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Thread: Brandi's opus, part 17 by brandi (a.p.)

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    Brandi's opus, part 17 by brandi (a.p.)

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    Brandi's opus, part 17 by brandi (a.p.)

    Dear Board,
    I had intended to put the saga of Jackie and Brandi to bed (so to speak) with this chapter. Turns out, their story isn't quite done. The next chapter should tie up some loose ends, in a manner of speaking.
    As always, feedback is appreciated.
    A. Penman



    It was a little bit after two in the afternoon on Saturday. Brandi and Jackie stood outside of Brandi’s dorm room. Jackie waited, slightly nervous, looking around furtively as Brandi fumbled around in her purse in search of her keys.

    “Are you sure this is going to be safe?” asked Professor Taylor.
    “We just spent a little over an hour fucking in the library! Safe may be a moot point.” Brandi replied teasingly.
    “Yes, but this is your dorm room. Won’t people see us coming and going? Won’t they see us and be suspicious?”
    “Of what? You’re an English teacher with an incredibly hot body, I’m a student…”
    “Also with an incredibly hot body…” the English teacher observed.
    “Agreed…” Brandi joked.
“So then, I’m just here for a little ‘private tutoring’ session? Is that right?” Jackie asked, excitedly.
    “Exactly. Only, I’ll be the one giving the lessons, hot body against hot body.”
    “And I’ll be the willing, eager to learn student. Naked body to naked body.”
    “Just remember Professor Taylor, your performance here today will count for one third of your final grade.”

    They both giggled.

    The door opened, closed and was locked behind them. As soon as they got inside, Jackie pinned Brandi up against the wall and locked her hungry mouth to Brandi’s in an incendiary kiss. Another surprisingly aggressive move by a woman who was, just two hours ago, an inveterate wallflower. Their brief, shared kisses in the librarian’s office had not been nearly enough to satisfy her. Being the nascent lesbian she was, Jackie had never even dreamed of how wonderful kissing another woman could be. She needed more - a lot more. And since Jackie turned out to be an extremely hot kisser, so did Brandi. Hands started grabbing and groping anything that they could. But the shared target of choice was breasts. As lips locked and tongues wrestled in saliva, tops were yanked off excitedly and naked breasts smashed into each other with lustful intent. Jackie hadn’t gotten enough vigorous tit to tit action a little while ago at the library. She needed more. So did Brandi. They mashed and rolled and rubbed their evenly matched breasts into each other, occasionally taking direct nipple to nipple aim, popping and snapping them against each other then thrilling to the sensation of pebbled areola scraping against each other, back and forth, back and forth, then sticking together in a massive collision of full, dense tit flesh.

    “Ever since we squeezed by each other in that narrow library aisle, and accidentally pressed our tits together, I’ve had fantasies of rubbing my naked tits against yours.”
    “I believe you mentioned that, Jackie.” Brandi said as she smiled slyly.
    “And I’ll ask you again. Was that really an accident, Brandi?”
    “Oh…absolutely professor Taylor!. Now, will you please resume rubbing your tits against mine?”

    Jackie halted the proceedings and glared at Brandi. The lightbulb of enlightenment went off over her head.

    “You duplicitous strumpet! Has this whole series of events been an elaborate, heinous plot designed to seduce me? Bitch! Answer me! Bitch!”
    “NO!!!” Brandi paused. “Well…Yes.”
    “I LIKE IT!!!!” Jackie announced.
    “Good. Now give me those fucking tits!”

    Smack! Slap, slap! Squash and roll…tits locked to tits…moans and groans and of course…the proper amount of m’s…


    And then they locked up in another passionate kiss.

    Brandi’s opinion of Jackie’s hotness was steadily growing. It seemed that in just a couple of hours, with Brandi’s help, this once timid woman had morphed into a much more confident woman who was as eager to inflict pleasure as well as receive it, and to learn whatever techniques she needed to learn in order to achieve the desired results. She was still on the upside of her woman to woman sexual learning curve. The professor would experience everything being taught to her, absorb it adapt it and yes, even improvise. What a promising student! This was heartening to Brandi because it meant that any continued sexual involvement with this woman was only going to keep getting better and better. Indeed, Brandi already sensed that a number of Jackie’s prior inhibitions had begun to melt away. For example, initially Jackie was quite reticent about touching Brandi’s private parts. But when she saw the intense pleasure that she could administer to Brandi with just a simple digital stroke or a gentle pinch…well, down came the once formidable walls of inhibition. Brandi had the sense that, if they were to continue with this sexual relationship, she could have an insatiable, voracious sexual wildcat on her hands. The thought of this was quite pleasant. Although she did wonder how she was going to fit Jackie in between the ever increasing flow of sexual challenges she was receiving from the other women on campus. What a dilemma! Realistically, however, Brandi knew that the inherent stigma of a student/teacher tryst, and what might happen if they were discovered, would require a long, in depth discussion of boundaries, expectations, how to be discreet and yes, even if this should in fact continue. But for right now…

