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Thread: A Quiet Affair Part 2

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Quiet Affair Part 2

    Part 2

    Over the next week Maggie watched Wayne come in everyday doing notes for Amber. The blonde only appeared occasionally but always in the end of the night trying to show off and clearly alluring Wayne to do the work more and more quickly. Maggie found herself also talking to Wayne more after the young man had come to apologize for not cleaning up his mess. She had brushed it off...mostly. They found themselves chatting nearly every day after that moment. She kept telling herself not to doing anything or get involved but she couldn?t help it. Something was drawing her to Wayne and the situation he found himself in with Amber. It wasn?t that she was very attracted to him but more knowing the blonde was using, maybe even needing the boy sparked an unknown fire in her belly. What was this fire, she wasn?t sure.

    She spent hours thinking more and more of what it was??maybe it was the competition or something like that.? She thought to herself recalling the eye contact Amber and herself had and the up down look the slutty dressing punk girl gave her as if judging her hidden body. She honestly was not sure what was with her. Maggie had always been quiet and only did these internally in her mind for maybe an hour after seeing a girl. Even after she had gotten the body of her and many men?s dreams with her tits, her strong smooth belly and ass it was not something she thought would be this big an issue. But this other girl was different. The blonde did not seem to one to back down and Maggie had this reoccurring thought of her proving her body was better than the blonde on their first meeting. She had long had these ideas for other girls but none had been as intense as Amber.

    But in reality she had no intention of doing anything like usual?that was until 3 weeks after the first meeting. Maggie?s week was ending well. She had gotten a lot done and had even had a several conversations with Wayne as he appeared each night. But the last night was the most interesting as Wayne was clearing not drinking water in his bottle. Ironically she had worn for the first time in a while a slightly more reveling button up blouse and near the end of the night; had undone an extra top button. Not close to what she could have shown but enough to make people questions ?is there more??. Wayne had definitely noticed, and Maggie could see he clearly was more into the conversation than the work he had brought in. As was his slight waddle as he walked away, clearly trying to hide something when he went to get water throughout the night.

    She had learned about his situation and it clearly looked like blonde Amber was giving him something more than just money to ensure she passed all her classes and allow her to enjoy the many raves and punk shows she went too. The poor man by the end of the night was very drunk and even started to spill the beans on what she did for him as she could tell he was getting close to her. Maggie listened to everything, and continued to feel a small surge of annoyance every time Amber?s name was brought up.

    They chatted about work and other things like classes. It was all normal conversation until suddenly he burst out in a long rant much to Maggie?s surprise.

    ?I can?t help it! Her tits are fucking huge and firm the beset I have ever seenns?and her body is amazing.? He groaned slurring words and continued, ?Her ass is something out of this world, like she must work out almost every day but still has a nice strong but womanly stomach. She will give me sloppy titfucks and blowjobs that are out of this world and if I can get her an A on report due Monday?I will finally get?.? He slurred and didn?t continue that sentence but shifted. ?I have been able to get girls before but the body of that girl is just too much?. ?I have to keep working cause the sex is to good??. He reached for his pencil but began to stop as Maggie had leaned forward allowing her tits to hang a little lower.

    Maggie was making small internal notes of this information but honestly didn?t care. As much as their first standoff had been a little icy, the blonde had done nothing else to push her except the books, but she couldn?t help make small comments about the sexual comments she was hearing.

    Maggie gave a small grin to Wayne, ?There are a lot of girls with big tits and amazing bodies and I am sure you have met some. You don?t always need to do their dirty work to get with them?, Maggie said with a small smile and stuck her tongue at Wayne who let his eyes wander down to the open button of Maggie?s blouse.
    She continued ?And unlike your little punk friend, some girls like to keep it hidden and only show it when they need?, as Maggie adjusted her bra slowly. Wayne turned even redder at that comment but that was end of that area of conversation. They continued talking and Maggie also noticed that Wayne did not finish a single paper that night.

