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Thread: Looking for stories by Brent

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    Junior Hostboard Member slim20's Avatar
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    Looking for stories by Brent

    Going off of what was posted lately I was looking to see if anyone had any other stories by Brent that aren?t in the archive. People listed a series called Carly with a C and mine are better. A lot of the chapters of his in the archive main page or the one through way back machine don?t work anymore. If anyone has any or can point to another webpage that has them would be great.

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    Senior Hostboard Member gmenn's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for stories by Brent

    Written by Brent Sunday, 10 December 2006 13:02
    Jackie is jealous about her husband staring at her friend's tits. She wants to prove that she has better breasts than Jenny. They are going to titfight and sexfight in front of Jackie's husband.

    The evening had been a nice, but routine one. Jackie and her husband Danny had done a little entertaining. They'd had Jackie's friend Jenny over for dinner, and there'd been plenty of pleasant conversation and lots of good food. In fact, things couldn't have gone much better. Until, that was, Jenny got up to leave.
    Now, before we go much further, it must be mentioned that Jenny, who is Asian, is a beautiful woman, so beautiful that she makes her living as a model and spokesperson. The 25-year-old stands 5'6" and weighs a solid 125 pounds, measuring a luscious 36-25-35 with C-cup breasts. She has short, straight black hair and dark, beautiful eyes. Both Jackie and Danny had seen her literally turn heads in public. But, a head turn on this night, one that Jenny did not see, would lead to a completely different kind of evening involving the same trio.
    The reason, of course, was that it was DANNY'S head that turned, just slightly, as he watched Jenny walk out the door. There was little doubt he was checking out her fine behind as she left his home. And, while Jenny did not see Danny's glance, Jackie DID.
    And, after Jenny was safely out the door and in her car, Jackie turned to her husband and said, "Like what you see, dear?" Danny started to babble something incoherent, but Jackie cut him off quickly. "Don't stammer, darling. I'm not mad. But I SAW you looking."
    "No, I..." Danny said, but Jackie just laughed.
    "Honey, I'm not stupid and I'm not blind. I know she's pretty, and I know you think she's hot."
    "No, really..." Danny sputtered.
    "Oh, come ON," Jackie said with a smile. "Are you going to sit there and tell me you don't think Jenny is pretty?"
    "Well, no," Danny responded, finally getting his thoughts together well enough to speak in complete sentences. "She's obviously pretty. She's a model after all. But, I mean, it's no more than that..."
    "So, you're telling me you don't think she's HOT?" Jackie interrupted, still smiling.
    "Honey...." Danny said with a sigh.
    "Listen, darling," Jackie replied, "Like I said, I'm not mad. It's natural that you'd be attracted to her. She's beautiful! I just want you to be honest with me."
    "OK, I think she's hot. Of course I do. Like you said, she's beautiful. She has a lovely face and a great body. Who WOULDN'T think she was hot? But, I don't mean anything by looking, and I'm sorry if I..."
    "Like I said, dear," Jackie responded, "I'm not mad. I'm used to guys looking at Jenny. Happens every time we're out."
    "Well, you're beautiful, too," Danny said. And he wasn't lying. The 25-year-old Jackie, also Asian, is very pretty. She's a bit shorter than Jenny, at 5'3", and her dark hair is a bit longer. She weighs a similar 125 solid pounds, with measurements of 34-25-35. And, like Jenny, Jackie has C-cup breasts.
    "Thanks, darling, but I don't attract the kind of attention Jenny does. That's OK, though. I get all the attention I want from you!"
    Now, had Danny left things at that, well, let's just say you wouldn't be reading this story. But, like most men, Danny has a way of digging a hole deeper and deeper when it comes to women. So, instead of letting the subject drop, he tried to make his wife feel better (and HOW he thought THIS would do it is anyone's guess) by saying, "Well, it's her body, honey. She's got a great body. That's what attracts all the attention."
    Now, the minute those words were out of Danny's mouth, he realized his mistake. However, that realization was far too late. "So, you're saying I DON'T have a great body?" Jackie said, not smiling now.
    "No, I didn't mean that..."
    "So what DID you mean? Did you mean that Jenny's body is better than mine?"
    "No, honey, that's not what I said," Danny replied, backpedaling furiously.
    "OK. OK," Jackie said. "Let's not fight about this. But, I want you to be honest with me. Again, I'm not going to be angry no matter what you say, as long as it's the truth. Understand?"
    "OK," Danny said, knowing the hole was nearing completion and that Beijing was not far overhead.
    "What part of Jenny's body attracts men, do you think?"
    "Well, she has a really nice butt and great legs," Danny offered, "but, actually, and I'm telling the truth now, I think your legs are just as nice, and your butt is better."
    Jackie looked at her husband for a second and determined, as wives can, that he was telling the truth. "All right, so if I have legs that are just as good and a butt that's better, what part of Jenny's body attracts all the attention?"
    Danny looked down for a second before raising his head and meeting his wife's eyes. "She's got great tits, too, dear. And a lot of guys go for that."
    Jackie was stunned. "Are you telling me that you think she has better TITS than me?"
    "Honey, don't get mad..."
    "I'm not mad!" Jackie said, her voice rising a bit. "I just can't believe it. If you'd have said her legs or ass were better, I'd have understood. If you said her face was prettier, I'd have understood that, too. But no WAY does she have better tits!"
    "Well, I've never SEEN them naked, honey, so..."
    "Well, I HAVE, and MINE are better than HERS."
    "All right," Danny said, desperately. "You'd know better than me..."
    "Oh, NO," Jackie replied. "You're not getting off that easily. I can't believe my own husband thinks that bitch has better tits that I do. Well, she DOESN'T and I can prove it."
    "Jackie, listen..."
    "Danny, be quiet. I've made up my mind. But don't worry. I'm still not mad. In fact, I think you might like what I've got in mind."
    "Later!" Jackie said, and walked over to pick up the phone.
    The call was a brief one. Jenny had left less than 5 minutes ago and was not at home. Her answering machine picked up. Jackie waited for the beep, then said, "Jenny, it's Jackie. Call me." And, with that, she hung up the phone.
    Danny was still sitting on the couch wondering where all this was leading. Jackie didn't let him stew for too long. "All right. When she calls back, I'll set it all up," the brunette beauty said.
    "Set WHAT up?" Danny asked, totally confused.
    "Well, what do you think? I TOLD you, I'm going to PROVE that I have better tits than Jenny."
    Danny just sat staring at his lovely wife.
    "We're going to titfight, Mr. Dense," Jackie said, shaking her head.
    "You're not SERIOUS????" Danny asked.
    "Dead serious, dear. I'm going to prove that I have better tits that Jenny. I'm going to use these beauties," she said, lifting her breasts up with her hands, "to beat her pair. And you, my darling, will get to watch the whole thing."
    "But..." Danny was babbling again.
    "Oh, come ON, darling. We both know you're going to love this. You fantasize about this stuff all the time. But, I bet you never thought you'd get to see a real one. You will, though. Of course, I know it will be hard for you when I whip your fantasy champion..."
    "What? No..."
    "Honey, you shouldn't leave those little stories you write lying about on the computer. I've seen them. And I notice that Jenny never loses. She beats everybody...including ME."
    "Well, darling," Danny said, swallowing, "It's all fantasy stuff, you know. It's not that I REALLY think..."
    "Doesn't MATTER what you think," Jackie shot back. "Let me tell you what I KNOW. I've got better boobs than Jenny. Period. She may be prettier, but I've got the rack. And, I'm going to prove that by beating her tits. What do you think of that????"
    Danny took a deep breath and gathered his careening thoughts. Then, he smiled and said, "I think that sounds like the best idea I've heard this millenium."
    "Glad you think so. Because I cant wait."
    "But," Danny asked, "What if Jenny won't..."
    "Oh, she WILL," Jackie shot back. "I know that girl, and I love her. But I also know that she's one of the vainest people who've ever walked the planet. If I tell her my tits are better than hers, she'll trip all over herself to prove otherwise."
    "Well, I hope you're..." Danny was cut off by the ringing phone.
    The caller was Jenny. Jackie pointed her finger at Danny, then pointed down the hall, gesturing for him to leave the room and allow her to take the call in private. He went into his study, sat down on the desk chair, and flipped on the computer. He had a feeling the conversation might be a long one. Danny was shocked when Jackie came through the door just a few minutes later. "I was RIGHT," his wife said, with a smile. "She agreed to tit fight me."
    "I can't believe it," Danny said. "What did she say?"
    Jackie's expression became more serious. "I told her what you'd said, that you thought she had better tits that me. She laughed and said she knows you think she's hot. Then I told her that we both knew I had the better tits. She, shall we say, disagreed..."
    "What did she say, exactly," Danny asked, getting interested now.
    "I'll have to paraphrase," Jackie replied, "But it was something along the lines of the fact that my tits didn't COMPARE to hers and that I knew THAT..."
    "Uh, oh..." Danny said.
    "So," Jackie said, jaw set tightly, "I told her if that was the way she felt, then she'd agree to settle things, woman to woman."
    "And she said..." Danny asked.
    "Well, THAT I won't have to paraphrase. I remember exactly what that little bitch said, and I will throw those words right back in her face!" Jackie said, her color rising.
    "She said, 'Are you sure you want to do this?' and, when I said 'yes', she said, 'Then it will be my pleasure to crush you flat.' The little BITCH!" Jackie spat.
    "Now, settle down, darling," Danny said.
    "Settle down my ASS," Jackie shot back, still fuming. "You haven't heard the worst part. She had one condition. She'd only agree if YOU got to watch!"
    "Now, why does that bother you? It was YOUR idea!"
    "Yes, but I hadn't TOLD her yet! SHE was the one who brought it up. She wants to beat me in front of YOU!"
    "But, honey, you want to beat HER in front of me," Danny said, still confused.
    "But, I'm MARRIED to you! I want to prove I'm a better woman to my husband..." Jackie stopped as she saw the light go on above Danny's head.
    Danny filled the silence. "And so does she. She wants to prove it to ME, not just you."
    "The little bitch," Jackie said, shaking her head. "The little flirting bitch! Well, she's going to find OUT who the better woman is come next Saturday night, that's for sure."
    "It's Saturday NIGHT???" Danny asked.
    "Yes," Jackie replied. "Right here in this living room."
    "I can't WAIT," Danny said with a smile. "I just can't wait."
    The week seemed to take forever to Danny. He could think of little else, of course, than the coming titfight. He had fantasized about it for years, and it was about to come true, but the days dragged by. When Friday morning finally came, Danny couldn't wait to get up and get to work. And, when the clock struck five, he left the office like a rat off a sinking ship. He made it home in record time, a subject on which Jackie remarked thusly, "What did you do, 100 all the way home?"
    "Just about," Danny said laughing. But, if he thought the day and the week had gone slowly, the two remaining hours before Jenny arrived moved like molasses in January. Dinner seemed to take forever, and then Jackie went to the bedroom to get ready. Danny sat down in the living room and turned on the television, but didn't watch. Instead, he glanced at the clock about a million times. The damn thing didn't seem to be moving at ALL.
    The last time Danny looked up, the clock read 7:58. It was at that moment that he heard Jenny's car pulling into the driveway. Danny leaped to his feet and rushed to the window to make sure, then hustled down the hall and knocked on the bedroom door. "Honey, she's HERE!" he said, not bothering to hide his excitement.
    Jackie replied, with little emotion, "Go let her in, dear. I'll be right out."
    Danny literally RAN to the door and had it open even before Jenny could knock. The knockout brunette smiled glitteringly and said, "Hey, Danny."
    "Hi, Jenny," Danny said, with a loopy, ear to ear grin. "Come on in. Jackie will be out in a few minutes."
    Danny showed his fantasy champion into the living room and she sat down on the couch. She was wearing a short white skirt and a form-fitting white top. Danny could see a black bra right through its thin fabric. He tried to make conversation while they waited for Jackie by saying, "How was your week?"
    Jenny was having none of it. With a giggle she said, "I spent it thinking about tonight, and I'm betting you did the same."
    Danny shook his head and laughed. "Couldn't think of anything else all week, as I'm sure you know..."
    "I KNOW you want to see THESE," Jenny said, lifting her breasts with her hands as Jackie had done a week earlier.
    Danny shrugged and shook his head. "I won't deny that."
    "They won't disappoint you," Jenny said.
    "I'm sure they won't," Danny replied.
    "And, tonight, I won't disappoint you..." Jenny cooed softly.
    "Jackie told me. I'm your fantasy titfight champion. And, I want you to know that I won't disappoint you. I'll beat her, just like I do in your stories."
    Danny was stunned into a few seconds of silence, and, before he could say anything else, he heard the bedroom door open. Jackie came down the hall looking absolutely amazing. She was wearing a blue skirt (longer than Jenny's but still short enough to show some leg), and a lovely tan blouse. Her feet were bare and her eyes shining as she caught sight of Jenny sitting on her couch. Jackie didn't sit down. Instead, she stood beside Danny's chair, her hands going to her hips, and stared at her friend and rival. "If you're done flirting with my husband," Jackie said, "Let's get started."
    "Fine with me," Jenny replied, with an icy grin. "Where?"
    "Right HERE," Jackie said, pointing at the floor. "Darling," she continued, looking at Danny now, "Shove your chair back against the wall. That will leave plenty of room here in the middle of the floor."
    "Here?" Jenny said, somewhat surprised.
    "Yes, HERE," Jackie shot back. "That's shag carpet. It's plenty soft. And there's plenty of room. Unless you plan on chickening out..."
    Jenny laughed, tossing her head back while shaking her head, her beautiful jet-black hair spinning around her lovely face. "No way, Jackie," she said. "If anyone's going to chicken out, it will be you!"
    "Well," the shorter woman said, "I'm not going anywhere."
    Jenny needed no more of an invitation. She quickly got to her feet and pulled her top over her head, revealing the lacy black bra that held her breasts. Then, she kicked off her shoes and pulled down her skirt. In seconds, she was clad only in the bra and matching thong panties.
    As Danny's eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets, Jackie began to disrobe. Unlike Jenny, she didn't do it quickly. Instead, she slowly, sensuously unbuttoned her blouse, then tossed it aside. Her breasts were now covered with a sheer white bra that showed her dark areola and nipples. Danny's wife was also quite deliberate about removing her skirt, slowly unzipping it and pulling it down before stepping out of it. Her white panties were also sheer, and her dark bush was now clearly visible beneath the fabric.
    For a few seconds, the two women stood like that, face-to-face, in their undergarments, staring each other down and sizing each other up. Danny didn't know where to look. But, mostly, his gaze drifted to the taller Jenny. His champion was now standing before him, ready to battle for supremacy with his wife.
    If Jackie noticed where Danny's attentions were, she didn't register the knowledge. Instead, she continued the striptease, unsnapping her bra and pulling it down to reveal a superb set of C-cup breasts. They were high and firm, and a beautiful tan color, like the rest of Jackie's body. The breasts were perfectly shaped, their areola large and dark and their nipples long and thick. Danny's head turned to look at the half-naked body of his wife.
    Then, Jenny unsnapped her bra and tossed it on the couch behind her. Her breasts were also C-cups, and, like Jackie's, beautiful. They were milky white, and, like her rivals, high, firm, and beautifully shaped. Her areola were pink, as were the long, thick nipples in the middle of them. Danny's head turned to look at Jenny now. She had been right. He wasn't disappointed with his first look at her bare rack. It was incredible.
    Danny's head turned again as Jackie completed her disrobing, dropping her panties to reveal her dark bush and tight, lovely ass. But his attention went back to Jenny seconds later when her thong hit the floor. Like Jackie, her bush was jet-black and her ass was just about perfect.
    Now Jackie DID notice Danny looking at Jenny and her anger erupted. "You BITCH," she said, stepping forward so that she was standing chest to chest with her rival. "I'm going to grind those pathetic excuses for boobs to POWDER."
    "You must be JOKING," Jenny shot back. "We can all see who's got what now, and, if Danny's eyes are any indication, it looks like two of us think the loser tonight is going to be YOU."
    "Fuck YOU, Jenny," Jackie snarled. She said nothing else, for she was no longer in the mood to talk. Now, she wanted action. She dropped to her knees in the middle of the floor and looked up at the taller woman. "I'm waiting," she said, with her hands on her hips.
    She didn't have to wait long. Jenny slowly knelt down in front of her rival, her breasts just inches from touching Jackie's own superb pair. "All right, Jackie," Jenny said smiling. "Let's get started." With that, Jackie moved forward a bit and the two pairs of breasts touched lightly at the nipples. A feeling of electricity went through both beauties and both took quick short breaths. Then, the contest began.
    It started, as if by mutual consent, with a simple rubbing and teasing of nipples. The two sets of sensitive spikes immediately got hard and the two ladies took full advantage. Jackie began rotating her torso so that her nipples danced around Jenny's, brushing her areola and tickling the sides of her pink spikes. Jenny's counter measure was to rake her own peaks across Jackie's, from side to side.
    From where Danny sat, it was clear that both tactics were having their effect. Both ladies were becoming excited, their breathing becoming more rapid, little moans of pleasure occasionally emanating from the mouth of one or the other.
    "Can you feel it, Jackie?" Jenny said with a grin. "Can you feel how much harder my nipples are than yours?"
    "The hell they are, Jenny," Jackie shot back. "Mine are better, and you know it."
    Jenny just laughed and upped the ante, now pressing her nipples forward into Jackie's, then pulling back. Jackie gasped a little "Ahhhh!" at the first straight-on contact, then mimicked her opponent. Each time the nipples pressed together the two ladies bodies stiffened just a little and there were more little groans.
    Danny was watching carefully to see which set of spikes would prevail. But neither was doing so. The nipples simply bounced off one another. Neither pair was able to bend their opposite number. But the tactic WAS making both ladies even more excited.
    "I thought your nipples were harder," Jackie said, breathing harder. "See how mine are pushing them aside?"
    "You're joking again, Jackie," Jenny replied with a smile. "It's YOU who's being pushed aside."
    Danny had no doubt both women would have loved to bend the other, but both were beginning to realize it wasn't going to happen. Again, it was Jenny who changed the flow of the match. The taller woman moved a bit closer, then began raking her nipples across the under side of Jackie's tan breasts. Jackie uttered a soft groan of pleasure and ran her own spikes across the tops of Jenny's orbs, bringing a light sigh of contentment from her rival.
    "Does that feel good, Jackie," Jenny whispered. "Do you like feeling my hard nipples running across your breasts?"
    "Ahhhh!" Jackie moaned, "No more than you do, you little flirt."
    Jenny continued with her current tactic for a few moments longer. She could tell it was having an effect. Jackie was becoming more and more excited. Then, when she felt the perfect moment had arrived, Jenny escalated things once again. "It's time," Jenny grinned. "You're ready." And, with that she moved right up against Jackie and began rubbing her big breasts into her rival's pair. Again, Jackie gasped with pleasure, and quickly followed suit.
    It was all happening just as Danny had imagined it would. Jenny, the aggressor, was pressing his wife. Jackie was fighting back gamely. But, now, Danny could see that Jenny was beginning to take control. Jackie's groans and gasps were more frequent than those of her rival. And the pressure of Jenny's attack had pushed Jackie back just a bit, bending her back slightly as she fought to keep up with the taller woman.
    "Can you feel it, Jackie?" Jenny whispered again. "Can you feel my big breasts beginning to dominate yours?"
    "You're hallucinating," Jackie fired back, continuing to match her rival's efforts. "MY breasts will be dominant tonight. But you go ahead and keep talking."
    Jenny DIDN'T keep talking, however. Instead, she leaned forward and pressed her breasts harder into Jackie's, rubbing them more rapidly back and forth. Danny watched as his wife was bent further backward by her rival's onslaught. And he listened as Jackie's gasps of pleasure became more and more frequent.
    "It's all over Jackie," Jenny said, with a taunting smile. "You can't take much more of this. My boobs are too much for you, just like I knew they would be. Why don't you give up now, before I make you cum in front of your husband?"
    "No way...ahhh...bitch," Jackie said. "You aren't winning SHIT..."
    But, despite Jackie's efforts, Jenny kept pressing forward and bending her back more and more. The taller woman was now leaning down over her rival, using superior leverage to increase the pressure on her breasts. Jackie fought back as best she could, but Danny could see his wife was on the edge of the defeat he'd so often imagined.
    Jenny could sense her victory now, and she was now putting everything she had into her efforts. Her breasts worked quickly across Jackie's, rubbing sensuously, her nipples flicking across Jackie's, pressing harder, bending the shorter woman back even further. Soon, Jackie had been forced so far back that she placed her palms on the ground to avoid being shoved to her back.
    "Almost there, Jackie," Jenny said with a grin. "You can feel it now, feel how superior my breasts are to yours. Did you really think you could beat me?" she asked, shaking her head. "Well, at least DANNY knew who would win."
    "Keep talking, bitch," Jackie said. And then, for the first time, the shorter woman became the aggressor. She bent her elbows back and pushed upward, shoving her breasts hard into Jenny's, pushing the surprised woman backward and completely righting herself. Jenny grunted a surprised "Nnnnhhhh!" then gasped a pleasured "oooh!" as Jackie changed tactics. She began rotating her shoulders in a semi-circle, pressing first one breast, then the other, hard against her opponent's opposite number. The twist in the other direction dragged the breast in contact across Jenny's tit, before pressing the other breast home.
    It took Jenny a few seconds, but she managed to match Jackie's technique, and the women began fighting on equal terms again. But, as Danny watched, he knew it couldn't last. His wife was still moaning more frequently than Jenny, and was also looking more fatigued than her rival. Danny had little doubt that Jenny would soon take control of the contest again.
    But it DID last. To Danny's surprise, Jenny did not immediately take over again. Instead, Jackie continued to give as good as she got, as both women became more and more excited. And, both sets of breasts were still firm. Neither had softened at all despite all the contact.
    Then, the two women were even no more. Danny watched an arch appear in the back of one of the competitors. It wasn't obvious right away, but soon enough he could tell that one of the women was getting an advantage. Only, this time, it wasn't his fantasy champion. It was his resurgent wife.
    Danny wasn't the only one to notice how the worm had turned. He could see surprise, and, for the first time, concern in Jenny's pretty eyes. And he could see a smile begin at the corners of Jackie's mouth as she continued pressing forward, bending Jenny even further.
    "What's wrong, Jenny?" Jackie taunted, between rapid breaths. "I thought you had me almost beaten."
    "Oh, I'll beat you," Jenny shot back, also breathing hard. "My tits are better, and we all know it."
    But, from where Danny sat, for the first time all night, that assertion was clearly in question. Jenny was definitely on the defensive, and, while both sets of breasts remained firm, the taller woman was now groaning more often than Jackie. Still, Danny had no doubt Jenny could turn things around, just like his wife had. In fact, that's exactly what he expected to happen. What he did not expect is what happened next.
    It was all over in a flash, and, as many times as Danny replayed it in his mind, he still couldn't piece the exact events back together. It just happened too quickly. One moment, the ladies were battling on their knees, and, the next, well, they weren't.
    What actually happened was that Jackie had sped up the rhythm of her twists and Jenny had responded in kind. As the shorter woman leaned into her rival, the taller of the pair was driven further back. And, finally, with two quick twists, Jackie knocked Jenny off balance and she fell to her back, with her legs trapped beneath her, groaning a surprised "Oooh!"
    Danny's fantasy queen didn't even have time to free her legs before Jackie fell on top of her and began working her jugs into her rival's once again. Jenny gasped, "Unnnnhhhh!", wrapped her arms around Jackie's back and tried to roll her opponent underneath. Jackie, though, quickly followed suit, easily able to get her hands beneath Jenny's back because of the position of her foe's legs. And, with a bear hug of her own and her opponent's legs still trapped, Jackie maintained her top position and continued grinding her breasts into Jenny's.
    "Who's almost beaten now, Jenny?" said a smiling Jackie.
    But, despite her bottom position, Jenny remained, outwardly at least, confident of victory. "You aren't beating anybody...unnnhhhh...Jackie," she said.
    But, for the first time, Danny thought Jackie was beating someone on this night, as surprising as that was to both he and Jenny. He watched as Jackie continued rubbing her chest into Jenny's and Jenny, now clearly at a disadvantage, fought back as best she could. There was still no noticeable softness in either pair of breasts, but there was now a noticeable difference in their owners. Jackie was fighting hard to bring Jenny to the climax that would signal her victory, and Jenny was battling with all she had more to avoid defeat than to gain a victory that was slipping farther away with each passing moment.
    And, with each passing moment, the victory Jackie longed for got closer. She could feel it now in Jenny's lush, sweat-covered body. She could feel the quivers of her rival's muscles and the little electric shocks going through her system. Jenny's nipples were rock hard and her body was tightening regularly, especially when Jackie's nipples brushed into hers. Jackie also noticed that, apparently unconsciously, Jenny was now thrusting her pelvis forward in a rhythm. It wouldn't be long now.
    And, it wasn't. Like Jackie's earlier knockdown, it happened very quickly. Jenny began to gasp and moan in pleasure and her body tensed hard. Jackie thrust her breasts tight against Jenny's creamy white pair and twisted. Jenny managed to fight against her own body for a few seconds, but then, the waves of ecstasy began rolling over her.
    Jenny screamed with orgasmic pleasure and thrust her pussy into Jackie's, pulling her rival close and grinding her own sex and breasts against those of her opponent. She shuddered beneath Jackie and tears filled her eyes as a smile broke over the dominant woman's face. The pair remained locked in their embrace for well over a minute, as Danny watched with both surprise at the result and pride in Jackie's unexpected victory. Finally, a spent Jackie released Jenny with a sigh, and the shorter woman got to her feet.
    Standing above her beaten rival, who remained, breathing rapidly, on the floor, Jackie smiled down and said, "I thought you were going to beat me, Jenny. I thought you had better tits. But I guess not. Who has the better tits now, bitch?"
    With tears running down her face and still gasping for breath, the taller woman shook her head. "Not fair," she said. "That wasn't fair, lying on top of me like that."
    Jackie laughed and shook her head. "You lost, Jenny. Face it. My tits beat yours. Mine are better. Like I told you. That's all there is to it, right Danny?"
    "Danny knows it wasn't fair," Jenny said, struggling into a sitting position against the wall while still fighting to get her breath back. "Don't you, Danny?"
    Both women then stared at Danny, and both clearly expected to get support from the one person in the room who had some claim of neutrality. He hesitated just a moment before answering. "Jackie certainly got an advantage by being on top..." he began.
    His wife sighed and drew a breath to protest, but Danny cut her off and finished his statement. "But, she also knocked you backward fair and square, Jenny. And, no matter how you slice it, Jackie won the fight, which means that, for tonight at least, she proved that she has the better tits."
    Jenny looked at Danny with fire in her eyes and said, "Pussy whipped."
    "That may be," Jackie said in response, "but one of us got titty whipped tonight, and we both know who that was."
    "Screw you," Jenny shot back. "You cheated and you know it. And so does Danny. My tits can beat yours anytime."
    "Apparently not, bitch," Jackie retorted, "Because they couldn't do it tonight!"
    "I want a rematch," Jenny said, getting slowly to her feet, her breathing returning to normal now.
    "Name the time and the place," Jackie said.
    "Right here and right now!" said the taller woman.
    "Fine. I'll be happy to beat your tits again," said Jackie with a grin as the dropped back to a kneeling position.
    "Oh, no," Jenny said, with a grin of her own. "Not tits this time, Jackie. That was your thing. What I want is a sexfight. Your pussy against mine. We'll see who the better woman is before this night is over."
    Jackie didn't say anything for a few seconds, obviously surprised by this turn of events. Then, she slowly got to her feet and stood, once again, breast to breast and face to face with Jenny. "Fine, bitch. You want a sexfight? I'll give you one. Right here and right now. And, for the second time tonight, I'm going to make you cum like the little bitch that you are."
    Danny sat back in the chair, shaking his head. This night couldn't get any better.
    But, it could, and it did. Without any further ado, Jenny got down on her knees. Jackie remained standing for a few seconds, until Jenny, clearly ready for a shot at redemption, said, "What are you waiting for, Jackie? Bring that pathetic pussy of yours down here so I can beat it and make you cum."
    "Fuck you," Jackie said, her eyes shooting daggers at her rival. She dropped to her own knees in front of Jenny and the two women wrapped their arms around one another's backs again. Then, together, they carefully lay down, Jenny on her right side, Jackie on her left.
    With their bodies prone and facing one another, each woman tightened her grip on the other and thrust her pelvis forward. With Danny watching wide-eyed, the two women began working their pussies into one another.
    Danny was not surprised that both women quickly became excited. Their breathing got faster almost immediately and both were groaning and gasping in pleasure after just a minute or so. Danny noticed that Jenny's eyes were closed, but Jackie's remained open, looking her rival full in her lovely, flushed face.
    "You should have cleaned up before we...ahhh...did this, bitch," Jackie said between rapid breaths. "You're all sticky from the last time I got you off."
    "," Jenny responded. "I'm going to make you explode, bitch. I can already feel how much harder my labia are."
    "Keep...ooohhh...talking, Jenny. That's what you're good at...nnnhhhh...that and flirting."
    "I'm also...ahhh...good at fucking, and I'm just about...huhhhhh...through fucking you."
    Danny was pretty sure at least part of Jenny's boast was true. He was almost certain that the two beauties were about finished with their contest. Their moans and sighs had reached a fever pitch as they'd increased the pace of their grinding, and he was confident neither could last much longer. As for the other part of what the taller woman was saying, Danny saw no evidence that either woman was gaining an advantage. They appeared to be fighting on even terms and he had no idea who would eventually emerge the victor.
    To Danny's surprise, however, things did not end quickly. Both competitors had risen to a certain high level of excitement at a rapid pace, but neither went beyond it, despite the efforts of her rival. The pace quickened again and again until both women were gleaming with sweat and sucking air in big gulps, but both continued to avoid being sent over the edge into the orgasm that would mark her defeat.
    And then, like it had so many times before on this remarkable evening, everything changed in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, both women stopped moving, and both their bodies went stiff with surprise and pleasure. Jackie gasped, "Ahhh-hahhh!" and Jenny moaned, "Ooooh!" And both stayed still for several seconds, bellies pumping, eyes wide.
    At first, Danny thought they'd both cum together, but that wasn't what had happened. The battle had simply moved into another phase, because the two competitor's clits had found one another, and both were immediately taken past the level at which their sexual excitement had plateaued.
    "Got you now, Jenny," Jackie said breathily. "Feel my clit on yours? Feel how hard it is?...ahhhhhh!"
    "Mine is going to...ummmhhh...crush yours and make you...ohhhh...squeal, bitch."
    And, slowly, the women resumed their movement, now working with their clits to overcome the resistance of their rival. Danny knew this couldn't last for long, and, this time, he was right.
    He saw Jenny's resistance begin to crack as Jackie forced herself forward. He could see, for the second time this night, his former fantasy queen desperately working to maintain control and stave off defeat, and his dominant wife pressing her advantage and overcoming her rival's crumbling defenses.
    This time, it didn't happen suddenly. Danny watched as Jackie slowly began to roll Jenny beneath her. The taller woman fought against her foe's efforts, but the twin battles against orgasm and Jackie's strength proved too much. She was driven back to a hip and was forced to brace herself with her left foot. But, soon, even that wasn't enough as Jenny was rolled to her back.
    Again, the beautiful Jenny's eyes were filled with tears. Danny now saw that she knew what was coming. Still, she fought on, in the faint hope that Jackie would break before she did. But, with Jackie on top, all hope was quickly lost. Again, Jenny went stiff with a little gasp of, "No...ooooooh!" and Jackie held on tight as her opponent's body shook as it surrendered again to orgasm.
    When Jenny's convulsions of pleasure had ended, Jackie surprised Danny by staying where she was. She didn't rise this time, instead keeping her pussy in contact with Jenny's. The younger woman was now sobbing in defeat, her hands having come away from Jackie's back to cover her face, but there was something more Jackie wanted from her. "Who's the better woman, Jenny?" Danny's wife said softly.
    "You bitch," Jenny said through her tears.
    "Oh, somebody was a bitch tonight, but it wasn't me. Now, who's the better woman, Jenny?"
    "Fuck you," sobbed the beaten woman.
    "Do I have to make you cum again?" Jackie asked, and thrust her crotch forward.
    And that took the last of the defiance out of Jenny. The taller woman gasped a little, feeling Jackie's clit on hers again, then broke totally. "No, please! You're the better woman. Your tits are better and your pussy is better."
    "That's better," Jackie said, rising to stand above her beaten opponent, exhausted but victorious, She was covered with sweat and her hair was bedraggled and soaked. Her breasts were reddened from all the contact with those of her rival and she was still breathing heavily. She'd never looked more beautiful to Danny.
    Jenny, meanwhile, lay weeping on the floor. She'd rolled to her side, but her hands still covered her face as her body shook with her sobbing.
    Jackie gave Danny a smile and said, "I'm going to have a shower, dear. See to your 'queen'." And, with that, she was gone down the hall.
    Danny did "see to" Jenny, helping her to her feet and offering what comfort he could as she got dressed. He walked her to her car, and, as once she was seated inside, completely crestfallen and still teary-eyed, Danny, holding the door, said, "Listen, it's not that bad. You'll get her next time."
    And, for the first time since her loss, Jenny laughed. "Next time? Oh, there's not going to be a next time. Getting my tits and pussy whipped once was enough for me. You've got a new queen now, buddy. Dammit!" she said, slamming her hands off the wheel.
    Danny gave Jenny a smile and closed the door for her. He stood and watched as she backed out of the driveway, and he watched her tail lights as she drove away, the red dots getting smaller and smaller until the disappeared around a corner.
    And, when they were gone, Danny went back inside to wait for his queen to finish her shower.

