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    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Doth the lady protests too much Part 3

    A shorter list of disclaimers: This work is entirely fictitious, produced both by request and by my own desire just how far I can extend my own range. While not real, it does discuss issues sensitive to some. If you feel to be one of them, I don't compel you to read my work. Also, to channel Mr. Cage here, obviously not a how to book despite the depicted violence or unbecoming remarks known for the time, but horribly insensitive once we collectively realized other people are human too. Despite my best efforts (even though this can change at a later point, wouldn't be the first author to update their own work), due to a lingering emergency, this story ended up being dialogue-less (to serve the purpose that when I'm needed in real life, I can safely step away. Unlike scenarios, I don't register dialogue, and I feel it'd be beneath me to rework it 3 or 4 times just to get it right). The next installment will expand on other elements of the story introduced in the last part, whereas this one focuses on the conflict between the main players. As always, feedback is very much appreciated. Post scriptum: I took artistic license with the horses. I'm fairy aware in reality, unattended for this long in the desert, they would be bit by a snake, marred by a scorpion or eaten by coyotes. Disbelief is suspended with the change of their clothes is what I'm saying. P.S.S.: What's not a, thanks to research, now I know, there is such a thing as female prostate, and it's linked to the G-spot.


    It was shortly after 11 AM when Marlene arrived at the mining site that Old Beggar Pete has inherited from his brother. She has stationed her horse at the watering trough, and she used some of it on her own neck. Despite her advanced age and the effects of the desert, she was determined to defeat this woman, not just because of the gold, or the prospect of carving out a piece of the Lord's land for herself, but rather because of what she experienced in the arms of that woman. Impulses she hasn't felt since she was a girl and rolled around the hay with an other peasant girl. It was against the wishes of holiness, but it was very much in favor what her deeper soul desired.

    She has unsheathed her dagger from the holster wrapped around her leg and started looking for the other woman. Not before long, her foe stepped out of a shadowy area and disarmed her using a dry bolt of wood. Madame Georgina wanted to go in for a second strike, but was cut off guard by Marlene tackling her to the ground. Due to both of them dressed for riding horses, their garment was lighter compared to yesterday, way easier to fight in. As such, Marlene wanted to use the bolt to strangle the other woman, but all what she got for her efforts was being toppled to the side, while the madame could wrap her legs around her midsection. Like the thought of sin, the pain raged in Marlene like wildfire. She mustered her strength to push the bolt toward Georgina, and force it above her head. She followed it up by burrowing her head between Georgina's head and her left arm, forcing the other woman to abandon her strategy.

    They rolled away from each other and dropped their riding coats. Even though Georgina still had the log, Marlene's eye quickly settled on the dagger she dropped. They both moved toward it and caught it simultaneously. To drive the other away, both women tried molesting the other's breast in the hopes of illicit shame. A plan that quickly backfired as both women started the fondle the other. There was still a need for dominance, but this was a different kind. It reminded Georgina on the streets of Naples. As a street urchin, their "teacher", an old prostitute, the unofficial wife of the kings of thieves loved ancient culture as much as she loved playing morra. Her sexual teachings included learning the specifics of the female body, a secret so closely guarded, it was an omert? among omert?s. To that end, Georgina felt she can beat this woman, to her this encounter was just sex without being overtly attracted to her own gender.

    She cupped Marlene's breast out of her undergarment and used the momentarily distraction to grab hold of the knife and cut the side of her foe's skirt, resulting in it falling down. That's when Georgina realized, her enemy has a second knife. After Marlene discarded her skirt, she pulled her other knife and thrusted towards Georgina. Their breasts collided with a loud smack as both used their weaker hand to keep off the dominant hand of the other. It was Georgina's turn to plant her head between Marlene's arm and head, a move her opponent expected, since she started to push Georgina's head toward her left arm. Resorting to desperation, Georgina bit through Marlene's strap, loosening her left breast permanently out of the garment. As Marlene got distracted again, Georgina pulled her head out, used her left arm to pull Marlene's right down so she can trap it with her left leg, used her right leg to knee Marlene's left elbow so that she was forced to let go of her arm, and used her right arm to cut through Marlene's other strap. Taking a step back, by which she disarmed the German woman, she enjoyed the spectacle she made out of her opponent.

    Marlene let out an angry battle cry after witnessing her foe's self serving grin, and not caring for the massive heat, she jumped the other woman. Using left arm, she disarmed the madame, while she used the right to pull on her foe's straps until they broke. The valley was silent outside for their grunts, every living being looked for a shade somewhere. An advice they should have followed as well, since by that point both women were soaking wet, and not in a relationship where they can just ask for an intermission. Instead, they both grabbed and fondled the other's breasts, interchanging between pleasure and pain. What Marlene started to feel between her thighs came from the Bartholin's gland, something she's not experienced since that youthful hay. Spent for the time being, she rolled off of Georgina and aimed for shade. The only place that had it at this hour on this low energy was the entrance to the mine. The place where she needs to beat her figuratively and literally.

    After what seemed like an eternity, both women felt enough energy to finish what they started. Grappling in the cool shade, both managed to rip off the pantalets they were wearing. The next step was uncharted territory for Marlene as she grabbed Georgina between the thighs. The sensation buckled through her as she felt the other woman pushing her index and middle finger into her, an action she followed suit, whilst they tumbled around the entrance. They used their other hand to keep the other in check by her hair and exchanged a few kisses. Besides their grunts and the wet noises of kisses and fingering and their horses, the other source of noise was their breasts smacking against each other. Marlene believed to be able of winning this fight, but her orgasm washing over her has proven the opposite. Apparently Georgina knew more about the Skene's gland, and by extension, about Marlene's body than she herself. She pushed the madame away to recollect herself. Maybe 5 minutes passed by when she felt strong enough to move on the attack again, but this time she tackled Georgina.

    Her feeling on top of the other woman ended when Georgina has yet again wrapped her legs around the German woman, that prompted her to pry Georgina's head to the side and give her a hickey. The battle turned purely sexual. As the Sun moved across the horizon, the game between light and dark started to parallel the internal workings of both women, blurring the lines in the proverbial sand as to whether any of them has a moral high ground. Marlene was dragged back to Earth by something Georgina never thought was possible, she succumbed to her opponent's actions. Motivated and on high alert, Georgina forced Marlene out into the sunlight by rolling each other, accompanied by thrusting their mounds together. Neither spoke a word, but both knew, either one of them make the other cum, they both cum, or they die from sunstroke. After 2 or 3 minutes of mutually exhausting each other, Marlene rolled on top and let go of the madame, crawling toward her horse to get water. Once there, barely managing to stand, she started twitching. Her orgasm came in waves, something she knew she had to learn from this woman. Georgina just smiled, and started to crawl. Whatever her foe wanted, the blonde was her bitch now.

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    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: Doth the lady protests too much Part 3

    Just a quick update... I've worked out mentally how parts 4 and 5 will be, though for today, I don't have the energy to continue it, real life takes its toll. Hopefully tomorrow or the day after that the next chapter will be up.

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    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: Doth the lady protests too much Part 3

    So, one part of the emergency is over with the good new being I've time again to continue the story, but to make sure I can be in the right headspace to finish it, the last two parts will be posted over the weekend.

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