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Thread: A Professional Dispute Part 1

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Professional Dispute Part 1

    A Professional Dispute

    Maggie Reynolds was having a horribly busy day that seemed to drag on and on, and she again for the third time this month found herself rushing to the on-campus meeting room of the Director of the Library. This was a room made she had been several times in the last weeks as more and more meetings were called for multiple topics instead of their normal once a year review. The cute, mousy redhead had rushed out of her home, able to get dressed quickly in her normal work attire which was easy and fortunate for Maggie this particular instance. The relaxed dress code made the meetings of the lasts few weeks bearable. Today Maggie was wearing some nice jeans that were not to form fitting and a sweater that hid her well-endowed chest. Her body was as fit as ever, a dream for most men and women, yet hidden by the owner for only the privileged eyes to feast on.

    As she rushed through the campus she passed her favourite place in the world; the library. It was like her second home with all the love she had for it. The school library had never been a business, unlike so many other organizations on the campus and the people who worked there treated it the same. From fun, nerdy parties on book releases to being lax with students, and a dress code for fun were all some of the benefits of working there and something Maggie was very grateful for. But above all the reason she loved working at the school library, it was a place she could be herself and relax.

    She made it to the office with a few minutes to spare catching her breath and gathering her thoughts. Unlike the last few meetings which had been scheduled at least 2 months in advance and had only been about simple updates regarding procedure, this one had been called with only 1 hour to spare. She couldn?t think of why it was called, it was unusual for them to send an email to the co-workers so last minute; especially one with the words URGENT/MANDATORY in the title. Maggie did not like to be late and had checked her emails twice looking for some pre-warning, there was none in her inbox. She swore and jumped out of bed rushing to this point, but again she couldn?t help but think that normally they would just send emails with small announcements, so to call a meeting, something big was happening.

    Finally, after getting her breath back she walked into the meeting room located near the back of the farthest building on campus. As she opened the door she quickly noted she was one of the last to arrive with around 10 seats filled with different co-workers who Maggie was friendly with, but her attention was called to the man standing near the front.

    ?Maggie!? Glad you could make it! Thank you for being on time.? the Director of the library and school smiled at her warmly. She smiled back, the Director was a handsome man slightly older in his mid-40s and recently divorced. He was in good shape and had a small beard that showed signs of grey. Maggie had always thought he was handsome, like a silver fox with his beard, but wasn?t on her radar for some fun being her superior. Though as he made his way over to her she felt a little pulse of desire may be due to the taboo of it all. The last few months she was seeing sex and people in a different way than she had her entire life and she had blonde to thank for it. It was like a deep covered urge had awoken and now she saw every person around her age, man or woman as someone she could hook up with for fun. She still felt like her shy quiet self on the outside and internally her personality was the sweet-natured it had always been, but now she had found there was a sexual demon inside her that had been unleashed that could only be tamed by the hot (and if possible) competitive sex. All thanks to a punk ass blonde woman that dominated her thoughts, and sometimes her physical body many nights. No matter how hard she had she tried to keep her desires in check; they always seemed to slip through the cracks and this was no different. ?Maybe if I had the chance for a one-night stand? she thought looking at the director a little too long. He was still smiling at her before motioning to the seats near the front where an older woman was already sitting.

    ?Hello Maggie, always a pleasure? she smiled sweetly.

    ?Hi, Mrs.Gerorga, nice to see you too?. The woman was one of the oldest people who worked at the library and very high up, rumours where she was retiring soon, and it dawned on Maggie that might be the very reason they were here. A small bubble of excitement grew in her stomach as with Mrs.Gerorga gone it meant a big opening was available like the top of the whole library, just under the Director. There were a few people around the meeting room and Maggie said hello and hi to everyone in turn before finally taking her seat near the front. Her green eyes scanned the room, everyone was dressed very casually as well, and nobody seemed nervous which was good.

    She thought back to her first day which had started in this very room. She had dressed more Business Casual as everyone did when they first came into the industry. Maggie had come looking to make her mark, but as time went on she followed the trend of more casual dressing and easy go attitude. Sometimes she missed getting dressed up smart for her job for the flush of confidence it gave her. Now with her new-found sexual curiosity; she knew she could dress in a business environment to a devastating effect. She zoned out imagining different outfits that would attract the most attention and teasing potential (again something that she used to NEVER do until she went shopping with the blonde) until a loud clearing of the throat popped her out of her daydream.

