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Thread: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

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    The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    Hello everyone,

    I have a rough outline for part three now, and I wanted to write the first part and beat JB57 before he released the next part of his anticipated story. (I can't wait by the way) This part of the story spans several years detailing the conception and growth of the two protagonists. A warning to readers, this story is about two sisters who become lovers and rivals and therefore contains incest elements. If you find that offensive, then you have been warned and please read no further. Also, all characters depicted are of legal age by the time they begin any sexual relations. (I think that covers all the bases) I will start by reposting the prologue I teased at the end of part two, with some minor editing included. The next part should be up in a few days. As always any words or encouragement or critique are welcome as I write, and enjoy the story!


    War of Lust Part Three

    -300 years ago

    Every forty two years the twin tailed comet would pass the above the planet. It was believed to be a shard of the twin goddess’ essence that was sundered and cast into the heavens when they began their struggle at the beginning of time. Only two fragments of this comet had ever been found on the surface, falling in a blaze of light and thunder to create two huge craters in the ground. The larger shard was collected by the Order of Mysha and taken to the City of the Plains, while the smaller was recovered by the Order of Lilith and traveled to the slaver city of Eridu in the east. As first viewed as merely religious trinkets, their true power was revealed on the night of the closest approach of the double tailed comet. That night a priestess of Mysha was studying the large fragment in the grand temple, when the metallic shard suddenly began to fill with divine energy. The priestess was instantly flooded with the godly erotic power that radiated out of the stone in her hands, driving her insane with lust. Dropping the shard and rushing out of the room as she disrobed, she carved a path through the temple and out into the city. In her wake she left a trail of people quivering on the ground trapped in sanity shattering orgasms and the dead bodies of those that had succumbed to the touch of the divine ecstasy trapped within the priestess. All of those stricken having been affected by the woman as she wandered. Eventually she collapsed and died in the city while in the middle of a frenzied orgy as the common people all around her found themselves controlled by the energy radiating from her. In the aftermath of this incident, the priests and priestesses of Mysha retraced the path of erotic carnage back to the stone, which now pulsed with the divine power contained within as it lay where it had been dropped. Clearing the temple, a brave priest volunteered to return and inspect the artifact. After he entered the temple the doors were sealed, trapping him inside the temple to prevent another incident. Arriving at the room containing the stone, he reached out to gently grasp the shard resting on the floor. When his bare flesh touched the stone, he immediately became a conduit of divine erotic power. In the same fit of madness he moved through the abandoned temple and attempted to breach the blocked doors, his fellow holy brethren only able to watch from a distance as his mortal body was ravaged by the pleasure meant for a god. As the power expended itself in him and his life-force began to weaken, he became lucid for a short period of time before he died allowing him to tell the others what he now knew about the shard and it’s effects.

    After he was buried with honor for his sacrifice, a great debate began about what to do with the stone. A special container was created to transport the shard, the erotic effects of its proximity being dampened to a level that could be survived but left those nearby in a constant state of extreme arousal. It was moved deep into the depths of the temple, and locked away so it could be studied and explored safely without causing the loss of more lives. As the years passed, the leader of the order began to notice a turn in the fortunes of their followers in the many battles against the followers of Lilith. A great invasion of the southern deserts was unexpectedly driven back by a much smaller force sent to defeat them. When priests and priestesses of the two order engaged in erotic duels, the followers of Mysha noticeably began winning more of these contests than they had in the past. The holy scholars studying the stone also reported how each year the power of the stone grew weaker. By the time 40 years had passed, the Order of Mysha found themselves in a much stronger position than it had been a half century ago. The leaders of the order waited patiently to see what would happen when the comet returned in two years. Again on the night of the closest approach the shard was once again flooded with divine energy that was infused inside the passing comet, which would have overwhelmed anyone in it’s presence had it not been observed at a safe distance. Now having proof of the origins and effects of the divine stone on the fortunes of their world, the Order of Mysha began to aggressively expand their influence again with a new vigor. Within a few years they pacified the savage jungles of the west, creating the first port cities that would rise to greatness in later centuries.

    But this trend of success was being carefully studied and observed by their rivals in the Order of Lilith. They had heard stories of the night of madness in the City of the Plain when the comet had passed over forty years ago. Inside the temple of Lilith in Eridu they began searching the storehouses deep within it’s labyrinthine depths until the forgotten smaller shard was found, pulsing with the same power as it’s larger twin counterpart. As before, when a dark priest unknowingly grasped the stone he was filled with overwhelming power as he succumbed to a rage of divine ecstasy. Several people had already died before the guards of the temple killed the mad priest before his path of destruction could continue into the city. The leader of the order of Lilith commanded that the stone be studied, and already knew through spies that another fragment was buried deep within the great temple in the City of the Plains. As the dark followers began to comprehend the consequences and effects of the stones, they began to understand they had suffered so many setbacks in the previous decades. Wanting to break the chain of defeats they had suffered, the high priest of Lilith enacted a bold plan to shift the fortunes of the endless conflict to their favor. During the holy week of the people of the plain, a large group of powerful followers of Lilith infiltrated the City of the Plains. With most of the priestesses and priests out celebrating the holy holiday with the people of the city, the raiding party assaulted the depleted temple garrison and fought their way into it’s depths. With men and women breaking off to engage any of their rival followers as they moved through the temple, a core group breached the vault and stole the divine shard. They now began fighting their way out of the now alerted temple, with only five of the original group of one hundred priests and priestesses eventually escaping the city with their prize. With over two hundred dead holy men and women of both orders littering their halls, the Order of Mysha was shocked to find their divine talisman stolen. They knew that with both shards in their possession, the Order of Lilith would be able to undue all of the work of the last fifty years in half that time.

    Outraged at the brazen theft during the height of the holiest week that had left hundreds dead, the Order of Mysha began assembling a great army to assault the mighty city of Eridu in the East which contained the largest temple of Lilith. They knew that the shard must have been taken there, and they would fight to regain it at any cost. When the great army arrived at the city gates and a messenger was sent with the demand for return of the shard, but his headless body was sent back tied to his horse. After a long and brutal siege, the city walls were eventually breached and the invaders poured through the city in a surge of violence and destruction. Almost the entire populace was either killed or forced to flee, with every man and woman in the temple who worshiped Lilith being killed in a desperate struggle within those marble halls. Finally reclaiming the prize of both their own shard in addition to the smaller shard, the army of the order of Mysha returned to the plains leaving the city of Eridu wreathed in fire. Hearing of this brutal assault, the remaining followers of Lilith vowed revenge. The walls of the Eridu were rebuilt and doubled in size. The great temple of Lilith was repaired and made even larger than before. The people of the East who had always engaged in unending warfare against their fellow cities, were now united against a common threat from the West by the dark followers of Lilith. A vast horde of warriors poured out of the East and into the plains, the great golden spire at it’s heart their goal. After another grueling siege, now it was the warriors of the East looting and killing as they swarmed through the boulevards of the City of the Plain heading for the great temple of Mysha. The desperate defenders of the temple were defeated with all the followers of Mysha in the temple killed, and the shards once again seized by the Order of Lilith. The men of the East made slaves of those they did not kill, leading them back to the dread city of Eridu and a life of hardship and pain. The great golden spire was destroyed, its collapse leaving copper wreckage strewn across the city as the great temple was burned to rubble.

    Thus began several years of growing reprisals as each Order desperately sought to keep possession of the shards. The central plains and eastern rivers ran red with blood, as great armies clashed and whole populations were killed or displaced. Eridu was again sacked and rebuilt, with the City of the Plains also suffering another siege to rise again from it’s ashes. As the shard’s power waned, both holy Orders began anticipating the return of the comet. They knew that they could not continue such slaughter, and a way to end the cycle of violence must be found. As two great armies prepared to face each other on the edge of the plains, the head of each order called for parley. For an entire day and night they argued and tried to reach a compromise that would end the bloodshed. Eventually they decided on a contest for ownership to take place every zenith of the comet’s passing. The head of each order would assemble twenty warriors, where these chosen warriors and the head of each order would be locked together with the shards to engage in an erotic orgy to the death. The survivors would claim the larger fragment while the smaller would go to the defeated order. Each forty two years they would return to do battle once again for the shards. With an uneasy truce reached, several years later when the comet returned each order assembled their finest duelists trained in the erotic arts. All forty two holy men and women had fought and survived several duels of deadly pleasure. Each group arrived at the agreed upon spot, where a tower had specifically been built to be the arena of their contest. At the base of the tower a room had been prepared that would contain both shards. When the shards began to absorb the divine energy radiating from the comet as it passed, everyone near the tower would fall under it’s divine effects. To reduce the erotic fervor and not be driven mad the proximity of both stones, each group would ascend to do battle at the top of the tower. Both sides hoped that this small distance from the stones would shield them from it’s full effects.

