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Thread: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by JB57

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    NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by JB57

    Dear Board,

    Here is the start of a new story. This post contains the prologue and parts 1 and 2. I think that there may be two more parts and an epilogue.

    There are a few things about this story worth noting, I think. First, this is the first Inge story in quite some time (Conchita also appears, briefly). It will definitely not be the last, but it was nice to have an inspiration for Inge again. This story is not complete, but I think it is about half done, so I hope to have the rest up fairly soon. I've been inspired to write it, so that is a good sign.

    I've been thinking about the reason for the inspiration, and I thought I would share that with the board, given an earlier thread on how writers write. This story, in some ways, is a direct return to the very first Inge story. That story, written by an unknown writer, pitted the Jungle Queen against a Countess, Conchita, a woman who represented the sexual power and appeal of the city and civilization. I took that story and expanded on it, but I did something that, while I think it worked, also had an unforeseen effect on the characters. It ended up making Conchita part of the jungle; in a sense, it took the city woman out of the city and made her another jungle queen. That's not entirely fair, since Conchita remains with a foot in each world, but she has been "conquered", in a sense, by the primitive appeal of the wild jungle.

    In this story, I am, once again, pitting the primal sexual power of the Jungle Queen, Inge, against the primal sexual power of a woman who represents civilization and the city. In a sense, it's a replay of the original Inge vs. Conchita battle, but it will be different in its execution. More, I am going to make an effort to keep Martina, the main challenger in the story, as solidly in the "city' side of the equation as I can. I don't anticipate her running around the jungle in a panther-skin bikini anytime soon (which isn't to say she might not be running around the jungle in something equally erotic, just more "civilized.")

    If you have not read "Duels of Honor", the story in which Martina first appears, I urge you to do so (after reading this one). Martina is not my creation. in fact, another board member gave me the idea for DoH and even wrote some sections of it that I incorporated into the final product. There are parts of the story which are distinctly written in a style not my own, which gives this away. To my embarrassment, I can't recall who that member was, but I'll check out the original story and see if I mention it there.

    Anyway, as I said, this story is not yet done, but I expect it to be done soon. As always, feedback welcome. I hope that fans of Inge enjoy this new tale of the Jungle Queen and her rivals.


    PS. I just checked the original post of "Duels of Honor, Part I" and the other writer who sent me the outline and idea for the story was the great Catharsis, who has written (in my view) some of the best stories on the board. Catharsis, if you are out there, please start writing again!

    Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by JB57

    Prologue: Conchita and Domino Play a Game

    Domino moaned tortuously. The redheaded beauty thrashed her head from side to side, she squeezed her own tits, pinching her rock-hard nipples between thumb and forefinger, as she arched her back, driving her cunt hard and deep into Conchita’s matching pussy. Both women were locked up tight, squeezing, squeezing twat to twat, wrestling cunt to cunt, struggling to overpower each other. Their pulsing clits were crushed tight, their bellies were trembling with effort, their powerful bodies were undulating in rhythm as they fucked mercilessly, each trying to force a final, submissive orgasm out of the other. Their bodies writhed on Conchita’s bed; the room was mostly dark, the only light coming from the fireplace and a couple of flickering oil lamps. The light rippled in the room, picking out the moisture on the voluptuous flesh of the fuckfighting women. Their tits were wet with nipple cum, their pubic bushes were intermeshed so tightly it seemed they were one thick mat of red and black hair. Their asses and hips were working furiously as the battling women rode each other to the end.

    “God, oh goooooddddddd,” Domino groaned, her eyes squeezing tight, her teeth clenching as she struggled to hold out just a bit longer.

    “Cum, you fuck, you whore, cum, cum, cuuuuuuummmmmm!!” Conchita snarled, screamed, as she felt her clit twitching, throbbing, aching, as she knew she was only seconds away from a humiliating defeat.

    “Dirty fucking CUNT!!” the redheaded beauty suddenly shrieked. “Oh Christ, you FUCKING WHORE!!”

    Domino came in a gusher of hot cum; her nipples exploded, jetting thick, warm nipple ejaculate into the air. It showered back down on her, even as her pussy came again. Her hips bucked high, her ass clenched and flexed as it bounced on the bed, her whole body convulsing in orgasmic bliss.

    Conchita shrieked in relief and ecstasy as she let herself go. She came like a fire hose, spraying her ejaculate all over Domino’s lower body, soaking the already cum-soaked sheets. For almost 10 minutes, the battling vixens sucked hot, thick cum and back and forth between their interlocked cunts, using their deep muscles on each other until, finally, they could not go on any longer.

    For nearly 20 minutes, they drifted in and out of consciousness, their bodies sealed tight. The two gorgeous Amazons slowly recovered their strength. Finally, Conchita pulled herself back. The women’s thick, cum-saturated bushes ripped apart painfully; they screamed in concert, but this was a small price to pay for the unbearable pleasure they had given to each other.

    Conchita lay down next to Domino’s supine form, stretching out beside the redheaded goddess. The dark-haired vixen ran her finger up Domino’s cum-leaking slit, scooping up a thick dollop of the creamy liquid, and licked it off her finger.

    “Delicious!” Conchita smiled.

    “Fuck you, whore,” Domino murmured.

    “You’re getting a lot better, bitch,” Conchita smiled. “But you’re still not good enough to beat me.”

    “I’ve beaten you before,” Domino snapped.

    “Yes,” Conchita agreed. “But that is few and far between. We both know who of us is the stronger cunt.”

    “I come here to practice, to match tits and clits and cunts with you, you whore,” Domino snapped. “I’m getting better all the time. Enjoy it while you can; it won’t be long before I have you flat on your back, begging me to keep fucking you.”

    Conchita merely smiled. “You know the rules,” she said, changing the subject. “You lose a fuckfight, you owe me a secret. What is Martina up to? One major secret.” This was Conchita’s way of staying informed about the goings-on in the city; fucking other women (and sometimes men), giving them pleasure or challenging their power in ways that made them willing to tell her things. Domino had proven to be an excellent source of information about her friend, Martina Hernandez de Sousa, the city’s Alpha bitch. Martina was at the top of the social pecking order; she was powerful, sexually voracious, a champion sexfighter and a ruthless businesswoman.

    “OK,” Domino sighed. “This one is something I would have told you anyway. Martina is going into the jungle, on an expedition to find and kill Inge.”

    “Hmph. She’s tried that before.” Conchita was unimpressed.

    “This is different,” Domino insisted. “She is doing it herself. She’s going into the forest all on her own. She says she’s not coming out until she has Inge’s head on a stick.”

    Conchita laughed, stretching her nude perfection beside Domino, crushing her body tight to the cum-soaked redhead. She hated to admit it, but fucking Domino was one of the most enjoyable things she did. The redhead was angry, sexually voracious and incredibly powerful. She always challenged Conchita and the black-haired countess knew that it was just a matter of time before Domino would be beating her consistently. For now, though, they played this game and Conchita usually won. But not always.

    “Is she taking a tracker?” Conchita asked. Going into the thickly forested Amazon seemed incredibly reckless for a city-raised socialite.

    “No, as I said, she’s going alone.”

    Conchita thought about it. Martina was not stupid; clearly, the woman either possessed heretofore unknown skills or something else was at work. Either way, Conchita was not worried about Inge, her blonde lover.

    “Inge will feed her the gun,” Conchita said, with certainty. “Besides, Martina may say she wants to kill Inge, but we both know what she really wants.”

    “Yes, we do,” Domino murmured. Her green eyes were glowing with desire in the half-light. Slowly, she spread her wet legs wide, offering herself to her rival.

    Conchita smiled, her beautiful face alive with heat, as she mounted her redheaded fuckbitch.

    “Let’s see what else you know, cunt,” Conchita smiled. The women shared a hot smile. Their bodies began moving in unison. Soon, the dimly lit room echoed with the moans and cries of two sex-crazed goddesses in heat.

    Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush, Part I

    Martina Hernandez de Souza was a beautiful woman. She was a society woman who commanded the upper social echelons of the city, and its many gorgeous women, with the irresistible power of her sex. She was the sexfighting champion of the upper class who had learned, over the course of many sexual struggles, how to use her body in ways that would drive other women insane with lust. She was a hard-edged businesswoman who did whatever she needed to secure deals, make money, and take power. She was not the kind of woman to be found in the deep jungles of the Amazon, all by herself. If she went into the jungle –and certainly, her business often made this necessary – she went with an entourage, a phalanx of guards to protect her, and all the latest in camping equipment and portable comforts. In the past, when she had spent time in the forest, she had passed the nights in a large tent equipped with its own drawing room and furniture, a full bed and a tin bathtub and hot water for her to bathe in. She was never far from the creature comforts of society. She was a woman made for luxury, who enjoyed all the amenities that wealth and status had to offer.

    And yet, today, Martina Hernandez de Sousa was deep in the jungles of the Amazon, traveling by herself, carrying in her backpack only the most basic camping equipment needed to see her through the hot jungle days and steaming jungle nights. Martina was wearing a tan pith helmet, her long, golden hair tucked in under the hard brim. She was clothed in a thin white cotton shirt with the sleeves cut off, leaving her beautiful, muscular arms bare. The shirt was unbuttoned and hanging open in the front, leaving her bra-less cleavage fully exposed, the half globes of her magnificent tits fully visible in the neck of the shirt. Her large breasts were wet and gleaming with perspiration. It was impossible to hide the remarkable size, firmness and perfection of her gorgeous golden orbs. Her tits’ sweat-soaked nipples were perfectly outlined by the thin white shirt, forming enticing dark circles against the cloth. The shirt was tied into a tight knot that was nestled in the overhang of her massive breasts, leaving her golden, bare belly completely naked, all the way down to just above her pubes. Her belly glistened with sweat. A tight pair of blue elastic shorts hugged her hips and covered her ass and crotch area. She was not wearing any underwear and the pooling sweat from her torso had dampened the shorts, making visible the alluring cleft of her powerful cunt. Most of her long, beautifully muscled legs were exposed. Her feet were protected by thick jungle boots and wrapped in socks designed to keep the humidity away. At her side was a high-powered revolver, strapped to a gun belt that dropped low, clinging to the widest part of her formidable hips. A camping knife was strapped to her bare thigh.

    Anyone who knew Martina from the city would assume that she was completely out of her element. This was not true. Martina had been born and raised in the city but, as a child, she had been called to the jungle. Her father had insisted that all his children learn basic survival skills so they would not be helpless in the wild, untamed world that surrounded them. All her siblings had taken to the lessons well, but Martina had been the best, learning all there was to know about living in the heated, dangerous Amazon. It was only when she grew into a young woman, when her full beauty bloomed in all of its magnificence, when her chest erupted in massive, perfect tits, her hips curved out in womanly waves, her legs grew thick and shapely, and her pussy grew hot and hungry, that she had become the creature of high society and culture and sexual domination that she now was. Yet, even as a society woman, Martina was far more than she seemed. She was incredibly strong, far more powerful than any ordinary woman. She was an expert with a fencing foil or, indeed, any kind of blade. In her vast mansion there was a gymnasium equipped with the best gear and staffed with excellent hired coaches who trained the blonde beauty in a wide variety of athletic fields. Martina enjoyed being physically strong; she refused to be a helpless woman who needed to rely on men for physical protection. She had also found that her physical power was a considerable benefit in her uncontested role as the Alpha bitch in the city’s society of upper class women. Martina acquired a well-earned reputation as a skillful and indomitable sexfighter. She had found that her ability to win her sexual conflicts with other women often depended on her physical conditioning. Many times, she had won victory over a rival because of her strength. Exercising her pussy was an important part of her routine.

    These hidden skills served Martina well, now that she was back out in the jungle alone, after so many years away. She used her expert abilities as a tracker to hunt down her prey: Inge, the Jungle Queen. Over the past few years, Inge had become a thorn in the side of Martina and her business ambitions. Inge had begun destroying the equipment and the campsites of companies affiliated with Martina, companies that had paid her kickbacks to get the necessary authorizations to open up the jungle to mining and other kinds of resource extraction. Martina had hired men to kill Inge; none had returned. Then, almost a year ago, fate had intervened. Inge had come directly into Martina’s home, as the second to the Spanish woman Conchita, who was embroiled in a sexual duel with the Frenchwoman, Domino. Martina and Inge had taken one look at each other and recognized the other. Martina knew Inge from the grainy photos that had survived the blonde jungle woman’s attacks on the company encampments. For months, Martina had been obsessing over the jungle woman, over her body, wondering how it would compare to her own in a test of sexual power. Inge had recognized Martina from times when she had spied on the camps and seen Martina visiting. Inge had read documents left in the camps and realized who the blonde woman that she kept seeing must be. Martina and Inge had confronted each other in the socialite’s bedroom, which was adorned with the skins and stuffed remnants of animals, all that could possibly offend Inge. They met in a vicious fuckfight. The blondes had pitted their raw sexual power, their perfect, powerful, voluptuous bodies against each other. To her everlasting shame, Martina had lost. Not by much, but a loss was a loss, especially when two women go cunt to cunt and clit to clit to decide who is the dominant bitch.

