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    Brandi's opus, chapter 24

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    Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Dear Hostboard friends,

    After a bit of a layoff to write a few other tales of the flesh, I’m back to my flagship story, Brandi’s Opus.

    I found that after Chapter 23, things got a little stale in my brain as far as Brandi and friends were concerned. Taking a break has helped, as ideas and scenarios for the ultimate ending to this lengthy tale have come to mind.

    It has been my intent all along to provide something new and different in each chapter. So, with this chapter, I offer something soft and sexy and something NASTY and SEXY. The latter could not have been achieved without the help of the gorgeous and talented Anna The Marine chick. THANK YOU ANNA!

    I/we hope that you will enjoy this 24th chapter of Brandi’s college (s)exploits.



    For the third time in her young life, Brandi was forced to deal with the loss of someone she loved. First it was Ingrid, then Angel. And now that her affair with Doctor Jacqueline Cara Taylor was in the past, she once again had to endure heartache.

    It’s not that she was actively looking to find someone and fall in love, however. She was rather young and getting ready to enter her sophomore year in college. It’s just that life had gifted her with three of the most amazing women ever. And despite the fact that she could be a tough bitch if the situation called for toughness, it seemed that young Brandi had a very vulnerable heart.

    Now, with this conundrum of the heart before her, she was forced to re-evaluate her situation. Thus, the life of Brandi Sara Knowlton became a study in practiced discipline. She was in college, and had a degree to obtain. Wasting mom and dad’s tuition money would not be proper. And so, Monday through Thursday, she studied hard and completed all class assignments, maintaining a straight A average. For the next three days, however, she applied herself with equal rigor to that other aspect of life on the campus of Westlake Christian College for Women…

    On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, morning, afternoon, evening, and anytime in between, young Brandi’s thighs were open to any and all challengers. She would accept and defeat any woman who dared to take her on. The more women who came at her, the more women who left, privately shamed yet incredibly satisfied. And in spite of the fact that they lost to Brandi, woman after woman could not stop talking about (in hushed tones, of course) how amazing it was to lock labia with her. Brandi was just one hellacious fuck!

    And with all this scuttlebutt going around campus, the goddess Trinity became increasingly flustered. More and more these days, whenever Brandi’s name came up, a craving in Trinity’s loins became increasingly noticeable. There was even an occasional night when she and her legendary labia were locked in a heated cunt fuck with her roommate Julia that she would drift off to her private space and imagine that it was Brandi’s sweet cunt meat that was locked with hers. No doubt the meeting of their pussies would eventually come to pass. But Trinity was becoming ever more anxious for the thrill of locking thighs and grinding cunts with Brandi.

    Sunday night…downtown Westlake Village…Mario’s House of Pizza…

    Brandi sat alone at a corner table, sulking just a bit over her life, gazing out the window at passers by as she finished a gigantic slice of Mario’s beloved Margherita Pizza with a glass of mediocre Chianti.

    Sure, Brandi wasn’t old enough to drink in a public place, but all it took was a calculated lean-in to expose her fulsome cleavage, and Mario convinced himself that she was twenty-one and seemed all too willing to pour her a glass.

    Then, startling her a bit, a very lovely someone sat down at her table, uninvited, but certainly not unwelcome.

    “You should be careful with that stuff. It’ll mess up your gorgeous figure.”
    Brandi’s eyes widened. “Ursula! What…” she couldn’t finish her sentence.

    Except for the rare crossing of paths in the school corridors, or the occasional smile and nod at an on campus event, the two women had no significant contact with each other. Brandi certainly didn’t recall Ursula’s voice being so dusky and alluring. WOW!

    “I saw you sitting here and I just thought, I’m alone, you’re alone, no need for either of us to be alone. Do you mind?”
    “Absolutely not! I don’t often get surprised by such a gorgeous woman.”
    “Well, considering the plethora of sexy bitches on campus, I’ll take that as a singular compliment.” Ursula teased.

    Brandi was visibly nervous. And Brandi was seldom, if ever nervous. Ursula was a vision, a thing to be cherished. She noticed Brandi’s nervousness.

    “You OK hon?” She asked.
    “No, I’m not. I’m nervous as can be.”
    “I’m just a girl,” Ursula chirped, “no need to be nervous.”

    The smolderingly sexy woman then reached across the table and took Brandi’s hands in hers, stroking and caressing them gently, as if to placate her. But the touch of Ursula’s silken skin on hers only made Brandi more anxious. Ursula found this charming and quite sexy.

    “Take a few slow, deep breaths, that might help.”
    “Just do it!”

    Brandi closed her eyes. Then, in through her nose and out through her mouth. With a second and a third breath she began to feel calmness return. She opened her eyes and smiled.

    “Much better.”
    “Good, now we can get back to superficial small talk.” Ursula said sarcastically.
    Brandi thought it over for a few seconds. “Umm…lets not.” She could not help herself.

    With Ursula still holding her right hand, Brandi then meticulously meshed all of her fingers tightly with the fingers of her surprise dinner guest.

    “Isn’t this usually done with just two fingers each?”
    “Yes, but I wanted to be sure that you got the message.”

    Caught off guard, now Ursula became a bit anxious. For her, too, this was a long standing fantasy coming to life.

