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Thread: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

  1. #21
    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 14 - Drunk on the Ferry

    The small ferry was empty when the two women boarded. Madeline and Clementine walked to the ferry’s rails. The ships’ deck had water on it. It had been raining the previous night. A strong gust of cold wind was blowing. But the women felt comfortable as they were wearing sweaters. The ferry’s skipper enquired if they wanted to sit in the bar. They said no but asked the skipper if he could send a waiter over as they would like to take drinks while standing near the rails. The waiter arrived and took their orders for gin and soda.

    Clementine: Nice to drink gin at 11:30 in the morning isn’t it?

    Madeline: Yes, Clem.

    They looked intently at each others bruised and scratched faces. Neither woman was ready to discuss the fight. The time would come for that. The ferry began to move.

    Clementine: So you ever been to this Hayling Island, Maddy?

    Madeline: I am afraid no. I’m not much of a traveler, Clem.

    Clementine: Me neither.

    They were quiet as they let yet another similarity sink in. The wind began to pick up. Madeline took Clementine’s hands and they entwined fingers. The women smiled awkwardly at each other. Like a couple of teenagers on their first date. The waiter brought their gins. Perhaps it was the stress of the last few weeks together; the women gulped down their drinks and called for a second round. They looked at the sea. It was beautiful. The waves were beginning to pick up now. The sound of the waves, the wind and the alcohol relaxed them and took their minds off their vicious fight on the previous night.

    Madeline: So do you go out often? I mean with friends when you were in Wolverhampton?

    Clementine: No, Maddy. I am not a social person. I don’t really have too many friends. None actually. My mother does. But I don’t go out with her and her friends. What about you?

    Madeline: No, Clem. I don’t have any friends either. I hardly ever go out. My mother has a large friend circle. But they never invite me.

    Both women gulped. They had so much in common. They were embarrassed at these new revelations about each others loneliness. The waiter brought the next round of drinks. They gulped their drinks down and called for another round. They felt better now.

    Clementine: I am a bit tipsy. How about you, Maddy?

    Madeline: Yes, Clem. I’m feeling good.

    They relaxed. Clementine took Madeline’s hands and the women entwined fingers again. When the waiter arrived to get their glasses, they ordered two more rounds of gin and soda.

    Madeline: Did you pay attention to what Mr. Stone told us when we left his office?

    Clementine: Yes. I think he said we both were going to be working at Bilbury for the rest of our lives. Isn’t that what he said?

    Madeline: Yes. He said that almost like we were getting married to each other.

    They laughed at that. Both women were too drunk to care about anything. They felt good to be in each others company and kept calling for more drinks. By the time the ferry reached the Island, the two women were in some state.
    Last edited by kamafight; June 29th, 2016 at 11:30 PM.

  2. #22
    Junior Hostboard Member plan_b's Avatar
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Hi Kamafight,
    Really pleased you have continued with this story - I like it a lot

  3. #23
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 15 – A Bad Hangover

    When Clementine awoke, the first things she noticed were the sour taste in her mouth and the terrible headache. She tried to open her eyes. There was the sound of waves in the distance. Despite the hangover, she could see that she was in a bed in a very cozy looking room. She turned around to find Madeline beside her on her back. Madeline was breathing softly as she slept.

    Clementine got off the bed. The room was small but their bed was very large. In the daze of her hangover, Clementine saw a couple of table lamps, a cupboard, a small fridge, a couple of cushioned chairs and windows that looked out at the beach. Clementine recalled checking in at the reception. Mr. Stone had called the hotel and booked their room. Clementine wondered why Mr. Stone had booked the one room for the two of them. Not that she minded much.

    Madeline began to stir on the bed. Clementine ogled at Madeline’s body. Of course, the sweater and the tight pants meant that she had to use her imagination. But she was reminded of Madeline’s semi naked body which she had seen the previous night. Madeline looked around and rested her head on her hands as she propped herself up on the bed. Clementine folded her hands and leaned against the wall facing the bed. The two women looked at each other. Their eyes locked.

