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Thread: Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

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    Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

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    Tangle in Tuscany Part 1


    Tangle in Tuscany is the first story in a new series I've been developing. Tales of sexy, buxom young women who live to fight for kicks, glory, and, well... plenty of prize money. Set during the 1960s heyday of the apartment wrestling movement to provide a suitably retro feel, the complete story, with original commissioned artwork, will be available at a later date. Check out my DA page for art samples... Excalib | DeviantArt

    Apartment wrestlers, also known as "session wrestlers", or "private wrestlers", wrestle an opponent as a service, for money, in a private setting. Although many clients pay to watch such matches, some partake in private wrestling matches themselves for the athletic challenge. Whether they enjoy watching others wrestle, or taking part themselves, most clients engage private wrestlers to pursue a form of sexual fantasy, often fulfilling a desire for domination or submission.

    B]Links to other instalments:
    Tangle in Tuscany Part 1
    Tangle in Tuscany Part 2
    Tangle in Tuscany Part 3

    Tangle in Tuscany: an apartment wrestling classic! Part 1

    Vanessa King examined her face critically for lines and blemishes in the bathroom mirror of the Tuscan hotel room. Fortunately, the 21-year-old’s supple skin had weathered the broken night's sleep well, although her clear blue eyes looked more red-rimmed than usual. Reflecting wryly how she always seemed to lose sleep in proportion to the amount of money involved, the refined Englishwoman picked up her ormolu hairbrush and began tugging out the tousles in her honey blonde locks. The limo would arrive in under an hour, and she knew from experience that these people were never late. That allowed ample time to perform her daily calisthenics regime while picking at the continental breakfast she’d ordered on room service.

    As Vanessa applied her make-up she wondered idly what her opponent was doing right now. Probably much the same as she was: preparing for the secretive apartment wrestling match they had both been specially approached to fight. The promoter, Sylvia Caproni, had made clear on the phone that Vanessa and her opponent would be fighting in front of a celebrity couple who shared a penchant for watching buxom women wrestle. As the clients were household names in Italy their identities had to be protected at all times. Vanessa was looking forward to seeing how that worked out, given that in the more intimate apartment matches the wrestlers often spilled over into the audience.

    That it would be a high stakes match today was not in doubt as the victor would leave richer to the tune of $800, with the loser pocketing the $150 consolation purse. “Please remember, Miss King,” Sylvia Caproni had said before ending the call, “The sponsor and his… um, lady friend… very much want to see your breasts in action against the other woman’s. Is this acceptable to you?”

    “Of course!”

    "Good, then you will know when it’s time to remove the brassiere. What you do after is at your discretion…capisci?”

    S? signora.” Vanessa had made up her mind that the clients were probably a famous Italian matinee idol and a woman who wasn’t his wife, who both got off on watching pneumatic young things mashing their breasts together in anger. Well, she was perfectly capable of putting on that kind of show, but mustn’t lose sight of the victor’s purse at the same time. Although secure in the knowledge that her opponent would be young and bosomy like herself, Vanessa could only guess the rest for now. Would she face a Swedish blonde or a dark-haired Italian; a French brunette or a redheaded German? That was the curious thing about international matches: often it wasn’t until you were standing in the apartment room waiting for the fight to begin that you came face to face with the competition for the first time.

    Vanessa carried on getting ready until the bedside telephone rang. "Miss King? Reception – your limo has arrived."

    "Tell them I'll be right down." One last check in the full-length mirror; staring back at Vanessa: a tall, voluptuous vision of feminine beauty in 3" heels and a light blue summer dress; well-trained and fighting fit, both physically and mentally, for the challenge ahead.


    Victoria Silva settled back in the comfortable plush leather seat and stared out the window as the limo sped out of town, her alluring brown eyes barely registering the picture postcard Tuscan scenery rushing by. Outwardly calm and self-assured, the Spanish apartment wrestler felt unusually nervy and distracted this morning. She’d never fought in a foreign land before, let alone contested a purse that represented a small fortune in hard currency back home. Enough dinero, to set her invalid mother up in a flat in a far more salubrious district of Madrid than the poor barrio Victoria had been raised in. The complication - and source of anxiety - stemmed from the prospect of having to go through another equally hard bitch to get her hands on the prize she coveted. Signora Caproni had made abundantly clear when last they spoke that the client expected a special show for this kind of outlay: a contest of endurance pitting the wrestler’s breasts and bodies against each other until one woman surrendered to her opponent. Although not fazed by the stipulation, having fought and won such battles before, Victoria nevertheless remained anxious lest her passionate body betray her while held long and hard in the grip of another strong, sensuous woman.

    Retrieving the compact mirror she always kept in her purse, the young Spanish woman checked her sultry face, brushing aside a lock of straight, dark hair that had fallen over one eye. It was important to look one's best on these occasions, not only for the sponsor but also to help psych the other bitch out when they first met. Frowning in concentration, Victoria touched up her lipstick and mascara before staring back into her deep, dark eyes, practicing her most venomous stare. Feeling more relaxed now, the alluring dark-haired wrestler settled back in her seat to enjoy the remainder of the journey.

    An only child who never had the fortune to meet her natural father, Victoria Silva grew up in a poor barrio of Madrid where children still played barefoot in the streets. Her careworn mother entertained a string of boyfriends to 'make ends meet' and, as young Victoria lay in bed at night listening to occasional cries through the cheap apartment's flimsy wall she formed the unalterable view that men did not always treat women well. As she developed into a grown woman, Victoria's sultry looks became her escape route, gaining the attention of a talent scout who found her bit parts in low-budget movies. But the rebellious, quick-tempered teenager proved unable to accept patronage of kind required in the movie industry, especially when it derived from entitled and leery older men. Proving incapable of being moulded into someone she didn't want to be, Victoria remained on the fringes of the movies, unhappy with the sort of eye candy roles she was being offered yet unable to break into the mainstream.