    “Take a slow, deep breath, Ursula.” Brandi teased.
    Ursula summoned their server. “Oh miss, can we have this to go, please?”


    Fifteen minutes later, a box of partially eaten pizza sat on Ursula’s kitchen table. It would remain there for a long while.

    Both women stood naked alongside Ursula’s bed, holding hands and scraping their erect nipples across each other, then moving slightly closer, matching their pebbled areolae, pressing nipples into yielding tit flesh and slowly rubbing against each other. Eyes were closed in order to fully absorb each new sensation.

    For Ursula, it was a reunion, a fulfillment of the private fantasy that had given her more than one sleepless night since that fateful night that her tits first met and mashed with Brandi’s tits.

    Ursula then opened her ice blue eyes and met Brandi’s brown beauties. Brandi felt the woman’s intense stare peering deeply into her soul, making her weak-kneed. She wanted to lose herself in this gorgeous woman’s mystical eyes. Not in a bad way, but there was something other-worldly about Ursula. And now, she stood tit to tit with her, ready to surrender her body at this lovely woman’s behest.

    For the first time in a long while, Brandi found herself nervous at the imminence of body contact, anticipating just how wonderful their perfectly matched anatomy would be together, eager to surrender totally to this exquisite beauty, wanting to fuck just for the sake of fucking. Ursula’s confessed desire for her only heightened the anticipation. No, this wasn’t going to be a competitive winner-looser duel. This wasn’t going to be a sex fight for dominance. This was going to be a good old fashioned sweaty fuck, rooted in the long suppressed desires of two beautiful women…no contest, just pure hedonism. But then, Brandi’s conscience kicked in.

    “Isn’t this against the rules, Ursula?”
    “I beg your pardon?”
    “The rules of the ‘magnificent seven’…I’m not allowed to fuck anyone in the inner circle until I achieve a certain level, whatever that is. So this is against the rules.”
    “Actually, it is,” Ursula sighed, “but I swear, Brandi, I haven’t been able to get your amazing tits out of my mind since the night of your initiation.”
    “I’m flattered. And I have to admit, you’ve crossed my mind occasionally, in very sexy thoughts.”
    “So, what’s the problem then?”
    “You’re on your way to becoming an Astrophysicist. I’m afraid that this might get you in trouble.”
    Ursula smiled, “Brandi…it’s not like the so-called ‘Sex Fight Club’ is a sanctioned group.”
    “You mean the Sex Fight Club that doesn’t exist?” Brandi said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
    “Exactly, how can I be expelled from college for breaking the rules of a club that supposedly ‘doesn’t exist?’ Plus, I’m way too turned on by you to hit the brakes.”
    “I feel the same way.”
    “Well, then, what do you say, Brandi? Would you like to take a trip to the stars and beyond?”
    “Oh YES! I would!”
    “Then, buckle up sweetie. I’m about to take you on a zero gravity ride.”

    Brandi suddenly felt weightless as Ursula lifted her up and lowered her down into the bed, coming down on top of her in a perfect matchup of their voluptuous bodies. The woman was strong and gentle at the same time. And, oh my word, did she ever know how to match her body to another woman’s body! Brandi felt her tits almost being absorbed into Ursula’s two big beauties, recalling the sensation of their fullness and satiny feeling from the night they first met in front of the council of seven women. But Ursula’s body was soft and silky everywhere. This was heaven!

    Other than some heated kissing and groping, no foreplay was needed. Brandi and Ursula were so sexually turned on that they brought their dripping pussies together and immediately began to grind. The stroke of Ursula’s cunt on hers was ethereal…almost too perfect for this world! The feel of their bodies matched up was exquisite! This was the deep and soulful fuck that Brandi would have expected from this luxurious woman. For however long it took, be it a couple of hours or the entire night, Brandi knew she was all in.

    Still, she couldn’t keep her mind in the moment. She flashed on Ingrid’s body, she longingly recalled Jackie’s body, and deep inside, she found herself craving Angel’s body. But Ursula was on top of her and fucking her so good! What a dilemma!

    Ursula sensed distance. “Are you with me, girl?”
    “No worries, Captain Ursula! Let’s fuck our way to interstellar space.”

    Four sets of full lips met and locked in a volatile kiss. Mouth met mouth and pussy met pussy. And then, when Ursula’s clitoris nestled its way into her thick cunt and squared off with her own stiff girl cock…lift off!

    Brandi’s legs wrapped tightly with Ursula’s legs. Muscular calves squared off fully and firmly. The women’s pelvic thrusts were in perfect synchrony. Thick, saturated cunt meat sucked and slurped as Ursula skillfully guided her cunt into Brandi’s luscious folds and the two pussies grappled sensuously in clit-stabbing bliss.

    Brandi felt like her head was about to explode. There was a slowly building pressure in her loins. Further up, Ursula’s muscular belly tightly matched her own toned abs. A slight vacuum formed between their amalgamated belly buttons. Brandi’s arms were so firmly wrapped around Ursula’s back that four breasts had melded into two gigantic mountains, with rock hard nipples piercing deeply into breast meat. Ursula’s full lips had been feverishly sucking and chewing Brandi’s gorgeous mouth and deep inside, tongues were coiled as saliva oozed from both galvanized women.

