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Thread: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

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    New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Dear Board,

    Before anyone screams at me in rage for not finishing "Wife vs. Mistress," it is coming along. As is "Orb of Erossia." But the following story is an example of inspiration hitting and my deciding to go with it. I probably should not even post this first part of the story, but think of this as a teaser. Anyway, I've been planning a "Conchita vs. Martina" story for years, but never got around to it. A couple of days ago, the outlines of the story came to me (partly inspired by the Kath vs. Kil story) and I found myself writing. I wrote this first part over the past couple of days.

    For anyone paying attention, this is a kind of variation on the first meeting between Inge and Conchita except, rather than a jungle woman taking on a city woman, it's two city women, dressed in very, very abbreviated (and correspondingly sexy) clothing, taking on each other.

    As I said, this is a teaser. I don't know when I'll get back to the story but I'm sufficiently taken with it that it probably won't be unfinished for long.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


    Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Part I

    Countess Conchita Cortez moved through the dense Amazon forest like a great jungle cat. Even with heavy walking shoes on her feet, she moved almost silently, barely disturbing the thick vegetation as she passed through the underbrush. The intense heat and humidity draped over her lush body like a blanket, but the Spanish woman had come to appreciate and enjoy the many faces of the Amazon, even these. Conchita had spent years learning the jungle and exploring its deepest secrets. She was one of two Queens of this magnificent, lush paradise and she still aspired to one day dominate her rival Jungle Queen, the savage, beautiful Inge. For now, she was content to share the crown and to serve as a protector of the forest from the violations of humans.

    When Conchita had first come to the Amazon, it was with the goal of exploiting all of its riches for herself. Then she encountered Inge. She and the jungle woman had first matched their voluptuous, powerful bodies against each other in a savage physical fight. Their blood pumping, their savage instincts fully awoken, their nearly naked bodies locked tight in a sweaty, intimate embrace, belly to belly, swollen tit to tit, naked nipple to nipple, they had moved on from mere physical battle to match the steaming, insatiable power of their warring sexes. They had fucked each other furiously for the entire day, into the night, into the following day, unleashing all of their pent-up sexual desire on the other. It was the first real sexfight for both women and it filled them with ecstasy they had only dreamed of in the past. It was late the following day that they finally peeled their sweaty, cum-streaked bodies apart and Conchita grudgingly accepted defeat. Since then, Conchita had fought Inge for sexual supremacy many times and the women had settled into a frustrating erotic stalemate. But, despite this, Conchita had become caught in the mystery and power of the jungle. She still saw it as an asset to be exploited, but she felt a possessive protectiveness towards the wild. She used her acquired knowledge of the jungle to gain wealth for herself, bringing gold and jewels back from the wilderness when it suited her, but she was determined to keep humans from despoiling it as much as she could.

    This was why Conchita was in the forest this day. A dispute had broken out between her company and another business interest in the city. Conchita had been using her vast and growing wealth to buy up pristine forest wherever she could in order to preserve it. The other company had its eyes set on owning a piece of land that Conchita had already acquired, a very valuable jungle tract that contained water sources and, as Conchita well knew, a cave that hid signs of a very rich seam of gold. Conchita had no intentions of allowing anyone to impinge on her territory. She was out here today marking that territory, prepared to defend her claims in court, if necessary.

    Conchita was dressed in a way that was a bit unusual, for her. Normally, when she came to the bush from the city, she wasted no time in losing her city clothes and changing into her tiny black panther fur bikini and taking to the trees. In the lush green jungle, she could not wait to doff the trappings of her city life and take on her wild jungle ways. But today she was wearing very short, skin-tight denim shorts and a blue, sleeveless blouse that she had tied into a halter, leaving most of her muscled torso bare, the waistband of the shorts dipping low on her belly and her hips. The shirt was mostly unbuttoned, so her stunning cleavage was on display, the full, round orbs of her magnificent tits shifting unrestrained under the cloth. The shirt was tied into a knot under her breasts, which hung over the knot, obscuring it. Her shirt was damp with the humidity of the vast jungle and it clung to her like a second skin. Her dark areolae and taut nipples were plainly visible. Low on her hip was a holstered pistol. She had strapped a sharp knife to her thigh. On her feet, she was wearing steel and rubber soled shoes. On her head, she wore a white, wide-brimmed hat. A mid-size pack containing light steel spikes was thrown over her shoulder. Her thick, black hair cascaded in waves down her back.

    Conchita set up a camp a few kilometers south of her present location. She consulted her map and a compass to ensure that she had the right coordinates. She had spent the morning putting steel markers into the ground, each about three kilometers apart. This was the main reason that she was not dressed in her bikini. In her mind, her work was city work and she felt odd wearing her Jungle Queen bikini to do a job associated with her other identity. She had a hammer, but using the steel soles of her walking boots to drive the shafts into place was a much more efficient way of putting them down deep enough that they could not be easily dislodged. The presence of the numbered markers would provide her with further legal leverage if the case against the other company went to court.

    Conchita could have had a work crew do this difficult job, but the jungle was dense and dangerous and she needed to be sure that the area was properly marked. It had also been a few months since she had last run wild in the Amazon, so she decided to use the opportunity to go back into the bush. Normally, after completing her work, she would don her bikini and go exploring the jungle for a week or two. But this situation required that she return to the city immediately after putting in the last markers and have them legally registered in the Department of Lands and Deeds.

    Conchita had been in the forest for two days and nights and had marked off a vast area. This was another reason to do the work herself. Her jungle skills and remarkable physical power allowed her to cover far more ground far faster than ordinary men. She figured it would take another two to three days to complete the job. She had been working since early in the morning and was preparing to take a break and eat her lunch when a sound came to her well-trained ears. Amidst the calls of the birds and insects, she detected the clear tinking sound of metal on metal. She walked in the direction of the sound. After a few moments, the clinking stopped, but Conchita’s jungle-honed senses kept her on the right track. Only about 200 meters from where she had first detected it, the source of the sound came into view.

    Conchita crested a small hill and looked down into a clearing. Squatting over something on the ground was a blonde woman. The woman was wearing a tan wide-brimmed hat; her golden hair was tucked up in a bun, but several strands had fallen down her back. She had her back to Conchita, but there was no mistaking that she was a remarkably voluptuous woman. Much of her back was bare, the white, tight blouse she was wearing tied into a brief halter. Her narrow, muscled waist flared out into wide, womanly hips and a perfect heart-shaped ass that was traced by skin-tight, tan-colored shorts that hid nothing. Her feet were shod in heavy walking boots. The woman’s bare arms were beautifully muscled and, as Conchita watched, the woman steadied a steel marker in the ground and raised her hand to bring down the hammer she was holding onto the head of the marker.

    The woman’s spectacular body was so identical to Inge’s voluptuous, powerful body that, for an instant, the Spanish Countess mistook the blonde for the jungle goddess. The confusion passed. Conchita’s mind flashed to who this beautiful interloper had to be.

    “Martina!” Conchita barked. The blonde woman started and whipped around, brandishing her hammer like a weapon. As Martina took in Conchita, Conchita let her eyes wander over the other woman’s incredible body. Tits barely contained by the blonde’s sweat-soaked blouse bounced exuberantly as she spun around. The huge orbs wobbled and took a moment to come to a stop. Martina’s midriff was bare, her muscled belly exposed almost all the way down to her pubic bone. Her hip bones were prominently displayed. Streaks of sweat dotted the deep cleavage of her breasts and rippled down her belly, pooling in her narrow, deep navel before continuing to the band of her shorts. A pistol sat on one hip and a dagger was sheathed on the other.

