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Thread: Secret Rivals by Guilty_Spark (MvM)

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    Secret Rivals by Guilty_Spark (MvM)

    Hello Board,

    I just wanted to take a quick break from War of Lust while I stew and marinate some of my ideas. To change the pace I wanted to write a short story that was bouncing around my head recently and which should only have a second part to finish this idea. I hope you enjoy, and as always any comments or critiques are welcome.

    Secret Rivals

    The hooded figure of a man entered the small circular room which was only dimly lit by one lamp that hung from the ceiling. The smell of sweat was overpowering, with a hint of sex and semen mixing together to form a potent aroma. The floor and walls were covered in a soft padded foam that could absorb sound just as well as it could cushion a falling body. The ceiling above was one giant mirror, making the room appear taller and more spacious than it truly was. The man wore no clothing except for his black leather hood which hid all the hair on his head, the rest of his naked body hairless and glistening with a sheen of recently applied oil. His physique was extremely muscular but he was an average height standing just an inch shy of six feet. His hood was pressed tight against his head and around his neck, leaving his lower face uncovered along with openings for his ears and blue eyes. His tanned skin revealed no tattoos or birthmarks, the only distinguishing feature being a small pale scar across his chin from the stitches there he had earned as a child. He knew that cameras were going to record everything in this room through the one way mirror above, he had been in this room several times before and had always received a digital recording after each visit. In his hand he carried a small briefcase which contained twenty five thousand dollars. Across the room from him a different door suddenly opened, and another nude man entered carrying his own briefcase. The new figure stopped as soon as he cleared the door, both men's brown and blue eyes locking together as the doors closed behind them and all noise from outside the room was muted by the soundproof foam. In the sudden silence both men could only hear the soft sounds of their breathing and the pounding of their hearts throbbing in their ears.

    The new slightly darker skinned man who had just entered was also completely nude and shining with oil. In his hand was a similar briefcase which also contained twenty five thousand dollars within it. But instead of a leather hood like his opponent this man wore a metallic mask of thin silver metal that molded to and covered his upper face from his forehead to the tip of his nose, leaving two openings for his eyes to peer through. It swept out across his cheekbones and down his sideburns until it reached his jawline like a silver crescent across the top of his face. This left his mouth and jaw exposed to the air, allowing his crooked smirk towards the other man to be in full display. Attached around the edge of the mask was an elastic fabric headwrap that stretched back to cover the rest of his head and down around his neck below his jaw, securing the mask firmly against his eyes but leaving his lower face and ears uncovered. His skin was a light olive shade compared to the tanned white skin of his opponent, and unlike his paler opponent he had a tattoo of a snake on his right arm the coiled up from his wrist and around his arm to rear it’s hissing head at his right collar bone. He stood only an inch taller than the other man at six feet, and his mask and fabric cover concealed the color of his hair. His muscles were just as impressive as the hooded figure, and his entire body below his head was also shaven completely free of hair. They both placed their briefcase against the wall next to each entrance before moving slowly to the center of the room. Halting directly under the only light source, each man’s mask cast a shadow over their faces and hid their eyes as they stood only two feet away from each other.

    No words were spoken and no names were exchanged as they both men silently waited for the other to make the first move. Both of them knew that only one of them would walk out of the room with both of the briefcases full of money. For each man was preparing to leave his opponent a sweaty cum soaked pile of muscles on the floor after being made into the victor’s sexual slave. Both men’s cocks grew erect as they began panting in anticipation of their fight to attempt to dominate and fuck each other. Both men were members of a special club that organized these deviant sexual duels in which each duelists attempted to defeat and then fuck their opponent. The club would host these matches anonymously and discreetly for a fee and provide both fighters with recordings of the duel. But members who agreed to fight were required to bring the cash they wished to wager on their duel, and they had to abide by whatever rules both parties had agreed upon when they challenged other members. The only rules the club enforced were that members had to conceal their identity at all times and that no bones could be broken or serious injuries inflicted, under penalty of expulsion from the club and exposure of that member's video recordings to his family and friends. The two men currently inside the dueling chamber had already previously agreed to the rules of this duel over the encrypted message boards, and they had also agreed to substantially raise the usual cash reward to increase the stakes and determination to win this duel. Although these two men did not know each others identity, they had previously fought each other four times before this duel. Each time they had raised the cash prize of their match, with each man having previously defeated his rival and then proceeding to fuck and abuse his body before he left with the combined money. With each match they had also grown more vicious and spiteful, inflicting more humiliations on each other every time they met. A seething hatred burned in their eyes but was mixed with an overwhelming lust for their nemesis that combined into an exhilarating cocktail that made their erections throb and chests heave. They had agreed to a fifth duel to break the current tie in matches between them as each of them had won two duels, this next duel would allow one of them claim temporary dominance over the other. They had agreed that the first man to cum twice would lose the duel and be the winner's slave for the allotted time, during which he would be fucked and forced to pleasure the winner. Three of their previous duels had been hard fought wrestling contests between each muscular man, with the depleted winner twisting and straining against his exhausted opponent until their muscles finally collapsed in defeat. But this time they wanted to prove their sexual superiority over their rival, so in this duel oil was to be used to nullify their immense strength so their cocks and sexual stamina would determine the outcome.

