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Thread: Brandi's opus, chapter 23

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    Brandi's opus, chapter 23

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    Brandi's opus, chapter 23

    Dear HostBoard friends,

    First, I’m delighted to see that our beloved HostBoard is back up and running. Thanks to the folks who made that happen. Here’s hoping that it will continue to run smoothly.

    In this chapter Professor Taylor will become Doctor Taylor. Once this happens, she will embark on her new life adventure. This means that she and Brandi are no longer sexually/romantically involved. And, while neither of them are especially fond of their new relationship status, they both know that staying away from each other is best for both of them. A new position as head of the English department at Cambridge College for Women is waiting for Jackie, as are three hot women in the area who are eager to seduce her. In the previous chapter it was suggested that Brandi could take a short drive to Cambridge to meet with Jackie. Something along those lines could possibly develop. And the thought of a Brandi, Jackie, Michiko and Zara scenario has crossed my mind more than twice. We’ll see.

    And, for those of you who may be wondering when Brandi will return to the lead in her self titled opus, the answer to that is chapter 24. She will enthusiastically resume her quest to become the TCOC. Things are going to get moist! Brandi is going to be locking up with some of the hottest women on campus. Bodies are going to be colliding, legs will scissor and pussies will clash! Perhaps even some long suppressed jealousies will surface. We’ll see.

    But before that happens, the good doctor must close a chapter of her life at Westlake Christian College and bid adieu to a special friend…

    I hope that you will enjoy this chapter and, as always, comments are appreciated.

    Here is a link to Chapter 22
    Brandi's Opus 22

    A. Penman

    by Brandi Knowlton (A.Penman)


    For both Brandi and Jackie, the remainder of the Fall Semester had dragged on. Stifling their sexual attraction to each other was far more difficult than either of them had imagined. In curbing their mutual lust, they were forced to limit physical contact to just an occasional kiss with the accompanying chest to chest embrace. If one of them got a little excited (and one of them always did) the other would dutifully remind her that sex was no longer part of the equation. It couldn’t be, because both of them were under the watchful eye of Chancellor Dominique. Brandi didn’t want to do anything that might come between Jackie and her doctorate, and Jackie did not want to be responsible for getting Brandi expelled from school.

    This meant that from October through January, four long months, the Professor and her star student didn’t fuck. Not to say that they didn’t fuck at all. It was a college campus filled with busty, horny women after all. They just didn’t fuck each other. The Brandi-Jackie affair was over…at least for now.


    In late January, the newly anointed Doctor Jaqueline Cara Taylor stunned the entire college when she sent out a campus wide email (to administration, faculty and the student body) that she was sad to announce that she would be leaving her beloved Westlake Christian College to accept a position at Cambridge College For Women. For almost a week after the announcement was made, the mood on campus was gloomy. It was not uncommon to see many of the students in Jackie’s class crying during a lecture, knowing that their time with their revered professor was drawing to an end. The final weeks were almost unbearable. Jackie had never given and received more warm embraces.

    One night after dinner and a particularly exciting episode of “Wheel Of Fortune,” Jackie realized that she needed to extend a private farewell to a special lady.


    The temperature outside was right at 32 degrees as Jackie sprightly moved across the campus on her way to what she hoped would be a night of sin and debauchery.

    At 8:15 on a fateful Tuesday evening Penelope Gonzalez stepped out of the shower and heard a rather assertive knock on her door. She wasn’t expecting company. Putting on a robe, she moved to her laptop and put it to sleep, then scurried across the room, hair still damp and slightly miffed because she had not finished indulging in her post shower ritual of pampering her voluptuous body with scented lotions. Who in the hell would have the gall to drop by, uninvited, on a Tuesday night? When she opened the door all she saw was an extended arm with a lovely hand holding a large bottle of baby oil. Whoever was holding it had stepped off to the side, out of sight. But, she knew.

    “Oh dios mio!” Penelope cried out, clutching her chest as though she was about to have a cardiac event.

    The hand then quickly disappeared and just as quickly returned, holding a rather pricey bottle of French Bordeaux.

    “Doctor Taylor, I presume.” Penelope stated, feeling every cell in her body become aroused.

    Jackie then stepped into the door frame. “Good evening Miss Gonzalez,” Jackie chirped, “may I come in?”

    Penelope gasped excitedly. She then reached out and grabbed Doctor Taylor’s free arm and aggressively yanked her inside. Once the door was locked, Penelope damn near ripped off her robe and, completely naked, pinned Jackie to the wall with her full body weight and locked her hungry mouth to Jackie’s in a kiss that was borderline furious. Jackie’s body responded reflexively as she set down the bag with the wine and baby oil, gently of course, so as not to harm an expensive Bordeaux.

    Maybe it was just the remnants of the shower, but Penelope’s body was wonderfully soft under the stroke of her hands and everything was so fragrant and so plentiful. It was like the young student’s body was a buffet of fragrance and softness. The Doctor’s pussy became instantly moist. Penelope’s breathing was so hard that Jackie’s respiratory pattern began to mimmic it. The floodgates of lust had been opened and there was no stopping the deluge.

    As Penelope struggled to get Jackie out of her jeans, Jackie worked on her hoodie and bra. Within seconds, Doctor Taylor was completely naked and her luxurious body became one with Penelope’s body. The overheated computer gal wasted no time. It was almost as if she was afraid that this was somehow a dream and she wanted to take full advantage before she abruptly woke up to an empty room, sweaty, aroused but alone. She thrust her pelvis forward, sending a clear message to Jackie.

    “Spread your legs, doctor. I want in. Now, please!”
    “What? No foreplay?” Jackie teased through animated breathing.
    “Fuck the foreplay, you saucy tart! Let’s FUCK!!!”
    “Well, if you insist!” Jackie smiled. She then brought her quivering cunt to the fore, and waited the long milliseconds it took to be hungrily met by Penelope’s cunt.

