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    Hostboard Member Susanoom's Avatar
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    Looking for story/stories

    Since I continue to have problems with the opening of some chapters of the stories in the huge list, I open this thread to ask for the stories I can't open (in the future I will continue to use this post forever. I decided that I will read every story present)

    As a first request, I wondered if anyone had "Behind the pool house" by Brent.
    Some chapters are inaccessible

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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story/stories

    Behind the Pool House
    Written by Brent

    Darlene is a bitchy brunette and experienced titfighter. When pretty blond shows up by the pool, Darlene wants to teach her a lesson. Their tits meet in a bearhug where nobody will hear moans.

    The sun was beating down, as it was wont to do, on these August days. The mercury had crept past 90 at noon, and, now, at 4pm, it was approaching triple digits. But Darlene and her daughter Maura couldn't have cared less. The pretty brunettes had been at the condo's swimming pool since 10am, alternately sun bathing and swimming. After all, they had nothing better to do on a bright summer day.

    The 36-year-old Darlene didn't work. She didn't have to. She lived off the alimony provided by her ex-husband, Maura's father. Her daughter, 19, wouldn't be returning to college for another few weeks. So, they'd spent the day here, as they did most summer days. And, since it was a weekday, they'd had the pool almost to themselves, with the exception of a couple of small groups of teenagers who'd come and gone.
    They were alone, except for Scotty, the 18-year-old lifeguard both women had gotten to know well over the course of the summer, when Darlene got up off of her lounge chair. She was 5'6" tall and weighed a solid 145 pounds. She was absolutely stunning in a black bikini that showed off her flat midriff and big 36-D breasts. "I'm going in to the restroom, Maura then I think we'll take off. We'll go home, get a shower, and rest a bit before dinner. What do you think?"
    "I'd like to take one more dip, first, mom," replied the younger woman, looking even sexier in a skimpy sky blue two piece that barely contained her 34-C jugs. She was an inch taller than her mother and 15 pounds lighter.
    "OK," Darlene said with a smile. "Maybe I'll join you."
    As the older woman began walking toward the pool house, which contained the restrooms, her daughter said, "Hey, wait up. I'm coming, too."
    "Then grab the pool bag," Darlene said. "It's got my wallet in it." Maura did what she was told and the two brunettes disappeared into the large pool house.
    When they came back out the doors about 10 minutes later, they were no longer alone at the pool. A lovely blonde woman neither recognized was lying in the lounge chair Darlene had just vacated. A four-year-old boy wearing floats was splashing in the shallow end of the pool.
    "Huh!" Darlene said to her daughter. "Blondie over there took my chair and she's got her stuff on yours!"
    "Oh, don't worry about it, mom," Maura replied. "Let's just forget the last dip and go home."
    "I don't THINK so, dear," the older woman said, and she began walking with a purpose, right up to the chair on which the blonde was lounging in her green cover-up.
    "EXCUSE me," Darlene said, "But these are OUR chairs."
    The blonde looked up from her book and smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't realize anyone had been sitting here. But, I'd like to stay, if you don't mind. My son is playing down here in the shallow end... "
    "Now listen... " Darlene began, but her daughter grabbed her by the shoulder.
    "Mom, we're going home soon anyway. Let's just go, OK?"
    "No!" the older brunette said, then turned her attention back to the blonde. "These are our chairs and I'll thank you to get out of them."
    The blonde sat up, looking more than annoyed. "Look, lady, you weren't sitting here when I got here. There was no stuff here. The chairs were empty. Now, my little boy is playing and I'm not leaving!"
    "Well," Darlene said, with quiet fury in her voice, "If you won't move voluntarily, bitch... "
    At that, the blonde got off the chair and the women stood face to face, their breasts nearly touching. "Then WHAT?" she said in a challenging tone. The blonde's wrap had fallen from her shoulders, and her lime green bikini was now clearly visible. She was taller than Darlene by two inches, and, like her dark-haired rival, tipped the scales at 145 pounds. Her body was nearly perfect, just as nice as Darlene's, with long legs, a flat belly, and breasts that were also 36-D.
    The women stood that way, staring each other down and sizing each other up, for just a few seconds, but to both parties and the intently watching Maura, it seemed much longer. Then, suddenly, before Darlene could answer the blonde's question, a whistle blew. Scotty had seen what was happening.
    "Ladies! Over here! Now!" he yelled.
    With one more glance at each other, Darlene and the blonde turned and began walking around the pool to the guard's chair, with Maura following behind. Before either of the women could begin talking, the 18-year-old said, "I have no idea what was going on over there, ladies, and I don't want to know. But I'm going to ask you both to leave immediately."
    "That's not fair!" said the blonde. "We just got here and my little boy has been waiting all day to swim."
    "I'm sorry... " the young man began, but Maura, interrupted him.
    "Listen, Scotty, Mom and I were just about to leave anyway. Let the kid play. None of this is his fault."
    "But..." Darlene stammered, but Maura cut her short.
    "Mom, let's just go. We've been here all day. Let's not get our pool passes suspended over this, OK?"
    With a hard look at the blonde followed by a smile for Scotty, Darlene acquiesced. "OK, Scotty. We'll leave, but please let the child stay."
    "All right, all right," the teenager said with a smile, throwing his hands over his head in mock frustration. "They can stay. Have a nice evening Darlene. I imagine I'll be seeing you and Maura in the morning."
    With that the three women began making their way back to the other side of the pool, with the blonde going back to her seat and the brunettes heading toward the gate. Just before she parted from them, the blonde turned to the other women and said, "Thank you both. I appreciate what you did, and I'm sorry that... "
    "Don't bother apologizing, bitch," Darlene said with a growl, still walking toward the gate. "This isn't over between us, COUNT on it." The brunettes then continued out of the pool enclosure while the blonde, surprised to speechlessness, stared after them.
    As they climbed into the hot car for the short drive home, Darlene fumed. "I can't BELIEVE that bitch and her attitude. Taking our chairs and then refusing to move? Unreal. She's lucky Scotty got involved, because if he hadn't... well, let's just say our pool passes might have been suspended for a LONG time. Who the hell does she think she is?"
    "Do you have any IDEA who she is, Mom? I've never seen her before."
    "Me, either. She must be new to the plan. But, I'm going to find OUT who the hell she is. Miss Newcomer apparently needs to find out how things work around here. And she's going to, and very quickly, too. Because, mark my words, Maura, your Mom is going to give that bitch a lesson in condo etiquette... out behind the pool house."
    "Uh-oh," said Maura. "It looks like Dad's gonna have to pay another 'pool party' rental."
    Darlene laughed and said, "Well, he agreed to pay all the condo fees as part of the divorce settlement. And, what he doesn't know won't hurt him."