    Their noses were filled with the unique smell of their foe’s sweat mixed with the sweet oil as they stood close together almost face to face. Each of their dicks were fully engorged and pointing towards it’s fleshy counterpart, with the length of both meaty spears being around eight inches long. As their excited breath caressed each face, both of them were grinning as they slowly flexed and tightened their muscles in a primal display to intimidate and inflame the lust in each other. The leather hooded man raised his left arm to gently grasp the right shoulder where the tattooed head of the snake hissed back at him. His fingers sliding smoothly through oil, he squeezed and traced the muscles of the silver masked man down towards his wrist as he followed the tattoo. The masked man flexed and curled his right arm in reply as his opponent grew more excited at the bulge and strain of flesh along his ripped limb. He reached out and copied the same motion with his right hand down the left arm of the masked man, before placing both hands against his broad chest to gently squeeze his nipples. As the masked man gasped, his hands continued to wander lower to caress and follow his sculpted six pack before one hand dipped past his erection to fondle the large oiled balls that hung below his dick. The masked man’s gasp turned into a groan as he briefly closed his brown eyes, and when he opened them and saw his foe smirking at him his orbs erupted with sparks of erotic loathing. The hooded man released his jewels, and it was the masked man’s arms that now reached out to squeeze and caress his opponents bulging muscles. He copied the earlier movements of the hooded man, but instead of finishing by grasping his smooth balls he instead filled his large hand with the hard cock of his rival as he gave it a few strokes before releasing it from his clenched fist. As the masked man’s hand moved up and down the oiled shaft it dragged a low moan out of the hooded man. When both their arms returned to their sides, each of them once again locked their malice and lust filled eyes together as they silently snarled at their nemesis.

    Each man immediately stepped forward, their oiled bodies sliding together as hot slippery flesh began to mold into one. Their thick thighs pressed together, and their protruding pecks and nipples began to grate against each other. Both of their arms slide around hips to latch their fingers deep into the firm buttocks of their opponent as each extended a finger to caress the hole they had both previously defiled with their cock and which they eagerly wished to penetrate again. As their arms pulled their bodies tighter, their cocks crushed together length to length as they were pushed up and trapped between both sets of sculpted abs. Below that their swinging balls where trapped between by both sets of thighs and were slapped together violently, before they began the slipping and grinding against each other in their oily vise of muscles. Although neither man would ever admit it, they were intoxicated by the feel of their rival's body against their own once again. They had both begun to crave the feeling of being trapped by the other’s strong limbs, to attempt to crush him while being crushed in return. To be helpless before his overwhelming strength, and to feel him surrender to their superior power. Their foreheads firmly pressed together, their harsh breathing blasting into each others open mouths which were only separated by centimeters. Each man began the move like the rod turning the wheels of a train, up and down and side to side in a slow grind. Their oiled dicks sliding together as the tender flesh of their shafts were crushed between unyielding six packs. The swollen undersides of the flared head of each cock was continually dragged past each other again and again as cum began to leak from each slit to mix with the oil and increase the slickness of their erotic battlefield. Each of the man’s trapped balls were continually crushed together, and a low throbbing pain began growing in the base of their abdomens only to combine with the expanding surge of pleasure flowing down their stimulated cocks. Fingers continued to knead and pull the firm ass of their opponent, each man starting to tap an oiled finger against a tightly clenched hole in preparation for future violations.

