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Thread: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 9

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 9

    They embraced beside the bed. It was a hungry embrace, inspired by the knowledge that they were in danger. Large fingers pleasured each other's backs as if this was the last time they would touch each other.

    Ebba pushed Maja on to the bed and she fell noisily. Ebba climbed on to Maja's body and lowered her breasts onto Maja's. Shivers ran through their bodies and they wasted no time in locking their crotches against each other's thighs.

    Naked crotches rubbed against fleshy thighs. They did not have to tell each other that they wanted to reach orgasms. Mouths locked together and they kissed intensely.

    Their crotches began to drip. They moved their crotches away from their thighs and began to rub their wet crotches against each other.

    Their eyes pierced through the darkness of the room and locked together. They wanted to look into each other's eyes as they rubbed each other to orgasm.

    Ebba, in a state of awesome sexual delirium, felt a light fall on her face. For a moment, she thought it was the full moon. But it was the headlight of a car. The distraction of the light on her face was followed by the low sound of a vehicle. The vehicle was approaching her house.

    Suddenly, they were both alert. They rolled off the bed and knelt on the floor, holding on to each other’s hands.

    The driver of the car raced it a few times, as if announcing his arrival. The arrogance of this act did not escape Ebba and Maja. They looked at each other. The people who had arrived in the car were not messing around. They waited, hardly breathing. The car was turned off. Then they heard a door open. Then another one. A door closed. Then another one.

    “I think there are two of them,” Ebba whispered to Maja.
    “Yes,” Maja whispered back.

    The men who had got out of the car seemed to have paused. Ebba and Maja waited with their ears pricked.

    “Let’s go up to the loft,” Ebba urged.

    “Let’s wait,” said Maja.

    Somebody coughed. They heard a door open. The dicky, Ebba thought to herself. They had guns in the dicky. Then the dick was shut loudly. They heard footsteps. The car was parked at the side of the house. Would they come in through the front door or the back door? Ebba wondered. The men had paused again. She heard voices, but could not make out what they were saying.

    “Maja, we need to hide in the loft, now!” Ebba said angrily.

    That roused Maja from her slumber and they got upto their feet. Ebba ran in front, pulling Maja behind her. They ran carefully up the stairs, trying their best not to make any noise. A couple of stairs creaked in protest at their silent retreat. When they reached the top of the stairs, Ebba thought she heard the front door open. It was a small sound. They rushed into the room on the first floor and shut it behind them as silently as they could. Ebba heard footsteps downstairs. She ran towards the wooden wall and felt for the plank. It was dark and she did not want to turn on the light.

    She felt up and down the wooden wall for a few heart stopping seconds, unable to find the plank that led to the loft. She thought she heard the men enter the bedroom downstairs where she and Maja had been making love, only a few minutes ago. The men would make their way upstairs in a few seconds. Behind her, she could hear Maja’s tense breathing.

    Then she found it. The plank came out easily in her hand. Before she could pause to celebrate her relief, she heard footsteps. The men were coming up the stairs. She pushed Maja into the loft and got in behind her. She placed the plank back in the opening and now they were inside the loft.

    She turned towards Maja and they held each other. Their bodies barely fit into the loft which already had the large brown suitcase with the money. They stood breast to breast. Their nipples had hardened due to all the excitement.

    They did not hear anymore footsteps. Had the men paused on the stairs? They listened intently.

    Then Maja whispered angrily – “Ebba you dope, you forgot the gun.”

    “Gosh yeah! Don’t blame me, you forgot too,” Ebba whispered back.

    Their nipples rubbed against each other and they both gasped. Ebba put her hand on Maja’s mouth and a moment later Maja put her hand over Ebba’s mouth. Then they heard the door to the room crash open. They nearly jumped inside the loft. The men were close to them.

    Ebba heard the flick of a switch. They had turned the lights on. Ebba couldn’t see anything from the loft.

    Then one of the men spoke.

    “Where the fucking hell are those two bitches?”, it was the raspy voice of an old man.

    “They must be here somewhere,” it was a younger voice.

    “But where? There aint nobody in this goddamn house,” it was the raspy voice again.

    “Damn, Mr.Chance! How the hell should I know? Some of these Swedes built attics and lofts in their houses, back in the day. All the thieves in Sweden moved out here. We’re going to have to calm down and find out if this house has a loft. One thing is sure, Mr.Chance. They are here somewhere. That Sierra was parked in the backyard. They sure didn’t go walking anywhere in this cold,” said the young voice, earnest and matter of fact.

    “Then I know what to fucking do. I’m not going to waste anymore time searching. Let’s get working on some of these wooden planks there. See if they are hollow beneath,” the thick raspy voice hissed angrily.

