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    Dear Hostboard members-

    I'm gonna be busy for a while-possibly a road trip. So here's a solo chapter I thought I should post.


    A. Penman

    PART 8

    A little over two weeks had passed and things were starting to feel normal again. Well, except for that black-hole-sized void that was left in my dorm room by Ingrid’s absence. Then, on a rather uneventful Thursday evening as I sat in front of the TV, finishing a bowl of microwaved Rice-a-Roni, there was a polite knock on the door. I chose to answer it. This turned out to be an excellent idea.

    She stood about five-six or seven. Her hair was short, wispy and medium blonde. I looked her up and down. Sandals adorned her petite feet. From the ground up, she looked to be almost all legs. That is, until you got to the tight, shapely ass that was packed damn near illegally into an old pair of cut off jeans. Her exposed stomach was smooth, silky and taut. Then there was her “outie.” As soon as I saw it, I knew that I wanted to find a way to get it into my “innie.” The way too short cut off t-shirt exposed the bottom of her full, round braless breasts. Her nipples were standing at full attention through the thin fabric. They seemed to be pointing directly at me in a brazen, taunting attitude. This blue-eyed gal looked tasty enough to eat and I had developed a powerful appetite.

    “Hi. Can I help you, honey?”
    “They said that I could find Brandi here. Are you Brandi?”
    “In the flesh. What’s your name and what do you want?”
    “I’m Shelly, and I want to fuck. Would you be interested?”
    I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside, slamming the door behind me.
    “Can I take that as a yes?” she joked.
    “How fast can you get naked?”
    “Just watch me!”

    She was naked in about 3 to 4 seconds. Way before me. Pretty decent time, I thought. And what a body she had! She was toned and athletic with muscle definition, but still very feminine. If I was going to have a problem with her, it would have been her firm tits, which were the same size as mine. I made sure to watch her reaction when I removed my bra. Her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped slightly…works every time

    “What’s taking you so long?” Shelly chided.
    “Huh. You must be in a hurry to get your ass whupped, Shelly.” I said, as I tossed my panties in her direction. She snatched them out of the air, then brought them to her nose and took a substantial sniff. I had to laugh as I’d never seen anyone do that before.

    “Don’t laugh. I’ll be taking these with me as a token of my victory here tonight.”
    “Oh, really?”
    She moved to me and squared her hard nipples with mine. Sensations I had not felt in weeks returned with a vengeance to the tips of my nips. It was almost as though I had forgotten how good a woman’s body could make me feel, and now I was being reminded with the simple touch of four small but peaked nubs of flesh. Even through our nipple connection I could feel the subtle changes in Shelly’s breathing pattern. She was about to speak. I was willing to listen.

    “The word is that you’re the hot new sex fighter on campus…word is, you’re very good. But you know what, Brandi? You can’t always believe what you hear.”
    “Well, Shelly,” I said as the connection between our tits deepened. “There’s your first mistake. Whatever you hear about me, you should always believe.”
    “Oh really?”

    She forced her tits fully into mine. She knew that they were her best assets. She was right about that. They were going to be a tuff tussle for my tits. But when my two ladies stood firm against hers, she was duly impressed and more than a little turned on.

    “Wow, Brandi! My girls are so happy to meet your girls!”
    “Likewise.” It was time for me to work on the psychological advantage.
    “Look, Shelly. I can tell that you’re a really nice woman, a very likable person.”
    “What’s your point?”
    “My point is that you don’t really understand what you’re getting into here…”
    “Oh, please explain everything to me, Brandi.” she said with an edge in her voice and a firm push of her delightful tits into mine.
    “I’m being serious here, Shelly. Don’t interrupt me.” she nodded in agreement.
    “You’re standing here breast to breast with a woman who is just recovering from a big emotional set-back, not to mention a woman who hasn’t had any form of sexual release for almost three weeks.”
    “I know your story. Word gets around. What’s your point?”
    “Look sweetie. I can already tell that I like you. My point is this. If we do this, I’m coming at you full bore, non-stop, no mercy and with a real vengeance. You might want to consider that for a few seconds before we continue. Because once you’re in, you’re going to get everything I have in spades.”
    “People said you were arrogant, Brandi.”
    “I wasn’t trying to be arrogant. I’m trying to tell you that you just might have a tiger by the tail.”
    “Look, this isn’t the first time I’ve done this. I can handle myself pretty well, woman to woman. Besides, like you said, I’m standing here tit to tit with you and your girls feel so good against mine. And I can tell already that you’re gonna be as hot as the others said you are. Perhaps what you should know about me is there’s nothing I like better than a sweaty naked body tussle with another hot gal. So, win loose or draw, why on earth would I change my mind?”
    “Well then I’m glad you’re not intimidated, Shelly. Brandi’s gonna give you exactly what you came here lookin’ for. So, to answer your initial question, yes I do want to fuck.”

