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Thread: Breathless Kisses 1 pt 1 By Shak

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    Breathless Kisses 1 pt 1 By Shak

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    Breathless Kisses 1 pt 1 By Shak

    Chapter 1
    The Meeting

    Have you ever heard the saying “a kiss is just a kiss?” Well this is a story of a kiss. In fact it’s something more than just a kiss. This is the kiss that changed my life! I’ve always loved kissing, but now kissing has taken on a whole new meaning for me! It all started with “Asphyxia” whose actual name is Valencia Washington and what happened between us was the strangest and most erotic experience of my life. Now what the hell kind of a name is “Asphyxia” well as you can see she likes to leave people breathless. I’m writing this story because my life took a journey that was to change me forever! Ever since Asphyxia (who by the way prefers that I now call her by her actual name Valencia or “V”) came into my life I’ve discovered a side of myself that I’ve only sensed, maybe existed. Valencia’s influence indeed has changed me. The thing that truly makes my experience with Valencia remarkable is the fact that we are twins!!! She and I look and act so much alike that it is startling! When people see us together they assume that we are identical twins born from the same parents, but we are not! In fact we just met 3 years ago. The Word doppelganger would certainly apply to us, for we are the twin to each other that is said that each of us has in this world. Our meeting was to change the course of both our lives forever! Now I am an attractive 31 year old female, standing 6’ measuring 36-28-36, weighing a powerfully built l85lbs. Of course as I describe myself I am describing Valencia! I have always been very athletic and dominant, naturally tanned with long dusty blond hair. I can be quite domineering and most guys are intimidated by me. My intense catlike green eyes flash when I am angry with flaring nostrils framing a somewhat long nose! I have been told my wide mouth and full lips are deliciously made for kissing! I come from a family of football players. My Father was 6’4”, my two older brothers are 6’ 5” and 6’4” respectively, and my mother though not a football player was 5’11 and athletic, which explains my large solid frame! Needless to say I learned to fight at an early age and can be very formidable opponent! In college I played volleyball, weight lifted and was on the swimming team. I was a tomboy growing up and in high school and college was considered a bully to the women in my class, especially the girly types who I couldn’t stand and some guys didn’t escape my wrath! As for my sexual experiences with guys in college they were always athletic jocks, big, strong and stupid. That’s why right after I graduated from college my sexual experiences dwindled and I spent most of my time working out at the gym and managing a sporting goods store.
    Now after all that a strange twist of fate happened almost eight years ago, I married this little wuss of guy after he got me pregnant. He was the father of my child and he loved me, had a six figure income and was the top corporate account executive over the western regi?n of our chain of stores. I know I sound like a gold digger, but the truth is I only had sex with him to win a bet. I ended up getting pregnant, so he asked me to marry him and after giving it some thought I agreed. He’s actually a sweet little runt and he always gives me anything I want. In addition he let’s me do whatever I want to do and I and my children are well taken care of. Marrying him at the time, seemed like a good idea, but he’s as boring as watching paint dry. But he is a good provider and we curently have 2 children ages 7 and 5. My husband is only 5’5” and 130 lbs. You would think that I have free reign to dominate the puny little wuss, but my dominating personality is actually more competitive than domineering; I love a good challenge. There are times when I look at him and wish I had not married this little guy, but I did and so I just resign myself to living a boring life with my little husband and 2 children! As I said before I only married him because he got me pregnant! I seduced his little ass to win a bet with co-worker, unfortunately his condom broke while I was top of him banging the shit out of his little ass. And as they say when it comes to pregnancy, once is enough…..the rest as they say is history! Anyway as my life rolled boringly along, 3 years ago something happened that changed everything. My birthday is October 31st Halloween and I had just turned 28. Each year the company gives us free tickets to a haunted house they sponsor. So my husband and I normally pack the children and celebrate at the haunted house on my birthday night. Well this was the night I would meet Valencia and she would change my life forever. In fact I can truly say Valencia is the only person who can intimidate me and give me the longest and most powerful orgasms I ever had. Hell just thinking about her creams my pussy with both fear and nymphomania at the same time, some combination huh?
    Anyway there we were walking through the haunted house listening to all the screams and seeing all the people getting scared of the ghost and monsters; and our children are having a blast; my husband seems to be having fun, while I am practically yawning with boredom, when we get to this passageway that leads from the main house to the back which leads to a graveyard. It is a long, dark, narrow hallway filled with cobwebs and fake bugs and seeing through it is almost impossible. Only a dim light at the end of the hallway leading to the graveyard can be seen 30 feet away and basically you just have to follow it to get out. Other than the dim light at the end, it is pitch black dark and this hallway is packed with people, children screaming, people bumping into each other when all of a sudden someone grabs my ass from behind. Now this is not a normal bump but an ass grab or should I say more accurately a caress! It is pitch black dark in this hallway, with cob webs everywhere, people are screaming and bumping into me and I can’t see anything! Yet this hand literally rubs my ass and squeezes it……sensuously, if you can believe that! And I can sense this someone, their face looking directly at me in the dark! I quickly look back behind me and suddenly they are not there and the hand on my ass is gone! I think I’m just tripping and prepare to shrug it off since people are pushing and bumping me trying to get to the graveyard in the back. Just as I turn to walk back down the hall, I feel the hand again rub my left shoulder, down my back and caress my ass again! This time it was even more sensuous and definitely feminine!
