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Thread: The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

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    The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

    The Silent Partner, Part II

    For the rest of the week, the other woman did not return to the club’s sauna. Roberta was surprised at how disappointed she was. Some part of her really, really wanted to see the other woman, to let her eyes move over the woman’s curves and bulges, maybe just to provide more masturbatory material for her late at night. Perhaps the woman was a new member of the club and still working out times that were most convenient for her. For all Roberta knew, the woman was coming to the sauna earlier in the day. Maybe her encounter with Roberta had embarrassed her and she decided to set a new schedule. Roberta found her nighttime fantasies about the other woman growing more intense with every day that she did not see the brunette.

    Monday evening of the next week, after a vigorous late-night workout, Roberta entered the sauna to find the mystery woman sitting in the steam, enjoying the heat. Roberta’s heart jumped with excitement. She was not surprised to feel her pussy clench.

    The women nodded at each other, but no words passed between them. Roberta sat opposite the gorgeous brunette. Her eyes were closed, but she opened them occasionally to glance at the other woman. She never caught the other woman glancing at her, but she could sense that it was happening. Strangely, she could feel a tension growing between them, a peculiar sense of rivalry, even though they had not exchanged a single word. Roberta began to feel the other woman’s silence as a challenge in itself. Why wouldn’t the woman speak? Roberta resolved she would not say anything until the other woman broke the silence first.

    As Roberta sat in the heat, the sense of sexual tension began to build in the small, cedar room. Roberta realized that her body was growing more and more sexually aroused; her nipples were tenting her towel, her pussy was growing wet and hot. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to get the feeling under control. She did not know if the other woman was feeling the same thing, though she noticed that the woman shifted her thighs a few times. Roberta wondered if one of them or both of them were giving off some kind of pheromone. She feared her pussy was giving off an alluring odor. She could not explain what was happening, but she knew she would need to leave the room soon if it did not stop. She realized, with embarrassment, that she could not be in the same room as this voluptuous beauty.

    The dark-haired beauty woman opened her eyes. Her gaze locked with Roberta’s gaze; something powerful and intensely erotic passed between them and it gave Roberta’s body a jolt of sexual electricity. Roberta barely stifled a gasp as her tits swelled, her nipples expanded, her pussy lubricated, suddenly slick with juices. She could see the other woman’s eyes widen. For a moment, neither woman moved; they were paralyzed as intense sexual energy passed between them. It was not something as simple as mutual desire; whatever they were sharing was more primal, much more powerful. For a moment, they continued to stare at each other. Then, as if in a trance, the other woman rose slowly to her feet and slipped out of her flip flops.

    The brunette reached up and untied her towel at her cleavage. She pulled the towel open; her massive tits surged out, bouncing deliciously as they fell free of the binding. Their nipples were sharp and hard; the tits looked engorged, their gentle bouncing revealing how taut and thick they were. Roberta’s eyes drank in the other woman’s huge tits hungrily, before sliding down the woman’s muscled abdomen to her thick-lipped, clean shaven pussy. The brunette held her towel open a moment longer, continuing to expose her nudity. Then, she slowly lowered the towel and tied it in a tight knot at her sexy, muscular hip. Her beautiful torso was naked; one bare leg jutted out from the makeshift sarong. She stood before Roberta, her hands on her bountiful hips. She thrust her chest forward in a clear challenge, her massive tits jiggling.

    Roberta watched all this, her eyes wide, her mind reeling, but her body burning, aching, overflowing with an explosion of raw sexual power, more intense than anything she had felt before. In an instant, she was extraordinarily aroused, but she was also more threatened in her womanhood than she had ever felt. This beautiful, dark-haired bitch was challenging her body, challenging her as a woman. She had to respond.

    In a sexual trance herself, Roberta got to her feet. Her dark eyes locked to the brunette’s olive green gaze, she slowly untied her towel, freeing her massive, pulsing tits. She felt the meaty globes spring out , bouncing heavily, holding firm and high on her chest. Her nipples felt like they were on fire and were so hard that they almost hurt. She lowered the towel and tied it at her waist in a tight knot, hanging it on her sexy hips. She stepped forward, never letting her eyes leave those of the other woman, but conscious that their luscious bodies were only one step away from coming together, naked flesh to flesh.

