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Thread: Custom video experiences

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    Senior Hostboard Member sffan4e's Avatar
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    Custom video experiences

    I have received quite a few questions about my custom videos over these last few months. Things like what they costed, how things went, etc.

    So I thought it might be helpful to post a bit about this subject. I am by no means an expert, and everybodies encounter might be different, but these are my experiences, insights and thoughts about having custom videos made. Please feel free to add your own experiences, so others can learn from them.
    I splitted them up in a few topics.

    The most common question I got was what it costed to have a custom video made. Logical, because that's the first thing you think of when you see something you want. Some think it must be very expensive, having price tags of thousands and thousands of dollars.
    But having thought the same thing, it's at the same time also an illogical question, because quite a few producers have this mentioned on their sites. Some even have a special webpage committed to this subject with all kind of relevant information.
    So it really can differ from something like 300 USD to 3000 USD. I experienced both.
    Factors that played a role in this price difference, are varied. It starts with the basic price from a producer. Some charge like 390 USD for a basic 20 min trib video. Others start from 1600 USD. How come this difference you might wonder? Well, some regions are more expensive to produce, some regions the girls in general charge more, some A-star girls charge more than their collegues, some agents charge fees directly, etc.
    I don't prefer to share the names in public, because I presume the producers who want their prices to be known have already shared it on their sites.
    But financially it might be more attainable than you might have thought. And if it isn't, you might think about co-funding it? I mean, Kickstarter isn't succesful for nothing. I haven't tried it, but if you know someone who has the same taste in sexfighting, it might be something to consider.
    Of course like any collaboration you might need to have some rules and sometimes make compromises. But if all goes well, something that once might be considered unreachable, because of finance, suddenly might be a attainable.

    -Choice of producer
    Which producer to go for? Well, to me it depended on what kind of sexfight I wanted. I mean, some producers are experienced in filming scripted sexfights, others have specialized in genuine sexfights, and each also have their strengths and weaknesses. Some for example are a pro in capturing close ups, others do magic with their lighting, locations, or have a wide variety of beautifull girls.
    And also, some producers are OK with certain wishes/fantasies and others are not.
    So my advice would be (if you haven't done it already) is to check out their released work. And is specific their more recent work! I mean, lot's of us probably agree that the recent videos from California Wildcats are nothing like their older work.

    -Choice of girls
    Well, there of course are so many options. But keep in mind that every girl is just like every person different and have their own personalities. And of course some are better actresses than others, but my experience is that if you choose the girls that fit the wishes you have you get the best results. I mean, if you like them rough, and choose a pretty but shy little mouse, than chances are that it might not be what you are looking for. It's just like with the producers, some are for example better with scripted sexfights than others. So often each girl has her style.
    Futher more, some girls are more experienced in sexfighting than others. And some are more natural in it. I have given chance to girls to be introduced to sexfighting. Some went better than other, but if you want a bit of certainty than it would be wise to to choose veterans. Newbies might not get the concept, be shy, might not be as assertive, might not realise they can 'fight' back when in a dominant position, etc. So keep such things in mind.
    Also, some girls are better in dialogues. This might be because trash talking comes natural to them. But it can also depend on the region the girls come from. In America it's probably never an issue, but I experienced that in Eastern Europe the girls are logically less fluent in English. This really influences the intensity of things. I even twice got where a girl was lip syncing -_-'...
    I personally would rather have the girls trash talk passionately in their native language and watch the subtitles. Like those DVDES JAV's where the girls really get into it, and I get the feeling that I am watching a movie. I don't know what they are saying, but it looks good!
    Also something you might not have considered, but also take note of the seasons when considering a custom video. Why? Well, if you just as me like the girls to have a bit of tan, than the summer months are better than during the winter. And of course vice versa if you like the girls to be more pale.
    I am a details person, so if you like brunette girls, make sure they don't have dyed their hair to blonde... Or suddenly have added dozens of tattoos, piercings, etc. I would not recommend to come with these questions, untill you are a bit further in the process and communication.

    -The script/story/wishes you have
    The essence of what you want to see come true. What can I say about that? My experience was to keep it as compact as possible. You can sure go into details if you have specifics you want to see. But having too much of them in a script makes it harder for the girls to remember them correctly or at all.
    Sometimes a director helps to guide it all, but those shots would often to me seem too 'rehearseed'. I prefer my sexfights to feel more natural. That's why I try to leave space for the girls to be spontaneous and act natural. Too many specific lines they need to memorize and recite will feel scripted quickly.
    And it also depends on the girls, if they aren't fluent in the language you wrote the script in, the more difficult it is for them to remember it.
    So I personally had the more extensive scripts reserved for the producer in the US. And the less scripted ones to the Eastern Europe producers.
    For those I chose a different setup. I described the action I would like to see (no taking turns, but positions where they can simultaneously stimulate each other) and only have a script for introducing why they are having the fight, for example models fighting over a job, or girls arguing who is/are more sexy, etc. This way they girls won't have to struggle with the script, once their actual sexfighting begins.
    And then you have girls who work perfectly without script. Just put them together and they have a steamy sexfight. So if you don't require a script but for example like them to wear pantyhose or something, those girls are perfect to have a beautiful sexfight.

