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Thread: Mating Season - Part 3

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Mating Season - Part 3

    The faint sound of the air conditioner whirring was like music to Abra's ears as she lay half-awake on the cosy carpet. Saskia was breathing slowly beside her, the smell of sex rising off her body.

    Abra slowly got up and walked to the bathroom, answering an urgent call from the bladder. As she sat on the closet, she thought about the events of the previous evening. She wondered whether Thomas had checked in on them during the night. Had the rest of the group wondered why she and Saskia had cloistered themselves in the room? Finally, she had had sex with a stranger. Except, Saskia did not feel like a stranger to her. The way they had embraced each other. Perspired together. Rolled around with bodies locked together in the backyard. It was not just the intensity of their love making. There was something more to it. A feeling of tenderness towards each other galvanized by their love for the same book. She felt like Saskia was her soulmate.

    The door to the bathroom opened and Saskia stepped in. Their eyes locked as Saskia walked towards her, her fleshy body still covered with some of the dirt from their outdoor amatory exertions. Saskia came close to Abra, they looked at each other wantonly, before she lowered herself onto Abra's lap. Abra greeted her eagerly, throwing her arms around Saskia as she planted her fleshy buttocks on Abra's fleshy thighs.

    The two women rocked together on the closet, enjoying the early morning touch of their fleshy bodies. After embracing each other on the closet, they shifted their lovemaking into the shower. The rain shower washed away the dirt off their bodies as they drove each other to shattering orgasms.

    They walked shivering into the air conditioned room and put on fresh clothes, realizing that neither of them had eaten in nearly twenty-four hours. Such had been the power of their mutual attraction.

    The breakfast buffet was laid out in an airy and spacious dining area from where they could watch the sea. Abra opted for sausages and papaya.

    Their feet were sandwiched together as they ate. Hands clasped and fingers interlocked, the new lovers unable to keep their hands off each other's bodies. Their sex drive eclipsed their appetite and they decided to go for a walk on the beach.

    Abra noticed that there were hardly any people in the dining area or in the hotel in general. She wondered why Thomas had told her that the hotel was fully booked.

    As if on cue, Thomas and the others walked into the dining room. They greeted the two women and settled down at a table near them. Abra felt like some of them were eyeing Saskia and her suspiciously. As if they knew something was on between them. Maybe they displayed some chemistry. Thomas came over and told them that they were all going on a drive to a remote beach and that the two of them should join the group. But Saskia interrupted abruptly and said she and Abra were going for a walk on the private beach attached to the hotel. Thomas laughed and said he was glad the two of them were getting along. He retreated to the table where the others sat. Abra noticed that Saskia was pointedly ignoring her brother Ross (Thomas' muscular colleague) and his wife Blanche. They did not even acknowledge each other. She checked Saskia's face, but it was expressionless. She wondered why Saskia had been so abrupt in her dismissal of Thomas' invitation. Was there something going on that she was not privy to?

    They said terse goodbyes to the rest of the group when they got up from their tables. As they exited the dining area, she saw a bus full of people arriving outside the hotel entrance. A stream of white tourists poured out of the bus and filled the hotel lobby.

    Saskia ushered Abra towards a side door which opened to a swimming pool. They walked along the side of the large swimming pool towards a narrow pathway that lead down a hill. Abra asked Saskia whether she had been at the hotel before and she muttered yes. She seemed distant and annoyed after their encounter with the rest of the group.

    The steep pathway was wet with rain from the previous night. They linked hands and climbed down slowly. In the distance, the beach was already visible. It was cloudy and a strong cool wind beat against them.

    The bottom of the pathway marked the beginning of the white beach sands and as they walked towards the water, their feet and sandals were covered with it. Neither of them spoke, their linked hands was the only intimacy between them. Something in the dining room after the arrival of the others had affected Saskia. Abra couldn't fathom what it was.

    When they were close to the water, they removed their sandals and wetted their legs in the dying waves. Little orange crabs scrambled across the beach flats, playing their own games.

    "Something bothering you?", asked Abra.