    Martina Hernandez de Souza was also a Spanish woman, but golden-tanned and blonde in contrast to Conchita’s chocolate skin and raven-black hair. Martina was fantastically wealthy and her family had been long established in the Amazonian city that she and Conchita both called home. Martina was at the pinnacle of the city’s high society. She ruled over its wealthy women like a goddess. Her fantastic body had broken and humiliated many other women in sexual combat and her business acumen had helped to expand her family’s fortune immensely. Like Conchita, she was savage and beautiful and determined to do what she wanted, no matter who stood in her way. She was the mentor of Domino, the red-headed beauty who was Conchita’s chief rival within the city. However, Conchita and Martina had never battled each other directly before. It was Martina’s company that was challenging Conchita’s claim to this vast wilderness. As these thoughts flashed through Conchita’s mind, it occurred to her that she and Martina might resolve their dispute right here and now.

    “Conchita!” the blonde replied as she recognized the black-haired beauty facing her. She looked surprised but immediately wary.

    “What are you doing, Martina?” Conchita asked. She began walking down the hillock. Her body was already growing tense and hot, preparing itself for the confrontation to come. Conchita knew exactly what the blonde beauty was doing and she had no intention of letting her continue. Conchita had seen a bag of steel markers sitting on the edge of the clearing, where Martina had dropped it.

    “I’m marking off my property,” Martina replied. She lowered the hammer, but still held it as she put her hands on her hips and thrust out her massive chest. Her tits jiggled in challenge.

    Conchita stopped about a meter away from Martina and put her hands on her hips. She thrust out her chest and was gratified as she felt her tits shift with a jolt. Her magnificent body was a dark mirror image of the beauty standing in front of her, almost down to their clothing. Their bare bellies lined up, the smooth, slick flesh of their torsos equally exposed. Sweat dotted their skin. The heat of the day weighed down on the women, but somehow added to the impending sense of anger and rivalry.

    “This is my property, you bitch,” Conchita snapped. “I have the deeds, I have the maps, I have all the necessary forms. Your claim on this is shit and you know it.”

    “I know nothing of the sort,” Martina replied smoothly. “You are not using this very valuable piece of land. It is in the public’s economic interest that the resources here be put to use. You are hurting the growth and development of the city. I am sure that the court will see things my way.”

    Conchita looked around. “You are here by yourself?”

    Martina nodded. “I have a lot of experience in the jungle. I did not want to bring a whole crew in here with me. I had my men set up my camp and then leave. I’ve decided to make a little jungle vacation out of it.”

    “That’s bullshit,” Conchita replied with a smirk. “You came alone because you didn’t want to attract attention. And I bet you didn’t want Inge to know what you are doing either. I know she has been destroying your work camps and dig sites.”

    At the mention of the blonde goddess’ name, Martina’s grey eyes flashed. “That blonde whore doesn’t scare me,” Martina snarled. “In fact, I hope she picks up on what I am doing here. I would love to take her on again!”

    “What, after the last time?” Conchita gloated. “She fucked your brains out. Are you so eager to be humiliated again?”

    “You don’t know what you’re talking about, whore,” Martina snarled. “That jungle bitch and I have crossed paths since that first meeting. I came into the forest looking for her and I found her. And I broke her disgusting cunt with my own beautiful pussy! I fucked her into the ground!”

    “I find that very hard to believe,” Conchita smiled. “I think that you’re a lying cunt and that Inge fucked your twat off!”

    “Slut!” Martina snapped. “I don’t care what you believe. I’ll gladly take on that little fucker anytime, anywhere.”

    She stepped forward, getting into Conchita’s space. “And I’m not taking any shit from you! My company is making a claim on this land and there is nothing you can do to stop me from putting in my markers!”

    “You whore!” Conchita cried, dropping her pack and stepping up to Martina. Both women tossed aside their hats so they could get closer. Martina threw down her hammer. Now they were almost nose to nose, screaming in each other’s faces. Their swollen nipples, fully visible beneath their soaked blouses, were a hair’s breadth from touching. Both women could smell the sweet, sweaty scent of the other. “This land is mine! I’ve spent two days putting down my markers! You’re going to pull up every one of yours and get the fuck off!”

    “Fuck you!” Martina snarled. “Not a single one of my markers is coming up! And if I see yours, I’ll pull them out of the ground!”

    “Like hell you will! I’m not going to let you steal my property just because you think you have a better use for it! I’ll beat you senseless first then kick your slutty ass out of my jungle!”

    “Cunt!” Martina growled. “Just try! I’ll happily turn you into a smear on the ground!”

    The women had moved closer. Now, they were pressed almost nose to nose, hands on their wide hips. Their nipples pressed together, perfectly eclipsing and pushing the other’s back into dense titflesh. The women glared, eye to eye, seeing the fury of the other woman, wanting nothing more than to tear each other apart. Both felt the throbbing heat of their nipples, spearing each other, nipple holes sucking hungrily even through the thin layers of cloth. They felt the raging heat in their loins. The women’s naked tits met, cleavage swelling out of their shirts with arousal, titflesh sizzling with heat as they touched. Conchita and Martina shuddered with the sensation.

    “This is your last warning, Martina,” Conchita whispered. The jungle had grown silent, as if the watching animals and insects were holding their breath, waiting to see the outcome of this showdown. “Get your fat ass out of here and take your fucking markers with you, or I’ll beat your ass into the ground and make you my little bitch.”

    “Fuck you, cuntlicker,” Martina whispered back, her grey eyes glowing with rage. “I’m going to put down every one of my markers and I’m going to fuck you up if you try to get in my way. This land is mine and I’m willing to pound you into paste if that’s what it takes.”

    Trembling with anger, the women continued their stare-down and tit-off for another few moments. Then, slowly, Conchita pulled back. Her tits relieved pressure on Martina’s matching boobs. Martina looked momentarily surprised. She had not expected Conchita to back down and she was sorely disappointed. Conchita took several steps back, to the edge of the clearing.

    “Let’s do this right, cuntfucker,” Conchita snarled.

    Carefully, her eyes locked with Martina’s, she reached down and undid the strap sheathing her knife around her thigh. Immediately, Martina understood.

    “Fine by me, fuck whore,” Martina replied.

    Never breaking Conchita’s gaze, she reached down and undid her holster belt. She tossed the belt and the gun it held aside. She unlatched the dagger sheath from her hip and tossed it next to the gun.

    Conchita unhooked her holster and placed it on the ground. She looked down at her heavy shoes. She crouched down and unlaced her shoes and then kicked them off. Martina did the same. The women stood and enjoyed the feel of the ground on their bare feet. Their eyes locked again. Now, they were ready for the battle to come.

    The two women approached each other again. Their eyes blazed with rage and lust. They both understood where this battle was heading, but before they destroyed each other with pleasure, they wanted to hurt each other as much as they could.

    When she was two steps away, Conchita planted her bare feet solidly in the soft jungle loam and swung an open-handed slap at her rival. Martina did not try to dodge but took the blow full on her beautiful face. The blonde woman grunted in pain, staggering back, her golden hair whipping free of her bun and cascading around her head, her massive tits rocking on her chest. Martina placed her feet and swung back, putting her full weight into the blow. She slapped Conchita with a thunderous clap, and sent the black-haired bitch reeling back. Conchita almost fell to the ground, but managed to stay upright.

    Panting, the women regarded each other from a few steps apart. Both touched the sides of their faces, where they had been hit. Now that the first blows had been struck, they could get down to business.

    With a snarl, Conchita closed on Martina, who eagerly waited for her. Conchita sank her fist into Martina’s powerful abdomen, just above her navel; Martina groaned, but retaliated with a punch to Conchita’s side. Conchita slapped Martina hard in the face; Martina drove an elbow into Conchita’s thick right tit. Grunting and cursing, the women drew closer and each grabbed the other’s long, thick hair and began dragging each other around the clearing, holding each other’s fantastic bodies at arms-length, screaming and grunting with pain and rage. They lurched from side to side, their bare feet scrabbling for purchase, struggling to maintain their balance, their muscular bodies determined to dominate. For several minutes they fought to control the other, their cries of pain and rage growing more pronounced. Finally, they switched tactics. Both women gripped the other’s thick hair with one hand and pounded at their enemy’s body with the other. They punched naked torsos and heavy breasts and, occasionally, broke through the other’s guard to land solid blows on beautiful, snarling faces.