    Martina stewed over that loss for some time. Now had come the time to do something about it. Inge would not be coming to her; she needed to go to Inge. But she was not interested in a sexual rematch, or so she told herself. Too much was at stake to make this about personal pride. She needed to remove Inge as an obstacle to her family’s business. Inge’s attacks on the encampments had had the desired effect: the companies were no longer coming, not until the city could guarantee that the wild blonde goddess of the jungle would not destroy their priceless machines and drive their men screaming from the forest. Martina’s journey into the jungle, her tracking of Inge, was all about business.

    Martina’s plan was simple: find Inge and put a bullet through the blonde Jungle Queen’s heart. No messing around, no worrying about primitive, primal rules of sexual combat. Before, she had tried to conquer Inge with her cunt and tits, she had tried to prove to the jungle bitch that Martina was the woman who could tame her, that Martina possessed the cunt and tits of a primal goddess, no matter how high in society she might rise. She felt the humiliation of her loss acutely.

    Even though she knew she was making a business decision, however, Martina had to plan for every contingency. So, she spent most of the intervening year doing special exercises to improve the power of her muscled cunt and vaginal sucking, to increase her stamina and sexual control. If, by some unfortunate miscalculation or unforeseen circumstances, she was not able to kill Inge outright, she needed to be able to take on the blonde bitch in any kind of combat, including sexual combat.

    Over time, Inge moved her base of operations deeper into the jungle. Thus, it was 16 days after she set out on her mission into the forest that Martina finally found the first, fresh signs of the Jungle Queen. Late in the afternoon, Martina came across a wet footprint. Instantly, she felt a flash of excitement. The wetness of the print let her know it was made just minutes before; the print itself was distinctly that of a woman’s foot. If Martina took off her shoes and socks, she knew that her own foot would match the print perfectly in size. After days of tracking vague signs of the Jungle Queen, Martina finally knew that she was only minutes away from the blonde beauty.

    Martina carefully unholstered her pistol and double-checked it to be sure it would not misfire. She took off her pack and placed it beside a carefully marked tree –she did not want the extra weight impeding her or the pack catching as she tried to move silently through thick vegetation. As she prepared for the assassination attempt, she realized, with some irritation, that her breasts had tightened into taut, round mounds of throbbing meat, tipped with rock-hard, brown spiked nipples; her pussy had lubricated hard, her cunt lips had become engorged, her clit had swollen to the point that it was uncomfortable walking as her sex horn rubbed against the raw cloth of her shorts. A wet spot of pussy lubrication had started to appear on the crotch. If her body became any more sexually aroused, she feared she would give away her position just by the musky scent of her enflamed pussy. No, Martina told herself. This was going to be a quick, fast kill. Find Inge and put a bullet in her. Nothing else – no spike of womanly desire, no intense memories of the unbearable sexual ecstasy she and Inge had inflicted on each other, and especially no raw, primal desire to avenge her sex on the woman who had defeated her – none of these things would distract her from the very practical mission she had come to accomplish.

    Martina moved soundlessly through the underbrush. She heard the trickle of water ahead; some kind of small stream was moving through the forest. She headed towards the stream, her instincts telling her that Inge was somewhere around there. Her unrestrained breasts shifted heavily under her thin cotton shirt; her bare belly and naked legs were caressed by the soft fronds of tall grass. She continued moving forward. She found the stream and began to follow it. For more than an hour she followed small signs of the Jungle Queen; the bend of a blade of grass, the scuff marks made by bare feet on gently packed dirt. Finally, Martina pushed through some thick vegetation and came into a clearing. The space was surrounded by tall trees, draped in green vines; sunshine shot through the canopy, illuminating the jungle floor. Inge was standing in the center of the clearing, waiting for her.

    Martina instantly aimed her gun. The pistol barrel pointed right between Inge’s massive tits. The Jungle Queen just smiled. She was wearing only her leopard skin bikini. Her massive, beautiful breasts strained against the meager cloth. Titflesh bulged out around all sides of the tiny triangular cups; her underboob was exposed and there was impressive cleavage on top. The tiny triangles of cloth were held in place by spaghetti straps that looped over her neck and around her back; the halter was tied by a knot suspended between her bulging tits. Her belly was bare, flat, beautiful and golden, ridged with muscle, in its center a perfect navel, long and deep and enticing. Her bikini thong bottom hugged her womanly hips and cut across her torso just above the thick thatch of pubic hair that Martina knew was there. Her legs were long, muscled, golden. She was barefoot, of course. Her blonde hair rippled like golden fleece in the gentle breeze that stirred the hot, humid air. Martina looked for weapons but saw none on the Jungle Queen’s body.

    Martina’s skin was burning; her tits were on fire, her pussy was scalding hot, her clit was beating like a drum.

    “I’ve been watching you for the past couple of days, Martina,” Inge purred. “Did you really come here just to shoot me?”

    “Yes,” Martina snarled, but her beautiful face was conflicted. “I’m going to put an end to you, once and for all. Your attacks on the men clearing the jungle have gone too far and gone on too long! You’re costing me and my family fortunes. No more! I’m ending you here and now.”

    “Or,” Inge purred deeper, “we could settle this like women.” She smiled. “Woman to woman. Your cunt to mine; your clit on my clit; tit to tit and nipple to nipple. Naked body to naked body, bitch to bitch. That is the proper way to resolve our differences.”

    Inge reached up and, as Martina watched, the blonde bitch untied the knot between her delicious breasts that was holding her leopard skin bikini top taut. The top loosened; her tits quivered as the pressure released. Slowly, seductively, Inge pulled the tiny cloth from her chest and threw it aside. Her massive tits jiggled deliciously as they bounced free from the meager restraint. Her nipples were coffee brown and incredibly long and thick. Her brown areola were prefect circles and pebbled with sexual tension. The golden brown orbs of Inge’s tits caught the sun and gleamed with sweat. Moisture dripped from her nipples –either perspiration or pre-cum, Martina was not sure. Maybe both. Martina stared. She could not pull her eyes away from those incredible orbs. She licked her dry lips; her heart pounded with excitement and lust beneath her own massive tits.

    Inge waited, giving Martina time to absorb the full beauty of Inge’s incredible tits. After a few moments, the jungle woman slid her hands down her tanned belly to her thong. With a single tug, the thong came loose from her hips. It stuck wetly to her pussy; Inge peeled the leopard skin garment off her juicy cunt and threw it away. Martina’s eyes drifted down slowly, down Inge’s perfect bare belly, to the thick, course thatch of golden pubic hair that crowned her pussy, to the powerful, thick-lipped twat that lay like an invitation between Inge’s smooth, hot thighs. As Martina watched, Inge’s cunt dripped moisture onto the forest floor.

    Martina devoured Inge’s nude body with her eyes. The world seemed to stand still. Inge’s golden tanned form gleamed in the late afternoon sun, damp with perspiration and other moisture. Trickles of pussy juice wandered down her inner thighs. The jungle goddess was absolutely perfect; her body radiated erotic power like a star. Martina was struck by a powerful vision, an intense memory, of what it felt like to have Inge’s naked body rubbing and grinding against her own flesh, their limbs twining and straining, their mouths and tongues locked in passion, the delicious feeling of being merged cunt to cunt, of exchanging hot cum and wracking, shuddering orgasms. She realized that, if she chose a different path right now, she could rediscover the sheer ecstasy of mating with the blonde goddess, of matching tits and clits and cunts to those of the other woman, of sharing spit and cum and heat and sweat with her sexual rival. She imagined she could avenge herself on Inge; after all, what had her sexual practicing over the past year been for if not to match her erotic strength against Inge’s once again?

    Martina’s gun wavered. Her body pulsed with sensual need, with a lust and desire so powerful and overwhelming that she feared she might faint. She could not resist it. She did not want to resist it. She knew now that she had not come into the jungle to kill Inge. She had come here to fuck the Jungle Queen, to fuck her and fuck her and fuck her until only one of them could walk away, until one of them was fucked into submission.

    Martina put her gun in its holster and snapped the flap shut. She undid the gun belt and let it drop to the ground. She undid the knife strap on her thigh and dropped the strap and knife beside the gun belt. Her grey eyes never left Inge’s bright blue eyes as she reached up and removed her pith helmet. She shook out her golden hair, letting it cascade over her shoulders. She threw the hat aside. Martina kneeled down, her eyes still locked to Inge’s. Inge watched the blonde’s every move intently. Martina untied her thick hiking boots and slipped them off her feet. She pulled off the thick, damp socks. She stood on the loam of the ground bare foot, her toes sinking into the soft earth, feeling the sensual connection to the jungle. She tucked the socks in her boots and threw them aside. She stood straight. Slowly, she reached down to the knot of her shirt below her breasts and untied it. The knot unraveled and the long tails of the shirt unfurled. She brushed the shirt out, so that its full length and size fell around her; it was completely unbuttoned. Martina pushed the sleeveless shirt off her bare shoulders and let the garment fall to the ground. She now stood before Inge completely topless. She flexed her back and shoved her massive rack out, in challenge. Inge licked her lips as her eyes fixed hungrily on Martina’s perfect boobs. The city woman’s incredible tits matched Inge’s tits in every way. Martina’s nipples were as hard as rocks and were dripping with fluids. Her tits were golden orbs, taut, thick, engorged with heat and tension. Her hot, hard belly rippled as her tits heaved in excitement.

    Martina reached down, slid her thumbs into her short’s waistband, and pushed the tiny garment down her hips. The waistband was elastic, so the shorts came down easily, slipping down her lush thighs, down her powerful calves, dropping to her feet. Martina stepped out of the shorts and kicked them aside. She stood in the sun. The light glinted off her nude perfection.

    The two women examined each other, their eyes roaming hungrily over every succulent inch of the other. Below their necks, Inge and Martina were virtually mirror images. Their incredible bodies glowed with the same golden tan. Their massive breasts rose proud and firm off their chests. Their thick, hot brown nipples were as hard as rocks, engorged with desire. Their beautiful torsos were defined by smooth, muscled bellies and wide, curving hips. Thick blonde crowns of pubic hair protected their powerful vulvas. Their long, thickly muscled legs tapered down to perfect feet.

    For long minutes, the two nude goddesses stared at each other, letting their mutual desire build into feverish lust and then build more into a barely contained sexual frenzy. Martina could feel her pussy leaking; she could feel her nipples dripping as they burned. All of her sex organs were on fire; every inch of her skin felt electrified. She could see the same signs of pure lust on Inge’s perfect golden body. The heat, the terrible tension in Martina’s sexual core was unbearable; it radiated heat and electricity, it filled her with a raw lust so primal that she felt herself losing her mind to desire. She knew there was only one way to satisfy her needs and it could only be found between the legs of the goddess whore in front of her.

    Inge and Martina walked up to each other slowly. They paused only inches apart, their dripping nipples so close to kissing that they could feel the heat radiating off of their nubs. Their naked bodies glistened with sweat; the powerful scent of aroused womanhood enveloped both women, their scents mixing to form a unique musk of their own.

    “We do not stop until this is decided between us,” Inge said softly, her voice thick with arousal. “Your body against mine. Cunt to cunt, clit to clit, tit to tit. We keep going until one of us cannot continue. That is how we will know which of us is the stronger woman. Do you agree?”

    “Yes,” Martina said, her voice almost a groan of desire. “No stopping. We will fuck until one of us cannot fuck anymore.” Martina smiled. “I warn you, Inge. I have not been idle the past year. My cunt is stronger than ever. My sexual skills are better. I will break you. I will make you feel my power deep in your twat. I will tame you with my cunt and tits.”

    Inge smiled. “Maybe I cannot be tamed. Maybe your cunt and tits need to be broken by mine, to teach you this truth. Again.”
    The women smiled at each other, their shared lust glowing in their eyes.

    “Enough talking,” Martina whispered. “It’s time to fuck.”

    “Yes,” Inge murmured in agreement. “It is time for us to fuck each other raw.”

