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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 21 ? On the Beach

    When Madeline and Clementine walked down to the reception area, their cunts were hurting from their exertions of the previous night. They were also wary of meeting Amanda. They had ditched Amanda the previous night and were wondering how she would take it. This is why they were surprised when they found a nice breakfast spread in the small dining room near the reception. They hadn?t eaten anything except the bacon sandwich the previous day.
    They tucked into the bacon, sausages and eggs. Amanda poured them fresh coffee. She did not seem to be annoyed with them. After breakfast they invited Amanda to show them around Hayling Island. They did not speak about the previous night.

    They walked rather languidly along the beach. It was not raining but the clouds were gathering above them. There was an air of gloom and desolation. A weak wind meant that the waves were rather tepid and the air sultry. All three of them wore jeans and loose tops; the tops were already wet with sweat.

    They seemed to be walking aimlessly. None of them was saying much. The gloomy climate seemed to perfectly reflect their mood.

    Clementine: We?re sorry about what happened yesterday night at the bar. I couldn?t handle you and Madeline getting on like a house on fire.
    Amanda: That?s all right. I can understand. I would have reacted the same way.

    Madeline looked on at them but did not say anything. She wished she had eaten a little less breakfast.

    Clementine: Hey why don?t we sit somewhere? We aren?t going anywhere.

    She saw a hedge near where they were walking. Amanda and Madeline followed her. The women placed themselves on the beach sand, not caring whether their jeans were dirtied. They looked out at the sea. None of them seemed to be keen on saying anything. They just looked out at the sea. Three women just looking out at the sea. Not saying anything. Just sitting there. Sweating. With not much of a wind blowing. The sun not really shining down on them because the clouds were blocking the sun.

    But suddenly the wind turned cool, as if somebody had turned on a cooler on a particularly hot day. The women relaxed. Amanda produced a fairly large bottle of gin from inside her jeans. She took a long swig from it after she opened it and then passed it on to Madeline who took a swig from it and passed it onto Clementine who took a swig from it and passed it back to Amanda. They still did not say anything. The wind was blowing quite strongly now and the waves began to pick up.

    Clementine looked over at Amanda. She looked cute in a check shirt and jeans. She was slender and stylish and adorable.

    They kept taking swigs of the gin. They did not talk at all. All three of them lost in their own worlds. The gin was beginning to take hold of their senses. They began to feel good. They began to feel like they wanted to talk.

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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 22 ? Woman to Woman to Woman

    Clementine: So what?s your story? What?s a young woman like you doing in a secluded place like this?
    Amanda: I don?t know where to start.
    Madeline: Tell us how you ended up working on Hayling Island.

    Amanda was really drunk and she opened up.

    Amanda: Well ?.. it was something that happened with my sister. We were really close. I was obsessed with her and she with me, for a while at least. We were twins. Then she found someone else. A guy. She left with him. I never really recovered from her departure. I?ve never felt like leaving this island. I guess I?m stuck here. I?m thirty now.
    Madeline: When you say you were obsessed with her, do you mean in a sexual way?
    Amanda: Yes, in every way.

    It was hard for Madeline and Clementine to digest this fact. But they were really drunk. The bottle kept getting passed around between them.

    Amanda: What are your stories?
    Madeline: Well, I am in Bilbury. I?ve worked there as a librarian for nearly two decades now. I have to take care of my sick mother. I guess I?m stuck too. But now I have Clem.
    Clementine: My story is similar to Maddy?s. I was stuck in Wolverhampton. I had to move to Bilbury because of my mother?s health. I have been working at the library for nearly two decades now. So yeah, a lot of similarities with Maddy. Anyway, it does seem like me and Maddy are going to be together from now on. I didn?t have any friends before her.

    Amanda looked at them enviously as Madeline and Clementine looked at each other rather wantonly.

    Amanda: I wish I had a soul mate like you guys have each other.
    Madeline: Its Ok Amanda. We like you. Don?t we Clem?
    Clementine: You bet. I think you?re just like us. You?re a lost soul. We could form a trio.

