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Thread: A Quiet Affair Part 1

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Quiet Affair Part 1

    Hi there. Sooo its been a very long time. My sincere apologies on the long delay of stories as life just kinda happens. This is part one of a new one I got random inspiration on. Hope you enjoy though there is not much action in this part.

    A Quiet Affair - Part one.

    The library was nice and quiet; just the way Maggie liked it. At the age of 23, she had just graduated and was lucky enough to score her starting job at the local college?s library. She would often have the whole building to herself which she greatly enjoyed. She was a self-described nerd and anyone with a quick glance might have agreed. She was slightly tall and always wore very un-flattering clothes. She had short, curly red hair and glasses covered her face which had a lot of freckles. But to the knowledge of only a few; Maggie?s body was something to gawk at.

    She spent years toning her legs and large ass at the private gym on the campus and her stomach was fit and taunt. When she undid her hair down and took off her not really needed glasses that her green eyes hid behind, the woman was something else. But for everything else amazing about her body, her main source of pride was her tits. The fullness and size of Ds with the firmness of Cs and well sized nipples to match that her pale skin was a nice contrast. Though she always kept them hidden it was a secret she enjoyed knowing hers were bigger and firmer than others. She loved to compare knowing that very few girls could even get close to her size and that she could lure most people if all she did was shed a few pieces of clothes. But she wasn?t into getting into full confrontations. That was not her style and she enjoyed being bit behind the scenes.

    Recently finals had started and Maggie knew her peaceful library was going to be full of students who never had stepped foot in building. ?Ugh? was the only thought she could muster as she was getting ready to close the building at 10pm. Having people in meant she could not read as much as she liked?or sneak away to use the campus gym. She slowly made her way to back to the front planning to grab the keys and close the building when she heard a loud ?POP?.

    Maggie turned looking for the sound. ?That sounded like someone is still here? she quickened her pace and made it past the final row. As she turned the corner there was a young man with 5 books open around him and headphones in. ?Oh looks like I missed one?, Maggie thought as she approached. She came up behind the man.

    ?Excuse me?, Maggie said lightly. The boy didn?t respond and she could hear the music blasting out of his headphones. She tapped his shoulder and he spoke without looking up.
    ?I?m almost done Amber?there are a lot of notes to copy!?. Maggie tapped again but this time harder.

    ?Hey!? he said looking up and stopping mid-sentence. ?Oh I?m sorry, I thought you were someone else?.

    Maggie looked slightly annoyed at the man, but now with a full view she thought he seemed kinda cute. ?The library is closing, I?m sorry but you will have to continue tomorrow?, Maggie said in a softer voice and a slight smile. He did a quick look at her body and Maggie found herself in a rare situation where she wished she had maybe just once worn a bit more revealing clothing.

    ?Oh ok?yeah I just need my friend to come back and we will go? Wayne mentioned now looking around Maggie down the hall.

    ?Your friend?? Maggie questioned but just then a sound came from behind her.

    ?POP? Maggie heard the sound right as the clicks from apparent heels or boots from behind her. Her head turned and her eyes laid upon a woman moving toward her and the man. She had a punk rock look about her, long blond hair with a lot of bright pink streaks down them. Dark brown eyes and a nose ring. She had on a black leather jacket that was open showing a small white tank top. She had on skin tight jeans with a bunch of holes and rips some near her upper thigh. But Maggie only cared about 2 things. One: The woman?s tits looked huge even from a distance and Maggie couldn?t help start comparing her own chest hidden behind her clothes. Second: The woman was chewing gum and popping it. Maggie didn?t like when people chewed gum in her library and even more so when they rudely would pop it every second. She walked right by Maggie not glancing or even acknowledging the other woman.

    ?How are my notes coming Wayne?? The woman said to the man. She leaned down on the table keeping her legs straight as she bent down to the side of Wayne. Maggie could tell the blond was showing off her tits and giving Wayne a side view into the deep pale creamy cleavage of the blonde.

    'How big are those..' Maggie thought seeing the blondes tits as she was subconsciously pushing her hidden tits forward covered under her oversized sweater.

