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    Brandi's opus part 19

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    Brandi's opus part 19

    Dear Board members,

    This is a long chapter for me. It could be considered a separate story within the main frame of Brandi’s Opus. It’s a long and winding tale, with no sex until the very end. I hope you can stick with it because it has lots of sexy teases and innuendo, plus a good amount of humor leading up to the final scene, the sex scene, which is also quite long and I hope, for you, VERY sexy.

    Because I’ve become so enamored/obsessed with her, I’ve decided to give Professor Taylor her very own full chapter with a new character as an antagonist. The purpose of this chapter was to show the slow transformation of Professor Taylor. You’ll see how that goes along the way in various situations.

    ~It is because of this growing “obsession” that I’ve decided to seek out the sage advice of Doctor Shak. Hopefully, he can explain why I’ve become so involved with my character. His office hours are limited and his fees are outrageous, but I believe he can help me. (smile)~


    However this begs the question, if you are a religious person, why in the hell are you here on this forum reading sex fight stories?

    There’s another cameo by Angel (thank you gorgeous!), and a first ever cameo appearance by a VERY VERY VERY special guest.

    Things are about to get a little weird. But I’m hoping it’ll be an exciting, fun ride for y’all. One that will leave your nether regions moist and quivering.

    Your comments, of course, are always welcomed.




    The chill of the New England morning air made Jackie shiver as she made her way across the Westlake Christian College campus. An orange sky to the east gave promise of a lovely Sunday sunrise. But something felt off to her. Not dangerous, just…off. She scanned her surroundings carefully, just in case.

    The professor moved at a brisk pace, enjoying the early morning solitude and filling her lungs with crisp morning air. After a quick swing by the library to retrieve her forgotten cell phone, she turned her “escape” from Brandi’s apartment into a light, early morning jog.

    Despite the fact that just a few hours ago every muscle in her body ached from hour after glorious hour of hot, strenuous sex with the freshman goddess, Jackie was amazed at how truly invigorated she felt on this lovely Sunday morning. But it wasn’t just a mere physical phenomenon. As she moved along the cross-campus path toward the faculty apartments, Jackie felt as if years of repressive self consciousness and shyness had been torn away and she had just emerged from some restrictive cocoon to look skyward and spread her newly discovered wings. For the first time in a long, long while, Jackie felt good about herself. Thanks to Brandi, a new, confident, strong and sexy Jacqueline Taylor was looking at the world and saying “fuck you world, Jackie’s here! Deal with it!” It’s amazing what a great fuck can do for you. Fucking Brandi was going to be very good for her, she mused. Jackie chuckled to herself as she picked up her pace. She was unaware that off in the distance, there was a pair of curious eyes upon her.

    Those furtive, agog eyes belonged to one Sister Grace Marie, the young college administrator. One of the order’s most promising novitiates, Grace Marie was on her way to the old tower on this brisk Sunday morning in order to ring the chapel bell. She did this every Sunday morning. Due to the fact that the climb up the tower stairs was somewhat of a strain and the old bell was quite heavy, understandably, the older nuns had grown weary of this assignment. But the young and lovely Sister Grace enjoyed this detail, even in winter. Physically fit Sister Grace mused that perhaps one day she too would feel too old and arthritic to climb the tower stairs and ring the heavy old bell. But for now, she was up to the task. She thought to herself along her way that the campus wouldn’t be the same place without a couple of its most cherished features. There was the wonderful old tree on the North end of the campus - the “Kissing Tree” as the girls called it - with it’s beloved often repaired old bench. And of course, this beautiful chapel with its steep staircase, leading to the old bell in the tower which rang out its glorious Sunday morning song in praise of the lord. Alleluia!!!

    As noted, Sister Grace kept herself in shape. She enjoyed working out regularly. Quite often, she worked out with the girls. Grace found it rather stimulating to work up a good sweat with the lovely young women of the student body. To her, it was a special “bonding” experience.

    And, as for the student body…well…a number of the girls privately marveled whenever Grace showed up to work out in standard workout attire. It was the only time that Grace could be seen in anything other than religious garb. What a prurient delight it was for them to discover that the young nun was so curvaceous and so well endowed. And even though she downplayed her obvious assets, it was apparent to all the girls that Sister Grace Marie was “stacked.” Indeed, every time after the attractive nun finished her workout and left, the shower chat between the girls became quite lively and giggly. One particularly randy girl named Blanche often wondered aloud what it might be like to take Grace on, as she put it, “cunt to sanctified cunt.” Could such a luscious merging of pussies bring her closer to Jesus? Would Jesus be in the room watching them fuck? Such profound questions.

    But Sister Grace Marie’s vows of purity and chastity, and her own personal standard of modesty would not permit her to so much as change clothes with the other girls in the locker rooms. Nor, would it allow her to shower with them after a vigorous workout. Perish the thought! It simply would not be proper for a young nun to shower with a bevy of beautiful young and naked women. Indeed, it would be sinful for her to observe as curvaceous young girls sensuously lathered and rinsed their nubile bodies under the cascading shower waters.

    Yet, every so often, Grace could not help wondering how her own toned and voluptuous body would compare to the bodies of women who were, on average, five to seven years younger than she was. But Sister Grace was a religious…not at all inclined to allow such lewd thoughts of hot young college women to infest her mind. Not at all…

    The youngest of the nuns, and far younger than any of the current or previous administrators, Grace Marie had shown such potential that the hierarchy broke with tradition and offered extra responsibilities to her. The situation was a perfect fit for her. A couple of the older nuns expressed a desire to cut back on their teaching and administrative duties. It was time for them to relax in semi-retirement. They looked forward to enjoying more of the indulgences that a religious life had to offer, such as spending eight hours each day in silent prayer, or stringing together rosary beads, mending and laundering vestments, and of course, custodial work in the campus chapel. Candle replacement duty was especially rewarding. Sister Grace gladly accepted the extra responsibilities bestowed upon her. She was doing the lord’s work, after all.

    But this Sunday morning on her way to the tower, Sister Grace noticed a figure off in the distance swiftly making her way across campus in the direction of the faculty housing. Who could that possibly be? She wondered.

    As the woman came closer, Sister Grace’s morbid curiosity got the best of her. She ducked out of sight like an antagonist in a spy movie, then carefully poked her veiled head out in order to get a surreptitious look at the only other human on the campus grounds at 0645 on Sunday morning. The woman was a good forty feet away as she passed by, but there could be no mistaking the curvaceous, abundant behind of Professor Jacqueline Taylor as she lightly jogged past her in (oh so) tight jeans as the sun broke in the east. Even a deeply religious woman such as Sister Grace could not help but notice the professor’s exquisite, god-given assets. At many faculty-administration meetings, this prodigious posterior would show up in tight jeans, always causing a fair amount of consternation amongst the older nuns…not to mention a fair amount of titillation among those sisters still young enough to experience titillation. Of course, nothing was ever said to Jackie about this minor transgression for fear that the annual one million dollar donation from Doctor Roderick Taylor, eminent Boston Neurosurgeon (and Jackie’s father), would be terminated. But, back to the Sunday morning intrigue…

    What gets you up and scurrying across campus at this time on Sunday morning, dear Professor Taylor? Where are you coming from? Then Grace did a reverse trace of the Professor’s unusual Sunday morning journey which ended up at a student housing building. That was building A, the freshman building.

    “Hummm.” the young nun murmured to herself.

    When she got back to her room she pulled up the campus housing assignment chart on her computer.

    “Let’s see now, who lives in building A? Who were you visiting, dear Professor? Or should I perhaps ask, who did you spend the night with?” Sister Grace muttered to herself.

    As she wallowed in the fetid thoughts of an evil villainess, one name jumped off of the computer screen.

    “Oh my God!!! Brandi Knowlton?!” Sister Grace gasped in a combination of shock and arousal.

    Well now, this was certainly juicy! Could it be that Professor Taylor was leaving the apartment of the incredibly hot freshman Brandi Knowlton? Sure, there were lots of lovely young girls living in that building - other hot young women with beautiful faces and appetizing bodies. It was possible that she could have been leaving any one of their residences. But in Sister Grace’s mind, the only one that made sense was Brandi. She was the hottest of them all! Absolutely the hottest of the hot! She was the crem? de la crem?, the maraschino cherry sitting on top of the whipped cream covered in multi-colored sprinkles on top of the ice cream sundae. That’s how mouth-watering Brandi was. Not that Sister Grace ever thought much about Brandi. Not that she ever noticed the striking freshman’s mesmerizing brown eyes, her full, sensuous lips, her amazingly large and frequently braless bosoms that seemed to defy gravity, or even the star freshman student’s luscious and inviting pear-shaped buttocks. No, no. Grace had never noticed any of that.

    But in this case, the only logical conclusion to be drawn was that Professor Taylor and Brandi were involved in a sweltering hot, sinful and forbidden student-teacher tryst. Likely, the two striking, wondrously endowed women had spent the night locked in a sweaty, writhing, body on body lesbian assignation. The thought of something as flagrantly against the college’s teacher/student fraternization policy made Grace Marie recoil in horror. It also made her nipples hard.

    The astute young nun knew that she had a potentially explosive situation on her hands. She would have to give some serious thought as to how this situation could best be handled. Little did she know that an intriguing solution to her “problem” would present itself in a couple of days.


    On the following Tuesday, she was summoned to the Chancellor’s office, where she was informed that she had been chosen to attend the annual “Celebration of The Beatitudes” in Cambridge.

    “Why Sister Dominique…” she demurred. “…I’m quite flattered that you’ve selected me. But don’t you usually send one of our esteemed elder sisters?”
    “Yes we do, Sister Grace. But we’ve decided we wanted to get the youthful perspective this year. And although it’s only an hour’s drive, some of the older nuns would still rather not make the journey. I can understand that, as I’m getting up there in years myself.”
    “Oh, Sister Dominique. You’re just as vital and vibrant as you were thirty years ago.”

    Dominique felt her neck hair bristle. The older chancellor smiled a phony smile in response to what she perceived as phony praise. There was a brief, tense eye to eye stare down between the two nuns. Sister Grace’s eyes seemed to lock with hers in challenge. Sister Dominique would have liked nothing better than to leap across her desk and smack the insolence off of this young bitch’s face. But she had to consider her standing as chancellor. She eventually just blew it off.

    Sister Marie Dominique was a 48 year old nun who had been awarded the chancellor’s position a little over a year ago. She was five feet five inches tall and weighed close to 140 pounds. A forward thinking nun, she hoped to bring a bit of contemporary thinking to the mostly conservative college atmosphere. She was a staunch advocate for relaxing the traditionally rigid and, in her opinion, ridiculous standards imposed upon the nuns. And despite the fact that railing against traditional standards always ruffles feathers, it was due to her efforts that the sisters were granted permission to dress in normal street clothing when appropriate. She’d even fought for, and reluctantly received permission for light makeup for the nuns when they were in civilian clothing. And, contrary to what she had just said, forty-eight year old Dominique was in good health and in very good shape.

    But Sister Dominique was in a minority of one. Unlike all the rest, she was not impressed by the young novitiate. With the exception of her ostensibly large tits, nothing about Sister Grace Marie impressed her.

    “You’ll be pleased to know, Sister, that you and your traveling companion will be put up in deluxe accommodations. You should be prepared to leave on Friday morning. We’ll cover your classes, and your administrative duties. I’ll send you the details.”
    “Excuse me, Sister…”
    “Did you say, ‘traveling companion?’”
    “Oh, yes. Of course. We always send one religious and one secular person.”

    Sister Dominique then pulled up the list of secular instructors on her computer.

    “Let’s see now. Which one of our lovely non-religious personnel have not yet had the distinct honor of attending this annual event?”

    Sister Grace waited patiently as she thought to herself, “Come on, you old hag! Get on with it!”

    “Oh Sister Grace! How wonderful! It appears that our beloved and very popular Professor Jacqueline Taylor has not yet attended this most holy annual event! I think she would be a delightful companion for you! I’ll inform her straightaway!”
    “Oh YES!!!” Sister Grace Marie couldn’t contain herself.

    Were it not for the layers of undergarments that nuns were made to wear, Sister Grace’s hardening nipples might have been apparent to the eye.

    “Oh my, Sister! I take it this choice pleases you?” Sister Dominique noted the unusual enthusiasm of the young, attractive nun. Sister Grace Marie stuttered a bit in reply.

    “Oh…um…yes Sister…it does. And for exactly those reasons that you mentioned. Although I barely know her, word is the Professor is quite popular among the girls. And yes, she’s an excellent choice.”
    “I’m glad that you so whole-heartedly approve, Sister.”
    “I look forward to spending an entire weekend with her in a luxury hotel suite…” Grace caught herself. “…while we attend this most sacred conference.”
    “Fine. It’s done. Your reservations at the hotel are set.” the older chancellor said, with a trace of suspicion in her tone.
    “Oh, by the way Sister Dominique. I have to head over that way a bit later. I’ll gladly stop by to inform Professor Taylor of this exciting news.”
    “As you wish.” the older nun acquiesced.

    Later that afternoon, there came a knock on Professor Taylor’s apartment door. A surprised Jackie’s eyes widened, but then she quickly smiled.

    “Oh! Sister Grace Marie! To what do I owe the pleasure of this most unusual, yet welcomed visit? Come in, please.”
    “Good afternoon, Professor.”
    “Oh please, call me Jackie.”
    “Alright, Jackie.”

    Once inside, Grace looked around the apartment. She liked what she saw.

    “Oh my! This is lovely! You have excellent taste, Jackie.”
    “Thanks Sister…”
    “Oh please. Call me Grace.”
    “OK, Grace. What brings you to my lovely yet humble abode this afternoon. Please, sit down.”

    Jackie gestured to the couch. She joined the attractive nun and turned to face her.

    “Well Jackie, ‘tis glorious news brings me here this afternoon.” Sister Grace proclaimed in a sing-song voice.
    “Do tell.”
    “Well, you might want to sit down for this.”
    “Uh…Grace…I am sitting down.”
    “Oh, my goodness…” Sister Grace tittered. “So you are.”
    “So we are.”
    “Yes, well, here it is. You and I have been chosen to attend the annual Beatitudes Conference, in Cambridge this coming weekend! Isn’t that special?!”

    Jackie smiled effusively. But her heart sank. For almost three years she had managed to politely fend off the religious advances of the “holier than thou ones,” as she called them. A non-believer by way of her intellect, Jackie always felt the subtle yet consistent pressure to convert. But it just wasn’t for her. She now wondered if this trip to Cambridge with a young, attractive nun was yet another attempt to bring her into the fold. For sure, she was not fond of the idea. But what choice did she have?

    “So, Grace. When is this felicitous event?”
    “Saturday and Sunday. We’ll head down to Cambridge to check into our hotel room on Friday…mid morning should be fine.”
    “I assume someone will be covering my Friday classes for me.”
    “Of course.”
    “Hum…that leaves just one other glitch.”
    “What, Jackie?”
    “I had scheduled a private tutoring session on Saturday afternoon.”

    PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “Brandi and I were scheduled to meet after hours in the library to fuck.”
    “Oh. Well, can you re-schedule?” Grace asked.
    “I suppose I could re-schedule the session.”
    PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “Brandi and I are just going to have to fuck twice as long and twice as hard the next time we get together.”
    “Oh, gosh. I’m sorry, Jackie.”
    “No worries, Grace.”
    “May I ask which student you are privately tutoring, Professor Taylor?”

    There was no innocence in that question. So, Jackie gave it the response it deserved.

    “No, Sister Grace. You may not.”

    Deeply religious Sister Grace Marie took the hint and retreated from any further intrusive questioning. In an attempt to smooth things out, she reached out and took Jackie’s hands in hers and caressed them warmly.

    “I’m sorry Jackie. That’s none of my concern.”
    “That’s exactly right, Grace.”
    “I’m sure that we’ll have a lovely time at the conference and we’ll really enjoy our suite at the Cambridge Inn and Spa.”

    Suddenly, it hit Jackie!

    “Excuse me Grace. Did you say ‘OUR suite?’”
    “Well…yes. We’ll be sharing a lovely suite for the entire weekend! Isn’t that great?”
    “Oh…” Jackie said, less than enthusiastically. “…that’s…that’s…just wonderful, Sister.”

    PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “Oh great! First, no fucking this weekend. And now, I won’t even get to pleasure myself.”

    Sister Grace sensed that something was up. She decided to play this, to see where it might lead.

    “What’s the matter Jackie? I’m sensing hesitance. I also sense a lack of enthusiasm. Are you uncomfortable with the thought of sharing a hotel room with me?”

    This was now officially a game of mental chess. But the professor was a genius with an expert level chess rating. She knew how to play chess and she could play this game as well. She recognized a gambit. And she didn’t fall for it.

    “Actually Grace, I was thinking just the opposite.”
    “I don’t follow you.” Grace puzzled.
    “I was thinking that you, as a religious, would be uncomfortable sharing a room with me, a secular person - a non believer. You know, a heathen.”
    “Oh goodness no, dear Jackie! I know that we aren’t well acquainted, but all the girls have said how wonderful you are! You’re probably our most beloved lay teacher. And far from being a heathen I expect. I’m delighted to attend this conference with you…AND…to spend a couple of days in a luxury hotel suite with you. It’ll be so much fun! I can’t wait!”
    “Neither can I, Grace, now that I know that we’ll be comfortable with each other.”
    “We’ll have a grand time together, Jackie. Just you and I. What fun!”

    Grace’s exuberance seemed somewhat phony, Jackie thought. But it seemed that she was stuck with this woman - actually, this rather attractive nun - for an entire two days.

    “Excellent, Grace. Well then, why don’t we rendezvous here on Friday morning? Then we can hop into my car and hit the road…say…9 AM?”
    “9 AM it is.”

    Grace took the hint and rose to leave. She flashed Jackie one last questionable smile as Jackie closed the door behind her. Her mind then screamed out her newly favored expletive…“Muthafuckka!!!”

    Within minutes after Sister Grace left, she sent a text message to Brandi.

    “Hey girl! Got a minute?” Send.
    “For YOU? You bet!”
    “Got to talk about something…” Send.
    “Let me guess…you miss me already and you can’t wait until Saturday…am I right?”
    “Don’t flatter yourself, bitch!” Send.
    “We’ll excuuuuuuussseee MEEEE, bitch! What do you want, then?”
    Jackie laughed out loud.
    “LOL…it s about Saturday though…it ain’t happening…sorry.”
    “WTF??? Who am I gonna screw then?”
    “Is that all you ever think about? You lesbian nymphomaniac slut?” Send.
    “Yeah, me too.” Send.