    I smiled as I circled my arms around her waist and then squeezed. I wanted to feel our bellies press together. I wanted to see if our buttons aligned. They did! I think she knew what I was trying to do because she pushed her tummy back firmly into mine.

    “I’ve tried many times to slip my outie into another woman’s button hole, Brandi. I’ve never succeeded.” Shelly said, obviously frustrated over this.
    “Never say never, honey. Why don’t we go stretch out in bed and see if we can figure out this seemingly impossible task?”
    “Lead the way.” Shelly said excitedly. It was as if I had instilled new hope into her.

    We beat a hasty path to my bed where we came down with alacrity and explosive desire. We lined our hungry bodies up into full contact as we both reveled in the sensation of being with a new female form. After some initial period of adjustment, we achieved mutually satisfying contact between our aroused girl parts.

    “Oooooooo myyyyy goddddd!” I exclaimed as, for the first time in weeks, my body melded with the body of another woman.

    I’d been denying myself this for far too long! Now I began to feel some misgivings about not having gotten hot and sweaty with Angel. What an intense sex brawl that would have been! But that was water under the bridge. This sexy hottie was starting to get to me very quickly! As young and fine and firm as she was, she had a great deal of potential. She was sensual and lithe. My body was responding intensely to her body. Her kiss was sweet and tasty. Her lips weren’t quite as full as some of the other women I’d kissed. But they were soft and she knew how to maximize what she had. She could seal a kiss fully and tightly, just the way I liked it. Shelly’s gentle tongue was like satin. I snaked our tongues because I wanted them to wrestle in full contact. She got the idea. This girl was good…damn good! Things between us got increasingly heated. Oh how I loved, loved loved it!!! It felt like I was being resuscitated, being given new life! I could feel the excitement of blood coursing through me - blood that had been stagnant for almost three weeks.

    Before we made the ultimate connection, I got frisky. I wanted to body wrestle with this hot slut. Nothing like a good, spirited body wrestle between two busty, naked gals. Shelly was quite happy to oblige.

    “You devious bitch!” she cried out as I rolled her, keeping our tummies tightly pressed and our navels aligned. Her combative body was restless and writhing beneath me. I knew that I wasn’t going to be on top for long. She was quite strong and very athletic. Her fuckable body seemed to have power and flexibility everywhere. Sweat began to ooze from our pores, causing slickness between our pressed flesh. As I expected, in a matter of seconds I was on my back again, marveling at her agility. Shelly wanted to be on top and I was just fine with that. Her dense tit meat mashed and mushroomed with mine. Now she positioned herself, getting ready to pound her cunt into mine. I opened my legs to give her a warm and wet welcome. And then it hit me like a bolt of lightning!!! I rolled her over.

    “Ohhh….damnit Brandi!!! What the fuck?”
    “I want that protruding belly button of yours!!! I want to feel it sink into my belly.”
    “Brandi, I told you I’ve tried several times with several different women. Anatomically, it just can’t be done!”
    “Ahhh…sweet Shelly…those were ordinary women. Today you are in bed with the amazing Brandi.”
    “So, what amazing thing has the ‘amazing Brandi’ come up with?”

    I reached into the nightstand drawer for some lubricant. She just shook her head.

    “Been there - tried that - doesn’t work.” she shrugged her shoulders and spoke in hyphenation.
    “Ah, but there’s one other thing I’m sure no other woman took into account…until now.”
    “And that is…what?”
    “Well my dear, aside from your great tits and sexy body, for the last twenty minutes or so, I’ve been marveling at how agile and flexible you are.”
    I drizzled some lubricant directly onto her button, making sure that it penetrated deeply. I capped the tube and tossed it back into the drawer.
    “OK. So, now what?”

    I then took a large pillow, doubled it up and then stretched out on my back, making sure the pillow was properly placed under the small of my back, just above the curve of my beautiful ass. This had the desired effect of pushing my belly up and out - emphasis on out. Shelly assessed the situation and then squealed in delight.

    “Holy fuck, Brandi!!! This might actually work!!!” she was ecstatic.
    “Come down here girl, belly button to belly button. Take me out for a test drive and see if this is gonna work.”