    Darlene wasn't sure how the idea had come to her, but she remembered that it had done so the first time she'd been invited to a party at the pool house. She remembered going out into the back and looking around and thinking, "You could do just about anything here and no one would ever notice." And Darlene was right. The rear of the building, though nondescript, was absolutely perfect for the purpose to which she sometimes put it.
    The pool itself was located on a large triangle of land that was far removed from any of the condos. This design was put into effect to make sure the noise from the pool didn't bother any of the plan's residents. On two sides, the pool land was bordered by undeveloped green space. The third abutted a roadway.
    Off the road was the large parking area, and beyond it, the pool enclosure, a 10-foot high redwood fence with a single gate. Inside the fence was the pool area, a storage shed containing snack machines and equipment for pool maintenance, and the pool house.
    The pool house was on the right side of the enclosure, running diagonally across its length, both sides abutting directly the fence. The front doors of the house led, of course, to the pool area. Someone walking through those doors from the pool entered a large hall. On the right side of the hall were two restrooms. On the left was a locked door that led to the house proper, where, among other amenities, were located a large dining area, two more restrooms, and a well-stocked kitchen.
    At the rear of the kitchen was the back door to the building. It led to a large, triangular grassy area that was completely inaccessible except through the kitchen door. On two sides, it was bounded by the redwood fence, and, on the third, the back wall of the pool house. As it was completely private, it was a great spot for a small cookout or social gathering. It was also a perfect place to settle differences like those between Darlene and the beautiful blonde that had taken her lounge chair.
    The first time Darlene had seen the rear of the pool house, nearly 8 years ago, she was thinking about a bitch named Grace. Grace, a single mother, had a daughter in the same school as Maura and the two girls had gotten into an argument in class that resulted in both getting detention. Grace was extremely upset and brought the matter to Darlene's attention with a phone call. Darlene had defended her daughter and a nasty set-to developed that ended with Darlene slamming down the phone in Grace's ear.
    The two got into it again at a school function and nearly came to blows. It was just a few days later that Darlene got her first look at the rear of the pool house.
    It took awhile to bring the plan together. She needed a time when she could have the building to herself, and such times were rare. The pool was open from 9am-9pm every day but Sundays and Holidays. On Holidays, it was closed. On Sundays, however, it could be rented for private parties.
    Darlene had gone to the condo office and asked about a rental. The pool was booked weeks in advance. She found a Sunday, however, when it was currently free and rented it for the entire day. The condo administration provided a lifeguard for private parties for an extra stipend. The lifeguard, was, however, optional. Those who did not choose to pay for one had to sign a "hold harmless" agreement as a condition of the rental. Darlene signed.
    The week before her "party", the brunette was quite busy making sure all would be perfect when the big day came. She arranged for Maura to spend the weekend with her aunt. She called Grace and asked the brown-haired woman to meet her that Sunday to "settle" things. Grace agreed.
    The day before the "event", Darlene went to the condo office and received her keys, one for the pool enclosure, one for both doors of the pool house. She was told to return the keys by the end of the day Monday. She agreed with a smile. The clerk told her to have "fun" at her "party". Darlene smiled and said she expected to do just that.
    Darlene showed up at the pool house about 11 am, an hour ahead of the time she'd set for Grace to arrive. Later, she'd say that she never expected her plan to come off. She'd say she never believed Grace would agree to settle things "woman to woman". No, she'd figured the busty woman would tell her she was crazy and head right back home with another story to tell about Maura's nutty mother.
    But, in reality, Darlene was almost sure Grace would agree. The bitch hated Darlene as much as Darlene hated her. She'd want to settle it physically, just like Darlene did. And the brunette was not disappointed.
    Grace had arrived right on time and Darlene had admitted her to the pool house and taken her out the back door. Grace knew what was up immediately upon seeing the secluded area to which Darlene had brought her. "How do you want to do this, bitch?" Grace had asked.
    And Darlene had told her. Grace was a bit taken aback by what Darlene suggested. It was clear she'd been expecting a fist fight. But she'd agreed to the tit-fight.
    Both women had been quick to disrobe. They were out of doors, of course, but what did it matter? No one could possibly see them. No one but the two of them would ever know what took place on this day, unless one of them told someone. And both knew only one would ever WANT to tell.
    In less than a minute, Darlene was down to a bikini bottom. Grace, who had not been expecting what was about to happen, was in a white bra and white cotton panties. She pulled off the bra and the women looked each other over.
    Both were D-cups, but Grace appeared a little bigger. Darlene's breasts, though, sat higher on her chest and appeared firmer. Both had large nipples and areola, and neither seemed to have an advantage in those departments.
    Seconds later, they applied their bear hugs, and the tit fight, the first of either woman's life, began. It lasted for several minutes. Darlene did not know how long. She was sure it had seemed longer than it was. But, when it was over, Darlene's boobs had driven through Grace's, and the brown-haired beauty lay sobbing in the grass, hands lightly gripping her beaten breasts.
    Darlene had just left her there. She'd gathered her clothes and gone inside, getting dressed in one of the restrooms. Then she'd gotten into her car and driven home. She'd taken a long, hot bath. About an hour later, she'd returned to the pool house. Grace was gone. Darlene had locked everything up. She returned the key the following day. And no one was the wiser. Darlene had told no one, not even Maura. And, of course, Grace wasn't about to spill the beans.
    Darlene's breasts had been sore for days afterward, but she didn't care. She knew Grace was hurting worse, both physically and emotionally. She also knew she'd have no more trouble with the bitch, and she hadn't. The fight had established a sort of a pattern for the hot-tempered Darlene. Grace was the first woman she'd taken out behind the pool house, but not nearly the last. No, there had been several more over the years. Some had backed down. Most hadn't. And all of those who'd fought had ended up like Grace, sobbing in the grass, their breasts crushed by Darlene's superior pair.
    After a while, she'd told Maura about these "matches", and her daughter had actually attended the last two. But, other than her opponents, Maura was the ONLY one who knew about what really happened at her "parties". Those who knew made up a fairly exclusive club. And Darlene was determined that a certain blonde bitch was about to become a member.
    Jill Thomas sat down on her lounge chair shaking her head in shock and anger. She was stunned at the way that WOMAN had acted, lording it over her like that, trying to bully and intimidate her. It was unbelievable, really, she thought, turning her head and watching Timmy splash around in the shallow end of the pool.
    This was just what she needed, the 30-year-old beauty thought ruefully. More conflict. Apparently, it wasn't bad enough that she'd just gone through a messy divorce from Timmy's father. Or that she'd just moved into the area and was preparing to start a brand new job as a teacher at the local elementary school. Or that she was still concerned about the daycare in which she was going to have to place her son once school started. No, that wasn't enough. Now, this WOMAN had to ruin one of their last summer days together with her antics.