    “Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh!…Mmmmmmmmm!” Penelope cried out.
    “Whoa! What’s your hurry girl?” Jackie asked, as she locked into a rhythmic, rapid pelvis grind with the overheated student.

    “Jackie, this is a dream come true for me. But just in case it really is a dream, I don’t want to wake up with unrequited lust.”
    “Have you been dreaming about me, Penelope?”
    “Night dreams and daydreams.” Penelope blushed a bit, slightly embarrassed to admit this.
    “Really? How sweet!” Jackie smiled as she hugged and rhythmically rolled her tits into Penelope’s ample chest.
    “You know those times in class when you think I’m nodding off?”
    “Uh huh.”
    “Well, I’m not exactly sleeping. I’m usually lost in a fantasy.”
    “About what?”
    “What do you think,Jackie?”
    “Oh…um…well in that case.”

    The good doctor then tilted her pelvis forward, in a gesture designed to make Penelope’s dreams come true. Penelope wasted no time. She tilted her pelvis and then skillfully directed her pussy into a sopping, swollen assignation with Jackie’s luscious labia. Both women trembled as their thick mounds fused together, labia humping and sliding into each other. Their mutual juices provided the perfect lubrication for this long overdue shaved pudenda nexus.

    “OHHHH!!!” Penelope grunted.
    “Ugghhh!!!” Jackie groaned, feeling her pussy lips engage in a slimy, wet sex wrestle with Penelope’s fleshy thickness.

    “Good gracious, Jackie! I’m not dreaming! This is real!”

    The searing activity between their thighs distracted Jackie from the fact that Penelope’s slightly smaller breasts were a solid match for hers. But so far, except for the occasional smack and squash, and the sporadic flick of their nipples, there hadn’t been a lot of interplay between the four glorious orbs. She mused in the slick intensity of their fuck as she reached up and filled her right hand with Penelope’s bountiful left breast, squeezing and gently tweaking the nipple. The night was still young. There would be plenty of time for their tits to mash and wrestle.
    As for Penelope, she was rapidly approaching a denouement. She had now taken to slamming and grinding into Jackie like a woman possessed. There, just inside the door to Penelope’s apartment, up against the wall, two women were fucking with reckless abandon. In a matter of seconds it would be over…at least the appetizer. The main course was yet to come.

    Jackie knew full well what she could be getting into when she made the decision to knock on Penelope’s door. She recalled the first time she learned of Penelope’s clandestine cravings for her, and what the sexy computer genius wanted to do with her. And the more she thought about it over the last few weeks, the more she came to realize that, despite the inherent risks, it was an opportunity that she should not let slip through her fingers. She smiled inwardly before re-engaging Penelope in a long wet kiss.

    This was all it took to stoke the fire in Penelope’s groin. She reached for Jackie’s left leg, pulled it up and slid her right leg underneath, leaning slightly back so as to thrust her pelvis forward. Her back pressed against the wall, Jackie was able to keep her balance. She immediately understood and tilted her pelvis as far forward as she could in order to give Penelope the maximum access.

    “Atta girl Jackie. Give that sweet pussy to me.” Penelope swooned as she dug in for the climactic finale. All Jackie could do was ride the wave.

    But then, Penelope switched tactics. Instead of pounding hard and fast into the sweet pussy of her sweaty dreams, she slowed her stroke down to a measured, deliberate motion. It was as though she wanted to savor the moment, to let her pussy experience the full wonder that was Jackie’s luscious pussy, to allow every neuron in every lush fold of her pudenda to match and seal and slot with each corresponding nerve cell in Jackie’s opulent pussy. Her stroke slowed, softened and became appreciably deeper. This had an interesting effect on Jackie. It brought out Jackie’s finger nails which she sunk into Penelope’s ass as she pulled hard on it for more cunt to cunt purchase.

    “Now you slow down?” Jackie gasped in disbelief and a bit of frustration.
    “Unless you have another engagement, I suggest that you relax, Dr. Taylor. Because I intend to explore and enjoy every square inch of your phynne as wynne body tonight.”
    “Oh, Penelope! You sexy, geeky girl!”

    But even the controlled movements that were designed to prolong her pleasure could not prevent the pending explosion of cum that now began to surge from Penelope’s overheated womanhood.

    “Oh Professor Taylor,” Now out of control, Penelope cried out in ecstasy, “you fucking filthy slut!”
    “Uh, excuse me, Miss Gonzalez,” Jackie corrected “that’s DOCTOR TAYLOR, fucking filthy slut.”
    “I didn’t sit through hour after hour of academic pomposity just to have you lower my station in life.” Jackie wise cracked.

    Penelope giggled, then she fell forward and hung on to Jackie, exhausted and in need of support. Then something occurred to her.

    “Did I go off too soon? Did you cum?”
    “Well, yes, you did, and no, I didn’t.” Jackie gently explained.
    “I’m sorry Jackie. But you have to understand…”
    “No need to apologize, girl. It’s only 8:30 and I planned the full spectrum of carnal delights for you.”
    “Oh, Doctor!” Penelope swooned.
    “But before we continue, how about a glass of wine?”

    Penelope nodded eagerly. She knew a bit about wine and, despite her youth, had sampled many different varietals and blends from all over the world. And the wines from France’s Bordeaux region had quickly risen to the top of her list of wines she planned to regularly consume, just as soon as she could afford them. The two women separated, then Jackie picked up the bag with the baby oil and the wine. Then they casually walked hand in hand to the kitchen where Penelope provided a corkscrew and two red wine glasses.

    Jackie handed her the bottle so that she could assess it. “What do you think, Penelope?”