    The blonde Amazons reached for each other. The heat of the jungle closed on them like a vise. The erotic fever gripping their lush bodies exploded into a full blaze. It was finally time to destroy each other, to battle to the end with their cunts, their clits, their tits, with every inch of flesh and every ounce of sexual power that they possessed.

    To be continued:

    Inge and Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush, Part II:

    Inge and Martina grabbed the other’s biceps. They shuddered in delight, their bodies tense with anticipation, as their erotically charged bare flesh came into contact for the first time in a year. Smiling viciously at each other, the two gorgeous blondes leaned forward, their hearts pounding with excitement, aiming their nipples at each other. The tips of their engorged nips came together. The thick brown nubs sizzled with erotic power as they mated; both women screamed as their nipple holes sealed, latching onto each other and forming an immediate erotic bond. Electricity flowed through their jerking bodies from their fused nipples down to their throbbing clits. Martina moaned uncontrollably; the pleasure was incredible, everything she could have hoped. The heat built unbearably in her nipples. Then, unexpectedly, her nipples ejaculated, just a little. Both women groaned in unison as the clear, hot substance penetrated their nips, sending a shock of heat through their massive tits.

    “Ohhhhhmmmmmm,”Martina groaned. An instant later, she felt a flow of intense heat in her pussy and her cunt clenched, then sprayed, coating her inner thighs, splattering onto Inge’s tan thighs, trickling cunt juices down to the ground. Her body was incredibly aroused, even more than she had realized.

    Inge gasped; Martina’s signs of arousal fed Inge’s lust. The jungle goddess’ pussy sprayed in reply, watering the ground, dampening her inner thighs, and hitting Martina’s burning cunt.

    The women rested forehead to forehead, nose to nose, moaning and gasping, trying to regain their senses, their bearings, trying to bring the incredible erotic forces racing through their bodies under control.

    “Dirty whore,” Martina moaned, her grey eyes locking onto Inge’s blue.

    “Fucking, fucking cunt,” Inge gasped, her body quivering with desire.

    Martina wrapped her powerful arms around Inge’s upper back; Inge wrapped her arms around the other blonde vixen’s wasp-like waist. Sighing, moaning with indescribable lust, the women pulled each other in. Their massive, meaty tits compressed, hard nipples stabbing each other into dense titflesh, nova-hot areola eclipsing and fusing into one, breasts spreading out against each other, mashing and merging, taut meat resisting then balling into thick, round, tight mounds. The throbbing heat in their struggling tits radiated through their bodies. The women could feel their hearts pounding into each other. Their flat, bare bellies slapped warmly, wetly together. The blondes sighed in delight, both women rubbing their bellies, flexing their abdominal muscles until they felt their deep, narrow navels sucking at each other, wet, sweat-filled indentations forming a strong grip. Their thick, strong thighs pressed tight, their course thatches of pubic hair meshed and intertwined, rough hair lacing into rough hair.

    The women glared at each other, nose to nose, hot breath mixing. They delighted in the sensual pleasure of their sweat slick, hot flesh merging and rubbing. Erotic electricity ran through their bodies, filling every inch of bare flesh with heat and tingling with arousal. The blondes slid their noses past each other, touched tongues, then sank into a long, hot, deep, savage kiss. Their tongues pushed and thrust, their mouths sucked spit back and forth. The women moaned deep in their throats, their animal grunts and howls stifled within their sealed mouths. Soon, drool flowed down their cheeks and jaws as their mouths overflowed, but still they kept kissing, fighting, struggling to dominate and control the other. The sensuality of their battle, the sheer erotic delight, drove the women insane with lust.

    Inge and Martina writhed in each other’s arms, squeezing tight, trying to compress each other’s tits, to press flat to each other’s bellies. They worked their shoulders and moved their tits up and down, back and forth, grinding their heavy titmeat. Their nipples burned constantly, their breasts filled with heat as their firm meat mashed and pulsed, their huge tits massaging each other, meat to meat. Their bodies surged against each other, seeking to dominate, the women moaning with the sheer pleasure of their body to body battle. Their bulging tits surged against each other, their powerful bellies clapped, their bare feet dug into the soft ground as the women pushed and struggled for dominance.

    Slowly, Martina and Inge’s hands slid down the other’s naked back and moved to hold and sink fingers into the other’s flexing, taut ass. The women pulled, drawing each other in even harder. The women’s powerful thighs spread and they tilted their pelvises forward, moving their hungry, drooling cunts into position. Pulling each other by the ass, their bellies rippling, their hips pressing forward, Inge and Martina slid their wet, hungry cunts together. Fuckmeat slapped into fuckmeat and the women’s swollen clits rammed directly into each other, exquisitely sensitive head to head.

    Still locked mouth to mouth, the beautiful battling blondes shrieked in unison, howling into each other’s throats as unbelievable pleasure and pure erotic electricity shot through their aching bodies. Instantly, tears starting streaming from both women’s eyes as the unbearable pleasure exploded inside them, pushing them both, instantly, to the breaking point. Sobbing uncontrollably, but refusing to separate or back down, the women continued grinding, rubbing, fencing clit to clit. Their engorged sexhorns licked and thrust, rubbed side on side and head to head, feeding constant ecstasy into the women’s trembling bodies. The heat and pressure in their massive tits grew greater, the erotic power electrifying their writhing bodies grew even more intense.

    Hands on perfect round asses, hips jerking as they exchanged thrust after thrust after thrust, screaming and crying but refusing to stop, Inge and Martina fucked furiously, their thick lipped twats beating like drums, their engorged clits fused into one, their perfect tan bodies locked in a sexual war of attrition. They swallowed each other’s screams and moans, but their animal cries of pleasure became ever more uncontrollable. Their pussies leaked torrential amounts of pussy juice, every thick slap of cunt to cunt spraying moisture. The women stopped pounding and began grinding cunt to cunt, flattening and spreading pussy lips, mingling their tingling labia, to suck and pull at each other’s twats. Cunt juices flowed from their pussies, coating their inner legs, all the way down to the jungle floor.

    For more than an hour, the blonde rivals fucked and fucked, driving at each other mercilessly, grinding and pounding and writhing in ecstasy, fucking each other up the pleasure curve, their perfectly-matched bodies at war, their sexual organs fused and fighting at the most primitive level. Martina was almost delirious with pleasure; she could not remember ever having had another sexfight that came close to this level of intensity, to this level of unbelievable erotic pleasure. She hoped it would go on forever, that she could hold out for as long as she needed to force her will onto this incredible jungle bitch. For Inge, the intense pleasure was familiar; it was exactly the kind of ecstasy she experienced every time she and Conchita crossed clits and locked cunts. But she was amazed that Martina possessed this same kind of sexual power and stamina, she was astonished that the blonde whore was able to match her thrust for thrust, tit to tit, body to body. She loved every thrust and hoped the mutual fucking would go on and on, until she broke this city-born cunt.

    The women’s incredible bodies, over-saturated with sensual pleasure, began to rebel against the constant clit to clit grinding and the resulting pure ecstasy. Inge and Martina’s legs began to weaken, the sensual pleasure causing their knees to give out. As they began to sink to the ground, their knees slowly bending, the women broke their more than hour-long kiss. Gasping, moaning, cheek to cheek, they fell to their knees, their perfect bodies soaked and streaming with sweat, their vaginas flowing continuously with natural lubrication, their muscles trembling with effort and sensual pleasure.

    “You filthy fucking whore,” Martina gasped into Inge’s ear. She raised her right hand from Inge’s perfect left buttock and pulled on the blonde’s thick mane, pulling Inge’s face nose to nose with her own. “I swear to fucking God, I’m going to break you…”

    “Dirty fucking slut,” Inge moaned back. “Your cunt is good, girl, but it is no match for mine. I’m going to suck your twat inside out…”

    The women licked each other’s sweaty, gorgeous faces, then locked into another deep, spit-sucking kiss, trying to devour each other with their mouths, even as they desperately wanted to devour each other with their cunts. The women spread their legs wide, straight out to their sides, and sat on their asses on the soft ground, arranging themselves so that they were scissored. Their tits never broke contact, nipples fused tight; their clits remained crushed together, radiating pure erotic joy into every inch of their voluptuous bodies. Cunt flat and sealed to cunt, pubic bushes meshed and interwoven, belly to belly, tit crushed to tit, Inge and Martina resumed their slow, hard fuck, on the ground, scissored, left legs under rights, right legs wrapped around the other woman’s hip. Both women filled their hands with the other woman’s perfect round ass. They resumed their fuckwar, hips jerking, vaginas sucked and sealed, cunt juices flowing like rivers from their inosculated twats, their golden tanned bodies intent on completely possessing and devouring the other.

    For another 30 minutes, Inge and Martina fucked each other relentlessly, lost in a world of sensual pleasure so intense that they lost track of everything around them, their senses filled with nothing but the heat, sweat and tight wetness of the other woman’s body. They had started fucking in the late afternoon; now, it was rapidly growing dark in the equatorial jungle. Neither woman had any sense of this. Nothing mattered except each other.

    The end came suddenly, like a dam bursting from the one drop it could not handle. Martina, still locked deep in an endless, passionate kiss with Inge, felt her belly tighten, felt the incredible sensation of her perfect body filled to overflowing. Her clit, already swollen and torturously sensitive, seemed to swell like a balloon with overwhelming pleasure. Sexual power flowed through her entire body, setting every muscle quivering. Martina realized she could not hold out a second longer; she was on the verge of an unbearable, all-consuming orgasm, one that she felt might be so intense it would kill her.

    “No,” Martina shrieked in her mind, “I can’t lose! I can’t!” It did not matter this was only the first skirmish in a much longer war. She needed to be the one to draw first blood. With a final, desperate jerking of her hips, she rubbed her unimaginably sensitive clit as hard as she could into Inge’s equally huge, overfilling clit. The Jungle Queen was, herself, only moments away from a devastating orgasm, but Martina’s sudden, intense attack pushed Inge over the edge.

    The Jungle goddess’ eyes widened as she felt her clit swell and release, as she felt the erotic tension filling her body explode. Her cunt clenched, her belly rippled, and she came hard, she ejaculated like a fire hose, injecting a stream of hot, steaming cum deep into Martina’s luscious body.

    “Fucking god, yesssss!!” Martina shrieked. She could not hold out an instant longer. Her twat responded, shooting a hot stream of molten cum deep into Inge’s receptive body. The women screamed in concert. Arms wrapped around each other, hands gripping bucking asses, clawing, pulling hair, kissing, screaming, biting, bodies jerking, hips bucking, Inge and Martina fucked orgasm after orgasm after orgasm out of each other’s incredible bodies. Their hungry cunts sucked cum back and forth, mixing and sharing the sexual froth. Their fused together nipples came and came, coating their sweaty tits in nipple cum, trickling down between their rippling bellies to fill their navels and add to the wet, thick mess of bodily fluids pooling in the women’s pubic bushes.

    For more than 10 minutes, Inge and Martina pulled wracking orgasms from their locked bodies. They sobbed and screamed, lost in the pure ecstasy of the moment. Finally, the intense releases abated. Exhausted, the blonde vixens release each other and fell over flat on their backs, their massive tits heaving and jiggling as they panted furiously, their hearts pounding, their bodies tingling with the electric aftermath of their marathon fuckfight. For almost 20 minutes, the women lay on the jungle floor, struggling to come down from the erotic high, slowly regaining their senses. They remained slotted inside of each other, cunt fused to cunt, trapped between each other’s legs.

    It was now dark in the clearing. The jungle was in twilight; soon, the night would fall.

    Martina pushed herself up on her elbows and looked down their bodies at Inge. She squeezed Inge’s hot pussy with her own. Inge squeezed back instinctively, then pushed herself up to lock eyes with Martina. Even in the dark, she could see the glint of the other woman’s bright gaze.

    “First blood to me, you little whore,” Martina smiled. Her voice was hoarse. “If you want to surrender now, I’ll understand.”

    Inge merely smiled at her rival. “I doubt that any of your city bitches has ever given you a ride like that, have they, you cunt?” Inge’s eye blazed. “We’re just starting Martina. You are a good fuck, but it doesn’t matter which of us cums first. What matters is which of us can walk away from here in the end.”

    Martina pushed herself up; Inge moved to meet her. The women were still cunt deep inside of each other and both felt their thick, hard clits twitching, aroused and hot.

    “Then let’s get back to it,” Martina breathed, her grey eyes smoldering. Despite the fact she had just experienced the most intense and pleasurable fucking of her life, Martina felt the hunger for Inge’s body, the overwhelming need to consume and destroy this blonde cunt, burning inside of her like a furnace.

