created their own version of "Pelvis Wars". For the record, anybody is welcome to write what they think might be a better version of any one of my stories. Which I'm sure might not be that hard to do. Other writers might not agree, I respect that. This is just my personal opinion. It would be different if I were getting paid.

    With that said, I want to thank JB57 for all his amazing stories. You truly are the story king on this board!

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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Every time I go on line and see there's a new JB57 story, I say Happy Birthday to me.

    I love these out of the blue stories.

    Even if this story started by or from by some other writer JB57 makes it his own by his style.

    I can't wait for the next part to this story, and it's a orgy fight and it's a JB57 cross-over story

    too. O' SHIT - YA.

    These orgy fights aren't your favorite things to write, the time it takes and all, but thanks all the same.

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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57


    I hate to be a pain, but. Will part 2 to this hot story be coming out soon?

    Or just another part to any of your other stories any time soon?

    Again trying not to rush, thanks.

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    Re: Part-Time Work - New Story by JB57

    Dear DW,

    It is unlikely that I will have the time or energy to work on any of my stories before the end of the year. I could surprise myself and get something else out but, at this time, I am simply much too busy in my regular work to put in the time and energy that these stories require. I have found in the recent past that some story idea really inspires me and I put aside everything else I should be doing and turn out a story - my last stories "Wife vs. Mistress" and "Club Wars" both fall into that category (though "Club Wars" was something I had been imagining doing for years). However, the other stories that I have outstanding - New Girl, Bianca Torres and the Minotaur, and Part-Time Work - have all entered the phase where completing them will require some concentrated time and energy that I just don't have right now. To put it another way, I'm not inspired by them right now and finishing will be an act of will or a rediscovery of inspiration, which can take time. I also have "Queen of the Nile" to finish, though the problem there is that I just can't figure out how to end it - I've actually written quite a bit more on that, but the ending has me stumped.

    On top of all this, I am also helping Deensmith with two of his stories and I feel terribly guilty that I have not been able to do more work on them. In fact, my plan is to do some work on Deen's latest story before I do any more work on mine.

    So, I'm afraid that not too much is likely to happen with any of my stories in the immediate future. Sorry about that. All I can say is that all of these tales will be done, hopefully in the new year, but I can't make any other promises than that. I'm sorry for testing your patience but that is the current situation.


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