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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    I love this story of you Kamafight, as alway

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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 10 ? Eileen and Behira

    Compared to Joan, Eileen was having a rather uneventful bout on the mat with Behira. Behira was a slightly bulky and unfit woman. Eileen was easily getting the better of her. Eileen usually liked to put on a good show at private events like these. A good show involved some sexy erotic wrestling. But Behira did not seem up to it. She got tired in the first ten minutes itself. Eileen threw her around a little bit. They did roll around together but Behira was done around twenty minutes into the bout. She laid sweating and panting on the mat, unable to move. Eileen gave her a hand and lifted her up. They embraced; Eileen rubbed Behira?s sweaty back and gave her flabby butt a pat. Eileen thought Behira looked sexy with her sweating body gleaming in the sunlight. Her body also emanated a rather pleasant odor despite the sweat. She would try to seduce Behira when they showered, Eileen thought to herself.

    The crowd of hillbillies gave them a respectable cheer as they walked off the mat. Ernie stood by the side of the mat with two glasses of whiskey and soda with ice in them. As Eileen and Behira sipped their whiskeys, they watched Joan and Batsheva walk onto the mat. They were holding hands and something about their body language alerted Eileen. Their pink and sweaty faces suggested that they were kissing behind the blue sheets. It was quite normal for female wrestlers to be attracted to each other during these private events. Eileen looked on eagerly even as she thirstily drank the whiskey.

    What transpired on the mat was a highly erotic spectacle. Eileen watched longingly in a whiskey induced haze as Joan and Batsheva violently tore the panties off each others groins. They locked together in a tight embrace and locked their mouths together and as they tried to push each other. The women fell down in a heap onto the mat. They wantonly rolled around and their legs beautifully locked and unlocked ? Joan?s well tone legs brushing against Batsheva?s fleshy ones. They writhed and wrestled aggressively on the mat like a couple of wild animals who were not bound by morals.

    A hush descended over the crowd of hillbillies as they began to realize that the women were having sex on the mat. Beer bottles were left unattended and the men who were gathered around the barbecue meat tables rushed to watch the erotic interlude in mid-morning. But the two jezebels rolled around the mat uncaringly in a naked sweaty mass of flesh and sexual organs. Their sweat seemed to glue their naked bodies together. The sun seemed to slow the two women down; they lay sprawled together in the middle of the mat, arms tightly locked around each other and thighs pleasuring each others cunts as they slowly brought each other to orgasm. Their writhing bodies slowed to a stop. It was not clear whether they had fallen asleep or lost consciousness. Nobody seemed to want to separate them.

    Eileen gulped and looked over at Behira. Behira looked back at her, beckoned towards the trailer and turned around and walked seductively towards the blue sheets, shaking her sweaty butt. Eileen followed her after she gulped down her whiskey ogling at the ample flesh on Behira?s back. Ernie smiled as he watched one scantily clad woman follow the other towards the trailer. He knew what was about to transpire between them. His suspicions were confirmed when he heard wild cries from the trailer?s shower.

    They were smashing each others hymens to smithereens; Ernie thought to himself and let out a little laugh. He decided to have one more whiskey.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I just can't get interested in a F/F story that has a prominent male character. Your mileage may vary.
    Lol Ok, Morton. I was thinking about making the manager a tough 50 year old bull dyke. But then, Ernie Munger was an interesting alcoholic character I had in my mind.

    I like the buildup. The better the buildup and relationships, the better the fights
    Cheers, cc25.

    Endless possibilities as to where and how this is heading.

    I love the suspense you are creating Kamafight.

    Four thick , mature women sizing each other up is my kind of confrontation.
    Thank you, Toni.

    I read your story - on the road - till now. I like very much that there is a plot which prepares the reader for the hot scenes to follow. It is also very well written but i knew that since the old good times we were together in the same board.

    I look forward to read more, much more soon, asap as you can.

    Be well !! Have fun !!
    Thank you, Giannis man.

    I love this story of you Kamafight, as alway
    Cheers, badmax.

  3. #13
    Senior Hostboard Member Angel Dawn's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    I love this story... love the character development ... love the heat! Very exciting! Thank you! .... I want more....

  4. #14
    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 11 ? Back on the Road

    When Joan woke up, she had a terrible headache. It was dark and they were back on the road. She was in the backseat. She didn?t say anything for a few moments. Ernie was playing a Willie Nelson cassette in the car. She tried to relax in the back seat. Get a little comfortable as her eyes adjusted. The headache overshadowed everything else at the moment. She tried to talk.

    Joan: Hey you guys.

    They didn?t hear her. Ernie and Eileen. They didn?t hear her.

    Joan: Hey you guys.

    Eileen stirred and turned around.