    At the end of the night Maggie gave him a hug goodbye and pushed her chest a little more into him?just for fun. Wayne mumbled something and turned to walk home. Maggie closed up the doors and left with a small smile on her lips.

    She didn?t think much of it until the next night when Wayne was not there. Maggie had worn a tight dark maroon sweater that did show her amazing rack size, but she had worn a jacket all day until everyone had left. Now she was letting her baby?s breath and show off to only herself. The black nice pants she was wearing were slightly tight and showed her ass off now that the long jacket was gone. She was closing up as usual when she heard the distinct clicks of high heel boots moving towards the desk. She looked up to her surprise, Amber was walking towards her with Wayne nowhere in sight. Maggie felt her pace quicken and she quickly wanted to stand up but held her position sitting and reading until Amber was right in front of the desk. The punk rock girl was wearing short jean shorts and the same black jacket with a tight red t-shirt that showed her impressive rack.

    ?Hey. I have a complaint.? Amber huffed and removed the lollipop she was sucking from her mouth. Maggie looked up and removed her glasses. She wanted to undo the bun her hair was in but stopped again trying not to show any emotion.

    ?What can I do for you?? Maggie respond trying hold back the sarcasm from her voice. Something about this woman put her on edge and she knew the library was empty at this time. The memory of Wayne last night came flashing back to her.

    Amber had placed the candy back into her mouth and stared at Maggie; their eye contact lasted longer than it should have. She pulled the lollipop out of her mouth with a small pop and suck and began with a sigh, ?Wayne didn?t finish the work last night, and after persuading him he told me it was your conversation that distracted him. Listen here bitch?, suddenly turning stern as the blonde leaned over getting closer to Maggie?s face. Maggie kept her face straight and her green eyes locked on to the brown. Amber?s shirt didn?t allow for any cleavage to show but if there had been anyone behind her they would have gotten an amazing ass view as the shorts barley covered her large toned ass when she was standing up. Leaning over it was another level.

    Amber continued with the bitchy voice, ? I don?t know what you are playing but you should quit now. Wayne is here to get stuff done and not talk to a nerd who desperately wants a boy to fuck her. I need him for this class and trust me?there is nothing you can give him that I can?t give so much back off.?

    Amber emphasized her point by putting the lollipop back in her mouth and giving a hard large suck to it causing another loud pop much like her gum from earlier.

    The eye contact continued but behind her blank look Maggie was shocked. She understood how this conversation had happened because Wayne clearly was desperate for the blonde and had used her as scapegoat to why the work didn?t get done. But the punk bitch had escalated so fast. Clearly Wayne had talked a bit much about her and now this woman was coming to stop it, but Maggie knew Amber was clearly very worried as she wouldn?t have come down here. Wayne must have really talked and she thought her source of free grades was in trouble. Well if the blonde slut had thought this would change something. She was wrong. Maggie was not going to take this. Clearly Amber had not been prepared as she quickly stepped back as Maggie stood up now higher than the still leaning Amber. She pushed her chest out and undid her hair from the bun but kept her glasses on.

    ?I don?t know what you?re playing at...Amber right?? Maggie placing her hands on her hips. Last time she had been happy that the jacket had hidden her hid her tits well but this time was even happier that she had picked such a tight sweater from her closet and matched Amber?s tight shirt and made her jugs look imposing.

    Maggie continued, ?I don?t know what you think you?re looking to do here? I haven?t made any move on your boy. We simply talked last night and just cause he didn?t get your work done?.is not my problem.? She almost stopped there but she didn?t. ?Or his, and if you fail because he doesn?t have one night talking to someone instead of doing your dirty work that?s your problem.? Maggie finished not breaking eye contact still holding her hands on her hips.

    Amber looked taken back, she had not had many girls or people in general stand up to her the way Maggie just had, but she quickly recovered. She began to move around the desk her boots clicking on the way as she kept her eyes on the red head and moved towards her. Maggie held her ground and turned to face the nose ring girl as she came up to her side of the desk. Neither girl said anything until they were now in front of each other. Not quite face to face but closer than they had been before. They stood at the same height and though neither would believe it, a similar body type. Both girls had shifted and had their hands on their hips. The library was dead quite now except for the breathing of the girls and the occasional movement of Amber?s lollipop in her mouth. The standoff lasted for a solid 30 seconds until Amber began to talk again.