    Basically it's a matter of just writing to the producers, whether it's through e-mail or webform.
    Be prepared what you want and have in mind. Because producers get many request, of which many are bogus. I experienced this myself, and only by chance some things got rolling. So don't give them the impression you are one of the latter. For example have a script ready, like I did. And have gone through their current videos and list of girls so you can get straight to the point once communication has been established.
    It might also help to mention that you are a member on a SF forum and that you are seriously interested about a custom video/enquire what is possible to have a script you want to come true/etc. For example that you have seen a forum post about a certain custom video from that producer, and that you are interested in your own one. Perhaps even contact that member to have him/her refer you to the producer?
    After everything has be discussed, it's time to pay up. I mean, they don't do charity right? Some producers request a depost (50% in my case) and some request the full amount.
    After payment the waiting games begin...

    -Waiting time
    This really depends. I have been waiting for months and I have been waiting for weeks.
    First is the waiting for the girls. They have other jobs, vacations, move to places, etc. So scheduling the filming can take quite some time if you request specific girls. In one case I had to wait for many months before a girl was available. If you are more flexible, things might speed up on this front.
    Than after filming you aren't there yet. There is still something as editing. That can take from a week to many weeks. Don't forget that in some case it's a one man army (or a small team) who do all the work. It's not like a Hollywood film where you have a director, cameraman, special effect, etc. So when he/she travels to locations, are filming, etc. there is no time to edit your video. So don't forget to ask about the timing if you want to know, but leave in your question some space for them to be flexible as well. Like if you are talking about a couple of weeks or months.
    In between some producers might give you some pictures. Some charge extra for this, some don't, and some don't have them at all.
    Than finally you get a download link for the video. Well, that can be another waiting game. The producers nowadays shoot in high quality. I have received a single video file as big as 4.5GB. If you are on holiday with limited wifi, are on the road with only a mobile connection, or have a slow connection in general than such file is Huuuuuuuuuuuuuge to download.
    And after having received your copy, there is 1 waiting game left. The release for others to enjoy. The producers work on multiple projects and want to spread their releases over time. So they won't have 1 week with 4 releases and the rest of the month nothing to show for. So your release might be on a list and it may take months for it to be released. I made that mistake myself with my first custom video 'Ulterior motives'. I wrote enthusiastically a preview about it and posted it with some hot pictures on the forum. Boy, was that cause for quite a few cold showers, because the release was months later ^_^'

    -The good
    The obvious is of course to have your wish come true on screen. But there can be other little things on the road. Like making friends with the producers, hearing about their struggles but also about their plans, ideas, ambitions, etc. To me, that was really nice as well.
    And sometimes some girls might suprise you, as they did with me. Some had spontaneous trash talk about swapping the female juices, which I had not dreamt to ask them to say such naughty things.
    Or some newby turned out to be quite the sexfighter.
    And how some of the sweet girls send me some personal messages, such unexpected things made my heart skip a beat.

    -The 'bad'
    Things don't allways go like you plan. Sounds like a bad love song, but the same counts for sexfights. I have experienced non-responses, delays, cancellations, declines, girls not being available last minute, etc.
    But also that not everything went exaclty as in the scripts. The longer and more complicated your script is, the bigger the chances are that there will be deviations. So I would advise to underline which parts are crucial to you, so they pay extra attention to it.
    But even than it might not happen as you imagined... can you believe it?
    What to do if things don't happen you wanted, curse at the producer? Call names to the girls? You could do that, but chances are that they won't work with you again.
    I have respectfully pointed the things out I didn't like and point out that I hope they pay extra attention to it the next time.

    A general advice, don't be afraid to ask. As long as you do it in a respectful way, I suppose lot's of people are willing to respond. Wether they are producers or forum members like myself.

    Hope this has helped a bit. And please do share your own experiences and insights. Because I am sure I forgot things and you have many other experiences/insights/thoughts as well.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Custom video experiences

    As a man who have also made some custom videos, my "golden era", before the economical crisis in my country and in my pocket....
    Your article is correct, i have no much more to add...

    1) European videos are cheaper than American for sure. However there is a competition for both the companies of these regions. Brazil !!
    I had made custom videos in USA, Brazil, Europe (England, Hungary, Chezh Rep).