    ?I am close, but the library is closing, and I can?t check out these books. I will have to come back again tomorrow. ?Wayne stated trying to look her in the eye but failing.

    ?Aww you sure you can?t finish tonight? I need these for class tomorrow.? she put on a pout and gave a little jiggle. Wayne?s face went redder. She pink streaks swayed as did another jiggle and continued making sure Wayne?s eyes did not leave her tits.

    ?Don?t worry about this woman, the library can stay fucking open a few extra minutes?, Amber said giving Maggie a small glance, the first acknowledgement to the red head. Maggie had had an enough and was already tired of the attitude this chick was displaying.

    ?Excuse me? No, the library is closing now and you both will have to leave.? Maggie stated with a huff. Amber now turned her head completely doing a very obvious up and down of the red head. The blonde sighed acting like she didn?t hear the redhead but did seem to change her mind about staying

    ?Ok...looks like you just won?t get the special tonight?Wayne?, as Amber trailed off now standing up straight running an arm on Wayne before taking a few steps away. She continued ignoring the red head and stood aside on her phone her tits nearly popping out of the white tank top. Wayne began to pack up but Maggie watched him glance at the other woman's giant mounds of flesh. She knew that this girl did not have any idea that her own tits were just as big, making Maggie smile slightly.

    Maggie watched as the blonde did nothing to move and went to help the young man. Amber looked up with another pop. ?Let the woman clean up, I want to get back to my house fast?. Wayne looked up and looked over at Maggie. Maggie could see the unknown idea of the man?s face as he wasn?t sure what to do. If big titted punk girl had asked nicely she would have happily put the books away, but the attitude made this difference.

    ?Can you could not chew gum in here?? Maggie stated blandly. She didn?t know what made her say such an aggressive statement but it felt right. The punk rock girl once again turned her attention to red head with a look that said without saying? ?What did you say?? She did one more up and down of Maggie and again for the second time this night Maggie had wished she had been wearing a more open outfit to match the blonde. But the blonde did not stay anything. She simply grabbed Wayne?s hand and pulled him towards the exit making another loud POP with her gum. The man giving no effort to stop her and leaving the whole mess of stuff for Maggie to clean up. Maggie watched them go and took a notice of how big and firm the blonde?s ass looked in the jeans. She felt her own butt and found herself for a split second wondering if hers was bigger and stronger but the thought passed quickly. As she turned to now clean up the books trying her hardest to forget the last 5 minutes, but did find herself looking in a mirror at her own massive jugs and ass in the break room a little longer as she finally closed the building.

    -----------End of Part 1
    Well that's all I have got for now. Next part should be up soonish (I know not very believable right?) hahahaha.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 1

    I've recently started a profile on a freelance site, where an academic provider got pissed over how many people offer to do homework assignments for others, even though I've added to myself privately, regardless how much she's pissed off, some tutors earn 200k a year for preparing rich kids so they get into Ivy League schools. In other terms, I'm very pleased with your setup (and took the redhead's character as a person in transition from a wallflower into a potential succubus) and support stories which have an interesting buildup.

    Yet when I went to school, around the dawn of the internet, we really needed library trips as most of the information wasn't available online, but that's not the case today. This is me strictly saying only that if this had been my idea, I'd have added in something about an essay on the physical strain of cheerleading based on studies only accessible through a paywall. You have already established that the blonde is not in a sorority, so it would stand to reason she has to rely on the guy. Frankly the internet has also helped us in killing stereotypes, like the greasy nerd who helps the pretty girl in the hopes of "getting some". Thanks to Gates and co. they're influential now (but as inept with women as jocks are), whereas playing sports is only viable through a short term, in other words it's not impossible to write them as boyfriend and girlfriend.