    I didn’t have to ask her twice. My tummy was out and my navel was stretched open, vulnerable and inviting. Having tried this so many times before, Shelly knew exactly how to come down on me. We lined up perfectly. I could feel her navel directly on top of mine. Still…

    “Oh goddammit!!! It’s not quite there. I’m still coming up short!” she said, now exasperated and not quite seeing the obvious. I gave her a strong hint.
    “Come on girl. THINK!!! Take a deep breath and think what you need to do.”

    Then it dawned on her! She took a deep diaphragm breath. At the top of her inhalation cycle her belly button pushed out far enough - further than it ever had before. We both screeched and squealed with delight as her outie sunk into my innie. It was a magical penetration!

    “Oh goddamnit Brandi! You’ve accomplished what no other woman has been able to do. I haven’t felt anything this amazing since… since…”
    “Since the day the doctor that delivered you cut your umbilical cord?”
    She laughed out loud.

    “You know what, Brandi? This could be the beginning of a beautiful fucking friendship.”
    “With the emphasis on fucking.” I teased back.

    I raised my right leg up, giving her full access to my gaping sex starved cunt.
    “Now do what you gotta do, Shelly.”

    I was counting on her flexibility and she delivered in grand fashion. Shelly twisted her body into an advantageous angle and sunk her clit into my pussy while our cunt lips mashed and mated. Eventually our clits slid into full contact. They began to jab and stroke and battle it out deep inside our fused cunt meat. And with each wet stroke, I moaned in deep satisfaction.

    “Oh damn Brandi!!! Your pussy feels sooooo good!”
    “Then fuck it like there’s no tomorrow…fuck me like I haven’t been fucked in weeks!!!!”
    “Gimme that cunt!!!” she screamed.
    “Gimme that belly button…stick it in. STICK IT IN ME!!!” I cried out.
    Shelly knew exactly what to do!


    Shelly now had figured out that she could alternate cunt to cunt smacks with a deep belly breaths that would repeatedly plunge her protruding button deep into my open navel. She was belly fucking me and cunt fucking me in an orchestrated symphony of hedonistic lust. I loved it. I couldn’t hold back my excitement.

    “Ohhhhhhh!!!!! GGGGGoooooooDDDDD!!!!” I screamed.
    “Where you going, bitch!”
    “You’ll excuse me, slut, but I’ve got a long overdue trip to take.”
    She smiled knowingly as I grabbed her ass tightly and humped upward into a raging orgasm.
    “FFFFuuuuccckkkk!!!” I screamed. “Ohhhhhh….”

    My body thrashed and writhed like it hadn’t done in weeks. She was happy for me, but also a bit disappointed.

    “So…that’s it? You done?”
    “Oh bitch, please! One climax? Not even close! That was just the one that’s been stored up for weeks. You, dear Shelly, are about to be VERY busy.”
    “Bring it, sweet Brandi”

    I decided that it was time for me to get behind the wheel of this fuck bus. I rolled her onto her back and off the doubled up pillow. She seemed a bit disappointed.
    “We lost our belly button connection.” she pouted.
    “Well, for a while we had it all. But we flew too close to the sun.”
    “I have no idea what that means.”
    “That’s OK. Neither do I.”

    But then she used her incredible lower body strength and lifted us both up.

    “You know, for a skinny little waif, you’re damn strong!”
    “Pillow!!!” she demanded.
    I knew exactly what to do. I jammed the folded pillow underneath the small of her back. This pushed her out nicely, exposing her button fully.

    “I’m not as flexible as you, Shelly. This may not work, belly to belly and cunt to cunt.”
    “Well, do what you told me to do…figure it out.”

    Well of course, the first thing I busied myself with was trying to reunite our buttons. I knew exactly how to position my tummy onto hers. It turned out to be much easier than I expected. I could feel my navel wrap around her extended button.

    “Oh yes, Brandi! Great job!”

    As we both inhaled, her button fucked my button hole. What an uncommon thrill this was! Now all I had to do was figure out how to keep us together while arranging a cunt to cunt meeting. I decided that stretching moves would serve me best in this concupiscent encounter. I had to somehow try to be as flexible as Shelly. My mission was to seal our dripping wet pussies while maintaining the belly button connection. This also turned out to be easier than I expected. When she spread her legs and then gently thrust her pelvis, I was able to meet her, cunt to cunt once again.