    Now Brandi laughed. Jackie then went on to explain the reason they could not meet on Saturday. She went into all the details of Sister Grace Marie’s visit, and how she sensed that something might be up…

    “All I can say, Jackie, is trust your instincts.”
    “Meaning what?” Send.
    “Meaning the word is that the lovely ‘sister’ can be a conniving bitch. NOT to be trusted.”
    “OMG! Brandi! Do you think that she’s on to us?” Send.
    “Doubtful. But I’m almost certain that there is an ulterior motive to all this. Be careful with what you say and do. Conduct yourself in a saintly fashion. And by no means should you rent one of those in room adult videos.”
    “Aww hell! I was hoping Grace and I could get drunk and watch some dirty movies together.” Send.
    “In your nighties of course.”
    “Of course! But in separate beds.” Send.
    “It occurs to me, what if you can’t get separate beds? Wouldn’t it be weird if the two of you had to share a queen sized bed?”
    “Oh stop it, you nut job!” Send.
    “Yeah…but think of it…what if that was the case?”
    “Well then, I’d leave lots of room for the Holy Ghost.” Send.
    “Jackie, if you and Grace Marie ended up in the same bed together, there would be absolutely NO ROOM for the Holy Ghost!”
    “Oh fuck you! Why are we even pursuing this line of discussion?” Send.
    “Because, in case you hadn’t noticed, Grace is kinda hot. I’ve heard that underneath all that religious regalia, there’s a healthy set of knockers. Who knows? Maybe she wants to get naked and bump cunts with you.”
    “Alright, I’m done here. You’re no damn help at all.” Send.
    “I’m here for ya, babe. LOL. Seriously though, be on guard and on your best behavior!”
    “Keep me in your prayers!” Send.
    “Ha Ha! I will. Hurry back! I am dying to pounce on you!”
    “Is that all you ever think about?!” Send.
    “We covered this already…And, YES!!!”

    Hummm…Jackie thought. Then she peeled off her jeans and her thong and took a selfie of her bountiful ass.

    She captioned the picture. “Well then…deal with this!” Send.
    “Alright…now you’re being an evil bitch!!!” came Brandi’s response.
    “But…YOU LOVE my big bongos!!!” Send.
    “True! Can’t wait to play them again. Gotta go.”
    “BTW…DELETE that text immediately!!! BFN.” Send.

    Professor Taylor laughed to herself as she ended the text.


    Wednesday evening. 6:03 PM. Brandi had finished a lengthy study session with the “Principals of Accounting.” The subject matter wasn’t exactly scintillating. Her brain was closing down. It was time for nourishment. She re-heated some chicken soup and warmed a baguette. She enjoyed this type of quick meal. It was satisfying, but not too filling. Of course, she had her regular-as-clockwork evening glass of wine. She chose a tasty and reasonably priced Italian Pino Grigio. It went well with her meal.

    Just after she finished, she cleared her dishes and rinsed them off, then filled up one half of the double kitchen sink with hot water and dish soap. Into the soapy bath went not just the dinner dishes, but the breakfast and lunch dishes and utensils too. All would remain to soak for a while before being washed before she went to bed.

    Brandi then sighed, reflected and remembered. She remembered something dear to her - someone dear to her. She opened up the cabinet over the kitchen sink where she kept her wine glasses, reached in and removed one glass in particular. It was the wine glass that Angel had used the last time that they had dinner together. That was over a month ago, and this wine glass had never been washed. It may sound odd, but Brandi just couldn’t bring herself to wash this particular glass. She could not do so because on the rim of this glass was a perfectly full imprint of Angel’s lips from the lipstick she wore that night. As Brandi held this wine glass in her hand and stared at it, she thought to herself that perhaps it was time…perhaps….


    The sound of Brandi’s cell phone came from the living room. She hurried into the living room to answer it, wine glass still in hand…

    “OH MY GOD!!!” she gasped. “Hello!”
    “Hi there gorgeous!” came the sexy voice of the caller.
    “ANGEL!!! I was just thinking about you!”
    “Were we naked?” Angel asked.
    Brandi burst out laughing. “Not quite. We were sharing a glass of wine and…”
    “Damn girl! Haven’t you washed that wine glass YET?!”
    “No, I haven’t.” Brandi responded sheepishly.

    Angel was appalled by the mere thought of the millions of germs that must have been festering on that wine glass by now. Yet she was thrilled to the point of her nipples tingling that her best gal from New England still thought of her in such a warm and loving way. She remembered with much fondness the last time they had dinner together. She could almost taste the tastes.

    “Let’s see if I can remember…shrimp scampi…oh that was so good…accompanied by a delicious French white wine…right?”
    “Awww…Angel! You remembered!!!”
    “Well, you’re kind of unforgettable, Brandi.”
    “Oh…now you’re making me moist. And I don’t mean my eyes.”
    “Ha Ha! Anyway, I’ve been missing you lately. That’s why I called.”
    “Glad you called. I’m missing you too…obviously.”
    “Wash the glass, Brandi. My feelings won’t be hurt.”
    “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.”
    “You WILL!!! You better! Do you know how many germs are on that glass?” Angel admonished her but she was giggling.
    “Alright…alright!” Brandi chuckled. “I’ll wash it. But those are YOUR germs…and to tell the truth, I’ve become quite fond of them.”

    Angel laughed out loud.

    “Oh…you gorgeous, brilliant, goofy girl!”
    “Well, I would be comfortable saying the we’re both brilliant and beautiful with just the right amount of ditzy.”
    “And…I would agree.”

    There was a brief pause, punctuated by sighs.

    “So, I never asked you…how was your flight?”
    “Oh…um…” Angel paused. “Uneventful.”

    But Angel was never comfortable with lying. She knew that Brandi knew this about her and that Brandi was much too sharp to not read the unspoken words contained in the pause.

    “Angel…what’s going on?”
    “Well…I, um…”
    “Angel…don’t make me come down there and tear off your clothes and properly interrogate you…”
    “And your clothes too?…”
    “Well of course…until you scream out an orgasmic confession…again and again…”
    “Oh…how I’d love for you to do that!!!”

    A brief and pregnant pause ensued.

    “Come on girl…fess up. What happened?”
    “Well…” Angel squeezed out the words. “well…I kinda…got laid.”
    “Oh the airplane? Are you fucking nuts? How did…?”

    Angel then rapidly blurted out the fragmented details of her tryst on flight 96

    “Well.. well.. I was sad about leaving you.. and.. and.. I was crying and my eyes were red…and..and.. this very sweet woman noticed.. and I told her the story.. and.. and.. she offered me her tender comfort.. and and her tits were so BIG.. and the plane was only half full and we were way in the back by ourselves and then we had some drinks and there was this big warm blanket and her tits were so fucking HUGE.. andand.. and then I don’t know how it happened but all of a sudden we were both naked and the stewardess was so nice and she told us to be discreet and next thing I knew we were snarling and fucking like two back alley cats and and…”
    “OK! OK! I get the picture!” Brandi said loudly, silencing Angel.
    “Are you mad at me, Brandi?” Angel asked, guardedly.

    She should have been mad…she could have been mad…but she was so crazy for this gorgeous blond Texan that anger was not an issue. And, all things considered, she had no justification for being mad at Angel. Especially considering the recent events in her life with a certain professor of English. A minute silently passed.

    “YES!!! I am!” Brandi said, successfully suppressing her laughter.
    “So…how long are you gonna stay mad at me?” Angel asked.
    “About one more minute…maybe less.” Brandi teased.
    “You bitch!”
    “Thank you.”
    There was a warm pause. Then Angel took over the “interrogation.”

    “So, Brandi…”

    Angel knew Brandi far too well.

    “How’s everything at good old Westlake Christian?”
    “Oh…uneventful.” Brandi replied, trying to be as casual as possible.
    “Uh.. huh. I see.” Angel said, disbelief and sarcasm dripping from her words.
    “Don’t play me, girlfriend. It’s time for YOU to fess up. Who have you been screwing?”
    “Well…I…you see…” Brandi stammered.
    “And don’t even THINK of trying to bullshit me. I know YOU.”

    Angel was right. She did indeed know Brandi well. As well as she knew herself. She possessed a keen understanding of how they both were wired. As much as these two women cared for each other, even loved each other, she knew that neither of them was able to resist the siren song of a beautiful, well endowed woman. Both of them were quite susceptible to the strong allure of female to female seduction. Both of them relished the heated coming together of soft mouths, breasts and pussies and the primal heat of cunt to cunt fucking…fucking to explosive, screaming orgasms. She smiled. Indeed, she gave herself a wicked grin…

    “Well…you sitting down?” Brandi asked, with noticeable excitement in her voice.
    “I am. Please go on.”
    “This goes NO further than us…OK?”
    “My lips are sealed, Brandi.”
    “I wish those lips were here, kissing and sucking all over my body.”
    “STOP! You’re getting me hot!”
    “I’m about to get you even hotter, Angel.”
    “Spill it! Please!!!”

    With some hesitance, Brandi then revealed her recent adventures with one Professor Jacqueline Taylor.

    “OH MY FUCKING WORD!!! In the library?” Angel could not believe what she was hearing.
    “Well, she came on to me, Angel. And she was naked as a jaybird! What was I supposed to do?”
    “Let me get this straight. The two of you fucked on one of those big library conference tables?” Angel was astonished.
    “Oh no! We were much more discreet. We fucked on the floor in the librarian’s office.”
    “You fucking shameless jezebel! You nasty slut!!!” Angel squealed in delight.
    “I BEG your pardon, Ms Angelica Johansen. I, Brandi Knowlton, am an elegant literary slut. And don’t ever forget that!”
    “You never cease to amaze me, girl.”
    “Are you mad at me?”
    “Yes, I am mad at you!” Angel didn’t hesitate.
    “Well, that’s a dumb question.”
    “Why is that a dumb question?”
    “Because, Ms. Literary slut…I WANTED TO FUCK PROFESSOR TAYLOR!”
    “Too bad! Too late. I got her first.” Brandi teased. “Besides, Jackie’s here. And you’re in Texas-thousands of miles away. Now I know that combination of your nipples and tits could probably cover the distance, but I doubt that your clitoris is long enough.”
    “YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!” Angel screamed into her phone.

    She couldn’t believe what Brandi just said. And then both of them burst into hysterical laughter.

    “Oh goddamn girl! That was the best laugh I’ve had in a long while. I’m gonna have to remember that one. God how I miss you!”
    “Right back at ya, Angel. This place isn’t the same without you.”

    But Angel had it in mind to ask the question of questions - the one question that had plagued the curious minds of every W.C.C. woman who had ever experienced heart palpitations at the sight of Professor Taylor in a pair of skin tight jeans.

    “You know Brandi, you’ve hit the mother lode.”
    “I don’t understand. The mother lode?”
    “Oh yeah, girl! You kidding me? As I recall, there wasn’t a single bitch on that campus that didn’t want to get her hands on that exquisite Professor Taylor ass…myself included.”
    “Oh…that? Well, to tell you the truth, I hardly even noticed it.” Brandi taunted.
    “Oh FUCK YOU BITCH!!! Don’t play with me!”
    “What do you want Angel? Graphic descriptions? Sleazy hot photos?”
    “Yes goddammit! I want ALL of the above! A sleazy hot photo would be especially nice. But if no pics, then I want ALL the sexy details.”

    Then a devious thought occurred to Brandi.

    “Hey! Call me back in five minutes, OK?”
    “This sounds a bit ominous. What are you up to?”
    “You’ll see…buzz me back…OK?”
    “Aaawwwlll…right.” Angel’s gentle Southern drawl was punctuated with suspicion.

    Brandi hung up and then scrolled through the photos on her phone until she located the text photo that Jackie had sent her yesterday-the photo of her bare-naked ass. She saved it to her pictures, deleted Jackie’s original text, then re-entered it with Angel’s text address. And then…

    “Oh…oh…god!!! I probably shouldn’t be doing this…” she said to herself. “…but…” SEND.

    She held her breath and waited for Angel’s callback. It took less than thirty seconds.

    RING!!! RING!!! RING!!! Even Angel’s rings had exclamation points.

    “Helloooo!” Brandi answered coyly.
    “OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!” Angel squealed in shock and obvious sexual arousal.
    “Easy girl! Slow your roll!” Brandi tried to calm her down.
    “My goodness Brandi…I think I’m gonna cuuuuummmm!!!”
    “You crazy lady!” Brandi giggled.
    “I’m serious Brandi! Oh, the things I could do with that ass! Mmmmmmmmmmmm!” Angel Mm’d.
    “Ha ha!”
    “Oh Brandi! Do you realize that if word of this ever got out you’d be the envy of every horny woman on campus?”
    “No no no! Nobody can know about this!” Brandi emphasized.

    Angel quickly made the student/teacher connection in her mind.

    “Oh, I forgot. Sorry.”

    Angel had indeed had a few vivid sexual fantasies about Professor Taylor. So had most of the other women she knew on the Westlake campus. But none of them, including Angel, were comfortable with the thought of crossing that taboo student/teacher line. There was just too much at stake. Besides, nobody knew much about the professor. Her private life was a complete mystery. And as seemingly shy and withdrawn as the professor was outside of the classroom setting, nobody was quite certain exactly how she might react if another woman came on to her. This is why Brandi’s sexual tryst with her was so amazing. Somehow, Brandi had accomplished something incredible-something every busty lesbian on campus dreamed of doing!

    “My dear. There are no words that can describe how proud I am of you at this moment and…”
    “Oh, bullshit!” Brandi cut her off.
    “Right. Just give me some nasty details!!!…oh please please please!”

    Brandi laughed. And then she went on to give Angel more complete details about the heated encounter and a full description of Jackie's gorgeous posterior that was laced with damn near every superlative in the English language. The account was so luscious and lascivious. By the time Brandi got around to the oily ass fight, Angel simply could not prevent the movement of her right hand under her jeans to her thong covered crotch. And with each tantalizing scenario that Brandi revealed, the stroke of Angel’s hand on her moistening womanhood became more vigorous.

    "Oh Angel…” Brandi now spoke sincerely. “…you have no idea of the splendor of this woman's anatomy. I was enthralled. I was mesmerized. I was transfixed. I was…”
    “OK. Enough!” Angel said, having to snap herself out of a state of vicarious pleasure.

    Brandi smiled to herself. She surmised what Angel was up to on the other end of the phone. Then her mind flashed a brief, pleasant image of “helping” Angel with a stroke of her tongue on the tall Texan’s tasty twat. There was another brief silence…but in that silence, much was spoken.

    “Did I mention how much I miss you, Angel?”
    “You did. Did I tell you how much I miss you, Brandi?”
    “You did…”

    Angel set her phone down. Brandi did too…
    Silence…There was no need for goodbyes.

    Two beautiful women-one in Texas, the other in Massachusetts. Each of them now sighing and gently biting her lower lip over what might have been.

    End conversation…


    Friday morning came far too early for Jackie. Even as a child she enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in late. A ten or eleven o’clock rise time always suited her best. And despite the fact that she had adjusted well to the early morning life of a college professor, she still missed those extra minutes of snooze she got after slapping the alarm clock into submission.

    But today was the first day of an exciting (yawn) weekend of celebrating the beatitudes (Zzzzzzzzz…). And Sister Grace Marie wasn’t going to let her miss one thrilling (yawn) moment of the holy word. Her brain screamed out “FUCK!!!” And then the next thought that entered her mind was “Oh damn! I would much rather be scissoring with Brandi right now!” It seemed to Jackie that screaming out the words “OH MY GOD!!!” at the pinnacle of a mind bowing, pussy pounding orgasm would be a much better way to get close to the creator. She shook the cobwebs out, then headed for the shower. In the shower it occurred to her that since this conference was going to deprive her of what she really wanted to do this weekend, she took the opportunity to close her eyes and visualize Brandi’s naked body while she “rubbed one out” in less than two minutes.
    “Ahhhhh…much better.”

    Slightly after 0900, Sister Grace Marie knocked on Jackie’s door. Within fifteen minutes, she and Professor Taylor were at the entrance to Interstate 90 and on their leisurely way to Cambridge. It was a little over an hour’s drive and they were in no hurry, so they stopped along the way for breakfast. Grace suggested they dine at the rest stop, but Jackie vetoed the idea. On this particular stretch of the interstate one’s choice of rest stop cuisine was MacDonald’s, Burger King, Dunkin’ Doughnuts, MacDonald’s…ad-nauseam.

    “Actually Grace, I’d rather get off at the next exit and head into a nearby town. Perhaps if we’re lucky we can find an actual restaurant with actual food. Agreed?”
    “That’s fine with me.” Grace smiled in agreement.

    Inside her twisted mind, however, she was seething over having lost what she considered to be a contest of wills to this non-believing woman. But then her conniving mind took comfort in knowing that she would soon be lowering the boom on Professor Taylor when she revealed her knowledge of the affair with Brandi.

    As for Jackie, over the course of French toast, bacon and coffee, she began to suspect that Brandi may have been right. The more time she spent in Grace’s company, the more disingenuous she seemed to be. Was there an ulterior motive that had yet to surface? Sure, she and Sister Grace Marie had enjoyed some nice moments. There was lots of girly laughter along the way and surprisingly, Grace seemed to enjoy “rockin’ out” to some tunes on Jackie’s CD player.

    “You go, girl!” Jackie said joyfully as Grace popped her fingers in time and shimmied her shoulders with the music. She almost seemed human at times.

    Yet, through it all, Jackie sensed a dark side to the young nun’s personality that always seemed to be lurking just beneath the surface. Was some sort of confrontation between them in the offing? And if so, why? The only reason that Jackie could think of was that Grace somehow knew about her and Brandi. But how could she possibly know?

    Then, in a profound moment, all was made clear to Jackie, from a rather unlikely source.

    “Pssst! Jackie! Hey, Jackie! Over here!” Jackie’s eyes furtively scanned the nearby tables.
    “No no…I mean down here!”

    The professor’s dazzling blue-grey eyes drifted downward. The voice seemed to be coming from her unfinished breakfast. What the fuck!? They widened in disbelief when, in her last slice of French toast, she saw the image of a man with flowing white hair and a long white beard. She had read about this kind of thing before in the Enquirer, but regarded it as nonsense. She was flabbergasted when the image began to speak to her in her thoughts and she found herself able to respond in thought.