    Well, Darlene (that was what the lifeguard had called her, wasn't it?) could consider herself lucky that the young man had intervened, Jill thought. Because she had about reached her breaking point. She'd come very close to slugging that WOMAN, she knew, and the only thing that had stopped her was the fact that Timmy was here. If the boy hadn't been, Jill would have decked her and dealt with the consequences later. And, had the confrontation continued much longer, she might have socked her anyway.
    Fortunately, it hadn't come to that. Unfortunately, Jill was worried that it eventually would. From what she'd heard the lifeguard say, Darlene and her daughter were apparently regulars at the pool. And Timmy loved to swim. In fact, one of the reasons Jill had chosen this condo complex was that it had such a nice pool. She planned to bring him here often, meaning more meetings with Darlene were inevitable. Of course, if she DID slug Darlene, she'd get her pool pass suspended, and that would mean Timmy couldn't swim anyway. Damn it! Why couldn't anything be easy lately? All she'd wanted to do was spend a nice afternoon at the pool with her son.
    Well, maybe there was a way out of this after all, Jill thought. After all, she was an adult and so was Darlene. Certainly, they could come to an understanding over something as small as the set-to they'd had this morning. In fact, Jill decided, she'd look up Darlene, apologize for what happened, and try to build a civil relationship with the brunette. Who knew, maybe the two could even become friends. That would be nice. Jill didn't have any real friends here and got lonely sometimes. She was hoping to build some relationships at school, but maybe she'd start with Darlene.
    So, after Timmy had decided he'd had enough swimming for one day, Jill stopped by the lifeguard stand on her way out.
    "What can I do for you, ma'am," Scotty had asked as she'd approached the chair.
    "It's 'Jill'. And you're name is Scotty, right?"
    "That's right," the teen said with a smile.
    "Scotty, that woman I argued with before. You seem to know her pretty well. What's her name and where does she live?"
    Scotty hesitated before replying. "Um, I'm not sure I want to tell you that, ma'am."
    "Scotty, relax," the blonde said, with a smile that could melt the polar ice caps. "It's 'Jill,' remember? And I don't plan to go over there to cause trouble. I'd like to apologize for what happened here today. I plan to bring my son here a lot, and I get the impression Darlene and her daughter are regulars. I don't want to have an uncomfortable situation. I just want everyone to get along."
    "OK, JILL," Scotty said sheepishly. "Her name is Darlene Moyer and she lives over on Woodlawn Street. I don't have the address... "
    "Oh, don't worry about THAT, Scotty," Jill said. "I'll look her up in the phone book. You've been a big help. Thanks a lot."
    "No problem," the boy said, smiling, hoping there wouldn't be.
    When Jill got home that night, she got out her phone book and looked up Darlene's number. There was no "Darlene Moyer" in the book, but there were several listings for "D Moyer". And one of those listings was 447 Woodlawn Street. Jill decided she'd pay the brunette a visit in the next evening to get things worked out.
    The following day dawned as bright and hot as the day before, and Darlene and Maura, as usual, decided to spend the majority of it at the pool. Scotty was on the lifeguard stand and Maura went over to talk with him when they arrived. When she got back to their normal chairs, she was smiling broadly.
    "Mom, you're gonna love this. Guess what Scotty just told me?"
    "Don't keep me in suspense, dear," the older woman said.
    "Yesterday, after we left, that blonde woman asked for our address."
    "What?" Darlene said. "Why that little... "
    "No, wait, Mom," Maura interrupted. "That's not all. She told Scotty that she wanted to come over and apologize because she doesn't want any bad blood between the two of you."
    Darlene's expression went from anger to amusement in about a tenth of a second. She chuckled and said, "Is that so? So, Little Miss Blondie is a chicken shit. Well, I should have known."
    "So, what are you going to do if she comes over?" Maura asked.
    "Well," Darlene said with a grin, "If she wants to apologize, that's fine. But, I'll make sure she knows who's boss around here before I accept that apology. If she wants to get out of attending my little pool party, I'll let her, but only after she understands the way things are going to be between us."
    "And, if she DOESN'T understand?" Maura asked, her perfect white teeth showing.
    "Well, then, she will be MADE to understand. And, it doesn't really matter to me which way it goes. Because, either way, I won't have any more trouble from the little bitch."
    "You LIE." Maura said, laughing.
    "What do you mean, Maur?" Darlene replied, feigning innocence.
    "You DO care which way it goes. You WANT her behind that pool house and you know it. You're hoping she doesn't turn out to be a 'chicken shit' like you said."
    "You know me too well, darling daughter," Darlene answered. "I'd like nothing better than to crush those big bags of hers flat. There's something about that woman I just don't like. She'll KNOW her place one way or the other, but I WOULD like it better if I actually got to PUT her in it."
    "Well, from what Scotty told me, I'm guessing that won't happen. I think she's going to come and make nice."
    "Time will tell, Maur," Darlene said. "But why don't I reserve the pool house... just in case?"
    The following evening after dinner Jill pulled Timmy aside. "Honey, how would you like to go across the street and play with Amanda and David for about an hour while Mommy runs some errands?"
    Timmy's face lit up, as Jill knew it would. He enjoyed playing with Amanda and David, 5-year-old twins. Their mother, Laura, was the closest thing Jill had to a friend in the plan and had agreed to watch Timmy for awhile. "Sure, Mom!" the little boy said. "Ok, then, let's hop in the car. I'll drive you over. And, like I said, I'll be back in about an hour."
    A few minutes later, Jill had dropped Timmy off and was driving toward 447 Woodlawn. When she pulled up in front of the condo, she saw two cars parked in the reserved spaces. Darlene was home. Jill walked slowly up the steps and rang the bell. Maura answered.
    "Mom's around the back, on the deck," the brunette said with a smile. "Go around the right side of the house. It's the first deck." And, with that, Maura closed the door.
    Jill couldn't believe what had just happened. Had that girl just closed the door in her face? And, she hadn't looked at all surprised to see her there. Were they EXPECTING her? As these thoughts were going through her mind, Jill realized she was still standing before Darlene's front door looking stupid. With a shake of her head, she went back down the steps and began walking around the right side of the house as Maura had instructed.
    As she walked Jill began to fume. You'd have thought Maura would have had the courtesy to invite her in, or, at least to call her mother to the door. Making her walk to the back deck from the outside was just plain rude. This wasn't going at all as she'd expected. And, it was about to get worse.
    When Jill made it to the back of the house, she saw Darlene sitting on chair on an elevated deck. The brunette made no effort to get up when she saw the blonde. "What do YOU want?" Darlene barked.
    Jill, looking up at the brunette, struggled to keep control of her temper. "Listen, Darlene, I just came to apologize for what happened the other day. I... "
    "Well," Darlene interrupted with a smile, still seated in her chair, "Go ahead."