    Madeline: Well, you let yourself go a little didn’t you, Clem?
    Clementine: I think it would be more appropriate to say that we let ourselves go, Maddy.

    Madeline looked down into the bed. She seemed ashamed about what they’d done.

    Clementine: Now don’t let it get you down. We are on a holiday after all.
    Madeline: Let’s get dressed. What time is it?
    Clementine: It’s almost five in the evening.
    Madeline: My god. We better get dressed.
    Clementine: Yeah, I’m hungry.

    The women showered one after the other. They both changed into loose shorts that showed off their plump legs and rather tight tops that accentuated their enormous breasts. When they went down the oak paneled stairs, the girl at the reception smiled knowingly at them. Both women vaguely remembered talking to her in their alcohol induced stupor. The girl told them that the main restaurant was closed after lunch but the small lounge restaurant near the reception was open. Sandwiches were available. The women ordered bacon and lettuce sandwiches. The receptionist opened a door and went inside. The reception had oak paneling and were lit with warm lamps. But the surrounding walls were made of pebble and sea shell mortar. While the grey and white of the pebbles and seashells gave an impression of illumination, the warm lamps near the reception and the cloudy weather outside engulfed the room with an idyllic darkness. The women sat at a table facing the backyard of the cottage which looked on to the beach and the sea. They looked at the beach and did not say anything. Their heads were still buzzing.

    The receptionist was back in a few minutes with the sandwiches. Her name was Amanda was short and slender. She was also quite chatty.

    Amanda: Hope your hangover isn’t too bad.

    The women whispered terse no’s. They both hoped Amanda would go away.

    Amanda: Oh my. You guys were in some state when you came in. Hope you slept well.

    Madeline and Clementine smiled sheepishly at Amanda, but did not say anything.
    Amanda: So is this like a weekend retreat or something? Your boss Mr. Stone called to book you guys in.
    Madeline: Yes, we are here for the weekend.
    Amanda: That’s cool.
    Amanda: You guys must be real good friends. You had your arms around each other and all. And you were snoggin.

    Madeline and Clementine blushed and avoided each others eyes.

    Amanda: Nothing to worry about. I do that with my friends all the time. Just a girl’s thing I guess.

    Madeline and Amanda stayed silent.

    Amanda: Hey you know what? You guys are going to be here for the weekend. So can we hang out? I mean the three of us.

    Madeline and Clementine looked at each other.

    Clementine: I don’t know. We are still tired. We’ll let you know ok?
    Amanda: Cool. It’s all right if you want to spend time together today. But maybe I could meet you guys for drinks or something tomorrow.
    Madeline: Ok. Sure Amanda. We’ll let you know.
    Amanda: Great you guys carry on. Why don’t you check out the beach? It’s good to go there for another hour before the high tide. You just need to walk out into the backyard and there is a walkway which takes you to the beach.

    Clementine: We intend to do that.

    Amanda left them.

    Madeline and Clementine looked at each other uneasily.
    Clementine: We need to talk.
    Madeline: Yes.
    Clementine: Shall we head to the beach?
    Madeline: Yes.

    They had finished their sandwiches and now they got up. Both their faces were tense.
    Last edited by kamafight; July 1st, 2016 at 09:07 AM.

  4. #24
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 16 – Sex on the Beach

    When they stepped out of the back of the inn, the women were greeted by a strong gust of cold wind. Their hair started to fly in the air and it wasn’t easy moving forward because the wind was pushing them back. Dark grayish clouds hung down in the horizon. It looked like it might rain. But the women held hands and moved towards the beach. They saw the walkway that Amanda had told them about. On the way, the women saw a couple of swings, rides and a shower probably meant for the kids and other tourists. The two sides of the walkway had been filled with pebbles. The inn’s backyard was fairly large. There was a tall yew tree next to the walkway and it was surrounded by pebbles. There didn’t seem to be any other guests at the inn. They could see the beach in the horizon. It seemed to be completely deserted. They had the whole inn and the beach to themselves.