    The caravan of each group arrived across the wide open plain, but stopped several hundred yards from the tower. Twenty one men and women approached the tower from each group carrying the depleted shards of the comet with them. Placing the stones at the base of the tower, without speaking all the men and women began to disrobe until everyone was nude. They then began to climb the many steps to the large chamber above. At the top of the tower no roof had been constructed, with the darkening sky above revealing the long tails of the comet rising higher in the sky. A ten foot tall sidewall surrounded the circular chamber, with only torches adorning the walls and soft rugs covering the floor. As the dusk faded to night around the men and women, a great swath of stars appeared that spread in a great band from horizon to horizon. The priests and priestesses of each order silently mingled and mixed until someone from their rival order was within arms reach of everyone. The two heads of each order moved to face each other at the center of the room. The high priest of Mysha was a handsome man who was a foot taller than his rival the high priestess of Lilith, a beautiful but short woman with wide hips and large breasts but who radiated a powerful magic aura. Their followers surrounded them silently as the comet continued to rise higher into the sky waiting for the signal to summon their divine blessing. As the comet’s zenith approached both leaders signaled to prepare, and every man or woman became encased in a holy nimbus of either light or shadow. Still no one moved, until suddenly a pulse of energy rose from beneath their feet as the shards began to emit their combined power. It entered the minds of every man and woman, and crushed all sense of strategy or dueling skill. Instead each person felt a frenzy of divine ecstasy fill them and begin demanding immediate release. With a savage growl the entire room descended into a writhing sea of flesh as everyone began the desperate orgy for possession of the shards. Entwined bodies rolled on the floor quickly becoming wet with fluids, with several pairs colliding to form into mounds of men and women thrusting and violating every orifice they could reach. Magic saturated the air as everyone was subjected to an overwhelming erotic assault, the presence of so many battling priests and priestess’ quickly eroding any magical or mental defenses of the combatants. The initial pairing of duelists quickly devolved into a wild melee as the pairs were dragged apart or forced together. Several of the men and women found themselves under assault from multiple people at once, desperately trying to keep their magic and life-force from being devoured. For the entire night shrieks and shouts of orgasms rang out from the open roof of the tower as erotic magic assaulted all in the chamber. Eventually, these sounds were joined by the death bellows of ultimate ecstasy as followers of both sides either succumbed to the divine magic of the shards suffusing them, or had their own magic and soul devoured by their rivals to be offered as a sacrifice. As the night wore on the noise of the battle seemed to reach an ecstasy filled crescendo before it gradually began to decrease in volume. As dawn approached only a few voices still cried out in pleasure as most of the combatants had been driven to an orgasmic death. When the sun finally rose and the comet faded from view in the sunlight, a deathly silence finally rested over the top of the tower. Descending from the stairs, only the head priest of the order of Mysha and one of his fellow priestess left the room alive. In the chamber above them a sea of corpses covered in cum, sweat, milk, and female ejaculate of the titanic battle lay together as they fell; their bodies still trapped in the arms of their killers with each face locked in a mask of ultimate pleasure.

    Seeing someone leaving the tower, the caravans of both parties finally approached from the camps they had remained at during the night far away from the tower. The Order of Mysha took possession of the larger shard, and the Order of Lilith returned home with smaller shard. And so it was to pass that every forty two years the shards would be joined together on the night of the comet, and the battle to decided their ownership between both orders became know as the Contest of the Comet.

    -32 years ago

    In the great city of Eridu, on a balcony connected to a large chamber at the top of the Temple of Lilith the high priestess Amaya of the Order of Lilith looked out across the sleeping city and the bright stars filling the sky. She wore only a thin black gossamer robe, the hot summer air not yet having released its heat into the night. Her lithe form was provocatively outlined by her sheer covering, revealing a tall frame with the long legs of a dancer and the swell of her small firm breasts and narrow hips. The sculpted muscles of her legs and torso where clearly revealed as only the soft curve of her hips and breast displayed any fat. Her short blond hair had been oiled and slicked back from a recent bath to rest against her skull and neck, barely brushing the top of her robe.
    The exotic slant of her eyes and her pert nose were accentuated by high cheekbones, her oval face framed with a graceful beauty that drew they eyes of both men and women. She turned from the view on her balcony and moved to her desk where she picked up the same letter she had read dozens of times the last few weeks. Reading it’s contents caused a flash of pain and hate to flare again in her sky blue eyes as the letter had caused the same reaction in her ever since she had first read it when it had arrived those long weeks ago. Her thin lips were twisted into a silent snarl as she again threw the letter back on to the desk and again moved to the balcony to attempt to control her rage and slow her breathing. The taunting words and the images they evoked remained etched in her mind. She could sense the relish it’s sender had felt as they wrote the letter, explaining what they had done in great detail to the dark priest she had sent to spy on the Temple of Mysha based in the City of the Plain. How they had captured and tortured him with ecstasy until his mind and will broke and he spilled all of his secrets. The most important of them being how he had been the lover of Amaya for years, along with several of her most intimate and personal confidences that she had shared with him. The letter ended by saying they finally ending his suffering with his magic and soul being offered as a sacrifice to Mysha, so Amaya could never again feel his touch. When she had received the letter she had flown into a wrathful grief, her mood swinging back and forth from a deep sorrow filled pain in her chest to white hot hate. She had immediately written a reply to the high priest of the Order of Mysha, who was the sender of the letter and whom had dealt with her lover personally. At the same time she had sent a squad of her best spy and priests to follow the letter she sent to the City of the Plain with a specific task to fulfill. She had waited those long weeks with restless sleep and a short-temper, but tonight she had received word that both a letter of reply from her rival and the squad she had dispatched had entered Eridu and were on their way to the temple. Calming herself so her breathing slowed, she savored the anticipation of her twin plans coming to fruition soon. She had no doubt that both her letter and her agents had achieved their goals, and upon hearing a commotion and the sound of chains echoing through her door she turned to face them as a bell rang inside her room to announce someone wished to enter.

    After she softly called out admittance, the doors swung open and an armor clad warrior entered holding a letter. He was followed by two other men dragging a hooded woman bound in chain between them. With the flick of her hand, the armored warrior who was her best spy quickly handed her the letter and stepped back next to the two priests she had dispatched with him on his mission. As she broke the seal she spoke in a terse tone, “Crevan?”. The agent slowly shook his head, “A patrol caught us in the open plain on our way back. He didn’t make it.” Amaya sighed, “After you leave I want you to inform his widow, and tell her the temple will make sure both her and her children will be under my protection. He will be a hard man to replace.” Placing the letter on the table she sat to carefully read it’s contents, ignoring the moans of pain from the hooded captive in chains. As she read her eyes sparked with pleasure as she smiled for the first time in weeks. All three men were staring at her being enthralled by her beauty as the smile softened her features like a ray of sun breaking through dark clouds, removing it’s previous harsh lines. Each man quickly glanced away as she finished reading the letter and turned to face them.

    “I will see the prisoner now,” Amaya ordered. One of the two men, who were both hand picked priests of Lilith, reached down and pulled the hood off revealing a sweat and dirt covered face. Amaya studied the prisoner, seeing a face that would be pretty if she was allowed to clean herself. Her breasts and figure were still full and whole as she had given instructions for the prisoner to be unharmed and well fed. Even on her knees Amaya could tell the woman was several inches shorter than herself. He long black hair was matted and in disarray, and her brown eyes blinked with tears as the return of light made her eyes water. Amaya continued her observation, noticing the clenched fists and proud jut of her shoulders which revealed her defiance to her captors. A pair of gold earrings remained untouched by the men, glinting of the torchlight of the room. Speaking in a dulcet tone to the prisoner she asked, “My dear, do you know where you are?” With her eyes finally focusing on the tall beauty standing half nude before her, the prisoner shook her head no. Amaya continued, “Do you know who I am?” Another shake of the head. With a gentle sigh of pleasure Amaya knelt down in front of the captive, “What is you name sweet bird?” The prisoner stared at her for several seconds before speaking, “Sofia”. Amaya smiled again, “What a lovely name, your husband is a fortunate man.” A glint of fear appeared in the prisoner’s eyes as the Amaya’s smile was not a friendly one, but that of a cat toying with it’s prey. “Oh yes, we know who you husband is and what he has done,” Amaya continued, “In fact, that is why I sent these men to fetch you. I felt it was only fair after what has happened.” A sheen of sweat began to creep along the prisoners forehead as she listened silently. “Everything that was done by your husband to the one person I cared about will be done to you. I want your husband to feel everything that I have felt for the past several weeks. In fact, I am going to see him soon.” Her smile faded as her features hardened to stone and her blue eyes burned into the brown ones before her. Amaya gestured at the recently opened letter on the table, “He just agreed to my challenge to an erotic duel, but I have a few days before I have to leave to go meet him. I think you will help me work off this terrible strain I have been feeling for sometime now.” Recognition lighted in the eyes of the prisoner as she now realized who Amaya was and where she had been taken. A desperate surge of magic gathered in her as she attempted to strike at Amaya, but the two priests beside her crushed her magic before she could release it. Amaya had know that she was attempting to capture a priestess of Mysha. That is why she had specifically sent three priests to suppress and contain her magic for the entire long journey back to Eridu. Fortunately the two priests had managed to complete the trip with the prisoner after the third priest, Crevan, had been killed.

    Rising to her feet, she looked at each of the men in turn. “You will all be handsomely rewarded for a job well done. Go and rest, but before you go remove the chains from the prisoner.” The men glanced at each other, but before they could voice their concerns Amaya spoke again. “I will deal with her, make sure to tell the staff that I am not disturbed until tomorrow night. I think this pretty bird will find her wings clipped by then. There will still be plenty of time before I must depart for me to have my fun.” Bowing their heads in deference to the high priestess, the men unlocked the chains binding Sofia, who attempted to stand but her numb legs had not yet recovered from the tight chains. Leaving the room, they closed the doors and left to convey her instructions. Moving away from Sofia and back towards the balcony, Amaya savored the delicious thrill growing in her groin and her quickening heart. Turning back to her prisoner, she waited while Sofia staggered to her feet and desperately glanced around for a way to escape. Amaya reveled in the panic and fear she saw in the wild movement of Sofia’s eyes, her long weeks of burning hatred finally having an appropriate outlet. Seeing no escape, Sofia locked eyes with the statuesque beauty patiently watching her. Realizing that Amaya was waiting for her to summon her magic, Sofia prayed for the strength to defeat the greatest foe of her Holy Order. With a burst of magic finally released after being leashed for so many weeks, a glowing white nimbus of light enveloped Sofia as Mysha answered her prayers. When she opened her eyes she saw the Amaya slowly untie her black robe and let it slide down her smooth curves to puddle at her feet. In place of a dark cloth she was now covered in a faint black shadow that seemed to absorb the light of the torches beside her. Sofia quickly removed her clothing as she prepared to fight for her life and soul against this twisted woman before her. With smooth regal steps Amaya began to glide across the gap between the two women, her tooth filled smile matching her dead shark eyes.

    Last edited by Guilty_Spark; September 23rd, 2020 at 08:51 PM.