    The other woman’s eyes broke the stare and slipped down to Roberta’s magnificent tits. Her eyes glowing with animal lust, the woman slowly reached for Roberta’s boobs. Roberta watched the hands approaching her mammary glands, almost as if she were in a dream. Then they were on her tits, weighing the meaty glands, squeezing them, stroking them. The other woman moaned deep in her throat, as though her deepest wish had been fulfilled. Roberta gasped, then groaned uncontrollably as her thick, juicy tits began to throb with sensations. Everywhere the brunette’s fingers touched, Roberta’s tits felt like they were on fire. Roberta threw back her head and moaned, a sound of pure lust. She reached out and grasped the brunette’s fantastic tits. She squeezed the heavy meat, she hefted the perfect brown globes, sinking her fingers into the dense flesh. The other woman’s eyes fluttered and she moaned deeply, before running her thumbs up and down and around Roberta’s stiff nipples, sending spikes of pure ecstasy through Roberta’s aching tits. Roberta cried out, almost sobbed in pleasure, then eagerly returned the favor. The other woman let out another animal moan and bit her lip, struggling to keep from crying out. For almost five minutes, the two women squeezed each other’s nipples, both enjoying the incredible pleasure that flowed through their bodies as their rival manipulated those delicate knobs.

    Roberta released the other woman’s tits and reached out to grasp the other beauty by her toned biceps. The act pressed Roberta’s massive tits together, pushing the thick, dense meat outward, thrusting her pulsing nipples forward like spears. The other woman instantly reciprocated, her action having the same effect on her enormous rack. The women held each other, their massive chests heaving, their engorged nipples coming so, so close to touching, with each excited breath.

    Roberta looked down at the incredible tits confronting her own. Now that she saw the brunette’s rack in direct comparison to her boobs, she still could not tell whose tits were bigger or more beautiful. They looked like near mirror images of each other, equally round and thick and huge, with large, brown, pebbled areola. The women’s nipples were enormous, pointing at each other like spears, each shaft almost an inch long, throbbing and twitching with arousal. “Oh God,” Roberta thought to herself, as she looked at the other woman’s sweaty, dripping boobs. “Oh God, please make this feel as good as it looks.”

    The other woman was staring at Roberta’s massive tits, her eyes glazed, in an almost dream-like state. She looked up, her green eyes locking with Roberta’s dark eyes. Signaling with their eyes, the women pushed their swollen nipples forward at the same moment, closing the gap between them. Their nipples touched head to head; instantly, their nipple holes locked to each other. A sensation of pure erotic pleasure instantly burned through their nipples, filled their areola with heat, and spiked through their thickening tits down their torsos and directly into their aching clits. Roberta felt her clit swell like an overinflated balloon as it exploded with raw electricity. The women’s eyes widened with the overwhelming sensation, then both let out short, sharp shrieks of pleasure and surprise. Roberta had hoped that touching nipples with this beautiful brunette bitch would be a powerful erotic contact; she had not expected the sheer ecstasy that now caused her enormous tits to swell with power, that caused her powerful, naked pussy to spasm. Roberta felt her vagina clench, all the way up into her core, then release with a gusher of cunt juice. She moaned in uncontrollable passion as she splattered her inner thighs, her bare feet. At the exact same moment, the other woman did exactly the same thing. Moaning in sexual ecstasy, the dark-haired, green-eyed beauty’s pussy squirted like a fire hose, splattering her legs, splattering Roberta’s feet too. The women’s towel sarongs acted as a barrier to contain some of the pussy gush.

    The women’s nipples burned like hot coals. It took all of Roberta’s will to not pull away, to stay engaged with the overwhelming sensation filling her tits, radiating out into her lush body. The women’s massive tits were quivering with tension; both women gritted their teeth and, holding tight to the other’s biceps, pushed into each other. Their rock-hard nipples pushed hard, shoving each other back, before slipping apart on the sweat coating their flesh. Their nipples stabbed into the other’s areola. Immediately, acting on some shared sense, Roberta and her rival hooked their nipples, side to side, and began to slowly push to the side with their tits, trying to bend the other woman’s nipples over. Their thick, brown rods held, trembling as they supported and resisted the weight of the women’s thick boobs, the force of their twisting torsos, before bending beneath the pressure. The women’s tits slid by each other, wet meat caressing and pushing meat; their nipples snapped back into position, still harder than rocks. Their tits jiggled with the released tension, dense titflesh rippling in waves. The women gasped in shared pain and pleasure as they bent each other back, then immediately hooked their nipples once more and started again.