    Madeline and Clementine were clutching each others hands, their fingers tightly entwined. They stole glances at each others bodies and legs as they walked to the beach. Both women knew that they had to discuss the events of the previous night when they had gotten physical with each other. Things between them were about to unravel. Neither of them wanted to talk inside the inn where people might hear them. The setting was perfect - a stormy day on a beach with strong winds blowing and a chance of rain. Neither woman could have chosen a more dramatic setting.

    They passed the wooden gate that marked the ending of the walkway and the beginning of the sands on the beach. They removed their sandals and held them in their hands before stepping on to the sands. They had walked quite a long way towards the sea now. The seashore was scattered with sea shells and pebbles. The sand would have looked bright yellow in the sun, but the dark clouds reduced some of its beauty.

    Madeline: So you want to talk about what happened yesterday night?
    Clementine: Yes. We should.
    Madeline: Well ….
    Clementine: Well …..

    They were once again like warriors circling each other. There may be no violence but both women waited for the other to make a start. The cold wind blew into their hairs and bodies.

    Madeline: I think it was the stress of working together.
    Clementine: Yes. It was just the months of rivalry between us boiling over. Next time we should just arm wrestle.

    The women smiled at each other. They had a chance to check out each others faces. There had bruised each other quite badly. They looked at each other out of eyes surrounded by dark circles. Various shades of red, purple and brown adorned the faces of the two women.

    Madeline: It was probably the frustration and pent up anger of all these years, Clem.
    Clementine: Frustration?
    Madeline: Yes. Our sexual frustration manifested itself into a sort of a sexual rage.
    Clementine: I don’t know where you’re going with this, Maddy.
    Madeline: The violent fight we had was nothing but a sudden discharge of our repressed sexual desires.
    Clementine: You’re saying that we fought because we subconsciously wanted to fuck each other?
    Madeline: Yes. When was the last time you got laid, Clem?
    Clementine: It’s been a while. What about you, Maddy?
    Madeline: Almost a decade. How long since you got laid, Clem?
    Clementine: More than a decade.

    The sexual tension between the women was unbearable. The sky lit with flashes of lightning. The wind began to come down harder on their bodies. In the distance, both women could feel the sea getting rough. Their eyes locked. It was almost as if they were both engulfed in this mysterious ball of electricity. They were like two magnetic forces resisting the unbearable attraction towards each other. And then thunder struck. It was a tremendous sound as if nature was imploring the two females to surrender to their darkest desires, give into their basest instincts. The second round of thunder almost seemed to propel the two females forward as they charged at each other almost at the same time. Their thick and plump bodies met on the deserted beach and they threw their arms around each other in the tightest and hungriest of embraces. Their arms enfolded each other’s backs and they drew each other’s bodies closer together as if they wanted to become one. Their mouths were on each other and they kissed with an almost primeval passion. Tongues appeared and licked at each other in an erotic frenzy. Hands moved inside their shorts and settled on each others buttocks and squeezed the supple flesh with violence.

    Madeline attempted to lift Clementine and their breasts bunched up together. Clementine returned the favor a moment later as she also tried to lift Madeline up. The women fell down on the sand and disentangled from each other for a moment to remove their clothes. Tops and shorts came off in split seconds before the two women launched themselves at each other again. They frolicked and rolled around in the sand as if they were wrestling. Their locked and naked bodies rolled to a stop near the tip of the ocean where the waves declined into thin specks of water. Mouths enclosed each other again as the women kissed each other with an animistic passion. Legs tangled and disentangled due to the hunger with which they wanted to fuck each other. The waves enclosed their naked copulating bodies as if Mother Nature was blessing these two passionate creatures. Madeline and Clementine’s naked milky white bodies seemed to be melting into each other as the rain began to pour down on them. But the two women were oblivious to these pranks of mother nature as they became immersed in satisfying their deepest sexual desires.
    Last edited by kamafight; July 4th, 2016 at 01:08 AM.