    Again, Jill was taken aback. She hadn't exactly expected a warm greeting, but she certainly hadn't thought her reception would be this hostile. "All right," the blonde said with a sigh. "Look, I don't want to cause any trouble. My son loves to swim and I want to be able to take him to the pool without things being uncomfortable between us, so... "
    "Go on," Darlene said, still smiling.
    "I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to cause any problems and I hope we can let bygones be bygones."
    "And, you admit you were WRONG?" Darlene asked.
    "C'mon, Darlene," said an exasperated Jill. "I came to apologize. Does it really MATTER who was wrong?"
    "You damn RIGHT it matters," the brunette shouted, rising from her chair for the first time. "If you want to apologize for what happened, then DO it! Admit you were wrong to take our chairs and then refuse to move!"
    "Oh, this is RIDICULOUS," Jill said, shaking her head and turning to leave. "This is obviously hopeless. Your daughter closed the door in my face and didn't invite me in. You just left me standing down here. You didn't even invite me up to sit down. And all you've done is treat me like dirt. So, if you don't want to work this out... "
    "Oh, but I DO, blondie," Darlene interrupted again. "I want to work this out one way or the other."
    "And what's THAT supposed to mean," Jill responded, working hard to keep from shouting.
    "That means that if you don't admit you're wrong for stealing our chairs, we'll settle it woman to woman."
    "You're nuts," said the blonde, shaking her head in disbelief. "Completely nuts. I'm leaving and you just stay away from me and my son!"
    "Or what, bitch?" Darlene said with a laugh. "What will you do? You said it yourself. Maura and I are at the pool all the time, and don't think we'll stop coming because of you. So, if you really want to avoid things being 'uncomfortable' between us, admit you were wrong... or be woman enough to settle it the other way. You chicken shit."
    "Screw you, you bitch," Jill screamed back. She'd had all she was going to take from this slut. "If you want to settle it, come down here right now and I'll kick your fat ass!"
    Darlene laughed in her face. "Do you think so? Well, don't kid yourself, girlie. But, if you really want to do this, we will. Not here and not tonight, though."
    "Oh, so you aren't as tough as you let on, " Jill spat back.
    "Keep telling yourself that, Blondie," Darlene said. "And, when you go home tonight, think long and hard about whether you really want to do this. If you do, meet me at the pool house two weeks from Sunday. At noon. Bring your swimsuit, and don't bring that snot-nosed little kid of yours unless you want him to see his mommy get humiliated."
    "Oh, I'll be there, you slut," Jill screamed back. "And I'm going to enjoy kicking the crap out of you." And, with that, the blonde stomped back around the house to her car and sped back home steaming.
    The moment Jill left, Maura came out on the deck. She'd been watching the entire episode from the window overlooking the yard.
    "Hmm, she surprised me, Mom," the younger woman said. "I'd have bet just about anything that she was going to leave here with her tail between her legs. And here she was challenging you to come down and fight right in the middle of the back yard! For a minute there, I thought you might go down there."
    "I thought about it," said Darlene. "But I didn't want to spoil our plan. My way will be so much more fun, don't you think? She surprised me, too, though. She didn't seem like the type. But, sometimes things just have a way of working out. And, it's nice that we've already got that pool house reservation, isn't it? I can't wait."
    "Me, either. I don't have to go back to school until the following week, so I can be there to see it."
    "Yes, it's going to be fun," Darlene giggled. "Oh, am I going to make that bitch suffer."
    "You know, Mom," Maura said chuckling, "You really are EVIL sometimes."
    "Guilty," Darlene said laughing. "As charged."
    For the next fortnight, Jill could think of little else but her coming confrontation with Darlene. And, the more the blonde thought about it, the less she liked it. But she couldn't think of a way out. The brunette bitch had her in a corner. If she failed to show on Sunday, Jill had no doubt Darlene would find ways to make her life miserable every time she went to the pool. But, she had no idea what would be waiting for her if she DID show up.
    Thinking about the possibilities made Jill's blood run cold. What if Darlene brought Maura along and the two ganged up on her, or if she brought other friends and they jumped her three or four on one? Jill herself dare not bring anyone, because Darlene had made it pretty clear that she was to come alone. And, what if Darlene had a weapon secreted about the place? And why was the bitch insistent about her bringing a swimsuit? There was no doubt Jill was heading into this thing at a disadvantage. But, she wasn't going to back down. She'd have to trust that Darlene wanted a fair fight. There was simply no other choice. She'd be there Sunday at noon.
    The big day dawned, if you could call it that, hot but overcast and threatening rain. It was cool, but far from cold, with the temperature holding in the low 70s. The weather held, however, throughout the morning and it was dry when Darlene and Maura arrived to ready the pool house at 11am.
    After unlocking the place and going out into the rear area to make sure it was clear of debris, the mother and daughter removed their clothes and shoes and revealed their swim suits. Darlene was wearing the black bikini she'd worn on the day of the first confrontation with the blonde who was scheduled to arrive within the hour. Maura was draped in a miniscule red number that highlighted her perfect body even better than her blue one.
    "It won't be long now," Darlene said with a smile, placing her clothes in the pool bag she'd bought.
    "Do you think she'll really show, Mom?" Maura asked, putting her own clothing on top of her mother's, then placing the bag against the side of the building.
    "Oh, I'm betting she will. I think she wants to settle this thing as much as I do. Of course, she may not agree to my kind of fight," Darlene said with a laugh. "I guess we'll know when she gets here."
    With that, the two ladies went back inside the house, Maura grabbing the bag, which she placed on one of the tables in the dining area. The two women then sat down at the table and began talking about anything but what was about to happen. The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the dining area door at exactly 11:56.
    "All right, Maur, that's HER," Darlene said, visibly excited. "Go on out back. I don't want her to know you're here right away."
    Maura did as her mother asked, going quietly out the back door. Darlene didn't move. She waited for a second knock. It came about a minute after the first. It was both longer and more insistent. Darlene would have loved to make the blonde bitch wait even longer, but she thought better of it. She didn't want to give the impression that no one was here, giving blondie an excuse to avoid their little confrontation. She did, however, take her time walking over to admit her rival.
    When the brunette opened the door, Jill stood before it. She was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a white T-shirt. Before she could get a word out, Darlene spun on her heel and said, "Follow me, bitch, it's almost time."
    Jill stood there for just a second, then took out after Darlene's retreating form. She'd never been in the building before, so the blonde looked around a bit she followed the brunette through the dining area and out into the kitchen. Darlene stopped at the kitchen door.
    "Right through here, bitch," the brunette said, opening the door and walking through. Jill followed and heard a voice to her right.
    "I'm so glad you didn't chicken out, Jill" Maura said.