    Right now it seemed that Jackie was interested in working on her nipple sucking technique. Brandi thrilled as Jackie took her left nipple into her mouth, moistened the sensitive protuberance with saliva, then ever so gently pulled away with a concomitant sucking action.

    “Oh oooooo!” Brandi blurted out.
    “Brandi like?” Jackie teased.
    “YES OH YES!!! Brandi like.”

    Jackie then decided to maximize Brandi’s pleasure by working feverishly on both of her tits. Left nipple, right nipple…back and forth…lick…suck…slurp.
    “Is biting allowed, Brandi?” Jackie asked.
    “Gentle biting…emphasis on GENTLE!”
    “Ow…Oh…FUCK!” Brandi cried out, feeling Jackie’s teeth clamp down on her left nipple. Jackie’s bite was perfectly applied, just on the pleasure side of pain.

    Brandi was so taken by this that she threw her head back a little too hard and a little too far, and smacked into the wall.

    “Owwww!!!! Godammit!!!” Brandi saw stars whirling around.
    “Oh Brandi! You OK?”

    Brandi nodded, rubbing the back of her head. And then the two women laughed at the clumsiness of the moment.

    “I have an idea Jackie. Let’s go someplace soft.”

    Once in the bedroom, they stripped down to completely naked in seconds flat.

    “I want to try something.” Brandi winked at Jackie.
    “Ohhh? What?”

    Brandi reached into the nightstand, pulled out a bottle of baby oil and wiggled it teasingly at Jackie.

    “Wanna oil up our titties?” Brandi asked, with a sly grin on her face.

    Jackie began to breathe excitedly.

    “Oh my! Oil?” Jackie seemed uncertain.

    Brandi didn’t bother explaining. She moved close into Jackie and pressed her amazing breasts firmly into the professor’s matching, fantastic tits as Jackie gasped at the connection.

    “Oh gawd Brandi! I love the feel of our tits mashing and rubbing together!”
    “Well, we’re about to take it to another level, girl.”

    Brandi popped the cap on the plastic bottle of Johansen & Johansen’s baby oil, raised it a couple of feet above the junction of their big tits and let it come out in a measured flow rate. With true aim, Brandi slowly drizzled oil…drip…drip…drip…drip…drip…

    Jackie’s eyes were closed. She waited…and waited… And with each slow, deliberate drip of oil that landed between their tits, she could feel the once tight grip that her breasts had on Brandi’s breasts slowly begin to slip away. Now, instead of their breasts being fused skin to skin, another spine tingling, clitoris quivering dimension had been added. With very slow, purposeful motions, Brandi was skillfully using her tits to evenly coat Jackie’s boobs with a sheen of oily slickness. As if this long hungered for tit meeting didn’t feel incredible enough…Now THIS?! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!

    “Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!” Jackie m’d.

    Satisfied that she had applied the proper amount of oil, Brandi capped the bottle and tossed it on the bed. She wasn’t quite done with it. In her mind, she had hatched an intriguing plan for a bit later in the proceedings. But for right now, Brandi decided to give the eager student/ professor an oily tit-torial.

    “Oh Brandi! This is so fucking HOT!!!” Jackie said as she felt the entire surface area of her tits respond automatically to the slippery union with Brandi’s tits.
    “You wanted these boobs professor…they’re all yours. Now, let’s see what you do with them under these circumstances.” Brandi said, breathlessly.
    Quick learner that she was, Jackie easily understood the physical dynamics of an oiled breast to breast encounter.

    “Come on girl. Let’s see what a high IQ slut like you can do with oily tits against oily tits.” Brandi taunted.

    “Oh, you are soooo on! You arrogant little cunt!” Jackie’s eyes widened as she realized what she had just said. She quickly apologized.
    “No no no! Don’t apologize. Nothing to apologize for, Jackie. Trash talk is always expected between two women. Even the ‘C’ word is permissible. Within reason, of course. It’s part of the whole thing…makes it even sexier.”
    “Really?” Jackie seemed a bit surprised by the concept.