  5. #25
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Good job, Kamafight!
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  6. #26
    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Thank you everyone for the encouraging comments and the likes. Next part will be up in a couple of hours time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 17 ? Back Inside the Cottage

    When they finally made it back into the cottage, the women were drenched and dirty. Their clothes were covered with mud. The rain was pouring down outside when Madeline and Clementine entered the cottage and shut the door behind them. The noise of the rain was reduced to a whisper as soon as the door was shut. The inside of the cottage was lit with warm lamps. A pleasant smell of wood and whiskey filled the air. The women shivered as they made their way towards the reception. Amanda was waiting with a couple of fresh white towels.

    Amanda: Some fun and frolic on the beach, ladies?

    The women smiled sheepishly and looked at each other.

    Amanda: It?s all right. A woman needs to cut loose every once in a while.

    They took the towels from Amanda and dried themselves.

    Amanda: If you do not care to go back to your rooms, we have a small changing room downstairs. You can change into robes and sit down at the bar for a drink.

    Madeline: I think we?d like to do that.

    Clementine: Yes. Take us to the changing room please.

    Amanda: Well, then follow me ladies.

    Amanda led them down a corridor that was on the right of the reception. She was wearing a pink sweater top and blue jeans. She walked elegantly. The corridor was sparsely lit with warm lamps. The women could see the beach through the windows in the corridor. It seemed to be windy outside because the waves were huge and they were crashing down further up the shore. A slightly open window allowed them to hear the noise of the wind as they walked down the corridor.
    Amanda stopped at a large oak door on the right and opened it. There was a fairly large bathroom behind the door.

    Amanda: Everything you both need is inside. See you at the bar in some time.

    The women thanked her and Amanda left them. Madeline and Clementine entered the changing room and smiled shyly and longingly at each other. They stripped off their clothes and walked towards the shower, hand in hand. It was a rather small shower and their fleshy bodies barely fit into it. The water was hot and the women clung to each other. They laughed and jostled breasts and pinched each others buttocks and kissed each others necks. They explored each others ample bodies which had now turned red under the hot shower.

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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 18 ? Jealousy at the Bar

    The women came back to the reception area in their bathrobes. Their faces were pink and their hair wet.

    Amanda: My, you guys look fresh. Ready for a drink?
    Madeline: Yes. Absolutely.
    Clementine: Yes. We could really use a drink. Or three.

    The three women laughed. Amanda led them down the corridor to the left of the reception. Madeline could not help but stare at Amanda?s slim and slender figure that was well presented in the perfectly tailored clothes that she was wearing. Clementine seemed to be nonchalant towards Amanda.

    The bar was empty. It had glass windows on all sides and the beach was visible in the distance. The large waves continued were racing further up the shore. Clementine opened a window slightly to look outside. It was windy; she put her head out to let the cold air hit her face, let out a happy cry when it did and closed the window. Amanda had switched on some of the warm overhead lamps. Despite the warm lamps, the bar had a dark but comfortable ambience. The faint sound of the waves, the wind and the rain could be heard inside. The windows were wet with the rain. Red settee?s lined the bar?s corners. Clean glasses were arranged in perfect symmetry on the wooden bar. In the shelves behind the bar stood bottles containing various hues of liquors inside them. Madeline and Clementine looked happily at the bottles and then towards each other. They were going to get drunk.

    Amanda: What will you ladies drink?
    Madeline: Gin and soda for both of us.

    She winked at Clementine who winked back. Amanda smiled at them and turned to prepare the drinks. Clementine walked towards the bar and sat on a stool. Madeline sat on the stool next to hers. Their robes pulled up when they sat down and their bare knees rubbed. They could hear the pleasant clink of the glasses as Amanda prepared the drinks. Madeline and Clementine smiled wantonly at each other. Clementine dropped a sandal onto the floor and rubbed Madeline?s feet with her feet. Amanda placed their drinks on the bar. She looked from Madeline to Clementine and saw how the two women were lost in each other. She frowned at them.