    Amanda brightened up a little. The three women linked hands. They moved closer together and sort of cuddled up as the cold wind blew against their bodies.
    Madeline and Clementine took turns kissing Amanda. Amanda was overwhelmed as the two fleshy women descended on her. She threw her arms around them both and the three women kissed and embraced in the open sun like frenetic teenagers. They couldn?t get enough of each other. Madeline and Clementine, who were both fleshier than Amanda, staged a mock catfight to possess Amanda. The women writhed and frolicked on the beach and exchanged gin breath kisses.

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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 23 ? Swimming Naked

    The drunken women made out on the beach for a while. Then Amanda got up on her feet and stripped naked. She really was a slender, graceful and beautiful woman. Madeline and Clementine looked up at her with awe. Her taut and firm breasts did not jiggle even a little. There wasn?t an inch of fat on her body. Her stomach looked like it was maintained with a strict diet. Her legs looked well exercised, strong and muscular.

    Amanda: Come on both of you. Let?s swim naked.

    With that Amanda turned around and ran towards the sea. She had a tight and toned ass that did not shake much when she ran. This was a woman who exercised a lot. Both Madeline and Clementine could tell as they watched this beautiful woman run towards the sea.

    Within a few seconds, Madeline and Clementine also managed to undress in a drunken stupor. Their fleshy bodies raced towards Amanda?s slender figure which had already hit the sea. Amanda waited in the sea for her newfound lovers. When Madeline and Clementine reached Amanda, the three drunken women held hands and walked into the waves. Cold water slammed against their naked cunts and inner thighs. Water splashed onto their breasts and engorged nipples. Little fish bit on their limbs and feet.

    The waves were huge and they crashed onto their naked bodies and the women yelled. None of them knew what time it was. It was hard to tell by looking at the cloudy sky. Their drinking bout had made them loose track of time. But they didn?t care. They laughed gin breaths into each others faces as they waded deeper and deeper into the sea. They clung to each others hands as the water was cold and so was the wind that blew against their bodies. They longed for the warmth of each others naked bodies. Amanda challenged Madeline and Clementine to a swimming competition and immediately disappeared underwater. Madeline and Clementine followed her. The three women swam and swam. Amanda proceeded rather easily through the waves but Madeline and Clementine found it tougher with their fleshy bodies that had known physical exertion only recently with their violent sexual encounters.

    When she felt like she had swam far into the deep, Amanda stopped for breath and waited for her fleshy friends. Madeline and Clementine reached her after a few seconds and the three women hugged each other with their naked bodies even as they struggled to regain their breaths. They were quite far from the shore now. Their feet barely touched the floor of the sea bed. Salty water was up to their mouths but they laughed excitedly at each other.

    They hugged each other tightly as three pairs of breasts jousted and played in the sea water. Their breasts were covered with salty water. Naked legs played footsie with each other. The air around them smelt of the sea and their gin soaked breaths. The sea water bestowed their naked bodies with a beautiful pallor.

    They exchanged lustful kisses. Salt water tasting tongues flicked against one another. Hands pinched each others butts and sometimes tantalized unprotected cunts. They were happy with the gin and the sea. Then out of nowhere, Amanda produced a smaller bottle of gin and took a swig of it. Madeline and Clementine wondered happily how she had brought it with her into the sea. She said she had carried it in her armpits. They were too drunk to care.

    As they floated in the mildly tumultuous sea, they took swigs of the gin which they passed around. The three of them were really drunk now. This was their second bottle of gin. They yelled and screamed and swore happily at each other as they took more and more swigs from the gin bottle. Their hairs were wet with water and the three women continued to grope at each others naked bodies. After sometime it rained and they drank the gin with the rainwater. Little droplets fell around them in the sea and it was beautiful. They lost track of time.

  4. #34
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Better, better and better!
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  5. #35
    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 24 ? The Monstrous Waves

    The alcohol really got to the three women after they went through the second bottle of gin. The waves seemed to get bigger. They lost their grips on each other as the sea began to get rough. The women were not in their senses as their heads were swimming with the gin. They swam a little towards the shore but the sea was rough and the women found the going tough. They stopped for a bit and held onto each other. Their feet were still touching the sea bed and this seemed to pacify them as they tried to stave off the influence of the gin on their senses.