    Saskia scanned the horizon without replying. A grim expression had lodged itself on her face.

    Abra did not pursue the question again. They walked along the beach in silence.

    "Let's fuck", said Saskia suddenly.

    Abra did not hear her at first in the noise of the waves. But she caught the ending of the most famous four lettered word and understood what Saskia had suggested. As she turned to face her, Saskia aggressively pulled Abra towards her and their bodies came together. Saskia threw her arms around Abra in a furious embrace and ran her hands up and down Abra's upper torso. Abra paused to ask whether this too public a place to have sex, but Saskia was all over her.

    Abra felt herself being pushed onto the white sand of the beach, with Saskia on top of her. With the cloudy sky as the background, Saskia lowered herself onto Abra and kissed her neck aggressively, then pinned their upper torso's together. Their breasts heaved against each other generating waves of eroticism. Saskia literally tore Abra's clothes off her body and then removed her own t-shirt. Abra was surprised but also aroused by Saskia's urgency. Saskia disentangled to take off her shorts and when she tried to mount Abra again, Abra raised herself up and locked their upper torsos together, they flung their arms around each other and fell back onto the sand, locked together in a tight embrace.

    They rolled around, arms snaked like creepers around each other's necks and waists, hands glued to each other's flesh. The waves crashed over their bodies and water spilled onto the entangled mass of white flesh, but could not separate the two sexually aroused women. They rolled around, hopelessly locked together, enjoying the contact between their fleshy bodies.

    It was only a matter of time before their thighs started pleasuring each other's crotches. But the two women did not let go of each other's upper torsos. They clung to each other in mutual body to body contact, breasts plastered together as if they wanted to drive each to orgasms with their bodies locked together like wrestlers.

    Abra was amazed by the intensity with which Saskia was making love to her. She embraced Abra like it was the last time the two of them would ever embrace. Abra did not hold back either, pleasuring Saskia just like Saskia was pleasuring her.

    Their interlocked bodies arrived and rested at the crest of a dune, where they drove each other to tumultuous orgasms reducing them to a mass of writhing flesh and limbs. The sea drowned their cries and moans of pleasure, but they heard each other and that was enough. When it was over, they rested together, crotches quivering and breasts heaving. The waves crashed religiously over their locked bodies, as if some omnipotent God was washing away their sins. Not that it made any difference to either of them.


    “I need to tell you something”, said Saskia. She was sitting with her fleshy legs curled, her head resting on the sand dune. Her fingers were browsing through messages on the mobile phone which she had produced out of her shorts. Abra lay beside her. They were both naked.

    "Is everything Ok?", asked Abra, concerned. She took Saskia's hand in hers. Saskia's breasts hung down, inches from Abra's face.

    "You're not going to believe what I am going to tell you now. But I assure, you it is the truth. I want you to hear me out .....", Saskia paused.

    "What is it?", asked Abra.

    Saskia sat up and then slowly leaned back, gathering herself before speaking again.

    "I'm not who they told you I was. I'm not Ross' sister."

    "I don't understand .....", said Abra, sitting up slightly.

    "I was hired by your brother Thomas to pose as Ross' sister. I was hired to seduce you", said Saskia, speaking very slowly as if every word she had to say was of the utmost importance.

    "I ..... don't think I understand", said Abra.

    Saskia sighed. Paused. Then spoke again.

    "Your brother Thomas and other senior employees at Knox Inc are involved in a wife and girlfriend swapping ring. I have travelled with them on trips to Goa previously. This is my third year in Goa. They use me in ritualistic group sex orgies. I was hired to seduce you into their ring", Saskia spoke slowly and purposefully. As if she wanted Abra to understand everything. Her large breasts heaved as she spoke.

    "This is ..... I can't even ..... what are you saying to me?", said Abra. Saskia's face wore a grave expression.

    "Why would I lie to you? Why else would your brother Thomas invite you on a holiday with him and his friends? Why do you think he asked the two of us to share a room? It was all planned", Saskia continued with her assault of revelations.