    Amanda: Drink up ladies.

    Madeline and Clementine were surprised at the abruptness of Amanda?s voice. Madeline smiled at Amanda but Clementine looked cautiously at her, slightly annoyed at the intrusion.

    Madeline: What are you drinking?
    Amanda: Just wine.

    Madeline and Clementine took sips from their drinks. Their footie continued while knees rubbed occasionally.

    Madeline: The wine is on us. Right Clementine?

    Clementine continued to look cautiously at Amanda.

    Clementine: I have been meaning to ask. Why aren?t there other tourists here? I mean you?ve got a nice place. Also, do you take care of this place yourself? I didn?t see anyone else around.

    Amanda: Well, it?s off season. Everyone knows that.
    Clementine: Well, I didn?t.

    Amanda and Clementine exchanged a rather cold stare.

    Amanda: Well, it is. And yes, I take care of this place myself. We do have a gardener, Mr.Sparrow. But I doubt you will see him. He starts work early.
    Clementine: It must be tough running this place yourself.
    Amanda: Not really. The cottage has four rooms. We have a limited menu. Only your room is occupied now. I could get help if more than two rooms are occupied. It?s a cold place so not much in the way of dust. Hope that answers your questions.
    Clementine: Hmmm.
    Madeline: Clementine was just asking you know. Do you have a lot of friends down here? Where are you from?

    Amanda turned towards Madeline.

    Amanda: Well, I was born in Hayling Island. No I don?t have a lot of friends around here. They?ve all moved out.
    Clementine: Oh! I thought you would snog with your friends.
    Amanda: I beg your pardon?
    Clementine: Isn?t that what you told us earlier? That you snogged with your friends?

    There was an uncomfortable silence. Amanda looked quite angry and she looked intensely at Clementine as she sipped her wine.

    Amanda: I just said that to make the two of you comfortable. There was no harm intended.

    Even as she questioned Amanda, Clementine tried to continue her footsy with Madeline. But Madeline had pulled her feet away now. She was looking at Amanda.

    Madeline: I like you Amanda. You must show us around the island tomorrow. if it?s all right with you.

    Amanda placed her wine on the bar and leaned towards Madeline. Their faces were inches apart.

    Amanda: I would love to, Madeline. It gets awful lonely around here in the off season.
    Clementine: But you need to be here. You can?t just close this place and come with us, can you?
    Amanda: Well, I can. There are no other guests scheduled to arrive. So I?m free to do as I please.
    Clementine: But what if somebody just drops in?
    Amanda: Well, they don?t. They usually call in advance.

    Once again, Clementine and Amanda were looking intensely at each other. Madeline understood this. She quickly finished her drink.

    Madeline: Pour me another gin and soda, Amanda.

    Madeline smiled pleasantly at Amanda as she extended her glass to Amanda. Amanda smiled back. When she took the glass from Madeline, she placed her fingers on Madeline?s and ran her fingers on top of Madeline?s fingers quite suggestively. Madeline smiled, a bit surprised by the electric touch of Amanda?s fingers. Clementine saw what happened and glared at them. She quickly gulped down her own drink.

    Clementine: Pour me one too, Amanda.

    She pushed her glass towards Amanda with her fingers. A touch rudely. Amanda ignored her and took the glass. She turned around to pour their drinks.
    Clementine and Madeline turned towards each other. Clementine looked quizzically at Madeline. Madeline?s face was expressionless. Clementine extended her feet towards Madeline?s to induce her into another footsy. Madeline obliged reluctantly and the two women began to play footsy again, rubbing their feet together. Despite this, Clementine wondered whether an erotic triangle was forming between the two of them and Amanda. It was not what she wanted. Amanda came back with the drinks.