    - - - Updated - - -

    College Try
    Written by Brent Sunday, 19 November 2006 22:36
    When Margie gives Tamara a black eye, their boss in a TV station can not stand longer such tensions between saleswomen. He gives them the ultimatum: they have to choose who will resign or both will get fired.

    Mark Waldeman knew something was wrong the moment his wife walked in the door. He and Margie had been married for nearly 10 years now, and he could read her moods pretty well. But, a total stranger would have known something was up with the pretty brunette by the way she slammed the door behind her and tossed her briefcase onto the hall table.
    "What's up, honey?" Mark asked, clearly concerned.
    "Oh, you're not going to BELIEVE this," his wife replied, nearly hyperventilating.
    "Try me," he said with a smile.
    "The Bitch stole the Vesco account!"
    Now, Mark knew exactly who Margie meant by "The Bitch". That was the name his wife had chosen to refer to Tamara Barnes, a fellow salesperson at the television station. Tamara and Margie went way back. They'd gone to college together and had gotten along like a cobra and a mongoose. Tamara had been two years older and in the same sorority. She'd made Margie's life hell for two years and the two had nearly come to blows several times. Tamara had left the area after graduation to work in ad sales on the West Coast. Recently, though, she'd returned and taken a job at Channel 7, where Margie was the top salesperson.
    "What? You've been working with Vesco for months. Leo can't DO that."
    Leo was the station's sales manager and Margie's boss.
    "Yes, he can. I hadn't SIGNED them yet. They don't become mine until I sign them. And that bitch went behind my back and signed them to a deal. They're HERS now."
    "Oh, that's not FAIR," Mike said. "You put in all the work on that account."
    "I knew she'd pull this kind of shit!" Margie replied. "That's exactly why I told Leo not to hire her. She's always been a no good bitch, from the first day I met her."
    "What's she been there? Six months? And she's already stealing accounts. This just isn't right."
    "Well, I'm not putting up with it. I'm talking to Leo tomorrow. Either HE'S going to deal with the bitch or I am. I've had enough of her, with her catty comments and backstabbing. I should have kicked her ass back in college when I had the chance."
    "Now, Marg, let's not have things go that far. I'm sure this can be worked out without violence," Mark said.
    "Yeah, I guess you're right," his wife replied, finally settling down a bit. "We'll see what Leo has to say. And I've got a meeting with Jim on Friday. Maybe I'll talk to him about it."
    Jim was the station's general manager. "Maybe you should. I think he should know what's going on. I know I wouldn't want something like this happening in my sales force."
    "I agree. I'll talk to him about it."
    And, so, she did. The meeting with Leo did not go at all to Margie's liking. The sales manager had been sympathetic, but he had refused to give the account to Margie. He'd pointed out over and over again that the station's rule was clear. No sales rep had rights to an account until that account had been signed. And Margie had NOT signed Vesco. Tamara had.
    Leo DID say that he'd talk to Tamara about what she'd done. He frowned on what he called "poaching," trying to sign accounts being worked by other sales reps. He said he'd make it clear that he did not want it to happen again.
    Margie wasn't angry with Leo. She genuinely liked the man and understood the position in which he found himself. No matter what he did, he was going to make someone angry. Such was the life of a manager. But she was still more than a little PISSED at Tamara and at the fact that a large account that would have generated quite a bit of commission for her had been stolen out from under her. She planned to talk to Jim about it.
    The meeting with Jim, however, had been similar to the one with Leo. Jim was loathe to overrule his sales manager on the matter. Like Leo, he wasn't pleased by what Tamara had done and promised to tell her about it. Like Leo, he'd assured Margie that a situation like this would not be allowed to occur again.
    And, that might have been the end of it, except for the fact that Margie was unwilling to allow that. She'd taken shit from the bitch for two years in college, and she'd take no more. No, this time, Margie was going to get even, and she knew JUST how to do it.
    And, so it was that a month after Margie's meeting with Jim, she'd had a dinner meeting with Josh Centers, the advertising manager for StarEast. Tamara had been trying to land them for three months. Margie signed them, knowing all hell would break loose.
    Mark knew the whole incident was trouble when Margie told him about it after arriving home that night. The big man repeatedly shook his head as his wife gave him the details of exactly how she'd poached the StarEast account from her rival.
    "Honey, do you think this was such a good idea? I mean, isn't there enough trouble between the two of you?"
    "Oh, it was a GREAT idea," the lovely brunette said with a smile. "Because, THIS time The Bitch isn't getting away with it. Seeing as their hands were tied when she stole MY account, there's nothing Leo or Jim can do about THIS. They won't like it, but they'll let me keep the account, and it will make up for the money she cost me on Vesco."
    "But, we BOTH know that's not why you did it, don't we, Marg?"
    "Oh, that was PART of the reason, but you're right. It was mainly to get even with her."
    "Well, my guess is, this will be the end of it," Mark said with a sigh. "I imagine Leo and Jim will change the account rules and ban anyone from signing an account someone else is working."
    "I think that's EXACTLY what they'll do," Margie replied. "But it won't matter either way. After this, The Bitch won't mess with one of my accounts again, because she'll know how I'll respond."
    "What worries ME," Mark said, "Is that the two of you still have to work together, every day, in the same office."
    "What does it matter?" his wife asked. "We didn't get along before all this."
    "No," Mark said, shaking his head again. "But, at least you were civil to each other...before she stole Vesco. And, now, before that has even blown over, there's this. I get a feeling things are going to get very ugly around the office."
    He was right, of course. But he had no idea just HOW right.
    The following morning, a Tuesday, Margie had gotten to work early, well before Leo arrived. She'd gone into his office, which he always left unlocked, and placed the StarEast contract on his desk. Then she'd gone down the hall into her own office and started her workday with a smile on her face.
    Leo might have been in the office for two minutes before he came crashing through Margie's door. Margie later figured it had taken him about half that time to realize what he was reading and the other half to compute just what she'd done. "Margie! Jesus Christ!" the balding man screamed, slamming the contract down on her desk. "What the hell IS this?"
    "I think you know PRECISELY what it is, Leo. It's an advertising contract for StarEast."
    "Don't get smart with me, Marg. You know what I mean," he bellowed.
    Margie felt sorry for him, but she couldn't let him off the hook quite yet. "I don't see what you're so angry about. We've been after them for months..."
    "MargIE!" he said with a growl.
    "Tit for tat, Leo," she replied. "The Bitch stole a five-figure commission account from me. Now I've stolen one from her. We're all even, the way I see it."
    "Oh for..." the big man sputtered. "Christ, we're lucky she's on vacation this week or she'd be IN here...Oh my GOD," he said, the light going on over his head. "She's waited...How long have you been PLANNING this?"
    "Does it MATTER, Leo? How long was she planning to steal Vesco from under me? It's over. I've signed them. It is, as the French would say, a fait accompli. And, if she doesn't like it, TOUGH."
    "Jesus CHRIST, Jesus CHRIST!" Leo said. "What's next?"
    "That would be up to The Bitch," Margie said with a smile, as poor Leo shook his head and stormed out the door.
    As Margie expected, she and Leo found themselves in Jim's office later that same day. The general manager was clearly NOT amused. Margie would later describe the expression on his face as "somewhere between anger and constipation."
    "I am, frankly, STUNNED," Jim said, raising his powerful voice slightly on the final word. "I would have expected better from you, especially after our conversations about Vesco."
    "Oh, come ON, Jim," Margie shot back. "They're YOUR damn rules and if you don't like how they're working out, change them! Everybody here understands the spirit in which they are intended, but, if Tamara is going to play by the LETTER of the law, then so am I."
    Jim's expression changed to a grimace. "Oh, I'm GOING to change the rules, because, apparently, the current ones, which were good enough for a decade, won't work anymore. It does NOT, however, make me happy."
    "Well, Jim," Margie replied icily, "Wasting three months working on Vesco only to have Tamara steal the account from under my nose did not make ME happy. But, as I told Leo earlier, I'm MUCH happier now. I've replaced the five figures in commission Vesco would have given me. In fact, StarEast will likely turn out to be an even BIGGER account."
    Jim sighed and shook his head. "From her, Margie, I might have expected something like this. Tamara is a hell of a salesperson, but we all know she doesn't exactly score highly in the morals department. You, on the other hand, are in another league. Or, at least, I thought you were."
    Margie smiled and shook her own head. "You don't get it, Jim. I did everything right and still got screwed."
    "What do you mean?" Leo interrupted.
    "I MEAN, Leo, that I worked hard for an account and was nearly ready to sign it only to have someone else steal it. And, when that happened, I played the good little girl and went through the proper channels. First, I came to you. And you didn't do anything. Then I came to YOU, Jim. And you didn't do anything either. Thousands of dollars out of my pocket and I was supposed to just sit here and take it? I don't THINK so. So, gentlemen, since neither of you would deal with the problem, I dealt with it. Now, you can suspend me if you want to. You can fire me if you want to. But you can NOT take that account away from me, and we all know it."
    "All right, Margie, that's enough..." Leo began, but Jim cut him short.
    "You're right, of course, Margie," the big man said, resignedly. "And we all three know we aren't going to fire or suspend you. But, here's what I want. I want your word nothing like this will ever happen again."
    "Well, Jim, if you're going to change the rules..."
    "LISTEN!" the big man nearly shouted. "I'm not playing around now. I want your WORD that nothing like this will happen again. We all know there are ways to get around rules and we all know how you and Tamara feel about one another. I can not and will NOT have a situation like this on-going in my sales department. Do you understand? I want no more of these kinds of incidents between the two of you. I don't expect you to get along with her, but I expect both of you to act professionally in this office, understood?"
    "Now, do I have your word?"
    "Of course."
    "All right. That's good enough for me. Now get out of this office and go sell something. Leo, go with her. I have a television station to run, though SOME people apparently think it's a damn daycare!"
    With that, Margie and her supervisor got up and went out the door, walking together back to the sales offices. "I hope you're happy, Marg," Leo said. "Now Jim is pissed, and Tamara's going to be pissed, and all of this shit is falling right in my lap."
    "As I said, Leo, I AM happy. And dealing with The Bitch is your job, not mine. If you'd done it in the first place, we wouldn't be in this situation."
    "Piss off, Margie," the harried sales manager said. "And, as for dealing with Tamara, I WILL handle it. When she gets back Monday, she and I will have a little meeting with Jim just like the one YOU and I just did. But, like Jim said, I don't want any more of this crap. I have enough problems without you two at each other's throats."
    "I gave my word, Leo. I got what I wanted. As far as I'm concerned, it's is all over."
    But it was FAR from over.
    When Tamara returned from her vacation the following Monday there was a note on her computer screen in Leo's handwriting. It said, "See me in the A.M." Tamara thought little of it. Leo was known for his sticky notes. So, after she settled in, she went down the hall and popped her head into her boss' office.
    "What's up, Leo?" the raven-haired beauty said with a devastating smile.
    "How was vacation, T? Looks like you got some sun."
    "Sure did," Tamara said grinning. "It was a great week, but I'm back and ready to go."
    "Good. We've got a meeting on StarEast with Jim at 9:30. Don't be late."
    "On StarEast? What's going on?"
    "We'll talk about it then, T. OK?" the big man asked.
    Tamara said that would be fine and went back to her office shaking her head and wondering what had developed in her absence. The thought that the account had been poached never crossed her mind. And, when Leo told her about it in Jim's office a few minutes after the meeting began, she exploded. "Oh, HELL no! This is BULLSHIT, Leo! I've been busting ass on StarEast. I had them wrapped up. The account is gonna be huge! No way can that little BITCH steal this account!"
    "Now, T, settle down..." the big man began.
    "The hell I will. I'm not standing for this. There's no way she has any rights to StarEast!"
    "Listen, T..." Leo began again.
    "No, YOU listen, Leo. I'm not standing for this. I get StarEast back or I walk, and I'm taking my clients with me!"
    "You'll do NO SUCH THING," Jim boomed. "Now, settle the hell down, right now! You started this with the whole Vesco thing and now Margie's escalated it. But, I'm going to stop it. The rules are changed as of today. If a potential client is being worked by any salesperson, that client is off limits to all the others, period. And, only I can decide to move said client from one salesperson to another. There will be no more poaching. It's over. And, as for you walking, you signed a non-compete clause, as you are well aware. You walk, you do not work in television in this market for the long IS the non-compete, Leo?"
    "Two years."
    "Two years," Jim finished. "I want this nonsense to stop and stop now. I've got a great sales department here and you guys are kicking ass, but we can't have this kind of thing going on. So, this is how it is going to be. You get Vesco. Marg gets StarEast. And there will be NO MORE POACHING. Understood?"
    Tamara took a deep breath, let it out, then answered. "I understand, Jim," she said, her teeth gritted. "Sorry I got so upset it's just that I worked so hard on that one, and then..."
    "I know. Now, Leo and I had a similar meeting with Marg, last week. I told her then what I'm telling you right now. There will be no more incidents between the two of you. I know you don't like each other, and there's nothing I can do about that. But you WILL be civil to one another and treat each other professionally in this office. And, I will ask again, Tamara, do you understand?"
    "Yes, Jim," Tamara said with a little grin. "Christ, I feel like I'm back in third grade here..." "Well," the general manager said, the corners of his own mouth turning up slightly, "That's what both of you are acting like. And I'm like the damn principal. And I don't want to see either of you in my office again, OK?"
    "OK. OK," Tamara replied. "Just don't call my mother or I'll really get in trouble."
    All three of them broke out in laughter then, but Jim quickly changed the mood back to serious. "I'm not kidding around here, T. I want this stopped and stopped now. Do I have your word?"
    "Of course," the beauty said. "Consider this entire incident forgotten." But, Tamara had no intention of forgetting anything. She'd had it with Margie. She was a better salesperson than the little bitch, but Margie thought that just because she'd been here for a long time and was a favorite of Leo's and Jim's, she could get away with anything. Well, she couldn't. Not anymore. There was a new sheriff in town and she was going to lay down the law the first chance she got. She just had to bide her time.
    For the next several weeks, things remained quiet. Margie and Tamara avoided each other around the office as much as possible, but both acted professionally in each other's company. Jim and Leo had reason to hope that the storm had blown over. But it was just about to begin.
    It was a chance occurrence, really. Margie was spending a Friday night out with her friends, as Mark was away on business and would not be returning until the next afternoon. The unattached Tamara had just been on a date that had gone poorly. Both ended up at a bar called the 10-K. Margie and her party had arrived first, about 9pm. They'd been there for about 90 minutes when Tamara walked in. The raven-haired beauty did not see her rival at first, and, in fact, had put away a drink of her own before she spied Margie. The two made eye contact and Tamara immediately looked back down at her second drink thinking, "Christ, if this night hasn't been bad enough already..."
    Margie, meanwhile, ignored her co-worker and continued talking and laughing with her friends. As the night wore on, Tamara's humor level got lower and lower, and, by 11:30, feeling a buzz but far from drunk, she was ready to leave. And, again, fate entered the picture. For, just as Tamara got to her feet, she noticed Margie walking, alone, toward the restroom. And something made her follow.
    Tamara had no idea what she'd do once she got inside, but her decision was made much easier by the fact that her co-worker was alone, standing in front of the mirror, when she opened the door. "Be careful you don't break that with your ugly face, slut," Tamara said with a laugh.
    Margie, like Tamara, buzzing but not drunk, had not noticed who had entered the room. But she knew the voice. The brunette spun around to face her rival and screamed, "Screw you, bitch. Get the hell away from me!"
    Tamara laughed. "If you weren't such a little pussy, I'd tell you to MAKE me, but we both know you aren't going to do that, don't we?"
    "Well," said Margie with a growl, "Why don't you just stay here and see, you fucking slut!" With that, Margie began walking toward Tamara, and her co-worker followed suit. In seconds, they were standing literally, nose to nose. Both were wearing three-inch heels, and, as both were 5'7" in bare feet, they were looking each other right in the eyes. Tamara, in a blue blouse and skirt, was the heavier of the two, weighing a solid 140 pounds. Margie, in a red blouse with a black skirt, weighed 125. It was the lighter woman, however, who was showing more cleavage. Margie was a 34-C. Tamara, a 36-B.
    "I'm waiting," said Tamara with a grin. "You know you want to hit me. But, just like college, you don't have the guts..."
    And, with that, Margie swung...
    As surprised as Tamara was that the younger woman had actually taken a swing, she wasn't half as shocked as was Margie herself. Margaret Waldeman simply didn't DO things like that. Only she had. And, damn, did it feel good! Well, actually, it didn't feel good. It kind of hurt. Because she'd hit Tamara just above the left eye, bruising the knuckles on her right hand in the process. But, it was a good kind of pain. Made better by hearing Tamara squeal in surprise and pain and watching her fall to her right side on the bathroom floor.
    The older woman didn't register what had happened right away. It had all been too fast. The flash of pain, the over-balancing on her high heels, the fall to the floor. It had all been so UNEXPECTED. But she came to herself quickly when she heard Margie scream, "Now leave me ALONE," and, literally, step over her on her way to the door. And, much as Margie had done a few seconds ago, Tamara did not think. She reacted. She kicked out her left foot and it landed in the back of Margie's right knee. The blow bent the joint and unbalanced the younger woman, who fell to her knees just short of the rest room door, banging her head off the door in the process.
    Margie felt a stab of pain in the back of her knee, then felt herself falling. She got her hands out in front of her, but then saw stars as her head cracked off the door. The next thing she knew, she was on her hands and knees, staring at the bathroom floor, which was spinning very slowly. Then she felt a kick in her backside, and saw a flash of light. The next sensation Margie had was lying on the floor with her noggin hurting like hell.
    After kicking Margie in the knee, Tamara had gotten to her feet as quickly as possible, expecting her rival to get up and come at her again. But, Margie didn't. She just stayed down. And, with her rump up in the air, well, that was just too inviting. So, Tamara reared back and kicked the bitch right in the ass. The blow knocked her forward, and her head slammed off the bathroom door again. Tamara heard her groan a surprised little "Ohh!", then watched as she fell to her right side.
    Margie began trying to get up, and made it to her knees when she heard the bitch scream, "Get UP, slut, or are you FINISHED already?" Margie's head was swimming, but she managed to make it to her feet and turn to face Tamara.
    "You bitch," Margie spat. "I'm going to fucking KILL you."
    "I'm standing right here, chicken shit," Tamara challenged. "What are you waiting for?"
    And, with that, Margie charged the older woman and the two went to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs. What happened next changed everything, for, before the pair could do much more than roll from side to side a couple of times, the door opened and a blonde woman in her mid-20s stood there. She said, "Oh, fuck!" and quickly retreated back into the bar.
    The women were pulling hair and kicking to no great result when the bouncer came through the door behind the female bartender. The big man quickly went to his knees and separated the two women, remaining between them as they rose unsteadily, breathing heavily. He blocked Margie against a stall door with his massive frame and, pointing at Tamara, said to the bartender, "Theresa, escort THAT lady out of the premises, please. And, Miss, don't give her any trouble or I WILL call the police."
    Tamara went along quietly, but not before shooting Margie a look of death over her shoulder. When the raven-haired woman had left, the bouncer turned to Margie and said, "Let's go. You're out of here, too. But, I'm going to walk you outside and make sure she's not waiting out there. Christ, I EXPECT this from the men..."
    "I'm here with PEOPLE," Margie said. "Please, just let me walk out there, and we'll leave."
    "All right," the bouncer growled. "But, I'll be watching you..."
    Margie cleaned herself up as best she could, then headed out with the bouncer in tow. When she arrived at the table, everyone knew something was up as a result of her disheveled appearance. "I'm sorry guys, and I'll explain later, but we've got to leave." There were a few grumbles of protest, but the group got up from the table and went out the door together. Margie avoided all questions and got back to her car, where she gathered herself for a moment before driving back home.
    When she arrived at the apartment, Margie went upstairs and drew a hot bath. She usually showered, but she was sore and didn't feel well and figured the bath would do her good. As she took off her clothing, she noticed a nasty bruise on the back of her right knee and another on her right buttock. In addition, her head hurt like hell, but at least her face was unmarked. As she got slowly into the hot water to soak, she got a brief smile out of the knowledge that Tamara's was not.
    And, indeed, the raven-haired beauty's face DID show the results of the altercation. Margie's initial right hand had struck too high to give Tamara a black eye, but it had landed hard enough to cause swelling, Tamara noticed, as she looked in her bathroom mirror at about the same time Margie was settling into the bath. The upper part of the left eye was tender to the touch, fiery red, and quite puffy.
    "Damn it!" Tamara screamed, as she slammed her fist down on the side of the bathroom sink. That bitch had marked her good with that cheap shot she'd taken. It might take a few days before the eye would be back to normal. How the hell was she going to explain what happened when friends and people at work asked, as they were sure to do? She sure as hell couldn't tell the truth! But, that was OK, she told herself, turning on the shower to warm it up as she stripped off her clothes to reveal her stunning body. She'd think of something. And, as for that little slut Margie, well, Tamara wasn't finished with her. No, things had gone too far, now. There was only one way left to settle the problem. And, then, the idea hit...a way to solve both problems. It was worth a shot. And she'd give it a try Monday morning.
    Tamara got to the office early that day, just before 8:30. As it was a Monday, most of the troops wouldn't be arriving until as close to 9 as possible...except Jim. Jim was ALWAYS in the office early Monday...never later than 8:30. So, Tamara would wait until about 8:45, until he was settled in, then go down to his office and put the plan into effect.
    She knocked on the door at precisely 8:45 and heard the big man's gruff "Come in!" Immediately upon seeing her, Jim said, "What's up, T...what the hell happened to your EYE?"
    And, Tamara tearfully told her version of the story, which spun the meeting in the restroom in a different way. In Tamara's story, she'd gone to the restroom without ever knowing Margie was in the bar, and Margie had come in behind her, verbally berated her, then assaulted her.
    Now, had Jim been thinking clearly, knowing the two women, there's no way he'd have bought the story. But he WASN'T thinking clearly. He was pissed. So, he told Tamara to remain in her seat and went to Margie's office. She wasn't in yet, so he waited, in HER chair, until she arrived. As she came through the door, he got up and said, "My office. NOW," and went down the hall. And Margie knew what had to have happened.
    Jim stormed back into the office and sat down, and, before anyone else could say anything, he held up his hand. "I just have one question, and it's for Margie. And I want a 'Yes' or a 'No' ONLY. Margie, did you hit Tamara Friday night?" And, when Margie said yes, Jim got out of his seat. "OK, here's the deal. I don't want to know any details. I don't care how or why it happened. I don't want to hear promises that it won't happen again. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to fire one or both of you. And, how I handle this is up to you. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you a week to decide among yourselves who's going. If you don't have a decision for me a week from today, I'm firing you both. I don't care HOW you decide. Duke it out for all the FUCK I care. I only care that you DO resolve it, and quickly. I want a resignation on my desk Monday morning, or you are BOTH GONE. Now get the hell out of here RIGHT NOW!"
    Despite being stunned by the turn of events, Margie did exactly what she was told. Without another word, the pretty brunette got up and left Jim's office, walking quickly back down the hall to her own. Before she realized what was happening, she was seated behind her large mahogany desk with her door closed wondering what the hell had just happened. But, of course, she knew what Tamara had done and why. The bitch was trying to bring things between them to a head, and now she'd done so, but not in the way she'd expected. Now both of their jobs were forfeit, unless they could somehow find a way to decide which one would go. Less than a minute after Margie had sat down, her reverie was interrupted. Tamara didn't bother to knock. She just burst through the door and slammed it behind her. "I hope you're happy, bitch. Now we're BOTH going to get canned!" Tamara growled.
    "You hope I'M happy?" Margie shouted. "This is all YOUR fault. You started the damn fight Friday, which, I'm SURE you DIDN'T tell Jim. And, YOU'RE the one who went running into his office to tell him about it!"
    "I only did what was right..." Tamara began.
    "Bullshit! You ran in there because you were afraid I would. Admit it."
    And, at that moment, Tamara realized Margie didn't get it. It was all she could do to suppress a smile. Because, she had NOT gone into Jim's office to pre-empt a report of the incident from Margie. In fact, she was certain Margie would NEVER have reported it. No, Tamara had gone to Jim to prompt a reaction of some sort. Of course, she hadn't known what kind of a reaction she'd get. She'd spent the weekend running scenarios through her mind, some of which involved either herself or Margie being fired on the spot or placed on some sort of suspension or probation. But, what she was HOPING for was pretty much what came to ultimatum to settle things, or else. But Tamara wasn't admitting any of that to Margie. Instead, she said, "I did no such THING, Margie."
    "Bullshit!" the younger woman retorted. "You forget, Tamara, I've known you for years, and I know what you are."
    "And just what AM I, Margie?" the raven-haired beauty said with a smile.
    "You're a no-good, backstabbing slut, just like you were in college. But this isn't college anymore, Tamara, and, if Friday night wasn't enough to give you the idea, let me tell you straight away that I'm not taking any more of your shit!"
    And, at that, Tamara laughed. How easy this was going to be. Much easier than she'd expected. "Well," the older woman said, "I'm guessing you won't have to DEAL with my shit very much longer, because neither of us will be working here on Monday...unless of course YOU have any ideas on how we decide who gets to stay."
    "Fuck you," Margie spat, through clenched teeth. "I'm not flipping a coin with you for my job. If you had any decency, you'd just go away voluntarily, seeing as how I've been working here a lot longer. But we BOTH know you don't have any morals."
    "So, where does that leave us?" Tamara asked.
    "On the unemployment line come Monday. But, with all my connections in this town, I won't be there long. You, on the other hand, might find things a bit tougher..."
    "So, what you're saying is, you'd rather BOTH of us be fired than try to come up with a way to possibly save your job?"
    "What I'm saying IS, you BITCH, that I'd rather lose my job for certain than take a chance that YOU'LL be working here Monday and I won't."
    "Too bad," Tamara said, shaking her head in mock concern. "Then, I guess you don't want to hear my proposition." And, with that, the raven-haired beauty turned to leave. She got a hand on the doorknob before Margie stopped her.
    "I'm listening."
    "Good. So, here's my idea. Let's finish what YOU started in Friday night."
    And then it was Margie's turn to laugh. "You think I'm going to FIGHT you for the job? Are you nuts? Well, let me rephrase that. I KNOW you're nuts. Are you certifiable?"
    "What's the matter, little girl," Tamara replied. "Chicken?"
    "You know, slut, the last time you called me a chicken, you got that nice swollen eye there..."
    "Fuck you, Margie. You took a cheap shot and you know it. And, if you agree to this, I'm going to make you wish you were never born. But, you KNOW that. You've always known it. That's why you never had the spine to stand up to me in college."