    The women rearranged themselves. They turned their hips, allowing them deeper penetration of each other, allowing their cunts to suck and lock even more. Scissored, leaning back, their hands on the other woman’s sweaty thigh, Inge and Martina resumed their all-out fuckwar. Hips and asses undulating in rhythm, they drove themselves as cunt-deep inside of each other as they could. Their swollen clits fused tight, their hungry pussies clamped on each other and wrestled, locked together like two wild animals fighting to the death. The women’s magnificent tits bounced exuberantly with every hard thrust; both women reached out to squeeze and knead the other’s tits from time to time.

    The dark clearing echoed with the animal sounds of two bitches in heat, fucking and fucking and fucking mercilessly. The wet sounds of sucked and locked cunts filled the night; the grunts and erotic screams and curses of two women joined together in sexual warfare punctuated the darkness. Predators began to stalk the jungle night, and a few stopped to watch the sexual tableau playing out in the clearing. The musky scent of hot sex warned off other animals, sending the message that two furious bitches were mating, trying to destroy each other with their most intimate weapons.

    “You fucking dirty whore, filthy cunt…,” Martina moaned, her body thrusting, her pussy nova-hot, her clit melted and straining against Inge’s burning clit. The pleasure of the sexual combat was slowly driving her insane.

    “Cunt, fucking filthy cunt…,”Inge gasped, gripping Martina’s sweaty thigh even tighter, thrusting with all the power of her hips and ass as she worked her cunt as hard and deep into Martina’s hot, wet, tight core as she could.

    More than an hour later, the women threw back their heads and howled in pure ecstasy as they came with excruciating force. This time, it was Martina who let go just an instant before Inge, her pussy exploding with heat, her clit so overloaded with sensual pleasure that it seemed to fill her entire lower body. Bucking, moaning, cursing, screaming, Inge and Martina fucked orgasms out of each other for nearly 15 minutes, before they collapsed in a sweaty, gasping mass of perfect female flesh. Their raspy breathing filled the clearing as they struggled to recover. Finally, painfully ripping their pubic hair apart, Martina and Inge separated and rolled away from each other.

    It was now pitch dark. This was a moonless night and the clearing was well-shielded even from the night sky. The women could feel each other’s bodies, they could make out the dim outlines of the other’s voluptuous body.

    “Come here, you fucker,” Martina moaned, reaching for Inge. “I’m not done with you.”

    “I’m not finished with you either, you cunt,” Inge grunted, throwing her naked, sweat soaked body onto Martina. “We’re not finished here until my pussy has sucked every drop of cum out of your little twat.”

    The wet, naked women writhed in each other’s arms. Legs and arms twined and locked. Body to body, Inge and Martina rolled back and forth in the darkness, both striving to gain the top position, both enjoying the mutual rubbing and grinding of wet, naked flesh to flesh. Inge finally gained and held the top. The women locked up in a deep, deep kiss. Realizing she was pinned under Inge, Martina eagerly spread her legs wide, offering her dripping cunt to her enemy. She reached down and grabbed Inge’s ass, pulling the Jungle goddess down onto and into her.

    The women broke their kiss and moaned deeply as Inge’s hips jerked, her ass rippled with effort, as she drove her cunt into Martina’s cunt. Martina moved with her, keeping their throbbing clits glued together.

    “Yes, yes you fucking whore,” Martina moaned. “Give it to me, ride me, you fucker!”

    “Oh god, I’m going to fuck you so hard,” Inge growled. She reached under Martina to seize the other woman’s ass.

    Pumping, writhing, grinding, Martina and Inge fucked each other senseless, going stiff in a series of multi-orgasmic explosions. Soon it was Martina riding Inge; they switched back and forth a number of times. Late in the night, shrouded in the darkness, exploring each other’s bodies with their hands and tongues and teeth, Martina and Inge wrapped their sweaty thighs around each other’s heads and devoured each other’s cunts, sucking and licking, nibbling clits and eating labia, pulling screaming, gasping orgasm after orgasm out of each other with their teeth, tongues and lips. They rolled about in the dark clearing, their gasps, screams and cries of sheer ecstasy adding to the animal sounds of the deep jungle. They ravaged each other relentlessly.

    At some point, late in the night, the struggling blondes were locked together, cunt sucked and sealed to cunt, pumping each other vigorously, their bellies rippling with effort, their tits bouncing, their powerful cunts squeezing and sucking, trying to overpower each other. This time, when the orgasms came, they would not stop. Martina felt herself being drained, she felt pleasure greater than anything she had ever known roaring through her. Flat on their backs, Inge and Martina writhed and screamed and bucked, cunts interlocked in an unbreakable seal, fucking orgasm after orgasm out of each other, neither able to stop. As she felt the pleasure build to an impossible, unbearable crescendo, as she felt her clit explode, her nipples ejaculating powerfully, Martina knew that she could not take any more. The intensity of the sheer ecstasy was just too much. Screaming out in joy and despair, the blonde vixen felt her mind shutting down, felt herself drifting away into unconsciousness on an explosion of pleasure too great to endure. With a final scream of pure orgasmic joy, she passed out.

    When Martina woke, many hours later, she was alone in the clearing. She had a vague sense that what had woken her was the painful tearing of Inge’s cunt hair from her own, but the blonde jungle goddess was nowhere to be seen. Martina rose unsteadily to her feet. She examined her perfect nude body. She bore many marks of the night’s sexual marathon – hand prints, marks where Inge’s fingers had dug into her ass or thigh, signs of teeth marks on her nipples and around her pussy, where the Jungle Queen had devoured her cunt. Martina had no doubt that Inge’s body wore her marks proudly, too.

    Martina looked around the clearing. She walked down to the small stream to see if Inge had gone there. “Inge?” she called, somewhat quietly. There was no answer. “Inge?” she called again, louder. No response. She waited several minutes, but she soon realized that the Jungle goddess had abandoned her.

    “Show yourself, you fucking whore!” Martina bellowed. “This is not over! It’s not nearly over!”

    Inge did not appear. After waiting another hour, Martina decided to leave. She did not know what to make of this situation. Had she lost? Had Inge caused her to pass out, decided the battle was over, and left? That made no sense. A victory by either of them would require the winner to set the terms of victory.

    Martina bathed herself in the stream, washing the dried cum and other juices off of her lush body. She returned to the clearing and began gathering her clothing. She pulled on her shorts, snapped on the gun belt and fastened the knife to her thigh. She pulled on her sleeveless shirt, tied it into a halter, and tucked her golden hair into her pith helmet. She sat down on a tree stump and prepared to pull on her socks and shoes, but she thought better of it. She wanted to match Inge in every way. If that blonde cunt got around the jungle bare foot, then Martina would too.

    Martina retraced her steps, moving through the jungle with greater sureness. She located her pack, tied her shoes to the back of the pack, then continued her journey back towards the city. It had taken her 16 days to find Inge. It would take a little less time to get back to the city. She felt frustrated. She had battled the jungle vixen on her own terms. As far as Martina was concerned, she and her blonde rival had fucked each other to a standstill. Nothing had been settled, which meant Inge would continue her carnage and Martina had missed her chance to end the woman’s interference for good.

    As she traveled, Martina’s thoughts kept returning to the events of the day and night before. Her pussy tingled with desire every time she remembered how it felt to be locked twat to twat with Inge, cunts wrestling, cunts struggling, eating and squeezing and milking each other. She remembered the delicious feeling of hot cum flowing back and forth between their bodies, so much of it burning up into her core. She remembered massive, meaty tits crushed together and resisting, nipples burning, nipples ejaculating into each other… the erotic images and memories made her hot, they made her clit hard. She knew that she had to have more of the mind-blowing sex she had experienced with Inge. Her body grew hot, hard and wet just thinking about it.

    As she walked, Martina had the distinct sense she was being watched, followed. She was sure this was true. She decided to ignore it. Whatever Inge’s game, she would find out eventually.

    An hour or so before sunset, Martina stopped for the night. She found a clearing in the forest near some water. She started a fire and set up the small, compact tent she had brought with her. She picked nutritious fruits and roots and berries and managed to snare a rabbit for her dinner. As darkness fell, she sat beside a comfortable fire, her belly full, her mind at ease. She stretched out her bare feet and warmed her toes by the fire. Her gun and knife were within easy reach, just under the small log she was using as a bench.

    An hour or so after sundown, as she considered going to sleep for the night, Martina was startled to feel a familiar sense of sexual arousal building in her luscious body. Her core began to burn, tension began to flow into her pussy, her clit began to throb and swell, her twat grew wet and hot. Her breasts swelled, her nipples became like steel nails. Her body was responding to some sense, some scent, some hormone released into the air by the presence of an Alpha bitch.

    Inge came out of the forest, entering the clearing, her bare feet silent on the forest loam. The Jungle Queen stood across from Martina, on the other side of the fire. She was wearing her leopard skin bikini but, in moments, she had stripped herself naked. She let the bikini fall to the ground beside the fire. Nude, she flexed her shoulders, her massive, majestic tits swelling up from her chest like two beautiful, perfect mountains of meat.

    Martina’s breathing deepened, her breasts swelled with even more heat, her nipples burned furiously. The fire in her pussy was maddening. Without a word, the blonde socialite got to her feet and stood facing Inge from across the fire. She walked a few feet away from the fire, to where the loam was a bit thicker and softer. Eyes locked to Inge’s, Martina untied her halter, stripping her shirt away from her chest. She slid her shorts down her thighs and calves and kicked it away.

    The nude women stared at each other in the crackling light of the fire. The orange glow played on their perfect, voluptuous bodies, the textured shadows of the firelight bringing out the round thickness of their massive tits, the smoothness and beauty of their muscled torsos and deep navels, the swell of their hips, the ridged tightness of their powerful legs. Martina and Inge examined each other. Both were breathing deeply, as their excitement built. Their tits were jiggling, their nipples growing engorged with anticipation. By the firelight, both could see the trickle of pussy juice running down their thighs, the dampness appearing on their jutting nipples.

    Martina sat down on her ass, facing in the direction of the fire. She spread her legs wide; the light of the fire directly illuminated her thick-lipped, juicy cunt and its coarse guard of pubic hair. Inge walked up to the other blonde, sat down across from her, and spread her legs in reply. The women slid up to each other, right legs over lefts, scissoring.

    Eye’s locked, Martina and Inge pressed their hot cunts together. Their slick pussy lips sizzled with the heat of their mating. Their unbearably sensitive clits pushed into each other, head to head, the most ecstatic parts of the women’s bodies becoming one. The women bit their lips, then threw back their heads to moan in shared ecstasy. Martina reached out and pulled Inge in; their massive tits crushed tight, nipples searing to nipples. Inge wrapped her arms around Martina and squeezed back. Nose to nose, gasping into each other’s gorgeous faces, their hearts pounding with indescribable lust, the women moaned in shared desire.

    “All night long,” Martina moaned. “We fuck all night. No stopping.”

    “All night,” Inge agreed, panting. “We don’t separate. Cunt to cunt, clit to clit, all night.”

    “Yes,” Martina whispered, “Oh fuck, yes.”

    The blondes licked each other’s faces, then locked into a deep, hot kiss. Their hips began to move, their asses flexed, as the next battle in their fuckwar was joined.

    To be continued:
    Last edited by JB57; March 4th, 2017 at 09:38 PM.

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    NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by JB57

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    Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    Another classic JB57 sex duel! But where did Inge run off to? Just curious.
    A. Penman

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    Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post
    Another classic JB57 sex duel! But where did Inge run off to? Just curious.
    A. Penman
    Thanks! I think that the answer to your question will become more apparent in the next chapter, but if it is not obvious, let me know and I'll explain. At least some of it is just a psychological tactic to rattle Martina, but the other part of it has a physical purpose.


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    Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Thanks! I think that the answer to your question will become more apparent in the next chapter, but if it is not obvious, let me know and I'll explain. At least some of it is just a psychological tactic to rattle Martina, but the other part of it has a physical purpose.

    i'll wait for the next chapter...Then I'll use my awesome power of deductive reasoning.

    Thanks JB,


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    Cool Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    one again good work and nicely written by you JB57.....glad that you came back to inge series, i thought that main rivals for inge are cochita and sheena but you changed my mind, the duel between two real jungle queens
    inge and sheena was intense, i hope you will come up with sheena later and also in "the sword and sorceress" im curious to know what happened between queen and ravanna when she came back to queen to return the magical book and the secreat relation between queen and orome.....but i think that will take some time but its worth to wait for your stories

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    Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    Great job as always! I have a feeling the next part is going to be an all timer.

