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    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

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    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    Apologies to regular readers as its taken a while for this latest installment to arrive. I had good intentions but... well here we are. Part 5 of Rivalries Revisited.


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    Links to chapter 6
    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 1
    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 2
    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 3
    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 4
    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    Links to chapter 5
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 1
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 3
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 4
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 5
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 6
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 7

    All the characters and their names in the following story are fictional and over 18. I hope you enjoy reading the Boarding School Queen titfighting and sexfighting series. ? Ragnar0k 2019


    Boarding School Queen Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - part 5

    The struggle for physical and sexual dominance had entered its visceral endgame, and Amita and Susan had experienced nothing like this before, bodies trembling with pain and erotic tension as they fucked hard, swollen breasts crushing together, long, hard nipples spearing and straining to overcome each other.

    Tightening her grip on Susan, Amita lunged with animal ferocity, fighting to crush and wrestle the big blonde to the ground where she stood a better chance of finishing her off. Forcing her clit powerfully against its rival, Amita pressed in hard with her tits, long dark nipples straining against the other girl’s thick shafts with the full weight of her big orbs behind them. Susan mewled desperately, her back arched in pain, and an intense shiver ran through them both as the blonde’s big, wet ass slid unexpectedly on the sex-slimed floor, handing Amita a priceless opportunity if only she could convert it.

    Fighting to remain upright Susan felt her rival’s hot breath on her face and latched on desperately, pulling Amita into a savage, open-mouthed kiss. The dark-haired girl barely flinched, but it was enough to let the blonde back into the fight and they began to squirm together powerfully, hot saliva drooling down chins as their mouths and tongues wrestled for advantage. Rammed together hard, their sweaty bodies trembled and shuddered, straining cunts leaking copious sex juices that soaked their bushes, lathered slapping bellies, splashing the very undersides of their embattled low-hanging tits.

    With her counterattack gathering pace Susan drove her big pale tits hard into Amita’s weighty orbs; both girls rising frantically on their haunches, feeling the weight and power of each taut sac pressing its powerful nipple forward in a supreme effort to overwhelm the rival shaft. Teetering on the edge of orgasm, Amita and Susan broke the kiss and threw their heads back, moaning as one. Swollen breasts quivering and straining, they felt enormous pressure building at the base of their engorged nipple shafts, which were embedded in each other just as powerfully as their spearing clits.

    Sensing the advantage lay in breaking the oppressive rhythm of heavy squeezing and grinding Susan took a chance, wrenching her fucklips away from Amita’s with a wet sucking sound before ramming them in again hard. The dark-haired girl gasped as their throbbing clits detonated against each other, and simultaneously Susan thrust her stiff pink nips savagely into Amita's brown ones. The moment of existential crisis had arrived, both girls rearing up frantically and battling to conquer one another’s undefeated breasts in a frenzied, last-ditch fling of the dice.

    Time stood still as the busty rivals swayed together locked in fearsome struggle. Their swollen teats were crushed impossibly tight, four meaty orbs resisting each other in quivering tension, sharp nipples spearing and straining as never before. Pungent, intoxicating odours of sweat and sexual arousal rose in their flaring nostrils as they thrust forward powerfully again. There was a sudden flurry of action, a feverish pumping and straining of breasts, and then one of them exhaled a wounded cry.

    With a low, animal growl Susan thrust her rigid nipples straight into Amita's again with all her might… and this time the dark-haired girl emitted a deeper, more anguished moan, her beautiful, sweat-streaked face registering pain, shock and confusion.

    “Yesss – oh fuck, YESSSS!!!!” Susan gasped, consolidating her hold over her rival with urgency and malicious intent. It had been a long while since either had uttered a single intelligible syllable, which made the blonde’s new note of fevered anticipation the more wounding to her rival. Amita didn’t waste her breath in reply: she was in a desperate position and when their glazed eyes met, it was clear both girls knew it. And they could feel it intimately too: deep inside the dense structures of their quivering breasts something unprecedented was happening, and the balance of power was shifting in favour of Susan’s mighty orbs – perhaps irrevocably so.

    “What’s wrong, Amita…? The blonde moaned erotically as her rival braced strongly in a spirited attempt to win back the space lost against her big orbs. “Promised I’d… crush your inferior tits…didn’t I…? And… here we are…”

    “Ohhh… fff-uck off bitch!!” Amita shouted, venting her anger and growing frustration. “You haven’t… won yet!”