    Amanda: What time do you want to go tomorrow?
    Madeline: Where are you taking us?

    Their faces were really close to each other. They were flirting. Clementine looked on with jealousy.

    Amanda: Frankly, there isn?t much to do here. But I could take you around the beach. We could swim.

    Clementine: Well, we don?t need you to give us a walking tour. We could do that ourselves.

    Amanda: I think it?s up to Clementine since she invited me.

    Both Amanda and Clementine looked over at Madeline. Madeline placed a hand on Clementine?s exposed knees as if to calm her down.

    Madeline: I think it would be nice for the three of us to walk around the beach. Amanda might know some nice places. We won?t get lost with her around.

    Madeline rubbed Clementine?s knees and then caressed her all the way up to her thighs. Clementine sighed, taken aback at the suddenness of Madeline?s gesture. She seemed to relax a little. Madeline continued to rub Clementine?s upper thighs and then proceeded towards her inner thighs. While Amanda could not completely see (the bar blocked her view) what the two women were up to, she knew they were sharing an erotic moment from the look on ther faces. She looked on jealously. While she pleasured Clementine, Madeline gulped down her second drink. Clementine did the same.

    Madeline: Another round, bar tender.

    Both women were a bit tipsy now. Amanda had also finished her second glass of wine. She took the women?s glasses and turned around to pour more drinks. Now Clementine also had her fingers pleasuring Madeline?s thighs. Amanda brought the drinks and her wine to the bar. Madeline turned her attention towards Amanda. In a moment of alcohol induced sexual daring she slowly took Amanda?s hands in hers. Amanda let her hand be taken and a moment later their fingers entwined. Amanda?s fingers were long and slender while Madeline?s were long and plump. Amanda looked hungrily at Madeline. Clementine glared at them. As if to trump Madeline, Clementine almost forced Amanda?s free hand into hers and entwined fingers with Amanda. Amanda let her hand be taken reluctantly but Clementine was forceful and the two interlocked fingers intensely almost as if they were wrestlers.
    An erotic triangulation had occurred. Madeline and Clementine continued to play with each others feet and thighs. Their fingers were tightly interlocked with Amanda?s. The sexual tension at the bar was tremendous. Madeline and Clementine looked intensely at each other. Their rivalries had resumed over Amanda.

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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    This last chapter is excellent ! Amanda give a strong boost and the bar scene is perfect. Thank you

  9. #29
    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 19 ? Angry Sex

    The sexual tension was broken when Clementine stormed out of the bar. Madeline ran after her. One woman running after the other in their bath robes. The quietness of the English cottage was pierced by the pitter patter of the women?s feet. Madeline saw Clementine?s plump leg disappear up the stairs. Madeline followed her as she heard a door open upstairs. Madeline saw the door to their room shutting. Madeline opened the door and Clementine was standing in front of the bed in her bathrobe. She was seething with anger.

    Madeline: What the fuck is wrong with you Clementine? We were having a perfectly good time there with Amanda.
    Clementine: You think I liked the two of you flirting? I was feeling ignored, you cunt.
    Madeline: You bitch. We could have got drunk with her and brought her upstairs with us. I was thinking about having a threesome with the two of us and her.
    Clementine: I thought this was to be our night together, just you and me.

    The women had moved closer to each other as they talked angrily. Madeline smiled as she felt that she had a slight advantage over Clementine who was feeling insecure.

    Madeline: You were possessive about me?
    Clementine: Yes.

    The two women looked at each other with a searing sexual intensity.

    Madeline: You wanted me for yourself?
    Clementine: Yes, you two faced cunt!
    Madeline: Well, then what are we waiting for cuntface? Fuck Amanda. Let us fuck each other senseless.
    Clementine: You want to play rough, cuntie?
    Madeline: As rough as it can get cuntie!

