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Thread: The Library Gala

  1. #51
    Senior Hostboard Member Rivals_Rapture's Avatar
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    Red face Re: The Library Gala

    King! Pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeee let me know when this story is finished, I can't wait to get it up on the site!

  2. #52
    Junior Hostboard Member UltimateZeroStar's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Amazing story thus far. I didn't think things could get any more complicated. It's incredible how much buildup all the encounters at the Gala have. Hopefully Maggie and Amber can clear things up this time. I'm excited to see what happens next.

  3. #53
    Junior Hostboard Member GMC10's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    I liked the way Amber used her experience to gain advantage over Marissa. She now looks to be more than ready to face Maggie final time. Also interesting to see if Jenny can beat Bianca. There is some hatred jealousy ready to explode too. Good work and thank you again!

  4. #54
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala Part 11

    Part 11

    Maggie made her way down the halls, heading directly for the main showroom at a quick pace. She needed to touch up her makeup and ensure that her dress was not ruined in any way after falling for that slut Silvia?s trap, but that meant getting her key to her office. ?Ugh.? She thought, she had wasted almost 45 minutes in that heated showdown and now had already cum tonight. She hadn?t wanted to have any disadvantage if she chose to meet Amber tonight and regretted letting her anger and desire control her.

    She entered the hall and to her luck found Isabella standing right near the door she had emerged from. ?Isabella!? Maggie said waving her over peeking her head out. The Spanish girl noticed and walked over to her. From the look Isabella gave her, Maggie knew she clearly had some appearance of sexfighting. ?Did something happen Maggie?? She asked, curious as to why the redhead hadn?t fully popped out, though her hair and runny makeup was a tell.

    ?Don?t worry about it. Do you know where Marissa is? I need my key to my office.?

    Isabella?s face twisted slightly, and she chose her words carefully. ?Umm, the last I saw her she was actually going to your office, but I haven?t seen her in a bit.?

    ?Oh really?! Great. Thank you!? Maggie disappeared without a glance back. Isabella had opened her mouth to say more but the redhead mentor was already gone, and Isabella was left wondering what the librarian might find. Maggie fast-walked in her heels towards her room making quick time. She, fortunately, did not run into anyone else in the halls in her current state.

    As she turned the corner towards her office, she considered what she had just done. Silvia was hot, and she hated it, but the sexfighting was so good, nearly on par with Amber?s. Though she couldn?t deny the blonde still had a slight edge when it came to intensity. Maybe it was only because she had gone all the way with Amber, and not yet with Silvia, but her fights with Amber had other emotions plus the equal levels of hate and humiliation that she and the bartender shared. She was sure those other emotions played a key piece in what made Amber?s sex and hate an addicting drug to her.

    Comparing the women she had fought against the last was already a daily ritual for her. She normally ran down the list on her notepad, but this time did it in her head. Bianca?s had the most real-world items at stake, and their fights were incredible because of it. Isabella and she would get very physical if and when the intern got better, those could turn into something very intense that Maggie looked forward to competing in.

    Silvia?s seemed to be the dirtiest and their next fight would lock that in, but she wouldn?t count out that singer Jenny. If they ever hooked up and fought, she imagined it being just as dirty as the bartenders. She imagined Marissa?s being fun, and that it could be almost playful, it could be a nice change of pace.

    But Amber was something else and impossible for her to breakdown no matter how hard she tried. It was a combination of them all and even when Maggie used her list in the notebook, she couldn?t fully understand what made it so perfect besides one missing factor of the others. Love.

    She snapped back to the present as she approached her office. Quickly, she turned the handle only to find the door wouldn?t open. ?Huh?? She said aloud as she tried the knob again this time harder still only to find it fully locked.

    ?What?? She thought, Marissa must be in there. She hadn?t seen the intern walking back to the Gala or in any of the rooms on the way. If Isabella had been standing by the door awhile, she would have seen the blonde come and go.

    She knocked once fully expecting an answer, ?Hello! Marissa? Are you in there??, but no reply came from the room. ?Weird.? She thought again wondering what to do. She pushed her ear to the door trying to pick up some sort of response. For a second she thought she heard breathing but couldn?t tell if it was just her imagination or if someone was actually in there.

    ?What the hell?? Maggie thought. If Marissa wasn?t in there, then where was she? Maggie couldn?t wait here and left her office in a huff; making her way to the nearby powder room to freshen up the best she could without her supplies. Hair was fixed, makeup wiped and rubbed back in the right places. The hand dryer also sent a breeze up her dress when she was drying her hands. The hot air warmed her newly bare wet pussy and gave her a shiver of excitement. Losing her thong might not have been the worst thing that happened tonight because it added a new level of excitement from something she never would have done.

    Finished, she made her way into the ballroom once again, pantieless and regaining her classier sexy look best she could. Her green eyes moved around the room finding the Gala had changed a lot while she had been gone. The band was finished, and it seemed most if not all the donors had left. The DJ had taken stage once again playing more current dancing music. The crowd on the floor was still going strong but seemed filled only the very drunk and very wild.

    Curiously at first glance, she could not see or find any of the people she was looking for. Bianca was gone, Amber wasn?t on the dance floor, nor did she see Marissa, the person she needed to find. She felt dumb she had taken the extra time to talk to Isabella because it caused her to run into Silvia. It made her feel like she was playing catchup figuring everything out.