    They exchanged savage blows for several minutes, their grunting and groaning growing sharper and more pain-filled as they beat each other’s magnificent bodies, both women just trying to hurt the other as much as they could. They staggered into a clinch, getting their arms around the other’s neck. Powerful bodies straining, tits crushed tight side to side, they tried to throw their opponent to the ground. Conchita managed to twist Martina hard, jerking her off her feet, but Martina retained her grip and pulled Conchita down with her. The women rolled on the ground for a few moments before they kicked apart and sprang back to their feet.

    Panting, a little dirty from their rolling, the women glared at each other. They were dripping with sweat, their skin gleaming with moisture. Crouched over, facing each other, their huge tits almost fell out of their makeshift halters. The knots they had tied to make their blouses into halters were unraveling and the sweat-soaked shirts were held closed by a single button. Conchita’s blood was boiling, her libido was hot, her breasts throbbed, her pussy ached and dripped with desire. She could see a dark spot forming at the crotch of Martina’s skin-tight tan shorts. With a scream Conchita hurled herself at Martina, her arms extended. Martina eagerly welcomed her, opening her arms, arching her back to push her tits out. The women came together, their massive tits deliberately absorbing the brunt of the impact. Martina and Conchita screamed out with a combination of intense pain and pleasure as their tits mashed, as their thick meat compressed and fused, held apart only by their thin shirts. The women wrapped their arms around each other and squeezed with all their strength. Their massive tits compressed, tit bullets grinding, naked titflesh searing to titflesh as their boobs overflowed their meager restraints. Their naked torsos slapped tight, flat to each other from tits to pubes. Their bellies undulated, rubbing hot flesh. Their navels sucked. Conchita and Martina grabbed handfuls of the other’s long, thick hair and pulled viciously, yanking their rival’s head back. They wrapped arms around the other woman’s back and squeezed hard, trying to crush their rival’s tits with their own. Grunting, moaning, crying out with pain and pleasure, the women staggered around the clearing. They twined their bare legs, muscles straining, trying to overpower the other. They wanted to match every inch of their luscious bodies. They fell to the ground, neither relaxing her grip. Squeezing tight, tits crushed hard, belly to belly, the women rolled back and forth in the clearing, their hips and asses thrusting and undulating, forcing each agonizing roll as the women fought for the dominant position.

    The writhing and grinding popped the final buttons holding the women’s shirts together and their massive tits spilled out. Naked tits rubbed furiously and lustfully into naked tits. The women screamed out in pleasure as their boobs mated. Dense titflesh crushed and rolled into equally dense meat. Their rock hard nipples stabbed into the yielding meat, each nipple burning with pleasure. Conchita, on the bottom of their rolling catball, ripped Martina’s shirt away from her body and threw it into the bushes; when she was on the bottom of their writhing bodies, Martina eagerly pulled off Conchita’s blouse and tossed it aside.

    Now naked except for their skin tight shorts, the battling women attacked each other even more furiously. Martina and Conchita poured all their strength into the back-breaking, tit to tit, nipple to nipple, belly to belly bearhugs. Their bare legs twined like mating snakes and quivered as they matched muscle to muscle. Both women worked their backs and rocked their hips, rubbing and grinding their bodies, focusing especially on fighting tit to tit. They ground their tits together mercilessly, driving thick titmeat into titmeat, nipple to nipple, areolae grating on areolae, each rival trying to break the other’s massive, perfect breasts with her own. Cheek to cheek, moaning and cursing each other, the beautiful Amazons warred, body to body.

    Conchita’s and Martina’s hips and crotches pressed and thrust as each woman struggled to roll the other. They pushed with their crotches, arching their backs and bucking with their hips to keep the roll going. As the struggle continued, as both women grew more and more consumed by lust, their crotches began rubbing and thrusting more than pushing. Their shorts were soon wet, soaked by sweat but more by the cunt juice that was flowing out of the women’s burning pussies.

    “You whore, you fucking, fucking whore…,” Conchita breathed at Martina as she slowly, agonizingly, rolled the other woman onto her side, Martina fighting her every inch of the way.

    “Cunt-eating slut,”Martina replied, her words coming in straining gasps. It was hard to breathe when both women were squeezing each other so tight. “I will fucking break you…”

    “Never, never…,” Conchita promised, her forehead pushing hard into Martina’s forehead, using every part of her body to roll the other woman onto her back. The women lay on their sides, rocking back and forth, neither able to gain the advantage. Every inch of Martina and Conchita was plastered together, from their foreheads to their throbbing tits, to their taut bellies to their pubes. But a small space opened up between their torsos and Conchita took advantage of this to release one of her arms from gripping Martina’s back and slip her hand under the band of the blonde’s shorts and into the thick fur of her cunt.

    Martina gasped as she felt the sudden violation, but she could do nothing to stop Conchita’s hand from cupping her wet, achingly hot pussy, and smartly caressing the slick, juiced-up pussy lips. Conchita’s fingers found Martina’s swollen clit and lightly stroked the burning hot sex bud.

    “Oh, Jesus fuck!” Martina screamed. A wave of pure ecstasy burned through her body and lit all of her erogenous zones on fire, especially her throbbing clit, her burning nipples and her swollen tits. “OH GOD!”

    “Yes, feel this, you cunt!” Conchita snarled, pulling on Martina’s hair, driving three fingers up into the blonde woman’s hot, sopping wet vagina.

    Martina knew she had no time to waste. Gasping, she slipped her hand into Conchita’s shorts. She ran her fingers through the Spanish Countess’ thick black bush, finding the woman’s steaming hot twat. Without hesitation, she gripped Conchita by the pussy and rammed four fingers into her enemy’s cunt.

    Conchita bucked and screamed. Pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, eyes closed, hot breath mixing, Conchita and Martina moaned and gasped and screamed into each other’s faces as they vigorously finger-fucked each other. Their eager, expert fingers worked their rival’s genitals and vaginas, seeking sensitive spots to caress and tease. Their fingers stroked and teased the other’s engorged, pulsing clit, forcing shockwaves of erotic pleasure to reverberate through their bodies, energizing their sexual organs, making their lush bodies even more aroused, more desperate for sexual pleasure.

    Side by side, one hand pulling hair, the other finger-fucking their enemy, Conchita and Martina writhed and moaned, their bodies thrashing and trembling as they pleasured each other, racing to get the other woman off first. Their breasts continued to wrestle and their legs rubbed and twined. They slapped their bellies together as they wriggled in ecstasy. The finger fucking felt absolutely wonderful and neither wanted it to end, despite how much they despised each other. Their mutual hatred made the pleasure even more intense as the beautiful vixens sought to prove which of them was the better woman. Their tits remained fused together, but their bellies separated as they gave each other more access to the other woman’s twat.

    “Nnnnnnh, cunt, fucking cunt…,” Martina gasped. She could feel herself on the verge of going off as Conchita tortured the most erotic and pleasurable parts of her body.

    “Cum, you little fuck, cum…,” Conchita growled at her enemy, part of her begging the other woman to break. Her body was trembling with the need for release.

    “You cum, you whore, you fucking whore…”

    “Slut! Goddamned fucking slut…”

    Pulling hair as hard as they could, rubbing clits and cunts vigorously and viciously, Conchita and Martina threw back their heads to groan and scream as their bodies went rigid in powerful simultaneous orgasms.