    “ALRIGHT WHO THE FUCK KEEPS FEELING ME UP?” I shout as I spin to my left quickly.
    Of course no one hears me since everyone is screaming in the pitch-black hallway! I then turn further to my left and suddenly feel a face near mine! I could make out the silhouette of a woman, my height and I can sense she is very beautiful! Her perfume caresses my senses as her face comes closer and stops just inches from mine! My natural instinct is to smack her right there, but instead I just freeze! It’s Valencia, but of course I don’t know this at the time. Her warm breath softly touches my face, while her hand raises to gently caress my cheek…
    “Beautiful” she whispers, her breath sweet on my mouth.
    Her lips softly brush mine as she whispers….
    “Perfect……you are perfect.”
    I jerk away scared….
    “What the hell are you talking about, who are you?"
    Then she is gone!
    In spite of the chaos and pandem?nium she is gone! Then I realize I have no idea where my family is, so I quickly turn and blindly fight my way through the crowd trying to find my family and get to the end of the hallway so I can see!
    I finally get to the opening leading to the graveyard and search around until I see my family. By now I am scared and out breath….
    “Let’s get the hell out of hear, there is some weird shit going on in here.”
    “What’s wrong” my husband ask, “are you alright?"
    “No and I just want to go, it’s time for us to!”
    I grab the children by their arms and fight through the crowd! I ignore their protest as I finally find my way to the exit. As we head towards the outside gate, I once again sense she is watching me. So I turn my head and notice a tall elegant woman about 20 feet from me dressed in a long black Elivra costume just staring at me.
    IT’S HER…..I somehow know it…..feel it!!!
    She is gorgeous with long blond hair that is rolled up in an elegant bun on the top of head making her look regal. Now considering that this place was chaotic and packed to overflowing with scared people running all over the place and since I was in a big hurry to leave it felt strange that I would notice her at all. But seeing the way she was staring at me, I sensed this lady knew me. She had a knowing smile on her face and a gleaming hunger in her eyes that was both knowing and intimidating. I was too scared to confront her and just wanted to get the hell out of there ASAP! In the car I told my little wuss of a husband what happened, but he just told me I was probably stressed and needed some time off from work. I told him to shut the fuck up, because I know what happened. He shut up like a good little boy… see my husband is one of those computer nerds who’s very bright and makes great money. But since he’s a shrimp, I usually talk to him as if he were a child. He normally doesn’t get mad and fight back, he knows better, or I’d kick his little ass. If he were to report me, I could probably be brought up on Domestic Violence charges, that’s how bad I treat him. Anyway here I am on my way home with the strangest feeling that something is about to happen to me. Something that is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before. The family decided to stop and get McDonalds while my thoughts are lost in my experience at the haunted house. Little did I know, by tomorrow afternoon I would know who this woman is! As I continued thinking about this experience and the woman who kissed me, I suddenly realized my pussy was wet!
    The next day work went on as usual until I got a message from one of the section managers that corporate called and wants me to main office. I’m expecting the usual end of the month inventory problems so I go down preparing to straighten things out. When I get to the main office the secretary looks up and stares at me with astonishment.
    “Wow, that is remarkable” she then tells me to go right in Ms. Washington knows I’m here.
    “Ms. Washington” I ask, “you mean Valencia Washington the founder of the company?"
    “Yes that’s her” answered the secretary, still staring at me.
    “I thought she lived in New York!”
    “Well she’s been in Los Angeles for the past several months” answered the secretary. “She keeps a low profile. I’m sorry for staring, but you look so much like Ms Washington it is remarkable.”
    Now I’ve seen a picture of her once before, but it was a group picture with other executives, so I never paid much attention, but as I prepared to walk to her office it hit me…
    “This is the woman from last night! Oh shit” I thought “what the hell am I getting into?”
    I felt myself tremble as I paused trying to gather my thoughts. I knocked on the door, then slowly pushed it open. Once inside I saw this elegant suite with plush wall to wall carpeting and antique furniture. She’s sitting on a couch with her legs crossed and that same elegant bun on the top of her head. She is looking at me with that same smile I saw last night…..It’s her all right!
    “Veronica Williamson” she smiles, “how are you?"