    "Wait a minute... " Jill stammered, looking at the teenager.
    "Oh, don't worry, blondie," Darlene said with a smile. "Maura's only here to watch, aren't you, dear?"
    "That's right," the younger woman agreed. "Just here to watch my mom kick your ass."
    "But... " Jill said.
    "Maura's seen two of my other fights, haven't you, darling?" Darlene said, ignoring the blonde.
    "That's right, Mom. I sure have."
    "And, honey, what happened in those fights?"
    "You whipped them both, Mom."
    And Jill finally got a word in edgewise. "You've done this BEFORE?" she asked, incredulous.
    "Yes, 11 times in all. And I kicked ALL of their asses. You, blondie, are about to make an even dozen. Unless, of course, you want to back out at the last minute."
    "I'm not backing down, Darlene. You wanted a fight, and you're going to get it."
    "Wonderful," said the grinning brunette. "Did you wear the swimsuit, like I told you?"
    Jill didn't answer. Instead, she slowly pulled off her shoes, shorts, and top, revealing the lime green bikini she'd been wearing on the day she'd first met Darlene. "OK, bitch," Jill said, when she'd finished disrobing. "How do you want to do this?" She then put up her hands and got into sort of a boxer's stance.
    Darlene laughed. "Slow down there, blondie. There's going to be no punching here. No, we're WAY more civilized than that. I mean, we don't want anybody to get seriously hurt. Right, Maur?"
    "That's right," the younger brunette replied. "The only thing that will be hurt when Mom's done is your pride. Well, that and your TITS of course."
    "Are you two BOTH crazy?" Jill asked, keeping her hands up for the moment.
    "Probably," Darlene replied. "But, let me explain what we'll be doing this afternoon, BITCH. Or, more correctly, let me explain what we WON'T be doing. We won't be punching or scratching or kicking or biting or wrestling."
    "We aren't going to fight?" Jill asked. "Then why are we here?"
    "Oh, we're GOING to fight, blondie," said Darlene. "Just not with our feet and fists. What we're going to do today is to prove who the better woman is. And we won't do that by trying to kill each other. No, what we're going to do is, take off these bikini tops and fight with our tits. That is, if you're still game."
    Jill shook her head once again. "That has GOT to be the craziest thing I've ever heard. But, I'm not going anywhere Darlene. I'm ready when you are."
    "All right," Darlene said, approaching her blonde opponent. "Since you're the 'guest', I'm going to give you the choice. Do you want to take YOUR top off first, or should I?" "What?" the blonde said, surprised yet again.
    "Oh, come on, Miss Prude," the brunette replied. "Look around you! Why do you think I picked this place? No one can see us or hear us... except Maura, of course. We're in private."
    Jill glanced around and realized Darlene was right. No one COULD see or hear them. No one would know what was happening here except the three women standing in this little fenced off area.
    "Fine, bitch. But, before I take it off, I want to know EXACTLY what we're going to do."
    "It's pretty simple, Blondie," Darlene said grinning. "We're going to take off our tops, press our breasts together and wrap our arms around one another's backs. And, we're going to titfight until I smash you flat, or until you can't take the pain anymore."
    "Or until YOU'RE flat, Darlene," Jill spat back.
    "Oh, there's no chance of that, honey," Darlene laughed. "So, what will it be. Who's first? You or me?"
    Jill didn't answer. Instead, as the wind picked up and the sky darkened further, she simply began pulling off her top. Her breasts were magnificent. There was simply no other word for them. They were no doubt, a large "D" cup, tanned on the tops and lighter below. They were perfectly round and sat high on the blondes chest, with big, round pink areola and thick pink nipples that hardened when exposed to the cool breeze. They were all of 5/8ths of an inch long fully extended. Jill tossed the bikini top aside and said, "You're next, bitch."
    Darlene didn't respond right away, instead, turning to Maura and saying, "Pretty big... and they look firm, too, don't they Maur?"
    "Oh, yes, they're a nice pair," the younger woman said. "Bigger than the other two women I saw you fight."
    "Well, you know what they say," Darlene said, "The bigger they are, the more fun they are to smash!" With that, the brunette began to remove her top, and, Jill had to admit, she was impressed with what she saw. Darlene's jugs were big, very big, like Jill's a large "D" cup. They were also high and round, and, as Darlene often sunbathed topless, they were brown all over. The brunette's breasts were capped by rounded brown areola and long, thick brown nipples.
    Darlene dropped her top to the ground and the two women stood silently for a moment, looking each other over. Maura took another look at Jill's pair and compared them to her mother's. Jill clearly had larger areola, and her mom's nipples were thicker. Both sets of spikes were long, but, from Maura's viewpoint, her mother's looked just a bit longer. As for the breasts themselves, it was very close, but Maura thought the blonde's might be a bit larger than the brunette's.
    Then, Darlene broke the silence. "As I said, since you're the 'guest', you get the courtesy, bitch. Bring those pathetic tits over here, and let me get started mashing them."
    "Pathetic?" Jill shot back. "My tits are TEN times better than yours, and I'm about to prove it!"
    "Prove away, Blondie," Darlene smirked, and, with that, raised her hands over her head. Jill wasted no time moving forward, slamming her breasts against Darlene's, and wrapping her arms around the brunette's back. The brunette grunted when the four breasts met, then set her feet and applied her own bearhug. And, with that, the battle was joined.
    Maura watched as the two grunted and groaned, shoving their breasts against one another. She noticed that neither pair was showing any give at all and realized this fight had the potential to be a long one. The two battlers were going hard, fighting for position, moving their bare feet back and forth attempting to gain leverage, squeezing for all they were worth. But no one was gaining any ground.
    After over three minutes of this even battle, the rain began to fall. It was a only a light drizzle, but, soon, the rain and the sweat made both sets of breasts slick and they began to slide back and forth against each other as the battle raged on.
    Soon, both women were moaning and groaning and breathing heavily. It was clear that both sets of orbs were hurting now and both competitors were beginning to tire.
    "It won't be long now, Blondie," Darlene said. "I can feel your tits softening."
    "In your dreams, bitch," Jill spat back. "Yours will be pancakes when I'm done with them."
    Maura looked closely, but, despite the protestations of the blonde bitch and her mother, she could see no change since the beginning of the fight. Neither set of breasts was winning. And neither was losing. In fact, the only difference was that the rain was falling harder.
    And then, the skies opened up. In seconds, both women were completely soaked, their long hair bedraggled and their feet beginning to slip on the now-damp grass. But the weather did not distract Darlene or Jill from their battle. They simply ignored it and fought on. They did not, however, ignore the first flash of lightning and the accompanying crash of thunder. Both women jumped, but it was to their credit that neither released her bearhug, and, after the startling effect of the sound wore off, both resumed fighting without a word.