    The director had now stood up top and was starting his announcement.

    He looked sharp in his suit as he smiled warmly, ?Well hello everyone! Thank you for joining me today.? He had a very upbeat tone and held the audience easily. ?I will keep it brief to ensure we have time for questions which I?m sure there will be plenty. Now to business, our dear Mrs.Gerorga has decided it is time to step away from the working life.? There were a few murmurs as the older woman turned and smiled at everyone. ?Thank you for all your hard work Sonia and you will be greatly missed?. A round of applause followed and the old woman who didn?t speak much gave a small wave.

    ?Yes, yes thank again Sonia for all your hard work, but we must now look to the future and with our sad loss comes great opportunity as we will be looking to fulfil this position as soon as possible.? His eyes meet Maggie?s and for a brief second, she thought she may have just got it outright, the bubble in her chest about to pop. But those were dashed instantly as he continued looking back out to the audience. ?I will be looking for the new head beginning immediately, but I will not be the only one working on making this decision and with that please let me introduce our newest employee from the Administering team Bianca?, a young woman who must have snuck in during the speech began moving to the front. Maggie turned to get a look, noting quickly she had never seen this woman before. Her green eyes roamed the new arrival slightly taken aback on how out of place she seemed in the meeting. She was fully dressed in sharp business attire starting with 2-inch heel black work shoes and black sheer stockings. Her business skirt was short but not dangerously so but was tight and showed she had quite an ass on her. She was incredibly pale in an almost translucent way, giving even Maggie a run for her money on who would sunburn quicker, her long raven coloured hair was done up in a tight bun with a strand not out of place. She had a beautiful face with a stern look, sharp nose, clear skin and not a freckle in sight. Her bright red lips emphasis by whatever gloss she was wearing at the time gave only slightly distracted from with the black square glasses on her nose. Her dark red button up business shirt was done all the way up to her neck. She had a nice hourglass figure, but still left much to the imagination which Maggie was sure was intentional. ?That is how I would have worn it? Maggie thought to remember her daydream seconds before. The new arrival looked around the room to all the faces, and she looked as though she thought she was better than all of them. They stayed on Maggie for a few seconds longer than anyone else till finally they director where they lingered for a while much longer than necessary.

    ?Hello everyone, I?m sure it will be a pleasure working with you.?, she said in an in charge like tone, everything seemed to be about business with this woman and Maggie felt a wave of nervousness seeing her here. She could sense this woman was trouble for the library, and it doubled instantly as the newcomer shook hands with the Director watching as this Bianca women rubbed his wrist as they released. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat wondering how this was going to play out if administration of the school was starting to get into the library?s business and what exact changes they were looking to make.

    ?Now, please hold your questions as I explain. Bianca here is one of the youngest people selected for our administration team, and will be helping me make this choice of the new head of library as part of the new school board presidents decision?, he paused knowing the next line would cause high tension in the room for some people, ?She also will be adding her name in too as part of the administration team of the campus taking full control which has been something in the discussion room.? As expected there was some clear grumbling from the back as this bias selection process was announced. The Director let the murmur go for a few seconds until he cleared his throat even louder ?But, please trust me! I will be keeping an open mind with her notes and my judgement to pass along. I will also take notes and information from other people who wish to put their name in the running. So, ANYONE can really assist my decision which for the final pick is mine and the president?s alone.? His words of reassurance did not resonate well and with the silence of the room he pressed on. ?What the school and I are looking for is a full professional that is looking to run this place like clockwork. If no one is up to those standards, the administration team led by Bianca will take over, but enough from me. I will let her take it from here.?

    Bianca started promptly at the queue, ?As the Director stated my name is Bianca Marshal or Miss Marshal if you please, and yes the school has decided together that we are looking for a true professional to run this library. I will be attending every meeting and monitoring all performance, I hope to see you are all up to the high standards of our school.?