    Then Madeline saw it. It was a pretty big wave. It was still twenty feet away from them. But it was gaining momentum. And it was turning into a monstrous wave. It really looked like a monster as it came steadily towards them, swirling and gathering in size. When it was ten feet away Clementine and Amanda saw it. They all screamed a little. The gin induced incoherence had rendered them helpless. All the women could do was cling to each other. The wave was a mere five feet away now. It was dark and grey as it came swirling towards them. They could hear it breathing. They could smell death.

    When the wave hit them, the women were torn apart from each other. They went tumbling into the wave and were engulfed in its darkest labyrinths. They were suspended and tossed and turned by the giant. Heads smashed into water whirling at tremendous pressure. Water entered their noses and ears and eyes. They were rendered blind for a few heart stopping moments.

    The wave took Madeline closer to the shore and when she realized it, she swam as if her life depended upon it. Once her naked body was above the water and she saw dark mud all around her, she turned around. Amanda was struggling to make her way towards the shore as waves engulfed her. Madeline ran towards her and pulled her towards the shore. Amanda choked and coughed as she regained her breath.

    Madeline searched eagerly and worriedly for Clementine. But she was nowhere to be seen. A moment later Amanda joined her in the search for Clementine. The two women swam back into the sea and looked around. They split up and swam in different directions to search for their lover. But they met again after neither of them was able to find Clementine. The sky was a terrifying red now. They were scared. It was almost like Mother Nature was playing tricks on them. Madeline was scared to even look up at the sky. There was something about that red ? it looked like blood.

    Then Amanda cried out and pointed to their right. There was a white body floating in the distance. Madeline and Amanda dashed towards it. They reached the floating white body and turned it around, it was Clementine. They carried her back to the shore and pulled her body towards where they had shed their clothes. Clementine had begun to choke and cough quite loudly. As the three women regained their breaths, Clementine sat up. She saw something in the distance.
    It was another monstrous wave and it was coming towards them. Madeline and Amanda looked towards where Clementine was staring and they also saw the wave pounding and swirling towards them. This wave was bigger than the previous one. It was huge, at least twenty feet tall. It had crossed the threshold of the sea shore and it was hurtling towards them, unstoppable.

    Clementine: Lets run!

    That?s all it took to arouse them from their slumber. They did not bother to gather their clothes. The three of them bolted towards the cottage, completely naked. They began climbing the pebble littered hill that was a short cut to the cottage. Their bare feet were caked with mud. They were too scared to look behind them.

    But Madeline did and she saw it. It was a terrible sight as the giant wave hurtled towards them. It was not more than ten feet away now. The wave seemed to be breathing. The women ran like teenagers. They reached the walls of the cottage and they charged into the walkway to the cottage. Amanda looked back to see the monster wave crash into the cottage walls and break into smaller waves.
    They reached the yew tree and they ran across the bed of pebbles. When they reached the cottage Amanda threw open the cottage door and rushed in. Madeline and Clementine followed her into the cottage. Amanda closed the door behind them and bolted it shut. The women moved across to the window to see where the wave had reached. They expected the worst. But when they looked out of the window, there was no wave. In the distance, the sea looked calm.

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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 25 ? In the Warmth of the Cottage

    Amanda prepared hot cups of coffee. The women were in bath robes as they sat around a small table in the kitchen. It was a dainty little kitchen full of small steel jars in clean cupboards and a large fridge.

    Clementine: What just happened? Those waves were enormous.
    Madeline: Was it a tsunami or something? I have never seen anything like it before.
    Amanda: I really don?t know. I have never seen such big waves in Hayling Island. And I have lived here my whole life. Those waves were huge. They just kept coming at us.

    The women were shaken. They felt weak and drowsy from the gin drinking. But a hot shower and the coffee were slowly sprucing them up.