    For several minutes, Roberta and the brunette fought with their nipples like fleshy swords, each woman trying to bend and break the other, trying to prove whose tits and nipples were stronger, harder, thicker. Roberta hoped to feel her opponent’s nipples softening, giving up before her stronger nubs. Instead, both women felt their nips grow thicker, harder, requiring more pressure and effort to bend them. The sweat mixed and dripped from their quivering tits, their trembling nips. Soon, the fleshy nubs were far too slick to hold each other, but still the women rubbed and jousted with their thick brown cylinders, the shocks of erotic pleasure they received from each contact making their pussies tight and wet. Soon, they were both rotating their slick nipples around and around each other, inside the other’s woman’s roughly pebbled areola, giving each other enormous pleasure. Roberta and her sexual rival grunted and panted, moaned and gasped, with each erotic attack. They glared at each other, their gorgeous eyes blazing with shared hate. But neither spoke to the other; somehow, they had both come to the conclusion that to speak first was to lose some important psychological advantage in this conflict.

    The nipple duel was coming to an end. Both women realized that the other’s nips were not going to surrender to their own and the sweat on their tits and nips was making it impossible to lock their body parts together in a decisive contest. Grunting with anger and lust, Roberta tightened her grip on the brunette’s biceps and thrust forward, driving her rock-hard nipples deep into her enemy’s thick titmeat, stabbing into the voluptuous flesh. She rejoiced inside as her meaty mounds crushed tight to the other woman’s brown orbs. The brunette snarled, released Roberta’s biceps, and wrapped her arms around Roberta’s muscular back. Roberta instantly followed suit. Nose to nose, the women tightened their grips, squashing each other’s massive, meaty tits in a vicious mutual bearhug. The sudden shock of pleasure was exquisite. Roberta’s senses were almost overwhelmed by the delicious feeling of titmeat mashing and flowing into titmeat. The thick pads of their massive breasts compressed tightly, each giant boob struggling to crush its counterpart, all four thick mounds holding each other in check. The women threw back their heads and moaned in pleasure and effort, squeezing and squeezing, each woman trying to flatten the other and prove her superiority. Their flat, solidly muscled bellies slapped tight, sweaty flesh to flesh. Roberta felt her abdominal muscles rippling against her opponent’s abs. She thrilled as she felt her navel suck with the brunette’s navel. Their bodies were perfectly aligned, a perfect match. Their engorged nipples grew even thicker and harder as they stabbed deeper into the other woman’s titflesh. Pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, sharing hot breath, Roberta and her enemy glared at each other hatefully. They loosened their grips on each other slightly, just enough that they could begin to use their backs and hips to rub and grind into each other tit to tit, belly to belly. Their bodies undulated and surged against each other, their enflamed nipples scraped and jousted within their mashed titflesh. The women ground their bodies together mercilessly, each trying to break the other, all the while staring into each other’s eyes, breathing each other’s breath.

    Roberta felt her rival’s thick, muscled thigh press up into her shaved cunt, the muscle pushing the towel hanging from her hips firmly into her mound. Roberta’s powerful thigh was pressed just as tightly into the other woman’s pussy. Their bare feet slid on the sauna floor, occasionally stepping on each other. Roberta opened her hands on the woman’s bare back and felt the muscle rippling under the skin. She traced the delicious curve of the brunette’s back down to the woman’s ass. For a moment, she considered undoing the tight knot at the woman’s hip, to release her towel.

    As the intensity of their body to body struggle increased, as their naked flesh rubbed and slid and slapped harder and harder, Roberta and her rival panted into the other’s gorgeous face. The other woman’s tongue slid out and ran along Roberta’s lips; Roberta’s tongue immediately replied. Their tongues touched, pushed and licked, slick with spit, each contact sending profound shockwaves coursing through the women’s loins. The women turned their heads, slid their noses past each other, and thrust their tongues deep into the other’s mouth. Their tongues twisted and wrestled, their mouths sealed tight. Pure ecstasy filled Roberta’s body as almost every part of her luscious body merged and meshed with every part of the other woman’s voluptuous perfection. The women moaned deep in their throats as they gave themselves over to the intense pleasure coursing through their muscles. Spit filled their mouths, forming a wet arena for their tongues to fight within. Drool overflowed, dripping down to their massive shared cleavage, to their quivering, struggling tits. Roberta and her rival sucked the saliva back and forth, before they swallowed the shared spit, further sealing the intimacy of their sexual struggle.

