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    Brandi's Opus 22

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    Brandi's Opus 22


    Dear Board members,

    In this chapter I’m including a post script to chapter 21. I decided to put it at the beginning of chapter 22 because I didn’t want to change the way I ended 21. It had kind of a mystical feeling. I also wanted to give Grace and Anna a chance to spend some time together, riding their Harley’s, doing whatever and having fun doing it.

    For the sake of continuity, here’s a link to chapter 21

    Brandi's opus part 21

    As always, feedback is appreciated.



    After a full night of sensual bliss, with a little bit of sleep thrown in for good measure, Grace and Anna shared a very fast, chilly shower at the Shoal Creak Campground shower facilities. Lots of naked kissing and hugging was involved, if only to negate the coolness of the air and the hot water that was hot in name only.

    But the mutual shower wasn’t completely utilitarian as all that body friction eventually resulted in the two star-crossed lovers reuniting their pussies. And there, under the shower, Grace and Anna fucked themselves to a standup, belly to belly, tit to tit screeching orgasm.

    When it was done and the clothes were on and the Harley’s mounted, Anna looked at Grace and asked, “Where are you headed?”
    “Well, for reasons I don’t quite understand, Anna, the state of Texas is calling me.”
    “Do you know anyone there?”
    “No, I don’t. But I feel like I’m being guided there by some gentle force…like a guiding Angel.”
    “Hmm.” Anna pondered.

    Then Grace decided to ask the same question.

    “What about you, Anna? Where are you headed?”
    “Oh, I don’t know. Wherever the wind blows, I guess.”

    Grace looked at Anna longingly. She looked even sexier in the morning sunlight than she did by the light of a campfire. But Grace suspected that no matter what the lighting was, Anna would look amazing! She marveled at her luck of having made such a profound roadside connection with this extraordinary woman. And then, sensations of desire made her body quiver, and her mind start to scheme.

    “What if the prevailing wind is blowing west?” Grace asked.

    Anna folded her arms, tilted her head slightly and flashed Grace a sly, sexy grin.

    “Well, now, Grace Marie. If you’re suggesting that we ride together, I like the idea.”
    “That’s exactly what I’m suggesting.”
    “ALL RIGHT!” Anna fist bumped Grace.
    “Just remember, Anna. Absolutely no slow dancing, under ANY circumstances.” Grace laid down the rules.
    “Hmm…OK,” Anna conceded, “what about fucking?”
    “Fucking?” Grace playfully gasped.
    “Well, yeah. We never did get to scissor. That’s the best way for two hot women to ‘bond,’… um…well…I mean…so I’ve heard.”

    “Absolutely!” Grace said. She then turned over her silver Softtail and took off.

    Anna cranked the ignition on her Harley and smiled to herself. Maybe Grace Marie was right. Maybe they were indeed two kindred spirits on the road to no place in particular. Perhaps it wasn’t about the destination, but about the journey. Anna put on her helmet and took off after her, in a westerly direction.

    On a welcomed and much deserved break between assignments, lovely Anna had decided to get on her Harley and let the road take her wherever it might take her. What bliss! She was now five days into unhurried rode under her tires and five days into watching scenery go by. It had been a while since she felt so free. And then, there was Grace. Grace Marie LeBlanc…exquisite beauty and former nun, also on the road and living her own personal life story. They had met in a dive in Georgia, squeezed into a sleeping bag on the beach and fucked each other oh so good. It was a transcendent night under the stars. What a woman! What a BODY! She now found herself having to clear her anxious mind of the nipple-hardening image of scissoring with Grace in order to concentrate on the road.

    “Vroom! Vroom!” Her Harley sang to her…



    BY BRANDI KNOWLTON (a.penman)


    It was Sunday night after dinner at Brandi’s apartment. At roughly eight-thirty PM, Jackie and Brandi were on the couch, watching television.

    “You might as well finish the last of this wonderful Barbera d’Asti, Jackie.”
    “OK, but I should probably be going soon. I’ve got an early day tomorrow.”
    Brandi’s facial expression was one of confusion. “Aren’t you going to spend the night?”
    Jackie sighed, “Are you going to let me get some sleep?”
    “Of course I’ll let you get some sleep, professor! Right after I oil up that glorious ass of yours and grind my naked pussy into those bulbous butt cheeks.”
    “That’s what I thought.” Jackie snorted, then smiled. “You’re incorrigible, Brandi.”