    Brandi had no desire to roll Ursula. She was perfectly content to be the bottom half of this woman to woman fuck. And Ursula was fucking her like she was in no particular hurry. When she felt Brandi’s body movement become more urgent, her honeyed words kissed Brandi’s ear.

    “What’s your hurry, baby girl? We’re here for maximum pleasure, remember?”
    “I thought we were here to achieve light speed.”
    “Just chill, Brandi. When we hit light speed, time becomes irrelevant. Just let our bodies slow dance for a while. We’ll get there.”

    Ursula’s dulcet tones only heightened Brandi’s hedonistic pleasure. She sensed this and laid it on thick.

    “Move with me, girl. That’s it, nice and slow and sexy, surrender your body to mine.” Ursula’s voice was a near whisper.
    “That’s a two way street,” Brandi pointed out.
    “Absolutely!” The girl with the ice blue eyes agreed.

    Brandi managed to slow herself down, but every third or fourth breath was a sexually charged gasp. With the exception of Doctor Taylor, most of her on campus fucking had been for the sole purpose of competition. And although there was much to be said for fierce fucking, Ursula was reacquainting her with the art of intimate lovemaking, and it was thrilling beyond belief to her. Her vulnerable heart then spoke to her near delirious mind: “Be careful, Brandi. This is the type of woman you could fall in love with.”

    She grabbed Ursula’s ass and squeezed hard, then thrust her cunt upward into the thick lushness of Ursula’s naked twat. The two cunts sought each other’s depths as they slurped squished in a seemingly endless flow of womanly pre-cum.

    “Oh…fuck!” Those were the two words that came from Ursula’s lips that told Brandi she was getting to her.

    Several more long minutes passed as the two voluptuous bodies began to writhe like ocean waves. The head to toe grip the two women had on each other as their naked bodies fucked was so tight, it almost restricted their breathing. And as each breath became deeper in order to satisfy the bodies’ needs, the crush of tit flesh became more intense.

    Now, their squared off hips began to challenge each other. Their fully locked labial folds and swollen clits gripped and probed and sucked and rubbed. The two women began to feverishly fuck. A thin sheen of sweat, mixed with whatever lotion was on their fused bodies created a stickiness that enhanced the skin to skin bond. The perfect moment was near.

    “I’m ready…fuck, oh fuck! I’m ready!!!” Brandi cried out.

    Ursula managed to force a stilted breath response, “Ughhhh!!! Fuck!!! Brandi!!! Oh FUCK!!!”

    Brandi and Ursula exploded with cum at the exact same second. Bodies drenched in sweat, pussies still forcefully joined but deluged in cum, legs and arms now relaxing their grip and tits now softly engaged, they both felt like they had escaped the gravitational pull of Earth…

    But, the night was still young.


    Two nights later, Brandi was making her way across the soccer field at dusk, on her way back to the dormitory. But something distracted her. She recognized the sound of distress. Brandi knew instantly that something weird was happening, or someone was hurt. She rushed in the direction of the sound to see if she could help. There, on the ground in a fetal position was Ursula. She knelt down to attend to her.

    “Ursula! Are you OK? What the fuck happened?” asked a shocked Brandi.

    Even in the low light of dusk, Brandi could see that Ursula had been beat and she was hurting from what she guessed were multiple punches and kicks. She carefully felt Ursula’s ribs for tenderness and the possibility of fractures or breaks. As Brandi touched the lower left side of her chest, Ursula cringed in pain.

    “Can you get up?” Brandi asked.

    With an assist, Ursula managed to sit up. But it was difficult for her.

    “How’s your breathing?”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “Try to take a deep breath.”

    Ursula’s attempt to fill her lungs was cut short in mid breath when she winced in pain. Brandi shook her head, now convinced of Ursula’s plight. She went around to Ursula’s right side, draped her right arm over her shoulder and, with her help, stood her up. It was a little painful for her, but she managed.

    “Now what?” Brandi thought. She scanned the immediate area. A bench presented itself. It was about thirty yards away, but she didn’t have a choice. She couldn’t return her to the cold ground and risk her getting pneumonia. That would be devastating. So, rather than just walking her to the bench, she reached down to Ursula’s knees, scooped her up into her arms, then gently carried her to the vacant bench and set her down. Ursula looked disappointed.

    “Aww…” she moaned.
    “Well, I thought that maybe you were sweeping me away in your muscular arms and taking me to your apartment in order to strip me naked and fuck me all night long.”
    “As much as I’d like to, that could kill you.”

    Ursula looked puzzled. Brandi knew, however, that at the very least, she likely had some left sided contusions, if not fractured or broken ribs.

    “What the…”
    “Don’t waste your breath talking, Ursula.”

    Brandi then removed her hoodie and folded it up into the shape of a pillow. She then gently lifted up Ursula’s left arm, placed it over the area of the sore ribs and carefully pressed her left arm onto it.

    Ursula’s eyes lit up, “A splint!”
    “Damn, Brandi! You’re not only beautiful, you’re also really smart!” Ursula teased, through her slightly diminished pain level.
    “Don’t forget my fabulous tits!” Brandi teased back.

    By now, Brandi had formulated a plan.