    Her soft voice, deep like my own purred sensuously, seductively! It seemed to penetrate my very being, as she slowly rose. As she stands I suddenly realize I am looking at myself! Without breaking eye contact she realizes that I recognize the similarities between us. I’m gawking now as I mentally compare myself to her and realize we are the same, in height, skin tone, hair color, build and face! Her smiling green eyes, catlike stare at me hungrily as she seductively walks toward me, while I stand rooted to the spot! Right away my pussy starts to tingle! Now I can be a evil competitive bitch and I never remember being intimidated by anyone, but right now I had to admit, I felt like prey! I stood rooted to the spot as she walked up to me stopping less than foot in front of me. Tall like me, she has a magnificent body very feminine, but hard and powerful, one that you could tell she keeps in excellent shape!
    I stare back as her green eyes lock into my green eyes, I realize our eyes are exactly alike as she moves closer then whispers…
    “You are absolutely perfect. Look at us we are perfect together!"
    “Perfect for what” I ask trying to break the spell, “and why in the hell did you scare the shit out of me last night?"
    Her smile became more amused as her gaze deepened…
    “You are soooo perfect, this is going to be wonderful!”
    “Wonderful? Look Lady if you don’t start answering questions right now I’m leaving!”
    “Oh you’ll get answers” she whispered, “soon you’ll know everything! Please come sit with me, on the couch.”
    She reached out taking my hand in hers as she led me to the couch. Her long fingers are strong as they entwine with my own. Her hands as large as mine are both soft and powerful. As we sit on the couch, her perfume overwhelms me, the same perfume from last night and her aura is even more overwhelming. She doesn’t release my hand as she stares deeply into my eyes. I sit there transfixed, my eyes imprisoned by hers. We say nothing for several seconds, but our gaze holds for an eternity. I can feel my pussy getting wet as the power of this strange, but familiar woman envelops me.
    Finally she speaks…
    “Please forgive me for last night I knew in advance you were going to be there and I just couldn’t help myself, I had to see you, touch you, inhale you!"
    “Touch me, inhale me, lady you scared the shit out of me” I felt my voice rising as I began to get irritated.
    “I know” she replied gently, but I’ve been known to be a little bizarre, and since I see well in the dark, I had no problem finding you. My father use to call me cat eyes, since I saw so well in dark places! I apologize I meant no harm.”
    Releasing my hand she stood up and walked toward a bar and made herself a drink.
    “Would you like a drink” she asked looking at me again with that smile?
    “No thanks” I say.
    “I’m making myself a vodka tonic, which is my favorite” she then winked at me…. “which is also your favorite!”
    My mouth fell open!
    Ignoring me, she makes us both a drink and sensuously walks back to the couch and hands me one, then sits down very close to me, our thighs touching. I don’t move away and once again our twin eyes lock! I am unable to resist her gaze and sit transfixed by the most exotic eyes I have ever seen! Without breaking our gaze she sips her drink and I do the same, even though I said no. She then sets her drink on the table, then reaches out and takes mine setting it right next to hers so that they are touching. She then takes both of my hands in hers, our eyes never parting!
    She begins talking, her voice deep soft and sensuous….
    “For the past ten years I have been involved with many unique forms sex play, from domination to catfighting. Each one has it’s own form of stimulation, but all of them left me unsatisfied. Recently however I’ve discovered another side of myself that gave me what I was looking for…it’s what I call smush kissing” she laughed…. “the word smush is such a silly juvenile little word….but very apropos!”
    “What is smush kissing” I ask?
    “It’s easier for me to show you than tell you, may I” she asked?
    Show me?!?!?! At that moment I got very nervous and should have said no and gotten up and left….but I was so taken by this strange women I found myself nodding yes!
    “Like you I love kissing, in fact I can’t get enough of it….sounds familiar?” she asked smiling. “Oh yes, I am aware of your obsession for kissing!” she again smiled. “Smush kissing is not for everyone! Only some can do it right. You start by pressing your faces together like this.”
    She gently reaches up and takes my head in her hands while placing her face gently against mine. She smiles at me, looking directly in my eyes and for long seconds we breathe each other in; then very slowly and deliberately she pushes her twin face directly into mine, gently mashing them together! Her perfume is exotic, her breath is delicious, but the feel of her face against mine is beyond words. It’s like I am looking directly into a living breathing mirror. Our faces fit perfectly as they are the same size and shape, while our features match up perfectly even. She then gently, but sensuously mashes her lips into mine and it is the softest most delicious lips I have ever felt in my entire life. As I said in the beginning of this story, I love to kiss, but feeling her lips against mine was unlike anything I have ever felt before. Our lips and mouths mold softly, deliciously and perfectly together and our faces line-up evenly. I whimper as I can’t believe I am actually kissing this woman, a stranger, who doesn’t feel like a stranger, but an extensi?n of myself. Unable to resist I flow with her; it’s as if I know her! She then whispers sweetly in my mouth……
    “It’s important to line up everything, the foreheads, noses, mouths and chins” she breathes…“before we smush kiss” she then lines us up evenly and breathes again…..“now that we are lined up evenly………we smush in and kiss……deeply!"
    “H-How do you breathe” I asked shakily, feeling her familiar, yet wonderful face mash deliciously into mine?
    She gently smushes her face into mine smiling, “actually precious, we just line up our nostrils so they can flare out together like this! Then we breathe each others breath! It can be quite delicious breathing in each others breath! And female breath feels and smells so much better than air! Oh and it’s better if you can do it with your eyes open” she said excitedly as her exotic eyes lock into mine! “I’ll show you the fullness as to how it works later!”