    Still neither man exchanged words with only the sound of harsh breathing and the impacts of oiled flesh filling the room, and for several minutes this slow grind continued as each man began to moan as their muscles began to tighten as their pleasure grew. Gradually the hood could feel the excitement in his erection growing faster and faster, and hearing the slower breaths of his rival he knew he was falling behind. The mask could see his opponent start to struggle as his rival’s weapon began to involuntarily flex and spasm against his own, and while he was quickly approaching his own peak he knew he had the advantage. The hood began to shudder against the hard muscles of the mask wrapped around him and his cock began swelling into an unbending steel rod as the pleasure of his orgasm began to crest, but the mask suddenly slowed his grinding movement until they were almost at a complete stop. He could feel the ecstasy filled tension weakening his hooded opponent, and wanted to show his sexual superiority over his rival by giving his cock time to cooldown and recover. Seeing the gloating brown eyes behind the mask mocking his weakness, the hood hissed with hatred as he understood how his rival was mocking his sexual prowess. After a few minutes of maintaining their slow grinding frot, both men had released enough of the explosive strain of pleasure building in their cocks so they began to increase the pace of the frot again. Their genitals were now covered in a slippery combination of oil and precum, which had flowed down to coat their balls and begin sliding even further down past their inner thighs. The sensations of hard muscles coated in hot slippery oil and straining together was driving the men slowly mad with lust and arousal. They could feel the vile seed of their foe mixing with their own, and each man felt the intense desire to unleash their cum into the violated holes of their vanquished foe and soil their body and psyche with his corrupting essence.

    For the next several minutes the slippery grind continued, as each man slowly pushed the other closer to the cliff of orgasm. The hood shifted to balance of the duel in his favor when his finger sudden penetrated the mask’s ass and began pressing against his prostate. The mask groaned as his cock immediately swelled and began leaking even more precum. The hood sneered up at his foe as he felt the mask’s previously tight prison of muscles suddenly weaken as his strong arms and chest slackened with pleasure. The mask was now helpless in his rival’s arms as pleasure throbbed at the head of his shaft, preparing to explode from the tip and flow down into his body. But now it was the hood who slowed his torturous grind, holding his foe over the edge of the precipice of pleasure but not allowing him to plunge down into orgasm. He wanted to utterly humiliate the mask, to break and conquer the his sex with his own. As the mask slowly withdrew from his orgasm, now it was him spilling hatred into his rival's gloating blue eyes as both men cooled down as they once again prepared for battle. Once the mask’s breathing had slowed and he felt his cock was ready, he reached further around with his own finger to penetrate the hood’s oiled asshole and began pressing against his prostate. Both men continued there mutual penetration as their cocks and balls began to crush and slide together again in their prison of muscles. The mask’s head inadvertently moved slightly as he shifted his stance causing their wet lips to brushed together momentarily. A thrill of adrenaline surged in their chests at this accidental caress, and the hood’s tongue quickly extended to slowly drag against the mask’s parted lips in a challenge to expand their sensual battle before withdrawing in anticipation. A quick slash of the mask’s tongue against the hood’s lips signaled that the unspoken challenge was accepted, and with a groan both men tilted their head as their moist mouths sank deep into each other. Greedy lips swallowed cries of pleasure and spit as hidden tongues fenced and thrust together like slick swords. Air was inhaled down nostrils to be pulled back and forth by lungs trying to suck the breath out of their enemy until both men eventually became lightheaded. With a sucking pop their mouths pulled apart in a spray of spit as each man inhaled a huge breath before twisting their head the opposite direction and locking their mouths together again to resume their struggle.

    Twice more the men drove each other to the edge of orgasm before briefly slowing down again. Each time they were quicker to approach climax and it took longer for them to recover before beginning again. As the men once again advanced toward climax for the fifth time, their cocks and limbs started to spasm and clench uncontrollably. Pulling their wet sucking mouths apart, both breathless men froze as they waited again for their excitement to abate so they could start again. But this time their erections continued to throb and remained swollen and extremely sensitive. Their muscular bodies continued to tremble in each others grasp as both men realized they had passed the point of no return. Slowly they slid their mouths gently together again in a slow sensual kiss as they looked deep into the eyes of their enemy, each of them wanting to see the moment the other was defeated when he surrender to the overwhelming pleasure of his rival. With glacial slowness, their dicks began sliding up and down as each slimy shaft tortured the other. They felt their compressed balls begin to slide back against their bodies as they prepared to clench and unleash their boiling cum. Each man’s finger continued to press and release the other’s prostate, as they both felt a terrible knot growing tighter and tighter in the base of their abdomen.