    Eileen: Joanie. Baby, you ok?
    Joan: I?m Ok.
    Ernie: We were worried about ya ?..
    Joan: What the fuck happened? Why are we back on the road?
    Eileen: Babe, you passed out on the fuckin mat ?..
    Joan: What?

    Eileen giggled a little.

    Eileen: That was some show you put on there. You shut em up. You shut those fuckin hillibillies up, babe.
    Ernie: That was one of the best shows, I?ve ever seen, lady. Do you know we got paid a little bonus? Those hillbillies gave us more fuckin cash.
    Eileen: Now how cool is that! All thanks to you, babe.
    Joan: Bonus? Babe? Why the fuck are you calling me babe? I have a terrible headache.

    Ernie fished in the dashboard; Joan was too hung-over to see what he was doing. But he came up with a bottle of whiskey from somewhere. Eileen took it from him and passed it to her.

    Ernie: Drink some of it. Take a hita of that whiskey, my little lady. You deserve it. We got a fuckin bonus, all thanks to you and that Batsheva lady. We got a thousand bucks extra.

    Joan opened the bottle and took a swig of the whiskey. And then another one. And one more. She felt a little better as she felt that burn in the chest. She raised the bottle and looked at it. Jack Daniels. Nothing like Jack Daniels after a hard days work.

    Eileen: May I have a swig, babe?
    Joan: Sure. Be my guest.

    Joan took one more swig and handed the bottle to Eileen who took it gladly. Joan felt better now. Eileen took a couple of swigs and handed the bottle to Ernie who took a few swigs. Then they passed it back to Joan and she took three more swigs. Nothing like a few swigs of whiskey to take care of a hangover. Then Joan handed the bottle back to Eileen who took a swig and handed it to Ernie who took a couple of swigs.

    Ernie had turned down the Willie Nelson song and now Joan felt better. She opened the window and there was a nice wind blowing. She realized that she was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. She couldn?t figure out if they were her own clothes.

    Joan: Hey can one of you fill me in?
    Eileen: Fill you in, babe?
    Joan: Yes. I mean, what happened? I don?t remember anything. What happened to those Jewish wrestlers?
    Eileen: Babe, you and that Batsheva chick passed out on the mat. They had to carry you guys out and put you under the shower. You woke up and were sober enough to put your clothes on.
    Joan: Shit!

    Eileen giggled again.

    Ernie: Its allright. No harm done. These things happen. Those hillbillies were pleased as fuck! They paid extra. We?re going to have us a party tonight.
    Eileen: Yeee ?.. haaaw! But I don?t know if Joanie is in a mood for a party now.

    Joan was drunk again. She was feeling good as the wind beat down on her and the whiskey did its job.

    Joan: I?m ready for the party allright. Where are we going?
    Ernie: I say we git some food and eat out on the road and get drunk and sleep in the car tonight. I?m too drunk to drive us to town. I don?t know of any motel close by.
    Joan: Sounds like a great idea. I?m hungry as hell. Did I eat anything the whole day?
    Eileen: Nothin, babe. You din eat nothin the whole day. You passed out after you woke up to put your clothes on. There was some nice barbecued chicken at that place.
    Ernie: Joan, I?m gointa buy you ladies a nice dinner. Hamburgers, steaks, hot dogs ?.. whatever you two want. Its on me. Eat up. You guys put on a great show today. I?m proud of my girls.
    Eileen: Yeee ?.. hawwwwww!
    Joan: I?m so damn hungry. I could eat a whole fucking cow!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 12 ? Dinner

    Dinner was wonderful. They stopped at a roadside caf? and bought hamburgers and cheeseburgers and sandwiches and French fries and more French fries and more hamburgers and cheeseburgers and some beer and in fact, lots of beer. They stopped in some deserted place. They were too drunk to remember where it was or what the time was. They opened their car doors and stepped out and they all stretched out. It was some highway that would lead to some American small-town. They didn?t know where they were but it was romantic and windy and there wasn?t another human soul anywhere, just the three of them. There weren?t any stars in the sky and none of they gave a fuck! Who cares about the sky? It was really dark and Ernie turned on the headlights at medium brightness so that they could all see. It was so nice to be drunk and free.

    It had been a hard day?s work. They placed all the food on the Mustang?s bonnet and ate like hungry wolves. They ate all the burgers and tasted the mustard and the mayonnaise and the lettuce, then they tucked into the sandwiches ? some had bacon in them, some had roast beef in them. Who cared? They were as hungry as a bunch of fucking wolves. They gulped it all down in between taking swigs of whiskey. Then they opened the beer cans and Ernie produced another bottle of whiskey neither Joan or Eileen knew from where. They were too drunk to care. They poured the whiskey into the beer cans and took swigs from the cans and they felt so good. So damn good. So damn fucking good. They smiled at each other.