    Maura, however, was NOT able to ignore what was going on. She'd backed up against the side of the building in an effort to stay dry, but it was impossible. The wind was blowing the rain sideways, and she was quickly just as wet as the competitors. Still, she bore it and kept watching as the storm got louder and intensified... until the lightning, which was the last straw.
    "Mom, we've got to stop!" the teen yelled
    "No way," Darlene responded. "I'm not quitting."
    "Me, either," Jill screamed.
    "Yes, you ARE," Maura yelled, right into the ears of both fighters. "They close the pool when there's lightning! A caretaker is going to be coming. If he finds us here... "
    "FUCK!" screamed Darlene. "I forgot about that. She's right. We'll all be in deep shit if they catch us... "
    Jill didn't need to be told twice. The two women released each other at the same moment and all three darted back into the pool house. When they got inside, Darlene looked the blonde in the eyes and said, "I'll let you know when I can get the pool house again."
    "I'll be here," Jill said. She then replaced her top, gathered up her wet clothes, and went out the door to her car. Darlene and Maura toweled off, then removed their bikinis in the restrooms and changed into their dry clothes, then followed Jill out into the storm.
    The day had ended with nothing proven. Yet one woman was certain that, had the battle continued, she'd have been the victor. And the other was trying to convince herself that the weather was not the only thing that had saved her from defeat.
    Jill stopped at the neighbors' house to pick up the surprised Timmy on her way back home. The little boy had immediately asked why she was home so early, and she explained that her "party" had been cancelled because of the rain. She got the boy inside, put him in front of the television and went upstairs and showered before changing into some dry clothes. With Timmy occupied with his cartoons, Jill poured the remains of the morning coffee into a mug and sat at the kitchen table running the days events through her head again and again. After nearly half an hour of this, she stood up and joined her son in the living room. There was really no sense in worrying much more about it, she'd decided. There was nothing to do now but wait for Darlene's call setting up another meeting at the pool house. And Jill didn't bother kidding herself that the call would not come.
    Darlene and Maura, meanwhile, had also hit the showers when they arrived home. Both were now curled up in chairs in their living room watching the rain pound down and discussing the fight.
    "What did you think of her tits, Mom?" Maura asked.
    "Oh, they were NICE, Maur," the older woman replied. "Those areola are huge, and she's got long nipples, too. Not as thick as mine, of course, but nice and long."
    "Her tits sure are big enough... "
    "Yeah, second-biggest pair I've fought," Darlene replied.
    "Really? Who was bigger?"
    "Oh, come on, Maur? You don't remember Mrs. Watts, your English teacher?"
    "Oh, crap," Maura said with a laugh. "I'd forgotten about her. Wow, that was six years ago now. But, you're right, SHE had bigger boobs than you, too."
    "Yeah, she was a DD... hey, what do you mean, TOO?"
    "Well, Jill is a little bigger, isn't she?" Maura asked.
    "The HELL she is! It's close, but if anyone is bigger, it's ME!"
    "If you say so... "
    "You really think she's bigger?" Darlene asked.
    "Like you said, Mom, it's close. And, I wasn't as close as you were. But, from where I was standing, she looked a little bigger. And I do mean 'a little'."
    "Hmm. Maybe she is," Darlene said, clearly thinking the matter over. "Doesn't matter, though. Being a whole cup size bigger didn't help Annette Watts, now did it?"
    "Well, since she treated me like crap for a whole semester, then changed her attitude completely after the 'pool party', I'm guessing it didn't," Maura said grinning.
    "You'd be guessing right. And she thought she was going to beat me, too. I made that arrogant bitch cry and beg like a baby. And that's exactly what's going to happen to little Blondie the next time I get a hold of her!"
    "So, when's that going to be, Mom?"
    "Unfortunately," said the older woman, "It's going to be awhile, if I recall the schedule correctly. I think the pool is reserved for the next five or six Sundays at least."
    "Damn!" Maura replied. "I'm going back to college in two weeks... "
    "I know," Darlene said, shaking her head. "But, I'll call you and tell you all about it."
    And, Darlene HAD recalled the schedule pretty well. When she arrived at the condo office the day after the aborted fight, she found that the one remaining Sunday in August was booked, as were all four in September. The first available day was the third Sunday in October. Darlene booked the date with the assurance that, in the unlikely event of a cancellation, she would be given first priority for that date.
    "Wow. Mid-October!" said Maura, when she was told the news. "By then, we'll be into mid-terms, and there's no way I could even come back for the weekend."
    "Yeah, it sucks, but it's the best I could do. I wish you could be there, though. I SO want to have someone else see me humiliate that bitch."
    "So, when are you gonna call her?" Maura asked.
    "I thought about that," Darlene said. "And I'm going to let her stew. I'm going to just sit back and wait for awhile, and let her hope that I'm not going to call. Then, a week or so before, I'll spring it on her."
    "As I said, Mom," Maura chuckled, "You are really EVIL sometimes."
    And so, the weeks passed. August became September, Maura went off to college, and September became October. The days weren't as oppressive now, but they were still quite warm. Winter never came to this part of the country, where a cold day was 60 degrees. And, on the second Sunday in October, Darlene called Jill and informed her that they would resume their battle a week hence. If Jill was surprised or upset by the lack of notice, she never let on. She simply said, "Fine, bitch," and hung up the phone.
    When Sunday arrived, the sun was shining brightly. Temperatures would reach 80 by noon, the time set for Darlene and Jill to resume their battle. There would be no rain today. Instead, there would be a resolution to the conflict between the two women.
    Darlene again arrived an hour before the scheduled start of the "party" and made things ready. But, this time, Jill was NOT on time. By five after 12, Darlene was beginning to wonder if, perhaps, the blonde had chickened out. By 12:15, she was becoming sure of it. But, then, as she heard the sound of Jill's car pulling up out front, she began to laugh. Blondie was playing psychological games of her OWN this time. Not that it would matter.
    When she heard Jill's knock, Darlene got to her feet and went quickly to the door to let her rival inside. "Thought you weren't coming, bitch," the brunette said as she opened the door. "But, since you're here, let's get to it. The rain isn't going to save you THIS time." Darlene then turned on heel and went out the back door, with Jill right behind. Without a word, the women stripped off their clothes. If either noticed that the other was wearing the same bikini she'd worn for the first fight, neither said anything. Instead, Darlene wordlessly removed the top of her black suit, and Jill did the same with the top of her lime green number.
    "Let's get to it, bitch," Darlene said, lifting her hands over her head. "It's time I finish what I started."
    "Oh, you'll be finished, all right," said Jill, "COMPLETELY finished when I'm done with you." The blonde then stepped forward and applied her bear hug and Darlene immediately followed suit. For the second time, the battle between the two busty beauties had been joined.