    “My goodness, Jackie, this is an extraordinary bottle of Bordeaux, a Premier Cru no less. I can’t even begin to imagine the price!”
    “It’s a gift from daddy for getting my doctorate. It came in a case with eleven more bottles.” Jackie playfully boasted
    “OMG! It’s obvious that daddy loves his little girl.”
    “Oh yes, he does!” Jackie gloated.

    Handing the wine back to Jackie, Penelope thrilled at the sound of the popping cork. Jackie poured a small amount into a glass, then offered her the first swirl, sniff and taste.

    “Hmm,” Penelope observed, in between the smacking of her lips, “I’m tasting a lot of textures and layers, but I think it would be best to let this wine breathe for a bit. It’s a little tight.”

    Jackie wanted to taste it and offer her own scholarly opinion. She then remembered her night with ShaRee.

    “Penelope…take another sip and just hold it in your mouth, OK? Don’t swallow it.”
    “Um, OK.” Penelope was a bit puzzled.

    Once the wine was in her mouth, Jackie pulled Penelope’s face to hers, and locked their mouths in a lip-smacking kiss. She then sunk her tongue and swirled it around in Penelope’s wine filled mouth in order to assess the wine’s readiness. Penelope was astounded by this. She groaned in renewed sexual arousal, breaking the connection between their mouths. This caused a moderate amount of Bordeaux to drip from the corner of her mouth, down to her left breast. The wine then took a casual constitutional across the smooth terrain of her left tit and then, miraculously, seemed to converge on her left areola. This did not go unnoticed by Jackie. She wasn’t about to let a fine Bordeaux end up on the kitchen floor. Penelope swallowed what was left in her mouth while Jackie licked her way from the top of her left breast down to the wine coated areola.

    “Ohhhh!” Penelope cried out as Jackie licked each drop of wine that had slithered down her tit. She sucked and licked the pebbled areola in order to determine if the wine was ready to drink. The redhead then took a hard suck on Penelope’s nipple, letting it pop out of her lip grip.

    “Hmm,” she pondered, “I must concur with your evaluation, Miss Gonzalez. This wine has potential, but it needs to breathe for at least an hour.”
    “But could you taste hints of dark chocolate and cassis?” asked the precocious student.
    “No, I tasted hints of blackberry and burnt leather.”
    “No, Jackie, clearly it is dark chocolate and cassis.”
    “NO, Penelope, this wine is presenting blackberry fruit with earthy burnt leather.”
    “Jackie? Have you lost your taste buds, as well as your goddamn mind? It’s dark chocolate and cassis!”

    Penelope stood up in a hands on hips posture, getting ready. She reached up with both hands and prepared her tits, just in case a potentially raucous, ‘scholarly’ wine debate broke out. Jackie matched her, sticking out her chest. They were six inches apart. There was no doubt now. Both women’s nipples were hardened and ready to go to war, if need be. Jackie closed the distance, then matched and mashed her tits into a tight press with Penelope’s swollen tits. The two women glared at each other, looking deeply into each other’s eyes.

    “Hmm…” Jackie nodded, pulled away and then turned around, “let’s debate this further.”

    Penelope clutched her chest and sighed, knowingly. She turned her butt to square of with Jackie’s butt. Then…

    SMACK! “Blackberry!”
    SLAP! “Dark chocolate!”
    SLAM! SPLAT! “Burnt leather!”
    SMACK SMACK SMACK! “Great taste!”
    SLAP WOP SLAP! “Less filling!”

    They paused, turned to face each other, then mashed their fulsome breasts together once again in the heat of anger and desire. They rolled their shoulders side to side, scraping nipples and areolae and quietly thrilling with each new sensation.

    “We have a full hour before that wine is ready to drink, Doctor Taylor. Let’s take this to my bedroom.”
    “It isn’t going to take an hour for my tits to beat your tits, Penelope.” Jackie playfully scoffed.
    “With all due respect, dear Doctor, fuck you! My tits can handle your tits.”
    “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
    “Tits to tits would be wonderful, Jackie. But I’d like to continue what we just started.”
    “Well then, it isn’t going to take an hour for my ass to kick your ass’s ass.”
    “Oh please, Doctor Taylor…my ass is gonna pound your ass’s ass into submission.”
    “Your ass has been itching for a fight, hasn’t it?” Jackie snarled, nose to nose with Penelope.
    “Yeah…so what? What are you gonna do about it?” Penelope growled.
    “So, maybe it’s time for your ass to get its comeuppance.” the doctor said, smugly.
    “Well, I’d like to say Jackie, that it’s been obvious to me that your ass is also spoilin’ for a fight.”
    “And so…what are you gonna do about it?”
    “I’m thinkin’ maybe it’s time for my ass to put your ass in its place.” Penelope sneered. Her nostrils were now flaring. They were pressed together once again. The intensity quadrupled as their chests heaved into each other.

    “Oh yeah?”
    “We gonna do this, or just jaw?”
    “We’re gonna do this…in my bedroom. Let’s go.”


    With the opened bottle of French Bordeaux left on the kitchen counter in order to allow room air (78% nitrogen, 20.96% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, plus water vapor and a few inert gases) to do it’s work, Penelope ushered Doctor Taylor to her bedroom where the two prodigiously endowed women stood in front of a full length mirror. Penelope mused to herself that it was as if this mirror was installed precisely for this moment. Once again, they turned butt to butt for the purpose of comparison and, of course, verbal jousting.

    “Your ass is nothing compared to mine, Penelope.”
    “Oh please, Doctor, my ass is at least as hot as yours…maybe even hotter.”
    “I…don’t…think…so!” Jackie scoffed.

    They slammed, squashed and squished the abundant acres of taught, smooth ass flesh into each other. It was succulent!