    ?This doesn?t have to go down you fucking loser,? Amber stated again with the same serious tone taking another step forward. ?You can go back to your nerdy quiet life as a librarian and I can keep my business with Wayne private and without distractions?. The punk girl?s nose shinned in the dim light from the desk. They were now standing about 5 feet apart.

    Maggie now took a step forward matching Amber and leaving them 4 feet apart. Maggie began digging deep and bringing up her own bitchy voice, ?You need to get over yourself bitch, you come in here like you fucking own a person. I should fucking report you to the school board for cheating and then we will see if you act like such a queen punk bitch, I have more on you than you have on me?.

    Amber?s eyes narrowed further and took another step making them 3 feet apart. ?I will fucking destroy you if you even think of spreading one word?, Amber snarled at Maggie showing her teeth like a wild animal. Maggie put on a sassy tone knowing she had hit a nerve.

    ?Then you better leave me alone?, Maggie finished with an end like tone but also showed her teeth right back at Amber in a wild grin. She had an urge to step forward and push her breasts into Ambers? but thought better of it at that moment in such a tense atmosphere and she wasn?t sure what would happen. Maggie for 1 second thought she had ended the conversation but Amber wasn?t done. The last threat of telling people about her setup caused her to know she had to make a stronger statement to this freckled loser. Amber reached around Maggie in a swift movement that avoided contact but left Maggie suddenly on the defensive. Both girl?s chests would have met if Maggie had moved back. She took a step back and didn?t notice in time that Amber had picked up the book Maggie had been reading.

    ?Hey! What are you doing!?? Maggie yelled as Amber moved back separating themselves. ?That?s a first edition and the libraries?!? was the last thing Maggie could yell as Amber ripped out some pages. The truth was Maggie loved books and to rip one; especially a special one like that was a personal attack. She could lose her job as well letting this happen.

    Amber laughed at Maggie?s distress. Ripped out a few more pages and tossed the book aside right as Maggie reached for it almost crushing their bodies together but they missed contact. It feel a few feet behind the desk and away from Amber and Maggie couldn?t help herself running to it and picking up the remains trying to assess the damage.

    Maggie was ready to launch herself as Amber continued to giggle backing up still sucking her lollipop but talking with her in her mouth.

    ?Listen good cunt?, Amber remarked stopping her laughing. ?Consider this your first and final warning. If you get my path again I will tear every book apart here getting you fired?and I will claw your face so the few boys who look at you now; won?t again.? A mental and physical threat to ensure the redhead would NOT try anything Amber concluded. Maggie stood there holding the torn book. She was ready to rip the punk bitch to shreds but she knew this would not be enough. She had to hurt Amber the same way Amber was threating her; with her school work. After that then she could worry about physically fucking up the blonde. The two ideas ran thru her head at light speed but as Maggie looked down at the torn book her choice was made. She would fuck up the blonde using the in her own way, and then after do anything else. Maggie put on a fa?ade of submissive which she could do quite well. She didn?t speak as she knew her voice would not be able to keep the sarcasm out. She simply nodded at Amber faking her consent. Amber looked satisfied at her work.

    ?Well that was easy? Amber thought dropping the lollipop stick now finished on to the floor and in the silence it felt like a hammer. She turned away from the redhead making her way around the desk and towards the exit. She was glad the glasses wearing slut was a submissive but a subconscious bit of Amber had been hoping that Maggie would have been a bit more aggressive. She had definitely noticed that the woman had a better body than her dressing modest behavior showed but in the end Amber didn?t care. ?Well it doesn?t matter, there should be no issue with Wayne?s big report Monday.?