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    -32 years ago (Two weeks later)

    As dusk fell over the ocean of long grass, a lone rider approached the large structure standing next to the long empty road stretching across the plain to the horizon. Handing their horse to a young boy who ran out of the stable which extended from the building, the figure circled around to the front of the tavern which functioned as a way station on this uninhabited expanse of land. Pushing the tavern door open the a cloaked figure entered, pausing to survey the room. A large fireplace dominated the far wall with a swinging door to the kitchen, with several tables spaced around the floor. A series of booths lay against the one wall, while the other had a long bar stretching down the length of the room. Near the front entrance was a staircase to the guest rooms above the common room. Only two people were in the room, a hooded man sitting in a booth facing the entrance, and what appeared to be the tavern owner balancing his books behind the bar. Seeing a customer enter the barman moved to greet the visitor with a warning that the entire building had been rented out for the week and that he could not provide lodging tonight. He was interrupted by the figure in the booth, the man?s voice explaining this was the one he had been expecting, and that his services were no longer required. The innkeeper quickly put his books away and with only a quick glance of fear at the man he left by the front door to collect his son from the stables. As he moved to the cart already waiting in the stables, he wondered at the strange bargain that he had agreed to of leaving his own tavern for a week. But the recently acquired bag of gold on his waist was worth a month?s rent for his entire inn, and he was not about to risk losing such a large sum. The cloaked figure remained at the entrance of the inn until they she heard the sound of the cart leaving down the dirt road. Reaching up Amaya pulled back her cloak to reveal her face as she approached the occupied booth. She could see his eyes analyzing her from head to toe as she strode forward. Sliding into the seat opposite, she eyed the man in turn as he removed his hood to reveal his face. His bright red hair was slightly longer than her own, his green eyes scoured her blue ones as each saw their enemy for the first time. His pale skin had a dusting of freckles across his cheeks and straight nose. His face was clean shaven, displaying a strong jaw and thick lips. Amaya felt a stirring in her loins as all his features combined with his rare coloring made him handsome and different. She smiled internally as she saw the spark of lust ignite in his eyes as he drank in her delicate features, a look she had become well acquainted with ever since she had entered her teens. She knew that the man before her was David, the head priest of the Order of Mysha come to answer her challenge to an erotic duel.

    For a minute the two of them silently observed and assessed each other, until Amaya reached out to take a sip of the ale resting in front of him to clear away the dust of the road from her parched mouth. Licking her lips suggestively to catch some drops of ale she spoke first, ?I apologize for arriving so late this evening, but I lost track of time dealing with a personal matter before I left a week ago to meet you. As we each are the head of an Order, you understand that sometimes the requests and demands on our time never seem to end.? Beneath her soft seductive tone, the undercurrent of malice was quite apparent to the man as he gently reached out to the ale between them to take his own sip. He grinned as he could see his letter had clearly struck the devastating blow he had sought. With his deep voice layered with insincere concern and understanding he replied, ?Yes, these last few weeks must have been very taxing on you. I find the pressures of leadership and personal problems often lead to the loss of sleep. But the presence of friends and loved ones often help relieve the strain.? He saw her nostrils flare and her eyes narrow with hate and rage as he spoke, but for some reason his enjoyment was disturbed by the ghost of a smile that touched her lips. Amaya quickly replied, ?Yes, loved ones do ease the burdens we face. Speaking of loved ones, how is your wife? I was on my way here when I heard she had gone missing?? David stiffened as his smile instantly snapped away into a stone faced expression. He felt his stomach drop as he saw Amaya?s ghost of a smile blossom into a cruel grin. Weeks ago when he was told of Sofia?s disappearance he had ordered the entire city searched, and had sent patrols out in all directions across the plains. He knew one of the patrols had never returned, and her trail had since gone cold. With his voice lowering to a menacing growl, David spoke in a dangerous tone. ?What do you know about that?? Amaya felt a surge of pleasure as his weakly concealed taunting suddenly turned to fear. She continued, ?Simple what I was told by my agents, that a priestess had gone missing in the City of the Plain several weeks ago. That her absence had lead to a frenzy of activity in the city and several patrols leaving rather quickly. I hope Sofia doesn?t fall into the hands of any who might wish her harm.? At the mention of her name David flinched. He could not discern whether Amaya was merely using her new information to torment him, or if she was behind Sofia?s abduction. As his temper began to rise, he lay his hands on the table and spoke with a hiss, ?What did you do to Sofia?? Now it was Amaya?s voice which was layered with insincere concern as she purred, ?Why I would never do anything to woman as pretty as Sofia, with her beautiful long dark hair and curvaceous figure. That is nothing that you yourself haven?t already done.? David?s eyes widened as the implications of her words pierced his heart like a blade. ?Indeed I must admit that she recently was my guest and she was the reason I found myself delayed in my journey to meet you. After your first letter I felt an unstoppable urge to meet your wife, so that I could personally entertain her. Your letter went into such detail of what you did to your prisoner, I felt I needed to make sure Sofia lasted long enough to enjoy all the delights you were so happy to tell me he enjoyed at your hands. It was only the night I left to meet you that I finally released her into Lilith?s embrace.? Amaya watched as David?s face filled with grief as she told him of his wife?s suffering and the sacrifice of her soul to Lilith. Reaching down into a pouch on her belt, she removed a pair of gold earrings that she gently placed on the table. David?s shaking hand reached out to grasp the jewelry he recognized, before he crushed them against his chest. As his face bowed down and tears formed in his eyes, she knew he finally felt the pain and suffering he had caused her. She remained silent for a minute as David found his heart wrenching grief infused with a bloody thirst for revenge against his wife?s tormentor before him. His head snapped up to lock his gaze with Amaya?s both of their eyes almost shooting sparks of hot hate at the suffering each had caused the other. David voice spoke with tightly controlled emotion, ?I will destroy you and offer you to Mysha for what you have done.? Amaya replied in a cold voice, ?And I will destroy you as a sacrifice for Lilith. For someone willing to cause so much pain, you don?t seem to enjoy receiving it. Perhaps we should retire to the upstairs room so we can continue our...discussion?in more comfort??

    With a swift nod from David, both extracted themselves from the booth as Amaya followed David up the stairs to a spacious room. A large bed rested at hip height on a floor of fur rugs, and on one side was a sofa near the windows flanked by a writing desk. On the other side a tile floor had been placed to collect any water that spilled out of a large bathtub already full of water. Against the wall Amaya could see several buckets of fresh water waiting to replenish the bath after it was used. A wooden bench a few feet in front of the bed provided a place to sit to remove or put on boots, which both of them proceeded to do. Standing to remove her belt with a dagger and a few pouches attached, she place it on the hanger next to the door above the sword David had left resting against the wall. Turning back to face David she could see him glare at her as he removed his shirt, with red hairs covering his muscled chest and stomach. As she returned his gaze, she slowly shimmied her riding pants past her hips and down her legs, revealing her smooth shaven pussy to David?s lustful eyes. They had already begun their duel, both knowing how a slow striptease could inflame desire. With a smooth movement, David pulled down his pants to reveal a large flaccid cock, with a fringe of trimmed fiery red hair on his groin but smooth shaven balls and shaft. The red hairs on his well thickly muscled arms and legs were so pale as to almost appear blonde in the torchlight of the room. Amaya felt her nipples harden at the expanse of sculpted muscles across from her, and responded by releasing the clasp on her cloak to allow it to fall to the floor. With a fluid motion she pulled her shirt over her head, dropping her shirt behind her but keeping her hands behind her head to display her small firm breasts and lithe physique for David adding a tilt to her hips. She saw his cock jerk at her display, as both of their eyes devoured the perfect body before them before locking together with a hate filled lust. With short bouncy steps, Amaya approached David to circle around him while softly dragging a hand around his chest, shoulders, and back. Stopping before him she turn her back to him and glanced at him over her shoulder. David growled as he stepped forward his hands gently stroking the sides of her neck before tracing down her sides. He briefly stroked the undersides of her breasts before his hands trailed down to gently grip her hips. Amaya gasped as she felt his hardening cock press between her cheeks, and his lightly haired chest press against her back with a tickling sensation. Both of them were the same height, so David?s head moved over her shoulder to brush against her ear as his hot breath flowed over her neck. Amaya moved one arm up to gently grasp the back of his head as they stared deep into each other?s eyes, both resisting the urge to kiss or lick the other?s soft flesh. Both of them began releasing soft moans as David's shaft began grinding up and down Amaya?s ass as they continued to tease each other. With a sudden motion David reached up to fill his hands with Amaya?s breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze and drawing a groan from her. He then separated from her and stepped back as he prepared to summon his goddess's blessing. His prayers were instantly answered, and a powerful aura of light wreathed his body before gently fading to a soft glow around the edges of his skin. His cock immediately swelled to it full impressive length, and he knew it would not soften until either he or his foe were defeated. He felt his balls grow heavy with seed, an unending supply preparing to flow until the goddess?s blessing was withdrawn or broken. Opening his eyes he saw Amaya turn to face him and close her eyes as she prayed to Lilith. A dark shadow flowed up her legs and body to cover her skin like oil, the light in the room seeming to dim and be absorbed by the slick darkness. She felt her breasts swell an additional cup size as her glands were stimulated, and her pussy immediately lubricated and clenched in anticipation. Eventually the darkness also receded to a faint shadow outlining her frame. Each of them felt the raw power of their rival, both of them being the strongest servant of their goddess in the world. Neither had ever faced someone who wielded as much magic as themselves, but they felt no fear as they believed their goddess would ensure their victory and revenge.

    David wanted to make sure Amaya suffered as much as her lover had for what she had done to his wife, so he offered her a challenge. With a harsh voice he spoke, ?I will break your mind and will just like I did you lover?s. I want to hear you beg like he did for me to stop the ecstasy, as his sanity snapped and I offered his tortured soul to Mysha. I?m not going to drain your magic until you?ve lost your mind and become my plaything.? Amaya?s breath heaved in her chests as she immediately accepted his challenge, ?At first your wife prayed for me to stop her ecstasy, then later she pleaded for me to continue. I want to see you grovel at my feet the way she did, her mind an empty shell and her body a slave to her lusts. I won?t drain your magic and offer you to Lilith until you beg me too.? With their poisonous pact of pleasure sealed, both stepped forward to begin their duel as they extended their arms and magic to reach for their nemesis.