    Like the crack of a whip, the hood felt the knot in his belly snap. His blue eyes glazed over and the mask watched his face go slack and his eyelids flutter as his lips eagerly swallowed the hood’s shout of defeat before the hood's entire body began shaking uncontrollably. The hood felt his boiling cum surge up past his prostate and up his convulsing shaft which was still trapped between their tightly pressed bodies. As waves of pleasure flowed down his erection and into his abdomen, his cum shot up the opposite direction along his cock to explode against their tightly pressed stomachs and chests. The hood felt his legs begin to shake until they finally collapsed, breaking the gripping mask's lips locked against his own in a devouring kiss before he slid down the mask’s cum coated body to fall on his back before him. His long denied orgasm continued to savage his body, as his cock continued to shoot pulse after pulse of seed that sprayed up his chest and along his neck. Above him the mirror’s reflection revealed his defeated body spasm as it lay before the proudly erect figure of the mask, his brown eyes shining with triumph at seeing his nemesis succumb to his superior sexuality. The mask’s chest now soaked in his rival's cum heaved as he desperately reined in his own impending orgasm, seeking to delay his inevitable explosion only a few seconds longer. Slowly kneeling down, he positioned his knees on either side of the hood’s shoulders, bringing his twitching cock closer to the hood’s panting mouth. The hood saw the large cum covered spear approaching his open mouth, and offered no resistance as the mask slowly slipped his dick into the hood’s moaning orifice. The hood could see the mirror past the kneeling mask’s body and observed his own debased form covered in his own cum staring back at him. He began to suck and lick the head of the victorious cock with his lips and tongue, the mirror image above him displaying every sweaty detail of their two muscular forms. Seeing the mask’s conquering oiled body straddling his own filling him with a boiling surge of humiliation and arousal as he watched his body being used to pleasure the winner of the first contest. Within seconds the mask felt the straining knot in his belly snap, as now he was left trembling in ecstasy as wave after wave of cum began to erupted from his cock. After the first two surges of salty cum filled the hood’s open mouth, the mask pulled his spear back to begin coating the exposed face and leather mask of his victim with his hot white seed. The hood felt the slick fluid slip under his covering and into his hair, and even more poured down his neck to be trapped between his skin and leather hood.

    Once the mask’s twitching erection finished unleashing his cum, he rolled over onto his back alongside the listless body of the hood as they both struggled for breath. Both their eyes scoured each others reflection as they both stared up at the mirror displaying their sweaty forms. Eventually their eyes locked together in the mirror, and the raw hate and seething lustful passion that each saw in the other sent chills down their spines. They had both cum once, and they knew that the first one to succumb again would be ruthlessly fucked as well as mercilessly abused and thrashed by the victor of their poisonous erotic contest. Adrenaline surged through their exhausted bodies as they imagined the physical and sexual indignities they would unleash on their rival mixed with the fear of their rival doing the same to them. Nothing outside of this room, not even the money they had risked on this battle mattered to them anymore. Their world had been reduced to the cock and will of their rival that they desired to crush and destroy before it slaughtered them in return. Both staring at the mirror they each uttered the first word spoken aloud since they had entered the room, “More.”


    Secret Rivals Part 2

    They lay on their backs for another minute as they caught their breath and their hard erections slowly became flaccid. Breaking their heated gaze in the mirror, both men began to rise to their knees to resume their sexual duel. But before the masked man could finish rising to his feet the hooded man, fueled by his hatred and humiliation at being forced to orgasm first, suddenly launched himself into a flying tackle. His shoulder slammed into the unguarded chest of the mask, which drove the air out of his lungs as the hood wrapped his arms around him and completed the tackle by driving him down backwards to the padded floor. The mask’s body was crushed between the soft floor and the immense weight of the muscular man now lying on top of him, stunning him momentarily as his lungs tried to recover from the surprise blow.

