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Thread: Cunts in Winter - Part 4

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Cunts in Winter - Part 4

    Matty: I woke up smelling of whiskey and Stella. Stella stirred as I picked myself up off the floor. I gave her a hand up even though I could barely stand. I poured glasses of water for both of us. We drank them down. I vaguely remembered us fighting over the bottle and on the floor. My mouth was dry. I sat down on the bed, still fresh, an aberration in the otherwise sordid scene that we had unleashed. There were islands of glass all over the floor.

    Stella: The blood on my cheeks weren?t from large cuts. Shards of glass had merely grazed the skin. I sat down beside Matty, neither of us able to talk. We held hands for a few minutes and then decided to clean the floor of the glass. We put our shoes back on and picked up the small shards. It took a while, but we got it done.

    Matty: We got into the shower together. The hot water washed away the sins of the night. We held each other tightly as the hot water beat down on us. It was an intense but tender moment as we investigated each other?s puffed up faces. We washed the whiskey and sweat off each other?s bodies.

    Stella: We went down for breakfast. The fake smiles and eager manners of the Todhunter?s made my hangover worse than it was. I could sense Matty?s annoyance. The mother served us some pancakes and maple syrup. I was hungry and gulped it down eagerly.

    Matty: That young man, Herbert stood around watching us. He made me a bit uncomfortable. But not as much as the throbbing inside my head. The hangover was terrible. I could hardly focus on slicing the pancakes and dipping it in the maple syrup. Linden Todhunter kept asking us questions. Luckily for me, Stella handled the questions.

    Stella: She wanted to know about our husbands. I told her that we were friends who were on a break, driving cross country. It was a weak excuse. Who would drive cross country across North Dakota in this weather? Who would stay at a motel in a town called Shark Tooth for a whole week? We were sitting ducks as Linden Todhunter badgered us with questions. That Herbert guy kept staring at me as I got increasingly uncomfortable at his mother?s questions.

    Matty: Linden Todhunter was working on Stella and I felt like she was taking it for both of us. Herbert watched Stella as she answered the questions. I stared at him. He sensed me staring at him. He looked at me and I looked right back at him. We were eyeball to eyeball and I guess it was his chance to climb the slippery slope of manhood by staring me down, but I wasn't about to make it easy for him. I gave him my meanest look and he looked away after a few seconds.

    Stella: l sensed what was going on. Linden kept questioning us. What were our husbands doing? Were the kids in college? How did the two of us know each other? I gave perfunctory answers to everything. I had a good mind to tell this woman to fuck off. But I didn't want to attract any more attention to ourselves. There were no other residents at the motel. It was just Matty and me.

    Matty: It was snowing heavily outside and I didn't think it would be a good idea to drive around town. After the uneasy breakfast, Stella and I retreated into our room. I felt Herbert's eyes following us as we went up the stairs. Once, we were inside the room, we embraced each other. Then we crashed into bed and went to sleep in each other's arms, succumbing to our hangovers.

    Stella: I woke up to the sound of light footsteps and when I raised my head, I was pretty sure I saw the door to our room being closed gently. I was still in an alcohol induced daze, but I jumped out of bed as fast as I could and ran towards the door. When I opened it, there was nobody in the corridor. I shut the door and washed my face in the bathroom. Matty was still fast asleep. I woke her up.

    Matty: Stella told me what happened. I wondered whether it was Herbert snooping on us. Maybe his mother put him up to it. These small towns were conservative as hell and I didn't think any of them would appreciate two middle aged spinsters staying together in a motel room. If somebody had snuck into our room, they had seen us in bed together. I didn't know what to do. We couldn't drive away from this godforsaken place because it was still snowing, and I didn't know any other motels in Shark Tooth. I took out another Jim Beam from the bag and made a couple of drinks. We were being treated like pariahs. The absolute vermin of society who were driven to it's very outskirts, but still not good enough to rent a motel in a small town called shark tooth, in the middle of the dreariest state in America.

