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    D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    Daughter-Daughter, Mother-Daughter, Mother-Daughter, Mother-Mother


    Carol Johnson looked across the kitchen table at the young girl. Her jet black hair framed dark brown eyes, high cheekbones, a narrow nose and full, sensuous lips. She was an unexpected, though welcomed morning visitor. She was beautiful, sexy and she was her daughter?s best friend. And Angela was wearing a tight fitting, mint green u-neck top, showing an inordinate amount of her youthful cleavage which made it hard for Carol to concentrate.

    Explaining how she had been wanting to get to know her best friend?s mother, Angela reached across the table and gently caressed Carol?s hand. The touch of the young girl?s silken flesh on hers gave Carol an unexpected thrill. She gasped slightly. Angie noticed, smiled inwardly, then released her hand.

    ?I?m sorry, Mrs. Johnson?I didn?t mean to make you uncomfortable.?
    ?That?s OK dear, you kind of caught me off guard. Besides, I don?t get touched much these days.?

    OOPS! Carol knew instantly that she shouldn?t have said that. It was not the kind of information a mother shares with her daughter?s friend.

    ?Gosh, now I feel a little uncomfortable.? Angie feigned shyness.

    Carol impulsively reached across the table and took the young girl?s hand firmly into hers. She gave it a loving, motherly squeeze.

    ?That?s OK, and by the way, call me Carol. There?s no need for formality here.?
    ?OK, Carol.?
    ?So,? she released the young girl?s hand, ?what brings you here today? And do you prefer Angela or Angie??
    ?Either is fine. And I came by to see how you are doing while your here alone for a few days.?
    ?Did my daughter put you up to this??
    ?Your daughter loves you very much, Carol. And yes, she did. So, here I am. Besides, she talks about you so much I decided I should get to know you.?
    ?What a splendid idea!?
    ?May I tease you a bit, Carol?? Angie didn?t wait for a response. ?Em said that you?re beautiful, but she didn?t tell me that you?re a stone cold babe.?

    Carol responded with an odd look, and then a blush. ?You flatterer!?
    ?Well, it?s true!?

    The room became silent. Forty-one year old Carol Johnson looked deep into Angela?s eyes. The young girl returned the deep eye contact with a confidence far exceeding her age. It felt odd to Carol, and yet, oddly thrilling. She suddenly felt the need to get away from this young woman. This little ?get acquainted? encounter was beginning to stir unexpected feelings inside her. Just the sight of her large and clearly braless tits pushing out over her u-top, the way the toothsome young thing was looking at her as if she was undressing her, the honeyed words coming from her luscious lips?It was getting to be too much.

    ?Well, Angela,? Carol said, rising to her feet, ?I don?t wish to be rude, but I have errands to run today. But I must take a shower before I get going.?
    ?Oh, I guess I should leave.?
    ?There?s no need to rush?finish your coffee. But do me a favor and lock the front door when you leave.?
    ?Sure thing, Carol.?

    Angie then stood up, moved to Carol and gathered her into a tight, breast crushing embrace. Carol?s eyes rolled as her own full, braless breasts met and mashed with the twenty year old woman?s spectacular set off tits in a mountainous collision that seemed more of an overture. Wrapping her arms around Angela?s back, an anxious Carol politely returned the embrace, trying to keep it as generic as possible. But it was difficult for her to remain neutral as the young woman?s large breasts seemed intent on mating with her tits. Her head swooned at the feel of Angie?s protuberant nipples digging into her bulging, sensitive tit flesh. It was embarrassing to note that her nipples had hardened in response, yet thrilling to know they were still capable of responding to such delightful stimuli. When the embrace broke off, the young woman spoke in cheerful tones.

    ?Thank you for the coffee, Carol. It was good to finally spend time with you, even if it was just for a few minutes.?
    ?You too, Angela, don?t be a stranger. Gotta get moving.?
    ?As soon as I finish my coffee, I?ll be on my way.?

    Carol smiled, then turned and dashed upstairs. Sitting down to enjoy the last sips of her coffee, Angie heard a voice from somewhere in the distance.

    ?Don?t forget to lock the door.?