    “FUCK, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!” Martina howled, as her pussy tightened then gushed creamy cum onto Conchita’s pumping fingers. The blonde woman bucked hard, gasping as her body unloaded in a spasm of ecstasy.

    “CUNT! FUCKING, FUCKING CUNT!!” Conchita cried, as she felt her cum release in a gush, soaking Martina’s invading fingers and hand.

    Both women soaked their shorts as their pussies came again and again, a sudden release of delicious tension that left them gasping for breath. Moaning, Conchita and Martina pushed each other away and rolled apart a few meters. They lay panting on the soft loam, gazing up at the forest canopy, their bodies soaked in sweat, their pussies hot and wet, ejaculate coating the insides of their skin tight shorts and slicking their hot inner thighs.

    After a few minutes, Conchita reached down, raised her hips to slide her shorts down over her powerful ass, pointed her legs straight in the air as she slid her shorts up her thighs, then pointed her legs down as she slid them down her calves and off her bare feet. She threw the wet garment aside.

    Martina stripped her shorts off her body as well. Now completely nude, the two beautiful Amazons sat on their asses and spun around to face each other, legs spread wide.

    This was the first time the women had seen each other completely nude. Their eyes roamed hungrily over the other woman’s luscious body, the body they had already engaged in the most intimate ways. But the battle was just getting started.

    Conchita spread her legs wider and began to stroke her beautiful twat, caressing her throbbing, aching clit. The engorged bud twitched with tension. Martina spread her legs and did the same, teasing her pussy lips, before pressing on the thick labia and letting her pulsating, red, thumb-sized clit pop free. The women fixed their ravenous gazes on the other woman’s dripping cunt as they masturbated themselves, preparing their bodies for further erotic combat.

    “Let’s settle our little dispute, shall we?” Conchita murmured. Her voice was thick with lust.

    “Yes, let’s fuck this out,” Martina replied, her voice equally hoarse.

    “First one to cum loses,” Conchita continued, setting the rules. “If we tie, we keep going until one of us gets the other one off first. Agreed?”

    “Agreed,” Martina said. “The winner gets the land. The loser pulls up all her markers and leaves.”

    “Good.” Conchita stopped stroking herself and got to her feet. Martina rose with her. The nude women regarded each from a few meters apart, their eyes taking in every inch of the other’s woman’s luscious, equally perfect body.
    The dark-haired and blonde vixens walked up to each other slowly. They pressed their naked bodies together, nipples aligning perfectly, heavy tits crushing and slowly yielding and ballooning out, giving way to the intense pressure. Conchita and Martina slipped their arms around each other’s backs and hugged tight. Their naked bellies rippled, their sweat-soaked navels sucked. Their eyes locked and they touched tongue to tongue, shuddering at the delicious contact and the erotic pleasure that coursed through their bodies, then followed their tongues into their mouths. They closed in a deep, probing kiss, their tongues moving over and under each other, scouring the insides of mouths. Hot spit flowed between them, both women swallowing the other’s discharge, the saliva overflowing, dripping down their chins, falling onto their sweat-glistening mixed cleavage. Their hands stroked and caressed the other woman’s naked body, their kiss deepened and grew even more passionate. They pressed thick, muscled thighs into their rival’s dripping pussy and felt their hot nether mouths suck to the slick flesh. For long minutes, Martina and Conchita stood in the center of the clearing, kissing and pressing their nude bodies tightly, passionately, letting their overwhelming lust build and build.

    Finally, they broke the hot, hateful kiss. They pulled their mouths apart and licked up the strands of spit connecting their red lips. They smiled at each other, their eyes feverish with lust and hate.

    “Good,” Conchita smiled, nose to nose with her blonde enemy.

    “Very good,” Martina agreed. “Let’s fuck, whore.”

    Conchita licked Martina’s lips. Slowly, the women released each other and stepped back a couple of meters. Then, as one, they lowered themselves to the jungle floor, sat on their perfect asses, and spread their legs. Leaning back, bracing their bodies with their arms, they slid their asses across the grass, arranging their powerful legs in a scissor, their sopping wet cunts closing on each other like hungry, raging maws, prepared to devour each other.

    When their thick pubic hair was just touching, just starting to lace together, when their red, hot slits were perfectly aligned and ready to mate, the women stopped again. They locked eyes and smiled with mutual hatred. They felt the heat pouring off their pudenda into each other. They could see their swollen, aching clits, trembling with sexual tension.

    “Oh god, I’m going to enjoy this,” Martina murmured, her eyes bright with fever. “I’ve waited for this for a long time. Now, I’m finally going to destroy your cunt with my pussy.”

    “We should have done this long ago,” Conchita agreed. “But when I’m finished with you, you won’t be able to sit for a week. I’m going to turn your fuckmeat into hamburger.”

    The vicious, lust-filled women smiled at each other again.
    “Let’s find out,” Martina groaned.

    To be continued:

    Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat, Part II

    Conchita and Martina closed the final millimeters separating their luscious cunts. Their thick, outer labia slapped together, blood-engorged lips yielding as the hot flesh mated. Slick pussy lips slid on each other, gliding and sizzling with heat. The women’s fuck slits aligned and parted under the pressure of their mutual thrusts, instantly achieving a strong, wet suction as the flesh met and merged, as their vaginas lined up. Their aching cunts exploded with sexual electricity, filling their bodies, pumping their erogenous zones with fire.

    Conchita threw back her head and cried out in pleasure. “Ah, FUCK!!, Yes, yes, yessssss….” she moaned, reveling in the intense pleasure as genitals fused to genitals. She was going to fuck this bitch into oblivion, she was going to make Martina cum inside of her, but first she intended to savor every moment of what promised to be an absolutely delicious fuck.

    Martina moaned with ecstasy. “Oh, goddd, yesssssss, YES!!”

    It had been a more than a month since she had last crossed clits with another woman and much longer since she had locked up in a fuckfight with a woman who might be her equal. Indeed, the last time was her battle with Inge, months before. Domino, her prot?g? and the only other woman in the city, besides Conchita, whom Martina considered to be a true challenge, had been abroad for several months. Martina had often considered challenging Conchita in the past, but she had left the Spanish Countess alone out of deference to Domino’s rivalry with Conchita. Now, Martina wished she had done this much, much sooner.

    The women ground their juicy pudenda together, their hips and asses flexed and thrust, muscle straining against muscle. They drove themselves as deeply together as they could. They worked their cunts furiously, open slit to open slit, nether mouths sucked and sealed. Hot juices squeezed out of the meaty fuckjoin, traveled down the women’s ass cracks, and leaked onto the ground in a continuous stream. Their pulsing clits rubbed mercilessly, head to head, sending a constant flow of stunning pleasure rippling through the battling women. They braced their voluptuous, muscled bodies with their arms, and fucked relentlessly. Their massive tits bounced exuberantly, sweat spraying with each heavy jolt. Their muscled bellies rippled and flexed as they fought each other from their tightly meshed labia all the way up their vaginas.





    “You whore, you fucking, fucking whore!” Conchita gasped.

    “Slut! Cuntfucking slut!” Martina groaned, her head thrown back. The blonde’s body shook with pleasure, with the incredible sensations pouring out of her burning cunt, filling her flesh with delicious heat.

    Grunting, moaning, gasping, cursing, Martina and Conchita threw all the power of their hips and asses into forcing the other beautiful woman into a submissive orgasm. They fucked viciously, their turgid pussies slick with cunt juice. They shifted their hips and slid between the fork of the other’s legs, locking even more deeply and solidly. Their twats became completely inosculated, their juiced up fuckholes sealed together in an unbreakable, fleshy grip. Each woman wrapped a muscled thigh around the other’s hip to hold themselves in place. Their thick pubic hair intertwined and tangled up, soaked with the pussy juice. Conchita’s dark fur meshed and twined with Martina’s golden fur, creating a thick, coarse mat. Conchita seized Martina’s sweaty thigh for leverage and thrust powerfully, driving herself even harder into her enemy’s cunt. Martina grabbed Conchita’s thigh and pushed back just as hard. Their cunts sucked with even greater force.