    For long minutes, the two beautiful women stood in the hot, steaming sauna, their arms wrapped around each other, their naked torsos crushed tight, their mouths locked, the only sound their animal moans of satisfaction. Their bodies writhed, rubbing and rubbing, slick flesh sliding and burning. Massive, bulging, throbbing tits rolled against each other, hot and wet, burning nipples stabbing and scraping, grinding into sensitive areola. Sweat rolled down their flat, rippling bellies. Their hands moved over the other’s back, feeling rippling muscle, pressing, scratching. They shared long, pulsating moans as they sucked spit back and forth, their mouths sealed in an unbreakable join. Roberta was lost in the overwhelmingly erotic sensations. Her flesh felt on fire, her tits were aching with pleasure. Her mouth was filled with spit and tongue, she felt like she was melting into this unbelievable rival. The heat between her legs was unbearable and she found herself needing, aching for the next level in this contest of sexual supremacy. Her clit felt like it was going to explode. She began to rub her pussy against her rival’s thigh harder, through the intruding towel. The brunette did the same, working her ass and hips in small movements, pressing her naked cunt into Roberta’s towel-draped thigh.

    Suddenly, the lights in the sauna flickered off and on; a moment later, a woman’s voice boomed over the intercom.

    “The facility closes in ten minutes. Please leave as soon as possible.”

    The sudden intrusion of reality into their erotic fantasy shocked both women back to their senses. The brunette’s eyes flashed open; so did Roberta’s. For a moment, the two women looked deep into each other, both seeing the shock there. They broke their kiss, long strands of spit linking their red lips as they pulled apart. Spit dribbled onto their mashed tits. The brunette grabbed Roberta by the shoulders and, grunting, pushed her away. Roberta staggered back, catching herself on the sauna wall. The other woman fell back to her bench, her bare back to the wall, her entire body recoiling from Roberta and what they had been doing to each other.

    Panting, their tits heaving, the beautiful women glared at each other from across the steamy room. Looks of rage, shame, profound mortification and pure lust flashed across their faces. They were both still incredibly horny; their tits remained engorged, their nipples swollen and thick. The towels had slid on both women’s hips; the knots had loosened. Another few minutes and the towels would have fallen off their hips, leaving them completely naked.

    Without even bothering to slip her feet back into her flip flops, the brunette raced for the sauna door, threw it open, and dashed out. Roberta’s last glimpse of her rival was of the woman whipping the towel off her hips, her naked ass flashing, as she raced for her locker.

    Roberta remained in the sauna for a few more seconds, gathering herself, trying to make sense of what had just happened. For a moment, she did not know what to do. But then the intense heat and pressure in her pussy, concentrated in her throbbing clit, decided the matter for her. She and this woman had opened the door on something that promised excruciating pleasure. The pleasure they had shared just in those few minutes of tit to tit grinding had been exquisite. They had to see this through to the end. Roberta knew that she had to find some way to get between the legs of her incredible new rival.

    Roberta slipped on her flip flops, grabbed the other woman’s footwear, and hurried out of the sauna. She raced to her locker, whipping off her towel as she ran, and quickly pulled on a sweatshirt (with nothing else beneath) and a pair of skintight yoga pants (she did not bother slipping on her thong). As she dressed, she heard the sound of the other woman’s boot heels clicking down the corridor, leaving the locker room. Roberta threw the two pairs of flip flops into her locker, threw her thong into her gym bag along with her workout clothes, and hurried after the retreating brunette.

    Roberta made it to the parking lot just as the other woman’s BMW started up and pulled away. Roberta jumped into the driver’s seat of her Mercedes and peeled off after the BMW. She did not turn on her car lights; she did not want the brunette to know she was being followed. Roberta managed to keep the BMW in view. Ten minutes later, the car pulled into an exclusive neighborhood. Roberta followed as the BMW eased up the driveway of a large, expensive, two story home. The garage door opened, the car pulled in, and the door closed. Roberta stopped across the street and watched. Lights briefly flashed on then off on the main floor of the house. A light went on in what was probably the upstairs master bedroom. Shortly after, the light went off and the house became still.

    Roberta knew what the other woman was doing at that exact moment. It was what Roberta planned to do as soon as she got home. Roberta was certain that, if she rang the doorbell and her rival answered, she could easily spend the night riding the other woman’s luscious body. A large part of her wanted to do just that. But another part of her decided that this was an encounter that needed special attention. Her body burning with sexual need, Roberta drove home. As soon as she got into her apartment, she stripped off her clothing. Naked, she threw herself on her bed, pulled the biggest dildo she could find out of her night table, and went to work on her aching pussy.