    But instead of explaining further, Brandi decided to teach her by example.
    “You say that you’ve been wanting to go breast to breast with me for a while, right?”
    Jackie nodded yes.
    “Well, here’s what I don’t understand. You can’t seriously think that those two puny tits of yours stand a chance against my two big firm beauties!”

    Jackie’s response was instantaneous. She rolled and smashed her amazing tits into Brandi’s with vehemence and a strong desire to take this bitch down a notch or two. PERFECT!!!
    And then it dawned on her.

    “You treacherous trollop!”

    And then they both laughed.

    “Oh Jackie! Fucking a professor of english is going to be so good for my vocabulary!” Brandi expressed her exuberance.
    “Well then, let’s fornicate, shrew!”
    “Let’s tit wrestle first, tramp!”

    The two lusty, busty women then took direct aim with nipples and areolae and smashed together. But the oil only allowed brief but thrilling contact before pushing them aside. Jackie quickly understood that half the battle was to try to keep nipples and areola matched up despite the coating of oil they were in, and the other half of the sensuous battle was to allow each breast to wallow in the extraordinary slickness and fullness of it’s delicious mate. Without any guidance, Jackie’s massive knockers responded to the lush manipulations of Brandi’s spectacular tits - dancing with them - mashing with them - slipping and sliding with them -aggressively fighting with them - nipple dueling with them for as long as the oil would allow -tenderly making love to them. Jackie understood that, without any words, she was being schooled in the exquisite art of womanly breast to breast encounters. She also realized that, since that one fateful encounter in the aisle of the library, whether accidental or contrived, that this was just one of the lessons in artful sensuality that she so desperately longed for Brandi to teach her. As Brandi’s breasts so expertly caressed and manipulated hers, as her breasts responded in near orgasmic delight, Jackie knew that Brandi, whether she knew it or not, had taken a sledge hammer to the cloistered stone walls of her life long inhibitions and was allowing her to become one with the world of sensual experiences. Oh yes. Jackie’s walls were crumbling and would soon be completely gone. And, with Brandi’s expert help, her personal demons would soon be excised.

    But there was one more factor that has only been suggested here in this account. And professor Jacqueline Taylor was fully aware of it’s importance as it related to them. Despite her rather sheltered existence, Jackie was acutely aware of campus “chatter.” It was almost unavoidable. And the gossip that she herself needed to be wary of was twofold. Girlish giggles and whispers, whether in the quiet library or on the bench under the “Kissing Tree” repeatedly stated that, not only was Brandi fast becoming the most sexually desirable woman on campus, she was also the woman that the other girls were most likely to fall in love with. It definitely happened with Ingrid. And there were consistent rumors that Sandra, Shelly and even Angel had fallen for the charms of Brandi…

    “Jackie…BEWARE!” she warned herself, as Brandi’s oiled tits mated with hers in a succulent roll and press, causing her nipples to stiffen, her pussy to ooze and her heart to slowly thaw.

    “Ahhh fuck!!! Oh geezuzzzz!!!!”
    “Jackie like?”
    “Jackie liiiiiikkkkkeeee!!!!”

    Brandi then tossed more lighter fluid onto the flames. She slammed her tits into Jackie’s a little harder and faster. Jackie responded in kind, trying to force her tits to clamp down on Brandi’s and to square off their slick, turgid nipples. But the oil was running this show and nipples could only seem to do battle in passing strokes. So the two women went with that, stroking nipples back and forth, back and forth, gladly accepting each brief but thrilling skirmish. Then a tit slapping fest ensued as Brandi and Jackie read each other’s minds. They shimmied their shoulders rapidly, smacking, smacking, smacking their slippery Cadillac bumper bullets aggressively and heatedly into each other…it got so vigorous, so furious and so intense that after about five tit smacking minutes they found the need to stop…and then break out into laughter. Jackie then seized the opportunity.

    “It’s pretty obvious that those flabby bags of yours can’t handle a set of real woman tits like mine.”
    “Oh bitch, puuleeze!”
    “Admit it, slut! My magnificent melons are destroying your paltry peaches.”
    “You want more, whore?” Brandi challenged.
    “You can’t handle more! You better quit while you can, strumpet!” Jackie scoffed.

    Jackie was an amazingly fast learner. Brandi loved it.

    “Let’s battle it out, tits against tits. That is, if you’re woman enough.”
    “Oh, I’m woman enough, girl.” Jackie countered.