    Maggie was only half listening, her eyes stayed on the Director who had taken a seat behind Bianca and was trying, but not succeeding at not checking out the business woman?s ass and legs which was quite a view. Bianca spoke for another few minutes before dismissing them. Nobody really asked questions and most left quickly digesting the information that had been passed, not caring as they would never have been picked anyway. Maggie too looked to leave quickly, but the Director came up to her with Bianca in tow.

    ?Maggie! Just an extra second if you please.? Maggie turned and came face to face with the duo. ?Bianca, I personally wanted to introduce you to Maggie here, she is by far our best employee and I think she has a real shot for the role.?

    ?Ahhh yes, Miss Reynolds correct?? Maggie gave a small node her head at the direction of the black-haired girl using it to get a full up-close look at the new woman. Bianca wasted no moment and did a similar who did a fully open and down look of redhead each taking in the full image. Maggie felt the bright blue eyes taken in every detail and a distinct cold tone followed, ?Yes, the Director has mentioned you several times. I look forward to seeing if you meet such lofty expectations.? Maggie was slightly stunned at both the tone and comment, something the Director noticed and intervened. ?Now my dear Bianca, I?m very confident Maggie is up to the task!?

    ?Yes, well we will see, if you both will excuse me I have another meeting coming up and must attend on time.? Not waiting for a reply, she turned and made her way towards the exit Maggie and the Director watching her go unable to not focus on the toned legs through the black stockings.

    The Director turned back to Maggie as Bianca left the room.

    ?Well, Maggie I am sure you are up to the challenge, yes??
    Maggie found her voice, ?Of course! I?m more than up for it.?

    ?Good, because I have an extra task for you. I would like you to do monitoring and reports as well and turn them directly to me, so they can be presented to the President. In a way, it will be your notes against Bianca?s but don?t think of it as a competition with her, just focus on you.?

    Maggie could tell he was sporting some lies as everything but that last sentence made it seem it would come down to her and Bianca and how they rated the performance.

    ?I want to ensure that we have someone from the library with a fair chance.? He gave her a small wink and turned to talk more to the few stragglers who remained in the meeting room asking questions or just socializing.

    Maggie left a few minutes later after saying one last farewell to Mrs.Gerorga. The drive home went fast as she replayed the short conversation with Bianca in her head. ?Lofty expectations huh?? At least that meant the Director did give her a fair amount of praise, but the tone of Bianca gave her a deep chill She couldn?t help but wonder if this Bianca woman had it out for her and what this meant for her library.

    Over the next few days, Bianca wasted no time becoming involved, and the impact was seen and heard immediately in every department of the library. The change the Director and school board wanted was placed into action behind her, and it gave her leverage over everything and seemly everyone. For Maggie, she felt that this Bianca woman was already getting on her nerves and was targeting her more so than anyone, even going out of her way to make a mark against the redhead. 1 week in, and the changes were coming in fast as ever with the raven-haired girl being everywhere. She was in every meeting and every discussion, walking around the library with her damn clipboard, making marks and correcting any single mistake she could find. She commented on start times, break times, fines for late returns and with Maggie extra stuff such as her choice of dress and kindness to students who made mistakes or broke a rule which the kind redhead was known for. The freckled girls stress levels went up and up each day working with her after for the last two years working here she had been considered one of the best and most consistent employees. Now she got marked over and over and knew that both the president and Director were reading every note. Maggie had only turned in a few errors; letting people slide she had trouble making her co-workers, but after she saw her half page report to Bianca?s 6 pages and the Directors disappointed tone at Maggie?s report meant she knew she was behind.