    “Yet…” Susan savoured the crucial word while tightening her grip on Amita with the zeal of a big cat cornering her wounded prey after an especially long and challenging hunt. Amita gasped and shuddered as the blonde flexed, sealing almost the entire surface area of their flattening inosculated breasts into one mighty erogenous zone. Both girls felt hot blood pulse faster in their breasts and loins as their aching, overburdened nipple shafts twisted and strained.

    “Ahhhh… ahhhhhh... ohhhhhhhhh!"

    “Unnnnnnnnn… oooooooohhhh! Fuck!”

    Clenching her hot wet pussy tightly to Amita’s, the blonde thrashed and twisted violently, corkscrewing their big erect nipples together in a brazen attempt to end it. Amita’s dark eyes flashed in alarm, sweat pouring down her tortured face as she resisted for tense moments before emitting a piercing cry as the bases of her nipples gave way before Susan’s sturdy pink shafts.

    With a howl of triumph, the blonde fell on her rival, pumping their titmeat together to deliver the coup de grace. It was a largely superfluous act as the other girl reeled in shock, her inverted teats sinking deeper into her quivering flesh.

    “Oh, yes… feel that bitch!” Susan gave a final squeeze before pushing her rival away, watching her rival’s dark eyes roll back in her head as she collapsed on the floor.

    Amita had absolutely no idea where she was for a split second. One moment Susan had been crushing her grievously, inflicting exquisite pain on her trapped nipples and breasts, and then the lights went out. Suddenly she was lying flat on her back with her nemesis straddling her, an insufferable gloating expression on the blonde’s flushed and sweaty face.

    Feeling a surge of pain, Amita yearned to comfort her throbbing breasts and massage life back into her flaccid nipples. She tried shifting position, but Susan was firmly in control now, sitting heavily atop her belly, knees pinioning her arms firmly by her sides. Emphasising the massive gulf that had opened between them, Susan was stroking and massaging her big breasts freely, sighing gently as she examined them for battle damage.

    “That was some titfight, eh?” The blonde’s tone was surprisingly breezy, as if they’d just concluded a lively, enjoyable game of tennis. “Shame your weak nipples weren’t up to it in the end though…”

    Studying her rival through sullen, half-closed eyes Amita pressed her lips tight and said nothing. She wasn’t going to rise to the bait and give the nasty bitch even more to crow about.

    “What’s wrong Amita? Never seen you all out of smart bitchy comments before. Just think, after all that build-up, anticipation, turns out my breasts were superior to yours all along… not that it comes as any surprise!”

    Goading the other girl still further, Susan leant forward and began kneading the big cinnamon breasts prostrated beneath her. Gentle at first, the exploratory squeezes acquired more bite as the blonde’s fingers probed her rival’s supine fleshy structures more intimately for signs of weakness.

    “Take your filthy hands off me!” Amita snarled, writhing and bucking but unable to shift Susan’s body weight off her.

    “Oh, so there’s still fight left in her!”

    “You’re full of shite,” Amita said acidly.

    “Mind, I haven’t heard you repeat the best bit yet: Susan, you have such strong, firm, sexy boobs. My soft brown bags were just not up to it… against your amazing white set.”

    Amita’s jaw was set, her eyes blazing with anger and defiance. “You never heard it… because I never submit to cocky bitches like you.”

    Susan’s expression was deadly serious. “If you’re not submitting, then it’s not over. Sure you want to go through with this?”

    “Surely I don’t need to repeat myself?” Amita’s gaze was set implacably.

    “Fine, but you’ll regret it!”

    Pain and exhaustion etched on her pretty face Susan felt almost at the end of her tether, but she was determined to finish it. The blonde gave an exhausted shrug and raised her pendulous orbs high in the air. Guessing what was coming Amita tensed, and a moment later the blonde’s heavy rack came plummeting down.

    Susan fell on her rival hard, spreading Amita’s cinnamon boobs around on her chest with the force of a battering ram. Pressing in before they could recover, the blonde began crushing their massive glands together, grinding them agonisingly across their chests as she fought to take control. Their throbbing nipples scraped and gouged; Susan’s noticeably harder and more erect than Amita’s after winning their earlier battle.