    “OK Captain Ursula, listen to me, I want you to do something.”
    “Pay attention. This is important!”
    Ursula nodded. “What do I do?”
    “First, gently squeeze the splint on your left side, then take a short breath in, a sniff, and hold it…DON’T exhale. DO IT!”

    Ursula did as instructed.

    “That’s good, now take another short breath in, don’t exhale…stack two more short breaths the same way…hold the air in…then, when you’re at the top, let it out. Keep doing that until I get back…OK? It might be a little painful, but you have to do it.”
    “Why do I have to do that?” Ursula was puzzled by the procedure.
    “To prevent any lung complications. When you’re in pain like this, you don’t want to take deep breaths because it hurts. But that’s really bad because your lungs can start to collapse. It’s called atelectasis, and it’s a bitch.”
    “How do you know all this stuff?”
    “A few years ago, mom had major surgery on her gut; some sort of intestinal blockage. Afterward, she wouldn’t take deep breaths because it hurt. Consequently, her right lung started to close down. They almost had to put her on a respirator. It’s serious stuff girl, so do what Brandi says.”
    “What are you going to do?”
    “Well, first of all, I’m going to dash across campus at lightning speed in order to get my car and bring it around. Then I’m taking you into town to the Urgent Care Center to get you a chest Xray.”
    “To see if you have any broken or fractured ribs.”
    “Oh Brandi, that’s silly, I’ll be OK.”
    “This isn’t up for discussion. We’re going to the UCC.”

    Ursula acquiesced. She knew that Brandi was right.

    “Now, while I’m gone for these few minutes, you keep practicing that breathing technique.”

    Ursula was starting to feel left sided pain again, and it was worsening. She figured that she better do whatever Brandi told her to do, “O.K.”

    Brandi then leaned in and gave Ursula a quick, soft kiss on the lips. Then she took off running, at full speed. Ursula watched as the gorgeous freshman disappeared into a time warp of light speed, like the Enterprise going into warp drive. She was quite impressed. Within minutes, Brandi pulled up and carefully loaded Ursula into the car.

    Later, at the Urgent Care Center, the Physician’s Assistant confirmed what Brandi had expected. Ursula did indeed have left sided contusions and two fractured ribs. This was revealed by the chest X-ray. They gave her a mild pain medication and a spirometer, a device used in situations like this to prevent lung collapse. Brandi recalled the device as the one that her mom refused to use. She made sure that Ursula didn’t fall into the same trap by making sure that she used it every hour, like the handsome Respiratory Therapist instructed her to do.

    After Ursula was treated and discharged, Brandi took her home and spent the night with her. To keep Ursula happy, Brandi “reluctantly” agreed to spend a full hour in an open scissor with her, slowly and gently rubbing pussy to pussy until they achieved a mutual orgasm. Eventually they drifted off to sleep in each other’s naked embrace.

    In the morning, Brandi was able to garner some information about the beating Ursula received at the hands of two women. She had a strong hunch of who was involved. Her suspicions were confirmed by Ursula.

    For the next two days, Thursday and Friday, Ursula called out from her classes, explaining that she had “taken a fall” and had bruised her ribs. Neither she nor Brandi were worried about her falling behind due to her straight A status and her fabulous brain. The woman was incredibly intelligent. Her IQ was near Jackie’s IQ. And she was almost as nerdy as the computer geek Penelope Gonzales. Her ass, however, Brandi mused, was firm and fulsome, but it was nowhere near as big and luscious as Jackie’s, or Penelope’s for that matter.

    Brandi was not acquainted with Penelope, but she had seen the geeky but very pretty co-ed on campus many times. And, she had wondered just as many times about what it might have been like if the two prodigiously endowed women met in an ass to ass showdown. Little did she know.


    On a cool Thursday evening, a freckled redhead crossed the deserted soccer field, on her way back to the dormitory after the weekly meeting of the SF Club. She was dressed in dark green sweat pants and a matching hoodie. The field was normally abandoned at this time of the evening, so she was surprised by the appearance of a woman in black sweat pants and a matching hoodie.

    “Brandi,” said the redhead, “you startled me.”
    “That was my intention.” Brandi replied coldly.
    “What’s going on?” Julia asked.
    “A few nights ago, you and some other bimbo decided to beat the crap out of Ursula. Care to explain why, before I beat the crap out of you?”

    Julia didn’t bother denying her actions.

    “You know exactly why, cunt! She violated the code when she decided to fuck you. It’s against the rules.”
    “Oh fuck you Julia…and fuck all of you, including Trinity! We broke the rules, so what? Ursula didn’t deserve a beat down you skank cunt! Did that blond bitch sanction that?”

    Julia was silent. Brandi quickly put the pieces together.

    “Oh no, no she didn’t. This was all your idea, the work of a suck up, a flunky, an ass-kisser trying to gain the favor of her mistress.”
    “You better shut your mouth, Brandi!” Julia was now visibly pissed off.

    Brandi struck an exposed nerve. She was dying for Julia to make a threatening move. She didn’t have to wait long.

    “Or what, bitch?”
    “Or I’m going to shut it for you!”

    Julia came at her, but Brandi was ready.