    Stella: I was really on edge and the whisky calmed my nerves. We kept looking out the window. But there was nothing to see. Just a blanket of whiteness that would hide anyone who had been sent to kill us. Matty turned off the lights and pulled the curtains. We sat on the bed sipping our whiskeys. The pale light from the table lamp made the room cosy in the winter morning. Matty poured a second whiskey and I relaxed.

    Matty: Then the lamp went off. I thought the bulb must have conked off or something. But when I turned on a light, that wasn?t working either. We continued to sip our whiskies thinking it would come back in a few minutes. But the room began to get chilly. That was when I realized that the heating had gone off too. I poured two more whiskeys. We gulped them down. But the power did not return.

    Stella: It was spooky, with the lights gone. I thought I would go down and tell the Todhunters, maybe give them a piece of my mind. The alcohol was working on me once again. When I tried to open the door, it wouldn?t open. It was locked. I tried again. But the handle wouldn?t budge. It had been locked from the outside. I turned back to Matty. She looked terrified. She handed me a drink. I took it.

    Matty: The Todhunters had locked us in. We created a racket, me and Stella. We drank some more and banged on the door. But it was a sturdy oak door and did not budge an inch. The room began to get chillier. We opened the window and yelled out but all we could hear was the gentle sound of the snow pouring down and the steady blowing of the wind which sounded like a background score for death. Stella threw a chair out of the window. We barely heard it fall on the ground. The Todhunters were nowhere to be seen. Why had they locked us up? Did they intend to kill us? I looked down from the window. It was quite a drop from the first floor to the ground. We weren?t drunk enough to try it. When we couldn?t take the cold anymore, we shut the window and pulled the curtains. The room was really cold now. We put our sweaters back on. But they weren?t enough.

    Stella: We hugged each other on the bed, unable to stand the cold which was creeping in all around us like a silent killer. As we sat cheek to cheek, I remembered an old Bollywood film I had seen in which a man and a woman were forced to be naked between the sheets to transfer heat to each other?s bodies during a particularly chilly winter?s night to save their lives. That was our only chance because the Todhunters had switched off the power to kill us. Lesbian spinsters freeze to death in alcohol induced coma, the newspaper headlines might read the next day.

    Matty: I was drunk, so it sounded like a great idea. My hands were numb and there was nothing else for me to do but get between the sheets with Stella. We took off our shoes and climbed inside the duvet, our clothes still on. We and hugged each other under the sheets. My upper thigh got caught between Stella?s crotch as we entwined our bodies. I felt a little better with us close together like that. We entwined fingers. It was still very cold.

    Stella: Matty?s crotch was plastered against my thigh as we embraced inside the duvet. We still had our sweaters and jeans on. I told Matty that we needed to get naked and pass heat onto each other?s bodies. She agreed. So we got off the bed again. Matty brought out the towels she had wrapped the Jim Beam?s in. We took all the clothes out of our bags. We stuffed all of them into the duvet to create a lair that would deter the cold.

    Matty: Finally, we took off our sweaters and jeans and undergarments and stuffed them all into the duvet. The bed was like a fortress and we once again climbed inside the duvet, this time completely naked. I placed a new bottle of Jim Beam at the head of the bed as I climbed in. We would need it. When our naked bodies embraced with the duvet as cover, bolts of electricity passed through me. I heard Stella gasp as we threw our arms around each other?s bodies. We clung to each other.

    Stella: It was tremendous, I held on to Matty?s naked body because my life depended upon it. Our lean bodies were tied together. We disentangled briefly to remove the pillows from under our heads and place it beside our bodies. Now the duvet was completely stuffed with our clothes, towels and pillows and the heat generated by the rubbing of our bodies began to generate some warmth.