    Amita’s boobs quivered and strained as she fought back, working her arms free and locking them around Susan’s back in a crushing bearhug, pulling her adversary deeper into a melee of thrusting nipples and grinding tits. Susan groaned and set her jaw as her prey unexpectedly turned aggressor, welcoming the opportunity to speed her trajectory towards the prize still eluding her: the total subjugation of Amita Kaur’s magnificent tits.

    Battling the force of gravity as well as her powerful opponent, Amita knew the chances of turning the tables on Susan at this stage remained slim but she was determined to go down fighting nevertheless. The formidable mass and firmness of her opponent’s jugs weighed cruelly on her straining chest, and if Susan kept simply crushing and grinding it seemed her big globes were destined to prevail.

    Their thighs had twined automatically on entering the tit lock, and now the blonde’s hairy mons anchored itself firmly on her rival’s bushy mound, two sets of powerful fleshy fucklips straining to make intimate contact once more.

    “Unnnnnnn fuck … got you girl…” Susan groaned as her straining pussy locked tight with Amita’s thick fucklips and she flexed aggressively, driving her meaty jugs hard into the opposing pair at the same time. Amita groaned deeply, head thrown back as her big teats began to loosen and displace, allowing her opponent's surging breastmeat in to fill the gap. Sweat ran off their churning torsos and squirming tits as Susan tightened her hold , pussy squeezing and sucking on Amita’s inexorably as she began taking control.

    “Aaaaaa… I can feel your tits yielding…. don’t be a stubborn bitch…!”


    As the girls thrashed around wildly, Susan kept kneading and grinding, pushing her boobs in deeper and deeper, reveling in deep intimate sensations as Amita Kaur’s big breasts folded around her powerful globes in yielding submission. Amita was fading, struggles becoming weaker and more sluggish until she relaxed in Susan’s grip with a deep, congested sigh, head lolling listlessly.

    Amita felt disorientated and realised she must have blacked out again briefly. The crushing pressure on her chest suddenly lifted and she opened her eyes in surprise, to find Susan still straddling her. Amita blinked and cast her eyes down quickly, unable to stomach her rival’s triumphal expression a moment longer.

    Cupping her wounded rack tenderly, Susan observed Amita, wet thighs astride the big cinnamon breasts that lay uncharacteristically dormant and flaccid. Massively aroused in victory, the blonde was in no mood to be denied the spoils and she shifted forward until her dripping pussy hovered perilously to rival’s face.

    “Now eat me, bitch,” Susan hissed.

    “Are you kidding?”

    “Do it! My tits won fair and square tonight. Besides you owe me for last time.”

    “No fucking way!”

    But even as Amita voiced her defiance Susan gripped her tightly by the hair, pulling her face into that gaping blonde twat.

    “Eat me brown bitch, or I smother you!”

    “N-no!” Face contorted in anger at the slur Amita tried to squirm her head away as she inhaled her rival’s powerful scent. “I’ll make you pay…mmnnnhhh!!…”

    Susan felt incredibly deep erotic sensations as she smothered the other girl’s face in her big, wet pussy, effectively silencing all protest. The blonde’s ample ass cheeks pressed heavily into Amita’s chest, hampering her strenuous efforts to break free. Amita had never felt this dominated before, fighting for air as her face was submerged in the sticky folds of the other girl’s vulva. Pungent cunt juice invaded her mouth and nostrils as Susan began to squat thrust on top of her, grinding her hungry pussy over her sweaty upturned face.

    On the verge of climaxing, Susan remained oblivious to the magnitude of her opponent’s wrath and couldn’t have anticipated what would come next. Howling in shock and disbelief the blonde leapt up and disengaged, scooting backwards across the floor in a state of disarray. Amita’s white teeth had finally found a useful angle and chowed down without warning, nipping into the sensitive flesh.

    “You nasty, hateful little bitch!” Susan sobbed, examining her bitten pussy in outrage. Amita rolled over and raised herself up on one elbow still panting hard, dark venom in her eyes.

    “That was never a part of the deal, slut. Don’t you ever try it again.”

    “You’re just a sad, sorry loser!” the other girl retorted angrily.

    Lapsing into silence Amita and Susan glared balefully at each other for long, tense moments, big wounded chests rising and falling heavily as they struggled to bring their breathing under control. Staring into each other’s vengeful, red-rimmed eyes something deep and primal passed between them, and they realised that though Susan’s powerful tits had claimed victory in the breast battle between them, the intense feminine rivalry that had brought them here tonight was anything but resolved.