    “Oh, Doctor!”
    “Oh, Penelope!”

    Both women grunted and groaned as bountiful butt cheeks ground and slotted into each other, moving side to side and up and down, smacking, then gripping and releasing, then smacking together again. But this was just a get acquainted slow simmer. It was time to turn up the heat of mutual indulgence. Jackie pulled away.

    “Stay right where you are, girl.”

    Now, down on her knees with Penelope’s big naked bottom directly in front of her, Jackie had to admit to herself that she was beholding a masterpiece of gluteus. She began to worry a bit over how her own ass would fare when the battle of butts was finally joined. She sighed deeply.

    “My goodness, Penelope!” Jackie said, raising the bottle of Johansen & Johansen baby oil and slowly drizzling it over the vast, curvaceous terrain before her admiring eyes. Time seemed to slow down as Jackie marveled at the glistening stream of oil and Penelope moaned at what was a ticklish sensation. And then she thrilled as Jackie’s hands took over, smoothly and evenly spreading the luscious lubricant over her taught derri?re, quietly thrilling at the slow application of the dreamy oil that would, at long last, provide the lubrication for the ass fight of her wet dreams.

    Then, like a saucy tart, Penelope asked, “Do you like my big sexy booty, Doctor?”
    “Oh, it’s OK, I guess.” Jackie teased, as her hands sensuously applied a copious coating of baby oil and she savored what was before her like a connoisseur slowly savoring a masterpiece. What a glorious mass of flesh and muscle it was!

    “OK? Just OK?” Penelope was incredulous. “Bitch, that’s a prime piece of real estate right there before your eyes!”
    “Oh please, bitch! You haven’t seen prime real estate yet!” Jackie retorted.
    “Gimme that oil, doctor, you arrogant slut!”

    The two women then reversed positions, Jackie offering up her plump posterior for an oil job with Penelope down on her knees, staring directly at the ass that had given her more than one wet dream over the years. Her heart was racing, with an occasional premature ventricular contraction. She felt anxious. She had to take a few slow, deep breaths before she could proceed.

    “My goodness, Jackie!”
    “I realize that it’s hard to believe your eyes right now, but do you like what you see, Penelope?”
    “Humph…It’s OK, I guess.” The geeky girl returned the tease.
    Jackie laughed, then retorted. “I know that you’re not as experienced in these matters, Penelope, and that you would like to think that your ass is in the same league as mine, but it should be obvious to you now that that is just not the case.” Jackie laid it on thick.
    “Listen, doctor, if I wasn’t so delightfully absorbed in the task at hand, I’d tell you to go fuck yourself.” Penelope snapped, as she applied an abundant coat of oil to Jackie’s posterior, reveling in the eroticism of the act.
    “That should do it,” she said, “now let’s get it on, bitch.”
    “How about a kiss first?” Jackie suggested.

    Penelope turned around and gently slid and squished her bodacious butt into an oily smack with the good doctor’s oiled anatomy.

    “OH!!!” The two women cried out simultaneously. It had begun.

    Right there, in front of the full length mirror, the two glorious asses met in their first full on, lubricated encounter. Oily mounds of ass flesh came together in a sloshy wet kiss. They both turned to look in the mirror. Both of them thrilled at the sight of their asses finally meeting in a bath of oil. Already, even at this early stage, Penelope found herself on the verge of another orgasm.

    “Is this how you imagined it would feel, Penelope?”
    “Oh Doctor Taylor! Even in my wildest fantasies I never could have imagined anything as sexy as this!” Penelope swooned, as the ass jousting became increasingly fervent.
    “Come on girl,” Jackie said through a lascivious groan, “let’s take this to bed and see if we can somehow manage to get our pussies into the fray.”

    Penelope was all for the idea, but she had some reservations. What Jackie was suggesting might not be physically possible.

    “I don’t know Jackie. Given the size of our asses, that could be a nearly impossible task…but I’m game. Let’s do it!”
    “We won’t know until we apply ourselves to the task at hand.” Jackie posited.

    Then, with the sound that resembled a plunger being pulled away from a clogged sink drain, the two butts separated. It was then that both women understood that their magnificent asses shared an affinity with each other. Could this be buttocks infatuation? Penelope found the concept fascinating.

    They literally scampered to the bed and came down in a full body to body embrace and a hard kiss that oozed saliva onto their cheeks. The two women rolled and wrestled and cursed and giggled like two teenage girls doing something naughty for the first time.

    “Oh gawd, Jackie! Remind me that I want to spend several hours fucking you body to body, just like this!” Penelope exclaimed through a haze of lust…arms wrapped tightly around the doctor, her smaller but game breasts now lost in the fullness of Jackie’s tit meat, smooth, taught bellies pressed tightly, legs entwined like vines with Jackie’s…every square centimeter of her body matched fully with Jackie’s body while two pussies grappled in a liaison of sinful pleasure.
    “Oh, I will…but first, we have business.” Jackie reminded, as she extricated herself from the student’s vice like grip.

    On the nightstand was the bottle of oil. She gleefully reached for it.

    “Up, up!”
    “How do you want me?” asked an excited Penelope.
    “Every way possible! But for now, doggie-style.”

    Penelope scurried into position. A sense of unbearable anticipation overtook her as she understood what Jackie had in mind. She reached for a pillow, doubled it up, wrapped her arms around it and lowered her head onto it for comfort. More oil was deliciously slathered onto Penelope’s butt cheeks. And then…

    Jackie mounted the precocious student as if she was mounting a steed in reverse. Penelope emitted an other-worldly gasp, then bucked upward in order to give the callipygian cowgirl the ride of her life. Using her body weight, Jackie was able to partially fit her mounds of buttocks into an oily grip with Penelope’s welcoming ass. No pussy contact was achieved in this position, but the oil-slicked melding of gluteus maximi was an etherial sensation that brought them both to the precipice of ecstasy. Up and down, side to side, Jackie squashed and smashed her oil-slicked rump into the eager student’s bodacious ass flesh.