    Brandi thought for a split second that a kick or a punch to the rushing woman would be better than what she was planning. However, she opened her arms as the redhead ducked her head and rammed her shoulder into the brunette’s midsection. The pair of busty women immediately went down to the cool grass. Julia scrunched her hands into the baggy black sweatshirt as she tried to use her legs to pin Brandi’s back to the grass. The wily brunette swung her legs out to the sides of Julia and locked them tightly around the redhead’s waist. Brandi constricted her thighs and the redhead groaned in pain. The groan turned to a yelp as Brandi loosened her grip then tightened again.

    Brandi heard a muffled “bitch” come from where Julia’s head was.

    The black sweatshirt Brandi was wearing was pulled up some, revealing her toned tummy. Julia balled up her fist and slammed it into the soft side where the kidneys are located.

    “Fuck! You cunt!” Brandi grunted as she used her legs to drag her and the redhead to their sides.

    Julia extracted her head from the sweatshirt and spit in Brandi’s face. “Fuck you!”

    Brandi tightened her thighs again as Julia screamed. The redhead swung up with her left fist and clipped Brandi in her jaw. Stars swam in the brunette’s vision. Her legs loosened as Julia rolled clear, holding her sides. Brandi sat back on her shapely ass in the wet grass as she shook her head and rubbed her jaw. Julia came to her knees holding her right side, trying to rub the pain away.

    Both young women knee-walked toward each other with fists raised. Brandi struck first with a short right jab that thudded against Julia’s lips. The head snapped back as the redhead tasted the coppery tinge of blood. She threw a haymaker of a left hand that hit Brandi on the outside of her right eyebrow. Tears welled up in her eyes but instead of retreating, Brandi lunged on her knees. The tackle took both to the grass once again as each swung out with short punches to sides and backs while they rolled around furiously, trading the top spot. The harder they grappled, the more the baggy hoodies worked up their bodies and sweat pants slowly but surely drifted downward.

    Julia rolled on top, sliding up to straddle the brunette and trap Brandi’s arms.

    “Once Trinity hears what you and that cunt Ursula did, she won’t care that I kicked your ass!” She slurped down blood and saliva.
    “I almost wish I had Ursula one on one…” Brandi cut her short.
    “You couldn’t take Ursula one on one and you know it. That’s why you brought that other bitch with you!”
    “Fuck you Brandi! I would have loved to rake my nails over her fat tits!”

    While Julia was taunting her, Brandi started to work her right hand free.
    “Nails over tits, huh? Good idea!” Brandi shot back.

    Her right hand, now completely free, shot up under the baggy green hoodie and latched onto Julia’s large left breast.

    “OH YOU CUNT!” Julia screamed as she fell backwards with Brandi scrambling on top.

    The redhead grabbed a fist full of hair and one of black hoodie as she turned them over, starting an even wilder roll around on the grass. Brandi had to let go of the tit grab for a moment to pull the hoodie over her head and away. Her large bouncing breasts heaved as she breathed. Julia’s green top was then pulled off and the two topless women tore into each other. Hands alternated from fists punching sides to nails clawing at backs. The sweatpants, green and black respectively, sagged more and more. Neither Julia nor Brandi bothered to wear panties or a thong, so exposed backsides became targets.

    “OOOOWWWW” Julia cried out as Brandi’s nails found her left ass cheek.

    “FUCKING BITCH!” Brandi howled as the redhead scratched a long furrow into her creamy cheeks.

    Julia punched Brandi hard in the kidney again and the pair rolled away from each other again. Each woman was breathing hard as they lay recuperating on the wet grass. Brandi was the first to pull the sweatpants off, followed by Julia. Now on hands and knees, each slowly circled the other like alley cats. Teeth bared as they lunged! Large bare breasts clopped together as hands reached from long hair, now damp with sweat and the dew from the grass.

    “Your body ain’t shit, whore,” Julia taunted as she twisted her chest to let her globes of flesh slide over Brandi’s.
    “I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last slut on earth!” Brandi countered as she matched the redhead’s move.

    As hands pulled mightily on hair, big tits slapped across big tits. Breasts would slide over to be trapped in the valley of deep cleavage only to spring out the other side. Even though the night was cool, the constant body on body had each of them sweating with exertion. At this moment, Brandi hated Julia for what she did to Ursula, but her body started betraying her. Down between her legs, the puffy labia swelled in arousal. She could feel her clit growing even though fucking Julia was not what she thought she wanted.

    Julia brought her right leg up with her left knee still planted firmly on the ground. It gave her more leverage and Brandi felt herself being forced backwards. Her own right leg came up with a foot anchoring her body back upright. The brunette upped the ante by curling the right leg over Julia’s left. The sudden movement had the redhead being slowly pushed over but her right leg moved to counter. The two busty wildcats found their butts now planted in wet grass as legs coiled. This did two things. First, their tits mashed tightly, pushing out at their sides, but also it made their wet pussies come into contact. Each woman hissed as the protruding labia came together in a meeting of wet fuck meat.

    “DIRTY WHORE!” Brandi yelled out.

    “FUCKING CUNT!” Julia answered back, “You’re all wet and ready, slut! You know I fucked Ursula as I kicked her ass, don’t you?” Julia lied. As much as she would have liked to fuck her, just to humiliate her, It was a straight up beat down.