    The Brazilian videos were cheaper that time. I had made about 10 videos those times. The women were hot, i did not understand what they said, but it was the first time i did not have to order trash talk ! They did a lot, they kept talking and trash talking almost all the time. tt happens to all the custom videos i had ordered. It happened to all the videos, no custom, i have watched. I came to believe that Brazilian models were natural trash talkers !!

    Not so good actresses though. Finally i realized that they talked too much only to hide that they were not that much into what they performed. Some times they were though and the video was good.
    They are not the beautiful Brazilians of two meters height you see to dance in the Rio's carnival as well. But some they were hot.

    2) there is also another important factor in custom videos. In addition to all so correctly you said.
    The whole video may turn to a big success or to a failure because of it.
    Some may think that if the women are friends, then things are better. Yes this is an important factor. However :

    2.1) to be friends is good for SOME kind of scripts only. If the script is about a hot passionate making out, yes their friendship is important. They feel easy with each other.
    A friendly sexfight (my speciality ! LOL) is OK then. You may see them to smile a few times, but ok. Some times - not often, not a lot of it - this is natural and accepted.

    On the other hand, i have found out that for not friendly or rough sexfights, it is better the two women to not be the best of friends. If the women sexfight models go for real in a sexfight, they use it as a way to humiliate each other. In front of the camera, in front of the customer or anybody else who will watch the video. It is an opportunity for each of them to give a lesson to the other woman. Her rival, her competitor, or simply to a woman they do not like so much. It is a way each of them to say to the owner of the adult company and to the customer (whio may comes later for another video) : "i am better than her. Let me be more times in your videos". In these cases the not friendly or rough sexfight is one of the best !!
    These things may do not happen all the time, but sometimes they DO happen !! I assure you.

    2.2) The most important factor for a hot sexfight video is the mood of each model the filming day. Each model is a person with feelings, she is not a sexfight machine ! That particular day she may have a problem, with someone. She may feel bad because of some lack of money or anythig else.

    Do not expect from her to perform in a hot way that day. Simply impossible !! Do not forget... these women ARE NOT professional actresses who can play perfectly well any kind of role, despite their personal feelings. No Academy award (Oscar) is waiting for them. They play as they feel, the way they feel DO affect their performance. So their performance goes as they feel the shooting day. Not as you may wish sometimes.
    So... if they are both OK... the video will be much better.

    3) In many scripts i wrote i have added something like that :
    I do NOT expect from you to be as i want. I do NOT expect from you to be fully into it. If you are it is much better of course. If not, no problem AS LONG AS
    you LOOK that you are fully into it !!

    I paid in order to offer to me a particular impression, a fantasy.

    Play your role like all i write in the script are real for you. If they REALLY ARE REAL even better. If not, no problem as far as you give me the impression they are real. That i pay for.

    Berlieve it or not... Models felt less stressed after they read these guide lines. They told to the camera man that they felt easier to perform that way.
    Two of them who i have met in person they told me the same.

    Oh... these times...

    Thanks you gave me the opportunity to recall...

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member sffan4e's Avatar
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    Re: Custom video experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Your article is correct, i have no much more to add...
    Thanks you gave me the opportunity to recall...
    Not much to add he says... What!?! Your additions and insights were awesome!! Especially the things about chemistry, sexfights between friends and making the girls feel at ease, were so recognizable and things I forget to talk about myself.

    I also experienced that chemistry is indeed so important. Having 2 girls that are really trying to prove they are better than the other makes sparks fly around. You get unsuspected slaps and squeezes resulting with looks in the eyes of the girls that are so genuine.
    On the other hand having 2 friends perform can be hot as well. They often know each other and can get really in sync with each other. The issue often is though, that because they like each other, things might not get very competitive. You have the exceptions with girls who are competitive in nature, who will try to win even from friends. But I found them to be rare.

    Making the girls feel at ease and understand what you are looking for and have them live it, are the recipe for having the greatest outcome at that moment possible.
    What might also help for the girls to get what you are looking for is, to have a reference, an example. It might be some other video they have done. They say a picture can tell more than thousand words. Your script might get very descriptive. But if you know they played in video this or that, AND they recall it than they know what you are looking for. Don't forget that the girls have done a lot work and don't allways remember some specific video. But if you can get the producer to help out, they might get it spot on what you are looking for.

    And what you said about mood of the girls. We sometimes forget they are people too. I have tried to suprise them in different ways, to have them get in a good mood, to inspire and motivate them. I don't want to spoil too much, but be creative in how you can make your match might stand out for the girls.

    You're most welcome for the road down memory lane. And thank you so much for your valuable insights!
    Last edited by sffan4e; October 15th, 2016 at 03:04 PM.

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