    I'm looking forward to what you will do with the story in the next installment, and until then I will wear my tinfoil hat because it seems you can steel my type with a red hair and green eyes Jokes aside, the biggest irony which will befall the Anglosphere is that mutations like the natural blond hair, light eyes, red hair and light eyes were adaptations to changes in climate, but our current contribution to our climate is that endangers gingers literally, bearing the possibility of seeing none in a century.
    The home of my multi-part work: [URL][/URL]

    The place where I can be commissioned: [URL][/URL]

    What I use to "feed my birds": [URL="http://""][/URL]

    Finally, the one where I'll post my e-books: Lulu, once I post the complete first episode of my story

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Fan Club's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by kingofdapirates1 View Post
    Hi there. Sooo its been a very long time. My sincere apologies on the long delay of stories as life just kinda happens. This is part one of a new one I got random inspiration on. Hope you enjoy though there is not much action in this part.

    A Quiet Affair - Part one.

    The library was nice and quiet; just the way Maggie liked it. At the age of 23, she had just graduated and was lucky enough to score her starting job at the local college?s library. She would often have the whole building to herself which she greatly enjoyed. She was a self-described nerd and anyone with a quick glance might have agreed. She was slightly tall and always wore very un-flattering clothes. She had short, curly red hair and glasses covered her face which had a lot of freckles. But to the knowledge of only a few; Maggie?s body was something to gawk at.

    She spent years toning her legs and large ass at the private gym on the campus and her stomach was fit and taunt. When she undid her hair down and took off her not really needed glasses that her green eyes hid behind, the woman was something else. But for everything else amazing about her body, her main source of pride was her tits. The fullness and size of Ds with the firmness of Cs and well sized nipples to match that her pale skin was a nice contrast. Though she always kept them hidden it was a secret she enjoyed knowing hers were bigger and firmer than others. She loved to compare knowing that very few girls could even get close to her size and that she could lure most people if all she did was shed a few pieces of clothes. But she wasn?t into getting into full confrontations. That was not her style and she enjoyed being bit behind the scenes.

    Recently finals had started and Maggie knew her peaceful library was going to be full of students who never had stepped foot in building. ?Ugh? was the only thought she could muster as she was getting ready to close the building at 10pm. Having people in meant she could not read as much as she liked?or sneak away to use the campus gym. She slowly made her way to back to the front planning to grab the keys and close the building when she heard a loud ?POP?.

    Maggie turned looking for the sound. ?That sounded like someone is still here? she quickened her pace and made it past the final row. As she turned the corner there was a young man with 5 books open around him and headphones in. ?Oh looks like I missed one?, Maggie thought as she approached. She came up behind the man.

    ?Excuse me?, Maggie said lightly. The boy didn?t respond and she could hear the music blasting out of his headphones. She tapped his shoulder and he spoke without looking up.
    ?I?m almost done Amber?there are a lot of notes to copy!?. Maggie tapped again but this time harder.

    ?Hey!? he said looking up and stopping mid-sentence. ?Oh I?m sorry, I thought you were someone else?.

    Maggie looked slightly annoyed at the man, but now with a full view she thought he seemed kinda cute. ?The library is closing, I?m sorry but you will have to continue tomorrow?, Maggie said in a softer voice and a slight smile. He did a quick look at her body and Maggie found herself in a rare situation where she wished she had maybe just once worn a bit more revealing clothing.

    ?Oh ok?yeah I just need my friend to come back and we will go? Wayne mentioned now looking around Maggie down the hall.

    ?Your friend?? Maggie questioned but just then a sound came from behind her.

    ?POP? Maggie heard the sound right as the clicks from apparent heels or boots from behind her. Her head turned and her eyes laid upon a woman moving toward her and the man. She had a punk rock look about her, long blond hair with a lot of bright pink streaks down them. Dark brown eyes and a nose ring. She had on a black leather jacket that was open showing a small white tank top. She had on skin tight jeans with a bunch of holes and rips some near her upper thigh. But Maggie only cared about 2 things. One: The woman?s tits looked huge even from a distance and Maggie couldn?t help start comparing her own chest hidden behind her clothes. Second: The woman was chewing gum and popping it. Maggie didn?t like when people chewed gum in her library and even more so when they rudely would pop it every second. She walked right by Maggie not glancing or even acknowledging the other woman.