    But the taunt had the desired effect on Brandi. She slapped her body hard into Julia. Nails once again clawed at backs as the two started a slow roll in this ball of lust, hatred and feline fury. As the redhead rolled on top, she hammed her pussy down in short quick thrusts with Brandi grunting each time her clit met Julia’s. Even from the bottom of the ball, Brandi thrust back, using her well-formed ass to push up from the wet grass and slam into Julia’s quivering twat. Julia was truly getting off on this.

    Brandi was fighting back the feelings. But it seemed that the images of her beaten friend made her fight even harder. They rolled again as Brandi wrapped fingers in red hair and pulled hard. She forced Julia’s back to the grass and pushed hair wrapped hands to the ground at either side of Julia’s head. Brandi used the engorged clit to stab and fence with her new rival’s. The redhead was getting closer to the edge as her cunt was assaulted. Brandi flexed her ass as she thrust again; adding a long, slow grind of pussy on pussy. Julia groaned as her body tensed. Her slit erupted in a hot stream of cum. Brandi kept the fucking going for what Julia thought was an eternity. However, the brunette held her own orgasm back. She still wanted to hurt this bitch. Julia’s legs uncoiled from around Brandi’s hips as she lay in the grass moaning. The brunette rolled off to the right side of the redhead. Brandi felt slightly disgusted as her hands went to her cum soaked cunt. As Julia rose to her elbows, Brandi took the hand, sticky with Julia’s juices and slapped the redhead across the face.

    “AAHHH BITCH!” Julia exclaimed. Then she tried to rise in order to lunge, but Brandi came down on top of her.

    The rolling catfight started again with each punching and clawing at the other. As Brandi rolled with her back to the grass, Julia pushed her body up with her feet, toes digging into grass and dirt. The brunette once again wrapped her long legs around the redhead’s waist and squeezed. Julia’s face was a mask of pain. She brought her nails to claw at Brandi’s thighs, digging angry furrows into the flesh. Brandi grabbed both wrists and pulled them away, tightening her thighs even more. The redhead fell to the side but the brunette did not let go. Instead, she squeezed harder.

    “Stop….please…stop…” Julia sobbed, but she received no mercy from the brunette.

    There was an audible POP from Julia’s body and she screamed out! Another squeeze was answered with another pain-filled scream. Brandi payed it no mind as she dropped the redhead, limply to the grass. Julia held her left side and wept. Then Brandi mounted Julia once again, grabbing the redhead’s wrists and pinning her hands over her head on the grass. The brunette dropped her big tits in a meaty smack of dense flesh meeting dense flesh. Now with her face inches from the redhead’s, she spit down.

    “If you go to the cops,” Brandi sneered, “I will make sure Ursula presses charges for assault against you. If any of you cunts want more, you know where to find me.”

    With that, Brandi rolled off. She gingerly got to her feet and pulled on the black hoodie and sweatpants, walking away, leaving the redhead sobbing, naked in the grass. It was over.

    And although revenge was not Brandi’s style, she had accomplished what she had set out to do. Sure, Ursula had indeed broken the rules. But to her way of thinking, a simple infraction did not warrant a beatdown. A warning, a reprimand or even an expulsion from the SF club would have sufficed. But the red-headed bitch seemed to think it was OK to take matters into her own hands, without Trinity’s knowledge or consent. And speaking of Trinity, Brandi knew that she would need to speak with her soon about this situation. She trusted that Trinity would side with her in this matter, and know that what Julia had done to poor Ursula was an unspeakable act.

    Her mind settled a bit, but when she got about twenty feet away, she stopped when the sound of the “pop” re-entered her head.

    “Oh, fuck!” The realization hit her. Then, the caring human that had been ingrained in her character by mom and dad made her turn back.

    Still naked in the grass, Julia lay sobbing and in obvious pain, favoring her left side. Brandi gathered Julia’s sweat pants and the hoodie. She knelt down beside the vanquished beauty, gently lifted her arm and lightly touched her left lower ribs. Julia cried out in pain.

    “Sit up, Julia.”

    Brandi grabbed her right hand and helped her to a sitting position. Julia winced again. With some difficulty, she carefully re-dressed the redhead. Putting the sweat pants on was relatively easy. The real challenge was getting Julia back into her hoodie.

    “Can you stand up and walk, if I help you?”
    “I think so.”

    With an assist from Brandi and a gallant effort, Julia managed to get to her feet.

    “Now what?” she asked.
    “We’re going to that bench…come on girl…take your time.”

    Brandi draped Julia’s right arm over her shoulder for support. In a few distressing seconds, the two combatants reached the bench where she had Julia sit. Brandi couldn’t take off her top and make a splint, like she had done for Ursula. That would have meant running across campus with her naked tits bouncing in the cool night air. Instead, she instructed Julia to hug her left side and take slow deep breaths. Julia’s expression was one of confusion.

    “Why? What’s going on?”
    “Just do what I tell you. Wait for me here, I’ll be right back with my car.”
    “I’m taking you into the urgent care center for a chest X-Ray. I think you might also have fractured ribs.”
    “Why are you being so nice to me, Brandi?”
    “Damned if I know! It’s not like you deserve it.”
    “And what do you mean I also might have fractured ribs?”
    “I mean, like the fractured ribs you and that other bitch gave Ursula.”
    Julia’s eyes widened, in surprise. “I didn’t know, Brandi. I’m so sorry!”
    “Yeah, well, maybe if you hadn’t decided it would be a good idea to repeatedly punch and kick her…”

    Julia’s eyes began to tear up with remorse. Not wanting to feel sympathy, Brandi shook her head and took off. Within minutes she was back and loading Julia into her car.