    "So everything was fake? Including our sex last night?", asked Abra, sitting up and moving closer to Saskia. She placed a hand on Saskia's naked thigh. She felt Saskia shiver.

    "No Abra, no. That wasn't fake. Do you think I faked it? I enjoyed last night as much as you did. What we shared was intense and intimate. That's why I'm telling you all this. Trust me, Abra. We are in this together." Abra thought Saskia sounded genuine. Saskia moved closer to Abra, they clasped hands and their erect nipples rubbed against each other.

    "But why would Thomas want me, his sister, in a sex ring? I am his sister for god sake", asked Abra.

    "They have been snooping on you. They prey on needy and poor women. They must have figured you needed the money. Thomas told me everything about you. I mean everything. He knew you were into women. He got someone to snoop in on your internet."

    Abra glared at Saskia. A wave of shame washed through her. She had been a regular visitor of porn sites on her old computer.

    "So you are not a school teacher?", she asked, crestfallen.

    "I was. I ran into debt. I joined an escort service that catered to lesbian clients. Thomas' female colleague who used to visit me, recommended me to him."

    Abra gulped. She had broken into a sweat.

    "So ..... what are these orgies? What happens?", Abra asked uncertainly.

    "They are attended by male and female employees of Knox Inc and their mates. Escorts are hired to take part in the orgies. There is an annual orgy that takes place in this hotel which is owned by Knox Inc. It usually takes place in the final quarter of the year. They call it mating season."

    "Mating season. Why the hell would they call it that?", anxiety and curiosity tugged at Abra's heart.

    "It refers to some ancient obscure Anglo-Saxon mating ritual that took place close to Christmas in the Gregorian calendar. Anyway, hundreds of Knox employees are expected to arrive here over the next two days. We need to get out of here before that."

    "Why do we have to get out?"

    "It's not safe. I don't want you to go through what I went. It's not nice. You get passed around like you're some animal. I was thinking I could put us on the first flight out of here to New York."

    "Saskia, this is all happening so fast. I don't know what to say. I'll go talk to Thomas. I'll give him a piece of my mind for treating me like this."

    "No Abra no. I'll get into trouble if you do that. I swear I'm trying to save you. We need to get out of here now."

    Abra just stared straight ahead at Saskia, flabbergasted. She couldn't believe what was happening. Saskia was speaking with such clarity and conviction that Abra could not ignore her. They held each other by the elbows.

    "I know you are pining for some evidence. Here is a photo that your brother Thomas sent me on my WhatsApp half an hour ago." Saskia handed her phone to Abra.

    The screen showed a picture of two nude women sleeping side by side on a carpet. It took Abra only a moment to realize that it was a photo of her and Saskia from the previous night.

    "How did they get this?", asked Abra angrily.

    "Thomas must have crept into our room in the night and clicked it. He must have procured a spare key from the employees. It's very easy here," Saskia's tone was solemn.

    Saskia also showed her Thomas' message beneath the photo saying "Good job, Sas. You are a true pro."

    "We need to get out of here, Abra. Once you become a part of the ring, there is no way out."

    "What do we do?"

    "I'm going to book two tickets back to New York. Right now. We will leave without anyone noticing. Trust me.”

    Abra looked anxiously at Saskia. Saskia embraced her. They lay down, side by side on the sand, embracing each other’s nude bodies hungrily, both hoping they could stay like that forever. But both knew this moment was fleeting.
    Last edited by kamafight; July 25th, 2019 at 07:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3

    Very good again ! A hot and well written ch. 3 !
    I suppose that more twists, adventures, matings will happen soon.
    I hope to enjoy Ch. 4 soon.

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3

    Wouw Kamafight!

    part 3 is certainly a surprise! Very good idea to throw in some suspense. I would certainly love to read a continuation to this, I hope it can't just stop in this somewhat abrupt way.

    Anyhow, all 3 parts is an exciting and well written story, and I loved the rather long buildup where the first real sex took place in part 2.

    Take care and thank very much

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    Mating Season - Part 3

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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3

    There I was, expecting the fastball and Kama throws the curveball!!!

