Two incidences in my own life. The first was in high school and the second, years later. The one in high school was between two ladies who both happened to have the same name and similar petite builds. Started with a stare down in the middle of a crowd. Several guys yelled almost in unison, are you two going to fight or fuck? That seemed to get things started. A few punches, a few slaps, mostly clinching and pulling hair while they rolled around on the floor. Bare legs all tangled up.
The second was years later. A friend of mine was a bit of a player. He had a "main chick" and "side chick" . Side chick came to the house once while the main chick was out. SC fell asleep on the couch and MC came back to the house. Once she saw the SC on the couch, she practically jumped on her and pinned her arms above her head. This woke up the SC and she struggled for a bit then they both seemed to calm down. MC held SC hands down above her head. Both were full figured and busty. Their tits were pressed together. They just stared at each other for a while. Then the MC let the SC get up and leave. My friend wouldn't break it off with either one and they were still catty towards each other when people were around. A few weeks later I had to pick up some stuff at the house and opened the door. Heard a commotion on the couch as the door was opening like people moving around. When I entered the room, MC was tightening her robe on the couch and SC was covered in towel making a bee line towards the bathroom from the couch, to take a shower.