    Fifteen minutes later, Julia’s left-sided rib fractures were confirmed by the Physician’s Assistant at the Urgent Care Center. She examined Julia, front to back, cleaned and disinfected her scratches and cuts before she called the X-Ray Tech for an A-P shot of her chest. As for the rib fractures, they would have to heal on their own. But she did prescribe pain medication and called the Respiratory Therapist to instruct her in the use of the spirometer.

    But the Physician’s Assistant had some questions for Brandi. She took her to a separate examination room and had her undress and put on a hospital gown. Brandi questioned this.

    “Look, Miss Knowlton, I’m a bit older than you, so I’ve been around.”
    “I don’t follow.”
    “Yes you do. To be blunt, Miss…”
    “Brandi will do.”
    “…OK, Brandi…let me be clear, I know a catfight when I see one. And from the looks of you two, it was a hell of a fight.”
    “Oh my, you have experience, do you, Sheryl?”
    “I’m asking the questions here, young lady. What went on?”
    “Well, things got a bit nasty.”
“Uh huh…Kindly lower your gown, so I can examine you.”

    “A bit older” was a mild exaggeration. Physician’s Assistant Sheryl Coleman was twenty-nine, blond, beautiful and quite busty. Her lab coat hid her assets, but Brandi knew a great set of knockers, even when they were downplayed.

    Brandi flashed an impish smile. The pretty P.A. blushed a bit. But when the hospital gown fell away from Brandi’s tits, Sheryl’s eyes widened and she gasped.

    “Good lord!!!” her mind cried out. This girl’s tits were awesome! And, knowing from past experience what goes on in bitch brawls, Sheryl’s mind created the scenario of Brandi and Julia locked breast to breast in a hair pulling roll around cat ball.

    Then, as if by divine intervention, her pager went off. “I’ll be right back, Brandi.”

    The page to the nurse’s desk afforded her ten minutes to regain her composure. Sheryl then returned to the room and checked Brandi out. She cleaned, disinfected the cut over her right eye, then had Brandi turn onto her stomach so she could tend to the deep cat scratches on the student’s shapely ass. This told her that, during the course of the fight, both women ended up completely naked. Her nipples hardened at the thought. Good thing she was so well covered. Then she got serious with the college co-ed. Brandi dressed in her presence as she waited for the hammer to fall.

    “What the hell is going on, Brandi?”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “Yes, you do! Nurse Chambers informed me that a few nights ago you came in with another girl. She also had fractured ribs…”
    “Nurse Chambers? The brunette with the great set of knockers? I wouldn’t mind rollin’ around with her!” Brandi interrupted.
    “KNOCK it off Brandi…assault and battery is serious. What the hell is going on with you and these women? Or would you rather explain this to the police?”
    “OK, OK! ” Brandi became serious.

    The scratched and bruised beauty then unraveled the entire sordid tale to Sheryl. Well, just the PG-13 rated parts of the story. Yet, Sheryl was finding it increasingly difficult to conceal how turned on she was by the detailed account of Brandi, Ursula and Julia.

    “So, are you going to call the cops on me?” Brandi purposefully added a touch of honey to her voice.
    “No, Brandi, I’m not. And may I say that what you did was very noble; fighting for Ursula. Maybe she should press charges against Julia.”
    “That’s not how Ursula rolls. She’s just too sweet and kind. But I’ll tell you something right now…if I find out who the other bitch was that jumped her with Julia, you’re going to be diagnosing a third set of broken ribs.”
    “I would strongly advise against that.”
    “Perhaps you’re right. So, am I free to go?”
    “Yes, I’ve written your discharge orders.”
    “Yes, you can go…and take the red-headed bitch with you.”

    Brandi bounced off the gurney, shook Sheryl’s hand firmly and thanked her, a little longer than was necessary, making sure to firmly press flesh with her. She thought about interlocking their fingers, but decided not to risk such a provocative action. But then, the lovely Physician’s Assistant decided to roll the dice.

    “One more thing…I’m going to need to see you in a follow-up consultation.”
    “Should I schedule an appointment at the desk, on my way out?”
    “That won’t be necessary.”

    Sheryl Coleman then did something that, in her entire time of practicing medicine, she’d never done before. She handed Brandi a prescription pad and a pen.

    “Why don’t you write your phone number and address down? I don’t usually make house calls, but for you, I’m willing to make an exception.” She purred.
    “Yes, Sheryl, a private examination would be better. Because, honestly, I felt that you didn’t take enough time to properly examine my chest.”

    As they locked eyes and slyly smiled at each other, there was a mutual hardening of nipples and a silent, mutual promise that those nipples would soon meet.

    Twenty minutes later, Brandi was helping Julia remove her sweats and get into bed. She got a glass of water from the kitchen so that Julia could take her pain meds. Then, she bid her goodnight.