    Brandi and Jackie continued to battle sensuously with their tits. Smack, squish, slap slap slap. As the erotic, often furious tit fight continued, both women had it in mind to loose their balance and tumble into bed…so they did.

    “Uuugghhh!!!” Jackie groaned as their bodies slapped.
    “Ahhhh!!!” Brandi moaned.
    “Wanna fuck?” Brandi asked, as she rolled on top of Jackie. But then Jackie rolled Brandi and looked deeply into her seductive brown eyes.
    “No. I’m just here to correct your english. The proper way to ask is, ‘would you like to fuck?’ Not ‘wanna fuck.’”

    But then, Brandi overpowered Jackie, once again taking the top position.

    “Oh fuck you! Spread your fucking legs you rectally restricted slut!!! I’m gonna fuck that sorry cunt of yours!”
    “Well if you must, you must. But we’re going to have to do some serious work on your english…perhaps later.” Professor Taylor spread her long, luxurious legs and offered her slick cunt to Brandi.
    “Brandi. Your diction and your word choices are simply atrocious and…and…and…OH MY FUCKING GODDDDD!!!”

    Brandi applied her cunt to Jackie’s cunt. This was an action designed solely for her sexual gratification, but it also had the delightful side effect of shutting her up. The squish and the slurp could be heard dancing on the afternoon air, in tandem with the fragrances of two sexually aroused women. With each downward thrust, Jackie pumped upward, meeting Brandi shaved pussy to shaved pussy. The moist slapping together of their swollen pussy lips made that sound…that oh-so-delicious sound. It thrilled Jackie beyond belief. She marveled at the skillful way that Brandi folded her thick, wet labia into her sex starved cunt. It was as if four thick slices of bacon were folding together. This felt even more amazing than the library fuck. Perhaps it was because they were in a more private, relaxed setting. Or maybe it was simply because they were fucking in a bed, instead of on a hardwood floor. Whatever the case, Jackie was experiencing a level of pleasure that she never dreamed was possible.

    “Oh damn, Jackie! Your pussy feels so lush and wet and meaty. I love the way we fit together!!!” Brandi admitted as she panted excitedly.
    “Speaking of fitting together…”
    Brandi sensed something sexy was coming.
    “What’s on your mind, professor?”
    “Well, since you asked…when we scissored earlier…
    “Yeah…I remember. It was fabulous! But…”
    “Well, I really liked it, except for the fact that we lost body contact.” Jackie tried to explain.
    “And so, you were wondering…?”
    “I was wondering if there’s a way that we can scissor without loosing body contact.”
    “Of course there is…we just never got around to it.”
    “Well, can we get around to it now?”
    “You need but to ask.”

    Brandi quickly disengaged herself from Jackie and sat up in the recognizable open scissor invitation. Jackie marveled as she watched the bounce, sway and jiggle of Brandi’s tits, feeling the sting of desire shoot through her nipples. Then she sat up and enthusiastically joined her, leg over, leg under, then crab walking into a direct pussy alignment with only inches separating their opulent, sucking vaginas.

    “What now?” she asked, like a giddy little girl who was promised ice cream.
    “Just scoot in all the way and meet me, luscious cunt lips to luscious cunt lips.”

    The distance that needed to be closed was less than six inches. Yet the tasty smack could be heard and thrilled over by both women…More accurately, it could be savored, as involuntary moans came from their chests at the precise moment of contact.

    “Oh how I love that sound!” Brandi said.
    “Not to mention the way it feels!” Jackie added. “What now?”
    “Just sit up straight. Meet me tits to tits.”

    Jackie understood that now, all that was needed, was for them to embrace each other. So, she wrapped her arms tightly around Brandi’s waist as Brandi draped her arms across her shoulders, then dropped them down in order to firmly lock her tits to Jackie’s.

    “Ahhh!” Jackie moaned. “The meeting of the breasts.”

    Brandi slowly pumped her hips…

    “And the cunts!” Brandi reminded her.

    “Holy shit!!!!” Jackie slowly pumped back, feeling her labia spread in response to the thick kiss of Brandi’s generously appointed cunt.
    “Oh! Oh! Wait! Lean back a second Jackie.”

    Brandi then scooped up the bottle of oil. She snapped the cap and then thrilled Jackie as she applied another generous coat of oil onto both sets of aroused breasts. And then she pointed the bottle elsewhere.

    “Oh…are you gonna do what I think you’re gonna do?” an amazed Jackie asked.
    “I am, indeed.”