    Salvation came through an introduction at a party to Carmen Velasco, a self-assured blonde in her mid-twenties, who introduced Victoria to an intriguing career opportunity that she took to naturally with her competitive disposition and quickly began to excel in: Madrid's burgeoning apartment wrestling scene. With five years’ experience and a reputation to her name, Carmen became Victoria's manager, trainer and lover; revealing special moves that could make Victoria irresistible to other wrestlers as she fought her way from one victory to the next.

    After the limo pulled to a halt outside the large, whitewashed villa, Victoria took several deep breaths to compose herself before stepping out, relieved that much of her earlier anxiety had evaporated on the journey. Even so, the young wrestler found herself wondering avidly what sort of opponent she faced today, and whether the other woman would be as skilled in the submission moves as she.


    Vanessa's driver turned down the private drive a few moments later, the Englishwoman feeling pre-fight nerves in the pit of her stomach as security guards waved them on through the big gates leading up to the house. As the vehicle crunched to a halt beside an empty limo parked up with its driver loitering she was forced to entertain the notion that her opponent had beaten her to the punch by arriving first. Thanking her driver as he held the door open impassively, Vanessa stepped out and stretched for a moment in the warm, mid-morning sun before hastening up the bleached stone steps towards the house. Before she reached the entrance, a tall brunette emerged, introducing herself as Sylvia Caproni, the promoter who had contacted her with the special proposal three weeks before.

    “Welcome to Villa Anterosa. If I may say Vanessa, you look even more lovely in the flesh than your publicity stills made out," Sylvia peered at her closely over her elegant half-moon spectacles as they stood on the porch.

    "Thanks Sylvia, delighted to be here."

    The promoter was clearly in a hurry, taking Vanessa's elbow and guiding her inside the villa while subjecting her to a rapid-fire string of questions and comments.

    "The hotel was to your liking? Good. Now, let me show you to your dressing room without delay. We mustn't keep the clients waiting!”

    “Oh, I’m completely ready, believe me!” Vanessa interjected, causing the Italian woman to chuckle delightedly.

    Eccellente! Now, remember the instructions I gave on the phone? Good. Let me explain as I did for your opponent a moment ago. This is a submission contest, one fall and no breaks; usual rules, but the clients like especially to see hair-pulling and… ahh… breasts in action. That's okay with you?"

    "It's fine - happens often enough in regular matches anyway..."

    "Good! And remember not to talk to each other before the match begins. Now any other questions?"

    "I only wondered how you plan on keeping the clients' identity a secret?"

    “Ah, good question - let me explain further." Sylvia paused for a moment, her eyes searching Vanessa’s face to ensure she was listening carefully. "As Villa Anterosa is used regularly for apartment matches it has a specially-adapted room which you will visit very soon. It's special feature: a floor-to-ceiling mirror of the two-way type along one wall, behind which the clients...”

    “...can remain incognito while enjoying the match.” Vanessa finished for her.

    "Precisely!" Sylvia meanwhile had led her companion down a long corridor which had four doors leading off and she pointed now to the first door.

    “Behind the first door is your opponent getting ready. Second door is your own dressing room. Third is to the fighting room. Fourth is the client’s suite. We will call you when its time to begin! Comprende?”

    "Yes, I understand." As the door shut quietly behind her Vanessa was left alone with only her restless thoughts for company.

    End of Part 1
    Last edited by Ragnar0k; April 6th, 2018 at 10:21 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

    Really nicely written. Looking forward to the next parts.


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    Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

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    Re: Tangle in Tuscany Part 1


    Having engaged in a number of self-flagellation sessions over many missed opportunities to comment and praise your work, I've vowed to not let this happen again. Besides, I'm old now and reaching around with that whip only antagonizes my rotator cuff. But, just in case, I'm currently searching Craig's list for a high-heeled, leather clad, full breasted (of course) dominatrix who can, at the very least, be on "standby" should I fail once again...

    I'm with JB on this one. This is wonderfully written and leaves me anticipating what hot stuff might be coming next.



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    Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

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    Re: Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Really nicely written. Looking forward to the next parts.


    Great to hear from you and many thanks for your comments. The next part shouldn't be too long coming!


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post

    Having engaged in a number of self-flagellation sessions over many missed opportunities to comment and praise your work, I've vowed to not let this happen again. Besides, I'm old now and reaching around with that whip only antagonizes my rotator cuff. But, just in case, I'm currently searching Craig's list for a high-heeled, leather clad, full breasted (of course) dominatrix who can, at the very least, be on "standby" should I fail once again...

    I'm with JB on this one. This is wonderfully written and leaves me anticipating what hot stuff might be coming next.




    Thanks for stopping by and I'm delighted that you are enjoying the story so far. Do be careful when you use that whip though - we wouldn't want any nasty accidents! xD


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    Re: Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post

    Having engaged in a number of self-flagellation sessions over many missed opportunities to comment and praise your work, I've vowed to not let this happen again. Besides, I'm old now and reaching around with that whip only antagonizes my rotator cuff. But, just in case, I'm currently searching Craig's list for a high-heeled, leather clad, full breasted (of course) dominatrix who can, at the very least, be on "standby" should I fail once again...

    I'm with JB on this one. This is wonderfully written and leaves me anticipating what hot stuff might be coming next.



    A dominatrix is priority my friend!
    Rags...........looking good my man!


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    Re: Tangle in Tuscany Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by shak7 View Post
    A dominatrix is priority my friend!
    Rags...........looking good my man!

    Thank you my friend, agree wholeheartedly - and glad you're in on this party too!

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