    Ebba looked at Maja and saw the terrified expression on her face. A moment later there was a loud bang on the wall near them. They were hitting on the walls with something. An axe? A shotgun?

    Ebba knew what to do. There was a plank that could be loosened to let them jump onto the grassy ground that surrounded the house. It was an escape route. Ebba bypassed Maja (their breasts rubbing as she moved across the small space) and climbed on top of the suitcase. She felt around for the plank. Behind them, the banging on the wooden walls continued. It was coming towards them. There was a violence in the banging that sent a shiver through Ebba’s body.

    She kept trying to find the plank. Beside her, Maja also began to poke at the edges of the wooden planks trying to find the one that would let them escape. Behind them, the banging began to get nearer.

    Then the banging stopped.

    Mr.Chance, the man with the raspy voice spoke – “I thought I heard something”.

    “I didn’t hear nothing, Mr.Chance. You must have heard a mouse scurrying around here.”

    “It wasn’t no fucking mouse. I heard them two bitches slithering around like a couple of horny jackrabbits in heat inside these walls. That’s what I fucking heard. It wasn’t no fucking mouse, boy.”

    They heard the younger man giggle.

    “Don’t you giggle like a shy mail-order bride, boy,” Mr.Chance rasped.

    The banging began again.

    “I think I found it,” Maja said suddenly. She had a plank half open. Ebba moved gratefully towards her, whispered “you beauty” and together they removed the wooden plank out of the wall. The opening was big enough for them to jump sideways onto the ground.

    The banging stopped.

    “Did you hear that?”, it was Mr.Chance again.

    They did not wait for his young partner’s response. Maja jumped first. Ebba followed her. Maja was on her feet when Ebba landed beside her, on her legs. Ebba felt her knees hurt as her feet hit the ground. But Maja was already pulling at her and they broke into a run. Ebba knew they were running towards Maja’s Sierra in the backyard.

    They might have been twenty feet away from the car when the first shot rang out. Ebba looked behind her and saw an old man with a shotgun in his hand, hanging out of the upstairs bedroom window. He was taking aim at them.

    Ebba pulled Maja in another direction. Maja had also looked behind her and seen the old man. For a few seconds, Ebba did not know where they would run to. Then she saw the woods in the distance and ran towards it. Maja followed her. Another shot rang out. Both of them cried out but continued to run. They were now about twenty yards away from the first elm trees that was the start of the woods. Another shot rang out. Ebba pushed herself. Maja was right beside her. She was intensely aware of their symphonic pants, the urgent sound of their feet on the grass and the gun shots as she ran. Another shot rang out. She looked sideways at Maja to confirm that she was allright. Whether she had fallen. She dared not look behind her. The elm trees seemed like a distant mirage in the desert. Once they got there, the trees would provide cover.

    Another shot. They were ten yards away from the elm trees now. They were running like hares. The animals and plants in the vicinity could probably hear their hearts beating.

    Then they got there. They passed the trees and they were into the thicket of the woods. They kept running. Side by side. One more shot rang out. But now they had cover. The elm trees or the other plants in the thicket would take the bullets for them.

    “Which way Ebba?” panted Maja as they ran.

    “Just keep running Maja,” Ebba panted back.

    Then she fell. Her leg struck the branch of some fallen tree and she felt her naked breasts slide roughly across the grass. But Maja was beside her and helped her onto her feet. They began to run again.

    Her knees felt like they would buckle any moment. But she kept going. Maja was running in front of her now. They dodged fallen logs and ran across the muddy shores of dirty swamp water. They climbed a little hill where spring peepers were noisily calling out for their mates. A sudden hush fell over the hill as they ran up and down.

    They ran around larch trees and hurt their feet on the fallen needles. They began to get tired but kept going by linking hands. It wasn’t long before the cold began to get to them. The swamp was cold in the night and they both knew they couldn’t survive here for long. When they reached a large elm tree, Ebba felt like she was spent and couldn’t go on any longer. She rested at the foot of the tree, shivering and tired. Maja stopped beside her.

    “We’re going to die out here, Maja.”

    Maja did not say anything but kept looking around.

    “Do you hear me? Either we are going to die out here in the cold or those two psychos are going to find us and kill us.”

    Something had caught Maja’s attention. She was staring at it now. Ebba looked in the direction she was staring at. She saw a pond.

    “Skunk cabbages,” Maja said under her breath.


    “That pond is full of skunk cabbages.”


    “You know how skunk cabbages melt snow and keep their surroundings warm?”

    Ebba looked at the ugly cabbages in the pond and back at Maja.

    “That pond will be as warm as a sauna, thanks to those skunk cabbages. We’ll hide in the pond. Maybe they won’t catch us.”