    The first few seconds of shower water that came crashing down on Carol?s head, shoulders and chest was, by design, freezing cold. She needed to do something to clear the image of the young temptress?s full cleavage that damn near poured out of the tight top she was wearing. She needed to do something to suppress the recollection of their braless breasts mashing together in that incredible embrace and the shameless response of her nipples to the highly intimate encounter. But the cold water didn?t do what she hoped it would do. It had no effect at all on what her body was feeling; what her body had not felt for almost a year.

    Angela Evans stepped outside and pulled the front door to close it. But at the last split second, she stopped. She opened the door again, re-entered the house, shut the door firmly behind her and locked it.

    Thinking back on the situation, the older woman?s body language, and what she felt were a couple of subtle ?tells,? Angela?s confidence swelled.

    ?No, Mrs. Johnson, I won?t forget to lock the door.?

    The voluptuous 20 year old gingerly made her way up the stairs. The sound of shower water came from the partially open door at the end of the hall. Angie Evans took a deep breath in, exhaled and then stripped naked. She moved swiftly, wanting to catch Carol still in the shower. She then relaxed a bit, recalling Emily?s observation that her mother was taking much longer showers these days. Slinking surreptitiously into the nicely decorated bathroom, Angie heard a couple suppressed moans coming from the MILF in the shower. Not wanting to scare Carol, Angie quietly announced her presence.

    ?Um, hello. Excuse me, Carol? It?s Angie. Carol??Mrs. Johnson??

    A startled Carol Johnson pulled back the shower curtain and damn near had an apoplectic event when she saw young Angela standing naked before her.

    ?Angie! What are you doing here??
    ?I just wanted to tell you that I locked the front door. Now I can join you in the shower. I think you need someone to wash your back.?
    ?What makes you think you could just brazenly come in here and take a shower with me??
    ?Because you invited me, that?s what.?
    ?I most certainly did NOT invite you, you brazen little tramp!?
    ?Really, Mrs. Johnson? When a woman really has things to do she?ll just tell you. ?Time for you to go, so long, nice chatting with you.? But, when a woman makes a point of telling you she?s going to take a shower, when there?s no real reason to do so, that?s an invitation to join her.?

    Carol started to object, but she was slowly loosing the will to do so.

    ?Get dressed and get out of my house!?

    Angie ignored her, pulled the shower curtain aside and stepped into the enclosure and under the shockingly cold water. The sudden close proximity of their naked bodies caused Carol to experience weakness in her knees.

    ?You know, Carol, you?re wasting your time with this cold shower.?
    ?What do you mean??
    ?Some recent studies have shown that the idea behind them is a myth?that they don?t do anything to suppress one?s sexual arousal. In fact, they have the exact opposite effect.?
    ?Yes, it?s true. So we might as well enjoy a nice hot shower.?

    Young Angela Evans reached around the older woman to adjust the water temperature. She then moved in closer to Carol, face to face, in order to remove the apricot-scented gel from the shower caddy. This deliberate action aligned her breasts with Carol?s. She then squashed her fulsome twenty year old breasts into the surprisingly firm tits of her best friend?s mother. As their nipples crossed, Carol once again felt a tinge of shame over how quickly her own nipples hardened in response. She knew that she should have pulled away, but as with the earlier embrace in the kitchen, the young girl seemed determined to lock tits with her in the most intimate way. And oh my word, Angela?s youthful tits felt so good! She wondered how her tits felt to Angie.

    ?Oh my, Carol! You?ve got great tits! I wanna have a nice, long tittie wrestle with you.?
    ?I thought you were here to wash my back,? the hot mom pointed out.
    ?You?re absolutely right. Turn around, Carol?please.?
    ?Angie, I shouldn?t?we shouldn?t?it?s??

    Angie leaned in and planted an aggressive, full mouth kiss on Carol?s luscious lips. Instinctively, the sexy MILF?s mouth opened and the younger woman sunk her tongue deep inside. Carol responded and snaked her tongue with Angie?s, moaning with desire over the kind of heated kiss she had not shared with anyone in such a long time. Angie broke it off and smiled.

    ?Turn around Carol,? she repeated.