    “Can Sister Grace see you?”
    “Oh no…no.” replied the image.
    “So then, you don’t want her to know that you’re here?”
    “Are you…” Jackie hesitated in disbelief. “…God?”
    “Yep. That’s me alright. The almighty, the all powerful, the all seeing, the all knowing, the all…”
    “Yeah, yeah. I get the idea. I’ve read your resum?. I’m not that impressed.”
    “Damn, girl! Whatta dude gotta do to impress you?” God asked.
    “Well, you can start by telling me why you showed up in my French toast.”
    “I like French toast. Can’t get it in my neck of the woods.”
    “Excuse me, but isn’t showing up in someone’s toast more your son’s thing?”
    “It is. But He’s busy getting things together over at the beatitudes conference. I’m just subbing for him. By the way, when you and Grace go to dinner later, I’m gonna be all up in your Sushi too, girl. Can’t get that here either.”
    “So, we’re going to a Japanese restaurant tonight?”
    “Gosh, I don’t know about that. Grace seems a little anal retentive. Is she going to be OK with Japanese food?”
    “Probably not. But she’ll get over it.” the almighty responded casually.
    “By the way. If you’re so all powerful, why can’t you get French toast or Sushi?”
    “Ehhh…that all powerful thing is a tad exaggerated.”
    “Well, now. That’s interesting.” Jackie mused.
    “How so?” God wanted to know.
    “Well if that were to get out, the entire foundation of a belief system could crumble.”
    “Yeah well, I’d appreciate it if you’d keep that just between us.”

    Jackie smiled sardonically.

    “Your secret’s safe with me.”
    “By the way, why are you revealing yourself to me instead of Sister Grace Marie?”
    “Well, Professor Taylor, your friend Brandi was right about her.”
    “Oh yeah. Grace is one conniving bitch.”
    “Oh my. So you don’t like her?”
    “Nope. She’s not a nice person. Bitch don’t have one single redeeming quality.”
    “Still, it’s difficult to understand, considering that she’s devoted her entire life to serving you, and I barely acknowledge your existence.”
    “Well, Jackie. I’m sure you’ve figured out by now that oftentimes those who profess to believe in me and to serve me can be far more treacherous than those who call themselves atheists.”
    “I’d have to agree with that. So you came here to warn me about her? I’m very flattered!”
    “Yes. I have. She’s up to some chicanery.” the all knowing confirmed.
    “How do you know? Oh…never mind. Then, what’s this all about anyway?”
    “Well, let me put it this way. You weren’t the only one on the campus Sunday morning.”
    “Goddammit! I knew I wasn’t alone! That sneaky bitch!”
    “She ducked behind the old chapel building so you wouldn’t see her.”
    “Goddamn she devil! Does she know?”
    “She has her suspicions. No actual proof. And she’s convinced that you were coming from the freshman student building.”
    “Goddammit! What a shrew! ”
    “Uh, Jackie. Ease up on the Goddammit’s.”
    “Oh! Sorry.”
    “I’ll let that one slide. But only because I like you.”
    “Thanks! So then, even though she’s right about me and Brandi and, technically, we are breaking the rules…”
    “Oh nonsense! That’s nothing compared to the potential for evil that’s inside this crazy woman’s mind!!!”
    “Wow! That’s a pretty strong indictment.”
    “Well, it’s true. Anyway, I thought I’d give you a heads up. Besides, your hookup with Brandi was inevitable. I mean really, the way you two were salivating over each other…rubbing those big ol’ titties against each other in the library…Um…mmm…mmm.”
    “You’re the nicest degenerate I know.”
    “Aw, give me a break. I can’t get that kind of thing in my neck of the woods.
    The professor shook her head. “So, what’s her plan?”
    “I don’t know for sure. But she is planning to confront you. You better be ready for her.”
    “You mean verbally or physically?”
    “Well, it’ll likely start out as a verbal confrontation.”
    “So then, it’s going to escalate to a physical clash?”
    “Oh yeah!” God said, excitedly. “Gonna be a dust-up!”
    “A what?”
    “Gonna be a bitch shoooww-down at the Cambridge Inn!!!”
    “Can I take her?”
    “Mentally, verbally, intellectually…Sister Grace doesn’t stand a chance. You’re way out of her league.”
    “That’s good to know. And physically?”
    “That’s a toss up. And that will definitely be the best part…the HOTTEST part.”
    “Excuse me lord, but I have to say it sounds like you’re looking forward to this.”
    “You don’t think I’d MISS this, do you?”
    “Look, mister not-so-powerful, I’m grateful for the heads-up. But this is between two women. There’s no earthly reason for you to be there.”
    “Oh Jackie. It’s WAY more than that. This isn’t JUST woman to woman. It’s woman to woman in an epic battle of good versus evil! And when the clothes come off and thing start to gettin’ aIl nekkid and sweaty, you know I gots to be there!”
    “May I speak candidly, God?”
    “Of course you can.”
    “You know for a being who’s supposedly the creator of everything in the universe, from sub-atomic on out to gigantic constellations, solar systems, galaxies and on and on, you’re a goddamn dirty old man!” a disillusioned Jackie said.
    “C’mon, professor. Gimme a goddamn break!”
    “Oh, let me guess. You can’t get this kind of stuff in your neck of the woods.”
    “So then, will I be fighting for truth, justice and the American way?
    “Oh yes!”
    “And will you be rooting for me?” Jackie asked.
    “Oh yes! BUT…I will not interfere. Whatever happens between you two is gonna happen. Look, I gotta go. Godspeed, Professor.”

    Jackie felt a warm glow envelope her.

    “Thank you, God.”
    “Oh my, Jackie. Did you just say ‘thank you God?’” Sister Grace asked with delight.
    “Oh yes, Grace. You said the weather for the entire weekend was going to be nice. So, I said ‘thank God.”

    Grace smiled. But she sensed something was amiss. She never mentioned the weather.

    Jackie scanned her last piece of French toast. The image was gone. She felt safe eating it.


    Ring, ring…ring, ring…

    “Ugh!!!” Jackie groaned, reaching to the nightstand to reluctantly answer the phone.
    “Good morning! It’s 7:15 AM. This is your wake up call! Have a nice day!” said the pre-recorded phone message.
    “Oh…fuck you!” Jackie grunted, slamming the phone down.
    “Time to rise and shine!” Sister Grace Marie’s voice came from some indeterminate location in the room.
    “Oh…Fuck that! I wanna go back to sleep!” Jackie groaned to herself.
    “MY GOODNESS! Professor Taylor! Such fowl language!”

    Jackie groped for her glasses on the nightstand then put them on. As everything came into focus, she saw Sister Grace Marie flitting about, readying herself for an exciting day of basking in the beatitudes. Not feeling at all embarrassed, Jackie nonetheless apologized for her language.

    “Well, I sincerely hope that the next couple of days aren’t going to be laced with profanities.”
    “I promise to do better, Sister Grace.”

    Grace flashed her a completely phony and rather bitchy smile. Grace couldn’t see, but underneath the covers, a nude Jackie stroked her smooth, naked pussy in defiance. Then she decided to have some fun…to test the waters, so to speak.

    “Grace. I hate to ask, but could you toss me that white robe that’s on the chair?”
    “Can’t you get it yourself?”
    “Of course I could. But I’m completely naked.”
    “Oh!…um…er…OK.” Grace stammered.

    Somewhat reluctantly, she retrieved the robe and tossed it to her beatitude companion. Jackie then pushed Grace’s buttons once again. This time, intentionally. With Sister Grace’s eyes pointed in her general direction, in one smooth motion Jackie whipped off her bed covers, stood up and wrapped herself in the white terrycloth robe, allowing for full exposure of her nude body for exactly 2.5 seconds. That was all it took to rattle Grace.

    “My goodness Professor Taylor! I must object!”
    “Was it absolutely necessary for you to expose yourself like that?”
    “Oh my goodness Sister Grace! It was only for a few seconds. 2.5 seconds to be exact.”
    “Well, I would appreciate if you’d warn me next time so I can look away.”
    “OK. OK. I’ll warn you. But I don’t see what the big deal is. I mean we’re both women. We have the same parts, don’t we?”

    Grace’s eyes closed momentarily as she felt a very unsettling tingle in her loins. Was this how it was going to be for the next day and a half? Were thoughts of this brazen little hussy’s anatomy going to revisit her mind? How was she going to confront this beautiful woman if she was weakened by impure thoughts? She thought about asking the lord to give her strength, but she was not entirely convinced that she wanted it.

    “Nonetheless, I would appreciate it if you would honor my request, Jackie.”
    “Like I said, I’ll do that. But there’s something I don’t understand, Grace. You’re in your mid twenties. Aren’t you supposed to be a more modern thinking nun? One with more reasonable, human standards?”
    “I’m contemporary in every way, except in matters of modesty.” Grace explained.
    “Alright Grace. I’ll be obliging. For the next two days, I’ll give you fair warning before I take my clothes off.”
    “Thank you.” Grace responded.

    The two women looked at each other, then broke into simultaneous smiles. Jackie then offered a handshake of reconciliation.

    “Look, we have all day today and most of tomorrow to share each other’s company. I’m all for being courteous and respectful and friendly, if you’ll reciprocate, that is.”
    “Oh Jackie…of course I will. I want nothing more than for this to be a fun and blessed time for us. I want nothing more than for us to bathe ourselves in beatitudes.”
    “Rat on, Sista!” Jackie said.

    They didn’t just shake hands, they clasped both of each other’s hands warmly as they smiled. All the while, Brandi’s assessment of this undeniably attractive nun stuck in Jackie’s mind. This might have been a reconciliation. But the professor knew all too well that “Reconciliation Is Just a Word.” (shameless plug for another A. Penman story)

    “OK then. I’m off to the shower.” Jackie paused. “Would you care to join me, Sister Grace?”
    Jackie couldn’t resist the temptation to crack wise.

    “Oh my…Jackie.” Grace giggled, recognizing the tease. “No. I’ve already had my morning shower…” the young, highly attractive nun replied. And then, she played along. “Although there is tomorrow. Perhaps we can shower together then?”

    Jackie laughed out loud while thinking to herself “Well what do you know! The sister has a sense of humor.”

    Thirty seconds later, she stood under the hot and relaxing shower waters, trying to imagine Sister Grace Marie in her birthday suit.


    The organizers of this “most blessed conference” must have realized that the beatitudes could not keep an audience riveted for a full eight hours. Therefore, Grace and Jackie were done with the day one session (which started at 0900 and included a full ninety minutes for lunch) by 3 PM. Despite it’s abbreviated length, for the professor, the session was agonizingly boring. And there was still a day two session. Ugghhh!

    If it wasn’t for the fact that she had caught the attention of and befriended a breathtaking Indian woman named Professor Zara Mallick, the day would have been a complete bore.

    The two women began to chat in the lobby between lectures and presentations, while Sister Grace mingled with various other religious folk and stopped to browse the many vendors booths that had been set up in the ballroom. Jackie passed on the displays in the ballroom. Dealers and hucksters at a so-called “holy conference” merely confirmed her belief that religion was 50% bullshit and 50% commercialism. Besides, Zara had a much nicer rack than any of the attractive, predominantly female purveyors of Christian merchandise. Indeed, if one could tear one’s stare away from this milk chocolate skinned beauty’s piercing green eyes long enough, one might be able to observe that she possessed a set of tits that rivaled any of the full breasted women on the W.C.C. college campus.

    As for the gorgeous Zara, when she happened to glance across the room in the middle of an especially boring lecture on the “spiritual works of mercy” and her eyes beheld this red-headed vision of profound beauty, she understood that God and Jesus had mercifully smiled down upon her. It was a sign from above for sure. She made it her business to introduce herself to and strike up a dialogue with one Jacqueline Taylor and, ultimately, to seduce her. In her highly imaginative mind’s eye, lovely Zara envisioned looking down the full length of their pressed together bodies and seeing the lovely contrasting tones of her smooth brown flesh against Jackie’s creamy white skin as their silken, sweaty bodies writhed together in an unrestrained lesbian fuck.

    “You are quite beautiful, Professor Taylor.” Zara observed.
    “Oh…um…thank you, Zara.”

    Zara noticed that she had made Jackie blush a bit. She found this quite alluring.

    “Forgive me professor…”
    “Oh, please…call me Jackie.”
    “Forgive me Jackie. But I am not one to mince words.”
    “That’s OK Zara. I’ll accept all compliments from beautiful women.” Jackie teased.

    The two women laughed and talked for another twenty minutes. There seemed to be a mutual attraction building between them. It pleased Zara that Jackie was becomng more relaxed with her. She then revealed that she herself was a teacher, was single, and she lived and worked in Boston. Then, she spoke once again in her direct style.

    “Perhaps in the future we can spend some time together, Jackie.”
    “Well, you’re not very far away. Perhaps you could come visit me in Boston. We could spend the day shopping or just sight-seeing. Then we could dine at a nice restaurant. Or better yet, I could make dinner for you at my apartment. Do you like Indian food, Jackie?”
    “What little I’ve had, I’ve enjoyed.”
    “Well, like any other cuisine, it’s much better when it’s home cooked by someone who knows it well.”
    “I have to say, that sounds wonderful.”

    Zara was encouraged by this.

    “And, just in case we drink too much wine, the guest bedroom is all yours…or…”
    “Or what, Zara?”
    “Or you would be welcomed to sleep with me and we could spend the entire night making passionate love to each other.”
    “Um…uh…” Jackie was frazzled by Zara’s wonderful candidness. The mesmerizing brown skinned woman pressed on.
    “I’m told I have a wonderful body, lovely breasts and smooth skin. And from what I can tell, so do you.”
    “Thank you.. I think.” the occasionally unsure of herself professor acknowledged.

    This type of thing never happened to her. Never before had an unknown beautiful woman spotted her from across a crowded room, gone out of her way to meet her and then, as if it was a normal thing, asked to see her again, to meet with her for an evening and to have sex with her. Jackie was taken aback.

    “I understand that you’re a bit unnerved by this.. that you are rather shy and possibly inexperienced in these matters. That’s OK. Actually, I find this to be rather charming.”
    “Well…I’m not that inexperienced, but…”
    “No explanation is needed. You don’t even have to decide right now, Professor. There’s no pressure here.”

    Zara reached into her purse and took out her card. She wrote her home and cell phone number on it.

    “However, will you please accept my business card? And if you should decide that you might like to spend some time with me, give me a call.”

    Jackie swallowed a dry swallow. “I will, Zara. Perhaps you will hear from me.”
    “One can only hope, Professor Taylor.”

    Jackie smiled warmly at breathtaking Zara. The two women looked deeply into each other’s eyes.

    “I shall look forward to seeing you tomorrow, dear Jackie.” Zara said with the most clear and direct truthfulness Jackie had ever heard in her life. It seemed that Zara had mastered the art of speaking directly from her soul. She was damn near spellbound by this exquisite woman. All she could do was smile and nod.

    Beautiful Professor Zara Mallik smiled, gently caressed Jackie’s arm and then left her. She left Jackie standing alone with a primal stirring in her loins.

    “Who was that lovely woman?” asked Grace, watching her as she elegantly walked away.
    “A professor from Boston. Shall we get out of here, Grace?”

    The unexpected, early release on Saturday came as a welcomed surprise. Even to Sister Grace.

    “Come on Grace. Let’s go explore the town!”

    Grace was more than delighted with the idea.

    “Isn’t Harvard nearby?” asked Grace.
    “It is indeed. Do you want to go wander around the campus?”
    “Oh yes! That would be exciting!”

    In ten minutes, they were pulling into the public parking on the campus grounds. Both Grace and Jackie were overwhelmed. Such beauty! Such tradition! For two hours, they marveled at all the red brick buildings and the lovely walkways. While Jackie was enamored with the various museums and the art gallery Grace, quite naturally, was fascinated with the divinity school. It was truly a lovely experience for both women. Eventually, Jackie’s churning stomach urged her to check her watch. The time had flown by. It was just after five PM.


    “My goodness, Grace! I’m starved! How about you?”
    “Oh dear Jackie, I’m famished!’
    “We passed a lovely looking Japanese restaurant on the way here. Are you up for that?”
    “Well…I’m not really familiar with Japanese cuisine.” Sister Grace hesitated.
    “You’ll love it, Grace. The presentation is delightful and the food is delicious! And don’t worry. I’ll guide you through the menu.”
    “Well…OK, I guess. Let’s go, then.” Grace managed to sound excited. In truth, she was. Jackie wasn’t the first person to have suggested that she try Japanese food.

    After approximately a fifteen minute wait, Grace and Jackie were finally seated in a booth by the window. The restaurant was busy, but certainly not filled to capacity. As they sat and waited for someone to come to their booth to greet them, Jackie assessed the situation.

    “Wow. It looks like they only have three servers taking care of the entire dining room. That could be why things are going a bit slow here.”
    “I’m sure the food will be worth the wait.”

    Jackie then used her phone to get on the internet and read a few reviews.

    “Wow! Nothing but four and five star reviews for this place.”

    Grace smiled, then turned to see that a lovely young Asian woman who looked to be in her early twenties brought them menus and filled their water glasses as she introduced herself.

    “Good evening ladies!” She said cheerfully. “I’m Michiko. I will be your server for the evening.”

    Jackie and Grace nodded politely and smiled at the beautiful young woman. Michiko apologized in advance for any possible delays in service. She explained that two of their staff had called in sick on short notice. Jackie nodded sympathetically to her and stated they were in no hurry.

    “We understand, Michiko. We’ll do our best to be gracious customers.”

    The lovely and quite busty Japanese girl nodded politely and thanked them both. But she seemed rather captivated by Jackie, who’s lovely, dark red hair and contrasting blue/grey eyes got her attention. Jackie had styled her hair in a left sided part. It swooped smoothly from left to right across and just above her right eye then continued down, ending just above the swell of her chest where it ended in those sexy uneven cuts. Michiko seemed mesmerized by the beautiful redheaded woman. They briefly locked eyes in what seemed to be a mutual acknowledgement of each other’s beauty. Without compunction, both women briefly allowed their eyes to drift to each other’s fulsome chests, each of them fully aware that their bosoms were being casually evaluated. Jackie felt a definite stirring in her loins. Her womanly radar seemed to be on alert. She hoped that Sister Grace wasn’t paying attention to this momentary erotic connection between two women.

    As for the lovely Michiko, she snapped herself back to reality, reminding herself that she was there to serve them.

    “Please, take a few moments to decide. I’ll return shortly to take your orders. But first, would either of you care for a drink?”