    It seemed the slutty bartender herself had already slipped away with some lucky or unlucky soul, depending on what they wanted. Jenny wasn?t in the room either, maybe she left with Silvia, Maggie thought, or too took home, someone.

    Did all the sexy women Maggie had noticed leave while she had been busy? Then she caught a glimpse of April on the dance floor, her shift over and now having fun.

    The hostess was dancing with the same cute bartender she had been flirting with earlier. They were now connected in a hot sweaty grind near the edge of the crowd. Now out of her work clothes, April had switched into skintight white volleyball latex shorts and a tiny white crop top. To Maggie?s nonsurprise April?s body was amazing and she now knew that the hostess had indeed been comparing their asses earlier in the night. The redhead noted that the crop top showed some serious under boob and that her ass popped in those tight shorts. She had her straight raven black hair down now, but it was pretty short and only reaching near her shoulders.

    What did surprise her however was that the hostess was fully inked. Both her toned legs and sexy arms sleeved with countless tattoos even up to her neck. They also seemed to travel to the few places hidden by her clothes including her ass and tits. She looked like a canvas with the colors of ink in many exotic and beautiful designs. The man seemed to really enjoy tracing them on her shoulders from behind her while April seemed to enjoy it just as much. In response, she leaned further down and pressed her ass harder into the man?s dick.

    Maggie had moved closer to get a better look at the crowd, seeing if Marissa or Amber were lost in the folds. It also brought her closer to the dancing pair when a third person appeared. It was the chef Maggie had seen kiss the same man who was now dancing with April. She had an angry look and too had changed out of her chef?s clothes to show off her incredible body that seemed on par with Aprils. She was in a tight brown leather skirt and a red tank top. Without her hat, her equally short but brown amazingly curly hair was almost bouncing. She was also quite pale, maybe not Bianca or herself, but right around the same shade as April without the tattoos.

    She got right into April?s face who stopped dancing and stood her ground. Maggie was now in earshot, but it wouldn?t have mattered. The two women were clearly tipsy, and their voices carried further than they might have done sober.

    ?What are you doing April?
    ?I don?t know Whitney, but I think I?m dancing with Toby? What are you doing?

    ?Toby! Get off her.?

    The man jumped back at the order looking like a sad dog. Maggie couldn?t tell if it was because he just lost contact with April?s perfect butt or he had been caught by his girlfriend.

    ?Toby, we aren?t done dancing!? April hissed and the man then took a step forward at the new order. Before he regained contact, however, Whitney had turned them so that she and April?s sides faced the man, and they were in each other?s faces.

    ?I told you to back off. He?s my boyfriend!? Whitney hissed as the red tank top containing the huge set of tits seemed to bounce right near April?s equal-sized pair.

    ?Well, I think Toby here likes me even more than he likes you, I could feel it.? She sneakily guested to the man?s clear boner sticking through his clothes. ?Anyway, you have only been dating him for two weeks! I have known him way longer!

    ?So what? You missed your chance to ask him out!?

    ?I don?t think I have, because he is just confused about who he wants more.
    April turned her brown eyes towards the man. ?I think he needs to pick one of us tonight.?

    ?Pick one of us?? Whitney repeated aghast.

    ?Yeah, and I know he will pick me.? April continued pointing at herself, clearly still tipsy. ?As I said, I have known him longer than you, and of course the biggest reason he will pick me.? She leaned forward and loudly whispered, ?My body is so much better than yours.?

    Whitney?s eyes narrowed as April turned the challenge from some boy too far more personal. She would not take a body comparison from this tatted slut, ?What did you say?

    ?You heard me.?

    Instead of lash out, however, Whitney?s bright red lips curled up. ?If it comes down to our bodies, I?m happy to show you why you are dead wrong about who he would pick.? She looked over at the boy, ?Toby, you are coming back to my place tonight, and April?why don?t you come too? We can figure which of us has the better body with him watching.?

    ?Why don?t we do it right here?? April challengingly said taking a step forward.
    ?Oh, I?m game,? Whitney growled back unwilling to be put in this position as she too stepped forward, and their hot bodies pressed into each other. Whitney?s white skin meshed with April?s colorful ink in the places their clothes lacked. From the outside of their little circle, they looked as though they were performing a grinding dance on each other.

    Maggie saw the signs; there was about to be a catfight on the dance floor. She was close enough to intervene as the grinding girls started to attract attention from some of the other guests. Just before Maggie stepped in, a new girl with brown wavey hair appeared. From behind, Maggie almost thought it was Jenny, but as she turned Maggie noticed this girl had quite a few blonde highlights and a sharper face.

    ?What the fuck do you two think you are doing? The restaurant?s name is tied to this event and here you two are causing a scene!? She nearly yelled as April and Whitney jumped apart in surprise. Then the new women?s attention turned to the boy who had been shrinking into the back.

    ?Toby, you better go home now. I want to talk to April and Whitney alone.?

    The guy moved so fast he didn?t even say goodbye to his girlfriend or the girl he had been dancing with. The new woman turned further, and Maggie suddenly recognized her from the glimpse. She had briefly talked to her when she visited the restaurant a few weeks ago but couldn?t remember her name. She looked far less happy and had a very annoyed look on her face now while staring at April and Whitney. The two other women took an extra step away from each other.

    The woman began to say something quietly to the pair that Maggie couldn?t hear so she waited until April responded to her, ?Yes, Paige. We can work together.?
    ?Yes, we can.? Whitney dittoed the comment as well. Yet, they both looked crestfallen from the serious talk.