    Two days after turning the report Maggie found herself in the breakroom trying to relieve some stress on her lunch break. This room always reminded her of her first major confrontation with another woman. She did not want to play this game again, finding herself in conflict with another woman in the same place it happened last time. Maggie had been avoiding the thoughts about the blonde for a few weeks but now with this Bianca bitch, she couldn?t help thinking about her?and well that was the issue, she didn?t know. She felt that she had her fill with experience competing with Amber over the last 8 months, and now the blonde and she had entered a weird part of their relationship. They were still having aggressive sex anytime they could, but what they were?she wasn?t sure. Rivals? Lovers? Friends with benefits? She couldn?t really name it anymore, and it was causing her a lot of stress and now with work adding on it was a bit much. They had become friendlier spending time together without sex and texting a lot more than they should have even with Amber?s school work being done. She couldn?t think of the exact moment it started to switch but it seemed like a fair chance they could go back to hating each other. ?Why does it have to be so complicated? as she rubbed her temples. Her last interaction with Amber kept running through her mind day after day for 2 straight weeks. For a reason she couldn?t explain, after their last meet up she had leaned in and kissed the blonde goodbye in a fully non-aggressive way and even more weirdly, Amber kissed back, happy grins on their faces. The kiss lasted only a few seconds when their eyes went wide and Amber left without another word. They hadn?t talked or texted (something they had been doing a lot besides just sexting) since and their social media platforms were dark. She had a feeling that the blonde was just as confused as she was, and now it seemed they were both avoiding a conversation that was inevitable between them. She would never admit this to anyone to not seem desperate, but she kind of sort of missed her punk girl and was thinking of reaching out soon to see if they could talk. Her mind was still on Amber when Bianca strolled into the lounge.

    She coughed loudly snapping Maggie out of her daydream. ?Excuse me, but your break is long over? the raven-haired girl stated tipping her board and staring at her harshly. Maggie was about to replay when she was cut off, ?I expect you to be more conscious of the time going forward Miss Reynolds.? She marked her board with some quick ticks as she turned and left the room before Maggie could say a word leaving speechless. For the second time this year Maggie she found another woman trying to ruin her life and again like last time she wouldn?t stand for it. Maggie wanted to protect the culture that ran the library, but It was clear that the Director was looking for a perfect professional to run it. ?Fine, if I can?t beat them I will join them.? She pondered returning to the front of the desk, Bianca eyeing her closely. This time, however, Maggie eyed back thinking, 'If it is professional competition this bitchy woman wants, then that is what she will get.?

    That night she laid out her clothes, makeup and everything else she had gone out to purchase for the next day to be ready. She also checked her phone hoping to have a missed call or text. Nothing. ?Damn it.?, She wanted to talk to someone about this whole thing and her?friend would have been the best person. It annoyed her more than she would ever admit, but she decided then and there she would focus on Bianca and her job and help keep her mind clear of Amber until she was ready. Late at night, she laid down on her bed; her thoughts about how Amber and she had settled things with their bodies. How, during a catfight they had started licking and humping each other and led them to force themselves against each other with sex. She had always thought it was a one-off in her life, a weird circumstance that Amber and she had both thrown themselves into that sexfight and it was only them too. Now that she was going to escalate her interactions with Bianca, she wondered if, by some weird twist of fate, she had found herself headed straight for a similar showdown with this woman.

    ----------------------To Be Continued

    Hello everyone! long time no post. This is a new short story following Maggie and a potential new rival....bum dum bum. but I'm sure you already figured that out haha. Let's see, umm the next part will be out in 2 days or 2 weeks just so everyone knows. (Due to my shit ability to hit a deadline at work lol). Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this full build up chapter haha!

    Till next time.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Professional Dispute Part 1

    Good Lord! Another kingofdapirates story! And it features Maggie! Fantastic! I have not read it yet, but doing so has become my top priority. What a great surprise!


    - - - Updated - - -

    Great start to the new story. I hope that we actually see something of Amber in the flesh before the story is done, and I like where you are taking the Amber/Maggie relationship. But I also hope they keep their mutual antagonism, since that is what makes their sex so hot!

    Bianca seems like a promising new rival for Maggie. I'm looking forward to learning what her jacket is hiding!

    Great work,


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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: A Professional Dispute Part 1

    Ohhhh Yessss !!
    King of Pirates strikes again ! LOL
    What an unexpected so hot surprise !
    A very promising start of a new rivalry !
    I hope that Bianca will have to settle things with Maggie soon !!
    I can hardly wait for your next chapter.

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    HB Forum Owner westcat's Avatar
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    Re: A Professional Dispute Part 1

    nice build up


    CatBall Catfights the HOTTEST Catfights:cool:[/URL][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

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