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    Dear Hostboard friends,

    I originally intended to leave the story of Camille and Richard as a stand alone tale, but I just couldn?t.

    The reason was that I had the idea to write a ?mirror? story.

    So, with a few changes in the story, and adjustments for ?anatomical differences,? this story reads a lot like the original, except from Natalie?s point of view.

    Indeed, for the full effect, I respectfully request that you read (or re-read) the original story with Camille and Richard before reading this part.

    I hope that you will enjoy this and, as always, feedback is welcomed.

    by A. Penman

    Camille stretched out on top of me, exhausted and, I hoped, deeply satisfied. I could feel her nipples poking into me just below my belly button.

    I loved her tits! They were large, but not too large. Just right. And they matched up perfectly with mine, which led me to suspect that she was a fulsome D cup. I know, cup size is important, but things between us became so heated so quickly that there was no time to assemble a team of experts to perform a comparative analysis.

    I have to confess something, however. I had always thought that my tits were a little bigger than Camille?s tits. I was convinced that mine were shapelier, fuller and more firm too. I was wrong. Not that I?m kvetching about it?well, maybe a little. How dare this bitch have a set of knockers as hot as my knockers? What a pleasant surprise!

    I?m not boasting or anything (not me), but it was now a little bit after 10PM and we had been kissing, licking, sucking, 69ing, resting, fingering, roll-around wrestling, resting and 69ing for almost two hours. I lost count of how many times I had climaxed. Indeed, we were both exhausted.

    My female ego notwithstanding, I?d say Cammie had erupted at least as often as me. And yes, the fact that I called her Cammie meant that our long friendship had evolved to the silly nickname stage. She was ?Cammie? and I had become ?Nittie.? Who knows how that evolved?

    Now, as she stretched out on top of me after our last astonishing orgasm, I softly rubbed her back and noted that her breathing was a little hard. Perhaps the intensity of our sex had caused this. But given her long history of asthma, I couldn?t take any chances. I needed to be careful with her.

    So, I gently moved my hand down her left side ribcage and felt for the use of any accessory muscles because that?s what Nurse Anna Chambers told me to do on her last visit to the Emergency Room.

    And, oh my, that Nurse Chambers! With Cammie in Examination room one, still in her wheelchair and hooked up to one of those breathing masks with medicated mist, she leaned in to listen to Camille?s lungs with her stethoscope and for a second I thought her own rather large ?lungs? might come spilling out of the top of her nurse?s uniform. DAMN! I might just have to ?get sick.?

    Anyway, there were no intercostal retractions noted. That was good. But just in case, I checked the nightstand to see if her rescue inhaler was within easy reach. Cammie sensed that I was looking out for her. She sighed, snuggled, then allayed my concern.

    ?It?s OK Nittie, I took my evening dose of my maintenance inhaler. I?m good.?

    Then she purred and softly kissed my neck, just to let me know she loved the fact that I was worried about her. I, of course, couldn?t resist the opportunity to be a twat.

    ?I know. And thank goodness for those long acting medicines. But don?t forget, Camille, you suffer with Orgasm Exacerbated Asthma, one of the rarest forms.?
    ?Oh, stop it!? she giggled and gently punched my side.
    ?I?m not kidding. I have a friend who has a cousin who used to date a nurse. So I know what I?m talking about.?
    ?You?re a twit, you twat!?
    ?Why, thank you Miss Camille.?
    ?Did I say twit? I meant to say you?re a twat, you twit!?

    I laughed, which got me a second punch in the ribs.

    Camille grunted, shifted her position slightly, then snuggled her head into the crook of my neck, somehow making our bodies more intimate. This girl knew how to maximize. The afterglow felt so warm, I couldn?t help but to sigh.

    And now, lying gently with her in post orgasm bliss, every breath that escaped her chest gently drifted across my neck, giving me shivers and, I swear, making my clitoris twitch.

    Hmm?Natalie and Camille?the two names sounded nice together. Now, hold on to your brassier. I?m not talking about moving in together, buying the house with the picket fence and settling down. But I really like what she and I have together. And if the topic should ever come up, I would seriously discuss it with her. Since we first became friends, about two years ago, we had an amazing rapport. It was like we were meant to be best friends. I?ve never had this kind of rapport with another woman.