    Emily?s sexy mom relented and turned her back to the young woman. Angie took a couple of handfuls of apricot shower gel then quickly lathered up her tits, tummy, crotch and thighs. She then wrapped her arms around the older woman from behind, ran her gelled hands up Carol?s impressively flat stomach, then filled them with the sandy blonde?s fulsome tits.

    ?Damn, Carol! Your tits are incredible!?

    With every firm squeeze of her tit flesh and each gentle pinch of her nipples, Carol Johnson moaned in long overdue lust filled satisfaction.

    ?Aren?t you supposed to be washing my back, young lady??
    ?Oh, I?m sorry, you?re right.?

    Angela then proceeded to ?scrub? Carol?s back, using her full, soft tits as a loofa, up and down, side to side.

    ?My goodness, Mrs. Johnson! This back of yours is filthy! I?m going to have to scrub and scrub until you?re squeaky clean!?
    ?I think my front is going to need a good scrubbing too!?
    ?Oh, I?ll get to that.?

    Every stroke of the young woman?s fantastic breasts across her back softened Carol?s will to resist and slowly pushed her past the point of caring about what was proper between two consenting women. This young woman was skillfully giving her sensations she had not felt in such a long time. She was young, but she definitely knew how to pleasure a woman. Whatever part of her body she wanted and however she wanted it, Carol was now willing to surrender.

    Angie continued to use her DD ?scrubbers? to whip up a healthy lather on Carol?s smooth back, while her hands stroked and squeezed in tit grabbing reach-arounds. Not feeling quite confident enough yet to allow her fingers to probe Carol?s pussy, Angie let whichever hand wasn?t occupied with a tit casually meander in the immediate area. Her fingertips would stroke in purposeful circular patterns in close proximity to the treasured twat, like an aircraft circling a landing field waiting for permission to land. As it turned out, that would not be necessary. In her quest to turn Carol into a wanton slut, the youthful temptress passed the point of no return. Her body now bathed in carnal lust, not to mention a delicious lather of apricot scented shower gel, Carol turned and suddenly became the aggressor. She pushed Angie?s back against the shower wall in an assertive body press, the most intimate one so far. This thrilled Angie. She loved it when a woman fought back?like Emily did. She made sure that her legs were parted and her cunt was accessible, just in case Carol had a mind to slam into her.

    Carol first kissed her hard, then smashed chest to chest with Angela. Now, it seemed, it was Carol who determined to lock tits. But, because she loved the challenge, Angie fought back, taking the mom hard into the opposite wall of the shower stall. The erotic battle was on! Both women pushed and pulled and shoved and shoved, back and forth, again and again, all the while keeping their bodies pressed together as far as the soapy lather would allow. And with each aggressive slam, their bodies became more lustfully entwined. The two women were slowly moving toward a mature pussy to young pussy encounter. But then, fate intervened.

    The soapy lather that thrilled suddenly became the slick film that betrayed them. The porcelain tiles of the shower floor had accumulated too much residual. In the vigorous battle, all foot traction was lost and the two women went tumbling to the floor, bouncing hard on their asses. They came down facing each other with their legs intertwined and their pussies perfectly aligned, with about two feet of space between them.

    ?Ow?my ass!? Carol grimaced in pain.
    ?Mine too!? Angie replied.

    They looked at each other and shared a laugh. But soon they both wondered if destiny was pointing the way.

    The blond mom could not help herself. She stared across the short distance into Angela?s firm thigh flesh and beheld the young girl?s voluptuous cunt, wondering if there was any part of this girl?s body that wasn?t spectacular. For her part, Angie could not help being impressed at the firm and youthful appearance of Carol?s pussy.

    ?Interesting position we find ourselves in?don?t you agree, Carol??

    Understanding the potential explosiveness of the situation, Carol?s conscience kicked in. This mother to daughter?s best friend thing with its accompanying guilt had not yet left her mind completely. She made a less-than-convincing case for them to untangle.

    ?Uh?Angie?before this gets out of hand, we should probably get up.?

    But Angie moved in closer, narrowing the distance between their tumescent twats to less than six inches.

    ?I don?t want to get up, Carol. I rather like where we are. I think you do too.?
    Carol suddenly felt a twinge of anger. ?I should slap you in the face, you arrogant little tramp!?