    Riding and bucking in a fury, their eyes locked in glares of unbearable lust and hate, Martina and Conchita moved as one, penetrating and driving their bodies together with all their strength. The women were soon shaking with pleasure and unreleased sexual tension. Their grunts and cries became louder, harder and more desperate.



    The beautiful fuckfighters concentrated on holding back the tidal waves of orgasmic pleasure building in their loins. Conchita reached out, grabbed Martina’s thick blonde hair and pulled savagely. Martina moaned, the aching pain in her head somehow adding to the exquisite pleasure burning up her clit and her cunt. She retaliated, sinking the fingers of her right hand in Conchita’s locks and returned the vicious grip. Pulling their heads back so they both faced the sky, the women’s hips bucked harder, their clits grating. Sweat poured from their lush bodies as the humidity combined with their vigorous exertions to coat their skin in a glistening liquid sheen. Perspiration ran off the tips of their engorged nipples.

    “Unnngggh!! You fuck, you fuck….,” Martina gasped.

    “Cunt! Fucking whore…,” Conchita replied, her teeth clenched against the pain and intense pleasure wracking her voluptuous body.

    They sawed clits together, fucking and fucking, throwing back their heads to scream in pleasure and frustration. Conchita and Martina were desperate to get the other off first, desperate to win this fuck contest. Conchita wished that she had not called for the rule that first to cum would lose. She expected she would fare better in a war of attrition, where they fucked until one could not go on anymore. She knew of Martina’s reputation as a champion sexfighter but she had assumed that she had a strength advantage that would allow her to overwhelm the blonde’s defenses. Instead, she found that her rival’s incredible body was every bit as powerful, every bit as sexually insatiable, and every bit as beautiful as her own. But Conchita was a woman who had to dominate. She would not allow this blonde bitch to win!

    Martina had entered the battle with no illusions about Conchita and she was delighted to find that the Spanish countess was as powerful and luscious as she had hoped. Conchita was a fuck machine and Martina was enjoying every moment of their erotic struggle. But she was determined to win. She had experience fighting many women. She was sure that Conchita’s experience was limited to a few. Martina had planned to use her greater experience to her advantage. Now that she was actually locked cunt to cunt and clit to clit with her voluptuous enemy, however, she was finding it hard to think. Her body was overwhelmed with incredible erotic sensations and she could not formulate a strategy beyond fucking Conchita as hard as she was being fucked.

    Shifting their hands to the other woman’s sweaty thigh once more, the struggling Amazons resumed their all-out grinding, trying to force too much ecstasy on the other woman for her to take. The fucking went on and on and on. Twenty minutes turned to half an hour turned to an hour. Their screams and shrieks grew louder and more desperate, their groans and grunts betrayed how close they were to the edge. Their bodies trembled with tension, like bows stretched to the breaking point. Yet, somehow, both women held on, holding back the wave, holding back the explosion of orgasmic energy filling them to the brim.

    “Cum, you fuck, cum!!” Conchita snarled, her body on the very edge of the cliff. She knew she could not last much longer, she had to get the blonde off now!

    “You cum for me, whore!” Martina panted. Her eyes were wild, every inch of skin in her breathtaking body was burning, every muscle was quivering with the need for release. “Cum inside of me!”

    The women grabbed each other by the back of the head and pulled their throbbing bodies together. Their massive tits mated, nipple searing to nipple, thick titflesh crushing and molding to titflesh. The shock of pleasure was staggering. Martina and Conchita cried out with choked screams. Their tongues lapped and they sank into a deep, tongue-twisting kiss, their mouths devouring each other.
    The women were going insane with lust and pleasure.

    They threw everything they had at each other in a final attempt to push the other woman over the edge first.
    The women’s cunts clamped on each other, squeezing, squeezing with all their power, contracting all the way from their naked genitals to the depths of their vaginas. Their arms tightened around their bodies. The women broke the kiss in a spray of spit, throwing back their heads to shriek in ecstasy.

    “GOD, OH FUCKING GODDDDD!!!” Conchita howled. Her cunt contracted and released, her belly rippling as she pumped her cum into Martina’s steaming body. Her fingers sank into the blonde’s ass, holding the bitch tight as she shuddered through one incredible orgasm after another.

    “FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!” Martina shrieked, her body going off in an orgasmic explosion at the same moment as Conchita’s. She almost passed out from the intensity of the pleasure. Her twat pumped cum into Conchita. The women’s cum mixed and flowed, the deliciously hot liquid filling their vaginal canals to the brim. It squeezed out from their locked twats to soak their undulating bellies and hot inner thighs. Their nipples came, clear tit cum ejaculating into both women’s fused-together nipple holes, sending a spasm of ecstasy through their mated tits.

    Martina and Conchita clung together, hands on rippling asses, pulling every orgasm they could from each other, their voluptuous bodies melting together in heat and ecstasy. They pumped cum into each other for several minutes. Finally, the pleasure began to lessen and fade. Gasping, the Amazons released each other and fell flat to their backs on the soft ground. Their bodies remained sealed at their cunts, their throbbing clits pulsing. Their bushes were inextricably intertwined and caked with mixed cum. Their bodies were soaked with sweat and cum, their nipples dripped with nipple ejaculate. The women panted, their chests heaved, their tits jiggled with each breath. Their torsos were trapped between the thighs of the other woman.

    For some time, Martina and Conchita lay on the forest floor, floating on a cloud of pure bliss, awash in the afterglow of their incredible fuck. The only sounds were their hard breathing. After a time, their breathing slowed and the jungle began to come back to life around them. Finally, Conchita propped herself up on her elbows and looked down her dripping body to Martina. Conchita made no move to separate her body from the blonde’s, at least not yet. She marveled at how much Martina’s body resembled Inge’s luscious form. Conchita had taken in this particular view of her blonde nemesis many times before. Now, she looked down Martina’s sweat-soaked torso to her massive, heaving tits, the woman’s face almost hidden by the meaty mounds on her chest.

    Conchita used her pussy to squeeze Martina’s cunt; instantly, she felt the intense answering pressure. The blonde pushed herself up on her elbows, mirroring Conchita’s position, and glared over her tits at her black-haired rival. The women’s eyes locked and they sneered.

    “You came first, fuck whore,” Conchita rasped, her throat dry. “You lost.”

    “Like fuck I did, cunt licker!” Martina snapped. “I felt your cum all the way up my twat long before I came! You lost!”

    Conchita pushed herself all the way up, her arms bracing her lush body. “Fuck you!” she snarled.

    Martina pushed herself to a full sitting position. “Fuck you, cunt!”

    The women’s heavy tits crushed together, their nipples meeting and burning with intense heat and pleasure. The women gasped and then pushed forehead to forehead, nose to nose. Brown eyes locked to grey. Their tongues came out and lapped at each other. Martina clenched her cunt, squeezing Conchita’s twat in a vise. Conchita immediately replied. For a few seconds, the women’s interlocked pudenda quivered with the tension.

    “Alright,” Martina purred. “Let’s call that one a tie. Too close to call.”

    “Agreed,” Conchita murmured. Her tongue ran along Martina’s lips. The blonde’s tongue replied for a moment before she continued.

    “Let’s eat. Let’s see which of us can suck a clit and eat a pussy better.”

    “Agreed,” Conchita replied. “Same rules. Whoever cums first loses. Winner gets it all.”

    “Alright. And we can use everything- tongues, fingers, fists, whatever it takes to get the other one off.”