    I did find it strange that Conchita wasn't even the slightest bit worried somebody was going to potentially kill Inge though.

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    Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow186 View Post
    Great job as always! I have a feeling the next part is going to be an all timer.

    I did find it strange that Conchita wasn't even the slightest bit worried somebody was going to potentially kill Inge though.
    Well, there are three reasons for that: first, Conchita has a lot of faith in Inge's ability to defend herself. Given that Inge saw Martina coming days in advance, I think that the faith was well-justified. Second, Conchita believed (rightly, of course) that Martina did not really want to kill Inge.

    The third factor is one about which I am most ambivalent: after Jungle Adventure, Inge and Conchita are both effectively immortal. That was an element that I put into that story that, in retrospect, I wish I had not done. However, it's there now and I'll have to figure out how to deal with it later. Being "effectively immortal" doesn't necessarily mean that the women are immune to death by bullets, however, so the first two reasons are really the strongest.


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    Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    Another great job by JB57. You're an amazing writer, my friend!
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    Re: NEW STORY: Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Dear Board,

    Here is the start of a new story. This post contains the prologue and parts 1 and 2. I think that there may be two more parts and an epilogue.

    There are a few things about this story worth noting, I think. First, this is the first Inge story in quite some time (Conchita also appears, briefly). It will definitely not be the last, but it was nice to have an inspiration for Inge again. This story is not complete, but I think it is about half done, so I hope to have the rest up fairly soon. I've been inspired to write it, so that is a good sign.

    I've been thinking about the reason for the inspiration, and I thought I would share that with the board, given an earlier thread on how writers write. This story, in some ways, is a direct return to the very first Inge story. That story, written by an unknown writer, pitted the Jungle Queen against a Countess, Conchita, a woman who represented the sexual power and appeal of the city and civilization. I took that story and expanded on it, but I did something that, while I think it worked, also had an unforeseen effect on the characters. It ended up making Conchita part of the jungle; in a sense, it took the city woman out of the city and made her another jungle queen. That's not entirely fair, since Conchita remains with a foot in each world, but she has been "conquered", in a sense, by the primitive appeal of the wild jungle.

    In this story, I am, once again, pitting the primal sexual power of the Jungle Queen, Inge, against the primal sexual power of a woman who represents civilization and the city. In a sense, it's a replay of the original Inge vs. Conchita battle, but it will be different in its execution. More, I am going to make an effort to keep Martina, the main challenger in the story, as solidly in the "city' side of the equation as I can. I don't anticipate her running around the jungle in a panther-skin bikini anytime soon (which isn't to say she might not be running around the jungle in something equally erotic, just more "civilized.")

    If you have not read "Duels of Honor", the story in which Martina first appears, I urge you to do so (after reading this one). Martina is not my creation. in fact, another board member gave me the idea for DoH and even wrote some sections of it that I incorporated into the final product. There are parts of the story which are distinctly written in a style not my own, which gives this away. To my embarrassment, I can't recall who that member was, but I'll check out the original story and see if I mention it there.

    Anyway, as I said, this story is not yet done, but I expect it to be done soon. As always, feedback welcome. I hope that fans of Inge enjoy this new tale of the Jungle Queen and her rivals.


    PS. I just checked the original post of "Duels of Honor, Part I" and the other writer who sent me the outline and idea for the story was the great Catharsis, who has written (in my view) some of the best stories on the board. Catharsis, if you are out there, please start writing again!

    Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush by JB57

    Prologue: Conchita and Domino Play a Game

    Domino moaned tortuously. The redheaded beauty thrashed her head from side to side, she squeezed her own tits, pinching her rock-hard nipples between thumb and forefinger, as she arched her back, driving her cunt hard and deep into Conchita?s matching pussy. Both women were locked up tight, squeezing, squeezing twat to twat, wrestling cunt to cunt, struggling to overpower each other. Their pulsing clits were crushed tight, their bellies were trembling with effort, their powerful bodies were undulating in rhythm as they fucked mercilessly, each trying to force a final, submissive orgasm out of the other. Their bodies writhed on Conchita?s bed; the room was mostly dark, the only light coming from the fireplace and a couple of flickering oil lamps. The light rippled in the room, picking out the moisture on the voluptuous flesh of the fuckfighting women. Their tits were wet with nipple cum, their pubic bushes were intermeshed so tightly it seemed they were one thick mat of red and black hair. Their asses and hips were working furiously as the battling women rode each other to the end.

    ?God, oh goooooddddddd,? Domino groaned, her eyes squeezing tight, her teeth clenching as she struggled to hold out just a bit longer.

    ?Cum, you fuck, you whore, cum, cum, cuuuuuuummmmmm!!? Conchita snarled, screamed, as she felt her clit twitching, throbbing, aching, as she knew she was only seconds away from a humiliating defeat.

    ?Dirty fucking CUNT!!? the redheaded beauty suddenly shrieked. ?Oh Christ, you FUCKING WHORE!!?

    Domino came in a gusher of hot cum; her nipples exploded, jetting thick, warm nipple ejaculate into the air. It showered back down on her, even as her pussy came again. Her hips bucked high, her ass clenched and flexed as it bounced on the bed, her whole body convulsing in orgasmic bliss.

    Conchita shrieked in relief and ecstasy as she let herself go. She came like a fire hose, spraying her ejaculate all over Domino?s lower body, soaking the already cum-soaked sheets. For almost 10 minutes, the battling vixens sucked hot, thick cum and back and forth between their interlocked cunts, using their deep muscles on each other until, finally, they could not go on any longer.

    For nearly 20 minutes, they drifted in and out of consciousness, their bodies sealed tight. The two gorgeous Amazons slowly recovered their strength. Finally, Conchita pulled herself back. The women?s thick, cum-saturated bushes ripped apart painfully; they screamed in concert, but this was a small price to pay for the unbearable pleasure they had given to each other.

    Conchita lay down next to Domino?s supine form, stretching out beside the redheaded goddess. The dark-haired vixen ran her finger up Domino?s cum-leaking slit, scooping up a thick dollop of the creamy liquid, and licked it off her finger.

    ?Delicious!? Conchita smiled.

    ?Fuck you, whore,? Domino murmured.

    ?You?re getting a lot better, bitch,? Conchita smiled. ?But you?re still not good enough to beat me.?

    ?I?ve beaten you before,? Domino snapped.

    ?Yes,? Conchita agreed. ?But that is few and far between. We both know who of us is the stronger cunt.?

    ?I come here to practice, to match tits and clits and cunts with you, you whore,? Domino snapped. ?I?m getting better all the time. Enjoy it while you can; it won?t be long before I have you flat on your back, begging me to keep fucking you.?

    Conchita merely smiled. ?You know the rules,? she said, changing the subject. ?You lose a fuckfight, you owe me a secret. What is Martina up to? One major secret.? This was Conchita?s way of staying informed about the goings-on in the city; fucking other women (and sometimes men), giving them pleasure or challenging their power in ways that made them willing to tell her things. Domino had proven to be an excellent source of information about her friend, Martina Hernandez de Sousa, the city?s Alpha bitch. Martina was at the top of the social pecking order; she was powerful, sexually voracious, a champion sexfighter and a ruthless businesswoman.

    ?OK,? Domino sighed. ?This one is something I would have told you anyway. Martina is going into the jungle, on an expedition to find and kill Inge.?

    ?Hmph. She?s tried that before.? Conchita was unimpressed.

    ?This is different,? Domino insisted. ?She is doing it herself. She?s going into the forest all on her own. She says she?s not coming out until she has Inge?s head on a stick.?

    Conchita laughed, stretching her nude perfection beside Domino, crushing her body tight to the cum-soaked redhead. She hated to admit it, but fucking Domino was one of the most enjoyable things she did. The redhead was angry, sexually voracious and incredibly powerful. She always challenged Conchita and the black-haired countess knew that it was just a matter of time before Domino would be beating her consistently. For now, though, they played this game and Conchita usually won. But not always.

    ?Is she taking a tracker?? Conchita asked. Going into the thickly forested Amazon seemed incredibly reckless for a city-raised socialite.

    ?No, as I said, she?s going alone.?

    Conchita thought about it. Martina was not stupid; clearly, the woman either possessed heretofore unknown skills or something else was at work. Either way, Conchita was not worried about Inge, her blonde lover.

    ?Inge will feed her the gun,? Conchita said, with certainty. ?Besides, Martina may say she wants to kill Inge, but we both know what she really wants.?

    ?Yes, we do,? Domino murmured. Her green eyes were glowing with desire in the half-light. Slowly, she spread her wet legs wide, offering herself to her rival.

    Conchita smiled, her beautiful face alive with heat, as she mounted her redheaded fuckbitch.

    ?Let?s see what else you know, cunt,? Conchita smiled. The women shared a hot smile. Their bodies began moving in unison. Soon, the dimly lit room echoed with the moans and cries of two sex-crazed goddesses in heat.

    Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush, Part I

    Martina Hernandez de Souza was a beautiful woman. She was a society woman who commanded the upper social echelons of the city, and its many gorgeous women, with the irresistible power of her sex. She was the sexfighting champion of the upper class who had learned, over the course of many sexual struggles, how to use her body in ways that would drive other women insane with lust. She was a hard-edged businesswoman who did whatever she needed to secure deals, make money, and take power. She was not the kind of woman to be found in the deep jungles of the Amazon, all by herself. If she went into the jungle ?and certainly, her business often made this necessary ? she went with an entourage, a phalanx of guards to protect her, and all the latest in camping equipment and portable comforts. In the past, when she had spent time in the forest, she had passed the nights in a large tent equipped with its own drawing room and furniture, a full bed and a tin bathtub and hot water for her to bathe in. She was never far from the creature comforts of society. She was a woman made for luxury, who enjoyed all the amenities that wealth and status had to offer.

    And yet, today, Martina Hernandez de Sousa was deep in the jungles of the Amazon, traveling by herself, carrying in her backpack only the most basic camping equipment needed to see her through the hot jungle days and steaming jungle nights. Martina was wearing a tan pith helmet, her long, golden hair tucked in under the hard brim. She was clothed in a thin white cotton shirt with the sleeves cut off, leaving her beautiful, muscular arms bare. The shirt was unbuttoned and hanging open in the front, leaving her bra-less cleavage fully exposed, the half globes of her magnificent tits fully visible in the neck of the shirt. Her large breasts were wet and gleaming with perspiration. It was impossible to hide the remarkable size, firmness and perfection of her gorgeous golden orbs. Her tits? sweat-soaked nipples were perfectly outlined by the thin white shirt, forming enticing dark circles against the cloth. The shirt was tied into a tight knot that was nestled in the overhang of her massive breasts, leaving her golden, bare belly completely naked, all the way down to just above her pubes. Her belly glistened with sweat. A tight pair of blue elastic shorts hugged her hips and covered her ass and crotch area. She was not wearing any underwear and the pooling sweat from her torso had dampened the shorts, making visible the alluring cleft of her powerful cunt. Most of her long, beautifully muscled legs were exposed. Her feet were protected by thick jungle boots and wrapped in socks designed to keep the humidity away. At her side was a high-powered revolver, strapped to a gun belt that dropped low, clinging to the widest part of her formidable hips. A camping knife was strapped to her bare thigh.

    Anyone who knew Martina from the city would assume that she was completely out of her element. This was not true. Martina had been born and raised in the city but, as a child, she had been called to the jungle. Her father had insisted that all his children learn basic survival skills so they would not be helpless in the wild, untamed world that surrounded them. All her siblings had taken to the lessons well, but Martina had been the best, learning all there was to know about living in the heated, dangerous Amazon. It was only when she grew into a young woman, when her full beauty bloomed in all of its magnificence, when her chest erupted in massive, perfect tits, her hips curved out in womanly waves, her legs grew thick and shapely, and her pussy grew hot and hungry, that she had become the creature of high society and culture and sexual domination that she now was. Yet, even as a society woman, Martina was far more than she seemed. She was incredibly strong, far more powerful than any ordinary woman. She was an expert with a fencing foil or, indeed, any kind of blade. In her vast mansion there was a gymnasium equipped with the best gear and staffed with excellent hired coaches who trained the blonde beauty in a wide variety of athletic fields. Martina enjoyed being physically strong; she refused to be a helpless woman who needed to rely on men for physical protection. She had also found that her physical power was a considerable benefit in her uncontested role as the Alpha bitch in the city?s society of upper class women. Martina acquired a well-earned reputation as a skillful and indomitable sexfighter. She had found that her ability to win her sexual conflicts with other women often depended on her physical conditioning. Many times, she had won victory over a rival because of her strength. Exercising her pussy was an important part of her routine.