    "I repeat, BITCH," Margie growled, "This isn't college anymore. And if you ever pull any shit like that on me again, I'll mess up your WHOLE face."
    "Well, then, if you think you can beat me, let's do it."
    Margie said nothing for a moment as she pondered what Tamara was suggesting. Her response was a question. "How do I know that you'll resign if I beat you?"
    "Simple," replied Tamara, who'd thought the whole thing through. "We'll both draw up letters of resignation and bring them with us. Loser signs hers and gives it to the winner. The winner rips hers up in front of the loser."
    Again, Margie stopped to think. "Where and when?"
    "I'll call my cousin Tom. He owns a health club. I'm pretty sure he'll let me use it Friday night. There's a boxing ring there, and it closes at 9. So, say, 10? And come alone."
    "Now, do I know YOU'LL come alone?"
    "You'll just have to trust me, Margie. Either that, or, you're going to be pounding the pavement for sure on Monday morning."
    "Fine, you bitch," Margie spat. "I'll be there. And I'm going to kick the shit out of you for all the crap you've given me over the years."
    "Give it your best shot, sweetie," Tamara said while a glare. "And don't fucking be late, slut."
    With that, the raven-haired beauty went out the door, slamming it shut behind her.
    Margie sat at the desk for a few more minutes, pondering what she'd just agreed to. Trust Tamara. That was a laugh. But, when it came down to it, she didn't have much choice in the matter. No, she didn't have much choice at all.
    Margie remained in her office for another hour, thinking the whole thing through. There was only one problem she could think of, and it was a big one. Mark. If Mark knew what was happening, he'd never allow his wife to go through with it. And that was because Mark would never understand why she HAD to.
    Margie knew that her husband was nothing if not a logical being, and going to the health club Friday to fight Tamara for her job was about as illogical as you could get. Sure, Margie loved working at Channel 7 and was making good money doing so. She didn't want to lose her job, but she knew it would be no great catastrophe if she did.
    Oh, the money she made was good, there was no doubt about that, but Mark made three times what she did and they had plenty of money saved. Besides, she wasn't just blowing smoke when she'd told Tamara that she'd have little trouble finding another job. Margie was a very successful salesperson, and several other stations in town would love to have her. In fact, she'd been offered jobs by two other stations in the last 18 months. No, she'd be working again quickly, and, while the pay wouldn't be as much right away, she had little doubt she'd be back at her current level in less than a year. Of course, Margie had friends at Channel 7, but none were particularly close. They were more acquaintances than anything else, and, while she'd miss them, the thought of leaving them behind had not swayed her from considering those other two job offers.
    Mark would weigh that small potential loss carefully against what Margie was risking if she DID show up...factor in the possibility that Margie could lose her job anyway, and come out dead set against the fight. And, logically, he'd be right. Logically.
    But, there was more to this situation. Much more. From where Margie sat, Tamara was attempting to do her a grievous wrong, to take something that belonged to her. And Margie had the choice of either fighting for what was hers or walking away and letting the bitch have it. For two years in college, she'd walked away. She'd been the bigger person. She'd acted logically. But, not this time. If Tamara wanted anything else that belonged to Margie, she'd have to take it.
    So, there was the problem of Mark. And, when Margie arrived at a solution, she got up from her desk, left her office, locked the door behind her, and headed home. She told the receptionist she was feeling poorly and would be out the rest of the afternoon.
    When her husband arrived home, Margie already had dinner on the table. Candles were lit. Music was playing. With a smirk, Mark asked, "What did you DO?"
    Margie giggled, "Nothing, darling. But, there's something I HAVE to do that you might not like..."
    Mark shook his head as he shrugged out of his overcoat. "OK, lay it on me."
    "I have a client meeting Friday night. It's a huge account. There's no way I can get out of it. I'm meeting them at 9 down at O'Leary's..."
    "Oh, well," Mark said with a smile. "I was hoping to go out Friday, but the basketball game is on. I'll just stay in and watch. No big deal."
    "Thanks, hon," the lovely brunette said with a dazzling smile. Margie did not like to lie to her husband and rarely did so. But, in this case, she could think of no other option. And, it had worked like a charm. Mark would stay home Friday night and watch his ball game. And she would be free to go down to the health club and deal with the bitch.
    "No problem. Now, let's eat. I'm starving over here."
    Tamara also had a problem, though a different one than her rival. There was no husband who would attempt to stop her from going through with the fight, but, there WAS Cousin Tom, who would likely not be at all happy with what the stunning brunette wanted to do. But, Tamara thought she could handle Tom, and she was going to give it a try.
    After work, she stopped by the health club. She asked to see her cousin and was ushered into his office by the receptionist. Tom, a tall, thin red-head who'd been a decent boxer in his day, was surprised to see her. "T! What the hell brings you by?"
    "What, I can't come and see my favorite cousin?"
    Tom rolled his eyes. "Sure. THAT's it. What do you want, T?"
    "Well, Tommy," she said, smiling sweetly, "I DO need a favor. Could I use the club after hours Friday?"
    "Why after hours?" the tall man asked. "It's MY club, T. I can get you in ANYtime."
    "I know that, but I need it after hours. Couldn't you just give me a key? I'll come by Saturday and give it back to you."
    "T, have you ever heard about LIABILITY INSURANCE? I can't just give you a key. I let you in here after hours, I gotta have somebody here supervising, or I'm not covered. Something happens, I'm S.O.L.!"
    "Tommy, for Christ's sake, I'm not going to SUE you and I'm not going to bust up the damn place. I just need it for an hour or so after hours Friday. But, if you can't do that for me, then fuck it..." and she got up to leave.
    "Settle down, T! Shit!" Tom said. "Sit down. Sit down. I didn't say you couldn't use the club. I'm just thinking out loud is all. Tell you what. I'll drop a key off at your office Friday morning, before I come down to open up. BUT...and I want your WORD on WILL give it back to me on Saturday. Understood?"
    "I'll be here at 9, as soon as you open, and I really appreciate it, Tommy."
    "It's all right," the red-head said with a sigh. "Don't mention it. Oh, and T, do I WANT to know what this is all about? Don't answer that. I don't even WANT TO KNOW if I want to know."
    And, with that, the preparations were complete. For the remainder of the week, Margie and Tamara took pains to avoid one another at work, and, when the day ended Friday, both left immediately for home.
    Margie, arriving as usual about half an hour before her husband, packed a gym bag and stowed it in her car. Then she prepared dinner for Mark and herself. Her husband cleaned up, giving his wife time to get showered and dressed for what he believed was a client meeting. And Margie kept up appearances, doing her hair and makeup and dressing up in a nice skirt and blouse. At 8:30, she kissed her husband and walked to her car. She drove down to the empty office and used the restroom to change into a spandex workout outfit and remove her makeup. She then killed time until 9:45, when she left for the health club.
    Tamara got home, had a quick dinner, took a long shower, then dressed in a blue sweat suit and waited. She left her home at the exact same moment Margie left the office. Tamara beat Margie to the club by less than two minutes. As the latter woman arrived, she saw Tamara's car and pulled in next to it. The older woman was still in it. She got out and wordlessly motioned Margie to follow her to the front door, which she unlocked and opened. Margie followed to the room with the boxing ring, waiting and watching as Tamara flipped on the lights and climbed inside. Margie was still watching when Tamara said, "Come on in, bitch! Let's get started!"
    As Margie climbed the steps to the ring apron, Tamara asked, "Do you have it?"
    "It's in my bag," Margie replied, gesturing to the gym bag she'd placed on the floor outside the ring.
    "Get it," Tamara said, and pulled her own resignation letter from the pocket of her sweat pants. Margie retreated down the steps and retrieved the letter. As she climbed back to the apron, Tamara took off her running shoes and tossed them outside the ring. She then pulled off her top, revealing a sheer black lace bra. The large dark nipples on her B-cup breasts were clearly visible. Margie didn't notice what her rival had done until she climbed through the ropes. By then, Tamara was pulling off her pants, revealing a pair of matching panties.
    "What the hell are you DOING?" Margie said, amazed.
    "I'm getting ready to settle this. I suggest you do the same thing."
    "Why...oh FUCK it," Margie said. She put down the letter and took off her own athletic shoes, then began pulling off her clothing. The younger woman's C-cups were held in a light green satin bra. Her panties, like Tamara's, matched the upper undergarment. "All right, bitch," Margie said, the cool air in the room making her own nipples push out against the fabric of her bra. "I'm ready."
    "Oh, not yet," Tamara said with a smile. And she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the mat. Margie hesitated a second, staring, surprised not only by her rival's actions but by what she saw. Tamara's tits were magnificent. Round, firm, high, lightly freckled, with large dark areola and long, thick nipples. "Like what you see?" Tamara asked.
    Her color rising, Margie turned away and removed her own bra. When she turned back to Tamara, her own lovely breasts were on display. They were creamy white, round, and larger than her opponent's. They were not, however, as high, and her pretty pink areola and nipples were smaller than those of the raven-haired beauty before her.
    "Are we ready NOW?" Margie asked. Tamara just shook her head and removed her panties. The dark-haired beauty was shaved, with just a bit of coal black hair in her public area. By now, Margie was beyond caring. She took off her own panties revealing a bikini waxed dark bush. She would later be amazed that she had so willingly stripped naked in front of this bitch, but, for the moment, there were other things on her mind.
    "You really ought to take better care of that," Tamara smirked, pointing at Margie's bush.
    "Fuck you, slut," Margie spat back, picking her letter up off the mat. "Here! Now let's have yours."
    Tamara picked hers up and offered it to Margie. The two women took the papers from each other at the same moment. Margie stuffed Tamara's inside a shoe, then rolled the pair up in her clothes and tossed the bundle outside. Tamara put Margie's in the pocket of the discarded sweat pants, then gathered her clothes and stuffed them under the bottom rope.
    When she turned around, Margie was waiting. "Let's go, bitch."
    "I'm gonna beat you half to death, Margie," the older woman said.
    "Then bring it on, slut," Margie replied. And the two women charged each other, both grabbing a handful of hair. For a few seconds they stood in the center of the ring wrenching each other's heads back and forth, screaming in pain and fighting for balance. Then, Tamara managed to get turned in slightly and tossed Margie over her hip by her long, curly tresses. The younger woman lost her grip on Tamara's shorter hair and fell to the canvas on her back. Her rival then aimed a right-footed kick straight for Margie's exposed groin, but the younger woman rolled just in time and took the blow on her left buttock. The roll brought Ms. Waldeman to her hands and knees, but, this time, Tamara's foot did not miss its mark, landing square on the left side of Margie's ribcage just below her breast. Margie screamed, "Ohhh!" and fell to her back, and Tamara dropped to her knees to straddle the younger woman.
    The raven-haired Ms. Barnes once again grabbed Margie's hair with both hands, and, this time, lifted her head and slammed it back to the mat. The younger woman tried to pry Tamara's strong hands free for a second, but quickly changed tactics, using her left hand to slap the older woman right across her beautiful face. The blow wasn't strong enough to dislodge the lovely "T", but it did snap her head around, giving Margie time to reload the left fist and smash it upward into Tamara's right tit. The raven-haired woman groaned, "Ahhh!" and released Margie's hair. Her right hand went to her right breast, but the left shot downward, aiming right at Margie's nose. The younger woman, however, twisted her head aside, and, as Tamara's fist hit the mat, bridged and turned, knocking her rival off her perch.
    Tamara fell to her left side and Margie rolled from beneath her, coming back to her feet. Tamara rose a bit more slowly and began to cautiously circle her opponent. "How's that TIT feel, bitch," Margie taunted.
    "I'll fucking rip those pathetic boobs of yours OFF, you bitch," Tamara screamed, and charged again. The older woman once again went for the hair, and, this time, Margie was ready, slamming a left hook into Ms. Barnes flat, freckled belly. The raven-haired one gasped and doubled over, then fell to her back when Margie's right fist smacked against the side of her left eye. Tamara instinctively rolled to her knees, but she stayed on all fours. See was seeing stars from that last blow, and Margie was determined to press her advantage.
    The younger woman borrowed a page from her rival's book, slamming the red-painted toes of her right foot into Tamara's left side. Except, in Margie's case, the blow landed just BELOW the ribcage, smacking into Tamara's kidney. The wounded woman screamed, "Oh!" and fell to her right side, her face a mask of pain, her left hand gripping the area where the kick had landed. Margie then launched one final kick, this one burying itself right in Tamara's belly. The older woman groaned, "Oool!" and rolled into the fetal position, teeth gritted, eyes closed tightly in pain.
    "Get UP, bitch," Margie screamed. "Or have you had enough already?"
    "Fuck YOU," Tamara said, as she worked her way back to her knees. She stood slowly, painfully, still working the cobwebs out of her head. Her younger rival taunted her, waving her forward.
    "Come ON, Tamara," Margie screamed. "THIS is what you WANTED! You were gonna kick my ass and rip off my tits! Well, I'm waiting."
    But, this time, the older woman wasn't taking the bait. She wasn't about to be goaded into charging Margie again. Instead, she moved forward carefully as Margie circled away. Then, she pivoted quickly, grabbed her opponent's right arm, pulled her forward, and drove her right knee upward until it crashed right into the middle of her rival's bush.
    "Ooooh-hooo!" Margie screamed, and her legs became jelly. It was only Tamara's body that prevented her from falling. And that's exactly what the older woman had planned. Because it wasn't time for Margie to fall yet. Instead, with her opponent's body virtually paralyzed from pain, Tamara brought her knee up again. And, again it landed with a satisfying thud right on Margie's cunt.
    "Ohhh Goddddd!" Margie wailed, and, as Tamara stood aside, she fell to the mat and rolled into a ball, both hands gripping her aching femininity.
    "You better HOPE God helps you," Tamara said, as she moved toward her battered opponent.
    Tamara slammed her right foot into the small of Margie's back and the younger woman groaned, her body stiffening in response. Then she fed her rival a bit of her own medicine. "Get UP, bitch, or have you had enough ALREADY?"
    Margie, grimacing in pain, tried to make it to her knees, but fell back to the mat, her left hand going back to her crotch to try to rub some of the pain away. A second effort got her to her hands and knees. Tamara watched with a smile, then stepped behind her foe and slammed a kick up between her legs.
    "Aggghhhh!" Margie groaned and once again collapsed to the mat. There were tears in her eyes now as pain coursed through her. And things were about to get worse. Margie once again had both hands on her groin, and Tamara saw another target of opportunity. She pulled back her left foot and slammed it into Margie's left tit. "Ooollll!" Margie moaned and rolled into a tighter ball.
    Tamara got to her knees behind Margie and reached under her arms, grabbing a breast in each hand. Margie screamed and immediately grabbed her rival's hands in an effort to pull them free. Tamara, meanwhile, used her handholds to pull Margie's upper body off the mat. She then dropped to a sitting position behind her agonized opponent and pulled her in close. And, while Margie's attentions were focused on removing her opponent's nails from her breasts, Tamara slipped her legs around Margie's waist and locked her feet in front of the lighter woman. She then dropped to her left side, pulling Margie with her.
    The younger woman was now in agony, her midriff being squeezed by Tamara's surprisingly powerful legs and her tits being mauled by her rival's hands. "Had enough, yet, bitch, or do I have to rip them OFF?" Tamara screamed, as she dug her nails in deeper.
    "Ahhh....ohhhh...fuck....fuck you!" was Margie's response as she tried to roll free of the scissors while prying off Tamara's hands. After nearly a minute of this, though, Margie realized it was fruitless and changed tactics. She reached behind her and grabbed two handfuls of Tamara's hair...and pulled for all she was worth.
    The older woman squealed as her scalp felt like it was about to be ripped from her skull. Instinctively, her hands left Margie's tits and went to her head, trying to pull her opponent's hands away. Margie then rocked all her weight back, hard, shoving Tamara to the mat and turning her own body to the left so that her torso was now perpendicular to Tamara's. The turn didn't break the scissors, but it allowed Margie to remove her right hand from Tamara's hair and slam it into the older woman's left cheek.
    "Oww!" Tamara yelled, releasing the scissors and grabbing for Margie's hair with both hands. The younger woman, however, ducked her head, rolled on top of Tamara, and sunk her teeth into the bitch's left tit. "AHHHHHHHHHH FUCCKKKKKKKK!" Tamara screamed, as she felt Margie's teeth dig into her breast tissue. Then after a moment of inaction caused by the pain, she brought her own right fist across her body and slammed it into Margie's jaw.
    The immediate result of the blow was not a good one for Tamara, as it both caused Margie to instinctively clamp down with her teeth and knocked the younger woman's head to the side, yanking painfully on Tamara's aching tit. However, in the long run the right cross turned out to be beneficial. It had landed square and with good velocity, and caused Margie to immediately begin seeing stars.
    The younger woman's head lolled as she released the breast from her teeth and rolled to her right side, then her back. Had Tamara not been in such severe pain, she would certainly have had a great opportunity to punish her nearly helpless opponent. But, as it was, the raven-haired beauty did nothing but rub her boob and grit her teeth for several seconds. Finally, she sat herself up and looked down at the violated tit. It wasn't bleeding...much. But there was a clear impression of Margie's teeth surrounding Tamara's areola.
    The older woman was enraged. "You fucking WHORE!" Tamara screamed as she leaped to her feet. "You are going to PAY for that!"
    The screaming roused Margie a bit from her stupor and she managed to get up her left elbow. All that did, however, was provide a perfect target for Tamara's right foot, which slammed into Margie's chest. The younger woman gagged and fell to her back, and Tamara stomped down with her left foot right into Margie's belly. "Glllhhhhhh!" Margie screamed as she rolled into a ball.
    Through her pain, Margie saw Tamara raise her left foot for another kick. Somehow, the younger woman forced her aching body to act. She kicked out her own left foot and caught Tamara's right leg right on the ankle. With her other foot already off the ground, the surprising blow knocked the older woman off balance and she fell backward. Better still for Margie, she didn't fall WELL. In fact, she cracked her head off the mat.
    Tamara groaned as she hit the canvas and lay still as the room spun around. Margie reacted as quickly as her body would let her, and, in Tamara's current condition, that was plenty quick enough. The younger woman rolled on top of her opponent and sat on her belly. Tamara tried to roll her off, but Margie held the heavier woman down, and slammed her right fist home in Tamara's left tit. The raven-haired woman screamed, "Oooooh!" and reached up for Margie's hair, but the younger woman delivered a stinging slap across the face with her left hand, then a punch to the cheek with her right.
    Tamara's eyes glassed over after the right hand, and Margie then buried both hands into her opponent's magnificent breasts. Tamara shrieked, "Ohhhhhhhhh!" as Margie dug her fingernails in. The older woman bucked like a wild mustang and Margie instinctively bent closer to her opponent's body to avoid being dislodged. That, however, brought her head into range, and Tamara reached up with both hands, grabbed Margie's long hair, and pulled the head down. She then released the hair with her right hand and wrapped the right arm around the head, completing a solid headlock. Tamara then twisted violently to the left, pulling Margie from her perch.
    The younger woman rolled first to her right side, then to her back, as Tamara forced her underneath. Before Ms. Waldeman knew what was happening, the heavier woman was lying on top of her, holding her head tightly. As Margie began to struggle for freedom, Tamara allowed her grip to slip down just a bit...below Margie's chin. Her headlock had become a choke hold, and Margie was almost instantly gasping for air.
    The younger woman's right arm was trapped beneath Tamara's body, but the left was free and Margie used it to pull at her rival's hand and arm. But, she hadn't nearly enough strength or leverage to break the hold. Instead, she choked and gasped as Tamara continued to constrict her airway and the heavier woman's weight crushed down on her chest. Margie's stomach pumped wildly and her legs kicked and bridged, but nothing would win her freedom. Finally, in desperation, Margie took her free hand away from Tamara's arm and used it to claw at her foe's eyes.
    Tamara screamed and released the younger woman, rolling away, her hands coming to her face. Margie, meanwhile, just lay on the mat gulping air as fast as she could, both hands on her bruised throat. The two women stayed on the mat for a few seconds, then Tamara got to her elbows and knees, blinking rapidly to clear her watery eyes. Fortunately, Margie hadn't actually scratched the eyes themselves, but she had gouged the lids, which were trickling blood.
    Tamara saw the blood on her hands and became enraged once again. With an animal-like growl she got to her feet and rushed toward her opponent. Margie saw her coming and tried to rise, but Tamara caught her on the chin with a right-footed kick and Margie slumped back down with a breathy moan.
    With Margie dazed and hurt, Tamara sat down beside her, lifted her body off the mat, jammed a leg beneath her back, and looped the other across her chest. Margie sensed what was happening then and began to struggle, but it was too late. Tamara locked her feet and squeezed, crushing Margie's tits against her own ribcage. The lighter woman groaned, "Unnnnhhhhh!" gritted her teeth, and tried to roll, but she hadn't the strength. Worse, Tamara had the hold in perfectly, with Margie's arms INSIDE the scissors. The younger woman was in big trouble indeed.
    Margie did the only thing she could. She waited until Tamara stopped squeezing, then bridged, planting her feet firmly on the mat and shoving upward as hard as she could. At the same time, she twisted her torso, trying to turn away from her rival. All she managed to do was slide a bit between the heavier woman's legs before Tamara tightened the legs again.
    "Ahhhhhhh!" Margie groaned, as her own legs relaxed and her body shuddered between Tamara's awesome legs. Her eyes were closed and her teeth held tightly together. She held her breath until Tamara once again relaxed. Then, Margie bridged and turned again. And, again, it was to no avail. She managed only a bit of a turn before Tamara's legs slammed her back into place.
    "I've got you now, you bitch!" Tamara screamed as she squeezed her legs together as tightly as possible. Margie screamed, "Ooooooh!" and her body stiffened with the pain, but, when Tamara's legs relaxed, she again bridged and turned, still determined to fight her way to freedom. She arched her body high, her toes dug deeply into the mat, but, again, she barely moved at all.
    Margie now realized how serious the situation had become. The scissors was having a dramatic effect, applying pain and denying air to her already battered and nearly exhausted body. She had to find a way to escape, and quickly, or the bitch would surely finish her.
    So, after Tamara crushed another groan of "Ooohoooh!" from her aching body with yet another squeeze of her tits, Margie bridged as hard as she could and twisted violently. And again managed virtually no movement before another squeeze forced her flat to the mat with a gasp.
    "Give up yet, bitch?" Tamara sneered.
    "Fuck you, ahhhhhhhh!" Margie groaned, as Tamara poured on the pressure again.
    The younger woman was getting desperate now. She grabbed at Tamara's feet and tried to pull them apart, but didn't have nearly the strength or leverage necessary to do so. Then she tried clawing at the bigger woman's legs, but Tamara countered violently, with a long squeeze that turned Margie's pretty face into a mask of pain and brought her hands to touch what they could of her smashed, aching breasts.
    "Give it up, you weak slut!" Tamara screamed. "You're finished, bitch!"
    "Fucking whore...OHHHHHHH!" Margie responded.
    After that, the younger woman's struggles lost any real purpose and became akin to the struggles of a fly hopelessly caught in the web of a spider. She kicked her feet and bridged weakly between squeezes, sometimes pulling lightly at Tamara's legs or trying to turn, all the while gasping for breath and trying to endure the tremendous pain in her tits.
    And, soon, even those struggles mostly stopped. Between squeezes, Margie just lay looking up at the ceiling, gasping and panting, belly rising and falling rapidly. And, during contractions, her body shuddered violently and her feet thumped weakly at the canvas.
    After a little while longer, Margie's resistance was nearly at an end. There was one final attempt to gain freedom. She spread her feet wide apart and bridged as high as she could. And, as Tamara tightened her legs once again, Margie actually bridged higher, her body taut, groaning "unnnnnnnnnhhhhhhh". Then, slowly, after a couple of additional little bounces, Margie's rump settled back to the canvas and her legs began to relax, feet sliding forward until they, like the rest of the beaten woman's body, lay on the mat.
    Even Margie's groans of pain were muted now. She hadn't the wind left to scream and was reduced to little gasps and moans as Tamara's gams cut more deeply into her breasts and constricted her chest muscles. Still, she would not give up. She wasn't going to give the bitch the satisfaction.
    Tamara, however, knew Margie was finished and that there was only so much her body could endure. And she was determined to keep dishing out the punishment until her foe could no longer stand it. So, dish it out she did, even though her legs were tiring.
    The sight was awesome to see. One woman, totally dominant now, in a sitting position, her long, strong legs wrapped tightly around her rival's bare breasts, feet locked together, hands palm down on the mat for both balance and leverage. Her rival, completely helpless, eyes wet with tears, face contorted in pain, body spent and languid, lungs fighting a losing battle for air, breasts smashed flat, arms at her side, staring blankly at nothing at all.
    "It's over, Margie," the dominant woman said. "Now give up before I break your fucking ribs."
    ", slut," Margie groaned.
    "No, fuck YOU," Tamara said, and released the scissors, then shoved Margie with her left foot. The finished brunette rolled over to her belly, then was flipped to her back with a similar shove. As she lay helpless on the mat, Tamara knelt down on her arms, trapping them, then sat on her belly. The raven-haired beauty then sunk her fingernails into Margie's titflesh. The younger woman found enough air in her lungs to scream then, a loud, bloodcurdling wail as her aching breasts were gouged by the hard nails.
    "Give UP Margie, or I'll fucking SCAR you!" Tamara screamed.
    " fucking BITCH!" Margie screamed, but still did not submit.
    Tamara then grabbed a nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She dug both nails in and Margie screamed again..."Ohhhh GODDDD! Ohhhh CHRIST!"
    "I will fucking pinch it OFF Margie," Tamara screamed.
    "OK! OK!" the younger woman screamed. "DON'T. I GIVE. I FUCKING GIVE...Ohhh fuccckkkk!"
    And with that, Margie began to sob. Tamara pinched one final time, then released the nipple. Margie's hands came up to her breasts again, as the sobbing continued. Tamara got slowly to her feet and walked outside the ring, in no small amount of pain herself. She came back in with the shoe in which Margie had placed the resignation letter bearing Tamara's name. She removed it and tore it into little pieces.
    "I guess you won't be needing THIS," the heavier woman said, then sprinkled the pieces of paper over Margie's naked body. They stuck to her sweat slick form, but the younger woman didn't move. She just lay there as Tamara went back outside, carefully dressed, and then re-entered the ring. She was carrying Margie's resignation letter.
    The dominant woman knelt down, pressing a knee across Margie's chest, causing the beaten woman to groan. "I will be placing THIS on Jim's desk Monday morning, slut. See that your desk is cleaned out over the weekend."
    "You BITCH..." Margie said through her tears.
    "I always knew you were a little pussy Margie. You never should have messed with a better woman, slut."
    "Oh, you fucking bitch..." Margie sobbed.
    And, with that, Tamara got up and left the ring, walking slowly out of the room, carrying the resignation letter in one hand and her bag in the other. Margie just lay there crying, listening to the footsteps slowly moving away, then the final thump of the door closing behind her hated rival.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Behind the Pool House
    Written by Brent Sunday, 15 October 2006 16:09
    Darlene is a bitchy brunette and experienced titfighter. When pretty blond shows up by the pool, Darlene wants to teach her a lesson. Their tits meet in a bearhug where nobody will hear moans.

