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Thread: The Silent Partner, Part IV - by JB57

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    The Silent Partner, Part IV - by JB57

    The Silent Partner, Part IV

    Roberta pulled on her thong, some yoga pants, a sweat suit jacket and nothing else. She tied on her runners and headed out to her car. Just as she left the locker room, the lights blinked and the announcement that closing was imminent came over the intercom. Roberta got into her car and checked the little bag she had left in the center console. Inside, she had her scanner, linked to the transmitter, to get her into the bitch?s garage; she had the chip reader she would need to get the security code. She had other burglar tools to deal with locks and other obstacles. She nodded to herself. ?Time for a rematch, you fucking cunt,? she whispered to herself.

    Roberta parked her car across the street from her rival?s house and watched. The house looked quiet and dark, with only a security light over the outer garage door. She looked carefully at where the master suite was located. She did not see any lights. That was not surprising; the woman may have gone straight to bed on getting home. Roberta knew that she certainly would have done so, and would be servicing herself with a giant dildo at that very moment, were their positions reversed. Roberta pulled out some binoculars and examined the master suite window more carefully. She could not be sure, but there could be a very slight glow coming from behind the curtain indicating, perhaps, some kind of nightlight.

    Roberta got out of the car, her little burglar bag slung over her shoulder. She pulled on a wide-brimmed fedora to hide her face. When she was sure the coast was clear, she walked up the house?s driveway to the garage. She hit the transmitter button. The door began to lift. In the relative silence of the quiet street, it sounded ridiculously loud, even though she knew it really was not. It took about 2 seconds for the door to rise half a meter. She stopped it and then slipped under the raised edge. The automatic light had come on in the garage. She closed the garage door. She squeezed past the woman?s BMW and approached the security box beside the entrance to the house. She opened it and quickly extracted the scanning chip she had inserted earlier. She placed it in her chip reader and soon had the security code for the house. The security system was active. She tapped in the 5 digit code; the light on the box went from green to red. Roberta smiled and felt a bit of tension leave her body, to be immediately replaced by a different, far more enjoyable tension. So far, everything had gone according to her plan. Soon, she was sure, she would be exactly where she wanted to be. She pulled out the duplicate key she had made to the garage door that opened into the house. Roberta slipped the key into the lock and turned; it opened easily.

    Roberta entered the house silently. She immediately shed her runners, so she could walk in bare feet, and doffed her hat. Streetlights shone through the windows into the hall and the main living area, providing some illumination. She saw that the woman had kicked off her jogging shoes just inside the door. Roberta walked silently through the dark house. She came across something lying in a heap in the hall. She pulled out a penlight to see what it was. She smiled as she saw the woman?s jogging jacket. The next item of clothing she found was the woman?s halter top. Roberta checked the bra cup size; it was 40EE. Roberta suspected it would fit her perfectly. A pair of yoga pants was thrown carelessly at the foot of the stairs. Roberta carefully tiptoed up the wooden stairs, listening for any sounds or signs that she was detected. At the top of the stairs, she found the final item of clothing: the woman?s discarded thong.

    Roberta smiled as she picked up the thong. It was wet. She put it to her nose and inhaled deeply, enjoying the powerful scent of her rival?s musk, the delicious odor of hot cunt. Roberta dropped the cloth to the floor and continued down the hall. She clicked off her light.

    A few meters down the hallway, the double doors to the master bedroom were immediately to her left. There was a nightlight on in the hall, but it did not prevent Roberta from seeing that a dull glow was coming out from under the bedroom door. There was probably another nightlight on in that room. She paused outside the door, listening. She smiled as she heard moans, gasps, groans, and the occasional curse coming from inside.