    ?Good, because you two are going to be doing the packing up tonight here. Teagan and I are going back to the restaurant. I don?t want to hear about a single piece of bickering and if I get one word that you two argued or god forbid fought, I?ll have you both fired and blacklisted. Got it?? They nodded, but when Paige looked away, Maggie saw their eyes meet and the challenge renewed. Tonight, wasn?t over for them, it just had to be postponed until Paige and this Teagan woman were gone.

    That crisis was avoided for now; Maggie made her way past the group. She would have introduced herself to Paige any other time, but right now she needed to hurry. She rushed past the bar, where her eyes did see half the sorority girls in a group. She overheard the Thushara girl talking to Lucy and a new blonde who could have been Lucy?s twin. ?This library is huge! Pick a room and go kick her ass. I?ll take care of Sarah and Olivia can handle Jackie.

    Lucy was biting her finger in thought, as she and Olivia shared a look, but the librarian didn?t hear or see more moving past them. She pushed whatever that was from her mind, not willing or able to deal with it right now.

    After doing the full round, she finally saw people she recognized in a more personal sense. Isabella was talking to Daphne, standing closer than the average people were to each other, but it looked like a pleasant chat.

    Maggie came up almost out of breath, her search so far in vain. ?Isabella, have you seen Marissa? She wasn?t in my office and I didn?t pass her on the way out. Or have you seen Amber, Daphne??

    Much too quickly, both girls shook their heads, stopping whatever conversation they had just been having. ?I haven?t seen her.? They said in unison, then side-eyed each other as if they both had made a mistake.

    Maggie looked back and forth between them. If she had been slightly calmer and right of mind, she might have been able to see through the obvious lies. ?Are you sure? Ok, well tell me if you do please!? She didn?t wait for them to respond, already leaving to do another round looking for either blonde girl. Isabella watched her go biting her lip. She had wanted to say something, but it wouldn?t be worth Marissa?s wrath. She was a slave after all, at least for a month.

    Maggie?s mind was reeling as she kept looking. She did two more rounds as time seemed to speed up, but still no luck. It was clear they were not here, and she couldn?t go look through the entire library.

    She looked at the clock. 10:30 PM, she didn?t need to get into her office now, that ship had sailed. Only 30 minutes to decide to meet Amber. But how could she decide now? Her mind and body were more on edge than ever. Did she need Amber? Silvia provided a rivalry as dirty, while Bianca provides one just as intense. The sex with them was nearly on par. She had Isabella for an easy lay if she wanted one, and the intern would get better. She could even pick a fight with that Jenny bitch if she wanted someone new to humiliate.

    With Amber, there would be nothing but pain and heartbreak?even though it was the best sex she had ever had. But their constant desire to beat each other, the drive to hurt each other, and all their dishonesty was not something to build a relationship on. She tried not to think about what they had in common, and how much the blonde made her laugh, as she tried to forget the good. It didn?t work.

    Her head continued to spin when a hand caught her shoulder. She turned in a panic expecting Amber but found herself face to face with the Director and a beautiful slightly older woman she had never met.

    ?Maggie, there you are, we have been looking for you! You really pulled it off tonight, this event has gone great!? The man proclaimed with a smile. He then gestured to the woman who stepped forward. ?I would like to introduce you to Elise Hawthorn. She wants to have a conversation with you, and I think you should listen.?

    The woman smiled pleasantly; her shoulder-length platinum blonde hair was smooth. It reminded her of a shorter version of Amber?s when they had first met, though her ex now had a bit more of her natural light brown showing at the roots. She looked to be in maybe her mid-thirties, but her body showed no signs of it, in fact, it might have been the best Maggie had ever seen. She only hoped when she was that age, her body kept up like that. The woman was wearing a thin white dress that was very sexy but had an air of professionalism that hers and Amber?s lacked.

    When she spoke, it came out elegantly. ?Maggie, if I may call you that, it?s so nice to meet you. I have been very impressed with how this event has turned out and would love to discuss some internships and sponsorships with you. My company wants to both donate and work closely with this school, and more importantly this library for your services. Would you join me for a late dinner tonight and we can talk first steps??

    ?Umm.? Maggie replied. She was listening, but not well, her mind was now trying to remember the pro-con list she had created about Amber she left on her desk. She didn?t need Amber for sex, or even for this new combative sex she found so addicting.

    ?Umm, sorry could you give me one minute?? Maggie asked Elise who looked surprised but smiled again.

    ?Of course.? When her phone gave a slight ding. She looked at it and her smile faltered just a second then grew. ?Well, we will be making it a table for four. Our wonderful CEO?s wife will also be joining us. She couldn?t be here for the event but will be picking us up in a few minutes. Very usual for her.?

    Maggie now had her career and Amber in a head-to-head battle of what she should do. And right now, she just couldn?t deal with it as her brain seemed to split into two. ?Can I just have a few minutes?? Maggie said and without waiting for an answer, walked away from the group to the surprise of Elise and the Director.

    She wasn?t sure where she was going, but her legs kept moving until she left Gala from the back door near the kitchen. The cool night air filled her lungs relaxing her slightly as she took a sense of what she was doing. Her head desperately trying to clear itself from the tug of war happening inside.

    Back and forth her mind went until she just couldn?t take it. She collapsed down on a small bench just a few feet away from the door; still unsure of what she wanted.