    These hidden skills served Martina well, now that she was back out in the jungle alone, after so many years away. She used her expert abilities as a tracker to hunt down her prey: Inge, the Jungle Queen. Over the past few years, Inge had become a thorn in the side of Martina and her business ambitions. Inge had begun destroying the equipment and the campsites of companies affiliated with Martina, companies that had paid her kickbacks to get the necessary authorizations to open up the jungle to mining and other kinds of resource extraction. Martina had hired men to kill Inge; none had returned. Then, almost a year ago, fate had intervened. Inge had come directly into Martina?s home, as the second to the Spanish woman Conchita, who was embroiled in a sexual duel with the Frenchwoman, Domino. Martina and Inge had taken one look at each other and recognized the other. Martina knew Inge from the grainy photos that had survived the blonde jungle woman?s attacks on the company encampments. For months, Martina had been obsessing over the jungle woman, over her body, wondering how it would compare to her own in a test of sexual power. Inge had recognized Martina from times when she had spied on the camps and seen Martina visiting. Inge had read documents left in the camps and realized who the blonde woman that she kept seeing must be. Martina and Inge had confronted each other in the socialite?s bedroom, which was adorned with the skins and stuffed remnants of animals, all that could possibly offend Inge. They met in a vicious fuckfight. The blondes had pitted their raw sexual power, their perfect, powerful, voluptuous bodies against each other. To her everlasting shame, Martina had lost. Not by much, but a loss was a loss, especially when two women go cunt to cunt and clit to clit to decide who is the dominant bitch.

    Martina stewed over that loss for some time. Now had come the time to do something about it. Inge would not be coming to her; she needed to go to Inge. But she was not interested in a sexual rematch, or so she told herself. Too much was at stake to make this about personal pride. She needed to remove Inge as an obstacle to her family?s business. Inge?s attacks on the encampments had had the desired effect: the companies were no longer coming, not until the city could guarantee that the wild blonde goddess of the jungle would not destroy their priceless machines and drive their men screaming from the forest. Martina?s journey into the jungle, her tracking of Inge, was all about business.

    Martina?s plan was simple: find Inge and put a bullet through the blonde Jungle Queen?s heart. No messing around, no worrying about primitive, primal rules of sexual combat. Before, she had tried to conquer Inge with her cunt and tits, she had tried to prove to the jungle bitch that Martina was the woman who could tame her, that Martina possessed the cunt and tits of a primal goddess, no matter how high in society she might rise. She felt the humiliation of her loss acutely.

    Even though she knew she was making a business decision, however, Martina had to plan for every contingency. So, she spent most of the intervening year doing special exercises to improve the power of her muscled cunt and vaginal sucking, to increase her stamina and sexual control. If, by some unfortunate miscalculation or unforeseen circumstances, she was not able to kill Inge outright, she needed to be able to take on the blonde bitch in any kind of combat, including sexual combat.

    Over time, Inge moved her base of operations deeper into the jungle. Thus, it was 16 days after she set out on her mission into the forest that Martina finally found the first, fresh signs of the Jungle Queen. Late in the afternoon, Martina came across a wet footprint. Instantly, she felt a flash of excitement. The wetness of the print let her know it was made just minutes before; the print itself was distinctly that of a woman?s foot. If Martina took off her shoes and socks, she knew that her own foot would match the print perfectly in size. After days of tracking vague signs of the Jungle Queen, Martina finally knew that she was only minutes away from the blonde beauty.

    Martina carefully unholstered her pistol and double-checked it to be sure it would not misfire. She took off her pack and placed it beside a carefully marked tree ?she did not want the extra weight impeding her or the pack catching as she tried to move silently through thick vegetation. As she prepared for the assassination attempt, she realized, with some irritation, that her breasts had tightened into taut, round mounds of throbbing meat, tipped with rock-hard, brown spiked nipples; her pussy had lubricated hard, her cunt lips had become engorged, her clit had swollen to the point that it was uncomfortable walking as her sex horn rubbed against the raw cloth of her shorts. A wet spot of pussy lubrication had started to appear on the crotch. If her body became any more sexually aroused, she feared she would give away her position just by the musky scent of her enflamed pussy. No, Martina told herself. This was going to be a quick, fast kill. Find Inge and put a bullet in her. Nothing else ? no spike of womanly desire, no intense memories of the unbearable sexual ecstasy she and Inge had inflicted on each other, and especially no raw, primal desire to avenge her sex on the woman who had defeated her ? none of these things would distract her from the very practical mission she had come to accomplish.

    Martina moved soundlessly through the underbrush. She heard the trickle of water ahead; some kind of small stream was moving through the forest. She headed towards the stream, her instincts telling her that Inge was somewhere around there. Her unrestrained breasts shifted heavily under her thin cotton shirt; her bare belly and naked legs were caressed by the soft fronds of tall grass. She continued moving forward. She found the stream and began to follow it. For more than an hour she followed small signs of the Jungle Queen; the bend of a blade of grass, the scuff marks made by bare feet on gently packed dirt. Finally, Martina pushed through some thick vegetation and came into a clearing. The space was surrounded by tall trees, draped in green vines; sunshine shot through the canopy, illuminating the jungle floor. Inge was standing in the center of the clearing, waiting for her.

    Martina instantly aimed her gun. The pistol barrel pointed right between Inge?s massive tits. The Jungle Queen just smiled. She was wearing only her leopard skin bikini. Her massive, beautiful breasts strained against the meager cloth. Titflesh bulged out around all sides of the tiny triangular cups; her underboob was exposed and there was impressive cleavage on top. The tiny triangles of cloth were held in place by spaghetti straps that looped over her neck and around her back; the halter was tied by a knot suspended between her bulging tits. Her belly was bare, flat, beautiful and golden, ridged with muscle, in its center a perfect navel, long and deep and enticing. Her bikini thong bottom hugged her womanly hips and cut across her torso just above the thick thatch of pubic hair that Martina knew was there. Her legs were long, muscled, golden. She was barefoot, of course. Her blonde hair rippled like golden fleece in the gentle breeze that stirred the hot, humid air. Martina looked for weapons but saw none on the Jungle Queen?s body.

    Martina?s skin was burning; her tits were on fire, her pussy was scalding hot, her clit was beating like a drum.

    ?I?ve been watching you for the past couple of days, Martina,? Inge purred. ?Did you really come here just to shoot me??

    ?Yes,? Martina snarled, but her beautiful face was conflicted. ?I?m going to put an end to you, once and for all. Your attacks on the men clearing the jungle have gone too far and gone on too long! You?re costing me and my family fortunes. No more! I?m ending you here and now.?

    ?Or,? Inge purred deeper, ?we could settle this like women.? She smiled. ?Woman to woman. Your cunt to mine; your clit on my clit; tit to tit and nipple to nipple. Naked body to naked body, bitch to bitch. That is the proper way to resolve our differences.?

    Inge reached up and, as Martina watched, the blonde bitch untied the knot between her delicious breasts that was holding her leopard skin bikini top taut. The top loosened; her tits quivered as the pressure released. Slowly, seductively, Inge pulled the tiny cloth from her chest and threw it aside. Her massive tits jiggled deliciously as they bounced free from the meager restraint. Her nipples were coffee brown and incredibly long and thick. Her brown areola were prefect circles and pebbled with sexual tension. The golden brown orbs of Inge?s tits caught the sun and gleamed with sweat. Moisture dripped from her nipples ?either perspiration or pre-cum, Martina was not sure. Maybe both. Martina stared. She could not pull her eyes away from those incredible orbs. She licked her dry lips; her heart pounded with excitement and lust beneath her own massive tits.

    Inge waited, giving Martina time to absorb the full beauty of Inge?s incredible tits. After a few moments, the jungle woman slid her hands down her tanned belly to her thong. With a single tug, the thong came loose from her hips. It stuck wetly to her pussy; Inge peeled the leopard skin garment off her juicy cunt and threw it away. Martina?s eyes drifted down slowly, down Inge?s perfect bare belly, to the thick, course thatch of golden pubic hair that crowned her pussy, to the powerful, thick-lipped twat that lay like an invitation between Inge?s smooth, hot thighs. As Martina watched, Inge?s cunt dripped moisture onto the forest floor.

    Martina devoured Inge?s nude body with her eyes. The world seemed to stand still. Inge?s golden tanned form gleamed in the late afternoon sun, damp with perspiration and other moisture. Trickles of pussy juice wandered down her inner thighs. The jungle goddess was absolutely perfect; her body radiated erotic power like a star. Martina was struck by a powerful vision, an intense memory, of what it felt like to have Inge?s naked body rubbing and grinding against her own flesh, their limbs twining and straining, their mouths and tongues locked in passion, the delicious feeling of being merged cunt to cunt, of exchanging hot cum and wracking, shuddering orgasms. She realized that, if she chose a different path right now, she could rediscover the sheer ecstasy of mating with the blonde goddess, of matching tits and clits and cunts to those of the other woman, of sharing spit and cum and heat and sweat with her sexual rival. She imagined she could avenge herself on Inge; after all, what had her sexual practicing over the past year been for if not to match her erotic strength against Inge?s once again?

    Martina?s gun wavered. Her body pulsed with sensual need, with a lust and desire so powerful and overwhelming that she feared she might faint. She could not resist it. She did not want to resist it. She knew now that she had not come into the jungle to kill Inge. She had come here to fuck the Jungle Queen, to fuck her and fuck her and fuck her until only one of them could walk away, until one of them was fucked into submission.

    Martina put her gun in its holster and snapped the flap shut. She undid the gun belt and let it drop to the ground. She undid the knife strap on her thigh and dropped the strap and knife beside the gun belt. Her grey eyes never left Inge?s bright blue eyes as she reached up and removed her pith helmet. She shook out her golden hair, letting it cascade over her shoulders. She threw the hat aside. Martina kneeled down, her eyes still locked to Inge?s. Inge watched the blonde?s every move intently. Martina untied her thick hiking boots and slipped them off her feet. She pulled off the thick, damp socks. She stood on the loam of the ground bare foot, her toes sinking into the soft earth, feeling the sensual connection to the jungle. She tucked the socks in her boots and threw them aside. She stood straight. Slowly, she reached down to the knot of her shirt below her breasts and untied it. The knot unraveled and the long tails of the shirt unfurled. She brushed the shirt out, so that its full length and size fell around her; it was completely unbuttoned. Martina pushed the sleeveless shirt off her bare shoulders and let the garment fall to the ground. She now stood before Inge completely topless. She flexed her back and shoved her massive rack out, in challenge. Inge licked her lips as her eyes fixed hungrily on Martina?s perfect boobs. The city woman?s incredible tits matched Inge?s tits in every way. Martina?s nipples were as hard as rocks and were dripping with fluids. Her tits were golden orbs, taut, thick, engorged with heat and tension. Her hot, hard belly rippled as her tits heaved in excitement.

    Martina reached down, slid her thumbs into her short?s waistband, and pushed the tiny garment down her hips. The waistband was elastic, so the shorts came down easily, slipping down her lush thighs, down her powerful calves, dropping to her feet. Martina stepped out of the shorts and kicked them aside. She stood in the sun. The light glinted off her nude perfection.

    The two women examined each other, their eyes roaming hungrily over every succulent inch of the other. Below their necks, Inge and Martina were virtually mirror images. Their incredible bodies glowed with the same golden tan. Their massive breasts rose proud and firm off their chests. Their thick, hot brown nipples were as hard as rocks, engorged with desire. Their beautiful torsos were defined by smooth, muscled bellies and wide, curving hips. Thick blonde crowns of pubic hair protected their powerful vulvas. Their long, thickly muscled legs tapered down to perfect feet.

    For long minutes, the two nude goddesses stared at each other, letting their mutual desire build into feverish lust and then build more into a barely contained sexual frenzy. Martina could feel her pussy leaking; she could feel her nipples dripping as they burned. All of her sex organs were on fire; every inch of her skin felt electrified. She could see the same signs of pure lust on Inge?s perfect golden body. The heat, the terrible tension in Martina?s sexual core was unbearable; it radiated heat and electricity, it filled her with a raw lust so primal that she felt herself losing her mind to desire. She knew there was only one way to satisfy her needs and it could only be found between the legs of the goddess whore in front of her.

    Inge and Martina walked up to each other slowly. They paused only inches apart, their dripping nipples so close to kissing that they could feel the heat radiating off of their nubs. Their naked bodies glistened with sweat; the powerful scent of aroused womanhood enveloped both women, their scents mixing to form a unique musk of their own.