    WOW! Great job KAMAFIGHT!!! I can't wait to see what's coming next.


  5. #5
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    Mating Season - Part 3

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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by kamafight View Post
    The faint sound of the air conditioner whirring was like music to Abra's ears as she lay half-awake on the cosy carpet. Saskia was breathing slowly beside her, the smell of sex rising off her body.

    Abra slowly got up and walked to the bathroom, answering an urgent call from the bladder. As she sat on the closet, she thought about the events of the previous evening. She wondered whether Thomas had checked in on them during the night. Had the rest of the group wondered why she and Saskia had cloistered themselves in the room? Finally, she had had sex with a stranger. Except, Saskia did not feel like a stranger to her. The way they had embraced each other. Perspired together. Rolled around with bodies locked together in the backyard. It was not just the intensity of their love making. There was something more to it. A feeling of tenderness towards each other galvanized by their love for the same book. She felt like Saskia was her soulmate.

    The door to the bathroom opened and Saskia stepped in. Their eyes locked as Saskia walked towards her, her fleshy body still covered with some of the dirt from their outdoor amatory exertions. Saskia came close to Abra, they looked at each other wantonly, before she lowered herself onto Abra's lap. Abra greeted her eagerly, throwing her arms around Saskia as she planted her fleshy buttocks on Abra's fleshy thighs.

    The two women rocked together on the closet, enjoying the early morning touch of their fleshy bodies. After embracing each other on the closet, they shifted their lovemaking into the shower. The rain shower washed away the dirt off their bodies as they drove each other to shattering orgasms.

    They walked shivering into the air conditioned room and put on fresh clothes, realizing that neither of them had eaten in nearly twenty-four hours. Such had been the power of their mutual attraction.

    The breakfast buffet was laid out in an airy and spacious dining area from where they could watch the sea. Abra opted for sausages and papaya.

    Their feet were sandwiched together as they ate. Hands clasped and fingers interlocked, the new lovers unable to keep their hands off each other's bodies. Their sex drive eclipsed their appetite and they decided to go for a walk on the beach.

    Abra noticed that there were hardly any people in the dining area or in the hotel in general. She wondered why Thomas had told her that the hotel was fully booked.

    As if on cue, Thomas and the others walked into the dining room. They greeted the two women and settled down at a table near them. Abra felt like some of them were eyeing Saskia and her suspiciously. As if they knew something was on between them. Maybe they displayed some chemistry. Thomas came over and told them that they were all going on a drive to a remote beach and that the two of them should join the group. But Saskia interrupted abruptly and said she and Abra were going for a walk on the private beach attached to the hotel. Thomas laughed and said he was glad the two of them were getting along. He retreated to the table where the others sat. Abra noticed that Saskia was pointedly ignoring her brother Ross (Thomas' muscular colleague) and his wife Blanche. They did not even acknowledge each other. She checked Saskia's face, but it was expressionless. She wondered why Saskia had been so abrupt in her dismissal of Thomas' invitation. Was there something going on that she was not privy to?

    They said terse goodbyes to the rest of the group when they got up from their tables. As they exited the dining area, she saw a bus full of people arriving outside the hotel entrance. A stream of white tourists poured out of the bus and filled the hotel lobby.

    Saskia ushered Abra towards a side door which opened to a swimming pool. They walked along the side of the large swimming pool towards a narrow pathway that lead down a hill. Abra asked Saskia whether she had been at the hotel before and she muttered yes. She seemed distant and annoyed after their encounter with the rest of the group.

    The steep pathway was wet with rain from the previous night. They linked hands and climbed down slowly. In the distance, the beach was already visible. It was cloudy and a strong cool wind beat against them.

    The bottom of the pathway marked the beginning of the white beach sands and as they walked towards the water, their feet and sandals were covered with it. Neither of them spoke, their linked hands was the only intimacy between them. Something in the dining room after the arrival of the others had affected Saskia. Abra couldn't fathom what it was.