    Brandi giggled, then emptied the last of the luscious wine into the professor’s glass. Jackie took a couple of pleasure filled sips, set the glass down and pulled Brandi back onto the couch where they snuggled and thrilled as Horatio Caine put on his sunglasses like only Horatio could do.

    “Oh gawd! I love it! He’s so cool and so HOT when he does that!” Brandi said with a smoldering tone in her voice. “Don’t you think so, Jackie?”
    “Yes, it’s pretty cool…” she paused.
    “But?” Brandi questioned.
    “Dr. Gil Grissom…now that’s a MAN! Oooh, he’s hot!” Jackie offered her contrasting opinion.
    “Yeah, I guess. He’s cute. But let’s face it, he’s no Horatio Caine.”
    “Are you kidding? He’s all that and MORE. Handsome and VERY SMART!”
    “Horatio Caine is smart too.” Brandi took offense.
    “Oh puuuleeeze, Brandi!” Jackie blew off Brandi’s argument.
    “Are you fucking serious, Jackie!?”
“Brandi…Come on! Everyone knows that Doctor Gilbert Grissom, CSI Vegas, is the best damn criminologist on American television. Get real for fuck’s sake!”

    Jackie was starting to sound condescending, and Brandi was getting more annoyed. She had to wonder where this strange, contrary attitude was coming from. She sat up and glared at Jackie.

    “You’re the one who needs to get real, professor!”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”

    Cat hairs on the back of both women’s neck started to stand on end.

    “It means that when it comes to CSI talk, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Brandi smugly stated.
    “Oh, really? I don’t know what I’m talking about?”
    “That’s correct, Jackie. Everyone…and I mean EVERYONE knows that when it comes to CSIs, Horatio Caine is THE TITS!”
    “No, no, no, Brandi…listen to me please.”
    “I’m listening.”
    “One day, after his third smash hit season of solving murders and other dastardly crimes in gritty Las Vegas…brilliantly I might add…DOCTOR Gil Grissom wiped some excess CSI perspiration off of his handsome brow, shook it off and it eventually came to rest in the city of Miami. And Horatio Caine was born.”
    “What in the hell does that mean?” Brandi puzzled.
    “He’s a spinoff, Brandi. That’s all he’ll ever be. He’s not the real deal, like Dr. Gil Grissom.”

    Brandi was totally taken aback by what she considered a strange attitude coming from the good professor. Jackie never acted like this!

    “Look, professor, I don’t know what your problem is or why you’re acting like this, but I don’t like it!” Brandi said, with a combination of anger and confusion.
    “Well, then, Brandi,” Jackie stood up, miffed. “maybe I should just leave.”

    Equally annoyed, Brandi stood up to square off with the professor. And for the very first time, their tits came together in anger. It was a sensation that was new to both full breasted women, and it was quite stimulating. Their chests began to heave and their nostrils began to flare. Their eyes locked in a contentious glare.

    “Well, since you’re acting like an anal bitch, maybe you should just leave.”
    “Did you just call me an anal bitch?”
    “Is there something wrong with your hearing, professor?”
    “You better take that back, Brandi! Or, I swear…”
    “Or what?” Brandi threw down the gauntlet.

    Jackie grit her teeth, pulled away, and then thrust forward, slamming her tits hard into Brandi’s tits. The hard smash and tight squeeze caused them both to moan.

    “You slut!” Brandi groaned loudly.

    Not to be outdone, she then returned the favor, slamming back hard into Jackie, tits to tits.

    “You bitch!” Jackie cried out, absorbing the sensations of sharp pain and capricious pleasure.

    Now, it was on. Both women began to slam. Neither woman could remember their breasts ever meeting with such force and such vexation. They cursed and squeezed and slammed with vehemence. Even with the covering of their blouses, both women could feel the strange sting of tit bashing anger. And yet, each hard slam brought with it the prickling sensation of burgeoning sexual excitement.

    “What the fuck is your problem, Jackie?” An angry Brandi asked, vigorously smashing tits with the professor.
“My problem! My problem?” Jackie took exception. “Ughhhh!!”
    “Yeah, YOUR problem!” Brandi huffed.
    “Well, I could ask the same thing Brandi. What’s your fucking problem?” Professor Taylor responded, with an equally hard tit slam.