    Grace ordered green tea. Jackie ordered sake, with two cups. Michiko scrutinized Jackie, concluding that she was over twenty-one. But she wanted an excuse to interact with the lovely redhead.

    “Can I see some ID? I’m sorry. We have to ask.”
    “No problem, Michiko.”

    Jackie searched her purse and retrieved her driver’s license. She handed it politely to Michiko who gave it a cursory glance, then handed it back.

    “I’ll be right back with your drinks, she said cheerfully.

    Michiko smiled politely, then turned to leave.

    “What a lovely young woman.” Grace commented, casually.
    “I thought so.” Jackie agreed. It seemed that Grace had been absorbed in the vagaries of the menu to notice the two women admiring each other.

    “Tell me Jackie. Why did you order two cups? I certainly won’t be drinking any sake.”
    “Well, I got one just in case. Who knows, Grace. You might actually loosen up and enjoy yourself tonight.”
    “Well…I don’t know…
    Jackie cut her off. “By the way, Grace. I’ve been meaning to tell you all day that it’s really nice to see you in civilian clothes. I had no idea that you cleaned up so nicely.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?” Grace seemed annoyed by the remark.
    “Relax Grace. It’s a way of saying that you look really nice. Indeed, you look pretty.”
    “Oh! Um…well…thank you Jackie!” Flustered, Grace then buried her face back into the menu.

    Jackie watched in amusement as Sister Grace’s eyes widened in confusion and fear as she scanned the lengthy and almost incomprehensible menu.

    “Relax, Grace. I’ll cover this.”
    “Oh dear. With the possible exception of the teriyaki dishes, I’m afraid I don’t recognize anything on this menu.” Grace was definitely flustered.
    “Not even the tempura?”
    “What is tempura?”
    “Ahh. I see we’re going to have to start from the beginning here.”
    “Gosh, I’m sorry.”
    “No problem Grace. I’m happy to help you. Actually, it’ll be fun watching your face light up as you experience these new flavors.”

    Grace nodded and smiled.

    “Let’s start with the basics. Do you like beef, pork, chicken or seafood? Or, do you stick to a more vegetarian diet?”
    “Well, I love vegetables but I’m not a vegetarian…so…in order, probably seafood, chicken, pork then beef.”
    “Excellent. Then this should be easy. By the way, tempura is vegetables and shrimp coated in these really crispy panko bread crumbs and lightly deep fried. It’s accompanied by a dipping sauce. The flavors are subtle but nice.”
    “Well, that sounds interesting.”
    “Here’s the big question though, Grace. I’m sure that you’ve heard of sushi, but have you ever tried it?”
    “Raw fish? Oh no, never. Ugghhh!” Grace replied, trying not to dwell on the thought of raw fish.
    “Oh Grace Marie, it’s sooo much more than raw fish!”
    “Oh really?”
    “Oh dear Grace. Sushi is high quality raw fish, prepared in such a wonderful, skillful way…and the flavors are exquisite!” Jackie swooned just thinking about it.
    “Humm…I don’t know, Jackie.”
    “Look Grace, let me cover this. I’ll just order a bunch of different things a la carte. Anything that you don’t like, don’t worry because I’ll eat it.”
    “That sounds good to me.”

    The lovely Michiko returned to their table. Jackie noticed that she had removed her black waitress vest. The pure white blouse she had on now seemed to emphasize the size and fullness of her tits. There was no doubt in Jackie’s mind that Michiko had done this for her benefit. With Sister Grace Marie’s face still buried in the menu, Jackie inconspicuously popped the top button of her blouse, exposing her fulsome cleavage for Michiko’s eyes to behold. The lovely Asian woman gulped, smiled, dropped her pen, picked it up and somehow regained her composure.

    “Have you ladies decided?”
    “Yes, Michiko. I think that we’re going to do an a la carte thing so that my friend Grace can get a good sample of the various delicious flavors. Would that be OK?”
    “That’s a wonderful idea. There are lots of delicious things to taste. I know that I’m being partial, but the food here is really good..miss…” that was Jackie’s cue.
    “I’m Jackie. And this is Grace.”
    “Delighted to meet you both. Now let’s get you ladies fed.” Michiko chirped.

    And with that, Jackie ordered a number of culinary treats. Shumai and Goyza dumplings, edamame, miso soup for each of them, four different hand rolls and a special roll for herself which she intended to share.

    Course by course, their food arrived. And with each new taste, Jackie watched with delight as Grace thoroughly enjoyed all that was presented to her. There were almost continual “Oooos" and “aaaahs.” Jackie was quite pleased to be a part of Grace’s discovery of something new. However, when the sushi arrived, Grace once again became a bit skittish.


    Jackie demonstrated. She picked up a piece of sushi in her chopsticks, dipped it in a tasty dipping sauce, added a touch of wasabi and then gently placed it into her mouth. Closing her eyes, she languorously masticated a section of spicy tuna roll. Finally swallowing the delicious morsel, Jackie opened her eyes and sighed. Grace was in complete awe.

    “Oh my goodness professor! Was it THAT good?”
    Jackie responded impulsively-in other words, without thinking first. “Grace! It’s like having an orgasm in your mouth!!!”

    First, Grace’s jaw dropped, then her chopsticks fell from her hand and hit the table.

    “Professor Taylor! My goodness!!! That’s just plain…”
    “Well, it is! Before you condescend, try it yourself Grace. Go ahead!”

    Jackie was embarrassed, but saw no reason to apologize. To her delight, Grace picked up her chopsticks and took a slice of the Philadelphia roll, lightly dipped it in the sauce then added some wasabi. Exactly as Jackie had done, she took the sushi into her mouth and closed her eyes to concentrate on all the new taste sensations. Grace’s taste buds then exploded in a profound orgasm. She squealed in delight. What wonderful tastes! Her eyes bulged. Her expression was one of intense gratification.

    “Well?” Jackie asked, eager to hear Grace’s reaction.
    “It’s what?”
    “Well, I hate to admit it, but it’s EXACTLY like you described it…oh my lord…how delicious this is! I have to have more!”
    “Of course! Have as much as you like, Grace.”

    And with that, the two women laughed and chatted and savored the remainder of their dinner. Everything was fun and the rest of the time went off without a hitch. Well, almost without a hitch.

    Jackie was two pieces into her special sushi Volcano roll when…

    First her brows raised and then her eyes bulged as she suddenly felt something slithering around deep inside her nether region. She knew exactly what it was and who it was. She quickly looked down at her crotch. Somehow, she could see through her pants suit. Jackie thought out loud, angrily.

    “You fucking old pervert!!! Get the hell out of my sushi!”

    God pulled her purple thong aside, then poked his head out of Jackie’s luscious pussy.

    “Aw…come on Jackie! Gimme a break!”
    “You Goddamn dirty old man! GET OUT OF THERE!!! NOW!!! ”

    Reluctantly, God extricated himself from Jackie’s sweet, wet womanhood.

    “Are you happy now? ‘Cause I’m not.” the supreme being objected, like a petulant toddler.
    “Get lost, creep! Hit the road, Jack!”
    “Aw come on professor! Can I at least hang out in the vicinity?”

    Jackie thought about it for a second. “Are you gonna be looking out for me later?”
    God shrugged. “Yeah, sure. I suppose I could.”
    “I’m gonna need something a little more definite than that, if you want to hang around my sushi roll.”
    “OK OK…I will!”
    “That’s more like it.” Jackie grinned, sighed, then gave in. “Alright then. Hang out if you want to. BUT DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING! There’s a lot of sensitive equipment down there.”
    “Oh yeah. Like I don’t know.”
    “Damn, girl! Can’t an almighty brother even get a little taste? You one cold-ass bitch!”
    “Yes I am. So behave yourself.”

    God shrugged, shook out his long, flowing white hair and beard, winked at the professor, then vanished…back inside Jackie’s thong.


    The number of diners left had decreased by at least half. The frenetic pace of the dinner hour seemed to be almost over for the three servers. Dinner wound down for Grace and Jackie. A seemingly relieved Michiko began cheerfully clearing plates, though she seemed to linger a bit longer than necessary at Jackie’s booth. Not wanting to appear partial, she showed interest in both women. She did, however, find out what she needed to know - that Jackie and Grace were in town for a convention. She was also able to discern that they were not a “couple.” Then, in a stroke of luck, Grace excused herself in order to go use the ladies room. She then did something that she wasn’t supposed to do.

    Knowing that her time was limited, Michiko sat down in the booth next to Jackie, pressed as much of her hip and thigh as she could with Jackie’s, placed her hand on the redhead’s and gently caressed it while she presented her case.

    “I really hope this isn’t the last time I get to see you, Jackie. I don’t know how often you come here, but here is my personal information. Call me next time you’re in town. I would love for us to spend time together.”
    “Doing what, Michiko?”
    “You know…girl stuff. Shopping, fucking, sightseeing and lunch or dinner, fucking, nite-clubbing, dancing…”
    “And then what? Back to your place to relax with a glass of wine, perhaps one of those lovely looking nude Japanese massages, which will of course, lead to some fucking?”
    “Of course. Hot woman to woman, body to body sex.” Michiko confirmed.
    “That’s really odd, Michiko. I didn’t see any of that in my guide, ‘What To Do In Cambridge.’”
    The beautiful Japanese girl giggled.
    “Well, you do have a great body, Michiko.”
    “So do you, Jackie. And it would be so wonderful to feel our bodies pressed together while we fuck.”

    “Oh yeah!!! Gonna be some hot PUSSY TO PUSSY action!!!” the voice from between Jackie’s thighs cried out. The voice that only she could hear. Jackie crossed her legs tightly, squashing him and forcing him to shut up.

    “Umpff!! Gurfffupp!!! Ackkk!!!” the voice of god muttered incoherently as the professor’s delicious thigh meat squeezed him tightly.

    Michiko sensed Grace’s imminent return. She spoke quickly before she stood up.

    “Oh please give me a call, Jackie. I want to get together with you. You’re so fucking gorgeous!”
    “Oh gosh…thank you Michiko.” Jackie blushed. “You’re very beautiful, too!”
    “I mean, if you’re not involved with Grace, or anyone else for that matter…”

    Brandi’s face quickly popped into Jackie’s mind.

    “…then I want to be with you Jackie, for whatever time you can spare me.”

    Michiko had learned that Jackie was a college professor with a busy schedule. “We really should fuck.” she whispered.

    Jackie smiled and nodded yes, leaving the beautiful Asian woman hopeful. She opened her purse and placed Michiko’s information in, right next to Zara’s card. It was almost incomprehensible to Jackie that two gorgeous women had hit on her in just one day in this cosmopolitan setting.

    “Thank you hon. Everything was wonderful! And may we have our check, please?”
    “I’ll second that!” Grace said, enthusiastically, as she slid into the booth.

    “First time having sushi, Grace?” Michiko asked.
    “Yes. It was wonderful! I will definitely have it again.” Grace replied enthusiastically.

    Michiko smiled and scurried off. Moments later she returned with the check and offered her effuse thanks to Grace and Jackie.

    “Ladies, it was a pleasure. I hope that you’ll visit us again the next time you’re in town.” Michiko smiled and looked purposefully at the red headed professor. Jackie nodded in understanding and Michiko Yamamoto could feel her pussy tingle.


    Approximately thirty minutes later, Jackie and Grace were comfortably ensconced in their hotel room. But before she got too relaxed…

    “I think I’m going to go have a drink at the bar, Grace. Would you care to join me?”
    “Oh, no thanks. I think I’ll just hang out here in the room. Perhaps a shower and then a little television.”
    “Suit yourself. I’ll see you in about an hour.”
    “Be careful Jackie. There are unsavory sorts who hang out in bars…so I’m told.”
    “I’ll be careful, Grace.”

    In ten minutes, Jackie was in the lounge, seated on one of the stools at the piano, listening to a rather mediocre lounge singer. She could play piano quite well, but as far as Jackie was concerned, instrumental music would have been much more preferable. Indeed, the rather attractive lounge musician finished her set with a medium tempo version of “Satin Doll” by Duke Ellington.

    Immediately after she announced her short break, she plopped herself down on the stool next to a ravishing redhead who she had never seen in the lounge before. That redhead was one Jacqueline Taylor.

    “Mind if I join you?”

    Jackie casually turned to look at her. When she smiled, the blonde haired musician could feel her nipples tingle. A noticeable shiver traversed the length of her spine.

    “I don’t mind. But you have to promise me something first.”

    Connie Wilson, busty blonde lounge singer looked at the stunning redhead quizzically.

    “Ummm…sure thing…what?”
    “Promise me that you’re not one of those ‘unsavory sorts’ who hang out in bars that my guardian angel warned me about.”
    “Umm…OK. I promise I’m not an unsavory sort. My name’s Connie and I work here. Good enough?” the lounge singer responded, somewhat confused.
    “Good enough, Connie. I’m Jackie and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
    Jackie offered a hand. Connie accepted it, still wary.

    “Relax Connie. I was joking. My somewhat naive travel companion warned me about the ‘unsavory sorts’ that hang around in these dens of iniquity.”
    “Oh. I see.” Connie Wilson, long time lounge singer replied.
    “But you look OK.” Jackie teased and smiled warmly.
    “You know, you’re kind of quirky. But my goodness are you ever sexy!” Connie replied, in an effort to clarify her intensions.
    “I think you’re pretty sexy too.” Jackie found herself now being surprisingly uninhibited. It thrilled her.
    “So…um…gorgeous lady…”

    Connie lowered her dusky voice a bit and leaned in closer to Jackie.

    “Are you staying here tonight?”
    “I am. In one of the suites.”
    “Wow. That’s impressive. Those suites aren’t cheap.”
    “I wouldn’t know. My employer is picking up the tab.”
    “Lucky you!”

    Connie Wilson, big breasted blond and beautiful professional lounge singer then spoke softly to Jackie, her voice now just above a whisper.

    “So, Jackie…why don’t you invite me up to your suite for a cocktail?”
    “Aren’t you about ten minutes into your ‘short break?’”
    “I can manage my breaks any way I want. The house doesn’t mind, as long as I give them two solid hours of playing and singing.”

    Jackie cringed slightly when she heard Connie use the word “singing”, but she forced a smile.

    “You only work two hours a night? See, I knew I should have studied music!” Jackie teased.
    “Why? What do you do for a living?”
    “Me? Oh I’m just your average, boring english professor at a nearby college.”
    “Well, just looking at you, Jackie, I’ve got a feeling that you’re anything but average or boring.”
    “Why thank you, Connie.”
    “So, how about that drink?”
    “But don’t you have to play again?”
    “Like I said, I can stretch out my break. They won’t mind. Besides…” Connie continued…“It’s not going to take me long to fuck your pussy to a screeching orgasm.”

    The two women were now speaking exclusively in low voices and close to each other, almost face to face, with their eyes locked. The casual bar chat had now turned into sexy talk and sexual taunting. This was something new for Jackie. She found it quite exciting.

    “Oh I don’t know about that, Connie. I seriously doubt that your pussy is that good. I think you might need a whole lot more time than management will allow you for a between set break.”
    “Oh, you think so?”
    “Yes. I do.”
    “Well now, if that’s a challenge Jackie, I say we should head to your room and find out what’s what.”
    “As much as I’d like to accommodate you, Connie, that’s just not going to happen. At least not tonight anyway. I’m sharing the suite with my guardian angel, my travel companion.”
    “Well that’s disappointing.”

    “I’ll tell you what. I do get to Cambridge every so often. Why don’t you give me your phone number and next time I’m in town…you know…” Jackie said in her most provocative voice.

    Connie grabbed a cocktail napkin and quickly wrote down her information.

    “I’m sorry. This is a bit of a clich?, but it will have to do.”
    “It’s just fine.”
    “So, Jackie. If you don’t mind my asking, what do you have to do tonight that’s gonna keep us from, say, getting together later tonight at my place and having a little fun?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    “Well, I’m probably going to end up having a sex fight with my travel companion when I get back to my suite.”

    Connie’s jaw dropped. She looked at Jackie in disbelief.

    “Excuse me, did you just say… sexfight??”
    “Are you serious? Or are you yanking my chain?”
    “I’m serious.”
    “It’s a long story, Connie. It’s been coming for a while. I guess tonight is when we finally settle things.”
    “I have to say Jackie, I’m really intrigued by you. That is so fucking hot!”
    “Wish me luck.”
    “I’ll do more than that.”

    Their faces were so close that Connie leaned in and planted a full mouth kiss on Jackie’s luscious lips. There were no tongues involved, but Jackie could feel the full measure of Connie’s soft lips on hers. But It was somehow more than a kiss. It was a mating of their mouths that lasted about six delicate, perfect seconds before Connie pulled away and returned to her piano bench to do another musical set. Jackie’s chest slowly rose and fell as she looked across the piano at the blonde musician, held up the cocktail napkin with Connie’s phone number, winked and place the napkin into her purse, right next to Michiko’s and Zara’s phone numbers. She then got up to leave. As she moved away, she heard Connie launch into George Gershwin’s “I Got A Crush On You, Sweetie Pie.”


    Jackie came out of the bathroom dressed in the soft white terrycloth robe provided by the hotel. The only illumination in the room came from the big screen television, but it was enough. Jackie hung her pant suit in the closet and tossed her bra and panties onto the chair by her bed. She noted how soft the terrycloth robe felt against her naked skin.

    “Aren’t these robes nice, Grace?”
    “They are. And how about these beds? I swear I slept so well last night!”
    “So you did, Grace. Like a power saw.”
    “I beg your pardon! I do NOT snore!”

    Jackie playfully leapt into her bed.

    “Relax Grace, I’m just teasing you. Oh my! This is such a comfortable bed!” Jackie observed as she stretched out languorously. She felt her robe split halfway up her thighs but she made no attempt to cover her smooth, freshly-lotioned legs. Grace caught a glimpse out of the corner of her eye. She sighed. The professor’s legs glistened in the soft light coming from the TV. Almost as if in response, Grace then rotated her head as if stretching sore neck muscles, then wiggled her body in a stretch. The motion caused her white terrycloth robe to split, almost up to her crotch, leaving her surprisingly long and shapely legs uncovered. Grace may have chosen to live a sanctified life, but every time she stood naked in front of her mirror in order to assess her body and evaluate the results of her fitness routine, she was reminded of the fact that she was a rather attractive woman. She wanted to see if Jackie would pretend to not notice. But Jackie knew what she was up to. Grace was not that subtle. The professor turned and looked directly at her.