    The hood knew he had only moments before the mask recovered, so he quickly flipped him on his side and coiled his arms around the mask trapping him in a full nelson as his legs circled his waist from behind. Their oiled bodies slithered tight together as the hood locked his hands together behind the neck of the now struggling mask, his flaccid dick rubbing up and down between his victim’s cheeks. The hood began trying to apply pressure to his hold, but found it impossible to restrain the thrashing oil covered body of his rival as he attempted to slip out of the trap. With a final twist and tug, the mask freed his arms and whipped his body around inside the legs encircling him to face his attacker.

    Each man lay on their sides as they wrapped their arms around the oiled chest of their foe and began squeezing and attempting to roll above to assume the dominant position. Once again their now diminished cocks and balls rubbed together, but both men were focused on causing pain and not pleasure to their enemy. The hood managed to roll atop the mask, who in turn quickly continued the roll as they began to move back and forth across the floor. Grunts of exertion and moans of pain filled the dimly lit room but were instantly absorbed by the foam walls. Slippery arms and legs twisted and shifted as both men tried unsuccessfully to trap limbs in painful grips. The two figures continued to roll back and forth on the floor like two mating snakes, whispering breathless curses at each other until they finally lodged against one of the walls.

    The mask found himself atop the hood and spread his legs to prevent the roll from beginning again. The two men temporarily paused to catch their breath, before slowly realizing that the friction and pressure of their groins crushed together as they struggled had caused each of them to become partially erect again. With the bonfire of lust replacing the desire to inflict pain, the hood’s hips began a slow grind that was quickly answered by thrusting from the mask. As they began to slowly frot their rapidly swelling erections the mask dipped his head down to begin licking his own dried cum staining the hood’s face, his tongue tickling the edge of the hood’s lips and mouth. The hood responded by opened his mouth to begin licking the sweat off the mask’s skin in return, each of them cleaning each other like cats as pleasure began to grow in their dicks once more. Their soft tongues began tracing back towards the panting mouth of their enemy, and with a groan of pleasure their mouths sealed together again as tongues and lips again swirled and thrust in frantic combat. Once both men were fully erect, they slowly dragged their lips apart to glare into each other’s eyes.

    Placing his arms on the ground and remaining watchful for another attack, the mask pushed himself up off the hood and cautiously scooted back towards the center of the room until he was directly under the weak light. There he raised his left knee up and motioned the hood over with a whisper, “Come here bitch, lets finish this cock to cock. After I make you blow your load I’m going to stretch that tight ass of yours.” The hood crouched on his feet and quickly approached the mask, sitting before him as he slipped his right leg under the raised left leg of the mask. He began moving forward on his ass until their vulnerable cocks and balls softly pressed together. As their oiled legs wrapped around each other the hood whispered back, “You fucker, I’m going to milk you until I drain every drop of cum out of your balls. Then I will breed you with my cock and make you eat my cum like a cheap whore.” The mask sneered in reply as he reached down with his right hand to trap both cocks in his grip while his left hand was planted behind him for balance. At the same time the hood reached below with his right hand to fill his palm with both pairs of oiled balls tightly pressed together, his left hand also braced behind him for balance.

    Both men stared down at the erotic sight of their cocks being jacked off together, the sensation of two hands massaging and tugging their sensitive flesh quickly causing pearls of precum to form at the tip of each head. The hood gently squeezed their slippery jewels, drawing a hiss of pleasure from both men. The mask responded by sliding his hand up to squeeze and massage their twitching helmets together, both men gasping as his thumb dragged over each slit to collect their precum and swirl it around each swollen head. Neither man could draw his gaze away from the sight of their genitals locked in primal combat, as their hands inflicted more and more pleasure on their proud weapons. For several minutes both men were slowly teased up the pleasure curve as the squelching sounds of oiled fists stroking was mixed with the excited moans filling the room, their genitals trapped together in a struggle to prove who’s dick was superior. Switching places the hood’s hand rose to begin stoking both shafts as the mask’s hand dipped down to trap their twitching balls, the cum within each beginning to bubble and boil from the constant stimulation. Both men began to feel their orgasm approaching as both shafts swelled even further until they were as stiff as wood. Their breath now coming in quick gasps, both men released their hands and watched their cocks twitch and release a small stream of precum the flowed down their tightly joined genitals as they hovered at the edge of climax. Several seconds passed until they felt the terrible pleasure recede and their shafts relax some of their stiffness. Again their hands reached out to grasp each other’s most intimate flesh, and each hand slathered the fresh cum into quivering flesh as they began to stroke and squeeze towards climax again.