    They both saw red and began to smash their painfully aroused tits hard and repeatedly. And then, in one mutual move, they slammed so hard that a very unpleasant pain shot through and penetrated both beautiful sets of tits. Both women let out squeals of anguish.

    “Ugghhh!!!” Brandi grunted, then pushed away.
    “Eeeehhhhaahhh!!!” Jackie felt the cold breath of anger slip past her vocal cords and into the night air.

    Noticeably huffing, Brandi reached up and soothed her big knockers with her hands. And for the sake of avoiding any contusions, Jackie did the same thing.

    The two women, who had never been angry with each other, glared at each other in annoyance for the very first time in their relationship. It felt odd to both of them. Yet both women knew that what had been started between them tonight, absolutely had to be finished. It was almost as if there was some force controlling them.

    A look of mutual understanding crossed both of their faces as Jackie began to unbutton her blouse. Then she freed her massive breasts from a bra that seemed to be at least one cup size too small. The experienced Brandi knew that Jackie’s tits had swollen in arousal. Following the established Marquees of Queensberry rules for a tit to tit duel, Brandi responded by peeling her blouse and bra, exposing her equally swollen breasts.

    “I thought you had an early day tomorrow.” Brandi smugly reminded Jackie. Yet her tits ached for Jackie’s tits… wanting them… needing them.
    “I do. But this has to be settled. Don’t you feel it, Brandi?”
    Brandi nodded in agreement. “Let’s go.”

    Taking their blouses and bras with them, off they went to Brandi’s bedroom. Standing alongside Brandi’s bed, nipples scraping against each other they completed the strip down. Both women’s chests heaved in sexual excitement. And then came the angry, hungry splat of body meeting body.

    “Bitch!” Brandi screamed.
    “Fucking slut!” Jackie responded.

    They began to push and pull and smash and squeeze and rub and grind their overheated bodies, emphasizing the clash between their breasts.

    “Horatio Caine!” Brandi shouted.
    “Gil Grissom!” Jackie shouted back.
    “Horatio Caine!!” Brandi asserted.
    “Gil Grissom!!” Jackie maintained.
    “Great taste!!!” Brandi contended.
    “Less filling!!!” Jackie insisted.

    For the next ten minutes Brandi and Jackie pushed, slammed and squeezed their tits together in a frisky tit slamming and squashing fight. They would stop, rub their sore tits, scowl at each other, call each other less than flattering names and get right back at it.

    SMACK.. WHAP.. THUMP.. moan and groan and shiver in pain and pleasure. Then…

    “Fucking bitch!”


    They tussled and growled and eventually came down in Brandi’s bed, locked in a tempestuous body wrestle. For reasons that they could not understand, the need to match their bodies to each other as fully as possible was overwhelming. But what was driving them in this hot, but less than friendly sex match? Brandi was angry with Jackie. Jackie was angry with Brandi. But why? A dispute over two fictional television characters? Please! Weren’t they above something so trivial?

    Jackie began to suspect that something about this was off. She tried to sort it out in her mind but the intense heat between her body and Brandi’s body kept clouding her thinking.

    Her thoughts meandered back over the last few weeks. She recalled her thrilling sexual encounters with Grace and ShaRee. As intense as they were, she understood that nobody could match the feeling of sweet Brandi’s body. No one thrilled her like the precocious freshman.

    Not that there was anything wrong with either Grace or ShaRee. Indeed, both women had deeply and completely satisfied her lustful cravings. Both women had given her multiple mind blowing orgasms. But right from the beginning, she understood that Brandi would occupy a very special place in her heart; a place that was filled with sincere, honest-to-goodness love. Maybe the fact that Brandi was her first lesbian lover factored into this equation. She was Jackie’s mentor. Jackie had to face the fact that there was no woman she would rather match bodies with than Brandi. And the nineteen year old’s mind was advanced and sophisticated in so many ways. In so many ways, Brandi was the ideal woman for Jackie. She could indeed, without batting an eyelash, fall in love with her. Perhaps she already had.

    But this? This was somehow wrong. This just didn’t fit.

    “Oh gawd!!! Jackie!!!” Brandi groaned.
    “Ohh…FUCK!!! Brandi! What the hell is happening here?”
    “What do you mean?”