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    David's hands reached out to gently grasp and fondle Amaya?s breasts, as her hands moved down with one hand massaging his balls and the other slowly stroking his erect cock. David let his magic flow through his fingers into her pliant flesh he gently squeezed and
    through the stiff nipples he tweaked and pinched, the magical web forming within Amaya beginning to trace down the path of her nervous system. As the web spread it warmed her blood with arousal making Amaya gasp as a wave of heat flowed down into her limbs and towards her pussy. When the sensation of heat reached her clit, David suddenly rolled her breasts in his strong hands and unleashed a bolt of power that flowed through her nipples down to her clit striking like a lightning bolt. Amaya cried out as the first orgasm of the duel flooded through the newly formed web instantly turning her warming blood into a blazing bonfire, her pussy gushing with juices that flowed down her legs and splattered on the floor. Simultaneously, she felt a sensation of release flowing out of her manhandled tits as warm milk was squeezed of them out to flow through David?s cruel fingers as the continued to softly maul her flesh. Amaya spent several seconds with her eyes closed, basking in the heat of her orgasm before opening her eyes to smile at the expressionless face of David.

    Amaya now unleashed her magic through her hands, as it began flooding into the balls she was gently rolling in the palm of one hand while her other hand continued is methodical movement up and down the long spear of flesh. David moaned as the same wave of heat spread through his body, extending down his arms and legs and up towards his head. Arousal flooded into his brain, making his muscles tremble in anticipation as his hands continued milking Amaya?s breasts. He felt pleasure building in the head of his cock as Amaya fed more and more magic into his sensitive helmet. With a smooth movement, her hand stopped its stroking motion to surround the head of his penis and begin squeezing. David cried out as Amaya felt his balls clench in her palm and his cock began jerking wildly, pulses of cum exploding into her clenched fist. David felt his orgasm flow down his shaft and into his belly, temporarily stopping the motions of his hands as the burst of heat flowed up into his brain forcing him to gasp and grunt with his eyes closed. Amaya continued gently squeezing and releasing his helmet in her now slick grip until his balls relaxed and his cock stopped twitching.

    When David opened his eyes he locked his gaze with Amaya again. Both of them saw the hot hatred they felt for the other reflected back at them, hate which then mixed with the lust and arousal for the perfect physical form they now grappled with. This heady mixture sent a thrill through their blood as the first blows of the duel had now been exchanged. They both knew that this would be a long battle of attrition, and that one orgasm would not decide the contest between them. They both refrained from draining the magic of the other as this was not a simple duel to try and defeat their opponent quickly, but a struggle to dominate. It could take days of constant pleasure and magic to erode the mental defenses and will of two such powerful and assertive personalities, until one of them finally submitted to the other. Only then would the victor devour the depleted magic and broken soul of the vanquished.

    Amaya dropped to her knees in front of David, her mouth approaching his large cock and swollen balls. She could smell the salty essence of his cum which mixed with his musk of sweat. Extending her tongue, she tasted his seed as she teased his head before slowly licking down his pale throbbing shaft toward his shaven balls. She gently licked each orb with her tongue, before dragging her mouth upwards again towards the red colored head of his penis. With her warm breath tickling his genitals, she looked up to David who gazed down at her as she teased him. Looking deep into his eyes, she softly wrapped her lips around his swollen head and began sliding his shaft deep into her mouth. David breathing hitched but he remained motionless as she slowly forced his long length deep down her throat until her lips reached his base and her tongue moved to tickle his balls. After a few seconds she withdrew his cock from her throat to take a breath of air, and moving a hand to grip the base of his shaft then she began to vigorously suck and stroke his cock. David groaned as magic began flowing through his genitals again, combining with the heavenly sensations of Amaya?s skilled fellatio and the sounds of her sucking and slurping mouth. To try and distract her while fighting off his growing orgasm, he began to whisper to her the secrets that he had extracted from his prisoner. ?You?ve already lost Amaya, your lover told me all of your weaknesses. He told me how you like it most when a man mounts you from behind. How you moan when your nipples are pinched while you orgasm. They way you would gasp when his tongue dragged up your neck and his hot breath filled your ear as he would softly order you to surrender to him. I know deep down you have always wanted to find a man who could master and tame you, to be a willing slave to his deepest desires. Someone who eclipsed your own sexuality with their own and molded you into a compliant receptacle of his lust. He told me how he had realized that he could never completely satisfy or tame you, how he could not seem to provide what you were secretly looking for.? Amaya ignored him and increased the speed of her movements, forcing David to gasp and shiver before continuing his attempt to weaken her resolve. ?He told me how he helped you poison your instructor at the temple when you were a student, because she favored a rival student over you. And how you framed that same student for her murder, to have him banished across the eastern sea to those distant and wild unexplored lands. How her death led to your eventual rise to become the head of your Order. He never could truly determine if you kept him close only to reward him for his help or if you felt genuine affection for him. I wonder what your fellow priests and priestesses would think if they knew you had been the one to murder such a well respected leader for simply favoring a different stude-? With a growl Amaya thrust his cock once again deep down her tight throat and with one hand she grasped his ball which she then began to squeeze. At the same time she sent a surge of magic into the web permeating his genitals, forcing hot pleasure to flood into his belly and strike his prostate and balls. David?s speech ended suddenly as he shouted out with a powerful orgasm as his cock began to spasm within her tight throat, sending his seed directly down into her stomach. Amaya held her breath and continued sucking the cock lodged down her throat, until David shuddered and pulled his erection from her mouth. He stumbled back a step as she took a deep breath, rising to her feet to face David with her spit and his cum coating her chin and neck.

    David quickly stepped forward and fell to his knees before her. His hands reached out to gentle massage her slick folds, his thumb circling around her growing clit. Amaya lifted one leg to slide over his shoulder and rest along his back while her hands moved down to fill with the bright red hair on his head. With a tug, she moved his head towards her pussy and felt his tongue and lips begin to suck and caress her already soaked folds and hard clit. With one hand David reached up to squeeze and pinch first one nipple then the other, slowly moving back and forth between her breasts. Hise other hand moved below his lips and tongue assaulting her clit, his fingers penetrating into her to begin stroking her g-spot. Now it was Amaya?s turn to gasp as magic flowed into web connecting her genitals with his sensitive breasts and further into her head and brain. Amaya attempted the same tactic of distraction that David had as waves of pleasure began to flow outward from her cunt to the tips of her arms and legs. She began to whisper down to David, ?Your not the only one who learned secrets. Your wife told me everything about you, I know you better than you know yourself. She was quite skilled herself, and I had a much harder struggle to subdue her than her appearance first suggested. I learned how she convinced you choose her out of all the more beautiful women courting you when you were younger. How she would tease and deny you what you wanted, something none of the other girls did. She told me how you enjoy having a woman ride and dominate you, to suck on her breasts as she pulls your cum out of you. She said the key to you sexual domination was to make you struggle to subdue her. Letting you ensnare yourself deeper and deeper into her web of sexuality until you finally thought you had won your prize and mastered her. Only to find you were trapped with no escape, bound more closely to her will than ever before. She told me how she had wrapped you around her finger, how it was she that propelled your career and coaxed you to take up the mantle of the head of your Order.? David felt a flash of anger fill him at her mocking words so he withdrew his hand from her vagina, opening his mouth to cover as much of her pussy as he could. His tongue thrust deep into her again and again as his nose brushed against her clit. His free hand moved up to grasp her other breast, his fingers latching on to leaking nipples and squeezing hard to release a fresh surge of milk. Amaya shuddered and moaned at this renewed assault as her hands clutched at his soft hair before continuing, ?Can?t you see I?ve already started the same with you. You lost this duel before it began, so why don?t you just submit. If you do I may let you live as my personal slave in Eridu, for if you don't surrender now I will offer you as a sacrifice to Lilith.? David sent a bolt of magic through his fingers and tongue to strike her breasts and pussy simultaneously. With a cry Amaya?s muscles locked and her hands crushed David?s head tight to her cunt as she began to orgasm. Hot cum gushed past David?s tongue to be swallowed by his greedy mouth, his hands continuing their hard pinching and squeezing as milk flowed out of her nipples and down his arms. The sensation of release and pleasure filled Amaya?s tits and cunt, flowing into her core and womb. From there it exploded out into her clenched muscles and continued into her brain, her eyes rolling up into her head as she endured her orgasm rising and falling through several peaks before tapering off. With a deep sigh, her muscles released their tension and she quickly moved her foot off David?s shoulder to catch her balance before her other leg collapsed from the strain of supporting her. As she caught her breath and steadied her stance, David?s hands released her breasts and he rose to stand face to face with Amaya.

    Both of their mouths were coated in the other?s essence, and they both knew the time for teasing and foreplay was over. They could see neither of them was willing to concede and submit to the other so with a growl they locked their mouths in a deep kiss, swirling their combined essence around their battling tongues. Their arms pulled each other tight, her breasts crushing against to his hairy chest as his cock brushed insistently against her smooth belly. David reached down to grasp her small firm buttocks and easily lifted her up, Amaya wrapping her legs around his waist as they approached the bed. David felt his knees press against the side of the bed and gently lowered Amaya down as he shifted his hips until his cock brushed the entrance to her vagina. Each of their groans was swallowed by the other?s lips as he began to sink his rock hard shaft into her tight wet warmth. As magic began to flow back and forth between them, they sank into an existence where hot sensations washed away the passage of time.

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    I have checked back every day, eagerly awaiting new chapters, and you did not disappoint! Chapter 3 is terrifically hot :P

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    I have fallen behind in this series, but I admire the imagination and writing skills that go into it! A great example of detailed world-building and graphic imagery.


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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    I agree, it captures the essence of erotic combat. Here's hoping the stud priest can pull it off, although it sounds like he's walking cock-first into a trap!

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    Thank you for your support everyone, comments like these provide my soul sustenance and feed my ego. Let's hope my triumphant pride doesn't precipitate a dizzying fall. I had hoped to post these quicker but I was so busy last week I could only write during the weekend. I always enjoy reading your encouraging words.

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    For the rest of the night Amaya and David remained locked together, eventually moving from the bed to the floor and sofa. Positions would shift constantly when one duelist gained an advantage, before surrendering the initiative back to their rival. Mouths, assholes, and genitals were subjected to an endless assault from lips, tongues, hands, and cock. Both of them continually poured their magic into the straining flesh and muscles of their opponent; drawing cum, sweat, and milk out in return until both they and the surfaces they fought upon where slick with fluids. The pace of their battle was sedate and calculated, both of them conserving their strength for what they knew to be a war of attrition. As the sun rose to fill the room with light, Amaya and David agreed to temporary halt so they could bath and wash away the stink of hours of strenuous activity.