    As her opponent's breasts drove into her own for the first time, she involuntarily glanced at the sky. Not a cloud in sight. And that was a good thing. Because, she'd had the bitch the last time. She'd felt the slut's boobs beginning to soften that day, and she knew it was only a matter of time before her own began to crush them. But there hadn't BEEN time, because of the rain. There would, however, be no rain today, and no reprieve. The bitch was going down. She'd been almost sure that her opponent had known how that first fight was going to turn out. Oh, she didn't APPEAR eager to stop that day, nearly two months ago, but she HAD to have felt her boobs beginning to fail. She just HAD to. And, if she had, then, why was she here today?
    What did she think was going to be different? The bitch's boobs weren't going to get any better in seven weeks. If they were second best the first time, well, they'd be second best today. And it was just this kind of thinking that had been a cause of worry for nearly two months.
    WHY was the bitch here today? The only SANE answer was that she thought she could win. And, if she DID think so, that HAD to mean one of three things. Either she DIDN'T realize she was going to lose the first match, she thought she could turn things around today, or, well, it was that third option that scared her. OR, it wasn't the SLUT who'd misread the situation.
    Yes, that had worried her some in the previous weeks. What if she'd been wrong? What if the bitch HADN'T been going to lose? But, every time she began going down that mental road, she'd cut the thought off with a simple realization. She HAD felt the bitch beginning to soften. There was no mistake about that. If it hadn't been for the rain... But the rain had come. And today was a new day. But nothing was going to change.
    The battle had been raging for over three minutes by now, and she was growing more and more confident. Things were going much as they had the first time, the two women, locked in a tight embrace, breasts straining against one another's, bare feet scrabbling for position on the still-lush grass. She was hurting and tiring now, of course, but so was the bitch. She heard it in her groans, saw it in her gritted teeth, felt it in the sweat that covered her breasts.
    It wouldn't be long now, she knew. By this time in the last match, she was pretty certain, it had already started to rain. And, it was shortly after the rain started to fall that she'd felt her opponent beginning to soften. And, shortly after they'd been fighting for four minutes, she felt it for a second time. The bitch's breasts were beginning to fail.
    She showed no outward signs, of course, and even an observer looking at the two pairs of breasts wouldn't have been able to see anything. But SHE felt it. And she saw it, in the bitch's eyes. The slut was going down, and, what was better was that she knew it.
    It was almost perfect. Almost. It was too bad Maura wasn't here to see it. That would have made the afternoon complete. She wanted Maura to see the bitch's tits fail, to hear her scream, to watch her cry. Yes, that would be perfect. But this would do.
    She wondered what was going through her opponent's mind right now, and she might have been surprised to know that the thoughts were very similar to hers.
    The other woman HAD indeed known that she'd been in trouble during that first fight. She'd felt herself beginning, just beginning mind, to lose that battle. And, for the past several weeks, she'd been trying to convince herself that she could win the rematch.
    She'd run it around and around in her head. She'd though that perhaps she'd been wrong and that she HADN'T been beginning to fail. And, the farther away in time the match got, the easier that line of thinking had become.
    And, of course, she'd also consoled herself with the thought that, just because she would likely have lost the first fight, she wouldn't necessarily lose the second.
    But, in her more honest moments, she realized that she was lying to herself. She WOULD have lost that first tit fight. Her boobs WERE beginning to soften. The other bitch's tits WERE better. And the rematch was going to end up the same way.
    Despite that realization, she never even thought about not going through with the rematch. She wasn't going to chicken out. No way. She wouldn't give the bitch the satisfaction. The slut would have to beat her, crush her flat. If she was going down, she was going down the hard way.
    Despite all her concerns, however, as the match started, she held out some hope that things might be different this time around. And, in the early going, her confidence grew. She was holding her own against the bitch, and certainly causing her some pain. But, as the fight went on, her hope began to fade. She could feel her opponent's jugs beginning to wear down her own, just as they had done seven weeks ago. She was fighting as hard as she could, causing her opponent as much pain as she could, but it was doing no good.
    Then she felt it again, just like she had that first time. Her boobs, as magnificent as they were, were beginning to soften under the assault of her opponent. All her fears had come true. She was going down. The bitch was going to beat her.
    She looked up then, meeting the slut's eyes. And she could see in them the knowledge of what was happening. The bitch knew it, too, knew that she was beaten, that it was only a matter of time.
    And she had ALL the time in the world to crush this slut. Nothing was going to stop her this time. She could feel the bitch struggling, desperately trying to turn things around. But they both knew it wouldn't happen. Each time she shoved her boobs into the bitch's fading pair, they got softer. Soon, she'd begin to push into them, crushing them between her own pair and the slut's ribcage. And, damn, would it feel good.
    Her opponent's boobs hadn't begun to flatten yet. The boobs still looked even, but an observer would have been easily able to tell that one woman was struggling more than the other. Her opponent was breathing harder, groaning louder, and moving less. The bitch had pretty much stopped fighting for position now, content to simply shove her fading breasts forward in a hopeless effort to turn the tide. Yes, she had all the time in the world, but she wouldn't need much more.
    "How much longer can I last," she wondered. She knew it wasn't much longer. Her breasts had softened appreciably now, and her opponent's pair were nearly as hard as they'd been when the match had started. Soon, her breast flesh would begin to be compressed, and the end would have begun.
    And, a part of her would be glad when it happened. She was in terrific pain now, and nearing exhaustion. Defeat was coming, and she'd struggle to stave it off as long as possible, but it would be a kind of relief when it came. At least then it would be over.
    And it would be over soon. The dominant woman felt her opponent's fading tits begin to quiver for the first time. She poured on the pressure, squeezing tightly and driving her breasts forward, and was rewarded with a deep groan from the beaten bitch. She couldn't wait to feel her tits begin to crush the beaten pair before them. It wouldn't be long.
    She was at the end now, she knew. Her boobs simply couldn't take any more. That last squeeze had nearly done it. The next one almost certainly would. And, if not that one, then the one after that. There was nothing she could do now but fight on until it was over. She felt the slut's arms tighten once again and her tits thrust forward, felt her own quiver, then retreat.
    "Ahh, you fucking BITCH," screamed Darlene, as her breasts were penetrated for the first time in her life.
    Involuntarily, Darlene's teeth clenched and she put her head down on Jill's right shoulder. The blonde squeezed and drove again, and Darlene's tits again gave ground. "Ahhh, Fuckkkkkk!" the brunette groaned.
    "What's wrong, Darlene," Jill taunted, surprised that she was doing so. She'd have never imagined rubbing salt in the wounds of her defeated opponent like this, but she WANTED to. And if felt good. "I thought you were going to smash me flat. Looks like the bra's on the other pair, so to speak."
