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Thread: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

  1. #21
    Junior Hostboard Member Sharma786Aman's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Gsbux View Post
    Dear all

    I was delighted to read many stories written by talented authors, especially You (JB57). Finally, I decided to try and write a story

    But If you give me some help to Start a next part of story (Hot tub parties) then after that I will Complete your story If you don't mind

    Dear Dwcole, A penman, Sharma, Specially I need your Help to do it.

    Pls All Give your Valuable Response

    Thanks again..

    Hi Gsbux

    "Hot tub parties" is super hot and Everyone on Hardboard Like it much.
    I like it too much. But Sorry to Say But no one can write its next part as well as Jb57 done.
    Because all four parts of the story I love the way that Jb57 write the Story
    The Story is super hot beacuse of the way that Jb57 use to describe Laura and Jesse Fight

    I also think that with its next part is still incomplete but if Jb57 Write its next after that Story is Completed

    Sorry to Say


  2. #22
    Hostboard Member Gsbux's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Dear Gsbux,

    You put me in a difficult position. I have written many stories that are continuations of other people's work. I have written those stories largely because I am motivated by the same sentiments that you are expressing -i.e, I have read a story and am inspired by it to write more because I feel that the story is not "complete" or I rewrite a story that, I feel, can be expanded upon with more detail. So, I do understand where you are coming from.

    In the past, when I have worked with the story of another author on the board, I have asked permission to do so, where possible. No one has ever said "no." Thus, I feel compelled to give you permission to write your story, if you feel so strongly about it.

    However, I must admit to some discomfort in doing this. This is the first time someone has asked me to write stories using my characters. As I have said many times, I write all of my stories with the possibility of coming back to the characters later and I feel that my vision may be compromised if someone else has taken those characters in directions I may not have chosen. Moreover, at the risk of sounding somewhat hypocritical, I feel a certain proprietary attachment to my characters and I am not comfortable with other people working with them.

    Thus, I must add the strong caveat that I reserve the right to choose whether or not anything you write will be part of the "official" canon for the characters. I may eventually return to writing about these characters and I don't want my vision and understanding of them to be compromised by someone else's depictions.

    (There are active series that I am presently working on (like the Inge stories, Kath vs. Kil, the Kris stories, the Spa stories, etc.) that I am writing as continuing series. Those are series where I will not give other people permission to work with the characters.)

    With that understanding, you have my permission to write your story. However, you must do it on your own. I will not make a contribution.


    Dear Jb57

    I don't want to give you any trouble or put you in difficulty I Just Join Hostboard and Read a No. of Stories of Different authors and I like Your Stories, your r such a great writer
    So I Personally think that in Future no one say that one of your Story is Incomplete.

    Because read all the threads Firstly Sharma demands for next part then Dwcole decribe it's next part very well and after that Apenman also say that the next part of story is mind blowing
    After that I demand for link of its next after that U Say that The story is over with all four parts.

    So I think if you are busy in other stories then I can write your story for you not For me

    I Truly wish that you write its next part because I know that no one can write the story like u. If you want to resume your story then much better but if you not want to write its next part then I can write and complete your story

    Thanks for your Reply

    Thanks again
    Last edited by Gsbux; January 20th, 2018 at 05:08 AM.

  3. #23
    Hostboard Member Gsbux's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharma786Aman View Post
    Hi Gsbux

    "Hot tub parties" is super hot and Everyone on Hardboard Like it much.
    I like it too much. But Sorry to Say But no one can write its next part as well as Jb57 done.
    Because all four parts of the story I love the way that Jb57 write the Story
    The Story is super hot beacuse of the way that Jb57 use to describe Laura and Jesse Fight

    I also think that with its next part is still incomplete but if Jb57 Write its next after that Story is Completed

    Sorry to Say


    Dear Sharma

    I don't want to write Jb57's Story I only wants to Complete a nice Story.
    I also wanted that Jb57 write Its own Story Because I know that Without any help I can't able to write it's next and complete the Story


  4. #24
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    Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Dear Gsbux,

    You put me in a difficult position. I have written many stories that are continuations of other people's work. I have written those stories largely because I am motivated by the same sentiments that you are expressing -i.e, I have read a story and am inspired by it to write more because I feel that the story is not "complete" or I rewrite a story that, I feel, can be expanded upon with more detail. So, I do understand where you are coming from.