    “OH YES!!!” Shelly cried out as the squish of my thick cunt into her swollen pussy made her realize that this was why she knocked on my door in the first place.
    “Oh my!!!….OOOOHHHHHH!!!! UUUMMMM…oh FUCK, Brandi! Your cunt is amazing!”
    “Why thank you, Shelly.”
    “Fuck me good and hot bitch! You owe me one.”
    “Indeed I do.”

    I managed to maintain both tummy and pussy connections for as long as possible. But with the increasingly spirited fuck that we were locked in, I eventually had to pull away from her so that I could channel all of my energy and sex starved fury directly from my cunt into hers. She didn’t seem to mind. She even got demanding.

    “Scissor me bitch. Scissor ME!!! I wanna feel that cunt of yours full on!”

    I was only too happy to oblige. We discarded the pillow and expertly slid our legs into position. The gap between our pussies narrowed down to inches, then mere fractions of an inch. As we looked at each other with fire and lust in our eyes, I reiterated my earlier warning. Perhaps this wasn’t the best idea.

    “OK, now it’s time, Shelly. It all boils down to this. You and me locking up in a duel of naked cunts. This is where we separate the women from the girls. Just remember, I warned you about this.”

    “Oh FUCK YOU BRANDI!!! YOU CONCEITED SKANK!!! You’re damn good, and I like the way we fuck. But know this. My cunt can handle anything that cunt of yours can dish out. I’m just as much woman as you! So, if you think your pussy can take my pussy in a maximum force, cunt meat on cunt meat fuck, I say let’s get it on!”
    “And like ‘they say’, be careful what you ask for. Because you just might get it.”
    “Oh, shut the fuck up, Brandi! Let’s let our pussies do the talking.”
    “Indeed!!!” I said, as we lifted our asses off the mattress and thrust into each other with gusto.

    Two cunts on fire met in a searing flesh fold. Her labia locked deliciously with mine and we were on our way. My thick cunt folded into Shelly’s opulent meat. And then I used those skills I had learned from my beloved former dorm mate to let Shelly know that her cunt was in for a long night. She moaned and groaned with every luscious mash and stroke I laid on her. Our hungry cunts sucked together. In seconds, two proud warrior shafts squared off. That period of assessment that I mentioned before…well we skipped that part. It didn’t seem necessary. Unlike Leanne and myself, Shelly and I already had a good idea of each other’s strengths and potential weaknesses.

    And so for the next hour, or maybe it was two hours, Shelly and I intertwined in a series of thrashing, screaming and cussing crescendos and diminuendos, spewing cum into each other, pausing for a few precious seconds to gather our wits after each orgasm, then ramping up again to lock our thick labia and clitorises in yet another round of disgusting, perverse and OH SO HOT sexual pleasure. We were now officially, savagely locked in a cunt war that seemed to have no discern-able end point. But I didn’t care. Oh dear god!!! How I needed this woman and what she was giving me right now.

    Slow motion thoughts and imagery entered my euphoria as Shelly’s succulent meat pounded and grounded into mine, satisfying my darkest needs as a woman.

    “Oh sweet Ingrid! How I miss you…how I love you…how I wish you were here, guiding me and making me laugh….”

    “Oh, sweet Angel…thank you for giving me a soft shoulder to cry on, and for snapping me back into life…and will you PLEASE come by some night and give me what I desperately want?…”

    “Julia…sweet Julia…I want those freckled tits of yours bashing and mashing into mine while we fuck like two primal savages!!!…”

    My return to the moment was greeted with the intensifying pelvic thrusts and rotations of a woman who was a seriously great fuck. But I felt a second wind, which I believe came from the wonderful thoughts I was just having. For another fifteen minutes, we cranked it up to head banging clit throbbing levels. Shelly was the first. She simply could not hold off any longer. She just couldn’t believe that after over two hours of solid cunt to cunt fucking that I could somehow, suddenly turn up the heat, as though two solid hours was just a light jog, and now I was ready to break into a full run…

    “OOOOOOOHHHHHHH…..BRANDI!!!!!……OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!!!!! BRANDI, GODDAMN YOU!!!!” Shelly screamed, pulling on my leg with her considerable strength. She tried desperately to assert herself, in order to delay the inevitable.

    As my super enlarged clit plunged deeper into her, coming to rest alongside her engorged throbbing girl-cock, the two spasming shafts twisted themselves into a fuck knot. She fought and fought and fought against it, but she knew.