    They finished all the food they had bought. They had eaten to their hearts content. They opened three more cans of beer and took swigs from them. They felt good and lazy as they burped wonderful ? beef, bacon, burger, sandwich, French fry, whiskeybeer burps. The burps were wonderful and they felt light and easy.

    Eileen: If there is a god ?.. would he curse us now? We have sinned today. Lust and sex and alcoholism and gluttony. I don?t think I have ever sinned as much as I have sinned today.

    Joan laughed out loud. Eileen returned the laughter. It was just a random question.

    Ernie: Ladies, the good lord up there wants us to have fun. He wants us to eat well and drink well and fuck well and have us some fun. Nothin wrong in it. Its no use being uptight.

    Joan let out a burp as if in acknowledgement. Eileen and Ernie laughed.

    Joan: Isn?t it fun to be out here on the road?
    Eileen: Yes it is, babe.
    Ernie: Fun. That is the only thing that counts. We?re gonnie have us some fun. How you ladies feelin?
    Joan: I feel great.
    Eileen: I feel like another beer. Laced with some whiskey, if there is any left.

    There was a lot of beer and whiskey left. They opened three more cans of beer and laced them with whiskey. The air smelt great. There was no moon but the wind was strong and they felt free and easy. They felt pretty darn good.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 13: Inside the Car

    Then it got really cold outside and so they got back into the car. Eileen and Ernie in front. Joan in the back. Ernie produced some blankets from the dickey and they all felt pretty warm under the blankets. Joan was glad to have all the space in the back. She lay down in the backseat, Ernie and Joan extended their seats backwards so that they could reach some semblance of being on a bed. Ernie had also brought a bottle of brandy from the dickey and they passed it around.
    Eileen: Joanie. How did you get into wrestling?

    Joan: What do you mean?
    Eileen: What do I mean? Babe, you sound like a suburban chick to me, like you went to school and college. What happened? How did you end up with the likes of me?

    Joan hesitated. Ernie waited. Eileen waited. All of them waited for the question to sink in.

    Joan: Well ?? It?s not really complicated. I was doing this literature course in college. English literature. I was doing quite well.

    Eileen passed the brandy to her and Joan took a large swig. Ernie and Eileen waited for Joan to continue. Waited under their blankets.

    Joan: I was doing quite well. English literature and all. I was reading all those books ? Austen and then Joyce and Elliot and all those fuckers.

    Joan took another swig of the brandy. Ernie and Eileen waited. Under their blankets.

    Joan: But then one day it dawned on me. It dawned on me ?.. that I would always have to kiss ass. Kiss ass and kiss ass and kiss ass. Kissing ass and sucking cock. I would have to do that for the rest of my life while I tried to secure a job as faculty in some department in some university. When all I wanted was to get drunk and get laid. That?s all I ever wanted to do, Ernie and Eileen. Are you guys listening to me? I just wanted to get drunk and get laid. I just took the first opportunity to act in a porn film. And then it lead to wrestling. That?s how I got here. Do you guys understand? I?m just a normal girl who wants to get fucked and get drunk. I?m a normal fucking human being. Is that clear?

    Eileen: I dig this. I dig this, Joanie.
    Ernie: Little lady, drink some more brandy. You need it.

    Joan drank some more brandy from the bottle and she felt better.

    Joan: Well, what?s your fucking story Eileen? Eileen Brennan! That?s such an old school fucking Irish name. You could have been a heroine in some John Wayne film.

    They all laughed.

    Eileen: Wellawasborn in Texas. My Mommy and Daddy went to jail when they tried to rob a bank.

    Joan passed the brandy bottle to Eileen. She felt like she needed it. Eileen took a swig of the brandy.

    Eileen: They were always in jail, mah mommy and daddy. I never saw them much. I lived with my grandparents. Granpa owned this wrasslin video company called The Arena. That?s what they called it. They made these sexfightin and titfightin videos. I ended up actin in some of them. I acted in many of them. The company din do too well. The internet fucked em up. They had to shut down. I worked in their productions for many years. For the best part of my youth. I din even go to college. It never occurred to me. I loved that people wanted to see me naked. I loved the constant wrasslin with other women. Woman versus woman. That?s what I live for. I am a force of nature. I couldn?t work in no tavern or caf?, day in and day out. No fuckin way. I din wanna fry no hamburgers. I din wanna go to no school. I liked wrasslin. I liked the energy of it.

    Eileen took some more swigs of the brandy. Nobody said anything. They just seemed to be digesting their stories.