    Breaking the silence, both men began trying to drive the other over the edge every time they approached orgasm. The mask whispered, “Look at your cock swell up. Just let me make you cum so you can blow your load over my superior dick. I can feel your balls boiling, just let it go you beta bitch...cum you fucker…cum.” The hood shuddered through each denied orgasm as he threatened back, “Look at all that shit leaking out of your cock, you must be ready to explode. I can feel my fist and cock beating you into submission, you can’t match my thicker meat. You want to cum, just cum, cum…CUM.” Again both men removed their hands as each throbbing erection shook and twitched together in ecstasy that remained trapped in the head of each spear, unable to flow down each shaft and explode in their bodies. They could feel on the underside of each shaft the tubes pressed tightly together for their entire long length as they pulsed in frustration of the denied climax. When both men had relaxed again and the pleasure faded to a dull ache in each dick, the mask judged the time ripe to change tactics.

    With a sudden surge his hands shot forward to push the hood onto his back. Keeping their cocks pressed together, the mask quickly leaned forward to mount his stunned foe. With their legs scissored together and preventing any escape, the hood could only lay back as the mask began to thrust his cock down with vicious strikes. A terrible pleasure began to grow in their groins as the mask’s hips continued their assault, their balls being violently slapped together as the mask’s dominant cock pummeled the weakening hood’s erection. The hood struggled to resist the overwhelming assault as each impact sent a wave of pain and pleasure up the length of his shaft to gather in his swelling helmet. The mask began shouting down at his nemesis as he wilted more and more with each thrust, “Yes...Yes...Cum you bitch…I’m breaking you balls...Let it blow...I’m gonna fuck you raw...I own your cock…” The hood shook his head back and forth in denial as he could feel his will crumbling beneath this final assault, his mind racing as he tried to think of way to escape. The mask could feel his genitals approaching an explosive orgasm, the sensation of dominating his despised foe making his triumphant cock swell into a steel rod that he used to strike his enemy’s beaten manhood. With one last flicker of defiance, the hood raised his hand and slapped the mask’s ass with a thunderous impact.

    The mask’s eyes widened as the wave of pain and shock flowed through his body to his already swollen dick. His movement instantly froze as he suddenly had to resist an overwhelming climax that was trying to steal his impending victory away at the last second. Seeing the desperate struggle in his rival’s wide brown eyes, the hood raised his arm again to unleash another thunderous slap to the clenched ass cheek of the mask. The mask eyes snapped shut as his quivering body remained locked in it’s struggle to not cum from the sudden attack. The hood weakly tried to push the mask over, his own cock trembling as he rolled their oil and sweat soaked bodies over until he had mounted the frozen form of the mask. With his hips he began to grind their genitals together, pushing himself up on one arm so the other remained free. With a swift movement, his hand swung across to slap the mask’s face which released a spray of spit. As the mask gasped, the hood’s hand swung back to backhand the other side of his face and whip the mask’s head around.

    With an agonized cry, the mask succumbed to his climax. His cock began to jerk against the conquering shaft of his rival as hot cum raced up his shaft to geyser across his chest. The hood could feel his hated enemy’s dick and balls succumbing to his victorious cock, and he was filled with a vicious desire to punish him even further. Grabbing his own throbbing erection he placed the head of his cock at the base of his rival’s thrashing manhood and dragged it up the entire length, forcing more cum to explode out the tip as the mask shrieked in pain caused by overwhelming pleasure. He then reached down and began to maliciously squeeze the balls that had previously coated his face with their contents, drawing more cries of pain mixed with pleasure from the mask. With a final shudder, the mask’s climax ended and his broken cock slumped down against his own belly in defeat.