    “OMG!!!” Penelope sang out, “Ass to ass with the buttocks of my dreams!!!”
    “As it was meant to be, Penelope…as God deemed it should be!”

    What an odd thing for a known non-believer to say, Penelope thought…but then again, this was heavenly.

    Jackie was riding like a cowgirl and Penelope was the wild bronco she was trying to break. Every squish and slosh brought forth groans and squeals from both women. It was ride ‘em cowgirl in reverse.

    The figurative gate had been opened and the courageous cowgirl hung on for dear life, riding ass to ass with her wild, bucking bronco, slipping and sliding, yet somehow managing to hold on to the reins.

    “YEE HAWWW!!!!” Jackie cried out.
    “Ride me, fucking ride me, you cowgirl slut!!!” Penelope responded, bucking her way furiously to a second orgasm before she once again collapsed, exhausted and satisfied…extremely satisfied!
    “Again?” Jackie asked, amazed.
    “Ugh…” the computer geek grunted, “that was sooo good…and yes, again, sorry.”
    “Well, then you leave me no choice, Penelope.”
    “What are you up to, Doctor?” Penelope asked with a mix of suspicion and anticipation in her voice.

    Jackie dismounted her steed. “I’m taking matters into my own hands…lift up your butt…lift it up!” The tone of Jackie’s voice was stern. To Penelope, it sounded like an order. So, she did as she was told, because she always followed doctor’s orders. She pushed her butt up.

    “Is this OK? It’s a little uncomfortable.”
    “Gotcha covered.” Jackie reached for a pillow, doubled it, and stuffed it under Penelope, at the bend in her hips. She was then able to relax while the elevation from the pillow kept her ass propped up nicely.

    “Now what?” the giddy college girl asked, excitedly.
    “You’ll see.” Jackie teased.

    She then judiciously applied another coating of oil to Penelope’s butt cheeks, snapped the cap on the bottle, then tossed it nearby on the bed. Penelope thrilled as Jackie’s hands spread the coat of oil evenly over her lavish globes of gluteus. Then, the very flexible Doctor Taylor placed her hands on either side of the student, just below her armpits and lifted her lower body, much like a gymnast on a balance beam. She spread her legs into a perfect split, then carefully lowered her thick cunt onto Penelope’s right ass cheek. Penelope moaned as Jackie began to slowly grind her pussy into the semi-circular mound of ass flesh. The doctor grunted as the slow, insistent stroke of her cunt became more rhythmic and more incendiary. Penelope accommodated the doctor with a slow rhythmic motion that she hoped would enhance Jackie’s quest for an orgasm. Jackie’s grunts and moans now synchronized with each slow, deliberate stroke of thick cunt on slick ass meat.

    “Oh Penelope! You feel soooo good!” Jackie squeezed her words out through her mounting arousal.
    “You’ve got one fucking sweet pussy, dear doctor. I can’t wait to bring my pussy in for a consultation!”

    Penelope knew that Jackie was close. She felt a sense of pride in knowing that her ass could provide so much pleasure to Jackie.

    “Go for it, girl!” she urged.

    But then, Jackie called an audible.

    “On your back…on your back, now! Omaha!!!” Jackie barked out, like an NFL quarterback changing a play at the line of scrimmage. She wanted and needed body contact. Penelope understood this and, as Jackie dismounted, she was on her back in a split second and ready to fuck.

    Doctor Taylor came down with a resounding body smack onto Penelope, tits to tits, belly to belly. The enthusiastic student then locked Jackie’s legs in a vice grip with her own, thrust her pelvis upward, and it was on! Jackie’s thick labia slotted into a heated, sopping fuck with Penelope’s welcoming cunt. The squish was exquisite! Their bodies shuddered at the sweet coming together. They started slowly, but Jackie was already at the pinnacle. Her cunt was ready to explode with woman cum. Penelope was ready. She gleefully met Jackie’s cunt stroke, and squealed at each smash and bump of their clitorises into each other. Her delirious mind cried out, OH GOD HOW I’VE WANTED TO FUCK THIS WOMAN!!!

    And so she did. Penelope gave the gorgeous Doctor Taylor everything she could possibly want in a girl fuck…the full measure of her tits, the lip-locked, tongue-swirling kiss, the smooth smack and slide of belly on belly and the pussy to pussy inosculation that could only be shared by two fuck hungry women. The euphoric student then lifted her legs and wrapped them tightly around Jackie’s ass. Jackie squealed as her cunt sunk even deeper into Penelope’s splayed cunt lips.

    “Catball!” Penelope cried out.
    “Catball?” Jackie inquired.
    “Uh huh.”
    “You know, I think I read about that…some hot story on the internet.”
    “Oh my, first the sex-fighting nuns, now the catfight stories! I must say, Doctor, I’m impressed.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Now, can we please fuck?”

    Jackie smiled as she delivered the goods. She grabbed Penelope’s tits, squeezed them hard and then mashed her two glorious knockers into them. She rotated her hips, despite the vice like grip of Penelope’s legs. The young student was moving rhythmically with her. Each stroke of thick labia on labia, each fleeting skirmish of clit on clit was bringing Jackie closer. Penelope tried to grasp Jackie’s ass cheeks with her hands, but there was too much oil to get a decent grip. Her legs began to slip as the frantic fuck gained intensity. She then settled for wrapping her arms around Jackie’s waist as tightly as possible. First Jackie grunted, then she gasped and then she squealed.

    “Get it, girl! Fuck that pussy!” Penelope exhorted.