    Just at that second, the door re-opened, and another figure appeared from out the kitchen. She was also in a white cooking outfit like the one Whitney had been wearing earlier. The girl made her way over to her bench looking at her phone and was just about to sit down when she noticed Maggie. The girl jumped in surprise; she clearly had not been expecting anyone out here with her.

    ?Sorry! I was just looking for a place to get some fresh air.? The new arrival said. She was wearing a white cooking apron similar to the other chef?s outfit Maggie had seen earlier in the night. In the limited light the redhead couldn?t really see the girl as she stood on the other side of the seat.

    ?Oh, it?s okay. I don?t mind, I was doing the same, please, the bench has plenty of room.? Maggie replied, forcing herself to stop trying to checkout this new woman. She already had so much on her mind to think about.

    ?Ahh, thanks. Appreciate it.? As the new girl quickly took a seat next to Maggie and let out a long exhale. The redhead couldn?t help glancing over as the girl removed her chef hat and allowed her long black hair down. At this distance, Maggie could tell she was roughly her age but still couldn?t tell if it was just another woman who would give her a run for her money in the body department. At this point after seeing so many, she expected it. There were a few seconds of silence as neither girl said anything, simply enjoying the calm.

    ?Rough night?? The girl asked as she stretched out slightly, pressing her nicely tanned arms into the air. Her eyes glanced over to the redhead and the sexy amount of skin she was presenting.

    Maggie turned her head to face the new girl with a curious look. The lights from the open door of the building and around the loading bay gave her enough to see that this girl was very attractive, sexy even. Her heritage came through with her dark straight black hair and a natural deep tan. She looked Hawaiian or some pacific islander, but Maggie wasn?t sure.

    For some reason, the girl?s kind smile and harmless question gave Maggie a sense of relief. She figured there was no harm talking to this random woman as long as she explained it delicately.

    ?Yes, but I knew it was going to be, but then it just doubled down and went off the rails. I guess it could have gone worse but?I don?t know.? Maggie then started to laugh unable to control it. As she spoke about it aloud, it sounded ridiculous on what she was doing and why. One year ago, she never would have been in this position, sexually challenging other women openly and having sex contests at the biggest event of her career. She and Amber had really started each other on an interesting path.

    ?I know that feeling.? The woman said giving her own little chuckle to herself.

    ?Yeah, has your night been crazy??

    ?I mean anytime I?m lead cooking one of these events there is potential for craziness, but no, that part was fine. My night is just starting to get crazy or go off the rails as you said.? As she laughed again at something she was thinking about.

    ?Wait, you are our head chef? I?m Maggie Reynolds, one of the head librarians here. I came to your restaurant a few weeks ago to try some of the food, but you weren?t able to come to meet us. Do you work with Paige?

    ?Oh, you are Maggie! And yes, my name is Teagan, I?m the chef from that day and tonight. I do work with Paige who is in management and lead hostess. We are kind of both heads of the restaurant in a way. Also, small world, but I have a book I have been needing to return from this very library. I think it was you who called to remind me.? She finished sheepishly.

    ?Teagan? Oh wow, yes what a small world.? She had made calls to her but hadn?t made the connection in any way. ?Please don?t worry about the book, usually I am desperate for them to be returned, but cookbooks don?t get rented out often and you are chef! I bet it came in handy.? She finished. Nothing made Maggie happier than her books getting used in the right way as she continued, ?It is nice to put a name to the face. Did you enjoy the tonight? Or at least enjoy it before it goes off the rails??

    ?Thanks, and yes, the book is wonderful. I promise I will be done with it soon and I have a good night! I just love cooking to the point it can be relaxing, but it is the after-party tonight that I?m getting ready for.? She paused, then seemed to give the slightest shrugs to her shoulders. ?Paige, the one you met, and I are going to chat tonight. We have some unfinished business to take care of, and that part of my night has the very high chance of turning crazy.?

    Maggie now returned the curious look. Maybe a year ago, she wouldn?t have thought anything into it, but now, Teagan sounded like how she described her fights to strangers. What kind of chat was this chef going to have? ?So, it?s a chat that is going to become crazy?funnily enough, I?m in the same boat as you. I have a friend that I have unfinished business with, and they want to chat tonight. But I don?t know if I should.?

    ?What?s stopping you?? Teagan asked as the conversation seemed to flow naturally. She then took another look at the pale girl in the sexy garment. ?I mean considering that dress you must be looking for a guy to take home tonight, because it wouldn?t be hard to find one wearing that.?

    ?Oh no.? Maggie laughed at the girl?s boldness and the idea of her getting with a guy tonight. She still could enjoy men, but compared to Amber, it would only be unsatisfying. ?This ?friend? is more like my ex?so it?s kind of complicated cause I think they want to?hookup.? She admitted.

    ?Ahh, yeah that?s a bit different. Though I stand by the phrase, ?Getting on top of someone new is the best way to get over someone old.?

    ?Are you offering?? Maggie flirted with a little glance. The cooking outfit wasn?t revealing, but it couldn?t hide the sexy girl?s figure fully. Just seeing the tanned legs Maggie could make out the light muscle in her calves to hint at the rest being just as well proportioned.

    Teagan laughed loudly now at Maggie?s boldness, ?I normally would after I got a better look of you in that dress, but I can?t back out of tonight and I don?t want to.?

    Maggie made a note that the girl was bi, or at least more open in who she fucked, they had that in common. ?You don?t want to??