    The sun was beating down, as it was wont to do, on these August days. The mercury had crept past 90 at noon, and, now, at 4pm, it was approaching triple digits. But Darlene and her daughter Maura couldn't have cared less. The pretty brunettes had been at the condo's swimming pool since 10am, alternately sun bathing and swimming. After all, they had nothing better to do on a bright summer day.
    The 36-year-old Darlene didn't work. She didn't have to. She lived off the alimony provided by her ex-husband, Maura's father. Her daughter, 19, wouldn't be returning to college for another few weeks. So, they'd spent the day here, as they did most summer days. And, since it was a weekday, they'd had the pool almost to themselves, with the exception of a couple of small groups of teenagers who'd come and gone.
    They were alone, except for Scotty, the 18-year-old lifeguard both women had gotten to know well over the course of the summer, when Darlene got up off of her lounge chair. She was 5'6" tall and weighed a solid 145 pounds. She was absolutely stunning in a black bikini that showed off her flat midriff and big 36-D breasts. "I'm going in to the restroom, Maura then I think we'll take off. We'll go home, get a shower, and rest a bit before dinner. What do you think?"
    "I'd like to take one more dip, first, mom," replied the younger woman, looking even sexier in a skimpy sky blue two piece that barely contained her 34-C jugs. She was an inch taller than her mother and 15 pounds lighter.
    "OK," Darlene said with a smile. "Maybe I'll join you."
    As the older woman began walking toward the pool house, which contained the restrooms, her daughter said, "Hey, wait up. I'm coming, too."
    "Then grab the pool bag," Darlene said. "It's got my wallet in it." Maura did what she was told and the two brunettes disappeared into the large pool house.
    When they came back out the doors about 10 minutes later, they were no longer alone at the pool. A lovely blonde woman neither recognized was lying in the lounge chair Darlene had just vacated. A four-year-old boy wearing floats was splashing in the shallow end of the pool.
    "Huh!" Darlene said to her daughter. "Blondie over there took my chair and she's got her stuff on yours!"
    "Oh, don't worry about it, mom," Maura replied. "Let's just forget the last dip and go home."
    "I don't THINK so, dear," the older woman said, and she began walking with a purpose, right up to the chair on which the blonde was lounging in her green cover-up.
    "EXCUSE me," Darlene said, "But these are OUR chairs."
    The blonde looked up from her book and smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't realize anyone had been sitting here. But, I'd like to stay, if you don't mind. My son is playing down here in the shallow end... "
    "Now listen... " Darlene began, but her daughter grabbed her by the shoulder.
    "Mom, we're going home soon anyway. Let's just go, OK?"
    "No!" the older brunette said, then turned her attention back to the blonde. "These are our chairs and I'll thank you to get out of them."
    The blonde sat up, looking more than annoyed. "Look, lady, you weren't sitting here when I got here. There was no stuff here. The chairs were empty. Now, my little boy is playing and I'm not leaving!"
    "Well," Darlene said, with quiet fury in her voice, "If you won't move voluntarily, bitch... "
    At that, the blonde got off the chair and the women stood face to face, their breasts nearly touching. "Then WHAT?" she said in a challenging tone. The blonde's wrap had fallen from her shoulders, and her lime green bikini was now clearly visible. She was taller than Darlene by two inches, and, like her dark-haired rival, tipped the scales at 145 pounds. Her body was nearly perfect, just as nice as Darlene's, with long legs, a flat belly, and breasts that were also 36-D.
    The women stood that way, staring each other down and sizing each other up, for just a few seconds, but to both parties and the intently watching Maura, it seemed much longer. Then, suddenly, before Darlene could answer the blonde's question, a whistle blew. Scotty had seen what was happening.
    "Ladies! Over here! Now!" he yelled.
    With one more glance at each other, Darlene and the blonde turned and began walking around the pool to the guard's chair, with Maura following behind. Before either of the women could begin talking, the 18-year-old said, "I have no idea what was going on over there, ladies, and I don't want to know. But I'm going to ask you both to leave immediately."
    "That's not fair!" said the blonde. "We just got here and my little boy has been waiting all day to swim."
    "I'm sorry... " the young man began, but Maura, interrupted him.
    "Listen, Scotty, Mom and I were just about to leave anyway. Let the kid play. None of this is his fault."
    "But..." Darlene stammered, but Maura cut her short.
    "Mom, let's just go. We've been here all day. Let's not get our pool passes suspended over this, OK?"
    With a hard look at the blonde followed by a smile for Scotty, Darlene acquiesced. "OK, Scotty. We'll leave, but please let the child stay."
    "All right, all right," the teenager said with a smile, throwing his hands over his head in mock frustration. "They can stay. Have a nice evening Darlene. I imagine I'll be seeing you and Maura in the morning."
    With that the three women began making their way back to the other side of the pool, with the blonde going back to her seat and the brunettes heading toward the gate. Just before she parted from them, the blonde turned to the other women and said, "Thank you both. I appreciate what you did, and I'm sorry that... "
    "Don't bother apologizing, bitch," Darlene said with a growl, still walking toward the gate. "This isn't over between us, COUNT on it." The brunettes then continued out of the pool enclosure while the blonde, surprised to speechlessness, stared after them.
    As they climbed into the hot car for the short drive home, Darlene fumed. "I can't BELIEVE that bitch and her attitude. Taking our chairs and then refusing to move? Unreal. She's lucky Scotty got involved, because if he hadn't... well, let's just say our pool passes might have been suspended for a LONG time. Who the hell does she think she is?"
    "Do you have any IDEA who she is, Mom? I've never seen her before."
    "Me, either. She must be new to the plan. But, I'm going to find OUT who the hell she is. Miss Newcomer apparently needs to find out how things work around here. And she's going to, and very quickly, too. Because, mark my words, Maura, your Mom is going to give that bitch a lesson in condo etiquette... out behind the pool house."
    "Uh-oh," said Maura. "It looks like Dad's gonna have to pay another 'pool party' rental."
    Darlene laughed and said, "Well, he agreed to pay all the condo fees as part of the divorce settlement. And, what he doesn't know won't hurt him."
    Darlene wasn't sure how the idea had come to her, but she remembered that it had done so the first time she'd been invited to a party at the pool house. She remembered going out into the back and looking around and thinking, "You could do just about anything here and no one would ever notice." And Darlene was right. The rear of the building, though nondescript, was absolutely perfect for the purpose to which she sometimes put it.
    The pool itself was located on a large triangle of land that was far removed from any of the condos. This design was put into effect to make sure the noise from the pool didn't bother any of the plan's residents. On two sides, the pool land was bordered by undeveloped green space. The third abutted a roadway.
    Off the road was the large parking area, and beyond it, the pool enclosure, a 10-foot high redwood fence with a single gate. Inside the fence was the pool area, a storage shed containing snack machines and equipment for pool maintenance, and the pool house.
    The pool house was on the right side of the enclosure, running diagonally across its length, both sides abutting directly the fence. The front doors of the house led, of course, to the pool area. Someone walking through those doors from the pool entered a large hall. On the right side of the hall were two restrooms. On the left was a locked door that led to the house proper, where, among other amenities, were located a large dining area, two more restrooms, and a well-stocked kitchen.
    At the rear of the kitchen was the back door to the building. It led to a large, triangular grassy area that was completely inaccessible except through the kitchen door. On two sides, it was bounded by the redwood fence, and, on the third, the back wall of the pool house. As it was completely private, it was a great spot for a small cookout or social gathering. It was also a perfect place to settle differences like those between Darlene and the beautiful blonde that had taken her lounge chair.
    The first time Darlene had seen the rear of the pool house, nearly 8 years ago, she was thinking about a bitch named Grace. Grace, a single mother, had a daughter in the same school as Maura and the two girls had gotten into an argument in class that resulted in both getting detention. Grace was extremely upset and brought the matter to Darlene's attention with a phone call. Darlene had defended her daughter and a nasty set-to developed that ended with Darlene slamming down the phone in Grace's ear.
    The two got into it again at a school function and nearly came to blows. It was just a few days later that Darlene got her first look at the rear of the pool house.
    It took awhile to bring the plan together. She needed a time when she could have the building to herself, and such times were rare. The pool was open from 9am-9pm every day but Sundays and Holidays. On Holidays, it was closed. On Sundays, however, it could be rented for private parties.
    Darlene had gone to the condo office and asked about a rental. The pool was booked weeks in advance. She found a Sunday, however, when it was currently free and rented it for the entire day. The condo administration provided a lifeguard for private parties for an extra stipend. The lifeguard, was, however, optional. Those who did not choose to pay for one had to sign a "hold harmless" agreement as a condition of the rental. Darlene signed.
    The week before her "party", the brunette was quite busy making sure all would be perfect when the big day came. She arranged for Maura to spend the weekend with her aunt. She called Grace and asked the brown-haired woman to meet her that Sunday to "settle" things. Grace agreed.
    The day before the "event", Darlene went to the condo office and received her keys, one for the pool enclosure, one for both doors of the pool house. She was told to return the keys by the end of the day Monday. She agreed with a smile. The clerk told her to have "fun" at her "party". Darlene smiled and said she expected to do just that.
    Darlene showed up at the pool house about 11 am, an hour ahead of the time she'd set for Grace to arrive. Later, she'd say that she never expected her plan to come off. She'd say she never believed Grace would agree to settle things "woman to woman". No, she'd figured the busty woman would tell her she was crazy and head right back home with another story to tell about Maura's nutty mother.
    But, in reality, Darlene was almost sure Grace would agree. The bitch hated Darlene as much as Darlene hated her. She'd want to settle it physically, just like Darlene did. And the brunette was not disappointed.
    Grace had arrived right on time and Darlene had admitted her to the pool house and taken her out the back door. Grace knew what was up immediately upon seeing the secluded area to which Darlene had brought her. "How do you want to do this, bitch?" Grace had asked.
    And Darlene had told her. Grace was a bit taken aback by what Darlene suggested. It was clear she'd been expecting a fist fight. But she'd agreed to the tit-fight.
    Both women had been quick to disrobe. They were out of doors, of course, but what did it matter? No one could possibly see them. No one but the two of them would ever know what took place on this day, unless one of them told someone. And both knew only one would ever WANT to tell.
    In less than a minute, Darlene was down to a bikini bottom. Grace, who had not been expecting what was about to happen, was in a white bra and white cotton panties. She pulled off the bra and the women looked each other over.
    Both were D-cups, but Grace appeared a little bigger. Darlene's breasts, though, sat higher on her chest and appeared firmer. Both had large nipples and areola, and neither seemed to have an advantage in those departments.
    Seconds later, they applied their bear hugs, and the tit fight, the first of either woman's life, began. It lasted for several minutes. Darlene did not know how long. She was sure it had seemed longer than it was. But, when it was over, Darlene's boobs had driven through Grace's, and the brown-haired beauty lay sobbing in the grass, hands lightly gripping her beaten breasts.
    Darlene had just left her there. She'd gathered her clothes and gone inside, getting dressed in one of the restrooms. Then she'd gotten into her car and driven home. She'd taken a long, hot bath. About an hour later, she'd returned to the pool house. Grace was gone. Darlene had locked everything up. She returned the key the following day. And no one was the wiser. Darlene had told no one, not even Maura. And, of course, Grace wasn't about to spill the beans.
    Darlene's breasts had been sore for days afterward, but she didn't care. She knew Grace was hurting worse, both physically and emotionally. She also knew she'd have no more trouble with the bitch, and she hadn't. The fight had established a sort of a pattern for the hot-tempered Darlene. Grace was the first woman she'd taken out behind the pool house, but not nearly the last. No, there had been several more over the years. Some had backed down. Most hadn't. And all of those who'd fought had ended up like Grace, sobbing in the grass, their breasts crushed by Darlene's superior pair.
    After a while, she'd told Maura about these "matches", and her daughter had actually attended the last two. But, other than her opponents, Maura was the ONLY one who knew about what really happened at her "parties". Those who knew made up a fairly exclusive club. And Darlene was determined that a certain blonde bitch was about to become a member.
    Jill Thomas sat down on her lounge chair shaking her head in shock and anger. She was stunned at the way that WOMAN had acted, lording it over her like that, trying to bully and intimidate her. It was unbelievable, really, she thought, turning her head and watching Timmy splash around in the shallow end of the pool.
    This was just what she needed, the 30-year-old beauty thought ruefully. More conflict. Apparently, it wasn't bad enough that she'd just gone through a messy divorce from Timmy's father. Or that she'd just moved into the area and was preparing to start a brand new job as a teacher at the local elementary school. Or that she was still concerned about the daycare in which she was going to have to place her son once school started. No, that wasn't enough. Now, this WOMAN had to ruin one of their last summer days together with her antics.
    Well, Darlene (that was what the lifeguard had called her, wasn't it?) could consider herself lucky that the young man had intervened, Jill thought. Because she had about reached her breaking point. She'd come very close to slugging that WOMAN, she knew, and the only thing that had stopped her was the fact that Timmy was here. If the boy hadn't been, Jill would have decked her and dealt with the consequences later. And, had the confrontation continued much longer, she might have socked her anyway.
    Fortunately, it hadn't come to that. Unfortunately, Jill was worried that it eventually would. From what she'd heard the lifeguard say, Darlene and her daughter were apparently regulars at the pool. And Timmy loved to swim. In fact, one of the reasons Jill had chosen this condo complex was that it had such a nice pool. She planned to bring him here often, meaning more meetings with Darlene were inevitable. Of course, if she DID slug Darlene, she'd get her pool pass suspended, and that would mean Timmy couldn't swim anyway. Damn it! Why couldn't anything be easy lately? All she'd wanted to do was spend a nice afternoon at the pool with her son.
    Well, maybe there was a way out of this after all, Jill thought. After all, she was an adult and so was Darlene. Certainly, they could come to an understanding over something as small as the set-to they'd had this morning. In fact, Jill decided, she'd look up Darlene, apologize for what happened, and try to build a civil relationship with the brunette. Who knew, maybe the two could even become friends. That would be nice. Jill didn't have any real friends here and got lonely sometimes. She was hoping to build some relationships at school, but maybe she'd start with Darlene.
    So, after Timmy had decided he'd had enough swimming for one day, Jill stopped by the lifeguard stand on her way out.
    "What can I do for you, ma'am," Scotty had asked as she'd approached the chair.
    "It's 'Jill'. And you're name is Scotty, right?"
    "That's right," the teen said with a smile.
    "Scotty, that woman I argued with before. You seem to know her pretty well. What's her name and where does she live?"
    Scotty hesitated before replying. "Um, I'm not sure I want to tell you that, ma'am."
    "Scotty, relax," the blonde said, with a smile that could melt the polar ice caps. "It's 'Jill,' remember? And I don't plan to go over there to cause trouble. I'd like to apologize for what happened here today. I plan to bring my son here a lot, and I get the impression Darlene and her daughter are regulars. I don't want to have an uncomfortable situation. I just want everyone to get along."
    "OK, JILL," Scotty said sheepishly. "Her name is Darlene Moyer and she lives over on Woodlawn Street. I don't have the address... "
    "Oh, don't worry about THAT, Scotty," Jill said. "I'll look her up in the phone book. You've been a big help. Thanks a lot."
    "No problem," the boy said, smiling, hoping there wouldn't be.
    When Jill got home that night, she got out her phone book and looked up Darlene's number. There was no "Darlene Moyer" in the book, but there were several listings for "D Moyer". And one of those listings was 447 Woodlawn Street. Jill decided she'd pay the brunette a visit in the next evening to get things worked out.
    The following day dawned as bright and hot as the day before, and Darlene and Maura, as usual, decided to spend the majority of it at the pool. Scotty was on the lifeguard stand and Maura went over to talk with him when they arrived. When she got back to their normal chairs, she was smiling broadly.
    "Mom, you're gonna love this. Guess what Scotty just told me?"
    "Don't keep me in suspense, dear," the older woman said.
    "Yesterday, after we left, that blonde woman asked for our address."
    "What?" Darlene said. "Why that little... "
    "No, wait, Mom," Maura interrupted. "That's not all. She told Scotty that she wanted to come over and apologize because she doesn't want any bad blood between the two of you."
    Darlene's expression went from anger to amusement in about a tenth of a second. She chuckled and said, "Is that so? So, Little Miss Blondie is a chicken shit. Well, I should have known."
    "So, what are you going to do if she comes over?" Maura asked.
    "Well," Darlene said with a grin, "If she wants to apologize, that's fine. But, I'll make sure she knows who's boss around here before I accept that apology. If she wants to get out of attending my little pool party, I'll let her, but only after she understands the way things are going to be between us."
    "And, if she DOESN'T understand?" Maura asked, her perfect white teeth showing.
    "Well, then, she will be MADE to understand. And, it doesn't really matter to me which way it goes. Because, either way, I won't have any more trouble from the little bitch."
    "You LIE." Maura said, laughing.
    "What do you mean, Maur?" Darlene replied, feigning innocence.
    "You DO care which way it goes. You WANT her behind that pool house and you know it. You're hoping she doesn't turn out to be a 'chicken shit' like you said."
    "You know me too well, darling daughter," Darlene answered. "I'd like nothing better than to crush those big bags of hers flat. There's something about that woman I just don't like. She'll KNOW her place one way or the other, but I WOULD like it better if I actually got to PUT her in it."
    "Well, from what Scotty told me, I'm guessing that won't happen. I think she's going to come and make nice."
    "Time will tell, Maur," Darlene said. "But why don't I reserve the pool house... just in case?"
    The following evening after dinner Jill pulled Timmy aside. "Honey, how would you like to go across the street and play with Amanda and David for about an hour while Mommy runs some errands?"
    Timmy's face lit up, as Jill knew it would. He enjoyed playing with Amanda and David, 5-year-old twins. Their mother, Laura, was the closest thing Jill had to a friend in the plan and had agreed to watch Timmy for awhile. "Sure, Mom!" the little boy said. "Ok, then, let's hop in the car. I'll drive you over. And, like I said, I'll be back in about an hour."
    A few minutes later, Jill had dropped Timmy off and was driving toward 447 Woodlawn. When she pulled up in front of the condo, she saw two cars parked in the reserved spaces. Darlene was home. Jill walked slowly up the steps and rang the bell. Maura answered.
    "Mom's around the back, on the deck," the brunette said with a smile. "Go around the right side of the house. It's the first deck." And, with that, Maura closed the door.
    Jill couldn't believe what had just happened. Had that girl just closed the door in her face? And, she hadn't looked at all surprised to see her there. Were they EXPECTING her? As these thoughts were going through her mind, Jill realized she was still standing before Darlene's front door looking stupid. With a shake of her head, she went back down the steps and began walking around the right side of the house as Maura had instructed.
    As she walked Jill began to fume. You'd have thought Maura would have had the courtesy to invite her in, or, at least to call her mother to the door. Making her walk to the back deck from the outside was just plain rude. This wasn't going at all as she'd expected. And, it was about to get worse.
    When Jill made it to the back of the house, she saw Darlene sitting on chair on an elevated deck. The brunette made no effort to get up when she saw the blonde. "What do YOU want?" Darlene barked.
    Jill, looking up at the brunette, struggled to keep control of her temper. "Listen, Darlene, I just came to apologize for what happened the other day. I... "
    "Well," Darlene interrupted with a smile, still seated in her chair, "Go ahead."
    Again, Jill was taken aback. She hadn't exactly expected a warm greeting, but she certainly hadn't thought her reception would be this hostile. "All right," the blonde said with a sigh. "Look, I don't want to cause any trouble. My son loves to swim and I want to be able to take him to the pool without things being uncomfortable between us, so... "
    "Go on," Darlene said, still smiling.
    "I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to cause any problems and I hope we can let bygones be bygones."
    "And, you admit you were WRONG?" Darlene asked.
    "C'mon, Darlene," said an exasperated Jill. "I came to apologize. Does it really MATTER who was wrong?"
    "You damn RIGHT it matters," the brunette shouted, rising from her chair for the first time. "If you want to apologize for what happened, then DO it! Admit you were wrong to take our chairs and then refuse to move!"
    "Oh, this is RIDICULOUS," Jill said, shaking her head and turning to leave. "This is obviously hopeless. Your daughter closed the door in my face and didn't invite me in. You just left me standing down here. You didn't even invite me up to sit down. And all you've done is treat me like dirt. So, if you don't want to work this out... "
    "Oh, but I DO, blondie," Darlene interrupted again. "I want to work this out one way or the other."
    "And what's THAT supposed to mean," Jill responded, working hard to keep from shouting.
    "That means that if you don't admit you're wrong for stealing our chairs, we'll settle it woman to woman."
    "You're nuts," said the blonde, shaking her head in disbelief. "Completely nuts. I'm leaving and you just stay away from me and my son!"
    "Or what, bitch?" Darlene said with a laugh. "What will you do? You said it yourself. Maura and I are at the pool all the time, and don't think we'll stop coming because of you. So, if you really want to avoid things being 'uncomfortable' between us, admit you were wrong... or be woman enough to settle it the other way. You chicken shit."
    "Screw you, you bitch," Jill screamed back. She'd had all she was going to take from this slut. "If you want to settle it, come down here right now and I'll kick your fat ass!"
    Darlene laughed in her face. "Do you think so? Well, don't kid yourself, girlie. But, if you really want to do this, we will. Not here and not tonight, though."
    "Oh, so you aren't as tough as you let on, " Jill spat back.
    "Keep telling yourself that, Blondie," Darlene said. "And, when you go home tonight, think long and hard about whether you really want to do this. If you do, meet me at the pool house two weeks from Sunday. At noon. Bring your swimsuit, and don't bring that snot-nosed little kid of yours unless you want him to see his mommy get humiliated."
    "Oh, I'll be there, you slut," Jill screamed back. "And I'm going to enjoy kicking the crap out of you." And, with that, the blonde stomped back around the house to her car and sped back home steaming.
    The moment Jill left, Maura came out on the deck. She'd been watching the entire episode from the window overlooking the yard.
    "Hmm, she surprised me, Mom," the younger woman said. "I'd have bet just about anything that she was going to leave here with her tail between her legs. And here she was challenging you to come down and fight right in the middle of the back yard! For a minute there, I thought you might go down there."
    "I thought about it," said Darlene. "But I didn't want to spoil our plan. My way will be so much more fun, don't you think? She surprised me, too, though. She didn't seem like the type. But, sometimes things just have a way of working out. And, it's nice that we've already got that pool house reservation, isn't it? I can't wait."
    "Me, either. I don't have to go back to school until the following week, so I can be there to see it."
    "Yes, it's going to be fun," Darlene giggled. "Oh, am I going to make that bitch suffer."
    "You know, Mom," Maura said chuckling, "You really are EVIL sometimes."
    "Guilty," Darlene said laughing. "As charged."
    For the next fortnight, Jill could think of little else but her coming confrontation with Darlene. And, the more the blonde thought about it, the less she liked it. But she couldn't think of a way out. The brunette bitch had her in a corner. If she failed to show on Sunday, Jill had no doubt Darlene would find ways to make her life miserable every time she went to the pool. But, she had no idea what would be waiting for her if she DID show up.
    Thinking about the possibilities made Jill's blood run cold. What if Darlene brought Maura along and the two ganged up on her, or if she brought other friends and they jumped her three or four on one? Jill herself dare not bring anyone, because Darlene had made it pretty clear that she was to come alone. And, what if Darlene had a weapon secreted about the place? And why was the bitch insistent about her bringing a swimsuit? There was no doubt Jill was heading into this thing at a disadvantage. But, she wasn't going to back down. She'd have to trust that Darlene wanted a fair fight. There was simply no other choice. She'd be there Sunday at noon.
    The big day dawned, if you could call it that, hot but overcast and threatening rain. It was cool, but far from cold, with the temperature holding in the low 70s. The weather held, however, throughout the morning and it was dry when Darlene and Maura arrived to ready the pool house at 11am.
    After unlocking the place and going out into the rear area to make sure it was clear of debris, the mother and daughter removed their clothes and shoes and revealed their swim suits. Darlene was wearing the black bikini she'd worn on the day of the first confrontation with the blonde who was scheduled to arrive within the hour. Maura was draped in a miniscule red number that highlighted her perfect body even better than her blue one.
    "It won't be long now," Darlene said with a smile, placing her clothes in the pool bag she'd bought.
    "Do you think she'll really show, Mom?" Maura asked, putting her own clothing on top of her mother's, then placing the bag against the side of the building.
    "Oh, I'm betting she will. I think she wants to settle this thing as much as I do. Of course, she may not agree to my kind of fight," Darlene said with a laugh. "I guess we'll know when she gets here."
    With that, the two ladies went back inside the house, Maura grabbing the bag, which she placed on one of the tables in the dining area. The two women then sat down at the table and began talking about anything but what was about to happen. The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the dining area door at exactly 11:56.
    "All right, Maur, that's HER," Darlene said, visibly excited. "Go on out back. I don't want her to know you're here right away."
    Maura did as her mother asked, going quietly out the back door. Darlene didn't move. She waited for a second knock. It came about a minute after the first. It was both longer and more insistent. Darlene would have loved to make the blonde bitch wait even longer, but she thought better of it. She didn't want to give the impression that no one was here, giving blondie an excuse to avoid their little confrontation. She did, however, take her time walking over to admit her rival.
    When the brunette opened the door, Jill stood before it. She was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a white T-shirt. Before she could get a word out, Darlene spun on her heel and said, "Follow me, bitch, it's almost time."
    Jill stood there for just a second, then took out after Darlene's retreating form. She'd never been in the building before, so the blonde looked around a bit she followed the brunette through the dining area and out into the kitchen. Darlene stopped at the kitchen door.
    "Right through here, bitch," the brunette said, opening the door and walking through. Jill followed and heard a voice to her right.
    "I'm so glad you didn't chicken out, Jill" Maura said.
    "Wait a minute... " Jill stammered, looking at the teenager.
    "Oh, don't worry, blondie," Darlene said with a smile. "Maura's only here to watch, aren't you, dear?"
    "That's right," the younger woman agreed. "Just here to watch my mom kick your ass."
    "But... " Jill said.
    "Maura's seen two of my other fights, haven't you, darling?" Darlene said, ignoring the blonde.
    "That's right, Mom. I sure have."
    "And, honey, what happened in those fights?"
    "You whipped them both, Mom."
    And Jill finally got a word in edgewise. "You've done this BEFORE?" she asked, incredulous.
    "Yes, 11 times in all. And I kicked ALL of their asses. You, blondie, are about to make an even dozen. Unless, of course, you want to back out at the last minute."
    "I'm not backing down, Darlene. You wanted a fight, and you're going to get it."
    "Wonderful," said the grinning brunette. "Did you wear the swimsuit, like I told you?"
    Jill didn't answer. Instead, she slowly pulled off her shoes, shorts, and top, revealing the lime green bikini she'd been wearing on the day she'd first met Darlene. "OK, bitch," Jill said, when she'd finished disrobing. "How do you want to do this?" She then put up her hands and got into sort of a boxer's stance.
    Darlene laughed. "Slow down there, blondie. There's going to be no punching here. No, we're WAY more civilized than that. I mean, we don't want anybody to get seriously hurt. Right, Maur?"
    "That's right," the younger brunette replied. "The only thing that will be hurt when Mom's done is your pride. Well, that and your TITS of course."
    "Are you two BOTH crazy?" Jill asked, keeping her hands up for the moment.
    "Probably," Darlene replied. "But, let me explain what we'll be doing this afternoon, BITCH. Or, more correctly, let me explain what we WON'T be doing. We won't be punching or scratching or kicking or biting or wrestling."
    "We aren't going to fight?" Jill asked. "Then why are we here?"
    "Oh, we're GOING to fight, blondie," said Darlene. "Just not with our feet and fists. What we're going to do today is to prove who the better woman is. And we won't do that by trying to kill each other. No, what we're going to do is, take off these bikini tops and fight with our tits. That is, if you're still game."
    Jill shook her head once again. "That has GOT to be the craziest thing I've ever heard. But, I'm not going anywhere Darlene. I'm ready when you are."
    "All right," Darlene said, approaching her blonde opponent. "Since you're the 'guest', I'm going to give you the choice. Do you want to take YOUR top off first, or should I?" "What?" the blonde said, surprised yet again.
    "Oh, come on, Miss Prude," the brunette replied. "Look around you! Why do you think I picked this place? No one can see us or hear us... except Maura, of course. We're in private."
    Jill glanced around and realized Darlene was right. No one COULD see or hear them. No one would know what was happening here except the three women standing in this little fenced off area.
    "Fine, bitch. But, before I take it off, I want to know EXACTLY what we're going to do."
    "It's pretty simple, Blondie," Darlene said grinning. "We're going to take off our tops, press our breasts together and wrap our arms around one another's backs. And, we're going to titfight until I smash you flat, or until you can't take the pain anymore."
    "Or until YOU'RE flat, Darlene," Jill spat back.
    "Oh, there's no chance of that, honey," Darlene laughed. "So, what will it be. Who's first? You or me?"
    Jill didn't answer. Instead, as the wind picked up and the sky darkened further, she simply began pulling off her top. Her breasts were magnificent. There was simply no other word for them. They were no doubt, a large "D" cup, tanned on the tops and lighter below. They were perfectly round and sat high on the blondes chest, with big, round pink areola and thick pink nipples that hardened when exposed to the cool breeze. They were all of 5/8ths of an inch long fully extended. Jill tossed the bikini top aside and said, "You're next, bitch."
    Darlene didn't respond right away, instead, turning to Maura and saying, "Pretty big... and they look firm, too, don't they Maur?"
    "Oh, yes, they're a nice pair," the younger woman said. "Bigger than the other two women I saw you fight."
    "Well, you know what they say," Darlene said, "The bigger they are, the more fun they are to smash!" With that, the brunette began to remove her top, and, Jill had to admit, she was impressed with what she saw. Darlene's jugs were big, very big, like Jill's a large "D" cup. They were also high and round, and, as Darlene often sunbathed topless, they were brown all over. The brunette's breasts were capped by rounded brown areola and long, thick brown nipples.
    Darlene dropped her top to the ground and the two women stood silently for a moment, looking each other over. Maura took another look at Jill's pair and compared them to her mother's. Jill clearly had larger areola, and her mom's nipples were thicker. Both sets of spikes were long, but, from Maura's viewpoint, her mother's looked just a bit longer. As for the breasts themselves, it was very close, but Maura thought the blonde's might be a bit larger than the brunette's.
    Then, Darlene broke the silence. "As I said, since you're the 'guest', you get the courtesy, bitch. Bring those pathetic tits over here, and let me get started mashing them."
    "Pathetic?" Jill shot back. "My tits are TEN times better than yours, and I'm about to prove it!"
    "Prove away, Blondie," Darlene smirked, and, with that, raised her hands over her head. Jill wasted no time moving forward, slamming her breasts against Darlene's, and wrapping her arms around the brunette's back. The brunette grunted when the four breasts met, then set her feet and applied her own bearhug. And, with that, the battle was joined.
    Maura watched as the two grunted and groaned, shoving their breasts against one another. She noticed that neither pair was showing any give at all and realized this fight had the potential to be a long one. The two battlers were going hard, fighting for position, moving their bare feet back and forth attempting to gain leverage, squeezing for all they were worth. But no one was gaining any ground.
    After over three minutes of this even battle, the rain began to fall. It was a only a light drizzle, but, soon, the rain and the sweat made both sets of breasts slick and they began to slide back and forth against each other as the battle raged on.
    Soon, both women were moaning and groaning and breathing heavily. It was clear that both sets of orbs were hurting now and both competitors were beginning to tire.
    "It won't be long now, Blondie," Darlene said. "I can feel your tits softening."
    "In your dreams, bitch," Jill spat back. "Yours will be pancakes when I'm done with them."
    Maura looked closely, but, despite the protestations of the blonde bitch and her mother, she could see no change since the beginning of the fight. Neither set of breasts was winning. And neither was losing. In fact, the only difference was that the rain was falling harder.
    And then, the skies opened up. In seconds, both women were completely soaked, their long hair bedraggled and their feet beginning to slip on the now-damp grass. But the weather did not distract Darlene or Jill from their battle. They simply ignored it and fought on. They did not, however, ignore the first flash of lightning and the accompanying crash of thunder. Both women jumped, but it was to their credit that neither released her bearhug, and, after the startling effect of the sound wore off, both resumed fighting without a word.
    Maura, however, was NOT able to ignore what was going on. She'd backed up against the side of the building in an effort to stay dry, but it was impossible. The wind was blowing the rain sideways, and she was quickly just as wet as the competitors. Still, she bore it and kept watching as the storm got louder and intensified... until the lightning, which was the last straw.
    "Mom, we've got to stop!" the teen yelled
    "No way," Darlene responded. "I'm not quitting."
    "Me, either," Jill screamed.
    "Yes, you ARE," Maura yelled, right into the ears of both fighters. "They close the pool when there's lightning! A caretaker is going to be coming. If he finds us here... "
    "FUCK!" screamed Darlene. "I forgot about that. She's right. We'll all be in deep shit if they catch us... "
    Jill didn't need to be told twice. The two women released each other at the same moment and all three darted back into the pool house. When they got inside, Darlene looked the blonde in the eyes and said, "I'll let you know when I can get the pool house again."
    "I'll be here," Jill said. She then replaced her top, gathered up her wet clothes, and went out the door to her car. Darlene and Maura toweled off, then removed their bikinis in the restrooms and changed into their dry clothes, then followed Jill out into the storm.
    The day had ended with nothing proven. Yet one woman was certain that, had the battle continued, she'd have been the victor. And the other was trying to convince herself that the weather was not the only thing that had saved her from defeat.
    Jill stopped at the neighbors' house to pick up the surprised Timmy on her way back home. The little boy had immediately asked why she was home so early, and she explained that her "party" had been cancelled because of the rain. She got the boy inside, put him in front of the television and went upstairs and showered before changing into some dry clothes. With Timmy occupied with his cartoons, Jill poured the remains of the morning coffee into a mug and sat at the kitchen table running the days events through her head again and again. After nearly half an hour of this, she stood up and joined her son in the living room. There was really no sense in worrying much more about it, she'd decided. There was nothing to do now but wait for Darlene's call setting up another meeting at the pool house. And Jill didn't bother kidding herself that the call would not come.
    Darlene and Maura, meanwhile, had also hit the showers when they arrived home. Both were now curled up in chairs in their living room watching the rain pound down and discussing the fight.
    "What did you think of her tits, Mom?" Maura asked.
    "Oh, they were NICE, Maur," the older woman replied. "Those areola are huge, and she's got long nipples, too. Not as thick as mine, of course, but nice and long."
    "Her tits sure are big enough... "
    "Yeah, second-biggest pair I've fought," Darlene replied.
    "Really? Who was bigger?"
    "Oh, come on, Maur? You don't remember Mrs. Watts, your English teacher?"
    "Oh, crap," Maura said with a laugh. "I'd forgotten about her. Wow, that was six years ago now. But, you're right, SHE had bigger boobs than you, too."
    "Yeah, she was a DD... hey, what do you mean, TOO?"
    "Well, Jill is a little bigger, isn't she?" Maura asked.
    "The HELL she is! It's close, but if anyone is bigger, it's ME!"
    "If you say so... "
    "You really think she's bigger?" Darlene asked.
    "Like you said, Mom, it's close. And, I wasn't as close as you were. But, from where I was standing, she looked a little bigger. And I do mean 'a little'."
    "Hmm. Maybe she is," Darlene said, clearly thinking the matter over. "Doesn't matter, though. Being a whole cup size bigger didn't help Annette Watts, now did it?"
    "Well, since she treated me like crap for a whole semester, then changed her attitude completely after the 'pool party', I'm guessing it didn't," Maura said grinning.
    "You'd be guessing right. And she thought she was going to beat me, too. I made that arrogant bitch cry and beg like a baby. And that's exactly what's going to happen to little Blondie the next time I get a hold of her!"
    "So, when's that going to be, Mom?"
    "Unfortunately," said the older woman, "It's going to be awhile, if I recall the schedule correctly. I think the pool is reserved for the next five or six Sundays at least."
    "Damn!" Maura replied. "I'm going back to college in two weeks... "
    "I know," Darlene said, shaking her head. "But, I'll call you and tell you all about it."
    And, Darlene HAD recalled the schedule pretty well. When she arrived at the condo office the day after the aborted fight, she found that the one remaining Sunday in August was booked, as were all four in September. The first available day was the third Sunday in October. Darlene booked the date with the assurance that, in the unlikely event of a cancellation, she would be given first priority for that date.
    "Wow. Mid-October!" said Maura, when she was told the news. "By then, we'll be into mid-terms, and there's no way I could even come back for the weekend."
    "Yeah, it sucks, but it's the best I could do. I wish you could be there, though. I SO want to have someone else see me humiliate that bitch."
    "So, when are you gonna call her?" Maura asked.
    "I thought about that," Darlene said. "And I'm going to let her stew. I'm going to just sit back and wait for awhile, and let her hope that I'm not going to call. Then, a week or so before, I'll spring it on her."
    "As I said, Mom," Maura chuckled, "You are really EVIL sometimes."
    And so, the weeks passed. August became September, Maura went off to college, and September became October. The days weren't as oppressive now, but they were still quite warm. Winter never came to this part of the country, where a cold day was 60 degrees. And, on the second Sunday in October, Darlene called Jill and informed her that they would resume their battle a week hence. If Jill was surprised or upset by the lack of notice, she never let on. She simply said, "Fine, bitch," and hung up the phone.