    In the past, when I have worked with the story of another author on the board, I have asked permission to do so, where possible. No one has ever said "no." Thus, I feel compelled to give you permission to write your story, if you feel so strongly about it.

    However, I must admit to some discomfort in doing this. This is the first time someone has asked me to write stories using my characters. As I have said many times, I write all of my stories with the possibility of coming back to the characters later and I feel that my vision may be compromised if someone else has taken those characters in directions I may not have chosen. Moreover, at the risk of sounding somewhat hypocritical, I feel a certain proprietary attachment to my characters and I am not comfortable with other people working with them.

    Thus, I must add the strong caveat that I reserve the right to choose whether or not anything you write will be part of the "official" canon for the characters. I may eventually return to writing about these characters and I don't want my vision and understanding of them to be compromised by someone else's depictions.

    (There are active series that I am presently working on (like the Inge stories, Kath vs. Kil, the Kris stories, the Spa stories, etc.) that I am writing as continuing series. Those are series where I will not give other people permission to work with the characters.)

    With that understanding, you have my permission to write your story. However, you must do it on your own. I will not make a contribution.

    Brother Writer-

    JB57....First of all, let me send a personal apology to you as I feel as though I had a part in placing you into this somewhat uncomfortable situation. With my response a few posts back, my only intent was to suggest another part to this story would be awesome. However, I think a couple of new board members misread my intent. Sorry about that.

    Second. Everything you said above is spot on. I know that in my stories I will occasionally "borrow" another writer's character (with permission of course) but I would NEVER consider asking another writer to continue one of their stories..for those reasons you mentioned. And I would not want another writer to continue one of my stories as I too, would likely be uncomfortable with whatever direction they took the story. And, while I admire your re-workings of other author's stories, that would scare the hell out of me. Which brings me to my final thought.

    No disrespect intended, but to those of you who seem to be asking for my assistance in an effort to continue JB57's story.. ABSOLUTELY NOT! That's just not something I would even consider doing. However, to borrow some of JB57's wealth of diplomacy, please do not be discouraged from writing. Story writing is a wonderful outlet! But I would like to strongly recommend that, rather than borrowing another writer's story line, try to create your own.


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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    As it would be too long to quote you apenman... worry not, you weren't the only one contacted about continuing the story, except I was less cordial. I've specifically mentioned how this could turn into a Twilight morphing toward 50 Shades, the epitome of how not to do followup to a different writer's work.

    Furthermore, and I've forgotten to mention this before... a different reason to not continue the work of someone else is too much focus on what made it great for you. At first glance this seems harmless, except we all have different tastes, and it's very likely the original author tapped into one of them whereas the next writer wishes to take it in a different direction, tailored to their own taste. Case in point, Wisdom of the crowd was cancelled because the open secret got out, that Jeremy Piven is a perv. I say open secret, because it was whispered back in the early '90s. Seth MacFarlane is not a visionary, just a good listener to industry gossip. However, 30 years ago, Star Trek The Next Generation produced an episode that turned out to be horribly racist. To be clear, I have enjoyed and would still enjoy the duel between Tasha Yar and the queen. That being said, the director was fired for not only being openly racist, but also to steer the narrative toward said scenario. He could do that because to some, even then, Star Trek was more about laser guns and green alien babes, than its original message. Such a thing today, I wish to say wouldn't happen, but I'd be lying. The screenwriting bible exists to keep track of characters, especially about what motivates them. A borrowed story cannot only please the writer, it has to appeal to a broad audience.

    Last but not least, there's a bigger problem afoot, a very pedo bear topic was unearthed from 8 years ago on the catfight board and until now no effort was made to remove it, even though we are but a subsection on a website that is visited by kids and their parents.