    To be continued:
    Last edited by JB57; August 25th, 2018 at 07:32 AM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

    amazing and arousing!

    JB you manage somehow to outdo yourself again and again. I love the juicy details of the slow buildup and the prolonged bearhug - and then maybe a bit of shame, as one of the women realizes what she has doing.

    Looking forward to their next meeting - or maybe ringing the doorbell anyway - and maybe while talking to her opponent over the phone - as it was done in "Back to School"

    Take care
    Last edited by Johannesdk; August 25th, 2018 at 06:08 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

    Johannes, thanks. Yes, as you've noticed, this story has definite elements of "Back to School" as its main inspiration. As I said at the beginning, this is, essentially, a combination of elements from different stories that I am revisiting though, now that I really think of where the story has gone, "Back to School" is the overwhelming template.

    As I was re-reading the story, I noticed one or two missing words in this part that I will correct. There is another mistake that I just noticed: with modern cars, the driver has no control over whether or not the lights come on (as far as I know). I may change that, or I may just leave it as an authorial error.

    I'll get up the next part soon. I have been working on the concluding chapter, but it is not quite done. The next two parts are done and I will put them up today and tomorrow, but the final part may take a few days after that.


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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

    Oh man! Finally got back to look at part2! Great build up to a bigger battle I hope. The unspoken tension is great and I hope they go out at it fully in the sauna! I like these two characters a lot so far.

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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by kingofdapirates1 View Post
    Oh man! Finally got back to look at part2! Great build up to a bigger battle I hope. The unspoken tension is great and I hope they go out at it fully in the sauna! I like these two characters a lot so far.
    Thanks, King! I hope you catch the elements of this story that are inspired by scenes from your recent story "A Quiet Affair."

    The final chapter of "The Silent Partner" should be up in a few days. It's about half-done now.

    Last edited by JB57; September 2nd, 2018 at 06:56 PM.

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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    As I was re-reading the story, I noticed one or two missing words in this part that I will correct. There is another mistake that I just noticed: with modern cars, the driver has no control over whether or not the lights come on (as far as I know). I may change that, or I may just leave it as an authorial error.

    I'll get up the next part soon. I have been working on the concluding chapter, but it is not quite done. The next two parts are done and I will put them up today and tomorrow, but the final part may take a few days after that.

    Personally, I don't think the "mistake" about modern cars is important - especially if readers are in different countries where the 'modern cars' may NOT have that safety feature. MISSING WORDS, on the other hand could be crucial - if they change the meaning of a passage, or could cause confusion. I think you (as the author) can decide how to deal with that.

    Of course, there are a LOT of stories posted on the Internet where a couple of missing (or extraneous) words aren't even noticed among the volume of other mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling (and sometimes downright confusing plot lapses) so you shouldn't feel embarrassed about TWO. Fix 'em or not - YOU know how important they are.

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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part II - by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginny38 View Post
    Personally, I don't think the "mistake" about modern cars is important - especially if readers are in different countries where the 'modern cars' may NOT have that safety feature. MISSING WORDS, on the other hand could be crucial - if they change the meaning of a passage, or could cause confusion. I think you (as the author) can decide how to deal with that.

    Of course, there are a LOT of stories posted on the Internet where a couple of missing (or extraneous) words aren't even noticed among the volume of other mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling (and sometimes downright confusing plot lapses) so you shouldn't feel embarrassed about TWO. Fix 'em or not - YOU know how important they are.
    Ginny, that also depends on the genre. I write non-commission stories in the crime fiction genre, which is bound by Knox's 20 Laws, so where an alibi method or murder technique can't be magic (like a poison no test can trace), it's still good to expand the author's knowledge so readers learn something new, especially if it's presented as the banana peel the perp slips on. To me, JB's correction is useful even if it's not "life threatening" to a story.

    As for mistakes... I'm a speed reader, so it's easy to spot, but I usually call the author's attention in private after I've gotten permission. In stories over 5 thousand words, it's actually well advised to use the four sets of eyes technique. Despite my best efforts and safeguards in place, I still go back and reread before publishing since a word by itself can be rational, be also grammatically correct and still be the wrong word (like than-then). Tedious but ultimately worth it.
    The home of my multi-part work: [URL][/URL]

    The place where I can be commissioned: [URL][/URL]

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    Finally, the one where I'll post my e-books: Lulu, once I post the complete first episode of my story

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