    ?No way, I?ve been wanting to talk to Paige as much as she has been wanting to talk to me, and after our last discussion ending with...well, it took a while, but we finally agreed to talk again. And this time I think we both have a better understanding of how the talk is going to go and I can?t wait.?

    ?Wow, it must be an intense talk, I wish I had as much enthusiasm as you do for mine.?

    ?Well, maybe you should? If it?s anything like my talk I?m sure it could be fun in a way.? Teagan teased.

    ?If I?m honest with you, I think we are living parallel lives in most aspects.? Maggie laughed, though she knew Amber?s might be a slight bit more complicated. Teagan talked about Paige like she would talk about Bianca or Silvia.

    ?You think so? Well, if that is true, why wouldn?t you be excited to settle it or figure it out?? My night isn?t a mystery, but it sounds like yours is, so, tell me more about him?

    ?Her.? Maggie corrected, and Teagan gave a little ?Ahh.? As if she now understood the parallel line more so.

    ?Well, we had a few months of it being great in a weird way, but that whole time we?never could admit it to each other how much we were enjoying it. But now I hate her, and she feels the same.? Maggie half-heartedly said as if saying aloud that she hated Amber pained her.

    ?Do you? I don?t mean to question it, but your voice just sounded different when you were talking about the good months. So, maybe my thing with Paige and yours might have started parallel, but you and your ex ?went off the rails? and got emotion thrown in. I mean first off, you referred to her as your ex?meaning at some point you had feelings for this person in some way because you dated them. Secondly, maybe you both needed each other and didn?t know it at the time like it was more than you both thought it was. Make sense??

    ?Yeah?those could be true,? Maggie answered softly.

    ?So, what do you want from this talk if you go??

    ?I don?t know.? But Teagan wasn?t satisfied with that reply.

    Ok, let me ask you a different question, but you have to answer without thinking. Just a yes or no, got it??

    ?Ok,? Maggie replied, not sure what this girl was getting at.

    ?Ready? Remember it has to be fast, no thinking.?

    ?Ok, I?m ready.?

    ?Do you still love her??

    ?Yes,? Maggie answered quickly, surprising even herself that it had come out so easy.

    ?Well, there is your answer!? Teagan smiled at her, ?Sometimes, you just can?t think about it and have to go with your gut.?

    Maggie was looking at Teagan with her eyes slightly wide. She felt like she had just been given a real talking too. ?Wow, yeah. That was weird.? But she had a small smile on her lips finally saying it to someone else.

    ?I guess you know what you want, but you can?t know what she wants, and I bet she is as confused as you. To be fair, that is what love does to people.?
    Maggie sat there listening to this random woman give her life changing words and advice.

    ?But if she wants to have an intense talk, then at least you know she wants something. And if this conversation is as intense as mine is going to be with Paige. Then maybe just try to ?win? it, if you know what I mean. Make her understand what you want or make her admit what she wants.?

    Maggie was looking at her in near shock, her mouth ajar. Was that the answer she had been trying to find? The one she had wanted to hear, and it seemed to make total sense to her having it said to her aloud.

    Amber and her had been in this dance for almost a year, never being fully honest with each other. The only time the blonde had showed her real self on purpose, the vulnerable one?was when Maggie had beaten her during their second fight. When Amber had begged, and Maggie had offered her an olive branch in response.

    Teagan made a point, if she wanted to know what Amber really wanted and to see the blonde?s true self; she had no choice but to fight her. That?s when they were the most open with each other, the only time they didn?t lie. And during this fight, she would selfishly make Amber see this was all her fault. She would beat the blonde and make her admit what she wants and that she was wrong. Even though she did want a reconciliation with her ex, she would never admit it, not until Amber apologized, not till she took her fair share of the blame. It was the only way to move forward. She was going to fuck fight Amber Fielder tonight and she was going to do everything she could to win. It was almost enlightening coming to that conclusion.

    ?Wow, you are amazing at organizing my thoughts.?

    Teagan smiled, ?Well thanks! This was fun, I didn?t want to just sit here thinking about tonight. It was a nice break to talk about someone else?s problems. She stretched, and Maggie took at good luck at the Hawaiians? body. She surely would make a tempting fuck and Maggie knew Teagan would be a very tough challenge if they had their own talk.

    Before anything else could be said, a little ding came from Teagan?s pocket. She took out her phone, and Maggie watched her new friend?s lips the as she read the message.

    ?Well, looks like it?s time for me to go, can?t be late for this.?

    Maggie almost asked, she wanted to ask, but she held it in. There was no point, and even in the crazy world where Teagan was also about to have a sexual contest, it wouldn?t change anything tonight. The chef stretched her neck a bit and stood up giving Maggie a full view of her amazing figure behind the clothes. She imagined that Paige woman and Teagan fighting with their perfect forms, it was an alluring thought.

    ?It was nice talking to you Maggie?good luck tonight, I hope you do what makes you happy...and I hope you win.? She added with a wink and for some reason, Maggie knew that Teagan knew what they were both up to tonight.

    ?Yeah?you too.? Maggie replied as Teagan started to walk away when the redhead jumped up, ?Hey! Teagan, can I get your number? I really enjoyed this conversation and want to return the favor one day. I think we have more in common than we are letting on.?

    Teagan grinned, ?I was going to ask for yours, but didn?t want to be rude with the whole ex thing.? She took Maggie?s digits down and added them into her phone, sending a quick text.