    She gave me a deep soft smush kiss, mashing our faces together, with eyes locked, then she gently pulls away giving me a wink. Taking my hands once again she whispers…
    “Your hands are trembling!
    I cannot answer. I just sit there dumbfounded! My vocal cords rendered completely useless! I have this dumb ass expression on my face, panting lightly with my mouth hanging open! My pussy is drooling in my panties and she smiled knowingly and caresses my face.
    “I know I’m wet too!”
    “It was…” I struggle to find the words….
    “As if you were kissing yourself!" She finishes for me.
    “Yes” I whisper! “H-how did you discover this type of kissing?"
    “Two years ago I met a girl who was into strangulation, during our S & M love play she would always want me to strangle her to the point of death. Strange isn’t it that a person had to be without any breath and near death before they can reach an orgasm? I would place my fingers around her neck and just skweeze!”
    Her staring eyes twinkle as she says this, while holding her hands in the squeezing position.
    “Can you imagine the feeling, when you have that kind of power over another person?"
    I shudder as I let the meaning of what she was saying sink in. To my surprise my already soak pussy was getting wetter. I’m sure she could see it in my face, for she gave me a another knowing smile.
    “So what’s this got to do with me” I ask finally finding my voice?
    “Oh everything precious, you see you and I are about to become lovers and I don’t just mean the average lesbian relationship. We will merge our twin bodies, twin minds and twin souls. Our minds will meld and our hearts will be beat as one! We will explore realms of sensuality, intimacy and intensity that few have ever dreamed of!”
    Shaking my head, I stood up my knees trembling….
    “You got the wrong lady sister!”
    “I like that word sister…..but we will be so much more… see my dear Veronica, not only are you the right sister….you are THEE SISTER…you are my twin!” she answered also getting up. “I’ve watched you for the past 6 months and you are just like me!”
    “I’m nothing like you” I protest, “First off I’ve never even touched a woman sexually, second I’m not into strangulation, that shit’s for crazy people!”
    “You’re right it is for crazy people, but anyone who seeks the ultimate in life and living has to be a little crazy. Besides is this any more crazy than bungee jumping or parachuting or scuba diving in a deep ocean with predators? I Know for a fact you love to do both, as do I. I know you’ve raced cars and cliff dived. Why Veronica my dear if I didn’t know any better I would say you are practically suicidal!"
    “That’s different, those are sports.”
    “So is this. It’s the ultimate sport. The most sensuous and erotic sport you will ever play. ”
    “What if I don’t want to play?”
    She just stared at me thoughtfully.
    “I’ll tell you what Veronica, I’ll make you an offer, have dinner with me this Friday night in my home. If you still feel you don’t want this after dinner, I will give you a $20,000 a year raise; plus the position of your choice in the company!”
    “What” I asked stunned at the offer, “why?"
    Taking my hands again into hers…
    “Because from the first day I saw you I knew we were that person to each other that each of has in this world. What’s the word they use…..doppelganger?” She smiled… “we are each others twin, we are soul mates! You can’t accept it yet, but you will. We must merge Veronica, this is meant to be and I’m willing to do anything to bring us together, even compensate you!” Then she looked me up and down, the smile never leaving her face. “If you reject my offer the compensation will make it worth your time.” Her eyes were probing mine….“You can’t lose baby, if you accept my offer you will be a rich woman, as well as be with your soulmate! But if you reject my offer, you still get the raise! I’ll put it in writing if you like” she purred flashing that dazzling grin.
    I felt like I was caught in a trap I could not escape from. But I was not sure I wanted to escape, as I once again found myself getting lost in her eyes, she was absolutely gorgeous, her tanned skin as deep as my own and her long blonde hair stylishly sat on top of her head giving her a look of royalty. Her eyes had a light, almost silvery greenish quality about them, very much like mine.
    “What time” I asked?
    She smiled knowingly.
    “Seven-thirty sharp” she answered, “I’ll write down my address and private cell phone number, oh and by the way this must stay between us, you cannot tell anyone, can we agree on that?”
    “Alright sounds good” I said.
    She walks over to her desk writes down her private cell and home address, then turns and walks right up to me, this time very close, until our bodies touch, our faces an inch apart. Once again her hypnotic stare holds me prisoner! I have never wanted a woman before, not even a random sexual thought. Yet here I find myself wanting to mash my face into this womans face; to match every part of us together and look into her eyes…..our eyes! To match every inch of my body to hers…to explore it, to see if she really is the same as me! I felt myself wanting to be completely naked with her, to have nothing between us, to become one with her! It felt so strange to have these deeply intense and emotional feelings and thoughts, but strangely enough it felt like we were meant to do this, that something larger and more wonderful than either of us was in charge. That somehow we were separated by chance and are incomplete, but our coming together would soon remedy that!!! Our breasts touched, the familiar sweetness of her breath warm on my face. Without taking her eyes away from mine she reached down and took my hand and placed her number and address in it, her large hand intimately rubbing against my own, then sensuously sliding away. She then reached up and caressed my cheek while she smiled and whispered……