    “Oh my goodness, Grace!”
    “If ‘Nun’s Life’ magazine ever does a swimsuit issue, you could be the cover model. Just based on your beautiful legs. In fact, Sister Grace Marie, I’ll bet you would look fabulous in a skimpy bikini.”

    Her tactic worked. Grace became flustered.

    “Oh…Jackie. That’s just silly. I…”
    “Why is that silly? I mean, I was teasing of course with that stuff I said. But one fact remains true and clear Grace. You are unquestionably a beautiful woman.”

    Grace could only respond with a simple “Thank you, Jackie.”

    Several more minutes passed in somewhat uncomfortable silence. Jackie waited for the other shoe to fall, but Grace was conflicted. She wasn’t sure how to proceed or even if she should follow through with her planned confrontation. Jackie didn’t know, but god decided to move things along. He perched himself on Grace’s right shoulder and whispered into her mind.

    “Go ahead and confront her Grace. You know that you want to. She’s vulnerable. Take the offensive!”

    God was perpetrating a falsehood of course. But he had purchased his ticket. There was no way he was going to leave without seeing these two hot and big-titted women lock up in a naked sex to sex battle.

    “Sister Grace Marie! Do it!!!”

    Grace turned onto her side and faced Jackie.

    “Professor Taylor.”
    “We need to talk…”

    Jackie heard the sound of the other shoe as it hit the floor.

    The duplicitous nun stated her case. She accused Professor Taylor of an inappropriate assignation with one of the freshman students, which was a violation of school policy.

    “And which one of our lovely freshman students do you think I’m fucking, Sister Grace?”
    “You watch your language professor!”
    “Oh, fuck you, sister! If you’re going to come at me with these fabrications of your warped mind, you better be ready for what comes with it.”
    “Admit it, professor. You are having sex with Brandi Knowlton, aren’t you?”

    Since Jackie suspected what was coming, she didn’t flinch. She sat up on the edge of her bed. Her robe split open even further. She had to make a conscious effort to pull it together so as not to expose her naked pussy.

    “You don’t know what you’re talking about Grace.”
    “Are you implying that…”
    “I’m not implying anything, sister. I’m saying outright that you’re full of shit!”
    “Why you impertinent trollop!”

    Grace Marie rose up and dangled her legs over the edge of the bed. She also had to hold her robe together so as not to expose her smooth, unclad womanhood. Now the two angry and aroused women were sitting up on the edge of their respective beds, facing each other directly.

    “Oh, I’m an impertinent trollop, am I? You’re the ill-mannered bitch, Grace. Why on earth would you make such a ludicrous accusation?”
    “Let me finish that sentence for you, Grace. Because you saw me jogging across campus last Sunday morning. Is that correct?”

    Grace’s face became flushed. She felt trapped in her own Machiavellian machinations. Jackie then took the offensive. She stood up and moved closer to the embarrassed nun.

    “What’s the matter Grace. Did you think I didn’t see you duck behind the chapel building, like the devious bitch you are?”

    Even though she was being bested by the professor, she still objected to being called a bitch. Grace rose to her feet with a sneer on her face and her hands on her hips. Jackie stepped forward instantly to square off with her…hands on hips, chest out and woman to woman. Sister Grace Marie puffed up her abundant, sanctified chest. If this was going to get physical, then so be it. She reasoned that whatever was about to happen between her and the equally buxom Professor Taylor was now in God’s hands. What Grace Marie did not know was that God himself was relaxing invisibly in a nearby chair, with his holy hands on his holy cock, waiting for these two busty women go at it.

    “I don’t appreciate you calling me a devious bitch, Jackie.”
    “Oh really?”
    “For your information, I was out there Sunday morning doing God’s work.”
    “Cough cough!” God injected a sarcastic cough.
    “Oh, so does ‘god’s work’ include conjuring up some totally bullshit scenario in that warped mind of yours, Grace?”
    “It’s not BS Jackie. You were obviously coming from the freshman building. It’s apparent to me that you and Brandi spent the night together engaged in…in…” Grace couldn’t bring herself to say it.
    “Engaged in what, Grace? Studying? Watching TV? Or maybe she’s the student that I’ve been privately tutoring.”
    “In…in…sinful sex!” Grace stuttered, forcing the words.
    “Oh. So it’s your contention that the lovely Brandi and I spent the night together.. and we, as a teacher and a student, engaged in a naked and sweaty lesbian tryst? Is that what you think, you duplicitous sow?”
    “Duplicitous SOW!!!? You jezebel! You tramp! You whore!”
    “You better shut your mouth Grace!” Jackie pushed forward, chest first.

    Surprisingly, Grace matched her. Two stunning woman from opposite ends of the theological spectrum in a hotel room, their enormous breasts now pressed together with only two layers of terrycloth separating them.

    As they locked eyes and matched their large tits fully, Grace noticed a distinct and oddly thrilling sensation in her loins. The same sensations she felt whenever she, as a young girl, got into a fight or watched as other young, hot girls fought each other. She had always wondered about them and their significance. But she reasoned that it was just something that normally happened in the heat of the moment, whenever two angry girls fought and rolled around with their bodies pressed together.

    But Grace was wrong. She had misjudged the wisdom of this confrontation. She had also underestimated the incredible allure of the amazing woman with whom she was now locked breast to breast. Through the layers of terrycloth, Grace’s nipples ignored her hypocritical sanctimony and hardened, pushing and straining against the fabric, trying desperately to get at Jackie’s thick, turgid nipples and fight and mate with them. Sister Grace reached a painful understanding. This was far more than a straightforward confrontation. She gathered her emotions and backed away from her. Jackie noticed a softening around the corners of Grace’s lovely dark eyes. Grace’s full lips seemed to be slightly quivering. She read this as uncertainty and confusion over how to proceed.

    “What’s the matter, Grace?”
    “I’m…I’m not sure what to do…what I’m feeling…where this might go…” Grace spoke honestly for the first time. Jackie recognized this. She reached for the sash of her robe.
    “Poor conflicted Grace. Would you like me to take off my robe so that you can see exactly where this is headed? Exactly where you and I are headed?”
    “Oh NO! Please Jackie, NO!!! I just couldn’t do such a thing!”

    Whether they were going to fight each other, or whether they were going to fuck each other, or whether they were going to do both or neither, Jackie prepared her mind for all contingencies. She calmed her breathing, closed her eyes and recalled the heated roll arounds with Brandi - the way that their bodies connected with each other - the incredible strain of their bodies battling each other - the thrilling sensations of flesh on flesh -the synchrony of their naked breathing. She had not expected to think of Brandi in this manner in this situation. But Brandi’s influence was strong. She knew that it would be with her. As for Sister Grace Marie…

    “So, what are we going to do now, Grace?”
    “Well, for starters, you could admit that I’m right.” Grace persisted, hoping that she might pressure Jackie into an admission of guilt. But it was an exercise in futility. Grace was smart, but not smart enough. Jackie was a genius. And you don’t get to be a genius by being stupid.

    “Like I said Grace. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    “Well, I beg to differ, Jackie.”
    “Go on. I’m listening.”
    “You see, Jackie, I retraced your path.”
    “The only logical place that you could have been coming from is the freshman residence building.”
    “You are aware that the campus library is in that same general area, right?”
    “You just have to find evil, don’t you Grace? You are simply incapable of thinking in any other context.”
    “What’s your point, Jackie?”
    “My point is this.. perhaps I remembered that my parents always call me on Sunday morning..and perhaps I decided to take an early Sunday morning jog to the library in order to retrieve the cell phone that I forgot there on Saturday. Perhaps your theory is nonsense.”
    “I seriously doubt that.”
    “Tell me Grace…your Sherlock Holmes-like observation that the freshman student I allegedly spent the night with…how did you deduce that it was Brandi?”
    “Well, it just made sense to me.”
    “Why? There’s almost a hundred women who live in that building. All of them are rather fetching.”
    “Agreed. But there’s only one Brandi Knowlton.”
    “She is pretty damn hot, isn’t she Grace?”

    Jackie opened the trap door. Grace walked right in.

    “Oh my God! She’s the hottest of the hot!” The words came out of Grace’s mouth without any hesitation whatsoever. Jackie looked directly at her then smiled her most sinister smile.

    “It sounds like you’ve spent a good deal of time thinking about how sexy Brandi is, Sister Grace.”
    “I MOST CERTAINLY HAVE NOT!” Grace took umbrage.
    “You have a crush on her, don’t you?” Jackie sneered.
    “I most certainly do NOT have a crush on her!!!” Grace fired back.

    She was only partially telling the truth. It was hard for anyone, even the nuns, not to see that Brandi oozed sensuality. Even the beautiful freshman’s most casual body language seemed like a subtle message of “Please, come fuck me.” Grace simply could not deny this.

    The current truth was that Grace was starting to realize she had no chance of winning a battle of words and wits with the equally sexy Professor Taylor. She just wasn’t verbally adept enough to take on Jackie with words only. Something else had to happen. Grace understood that her last recourse was to take on the beautiful professor in a physical match. But not just take her on…she needed to defeat her, convincingly.

    “You’re a goddamn liar, Grace. Tell me something. On those lonely nun nights when you’re tossing and turning in your bed and a vision of Brandi’s hot body enters your mind, exactly where are your hands?”
    “You evil slut!” screamed an infuriated Grace.

    Then came the first volley of slaps. Jackie caught a partial stinger on her left cheek. But she anticipated Grace’s left hand and blocked it. At the same time, she whipped a quick backhand across Grace’s left cheek.

    “How dare you strike a religious?!!”
    “I don’t see a religious. All I see is a hypocrite.”

    Grace loaded up her right arm for another swing. But before Grace could counter slap, Jackie held up her hand.


    Their chests were heaving as they glared at each other, both women now feeling the anger and arousal that were intertwined in this tense and erotic moment.

    “Do you really want to go down this road, Grace? Really?”
    “I can handle myself, bitch!”
    “Well, good for you. So can I, bitch.”
    “Before we’re done, I’m going to make you admit that you’ve been having sex with Brandi.”
    “Face reality Grace Marie. You have no case…no proof. Only supposition and the machinations of that perverted mind of yours.”
    “You are in violation of school policy, bitch!”

    SLAP!!! Jackie felt the full sting of another slap. She wasn’t quick enough to block, but she was quick enough to retaliate.

    SLAP!!! Grace was stunned by another open hand to her left cheek.

    “How dare you strike a nun?”


    “Oh.. I DARE!” Jackie got off another slap while Grace was still feeling insulted by the first.

    “STOP IT! No more slapping!” Grace declared.
    “You called me a slut! You took the first swing! You sanctimonious hypocrite.”

    Jackie held off, tentatively waiting for what she knew was coming next.

    “Come get you some of this, Grace.” Jackie’s loins were now prepped and ready. She could feel her strong legs tense up. Her nipples had hardened long ago. She could see from the small tents on Grace’s robe that her nipples were ready to take hers on. The battle lines had been drawn.

    Now, for Grace, there was no turning back. She felt her own legs tense up and also noted that her entire body was quivering with a kind of dangerous excitement. Her nipples were aching for release. The entire mass of her huge tits demanded the satisfaction of the physical. Whether to prove her point or to save face, she was all in. She lunged forward. Jackie lunged forward. The two angered and incited women slammed their bodies together with a muffled thud, butting and shoving like two mule deer in the rut, causing both of them to grunt.

    “Urrrgghhh!” Grace emitted.
    “Uggghhhh!” Jackie snorted.

    They bounced back, scoffed at each other, then charged again even harder. Each of them, despite their anger, was aware of the intense sensations happening between their bodies. In this tight clinch, tits were not being withheld. Grace knew that her breasts were at least as large as Jackie’s breasts. She also knew that they both were physically fit and physically strong. Perhaps the key to victory was to simply overpower Jackie. But then both sets of hands moved to the other’s hair and the yanking started. They both growled and wailed at each other, like two cats. But then Grace decided to be sensible.

    “Whoa! Stop!” Grace halted the proceedings. “Do you really want to go around campus with bald spots?”
    “Yeah, you’re right Grace.”
    “Strength to strength, Jackie.”
    “That’s just fine with me.”

    They separated once again and prepared for what would be the third and final body collision.

    “Come on, bitch!” Grace taunted.
    “I’m about to throw your flimsy case out of court, skank.”

    It crossed Jackie’s mind that with this kind of forceful slamming together, these loosely tied robes could easily come untied. She smiled inwardly, just a split second before Grace’s body slammed into her once more, catching her off guard. As the two women locked up once again, Jackie found herself struggling to keep her balance. The nun and the professor struggled, dancing around disjointedly between the two beds, yet maintaining full contact between their terrycloth covered bodies. Jackie was able to regain her balance, but that was about it. When she regrouped her thoughts, she found herself encased in a near rib crushing embrace. Sister Grace grunted and gloated as her strength seemed to be wearing Jackie down. But Jackie wasn’t so easily bested. She was a woman of stunning mental acuity.

    Their massive breasts were fully mated with each other. Despite the cover of their bathrobes, their nipples were fighting through fabric. Jackie dropped her arms down around Sister Grace’s waist and squeezed as hard as she could. Grace felt the intensifying pressure immediately. She simply could not mask the increased surges she felt as more of her body met Jackie’s body. She distracted her thoughts and continued her effort to crush Jackie chest to chest. Now forehead to forehead and nose to nose, they snarled and spewed vitriol.

    “You’re a disgrace to the noble profession of teaching!” Grace remarked.
    “And you’re a sorry excuse for a nun!” Jackie responded.

    Still groaning and grunting, they twisted and turned and pushed and squeezed each other, each woman trying for some slight advantage. But the more they squirmed and squeezed, it became apparent to Jackie that the tie on Grace’s robe was slowly but surely working itself loose. Grace was coming apart and Jackie was going to do her best in order to expedite the process. And without her rival knowing, she reached down imperceptibly and tugged at her own sash. In an unceremonious manner, the lower part of both women’s robes slowly but surely separated. Grace was so focused on her chest crush that she hadn’t noticed that the lower half of their bodies were now naked and available to each other. But Jackie did.

    In the slow building heat of the squeezing, grunting and shoving, Professor Taylor knew that the precise moment had come. If she wanted to re-take control of this lusty battle, she needed to move swiftly and decisively. She needed to make the firm commitment to take Sister Grace Marie exactly where she wanted to go - exactly where she was too ashamed to admit that she needed to go. One perfectly timed move was necessary. She began maneuvering slowly but surely toward Grace’s bed. When she felt the mattress against the outside of her thigh, Jackie knew that she needed to do something to break Grace’s concentration - something that would seriously freak her out. They were already grunting and spewing anger forehead to forehead. And with their noses pressed, as they breathed into each other’s mouth, all it took was just a fraction of a head tilt in order for Jackie to bring her lips into a full kiss with Grace’s surprisingly full mouth. Reflexively, Grace’s mouth opened and for three or four long seconds, her tongue slithered and squabbled in a turf war with Jackie’s tongue. Then, turning her head from side to side, Grace freed herself from Jackie’s rather insistent kiss.

    “Professor!!!” she screamed. “What in God’s name are you doing?”

    They looked each other squarely in the eyes. Their struggle, their test of strength, had eased off. Yet, by way of their heavy breathing, both of them suddenly became acutely aware of how committed they were to a battle of their evenly matched breasts. Jackie broke the silence and the stalemate between their eyes.

    “You’ve got a long string of saliva hanging from the corner of your mouth, Grace.”
    “Oh yeah? Well so do you.”
    “You’ve also got a great set of tits!”
    “Do you expect me to respond in kind, you tramp?”
    “Not at all. I know I’ve got great tits.”

    Then, several long seconds of emotionally charged silence passed between them.

    “You know Grace, some of the girls you work out with have said that you have a great body all around.”
    “Oh really?”
    “But they can’t understand why you won’t shower with them.”

    Grace’s eyes widened. Jackie hit a nerve with that.

    “I’m a nun.. it would be inappropriate for me to shower with a bunch of randy college girls.”
    “Oh, I see.”

    Jackie backed off from pursuing this. Her keen senses told her there was some associated trauma. And Jackie was sensitive to past life trauma as she had some of her own- some that still nagged her to this day - some that she was finally learning to deal with. Grace then smirked at her.

    “I’m taking you down bitch!”
    “Like I said, bitch, you have no proof whatsoever. Your case against me is shaky at best.”
    “We’ll see.”
    “Yes we will.”

    Now, with a momentary letup in their intimate battle, Jackie knew instinctively what she needed to do. In one smooth motion she slipped her hands underneath Grace Marie’s robe, took hold of the nun’s remarkably taught buttocks then pulled in hard to herself. Sister Grace Marie screamed in both shock and ecstasy as her lower body came into full, skin on skin contact with Jackie. In less than a fraction of a second, a million thoughts of all sizes shapes and colors raced through Grace’s mind. But the only one that made sense to her was the single, forbidden thought of how heavenly Jackie’s smooth, muscular stomach felt against hers. Jackie’s next move was quick and decisive. With a herculean effort, Jackie lifted Grace up and body slammed her down onto her bed, coming down on top. The takedown had the delicious effect of splitting open their bathrobes even further. Grace’s eyes rolled back as the long suppressed electricity of her latent sexual desires shot through every cell in the lower half of her hungry body.

    “What in God’s good name do you think you’re doing, professor?” Grace shrieked in less than convincing horror. Before she responded, Jackie aligned her juiced cunt directly over Grace’s pussy. Sensing Jackie’s intent, Grace heaved mightily and rolled Jackie onto her back. She made an attempt to pull away, but Jackie’s grip on her was too strong. Their legs were intertwined and Jackie’s arms held her tightly.

    “I am not like that, Professor Taylor!” Grace protested strongly.
    “Of course you’re not, Sister Grace.”

    Once again they rolled. Jackie looked down into Grace’s eyes. Then, adjusting her hips, Jackie slowly began to bump her pubic mound into Grace’s mound. Grace became livid over the fact that Jackie was attempting to make a physical connection with her in their most private parts. The furious nun summoned all her strength and rolled the professor onto her back once again.

    “Professor Taylor!!! I AM NOT A LESBIAN!!!”
    “Of course you’re not, Sister Grace.”