    Roberta continued down the hall. She used the penlight to check each of the other bedrooms on the top floor. She was fairly certain that the woman lived alone, but it was always best to be careful. The other bedrooms were furnished, but had the feel of guestrooms, not rooms that were regularly occupied. Roberta nodded in satisfaction. One of the rooms was being used as some kind of craft room. There was no risk of her being disturbed. She was about to try the master bedroom door when it occurred to her that people might be in the basement. It was highly unlikely, given the woman?s strip as she raced through the house, but Roberta needed to be sure before she could proceed with her plan. She decided to check the entire house. She realized she was being overly cautious, but she also felt a tantalizing thrill in putting off her confrontation with her rival.

    Silently, walking on tiptoe, Roberta returned to the main floor. She carefully checked every room, before proceeding to the basement. There were more bedrooms down there. Roberta wondered how many guests this woman had, or if the woman simply had more house than she could possibly need or use ? but all were unoccupied with no signs of regular habitation. There were also an entertainment room with an enormous TV and a well-equipped home gym. Again, Roberta wondered what this woman did for a living. She knew it would be easy for her to find out, but there was an erotic appeal in keeping her conflict with the other woman anonymous and she did not want to lose that, at least not yet.

    The exercise of checking the house had greatly increased the tension in Roberta?s body. She was already preternaturally horny; her pussy was dripping, soaking her thong and threatening to leak onto the front of her yoga pants. Her rock hard nipples were growing ever more stimulated as they rubbed into the soft wool of her sweat suit. She had the suit jacket unzipped down to her navel to help relieve the pressure, her big tits almost spilling out of the opening, but it was not really helping. The fact that she was an intruder in someone else?s house was playing on her nerves. Her need for sexual revenge, her need to carry her erotic war with the cunt upstairs to the next level, drove her on.

    Satisfied that the house was unoccupied except for her rival, Roberta returned to the main floor. She paused to double-check that she had relocked the garage door entrance, then continued up the stairs to the hall outside the master bedroom. The sounds from inside the room had become louder and more frantic. Clearly, the woman inside was nearing a delicious orgasm. Roberta decided she might like to watch that. Carefully, she reached out to turn the knob. To her chagrin, she discovered the door was locked.

    For a moment, Roberta felt a flare of irritation and a dread that her plan would not work. She pushed it down. She had tools with her and she was sure that the lock could not be that sophisticated. If it was something like a deadbolt, then her plan was likely stymied. But if it was a typical snap button lock, it could be opened with a sharp, thin object. She fished a steel pick out of her bag, inserted it into the center hole in the doorknob to the master suite and pushed it in firmly. As she worked, she kept her ears focused on the sounds of pleasure coming from inside the room. After a few seconds, she heard the lock snap free; she froze. It had been a fairly loud sound, but there was no interruption in the gasps and moans coming from behind the door. Roberta?s erotic rival was far too engaged in her own pleasure to be distracted.

    Carefully, Roberta replaced her pick, zipped her bag closed, then pushed the door open. She entered soundlessly. She closed the door and locked it gently. Her eyes were already adjusted to the dim light. What she saw made her smile lasciviously. Her breasts and nipples began to burn even hotter, her cunt clenched with arousal. The trickle between her legs became an uncomfortable flow.

    The other woman was lying on her king-sized bed, completely naked, the sheets thrown back. The woman?s magnificent body was dimly illuminated by the glow from a nightlight positioned just outside the ensuite door, across the large room. The woman was writhing on the bed, her gasps and moans of pleasure growing louder. Her hips jerked, her big tits jiggled and wobbled frantically. Her right hand was between her legs, stroking and caressing her naked twat, teasing and stimulating her swollen clit. Her left hand was on her chest, squeezing and kneading her own tits. As Roberta watched, the woman pushed the nipple of her massive left breast up to her mouth and began to bite and suck, feeding on her own tit. Roberta shuddered with desire.

    The woman slowed down. Breathing deeply, still stroking herself but at a slower rate, she released her tit and allowed her pleasure to subside. She paused for maybe two minutes, her breathing slowly calming. Then, when she had let her body retreat from the point of orgasm, she started again. Soon, her gasps and moans were rising in volume and she was biting and suckling her tit again, when she was not squeezing her own nipples.