    The women were not too anxious to separate. Their tongues and tits played for another few minutes, their nipples burning, their cunts locked and holding on. They kissed, long, deep kisses, filled with hate and the mutual desire to dominate the other. They took turns sucking the other’s sensitive tongue. The beautiful women pulled back their faces, their tongues still touching. They smiled at each other, then braced their arms and slowly, agonizingly pulled their voluptuous bodies apart. Their cunts separated, pulling apart, a thick strand of creamy ejaculate linking their juicy pussy lips. They groaned in concert, in shared pain, as their thick pubic bushes ripped away. Conchita’s black bush was littered with golden hairs; Martina’s blonde bush was dotted with black strands.

    Conchita and Martina got on their knees, then immediately stretched out on the ground beside each other, lying on their sides, the head of each woman pointed towards the feet of the other, their faces lined up to the other woman’s succulent twat. Both women raised their upper leg, giving their enemy easy access to their cum-dripping cunt.

    Conchita wasted no time. She eagerly buried her face into Martina’s thick blonde bush, inhaling the intoxicating odor, rubbing her face in the wet fur. She wrapped her arms around Martina’s hips and grasped each of the blonde’s hard, round ass cheeks and squeezed, digging her fingers into the taut meat. She separated Martina’s buttocks and ran her tongue up the woman’s cum-soaked slit, tracing up her ass crack to the blonde’s wet anus. She pulled Martina’s ass cheeks even further apart and inserted her tongue into the woman’s asshole. She swirled her pink probe around, then closed her mouth on the puckered orifice and sucked hard. Martina quivered under the assault and bucked in pleasure. Her moans of joy were muffled in Conchita’s cunt.

    Martina smiled with delight as she plunged into Conchita’s pussy. She had the utmost confidence in her ability to eat pussy. She had consumed so much of it over the years that she had lost count and knowing how to suck a clit and tease a woman’s genitals was an important part of her sexfighting arsenal. This had been her thought when she suggested the cunt-eating contest and she was delighted that Conchita had fallen into her trap so easily. Now, it was just a matter of outlasting the black-haired bitch.

    Even so, she was surprised when Conchita went right for the sensitive flesh of her asshole. It felt unbearably good and she moaned in delight, even as she attacked Conchita with all her skill. Martina spread Conchita’s buttocks and inserted a probing finger up the jungle woman’s ass. Another finger stroked and teased her lower cunt, even as Martina ran her tongue down Conchita’s hot slit. She closed her mouth over Conchita’s pussy and sucked hard, pulling out the thick cum. Her tongue played with the Spanish vixen’s throbbing clit, wrapping around the unbelievably sensitive collection of nerves. Her tongue stroked and teased at the woman’s clit, sending arcs of electricity rippling through the jungle queen’s body. Martina smiled inside as she felt Conchita shake with pleasure, as she felt the woman scream into her own tortured twat.

    Conchita sucked Martina’s clit like a cock, using her teeth to lightly scrape at the nerve-rich tool. She delighted in feeling Martina shake and scream, the blonde’s hands sinking like claws into Conchita’s powerful ass as the pleasure took her. The women wrapped their muscled, sweaty thighs around each other’s heads, locking each other in place, and began to roll back and forth on the soft earth, their bodies writhing and wriggling with ecstasy as they ate each other alive, as they consumed each other with passion.

    Conchita felt waves of heat and electricity radiating from her genitals and her ass, filling every inch of her body with tension and scalding heat. Martina’s fingers explored her vaginal walls, probed her anus, the blonde’s tongue teased her and inflicted endless pleasure on her throbbing, aching clit. Conchita felt tears streaming from her eyes as her whole body shook with ecstasy. She wanted to just lie back and take the pleasure, take the exquisite agony the blonde was giving to her. But she refused to surrender. She could only focus on doing the same to Martina. Her fingers worked deep into the blonde’s red, sweet cunt, exploring, rubbing the g spot, seeking every other nerve ending to tease and taunt. Her tongue went deep into the woman’s asshole, she sucked at the blonde’s twat like a mouth, she wrapped her lips around the woman’s engorged clit and sucked and hummed and licked, doing all she could to make Martina cum. She took solace in feeling the blonde’s body quiver and shudder. Her tongue felt the woman’s swollen clit twitch and jerk on its own, so taut with tension that it had to explode. But Conchita knew her own clit was twitching with tension too, and she did not know how much longer she could hold out.

    Moaning, sobbing, gasping into each other, the beautiful vixens rolled back and forth across the clearing, turning slowly as they ate. The 69 contest went on and on. Martina and Conchita were completely absorbed in each other. Both women were unaware of anything but the other’s steaming cunts and the need to make the other woman cum. The women leaked copious amounts of pussy juice, until their faces were soaked. Both combatants drank the discharge up like water, feasting on each other like starving animals.

    Conchita knew that a 69 fight required careful preparation. She had sucked, tongued and fingered Martina to the point that the blonde woman felt her entire lower torso was on fire. Conchita moved to the next stage of her attack. She placed all five fingers of her right hand at Martina’s wet, hot fuck slit and, with a single thrust, shoved all of her fingers and her hand up to her wrist into the woman’s vaginal depths,

    “UNNNNGGGGHHH!!” Martina howled into Conchita’s twat. An instant later, Conchita shuddered and bucked as Martina’s entire fist penetrated her and began to twist around and around inside of her tight, hot cunt, stretching her out and filling her with delirious pleasure. Conchita’s fist was already twisting and thrusting inside of Martina. Both women’s powerful vaginas closed around the invading fists like vises, trying to hold them in check.

    The women were on their sides, writhing on the ground, still trapped between each other’s legs, but wriggling and bucking in passion. They twisted like fish caught on a hook, their mutual penetration and violation of each other pushing them both to the edge. Throughout the fight, Martina had been amazed at how wonderful Conchita’s caresses, kisses and tonguing of her genitals had felt. Every stroke burned like acid, filling her with aching tension. She was sure this was not due to skill alone. Something that Conchita was doing was making her lose control, was giving her more ecstasy than she could take. Now that they were fisting each other, she felt like a bomb that was about to go off, a dam that was about to break. One more devastatingly erotic attack and she did not think she could hold out.

    It was then that Conchita began slapping the blonde’s taut, toned ass like a drum. The shock of pain was followed immediately by pleasure as the black-haired woman massaged and kneaded the toned muscle, before slapping it again and again. Martina moaned and writhed and eagerly returned the attack, slapping Conchita’s thick ass viciously, even as her fist twisted hard inside the jungle queen’s cunt.

    But for Martina, it was too little too late. Conchita renewed her attack on the blonde’s clit, sucking it like a lollipop, tonguing it and biting it gently. Martina felt the intense heat that had been radiating from her nether regions for the entire 69 battle suddenly increase exponentially. Everything Conchita had done to her abruptly came together in a rush of pleasure so overpowering she could only pull her mouth from Conchita’s twitching clit, throw back her head, and shriek like a banshee.


    Martina’s pussy contracted around Conchita’s fist then exploded with a gusher of cum. Conchita pulled out her fist and immediately clamped her mouth over the erupting cunt, her mouth working as she tried to take in all of the creamy cum spewing out. Martina screamed and writhed, bucking and jerking as her body unloaded its ejaculate onto the face of her hated enemy. She had lost! She had cum first! These thoughts barely registered before Conchita rolled her on her back. Martina writhed and bucked, screaming out. Even in her moment of defeat, she refused to give Conchita a clean victory. Her fist worked inside of Conchita’s twat, she shoved her other fist into the jungle woman’s asshole, and she worked her wrist like a piston. Conchita, intent on devouring Martina, felt the nova explosion of heat envelope her genitals, then shrieked in ecstasy as she came, over and over again.

    Both women sealed their mouths over the other’s cunt and drank as much of their enemy’s emissions as they could. Their beautiful bodies shuddered and quaked as they sucked each other dry, their muffled moans and cries of pleasure rising to a peak before slowly abating.