    David entered the bath first using a touch of his magic to heat the water, briefly submerging in the large tub before surfacing and relaxing with his eyes closed as he lay back with the heat of the water beginning to enter his muscles. He suddenly felt Amaya?s fingers begin rubbing soap into his neck and shoulders as she knelt behind him outside the tub, before moving up to gently massage his head. At the same time she released a slow stream of magic through her stroking hands to gently inflame David?s arousal. David groaned as Amaya?s hands expertly worked the tension out of his neck and arms, with a different tension growing in his groin. When she finished with his arms, she leaned forward so his head rested between her breasts, her head hanging above his as her arms slide down his chest and abdomen towards his cock. David felt her soft breath on his face and opened his eyes to see her smiling down at him. When one of her hands surrounded his erection, David moaned and moved a hand out of the water to gently grasp the back of her neck and drag her face down to his. Amaya leaned down until her lips locked together with David?s hungry mouth, their soft upside-down kiss growing more hungry as Amaya began stroking his cock under the water and releasing more magical pleasure into his groin. David came with a groan that she quickly swallowed, with her hand releasing his penis as she withdrew her lips to stand behind him. Handing David the bar of soap she moved beside him and carefully entered the tub before lowering herself to lay on her back against him. She could feel his strong muscles pressing along her shoulders, and his cock trapped against her ass. It was Amaya?s turn to groan as David began to soap her body and massage her head, the heat of the water and his magic relaxing her muscles even as she began to feel her pussy throbbing in time with her heartbeat as her arousal grew. After soaping her short blond hair, David cupped water in his hand to wash it clean making sure not to get soap in her eyes. Moving down to her neck and shoulders he copied Amaya?s magical infused massage before his hands slid beneath the water to soap and caress her sensitive breasts. He released a small pulse of magic to flow through the magical web and down into her clit, Amaya shivering as she experienced a brief orgasm as he played with her nipples. As his hands languidly wandered further down, she gently raised herself until she felt his cock slip between her thighs. Grabbing it with a hand she guided his erection to the entrance of her pussy, where David?s hand was now busy stroking her clit. Lowering herself slowly both of them moaned as his cock slowly filled her, the water creating a soft friction between their tightly pressed flesh. When Amaya felt him bottom out, she leaned back against him and turned her head to look at David again. With one hand still caressing her clit and the other pinching her nipple, David dipped his head to once again lock their mouths together as tongues wrestled and lips tried to trap each other. Instead of thrusting their hips both of them slowly moved in circles or stayed still, Amaya clenching and releasing with her internal muscles as David jerked his cock within her. David felt her magic flowing into his trapped cock, until it felt like his shaft was vibrating with pleasure begging to be released into her undulating tunnel. At the same time Amaya felt his magic fill her vagina until it was a hot sleeve of ecstasy surrounding a rod of steel, with every slight shift of their hips and twitch of his penis threatening to push her over the edge. With a simultaneously hard squeeze to her clit and nipple from David, Amaya slipped over the precipice into orgasm first. Her pussy crushed his cock as her frantic cries of pleasure were swallowed by David?s mouth, her body spasming against his as water sloshed over the edge of the tub to the tiles below. Her orgasm quickly dragged David over the cliff as well, his cum exploding into her sucking cunt as his cries began mixing with her own inside their locked lips. Trembling together for seemed to last an eternity, their shared orgasm finally dissipated leaving both of them slack in the hot water now mixed with soap and their combined fluids. Breaking their kiss they rested in the water together basking in the warm afterglow, each feeling the others heartbeat through the throbbing cock still filling her pulsing pussy.

    For a few minutes they remained motionless, the warmth of the water and the gentleness of their previous shared ecstasy briefly suppressing their hatred. But as the water cooled they both felt themselves again fill with a burning desire for revenge, the influence of each goddess within them driving them to once again begin their struggle. Stepping out of the water they both quickly used a towel to dry off, then as Amaya moved to lay on the bed David tipped the soiled water of the tub down the drain and refilled it with the waiting buckets so they could use it again later. When her turned to face her he saw her in the center of the bed staring at him with her legs spread wide open, her pussy challenging his cock to resume their duel. Their eyes locked together as they once again burned with mutual hatred, David moving to the bed and positioned himself above her between her spread legs. David slowly lowered himself until his chest crushed against Amaya?s breasts and his cock rested against of her cunt, her pussy lips softly grasping at his shaft as he slowly thrust with the underside of his shaft up and down from her entrance to her clit. His hands slips under her arms to grip her shoulders as her hands slipped down to latch onto his firm butt. With eyes still glaring, David ceased frotting her pussy and moved down his hips until the head of his cock once again rested against her fluttering entrance. With a pull of her hands he slowly sank his spear deep into her warmth, his head lowering to attack the panting upturned lips of his nemesis as they once again resumed their bitter struggle.

    For several hours they remained locked in that position, their slowly thrusting bodies eventually coated with their combined cum and sweat mixed with the milk leaking out of Amaya?s breasts. The bed beneath them wet with milk and cum as each of them shuddered and shouted as they dragged orgasms out of each other. Magic flowed as between them as much as their fluids, as nerve endings became hypersensitive to the softest touch and minds struggled to resist succumbing to the pleasure inundating their entire beings and eroding their will. As the sun rose high in the sky outside, both David and Amaya became trapped in a chain of orgasms that seemed to never end. Their genitals had become so sensitive that the jerking of David?s cock as he came triggered Amaya?s orgasm, with her clenching pussy in turn triggering David into another orgasm. This vicious cycle overwhelmed their brains, as they both could no longer move until their minds succumbed to the endless ecstasy and both sagged into unconsciousness. For several minutes they continued to shiver as orgasms continued to afflict their sleeping bodies, before their muscles finally relaxed and both of them rested in the each other?s arms.

    Hello board,

    This story is taking up more space than I assumed with several parts still needed to finish this encounter, so I have decided that part 3 will consist of only Amaya and David's duel. Part 4 will continue the story already started here. I will most likely release the next part of this duel sometime this weekend, when I don't have to worry about work.

    Thank you,

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    David drifted in a dreamless fugue until he felt a surge of pleasure rousing him to consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurred by bright light streaming through the window. He felt a warm body lying still beneath him, and his cock twitching as cum shot inside a hot velvet vice. Slowly raising his head from the pillow, he saw Amaya sleeping beneath him with her arms and legs limp on the bed. David stiffened as he remembered how he had collapsed from an unending orgasm shared with Amaya, apparently she had been knocked out by their shared ecstasy as well. David knew this was an opportunity to gain the advantage in their duel, and glancing at his saddlebag resting near the door he began devising a plan. Before he could move Amaya’s cunt suddenly clenched down on his erection, and Amaya twitched as she came releasing a soft moan of pleasure but not waking. David realized that even as they had slept their bodies had continued the battle, his cock and her pussy continuing to wrestling for dominance while they were unconscious. He must have been awoken by an orgasm as his stiff manhood and her tight vagina gently rubbed and squeezed together. Judging by the amount of fluid he felt coating his legs and genitals and by how slick it felt inside Amaya, they must have climaxed several times as they slept. He waited until the undulations of Amaya’s sheath ceased and her body relaxed again, then he slowly lifted his sticky body off of hers. This took David several minutes as their flesh was joined by dried cum and sweat, but Amaya remained asleep until he had all his weight on his hands as he began to slide his cock out of her womanhood. David hissed as he struggled not to erupt as his erection dragged along her fleshly folds, which tightened as they felt his manhood trying to escape from her wet prison. With a gasp David began to orgasm as he withdrew his shaft the final few inches, his released dick shooting hot cum across Amaya’s stomach. Again Amaya stirred but did not wake. Calming himself as he stood next to the bed, he needed a moment to catch his balance before he quietly moved towards his bag near the door. Bending down he removed four leather straps from within, and turned back with a grin towards the sleeping Amaya. Moving to the bed, he gently looped the leather around one wrist and tied it to the bedpost. Moving around to the other side, he repeated the procedure again with her other wrist. Amaya groaned and began to stretch her limbs, and David began rushing as he knew she was finally waking. He abandoned any attempt to be quiet, and quickly trapped one leg and looped the rope around the bottom bedpost with a quick knot. Amaya felt something wrapping around her leg and attempted to surge up as her mind threw off her grogginess with a burst of adrenaline. She was shocked to find her arms and one leg restrained, and started kicking and shouting at David as he struggled to subdue her last free limb. David finally just lay over her legs, preventing her from kicking at him as he bound her last limb securely to the other bottom bedpost.

    David arose with a smile to look down at his handiwork, as Amaya strained and attempted to break the leather bonds stretching her into a spread eagle position. A continuous stream of vitriol and spiteful promises of retribution flowed out of her mouth and into David’s ears like a soothing balm. He checked his restraints one last time, before turning away to retrieve a gourd of wine resting on the table near the window. Taking a deep swallow, he turned back to appreciate the beautiful woman now at his mercy as he began planning how to break her will. David moved back to the bed, and gently moved the wine gourd to Amaya’s lips. Smelling the wine and seeing that he had already drunk from it, she wrapped her lips around the head as David began slowly giving her a few sips. Her blue eyes burned with humiliation mixed with hate, never breaking contact with David’s green eyes that shone with triumph. She knew what was David was about to do to her, having read his detailed letter about what he did to his last prisoner several times. The only small comfort she could find was that she had already had her revenge on his wife who had been in her position only a few days ago. David removed the gourd and placed it back on the table, before moving up on the bed to lay down between her opened legs. She felt his breath caress her labia, and she saw his head between her heaving breasts as he approached her wet gash. His soft lips and tongue began teasing and stroking her outer folds, moving up to circle her clit and down to plunge into her depths. She quickly felt an orgasm approaching as she continued to strain against her bonds, but right before she peaked David withdrew his mouth to watch her pussy clenching in frustration. Amaya instantly realized what he was doing, and began cursing at him as he waited until she had calmed down before he again attached his mouth to her cunt. Again he brought her to the precipice, but lifted his head away before she could find release.