    Roberta delighted in what she was seeing. Soon, she would join the bitch on the bed. Soon, she would mount the whore. She would press her naked, burning cunt deep into the whore?s twat, she would lock clits and mash her tits with those of her enemy, and then she would fuck and fuck and fuck the bitch until she broke the woman?s body with her own. She would grind the whore?s tits flat, she would fuck her cunt until it was red and sore. Roberta licked her lips in anticipation.

    Slowly, Roberta placed her bag on the ground. Carefully, she finished unzipping her sweat suit top and slipped it off her shoulders. She dropped it silently to the floor. Her engorged tits stiffened even more, now that they were exposed in the cooler air of the bedroom. Roberta hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her yoga pants and pulled the skintight garment down her thighs and her calves and stepped out of it. She slipped her wet thong down her muscled legs. She kicked the thong and pants away with her bare feet and stood, completely nude.

    She breathed deeply, calming herself, readying herself for the fuckfight to come. She reached down and stroked her swollen pussy. It had felt a bit raw and ravaged before, but now it felt taut, wet and hungry. She spread her cuntlips and felt her engorged clit rear up, vibrating with tension and need. She ran her palm over her swollen nipples and felt them get even harder. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

    Soundlessly, Roberta crossed the room. She stood at the foot of the bed, looking down on her nemesis, as the woman masturbated, her ass and hips jerking, her tits jiggling hard. Roberta considered how she would make her presence known. She felt her body getting tighter, wetter, as she watched her enemy stroke her burning clit, massage her massive tits, lick and suck at her own tit. Roberta knew she had to act soon; even though she was standing silently at the foot of the bed, she knew the woman would soon sense her presence. The moment she got on the bed, the woman would know she was there. Roberta?s breathing was growing heavier and more excited and, soon, she would be unable to maintain her silence. She wanted the advantage of surprise.

    The writhing woman on the bed moaned deeply as her fingers worked between her legs. She squeezed her nipple and arched her back. ?Oh God, you cunt,? the woman whispered, under her breath. ?Yes,? she gasped, ?feel my clit, you whore,? she murmured, her imagination clearly locked in an erotic battle. ?Break, you bitch, break??

    Roberta knew exactly who the woman was imagining destroying with her body. Roberta?s eyes flashed and she smiled savagely. It was time to make her presence felt.

    To be continued:

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    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part IV - by JB57

    Wouw, magnificent JB!

    I think this is the first time you'e included what could be called a "thriller" or "criminal plot" in your stories - I personall love all the logical and prolonged buildups to the final showdown.

    It's going to be interresting how our "victim" reacts to the intruder.


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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part IV - by JB57

    Hi, Johannes. Interesting observation. I did a quick survey of my other stories and, other than the "Cat and Panther"stories - which feature cat burglars - I think that you may be right! I find that a bit weird, since this is a scenario that I find very appealing, so I'm surprised I have not used it more often.

    I'm also glad you like the prolonged buildup. This story has moved pretty fast, so I thought having a chapter that was nothing but a tease in the middle of the fight would build some suspense!

    There are two more chapters to this story. The next part is done; I'm tweaking it now and hope to have it up in the next day or so.


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    The Silent Partner, Part IV - by JB57

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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part IV - by JB57

    What a stand alone chapter to a hot story this one is, ha.

    A really good idea having a cool build up to not only a story - but to

    just a chapter, a chapter.

    It adds a bigger bang, to the next sex battle - yes.

    I hope JB57 does this again and again in other stories. It's just like watching

    a movie, not just reading a story.

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: The Silent Partner, Part IV - by JB57

    Yes, awesome build up. The sneak in, and the finding of the other woman's clothes and especially the thong is so great. Can't wait to read part 5 next as Roberta is going for all or nothing after breaking in and watching her rival play with herself. It also looks like there are places them to fight in this huge house, or will they settle it in bed...looking forward to finding out!

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