    “Don’t you feel it, Brandi? Something is off here. Something isn’t right.” Jackie insisted.
    “I…I don’t know…I..” Brandi hesitated. What was Jackie seeing that she wasn’t?
    “I’m angry with you, Brandi!”
    “And I’m angry with you, too!”
    “I want this fuck sooo bad! Yet I’m pissed at you!”
    “Well, you’ve managed to piss me off too! But my entire body’s on fire! I want this fuck too!!”
    “It feels wrong…and yet it feels so right!” Jackie’s mind was twisted with confusion.
    “Maybe we should scissor. That might set things right.” Brandi suggested earnestly.
    “OK, let’s try that.” Jackie agreed.

    The two angry lovers separated and scooted into the classic female to female leg scissor position. They moved their wanton cunts into a direct face off. Noticeable secretions of desire oozed from both pussies as they closed the gap. And for the briefest of moments, the freshman student and her professor reveled in the familiarity of their lust.

    The moist squish of their ambrosial pussies made them shiver and moan. Jackie felt her spine tingle and her neck hairs stand on end as the two overwrought pussies slotted and sealed in a sopping synthesis. The fuck was on. Both women drove and locked their thick labia into each other as if this was the night before the end of the world and no two women would ever come together like this again. Yet, Brandi now began to sense something.

    “My word, professor! I’ve never felt this kind of deep passion and anger from you before. What the fuck is going on here?”
    “You might want to ask what’s going on between both of us.” Jackie stated between sharp, labored breaths.
    “Am I giving off anger, too?”
    “Yes, Brandi. Every angry stroke I’m giving you, you’re giving it right back to me.”

    They both laid back for a few silent moments and pulled on each other’s right leg in order to seal their thick cunts into a union that was other worldly. Brandi noted the professor’s dramatically improved sexual technique.

    “My goodness professor! Fucking sanctified cunts has definitely been good for you. Your pussy to pussy skill has really improved!”
    “Fuck you, Brandi!” Jackie said, with a droll smile on her face.
    “Ummmmm. You go, girl!” Brandi swooned, as her pussy delighted in every luscious stroke of the professor’s newly enlightened cunt.
    “Ohhh…Brandi! This is so fucking good!!!” Jackie said in a confused mix of ire and desire.

    But it was a momentary thrill. Despite the short lived bliss, both women came to understand that their pussies were locked in an uncharacteristically angry fuck battle.

    “You FUCKING BITCH!!!” Brandi squealed, confused over why this cunt to cunt was so fucking amazing and yet, so acrimonious.
    “Fuck you, Brandi! Fuck you! Fuck you!! Fuck you!!!” Jackie seethed.

    Then, Brandi Knowlton, first year student and prolific sex fighter felt her eyes well with tears. Professor Taylor knew instantly that she had gone too far. She knew she had hurt Brandi. Why on earth would she hurt someone as sweet as Brandi? This made no sense!

    But the deep and apoplectic fuck continued. She may have been emotionally wounded, but Brandi was laying a fuck on her that was the most profound fuck of her life. Jackie sensed that she had climaxed, likely two or three times. She also noted, more than once, the warm expulsion of ejaculate from Brandi’s pussy. But while everything around her was hazy, the only clear and concise point of reference her mind recognized was the thick-lipped, labia locked, clit pounding connection between her pussy and Brandi’s pussy. The eternal core of everything was slotted, folded and fused in cum soaked inosculation deep between their thighs.

    And then, as her pelvic rotations continued to lock into Brandi’s undulating hips, Jackie suddenly felt dizzy. For several uncomfortable seconds, the bed began to spin rapidly and her equilibrium took a brief trip outside her physical body. She gasped and started to breathe in irregular patterns. Then came the sudden onset of nausea. She tried desperately to stop the spinning by grasping on to the bed. What the fuck was going on? Jackie swooned. Jackie moaned. Jackie hung on for dear life! Despite the insistence of a room that was spinning out of control, her cunt shot yet another load of lava-like cum and her nipples pumped exquisite creamy cum onto her tits.

    And then, as quickly as this disconcerting onset of vertigo had come upon her, it vanished into the night air. Jackie’s head cleared, the dizziness had passed and the churning in her gut vanished. But her return to reality found her upright, locked in Brandi’s tight embrace. Her breasts were crushed to Brandi’s tits. But they were covered.

    When her mind completely cleared, Jackie became aware of her surroundings. She and Brandi were standing in front of the door to Brandi’s apartment, hugging each other very tightly. Brandi’s head was on her shoulders. Jackie recognized the stilted breathing and the subtle whimpers of a woman who was crying. She didn’t have to ask, but she did.