    Back in her dorm room, Brandi stripped naked and examined her body. The gash above her right eyebrow stung just a bit. Her numerous scratches and angry red lines had all been lovingly attended by the sexy Physician’s Assistant at the Urgent Care Center. Her knees and elbows were grass stained but there was no broken skin. But there were bits of grass still sticking in her dark hair.

    Finally, she allowed her fingers to drift south to tease her clit. Closing her eyes and picturing the fight that just happened made her weak-kneed. She collapsed to the floor in orgasmic bliss as wave after wave of pleasure overtook her. She brought her fingers up to lick them clean as her hips still spasmed.

    “Julia! You CUNT!” she moaned.

    Last edited by apenman; March 16th, 2020 at 03:14 PM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Looking forward to reading this!


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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Hey A.P.

    What can I say? Such sublimely sexy writing, as always!

    I really enjoyed the scope of this chapter too, exploring consensual/recreational as well as angry and aggressive revenge fucking to great effect.

    Brandi?s legs wrapped tightly with Ursula?s legs. Muscular calves squared off fully and firmly. The women?s pelvic thrusts were in perfect synchrony. Thick, saturated cunt meat sucked and slurped as Ursula skillfully guided her cunt into Brandi?s luscious folds and the two pussies grappled sensuously in clit-stabbing bliss.
    Sexfight literature doesn't get better than this

    Kudos to Anna too for the parts that she inspired in this excellent chapter!


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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    A. Penman strikes back !!

    One of your best !! After a LONG time !!

    Ursula-Brandi was an hymn to the tribbing action between two women who make love !!

    If there was a Tribbing Literature School, this chapter and Ch. 19 should be among the ones every erotic stories' writer should learn in order to pass the exams !!

    Ohhhhhhhhh Yesssssssssssssssssssssss !!!

    Also, my Hat 's off for Anna's great help to your inspiration
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; March 18th, 2020 at 02:26 PM.

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    Cool Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k View Post
    Hey A.P.

    What can I say? Such sublimely sexy writing, as always!

    I really enjoyed the scope of this chapter too, exploring consensual/recreational as well as angry and aggressive revenge fucking to great effect.

    Sexfight literature doesn't get better than this

    Kudos to Anna too for the parts that she inspired in this excellent chapter!


    Thanks for your generous feedback!

    Originally, the sex scene between Brandi and Ursula was much, much shorter. Then, I had the thought that I wanted to play around with some sexy wording, because I had two very sexy women doing the horizontal mambo. Why be so brief? Why not add a boner inducing scene?

    The Brandi-Julia catfight/sexfight came entirely from Anna's deliciously sexy mind.

    Hope all is well with you. I'll send an email in a few days, so I can vent my American frustrations...

    Be well, brother

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Another great story, really well written and very exciting! Are you going to do a Chapter 25 or is the next part the second half of C24?

    Looking forward to more stories from you. Also, will the Brandi story ever go full circle and bring us back to Fallon? I love that character and I'm looking forward to her taking on Brandi as a real rival!


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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    A. Penman strikes back !!

    One of your best !! After a LONG time !!

    Ursula-Brandi was an hymn to the tribbing action between two women who make love !!

    If there was a Tribbing Literature School, this chapter and Ch. 19 should be among the ones every erotic stories' writer should learn in order to pass the exams !!

    Ohhhhhhhhh Yesssssssssssssssssssssss !!!

    Also, my Hat 's off for Anna's great help to your inspiration

    Thank you so much!

    The sweet and sexy part was mine. But I called upon Anna for help with the nasty and sexy part.

    I hope that all is well with you, my friend.


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    Cool Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Another great story, really well written and very exciting! Are you going to do a Chapter 25 or is the next part the second half of C24?

    Looking forward to more stories from you. Also, will the Brandi story ever go full circle and bring us back to Fallon? I love that character and I'm looking forward to her taking on Brandi as a real rival!



    The plan is to hopefully finish Brandi's Opus in a few more chapters. Maybe 3 to 5 more. As for working back to Fallon, that was the original plan, but we'll see.

    As for more immediate plans, I've started working on Part two of one of my more recent stories because some dude I know keeps bugging me about it. (SMILE).

    Hope all is well where you are.

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Sir, once again you hit the ball out of the park! Thank you for letting me be apart of this wonderful story! It has gotten my writing juices flowing! And some juices dripping down my thighs!

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    Re: Brandi's opus, chapter 24

    Quote Originally Posted by AnnatheMarineChick View Post
    Sir, once again you hit the ball out of the park! Thank you for letting me be apart of this wonderful story! It has gotten my writing juices flowing! And some juices dripping down my thighs!
    I can't thank YOU enough, Anna, for your sexy contribution to this chapter. Now, get busy writing!

    My favorite section, by the way.

    "As hands pulled mightily on hair, big tits slapped across big tits. Breasts would slide over to be trapped in the valley of deep cleavage only to spring out the other side. Even though the night was cool, the constant body on body had each of them sweating with exertion. At this moment, Brandi hated Julia for what she did to Ursula, but her body started betraying her. Down between her legs, the puffy labia swelled in arousal. She could feel her clit growing even though fucking Julia was not what she thought she wanted."

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find a quiet place where I can "reflect on" those dripping thighs of yours...


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