    Darlene raised her head, teeth still gritted in agony, and looked Jill straight in the eye. "Fuck you, Blondie... AHHHH, Goddddd!" she said, her defiant response turned into a wail of pain as Jill once again tightened her grip and drove her breasts forward. Darlene's body shuddered as her breasts again gave way. And her head dropped back to Jill's shoulder. Still, she fought on.
    For the next two minutes, the scene would be repeated over and over again. Each time Jill squeezed and drove forward, Darlene's beaten boobs flattened a bit more and their owner moaned in pain. When those 120 seconds had passed, Darlene had begun to LOOK like a beaten woman. She nearly hung in the dominant blonde's arms now, head down, body leaning against her opponent, hair bedraggled with sweat. Her hands remained clasped behind her foe, but she'd stopped squeezing a long time ago. There was no point. The issue was decided.
    Jill looked down at the two pairs of boobs then, and could see that Darlene's had been driven over half way back. She, herself, was hurting, and she could only imagine what the brunette was feeling, with all that breast flesh smashed between her own ribcage and Jill's superior pair. She felt Darlene's fading body shuddering and heard the brunette's gasps as she fought for air. And she thought the bitch might be finished.
    "Give it up, Darlene. It's over. You can't last much longer. Let's end this."
    But Darlene remained defiant, lifting her head once again to reveal eyes wet with tears. "Fuck you, you bitch!" she groaned, then dropped her head. Then, her entire body stiffened as Jill drove through her finished breasts once again. "Ohhhh, Goddddd!" she moaned. Then, with a sigh, she relaxed once again.
    Jill knew it would be over soon now, but she had something she wanted to ask. "Why did you call me, Darlene? I didn't think you would. We both knew I had you the first time... "
    "You fucking bitch," Darlene said through her tears. "Ahhh... fuck... I knew you'd... ohhhh... beat me, but I'm no pussy... ohhhh!"
    Jill looked down at the breasts again and could see that Darlene was at the end. Her once proud D-cups had nearly disappeared beneath Jill's awesome jugs. Her body was nearly limp, her legs like spaghetti. Only Jill's bearhug was keeping Darlene off the ground. The blonde decided it was time to finish things and lifted Darlene off her feet, squeezing tightly.
    "Ohhh, fuck!" Darlene screamed. "Oh, my fucking boobs!" And, for the first time, her hands broke apart. She was no longer bearhugging Jill. Her legs began to kick slowly and, for a moment, her hands pushed weakly against Jill's shoulders before dropping to her sides. The brunette just hung there, gasping for air, crying, feeling Jill's breasts digging into her own. The pain was incredible. But she would not quit.
    "Give up, Darlene," Jill said. "You're finished. Look at your tits! They're flat as pancakes."
    And Darlene DID look, for the first time. And she saw that Jill had not exaggerated. Her boobs were smashed flat into her ribcage, no longer visible at all. "Oh, you fucking slut!" Darlene said, tears pouring down her face. "You fucking slut!" she repeated, shaking her head. Then she screamed as Jill drove forward again. "OHHHH, my fucking boobs!"
    Darlene's head went back down now and her kicks stopped as she began to sob. It wasn't the pain now. It was the humiliation. Smashed flat by this blonde bitch she hated. Her once proud breasts totally dominated. Beaten at her own game.
    But, the pain was there, too, and she didn't know how much more of it she could take. Losing to this slut was bad enough, but she dreaded giving her the satisfaction of a submission and resolved to put that off as long as possible. But she knew it wouldn't BE long.
    With Jill's next squeeze, Darlene screamed, "Ohhhh-hohhh!" and her hands came up to hold her beaten breasts, gripping them at the sides. She was a pathetic sight now, body limp in the arms of her opponent, gasping for air and crying like a baby. Her lone consolation was that Maura wasn't here to see this, and would not see what was soon to come.
    She lasted less than a minute more. Then, the pain finally becoming too much for her to bear, Darlene screamed, "Oh, fuck! No more. I give, bitch! I fucking give, you fucking bitch!"
    But Jill was not finished. "Not so fast, Darlene," the blonde said. "Let's get something straight right now. I expect no more problems from you, ever, is that clear?"
    "Ye-e-sss!" Darlene wailed, gripping her aching boobs more tightly. "Let GO!"
    "One more thing, Darlene," Jill said with a smile. "I want you to say my tits are better."
    "Oh, fuck you!" the brunette screamed, realizing the blonde wanted to humiliate her further.
    "Have it your way," Jill said, and squeezed again.
    "Ohhh-ho, my BOOBS! Stop!" screamed Darlene.
    "Then say it!" Jill spat back.
    "Oh, you fucking WHORE!" Darlene said through her tears. The beaten brunette then sobbed for a few more seconds before finally breaking. "Your tits are better, you bitch!" she sobbed. And, with that, Jill released her and Darlene crumpled to the ground.
    The blonde looked at her beaten opponent for just a second, then turned to walk back inside. Darlene rolled to her back and just lay there, her body heaving with sobs, hands lightly gripping her throbbing breasts as Jill got dressed and left the pool house. And, just after the blonde had driven away, out of nowhere, it began to rain. There was no lighting this time, just a light, depressing, cold drizzle that slowly soaked her half-naked body and the lush green grass around it.
    Darlene had no idea how long she laid there, alternately looking up at the suddenly gray sky and closing her eyes against the rain. All the time she was lightly rubbing her aching orbs. She couldn't believe how flaccid they felt in her hands. Finally, she pushed her tired, sore body off the soggy ground to a sitting position. Her hands had come away from her breasts as she did so, and, when she looked down, she saw the once proud D-cups sagging. Christ, the blonde slut had done a job on them.
    "Smashed them flat as a pancake," she said, with a pained laugh, to nothing and no one. "There was nothing I could do. Her tits were too damn good. Way better than mine. It wasn't close really. Fucking bitch." And, with that, the tears came again. Still, Darlene got to her feet and walked to the rear of the building. She didn't open the door right away, though. Instead, she stood there for a few seconds looking around, taking everything in. Finally, she opened it and walked through for what would be the last time. Her breasts finally beaten, she knew there would be no more Sunday afternoons behind the pool house.
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    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

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    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  3. #3
    Hostboard Member Susanoom's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story/stories


    I'm also looking for Ccfight's "Classmates" story. Or at least I think it's that. Memory of Megan and Meagan facing each other at school.

  4. #4
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story/stories

    Here you go!


    PS- Sorry about the formatting. Don't know what went wrong there. Hopefully, it doesn't spoil your enjoyment of the story.

    PPS - In re-reading this story, I realized the girls are underage, so it's not allowed on the board. If you email me, I'll send it to you. Contact me by PM.
    Last edited by JB57; June 27th, 2019 at 01:55 PM.

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