    And then, Jackie’s body stiffened as cum shot from her cunt. Penelope could feel the warm liquid as it bathed her pussy. Cunt to cunt with a gushing ejaculation was a sensation that Penelope could never get enough of. And this woman to woman gush was especially meaningful to her.

    “OH YES!” Penelope said, feeling pride over bringing Jackie to an orgasm, as the spent doctor collapsed in her arms.


    Stretched out on their sides and breathing softly nose to nose, the two spent women moaned softly, luxuriating in the feel of each other’s bodies. Then, out of nowhere, Jackie hauled off and slapped Penelope’s big left butt cheek…WAP!…destroying the reverie of the moment.

    “What the fuck?” Ms. Gonzalez objected.

    Wap! Smack! Slap!

    “Puta!!!” Penelope cried out. But Jackie wasn’t deterred.

    Wap! Came the open handed ass slap, once again. And then Penelope retaliated with half a dozen rapid fire slaps to Jackie’s ass…to which Jackie retaliated with six quick slaps of her own…to which Penelope responded with at least six more slaps to Jackie’s butt cheeks.

    The two women growled and snarled at each other, hurling profanities as they slapped and whopped each other’s asses for a full two minutes, then stopped to rest and, to Penelope’s surprise, to giggle and sigh.

    “You started that purposely, didn’t you?” Penelope realized.
    “Uh huh…felt good, didn’t it?” Jackie said with a smutty grin.
    “Surprisingly, it did. But, Doctor, we still haven’t locked up in the main event.”

    Jackie glanced at the clock on the night stand.

    “We have just under fifteen minutes before the wine is ready, Penelope. Are you sure you want to start this?”
    “It isn’t gonna take fifteen minutes for my ass to kick your ass’s ass, Doctor Taylor.”
    “Your confidence is impressive, girl. But everyone knows who the top ass on campus belongs to.” Jackie taunted.
    “Oh, puullleeeze, Doctor!”
    “You’re gonna regret this decision, Penelope. I’m going to be drinking fine wine by myself while the Paramedics administer oxygen to you.”
    “Puta!!! Fucking puta!! Let’s get it on!”

    Eagerly the two women changed position on the bed. This time, both went into doggie style and squared off their plump posteriors. Penelope then backed up slowly and playfully beeped, like a truck going into reverse. Jackie laughed out loud, then gasped as the two truculent “trucks” backed firmly into each other.

    “Oh querido Dios, oh doctor!” Penelope was ecstatic as her ass once again settled in with Doctor Taylor’s ass.

    The two women positioned their butts, perfectly aligning cheek to cheek and slowly began to rub against each other. And then, they separated by a couple of feet and slammed into each other, really hard. The smack was so intense that it generated shock waves that started at the coccyx and ended at the first cervical vertebrae. The spectacular feeling and the sound made by the smacking together of their large, oiled asses would have made a normal woman climax spontaneously. But Jackie and Penelope were not ordinary women. They were women of high intelligence, high culture and sophistication. And, as women of high culture and sophistication, they maintained their dignified composure.

    “Fucking big butt slut!!!” Jackie eloquently expressed herself.
    “Goddamn lesbian ass-fucking whore!!!” Penelope articulated her opinion.

    Four half moons of ass flesh now finally became inosculate in a duel of epic proportions. OK, so It wasn’t exactly “The Thrilla In Manilla,” but it was definitely the “Clambake at Westlake.”

    Jackie slammed and pushed into Penelope for all she was worth. Not to be outdone, the hot nerdy girl battled back, vigorously. The two best asses on campus were now fully and finally joined in a battle of individual pride and wanton lust. The blonde and the redhead squealed as they sunk their bodacious booties into each other, slipping and sliding in oil. Other-worldly grunts came from deep within each woman. The doctor and the student struggled valiantly against each other in a sustained duel for almost twenty minutes…each of them teetering on the edge of explosive orgasms, each of them trying desperately to forestall the inevitable.

    Jackie couldn’t believe how tough and tenacious Penelope was. As for the sexy nerdy girl, she had taken on a few women in ass battles before, and they had always been hot and satisfying. But she had always prevailed, taking them down in much less time. But this ass, this exquisite Doctor Taylor ass was the one she had long wanted to engage. And now, this sexual challenge in which she found herself, this ultimate ass fight championship, well, she just didn’t want it to ever end.

    With some difficulty, Jackie managed to sink her right cheek into Penelope’s crack. At the same time, Penelope’s left cheek sunk into hers. It was the deepest penetration of the match, so far. What a delicious big butt sandwich! The sensation of so much slick flesh in their butt cracks was making them delirious. For a while, they locked exclusively in up and down strokes. Then they turned up the heat, slamming, squashing, not only up and down, but side to side as well in a flesh smacking sexual fight. Eventually, Jackie and Penelope collapsed onto their stomachs and managed to scissor their legs. Penelope’s arms outstretched and her hands found Jackie’s hands. They instinctively clasped each other’s wrists and pulled for leverage. And a new, more intimate angle of contact was achieved.

    “Oh FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!” Penelope muffled her scream into a pillow, as she felt the sweet kiss of Jackie’s pussy lips on hers.
    “How about a little kiss, Penelope?” the doctor teased.
    “Dios, por favor d?jame morir ahora mismo y ser? feliz!…God, please let me die right now and I’ll be happy!”

    It took less than five more minutes before the two combatants felt the aching need.

    “Penelope?” Jackie said, still moving her ass in a rhythmic, slippery roll-around with Penelope’s ass.
    “Yes, Doctor?”
    “Do you wanna fuck my pussy?” Jackie asked, flirtatiously.
    “Well, Doctor Taylor, I’d say the question is, do YOU wanna fuck MY pussy?”