    ?We do not stop until this is decided between us,? Inge said softly, her voice thick with arousal. ?Your body against mine. Cunt to cunt, clit to clit, tit to tit. We keep going until one of us cannot continue. That is how we will know which of us is the stronger woman. Do you agree??

    ?Yes,? Martina said, her voice almost a groan of desire. ?No stopping. We will fuck until one of us cannot fuck anymore.? Martina smiled. ?I warn you, Inge. I have not been idle the past year. My cunt is stronger than ever. My sexual skills are better. I will break you. I will make you feel my power deep in your twat. I will tame you with my cunt and tits.?

    Inge smiled. ?Maybe I cannot be tamed. Maybe your cunt and tits need to be broken by mine, to teach you this truth. Again.?
    The women smiled at each other, their shared lust glowing in their eyes.

    ?Enough talking,? Martina whispered. ?It?s time to fuck.?

    ?Yes,? Inge murmured in agreement. ?It is time for us to fuck each other raw.?

    The blonde Amazons reached for each other. The heat of the jungle closed on them like a vise. The erotic fever gripping their lush bodies exploded into a full blaze. It was finally time to destroy each other, to battle to the end with their cunts, their clits, their tits, with every inch of flesh and every ounce of sexual power that they possessed.

    To be continued:

    Inge and Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush, Part II:

    Inge and Martina grabbed the other?s biceps. They shuddered in delight, their bodies tense with anticipation, as their erotically charged bare flesh came into contact for the first time in a year. Smiling viciously at each other, the two gorgeous blondes leaned forward, their hearts pounding with excitement, aiming their nipples at each other. The tips of their engorged nips came together. The thick brown nubs sizzled with erotic power as they mated; both women screamed as their nipple holes sealed, latching onto each other and forming an immediate erotic bond. Electricity flowed through their jerking bodies from their fused nipples down to their throbbing clits. Martina moaned uncontrollably; the pleasure was incredible, everything she could have hoped. The heat built unbearably in her nipples. Then, unexpectedly, her nipples ejaculated, just a little. Both women groaned in unison as the clear, hot substance penetrated their nips, sending a shock of heat through their massive tits.

    ?Ohhhhhmmmmmm,?Martina groaned. An instant later, she felt a flow of intense heat in her pussy and her cunt clenched, then sprayed, coating her inner thighs, splattering onto Inge?s tan thighs, trickling cunt juices down to the ground. Her body was incredibly aroused, even more than she had realized.

    Inge gasped; Martina?s signs of arousal fed Inge?s lust. The jungle goddess? pussy sprayed in reply, watering the ground, dampening her inner thighs, and hitting Martina?s burning cunt.

    The women rested forehead to forehead, nose to nose, moaning and gasping, trying to regain their senses, their bearings, trying to bring the incredible erotic forces racing through their bodies under control.

    ?Dirty whore,? Martina moaned, her grey eyes locking onto Inge?s blue.

    ?Fucking, fucking cunt,? Inge gasped, her body quivering with desire.

    Martina wrapped her powerful arms around Inge?s upper back; Inge wrapped her arms around the other blonde vixen?s wasp-like waist. Sighing, moaning with indescribable lust, the women pulled each other in. Their massive, meaty tits compressed, hard nipples stabbing each other into dense titflesh, nova-hot areola eclipsing and fusing into one, breasts spreading out against each other, mashing and merging, taut meat resisting then balling into thick, round, tight mounds. The throbbing heat in their struggling tits radiated through their bodies. The women could feel their hearts pounding into each other. Their flat, bare bellies slapped warmly, wetly together. The blondes sighed in delight, both women rubbing their bellies, flexing their abdominal muscles until they felt their deep, narrow navels sucking at each other, wet, sweat-filled indentations forming a strong grip. Their thick, strong thighs pressed tight, their course thatches of pubic hair meshed and intertwined, rough hair lacing into rough hair.

    The women glared at each other, nose to nose, hot breath mixing. They delighted in the sensual pleasure of their sweat slick, hot flesh merging and rubbing. Erotic electricity ran through their bodies, filling every inch of bare flesh with heat and tingling with arousal. The blondes slid their noses past each other, touched tongues, then sank into a long, hot, deep, savage kiss. Their tongues pushed and thrust, their mouths sucked spit back and forth. The women moaned deep in their throats, their animal grunts and howls stifled within their sealed mouths. Soon, drool flowed down their cheeks and jaws as their mouths overflowed, but still they kept kissing, fighting, struggling to dominate and control the other. The sensuality of their battle, the sheer erotic delight, drove the women insane with lust.

    Inge and Martina writhed in each other?s arms, squeezing tight, trying to compress each other?s tits, to press flat to each other?s bellies. They worked their shoulders and moved their tits up and down, back and forth, grinding their heavy titmeat. Their nipples burned constantly, their breasts filled with heat as their firm meat mashed and pulsed, their huge tits massaging each other, meat to meat. Their bodies surged against each other, seeking to dominate, the women moaning with the sheer pleasure of their body to body battle. Their bulging tits surged against each other, their powerful bellies clapped, their bare feet dug into the soft ground as the women pushed and struggled for dominance.

    Slowly, Martina and Inge?s hands slid down the other?s naked back and moved to hold and sink fingers into the other?s flexing, taut ass. The women pulled, drawing each other in even harder. The women?s powerful thighs spread and they tilted their pelvises forward, moving their hungry, drooling cunts into position. Pulling each other by the ass, their bellies rippling, their hips pressing forward, Inge and Martina slid their wet, hungry cunts together. Fuckmeat slapped into fuckmeat and the women?s swollen clits rammed directly into each other, exquisitely sensitive head to head.

    Still locked mouth to mouth, the beautiful battling blondes shrieked in unison, howling into each other?s throats as unbelievable pleasure and pure erotic electricity shot through their aching bodies. Instantly, tears starting streaming from both women?s eyes as the unbearable pleasure exploded inside them, pushing them both, instantly, to the breaking point. Sobbing uncontrollably, but refusing to separate or back down, the women continued grinding, rubbing, fencing clit to clit. Their engorged sexhorns licked and thrust, rubbed side on side and head to head, feeding constant ecstasy into the women?s trembling bodies. The heat and pressure in their massive tits grew greater, the erotic power electrifying their writhing bodies grew even more intense.

    Hands on perfect round asses, hips jerking as they exchanged thrust after thrust after thrust, screaming and crying but refusing to stop, Inge and Martina fucked furiously, their thick lipped twats beating like drums, their engorged clits fused into one, their perfect tan bodies locked in a sexual war of attrition. They swallowed each other?s screams and moans, but their animal cries of pleasure became ever more uncontrollable. Their pussies leaked torrential amounts of pussy juice, every thick slap of cunt to cunt spraying moisture. The women stopped pounding and began grinding cunt to cunt, flattening and spreading pussy lips, mingling their tingling labia, to suck and pull at each other?s twats. Cunt juices flowed from their pussies, coating their inner legs, all the way down to the jungle floor.

    For more than an hour, the blonde rivals fucked and fucked, driving at each other mercilessly, grinding and pounding and writhing in ecstasy, fucking each other up the pleasure curve, their perfectly-matched bodies at war, their sexual organs fused and fighting at the most primitive level. Martina was almost delirious with pleasure; she could not remember ever having had another sexfight that came close to this level of intensity, to this level of unbelievable erotic pleasure. She hoped it would go on forever, that she could hold out for as long as she needed to force her will onto this incredible jungle bitch. For Inge, the intense pleasure was familiar; it was exactly the kind of ecstasy she experienced every time she and Conchita crossed clits and locked cunts. But she was amazed that Martina possessed this same kind of sexual power and stamina, she was astonished that the blonde whore was able to match her thrust for thrust, tit to tit, body to body. She loved every thrust and hoped the mutual fucking would go on and on, until she broke this city-born cunt.

    The women?s incredible bodies, over-saturated with sensual pleasure, began to rebel against the constant clit to clit grinding and the resulting pure ecstasy. Inge and Martina?s legs began to weaken, the sensual pleasure causing their knees to give out. As they began to sink to the ground, their knees slowly bending, the women broke their more than hour-long kiss. Gasping, moaning, cheek to cheek, they fell to their knees, their perfect bodies soaked and streaming with sweat, their vaginas flowing continuously with natural lubrication, their muscles trembling with effort and sensual pleasure.

    ?You filthy fucking whore,? Martina gasped into Inge?s ear. She raised her right hand from Inge?s perfect left buttock and pulled on the blonde?s thick mane, pulling Inge?s face nose to nose with her own. ?I swear to fucking God, I?m going to break you??

    ?Dirty fucking slut,? Inge moaned back. ?Your cunt is good, girl, but it is no match for mine. I?m going to suck your twat inside out??

    The women licked each other?s sweaty, gorgeous faces, then locked into another deep, spit-sucking kiss, trying to devour each other with their mouths, even as they desperately wanted to devour each other with their cunts. The women spread their legs wide, straight out to their sides, and sat on their asses on the soft ground, arranging themselves so that they were scissored. Their tits never broke contact, nipples fused tight; their clits remained crushed together, radiating pure erotic joy into every inch of their voluptuous bodies. Cunt flat and sealed to cunt, pubic bushes meshed and interwoven, belly to belly, tit crushed to tit, Inge and Martina resumed their slow, hard fuck, on the ground, scissored, left legs under rights, right legs wrapped around the other woman?s hip. Both women filled their hands with the other woman?s perfect round ass. They resumed their fuckwar, hips jerking, vaginas sucked and sealed, cunt juices flowing like rivers from their inosculated twats, their golden tanned bodies intent on completely possessing and devouring the other.

    For another 30 minutes, Inge and Martina fucked each other relentlessly, lost in a world of sensual pleasure so intense that they lost track of everything around them, their senses filled with nothing but the heat, sweat and tight wetness of the other woman?s body. They had started fucking in the late afternoon; now, it was rapidly growing dark in the equatorial jungle. Neither woman had any sense of this. Nothing mattered except each other.

    The end came suddenly, like a dam bursting from the one drop it could not handle. Martina, still locked deep in an endless, passionate kiss with Inge, felt her belly tighten, felt the incredible sensation of her perfect body filled to overflowing. Her clit, already swollen and torturously sensitive, seemed to swell like a balloon with overwhelming pleasure. Sexual power flowed through her entire body, setting every muscle quivering. Martina realized she could not hold out a second longer; she was on the verge of an unbearable, all-consuming orgasm, one that she felt might be so intense it would kill her.

    ?No,? Martina shrieked in her mind, ?I can?t lose! I can?t!? It did not matter this was only the first skirmish in a much longer war. She needed to be the one to draw first blood. With a final, desperate jerking of her hips, she rubbed her unimaginably sensitive clit as hard as she could into Inge?s equally huge, overfilling clit. The Jungle Queen was, herself, only moments away from a devastating orgasm, but Martina?s sudden, intense attack pushed Inge over the edge.

    The Jungle goddess? eyes widened as she felt her clit swell and release, as she felt the erotic tension filling her body explode. Her cunt clenched, her belly rippled, and she came hard, she ejaculated like a fire hose, injecting a stream of hot, steaming cum deep into Martina?s luscious body.

    ?Fucking god, yesssss!!? Martina shrieked. She could not hold out an instant longer. Her twat responded, shooting a hot stream of molten cum deep into Inge?s receptive body. The women screamed in concert. Arms wrapped around each other, hands gripping bucking asses, clawing, pulling hair, kissing, screaming, biting, bodies jerking, hips bucking, Inge and Martina fucked orgasm after orgasm after orgasm out of each other?s incredible bodies. Their hungry cunts sucked cum back and forth, mixing and sharing the sexual froth. Their fused together nipples came and came, coating their sweaty tits in nipple cum, trickling down between their rippling bellies to fill their navels and add to the wet, thick mess of bodily fluids pooling in the women?s pubic bushes.

    For more than 10 minutes, Inge and Martina pulled wracking orgasms from their locked bodies. They sobbed and screamed, lost in the pure ecstasy of the moment. Finally, the intense releases abated. Exhausted, the blonde vixens release each other and fell over flat on their backs, their massive tits heaving and jiggling as they panted furiously, their hearts pounding, their bodies tingling with the electric aftermath of their marathon fuckfight. For almost 20 minutes, the women lay on the jungle floor, struggling to come down from the erotic high, slowly regaining their senses. They remained slotted inside of each other, cunt fused to cunt, trapped between each other?s legs.

    It was now dark in the clearing. The jungle was in twilight; soon, the night would fall.