    The hood was panting with excitement as he struggled against his own imminent orgasm. The sensations of victory and triumph filling his soul with the desire to cum warred against his hunger to humiliate his foe as had been earlier. With shaking arms and legs, the mask crawled over his nemesis and towards his head. Placing his knees next to his ears, he looked down and saw the brown eyes of the mask glazed over as he was comatose in the aftermath of his volcanic climax and the terrible strain of defeat combined with his exhausted muscles. The hood reached down to grasp the fabric cloth surrounding the back of the mask's head, and raised his face towards his throbbing dick that was already leaking cum down onto his face. As the mask was shaken out of his stupor, he became aware of the cock caressing his open lips as the blue eyes of the hood glared down at him. Shaken to the core of what he feared would now happen to him, he remained frozen as the hood’s voice growled, “Suck it, you fucker. I am going to fill you stomach and your ass with my cum. How bad it’s going to be is up to you.” Knowing he would have shown no mercy to his nemesis if he had won, the mask could only hope that his rival would not punish him as severely as he had planned to hurt him in turn. Wrapping his lips around the superior cock of the victor, he began to suck and lick the salty essence coating his helmet as it began to twitch in a tidal wave of ecstasy. With a shout of victory, the hood finally surrendered to the terrible pleasure that had been built up over their long struggle. Wave after wave of boiling hot cum coated the mouth of the mask and flowed down his throat. Drawing his dick out past the sucking lips of the mask, the hood began to coat his enemy’s face with his creamy essence, his cum staining the silver metal and tanned flesh of his foe until a thick glaze formed that began to leak down the sides of his head to the padded floor.

    The hood sat back on the chest of the mask, both of them struggling to breath after their long bitter duel. The mask felt warm cum slip past his mask and towards his closed eyes, but he remained still as his arms were still trapped under the hood’s legs. The hood slowly stood above the defeated mask and placed a foot on his chest, who quickly reached up to wipe his eyes clear of his rival's seed. When his brown eyes opened he saw his rival ascendant above him, arms and body flexed as he unleashed a long shout of triumph for the cameras he knew had recorded every minute of the duel. Looking down the hood’s blue eyes burned into the defeated brown eyes of the mask. His posture and form radiated with confidence while the mask’s body cowered submissively beneath him. That he had been seconds away from defeat no longer mattered, for today he had defeated the cock and body of the man who had previously handed him painful losses and violated his body and will when he fucked him after every defeat. His dick began to jerk as he planned to repay those violations now, and with as much pain as he could.

    Kneeling down the hood grabbed the mask’s hips and flipped him over on to his stomach. Dragging his ass up into the air he began to stroke his cock to full hardness as he saw the puckered hole clench in dread of what was coming. The mask buried his head in the foam as he braced his arms on the ground, remembering the previous times that the hood had fucked him after emerging victorious in their earlier duels. His soul burned with hatred as he swore vengeance for what was about to happen, the vile taste of his rival’s cum in his mouth making him feel dirty and humiliated. As he felt the head of the hood’s dick begin to push inside him, his mind flashed through every indignity he would return tenfold the next time they met.

    For the rest of the time they had agreed to fight, the hood used the mask body to fulfill his twisted lust and desire. The sounds of slapping flesh and groans of pain and pleasure reverberated through the room as a new layer of sweat and semen was added to the chamber. The rhythmic movements of victor and vanquished that had so often been repeated in this room again played out beneath the mirrored ceiling. Inside each of the men, a secret desire they subconsciously refused to acknowledge grew with each encounter. Even as he was dominated, the mask felt ecstasy fill him at his adversary’s touch. Both men silently craved the sensation of control, either having it taken from them or forcing their own upon another. This repressed desire poisoned their conscious thoughts, driving them to inflict more deviant pleasure combined with deeper pain at each other’s hands. This hidden pleasure filled the hood as he mounted his foe and bred him with his seed. He forced him to suck his balls empty as he filled his stomach with more cum. He punched and twisted the submissive form of the mask, leaving him a limp mass of twitching muscles and pained flesh. He maliciously stroked his tattooed rival to climax after climax, making him cover himself in his own seed. He finally stopped when he had completely drained his foe’s balls and he saw the abused cock of the mask throb in painful orgasm but not release a drop of semen.

    When the light in the room flashed brightly for a moment, the hood recognized the signal that the duel had ended. Knowing he could no longer touch his opponent, he instead stood over him and stoked himself to a final climax over his crumpled form. When his cock finally released the last few drops of cum that remained in his balls upon the mask’s body, the light flashed again. Not wanting to face a severe punishment if he did not leave immediately, he quickly collected both briefcases and left through the door that had opened. Leaving the room that now stank of sex and sweat he entered the cool fresh air of the hallway outside and moved quickly towards the private room where he had left his clothes and he could shower his filthy body. He was exhausted but his mood was ecstatic as he finally pulled off his hood and prepared to return to his normal life. He knew he would inevitably be challenged again, but until then his secret identity would remain hidden until called to arms once more. He knew a USB containing a recording of the duel would be waiting in his locker and he was eager to watch his victory again.