    David continued this torture as the minutes dragged out into agonizing hours. He would alternate between his mouth and fingers, sometimes sliding up to rub against her whole body as he sucked on her breasts as his fingers teased her clit. Then he would rise higher, dragging his tongue over her sweat covered body and up her neck, before filling her ear with his warm breath as he commanded her to submit. Amaya struggled to resist, as her body and mind growing more and more desperate every minute for the release being denied. She shook her head and moaned out her refusal as his whispers filled her ear, her willpower battling her own body as David expertly fanned the flames of her arousal. As she struggled against this onslaught, she unleashed her magic into David as he played with her. David felt his pleasure surging as her magic flooded into him, his cock forced to shoot his seed across her body several times as the hours dragged by.

    David continued until her body had become as writhing pool straining muscles and arousal. With his magic he could feel her mind struggling to maintain her sanity against her traitorous body, and knew it was time to change tactics. He moved down until his head was once again between her legs, and with deliberate intent began stroking her throbbing clit relentlessly with his tongue. As her pleasure once again approached climax, she was stunned when he did not lift his head but instead continued to lash at her cunt with his mouth. A blazing heat spread throughout her body, as her legs and arms clenched and her toes curled into hooks. Her body seemed to resist her long delayed orgasm for a moment, before she was plunged into a vortex of ecstasy after so many hours of denial. Shrieking at the top of her lungs, a geyser of cum exploded out of her pussy to soak David’s face and hair as her entire body shook violently. David unleashed his magic into Amaya as her orgasm assaulted her mind, adding even more pleasure and making sure her climax continued and did not end as her genitals continued to unleash her fluid essence into his face and mouth. Amaya felt as if a tsunami of rapture was flowing over her mental barriers, and the walls of her sanity began to crack as the waters continued to rise. She briefly crossed into a black void as she passed out, only to be awoken moments later to find herself still suffering through this unending climax. She knew she could not endure this for much longer before she surrendered to David’s will and became his obedient slave.

    Turning her magic away from striking at David, she instead infused her trembling arms and legs with as much of her power as she could. With a desperate surge she snapped her legs as hard as she could against her bonds, and the leather rope broke with a loud crack leaving her with two anklets. As David’s head rose from her pussy at the sudden sound, she quickly closed her legs to clamp his face against her gushing cunt as her thighs began crushing his head. With another surge from her arms breaking both of her restraints, she grabbed David’s hands as they sought to pry open her legs. David felt lightheaded as her womanhood continued to flood his open mouth with her sweet cum, her thighs and cunt preventing him from breathing as his vision began to fade. Amaya felt David’s limbs becoming weaker, and when he finally fell slack she released his head and dragged herself up the bed away from his comatose form. She was still continuing her unending climax, and her pussy soaked the sheets between them with her juices as she began trying to rein in her body. For several minutes she groaned and her breasts continued to release milk to mix with the cum soaking into the mattress, before she finally felt her genitals stop spasming and her muscles relax as the bliss finally drained out of her. As her muscles released their horrible tension after so long, Amaya found herself unable to move except for her heaving lungs until the Lilith’s blessing healed the damage she had inflicted upon herself in the throes of her orgasm. Seeing David was still unconsciousness, she crawled to him and dragged his limp form up the bed until he lay face up in the spread eagle position. Untying the four leather strands from the bed, she bound his limbs the same way she had been and knotted the slightly shorter rope around the bedposts. Next she got her dagger to cut off her four leather bracelets, and sat at the desk as she drained most of what was left of the wine from the gourd. She could see the sun had passed it’s zenith as was beginning to arc towards the horizon, and remembered that they had bathed at dawn that morning before collapsing together sometime before noon. She calculated that she must have been at his mercy since midday and that dusk was not far off.

    Hearing a groan behind her, she turned to see David stirring as he awoke from her suffocating attack. As David became aware of his current position and restraints, she rose to move beside him as he tested his leather bonds. With a sly smile she sat next to him and gently placed the gourd to his lips, his mouth opening to accept the last of the wine. Once again their eyes locked together like two predators circling their prey. Only this time it was Amaya’s eyes that shone with triumph and malice down at David’s eyes that now burned with a mixture of hate and fear. When he finished drinking she placed the gourd on the floor and rolled it into a corner. As her gaze scoured up and down his trapped body, she began salivating and her nipples hardened as her twisted mind imagined what different types of pain and pleasure she could inflict upon her tormentor. David remained silent, refusing to curse at Amaya and give her the satisfaction of seeing him struggle fruitlessly like a rabbit caught in a snare.

    Like a spider approaching it’s entangled prey, she slowly climbed over him and lowered her body as she entwined their legs and wrapped her arms around his broad chest. She dipped her head and began to drag her lips slowly against his, her tongue flicking out in an attempt to tease his mouth open. When David lips finally parted her tongue dove down to lash and wrestle with his own, before she raised her head to sneer down at his angry face before dipping down to begin her sensual assault again. As she continued teasing his mouth, she maneuvered his erection so that her outer lips slid up and down his length without allowing him to penetrate her. David immediately began filling her again with his magic, hoping that she was still vulnerable after hours of being subjected to his bliss filled torture. At the same time Amaya sent her own magic into David, re-energizing the web of magic permeating every inch of his body as she quickly brought him towards a sharp climax. His cock shot several pulses of cum between their tightly pressed bodies, adding to the slickness of her movement as she rubbed every inch of her sweaty body against his trembling flesh. Amaya caught his lower lip with her teeth and bit down until she tasted blood, forcing a grunt from David. Releasing his already healing lip, she licked his blood off her lips and slide her head down to start nibbling his earlobe. She began licking the salty sweat off his skin and down his neck, her teeth pinching his flesh as she bit down leaving a trail of marks. She felt his pulse beating through his jugular before she slithered her body further down as she continued spreading soft kisses and bruises down his hairy chest. She briefly licked and nibbled at one nipple then the other, drawing a hiss of pain from David’s mouth as he helplessly watched her progress. She continued further down, her tongue now gathering a mixture of his sweat and seed that she had rubbed over their compressed abdomens. Finally she pushed herself back so she lay on the bed between his legs, his throbbing erection defenseless before her. She paused briefly as David’s magical assault caused her to release of brief gush of cum out of her pussy as she shivered through a short climax. Focusing again on his pale spear, she began to lick up and down his length, using her lips and tongue to cover his cock in a fresh layer of saliva. Gripping his penis in one hand, she raised it up so she could give his ball sack the same treatment. Finally she sucked one finger of her other hand into her mouth, and with a smirk up at David began caressing his asshole. David froze at this new sensation, desperately trying to think of a way to escape. But before he could even begin, Amaya placed her mouth around his cock and began sliding it deep into her wet maw. At the same time he felt her finger penetrate his rosebud and begin sliding deeper searching for his prostate. As her mouth approached the base of his shaft she opened her throat to allow his throbbing flesh deep within her, her free hand sliding down from his base to grasp his aching balls.

    David hips involuntarily began trying to thrust his spear deeper into her sucking mouth, and as her finger brushed against his prostate he felt a shudder flow up from the base of his spine to the back of his head. But pleasure was suddenly turned to pain, as Amaya withdrew most of his shaft to begin pinching the head of his cock with her teeth. As David grunted and groaned through the intense pain, Amaya increased it by squeezing his jewels hard, her nails digging into sensitive flesh. This drew a loud shout out David as the pain flooded into the base of his abdomen, and he felt like someone had just kicked his genitals while wearing heavy boots. After a few seconds, Amaya released the grip of her mouth and hand, soothing his pain away with gentle suction and soft caresses. As her magic continued to wash the pain away and he felt his climax rising again, his body partly relaxed as he felt his cum beginning to bubble up from his balls. Amaya stopped pleasuring him again before he released his load, and subjected his genitals to more pain from squeezing hands and nibbling teeth on his most sensitive flesh. David's bellows filled the room as his eyes began to water from the mixture of pain, pleasure, and denial of his orgasm.

    Amaya continued this for several minutes, his cries of pain sounding like sweet music to her ears. She knew that David would eventually break his bonds just as she had, and so she did not try the slow torturous climb to pleasure that he had subjected her to. She knew her only chance was to wear down his will quickly with a combination of pleasure and pain, for if he was to escape quickly she knew she was still to weak to resist him. After about an hour of this treatment, Amaya shifted her strategy. Her mouth and fingers worked to quickly bring him to the edge of climax, and David’s abused cock swelled in her mouth as she tasted the first drops of cum leaking out onto her lashing tongue. David mentally prepared himself for what he thought would be an unending orgasm, but something was wrong. The vigorous motions of Amaya’s mouth never ceased, and her finger continued to crush and stroke his prostate. But his climax refused to release. As more and more tension built in his core, David gasped as he realized Amaya was using her magic to prevent him from cumming. Instead his cock was becoming more and more sensitive, her pleasuring of his spear quickly becoming unbearable. His body began thrashing as it tried to pull away from her devilish mouth, but his leather restraints prevented him from moving. As the terrible pleasure and craving to cum continued to mount, David felt his will start to struggle against his rebellious body. His flesh cried out for him to surrender, but his mind refused knowing she would only devour his magic and soul if he submitted to her. Amaya continued her assault with an unceasing motion like the tides, her mouth never stopping as it slid up and down his spear while her hands stimulated his prostate and massaged his balls. After another hour David was foaming at the mouth, his wild magical blows forcing Amaya to shudder as he forced her cunt to spray more cum between her legs at regular intervals. But he was much worse off than she was, his powerful arms and legs fraying the leather knots trapping them.