    Martina pushed herself up on her elbows and looked down their bodies at Inge. She squeezed Inge?s hot pussy with her own. Inge squeezed back instinctively, then pushed herself up to lock eyes with Martina. Even in the dark, she could see the glint of the other woman?s bright gaze.

    ?First blood to me, you little whore,? Martina smiled. Her voice was hoarse. ?If you want to surrender now, I?ll understand.?

    Inge merely smiled at her rival. ?I doubt that any of your city bitches has ever given you a ride like that, have they, you cunt?? Inge?s eye blazed. ?We?re just starting Martina. You are a good fuck, but it doesn?t matter which of us cums first. What matters is which of us can walk away from here in the end.?

    Martina pushed herself up; Inge moved to meet her. The women were still cunt deep inside of each other and both felt their thick, hard clits twitching, aroused and hot.

    ?Then let?s get back to it,? Martina breathed, her grey eyes smoldering. Despite the fact she had just experienced the most intense and pleasurable fucking of her life, Martina felt the hunger for Inge?s body, the overwhelming need to consume and destroy this blonde cunt, burning inside of her like a furnace.

    The women rearranged themselves. They turned their hips, allowing them deeper penetration of each other, allowing their cunts to suck and lock even more. Scissored, leaning back, their hands on the other woman?s sweaty thigh, Inge and Martina resumed their all-out fuckwar. Hips and asses undulating in rhythm, they drove themselves as cunt-deep inside of each other as they could. Their swollen clits fused tight, their hungry pussies clamped on each other and wrestled, locked together like two wild animals fighting to the death. The women?s magnificent tits bounced exuberantly with every hard thrust; both women reached out to squeeze and knead the other?s tits from time to time.

    The dark clearing echoed with the animal sounds of two bitches in heat, fucking and fucking and fucking mercilessly. The wet sounds of sucked and locked cunts filled the night; the grunts and erotic screams and curses of two women joined together in sexual warfare punctuated the darkness. Predators began to stalk the jungle night, and a few stopped to watch the sexual tableau playing out in the clearing. The musky scent of hot sex warned off other animals, sending the message that two furious bitches were mating, trying to destroy each other with their most intimate weapons.

    ?You fucking dirty whore, filthy cunt?,? Martina moaned, her body thrusting, her pussy nova-hot, her clit melted and straining against Inge?s burning clit. The pleasure of the sexual combat was slowly driving her insane.

    ?Cunt, fucking filthy cunt?,?Inge gasped, gripping Martina?s sweaty thigh even tighter, thrusting with all the power of her hips and ass as she worked her cunt as hard and deep into Martina?s hot, wet, tight core as she could.

    More than an hour later, the women threw back their heads and howled in pure ecstasy as they came with excruciating force. This time, it was Martina who let go just an instant before Inge, her pussy exploding with heat, her clit so overloaded with sensual pleasure that it seemed to fill her entire lower body. Bucking, moaning, cursing, screaming, Inge and Martina fucked orgasms out of each other for nearly 15 minutes, before they collapsed in a sweaty, gasping mass of perfect female flesh. Their raspy breathing filled the clearing as they struggled to recover. Finally, painfully ripping their pubic hair apart, Martina and Inge separated and rolled away from each other.

    It was now pitch dark. This was a moonless night and the clearing was well-shielded even from the night sky. The women could feel each other?s bodies, they could make out the dim outlines of the other?s voluptuous body.

    ?Come here, you fucker,? Martina moaned, reaching for Inge. ?I?m not done with you.?

    ?I?m not finished with you either, you cunt,? Inge grunted, throwing her naked, sweat soaked body onto Martina. ?We?re not finished here until my pussy has sucked every drop of cum out of your little twat.?

    The wet, naked women writhed in each other?s arms. Legs and arms twined and locked. Body to body, Inge and Martina rolled back and forth in the darkness, both striving to gain the top position, both enjoying the mutual rubbing and grinding of wet, naked flesh to flesh. Inge finally gained and held the top. The women locked up in a deep, deep kiss. Realizing she was pinned under Inge, Martina eagerly spread her legs wide, offering her dripping cunt to her enemy. She reached down and grabbed Inge?s ass, pulling the Jungle goddess down onto and into her.

    The women broke their kiss and moaned deeply as Inge?s hips jerked, her ass rippled with effort, as she drove her cunt into Martina?s cunt. Martina moved with her, keeping their throbbing clits glued together.

    ?Yes, yes you fucking whore,? Martina moaned. ?Give it to me, ride me, you fucker!?

    ?Oh god, I?m going to fuck you so hard,? Inge growled. She reached under Martina to seize the other woman?s ass.

    Pumping, writhing, grinding, Martina and Inge fucked each other senseless, going stiff in a series of multi-orgasmic explosions. Soon it was Martina riding Inge; they switched back and forth a number of times. Late in the night, shrouded in the darkness, exploring each other?s bodies with their hands and tongues and teeth, Martina and Inge wrapped their sweaty thighs around each other?s heads and devoured each other?s cunts, sucking and licking, nibbling clits and eating labia, pulling screaming, gasping orgasm after orgasm out of each other with their teeth, tongues and lips. They rolled about in the dark clearing, their gasps, screams and cries of sheer ecstasy adding to the animal sounds of the deep jungle. They ravaged each other relentlessly.

    At some point, late in the night, the struggling blondes were locked together, cunt sucked and sealed to cunt, pumping each other vigorously, their bellies rippling with effort, their tits bouncing, their powerful cunts squeezing and sucking, trying to overpower each other. This time, when the orgasms came, they would not stop. Martina felt herself being drained, she felt pleasure greater than anything she had ever known roaring through her. Flat on their backs, Inge and Martina writhed and screamed and bucked, cunts interlocked in an unbreakable seal, fucking orgasm after orgasm out of each other, neither able to stop. As she felt the pleasure build to an impossible, unbearable crescendo, as she felt her clit explode, her nipples ejaculating powerfully, Martina knew that she could not take any more. The intensity of the sheer ecstasy was just too much. Screaming out in joy and despair, the blonde vixen felt her mind shutting down, felt herself drifting away into unconsciousness on an explosion of pleasure too great to endure. With a final scream of pure orgasmic joy, she passed out.

    When Martina woke, many hours later, she was alone in the clearing. She had a vague sense that what had woken her was the painful tearing of Inge?s cunt hair from her own, but the blonde jungle goddess was nowhere to be seen. Martina rose unsteadily to her feet. She examined her perfect nude body. She bore many marks of the night?s sexual marathon ? hand prints, marks where Inge?s fingers had dug into her ass or thigh, signs of teeth marks on her nipples and around her pussy, where the Jungle Queen had devoured her cunt. Martina had no doubt that Inge?s body wore her marks proudly, too.

    Martina looked around the clearing. She walked down to the small stream to see if Inge had gone there. ?Inge?? she called, somewhat quietly. There was no answer. ?Inge?? she called again, louder. No response. She waited several minutes, but she soon realized that the Jungle goddess had abandoned her.

    ?Show yourself, you fucking whore!? Martina bellowed. ?This is not over! It?s not nearly over!?

    Inge did not appear. After waiting another hour, Martina decided to leave. She did not know what to make of this situation. Had she lost? Had Inge caused her to pass out, decided the battle was over, and left? That made no sense. A victory by either of them would require the winner to set the terms of victory.

    Martina bathed herself in the stream, washing the dried cum and other juices off of her lush body. She returned to the clearing and began gathering her clothing. She pulled on her shorts, snapped on the gun belt and fastened the knife to her thigh. She pulled on her sleeveless shirt, tied it into a halter, and tucked her golden hair into her pith helmet. She sat down on a tree stump and prepared to pull on her socks and shoes, but she thought better of it. She wanted to match Inge in every way. If that blonde cunt got around the jungle bare foot, then Martina would too.

    Martina retraced her steps, moving through the jungle with greater sureness. She located her pack, tied her shoes to the back of the pack, then continued her journey back towards the city. It had taken her 16 days to find Inge. It would take a little less time to get back to the city. She felt frustrated. She had battled the jungle vixen on her own terms. As far as Martina was concerned, she and her blonde rival had fucked each other to a standstill. Nothing had been settled, which meant Inge would continue her carnage and Martina had missed her chance to end the woman?s interference for good.

    As she traveled, Martina?s thoughts kept returning to the events of the day and night before. Her pussy tingled with desire every time she remembered how it felt to be locked twat to twat with Inge, cunts wrestling, cunts struggling, eating and squeezing and milking each other. She remembered the delicious feeling of hot cum flowing back and forth between their bodies, so much of it burning up into her core. She remembered massive, meaty tits crushed together and resisting, nipples burning, nipples ejaculating into each other? the erotic images and memories made her hot, they made her clit hard. She knew that she had to have more of the mind-blowing sex she had experienced with Inge. Her body grew hot, hard and wet just thinking about it.

    As she walked, Martina had the distinct sense she was being watched, followed. She was sure this was true. She decided to ignore it. Whatever Inge?s game, she would find out eventually.

    An hour or so before sunset, Martina stopped for the night. She found a clearing in the forest near some water. She started a fire and set up the small, compact tent she had brought with her. She picked nutritious fruits and roots and berries and managed to snare a rabbit for her dinner. As darkness fell, she sat beside a comfortable fire, her belly full, her mind at ease. She stretched out her bare feet and warmed her toes by the fire. Her gun and knife were within easy reach, just under the small log she was using as a bench.

    An hour or so after sundown, as she considered going to sleep for the night, Martina was startled to feel a familiar sense of sexual arousal building in her luscious body. Her core began to burn, tension began to flow into her pussy, her clit began to throb and swell, her twat grew wet and hot. Her breasts swelled, her nipples became like steel nails. Her body was responding to some sense, some scent, some hormone released into the air by the presence of an Alpha bitch.

    Inge came out of the forest, entering the clearing, her bare feet silent on the forest loam. The Jungle Queen stood across from Martina, on the other side of the fire. She was wearing her leopard skin bikini but, in moments, she had stripped herself naked. She let the bikini fall to the ground beside the fire. Nude, she flexed her shoulders, her massive, majestic tits swelling up from her chest like two beautiful, perfect mountains of meat.

    Martina?s breathing deepened, her breasts swelled with even more heat, her nipples burned furiously. The fire in her pussy was maddening. Without a word, the blonde socialite got to her feet and stood facing Inge from across the fire. She walked a few feet away from the fire, to where the loam was a bit thicker and softer. Eyes locked to Inge?s, Martina untied her halter, stripping her shirt away from her chest. She slid her shorts down her thighs and calves and kicked it away.

    The nude women stared at each other in the crackling light of the fire. The orange glow played on their perfect, voluptuous bodies, the textured shadows of the firelight bringing out the round thickness of their massive tits, the smoothness and beauty of their muscled torsos and deep navels, the swell of their hips, the ridged tightness of their powerful legs. Martina and Inge examined each other. Both were breathing deeply, as their excitement built. Their tits were jiggling, their nipples growing engorged with anticipation. By the firelight, both could see the trickle of pussy juice running down their thighs, the dampness appearing on their jutting nipples.

    Martina sat down on her ass, facing in the direction of the fire. She spread her legs wide; the light of the fire directly illuminated her thick-lipped, juicy cunt and its coarse guard of pubic hair. Inge walked up to the other blonde, sat down across from her, and spread her legs in reply. The women slid up to each other, right legs over lefts, scissoring.

    Eye?s locked, Martina and Inge pressed their hot cunts together. Their slick pussy lips sizzled with the heat of their mating. Their unbearably sensitive clits pushed into each other, head to head, the most ecstatic parts of the women?s bodies becoming one. The women bit their lips, then threw back their heads to moan in shared ecstasy. Martina reached out and pulled Inge in; their massive tits crushed tight, nipples searing to nipples. Inge wrapped her arms around Martina and squeezed back. Nose to nose, gasping into each other?s gorgeous faces, their hearts pounding with indescribable lust, the women moaned in shared desire.

    ?All night long,? Martina moaned. ?We fuck all night. No stopping.?

    ?All night,? Inge agreed, panting. ?We don?t separate. Cunt to cunt, clit to clit, all night.?

    ?Yes,? Martina whispered, ?Oh fuck, yes.?

    The blondes licked each other?s faces, then locked into a deep, hot kiss. Their hips began to move, their asses flexed, as the next battle in their fuckwar was joined.

    To be continued:
    Welcome back from Inge stories. I hope you always keep Inge-Conchita in the center, while both have their own adventures.
    Inge and Conchita are the two faces of the mirror, they represent the contrast to perfection. A lot of things can still happen between them.

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