    When Sunday arrived, the sun was shining brightly. Temperatures would reach 80 by noon, the time set for Darlene and Jill to resume their battle. There would be no rain today. Instead, there would be a resolution to the conflict between the two women.
    Darlene again arrived an hour before the scheduled start of the "party" and made things ready. But, this time, Jill was NOT on time. By five after 12, Darlene was beginning to wonder if, perhaps, the blonde had chickened out. By 12:15, she was becoming sure of it. But, then, as she heard the sound of Jill's car pulling up out front, she began to laugh. Blondie was playing psychological games of her OWN this time. Not that it would matter.
    When she heard Jill's knock, Darlene got to her feet and went quickly to the door to let her rival inside. "Thought you weren't coming, bitch," the brunette said as she opened the door. "But, since you're here, let's get to it. The rain isn't going to save you THIS time." Darlene then turned on heel and went out the back door, with Jill right behind. Without a word, the women stripped off their clothes. If either noticed that the other was wearing the same bikini she'd worn for the first fight, neither said anything. Instead, Darlene wordlessly removed the top of her black suit, and Jill did the same with the top of her lime green number.
    "Let's get to it, bitch," Darlene said, lifting her hands over her head. "It's time I finish what I started."
    "Oh, you'll be finished, all right," said Jill, "COMPLETELY finished when I'm done with you." The blonde then stepped forward and applied her bear hug and Darlene immediately followed suit. For the second time, the battle between the two busty beauties had been joined.
    As her opponent's breasts drove into her own for the first time, she involuntarily glanced at the sky. Not a cloud in sight. And that was a good thing. Because, she'd had the bitch the last time. She'd felt the slut's boobs beginning to soften that day, and she knew it was only a matter of time before her own began to crush them. But there hadn't BEEN time, because of the rain. There would, however, be no rain today, and no reprieve. The bitch was going down. She'd been almost sure that her opponent had known how that first fight was going to turn out. Oh, she didn't APPEAR eager to stop that day, nearly two months ago, but she HAD to have felt her boobs beginning to fail. She just HAD to. And, if she had, then, why was she here today?
    What did she think was going to be different? The bitch's boobs weren't going to get any better in seven weeks. If they were second best the first time, well, they'd be second best today. And it was just this kind of thinking that had been a cause of worry for nearly two months.
    WHY was the bitch here today? The only SANE answer was that she thought she could win. And, if she DID think so, that HAD to mean one of three things. Either she DIDN'T realize she was going to lose the first match, she thought she could turn things around today, or, well, it was that third option that scared her. OR, it wasn't the SLUT who'd misread the situation.
    Yes, that had worried her some in the previous weeks. What if she'd been wrong? What if the bitch HADN'T been going to lose? But, every time she began going down that mental road, she'd cut the thought off with a simple realization. She HAD felt the bitch beginning to soften. There was no mistake about that. If it hadn't been for the rain... But the rain had come. And today was a new day. But nothing was going to change.
    The battle had been raging for over three minutes by now, and she was growing more and more confident. Things were going much as they had the first time, the two women, locked in a tight embrace, breasts straining against one another's, bare feet scrabbling for position on the still-lush grass. She was hurting and tiring now, of course, but so was the bitch. She heard it in her groans, saw it in her gritted teeth, felt it in the sweat that covered her breasts.
    It wouldn't be long now, she knew. By this time in the last match, she was pretty certain, it had already started to rain. And, it was shortly after the rain started to fall that she'd felt her opponent beginning to soften. And, shortly after they'd been fighting for four minutes, she felt it for a second time. The bitch's breasts were beginning to fail.
    She showed no outward signs, of course, and even an observer looking at the two pairs of breasts wouldn't have been able to see anything. But SHE felt it. And she saw it, in the bitch's eyes. The slut was going down, and, what was better was that she knew it.
    It was almost perfect. Almost. It was too bad Maura wasn't here to see it. That would have made the afternoon complete. She wanted Maura to see the bitch's tits fail, to hear her scream, to watch her cry. Yes, that would be perfect. But this would do.
    She wondered what was going through her opponent's mind right now, and she might have been surprised to know that the thoughts were very similar to hers.
    The other woman HAD indeed known that she'd been in trouble during that first fight. She'd felt herself beginning, just beginning mind, to lose that battle. And, for the past several weeks, she'd been trying to convince herself that she could win the rematch.
    She'd run it around and around in her head. She'd though that perhaps she'd been wrong and that she HADN'T been beginning to fail. And, the farther away in time the match got, the easier that line of thinking had become.
    And, of course, she'd also consoled herself with the thought that, just because she would likely have lost the first fight, she wouldn't necessarily lose the second.
    But, in her more honest moments, she realized that she was lying to herself. She WOULD have lost that first tit fight. Her boobs WERE beginning to soften. The other bitch's tits WERE better. And the rematch was going to end up the same way.
    Despite that realization, she never even thought about not going through with the rematch. She wasn't going to chicken out. No way. She wouldn't give the bitch the satisfaction. The slut would have to beat her, crush her flat. If she was going down, she was going down the hard way.
    Despite all her concerns, however, as the match started, she held out some hope that things might be different this time around. And, in the early going, her confidence grew. She was holding her own against the bitch, and certainly causing her some pain. But, as the fight went on, her hope began to fade. She could feel her opponent's jugs beginning to wear down her own, just as they had done seven weeks ago. She was fighting as hard as she could, causing her opponent as much pain as she could, but it was doing no good.
    Then she felt it again, just like she had that first time. Her boobs, as magnificent as they were, were beginning to soften under the assault of her opponent. All her fears had come true. She was going down. The bitch was going to beat her.
    She looked up then, meeting the slut's eyes. And she could see in them the knowledge of what was happening. The bitch knew it, too, knew that she was beaten, that it was only a matter of time.
    And she had ALL the time in the world to crush this slut. Nothing was going to stop her this time. She could feel the bitch struggling, desperately trying to turn things around. But they both knew it wouldn't happen. Each time she shoved her boobs into the bitch's fading pair, they got softer. Soon, she'd begin to push into them, crushing them between her own pair and the slut's ribcage. And, damn, would it feel good.
    Her opponent's boobs hadn't begun to flatten yet. The boobs still looked even, but an observer would have been easily able to tell that one woman was struggling more than the other. Her opponent was breathing harder, groaning louder, and moving less. The bitch had pretty much stopped fighting for position now, content to simply shove her fading breasts forward in a hopeless effort to turn the tide. Yes, she had all the time in the world, but she wouldn't need much more.
    "How much longer can I last," she wondered. She knew it wasn't much longer. Her breasts had softened appreciably now, and her opponent's pair were nearly as hard as they'd been when the match had started. Soon, her breast flesh would begin to be compressed, and the end would have begun.
    And, a part of her would be glad when it happened. She was in terrific pain now, and nearing exhaustion. Defeat was coming, and she'd struggle to stave it off as long as possible, but it would be a kind of relief when it came. At least then it would be over.
    And it would be over soon. The dominant woman felt her opponent's fading tits begin to quiver for the first time. She poured on the pressure, squeezing tightly and driving her breasts forward, and was rewarded with a deep groan from the beaten bitch. She couldn't wait to feel her tits begin to crush the beaten pair before them. It wouldn't be long.
    She was at the end now, she knew. Her boobs simply couldn't take any more. That last squeeze had nearly done it. The next one almost certainly would. And, if not that one, then the one after that. There was nothing she could do now but fight on until it was over. She felt the slut's arms tighten once again and her tits thrust forward, felt her own quiver, then retreat.
    "Ahh, you fucking BITCH," screamed Darlene, as her breasts were penetrated for the first time in her life.
    Involuntarily, Darlene's teeth clenched and she put her head down on Jill's right shoulder. The blonde squeezed and drove again, and Darlene's tits again gave ground. "Ahhh, Fuckkkkkk!" the brunette groaned.
    "What's wrong, Darlene," Jill taunted, surprised that she was doing so. She'd have never imagined rubbing salt in the wounds of her defeated opponent like this, but she WANTED to. And if felt good. "I thought you were going to smash me flat. Looks like the bra's on the other pair, so to speak."
    Darlene raised her head, teeth still gritted in agony, and looked Jill straight in the eye. "Fuck you, Blondie... AHHHH, Goddddd!" she said, her defiant response turned into a wail of pain as Jill once again tightened her grip and drove her breasts forward. Darlene's body shuddered as her breasts again gave way. And her head dropped back to Jill's shoulder. Still, she fought on.
    For the next two minutes, the scene would be repeated over and over again. Each time Jill squeezed and drove forward, Darlene's beaten boobs flattened a bit more and their owner moaned in pain. When those 120 seconds had passed, Darlene had begun to LOOK like a beaten woman. She nearly hung in the dominant blonde's arms now, head down, body leaning against her opponent, hair bedraggled with sweat. Her hands remained clasped behind her foe, but she'd stopped squeezing a long time ago. There was no point. The issue was decided.
    Jill looked down at the two pairs of boobs then, and could see that Darlene's had been driven over half way back. She, herself, was hurting, and she could only imagine what the brunette was feeling, with all that breast flesh smashed between her own ribcage and Jill's superior pair. She felt Darlene's fading body shuddering and heard the brunette's gasps as she fought for air. And she thought the bitch might be finished.
    "Give it up, Darlene. It's over. You can't last much longer. Let's end this."
    But Darlene remained defiant, lifting her head once again to reveal eyes wet with tears. "Fuck you, you bitch!" she groaned, then dropped her head. Then, her entire body stiffened as Jill drove through her finished breasts once again. "Ohhhh, Goddddd!" she moaned. Then, with a sigh, she relaxed once again.
    Jill knew it would be over soon now, but she had something she wanted to ask. "Why did you call me, Darlene? I didn't think you would. We both knew I had you the first time... "
    "You fucking bitch," Darlene said through her tears. "Ahhh... fuck... I knew you'd... ohhhh... beat me, but I'm no pussy... ohhhh!"
    Jill looked down at the breasts again and could see that Darlene was at the end. Her once proud D-cups had nearly disappeared beneath Jill's awesome jugs. Her body was nearly limp, her legs like spaghetti. Only Jill's bearhug was keeping Darlene off the ground. The blonde decided it was time to finish things and lifted Darlene off her feet, squeezing tightly.
    "Ohhh, fuck!" Darlene screamed. "Oh, my fucking boobs!" And, for the first time, her hands broke apart. She was no longer bearhugging Jill. Her legs began to kick slowly and, for a moment, her hands pushed weakly against Jill's shoulders before dropping to her sides. The brunette just hung there, gasping for air, crying, feeling Jill's breasts digging into her own. The pain was incredible. But she would not quit.
    "Give up, Darlene," Jill said. "You're finished. Look at your tits! They're flat as pancakes."
    And Darlene DID look, for the first time. And she saw that Jill had not exaggerated. Her boobs were smashed flat into her ribcage, no longer visible at all. "Oh, you fucking slut!" Darlene said, tears pouring down her face. "You fucking slut!" she repeated, shaking her head. Then she screamed as Jill drove forward again. "OHHHH, my fucking boobs!"
    Darlene's head went back down now and her kicks stopped as she began to sob. It wasn't the pain now. It was the humiliation. Smashed flat by this blonde bitch she hated. Her once proud breasts totally dominated. Beaten at her own game.
    But, the pain was there, too, and she didn't know how much more of it she could take. Losing to this slut was bad enough, but she dreaded giving her the satisfaction of a submission and resolved to put that off as long as possible. But she knew it wouldn't BE long.
    With Jill's next squeeze, Darlene screamed, "Ohhhh-hohhh!" and her hands came up to hold her beaten breasts, gripping them at the sides. She was a pathetic sight now, body limp in the arms of her opponent, gasping for air and crying like a baby. Her lone consolation was that Maura wasn't here to see this, and would not see what was soon to come.
    She lasted less than a minute more. Then, the pain finally becoming too much for her to bear, Darlene screamed, "Oh, fuck! No more. I give, bitch! I fucking give, you fucking bitch!"
    But Jill was not finished. "Not so fast, Darlene," the blonde said. "Let's get something straight right now. I expect no more problems from you, ever, is that clear?"
    "Ye-e-sss!" Darlene wailed, gripping her aching boobs more tightly. "Let GO!"
    "One more thing, Darlene," Jill said with a smile. "I want you to say my tits are better."
    "Oh, fuck you!" the brunette screamed, realizing the blonde wanted to humiliate her further.
    "Have it your way," Jill said, and squeezed again.
    "Ohhh-ho, my BOOBS! Stop!" screamed Darlene.
    "Then say it!" Jill spat back.
    "Oh, you fucking WHORE!" Darlene said through her tears. The beaten brunette then sobbed for a few more seconds before finally breaking. "Your tits are better, you bitch!" she sobbed. And, with that, Jill released her and Darlene crumpled to the ground.
    The blonde looked at her beaten opponent for just a second, then turned to walk back inside. Darlene rolled to her back and just lay there, her body heaving with sobs, hands lightly gripping her throbbing breasts as Jill got dressed and left the pool house. And, just after the blonde had driven away, out of nowhere, it began to rain. There was no lighting this time, just a light, depressing, cold drizzle that slowly soaked her half-naked body and the lush green grass around it.
    Darlene had no idea how long she laid there, alternately looking up at the suddenly gray sky and closing her eyes against the rain. All the time she was lightly rubbing her aching orbs. She couldn't believe how flaccid they felt in her hands. Finally, she pushed her tired, sore body off the soggy ground to a sitting position. Her hands had come away from her breasts as she did so, and, when she looked down, she saw the once proud D-cups sagging. Christ, the blonde slut had done a job on them.
    "Smashed them flat as a pancake," she said, with a pained laugh, to nothing and no one. "There was nothing I could do. Her tits were too damn good. Way better than mine. It wasn't close really. Fucking bitch." And, with that, the tears came again. Still, Darlene got to her feet and walked to the rear of the building. She didn't open the door right away, though. Instead, she stood there for a few seconds looking around, taking everything in. Finally, she opened it and walked through for what would be the last time. Her breasts finally beaten, she knew there would be no more Sunday afternoons behind the pool house.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Bad Day at Rock Hill
    Written by Brent Monday, 09 January 2006 19:06
    Two women fight over a man.
    Susan Armitage, looking through the windshield of her BMW convertible, was half thinking about what a beautiful Saturday morning it was. It was early June, warm, sunny, all birds and flowers, and, well, Spring. Of course, EVERY day was beautiful when you were Susan Armitage. At 40, she was still stunning, with a face and body that still turned the heads of every man when she entered a room. And, oh, but she was lucky. Married to a wonderful man and wealthy beyond any dreams she'd ever had. Yes, Susan Armitage had a great life. A life a lot of other people had to envy. And, in fact, envy was the reason Susan was currently behind the wheel of her car on this beautiful morning.
    A lot of people had envied Susan over the years. She seemed to be blessed in just about every way. Not only was she beautiful, she was also very intelligent and extremely popular. In high school, she'd been head cheerleader and senior class president. She was the class Salutatorian. She graduated college Magna Cum Laude. She'd been homecoming queen both in high school and college. She'd then gone on to law school, passed the bar, and joined a large, successful firm. There she'd met her husband David, two years her junior and already moving up quickly in the firm. David came from old money and didn't really have to work, but he loved the law and had a big future in it. David was going to be a judge. The couple dated for several years and married when Susan was 30. There had been no children, due to the high-pressure careers, but, recently, talk had turned to making babies. Susan was still young enough and would be able to work part-time when they came. God knew, they didn't need the money. It was a great life, and anyone would agree Susan deserved it. Almost everyone who knew her would call Susan a wonderful person who was a joy to have around. Yes, she deserved her wonderfully happy life, but, still, there was envy.
    Envy was the reason Susan was, on this beautiful morning, driving south on the Interstate toward the small town of Rock Hill. Because, in Rock Hill was someone who didn't just ENVY Susan Armitage. In that small town, there was someone who HATED her. There was, in Rock Hill, a woman determined to bring Susan Armitage down. A woman determined to have Susan Armitage's life.
    That woman was Brianna McKie, who, with the exception of her beauty and intelligence, was Susan's polar opposite. Where Susan was hard working, Brianna was lazy, barely skating through high school and only making it to college because her father, a well-off plastic surgeon, paid to put her through. Where Susan was popular, Brianna was anything but. She had few friends and was seen by most who knew her as vain, self-centered and conniving. And she was all that and more.
    Brianna was a woman who was used to getting what she wanted, and she'd go to just about any lengths to do so. And, to Susan's sorrow, what Brianna wanted right now was David Armitage. The two had met at the firm, where David was a partner and the then 24-year-old Brianna a paralegal. Brianna had immediately been smitten with the handsome, well-mannered David.
    Of course, the brunette knew he was married, and that was an obstacle, but not one that could not be overcome. No, she could deal with that. It was just a matter of thinking things through and coming up with a plan of attack. Brianna knew immediately that David was attracted to her and that she could have him, and, of course, his money, for herself if only Susan were out of the way. From there, it had just been a matter of the "how" and the "when". Brianna had planned and schemed for two years. And this day was the culmination of that plan. The bitch Susan was on her way to Rock Hill, and Brianna was soon going to have David Armitage for her own.
    As Susan got closer to Rock Hill, the thoughts of the pretty day faded and she began thinking only of the little bitch she was going to meet. She remembered the first phone call, which had come three weeks ago to the day. It had been very vague. Susan had no idea who the caller was (Brianna had used a pay phone), but what she said had sent chills up Susan's spine. She knew something. Something about Susan. Something embarrassing. Something Susan would NOT want made public. Susan had sputtered a few questions, but the caller had already hung up. She'd racked her brains all night trying to figure out what the bitch might know, but she'd come up empty. There just weren't many real skeletons in Susan's closet.
    A few days later, the second call, also from a payphone, had come. Susan had asked if the caller wanted money, and Brianna had only laughed. "No, bitch," she'd said. "I want a lot more than that." Brianna had again said she had damaging information. She offered to show it to Susan, then hung up again.
    Brianna had then let Susan stew for over a week before calling exactly one week ago today. She'd told Susan to meet her at a local bar that night. Susan had arrived, and, as instructed gone to the back corner booth. Brianna had let her wait for nearly an hour before joining her. Susan had no idea who Brianna was, but the little bitch took great pleasure in explaining. And then the color drained from Susan's face as Brianna explained what she had. It was a videotape. It took a second, but Susan realized what MUST be on it. It was almost impossible, but it had to be true. There was simply nothing else. HOW had the bitch done it? How had she gotten it? But, that didn't matter now, because she HAD it. And she also had Susan.
    Susan had thought briefly of making a grab for the tape right there. If they had been in a private place, she almost certainly would have done so. But, there were dozens of people around, and Susan could not risk sullying her reputation and that of her husband by engaging in a bar fight with this little tramp. Instead, Susan sat steaming as Brianna told her what came next. Susan would meet Brianna a week from today at a house in Rock Hill. The home was owned by Brianna's father, who rarely used it. Susan was to be there by 11am and she was to come alone. If she refused any of these conditions, Brianna was prepared to make the tape public.
    Susan had begun to ask questions, but Brianna had silenced her immediately. The younger woman told Susan she'd learn the rest next Saturday. She then got up and walked out of the bar, leaving Susan smoldering in the booth. The auburn-haired beauty had sat there for nearly 30 minutes before, still shaking with rage, she got to her feet, walked outside, got in her car, and drove home.
    The week had passed in slow motion. Susan felt like she was under water most of the time, just going through the motions of living, passing the days until Saturday. But, now Saturday had come and Susan had entered Rock Hill. She glanced down at the directions Brianna had given her and began making the turns necessary to find the house where the bitch would be waiting.
    Susan soon found herself heading out of the town proper and into the countryside. She thought for just a moment that she'd made a wrong turn, and then, there it was. She was surprised by what she found. It wasn't some run-down shack, but a big, beautiful house high on a hill surrounded by acres of land.
    She pulled the BMW up the mile-long driveway and stopped in front of a nice, two-car garage. As she got out, she realized that Brianna had picked the perfect spot for whatever she had in mind. This house was the only one for several miles. There was no one around. No one had seen her pull into the driveway. And Brianna was no doubt watching from somewhere to make sure she'd come alone. She had, but if she'd backed out on that part of the agreement, Brianna would have known. There was simply no way another person, much less another car, could get up here without being seen from the house. The little bitch was smart, Susan had to give her that.
    The older woman walked up a cobblestone path to the front door. She caught herself preparing to ring the bell, but, instead, tried the door. It was unlocked, which meant Brianna was somewhere inside. Susan entered into a large foyer facing a huge spiral staircase that led to the second floor. She immediately noticed that a note had been taped to the bannister. It read, "Up the stairs, second door on the right."
    Susan hesitated. The natural fears she'd had about this entire situation, fears she'd suppressed all morning, had finally come to the surface. She didn't like this at all. She was alone here. No one knew she was here, except this crazy bitch who might be planning anything. Maybe she should turn around right now and run back to the car. She thought about doing so for just a second, but of course, she dare not. The bitch had the tape. And Susan knew what was on it.
    Susan began climbing the spiral staircase, very slowly, looking around her carefully. She didn't see Brianna anywhere, but there were a thousand places the brunette could be hiding. When she made it to the top, she came into a long hall with three doors on each side. She walked carefully down the hallway, stopping at the second door on the right. She grabbed the knob and turned, shoving the door inward.
    As Susan opened the door, she saw a room almost completely empty, save for a television and video cassette recorder. Both were mounted on shelves on the wall, about halfway between the floor and the 10-foot ceiling. On the floor was a pretty white shag carpet. There was but one six-foot high window. Brianna was not here, but taped to one of the eggshell painted walls was another note. It contained two words. "Wait here."
    Susan sat down on the floor. She looked at her watch. 10:50. She waited. And, once again, Brianna MADE her wait. 11 am went by, as did 11:30. In fact, it was almost high noon exactly when Susan heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She stood immediately, back to the far wall, and watched the door open. Brianna stepped inside with a big smile on her face, holding a videotape in one hand.
    Wordlessly, Brianna ejected a tape from the recorder, replaced it with the one she carried, and pulled a remote control off the shelf. She turned on the television, then hit the play button. The images Susan knew she would see immediately appeared on the screen. "You BITCH!", Susan spat. "Where did you GET that?"
    Brianna smiled, "Oh, I have my sources, Susan. What I want to know is, what is the FINE, UPSTANDING, MORALLY SUPERIOR Susan Armitage doing on that tape?" And then the little bitch actually GIGGLED.
    Again, Susan came close to losing her temper and attacking Brianna. She managed, however, to control herself. "It's not really any of your business, you slut," Susan said. "But, unlike YOU, I didn't grow up with a rich daddy. I had to work my way through college. I had to make money."
    "And, you, the UPRIGHT Susan Armitage, decided to make money by starring in private WRESTLING tapes?"
    With that question, Susan looked back up at the screen. And, there she was, at 19 years old, her hair covered by a blonde wig, wearing a skimpy bikini, wrestling a taller, heavier black woman. The tape was fuzzy and grainy. Susan couldn't believe this bitch could actually have found a copy of this 21-year-old tape, or that she had found out that it was Susan who was, even now, being school-girl pinned in it.
    "You don't understand!" Susan screamed. "I worked two jobs all the way through college, but, sophomore year, I was living off-campus and my roommate dropped out. She left me with the rent. I needed a couple hundred dollars quickly and a friend said she knew a guy. I didn't want to ask my parents for the money. They were already scrimping enough just to pay as much of my tuition as they could. So I talked to the guy and he offered me 300 just for one session. I HAD to do it?€?."
    Susan stopped talking when she noticed Brianna was giggling again. "I don't have to justify myself to you, you little whore!" the auburn-haired beauty yelled, as, on the screen, her 19-year-old self was struggling to escape a body scissors.
    "No," Brianna said with a smile, "But you sure WANT to, don't you?"
    "Fuck you!" said the enraged Susan as she took a menacing step forward.
    "Now, now," Brianna said with a smile. "Let's not lose our temper and do something we'll regret."
    "What do you WANT, bitch!" Susan said through gritted teeth.
    Brianna took her time about answering. First, she hit the "stop" button on the remote control. She smiled at Susan as she walked over to eject the tape. "No need to see any more of THAT. We BOTH know how it ends, don't we?" Brianna had rehearsed that line. She wanted Susan to know that she'd watched the entire tape and seen Susan submit to the black girl's reverse bear hug. Of course Brianna knew the ending was scripted, but she wanted Susan to know she'd seen her defeated and humiliated, even if Susan had only been playacting. Brianna removed the tape from the player and replaced it with the tape that had been inside before she arrived. She placed Susan's tape on top of the recorder.
    "I'll ask again," Susan growled. "What do you WANT?"
    "Patience," Brianna said. "I'm coming to that. Let's talk first about what OTHER people want. David, for example, wants nothing more than to be a judge. And, there's little doubt he'll be elected next year. He's got all the most important people behind him. He's ALMOST a shoe-in. ALMOST. Now, if this TAPE, however, were to be passed around to some of those supporters, my guess is David's candidacy would be adversely affected?€?."
    "Why you little CUNT," Susan said moving toward Brianna again.
    "Stop right THERE, slut," Brianna said coldly. And Susan stopped. "Now, let me finish. David's candidacy would, no doubt, be adversely affected. In fact, it would be ruined. If this tape were passed around, David would be forced to end his plans to seek the office. He'd NEVER become a judge, and that would make David VERY unhappy."
    "Now," Brianna said smiling, "Let's talk about what YOU want. YOU want David, whom you love, to be happy. Therefore, you want him to become a judge. Therefore, you want this tape kept out of the public eye. Am I correct?"
    Susan said nothing. She just stared with hate-filled eyes at the brunette.
    "AM I correct?" Brianna asked again.
    "Fuck you!" was Susan's reply.
    Again, Brianna just laughed. "So," the brunette said, "We've determined that both you AND David would be happy if this tape never saw the light of day. And, I, of course, can make that happen. I could just give you the tape and preserve your little status quo," she said, voice rising. "Yes, I could just GIVE it to you and you could go back to your wonderful husband and your wonderful FUCKING LIFE," Brianna said, screaming now. "BUT, I am NOT going to do that, because that wouldn't make ME happy. "
    Brianna stopped and took a breath. Susan stared at her, wide-eyed, thinking Brianna might be going over the edge. But, before that glimmer of a thought had begun to sink in, Brianna resumed, once again speaking in a normal, calm voice.
    "So, Susan, it's now time to talk about what would make ME happy."
    "And," Susan asked, "What would that be?"
    "Well," Brianna said with a smile, "That would be DAVID."
    Susan immediately began to laugh. "You little bitch," she said. "You aren't woman enough to take my husband."
    Brianna's ice cold reply cut right through Susan. "Oh, but I AM, you cunt, and, before this day is over, I WILL prove it to you."
    Susan didn't react for a second, but then she began to move toward the door. "Brianna, you are nuts and I've had enough of this. I'm going straight to a phone to call the authorities. This is blackmail and it's illegal."
    Brianna said nothing until Susan put her hand on the doorknob. "You aren't going anywhere, Susan, not without hearing what I have to say?€?and we both know it."
    Susan stopped and turned back to face her rival. "Out with it, bitch," Susan said.
    "OK," Brianna said. "You've just gotten to the root of our little problem. Right now, we are in a situation that used to be known as ?€?Mutually Assured Destruction' in the old Cold War days. If you go to the authorities or tell David about what's been going on between us, I will pass around the tape and David's dream of being a judge will be crushed. On the other hand, if I do anything with the tape, you can go to the authorities, causing me some legal problems, and tell David what's been going on, ending any chance I have with him?€?"
    "You have NO chance with David," Susan said, matter-of-factly.
    "Not true," Brianna said, shaking her head. "I DO have a chance with David, and a good one?€?once YOU are out of the picture."
    "But," Susan said, with steel in her voice, "I'm not going to BE out of the picture, EVER. I love David and he loves me, and, unless you plan to KILL me, you'll NEVER have him."
    "Wrong again," Brianna said. "I said before that we had a problem, ?€?Mutually Assured Destruction'. I have a solution. ONE of us has to step aside and clear the playing field for the other. If I step aside and give you the tape, you go back to your life. If YOU step aside, it clears the way for me to romance David. That way, ONE of us wins. Otherwise, we BOTH lose. So, one of us stepping aside is the only sensible solution, wouldn't you agree?"
    Susan just glared, saying nothing.
    "Now the problem," said Brianna, "Is determining which one of us steps aside. But, I've got a solution. I say we determine who the better woman is, right now, today. And, whichever of us loses steps aside."
    "Your NUTS!" Susan said. "I am NOT giving up my husband."
    "Fine," Brianna said. "I'll just make a few copies of this tape and pass them around. And David won't resent you TOO much for ruining his dream?€?"
    "You little?€?" said Susan. And she could find no more words.
    "Now, are you ready to listen to what I have to say?" Brianna asked. She didn't wait for a response. "Here is what we are going to do. We're going to have a little contest, you and I, and the winner of the contest wins DAVID. If I lose, I will give you this tape and disappear from your life forever. If you lose, you will leave David. You will go home, pack your clothes, get on a plane, and leave the country. You will not return for six months. You will NEVER contact David again?€?"
    "YOU," Susan said, "Are completely INSANE."
    "No," Brianna replied, "I am not. I've thought this out carefully. You can write your friends and parents from overseas, letting them know you are all right. You'll have plenty of money. You can go anywhere. After six months, do whatever you like. It won't matter by then. David will be mine."
    "Insane," Susan stammered. "This whole thing is insane!"
    "Call it what you like, Susan. What's your answer?"
    "Answer to WHAT?" Susan said. "What are you proposing we DO? How are we going to determine who the better woman is?"
    "Oh, that's simple," Brianna replied. "What's your best feature, Susan? You and I both know what it is. On that tape, the cameraman couldn't keep the lens away from them. It's those perfect breasts of yours. Everyone who knows you knows how proud you are of them. And we both know David is proud of them as well. Well, I'm proud of MY breasts, Susan. And I think mine are better than yours?€?"
    Susan laughed. "You have a pretty high opinion of yourself, bitch," she said, unconsciously sticking out her chest.
    "Oh, indeed I DO," said Brianna. "In fact, I have SUCH a high opinion of myself that I am sure my breasts are better than yours. Mine will defeat yours in every way possible. I will defeat YOU. And then you will disappear?€?" And Brianna's voice trailed off at the thought of what came after that.
    Susan sat silently for a moment considering her options and finding them to be damn few. She could walk out of here right now and hope the bitch was bluffing, but she knew well that Brianna was not. She could forcibly TAKE the tape, but the cunt might have copies. And, if she did?€?disaster for David. Or, she could agree to take part in whatever Brianna planned. But, first, one question?€?
    "All right, you little whore," Susan said. "If I agree to do this and beat you, how can I be sure that is the only copy of the tape? And, if you have others, how can I be sure you won't spread them around anyway?" "I wouldn't worry about that, Susan, because you won't win. In fact, you CAN'T win. If you WERE capable of beating me, you COULDN'T be completely sure, but remember, ?€?Mutually Assured Destruction'. If I were to do anything with the tape, you could go to the authorities. Of course, it would just be your word against mine, but the word of Susan Armitage carries a lot more weight than the word of a lowly paralegal. And, I'd have little to gain by showing the tape around, because I'd have no chance to get David?€?"
    "You have no chance to get him NOW, slut. So, tell me, HOW are we going to compare breasts? HOW are your boobs going to beat mine? How are we going to judge?"
    "Well," Brianna said, "You can start by taking off that blouse. I assume you have a bra underneath?"
    "Of course I do, you bitch," said Susan. And, for the first time, the older woman started playing some psychological games. She took her time about unbuttoning the dark blue blouse. She slowly stripped it off revealing a light blue bra, size 36-C. And the cups were completely full of Susan's beautiful breasts.
    "Impressive," said Brianna. "I can see why you are so proud of those."
    "WELL?" Susan said. "Aren't you going to take YOUR shirt off?"
    "Sure," Brianna shrugged. She quickly pulled the black oversized t-shirt over her head. And Susan was barely able to stop herself from gasping. For Brianna was wearing a black bra, size 36-DD. And her breasts were straining the fabric of the garment.
    Susan couldn't help but stare as she remembered that Brianna had also worn an oversize t-shirt the night they had met at the bar. She'd been purposely hiding the size of her breasts.
    "What's the matter, Susan," Brianna said. "Cat got your tits?"
    Susan responded as if in a daze. "You little bitch," she said.
    "LITTLE?" Brianna giggled. "I don't THINK so, Susan. If anyone looks LITTLE around here right now, it would be YOU. What are those, 34-Cs?"
    "36," Susan said, still sounding dazed.
    "36-C? Not bad at all. Bigger than most women. But, of course, NOTHING compared to THESE," said Brianna, holding up her breasts with her hands. "How big would you say they are, Susan?"
    Susan said nothing, so Brianna answered her own question. "They are 36-DD. That makes them two whole cup sizes larger than yours. If you want to admit I'm better right now, we can stop, before things get WORSE for you."
    "Fuck you, little girl," Susan said. "That doesn't prove anything. You can't really tell breast size inside a bra?€?"
    "Good," Brianna said. "Then you won't mind taking off your bra."
    "You first, this time," Susan said. "Let's see if you've REALLY got what you SAY you've got."
    Brianna didn't hesitate for a moment. She immediately undid the bra and dropped it to the floor. If Susan were hoping that Brianna wasn't really as big as she looked, she was most definitely disappointed. Her breasts were most certainly DDs and they were a sight to behold. They were firm and high and beautifully tanned. It was clear Brianna sunned herself topless. Brianna's breasts also had large areola, nearly two inches across.
    "Well?" Brianna said. "Let's see what YOU'VE got, Susan."
    Susan hesitated for a moment. She clearly HAD hoped Brianna wasn't as big as she looked inside her bra. Then, slowly, she began to unfasten her brassiere. She held it in place for a second before letting it drop to the floor. Her breasts WERE just about perfect. Even at age 40, they were firm and high, milky white with pink areola just a bit smaller than a quarter. Perfect, but not nearly as big as the pair she was looking at.
    Brianna giggled again as she looked at Susan's chest. "My, they ARE pretty, aren't they? And, they're firm, too, no doubt about that. I'd say we're just about even as far as visible firmness. Both pairs are high on the chest with no sag. BUT, I think we know who's a LOT bigger, don't we?"
    "Bigger doesn't mean better, bitch. Now let's stop playing around and get ON with it!"
    "Again, patience, Susan," Brianna said, as she began playing with her nipples. "It's pretty warm in here. Why don't we see what kind of nipples are on the ?€?perfect' breasts of Susan Armitage?"
    Susan immediately complied, because her nipples were the literal cherry on top of her breasts. They were 1/2 an inch long when aroused and a quarter inch thick. She quickly excited them and dropped her hands to her sides to allow Brianna to see them at their full size. The brunette, whose fingers were hiding hers, continued to tease them for a few more seconds before doing likewise.
    This time, Susan couldn't suppress the gasp. Brianna's nipples were fantastic. They were over ? of an inch long and even thicker than Susan's. The brunette giggled again, that maddening giggle that never failed to anger Susan. Only, this time, Susan barely noticed it. She was concentrating on pushing away the thought that kept shoving itself to the surface of her mind. The thought that Brianna's tits might well be superior to her own.
    Brianna, knew what Susan was thinking, what she HAD to be thinking, and quickly articulated it. "There's no comparison, is there, bitch?" Brianna said, displaying her breasts proudly and jiggling them just a bit. "There's no comparison at ALL and no doubt who the better woman is."
    That last comment brought Susan back to life. "Listen, you little whore. You do NOT have BETTER tits than me. Like I said before, you may be bigger, but that DOESN'T mean better. My tits are better than yours and I know it. Now, you've been talking and talking about how superior yours are, but you haven't told me how you are going to prove it. This little ?€?tit size contest' doesn't prove anything."
    "Ahh, Susan, but you forget. I told you that my breasts would defeat yours in every way possible, and, as you can see, that's exactly what's happening. Out of four comparisons we've made so far, you've done no better than one draw. As I said, there's no difference in visible firmness. There we appear equal. In breast size, however, you are overmatched by two cup sizes. My areola are clearly superior as they are MUCH larger than yours. And, your nipples don't even compare to mine, which are much longer and thicker. Now, you have two choices. You can admit right now that my breasts are superior, or you can stay here and be dominated further."
    "Dominated?" Susan screamed in reply. "You aren't DOMINATING anything! As I said, you MAY be bigger, but you are NOT better. Nothing we have done so far has PROVEN you are better. In fact, nothing we've done so far even serves as EVIDENCE that you MIGHT be better. So you have bigger tits than me. A lot of women have bigger tits than me. But, you want to know something, bitch? I've never yet met anyone who had BETTER tits than me. Not once in all these years. Don't look so surprised. You don't think I've compared myself with other women? You don't think my husband, and, before that, my boyfriends did the same thing? And, never once in all those times have I found a woman with better tits. Not once. And I HAVEN'T found a better pair today. Now, let's get on with whatever contest you have in mind so I can beat you and go back to my husband!"
    "You don't disappoint me, Susan," Brianna said with a smile. "I was afraid you might, but you have not. I'd thought about all this in advance, of course. How you'd react, what you might do. But, you've rewarded my faith in you at every turn. You came here today, alone, as I requested. When I showed you the tape, you agreed to my little contest. And, now, with the evidence of my superiority staring you, literally, in the face, you are still willing to fight a hopeless battle for your man. And, I'm glad of that, Susan. I DO want David, but I want to win him MY way. I mean, if you turned and ran right now, I'd take him, but that's not what I want. What I want is to take him by destroying you, and I'm so pleased you are agreeable to that."