    Maja lowered her hand towards Ebba. Ebba held her hand and Maja pulled her up. The two naked women walked towards the pond, hand in hand. Maja waded into the pond and pulled Ebba along with her. Ebba was too tired to protest. As Maja had said, the pond water was warm. The pond was quite deep and the two of them hid behind a large bunch of skunk cabbages. Ebba looked up at the cabbage pods and thought they looked like alien beings. She was too tired to be scared now. She fell into Maja’s arms and they hugged each other tightly behind the large group of skunk cabbages. The cabbage pods were as large as their heads.

    She felt their breasts panting against each other. Even in this state of extreme tiredness, she could not help but feel a quiver of eroticism at the feel of their naked bodies locked together in the pond.

    They waited. Ebba felt her tiredness melting away. The skunk cabbages kept the frost from seeping into the pond. In the distance, they could hear the mating calls of the spring peepers. Ebba felt her nipples growing erect. She kissed Maja’s dirty neck. Maja looked at her like she was awoken from a slumber. She locked Ebba in a tight embrace. Ebba returned the embrace. Their lips locked. They ran their hands all over each other’s bodies. Under the water, they entwined legs.


    They were rudely torn out of their lovemaking by the sound of a gun going off.

    “You Nordic bitches! You have some nerve making out in the swamp like that. In a fuckin swamp! Are you kidding me?”. Mr.Chance, the old man had his shotgun pointed at them. Beside him stood the young man. He held a shotgun in his hand. But it was not raised at them.

    “Calm down Mr.Chance. Now you two ladies tell us where you’ve hidden the money and we will let you go ….. you understand what I’m saying?”, said the young man in a matter of fact voice.

    Mr.Chance still had his gun pointed at them.

    “It’s up in the loft,” Maja cried out.

    “You mean the loft in the bedroom on the first floor where you two were hiding?” asked the young man politely.

    “Yes. You just have to feel for a plank that will come out easily and lead you into the loft. You don’t have to break anything”, said Ebba.

    “You thieving bitches! How dare you steal our money! You horny thieving bitches! I’m going to shoot your heads off,” Mr.Chance was working himself up into a frenzy.

    Ebba and Maja took a step backwards in the pond

    “Now wait a second, Mr.Chance. We don’t know if they are telling the truth or not. Only these two ladies here can lead us to the money. It’s no use shooting them,” the young man reasoned.

    Mr.Chance seemed to calm down but continued pointing the gun at them.

    “I swear we aren’t lying. The money is in the loft. You just need to remove a plank and you’ll be inside the loft. I could come with you,” Ebba volunteered.
    The young man looked first at Ebba and then at Maja.

    “No, I don’t think you are lying. I think the money is in the loft allright. We’ll go get it. We don’t need your help,” he said it with a finality and a grin appeared across his face as he said it.

    “Mr.Chance, you know what to do. Finish them off,” said the young man.

    Mr.Chance pointed his gun at Maja, who gasped.

    The young man spoke again – “Do you know swamps are great mortuaries for dead bodies? You both will be mummified. The acidic swamp water prevents the growth of microorganisms that are required for the decomposition of bodies. So you’re going to be together in all your flesh for decades. Until some biologist discovers you both someday,” the young man giggled.

    “End of science lesson, you jezebels,” said the old man, this time pointing his gun at Maja with intent. Beside him, the young man continued to giggle softly.

    Ebba grabbed Maja’s hands and squeezed it. She felt a movement in the air above her. She looked upto see a large thick darkness pass over her. For a moment she thought a log was falling over them. But then she realized what it was. It was a snake. It was the serpent. It was moving swiftly over them towards the shore where Mr.Chance and the young man stood.

    She looked over at them and saw that Mr.Chance had lowered his gun. The young man was slowly retreating backwards. They both screamed simultaneously. Ebba held onto Maja’s hands.

    The serpent swirled around Mr.Chance and the young man at a spectacular speed. Ebba felt Maja pulling at her hand. They moved backwards and climbed onto the shore opposite to where Mr.Chance and the young man stood.

    The serpent had the two men in its grip. It tied itself around the two men who were screaming for help. It was a terrifying scene. The serpent had captured them in its grip with its long body. They could hear flesh being pulverized and bones being crushed. Its head rose atleast ten feet and hovered menacingly over them two men.

    Ebba and Maja bolted. Not once did they dare to look back. The cries of the two men chased them as they ran.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They did not stop running even after they passed the elm trees where the woods ended. When they reached the house, they moved tables and chairs to block both the front and back doors. They locked all the windows from inside. They went into the bedroom and Ebba took the gun in her hand. They climbed onto the bed and hugged each other.

    “Is that thing going to follow us here, Ebba?”

    “Maja, let us not say anything until we have both calmed down a little.”

    She locked Maja in a tight sideways hug and Maja returned the hug. They sat like that for a long time, shivering against each other.