    Jackie said nothing further. But her level of arousal could be easily read in the intensifying rise and fall of her chest. She looked down and marveled as Brandi slowly drizzled a steady flow of oil onto the junction of their interlocked labia. The resulting slipperiness could be felt almost immediately. Satisfied that she had applied an appropriate amount of oil, Brandi snapped the cover, then tossed the oil - not too far away, as she reasoned that this fluid of love had not yet exhausted its usefulness.

    The two women then began to slow, slow slowly push and grind their oiled cunt lips into each other. Jackie felt the invasion of Brandi into her most private depths like never before…HOLY FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! Brandi knew that she had set her off. It didn’t matter. This was going to be a long afternoon of slippery cunt fucking.

    “Fuck me girl!” She taunted Jackie. “Let’s see what you’ve got when you’re oily.”
    “Oh you fucking cunt slut!!! Brandi!!! Oh Fuck!!!”

    They slapped their bodies tightly, squeezing and embracing each other hard. Brandi worked her cunt into Jackie and rolled and mashed her oil slick tits into her redheaded professor’s full chest.
    Now sitting straight up, locked in an embrace and deep-throated tongue kiss that could not contain the voluminous saliva that dripped down their cheeks, the two women fucked and fucked and fucked. Jackie felt her belly merge with Brandi’s and the soft sensations nearly pushed her over the edge. All the softness, all the slickness, all the newness that Brandi was giving to her was simply mind bending. She knew that she didn’t have much more time before the dam broke. Brandi sensed this too. It was OK with her. She loved the thrilling newness of Jackie’s self discovery. Early climaxes were not a big deal. She recalled that she too was once a rookie in this endeavor. She shifted her hips slightly in order to sink her engorged clitoris into Jackie’s sizzling twat. Jackie cried out. Then she manipulated the junction just enough to bring their clits into full contact. The girl was definitely getting the hang of this. Sliding up and down in an oil bath, the two erect rods tried desperately to fuse together. But the oil would only allow brief, slithering contact. It seemed the more they struggled to clit fuck each other, the more difficult it became, and the more tantalizing and frustrating and electrifying this clitoris duel became. Brandi felt this exquisite frustration too, as she tried in vain to give Jackie what she wanted…what they both wanted…to lock their clitorises so tightly together that it would be impossible to tear them apart.

    “CCCCuuummm!!!” Jackie implored her.
    “You cummmm!!!”
    “Fuck you, Brandi! Cummm with me!!!”
    “You cummm first bitch!!!”
    “Nooooo!!!! You cum first…I’m the professor. Do as I say!!!”

    Jackie knew that her words and her position of privilege held no weight whatsoever in this clandestine assignation. Brandi confirmed this.

    “Fuck you Jackie!”
    “Well, FUCK YOU TOO, Brandi!!!”
    “OK…let’s compromise…let’s fuck it out and cum together.”
    “I’m good with that.”

    Jackie squeezed Brandi as hard as she could. Brandi squeezed back to near rib crushing proportions. This was slowly becoming one of the best fucks of her young life.

    “Let’s bring it home, Jackie!”
    “Oh yesssss!!!”

    They rocked and bucked and thrust their conjoined cunts into a deep amalgamation of meaty flesh. And despite the oil, Jackie’s persistent efforts managed to merge her throbbing clit into a full on fusion with Brandi’s clit. This was it! Goddamn, this was it!!! Brandi’s head tilted back, her eyes closed and her mouth opened wide to breathe because she needed to gulp more air into her heaving chest.

    “EEEAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!! CUMMMMINGGGG!!!” Brandi screamed.
    “FFFUUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!!! OH OH OH OH OH!!!!” Jackie howled, fearing that her screams of sexual bliss might filter through the walls into the apartment next door…yet somehow, not caring. Only one thing mattered to her right now…exploding her cum into Brandi’s cunt, and feeling the volcano of Brandi’s cum erupt inside her. CCCCCUUUUUUMMMMMMMIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!!!!” Jackie howled.
    “I BELIEVE I’M ABOUT TO HAVE AN ORGASM!!!!” Brandi pointed out. “Jackie!!! Jackie!!! Oh fuck me hard Jackie!!!….CCCUUUMMMIIINNNGGG!!!”

    Now their chests heaved furiously into each other, their fused cunts interlocked in a fuck war as they once again connected in a savage tongue kiss…And then, they collapsed into each other in their mutual bliss, ending up in a dense pile of spent, sweat soaked female flesh in Brandi Knowlton’s bed…

    Last edited by apenman; November 22nd, 2016 at 10:40 AM.

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