    Susan was a bit taken aback by the knowledge she'd just come by. Of course, she'd known Brianna had planned this out carefully, but the extent of her planning was now becoming clear. She'd honed her scheme carefully, right down to the smallest detail. And, so far, everything was going exactly as she planned. Well, that was fine, Susan thought, but things were soon going to begin going wrong for the little bitch. VERY wrong. "Brianna," Susan replied with a smirk, "Are we going to spend all afternoon talking about your supposedly superior breasts or are you, eventually, going to get around to allowing me to puncture both that balloon and THOSE balloons?"
    "Anxious, are we Susan? If I were in your position, I wouldn't be in a hurry to get to what's coming next. You aren't going to like it. But, it's all the same to me. It's time for me to prove what I know and you already suspect?€?that my boobs are better than yours and that I am the better woman. So, Susan, how does a tit-fight sound to you? Are you ready to put those scrawny little breasts of yours against these beauties, or ARE you going to disappoint me and run?"
    "I'm not running anywhere you little cunt," Susan said, "Let's go."
    Brianna stepped forward slowly, closing the small gap between them and was a bit surprised as Susan did likewise. The women were soon chest-to-chest, but, as if by some mutual agreement, they'd stopped a fraction of an inch short of allowing their beautiful breasts to touch.
    They stood like that for a few seconds, then Brianna locked her hands behind her back, stepped forward and rammed her breasts into Susan's. The auburn-haired beauty gasped in surprise as she was knocked back a step. Before Susan could react, Brianna breast-butted her a second, and then a third time, with Susan being driven backwards each time.
    The older woman finally reacted after the third butt, responding in kind, locking her own hands behind her and slamming her lovely 36-Cs into Brianna's DDs. But, the brunette took not a step back. For the next minute, the pattern continued. Brianna butted Susan and the red-head was driven back. Susan butted Brianna and the brunette held her ground.
    Slowly, Susan began to see what was happening, but she was powerless to prevent it. She was being driven toward the far wall, and, despite her attempts to slam her breasts harder and quicker into Brianna's, the younger woman kept gaining ground.
    Just two minutes into the battle, Susan's back was, literally, against the wall. And this was when Brianna began pouring on the effort. The brunette slammed her jugs rapidly into Susan's smaller pair as the older woman grunted with both pain and her continuing failing efforts to force the brunette backward.
    When it became obvious to Brianna that Susan was trapped, she said, still ramming, "Ready to give up, Susan?"
    "Fuck you, bitch!" Susan replied, continuing her efforts to force Brianna backward. "This wasn't fair."
    "Oh, really?" Brianna replied. "All right, then, let's start again."
    Brianna then shocked Susan by backing up into the center of the room. Susan responded by slowly walking toward her opponent, chest held high, ready for any kind of trick. But there was to be no trick. Brianna simply stayed where she was and waited for Susan to approach.
    When the women were chest-to-chest again, Brianna said, "OK, Susan, YOU go first this time."
    And Susan complied, ramming her chest into Brianna's immediately. And the fight was on again. This time, it took longer, as Susan had not been surprised by Brianna like she'd been the first time and because Susan knew what Brianna was trying to do right from the start.
    It took longer, but the result was the same. Slowly, Brianna drove Susan backward. No matter how hard the auburn-haired beauty tried, she could not stem the younger woman's advance. Brianna just kept driving those big DDs into her and Susan kept losing ground.
    Soon, the older woman was up against the wall again, with Brianna once again slamming her breasts hard and fast into Susan's smaller pair.
    "I've beaten you again, Susan," Brianna said, as she stopped ramming. "And, even YOU have to admit that it was fair THIS time. That makes four ways that my breasts have bested yours. Are you ready to give up?"
    "You haven't BEATEN me, because I haven't given up. " Susan replied. "Besides, this doesn't prove anything. Just because you can knock me backward doesn't mean you have better tits. And it isn't a fair test of our breasts to fight with me up against the wall."
    "You know," Brianna said, "You might just be right. It ISN'T really fair, IS it, with me having all the leverage and everything."
    Again, Brianna backed off into the center of the room and waited. Susan followed, slowly, carefully, until they once again stood breast to breast. Both pair showed the results of what had happened in the last few minutes. Both sets were red, though Susan's lighter colored mounds showed the damage more than Brianna's tanned orbs did. Of course, what DIDN'T show was that both pair hurt quite a bit. And both would hurt even more before the day's festivities were over.
    "Well, what's next, bitch?" Susan asked.
    "Apparently," said Brianna with a smile, "We can't fight on our feet, because we've seen what will happen. So, why don't we fight from our knees?"
    "Fine with me," Susan replied. "You first."
    Brianna slowly got down on her knees and locked her hands behind her. Susan immediately did likewise and the pair were breast to breast again. Brianna made no move to begin the battle, so Susan, once again, started it, ramming her breasts into Brianna's bigger pair. The younger woman responded in kind, and, once again, the battle had been joined.
    From their current positions on their knees, neither woman could be driven backwards toward the wall, but the rams still had their effect. Each time Susan shoved forward, Brianna's upper body was knocked back. And, when the brunette rammed the red-head, the opposite was true.
    It didn't take Susan long to realize she was holding her own much better from this position. HER rams were knocking Brianna back every bit as much as Brianna's were affecting her. Susan's confidence began to build and she got even more aggressive in her attacks. Brianna responded in kind, and, soon, both women were ramming very hard and very quickly.
    For over three minutes, the women kept ramming, with neither appearing to gain an upper hand. But, something had to give, and, eventually, it did. With a mighty ram, Brianna knocked Susan backward with such force that the red-head's legs went out from under her and she landed flat on her back with a groan. The surprised Susan stayed down for a second while Brianna, smiling again, loomed above her. "Come on, Susan," the brunette said. "Get back up, I'm just getting started."
    Susan's eyes flashed angrily as she got back to her knees. "I'm just getting started, too, you little slut. Now let's go." Susan then rammed Brianna again and the younger woman responded in kind. Once again, the action was fast and furious, with both women giving all they had to punish the other. After less than 90 seconds, however, Susan found herself on her back again.
    "Dammit!" Susan yelled, as she struggled back to her knees. Brianna said nothing this time. She just made that giggling sound that Susan hated with a passion. The brunette remained still until Susan once again started the ramming. The battle lasted just a few seconds before, for the third time, Brianna knocked Susan to her back. This time, the red-head didn't immediately rise, instead remaining on her back, her belly pumping hard as Brianna's did the same.
    "Well, that's five times my breasts have bested yours, Susan. Ready to give up yet?" Brianna asked.
    "Fuck you, slut. I'm not giving in to you. My tits are better than yours and you'll be the one who admits it. This doesn't prove a thing except that you can knock me backward. That doesn't make your tits better than mine."
    Susan got slowly to her feet and Brianna did likewise. The red-head was frustrated. This little bitch had first driven her across the room and up against the wall twice, then knocked her on her back THREE times. On top of that, her tits hurt like hell. On the bright side, she knew Brianna's were hurting as well. She could see it on the little slut's face, despite the younger woman's efforts to hide her pain. Susan realized that her opponent wanted VERY much to appear in control and for the result of their battle to appear to be a foregone conclusion. But Susan knew the result was anything BUT determined. While she certainly hadn't won, she wasn't close to beaten. Brianna could have all her little so-called "victories". None of them meant a damn thing.
    Brianna, meanwhile, was absolutely GIDDY. Everything was going EXACTLY as she had planned. Susan was reacting as she'd expected. She was accepting every challenge Brianna laid before her. And, Brianna was dominating her. The bitch had guts. She had to admit that. But that made this all the better. Susan would be here, struggling, until the bitter end. And the end WOULD be bitter for the red-head. She was going down. She was going to admit Brianna's superiority. And she was going to lose everything. It wouldn't be long now. The beginning of the end was coming.
    "I'm not sure WHAT to do next, Susan," Brianna said with a smile. "I mean, I keep beating you, but you still won't admit defeat?€?"
    "Listen, you bitch," Susan fairly spat, "All of these little ?€?contests' of yours are ridiculous. If you want to PROVE your tits are better than mine, then lets do it the simple way, breast to breast."
    Brianna could barely contain herself. This is where she'd been going all along, and her opponent was now following the plan exactly.
    "Well, seeing as my nipples are CLEARLY better, I guess we can skip straight to the breasts," Brianna said.
    Susan laughed in response. "Look, cunt, you aren't going to BAIT me with a cheap trick like that. It doesn't matter to me WHAT we do first. If you want to test your nipples against mine and watch mine beat them, that's fine. If not, we'll go right to the main event and I'll beat those tits of yours."
    "Well, Susan, as you don't seem to be in any HURRY to be done with our little contest, and, by the way, if I were in YOUR shoes, I wouldn't be in hurry either, let's start with the nipples. After I finish with them, I'll deal with the rest of your breasts."
    "You won't deal with ANYTHING, bitch," Susan said, with iron in her voice, "except defeat. And THAT, little girl, I'll have a lot of fun watching you experience."
    "Oh, I don't think so, Susan, however, you can make your gallant but doomed attempt to overcome my superior mammaries," Brianna said, her hands putting her DDs on display once again. "But, all this kicking of your ass is making me warm, and I'm going to take off these pants."
    Brianna then proceeded to pull off her tennis shoes and socks, then the tight blue jeans she'd been wearing. She was now wearing only a pair of powder blue panties through which her dark mound was clearly visible. Her bare legs were just as beautiful as her breasts, long, tanned, and well shaped. Her now bare toes were painted, like her fingers, a dark blue.
    "Ready, Susan?" Brianna asked. And then, for the first time, the older woman surprised her.
    "Not yet," Susan replied. She removed her own sneakers and tennis socks, then stripped off her jeans. Her panties were yellow and the bulge of her own auburn bush was evident. Like her breasts, Susan's legs were creamy white. They were, like her opponent's, long and lovely. In fact, they were even longer than Brianna's, as Susan stood about an inch taller. Her toes were painted a light pink, matching exactly the color of her fingernails.
    "Now we're BOTH more comfortable," Susan said, teasing her nipples to hardness. Brianna did the same and the women both stepped forward, once again breast to breast.
    "OK," Brianna said, smiling slightly, "Let's line up our nipples and?€?"
    And, for the second time, the red-head surprised her opponent. Susan stepped back and shook her head. "THAT'S not how we'll determine whose nipples are better, Brianna.."
    The brunette's smile disappeared, replaced by a quizzical look. She hadn't counted on this, and, for a moment, she said nothing before she began stammering, "What?€?I?€?Uh?€?"
    Now it was Susan's turn to smile. "Oh, come ON, little girl. How stupid do you think I am?"
    Brianna, still taken aback, didn't respond.
    "Oh, I guess this didn't wasn't in your little ?€?plan', was it?" Susan said. "You figured you'd keep leading me around by the nose all afternoon, didn't you? Keep everything going exactly the way you wanted? Leading me like a lamb to the slaughter? Well, I'm no lamb, bitch and I'm not going to let you keep setting up these ?€?contests' that don't prove anything and don't get us anywhere. Did you think I'd quit just because you have bigger tits? Or longer nipples? Did you think I'd give up because you're a bit shorter and heavier and could get underneath me to drive me back against the wall or knock me over from our knees? And, do you think that, if we line up our nipples and you bend mine, I'm going to give up my husband? Would you quit if I bent yours? "
    "You CAN'T bend mine," Brianna replied softly.
    "But does it matter? This isn't what we're here for, is it? This isn't some kind of ?€?best breast' contest with judges and points. It's a tit-FIGHT between you and I. And, the only way we're going to get a winner is for one of us to punish the other's breasts to the point that she can't take the pain anymore. And that's not going to happen by lining up our nipples."
    "All right then," Brianna said, her confidence returning, "What do YOU suggest, Susan?"
    "If you want to nipple FIGHT, let's nipple FIGHT," she said, stepping forward while once again teasing her nipples to full hardness. Brianna stepped up as well and the two women were, once again, breast to breast. And, like Brianna had done earlier, Susan started with no warning, clasping her hands behind her back and driving her nipples into Brianna's. Susan's shafts hit Brianna's from the side then drove into the brunette's areola. The younger woman let out a little moan, then locked her own hands behind her and responded.
    The two women were soon going full out, both driving their spikes forward as hard and fast as they could. The nipples rarely met straight on, and, when they did, they simply bounced off of one another, neither pair bending the other back and establishing any superiority.
    It was obvious that this battle was hurting both women as much or more as the previous fights. Both emitted little moans and groans as their stiff nipples drove into one another or into their softer areola. Soon, both pairs of breasts were once again covered with a sheen of sweat and both sets of nipples began to redden. Both women's nipples ached now and were becoming raw from all the contact. The moans and groans became deeper, but neither woman stopped or even slowed her efforts. In fact, the drives actually increased in tempo as both beauties poured on the effort to try to bring the other enough pain to prevent her from continuing. But, neither was managing to do that, and so, the battle raged on.
    As the nipple fight continued, the women began to tire, and the pace of the drives began to slow. Pain was etched on the faces of both of the beauties as they continued trying to use their own shafts to inflict enough agony on their opponent's pair to force their owner to submit. But neither woman was willing to give, and it looked like fatigue might end the battle before a winner could be determined.
    Then, Susan gasped and closed her eyes in pain. Both women immediately realized what had happened. During Brianna's last push, her nipples had lined up with Susan's. This had happened several times before, but, this time, the result was different. Instead of the spikes simply bouncing off one another as they had in those previous instances, Brianna's had bent Susan's.
    The red-head stopped shoving and actually looked down at her breasts, as if needing visual evidence to believe what had just happened. The evidence was there, her own nipples bent upward by Brianna's still straight pair. Susan just stood there for a few seconds, staring, unbelieving, until Brianna said, "How does it feel to have the second-best nipples, bitch?"
    "Fuck you," Susan spat. "This isn't over, you cunt. I'm not giving up." With that, the red-head jerked her nipples free and began shoving again. Brianna answered in kind, and the battle resumed. It didn't take long for Susan to groan, "Ahhh!" as Brianna bent her again. This time, the red-head didn't stop or bother to look, she simply pulled her aching shafts free and resumed the battle.
    It was clear that what Brianna was doing to Susan was having more of a mental than physical effect. It certainly hurt the older woman when her nipples were shoved upward, but not much more so than the continued punishment she'd been receiving since the nipple fight began.
    Psychologically, however, the effects were devastating to Susan. Despite what she'd said before this phase of the fight started, Susan knew that Brianna's nipples HAD proven superior to her own. There was no question about it. They'd met hers and bested them, twice. And, just as Susan was proud of her breasts, she'd always been proud of her nipples. It hurt that Brianna's were beating them. And, while she had no intention of giving up, she now knew her nipples WERE beaten.
    You could see which pair was winning in the demeanor of the two women. Brianna seemed reinvigorated, her drives coming faster and with renewed purpose, her shoulders held high, a look of determination on her face. Susan seemed at the edge of total exhaustion, and each shove looked like a huge effort. Her shoulders slumped and her face showed the concern and doubt that were creeping into her mind.
    Still, Susan struggled on. But things only got worse. In the next minute, Brianna bent her thrice more, each time bringing a moan of pain from the beautiful red-head. And, then, the final humiliation. Susan had known it was coming, but hoped against hope it would not. But, she knew it had to. The bitch's nipples were just too much for hers.
    And, so, when the shafts met straight on the next time, Susan's nipples didn't bend, they broke. Brianna's didn't shove them upward or to the side. They shoved them IN, crushing them flat against Susan's breasts. Susan screamed "Ooooh!" and stared in disbelief at her once-proud, now beaten spikes. This time, she didn't pull her shafts free. She just stood, head down, unmoving, until Brianna stepped away. Susan's beaten nipples popped up again, but their owner did not move forward to resume the fight. The red-head knew it was pointless.
    "Ready to give in now, Susan?" the brunette said.
    Susan didn't answer right away. She was still shaken by what had just happened. But, then, Brianna began to GIGGLE again, and that hated sound put the steel back in Susan.
    "Listen, you little whore," the red-head said, "I TOLD you that I wouldn't quit just because you bent my nipples?€?"
    "Oh, I didn't just BEND them, Susan," Brianna said with a grin. "I smashed them, totally FINISHED them, just like I said I would. Had you attempted to continue our little nipple fight, I'd have smashed them again and again, until you decided you'd had enough. And you KNEW it. That's why you stopped. You KNEW you were beaten and wanted to spare yourself any further humiliation. Well, there's more humiliation coming, Susan, unless you're willing to give up now."
    "Fuck you cunt," Susan spat back.
    Brianna smiled and replied, "I'll say it again, Susan, you don't disappoint me. I expected all along that you'd fight to the bitter end, and you've chosen to do so."
    "The end will be bitter, bitch," the red-head said, through clenched teeth, "But it won't be bitter for ME."
    "Your false bravado amuses me. Surely, by now, you've come to the realization that you are doomed. My breasts are better, and I've proven it time and again?€?"
    "You've proven nothing, you stupid little slut."
    "Oh, but I have, Susan. My breasts have now bested yours SIX times, while your outgunned pair has yet to claim a single victory. Can you really believe, as we approach the ultimate contest, that you can win? Can you really hope to somehow prevail? How, Susan? How can your outgunned Cs possibly defeat my superior DDs?"
    "Brianna, I am going to take GREAT pleasure in defeating you," Susan replied. "In fact, I can't wait to see all your little plans come crashing down around you. How will it feel, you fucking little husband stealing harlot, when I beat you and crush your dreams."
    "No, Susan," Brianna said, shaking her head. "How will YOU feel? How will you feel when I visit the ULTIMATE humiliation upon you? How will YOU feel when I crush those breasts you're so proud of flat? How will YOU feel when I make you give up?€?and give up everything? How will THAT feel, Susan? Think about it, because it's about to happen."
    "You rotten cunt," Susan said. "I'll crush those tits to powder, you whore!"
    "Then let's get started," Brianna said with a smile. She stepped forward and raised her hands above her head. "Since I'm the ?€?host' of this little contest, I'll show my ?€?guest' the courtesy of going first."
    Susan quickly stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Brianna in a bear hug, squeezing tightly and eliciting a groan from the younger woman as Susan's lovely orbs smashed into Brianna's bigger pair. Immediately, the brunette responded in kind, and Susan moaned as well, as Brianna's jugs rammed into her own.
    It soon became evident to both of the fighters that there would be no quick victory. Neither pair of breasts made any headway despite the squeezing and driving. Both lovely sets of orbs held firm as their straining owners fought mightily to overcome the resistance of the opposing pair.
    Soon, each woman was breathing heavily and groaning with each squeeze from her opponent. Not just breasts, but also backs, arms, and legs were beginning to hurt. And, with breathing made somewhat more difficult by the bear hugs, the women had to fight for air and were soon covered with sweat. Still, neither pair could penetrate the other, so the only options were fighting on or something too awful to contemplate.
    After several minutes of battle, both pairs of breasts were so sweat-slick, that, despite the pressure of the twin bear hugs, they moved a bit against one another, slipping and sliding as their owners squeezed and shoved them forward. But, the side to side motion was all either woman could manage. Neither was able to push forward into the breasts of her opponent, and both women were tiring.
    "Give it up, Susan," Brianna said, between rapid breaths. "You can't beat me and you know it. It's only a matter of time before your little boobs fail and mine smash them flat. Save yourself the pain and humiliation and quit now."
    "Screw you, you little slut," Susan responded through gritted teeth. "You're the one who's going down. I'm going to beat those boobs of yours once and for all."
    "Only in your dreams, OLD WOMAN," Brianna replied, "Only in your dreams."
    "Fuck you," was Susan's only response.
    Both women then lapsed back into silence, preserving their remaining energies for the raging breast battle. They locked gazes and neither would look away, each searching the other's eyes for any sign of weakness, and neither finding any. Despite the exhaustion and pain, each remained dedicated to the destruction of her opponent.
    And, that was what it had come to. Both women now longed not just for victory, but for the total obliteration and humiliation of the other. In fact, that was the only way that victory could now be achieved. Each competitor now knew that the other would never give in unless she was not just beaten but broken. And each woman was determined not to be the one to break first, not to be the one to give in to her hated rival.
    But, be that as it may, as Brianna had said, it was only a matter of time. One pair of breasts WOULD eventually prevail. The only question was WHICH one would do so, and which one would fail. And less than three minutes after the women locked eyes, one magnificent pair of jugs began failing.
    The woman whose rack began to give didn't immediately realize what was happening. She felt an increase in the pain in her breasts, but they were aching so badly now it wasn't all that noticeable. It wasn't until she read the expression in her opponent's face that she understood.
    The other woman knew right away. She'd actually felt the bitch's rack give way slightly and realized immediately that her own breasts had proved their superiority. Then she saw the realization dawn on her opponent, and Brianna GIGGLED.
    Susan looked down at her breasts in disbelief, but the proof of what she did not want to believe was right in front of her. Brianna's breasts had clearly pushed INTO her own, flattening them at their points. Susan shook her head and whispered, "No?€?" And when she looked back up at Brianna, there were tears in her eyes.
    "It's over, bitch," Brianna spat.
    "Fuck you ," screamed Susan, who then gasped as Brianna's breasts dug deeper into her own.
    "It's not me who's FUCKED, Susan," Brianna said, driving forward again. This time Susan moaned and her head dropped to Brianna's left shoulder. "And, in case you're counting, bitch, that's now SEVEN victories for my breasts. In fact, it's actually EIGHT, since the one draw you managed was visible firmness and we now know who is firmer, don't we."
    "Fuck you," Susan said through her tears. But, despite the defiance of Susan's words, the younger woman could FEEL the fight draining out of the red head. She could also feel the tears of pain and humiliation trickling onto her shoulder. And, she could feel those beautiful C-cup orbs giving more and more as her own pair smashed them against Susan's ribcage.
    Susan, meanwhile, didn't know how much longer she could go on fighting. The pain was becoming unbearable as her breasts continued to flatten. Her entire body was exhausted and aching. But she fought on because she could think of nothing else to do?€?nothing else but submitting, and that was the UNthinkable.
    Two minutes after her breasts had begun to fail, Susan's hands fell to her sides. Her arms no longer had the strength to maintain the bear hug on Brianna. She was now just hanging in the younger woman's arms, her legs quivering with fatigue, her breasts nearly flat, crying quietly.
    "It's almost over, bitch," Brianna said. "Look at those ?€?great' tits of yours now, Susan."
    And, almost involuntarily, Susan picked up her head and looked down. Her breasts were nearly flat against her ribcage, Brianna's enveloping and crushing them. "You bitch, you bitch, you bitch?€?" Susan said through her tears.
    "Keep watching, slut," said Brianna.
    And, for some reason, Susan did. She screamed in pain as Brianna squeezed and drove her breasts forward again. And she watched her breasts disappear beneath the younger woman's, now crushed totally flat by Brianna's larger pair.
    "Whose tits are better, cunt?" Brianna yelled.
    "Fuck you," Susan gasped. Then, with a sigh of pain, despair, and exhaustion, she dropped her head back to Brianna's shoulder.
    "Give up, bitch!" Brianna screamed. Susan had only enough energy to slowly shake her head. Brianna squeezed again and Susan's body actually spasmed, the pain beginning to overwhelm her nervous system. She knew she couldn't take much more, yet there was no help for it. Then, to Susan's surprise, the younger woman released her. Her legs, though, were like jelly, and, without Brianna's arms to hold her up, Susan crumpled to the floor.
    Her hands immediately went to her beaten breasts. She couldn't believe what she felt. They were completely soft, nearly flaccid. She realized that the bitch had done exactly what she said she was going to do. She'd finished Susan's tits, defeated them totally. Susan began to weep.
    Brianna, meanwhile, just stood back and watched. She was enjoying this, the culmination of her plan. The bitch was finished, her tits crushed flat, totally beaten. But she still had not submitted. Apparently, Brianna had not hurt or humiliated the red head enough to break her. But that would soon change.
    After a few minutes of crying, Susan managed to get to a seated position. Brianna looked down at her beaten opponent and said, "Are you ready to admit defeat now, Susan? Now that I've proven that I have the better tits?"
    "Fuck you, bitch," the red head replied. "I'll never give in to you. And I'll never admit yours are better."
    Brianna laughed, then, coldly, said, "Oh but you WILL, Susan. Sooner or later, you will. But, if you still aren't convinced, then, perhaps we need to ask a third party for an opinion." And Brianna started walking toward the door.
    To Susan's surprise, however, Brianna was NOT leaving the room. Instead, the stunning brunette lifted the remote control off the shelf and hit the play button.
    It took Susan's fatigue and pain addled mind a few seconds to realize what she was seeing. She'd forgotten that the bitch had removed the tape of her wrestling ?€?gig' and replaced it with the one that was already in the player. So, instead of seeing the images of herself and the black girl wrestling on the mat in the dank room, what she saw was a long distance shot of a bunch of people having a party around a swimming pool.
    The person running the camera then turned it to face herself. It was Brianna, looking stunning in a barely-there bikini. She said that she was going outside to talk to some of the more "interesting" people at the party. The camera bounced around for a few seconds, and then there was another shot of the pool. Susan immediately recognized the setting. This was Barney Bruce's house. Barney was a senior partner in the law firm.
    Then, Susan noticed the date at the bottom of the screen. The digital readout was "8/20/01"?€?last August. Ten months ago. Susan immediately realized what party this had been. It had been for Barney's wife's birthday. Susan had been out of town on firm business, and David had attended the party alone.
    Brianna began approaching various party guests and talking to them, asking questions about the party, the food, the drinks, and the other guests. Susan recognized many of the people being "interviewed", and could tell that the party had been going on for at least a few hours at the time the tape was made, as most of the guest were somewhat "lubricated," so to speak.
    The bitch finally approached Barney, who was sitting on a chair at a table next to Ingrid. The 45-year-old blonde looked stunning as usual and clearly still had the body for the two piece swimsuit she was wearing. On the other side of the table sat David. After some talk about the party, Brianna, with a laugh, said, "Hey, Barney, who do you think is the hottest woman here?"
    There was laughter all around as Barney smiled and said, "My dear, it is clearly my lovely wife, the birthday girl, Ingrid, and you will NEVER record me on tape saying anything else!" There was more laughter, and Brianna turned the camera to David.
    "Well, David, what do YOU think?" the girl said.
    David immediately replied, "Well, I would have to agree with Barney. It is, no doubt, the fair birthday girl, Ingrid."
    Then, Brianna spoke again. "OK, David, one more question. Who has the best chest here?"
    There was some more laughter, and David said, "Well, in that category, even the stunning Ingrid can't compete with you, Brianna. You've got the best chest at the party, and the best chest in the firm." And the bitch giggled in stereo, on the tape and live, in the room.
    Then, the Brianna on the tape said, "Best in the FIRM, David? Even better than Susan's?"
    The table once again erupted with laughs, and David then replied, "As lovely as my incredible wife is, Brianna, even HER chest can not hold a candle to yours. There's no question your chest is the best in the firm."
    Brianna did her stereo giggle again, then hit the stop button and the television screen went blank. She turned to Susan, who had, by then, struggled to a standing position, and said, "There it is, Susan. A third party, your own husband, has judged our breasts and found yours wanting. Now admit mine are better, bitch!"
    Then, for the third time on this day, Susan surprised Brianna. The red-head screamed, "Fuck you, you fucking WHORE!" and charged at the brunette. The shocked Brianna didn't immediately react, and Susan grabbed her by the hair. Brianna responded in kind and the two were soon staggering around the room, each trying to maintain her balance as the other pulled at her tresses.
    Both women were moaning and both had tears in their eyes as they continued the hair pulling. Both were cruelly twisting the other woman's head and neck with the iron-hard grips they had and neither seemed willing to give up those grips.
    Finally, the two women slammed into the far wall, Susan with her left side, Brianna with her right.
    It was then that the enraged Susan brought up a knee and drove it into Brianna's belly. Brianna screamed, "Oooool" and doubled over. Susan then pulled Brianna to her knees by the hair and slammed her knee into the side of Brianna's face.
    The brunette gasped, and, as Susan released her hair, fell to the floor on her left side. The younger woman rolled to her back, her eyes glazed, as Susan pounced on her, grabbing her boobs, one in each hand and squeezing. Brianna wailed in pain and bucked hard, and Susan lost her balance, falling to her left side. Brianna rolled on top of the red-head and Susan grabbed her hair. Again, Brianna responded in kind and the two beautiful women began rolling across the carpet.
    Susan ended up on top, but not for long. Brianna released her right hand's grip on the red tresses and nailed Susan with a punch just below her left eye. Susan squealed, instinctively released Brianna's hair and grabbed her own eye with both hands. When the older woman did so, Brianna grabbed her hair again with the right hand and pulled Susan off her perch. The red-head kicked out her right foot and caught Brianna in her beautiful belly once again. The younger woman groaned and released Susan's hair, rolling away from the red-head's still flailing feet.
    Both women got up cautiously, each keeping an eye on the other. Brianna had her back to the door, Susan to the far wall. The ante in their little battle had just been raised again, and, despite the fact that both of them were hurting and nearing exhaustion, neither was ready to fold her hand.
    "Listen you little slut," Susan panted. "This has gone on long enough. I'm not giving up my husband and you aren't taking him. I'm going to walk over to that VCR and take those tapes. I'm going to burn them and YOU are never going to come near David or I again, do you understand?"
    "Screw you, you saggy-titted old BAG," Brianna spat. "The only way to that tape is through ME, and we BOTH know I'm too much woman for you."
    "Fuck YOU!" Susan screamed, and charged the younger woman again. This time, Brianna was ready, catching Susan around the waist as the older woman grabbed her hair. But Susan's forward momentum proved decisive. She knocked Brianna over and the brunette's grip around the waist served only to pull the red-head over on top of her, driving the air out of her beautiful body.
    Susan locked on to Brianna's hair immediately and the younger woman tried to pull the red-head's hands away. Susan, however, had a good hold and plenty of leverage. She twisted Brianna's head cruelly from side to side several times?€?then began pounding the younger woman's head off the floor. "I?€?will?€?kill?€?you?€?you?€?fucking?€?whore !" Susan screamed, the words coming one each time Susan banged Brianna's lovely head into the unforgiving wood below the carpet.
    Brianna's eyes glazed over again, and her hands fell to her sides, but Susan kept banging. Five more times she slammed the brunette's head, a growl of rage building in the older woman's throat. Finally, nearly exhausted, Susan released Brianna's hair. The younger beauty's head lolled dreamily, her eyes unfocused, nearly out of it.
    Susan remained on her knees for a few seconds, still straddling her enemy, as she caught her breath. The spent red-head then forced herself to her feet and began walking toward the VCR. Then she felt Brianna's right hand close around her right ankle. Instinctively, Susan tried to pull the leg free, but Brianna held tight and grabbed on with her left hand as well.
    "Let me GO!" Susan yelled, kicking out with her left foot at the brunette, who remained on the floor. Then Brianna pulled back hard and Susan lost her balance, falling face-first and managing to catch herself with her hands.
    Brianna released Susan's ankle and the red-head scrambled back to her feet while the brunette did the same. With a scream of rage, Susan charged, swinging wildly at the shorter woman. Brianna, however, avoided the blows and drove her right fist deep into Susan's belly. The red-head moaned and doubled over, and the brunette smashed her left forearm into Susan's nose and right eye.
    The red-head screamed "Ooooh!" and fell to her knees as both hands came to her face. Brianna then slammed her right foot into Susan's exposed belly. The red-head groaned, "Aggghh" and dropped to the floor, curled into the fetal position.
    Brianna straddled Susan, forcing her to her back. She grabbed the older woman's hair with her left hand and her throat with the other. Susan gagged as Brianna began choking her while speaking to her through gritted teeth in an icy whisper. "It is OVER, Susan. Do you understand? OVER! I've beaten you. You've lost. You are FUCKING FINISHED!"
    Susan, gasping for air and pulling at the hand around her throat, managed to get out the words "Fuck you!" before bringing her knee up and driving it into Brianna's crotch. The brunette screamed "Ohh-Hohh!" and crumpled to her side. Now it was she who was in the fetal position, both hands covering her aching pussy.
    Susan lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, swallowing over and over again, massaging her throat and gasping for air. Every part of her hurt, both eyes were swelling, and she was as tired as she'd ever been in her life. But, she could hear Brianna, that fucking little bitch, and she wasn't giggling now. No, she was moaning and groaning as she tried, unsuccessfully, to rub the pain out of her pussy. And that made Susan's own pain and fatigue worthwhile. It was time to finish it.
    She didn't waste the energy needed to get to her feet. Instead, she struggled to her knees and crawled over to where Brianna lay. There were tears of pain in the brunette's eyes, and her teeth were tightly clenched as the agony coursed through her. Susan knelt over the brunette and grabbed her hair with both hands, turning Brianna's head so that the younger woman was looking straight up, at Susan's face, even as her body remained on its side. "Now, YOU listen to me, slut," Susan growled. "I'm taking those tapes and walking out of here, and, I swear, if you give me any more trouble, today or ever, I WILL fucking kill you."
    Susan released Brianna's head and prepared for the effort to get to her feet. Then, her eyes went wide and a little gasp escaped her throat. She'd taken her eyes off the bitch for just a second, but that was all the time the younger woman needed. Brianna had reached up sunk her claws deep into Susan's aching breasts. The red-head's first reaction was an instinctive one. She grabbed Brianna's wrists and tried to pull her hands away. The brunette, however, held tight and got to her knees, facing Susan. The agony was almost unbearable, but, somehow, Susan did the only thing she could, she dug her own fingers into Brianna's jugs.
    Just seconds after grabbing on to Brianna's breasts, Susan realized that her situation was hopeless. Brianna's still-firm knobs were resisting her efforts to crush and pull them, but her own beaten mammaries were putty in the younger woman's hands. Brianna was kneading them cruelly, digging through the abundant flesh and squeezing the soft, tender glands within. Susan had no doubt Brianna could endure the squeezing much longer than she could. It took only seconds for Susan to come to this understanding and decide to change tactics. But it took too long.
    Before Susan could do anything, Brianna shoved forward, driving the red-head over backward. As Susan lost her grip on the younger woman's breasts, Brianna brought her weight forward until she was straddling her opponent while still squeezing her tits. Susan, meanwhile, had her back on the carpet and her legs, still bent at the knees, trapped beneath her.
    Susan knew she had to dislodge the bitch, and quickly, as Brianna was using her increased leverage to punish her aching breasts even more severely. And she couldn't punch or slap her effectively, because the brunette was crouched over her, her head just a few inches above Susan's chest. So, she grabbed Brianna's hair and began to pull, first this way and then that. It was obvious by the grimace Brianna wore that the hair pulls were hurting, but equally clear that Susan didn't have the leverage or the strength to pull Brianna off her perch in this manner. So, after a few tugs, she gave up and started trying to bridge herself free. But, those efforts were even less successful. Finally, realizing she was trapped, Susan released Brianna's hair and reapplied her grip to the younger woman's breasts.
    In less than a minute, tears were streaming down the red-head's face. Despite Susan's best efforts to damage her opponent, Brianna was hurting her much more than she was able to hurt Brianna. Almost instinctively, the red-head began bridging again, but, soon, she hadn't the strength to continue to do so.
    Eventually, the red-head's moans turned to sobs, and Brianna spoke to her in that icy tone once again. "You're finished, bitch! Give up before I rip these droopy bags off of your chest."
    Through her tears, Susan said, "God, I hate you, you bitch! Go fuck yourself!"
    "No, you slut. I'm not going to fuck MYSELF. I'm going to fuck your HUSBAND. Now, I'm giving you one more chance to submit. And, if you don't, I'm going to hurt you permanently. Do you understand?"
    "You fucking WHORE!" Susan sobbed. But she did not release her grip, nor did she submit. She did, however, notice the evil smile on the younger woman's face, and a chill went down her spine. Then her breasts exploded with pain. It felt like a knife had been driven into the base of each of her nipples. But those weren't knives. They were Brianna's thumb nails and they'd already begun drawing blood.
    Susan screamed and her body shuddered with the pain. Brianna kept digging the nails in, gouging the red-head's lovely headlights. Then, the pain lessened, and Brianna spoke again. "Give up, Susan, or I'll scratch them off. And you fucking know I will."
    "Oh, fuck you!" Susan moaned. Then screamed again as Brianna rammed her thumbnails home for a second time. The blood was now running down both of Susan's breasts as the nails cut into the nipples. Finally, the red-head could take no more.
    "Oh, God?€?Please stop!" she screamed.
    But Brianna kept digging. "Who has the better tits, slut?"
    "Oh?€?FUCK?€?you do?€?stop, please!"
    But Brianna didn't stop. "And who's leaving here with those tapes?"
    "Oh, PLEASE! You can have them! Please, stop!"
    "And who gets DAVID, you slut?"
    "Oh?€?you fucking slut?€?" And Susan shreiked as Brianna dug in deeper.
    "Who, Susan? Who gets David? Who's the better woman?"
    "Ahhhh! Fuck!?€?.You do! You are! Stop, PLEASE!" Susan begged.
    And Brianna released her opponent's breasts. As the brunette rose and walked to the VCR to take the tapes, Susan rolled to her side, gripping her bleeding breasts, sobbing uncontrollably. The younger woman took her time putting her clothes back on, and the red-head never moved from the fetal position.
    When Brianna was ready to leave, she walked to the door. With her hand on the knob, she turned back to her broken opponent. "I'm leaving now, Susan. You can stay as long as you like, but, when you leave, make sure you're on the next plane out of the country."
    "Ohh, you fucking cunt..." Susan sobbed.
    And, on the way out the door, Brianna giggled.