    Gasping and crying, Conchita and Martina lay together, sprawled on the ground, Conchita’s face resting on Martina’s wet cunt fur, Martina’s face directly below Conchita’s dripping twat. Finally, Conchita and Martina pulled apart their sweaty thighs and let the other woman go. Conchita rolled off of her supine enemy. Side of by side, panting, flat on their backs, the women let the tremors of sexual ecstasy run through their bodies in the aftermath.

    After several minutes, Martina sat up. Conchita sat up to match her. The women’s eyes locked, grey eyes glowing with rage and shame, brown eyes bright with smug triumph. Both women had cum dribbling out of their mouths. They had taken so much ejaculate into their mouths that it was overflowing.

    “You bitch!” Martina growled, her voice thick. She had not swallowed the cum. She wanted to give it back to Conchita, in the most humiliating way possible.

    “Fuck you, you blonde cunt,” Conchita snarled, her voice distorted. She had held onto the cum too.

    Martina threw herself at Conchita. The black-haired beauty opened her arms and eagerly took Martina’s delectable body, their breasts and bellies crushing hard. They fell to the ground. The women’s mouths snapped together and they lustily exchanged and shared the thick goo, sloshing it around, mixing it with their spit, pushing it back and forth with their struggling tongues.

    “You cunt!” Martina gasped, momentarily breaking the hate kiss. The women’s lips were connected by thick strands of cum and spit. “I’m going to make you swallow your own filth!”

    “I don’t mind, whore,” Conchita purred. “I like the way I taste. I like the way you taste, too.”

    “Fucker!” Martina growled, driving her mouth back into Conchita, matching tongue to tongue. They continued to exchange spit and cum for a few more minutes, the fury of their battle still radiating from both women. Finally, they both swallowed the mixture and scoured the insides of the other’s mouth clean.

    Martina rolled off of Conchita. The women lay side-by-side, panting.

    “I won,” Conchita said, finally. “There’s no doubt about it. You came before I did.”

    “Fuck you, twat.”

    Martina was seething. Her plan had backfired. Conchita had beaten her, had eaten her cunt, sucked her clit, finger-fucked her and fisted her twat with a skill the blonde society woman had not believed. Even more, her self-control had deserted her. Losing to her rival in a battle she was supposed to win -that she should have won!- was unacceptable! Her pride as a woman would not allow it. She was not going to take this. She sat up abruptly, got to her feet, and turned to Conchita. Before the black-haired jungle goddess had a chance to react, Martina grabbed her by the hair and yanked her to her feet.

    “Ow! Fuck! Let go, you whore!” Conchita screeched. She stumbled to her feet and grabbed Martina’s wrists, trying to force the woman to release her.

    “You dirty little cunt! I don’t know how, but I know you cheated! I’m not letting you get this land!”

    “You filthy sow!” Conchita snarled. “You lying, cheating slut!”

    Conchita got her hands in Martina’s thick blonde locks and yanked with all her strength. Screaming, snarling like animals in heat, the nude women pulled each other around the clearing, their glistening, powerful bodies straining and twisting, their tits bouncing, their muscles flexing and rippling as they struggled to overpower each other. Their bare feet pounded on the soft earth, kicking up soil and sod.

    Finally, Conchita and Martina released each other and pushed away. Panting, their bodies dripping with sweat, the nude women stood a few meters apart, their massive tits heaving on their chests like twin cannonballs, their pussies trickling juice. The physical battle had stoked their sexual furnaces and they were, once more, fully aroused and ready to fuck.

    “You’re a dirty, cheating bitch, Martina,” Conchita growled. “I beat you fair and square. But if you won’t accept that, I’ll be happy to beat you into the ground, if that’s what it takes!”

    “Fuck you, cunt!” Martina panted. “I’m going to beat your fat ass like a drum!”

    Snarling, she launched herself at Conchita. Conchita leaped forward to meet the blonde. The women’s incredible bodies slapped together, their tits met and crushed. They wrapped arms around each other and tried to push the other back. Martina’s lunge gave her a bit more momentum and she succeeded in pushing Conchita back a meter or so. As Conchita dug in her heels to hold back her enemy, her foot caught on the surface root of a nearby tree. She tripped and lost her footing.

    Screaming in rage, Martina pushed Conchita back to the edge of the clearing in a rush. With a crack, the women crashed into the trunk of an ancient rubber tree.
    Conchita’s body absorbed the full impact. Her head snapped back, whacking the hard surface.

    “Unnngghh!” Conchita cried out, instantly stunned.

    “You fucker!” Martina shouted. She took advantage of the unexpected situation and snapped her knee deep into the jungle queen’s stomach. Conchita grunted in pain, the air whooshing out of her. As the naked woman doubled over, Martina grabbed Conchita by the hair and pulled her away from the tree, spinning her around and tripping her at the same time. Conchita hit the ground, flat on her back, gasping for breath. Martina was on her instantly, holding Conchita down and slapping her hard in the face five times, each blow more powerful than the last.

    The stunned jungle queen lay gasping on the forest floor, drifting on the edge of consciousness. She was slowly coming back to her senses after the vicious assault, but Martina was determined not to give her a chance to recover. Straddling Conchita’s nude body with her own, the blonde vixen smiled cruelly. Her naked pussy rested on Conchita’s lower pubes. She looked down at Conchita, groaning beneath her, the woman’s beautiful tits quivering on her chest.

    “I’m going to fuck your brains out, Conchita,” Martina growled. “I’m going to fuck you raw.”

    “Dirty fucking cunt,” Conchita whispered weakly, but she was too stunned to put up much resistance.

    Martina raised herself off of Conchita just enough to pull Conchita’s left leg out and place it on her shoulder, the muscled limb pressing between Martina’s massive tits. The move formed a perfect scissors between the women’s voluptuous bodies. Martina lowered her wet, hot cunt directly into the fork of Conchita’s legs, directly onto Conchita’s juicy pussy. The women’s twats melted together, penetrating each other. Martina moaned in pleasure as the heat of her cunt mixed and merged with the delicious heat radiating out of Conchita’s lush twat, fusing their pussies into one. Their pussy lips squished, the pressure of Martina’s weight spreading and opening their aching fuckholes, creating a powerful, wet suction between their inosculated pudenda. Martina’s swollen clit dived deep into the wet, warm folds of Conchita’s labia, immersed in the heat and tightness of the jungle woman’s fuck trough. Martina moaned as her clit slid through Conchita’s cunt and caressed then crushed into the other woman’s equally engorged clit. Even floating on the edge of consciousness, Conchita cried out as the shock of intense pleasure radiated through her supine body. She bucked, arching her back, driving her clit even harder against the attacking sexhorn.

    Martina moaned in ecstasy. She was firmly in the saddle of Conchita’s twat, and she was going to ride this bitch into submission. She thrust hard, churning her hips around and around, grinding and rubbing her pulsing clit into Conchita’s clit with all her strength. She used her right hand to hold Conchita’s leg to her chest. With the other hand, she squeezed and kneaded Conchita’s magnificent tits, mauling the meaty mounds of succulent titflesh, torturing the rock-hard nipples. Conchita’s head tossed back as she moaned in exquisite pleasure, her body defenseless before the onslaught of incredible ecstasy. The jungle woman moved her hips and arched her back, keeping her turgid clit glued to Martina’s attacking sexhorn, her body craving the intense pleasure it was receiving, her semi-conscious mind lost to the erotic sensations.

    “Yes, yes, yes, oh fucking God, YESSSsssss….,” Martina chanted as she fucked Conchita mercilessly. Her eyes were closed, her beautiful face lit by a hungry, savage smile as she basked in the exquisite pleasure flowing through every inch of her body, lighting up every nerve with electricity. This was the part of sexfighting she always relished: when her beautiful, voluptuous enemy was helpless beneath her incredible body, the other woman’s body her toy to use and take and violate as she wanted. Conchita’s head thrashed from side to side, she reached up, filled her hands with Martina’s massive tits, and squeezed hard. Martina cried out, the pleasure wracking her body heightened by the taste of pain.