  6. #26
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post
    Brother Writer-

    JB57....First of all, let me send a personal apology to you as I feel as though I had a part in placing you into this somewhat uncomfortable situation. With my response a few posts back, my only intent was to suggest another part to this story would be awesome. However, I think a couple of new board members misread my intent. Sorry about that.

    Second. Everything you said above is spot on. I know that in my stories I will occasionally "borrow" another writer's character (with permission of course) but I would NEVER consider asking another writer to continue one of their stories..for those reasons you mentioned. And I would not want another writer to continue one of my stories as I too, would likely be uncomfortable with whatever direction they took the story. And, while I admire your re-workings of other author's stories, that would scare the hell out of me. Which brings me to my final thought.

    No disrespect intended, but to those of you who seem to be asking for my assistance in an effort to continue JB57's story.. ABSOLUTELY NOT! That's just not something I would even consider doing. However, to borrow some of JB57's wealth of diplomacy, please do not be discouraged from writing. Story writing is a wonderful outlet! But I would like to strongly recommend that, rather than borrowing another writer's story line, try to create your own.

    Hi! No apology necessary.

    As I said, I appreciate where those making the requests are coming from. I have been in the same position many times myself.

    I also strongly encourage people to write their own stories, even as an outlet for themselves. I appreciate that this is often easier said than done - writing is hard work and requires a lot of time and patience. However, it is something that improves with practice and effort.


  7. #27
    Junior Hostboard Member Sharma786Aman's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Hi Everyone

    Sorry for Inconvenience

    But I don't want to give any trouble or put you in any Difficult situation I just join and Hostboard and I like Jb57 Story to much But I personally think that there must be a next part in it to make a story more Interesting So I presented my Views about Story But Jb57 are busy with another stories and after that dwcole give his views for next part. So I decided to write it's next part for Jb not for me. I send it to Jb57 through PM for post on hostboard Because I know that no one Complete his story like jb57

    So Jb57 after complete your another story pls write it's next part


  8. #28
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57


    Dear Jb57

    I want to recognize that I like your all stories but hot tub parties stories is my favorite Story
    I request you to Pls write its next part and Continue your one of the best story

    Pls write it quickly


  9. #29
    Hostboard Member Gsbux's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Hi Jb57

    Hi Jb57! Thanks for this. Great work, as always.

    Love every thing to this story JB.
    Looking forward to part V.

    pls hurry up

  10. #30
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    Re: Hot Tub Parties, Part IV and Epilogue - JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by dwcole View Post
    Sharma is so, so right.

    Hot Tub Parties was all about mutual - everything.
    Steve was the common ground ( so to speak ) for
    Laura and Jesses coming together in the first place.
    Steve was the mutual thing they shared - at first.
    Chapters 3, and 4, the two women just wanted
    to out fuck each other - mutually.
    Then Steve was the common ground again when he
    came home. Mutually, I don't think Laura and Jesse
    gave a shit. They just wanted to keep tit/sex fuck fighting
    each other. Steve was a mutual - reason.

    A threesome, like Sharma said, would be mind blowing.
    And with Laura and Jesse still wanting to tit/sex fight yet again.
    With Steve right between the two hot women or underneath the two
    hot tit/sex fighting women.

    Laura and Jesse meet eye to eye right over Steve's cock. And wrap
    their long red and brunet hair around it and jerk him off, for starters. lol

    The women might trap Steve's cock between their four fighting lips.
    Trap his cock between their four huge tits as they tit fight.
    Trap his cock between their fighting cunts while sitting on him.
    Maybe, the women trap his cock between their four sexy ass cheeks
    before they sit on him.

    So yes, another chapter to this story would be super hot.

    Just my two cents on the matter.
    yeah, Dwcole

    i also think that the next part of story is super hot. Like you Decribe Laura and Jesse meet eye to eye right over Steve's cock. And wrap
    their long red and brunet hair around it and jerk him off, for starters. lol

    The women might trap Steve's cock between their four fighting lips.
    Trap his cock between their four huge tits as they tit fight.
    Trap his cock between their fighting cunts while sitting on him.
    Maybe, the women trap his cock between their four sexy ass cheeks
    before they sit on him.

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