    Clementine: The two of you might laugh at me. But they seemed to be other worldly. Those two waves were not from this earth. There was something about them.
    Madeline: What do you mean?
    Clementine: When I was caught inside the first wave, I felt like it was trying to kill me. It was no normal wave which tossed me around. It wouldn?t let go of me. Did anybody else feel that way?
    Amanda: It was weird. I can tell you that. I think my experience when the wave devoured me for a while was similar to yours. I felt like it wouldn?t let go of me.
    Madeline: The wave was alive. I could almost hear it breathe. I have read about these monstrous waves on Australian beaches, but never in England. Surfers wait for them.
    Clementine: Those waves were trying to kill us.
    Amanda: What do you mean?
    Clementine: I mean the sea frowned down upon our erotic triangle. We assaulted its antiquity by bathing and having sex in its vicinity. So it tried to kill us by unleashing those two waves.
    Madeline: Did anyone notice the sky? It was blood red. I have not seen anything like it before. I couldn?t bear to look at the sky.
    Amanda: I noticed it all right. It was almost as if the whole of Mother Nature was trying to usurp our sexual relationship.
    Clementine: It was strange. The strangest experience that I?ve ever had in my whole life. I will never forget those two waves.
    Madeline: Yes. It is going to haunt us. I know it. I cannot even bear to think about it and its size.
    Amanda: Do you think it is going to come after us again?
    Clementine: Who knows? I think we better stay together tonight. And we?re going to leave this place the first thing in the morning.
    Madeline: Amanda, you are sleeping with us tonight.

    Amanda looked pleased.

    Clementine: Something tells me whatever tried to kill us wont come into this cottage. This cottage feels so warm and safe.
    Madeline: We never asked you this, Amanda. But do you own this cottage?
    Amanda: No no. I am only a caretaker. It belongs to this couple who left Hayling Island a long time ago. I just wire them the rent. Anyone want more coffee?

    They had more cups of coffee.

    Amanda: What do you guys want for dinner?
    Clementine: Something light. We have the night ahead of us, remember?
    Madeline: Yes, no need to go to bed on a full stomach. We need all the energy for tonight.

    The women looked longingly at each other and their nipples hardened. Their cunts turned wet. They forgot about the outside forces that threatened to consume them.

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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 26 ? Dinner

    Amanda prepared a thick beef soup with onions and celery. They tucked into it. It started to rain again. They could hear the sounds of rain and the wind while they drank the soup. They began to feel better after their encounter with the monster waves. Their hangovers were subsiding as they drank more coffee and the hot soup. All three of them looked forward to the night ahead.

    Madeline: Amanda, when we leave tomorrow, would you like to come with us?

    Amanda: I would love to. But I can?t simply leave this cottage and come with you both ?.. as much as I would like to.

    Clementine: We know. You can stay with us. Madeline and I might move out on our own soon. We can share a flat if you like.

    Amanda: I would love to. I hope nothing untoward happens before we leave.

    The women looked at each other uneasily.

    Madeline: You mean the waves?
    Amanda: Yes.
    Madeline: Well, we were drunk. So it could have been our imagination. Maybe it was the alcohol.
    Clementine: You know its not. Those waves were real. They were coming to kill us. You know it as well as I do, Maddy.

    They were silent again.

    Madeline: I guess you?re right, Clem. Remember our first day on the beach? I remember there was thunder and lightning when we were rolling around. Even yesterday when we fought on the bed, our room was constantly illuminated by lightning. There is definitely something fishy going on around this place. Do you know anything Amanda?

    Amanda looked uneasy.

    Amanda: Well, my sister I told you both about.

    Madeline and Clementine looked on eagerly for Amanda to continue.

    Amanda: On the way out of Hayling, the ferry that she and her guy were on ?.. it overturned. And their bodies were never found.
    Clementine: My god, Amanda! What are you implying?
    Madeline: Are you saying that there was some mysterious force that killed them?
    Amanda: I don?t know. It was just very strange. There was no real storm. Nobody really knows how the ferry overturned. It is still a mystery.
    Clementine: This was the last thing we needed. Just when you think you?ve got it all made, life deals you another blow.

    She looked desolate.

    Madeline: Now now, Clem. Nothings going to happen. We are going to wash these dishes and go upstairs and go to bed. All three of us. And tomorrow morning we are taking the ferry back to Bilbury. All three of us. Amanda, you can lock this place up and give the key to the gardener guy. We are not going to let you stay in this haunted and cursed island.

    Amanda: Ok, Maddy. I don?t want to stay here alone. I?ve been alone for too long now.

    Clementine: Well, let?s clear all of this and head upstairs then.

    The women got up from their chairs.