    End of Part 5 - to be continued
    Last edited by Ragnar0k; February 3rd, 2020 at 11:46 AM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Augur's Avatar
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    Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    Arrggghhh, of course the final, deciding clash of boobs had to take place during a pin, where one set had the unfair advantage of gravity on its side!!! Now we still don't know for sure whose tits are more powerful in and of themselves!

    (Then again, did anyone really expect otherwise, considering who the author is...? )

    Excellent writing ol' chap, you had me on the edge of my seat! Now all we need is a rematch, in order to settle the score of best boobs from an even, horizontal position...

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    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Augur View Post
    Arrggghhh, of course the final, deciding clash of boobs had to take place during a pin, where one set had the unfair advantage of gravity on its side!!! Now we still don't know for sure whose tits are more powerful in and of themselves!

    (Then again, did anyone really expect otherwise, considering who the author is...? )

    Excellent writing ol' chap, you had me on the edge of my seat! Now all we need is a rematch, in order to settle the score of best boobs from an even, horizontal position...

    Thanks for the comments and... hmmm, well if a tit specialist like you really think this calls for another decisive clash of boobs... guess that's a win-win all round!

    Sets things up nicely for a rematch then, although to be fair this little shindig ain't over yet


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    Red face Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    I am a sucker for a titfight story and this was a great one! Also loved what I perceived as the winner's desire for the loser's servicing. In that she took a moment to convince her to do it. Come on, you owe me! The admitted need is often lost in these tales.

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    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Rivals_Rapture View Post
    I am a sucker for a titfight story and this was a great one! Also loved what I perceived as the winner's desire for the loser's servicing. In that she took a moment to convince her to do it. Come on, you owe me! The admitted need is often lost in these tales.
    Hey thanks, glad you enjoyed this story. Yes, to my mind the winner's desire to take their pleasure of the loser sexually, forms an integral part of the competitive and jealous rivalry between them. That, at least, is one of the facets this story tries to represent.

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    Ordinarily titfights don't inerest me, though I think the way a sexfight has been gradually intercut works well here. Whilst their breast battle is over, it is clear that's not what brought them together. Now there is only one, true way to settle things between them...

    Looking forward to the next chaper.

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    I haven't posted anything in a long time but I felt compelled to do so here. This is tremendous! The writing is beautiful. The conceptual approach is amazing. You write in such a way that you create vivid pictures in the reader's mind so that they can see the action unfolding in front of them as if they were watching a movie. That is what makes it so enjoyable. I hope that you do more like this in the future. All the best.

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    BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by indris View Post
    Ordinarily titfights don't inerest me, though I think the way a sexfight has been gradually intercut works well here. Whilst their breast battle is over, it is clear that's not what brought them together. Now there is only one, true way to settle things between them...

    Looking forward to the next chaper.
    Thanks for commenting, Indris. I'm glad that you found that the segue into something more than a 'straight-up' titfight worked for you. This piece kind of evolved that way as I was writing it, and I do find combining titfighting with sexfighting an interesting challenge from a writing perspective.

    I'll try and get the next chapter out in good time.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by fenix13 View Post
    I haven't posted anything in a long time but I felt compelled to do so here. This is tremendous! The writing is beautiful. The conceptual approach is amazing. You write in such a way that you create vivid pictures in the reader's mind so that they can see the action unfolding in front of them as if they were watching a movie. That is what makes it so enjoyable. I hope that you do more like this in the future. All the best.
    Thanks for posting your feedback fenix. if my writing enables you to picture the action in your mind's eye then I feel that I am doing my job as a writer passably well .

    I certainly plan on writing more tales set in the BSQ universe and hope you will continue to enjoy them. Have you caught up on the earlier stories, and do you have any favourite character?


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    Re: BSQ Chapter 6 Rivalries Revisited - Part 5


    This is my favorite chapter so far, because of lines such as this:

    "The moment of existential crisis had arrived, both girls rearing up frantically and battling to conquer one another’s undefeated breasts in a frenzied, last-ditch fling of the dice."

    For me, that comes under the "Damn I wish I'd said that!" heading. And there were several more that turned my head. Great work!

    Also, tonight's my night to recite at my local Christian Mens' reading group and I've decided on this chapter. I believe I'll garner a captive audience... Can't wait to see the reactions...


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