    ?There, and hey, if it doesn?t work out for you or even if it does, shoot me a text. I?m glad to talk more and this helped me as much as it did you. And who knows?maybe we can have some fun between us.?

    Maggie couldn?t help grin at the implication, ?That sounds lovely.?

    Teagan smiled at her again, then turned and made her way back into the kitchen where Paige was waiting with her car keys. They had a long-overdue second meeting back at the Meza that both of them were hungry for and it was time to start it.

    Maggie sat on the bench another long moment, the words of Teagan going through her head.
    One path was clear, don?t go and never worry about Amber ever again. That was the easiest way, letting this post-college fling disappear and moving on with her life.

    The other path was murky at its best. If she went to Amber and lost, she would never hear the words she needed to hear. Even if she won, the blonde still might not admit it and they would go their separate ways anyway.

    It was a risk, but so was everything involving Amber. She knew she couldn?t just win, she had to break the punk bitch in the same way she did last time in that chemical shower stall. See if Amber would finally be honest with her if she even could be. It also could show them an answer to a very personal question between them, which of them was the sex queen of their little back and forth. That answer alone might be worth the fight.

    Her time was running out, the Gala was nearing empty. Amber was gone, but she knew where to find her, in that place. She had decided that Silvia could wait, they would continue their thing later. Bianca and she would eventually settle it, so that could wait too. She would find Jenny when she found the time, and Marissa would understand?she hoped. They could all wait as Maggie thought about her life and everything regarding her ex.

    She thought about what made her happy and what made her sad. She knew when she woke up tomorrow there was only one choice she cared about and that was Amber. Even this dinner, which had the monumental potential for both the library and her career could wait. Because she had something bigger to deal with.

    She made her way back into the Gala, where only a few bodies remained, and the DJ was even gone. The Director was still waiting with Elise and now another beautiful woman with long brown wavy hair had joined them, ?Maggie, there you are. Are you ready to come with us?? He asked.

    Maggie looked over at the two women. They were looking at her curiously, with a sly smile on both their lips as if they knew her secret. This was the chance to change her career and the library in a way that couldn?t be matched, but this time she didn?t hesitate on her choice.

    ?I?m sorry. I actually have to meet up with someone right after this event over. I?m going to have to decline.? She took a breath and looked at the clock behind the women. 10:45. The wave of relief that spread down her body from that choice instantly gave her the confidence she had made the right one. She was going to go find Amber and they were going to talk again, and this time they would figure it out.

    ?Oh, well?that?s such a shame. We were both very interested in getting to know you better.? Carrie said, but she smiled at Maggie who smiled back at her understanding.

    The director turned to the VP and wife quickly, ?Don?t worry I have another librarian who would love to come, and we can still have this meeting.?

    Maggie sighed; she knew that Bianca wouldn?t give up this chance even with their so-called truce. As if on que, Bianca appeared next to the group. ?Ahh Bianca, impeccable timing as usual. This is Elise and Carrie, two of our top donors who want to discuss future donations. It would be a huge part of your growing career and an increased chance for the head librarian role.?

    Bianca looked at the other librarian and Maggie knew she was wearing her options just like she had. But Bianca didn?t have an Amber, and she was free to take this chance to lock up the role.
    She and Maggie?s stare went on for a few seconds before the raven-haired girl gave her co-worker the smallest of smiles.

    She then turned to the two slightly older women. ?I?m sorry, I have a prior appointment as well, but I?m sure and Maggie and I both can meet next week. It would be a pleasure to eat with two women of your stature and connections.?

    ?Yes, that is unfortunate, but I do like the idea of the four of us meeting.? The blonde VP commented as she looked at the two younger women. ?How about we set a lunch next week with both of you so the four of us can discuss some business with the time required??

    ?And some fun, I want to hear what these young college girls? get up to in their free time.? Carrie playfully added with a sly grin. Elise shot her a look that the other older woman returned with a little shrug. They had both noticed the bodies on the younger girls, and it was impossible not to be just a little interested in how their working relationship was built. Elise and Carrie personally knew something about interesting working relationships.

    ?I?ll have my secretary email you both this week. Looking forward to our meeting.? Elise said and Carrie nodded in agreement. They both smiled and then turned towards the exit walking side by side. The director gave the librarian?s an annoyed look as he followed the two women to show them out. He had just missed out on a chance to dine with the two older beauties and get his own name out there.

    ?Thank you, Bianca,? Maggie said, as she watched Carrie and Elise?s asses move away, again amazed how well they looked for their 30s.

    ?I?m not doing it for you.? Bianca hissed in a tone that reminded Maggie of their fights. The redhead turned to look at her co-worker, but her eyes instantly fell to the silver dress she was wearing. It was not hers, that was Jenny?s dress.

    Bianca was still following Carrie and Elise with her eyes. ?Those two women are going to be a big part of our careers. Don?t forget, we might be co-workers and have a truce but I?m going to fuck you down to get this job.?

    ?I know, and I plan to do the same to you, maybe in front of those two women,? Maggie replied simply.

    Bianca laughed at the boldness, ?That that might have happened tonight, even with our truce, but we both have other things to worry about tonight.?