    With a sudden snap, the ropes holding his arms succumbed to the pull of David’s muscles and his arms shot into the air. Amaya released his erection from her mouth to look up at the sudden burst of movement, and seeing David had freed himself she deployed her last gambit. As David’s arms shot down to grab her shoulders, she released her magical hold on his orgasm and allowed him to finally cum. A wave of ecstasy flowed down from the head of his cock into his belly, continuing to flow up into his chest and down to his fingers and toes. Before he lost control of his muscles, David threw Amaya off the side of the bed right before the surge of pleasure crashed into his brain. His cock had swelled larger than he had ever felt before, and now a river of seed burst forth from the his pulsing slit high into the air above him. As his convulsions made the hot white fluid fall all over the bed and his body, his balls releasing wave after wave of cum that continued to blast up his shaft and fall back upon him. David lost all control of his body as every muscle flexed and his hands clenched into white fists, drawing blood from his palms as his nails pierced flesh. His toes curled as his entire body began thrashing, his whole existence reduced to a white hot heat as his long delayed climax savaged his body. The violent straining of limbs broke the already weakened bonds restraining his legs, but David remained strangely silent as he could only draw small gasps of air as he suffered through his orgasm. He felt his sanity cracking under the pressure just as Amaya’s had earlier, the terrible strain of the last two hours weakening his resolve to resist her sexual attacks. Amaya rose to her feet from the floor beside the bed to survey the results of her hours of torture, remaining out of reach of his flailing limbs. Her face split with a wide smile and she began laughing when David’s crazed eyes flicked over to her figure cloaked in flowing shadows as she patiently waited for his climax to cease.

    After a minute that felt like an hour to David, his cock finally ceased throbbing and the stream of cum subsided from a flood to a slow trickle. The tension filling his body poured out into the bed, leaving him motionless as Mysha’s blessing began to heal his muscles and body from the terrible strain he had just endured. Amaya did not use the opportunity to attack, instead moving to sit on the lip of the bathtub as she dipped her fingers into the cold water, heating it to a hot steam with a touch of magic. After giving him some time to recover, she moved back towards the bed as David raised his head to track her movements. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Amaya soft voice broke the silence first. “Well, that looked like it felt amazing. I hope you haven’t decided to submit to me just yet, I want to see you flail around like that at least one more time.” David growled at her before moving to the opposite side of the bed and swinging his legs to the floor. “That’s strange, I could have swore you were gushing like a waterfall not long ago. I think you were close to surrendering to my superior sexuality, that is when your eyes weren’t rolling into the back of your head.” Amaya mouth twisted into a snarl at the memory of his control over her, before quickly sliding back into a soft smile. “Well, I have a proposal for you. We are both in a rather sorry state right now, how about we have another hot bath together before we return to our debate about who has the stronger sex. I think that bed will have to be burned after what its endured the last two days. I think we should finish our contest on the bench once we have washed up.” David considered her offer, taking in to account his cum stained body. He knew he needed some time to strengthen his weakened mental defenses before he engaged Amaya again, and he suspected she was stalling for time to recover as well. He gave a short nod, and with a smirk gave a courtly bow towards the bathtub, “Ladies first.” Amaya snorted a laugh, but turned her back to him and approached the hot water. She stepped into the water and hissed in pleasure as she lowered her body until she was completely submerged. Staying down for several seconds before rising to rest her head against the back of the tub with her eyes closed. She heard David walk over to his saddlebag, but kept her eyes closed as she basked in the heat flowing into her body. She heard his soft footsteps approach the tub, and opened her eyes when she felt another body enter the water. Carefully setting his feet, David sat down in the tub between Amaya’s legs and leaned back so his head rested against her soft breasts half covered in water. As they shifted the limbs to become more comfortable, David's hands began massaging her calves beneath the water, drawing a groan of pleasure past her lips. In return, her hands rose from the water to begin kneading his broad shoulders, his own moan of contentment joining hers. Withholding their magic both of them took turns soaping themselves and each other, simply enjoying the bath and the gentle caresses as they prepared for what was to come.

    After a few minutes David spoke, “I think I need a shave, would you mind helping me?” His hand pointed to beside the tub where the shaving kit he had removed from his bag rested against the metal. Amaya grinned as she reached down, opening the kit to draw out a container of cream and a sharp one sided blade. Gripping the blade in her teeth, she rubbed her hands together to froth the cream before stroking across David’s face and neck and he lay back in her lap with his upturned face against her bosom. Dipping her hands into the water, she grasped the blade and moved it to his cheek, where she began slowly sliding the blade up against the grain of his hair. As she shaved him David studied her soft features above him, her face having relaxed during the bath so her natural beauty shone through. He drank in her high cheekbones, and soft lips. Her cute nose and exotic eyes. His wife had always had long hair, but her short wet hair that was plastered to her skull drew the eye towards her beautiful face. He remembered her dark whispers from earlier of finding a mate who could dominate him resonating in his soul. For a moment he entertained the thought of submitting to her, and what it would be like to share a bed with her every night. Finishing with his face, Amaya moved down to his neck, placing the blade against his throat. Her hand abruptly stilled as her breathing suddenly slowed as an impulse seized her, and her eyes flashed down to David’s causing him to tense. Both of them stared at each other, sensing the tension filling Amaya as she held the blade steady against his skin and considered ending their duel right then and there. She felt her loins stirring and saw his cock jerk beneath the water, both of the getting excited at the sexual tension and adrenaline flooding their frozen bodies. But Amaya suppressed the impulse and released her breath in a slow sigh, her hand once again resuming the smooth motion of dragging the blade up his neck without breaking the skin. David's handsome face broke into a grin as he looked up at her, and she gave him a smile in return and bent down for a quick kiss. Finishing up his neck, he slid beneath the water to clean the last of the foam off his face. When he rose Amaya still held the knife and cream. At David’s confused look she whispered, “There is still one place I haven’t shaved yet.” David felt a thrill of danger flood him again, his erection jerking again as he understood what she meant. With a smile he moved to the end of the tub and sat on the edge with his legs open. Sliding down the tub Amaya sat in front of his genitals, once again gripping the blade in her teeth as she foamed her hands before reaching out to caress his cock and balls. Once she had made a thick lather she gripped the blade again and gently pinched the head of his cock, she began sliding her blade down his hard shaft. Both of them panted as they felt excitement flooding their genitals, the thought of him being so vulnerable heating their arousal. After she finished with his shaft, she gently stretched the skin covering his balls and slid the blade around his most prized possession. By the time she had finished both of them were breathing heavily, the cum dripping from his dark red helmet betraying his arousal. Handing the blade to David she cupped water in her hands to clean his genitals, her own arousal leaking out into the water unnoticed. Looking up at David, she lowered her head to his erection and gentle licked at his smooth shaven flesh. Although she didn’t realize it Amaya had become addicted to his cock, her mouth salivating every time her eyes locked on to it. She craved the taste of his cum on her tongue, and her gentle movements quickly brought the already excited David to climax. David shot several pulses of seed into her sucking warmth. As his cum flooded into her mouth and his salty essence swirled around her tongue and down her greedy throat, her cunt clenched as she gushed an orgasm into the water below. She kept his throbbing shaft within her mouth until he began withdrawing past her soft lips, stroking her wet hair and ears as she looked up at him and swallowed what remained of his essence in her mouth. David gave an evil grin down to Amaya, “I think it’s your turn now.” Amaya’s eyes sparkled as she grinned back, moving to the other end of the tub to sit on the edge just as he had. David’s eyes locked to her wet pussy, the moment it broke the surface. The intimate folds of her tight lips having been burned into his mind. He saw her clit was already swollen, and as he moved between her legs he placed the blade between his teeth as his hands lathered up a coat of foam. Bending down he gently stroked up and down her slippery flesh, before drawing a gasp from her as his hand slid up her crack and over her anus. Cleaning his hands in the water, he gripped the blade in his right hand while his left delicately stretched her skin as he began to drag the cold blade against her. With slow gentle movements, he shaved her pussy. He took his time as he constantly had to change to angle of the blade, understanding it was much easier to shave his own genitals as they extended away from his body. When he finished with her front, she turned and used her hands to spread her cheeks until her hole was revealed. As he began working on her rear, his mouth began to salivate as he remembered violating all her holes the previously. By the time he finished and she turned forward to sit on the edge of the tub again, his breathing had become much shorter and quicker. As she gently washed away any remaining foam, he could not remove his eyes from he beautiful cunt. Just as Amaya had become addicted to his cock, so to had David become enslaved to her pussy. Bending his head down, his tongue sought out the scent and taste already seared into his senses. Amaya groaned as he dragged his tongue up the length of her lips like a cat licking milk, her hands sliding into his wet red hair as she threw back her head. For several minutes he teased her smooth shaven womanhood, waiting until she approached her climax. When he sensed she was near his hand moved up her cheeks behind her and two of his fingers massaged and penetrated her newly shaved asshole. The twin sensations drove Amaya to an immediate orgasm, her juices being swallowed by David’s thrashing tongue and sucking lips. Again her essence flooded into his brain, making him float in a haze of pleasure as her pussy rippled against his devouring mouth. Once she subsided, David gently released her lower lips to look up at her as she lowered her gaze to meet his.

    Amaya studied his strong features as he gazed up at her, and she remembered his whispers from earlier in the duel of her search for a man who could tame her. For a moment she considered submitting to the this man who had matched her sexuality at every turn, thinking of the pleasure she would be subjected to every night as his sexual servant. But the divine influence of both their holy blessing sensed this turn in their thoughts, and strong compulsion arose to extinguish the growing flame of tenderness growing between them. Both David and Amaya closed their eyes as they briefly fought against this intrusion, before they succumbed to its relentless domination and their souls filled with hate and strife once more.
    Last edited by Guilty_Spark; October 13th, 2020 at 02:24 AM.