    ?How are my notes coming Wayne?? The woman said to the man. She leaned down on the table keeping her legs straight as she bent down to the side of Wayne. Maggie could tell the blond was showing off her tits and giving Wayne a side view into the deep pale creamy cleavage of the blonde.

    'How big are those..' Maggie thought seeing the blondes tits as she was subconsciously pushing her hidden tits forward covered under her oversized sweater.

    ?I am close, but the library is closing, and I can?t check out these books. I will have to come back again tomorrow. ?Wayne stated trying to look her in the eye but failing.

    ?Aww you sure you can?t finish tonight? I need these for class tomorrow.? she put on a pout and gave a little jiggle. Wayne?s face went redder. She pink streaks swayed as did another jiggle and continued making sure Wayne?s eyes did not leave her tits.

    ?Don?t worry about this woman, the library can stay fucking open a few extra minutes?, Amber said giving Maggie a small glance, the first acknowledgement to the red head. Maggie had had an enough and was already tired of the attitude this chick was displaying.

    ?Excuse me? No, the library is closing now and you both will have to leave.? Maggie stated with a huff. Amber now turned her head completely doing a very obvious up and down of the red head. The blonde sighed acting like she didn?t hear the redhead but did seem to change her mind about staying

    ?Ok...looks like you just won?t get the special tonight?Wayne?, as Amber trailed off now standing up straight running an arm on Wayne before taking a few steps away. She continued ignoring the red head and stood aside on her phone her tits nearly popping out of the white tank top. Wayne began to pack up but Maggie watched him glance at the other woman's giant mounds of flesh. She knew that this girl did not have any idea that her own tits were just as big, making Maggie smile slightly.

    Maggie watched as the blonde did nothing to move and went to help the young man. Amber looked up with another pop. ?Let the woman clean up, I want to get back to my house fast?. Wayne looked up and looked over at Maggie. Maggie could see the unknown idea of the man?s face as he wasn?t sure what to do. If big titted punk girl had asked nicely she would have happily put the books away, but the attitude made this difference.

    ?Can you could not chew gum in here?? Maggie stated blandly. She didn?t know what made her say such an aggressive statement but it felt right. The punk rock girl once again turned her attention to red head with a look that said without saying? ?What did you say?? She did one more up and down of Maggie and again for the second time this night Maggie had wished she had been wearing a more open outfit to match the blonde. But the blonde did not stay anything. She simply grabbed Wayne?s hand and pulled him towards the exit making another loud POP with her gum. The man giving no effort to stop her and leaving the whole mess of stuff for Maggie to clean up. Maggie watched them go and took a notice of how big and firm the blonde?s ass looked in the jeans. She felt her own butt and found herself for a split second wondering if hers was bigger and stronger but the thought passed quickly. As she turned to now clean up the books trying her hardest to forget the last 5 minutes, but did find herself looking in a mirror at her own massive jugs and ass in the break room a little longer as she finally closed the building.

    -----------End of Part 1
    Well that's all I have got for now. Next part should be up soonish (I know not very believable right?) hahahaha.

    Great start!

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    A Quiet Affair Part 1

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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 1

    A super good start to a what reads like all ready, a hot story.
    For me, so good to have you back on board the board.
    Looking forward to more of your story.
    Some thing tells me, it won't stay quiet long.

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    Senior Hostboard Member fett33's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 1

    Very good start, I hope the battle takes place in the library. My university's library was housed in a massive building - plenty of room to fight. Sadly I never hear or saw anything during my years on campus still I think the fireworks are going to happen soon in this story. Thanks for posting.

  6. #6
    Guest MaskedSuperstar's Avatar

    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Fan Club View Post
    Great start!
    Great job quoting the entire story to say two words!

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    Senior Hostboard Member calla242's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by MaskedSuperstar View Post
    Great job quoting the entire story to say two words!
    same thought xD

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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 1

    Amazing work! It's been a while since someone posted such an interesting build up. Everything about this particular story is different. Also i loved the part where Maggie knew that she had just as big tits but couldn't flaunt them because of the clothing. The writer did an amazing job.

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