    Earlier this evening, after we drank a little too much wine, we decided it would be best for her to wait a while before driving home. I put on some sexy music, the classic jazz recording titled ?John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman? and we sat back on the couch in a nice, warm snuggle. We looked lovingly at each other, and I began to feel a mutual need, a seduction in our eyes. Her eyes closed, her head tilted slightly. I wasn?t sure if this was an invitation to a kiss, but I just had to take a chance) I couldn?t stop myself. I pressed my lips to hers and suddenly, my friend and I were locked in a much-more-than-friends kiss on the couch. The kiss was a little tentative at first. But in a few seconds we went from uncertain to emboldened as our mouths began to chew and my tongue wrestled with hers in our mixed saliva. Good lord, my nipples stiffened to rock hard!

    But then we stopped abruptly and came to our senses, breaking off our lip lock. We then sat up, straightened our hair and our blouses and fidgeted nervously for a few non-verbal moments.

    Camille then stood up and made a half-hearted attempt to leave. But when we embraced at the door, there could be no doubt that our intent was to mash our tits hard and purposefully into each other. That was the final straw. A woman to woman challenge? We both knew that would have to be bare breast to bare breast. And so, we waisted no time peeling off each other?s clothes. And the next thing we new, we were rolling around in a naked embrace on my bed?our needy bodies pressing and slamming into each other.

    It would be disingenuous to say, however, that I never thought (or hoped) this would happen. For quite some time now, we had both been dropping those half-playful, half-serious ?what-if-we?? suggestions. And whenever that happened, I could sense that we both were, at the very least, intrigued by the idea?maybe even a little turned on by it.

    And now? What about now? I wondered. We just spent a little more than two hours engaged in flat out, no holds barred lesbian sex. When two besties take it all the way like this, what happens next?

    Camille must have been reading my thoughts. Suddenly she shifted her position, moving up a few inches so that she could look me in the eyes. This realigned our bodies into a perfect mirror image. Our breasts squared off fully and I felt a volatile surge as our nipples poked and played. Then she started to tease me by rolling her tits into mine, mashing and kneading them softly, as if they were pizza dough. My tits stood their ground as we played a brief, sexy game of ?who wants to make a pizza?? I thought to myself, ?I?ll take mine with lots of cheese and extra nipples.? Who knew that going tit to tit with a woman could be so sexy? I was getting turned on again. Camille was too, but I could tell that she had something on her mind.

    ?Natalie, can I ask a question??
    ?Sure babe, ask.?
    ?Well,? she was tentative, ?was this inevitable?? she asked sincerely.
    ?That?s a complicated question, Camille.?
    ?I don?t understand. Why is that a complicated question??
    ?Can you answer that with a straightforward yes or no, Cammie??

    Indeed, it was a difficult question made even more complex because I could now feel her smooth mound of Venus pressing down on mine. And when they touched so intimately, there was no way for either of us to remain still. She began to rub. I rubbed back. We both looked at each other lasciviously, knowing how close our pussies were to touching.

    So, by way of explanation, this was my first lesbian experience?Camille?s too. I had always thought that one night of lesbian sex would be well worth experiencing. But I also thought it would be one that I could simply file in the ?life experiences? folder and move on. Now, as her pussy lips began to lightly kiss mine, I knew that I was dead wrong. Maybe the dynamic is different when it?s your best friend. I can?t say for sure.

    So far this evening, we had run the gamut of things two horny girls can do to and with each other to have fun?except for that one thing?that one thing that we both avoided doing because, somehow, we both understood its esoteric implications?that one woman to woman act that would, no doubt, bond us together with a profound closeness.

    When my mind drifted back to the present tense, Camille was no longer on top of me. I sat up to see her leaning back on her out stretched arms with her legs spread in a V. I took in a sharp breath.

    ?What?s this?? I asked.
    ?You know exactly what this is, Natalie.?

    Camille was right, of course. I knew and she knew.

    I recalled one night, a couple months ago. We were on the internet, cruising for porn together, just for giggles. We went through the usual array of garbage, but then stopped when we came across a video of two women ?scissoring.? This got our attention. This was the video that intrigued us the most.

    And now, here we were?now here I was, staring into my best friend?s spread-legged enticement to come join her in nirvana.

    My head began to swoon. ?Gosh?Cammie?I?
    ?We have to do this. It will bond us, woman to woman.?
    ?Oh god, Camille?really??
    ?Yes Natalie. Really.?

    I started to breathe hard?actually, I started to struggle to get my breath. Camille reached over to the nightstand and handed me her rescue inhaler. Without a second thought, I grabbed it and took a deep hit.

    ?Wait for sixty seconds, then do another one.? Camille instructed.
    ?You?re the expert.?