    Clementine tore the bathrobe off her body. She was stark naked. Madeline tore her own bathrobe off and now the two naked women faced each other. As if on cue, thunder and lightning followed. Their room was lit by the lightning and it illuminated their nude and fleshy bodies. But the two women seemed oblivious to these external forces as they seemed to be immersed in each other.

    Madeline: I haven?t told you this, Clem. But you have some body on you. It is luxurious and I am going to fuck you silly.

    Clementine: You almost gave up this body for that thin cunt downstairs. And now I am to make you pay for it.

    Both women were pining for some angry sex. They could not stand the tension any longer. Without breaking her stare with Madeline, Clementine lowered herself onto the bed, silently inviting Madeline to follow her onto their sexual battleground. Madeline followed her onto the bed, first slowly and then to surprise Clementine, she launched herself on to Clementine. But Clementine was ready for her and caught her in a tight embrace. A moment later the women were locked in a tight embrace as they endeavored to crush each others bodies. But their faces were close together and the women locked their mouths together. Their tongues licked each other. Clementine locked her legs with Madeline?s to bring their bodies closer together and also to get an advantage over her. It felt good when their fleshy legs locked together. The women rolled around the bed both of them endeavoring to be on top. But they continued kissing while they rolled around as neither woman was willing to let go of the others mouths. Their mouths fastened over each other and they kissed torridly. Spittle was exchanged while their tongues flicked angrily at each other.

    Clementine sneaked a hand between their bodies to break the stalemate. Their mouths unlocked. She quickly maneuvered herself up Madeline?s body. Her nether region flicked at Madeline?s engorged nipples. She took Madeline by surprise as she planted her nether region onto Madeline?s face. Madeline was choked as Clementine rubbed her cunt across her face. Madeline tried to twist and turn to dislodge Clementine from off her face. But Clementine caught hold of Madeline?s hair to control Madeline?s head. Once she did this, she rubbed her cunt up and down Madeline?s face. Madeline cried out as she was both repelled and aroused by Clementine?s wet cunt rubbing on her mouth and nose and eyes. Clementine continued to rub her cunt across Madeline?s face. The air that Madeline breathed was filled with the aroma of Clementine?s leaking cut. The next time Clementine lowered her cunt onto her face, Madeline closed her hands around Clementine?s hips to prevent any further moment. Once she had Madeline?s cunt near her mouth she flicked at it with her tongue. It tasted soft and wet and salty. Clementine was disarmed and all she could do was throw her head back and moan. Madeline tightened her grip around Clementine?s hips and continued to tantalize her cunt with her tongue. Clementine moaned and moaned as if she wanted to surrender to Madeline.

    Now that Clementine was weakened, Madeline lifted her legs and wrapped it around Clementine?s armpits. Clementine?s lips caressed Madeline?s fleshy lower limb. She bit down on Madeline?s flesh and kissed her feet but Madeline was not to be undone. She pushed at Madeline?s armpits and managed to shift Clementine off her face. As Clementine fell backwards Madeline was up and she quickly climbed up Clementine?s body and positioned herself on Clementine?s face. Without a hesitation, she lowered her cunt on to Clementine?s face. It was Clementine?s turn to gasp as she tasted Madeline?s salty cunt. Madeline violently rubbed her cunt up and down Clementine?s face.

    Madeline: Do you like it, cuntface?

    Clementine could not talk as she was choking with the aroma emanating from Madeline?s cunt. There was no let up as Madeline angrily rubbed her most intimate body part onto her rivals face. But Clementine soon applied Madeline?s ploy as she began to use her tongue to arouse Madeline. Madeline moaned as she succumbed to the pleasure of Clementine?s tongue. It was only a matter of time before Clementine threw Madeline off her body.

    The women panted as they sat on either end of the bed. Both of them had a chance to violently rub their sex on their rivals face and force their opponent to submit .But both of them had succumbed to the pleasure that came with the pain. It was a stalemate. Their faces were wet with the fluids from each others cunt. Their mouths tasted of each others sex.

    Clementine: To answer your question ? Yes! I liked it cuntface!