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    Re: The Frustrated Librarians - new F/F sexfight story

    Chapter 27 ? Consummation of the Sexual Triangle

    The women slowly walked up to Madeline and Clementine?s room which they were to share that night. Amanda brought along a bottle of apricot brandy to soothe their nerves. Clementine and Amanda sat on the bed while Madeline was on the chair. The bottle of brandy was passed around and soon the three women were feeling good. Clementine and Amanda began playing with each other?s feet. They rubbed it against each other and they felt warm and relaxed. Madeline looked on with a hint of jealousy. Their relationship was properly triangulated now.

    Amanda stood up and very slowly and suggestively disrobed herself. Her bathrobe fell onto the floor and made a very slight noise. Madeline and Clementine marveled at her well toned body. Amanda climbed on to the middle of the bed on all fours and lowered herself onto it. Now Clementine stood up and took off her robe. She jumped into bed beside Amanda. Their bodies entangled almost instinctively. Amanda pulled Clementine towards herself and buried her head in Clementine?s ample breasts. She lost herself in all that milky white flesh. Their stomachs touched and they interlocked legs so that they could pleasure each others cunts with their thighs. The women giggled and moaned at the rubbing of their flesh against each other. Once again, Madeline looked on with jealousy. Amanda seemed to realize this.

    Amanda: Madeline, what are you waiting for? Turn off the lights and come here and join us.

    Madeline got up from her chair and moved towards the bed and unrobed herself. Amanda and Clementine waited with anticipation for the third participant in their sexual triangle to join them in bed to consummate their relationship. Madeline turned off the lights and now the room was completely dark. But she could see Amanda and Clementine?s entangled bodies very clearly. They extended their arms towards Madeline. Madeline took both their hands and she was pulled into bed with the two of them. Amanda disentangled herself from Clementine and turned towards Madeline and the two women embraced each other and a few seconds later, played with each others legs and thighs. Their bodies were tightly locked together in an intense embrace. They rubbed each others backs with their hands. It was Clementine?s turn to feel slightly left out. But not to be outdone, she moved towards the locked bodies of Amanda and Clementine. She threw her an arm around their locked bodies as if to remind them that she wanted to be included in their sexual congress. Clementine also attempted to interlock her legs with Amanda and Madeline?s tightly locked legs. The ploy worked.

    Amanda and Madeline disentangled slightly and Amanda turned around. Amanda lay down on her back so that both Madeline and Clementine could occupy half of her body. Clementine and Madeline kissed Amanda?s neck and they climbed on her and embraced each other. Amanda also embraced them and the three women were locked in a three-way embrace. Their legs writhed and rubbed together as they intensely rubbed their naked flesh against each other.

    Madeline: Why don?t the three of us get under the duvet? It?s getting cold.

    Clementine and Amanda agreed and the women disentangled so that they could be inside the warmth of the cozy duvet. They giggled and got under the duvet like excited children. They pulled the duvet tightly against their bodies as their naked bodies once again rubbed against each other. The women embraced each other under the duvet and their hands explored each others naked bodies.

    Amanda: This is so much like childhood. It is like regaining childhood.

    Madeline and Clementine smothered her with kisses and the women excitedly locked mouths and sucked on each others tongues. Madeline and Clementine rubbed Amanda?s nether region. She cried out with pleasure. Breasts jostled against each other. Nipples were pinched as the women ascended into a sexual frenzy under the comfort of the duvet.

    They smelled each others armpits and reveled in the luxurious aromas emanated by their bodies. Fingers were inserted into every possible hole. Their legs slipped and slid over each other. Feet rubbed against one another.

    Madeline: I love you.
    Clementine: I love you too.
    Amanda: I love you both.

    The confessions of their intense love for each other took the women into a higher state of sexual frenzy. They locked their bodies together tightly and embraced each other furiously. They couldn?t get enough of each other. Their mouths pleasured one another as they worked each other into a sweat. The fluids from their bodies mingled and the three women melted into one.
    Their intense love making session in the night was followed by another one in the morning as the women simply could not keep their hands off each others luxuriant bodies. They bathed together and wiped the sweat and fluids off each others bodies. Years of sexual rage and frustration melted away as they pleasured each other.
    On the ferry back to Bilbury, the crew and the tourists were amused and could not keep their eyes off the three drunken women who were kissing and embracing each other furiously.


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