    “No I don’t think its going to follow us here, Maja.”

    “How do you know?”

    “We just went too deep into the swamp. It got scared and angry by the shotgun fire and the shouting.”

    “I don’t know, Ebba,” Maja said uncertainly.

    “I’m pretty sure. There have been sightings reported about the Devil’s Lake monster. But never deaths. No strange disappearances. Nothing. The monster does not come slithering around where we live. It does not like us to go shooting guns in its habitat.”

    Maja seemed to calm down.

    “You think it killed those two guys?”

    “You bet it did. They’re probably rolling around in its innards, cursing each other.”

    They giggled uneasily.

    “Ebba, I think we should report this. That thing could kill more people.”

    “Let’s wait a while. Maybe in a week. We will report it allright. But what do we do now?””

    “We need to check if the money is intact,” said Maja seriously after a short pause.

    “Let’s put on some clothes first.”

    Ebba brought out two pairs of jeans and tops from a cupboard. Her clothes fit Maja perfectly.

    They ran up the stairs and into the upstairs bedroom. The light was on. Some of the wooden planks on the wall were damaged. The window was open. Ebba took the plank out of the wall that led into the loft. She went inside and came out with the large brown suitcase. She threw it onto the bed and unzipped the suitcase. The money was intact. Ebba put the suitcase back into the loft and they went downstairs.

    It was Maja who saw the car in the front yard. It was a bright yellow 1972 Ford Pinto. They walked out into the front yard and checked the car. The key was in the ignition.

    “We need to get rid of this. If the police see this car in your house, they’ll connect us to that Chance guy and his accomplice, the shooting and the bag of money” said Maja.

    “Where do we get rid of it?”

    They thought for a while.

    “Where does the dirt road that we came up today, lead to?”, asked Maja.

    “It ends at the Saskawea lake.”

    “That’s where we’ll dump it then.”

    “You think it’s safe?”, asked Ebba.

    “Yes. The Saskawea is connected to the Missouri. It will never be found.”


    “You drive this Pinto upto the river and I’ll follow behind you in my Sierra. We’ll push the Pinto into the Saskawea and drive back in my Sierra,” said Maja.

    “Cool,” said Ebba entering the Pinto.

    Maja walked to the backyard and got into her Sierra. She tailed Ebba in the Pinto as the two cars drove further up the dirt road. After a point, the dirt road flattened and then steepened down on the way to the lake. When they reached a cliff, Ebba slowed down and Maja stopped her Sierra behind her. They both got out of the car. Maja walked upto the Ford Pinto.

    “How do we do this?” Ebba asked nervously.

    “Hey I don’t work in the throwing Pinto’s off the cliff business.”

    They giggled. They walked towards the cliff and looked down at the lake.

    “I guess we’ll bump it off the cliff with my Sierra,” said Maja.

    “That’s a good hundred-foot drop from here. You think it’ll drown?”

    “Sure. Just roll down the windows so that the water can flow in and drown the car.

    Ebba got back into the car and drove it to the edge of the cliff. She rolled down the windows. Then she got out and walked away from it and stood by cliff at a good vantage point. Maja got back into her Sierra and drove it towards the back of the Pinto. She bumped the back of the Pinto with her bumper, making sure not to bump the whole front of the Sierra into the Pinto.

    The nudge with the bumper was enough for the Pinto to slowly edge off the cliff. Maja got out of her car and joined Ebba at the edge of the cliff. She was just in time to see the Pinto fill with water and go under water.

    They held hands and walked back to the Sierra. Maja drove them back up the dirt road to Ebba’s house. Ebba locked the front door after they got in and they placed a table in front of it. Then they went into Ebba’s room and jumped onto the bed.

    “So you think we got everything covered? There are no clues leading upto us?”, asked Ebba hopefully.

    “Even if there was, I am too tired to think”, said Maja. A minute later, they were both fast asleep.
    Last edited by kamafight; June 19th, 2019 at 08:45 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 9

    At first it was erotic, then you added some fantasy, then you added action and thriller !!
    I really like it very much !!
    Go on !! You owe a sexfight between Ebba and Maja to us !!
    At least. Doctors, nurses, probably some bad gals also, are waiting to fight them in an erotic way !!

  3. #3
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    The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 9

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    Re: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 9

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    At first it was erotic, then you added some fantasy, then you added action and thriller !!
    I really like it very much !!
    Go on !! You owe a sexfight between Ebba and Maja to us !!
    At least. Doctors, nurses, probably some bad gals also, are waiting to fight them in an erotic way !!

    Enjoying the story Kama...
    But Giannis is right you owe a sexfight between Ebba and Maja.....A LONG HOT EXTENDED ONE AT THAT!!!


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