    When they were close to the water, they removed their sandals and wetted their legs in the dying waves. Little orange crabs scrambled across the beach flats, playing their own games.

    "Something bothering you?", asked Abra.

    Saskia scanned the horizon without replying. A grim expression had lodged itself on her face.

    Abra did not pursue the question again. They walked along the beach in silence.

    "Let's fuck", said Saskia suddenly.

    Abra did not hear her at first in the noise of the waves. But she caught the ending of the most famous four lettered word and understood what Saskia had suggested. As she turned to face her, Saskia aggressively pulled Abra towards her and their bodies came together. Saskia threw her arms around Abra in a furious embrace and ran her hands up and down Abra's upper torso. Abra paused to ask whether this too public a place to have sex, but Saskia was all over her.

    Abra felt herself being pushed onto the white sand of the beach, with Saskia on top of her. With the cloudy sky as the background, Saskia lowered herself onto Abra and kissed her neck aggressively, then pinned their upper torso's together. Their breasts heaved against each other generating waves of eroticism. Saskia literally tore Abra's clothes off her body and then removed her own t-shirt. Abra was surprised but also aroused by Saskia's urgency. Saskia disentangled to take off her shorts and when she tried to mount Abra again, Abra raised herself up and locked their upper torsos together, they flung their arms around each other and fell back onto the sand, locked together in a tight embrace.

    They rolled around, arms snaked like creepers around each other's necks and waists, hands glued to each other's flesh. The waves crashed over their bodies and water spilled onto the entangled mass of white flesh, but could not separate the two sexually aroused women. They rolled around, hopelessly locked together, enjoying the contact between their fleshy bodies.

    It was only a matter of time before their thighs started pleasuring each other's crotches. But the two women did not let go of each other's upper torsos. They clung to each other in mutual body to body contact, breasts plastered together as if they wanted to drive each to orgasms with their bodies locked together like wrestlers.

    Abra was amazed by the intensity with which Saskia was making love to her. She embraced Abra like it was the last time the two of them would ever embrace. Abra did not hold back either, pleasuring Saskia just like Saskia was pleasuring her.

    Their interlocked bodies arrived and rested at the crest of a dune, where they drove each other to tumultuous orgasms reducing them to a mass of writhing flesh and limbs. The sea drowned their cries and moans of pleasure, but they heard each other and that was enough. When it was over, they rested together, crotches quivering and breasts heaving. The waves crashed religiously over their locked bodies, as if some omnipotent God was washing away their sins. Not that it made any difference to either of them.


    ?I need to tell you something?, said Saskia. She was sitting with her fleshy legs curled, her head resting on the sand dune. Her fingers were browsing through messages on the mobile phone which she had produced out of her shorts. Abra lay beside her. They were both naked.

    "Is everything Ok?", asked Abra, concerned. She took Saskia's hand in hers. Saskia's breasts hung down, inches from Abra's face.

    "You're not going to believe what I am going to tell you now. But I assure, you it is the truth. I want you to hear me out .....", Saskia paused.

    "What is it?", asked Abra.

    Saskia sat up and then slowly leaned back, gathering herself before speaking again.

    "I'm not who they told you I was. I'm not Ross' sister."

    "I don't understand .....", said Abra, sitting up slightly.

    "I was hired by your brother Thomas to pose as Ross' sister. I was hired to seduce you", said Saskia, speaking very slowly as if every word she had to say was of the utmost importance.

    "I ..... don't think I understand", said Abra.

    Saskia sighed. Paused. Then spoke again.

    "Your brother Thomas and other senior employees at Knox Inc are involved in a wife and girlfriend swapping ring. I have travelled with them on trips to Goa previously. This is my third year in Goa. They use me in ritualistic group sex orgies. I was hired to seduce you into their ring", Saskia spoke slowly and purposefully. As if she wanted Abra to understand everything. Her large breasts heaved as she spoke.

    "This is ..... I can't even ..... what are you saying to me?", said Abra. Saskia's face wore a grave expression.