    “Why are you crying, Brandi?”

    Brandi then moved, in order to look into Jackie’s blue-grey eyes.

    “I might ask the same question. Why are you crying, Jackie?”
    “I’m crying?” Jackie asked. But she knew.
    “Like tears from a star…” Brandi offered a Sting lyric in response.

    Jackie then noted that this tight embrace revealed that beneath the fabric of their blouses, they were both braless. She wasn’t sure if Brandi noticed, but they were wearing the exact same blouses they wore on that fateful day in the campus library when their fulsome, braless breasts first made contact with each other. And then she understood completely. She also realized that, at the very least, Brandi sensed what was happening. The two women shared a long, very passionate goodnight kiss. The door closed behind Jackie. Brandi knew then that she wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night.


    Ten-thirty PM…

    As was her custom upon leaving Brandi’s apartment, Professor Jacqueline Cara Taylor took the cross campus path back to faculty housing in a brisk, light jog. But when she came to the old bench under the “Kissing Tree", she stopped suddenly.

    “Chancellor Dominique! You startled me.” Jackie gasped in surprise.
    “Good evening, Professor Taylor.” There was a cool distance in Dominique’s voice.
    “What brings you out at this time of night?” Jackie almost didn’t have to ask.
    “Well, Professor Taylor,” Dominique explained, “I called you a couple of times earlier this evening, but your phone went directly to voicemail. Then, about an hour ago, I knocked on your apartment door. But, when you didn’t answer…” Dominique intentionally left her statement open ended. Jackie suddenly felt flushed.

    Dominique then patted the bench. “Come, sit down with me Jackie.”

    The professor sighed, realizing that underneath that gentle invitation there was a stern, direct order. So, she moved to the bench and ostentatiously plopped her ass down. Despite her serious demeanor, Dominique could not help but to thrill as Jackie’s wondrous ass came to rest beside her on the bench. It was as if one of the wonders of the world had chosen to grace her and her alone. Goddamn! This was not going to be easy.

    Professor Taylor turned to face the chancellor, wanting to show respect by making direct eye contact with her. She expected admonition. What she got, instead, was tenderness and understanding. Jackie then felt the warmth of the chancellor’s hand as it gently caressed the right side of her face.

    She swooned, “That feels nice.”

    Caught up in the moment, then realizing she was being inappropriate, Sister Dominique Marie quickly retracted her hand from the lovely professor’s cheek. She cleared her throat and spoke.

    “I’m going to state my case, dear Jackie. And then we'll part company for the evening. I'm also going to trust that you will do the right thing."

    Jackie swallowed a dry swallow then nodded.

    “This MUST END, Professor Taylor. Please don’t make me exercise the duty of my office.”
    “I understand, dear Dominique. You’ve always been more than tolerant and extremely fair with me. It’s going to be difficult, but I will do as you say.”

    Dominique sighed deeply, then asked, “Do you love her?”
    “I believe I have since the very beginning.” Jackie said, now freely crying.
    “I feel deeply for you Jackie. I care about you and I definitely understand. But this is a clear violation of the rules that I’m sworn to uphold as college chancellor. Please Jackie…end it. I don’t want to fire you.” Dominique pleaded.

    Jackie stood up, reached down and gently caressed the chancellor’s face, “You won’t have to, Dominique.”

    Professor Jacqueline Cara Taylor then turned and jogged off into the night.


    Five days. Five uncomfortable, agonizing days.

    Jackie was avoiding her. Brandi was convinced of it. She was certain that this started last Sunday when they argued over something totally stupid, then engaged in a fierce, highly emotional fuck while screaming angrily at each other and crying almost the entire time.

    Brandi was beside herself with hurt and confusion. She needed to know, one way or the other. And she knew where she had the best chance of cornering the suddenly elusive Professor Taylor.

    Saturday. 12:15 PM.

    Jackie closed and locked the door to the librarian’s office and scampered down the stairs. As she turned to exit the library, she heard a noise. It sounded like someone was still there and had dropped a book onto the floor. She set her jacket, cell phone and keys down on a small table near the door and went back inside to check.

    She scanned, aisle after aisle but found nothing. Finally, in the back, she heard more noise. Another book hit the floor. She came upon the narrow aisle in back, turned the corner and looked. There she was. Jackie approached her slowly.