    Still grinding their butts, but now more slowly, Jackie spoke with open passion. “I really want to fuck it out with you, girl.”
    “You need but to ask. I’m all yours, Doctor Taylor.”
    “Then let’s go for it. That wine isn’t getting any younger.”
    “Oh my God! The wine!”
    “Roll over with me.” The doctor ordered. Penelope complied eagerly.

    In a coordinated move, the two women rolled flat onto their backs. Instinctively, they grabbed each other’s right leg for leverage and pulled into a swollen labia squish. A good amount of oil had spread out, enough to coat their pussies with a thin sheen of lubrication, making their pussies slick and slimy with filthy sensations.

    “Oh my fucking word, Jackie!”

    All Jackie could do was respond with a grunt as she stroked her oozing twat into Penelope’s thickness. As they began to stroke pussy on pussy for the climactic event, their turgid clitorises emerged from their hoods and immediately began to fence with each other.

    Five minutes passed…then ten. Both women now felt like their heads were going to explode if they didn’t release soon.

    “Wait for me, Jackie!” Penelope pleaded.
    “I don’t know if I can. Oh FUCKKK!” Jackie blurted out, through her out of control breaths.
    “Oh!!! Sweet fucking Jehovah!!! I’m gonna explode!!!” Penelope screamed, locking her pelvis in a furious, grinding fuck with Jackie.
    “THIS IS IT!!! Fuck me girl!!! Fuck ME!” Jackie demanded.
    “Fuck you! You fuck ME doctor!” Penelope demanded in return.

    Then, holding onto each other’s leg for dear life, they bucked and rocked side to side and let loose with their simultaneous orgasm. Spurt after spurt of warm cum oozed from their connected cunts as they shivered and trembled. It took another ten minutes for the euphoric women to regain control of their breathing.

    With her eyes closed, Penelope spoke through her slowly recovering breaths.

    “More body to body, Jackie, that’s what I want next. Straight up, hard core, belly button to belly button, sweat drenched, screaming in each other’s ears body to body fucking. I really want that. OK?”
    “Absolutely! I’ll fuck you through the wall and into the apartment next door if that’s what you want, girl. But lets take a break first and empty our bladders. Then we should go to the kitchen and check on the Bordeaux.”

    Penelope propped herself up on her elbows and scanned the length of Jackie’s amazing body.

    “Excellent idea! In fact, I’m going to put up a cheese and cracker plate, because you, dear doctor, the way I’m gonna fuck you, you’re gonna need a lot of energy.”

    Jackie propped up to face Penelope. Their cunts were still thickly locked. “With all due respect, Miss Gonzalez, I don’t think that you’re woman enough.”

    Penelope searched for a snappy comeback, but then something shook her brain.

    “Oh, mierda! I gotta PISS!”
    “So do I!” Jackie agreed.

    Their pussies popped apart. They separated themselves and moved quickly to the bathroom. Once there, Penelope looked at Jackie, giving her an evil grin.

    “What?” Jackie wanted to know.
    “I have a kinda kinky idea, Jackie.”
    “Do tell.” Jackie was intrigued.


    Jackie and Penelope embraced each other tightly as shower water bathed their voluptuous bodies. Each woman positioned a leg deep into the other’s crotch. Pussies came down to rest on opposing thighs. Then, slowly rubbing their pussies onto each other’s thigh, they relaxed their pelvic floor muscles and let loose with mutual torrents of warm urine. A mutual gasp of excitement escaped. What an oddly warm sensation! Jackie broke off their kiss long enough to watch in fascination as the flow of golden liquid mingled with the shower water and sinuously circled the drain. And for those few fleeting seconds, the glorious Doctor Jacqueline Cara Taylor felt as depraved as she had ever felt in her life…and it felt good!


    Ten minutes later, at the kitchen table.

    “Wow, Penelope, I didn’t know that you were into the golden showers thing.”
    “Well, I’m not really innnto it, Jackie. But the opportunity presented itself when our bladders filled up at exactly the same time and…well…my curiosity got the better of me. It was kind of sexy though, don’t you think?”
    Jackie gave her a sly grin. “To use your word…kinky.”

    Dressed in comfortable white robes provided by Penelope, the doctor and the student sat across from each other, sipping what had opened up into an exquisite Bordeaux wine, swooning at the lush flavors and occasionally clinking their glasses after a delectable sip.

    “Jackie, this wine is tasty beyond belief! I’m glad that we waited.”
    “Me too…but really, Penelope, next time we’re waiting for the wine to open up, we’re going to have to find a good way to pass the time.” Jackie winked.
    “Well, maybe we could watch some lesbian porn online. I’ve heard that there’s a really hot one out there with some lesbian nuns going at it in the shower.”
    Jackie laughed out loud. “Oh, hey! You remember ShaRee?”
    “How could I forget that twisted bitch?”
    “Well, guess what?”
    “She’s not a nun anymore.”
    “I beg your pardon?” Penelope was shocked.
    “She left the sanctified life.”
    “To do what?”
    “Who knows?”
    “Hum…this might sound inappropriate, but, good for her.”
    “You know, Jackie, I would bet that you’re gonna be hearing from her again.”
    “Really? Why do you say that?” Jackie wondered at Penelope’s odd assertion
    “Because, a woman like her doesn’t like being bested. And you pretty much destroyed her.”
    “But she won the fuck-fight.”
    Penelope gave Jackie a sly look. “Did she?”

    Jackie was non-committal. She reached for the bottle of wine. “Wow! Looks like we’re already half way through this bottle.”
    “Mmmm…” Penelope smacked her lips, “maybe we should save the other half for afterwards.”
    Jackie finished the few drops left in her glass, then stood up. She reached out her hand to Penelope. “Right this way, Miss Gonzalez. Your hard core, sweat drenched body to body fuck awaits.”