    “Let it go, Shelly!”
    “NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!!!! I won’t be beaten by you!!!! No way Brandi! No fucking way!!!”
    “LET IT GO, SHELLY!!! You already are beaten. So instead of fighting it, just enjoy it.”

    She cursed at me and gave her pelvis one last thrust. But this action only exacerbated things as she involuntarily exploded into a profound orgasm. It was an orgasm that brought forth from deep inside of her wave after wave of hot cum, with enough force to send it deep into my gaping cunt. I never knew so much ejaculate could come from one person. The thrill of her juices pulsing deep into my vagina was all I needed to set me off. I bucked my hips and squashed my cunt into Shelly five or six more times, until my body exploded in volley after volley of ejaculate…

    “Stop! Brandi! I can’t take anymore. Please stop.”

    I stretched out on top of her and we kissed softly and gently made love for about another hour before drifting off to sleep. The next morning, we woke up in each other’s arms, body to body.

    7:30 AM. Friday morning. Shelly joined me in the shower where we lathered and rinsed each other and eased away each other’s soreness with our finger tips.

    In the doorway, we shared a passionate kiss that was an unspoken promise to each other to meet again and fuck again…

    Shelly took off, without her panties. I decided that it might be fun to start my own private collection. She didn't mind.

    I stood in the doorway for a few seconds longer, looking up and stretching my arms languorously into the morning sunlight, with a new Mantra for my life:

    “Dear bitches, whoever you are…Bring those tits!!! Bring those hot pussies!!! Brandi is alive again!!! BRING IT ON!”

    To be continued.
    Last edited by apenman; August 31st, 2016 at 09:01 AM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Angel Dawn's Avatar
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    Whew! That's it. Nothing more to say .... Whew!.... well ok... one more thing.... Wow!

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    (Yes penman, that's your name from now and on from me),

    I second the enthusiasm of our mutual friend's Angel. To add some :
    Perrrrrrrrfect !!
    Awsome !!!

    Be well, do all fine, then come back soon !
    We already started to miss you !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by AngelDawn30 View Post
    Whew! That's it. Nothing more to say .... Whew!.... well ok... one more thing.... Wow!

    All I can say is...Big smile!

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    Senior Hostboard Member calla242's Avatar
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    just epic. i love you apenman and i can't wait for another part of this masterpiece.

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    Senior Hostboard Member fett33's Avatar
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    NICE! I really liked the escalation of the trash talk - have a good road trip and thanks for circulating this story before you left.

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    how about some trib-lovemaking object like the rocks in canami island? the rock was formed like a V. both women were able to put their foot on some pedals if i remember right. if they relax their legs, their pussies would join by the shape of the rock. or how about some kind of rubber swing formed like an U? i heard thats this exist for real and its caused both women to pass out while tribbing in it (they were not able to disconnect their tight fused pussies and...well...

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    Quote Originally Posted by calla242 View Post
    how about some trib-lovemaking object like the rocks in canami island? the rock was formed like a V. both women were able to put their foot on some pedals if i remember right. if they relax their legs, their pussies would join by the shape of the rock. or how about some kind of rubber swing formed like an U? i heard thats this exist for real and its caused both women to pass out while tribbing in it (they were not able to disconnect their tight fused pussies and...well...
    OK. I gotta confess here. I'm clueless. Is this a reference to some obscure tale of lesbian trib? CANAMI Island doesn't Google...And a rubber swing formed like a "U"? Pardon my naivety, but if anyone cares to enlighten me...


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    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post
    OK. I gotta confess here. I'm clueless. Is this a reference to some obscure tale of lesbian trib? CANAMI Island doesn't Google...And a rubber swing formed like a "U"? Pardon my naivety, but if anyone cares to enlighten me...

    search for "Canami Island" here. you will find it.

    the rubber swing i mentioned consist 2 meter or so of black latex rubber in length and 1 meter wide. the 4 corners are attached to ropes on the ceiling. its formed like a swing (U) so 2 women can slip into it and trib...

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    Quote Originally Posted by calla242 View Post
    search for "Canami Island" here. you will find it.

    the rubber swing i mentioned consist 2 meter or so of black latex rubber in length and 1 meter wide. the 4 corners are attached to ropes on the ceiling. its formed like a swing (U) so 2 women can slip into it and trib...
    Thanks calla242!

    I will search "Canami Island" here. I'm curious to know what that's all about.

    As for two women slipping into a rubber swing to trib...that's hot. Indeed, it sounds like an AngelDawn story waiting to be written.


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