    Matty: It was rousing to have a nude body plastered against mine after such a long time. Our hands rubbed each other?s naked backs and buttocks. We bunched up our thighs against each other?s crotches. Our legs were tightly entangled. We pleasured each other?s feet with our leg palms. My face was buried in Stella?s shoulder and I could smell the odour emanating from her armpits as our bodies generated more and more heat.

    Stella: We writhed and squirmed against each other?s naked bodies. The alcohol and the craving for naked flesh to rub against naked flesh drove both of us into a sexual frenzy. Our hands were all over each other?s bodies, eagerly pleasuring one another. We cried out in unison as we drove each other crazy. I could control myself no longer and bit into Matty?s shoulder.

    Matty: I bit back and then our mouths locked together in an intense kiss. We held each other by the hair as our mouths enclosed each other. I would suck on Stella?s tongue and then she would suck on mine. It was a tremendous kiss and it went on and on, neither of us inclined to stop.

    Stella: In between, we would pause to take swigs of whiskey. The whiskey only made us crazier and angrier. I could feel my cunt dripping so I drove it against Matty?s and now it was not just our mouths but also our cunts that were fastened together. We seethed at each other, the alcohol driving our sexual aggression.

    Matty: Our entangled bodies were generating so much heat that we began to sweat. We licked the sweat off each other?s faces. A film of sweat appeared on Stella?s bare back and my hands became wet with her sweat. I was so hot with passion; I simply couldn?t get enough of Stella.

    Stella: We were sweating like farm hands out in the barn. It was so intimate, sweating it out with Matty, our bodies locked closely together. The sweat appeared on our legs and it was very erotic with out legs slipping and sliding over one another. I wanted to take our intimacy to another level, so I disentangled myself from Matty, slid deep into the duvet and buried my head in between her legs. The fragrance of her pussy was one of intermingling sweat and vaginal juices. I couldn?t control myself and I began to lick greedily, getting my first taste of Matty.

    Matty: I eyed Stella?s pussy as she began licking me. I grabbed her sweaty buttocks and fastened her pussy over my face. The aromas emanating from her gleaming vagina were too much for me to resist. I eagerly licked the concoction of Stella?s glorious sweat and vaginal juices, burying my face in her dripping vagina. A cocktail of bodily fluids were dripping out of her vagina and the pores of her thighs and I drank it all down thirstily.

    Stella: Our bodies gyrated in rhythmic spasms as we drove each other to ecstasy. When Matty came, I bathed my face in the sporadic fountain of her cum. I continued to pleasure her cunt, adding fuel to every single squirt of her pussy and in response, she gratefully ran her hands up and down my sweaty back.

    Matty: Stella exploded into my face, barely a few seconds after I orgasmed. My face was treated to every contraction and quiver of her pussy as the vaginal juices gushed out like a fresh waterfall directly into my open mouth. When the bolts of pleasure that ran through our bodies subsided, Stella crept back towards me and we embraced tightly, even as her mouth fastened over mine and my legs entwined with hers.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Cunts in Winter - Part 4

    Different than the common sexfight stories you used to post (except - in a way - your story before that one).
    Clever way to write it, it also has an interesting plot.

    Two women in their middle 40s, not very hot and very sexy, being single... While Xmas holidays are coming, they feel alone, they are almost kicked out of their jobs... So they turned to each other as there was not any other alternative, no other easy way to feel something... They needed another body - at last ! - to touch their own....

    FANTASTIC !!! This story has something more than a common sexfight story. It is hot, but it also has some dramatic shades. In addition, it somehow turns to thriller now...
    IF you want to look at it like a hot sexfight story, you can. It is well written and hot !
    If you are in the mood to "dig deeper" (still enjoying the erotic scenes though)... here it is... you can.

    It is a very pleasant surprise !
    My compliments !!
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; July 15th, 2019 at 08:21 AM.

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    Cunts in Winter - Part 4

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    Re: Cunts in Winter - Part 4

    I agree with my friend Giannis. Your writing style is refreshing and unique. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next chapter.

    A. Penman

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