    But Jackie could sense Grace’s slowly diminishing resistance. All it took was one more heated roll. Jackie’s mons slowly rubbed against Grace’s, sending shockwaves through her body, causing the beautiful nun to grunt and gasp. The ever increasing connection between their two oozing cunts made Grace delirious. Her sanctimonious brain was addled with contradictions of two warring factions-the spiritual and the corporeal. This was SO WRONG and yet SO RIGHT!!! She hated this red-headed vixen lying on top of her for showing her exactly who she was. But, she was locked in a battle-a furious battle of wrong vs right. She was now committed to see it through to the finish. What Grace didn’t know was that she was on the wrong side of good versus evil.

    “Jackie!!!” Grace shouted. “You are a disgrace! You are an abomination!”
    “Oh shut the fuck up Grace!”

    Jackie halted Grace’s sanctimonious outburst with another heated kiss. This time Grace made no attempt to pull away. The longer the kiss lasted, the less resistant Grace became. The longer her mouth was locked with Jackie’s delicious mouth, the more the long suppressed cravings of her womanly body eclipsed anything else, including her religion. With one final burst of strength and determination, Sister Grace Marie of the order of Mary’s Indulgences gathered every ounce of will and strength in her mind and body and rolled Jackie, once again taking the top position. But this time, her objective was noticeably different. With some difficulty, Grace Marie managed to push herself up, separating the upper half of her body from Jackie and inadvertently shifting the focal point of their connection directly to their bare pubes. Jackie gasped.

    “Oh Sister Grace! Oh!!!”
    “Oh shut up you jezebel!”

    Jackie languished in the thrill of the ever increasing interface between two smooth as silk pussies when Grace took her by surprise. She opened her eyes to the sight of a ravenous, bare breasted nun tearing at the top of her bathrobe. Jackie shook her shoulders and arms to help get her robe off.

    “Why Sister Grace Marie! I am NOT like THAT!” The professor chided the nun.
    “Of course you’re not, Jackie.” Grace responded with unexpected wit. Jackie laughed out loud.
    “Now, get out of that robe, slut!” Grace demanded with a heaving chest.

    Jackie then eagerly shed the last vestiges of clothing between them. The two women then took several long seconds to assess and compare their large, lush breasts.

    Grace leaned forward, shifted her weight and supported herself up on her left arm. Her massive tits dangled directly above Jackie’s creamy knockers. Grace reached down to fill her right hand with the professor’s magnificent left tit. She caressed the fleshy orb, marveling at how full and dense it was. Jackie taunted her.
    “Do you like my tits, Grace?”
    “Hummphh.” the nun scoffed.

    Still, she continued to manipulate the awesome orb of flesh with an almost childlike sense of wonder. As one might expect, Grace had spent many a long, lonely night manipulating and exploring the fullness of her own supple bosoms. But, except for the days when she was a developing pre-teen girl, Grace had never held another woman’s breast in her curious hand. Her wonderful mother, who understood that Grace was starting to mature and to wonder about certain things, had once allowed her curious precocious daughter to touch and examine the large “bags” on her chest, These fond childhood memories went through her mind. But Grace said nothing. She smirked and then took the turgid left nipple between her thumb and forefinger, twisting it and teasing it to the point of causing a noticeable ooze of creamy secretions. This thrilled Jackie and caused her to groan with deep pleasure. It thrilled Grace even more.

    The champion of good then reached out and returned the favor by grabbing a handful of Grace Marie’s pendulous left boob and kneading it. Jackie then rolled a rock hard nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Grace gasped sharply.

    “My goodness, Grace! What a shame it is that you’re made to keep these gorgeous tits under wraps.”

    “Do you like my tits, Professor?” Grace mimicked. But Jackie wasn’t so reticent.
    “Grace, your knockers are so big and so full! They feel fantastic!”
    “Really?” Grace seemed surprised.
    “Yes, really! My two girls can’t wait to meet them and wrestle them!”
    “Seriously? Skin to skin?”
    “Well yeah! Where do you think this is going, Grace?”

    Sister Grace Marie looked down at the professor, peering deeply into her mesmerizing eyes. Then…

    Wap! Smack! Slap! Jackie felt the complete surprise and unexpected sting of three consecutive face slaps.

    “You’re an unholy whore, professor!!!” Grace screamed.
    “You’re a scheming slut! And a sorry excuse for a nun! Did I mention hypocrite?”

    Just before Grace could answer with another slap, Jackie raised her right arm to fake a slap. But her objective was to retaliate in another way. With their pubic mounds still pressed together, and most of Grace’s upper bodyweight supported by her left arm in a forward lean, Jackie’s aim was to bring Grace fully to her. Instead of slapping, she knocked out Grace’s supporting left arm. A surprised Grace came crashing down hard on top of her with the familiar splat of two bodies slamming together. Their naked tits were lined up perfectly. Grace’s massive breasts slapped together in a heavenly, dense collision with Professor Taylor’s amazing tits. Jackie wasted no time in securing the full measure of this tit meat lockup. Nun or not, Grace’s tits felt fantastic! She wrapped her arms tightly around Grace in order to establish a tight grip with her, making sure to bring her hard nipples into a tip to tip, searing connection with Sister Grace’s charged nipples. The skin to skin connection was now complete. All that remained was the woman to woman connection. That would soon follow, if Jackie could manage to pull it off.

    Up and down her body, Grace luxuriated in every divine square inch of the professor’s naked flesh. It felt like her body was being assimilated into Jackie’s lush flesh. To say that Jackie felt wonderful would have been a colossal understatement. Grace had never experienced pleasure such as this. The two women took a brief respite from their venomous dialogue to assess their situation. And before Grace knew it, she was on her back once again. Only this time the tone of battle had changed. Grace’s body was now ever so slightly undulating in rhythm with Jackie’s. Good lord this woman felt wonderful! Jackie’s keen senses kicked in. It was less than a week ago that she was where Sister Grace was at this precise moment.

    “You OK, Grace?”

    Sister Grace’s eyes were closed and her breathing was animated. In her mind she knew that there could no longer be any denial. Jackie then made a sympathetic, albeit unusual offer.

    “If you need to slap me, Grace, go ahead. Get it out of your system so that we can get on with this.”

    Grace’s eyelids popped open as if they were spring-loaded. Her right hand was quite busy acquainting itself with Jackie’s gorgeous ass. But her left hand…

    SMACK!!! Jackie shook off the sting. Then…


    “Hey what the heck?!” Grace strenuously objected. “You said I could slap you!”
    “Yeah…I never said you weren’t gonna get slapped back.”
    “Why you bitch!!!”

    Without even considering letting go of the piece of forbidden fruit in her right hand that was Jackie’s left butt cheek, Grace unleashed a flurry of rapid fire left hand slaps to the right side of Jackie’s face. And then an all out face slap war broke out. Grace took as many face slaps as she gave. Neither woman even bothered to block. Every slap that fully landed stung, but they were close enough together that each slap had no real momentum behind it. Still, it was only a matter of seconds before blood rose to the surface of both lovely faces.

    Whap whap!
    Slap! Thwack! Smack! Whap!

    “Lesbo slut!”
    “Who you callin’ a lesbo slut?!”
    “You, Jackie! You and that hot freshman slut you’ve been screwing!”

    Grace knew she had crossed a dangerous line. Jackie saw red. She filled both hands with Grace Marie’s short black hair and yanked hard. Grace screamed in pain and then took two handfuls of Jackie’s shoulder length red tresses and fought back. They screamed at each other and then grunted and then screamed some more as they went into yet another back and forth rolling tussle. Back and forth, back and forth, from one side of the bed to the other, box springs squeaking as they tugged and squealed, grunted and groaned and yelped. And then…

    KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!! Both women froze. But there could be no mistaking the sound of a security wand rapping on the door.

    “Yes? Who is it?” Jackie called out, her body now fraught with desire, now perfectly still underneath Grace.
    “Is everything alright in there?”
    “That depends on who’s asking. Identify yourself please.” Jackie requested in a firm voice.
    “This is hotel security.”
    “That’s not good enough. Do you have a name?”
    “Yes miss. I’m hotel security person Bernadette Sawyer.”
    “Thank you, Bernadette. I’m not trying to be a bitch. I assure you, everything’s fine here.”
    “OK. I was just making my final rounds and I thought I heard screaming coming from this suite.”
    “Oh…that? Nothing to be concerned about, Bernadette. We’re just having sex and we got a little carried away. That’s all.” Jackie teased. Grace gasped. Bernadette’s eyes rolled and she grinned to herself.

    “Oh myyyy! Well…enjoy yourselves, ladies.”

    Grace whispered fearfully “She knows we’re both women?!!!”
    Jackie whispered back. “Um…security cameras, Grace.”

    “Thank you, Bernadette. We will. Have a nice evening.”
    “I will. Oh, and ma’am?”
    “If you two need any help in there, my shift is over in thirty minutes.”

    There was a long silence.

    “Just kidding. Goodnight ladies.” Bernadette suppressed a laugh. She then went on to complete her rounds.

    Fifteen minutes later, back in her small, storage room sized office, Security person Bernadette Sawyer peeled off her blouse and bra, then mashed and rolled her enormous naked tits into the massive naked breasts of one Connie Wilson, sexy, blond haired lounge singer.

    “I’ll be dammed. You weren’t bullshitting.”
    “Told you so.” Connie gloated. “Now, bitch, you’re going to have to do a security check on my private parts.”
    “God how I hate my job!” Bernadette the security person groaned and grinned.
    “Yeah, right.”


    “Well, that was interesting.” Jackie casually observed.
    “Why did you tell her we were having sex?”
    “Oh for christ’s sake, Grace. She would have come to that conclusion no matter what I told her. Stop being such a tight ass!”
    “Tight ass?!!!” Grace was miffed.

    Whap! Slap!

    “You fucking bitch!!!” Jackie hip rolled Grace, with an assist from a hair pull. But Grace surprised her by turning the roll into a double, ending up back on top.

    “AND let me make one thing crystal clear miss lesbian slut. WE are NOT having sex!”
    “Of course we’re not, Sister Grace.”

    The room went silent. They were nose to nose, inhaling each other’s sweet breath. Their lips were almost touching. Jackie extended her tongue and gave Grace’s lips a soft lick. When she retrieved her tongue, she felt Grace Marie’s tongue respond with a gentle brush of her hungry lips in the same manner. They were breathing in sync. And with each rise and fall of their chests, with each intake of air, they felt the thrill of their fused breasts re-asserting themselves against each other…their nipples fused in an electrifying dance…poking, prodding, scraping, snapping and reuniting. The quiet thrill of their naked bodies being so intimate moistened their cunts. Jackie sensed that the moment had come-that Grace was ready to yield. This would be her one shot at the golden ring. She took it.

    In a very smooth body roll, Professor Jacqueline Cara Taylor rolled Sister Grace Marie of the Order of Mary’s Indulgences onto her back. Forehead to forehead, nose to nose, she gently brushed her lips with Grace’s tender, fleshy lips. Grace softly gasped.

    “We are not having sex, professor!!!”
    “Of course we’re not, sister.”

    Jackie then pressed her lips fully to Grace’s lips. Grace didn’t pull away. Jackie recalled the way that Connie had kissed her earlier in the lounge. It was extremely sexy and it would be the perfect kiss to slowly break down Grace’s remaining defenses. At this point, cramming her tongue into Grace’s mouth would accomplish nothing.

    The soft mating of their mouths was working. With each second that their mouths were glued together, Jackie could feel the slow urgency of latent desire rising to the surface in Sister Grace’s gently undulating body. With their lips continuing to softly press, massage and chew, saliva from Jackie’s mouth slowly made it’s way to Grace’s lips, lubricating them and causing them to open ever so slightly. Still, Jackie did not sink her tongue. This seemed to be having an effect on Grace. The slow rolling of their heads as the kiss intensified fueled the smoldering embers in their connected bodies. Jackie could feel her cunt oozing. She wondered if her juices were drizzling onto Grace’s cunt. She was almost certain they were. Jackie then felt Sister Grace’s hands flat against her back, moving up and down in a passionate rubbing motion. When Grace’s exploring hands finally came to rest on her abundant ass cheeks and squeezed hard, Jackie knew the moment was at hand - that despite her verbal objections, Grace was giving her the go ahead. She slowly slid her probing tongue past Grace’s lips and teeth where it was welcomed in a wet wrestle by Grace’s eager tongue. The two tongues bathed in each other’s saliva. They lapped and twisted and snaked so amorously that they could feel each other’s bumps. With this deep tongue connection came increased rate and depth of breathing. Jackie’s tits were mashing hard into Grace’s fulsome breasts. In between their tightly pressed bellies Jackie could feel a thin sheen of sweat forming and heightening the sensations of skin on skin. Her navel now felt like it was sucking with Grace’s cavernous belly button. This sent shivers down Jackie’s spine. Her mouth was now ravenous. Her tits ached and her entire body felt like it was about to combust. She opened up Grace’s legs and advanced her queen. With a perfect downward thrust, the incendiary professor moved her sex starved cunt into a succulent labia kiss with Grace Marie’s sopping wet cunt.

    Squish, slosh.

    Oh, the succulent wet sounds of cunt meeting cunt! Jackie learned to appreciate that wonderful sound from her skilled eighteen year old tutor. The gorgeous redhead slowly and sensuously pumped into Grace.

    Slosh, squish, squish…

    “Ohhhh…Grace Marie!!!!” Jackie moaned, then kissed Grace hard. She felt the odd sensation of breath from Grace’s lungs slip past her epiglottis then move into her lungs.

    Squish, smack, squish!!!

    “You goddam slut!!!” Grace broke off the kiss long enough to curse Jackie. She then pulled Jackie’s face back to hers and viciously sucked Jackie’s tongue back into her mouth. Jackie pushed her thick pussy deep into Grace’s saturated cunt meat, stroking and rubbing, trying to get Grace to move with her. Grace pulled away from the kiss of their mouths. Her breathing was almost out of control. Still, she cried out in tortured ecstasy.

    “GODDAMMIT professor!!! Why can’t you get it through your head? WE ARE NOT HAVING SEX!!!”
    “Sorry Grace. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
    “And, I would appreciate it, professor, if you would show some measure of respect to my status as a holy person.”
    “I’m sorry. Consider yourself respected, your slutty holiness.”

    Jackie shifted her pelvis slightly. She sensed that by now Grace’s clitoris was as stiff as a broom handle. With a skillful downward thrust, she sunk her engorged girl cock deep into the flesh folds of Sister Grace’s cunt, respectfully of course. The sanctimonious twat was so congested with secretions that it felt like Jackie’s clit had taken a dive into the deep end of a pool filled with womanly sex fluids. Deeper and deeper into the murky liquids swam Jackie’s intrepid tool, until it found what it was searching for. Eureka!!! If this was the promised land, Jackie might have to convert.

    The Richter Scale could not register the quake that radiated from the epicenter of Grace Marie’s cunt. Excruciating sensations spread in concentric waves through her tortured, sex starved body as her clitoris squared off with Jackie’s probing clit.

    The learned professor slowly stroked her lush cunt meat with Grace’s thick pussy lips as her clit now stroked Grace’s throbbing shaft. And for the first time, Jackie felt a pelvic response to her fuck stroke from Grace. As Jackie’s long shaft mated with hers, and the two clitorises tangled and ground together from top to tip, Grace’s pelvis began to rub and grind rhythmically against Jackie’s. She cried out.

    “We are not having sex Jackie! Oh!! Ohhh!!!”
    “I know Grace. Now will you please shut up and fuck!” Jackie requested.
    “No! You harlot! You tramp! I’ll NOT participate in this disgusting sex act with you!!!”

    Jackie moved her pelvis with smoothness and precision. Her cunt was grappling in a bath of juices with Grace’s cunt. Their swollen labia enmeshed as her unrelenting clitoris pounded away in a full on brawl with Grace’s engorged clit.



    Grace now matched Jackie, stroke for stroke. Their cunts squished and sucked. Their mashed tits tussled. A wet slap of their taut bellies could be heard. Jackie had worked her arms tightly around Grace, holding her as close as she could. Grace began to writhe out of control beneath her. She had sealed Grace’s screams off with a swirling tongue kiss. The mouth lock lasted several seconds before Grace broke it off to scream out her fervent denial of this torrid heap of carnal delights.

    “We’re not having sex…”

    Pump, smack, squish, stroke…

    “Not having sex…we’re…not…we’re…ugh…mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!”


    “OH DEAR GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MYGOD!!!!”
    “We’re having sex, Grace.” Jackie whispered.
    “OHGODOHGODOHGOD!!! WE’RE HAVING SEX!!!” Grace cried out.
    “Sanctus Irrumabo!!!” Grace groaned.
    Professor of Latin translation: “Holy Fuck!!!"

    And then, with all thoughts of anger, hate and especially guilt cast aside, Grace Marie took charge of herself and admonished the demons that had been festering inside of her for so many years. With all due respect, and with long overdue disrespect, Grace told them to go fuck themselves. She was her own woman. Her soul belonged to no one but herself. Her gloriously voluptuous body that had lived in a state of austerity for so many years now was her own again. She was going to have sex…sex…sex! And when she was done, she was going to have even more sex!

    “Dear Lord in heaven, forgive me! Please forgive me, but this is SO GOOD!!! So fucking GOOD!!!”

    Jackie smiled to herself. She completely understood what the beautiful young nun was going through.

    Grace then lost all control. She began to fuck for all she was worth.. fuck like there was no tomorrow.. fuck like she was meant to fuck. Jackie was thrilled beyond belief. Their bodies now oozed sweat and oils. The two impassioned women now writhed and bucked and fucked. They had to be careful not to knock each other’s teeth out with their enraged kissing. Grace was now balls-to-the-wall and fucking like an unchained savage. Each upward thrust of her aching cunt was met force to force by a downstroke of Jackie’s ravenous cunt. Jackie had learned that hard slams could serve to send thrilling shockwaves of pleasure through a woman’s body. But it was the sustained wet contact of thick labia slotting together in a tight, tight fuck stroke that could deliver two cunt-locked women to sexual nirvana. Indeed, Jackie was now feeling like she was having an out-of-body experience. She was fucking like she was deranged. She could feel her heart pounding almost in rhythm with every thrust of her womanly hips. Grace’s fingers were digging hard into her ass. Grace had locked their legs in a near death grip. Grace’s entire body was sending an authoritative message to her body. It was saying “you’re not going anywhere until this is finished…you’re not going anywhere until I’m satisfied…we’re gonna fuck until we pass out from exhaustion…until we can’t fuck anymore!”