    Joan: Your turn, Ernie.
    Ernie: Well, I?m more experienced that yu ladies. I?ve been out on the road for so long. I?ve been out on it since the 80s. Been years now. Decades. I like it. Aint no fuckin computer jobs for me. No sireee. Nona that shit. Some men just kill themselves and their lives with the choices they make. Not me. Not Ernie Munger. I wanted to be on the road, husslin and fightin. That?s what life is all about. Not starin at no computer.
    Eileen: That?s all good. But how did you get into wrestling Ernie?
    Ernie: An admiration of the female form. I am an appreciator of the female form. I just love the naked female baady! Theres nothing like it in the world. I liked watching girls, touching girls and filming them. I realized this early in life. I have never turned back. I found my calling early in life. It?s been a rough ride, but it?s Ok. I?m glad to be with you wonderful ladies. Yes sir! I like to be out on the road!

    The mustang filled with their yawns and burps. The three of them were really cozy under their respective blankets. They felt good. They felt nice. They went to sleep. The blankets tucked around them, cozily.

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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 14: On the Beach

    It was afternoon. Evening actually. Somewhere between afternoon and evening. Ernie felt good, just sitting there on the sand and drinking the beer. Drinking the beer and watching the waves. Watching the waves and looking around the beach. Looking around the beach and ogling at Joan and Eileen. They were jogging. They had been jogging for a while now. They had to jog off all the burgers and the fries and the alcohol. They were wrestlers after all. What else could they do? They had to. They were nearly forty.

    Ernie kept drinking beer. Joan and Eileen continued to jog. They had to stay fit. There was nothing else to do. He would have to set up the shows. They would have to stay fit and perform.
    When he looked at them in the distance, they seemed to be equal. All Ernie could see were the wonderful well worked out bodies with its legs and stomachs. He couldn?t distinguish between the two of them. He wondered naughtily whether they were attracted to each other. Both of them were into women. He had discovered this the previous day. It was only a matter of time, he thought to himself. Maybe they would let him watch. They both liked him after all.
    Ernie felt happy with all the money he had made. There was a good feeling inside of him. Something about these two girls told him that they were winners, they the three of them were going to work really well as a team. It always helped if the wrestlers could put on an erotic show with lesbian undertones.

    Rain fell on him. Just little droplets. It had become cloudy. The waves weren?t too big at this hour. Ernie enjoyed the wind on the beach and just sitting there and sipping the beer. Joan and Eileen continued to jog. Up and down. Up and down. They wore these little thongs and really tight tops. They looked great. Ernie took another swig of beer.

    He liked being on beaches. He had been on more beaches than most men. Most men never realized how much fun they could have just being on the beach. It didn?t cost a dime. That?s all a man needed. A beach and a few beers so that he wouldn?t get bored staring out at the waves. Two scantily clad Jezebels jogging around was a bonus. Now Joan and Eileen jogged towards him.

    Eileen: How you doin Ern, old boy?

    Their bodies were covered with sweat. They looked like they had been making out.

    Ernie: Fine. Why don?t you ladies have a beer or two?

    He handed them a couple of cans which they opened promptly. They sat there for a while, not talking much and just sipping their beers.

    Eileen: So Ern, where we headed next?
    Ernie: You girls got a gig in Elgin, Texas. That?s catfish farmin country.
    Joan: What kind of a gig is it?
    Ernie: Well, this catfish farmer up there wants to shoot a private video with his wife. You girls are gonna be fightin her. She is a wrestler of some kind.
    Joan: That?s the pits.
    Ernie: The money is good, Joan. I know it?s not a big video producer. But this guy is filthy rich. I have met him at a few events. Threw money around like crazy. Even travels to Europe with his wife for some of the Dww events. The wife is a nice piece of ass. You girls will like her.

    Eileen giggled. Joan didn?t say anything.

    Eileen: What we doin tonight?
    Ernie: I got a bottle of whiskey in the car.
    Joan: Now that?s sounds great.
    Eileen: Ern, you car is like a travellin bar. How much alcohol you got stored in the boot?
    Ernie: Enough for three of us.
    Joan: I?ve never seen you buyin any alcohol.
    Ernie: I steal em.
    Joan: What?
    Eileen: Really?
    Ernie grinned.
    Joan: You serious?
    Ernie: It?s easy to rob small town liquor shops. I?ll show you gals how.
    Joan: How do you do it?
    Ernie: Well, they don?t have em iron meshes like they do in the city stores. You can walk in and slip a few bottles into your jacket as you walk through the aisles. They also have store rooms in the back of the shop which are never guarded. I have often picked their locks and stolen whole cases of whiskeys.
    Eileen: You?re tha man.
    Joan: Very impressive.

    They sat there sipping their beers, as the sun set in the distance. They felt good that they were going to get drunk that night. They had a lot to look forward to.

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    On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

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    Talking Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    like the story so much ,thank you

  7. #17
    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Quote Originally Posted by chuangchuanglin View Post
    like the story so much ,thank you
    sorry. somehow i couldnt finish this story. maybe i need to finish all my stories real early. before i lost interest in them.

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