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    Re: The War of Lust by Guilty_Spark, Part Three

    As their eyes locked together for a brief moment each saw something reaching out from within. It was if their souls were frantically attempting to escape from a terrible presence enveloping them, seeking comfort and forgiveness in each other against a dark wave of wanton lust and zealous loathing. They felt a shout of terror in their minds flow through their body and soul, but it was quickly replaced by boiling anger and ardent arousal as their features hardened and their mouths twisted into a snarling grimace. Slowly rising from the water they stood face to face, whatever they had briefly seen in the other?s gaze buried down in the deep and dark recesses of their minds. They both subconsciously sensed a potential doorway of them both leaving this room together slam shut, instead crossing through a different doorway where only one left this room alive. With careful movements, they stepped out of the water and began drying off. By now the room was shrouded in darkness as night covered the rolling plain of grass outside the window. David moved to the ashes of the fireplace and replenished it with enough logs to last the night and remove the cold air of the room. With a touch of magic he quickly restarted the fire, and Amaya circled the edge of the room replacing the torches with fresh ones that she also ignited with magic. With the room once again bathed in light and heat, they both approached the wooden bench near the entrance to the room. David and Amaya slowly leaned together, his hands sliding down her back to squeeze the firm globes of her ass as her hands slid around his shoulders and neck. She felt her breasts and nipples crush against his hairy skin covering his chest, their navels sliding together as they felt the abs flex against each other. His smooth cock slid along her shaven pussy and between her thighs, which also rubbed his against his hairy legs. Blue and green eyes never broke contact as their bodies kept pressing tighter as if attempting to merge into one being. As their heads moved closer their lips parted but stopped just before touching, sharing warm breaths that flowing back and forth between them. Silently they remained together for several seconds, the unique scent of each mixing with the floral soap and flowing up their nostrils. David spoke in a soft whisper, his lips brushing against Amaya?s as he gave her one final offer. ?If you submit to me Amaya? I will spare you from the death you deserve and only take your magic? If you submit you will spend the rest of your life as my slave? Every night obedient to my superior sexuality? To taste the cum you have become dependent upon every night?To feel your pussy be molded by my cock? To be twisted into every position as I swallow your cries of submission?To feel my mouth caress your willing flesh...You will fulfill your deepest desire of finally finding a man who is worthy to be your equal? If you refuse, then I will devour your soul and give it to Mysha? You must submit now? or face certain destruction.? Amaya shivered against David despite the heat from the fire now filling the room. He felt a wetness flowing out of her pussy and along his erection pressed between her legs. Her body trembled as it begged her to accept, to entwine and thrust against his perfect body as she submitted to him in the darkness of every night. For several moments David felt her body quivering against him as he saw in her blue orbs the conflict waging between her body and her iron will weakened from their long battle. As the seconds passed her body stilled, her will asserting her authority over her traitorous flesh. As her breathing steadied, Amaya gave David her own offer as her lips caressed his own. ?No David I will never submit to you? You tried to break me but you have failed? You have fallen into the trap I warned you about? You want me? You need me? To taste my pussy every night? To feel my mouth swallow your cock? To release your seed deep into my warm depths as you drink my milk? To feel my body as it overwhelm yours as I take you wherever and whenever I please? To be a slave to your lust with me as your master? I know you can?t resist my sexuality?Submit now, and I will spare your soul? you only have to surrender your magic in exchange for a lifetime of endless pleasure with me?Surrender now or I will have to send you to Lilith.? Amaya moved her soft lips to gently lock with David?s and their tongues softly caressed, their eyes remaining open and staring deep into each other. David shuddered as he felt his cock twitching between her slowly rubbing thighs, his body betraying him at this critical moment. Amaya felt his wetness joining her own as cum slowly leaked out of his slit to mix with her own discharge. She saw the same struggle she had overcome in his green orbs, she felt his knees shaking as his body attempted to kneel before her. But although David?s steel will was dangerously brittle, he also overcame his damaged sanity and shaking body to stiffen his muscles and regain control of his throbbing erection. Seeing the determination in each other?s eyes and the silent rejection of their offers, they pulled their heads back as their lips slipped apart.

    No more words were spoken as they slowly peeled their compressed bodies apart, David releasing her cheeks as her hands slid down to her sides. Taking a step back, Amaya turned her back to David and lifted one leg over the smooth wood of the bench to lay forward on her stomach. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she sneered at David as her hands reached back to expose her clenching asshole to David. David answered with a silent snarl of his own at the sight of her tight hole, his hips twitching before he slowly circled in front of Amaya towards his saddlebag. As her head followed his movement, he bent down and withdrew a glass vial of amber liquid. Amaya?s eyes silently challenged his as he rose to move behind her, uncorking the vial and pouring some of the liquid over his erection. Swinging a leg over the bench as he sat down, he pressed close behind her as he reached out to pour some of the viscous liquid over her exposed hole and down her crack towards her pussy. Putting the cork back in the vial he placed it next to them on the floor, then one of his hands came up to start stroking the oil up and down his cock while the other reached out to caress up and down Amaya?s crack before gently pushing a finger into her rosebud. Amaya hissed as she moved to place her forehead against the soft wood, waiting for David to make the next move. Removing his finger from Amaya, he moved forward until his slick erection gently pressed against her tight hole. With a firm grip on the base of his shaft, he moved his other hand to her hip before slowly leaning forward as he pulled her back into his lap. For a moment her oiled hole resisted his spear, his shaft bending slightly before his swollen helmet pushed past her tight ring of muscle and deep into her warmth. A groan of pleasure flowed past both their lips as he continued to slide deeper until his balls pressed against her firm oiled cheeks. David remained still, allowing Amaya to adjust to his huge weapon filling her. Magic began to flow out of Amaya and into the rod of flesh filling her, making it swell even larger as pleasure began flowing down David?s shaft and into the magical web she had created in him. At the same time David?s magic flowed up his shaft and into Amaya?s abdomen, stimulating and exciting her senses and nerves with soft ecstasy as they resumed their magical duel. With a slow motion Amaya pushed forward with her legs braced on each side of the bench, David?s cock slowly sliding past her tight ring of muscle before being released into the cool air. When the retreat of the bulbous head of his cock was halted by this tight ring, both of David?s hands gripped her hips and began dragging her back towards his lap. Both of them shivered as the veins of his cock caressed her sensitive flesh as he filled her ass again with his meat. For several minutes this slow rocking motion continued, as more and more magic was poured into each of their shaking bodies. Both David and Amaya continued to resist the approaching orgasm, storing up as much magical pleasure in their opponent as possible so they could release it in an overwhelming flood when they would attempted to finally break their nemesis?s will.

    Suddenly David gasped as his control slipped, and his hips began roughly thrusting in and out of her ass in a violent surge. The explosion of sensations from his erection?s rapid attack on her ass broke Amaya?s control as well, her hips increasing their thrusts backwards until their flesh was slapping together. David stared down at his cock disappearing in and out of her depths as her cheeks wobbled back and forth from the his hard impacts, and finally succumbed to the ecstasy vibrating within him. With a bellow his cock exploded within her, his hot seed splashing along her depths as his hips continued thrusting back and forth. He felt Amaya?s magic release with his orgasm, his entire body convulsing as he was flooded with blazing rapture that began attacking the gate to his mental defenses like a battering ram. Amaya felt his burning hot seed coat her insides, and combined with his shout filling her ears and his wildly thrusting hips she was pushed over into climax as well. Her deafening shriek joined his bellows as her entire core became a burning ball of bliss. As white hot pleasure flowed down her limbs and towards her head, her arms and legs began shaking and she slumped forward against the bench as David?s magic was released to amplify her ecstasy. She felt his magic flow into her mind, contributing to the earlier erosion done to her mental defenses as the wave of wild magical ecstasy attempted to create a breach so it could enter and melt away her will. David?s limbs also began to shake as he suffered through his climax, and he fell forward to lay atop Amaya. Both of their sweaty shivering bodies remained plastered together as they attempted to endure in the magical trap of their opponent. For several minutes they continued to shake and moan together. Unseen, a vicious and desperate mental struggle continued even as their uncontrolled bodies were used as a channel for magical pleasure wielded in the mutual mental assault. Finally, the magical reserves they had stored in each other were exhausted, and both of their minds withdrew to prepare for the next assault. For a time David and Amaya rested on the bench, until he could finally gather enough strength to raise himself off her back. As their limbs once again began to respond to their commands, David slowly withdrew his still stiff cock out of Amaya?s depths. When his head finally popped out, he saw a river of seed begin flowing down her crack towards her pussy to finally join the pool of cum she had sprayed on to the bench and floor beneath her as she came.

    Amaya pushed herself up until she could lean back against David?s sweaty chest. One hand reached behind her to gentle grasp his oil and cum slick spear, sliding up and down as she did not want to give him to time to recover. In response one of David?s hands slipped around her hip towards her pussy, and finding her slit he began to stroke and pinch her throbbing clit. Meanwhile his other hand quickly found her breast and began massaging and squeezing her sensitive nipple until milk began flowing down her chest. For a few seconds they continued to stimulate each other, before Amaya lifted her hips and with her hand guiding his cock she lowered her wet cunt on to his oiled weapon. Both of them hissed as his fleshy rod pushed aside her tight folds until she felt his short groin hairs brush against her ass. Setting her legs beneath her, she began rising up only to release her weight and let gravity slam her back down on his cock. David grunted with each impact, his shaft bending each time from her violent movement. He allowed her to control the pace so he could use his other hand to reached up and grab the her free breast, both of his hands now milking her tits as her pussy milked his cock. Once again magic flowed into each duelist, Amaya?s magic flowing through his cock while David?s magic poured into her mauled breasts. Again the rhythmic movements and grunts and groans of pleasure continued for several minutes as each of them was again filled with magic and each struggled to contain their orgasm for as long as possible. This time it was Amaya who lost control first, David having found her g-spot easy to find in this position which he exploited to his advantage. With a cry Amaya buried him as deep in her as she could and fell back against his chest, her internal muscles undulating wildly as she began to gush cum around his cock plugging her pussy. Joining these fluids was a flood of milk that covered her chest and flowed down to mix with the growing pool of ejaculate beneath her. As David again released the magic he had stored in Amaya to begin his mental attack her spasming cunt finally conquered his cock, forcing a him to groan with his teeth clenched as his balls released cum to once again erupt like a volcano into her boiling depths. Simultaneously she also unleashed her large reservoir of magic to amplify his pleasure as she launched her own attack. Again as their bodies trembled through their multiple orgasms, their minds once again locked in a brutal struggle to subdue and violate each other. With every surge of magic, their mental defenses became more diminished. If they had been draining each other?s magic from the start of the duel the outcome would have been decided long ago. But the desire to break the sanity of the opponent and dominate their will with their own meant they both continued to suffer at the hands of the other. Blinded by lust and hate neither realized that they had become trapped in a terrible cycle that would permanently damage the victor, or that they risked mutual destruction in their savage duel.

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