    The two inosculated women were now well past the thirty minute mark in this shameless exercise in hedonism. But with each lock-stroke of her cunt into Grace Marie’s thick cunt, Jackie sensed that Grace was approaching the apex. A thunderous orgasm was building inside of her and the beautiful nun was slowly loosing her grip.

    “God! Oh dear God!!!” Grace summoned strength and determination, but God wasn’t answering her calls.
    The sensual battle between their bodies continued feverishly. But now came the blissful onset. From the slow buildup, to the cunt grinding clitoris mashing conclusion Grace and Jackie fucked themselves into simultaneous orgasms.
    “NO NO NO!!!” Grace cried out. She followed this immediately with “YES YES YES!!!”
    “YES GRACE! YES! Let it go!”

    And then Jackie released in her own explosive orgasm, shooting her warmth in Grace’s gaping cunt. The explosion of Jackie’s cum into her cunt brought Sister Grace to a second tumultuous orgasm. Grace’s tightly clenched hands dug painfully into her ass cheeks.

    As the post orgasm fog in Jackie's mind cleared she realized she had somehow ended up on the bottom. Grace was winding down from her second orgasm and was kissing and licking her neck as she continued to slowly grind her naked cunt into Jackie's welcoming pussy. Jackie’s pelvis responded, matching Grace’s movement and locking into her pussy stroke. Jackie then took Grace’s lovely face in both hands, kissed her softly on the forehead then looked her directly in the eyes. A wicked grin crossed her lips.

    “What?” Grace wondered.
    “Round two, comin’ right up.” Jackie said, slyly.

    Before Grace knew it, she was on her back once again with Professor Taylor’s wonderful body pressing down onto hers.

    “What’s with all these body rolls?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Well…we’ve been rolling and rolling, again and again, back and forth and back and forth,…”
    “That’s just the nature of the beast, Grace. Two hot naked women in a body lock, tits to tits, belly to belly, rollin’ around and rasslin’…hard kissin’ and tongue sucking…nothing like it!”
    Jackie paused to assess…”Don’t you like it?”
    “I love it! I just didn’t know that’s what women do.”
    “Well, sometimes, I guess. I’m not that experienced in these things. All I know is what I’ve read or seen on the internet.
    “So then, professor, you HAVE had experiences with other women.”
    “Oh Sister Grace. Will you ever stop being a conniving bitch?”
    “Why you!!!” Grace objected. Jackie cut her off.
    “Look Grace. I got into the same girl fights that you did in high school. Remember those?”
    “You and that hot girl that you hated so much…rolling around in a tight clinch…your still developing tits crushing against her tits, your body against her body and eventually your legs became entwined with hers.. the two of you pulling each other’s hair and screaming how much you hated each other, yet somehow you couldn’t understand that very unusual tingling sensation in your crotch…”
    “I remember…oh how I remember…” Grace replied, wistfully.
    “I remember them longingly too, dear Grace. They got me sooooooo hot!”
    “Hummmph. I guess you’re right.”

    The two women spontaneously kissed, hard. When their breathing was once again stoked, Grace asked, “So, Jackie. What’s ‘round two?’”


    Sister Grace Marie of the Order Of Mary’s Indulgences looked down in between her thighs in disbelief. As matters of the moment sunk in, these feelings were replaced by even deeper feelings of disbelief, with yet another overwhelming surge of sexual arousal thrown in.

    “Jackie!!! What in God’s name…?”

    With both of them now sitting up on their asses, Professor Jacqueline Taylor had maneuvered them into a vaguely familiar leg scissor configuration with their long, smooth legs in an over/under placement. Jackie said nothing, but she casually gestured to the junction of their opposing Vs. Grace then realized that her cunt was aligned in direct opposition to Jackie’s cunt. About six inches of space separated their glistening pudenda. Grace was fascinated by the residue of female juices that coated Jackie’s thick labia. She could see that her own pussy lips were also deliciously coated in a sticky mix of girl cum, hers and Jackie’s. But the ultimate realization of what was about to happen here, of what Jackie fully intended to do, caused tremors of sexual desire to surge through every nerve ending in her body. It also revived some uncomfortable memories. It hit her hard that she was about to fully match cunts in the most profound way with Professor Taylor.

    “Sister Grace. Our pussies are about to ‘know’ each other in the biblical sense.”
    “Well Jackie.. this goes against every fiber of my being and every precept of my belief system.. but lets get to ‘know’ each other.” Grace breathed.
    “To hell with your belief system, Grace. But hold on to your being ‘cause I intend to fuck every luscious fiber of it.”
    “Oh…my goodness! What do I do? What do we do?”
    “Just relax. When our pussies kiss, you’ll get the hang of it.”
    “Have you done this very often? Are you good at this, Jackie?”

    Grace’s questions were loaded. Jackie answered them appropriately.

    “Look, Grace. Quit the bullshit. We’re either going to fuck to the finish, or we’re not. If not, then I’m going to leave you here in your bed with your drooling cunt and go get some sleep.”
    “No, no! Don’t go Jackie. Let’s do this. I have to know.”
    “Know what?”
    “Well…” Grace was hesitant. “…what it’s like, of course.”

    Jackie nodded and slyly smiled. Then she reached down, stroked and spread her thick cunt in a hot and nasty invitation.

    “Come and get you some of this pussy Grace. Woman to woman.. pussy to pussy.”

    Grace figured out that in order to “get some pussy” all she needed to do was to thrust her quivering cunt forward. So she did. She landed beautifully and accurately, connecting fully to the professor’s delectable twat. Jackie returned the forward thrust a split second after Grace, sealing the deal, so to speak. Both women heard the mouthwatering initial squish. Grace’s entire body trembled. Shockwaves from this most womanly connection shot through her with painful pleasure she had never dreamed possible. As Jackie noted Grace’s facial expressions, she understood exactly where Grace was in relation to the Cosmos. It was less than one week ago when she was in the exact same place, in the same bewildered and giddy frame of mind. As Grace supported herself on both arms, her eyes closed and her mouth opened and she gulped for air like a fish out of water. Jackie smiled inwardly, knowing that her cunt was the reason for Sister Grace’s profound pleasure. She began to slowly rotate her pelvis with the aim of sealing her cuntmeat with Grace’s thick labia. Grace was frozen…more like petrified.

    “Oh…dear sweet lord above! How is such pleasure possible outside of heaven?” Grace asked in disbelief.
    “This is real Grace. But then again, it might be heaven.”

    Grace managed to get her breathing under control. When she did, she gave Jackie a half smile and a smirk. Then the two women dug into the task at hand.

    “Oh WOW!!! Oh FUCK!!!” Jackie said, working her thick, juiced cunt ever deeper into Grace.

    Both felt the frisson of excitement as their labia folded into a succulent seal. Both women were excreting copious fluids from their fused cunts. For reasons Jackie didn’t understand, the viscous juices of arousal seemed to make it easier for their plump cunts to fuse and suck together. The supple fullness of Grace’s pudenda caught Jackie by surprise.

    “Ohhhhh!!!!! Ahhhh!!!! UUUGGGHHH!!!” Grace howled as Jackie’s hard clit made full contact with her blood engorged girl cock.
    “If we do this right, Grace, it could be a mind blowing fuck. But it’ll take two women to make it work.” Jackie encouraged Grace to be more proactive.

    Grace Marie smiled at Jackie, nodding her understanding. And then things got busier. Both women slowly rocked their pelvises into each other, grinding and sliding and sucking their thick lush pussies, wallowing in the deep sensations of this formidable flesh lock.

    “Can I speak honestly?”
    “Actually, Grace, that would be a very nice change of pace.” came Jackie’s sarcastic response. She regretted it immediately. “I’m sorry Grace.”
    “No no. I guess I deserved that. I haven’t exactly been candid with you.”

    Jackie nodded and smiled, keeping up the slow rhythm of cunt to cunt.

    “Go ahead. Be candid.”
    “Well Jackie…what we’re doing right now…this exquisite union of our womanly parts…”
    “Well…I’ve often dreamed of doing this.”
    “Wow, Grace. That’s a bold confession. And speaking of confession, the next time you’re behind the screen, I wouldn’t mention that if I were you. Or THIS either.” Jackie pointed to their squashed pussies.

    Grace laughed out loud. Then, for some reason, as she locked her pelvis into a slow rotation with Jackie’s, she felt a need to share a bit of her past.

    “They used to make us shower in large groups when we were in training.” Grace revealed.
    “Wow!!! That must have been fun!”
    “Uh…I was never comfortable with it. I was young and naive and it just made me nervous. Nervous and, well, tingly at the same time.”
    “In other words, very confused. Lots of mixed emotions. Lots of questions. The main one being, ‘why do I have these strange sensations in my body around other girls?’”
    “You’ve experienced that, Jackie?”
    “Oh of course. But go on.”

    And here now was the reason for her reticence about showering with the girls at school.

    “Have you ever had the ‘unique experience’ of a group shower with fifteen to twenty other young, hot women at a cloistered institution Jackie? And I don’t mean like here. Nobody here is incarcerated.”
    “Nope. Can’t say that I have.” Jackie said. Then it came to her.
    “Oh, Grace! I know where this is going. A large group of hot women, pretty much shut off from the outside world, incredible tensions building between them - twenty of them naked in a steaming hot shower! It only means one thing…shower fights!!!”
    “Oh Jackie.. you have no idea!”
    “It must have been really exciting! Not to mention hot and wet and slippery and…”
    “Well, i wouldn’t exactly say exciting. The first time I saw one break out, I huddled up in a corner like a frightened puppy.”
    “But then, after a while you got used to seeing them, right?”

    Grace nodded yes.

    “And THEN you started getting aroused by them…”
    “Right again.”
    “But in your mind, being aroused by them when you saw them and thinking about them when you were alone at night, well.. that was just plain disgusting and sinful!”
    “You are very perceptive, Professor Taylor.”
    “Well, I don’t think I had it as bad as you. But our experiences are kind of similar.”

    Grace sighed deeply.

    “Look, you don’t need to go on.”
    “No, I want to. Because it’s relevant.”
    “Please continue.”

    Grace smiled, feeling a sudden warmth for Jackie. She continued.

    “Anywhere from two to a dozen women would end up on the shower floor in a slippery, lathered orgy of battling bodies, cursing and screaming as their bodies squirmed and smashed together…”
    “OH.. FUCKING WOW!!!”
    “And then, somehow they would always end up squaring off, two by two.”
    “Squaring.. off?” Jackie was uncertain.
    “Squaring off! Exactly like you and I are right now.”
    “JESUS H. CHRIST!!! Sex fights in the shower? In a convent?”
    “Yes! On a regular basis.”
    “And nobody ever broke them up?”
    “Oh no. In fact, there was a rumor going around that they were being recorded, edited and sold to those adult websites.”
    “My god Grace! What an incredible story!”
    “You can’t write this shit, Jackie.”
    “Humm…” Jackie thought. “I’ll bet A. Penman could. It’s right up his alley.”
    “A. Penman?! He’s an amateur!”

    Jackie laughed out loud. “I suppose you’re right. So, shall we get on with this?”
    “Oh yes.”

    There were a couple of silent moments. Both women seemed to understand that without any masks of deception, they rather liked each other. Jackie now understood that she could not expect truth from Grace without responding in kind. These moments were revelatory.

    “So, Grace. Now that you’re facing your demon, now that you’re actually doing it, is it how you imagined it would be?”
    “Oh Jackie! In my wildest dreams, I could never conjure up anything close to this!”
    “Ummm!” Jackie concurred.

    Now, what started out as smoldering embers was beginning to give off large sparks of a coming blaze. Sister Grace’s pelvis begin to move with more depth and desire. Jackie matched her, deep cunt stroke to deep cunt stroke. Their clitoral shafts had only met in passing, excruciating strokes. Now Jackie’s intent was to mate her clit to Grace’s clit. It only took a skilled pelvic roll and an assertive push.

    “OHHH!!!!” Grace cried out at the meeting. Jackie’s turgid shaft now stroked and circled with hers. Each full rub and press and bump caused every vertebrae in Grace’s spine to tense up.

    “Oh dear God, Jackie!”

    Jackie’s response was a throaty moan.

    “Jackie? Can we stay like this all night long?”

    There was a hesitance that Jackie noted. She wanted Grace to get past it.

    “Ask me more honestly…more convincingly, Grace.”
    “Jackie. Will you fuck me cunt to cunt all night long?” Grace re-stated her request, feeling suddenly relieved, and yet embarrassed at her use of such guttural language.
    “It’ll be my pleasure, Grace.”

    Jackie enjoyed hearing Grace get loose and nasty. She of all people, understood the need to break free from repressive thinking. Grace’s journey to personal freedom and self respect would be different from her own, and perhaps even more difficult. But for now, Jackie was more than willing to fuck some good old common sense and self respect into the still rather priggish nun.

    Jackie now recalled the skillful teachings of her young mentor, Brandi. She thrilled at the opportunity that she now had to use her newly acquired woman to woman skills, especially on a woman much like her, who had suffered years of sexual repression and imposed guilt over just the idea of sex. As Grace continued to match her in the sinuous rhythm of the fuck, she looked deeply into Grace Marie’s eyes and smiled. Jackie then recalled another of Brandi’s lessons. She extended her right arm. Grace looked at her, puzzled.

    “Take hold of my forearm, Grace, just above my wrist.”

    Grace reached out with her right arm and took hold of Jackie’s right arm as instructed, just above the wrist. As she clamped down, she felt Jackie do the same. Grace instantly recognized this as a kind of bond-a very warm and womanly bond. Jackie continued.

    “Now Grace…fuck me good and slow and deep. And keep your eyes with mine. Fuck me good and don’t loose eye contact with me.”

    The two women slowly increased their cunt fuck, rotating and pushing deeper into each other, holding on to each other’s wrists and looking deeply into each other’s beautiful eyes. As Grace lavished in the sopping wet suck of their thick cunts and the stabbing, sword fight of their slithering, competing clitorises, she felt the slowly building rumblings of climax in the pit of her stomach.

    “This is much too deep, professor.”
    “What do you mean, Grace?”
    “I mean this whole thing. The eyes, the wrists, the incredible pussies fucking each other…”
    “What’s your point, Grace?”
    “My point is you didn’t just come by this amazing ability on your own. This is just too good and too profound.”
    “Grace, when are you going to flip off that conspiracy switch? When are you going to stop being devious?”
    “You need to stop it too, Jackie.”
    “What are you getting at?”
    “I’ll make you a deal, Jackie.”
    “I’m listening.”
    “My hand to God, professor. You have my solemn word that I’ll stop being suspicious and deceitful when you come clean.”

    Something odd and rather beautiful was happening in this room tonight. It started to happen at the first full kiss of their wanton cunts. The mutual mistrust that had kept them at odds with each other since the start of this trip, and had precipitated the earlier hair-pulling slap fights was slowly melting away. Jackie could feel her mind starting to reach out to Grace, and her heart starting to trust her. Still, there was the influence of her ever skeptical intellect.

    “Why is it so important for you to know who I’ve been fucking, Grace? What are you planning to do with that information? Threaten me? Force me to resign? Gain some kind of favor with the administration? Advance your career?”
    “Well, I hadn’t thought it through that deeply, but I suppose that some form of praise and recognition was on my mind.”
    “And, if the so-called knowledge that you hoped to gain on this journey were to suddenly reveal itself, what would you do with it?”
    “Think about that for a while Grace, before you answer. Think of it ESPECIALLY in relation to where your naked pussy is, and what that pussy is doing right now.”
    “There’s no need for contemplation, dear professor. I would do nothing with such information. The way that your pussy is thrilling every part of me right now, nothing else matters. Honestly, I don’t care anymore.”

    “She’s being truthful.” came a soft, Godlike voice from the corner of the room.

    “I’ll need some kind of reassurance.” Jackie said. Grace nodded.
    “Sit up straight, Jackie. Please.” Grace requested humbly.

    Jackie sat up straight. Grace then met her in one of the most profound and sexually charged kisses and embraces of the professor’s brief sexual life. It was astounding! Jackie felt like she was melting in Grace Marie’s arms. The overwhelming sensation of their naked breasts coming together once again in this embrace of exoneration and pure, guiltless desire set both lust crazed women ablaze once again. A hard and fervent fuck ensued. They screamed into each other’s mouths, whenever they could separate their locked lips. Grace’s strong arms were firmly wrapped around Jackie’s waist, pulling the professor’s body intimately to hers. Their splayed cunts seemed re-energized as a new and ferocious fuck escalated to a sacrilegious level. All Grace wanted now was to fuck and to be fucked. All that mattered to Jackie was that Grace freed her inner demons so they could fuck like two wild women. And so they did. Jackie broke off their tongue twisting kiss.

    “Flat on your back, Grace.”
    “Just do it!”

    Jackie dropped first. Grace followed. Jackie then rotated her pelvis slightly to her left, deepening the scissor as she took hold of Grace’s right leg. She wrapped her arms around it, embracing it and pulling on it for leverage.

    “Ouuuuuuuu!!!!” Grace cried out.

    Turning slightly to mimic Jackie, she embraced Jackie’s smooth as silk right leg and pulled on it.

    “Oh dear lord! I didn’t think we could get any tighter.”
    “Oh yes we can, Grace.”
    “Oh professor. There’s no doubt in my mind anymore that you are a hot lesbian slut. Oh so fucking hot!!!” Grace moaned as she locked the rhythm of her cunt fuck to Jackie’s, sealing the two women into a final engagement.
    “Would you like to fuck it out with this sapphic slut, Sister Grace?”
    “Yes! Oh yes!” Grace groaned, feeling the intense, deep suction that was forming between their meaty cunts. Her thick outer labia now sucked tight with Jackie’s opulent love lips.

    “Cunt to cunt, Grace. No matter how long it takes?”
    “YES!!!” Grace’s hunger grew with each stroke of their inosculated pussies.
    “Are you willing to fuck fight me with your clitoris? Clit against clit?”
    “However long…” gasp “…you…” pant.. pant.. “want Jackie. Whatever.. way.. you want.”

    And then, in this, the most basic and intimate tribbing position, an all out fuck battle began. Twenty minutes flew by. Grace and Jackie fucked deeply. Womanly juices oozed from each cunt and mix together. Their pelvises bucked. Jackie sunk her hard clit into Grace. Grace responded to the challenge, confronting Jackie’s shaft with her own. The two blood infused rods met in full battle mode. As soon as the contact was made, the fire between their locked thighs exploded into a full blaze. The juices from their conjoined cunts now trickled onto the bed sheets. Grace’s nostrils flared as she caught the strange, pungent aromas wafting in the air.