    Martina and Conchita pumped powerfully, their hips and asses moving in tandem, fucking and fucking, their shared groans and cries of pleasure growing. Martina could tell from Conchita’s glazed look that the dark-haired bitch was lost to the pleasure, unable to focus on the reason for their mutual fucking. The ecstasy built and built until, finally, Conchita shrieked in bliss. Her cunt contracted, seizing Martina’s twat and squeezing hard. Martina moaned in joy as she felt Conchita’s hot, molten cum flow up into her twat, all the way up her vaginal canal, impregnating her with ecstasy. She squeezed back with her cunt and sucked with her vagina, intent on pulling all of Conchita’s discharge into her body, determined to drain her rival dry. Conchita came again and again, her back bridging, her powerful hips bucking and lifting Martina off the ground, driving their pussies even deeper. Martina rode the other Amazon relentlessly, struggling to hold back her own release of pleasure. Finally, she could not take anymore. Conchita’s cum was filling up her womanhood, burning like erotic acid deep inside of her. It felt so good, so fucking good…

    “Ah, God, yes, yes, YEEESSSSS!!,” Martina screamed as she released a gusher of cum, injecting most of it into Conchita, claiming the bitch under her as her own. Martina jerked her hips, every jerk an ejaculation into the jungle woman’s beaten twat. Martina threw back her head and ran her hands over her swollen tits and rigid nipples, then into her hair. Hands combing through her golden hair, she howled in ecstasy and arched her back like a bow, ramming her cunt as hard and deep into Conchita as she could, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing, cumming and cumming in a torrent of pleasure.

    Finally, Martina’s delicious orgasms abated. Martina looked down at Conchita. The jungle queen had passed out, her conscious mind unable to endure the extreme pleasure their fuckfight had forced on to her. Martina’s voluptuous body trembled. Her tits jiggled with her heaving pants and dripped with sweat and a bit of the nipple ejaculate that the intense pleasure had stimulated. Her skin gleamed. The intersection of the women’s luscious bodies was soaked with cum and their thick bushes were welded together by the creamy ejaculate.

    Gasping for breath, Martina released Conchita’s leg. She lowered her head to the unconscious woman’s chest and slowly, reverently, licked each of Conchita’s nipples and areolae, enjoying the taste of sweat and nipple cum. Then she sank her teeth into both hard nubs and bit, hard enough to leave marks. A bit of nipple cum squirted into her mouth and she mixed it with her spit, savoring it, before swallowing it.

    Martina sat up, straddling Conchita, pussy to pussy, and massaged the beaten woman’s tits, playing with the dense meat.

    “Now, you fucking cunt,” the blonde goddess smiled viciously, “Now we both know who’s the better woman. And this land belongs to me!”

    To be continued:
    Last edited by JB57; October 12th, 2020 at 07:14 AM.

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    Junior Hostboard Member Ovan's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Thank you for your work. But, you only sparked interest....

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    Hostboard Member Guilty_Spark's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Yes! Another jungle battle! I love all your stories and can't wait for this one. I don't mind if your inspiration takes you from one story to the next, I understand how sometimes your brain can refuse to focus on the task you set yourself. I'm just glad you are releasing so many stories. Keep up the good work!

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    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Your Inge/Conchita stories really put the ?fight? in sexfight. I also always enjoy your descriptions of the girls from these stories, making them a bit thicker/stronger. Makes for some really energetic and intense battles!

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow View Post
    Your Inge/Conchita stories really put the ?fight? in sexfight. I also always enjoy your descriptions of the girls from these stories, making them a bit thicker/stronger. Makes for some really energetic and intense battles!
    Thanks! For me, the ideal woman is Amazonian - tall, muscular, very powerful but also well-endowed and voluptuous. I use Frank Cho's "Jungle Girl" and "Shanna" as references for my Inge stories and, by extension, the kind of body types I like on all of my female characters.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Wouw, another jungle adventure !

    Like you, JB, I love the Amazonian type of woman, just as you describe them: tall, muscular, a strong will, but also voluptous. The only difference is, that I prefer women to have short hair, and somewhat smaller, but very firm breasts.

    Those who have read the two stories I've written, will recognize the same characteristics in my female characters.

    I'll look forward to read it when I'm "home alone"

    Thank you for sharing

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Quote Originally Posted by Johannesdk View Post
    Wouw, another jungle adventure !

    Like you, JB, I love the Amazonian type of woman, just as you describe them: tall, muscular, a strong will, but also voluptous. The only difference is, that I prefer women to have short hair, and somewhat smaller, but very firm breasts.

    Those who have read the two stories I've written, will recognize the same characteristics in my female characters.

    I'll look forward to read it when I'm "home alone"

    Thank you for sharing

    Hi Johannes! Thanks for your note. Personally, for me, big breasts are almost a deal-breaker. I don't mean grotesquely huge (as some people prefer) but (as I've written) "extravagantly proportionate." In practice, that means at least a D or DD. As I've indicated, Frank Cho's women are sort of my ideal - large and well-muscled, but also very voluptuous.

    Also, I really like long hair, though it's not really a deal-breaker. Long hair has lots of narrative possibilities - it can be pulled, thrashed around, tangled up in someone else's hair, etc.

    I hope you enjoy the story (the first part) when you have a chance to read it. Please let me know.


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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    By the way,

    thanks for the information about Frank Cho, I've never heard of him before. But after googling a bit, I could see that his women certainly are as you describe.

    Unfortunately his junglewoman only seems to fight prehistoric animals, not women. Well, I actuall found this: Check Out More Artwork From Frank Cho's Fight Girls and according the text, there might be woman vs woman fight as well. Has anyone read this comic ?

    Maybe if JB contacted him and showed him some of the jungle stories, he might like to make some drawings of them.

    I've read the story now, and it's very exciting and you've taken the descriptions of sweat pooring and drenching clothes and hair, to a new level - wonderful.

    Take care
    Last edited by Johannesdk; September 28th, 2020 at 08:52 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Quote Originally Posted by Johannesdk View Post
    By the way,

    thanks for the information about Frank Cho, I've never heard of him before. But after googling a bit, I could see that his women certainly are as you describe.

    Unfortunately his junglewoman only seems to fight prehistoric animals, not women. Well, I actuall found this: Check Out More Artwork From Frank Cho's Fight Girls and according the text, there might be woman vs woman fight as well. Has anyone read this comic ?

    Maybe if JB contacted him and showed him some of the jungle stories, he might like to make some drawings of them.

    I've read the story now, and it's very exciting and you've taken the descriptions of sweat pooring and drenching clothes and hair, to a new level - wonderful.

    Take care
    No, Cho doesn't do this kind of stuff and he certainly does not need to! I just like his work (especially on the Jungle Girls) but I don't need to see depictions of them actually fighting each other to use my imagination!

    I'm glad you like the story. Yes, the idea of the women being very hot and sweaty really appealed to me, but the main appeal (and this is related) was putting them in "civiliian clothes" (before getting them out of them, of course). In the first Inge story, I found Conchita's make-shift get up (very similar to what she is wearing in this story) even sexier than Inge's leopard bikini. This was a chance to get Conchita back into that first outfit and pit her against another woman who had an equally valid reason for dressing the same way. In writing this, it's a bit weird that something so small should serve as the inspiration for the story, but I guess you find it where you can!


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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Wow! Another chapter on the Inge saga. This time its the City girls. An amazing tease JB57!!. I cant wait for more

    Ps: Is this chapter by any chance ,one of the buildups for the Jungle Girls vs Cavewomen series you had hinted on earlier?

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