    “Professor Taylor! How lucky for me!” Brandi chirped. “I wonder if you could help me find a text.”

    Jackie smiled, shook her head and then pushed her way into the narrow aisle. Attempting to squeeze past Brandi, she stopped when her full tits met Brandi’s tits.

    “I think the book I want is just over my left shoulder. Could you please reach up and get it for me, Professor Taylor?”
    “Of course, Brandi.”

    Jackie reached up with both arms and wrapped them around Brandi’s shoulders and neck. She drew in a deep breath as she felt Brandi’s loving arms encircle her waist. The kiss was long, aggressive, passionate and sloppy wet. But it was imbued with love. But when the two heavily breathing women broke it off, the tale was being told with their eyes. Brandi knew.

    “She knows, Brandi.” Jackie whispered.
    “Who knows? And what do they know?”
    “Dominique knows… about us. She confronted me, last Sunday after I left your place.”
    “So, that’s why you’ve been avoiding me.”
    “Yes. Pretty much.”

    Brandi’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “But there’s more, isn’t there?”
    Jackie looked away. “Yes, there is.”
    Chest to chest, Brandi’s heart began to beat rapidly. “Spill it, Jackie!”
    Breast to breast, Jackie noted the speed up of Brandi’s heart rate. “I’m up for my doctorate, Brandi…soon.”
    “I know that. Tell me what I don’t know.”
    “Cambridge College has offered me a position, once I become Dr. Taylor.”

    Brandi asked the question. But she already knew the answer. “Have you accepted? And is this your way of ending us?”
    “Yes, I plan to accept their offer.”
    “I see.” Brandi said, tacitly.

    Sharing this news with Brandi was painful. The relationship they had built together, while it was by no means exclusive, was, to both women, deep and meaningful.

    “Look, Brandi. If I stay here, and we continue, Dominique will know about it and she will have no choice but to fire me…maybe even suspend you from school. And, if I stay here and we don’t continue, it’ll be extremely difficult for both of us.”
    “Like the last five days have been.” Brandi pointed out.
    “Exactly. Keeping my distance from you was difficult for me, too.”
    “And here I thought that you were still pissed off at me because you know, deep down inside I was right.”
    “Right about what?”
    “That Horatio Cane is much hotter than Gil Grissom.” Brandi sneered.
    “You, dearest Brandi, are completely full of shit!”

    Jackie giggled a bit and then rolled her tits into Brandi’s knockers. Her nipples rose to the occasion. Brandi couldn’t help notice as her own nipples prepared themselves for an intimate encounter.

    “So…then this is it? Are we finished? No more Jackie and Brandi?”
    “Brandi, there’s one thing you’re not considering.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Cambridge is only an hour away. Well, let’s say thirty minutes, the way you drive.”
    “Quit being a sarcastic bitch, Jackie.”
    “I’m not being sarcastic. You know you drive like a lunatic.”
    “Well…” Brandi hesitated, “I suppose I…Wait! What are you suggesting, Jackie?”
    “You know exactly what I’m suggesting!”
    “So, let me get this straight,” Brandi paused, intentionally playing dumb, “you’re saying that I should occasionally get into my car, drive incredibly fast on Eastbound I-90 to Cambridge, where I can visit you, maybe even spend the night with you?”
    Jackie rolled her eyes and then shook her head. “Amazing! Brandi, your mind is like a steel trap!”
    “Fuck you, professor! You erudite slut!” Brandi said through a grin.
    They looked at each other lovingly. Then Jackie had an intriguing idea.

    “Listen, Brandi. Do you know where the librarian’s office is located?”

    A sudden rush of excitement shot through Brandi’s already sensitive pussy.

    “No, I don’t.”
    “It’s on the second floor. Can you meet me there in ten minutes?”
    “Where on the second floor?”
    “When you get to the top of the stairs, turn left and proceed to the end of the hall. You’ll see the sign on the door.”
    “Why, Jakie?”

    Jackie rolled and squashed her tits fully into Brandi’s fulsome orbs. “To talk. You know, just the two of us girls, talking about…well…girl stuff.”
    “Hm, OK, I guess. I’m gonna go pee first, then I’ll meet you there.”
    “Good!” Jackie said enthusiastically. She then separated from Brandi, turned to walk away, then stopped.
    “Oh, and Brandi…”
    “Don’t forget to wash your hands.”

    Last edited by apenman; April 14th, 2018 at 09:42 AM.

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