    Madeline: I liked it too cuntface!

    Clementine: Have you had enough?

    Madeline: Enough?. Come here you cunt!

    And once again, the women simultaneously launched themselves on each other.

  10. #30
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 20 – More Angry Sex

    The women clutched each other in a tight embrace in the middle of the bed. Their mouths locked together once again and they kissed hungrily. The room was filled with the sound of their mouths sucking angrily at each other. Their hands moved towards each others buttocks and they began slapping at them. They were violent slaps. The women continued to kiss even as they rained slaps on each others butts with both hands. Their breasts smashed and jousted and this aroused their already engorged nipples.

    Madeline kissed Clementine’s neck and bit down on her shoulders. In return, Clementine tried to choke Madeline by wringing her neck and soon they were at each others throats. Grunts escaped both women as they came down hard on each other’s necks. Then Clementine bit down on Madeline’s breasts and Madeline bit back.

    Clementine charged Madeline and they fell off the bed together on to the carpet. Both women let out small cries as their fleshy bodies hit the thin carpet. They tangled together immediately and this time Clementine was on top. She pinned Madeline’s arms to the floor and lowered her breasts on to Madeline’s. The women relaxed as they let their soft and ample breasts play with each other. Nipples rubbed against one another.

    Clementine lined her cunt above Madeline’s cunt and pressed her cunt onto Madeline’s. Their aroused vagina’s rubbed against each other and the women moaned. They let their breasts and cunts play with each other but Clementine had Madeline’s hands tightly pinned to the floor. She was not willing to let go of her advantage. Even as Madeline was tremendously aroused by the meeting of their breasts and cunts, she twisted and turned to make Clementine let go of her hands.

    When she realized that Clementine had an unassailable grip on her hands Madeline used another tactic. She raised her head and started to bite and lick at Madeline’s nipples. As much as she wanted to maintain her advantage over Madeline, Clementine gave in a little. She let Madeline pleasure her breasts with her tongue. The combination of their rubbing cunts and Madeline’s erotic licking of her breasts distracted Clementine but she held on valiantly to Madeline’s hands. Madeline continued to pleasure Clementine’s nipples. Clementine taunted Madeline by raising her breasts just a little so that Madeline’s tongue would be unable to reach Clementine’s nipples. But Madeline raised herself as much as she could and managed to flick her tongue at Clementine’s red and engorged nipples. All Clementine could do was moan. Madeline adopted another ploy when she entangled her legs with Clementine’s. She rubbed her foot over the back of Clementine’s fleshy limbs. Clementine raised her feet and they enjoyed the rubbing of feet and limbs and thighs.

    It was only a matter of time before Madeline dislodged the aroused Clementine off her body. Now it was her turn to be on top. Both women were tremendously aroused now. Madeline proceeded to pin Clementine’s hands onto the carpet floor. Their cunts met again. Madeline lowered herself completely onto Clementine’s body and the women locked lips yet again. Cunts bumped together. Breasts jostled against each other. Tongues flicked at one another.
    The two frustrated women were satisfying their decade long itches as they furiously rubbed their cunts together. Then as if by mutual consent and a peace offering, Madeline unpinned Clementine’s hands and the two women interlocked fingers above their heads. It was a beautiful sight with their fleshy bodies tightly melting into each other as every possible inch of one woman’s flesh aligned with the other woman’s flesh.

    Then they disentangled fingers and threw their arms around each others backs in a tight embrace as their pleasure seemed t reached a crescendo. Loud moans and cries of pleasure filled the room as their cunts exploded. Liquids spurted out of their locked cunts as if lava were spurting out of two angry volcanoes. Their juices mixed. The interlocked bodies relaxed but did not disentangle from each other as the two women continued to savor the rubbing of naked flesh against naked flesh. Their naked and tightly locked bodies were illuminated by the lightning. The thunder failed to awaken the tired women as they descended into a deep erotic slumber in each others arms.

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