    Maggie followed Bianca?s eyes towards the hallway door, where Jenny was lingering, tapping her foot impatiently. She was clearly in Bianca?s dress from whatever swap had occurred. She seemed to fill it out chest wise equally to how Bianca wore hers, and Maggie was sure that must have been driving them both crazy. Even from a distance, Maggie could also see a red stain on the front of the silver gown that Jenny dawned. She then glanced back and noticed Bianca had a similar stain on the dress she was wearing, but she didn?t say anything.

    That must have been why Bianca was so heated, something had already started between the singer and her co-worker, and it looked like they had no plans to stop it. Jenny was waiting and glaring over at them, but Maggie could tell her fiery look was for Bianca this time.

    ?Enjoy your night Maggie, because I?m going to go enjoy mine in the best way.? She left the redhead and walked towards Jenny with a sultry stride. The singer gave her own sexy stretch near the door, then without waiting for Bianca, slipped back into the hallway. The librarian was hot on her heels, hungry for further review about which of them pulled the dress off better. Maggie could only imagine what they were going to do or where they were headed. How many fights were happening in this building she wondered to herself.

    She took a few extra minutes she had as the final guests were shown the door. She waited by the empty bar pouring herself one last drink, a small one but that warmed her belly. Taking a seat on the same stool she had been on a few hours ago, she felt calm now that she knew her goal and how she wanted to it. Her thoughts drifted to Jenny and Bianca, two women who had only met tonight and were now in what was most likely a physical and very sexual struggle. She was sure it would be very alluring to watch and wondered which of the two bitches would come out on top. She doubted they would be in the same place that Amber was waiting for her.

    As she placed down her drink, she saw the one other person she had been desperately searching for. ?Marissa!? Maggie yelled jumping off her stool. The other blonde stopped and looked over at the approaching redhead. For once she didn?t smile or wave in any form or capacity.

    ?Oh, Maggie,? Marissa said, and the redhead could instantly tell something was up. The tone was not friendly and even hinted at angry which was unusual from her intern.

    ?Marissa, I wanted to talk?.? She stopped noticing her intern?s look had changed drastically from when she had first seen her. The blonde hair was out of its braid, and all the white flowers gone. Her face was slightly red and looked wilder than she had before. ?What happened to you?!?

    ?Nothing you need to worry about because you don?t really care do you?? Marissa said sharply.

    ?Huh? What are you saying? Maggie replied, ?I do care.?

    ?No, you are a liar. You never wanted to hook up with me, or even hangout outside of school, but you were quick to offer Isabella that huh? If you had just been honest, well then at least I wouldn?t have wasted my time thinking I might have something of a real friend here?

    ?Marissa, I should have??

    ?Stop,? Marissa ordered taking a step forward at Maggie and she felt the bubbly aura change around her intern. The green and hazel eyes met with an alarming glare from one of the pairs.

    A face Maggie had always seen on her side now looked at her with fire. When Marissa spoke, her voice dripped with venom. ?You are nothing but a fucking liar. You never wanted to hang out with me outside or fuck like I was asking you too. You couldn?t just be honest with me, making you just as bad as Bianca. Then I learned you asked Isabella to hang out with her and give her lessons? What the fuck? You never offered me anything like that, or even just to come over to my dorm to chill. We didn?t even have to fuck!?

    Maggie had no reply, her words failing her. The truth hurt and she knew she had made a massive mistake with both her interns this semester, she just hadn?t seen this one coming. Marissa stepped back, and reverted to her usually bubbly tone, ?I just really hope Amber fucks the lying bitch out of you! ?, She said with such a cheery smile and giggle that she could have been telling Maggie she had just spent the day playing with puppies or picking flowers.

    Maggie?s mouth opened in shock, ?Marissa?I?we?. ?

    ?Oh and stay away from my slave. I won the fight on Thursday, while you were passed out on the ground like a fucking slut. So, I really don?t think you won at all. Anyway, I guess I still have to work with you, but we are totally not cool. Don?t forget it.? The blonde demanded and then turned away from the redhead.

    ?See you later Maggie!? She exclaimed, with a sarcastic giggle as she skipped away towards the exit leaving Maggie stunned in her red dress. After all the good she had done, she had made a massive mistake and it had cost her a friend. She should have been honest, or spent more time trying to hang out with Marissa instead of picking fights with Bianca or worrying about Amber. The girl had been hinting at it all semester she was looking for a friend even before they had started their flirty game. Now she had missed her chance, and she had made another sexy enemy.

    Marissa had called her out on it and the intern was right, but why and how did it blow up this evening? That was easy, Amber. Amber had turned Marissa against her even if had been her own mistake. It was always Amber, everything in her life came around Amber. She had to change and break this vicious cycle they had twisted each other into. It was time to go find her ex, she was ready.

    Even with the last people lingering, she set off towards her destination back into the hallway door. The cleaning crew was not set to come till tomorrow evening and security wouldn?t be working, all the cameras were off. She was alone in the halls making her way deeper into the library.

    The quietness grew every step further into the building. She with a sense of purpose, easily knowing every turn and every room. This was her place; her most important thing and she would defend it.

    After three minutes she took one last left and looked down the hall. At the end were the double doors that led to the oldest room in the library. With its no lights and many rows of dark bookshelves, it was a labyrinth. The place where it had first happened between her and Amber. The first place where they had laid everything against each other and fought with their sexes. And of course, the place where Amber had defeated her.