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    Re: Looking for stories by Brent

    Check the Google group for Mine Are Better.

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    Guest WriteThisWay's Avatar

    Re: Looking for stories by Brent

    Mine Are Better - By Brent

    Jim and his lovely wife Amy had just reached their outdoor pool. The couple had come out for a morning swim early on this lovely Saturday. They just had time for a half hour or so of recreation before they had to get on with the business part of the day. As Jim flipped off his pool shoes and prepared to dive in, Amy did something she often did, but in the process she began a conversation that began, well, something else. Amy removed her pool wrap and stretched in her bikini, thrusting out her magnificent 38-D/DD chest.

    Now, Amy was a beautiful woman in every way, with deep blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. She stood 5?7? tall and had long, shapely legs. She weighed a solid 140 pounds and had a rear that was nearly perfect. To say that Amy turned a few heads would be an understatement. She turned almost all of them, male and female.

    But to Jim, who was nothing if not a breast man, his wife?s boobs were the best part. Big and firm and creamy white, perfectly shaped with light pink areola and long nipples, they were just perfect, and he never tired of comparing them to those of other women he knew and those he just saw on the street. Jim always said Amy?s breasts were the best of any woman he?d ever met, and he wasn?t being dishonest when he said so.

    And so it was that when Amy?s breasts came into view, Jim forgot about swimming for a few seconds and focused on his wife. And then he focused on something else, something he?d been thinking about for the past few weeks. ?Hey, Ame,? Jim said, as his wife kicked off her shoes and prepared to dive into the pool, ?What do you think of Jennifer??

    The question didn?t cause Amy to stop or even turn around. Instead, she dove in and began swimming strongly to the other side of the pool. Jim waited as she hit the wall, did a flip turn, and began swimming back. When she reached the side where her husband stood, she grabbed the wall and pulled herself upright, not even breathing heavily from the exertion. ?She seems pretty cool,? the 31-year-old said. ?I mean, I?ve only met her a few times, but I like her. Why do you ask??

    ?Well, it?s nothing, really,? Jim stumbled, clearly surprised by both his wife?s answer and the question. ?I mean, she was at the party last night, is all, and she?s been hanging around with Tara and Will, and, well, I just wondered.?

    Amy said nothing but pushed off the wall and went for another lap, thinking about what her husband had said. Tara and Will were the couple?s best friends and the unofficial center of the social group to which they all belonged. Jennifer was a neighbor of Tara and Will?s, and had become a semi-member of the circle recently as a result. She?d attended a couple of parties and had been at Tara and Will?s a couple of other times when she and Jim had visited, but that was all. So far, Amy hadn?t really formed an opinion of the brunette. When the blonde arrived back at the edge of the pool where her husband stood, she decided to waste no more of their free time talking about Jennifer. So, when she popped up out of the water below Jim?s feet, she changed the subject. ?Are you coming in or not, landlubber?? she said with a grin. Jim leaped over his wife?s head, diving into the water. The subject was closed, but just for the moment.

    Jim and Amy dined alone together on most Saturday nights, and this one would be no exception. They had reservations for 8 at a great seafood restaurant. They took their time getting dressed, Amy in a lovely, scoop-neck number that showed off her ample cleavage, but still arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early. After they were seated, the conversation once again turned to last night?s party. After a few moments of discussion, Jim said, ?You didn?t really answer my question this morning, you know.?

    ?What question?? Amy said, not remembering the exchange by the pool.

    ?About Jennifer,? Jim answered. ?I wanted to know what you thought of her,? Jim said, smiling, with the emphasis on the word ?thought.?

    ?Well, like I said, I don?t know her that well. She?s OK, I guess. What do you think of her?? his wife replied, a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

    ?I probably know less about her than you do,? Jim said, clearly taken aback again by his wife?s response. ?I mean, she seems nice, but, I don?t know.?

    ?OK, now, let me ask you a question you never answered this morning,? Amy responded, grinning. ?Why do you ask?? Jim should have gotten it by now, but, by the confused expression on his face, the blonde could tell he had not. She hadn?t understood this morning, only because she?d just gotten up and her mind wasn?t fully functioning yet. But, when Jim mentioned Jennifer for the second time, Amy immediately knew what he was doing. This was how the comparison conversations always started, with Jim fishing. But she wasn?t biting, at least not quite yet.

    ?Well?? Jim stammered, still not realizing Amy was having him on.

    ?She?s about my size, honey,? Amy interrupted, giggling, ?But I?d crush her flat.?

    Jim said nothing for a second, and then his face broke out into a grin. ?You had me going there for a minute, Ame, especially after this morning.?

    ?I was in a little bit of a sleepy daze, then, babe,? she chuckled. ?I thought you were actually asking about her personality. Silly me.?

    Jim grinned and said, ?Yeah, silly you.?

    ?I take it the dress she wore at the party last night??

    ?Well, that sealed the deal,? Jim interrupted, ?But I?ve been thinking about her since the day we met her. She?s got some big jugs, that?s for sure. I wonder what cup size she is??

    ?I?d guess she wears a D or DD depending on the type of bra, like me,? Amy replied.

    ?I just know she had a lot of cleavage in that dress,? Jim said, eyes getting a faraway look.

    ?You mean like this?? his wife responded, leaning over the table so that her awesome rack nearly spilled out of her dress.

    ?Yeah, like that,? Jim said, grinning from ear to ear. ?You really think you could crush her flat?? Jim asked.

    ?Do you doubt the powers of my bosom after all these years?? his wife asked playfully. ?Have these girls ever let you down before? Have they not always been victorious??

    ?Yes, they have,? Jim replied, playing along.

    ?And so they shall remain,? the blonde said, with fake haughtiness. It was then that the waiter arrived interrupting the discussion and ending it for the night.

    Late that night, however, as Jim lay awake in bed, his wife sleeping peacefully beside him, he was unable to get the thought of Amy?s breasts opposing Jennifer?s out of his mind. His wife had been, of course, kidding at dinner, playing along with her husband. She?s never actually been in a tit-fight except in Jim?s fantasies. There, however, she often fought against women he knew and, sometimes, against women he just saw on the street or at a bar or restaurant. Drifting off to sleep, Jim wondered if he?d ever get to see Amy?s breasts in real combat and thought about what a great opponent Jennifer would be in such a contest.

    Coincidence, fate, call it what you will, but the next chapter in the little drama the gods themselves seemed to be planning took place less than a week later. It was Friday night and Tara and Will were doing their monthly dinner out with the parents of the former. That left the rest of the social circle to their own devices, and Jim and Amy decided to take advantage of some wonderful weather for a barbecue by the pool. Jim pulled out his trusty grill and Amy headed off to the grocery store to find some nice cuts of sirloin.

    As the lovely blonde was delving into the butcher case, she noticed a familiar face approaching from the opposite direction, carrying a frozen dinner. It was Jennifer. The brunette beauty had shoulder length straight hair that was, currently, pulled back in a ponytail that made her look much younger than her 26 years, especially as she was wearing no makeup. Even without it, however, she was beautiful with her deep green eyes, flawless complexion, and stunning smile. She was wearing a pair of shorts that showed off her lovely legs and tight butt, and a tight t-shirt that did nothing to hide an awesome rack. At 5?5?, she stood about 2 inches shorter than Amy, and weighed about 5 pounds less. And, like the blonde whom she?d just recognized, she turned heads, just about all of them.

    It was the brunette who spoke first, the smile on Amy?s face assuring her that she, too, had been recognized. ?Hi, Amy. Looking for something for dinner??

    ?Hi, Jennifer,? the blonde responded. ?Jim?s grilling tonight, so I need some steaks.?

    ?Yeah,? Jennifer said, shaking her head. ?I didn?t have much lying around for dinner, either, so?? she stopped, holding up the frozen entr?e.

    And, at that moment, everything could have changed. Amy could have made some remark about how ?good? the frozen dinner looked and Jennifer would have joked back and then been on her way. But that was not the type of person Amy was. ?Jennifer, put that thing back and come and have steaks with Jim and I. A frozen dinner alone is no kind of Friday night.?

    Jennifer was clearly touched by the offer, but immediately declined. ?Thanks, Amy, but I don?t want to horn in on your night.?

    The blonde was not taking ?no? for an answer. ?You won?t be horning in on anything. We were just trying to think of something to do since the gang isn?t getting together tonight. It?s a spur of the moment thing. I?ll just buy another steak.?

    ?No, listen?? Jennifer began.

    ?Put that thing back!? Amy said, falsely strident. ?Jim?s warming the grill up now. Let?s choose some steaks and you can follow me home. We?ll pop open a bottle of wine and have a nice evening out by the pool. If you want to swim, I?ve got a suit you can borrow.?

    Jennifer had to weigh her reluctance to be a third wheel against a couple of factors. First, she really wasn?t looking forward to spending Friday night at home alone, and, secondly, she didn?t want to offend the blonde, whom she was getting to like. ?All right, if you?re sure Jim won?t mind??

    ?I?m sure and I insist. Now, let?s find some good cuts of meat for my husband to burn to charcoal briquettes,? the blonde said laughing.

    A few minutes later, with the frozen dinner back in the freezer case and steaks and all the trimmings in bags in the back of Amy?s car, the blonde pulled out of the parking lot with the brunette following in her own car. They arrived at Amy?s home a few moments later and went out to the back to find Jim warming up the grill. Amy quickly told Jim about their meeting in the grocery store and the blonde?s husband assured Jennifer that he was more than pleased she?d agreed to come over.

    The brunette insisted on helping get dinner together, and, over Amy?s protests, she managed to do so. The cooking went off without much of a hitch, though the steaks were, as usual when Jim was cooking, somewhat overdone.

    When dinner was over and the clean up taken care of, Amy did, indeed, open a bottle of wine. Jennifer initially declined an offered glass because she had to drive home, but Jim, who wasn?t much for wine, gallantly offered to be the designated driver for the evening. After each woman had a glass, Amy suggested they go for an after dinner swim to ?work off some of those calories.? Jennifer, who loved to swim, agreed and followed Amy inside to borrow a suit.

    The women changed in separate rooms and Jennifer was first back to the pool. Jim tried not to stare, but it was difficult. The brunette was wearing his wife?s blue two-piece, and she was filling it out every bit as well as Amy could. The blonde flounced out to the pool a couple of minutes later in her lime green number, looking just as stunning as her guest.

    As Amy advanced toward the pool, another one of the many incidences that could have led in a different direction occurred. Had Amy never asked the question, well, things almost certainly would not have happened as they did. ?Does that fit OK, Jennifer?? the blonde asked politely.

    ?Pretty well,? the brunette said. ?It?s a little tight in the chest, but it will do just fine. Thanks for lending it to me.?

    Amy didn?t respond right away, and then said, ?Well it?s a couple of years old and I?ve worn it a lot of times. It must have shrunk a bit.?

    ?I guess,? Jennifer said, thinking no more of it. ?Ready to jump in??

    Amy again said nothing, then looked back at her husband and said, ?Are you coming in, dear??

    ?No, I think I?ll just rest here on this lounge chair,? he replied.

    ?Fine,? Amy said, turning back to Jennifer. ?All right, then, let?s have a swim.? The blonde leaped into the water and began swimming strongly toward the other side. Jennifer leaped in right behind her and did the same. Jim noticed the shorter woman was a strong, athletic swimmer as well. And he also noticed that, like his wife always had, Jennifer was nearly falling out of that blue swimsuit.

    Jim watched as Amy did her flip turn and swam back toward him. Jennifer turned a second or two later and did the same. They were both marvelous to watch, beautiful, muscular, sleek, as they swam toward him, hit the wall, and then back in the other direction. They hit the far wall again just seconds apart, and then came back toward him a final time before pulling up against the wall, Amy again just a second or two ahead of the brunette. Jim realized then that Jennifer really was a good swimmer. She?d stayed right with his wife, and Amy was a real fish.

    Jim?s reverie was interrupted by a splash of water from his wife. ?You should come in, lazybones. The water?s great.?

    ?No,? Jim replied with a grin, ?I?m just going to sit here sipping my Coke, listening to the crickets, and watching the fireflies.?

    ?Suit yourself,? Amy said, and kicked off the wall again, heading back in the other direction. Jennifer moved that way a second later, and, again paced his wife perfectly. Jim watched as they turned, watched them moving through the water as they came toward him, and began fantasizing again. Tit fight. Amy vs. Jennifer. Who would win? Was Jennifer actually bigger? She had said Amy?s suit was tight across the chest. Had the suit really shrunk? Had Jennifer gained just a bit on Amy in the pool? Ah the possibilities!

    The series of events that led to the big event continued when the ladies got out of the pool about half an hour later. After toweling off, Amy put her pool wrap around her shoulders and Jennifer used a dry towel for the same purpose. They came to sit back down with Jim and proceeded to finish the bottle of wine. By that time, it was dark and getting cooler, and Jim suggested they adjourn inside. The ladies readily agreed.

    When they got into the house, Amy led Jennifer back upstairs so that the ladies could change out of their wet suits. In a few moments, they were both back in the living room, where Jim had opened another bottle of wine and put on some music. For the next hour, the threesome talked and joked, and the ladies continued to drink wine. The second bottle died and a third was opened. Both were more than a little tipsy when Jennifer suggested it was getting late and it might be time for her to go.

    Jim immediately rose and said, ?I?ll get my keys. Amy and I will bring your car back to you in the morning, if that?s OK.?

    Jennifer smiled and said, ?That?s fine,? and, as Jim left the room, she turned to Amy and continued. ?I had a great time tonight. Thank you so much for inviting me over. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the dinner and the pool and for lending me your suit.?

    ?It was my pleasure,? Amy replied. ?It was nice for all of us to really get a chance to know one another. We?ll do it again sometime.?

    ?Yeah, absolutely,? Jennifer said, ?And, next time, I promise, I?ll bring my own suit. Not to be ungrateful or anything, but I was flopping out of that one,? she giggled.

    Amy replied, ?Well, like I said, it is two years old and it may have shrunk.?

    ?Or,? Jennifer said, still giggling, ?I just might be a little bigger up here than you are.?

    Now, the wine was already beginning to have an effect on both ladies. Jennifer was feeling both silly and uninhibited. Absent the wine, she?d likely not have brought up the tight-fitting suit again, and she certainly wouldn?t have mentioned her belief that her chest was bigger than that of her hostess. And, without the lubrication the wine provided, there is no way the conversation would have taken the turn it was about to take.

    ?You think you?re bigger than me?? Amy asked.

    ?Well, yeah,? Jennifer replied. ?I think the suit proves that.?

    ?I don?t think the suit proves shit. It was tight on me. That?s why I bought a new one. These,? Amy said, lifting her breasts from underneath, one with each hand, ?Are 38-D/DDs. No way do you have more up here than I do!?

    ?Well, these,? Jennifer retorted, lifting her own breasts with her cupped hands, ?Are also 38s. But I don?t wear D cups. They?ll only fit in DDs.?

    ?Bullshit?? Amy shot back.

    ?I think I know how big my own tits are,? Jennifer said, getting heated now, as was her adversary in this little argument.

    Just then, Jim walked into the room, and, he could tell by the ladies? body language that trouble was brewing. ?Hey, what?s up?? said the one sober member of the triumvirate.

    ?Oh, nothing,? Amy replied. ?It?s just that our guest thinks she has a bigger rack than I do.?

    ?I don?t think I?m bigger,? Jennifer shot back. ?I know I am.?

    ?The hell you are?? Amy responded, only to be interrupted by Jim.

    ?Wait a minute,? he said. ?Let?s settle down now. We?ve had a great evening. Let?s not spoil it. I think you?ve both had a little too much to drink?? And that was the wrong thing to say, prompting vigorous protests from both lovely women. The fact that Jim was right did not dawn on either of them, though it would in the morning. In desperation, as a way of calming both ladies down, Jim said, ?All right. Let?s sit down and discuss this calmly,? while pointing to the sofa.

    Both women did as Jim asked, which was the good news. The bad news is that Jim had no idea what to say next. The two ladies sat looking at him expectantly, and, finally, he stumbled out, ?All right, tell me what happened. Christ, I was gone for about 90 seconds.?

    Neither woman knew to whom Jim was addressing the question, but it was Jennifer who spoke up. ?I was just thanking her for the evening and lending me the suit??

    Amy interrupted, ?Yeah, and then she said she?d bring her own suit the next time because she was too big in the chest for mine.?

    ?Well I am!? Jennifer insisted.

    ?Only because the suit shrunk!? Amy shot back. ?I?m every bit as big as you are.?

    And then the wine played its role again. There was no way the conversation would have gotten to this point without it, but, now that it had and both women were angry and, their inhibitions dulled by the alcohol, things went further.

    ?Prove it!? Jennifer challenged.

    ?Fine,? Amy said, and began to remove her shirt.

    ?Wait!? Jim shouted, and the ladies went quiet, both looking up at Jim who was still standing in front of the sofa. ?I?ll say it again. Let?s calm down. I don?t think a striptease in the middle of the living room is a good idea.?

    ?Hey, she asked me to prove it,? Amy said, pointing at Jennifer.

    ?I understand, but let?s think about this rationally. How are you going to prove it? Are we going to measure your breasts and then hers? What are we going to do??

    ?I don?t know,? Amy said.

    ?Me, either,? Jennifer responded. ?But I know mine are bigger and better than hers!?

    ?Better?? Amy shouted. ?No fucking way!?

    ?Ladies!? Jim said, in a booming voice. ?Settle down. I have an idea that might solve our little problem. If you?ll sit here and listen for a few minutes, you can both sleep on it tonight and decide whether you really want to prove who?s better.?

    Jim talked for 15 minutes, and, when he was finished, he took Jennifer home, as he?d promised. Both women had readily agreed to what he?d proposed, but, considering their inebriated states, Jim insisted that they wait at least until tomorrow to make their final decisions.

    Jennifer awoke with a roaring headache. ?Way too much wine last night,? she groaned to herself as she rolled over and squinted at the alarm clock. ?Christ, 9am! I?ve gotta get up,? she whispered, not even realizing she was whispering, as her voice sounded like a town crier in her own aching, muzzy head.

    After a few moments, the lovely brunette, wearing nothing at all, sat up in bed, placing her pillows behind her and closing her eyes while she waited for the throbbing to reach an acceptable level. As she sat, breathing as quietly as possible, she thought back on the events of the night before. And she remembered, eventually, the argument with Amy and the solution suggested by Jim. Jennifer knew she?d been drunk the night before. Her head told her that. But she hadn?t realized just how drunk until she thought back over what she and the blonde had done?and what they?d agreed to do.

    ?Christ,? she said, shaking her head very slowly. ?I swear to God I?ll never drink wine again??

    ?I?m serious!? Amy vowed to her husband. ?I?m done drinking. God, my head feels like there?s a polo game going on inside it.?

    ?Well, you did have a little too much,? Jim said with a smile, a smile his wife could not see, as, like Jennifer, her eyes were tightly shut against the morning light that poured in the windows. Like her rival, she was wearing absolutely nothing and was sitting up in bed groaning about her alcohol-induced misfortune. Like Jennifer, it had taken Amy a few moments to remember the events of the previous night, more specifically, the big event. But, remember it, she had, and, after swearing off alcohol forever, she broached the subject with her husband.