    It somehow pissed her off that Angie was right. How could this young temptress be so perceptive? Right from the first moments downstairs in the kitchen, she seemed to sense her needs. And now, here she was, dangerously close to her first lesbian sexual experience since high school.

    ?Slap me if you must, dear Carol. But I?m not leaving until we find out what we both need to know.?
    ?Oh really, and what is it that we both need to know??
    ?We both need to know how good it would be to fuck each other?plain and simple.?

    The water from the shower was still coming down on both women. Their bodies now were mostly rinsed of lather. But there could be no cleansing the powerful desires they felt. Angie knew that she had to be decisive, but she couldn?t be arrogant or condescending. She closed the distance between their cunts.

    Carol gasped and began to breathe heavily as she felt the young woman?s thick labia fold into hers. She knew it would only be a matter of seconds before their clitorises located each other, and then?.

    ?You young slut!? Carol cried out, feeling her ire slowly give way to long repressed passion.
    ?Let me touch you, Carol. Let me satisfy you. Let me fuck you!?
    ?Sweet fucking Jehovah!? Carol Johnson, forty-one year old MILF groaned as her hips began to respond to the motion of Angela Evans? hips.

    They wrapped their arms around each other, smashing their tits and kissing hard while their craven cunts devoured each other in a deep, escalating fuck.

    ?God! I haven?t done this since the days when women had pubic hair.?
    ?Eeewww! Pubic hair? That?s disgusting!? Angie teased.
    ?Well, you have to remember, that was thousands of years ago, before the invention of shaving or Brazilian wax.?
    ?Gosh, Carol, it must have been awful.?
    ?Yes, it was! I don?t know how I survived that time.?

    The two women giggled, then got down to the business of clenching tightly and fucking their clean shaven cunts. It didn?t take long for Angie to realize that she had unleashed a beast?that she had the proverbial tiger by the tail. She had seduced a skilled, mature woman; a woman desperately in need of body to body heat and unbridled sex.

    They fucked until their cunts were raw, in the shower and after that, in Carol?s bed, in every possible position, long into the afternoon. Angie was exhausted! The older woman had fucked her senseless?but she loved it! Oh how she loved it!

    Two days later, in the exercise room. Angela and Emily, stretched out naked, side by side on the mat?

    Angela: I still can?t believe you?re on board for this!
    Emily: Are you kidding? I can?t wait to slam bodies with that hot mom of yours.
    Angela: Careful what you wish for, sweet Emily.
    Emily: What does that mean?
    Angela: Well, think about it. Two sexy forty year old women, neither of whom have had any intimacy, sexual or otherwise, in over a year?
    Emily: You mean except for Mr. Neck Massager?
    Angela: HA!!! Exactly!
    Emily: So, what are you saying? Are you saying???
    Angela: Your mom, dear Em, is an animal in bed!
    Emily: HEY!!!
    Angela: Once she lost all of her inhibitions about fucking me, she fucked the shit out of me!
    Emily: Oh, that?s bullshit!
    Angela: Listen to me Em?you and I have made the decision to enter the dens of two lonely lionesses. I stirred the sexual beast in Carol, and I got way more than I bargained for.
    Emily: What?s your point?
    Angela: My point is, you are about to enter the den of the other lioness. You better be ready, because you are going to unleash the beast!
    Emily: Hmm?perhaps we should spar a few rounds.
    Angela: I like the way you think.


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    Senior Hostboard Member indris's Avatar
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    Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    As a cursory idea, I suggest the name of this saga could be changed to "Like Mother, Like Daughter".

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    D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

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    Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    Quote Originally Posted by indris View Post
    As a cursory idea, I suggest the name of this saga could be changed to "Like Mother, Like Daughter".

    Yes, I kind of messed up on the title...but I guess I'm stuck with it...I'll think it through a little better next time.


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    Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    Brilliant story can?t wait for the next part 😊

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    my favorite lines:

    Angela then proceeded to ?scrub? Carol?s back, using her full, soft tits as a loofa, up and down, side to side.
    Every stroke of the young woman?s fantastic breasts across her back softened Carol?s will to resist and slowly pushed her past the point of caring about what was proper between two consenting women.
    Her fingertips would stroke in purposeful circular patterns in close proximity to the treasured twat, like an aircraft circling a landing field waiting for permission to land.
    ok, graham greene

    favorite dialogs:

    ?Em said that you?re beautiful, but she didn?t tell me that you?re a stone cold babe.?