    Penelope gasped, then rose to her feet. A bit unsteady with excitement, she damn near had an orgasm right there in the kitchen.

    In the bedroom once again, both women licked their lips as they watched each other’s robe slip slowly to the floor.

    Penelope sidled up to Jackie. “Can I ask a question, Doctor Taylor?”
    “Of course.”
    “How many more days do you have left here at Westlake?”
    “Let’s see…seventeen, and counting.”
    “Wow! It sounds like you’re eager to get out of here.” Penelope observed.
    “I wouldn’t say that. It’s more like I’m eager to begin a new life adventure.”
    “Good for you! I’m gonna miss the hell out of you, but good for you.”
    “What are you leading up to, Penelope?” Jackie asked, warily.
    “So, seventeen days left. Hum…and how many bottles of Bordeaux are left in that case?” Penelope asked, crushing her tits tightly into Jackie’s.

    “You devious slut! You just want me for my Bordeaux!”
    “Well, duh! But only if each bottle comes with your naked body and I can lick some of that wine off your nipples.”
    “Hummm…” Jackie considered the proposition.

    Next came the full body embrace, the hard, heated kiss and the mashing of crotch on crotch. Bare pussies juiced immediately. The next thing Jackie knew, she was being body slammed down into Penelope’s bed. They locked in every possible way, rolling back and forth in a passionate body brawl. Mouths locked, tongues swirling, tits tussling and legs entwined. The kiss broke off and the two women concentrated on folding their thick pussies into each other and matching clitorises. Most of the oil had washed off in the shower. A more intimate, flesh tight grip was now possible.

    Doctor Jacqueline Cara Taylor cried out joyously…



    Last edited by apenman; August 27th, 2018 at 11:12 PM.

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    Brandi's opus, chapter 23

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 23


    I'm travelling again tomorrow and you've given me some reading material and this time with the most lovely Doctor Jackie (Jay-Tee) Taylor. I trust it gets me all hot, fidgety and bothered....... I can see my seat mates now wondering why I'm squirming!
    I hope it's the BOMB-ZIGGY-ZIGGITY BOMB!!!!

    Yo Brotha from another Motha
    (Uhhhh PS.....Is da ex-Nun is dis one too.........and where is my luv interest Sister Sharee Marie?!?!)
    Last edited by shak7; August 23rd, 2018 at 08:57 PM.

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 23

    Quote Originally Posted by shak7 View Post

    I'm travelling again tomorrow and you've given me some reading material and this time with the most lovely Doctor Jackie (Jay-Tee) Taylor. I trust it gets me all hot, fidgety and bothered....... I can see my seat mates now wondering why I'm squirming!
    I hope it's the BOMB-ZIGGY-ZIGGITY BOMB!!!!

    Yo Brotha from another Motha
    (Uhhhh PS.....Is da ex-Nun is dis one too.........and where is my luv interest Sister Sharee Marie?!?!)

    Sorry Brother man. No nuns in this one. Hope that you like it.

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 23


    Once again, you knock it out of the park!!! I have to admit, I snorted coffee out of my nose when I read CLAMBAKE AT WESTLAKE, so you owe me for dry cleaning! Just sayin! Loved the Catball, love the busty babes booty bumping! Dr. Taylor has become my favorite character in your stories!

    Love ya

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 23

    Quote Originally Posted by AnnatheMarineChick View Post

    Once again, you knock it out of the park!!! I have to admit, I snorted coffee out of my nose when I read CLAMBAKE AT WESTLAKE, so you owe me for dry cleaning! Just sayin! Loved the Catball, love the busty babes booty bumping! Dr. Taylor has become my favorite character in your stories!

    Love ya
    Thank you Anna!!!

    This is Doctor Taylor's last appearance in Brandi's Opus. HOWEVER, as mentioned, she will be striking out on her own, in her own series of hot and naked adventures. I've heard there's a heated encounter with a SEXY Marine Chick in her future...

    Love ya back,

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 23

    I agree with A. penman.

    It's great that the board is back and running. Let's hope it stays running.
    As for Brandi's Opus 23, also great.
    Love the way Jackie pays back favors big time. With payback like that, I
    would do just about any thing for the good doctor my self - - - ANY THING.

    The golden shower caught me by surprise, but it turned out to be a really
    hot good surprise. That's what I look for when reading A .penman's stories,
    some thing I did not see cumming, I mean coming.

    Can hardly wait for Jackie's Opus to start. Thank you A. penman.

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 23

    Truly awesome work A.P., truly awesome!

    From among your many quotable lines I've singled out the following as a perfect encapsulation of what this thread and board are all about:

    Penelope gave the gorgeous Doctor Taylor everything she could possibly want in a girl fuck…the full measure of her tits, the lip-locked, tongue-swirling kiss, the smooth smack and slide of belly on belly and the pussy to pussy inosculation that could only be shared by two fuck hungry women.

    Loved the extensive ass-to-ass action and the variety of the other moves; plus the sheer joy of the occasion that was evident as both lusty ladies pushed themselves - and each other - harder and harder until the inevitable explosion(s) came.

    This sounds like the definitive end of an important chapter and I'm looking forward to finding out where Brandi's opus takes us next!

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 23

    I hope once Dr. Jackie gets to Cambridge College, has woman to woman
    run in's with other heads of departments. Some might not be open to welcoming
    a new hot as shit head woman, when they already think their the head woman.
    A sexy teacher vs sexy teacher tit/sex fuck fight - Yes.

    And what if she hooks up with another hot student as she did with Brandi ?
    Or a student who can match her ass to ass, like Penelope tried.
    What if Penelope pays Jackie a visit. Will the two students have a ass to ass fight.

    No matter what happens we know it will be - smoking hot.
    Looking forward to reading what's down the road for our Dr. Jackie.

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