    As she walked toward the door she found herself swaying her ass with a bit more thrust in the hips in the short jeans shorts. For some reason it felt right to Amber; taunting the nerd with her ass. The redhead?s body might be nicer than she thought but her own body was better her and it gave Amber a thrill to make sure the other woman knew. She kept this up all the way to the exit opening and glancing back to see Maggie staring at her. Amber thought it looked aggressive but it passed. She had won this mind game and in her mind it was over. She left with a sexy grin on her pink lips.

    Maggie had watched Amber?s ass sway all the way down to the exit. She felt her hands go to her own ass to feel the fat muscle she possessed. She could tell Amber was taunting her with that ass and it was working. She held the second urge to chase after Amber and prove somehow hers? was better. ?No Maggie? she told herself breathing heavy as the door closed and Amber?s hair and ass disappeared into the night. ?She thinks she has won and scared me off huh?, Maggie reached down picking up the lollipop remains and stared at it. ?This war is just beginning?, Maggie screamed internally letting the fa?ade fall. The silence of the library eerie as she cleaned up quickly and headed for home a plan brewing her in head.

    ===============================To be continued.

    WILL THESE GIRLS FUCKIN FIGHT ALREADY?! Wait, I meant will they fuck annnnndddd fight?.....who knows!? Hope you enjoyed and the next part is on the way-ish.

  2. #2
    Guest MaskedSuperstar's Avatar

    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    Perfect build up.

  3. #3
    Hostboard Member zara03's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    The build up really is very interesting. The work of the writer is simply great. The best part about this was that the build up was unpredictable. Not rushing into things made the scene even more impressive. I don't think i can wait 5 days for the third installment can you please consider posting it before that. I am very much into this story.
    Last edited by zara03; March 24th, 2018 at 05:19 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    Dear King

    As others have said, the buildup is great. To my mind, it is the best part of any story - setting the context, getting to the point where the physical contact and the sexual struggle that follows really has meaning. The anticipation also adds greatly to the erotic appeal. So, keep it up - though, yes, I hope that Amber and Maggie are rolling around naked sometime fairly soon! ;-)

    BTW, is there any chance you will finish some of your unfinished stories, especially "A Cold Chill"? Just asking. That was great and it stopped just when it was getting really good.


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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    Really great build-up. Thanks for sharing this
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  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    I'm usually against stories which are a fantasy set within a fantasy, but in this case, it's not your fault that I wish things were more like that in real life. I have to commend your grasp on human motivation which doesn't feel out of place and the action flaws in seamlessly as an organic part.

    What I mean by fantasy is that I wish there would be more of an exchange like that between guys and gals without unwarranted expectations. I've read just last week, that after pointing out a flaw in the processing of sexual violence reports on a campus website, a concerted effort was made to flood them with false ones to "prove" sexual violence is just a feminist fantasy. People claim that as parents they're perfectly fit to teach their kids what and how to do, but by the time they reach that point it's already part of "we're nature's gift to women who're obligated to gratify us". It's refreshing to see a male character who is not a douche, and can make errors with dating women, but isn't angry at all of them for not succeeding with a few. I'm trying to encourage fellow writers to put out stories like these to dispel the assumption, that we're all letches and pervs only intent on objectifying them.

    Keep up the good work
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  7. #7
    Hostboard Member AegonHentaryen's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    As others said, the build up is the most important part of the story and it's really good here
    Amber is such a bitch but im rooting for here, i'm in love with her attitude.

  8. #8
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    A Quiet Affair Part 2

    dwcole's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    Love'n the build up so, so much to.
    Please keep up the mind games - a really good part
    to this story.
    I hope not only to read about their tit to tit fight. But
    some plump ass to plump ass action too.
    Great job, so hot.

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member Augur's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by dwcole View Post
    Love'n the build up so, so much to.
    Please keep up the mind games - a really good part
    to this story.
    I hope not only to read about their tit to tit fight. But
    some plump ass to plump ass action too.
    Great job, so hot.
    Hear, hear! Mind games are the aspect I personally struggle the most with, so it's very exciting to see someone write it so well!

    The story looks really good so far - be sure not to disappoint us with the main course, oh Ruler of the Buccaneers!

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