    Back inside the dueling chamber, a malevolent passion was being nurtured by seeds of bitterness and the poisoned waters of loathing combined with lust.


    Secret Rivals Epilogue

    Richard grunted as he pushed the weights through another set, the sweat stinging his blue eyes as his spotter stood over him in case he dropped the heavy bar. His blond hair was plastered to his face, as his friend Miguel goaded him to do one more lift. With a groan Richard pushed with all his might until his arms trembled against the force of gravity trying to crush the weights down on him. Seeing he couldn’t continue, Miguel reached out to lift the weights safely away from him and onto the rack as Richard’s arms collapsed in exhaustion. After a minute to recover, Richard rose from the bench to spot as Miguel lay down to begin his own set. For over a minute he watched Miguel as he pumped through several sets, Richard’s voice encouraging him to do just one more. When he saw his friend reach his limit, he quickly seized the weights and returned them back to their proper rack as Miguel recovered his breath.

    They had been at the gym for two hours, and they knew that their girlfriends would be finishing their zumba class any minute. Draining the last of their water bottles, they went to the locker room to wash their hands and return their towels. When they exited the room they saw their girlfriends waiting at the entrance, and the moved to join them. Richard had met the black haired Latino Miguel in college when he was studying business, and eventually Richard had become a stock trader while Miguel had moved into banking. Both of them had always prided themselves for their fitness, and they became frequent partners at the gym and eventually friends. After graduation he had started to date Maru who had been roommates with Jennifer in college. Maru was a thin beautiful Japanese-American with silky long black hair and brown eyes. Her roommate Jennifer was a stunning tall black women with green eyes who rivaled Maru’s delicious curves. Maru had been quick to introduce Jennifer to hunky Miguel, and now both couples had been happily dating for two years.

    Richard’s handsome face was flush from his intense workout, the pale scar on his chin standing out more than usual. He greeted Maru with a quick kiss, and he and Miguel listened as the girls planned their next couples night the following weekend. With a hug from each girl the two groups split as they had all arrived separately, the two men having gotten to the gym earlier and parking next to each other in a lower level of the structure while the two girls arrived later and ending up on a different level. As the two friends stowed their gear in their trunks they turned to look at each other in the now deserted section. Richard felt his suppressed rancor bubbling up from deep within him as he traced Miguel’s winding snake tattoo up his arm and chest before looking into his hard brown eyes. Miguel looked at the familiar scar on his friend’s chin and met Richard’s blazing blue eyes with his own cold rage shining out of his eyes in return. The two men glared at each other silently for over a minute, before they finally suppressed their violent urge to immediately attack their rival. Quickly looking away, the masks of friendship and civility again covered their true feelings as they parted with a cheerful goodbye.


    Unknown to the two men, on a different level of the parking structure their two girlfriends cheerfully hugged when they reached their cars. But neither woman released the other from their grasp, as hidden in each other’s hair their faces had twisted into snarling visages of hate. Arms wrapped in a loose hug slowly tightened until both women’s breasts were crushed together and their lungs struggled for breath. They could feel each other’s erect nipples straining to pierce the loose fabric of their workout clothes so they could latch together with their despised rival. The seconds dragged on as the risk of being caught made their pussies wet, and each began to whisper obscenities in the other’s ear. A car suddenly rounded the bend, and the two women released their compressing grasp to smile happily at each other as their eyes scoured each other like acid. Maru quickly spoke up in a sweet tone, “I think you should come over tomorrow, the boys have a long work day and we can spend some private time in the building’s small gym. They have a lock on the door so only residents can use it.” Jennifer grinned in reply as she replied, “That sounds wonderful, some quality girl time with my bestie. I will see you tomorrow!” Both woman’s eyes revealed a roiling ocean of hate that surged with waves of lust and spite stronger than Richard and Miguel had ever experienced.

    To be continued…

    That’s the end of Secret Rivals, it was a quick idea that I wanted to leave room to expand in the future. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want me to continue with Maru and Jennifer please tell me. For now I am going to turn my attention back to War of Lust Part Four so I can complete that story.

    Last edited by Guilty_Spark; November 19th, 2020 at 04:43 AM.

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