    I relaxed for a minute than took a second hit. Thank goodness for those fast-acting beta agonists! Man, that stuff really works!

    With my breathing pretty much back to normal, I maneuvered myself into position, matched my legs with hers and formed an opposing V. The look on her face was one of pure carnal lust.

    I waited with eyes closed because I knew what was next and I didn?t want any visual distractions to lessen the visceral sensation of two cunts coming together for the very first time. My sweet, sexy best friend then moved her pussy into mine. I could feel penetration of the sweetest kind. Just the sheerest folding and slotting and clenching of thick naked pussy lips. Our flowers were now sealed with each other.

    Someone dropped a pebble in the pond?ripples of newfound desires expanded in concentric circles outward. Camille and I were joined in a profound coupling. Her clitoris swiftly located mine, begging for the friction of a girl cock tryst.

    Then she stopped, smiled at me, leaving the decision of when and how forcefully I wanted to thrust and grind into her completely up to me.

    I?m a slow thruster and easy grinder. Hard can wait until the fucking has reached a maddening pace. In this case, especially in this case, I wanted each nerve ending in my swollen pudenda to absorb every subtle nuance and sensation of the sweet cunt that was welcoming it into its juiced accommodations?to savor the tactile sensations of sopping flesh melding together?and to experience the slippery encounter of two engorged clitorises. I knew then that the rest of tonight?s agenda would consist of our cunt lips sucking and wrestling and our tumescent girl cocks battling it out deep inside the folds of flesh.

    We pretty much stayed in this leg scissor through the night, grinding and rubbing our pussies softly?starting out slowly and rhythmically like Ravel?s Bolero, then moving to the pounding of the 1812 overture and then furiously finishing off like Flight of The Bumble Bee, waves of cum and newfound pleasure sweeping over us.

    Then we would rest, still connected deeply. And then, the whole sequence would begin again, and again and again?

    But in the morning came the angst.


    The hot shower water came down upon our pressed together bodies as Camille and I kissed with deep desire. We took a good amount of time to fuck in soapy slickness, getting in a few more orgasms before coffee. Each romantic pussy to pussy rendezvous with this woman was even more astounding than the one before. It seemed the more we fucked, the better we got at girl fucking. It was wondrous! So much for filing this in the one time ?life experiences? folder. The heat between us was so profound that we had to force ourselves to do what humans actually get into the shower to do.

    Later, sitting at the kitchen table, over fresh ground Espresso Roast, Camille expressed her concerns.

    ?What am I going to tell Richard, Natalie??
    ?I don?t understand. Why do you have to tell him??
    ?Because, dear friend and lover, I?ve cheated on him!? Camille said, somehow convinced that she had transgressed.
    ?Cammie, in case you hadn?t noticed, I?m a woman.?
    ?What?s your point, woman??
    ?My point is, I?m not a man. So, technically, this isn?t cheating.? I reassured her.
    ?It isn?t? But??
    ?Then there?s that other thing.?
    ?What other thing??
    ?The straight male fantasy?the lesbian fantasy??
    ?What the hell are you bloviating about, Natalie??
    ?All straight men secretly fantasize about their wives or girlfriends getting it on with another woman.?
    ?They do? Gosh, I don?t know about that.?
    ?I?ve heard that it?s the most common male masturbation fantasy.?
    ?I?m still not convinced?Richard has never even hinted at that.?
    ?Look, I have an idea??
    ?Well, that sounds terrifying.? Her response was snarky.
    ?Do you want to hear this brilliance, or not??
    ?Oh, by all means!?
    ?Here?s what you do. The next time the two of you are in bed fucking, gently broach the subject. Ask him if he ever fantasizes about you having sex with a woman.?
    ?I don?t think I could do that, Natalie.?
    ?Don?t be a wimp! Try it! I?ll bet you?ll be quite surprised by the response that you get from him.?
    ?You?re out of your goddamn mind, Nittie!?
    ?Listen to me Cammie, I?m so sure of this, I?ll bet you one full night of non-stop, pussy to pussy grinding.?
    ?Hmmm?? Camille pondered. ?could you be a bit more specific??
    ?Simple?If I?m right about this, I get to fuck you all night long.?
    ?And if you?re wrong? Which I?m sure you are??
    ?Also simple?then YOU get to fuck ME all night long."

    Seeing the devilishness of my plan, Camille stroked her chin as she pondered it.

    ?Hmmm???I like it!?

    Last edited by apenman; November 15th, 2018 at 11:59 PM.

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