    ?Do you think she was serious last night, about all the tit stuff?? Amy asked.

    ?Well, you were both pretty drunk,? Jim said, again revealing teeth his wife couldn?t see.

    ?Yeah,? Amy said, opening her eyes the first time and cocking her head slightly to look at her husband. Her eyes were narrow slits, but she could see. ?But you weren?t drunk. How the hell did you come up with an idea like that?and why??

    ?It just came to me, actually,? Jim said, smiling again. ?It?s a fantasy I?ve had, two women doing that. As for why, I had to think of something to calm you two down before you had me measuring your boobs in the middle of the living room.?

    Amy laughed and groaned as the jiggling that shook her lovely breasts fetchingly also jostled her head, sending lightning bolts of pain through it. After a moment of silence, she opened her eyes a little wider and regarded her husband with a serious expression on her face. ?You saw her tits in my old suit last night,? Amy said. ?Be honest. Do you think she?s bigger than me??

    ?No,? Jim replied immediately. ?I mean, you both have big racks, no doubt about that. But, from what I?ve seen, I couldn?t say who?s bigger. Like I said, you?d have to measure.?

    ?You?re being honest, right?? Amy asked.

    ?Cross my heart,? Jim replied, actually doing so as he said it. ?I?d tell you if I thought she was bigger, or if I thought you were, but I can?t tell. Really.?

    Amy knew her husband quite well, and she knew when he was telling the truth. She was sure that he was doing just that at the moment, and she was correct. Jim had watched both women swimming last night and had gotten several good looks at Jennifer?s breasts in the swimsuit. He?d done a lot of comparing, of course, and he really couldn?t tell who was bigger. And, while he knew that Jennifer had been falling out of his wife?s suit, as she claimed, he remembered well that Amy had had the same problem with it, and the problem had gotten worse the more she had worn the suit.
    Jim?s reverie was broken when his wife said, ?I really got pissed when she said hers were better.?

    ?I know, hon, but remember, you were pissed at the time.?

    Amy laughed again at that remark and immediately regretted it as the pain shot through her head again.

    ?Now, let me ask you something, dear,? Jim continued. ?Were you serious last night??

    Amy thought for a second and said, ?Last night? Hell yeah. But, now, in the cold light of morning, so to speak, it sounds kind of silly.?

    ?Are you saying you wouldn?t do it?? Jim queried

    ?Oh, no. I?ll do it if she pushes it. I?m not backing down from her. Her tits aren?t any bigger than mine, and they sure as hell aren?t better than mine.?

    ?I?m guessing it won?t come to that, honey,? Jim said, grinning and shaking his head. ?Because I?ll bet she?s thinking the exact same thing you are, that, in the cold light of morning, it all sounds pretty silly.?

    And Jennifer was, indeed, thinking the exact same thing Amy was, although, lacking the companionship the blonde enjoyed, she wasn?t verbalizing it. Instead, she sat in bed, shaking her head and wishing she hadn?t, then pushing up off the mattress with a sigh and walking toward the bathroom and a waiting hot shower.

    When Jennifer was clean and somewhat refreshed, she came out of the steaming bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and another wrapped around her hair. She was walking back to the bedroom to get dressed when the phone rang. To Jennifer, it sounded as loud as the bells at Notre Dame had to Quasimodo. The brunette half-ran into the room to grab the accursed thing off the night table and said, as softly as she could, ?Hello??

    Amy was on the other end of the line. ?Hi,? the blonde said, also quite softly. ?I?m sorry to bother you so early, but Jim and I have some plans and we were wondering if we could bring your car over in about 15 minutes.?

    ?Oh, crap! I forgot about the car! Please, do. I?ll be here. And tell Jim thanks for the lift last night. I was sure in no condition to drive.?

    ?I?ll do that. And, Jennifer, about last night?we were both, well??

    ?Yeah. We were both feeling no pain,? Jennifer agreed. ?And tongues and tempers may have gotten a little looser than they should have.?

    ?That?s what I was thinking,? the blonde said. ?And, since neither one of us was exactly thinking straight??

    ?Amy,? Jennifer interrupted. ?I won?t hold you to anything we agreed to last night, don?t worry.?

    ?Oh, I?m not worried,? the blonde said quickly. ?I was just going to say that, since we were both drinking, I wouldn?t hold you to our little agreement??

    Jennifer said nothing for several seconds, and then replied, ?Amy, it?s up to you. If you want to go through with it, I?m not going to back down.?

    ?Then I guess it?s going to happen,? the blonde replied. ?We?ll be over with the car in a few minutes.?

    After Jim and Amy dropped off the car, they went on about their Saturday business, running some errands. All throughout the trip, the lovely blonde could discuss and think about little other than Jennifer and the contest the two of them had agreed to. After listening to his wife for over half an hour, Jim finally said, ?Look, honey, I can talk to her and we can end this right now. You both think it?s silly and the only reason either of you are still considering it is that you?re both stubborn and neither of you wants to look like she?s backing down to the other one.?

    Amy took a breath to speak, but remained quiet for a few seconds. Then, looking hard at her husband, she said, ?I?m wondering what you think of all this.?

    ?What do you mean?? Jim asked, clearly surprised by the question.

    ?When I said that last night it seemed like a good idea but now it seemed kind of silly, you said you figured she thought the same thing. But you never said what you thought??

    ?That?s because it doesn?t have anything to do with me. It?s between you two. I don?t have a say in it,? Jim replied.

    ?But what if you did?? Amy asked, continuing before her husband could answer. ?Do you think the idea is silly??

    ?Well??Jim said, weighing his words carefully.

    ?You don?t think it?s silly, do you?? Amy said, with a surprised smile on her face.

    ?Let?s put it this way, things were simpler when you two were arguing about who is bigger. Like I said, there?s a simple way to find out, we can measure. But, then you got on about whose tits are better, and that becomes pretty subjective. This is the best way I can think of to decide that fairly. As silly as it may sound.?

    ?Okayyyyyy,? Amy began, ?I have one more question. Keep in mind that I already know the answer, so don?t lie!? she said, grinning. ?Would you like me to do it??

    ?Hell, yeah! I think watching you two go at it would be hot as hell. But, like I said, it?s not my decision to make. It will be you and Jennifer in the contest, not me.?

    ?But you would like me to do it?? Amy asked, again knowing the answer.

    ?If you?re comfortable with it, honey, I?m all for it. Like I said, it?s a fantasy of mine??

    ?Good,? Amy said, smiling beautifully, ?Because this is one fantasy that?s going to come true.?

    ?Are you serious?? Jim asked, grinning himself now.

    ?Absolutely. Like you said, neither of us wants to back down and I think both of us want to prove who is better. And, like you also said, your way is the fairest way I can think of to make that determination. So, why not??

    ?I?m sure as hell not going to argue with you,? Jim said.

    ?Good, I?ll call Jennifer back tonight and see if she?s still game. I?m pretty sure she will be. Maybe we can set it up for next month, when Tara and Will do their dinner thing again??

    ?I like it,? Jim said with a grin. ?I like it a lot.?

    Amy had read Jennifer perfectly. The brunette was still reluctant about the entire thing, but she wasn?t backing down from the blonde. Like Amy, she was sure she had the better tits, and, if she had to do what Jim had suggested to prove it, well, that?s just what she would do. She even agreed to allow Jim to both watch and act as a sort of unofficial referee for the contest. And it was arranged for the next Friday when Tara and Will would be absent, just as Amy had suggested.

    After Jennifer agreed to take part, Jim took over the preparations. After all, it had been his idea. It was his fantasy. And he wanted everything to be as perfect as possible when it all played out. The first thing he did was puzzle out where the contest could take place. Jennifer had agreed to Jim and Amy?s house as the location, since her own apartment would certainly not provide either the room or privacy needed. Jim quickly came to the conclusion that he had only two rooms that would suffice, his living room and his family room. And, since the family room had fewer large pieces of furniture, it was selected.

    In the weeks that followed, Jim proceeded to move all the furniture out of the room to the basement. He replaced it with a pair of barstools he?d had down there. They?d once adorned his bachelor pad and had too much sentimental value to part with. Now, they?d be made use of again. The room itself was a large rectangle. Jim made use of the design by placing the stools in opposite corners, each along one of the shorter walls. Oh, and he bought a stopwatch.

    On the Thursday night before the big day, Jim went into the room, pulled down the thick blinds on all three windows, and put a folding chair in the doorway between the living room and the family room. Then, he shut the door and shut off the lights. All was in readiness.

    That evening at 7, Jennifer arrived as expected. Amy opened the door to let the lovely brunette in. ?Everything?s ready,? the blonde said. ?Last chance to back out.?

    ?No way,? Jennifer shot back. ?Nothing personal, Amy, but mine are better, and I?m going to prove it.?

    ?Keep thinking that, Jennifer,? the blonde said. ?You just keep thinking that.?

    Just then, Jim arrived on the scene and led both women to the family room. There was a tan carpet on the floor and the two stools and the chair. Jim had the stopwatch wrapped around his left hand and wrist. He pointed Jennifer to the stool on the far side of the room and she went over and sat down. Amy took the one nearest the door. ?I?m going into the living room. I?ll stay there, with the door closed while you two ladies get ready,? Jim said. ?Call me when you?ve undressed.? Then he walked through the door and closed it.

    Amy and Jennifer did nothing for a moment. They both sat staring at each other across the room. Then, the brunette began to move. She kicked off her shoes and pulled her t-shirt over her head, revealing a pink lace bra. Her breasts were pouring out of it. By the time Jennifer?s shirt hit the floor, Amy had hers over her head. Her tan bra was silk. Her breasts were barely contained. Her feet were already bare.

    Again, the two women stopped and stared at one another. Both could not help but be impressed by the size of the other woman?s breasts. Then, Amy unhooked her bra, removed it, and let it fall to the floor. Her awesome creamy white breasts, pink areola, and long nipples were now on full display. Jennifer took her cue and removed her own bra. Her breasts were a bit darker than Amy?s, though not much. Her areola were also pink, and, with the air conditioning keeping the house at 67 degrees, her long nipples were also erect.

    Again, the two women stared each other down. Both tried to be surreptitious about it, but both could see that the other was checking out her rack and comparing. They sat that way for over 30 seconds, and opinions did not change. Jennifer continued to believe she was bigger than the blonde. Amy continued to believe that was not so.

    Finally, the blonde got to her feet and rapped on the door. Jim entered, pulled the folding chair open, and sat it along the long wall nearest the door. ?Ready?? he asked. Both women nodded.

    Amy and Jennifer sat on their stools dressed now only in shorts, Amy?s dark blue, Jennifer?s a bright red. They stared at each other as Jim walked toward the center of the room. ?OK, you both know the rules. The contest will be in two-minute rounds. I?ll be timing them. When I say ?time? you both have to stop. You can come over and sit down for a minute, and then I?ll start the next round. OK??

    Again, both women nodded and Jim continued. ?If either of you goes down, you have a ten count to get back to your feet. If you can?t do that by a count of ten, the contest is over and you lose. The only exception is if a round ends before I can complete a ten count. In that case, I?ll stop counting, you?ll both go to your stools, and we?ll begin the following round as usual. We will continue until one of you quits or can?t make the ten count. And, of course, you can quit at any time. So, if you?re ready, ladies, please stand and lock your hands behind your backs. Remember, those hands must stay there at all times while you are on your feet.?

    Jim backed out of the center of the room and sat down in his chair, watching as the two beautiful, bare breasted women got to their feet, clasped their hands behind their backs, and walked into the middle of the room. They stood face to face for just a second or two, and then Jim said, ?Go!? and pressed the button on his stopwatch.

    The two women tore into each other instantly, slamming their awesome breasts together with an audible whack. Both groaned, surprised by how much pain that initial blow caused, but neither backed up a step. Instead, they began using their shoulders, twisting them so that their breasts banged into each other, grinding and crushing together. Both women wore grimaces of pain, but both engaged their respective opponent with great gusto.

    Jim?s eyes were torn, as he watched, excitedly, the competition, but kept having to glance down at his stopwatch to make sure he didn?t miss the end of the round. And, when the two-minute mark came and he shouted, ?Time!? neither he nor the two competitors could believe so much time had elapsed.

    Jim sat where he was as the two women walked back to their stools and sat down, unclasping their hands only after they had done so. Both were a little out of breath and both were sweating, and both were clearly in some pain. Neither, however, rubbed her breasts, as neither wanted to give the other that kind of satisfaction or any sign of weakness. From where he was sitting, however, Jim could see the results of the two minutes of combat. Both pairs of breasts were reddening. And the battle had just begun.

    After the rest period was over, Jim looked up and said, ?Time, ladies. Round two.? Both the blonde and the brunette locked their hands, got off their stools, and walked quickly toward the center of the room. When they were face-to-face and breast-to-breast, Jim said, ?Go!? and started the watch. Round two had begun.

    The second round looked much like the first, with the two women grinding breast against breast, both inflicting and suffering a good deal of discomfort. Neither woman, however, was able to gain the advantage on the other or move the other backward even a single step. The moans and groans got a bit louder as the round progressed, and the breathing became more rapid, but, when round two was over, not much had changed.

    For the second time, the two fighters walked back to their stools and sat down. Again Jim looked at the two competitors closely, looking for signs that one might be getting the better of the other. He could see that both women were sweating and breathing hard and both sets of breasts were redder. Both were in more pain than during the last break, but neither looked to be in better or worse shape than the other.

    Of course, Jim had had no idea what would happen during his contest. He hadn?t know if the two women would begin banging breasts and one or maybe even both would quit quickly, in too much pain to continue. After all, neither had any experience of this type of thing, so a quick end was a possibility. But, in Jim?s fantasy, the contest was a long, even affair, taking both women to their limits and beyond. And, after four minutes of competition, it looked as if the reality might just mirror Jim?s fantasy.

    When the minute of rest was over, the two women again got off their stools and walked toward the center of the room. Jim let them stand there for a second or two before starting the round with another ?Go!? Again, Amy leaned in and began grinding her boobs on Jennifer?s, but this time, the younger woman leaned back and then slammed her chest forward. The move caught Amy by surprise and the blonde was knocked back a step. Just as she got her balance, Jennifer repeated her attack, and Amy was driven backward again.

    Amy?s face became a mask of anger and she set her feet strongly, ready for the next attack. When it came, Amy held her ground and both women groaned loudly. Then, the blonde fired back in a similar vein, but Jennifer also held her position. The battle continued in this way for the remainder of the round, the two women taking turns slamming their breasts forward and neither able to move the other at all. When Jim shouted ?Time!? the two ladies left their breasts in contact for a few seconds, each staring holes into the other?s eyes, before turning and walking back to their stools.

    Jim could see that the contest was taking a toll on both competitors. It was apparent from the way they sat unmoving on their stools that their breasts were hurting quite a bit. Neither wanted to jostle her boobs at all, but both continued to avoid the telltale sign of touching or rubbing them, though only through an effort of supreme willpower. Both ladies were tiring a bit more, too. Sweat covered their bare upper bodies and legs and had begun to show on both pairs of shorts. But, when the rest period was over, both women got up quickly and moved right to the center of the room.

    For the entirety of the contest so far, neither woman had said a word to each other. That didn?t change in the staredown before round four. The two women locked onto each other?s eyes and neither blinked until Jim said, ?Go!?

    The fourth round was much the same as the third, with both women slamming their breasts together with great gusto for the entire two minutes. Only, this time, both of them got some movement, each managing to knock the other back a step or two on a few occasions. This, however, only served to encourage the other woman to come back stronger, regaining her ground as she slammed her breasts home onto those of her rival. When Jim brought the round to an end this time, neither woman wasted a second getting back to her stool for a much-needed rest.

    Again, Jim regarded both women with a discerning eye and he could see that the last round had taken more out of them than any of the first three. Both were gulping air and pouring sweat, and both sets of breasts were now beet red. The two beauties wore grimaces of pain, as the very act of their hard breathing was jostling their aching breasts. But both ladies hands remained at her sides. Neither would touch her throbbing boobs.

    Seeing how much discomfort and fatigue the two women were feeling, Jim rose and walked to the center of the room when the one-minute rest period had ended. He looked at both women in turn and said, ?Ladies, I can tell both of you are tired and hurting now. I think, maybe, this has gone far enough. I think we should stop now and just call it a draw??

    ?Hell no!? Amy shouted. ?Let?s finish this!?

    ?Fuck that!? Jennifer yelled. ?I?m not quitting!?

    Jim looked from one to the other a second time and said, ?OK, then. If you?re both sure??

    The two ladies both nodded their approval for continuing the fight. Jim walked slowly back to his chair and sat down. When he did so, the two busty beauties clasped their hands, got back off their stools, and walked to the center of the room. They stared each other down again, neither backing up a step, both still sure that her own breasts would prove superior. One of them was wrong, but Jim had no idea which one. All he could do was what he did, shout, ?Go!? and watch as the combat was rejoined.

    Jim wasn?t surprised to see that things slowed a bit in round five. After all, both ladies were tired and both were in obvious pain. So, rather than the stepping back and slamming of the last two rounds, round five looked much like the first two, with the two women content to stand, breast-to-breast, and grind their boobs home on one another. Jim listened as his wife and Jennifer groaned and gasped as their boobs met, struggling for supremacy. And, when two minutes had gone by, he again stopped the round.

    Jim noted that the two women were slower back to their stools this time, and he knew fatigue wasn?t the reason. The women were certainly getting a little tired from the exertion, but both were in excellent shape, he knew, and there was no way the legs of either were going yet. No, they walked slowly to avoid jostling their breasts any more than necessary. And, once again, they sat very still on their stools, but still with their hands at their sides.

    Jim had now begun to wonder how much longer this could go on, with both women in as much pain as it seemed they were, but, as the rest period ended and he called the ladies back to action, neither gave any indication that she might be nearing the end of her endurance. Both, in their posture and their facial expressions, looked downright eager to continue the contest.

    And, when the sixth round started, Jim found that his assessment of the two ladies had been absolutely correct. After the slowdown in the last round, this one started much faster, with the women once again slamming their breasts together with vigor. Again, both ladies got some movement, with first Amy and then Jennifer managing to knock their respective rivals back a step or two, but with neither able to keep the momentum going. Jim noticed that the groans and grunts got louder and the pitch got higher as the round went on, but when the round ended, both women were still fighting hard.

    During the sixth one-minute break, Jim again looked over both of the competitors carefully. They were dripping sweat of course and their breathing was ragged, only settling down near the end of the break. And their breasts had to be killing them. They?d gotten even redder and Jim thought he noticed them beginning to swell. Still, however, when he bade the competitors get ready for round seven, both women got quickly to their feet and came to the center of the room.

    Round seven started much like round five had, with the women back to grinding their breasts against one another. Jim could see that this was having a greater effect than in the earlier rounds for obvious reasons. Pain was etched on the faces of both of the women as breast tissue fought breast tissue for supremacy, and, once again, neither side could gain an advantage. And then, it happened.

    Jim watched as Amy took a step back, dipped her shoulders, and rammed her breasts upward, crashing into the bases of Jennifer?s boobs. The move knocked the brunette back a step and Amy moved in ferociously, twisting her shoulders to slam her breasts in hard. Jennifer wobbled, and Amy leaned back and slammed her breasts forward with terrific force. Jennifer went down.

    Jim was so shocked by what happened that he didn?t move for a second or two. Then, he jumped to his feet and pointed Amy toward her stool. The blonde took a few steps backward and Jim began to count, but, before he made it to three, Jennifer had pushed to her feet and relocked her hands behind her back. Jim stepped from between the women and motioned them back together.

    ?You?ll pay for that, Amy,? Jennifer growled.

    ?What?s the matter, Jennifer?? Amy asked with a smile. ?I thought yours were better!?

    ?They are, you blonde bitch,? Jennifer shot back, and stepped forward to resume the battle. Only a few seconds remained in the round, however, and, quickly, the two ladies were heading back to their stools. Jim watched as Jennifer sat down, trying to determine if the brunette might be in trouble. She sat, however, as she had between all the previous rounds, hands at her side, back straight, her eyes locked on Amy?s. A glance at his wife showed that she was staring right back, her hands also at her sides.

    When the rest period ended, Jim?s eyes were on Jennifer. He wasn?t surprised when she bounced to her feet and walked with a purpose toward the center of the room. Amy met her there and yet another staredown developed. Jim cut it short by beginning the round and watched, in awe, as the two women tore into each other with even more vehemence than in the previous seven encounters. Breasts were slammed, slapped, bashed, crushed, and ground together for two solid minutes with neither woman giving a millimeter and, when Jim called the round to an end, the two ladies took one step back each and stared death at one another before turning to walk to their stools. This was getting more than a little serious, Jim thought.

    It was also getting more than a little painful. Jim could tell both women were suffering far more than they were letting on. Both held their backs ramrod straight as they sat on their stools, shoulders back, doing everything they could to avoid jostling their breasts while also sticking their own beauties out in defiance of their opponent. And, despite the redness and swelling, Jim thought, both pairs of breasts were still magnificent. But one would eventually be defeated, and Jim was fairly sure that was going to happen soon. It simply had to. This could not go on much longer.

    But that theory was put to the test in round nine. Again, like the previous round, the two women tore into each other with a vengeance for the entire two minutes. It was, by far, the most active and violent round of the contest, with first Amy and then Jennifer gaining the upper hand and driving her opponent back across the floor, all the while grunting and moaning with the effort of trying to overcome both her rival?s breasts and her will. When Jim called the end to the round, both women wobbled before staggering back to their stools. Jim knew now that it was fatigue affecting the competitors. They?d been going at it full bore the last two rounds, and it was beginning to take its toll. But both women answered the call for round ten.

    Jim knew things would slow down in the tenth round, they simply had to, and they did. There was plenty of action, of course, but it was almost all the slow, close-in grinding favored in the early rounds. Both women, it appeared, were resting their tired legs, but not allowing any rest for their rival?s breasts, or, of course, for their own. Both pressed forward their attacks with vigor, clearly sensing that the issue was far from decided and that the maximum effort would be needed to overcome her rival. When the two minutes ended, both women were very slow to get back to their stools. Exhaustion was approaching, but the contest was still far from over.

    As Jim looked over the two women during the tenth rest period, he could only shake his head. Both were obviously being racked with pain. Neither could sit comfortably and their breasts were now visibly swollen. He could also see what looked like minor brush burns on each pair of boobs, from all the close contact he was sure. Still, all four hands remained at their owner?s sides, and both women once again answered the call for round eleven, a round that, even in his fantasies, Jim wouldn?t have imagined would take place.

    Take place, however, it did, and it stunning fashion, because the eleventh round turned out to be even more violent than the ninth. Apparently somewhat refreshed by a slower round in the tenth and a rest period, the two busty beauties ravaged each other from the first second of the round. It was Jennifer who got the upper hand first, sending Amy staggering backward, but the blonde rallied and regained her ground, wobbling Jennifer twice in the process. The second time, it looked like the brunette might go down, but she remained standing and was able to fire back as the round came to an end.

    Both fighters literally flopped on their stools this time, but both remained sitting straight, hands at their sides. Jim marveled at the fact that either was still competing. They were drenched in sweat now, their shorts soaked through, hair wet and sticking to their foreheads and shoulders. Their breath came in gasps, chests heaving, bringing bolts of pain through breasts that had absorbed more punishment than Jim would have believed possible.

    Red, swollen, sweat covered, but unbeaten, those breasts went right back into action when Jim called for the twelfth round to begin. The two ladies went right back at it, with Amy on the offensive. The blonde had noticed Jennifer in trouble near the end of the previous round and was determined to press for an advantage. The brunette, however, fired right back, until yet another round came to an end.

    Jim glanced at his wife and then her rival as the pair rested before the 13th round and saw that each regarded the other with a look of almost pure hatred. Things had gone way too far, he knew. Not so long ago, these two women were actually friends. They?d shared a dinner and a bottle of wine. Now, they were anything but.

    Jim watched the two aching beauties gasp for air, as the clock turned on their brief respite from punishment. Their reddened, swelling breasts heaved, each breath causing more shooting pains to course through their bodies. He knew he should stop this before either competitor suffered anymore, but he also knew it was too late for that. Amy and Jennifer had already made their feelings clear. They planned to fight on until one of them conquered the other, no matter what the consequences might be. Yes, things had gone too far, and there was no turning back now.

    When the minute ended, Jim called the women off their stools. Both advanced slowly toward the center of the room, neither taking her eyes away from those of the other, and both went right into combat as soon as Jim called for the round to begin. It took only a few seconds for him to realize that round 13 might just be a lucky one for his wife. The blonde immediately put Jennifer on her heels, slamming her breasts into those of the younger woman and driving her back across the room. The brunette fired back as best she could, but Amy was clearly in command.

    At this point, Jim caught a good look at his wife?s face, and he read on it the same thought that was going through his own mind. Much more of this, and Jennifer was finished. A few seconds later, there was another expression on Amy?s face, an expression Jim certainly hadn?t expected to see?surprise. Amy?s flurry had begun to slow as his wife tired, and, as soon as it did so, Jennifer went on the attack. The next thing the blonde knew, she was on the run. The brunette?s big breasts crashed into her own repeatedly as Amy groaned and staggered backward. Her desperate efforts to turn the tide amounted to nothing. Only the clock ended Jennifer?s offensive. And, when it ended, the blonde?s back was nearly against the far wall.

    When Jim called a halt to the round, both women moved slowly back to their stools. Both again sat straight with grimaces of pain on their pretty faces, their hands holding the side of the stools. It was obvious to Jim that the last round had taken a lot out of both women. Just a casual glace revealed a deterioration of their conditions far greater than after any other round so far this night. Both were still gulping air, in fact, as Jim called them off their stools.

    The women moved somewhat shakily to the center of the room, and, when they were, once again, breast-to-breast, Jim started the round. It looked like round 13 had never ended. Jennifer tore into Amy and the blonde was sent staggering backward again. The blue-eyed beauty fired back hard and was able to stem the tide briefly, but, after just a few seconds, Jennifer had her on the run once again. Finally, with still over a minute to go in the round, Amy?s back reached the far wall. The blonde immediately tried to force her way free, slamming forward several times, but Jennifer kept her at bay with slams of her own, and, eventually, shoved in close, grinding her breasts into those of the blonde. The action continued this way for nearly 45 seconds, with Amy clearly getting the worst of it. When Jim called an end to the round and the brunette stepped away from her rival, Amy stumbled and almost fell forward.

    Jim watched his wife closely as she made her way slowly to her stool. Even though the blonde had less distance to cover, the brunette had been seated for a second or two before Amy sat down. There were tears welling in her blue eyes and her hands clutched the sides of the stool tightly. Jennifer had really given it to her in that last round. But, apparently, the punishment Jennifer had dished out had had quite a price. A glance at the brunette showed some moistness in her eyes, too.

    Looking at the conditions of the two competitors, Jim tried a final gambit to bring a premature end to the proceedings. Before calling them out for the 15th round, Jim said, ?Ladies, it?s time. Are you both sure you want to continue??

    Jennifer said nothing, just got up and walked to the center of the room with a purpose. Amy managed a smile and a nod for her husband as she joined her rival for another two minutes of combat. Jim ordered the ladies to begin, and a vicious exchange of slams developed?for about ten seconds. And then, Jim watched as Jennifer stepped forward and slammed her breasts upward into the bottom of Amy?s, just as the blonde had done to her several minutes earlier. With a groan of agony, Amy fell backward onto her rump.

    Jim was ready this time and began the count immediately. He expected his wife to bounce right back to her feet, but she stayed down until he reached eight. Then, she got up and locked her hands behind her back. Jim started the fight again, and watched as Jennifer tore into his wife. Amy fought back as well as she could but was again getting the worst of it. Soon, she was again against the wall, tears now running down her face, as Jennifer slammed her breasts forward and ground them into Amy?s aching pair.

    Jim kept glancing at the stopwatch, but it seemed to be going in slow motion. It seemed like the round and Amy?s punishment would never end. Finally, Jennifer stepped backward. Again, Amy stumbled forward, this time right into a slam from Jennifer that sent her back to the floor with an ?Ohhh!? Jim began to count and then looked at the watch. Five seconds left in the round. Amy had been saved by the bell.

    The blonde had barely gotten to her stool before Jim called for her to return for the 16th round. Amy walked toward the center of the room as slowly as she had all night. Jennifer had been waiting for several seconds when she arrived. The women locked eyes and Jennifer said, ?You?re finished, bitch!?

    ?Fuck you!? was Amy?s only response. Jim cut off any response that Jennifer might have made by starting the round. Surprisingly, it was his wife who attacked, moving forward and slamming her boobs into Jennifer?s, but the brunette stopped her cold, and then began driving her back again. Less than 15 seconds of the round had elapsed when Jennifer landed a vicious slam that sent Amy down with an ?Ooooh!?

    Again, Jim started counting, and it again took Amy an eight count to rise. When her husband restarted the round, the blonde actually retreated voluntarily for the first time. Jennifer, though, was right back on the attack, hammering her breasts into Amy?s again and again as the blonde?s groans of agony became screams. And then, once again, Amy?s back was against the wall. Jennifer began a vicious series of slams that tore wails of distress from Amy?s throat. Jim saw panic in his wife?s eyes as she tried desperately to fight her way free, but two more slams from Jennifer and Amy was sliding down the wall into a sitting position. Her hands came from behind her back to hold her breasts as she sat, sobbing, at her rival?s feet.

    Jennifer backed away as Jim began to count, and, somehow, Amy got up at the count of nine. She stood her ground when Jim restarted the round, but, strangely, closed her eyes as Jennifer approached. The brunette landed three more slams. The third sent Amy to the floor again with an ?Oh, God!? This time, the blonde rolled into a ball, gripping her breasts and weeping as Jim began counting again.

    Somehow, Amy got to her feet to stand, wobbling, as Jim stepped out from between her and her rival. As soon as Jim ordered the fight to continue, however, Jennifer stepped forward and slammed her breasts home. Amy went down, crying harder than Jim had ever seen her. Again, he began his count. As he neared ten, Jim realized his wife wasn?t getting up. Amy just lay there, weeping and holding her boobs. A glance at his stopwatch told him the bell would not save her this time. He said ?Eight?Nine?Ten?that?s it,? as Amy cried on the floor.

    Jennifer pushed past Jim and stood over Amy. ?Who?s got the better boobs, bitch? Say it!? she screamed.

    Jim got in between them again and forced Jennifer back toward the door. ?That?s enough, Jennifer. You beat her. That?s enough,? he said.

    ?Damn right, I did.? Jennifer shouted, as Jim forced her out of the room

    ?Fucking cunt?? Amy sobbed as the door closed behind them.

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for stories by Brent

    Thanks !! I saw the post, I read the first one (a sexfight) and I also took a look at all the rest.
    The sexfight was more than good, i think it could be among the very good for those years. I like how the two women often trash talked at the very same time they were also fighting (sexually or not). Exactly for my taste !
    The rest stories were catfight and titfights only, not for my taste. I can't judge them.
    I do not remember if i had read the first one (the sexfight) or not 20 years ago. I probably had, if it was posted here or at the ancestory of this forum. Anyway I liked it !

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