    To be Continued
    Last edited by shak7; January 7th, 2017 at 03:04 PM.

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    Re: Breathless Kisses 1 pt 1 By Shak

    See, I knew this was going to be continued, but when I got to the end, I still shouted, "NOOOOO! WHY IS IT TO BE CONTINUED?!?!" Great writing, Shak. I can't wait for the next part!
    Check out the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum at [url][/url]

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    Junior Hostboard Member Osoez39's Avatar
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    Re: Breathless Kisses 1 pt 1 By Shak

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    See, I knew this was going to be continued, but when I got to the end, I still shouted, "NOOOOO! WHY IS IT TO BE CONTINUED?!?!" Great writing, Shak. I can't wait for the next part!
    My thoughts exactly! Looking forward to the next chapter


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    Re: Breathless Kisses 1 pt 1 By Shak

    Quote Originally Posted by Osoez39 View Post
    My thoughts exactly! Looking forward to the next chapter

    Thanks to both of you, for making the old guy feel good about himself.
    Now where are my glasses and the ben-gay?


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    Re: Breathless Kisses 1 pt 1 By Shak

    Quote Originally Posted by shak7 View Post
    Thanks to both of you, for making the old guy feel good about himself.
    Now where are my glasses and the ben-gay?

    All you need is a little Bud Powell..Or some Monk...


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