    "Why would I lie to you? Why else would your brother Thomas invite you on a holiday with him and his friends? Why do you think he asked the two of us to share a room? It was all planned", Saskia continued with her assault of revelations.

    "So everything was fake? Including our sex last night?", asked Abra, sitting up and moving closer to Saskia. She placed a hand on Saskia's naked thigh. She felt Saskia shiver.

    "No Abra, no. That wasn't fake. Do you think I faked it? I enjoyed last night as much as you did. What we shared was intense and intimate. That's why I'm telling you all this. Trust me, Abra. We are in this together." Abra thought Saskia sounded genuine. Saskia moved closer to Abra, they clasped hands and their erect nipples rubbed against each other.

    "But why would Thomas want me, his sister, in a sex ring? I am his sister for god sake", asked Abra.

    "They have been snooping on you. They prey on needy and poor women. They must have figured you needed the money. Thomas told me everything about you. I mean everything. He knew you were into women. He got someone to snoop in on your internet."

    Abra glared at Saskia. A wave of shame washed through her. She had been a regular visitor of porn sites on her old computer.

    "So you are not a school teacher?", she asked, crestfallen.

    "I was. I ran into debt. I joined an escort service that catered to lesbian clients. Thomas' female colleague who used to visit me, recommended me to him."

    Abra gulped. She had broken into a sweat.

    "So ..... what are these orgies? What happens?", Abra asked uncertainly.

    "They are attended by male and female employees of Knox Inc and their mates. Escorts are hired to take part in the orgies. There is an annual orgy that takes place in this hotel which is owned by Knox Inc. It usually takes place in the final quarter of the year. They call it mating season."

    "Mating season. Why the hell would they call it that?", anxiety and curiosity tugged at Abra's heart.

    "It refers to some ancient obscure Anglo-Saxon mating ritual that took place close to Christmas in the Gregorian calendar. Anyway, hundreds of Knox employees are expected to arrive here over the next two days. We need to get out of here before that."

    "Why do we have to get out?"

    "It's not safe. I don't want you to go through what I went. It's not nice. You get passed around like you're some animal. I was thinking I could put us on the first flight out of here to New York."

    "Saskia, this is all happening so fast. I don't know what to say. I'll go talk to Thomas. I'll give him a piece of my mind for treating me like this."

    "No Abra no. I'll get into trouble if you do that. I swear I'm trying to save you. We need to get out of here now."

    Abra just stared straight ahead at Saskia, flabbergasted. She couldn't believe what was happening. Saskia was speaking with such clarity and conviction that Abra could not ignore her. They held each other by the elbows.

    "I know you are pining for some evidence. Here is a photo that your brother Thomas sent me on my WhatsApp half an hour ago." Saskia handed her phone to Abra.

    The screen showed a picture of two nude women sleeping side by side on a carpet. It took Abra only a moment to realize that it was a photo of her and Saskia from the previous night.

    "How did they get this?", asked Abra angrily.

    "Thomas must have crept into our room in the night and clicked it. He must have procured a spare key from the employees. It's very easy here," Saskia's tone was solemn.

    Saskia also showed her Thomas' message beneath the photo saying "Good job, Sas. You are a true pro."

    "We need to get out of here, Abra. Once you become a part of the ring, there is no way out."

    "What do we do?"

    "I'm going to book two tickets back to New York. Right now. We will leave without anyone noticing. Trust me.?

    Abra looked anxiously at Saskia. Saskia embraced her. They lay down, side by side on the sand, embracing each other?s nude bodies hungrily, both hoping they could stay like that forever. But both knew this moment was fleeting.

    Another hot archiver Kamafight
    I look forward to chapter 4


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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3

    thank you for the kind comments. working on part 4 now. will post it soon.

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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3

    Love the beach action. Thanks for this hot story

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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3


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    Re: Mating Season - Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by shak7 View Post
    Another hot archiver Kamafight
    I look forward to chapter 4

    I love your novel!!!
    I hope chat with you!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by slrkdhk1 View Post
    I love your novel!!!
    I hope chat with you!
    Can I get your e-mail adress??

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