    “My goodness. What is that smell?” she asked.
    “Do you like it, Grace?”
    “Well, yes. It’s so.. so.. female.”
    “Exactly, Grace. It’s the smell of your womanly vaginal fluids mixing with mine. It’s the unmistakeable smell of woman to woman sex.”
    “Oh Jackie! It’s intoxicating!”
    “It is indeed, Grace. I like that description. Can I use it?”
    “Of course you can. We can discuss royalty fees later.”
    “Good. Let’s fuck.”
    “Oh yes! Let’s fuck this out, you lesbian cunt whore!” Grace scoffed.
    “Fuck you, Grace Marie!”
    “Is that the best you got?” Grace chided.
    “No. This is!” Jackie rolled and ground and pressed her thick cunt into Grace’s succulent meat.

    Then someone threw gas onto the flames. The two insanely sexed women pulled against each other mightily, forcing a cunt on cunt chokehold that sent both of them off onto a level of delirium where self control was an afterthought. Suck for suck of folded cunt lips, stroke for stroke of their throbbing girl cocks, their pelvises twisting into each other like opposing corkscrews. Jackie and Grace took their insatiate bodies into zero gravity. They fucked like wild women.

    “Fuck you Jackie!!! You whore!!!”
    “I’m gonna fuck you raw, you skank bitch!”
    “Bring it on!!!”
    “Feel my cunt, Grace. Feel how it’s fucking your cunt.”
    “You’re mistaken Jackie. It’s my cunt that’s doing the serious fucking.”
    “Come on Grace, you ain’t showing me anything. Is that the best you’ve got?”
    “I’ll show you, you cunt licking slut!”
    “Promises, promises.. Grace.”
    “Here’s a promise, Jackie. I’m gonna fuck you senseless.”
    “You’re all talk, Grace. How about if you back it up?”
    “Get ready, bitch.”
    “Let’s do it…NOW!!!”

    Both women found another gear. They cranked it up, pelvis into pelvis as their saturated cunts squashed and fucked.


    “Fucking tramp!”

    “EEEEEaaagggghhhhh!!!!” Jackie cried out in pain as Sister Grace’s fingernails dug into her outer thighs.

    They began to buck and fuck with reckless abandon. Jackie continued to pump her searing cunt into Grace. Air seeped out as their vaginal holes sucked into a vacuum. Jackie tightened her levator muscles in short intervals. Grace could feel each time she did it. She squealed at the sensation of her thick pussy being sucked into a tight labia lock with Jackie’s talented twat.

    “OH my God professor!!! How are you doing that?!”

    Jackie smiled to herself, but said nothing. The novice nun now felt thunder building in her loins. Heat and jolts of electricity shot randomly through her body. Jackie’s could feel the onset of a tumultuous orgasm building inside her. She found another gear and locked into Grace.

    “Fuck me Grace!!! Fuck me good, you slut bitch!!!” she screamed.
    “Fuck you, Jackie!!! Your cunt is MINE, bitch!!!”
    “Bring it!!! Bring it!!! Whore!!!”
    “Fucking cunt licking lesbian!!!” Grace screamed.
    “Not a bad idea Grace. Remind me later and I’ll accommodate you.”

    With a dozen or so more sustained, desperate strokes, the women’s hips froze and stiffened. A foot above the mattress, their lower bodies formed a human bridge. Deep inside thick cunt meat, their clitorises seized and spasmed together. From deep inside, they pumped thick short bursts of cum into each other, feeling their warm ejaculate mix and gush out of their fused pussies onto their inner thighs and eventually onto the bed.

    “Oh FUCK!!! Grace Marie!!! Oh fuck fuck fuck!!!”
    “Oh my god Jacqueline Taylor! How is it possible for such thoroughly disgusting and yet unfathomable pleasure to exist? How?”

    Jackie sat up, then stretched out on top of Grace Marie. Nipples, tits, tummies and twats met fully. Grace’s head rolled back and her jaw dropped. Her eyes closed and she began to moan softly as she reveled in the sensations of Jackie’s lush body fully pressed to hers once again. The two women softly kissed as their thick fleshy tits crushed together with each exquisite breath.

    “Beat’s me, Grace. All I know is that, until one week ago today, I never knew it existed either.”

    Grace’s ears perked. Was she about to hear a confession of guilt? Jackie knew quite well how Grace might react. But Grace had given her word of honor. Grace uttered one single proper noun.


    Jackie smiled oddly.

    “Pull down the wooden slide and come out from the confessional booth, Grace. Your Catholicism became irrelevant quite a while ago when you gave me your solemn woman to woman oath. Not to mention when you surrendered your body to me.”
    “My oath will remain true, Jackie.”
    “You know.. I’m kinda getting to like you, Grace.”
    “Well, you know.. I’m kinda gettin’ to like you too, Jackie.”

    Grace rolled Jackie, kissed her hard and passionately for a few long seconds.

    “I’ve got to know.” she said.
    “Grace, do you know what a Satori is?”
    “I’ve heard the word, but no, I don’t know what it means.
    “In Buddhism it means ‘sudden enlightenment.’ Literal Japanese translation, ‘awakening.’”
    “So.. you’re saying that you have experienced a Satori?”
    “One week ago today, Grace. I experienced a Satori.. otherwise known as Brandi Knowlton.”
    “Well then, I think I experienced a Satori tonight.. otherwise known as Jacqueline Taylor.”
    “Oh that was sweet, Grace.”

    Grace laid another hungry kiss on Jackie. They rolled once again. Jackie looked down at Grace with a wanton facial expression.

    “Sister Grace. Can I ask you an important question?”
    “Of course you can.”
    “Do you wanna fuck some more?” Jackie asked, as she slowly bumped her mons into Grace’s fleshy mound.
    “ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I will NOT partake of such perverted activity!!! You brazen floozy!!!”
    “Excuse me Grace. But when we were sitting up and scissoring, I believe it was you who asked if we could stay like that all night…
    “Well…um…I…ah…oh never mind…fuck me you red-headed slut!”
    “”Spread those long, sexy legs…you sanctimonious bitch! I want to FUCK you!!!”

    Grace spread her legs and tilted her sopping pussy upward. Jackie thrust into her once again. The sounds and smells of lesbian fucking could be heard once again. Both women thrilled at the noises and fragrances coming from their bodies.

    “Ouuuuuu!!!! SHHHIIIITTTT!!!!!!” Grace yelped.
    “Oh Grace, your pussy feels so fucking good!”
    “Hrrumpphh.” Grace grunted, then she rolled Jackie one more time. “Can I drive this time, professor?”
    “You most certainly can, sister.”

    Jackie caught a glimpse of the digital clock on the nightstand.

    “What?!” Grace answered, slightly annoyed that Jackie broke the concentration of her cunt to cunt cadence.
    “Well…actually Grace, it’s 1:30 AM and we do have a conference to attend in a few hours.”
    “Goddammit Jackie! I’m busy fucking here! What’s your point?” Grace’s body was beginning to tremble slightly.

    The undulations of Sister Grace’s pelvis became increasingly devout, causing Jackie to respond with righteous, all consuming passion in the upstroke of her quivering pussy.

    “Personally, I don’t give a fuck about the conference. But YOU’RE the nun. The beatitudes are your thing.”
    “Oh for Christ’s sake, Jackie!!!”
    “Will you PLEASE shut up and fuck?!”

    Jackie smiled warmly. She reached down and grabbed Grace’s firm ass with both hands and squeezed hard as she humped upward. Their bellies began to slap and their tits crushed and rolled. The fucking became frantic once again. The two lecherous ladies locked their pussies up and fucked relentlessly until 4:30 AM. They fucked cunt to cunt in missionary, they fucked in open scissor, closed scissor and cowgirl scissor. Jackie even shared the gloriousness of her ass with Sister Grace Marie in a wild ass to ass fuck battle. They fucked to complete exhaustion. At around 5 AM they fell asleep, body to body…

    When they woke up at around 9:30 AM, they made the rather easy, slutty agreement to skip day two of the conference so they could spend all of Sunday fucking each other.

    Jackie thought about the exotic beauty Zara. She hoped that she wouldn’t be disappointed.


    Monday and Tuesday passed. Jackie quickly re-acclimated to her routine. Efficiently catching up with the duties of a Professor of English in a college setting, for two days after the conference she had not seen or heard from Brandi. Wednesday she got a phone call.

    “Hey, babe! How’s everything?”
    “Brandi! I was wondering if I was ever going to hear from you.”
    “Um.. Jackie. You know, these new fangled phones, they work both ways.”
    “Yes, I know. I’ve been kind of busy catching up.”
    “I understand.” Brandi said.
    “So what’s on your mind, girl?”
    “Not much.. Just kind of missing you.”
    “Aww.. that’s sweet.” Jackie cooed.
    “Sooo.. how was the conference?”
    “It was a religious conference. You can translate that to boring.”
    “So, did Sister Grace enjoy it?”

    Jackie was now getting the sense that she was being gently interrogated.

    “Where exactly is this line of questioning going, Brandi?”
    “Well, I was just curious about how you two philosophically opposed women got along with each other.” Brandi said, still trying to be coy, momentarily forgetting how smart Jackie was.
    “Ahh! The lightbulb comes on…” Jackie replied. “Don’t bullshit me Brandi. What’s really on your mind? What do you really want to know?”
    “No bullshit, Jackie. I want to know how you two got along.”
    “Listen Brandi.. if you really want to know the honest to goodness, down home truth, I’ll give it to you. But remember that you asked for it, so don’t get upset when I tell you.”
    “I understand completely, sweetie.”
    “Alright then Brandi. Here it is. Grace saw me crossing the campus after I left your place.”
    “Oh! My goodness! What happened?”
    “What do you think happened? She confronted me about it.”
    “Oh damn! What happened then? A shouting match?”

    “Oh yeah.”
    “And then what? Did things get physical?” Brandi asked, excitedly.
    “Oh yes.”

    Jackie then gave Brandi an account so detailed that she could hear changes in Brandi’s breathing over the phone. Brandi wanted more. She wanted to know how her “star student” handled herself.

    “At what point did the clothes come off?”
    “Shortly after I body slammed her into bed.”
    “Oh Jackie!!! You sexy savage!!!”

    On and on went the details of Jackie’s sanctified sexfight weekend. Jackie was proud of her accomplishment. Brandi was absolutely ecstatic.

    “Girl, you must have fucked Sister Grace really good.”
    “Well, not to brag or anything but.. yes I did. She held up her end pretty good for a while. But I ended up fucking the sanctimony out of her. Hey, Brandi. I get the distinct feeling that you’re trying to get at something here. What is it that you’re not telling me?”
    “Well, Jackie, you not only fucked the sanctimonious bitch out of Grace…you also fucked the nun out of her.”
    “What the everlovin’ fuck are you talking about?”

    As sweet as Brandi was, this dancing around the point was starting to annoy Jackie.

    “You seriously don’t know?”
    “NOOOO!!!!” Jackie screamed.
    “Oh Jackie.. calm down. Yesterday morning Grace Marie walked into Marie Dominique’s office and resigned.”
    “Resigned? From what?”
    “Resigned from everything! Her position here at the college and, get this, she left the nunnery too. She doesn’t want to be a nun anymore. Somewhere around mid-morning, she packed her car and was seen driving off. Poof! Goodbye Westlake Christian, goodbye Order Of Mary’s Indulgences, hello world.”

    Jackie’s hands were shaking.. her heart was racing.. she dropped her phone..

    Last edited by apenman; November 4th, 2019 at 04:29 PM. Reason: spelling correction

  2. #2
    Junior Hostboard Member Shanice's Avatar
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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    Oh this is wonderful, I like this story a lot. I love the crossovers with Angel. The more stories she is in the better.

    Thank you apenman!

  3. #3
    Hostboard Member AnnatheMarineChick's Avatar
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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    What an epic story!!!!! So good! I am picturing sexfighting nuns and it is good! Maybe Brandi or Jackie would be in need of a Marine sometime?!?

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member Angel Dawn's Avatar
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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    Oh My God! What an amazing chapter to your epic story!! I loved every word A.P. Those may have been the most incredible scenes I have ever read! Grace and Jackie... Oh My God! I do not know how you continually do it... but you bring your characters to life in such a way that I can hear them gasping and panting. Very Hot! Very Intense! .... and it was a special treat for Miss Angelica Johansen to have a few lines. Thank you!! And this girl named Zara... very interested to see where this goes! .... It does seem that Brandi is quite the little slut! Thank you for sharing your gifted talent as an author... (Hugs) xoxoxo ^i^

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    Excellent... It turns you hot, it makes you to smile. It is very interesting, it has a building erotic tension which finally explodes like a volcano, it opens doors for new characters... (ah,,... that Zara !! so hot !! Michiko as well...) you want to read more. Then more !!!
    One of the best chapters of this novel my friend.
    Maybe some will not like all the dialogues and all the details but yes... it is VERY VERY hot !!
    I REALLY can hardly wait till the next gem of your novel !!

    This board has Angel as her Queen, but it also has you as the King. Or you prefer to be our Mr. President ? LOL

    P.S. a PM written before this comment is also waiting for you.

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    Brandi's opus part 19

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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    Mr/Dr AP

    This is my last day off before I return to school and I decided to read part 19......but I only got to the first page, because the "cunt to sanctified cunt" part stopped my brain in mid-flight...and the "getting closer to Jesus" part crashed it altogether.
    You're a heathen Mr/Dr AP!!!!
    A pure adulterated disrespectful heathen!!!
    And I love every freakin' minute of it...
    I need a moment to digest where I think this chapter is headed and to make sure I have time to sit down and read it slow without interruptions.
    I just hope Dr. Shak can help you man....cuz you need it........OR NOT!

    (Hell forget about the sexy Dr. Jackie....I want to know more about Ms Grace..........I know I'm a heathen nuns are a turn on!)
    Last edited by shak7; April 11th, 2017 at 04:55 PM.

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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    The longest A. Penman story, and one of his best non-male stories yet.
    Great build up AP, good girl vs. bad girl - super hot.
    Look forward to reading more about Jackie and her newest friends.
    Really like professor Jackie.
    I think we all wish we had a teacher like her, back when we were in school, ha.
    And hope read about where sister Grace, or should I just say Grace.
    Where she goes from here. Hopefully she and Jackie will hit it off again
    down the road
    Thank you friend.

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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    Wow AP!
    Its so good to find you back with such a pearl of a story. I have to agree with everyone, and I especially liked the succinct way Shak expressed it - there's something especially invigorating when you start mixing the sacred with the profane!

    Looking forward to reading more in this vein, and in Sister Grace Marie you may just have scope for a whole spin-off tale in itself - heard about that kinky new form of exorcism?!

    Take care


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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Shanice View Post
    Oh this is wonderful, I like this story a lot. I love the crossovers with Angel. The more stories she is in the better.

    Thank you apenman!
    Thank you so much, Shanice. I see that you're new to the board. I hope that you will enjoy the abundance of talented writers wonderful stories here.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by AnnatheMarineChick View Post
    What an epic story!!!!! So good! I am picturing sexfighting nuns and it is good! Maybe Brandi or Jackie would be in need of a Marine sometime?!?
    Thank you Anna! I'll check with Brandi and Jackie. Because you never know. A college campus full of hot, busty women can be a dangerous place!


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Angel Dawn View Post
    Oh My God! What an amazing chapter to your epic story!! I loved every word A.P. Those may have been the most incredible scenes I have ever read! Grace and Jackie... Oh My God! I do not know how you continually do it... but you bring your characters to life in such a way that I can hear them gasping and panting. Very Hot! Very Intense! .... and it was a special treat for Miss Angelica Johansen to have a few lines. Thank you!! And this girl named Zara... very interested to see where this goes! .... It does seem that Brandi is quite the little slut! Thank you for sharing your gifted talent as an author... (Hugs) xoxoxo ^i^

    Thank you, as always. I enjoyed the idea of Jackie who, one week ago was "liberated" by her encounter with Brandi, helping to "liberate"someone else (Grace) who was living in a delusion of happiness.

    As for the illustrious Miss Johansen, well, she and her gorgeous "assets" are welcomed to "enter the fray" anytime.

    I assume you meant that Jackie is turning into "quite the little slut." We already know about Brandi. And yes, the plan is for Jackie to eventually take a trip to Boston, meet Zara and dine on some "spicy Indian Cuisine" all night long.

    Once again, thanks for your kind words.

    A. Penman

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Excellent... It turns you hot, it makes you to smile. It is very interesting, it has a building erotic tension which finally explodes like a volcano, it opens doors for new characters... (ah,,... that Zara !! so hot !! Michiko as well...) you want to read more. Then more !!!
    One of the best chapters of this novel my friend.
    Maybe some will not like all the dialogues and all the details but yes... it is VERY VERY hot !!
    I REALLY can hardly wait till the next gem of your novel !!

    This board has Angel as her Queen, but it also has you as the King. Or you prefer to be our Mr. President ? LOL

    P.S. a PM written before this comment is also waiting for you.
    Thank you Giannis!

    You effuse praise is making me blush.
    I hope to get Zara, Michiko and maybe even Connie involved in future spinoff stories.
    Also thanks for the PM and I will respond soon.

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    Re: Brandi's opus part 19

    Quote Originally Posted by shak7 View Post
    Mr/Dr AP

    This is my last day off before I return to school and I decided to read part 19......but I only got to the first page, because the "cunt to sanctified cunt" part stopped my brain in mid-flight...and the "getting closer to Jesus" part crashed it altogether.
    You're a heathen Mr/Dr AP!!!!
    A pure adulterated disrespectful heathen!!!
    And I love every freakin' minute of it...
    I need a moment to digest where I think this chapter is headed and to make sure I have time to sit down and read it slow without interruptions.
    I just hope Dr. Shak and help you man....cuz you need it........OR NOT!

    (Hell forget about the sexy Dr. Jackie....I want to know more about Ms Grace..........I know I'm a heathen nuns are a turn on!)
    Dr. Shak-

    First of all, thanks for allowing me to reference you and your psychoanalytic skills. You're the real deal. Not like that charlatan Dr. Phil.

    If you were OK with that first part, then perhaps you'll also be cool with my less than flattering characterization of "the almighty." If i never hear from you again, I'll assume I was wrong.

    I have no further plans for the former Sister Grace, but I have plans for some exciting new adventures for Professor Taylor. That's a ways down the road.

    Thanks again, Shak,
    PS-BTW, you might like the lounge scene.

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