    ?Really, Mrs. Johnson? When a woman really has things to do she?ll just tell you. ?Time for you to go, so long, nice chatting with you.? But, when a woman makes a point of telling you she?s going to take a shower, when there?s no real reason to do so, that?s an invitation to join her.?

    ?Some recent studies have shown that the idea behind them is a myth?that they don?t do anything to suppress one?s sexual arousal. In fact, they have the exact opposite effect.?

    ?My goodness, Mrs. Johnson! This back of yours is filthy! I?m going to have to scrub and scrub until you?re squeaky clean!?
    ?I think my front is going to need a good scrubbing too!?

    ?Slap me if you must, dear Carol. But I?m not leaving until we find out what we both need to know.?

    "You mean except for Mr. Neck Massager?"

    "Your mom, dear Em, is an animal in bed!"
    apenman, this is damn good stuff. it is humorous and sexy. crackling dialog. interesting sex scenes. really fucking entertaining overall. jeez! i am envious. and frankly, i like the candid no nonsense title. you are a no nonsense writer who gets down to business. i wish i was as unpompous as you are.

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    Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    you should sell this story to girlfriend films. they could use it for their MOTHER DAUGHTER EXCHANGE CLUB series of videos. i think they will be interested.

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    Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    Dear APenman,

    I'm really enjoying this story and looking forward to the next parts - especially the mother-mother - with bated breath.

    Some observations: I really like the idea of the two older women as sexual volcanoes who have not been touched in a year or more and who are both ready to explode. Hopefully, that means that when they get together, they will explode all over each other. Please, lots of detail when that happens!

    I am puzzled by the daughters' strategy, however. I realize that you are just trying to write scenes where younger and older women have sex, but it seems to me that the daughters could accomplish their goals just by bringing their Moms together, which should be fairly easy - just introduce their two Moms over a mother-daughter brunch, for example. Why they each need to have sex with their friend's mother is not clear to me. I assume this will come clearer in the final part. As it is, it seems to me that it really risks complicating any future relationships their mothers have. Also, it may take a bit of the edge off the Moms' first encounter since they will both have had satisfying sex recently and won't be quite the pent-up volcanoes of sexual frustration that they were when the story started. Maybe there is some way to make the mothers' sexual encounters with the other's daughter an act that stokes the fires rather than quenches them?

    Great story and something a bit different from you. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story!


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    Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Dear APenman,

    I'm really enjoying this story and looking forward to the next parts - especially the mother-mother - with bated breath.

    Some observations: I really like the idea of the two older women as sexual volcanoes who have not been touched in a year or more and who are both ready to explode. Hopefully, that means that when they get together, they will explode all over each other. Please, lots of detail when that happens!

    I am puzzled by the daughters' strategy, however. I realize that you are just trying to write scenes where younger and older women have sex, but it seems to me that the daughters could accomplish their goals just by bringing their Moms together, which should be fairly easy - just introduce their two Moms over a mother-daughter brunch, for example. Why they each need to have sex with their friend's mother is not clear to me. I assume this will come clearer in the final part. As it is, it seems to me that it really risks complicating any future relationships their mothers have. Also, it may take a bit of the edge off the Moms' first encounter since they will both have had satisfying sex recently and won't be quite the pent-up volcanoes of sexual frustration that they were when the story started. Maybe there is some way to make the mothers' sexual encounters with the other's daughter an act that stokes the fires rather than quenches them?

    Great story and something a bit different from you. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story!

    there could still be a surprise element since the mother's dont know about each other.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Unhappy Re: D-D, M-D, M-D, M-M Part Two

    The well described seduction scene (awesome !), the humor, the eroticism, the erotic scenes per se (shorter than other times but great)... all were there in a somehow different way that i had used to read in your stories. I liked your previous style. I like this one as well the same. Less of erotic details, more focused on the building erotic tension and on the plot. Your story was really awesome, excellent !!
    I hope to enjoy more soon...
    P.S. That "M-D" looks so promising. Especially if one is craving for more M-D combinations...
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; July 20th, 2019 at 02:09 PM.

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