    Amber had said, ?you know where you will find me?, and Maggie was confident that beyond those doors, her rival, her ex-lover, her bitter enemy was waiting for her. She paused at the entrance. There was no sign of anything that Amber was in there, but she could feel it. Amber was here and waiting for her. ?Tonight?it gets settled.? She said quietly to herself as she pushed open the doors and was engulfed by the darkness.

    Alrighty. It?s about time for some Maggie and Amber action. Let us see who can force the other to break. FINALLY. Thank you everyone for sticking with this story because I know it?s been fucking long. I can say the surprises are not yet done, so don?t worry if you felt like something was missed. Just go with the flow and see what happens haha, or tell me to fuck off, both works. Sorry this part was kind of short, but the rest of the story is pure action (mostly lol) so I will try to make up for it. The next parts will be out soon cause it?s a decent amount done, but I will say I?m going to take my time. I want these final parts to be great, so until they?re perfect, I?ma keep re-running through them with quadrable checks.

    Yeah, cool well, hope you all enjoyed! Thank you again for all the comments and likes. Know I always super appreciate them and read every one. I promise to respond to any questions once this story is done if anyone wants to ask or stuff or not haha. Though I?ll prob use Rival?s forum for that. Umm yeah, till next time!


  5. #55
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    Re: The Library Gala Part 11

    [QUOTE = kingofdapirates1; 2021315] Parte 11

    Maggie recorri? los pasillos, dirigi?ndose directamente a la sala de exposici?n principal a un ritmo r?pido. Necesitaba retocarse el maquillaje y asegurarse de que su vestido no se arruinara de ninguna manera despu?s de caer en la trampa de esa **** Silvia, pero eso significaba conseguir la llave de su oficina. 'Ugh.' Pens? que hab?a perdido casi 45 minutos en ese acalorado enfrentamiento y ahora ya hab?a cogido esta noche. No hab?a querido tener ninguna desventaja si eleg?a conocer a Amber esta noche y lament? haber dejado que su ira y deseo la controlaran.

    Entr? al pasillo y, para su suerte, encontr? a Isabella de pie junto a la puerta por la que hab?a salido. "?Isabela!" Maggie dijo haci?ndola se?as para que asomara la cabeza. La chica espa?ola se dio cuenta y se acerc? a ella. Por la mirada que Isabella le dio, Maggie supo que claramente ten?a cierta apariencia de pelea sexual. "?Pas? algo Maggie?" Pregunt?, curiosa por saber por qu? la pelirroja no hab?a salido del todo, aunque su cabello y su maquillaje l?quido eran un indicio.

    ?No te preocupes por eso. ?Sabes d?nde est? Marissa? Necesito la llave de mi oficina ".

    La cara de Isabella se torci? levemente y eligi? sus palabras con cuidado. "Umm, la ?ltima vez que la vi era en realidad yendo a tu oficina, pero no la he visto en un momento".

    "??Oh enserio?! Excelente. ?Gracias!" Maggie desapareci? sin mirar atr?s. Isabella hab?a abierto la boca para decir m?s, pero la mentora pelirroja ya se hab?a ido, e Isabella se qued? pregunt?ndose qu? podr?a encontrar la bibliotecaria. Maggie camin? r?pidamente en sus tacones hacia su habitaci?n haciendo tiempo r?pido. Afortunadamente, no se encontr? con nadie m?s en los pasillos en su estado actual.

    Al doblar la esquina hacia su oficina, consider? lo que acababa de hacer. Silvia estaba caliente y lo odiaba, pero la pelea sexual era tan buena, casi a la par con la de Amber. Aunque no pod?a negar que la rubia todav?a ten?a una ligera ventaja cuando se trataba de intensidad. Tal vez fue solo porque hab?a ido hasta el final con Amber, y todav?a no con Silvia, pero sus peleas con Amber ten?an otras emociones m?s los niveles iguales de odio y humillaci?n que ella y el camarero compart?an. Estaba segura de que esas otras emociones jugaron una pieza clave en lo que hizo que el sexo y el odio de Amber fueran una droga adictiva para ella.

    Comparar a las mujeres con las que hab?a luchado la ?ltima ya era un ritual diario para ella. Normalmente recorri? la lista en su bloc de notas, pero esta vez lo hizo en su cabeza. Bianca's ten?a la mayor?a de los objetos del mundo real en juego, y sus peleas fueron incre?bles por eso. Isabella y ella se pondr?an muy f?sicas si y cuando la pasante mejorara, eso podr?a convertirse en algo muy intenso en lo que Maggie esperaba competir. La de

    Silvia parec?a ser la m?s sucia y su pr?xima pelea lo asegurar?a, pero ella no lo har?a. cuente a esa cantante Jenny. Si alguna vez se enganchaban y peleaban, se imaginaba que ser?a tan sucio como los camareros. Se imagin? que Marissa estaba siendo divertida y que podr?a ser casi divertido, podr?a ser un buen cambio de ritmo.

    Pero Amber era algo m?s e imposible de romper para ella sin importar cu?nto lo intentara. Era una combinaci?n de todos ellos e incluso cuando Maggie us? su lista en el cuaderno, no pudo entender completamente qu? la hac?a tan perfecta adem?s de un factor que faltaba entre los dem?s. Amor.

    Volvi? al presente mientras se acercaba a su oficina. R?pidamente, gir? la manija solo para encontrar que la puerta no se abr?a. "?Eh?" Dijo en voz alta mientras probaba el pomo de nuevo, esta vez con m?s fuerza, solo para encontrarlo completamente cerrado.

    '?Qu??' Ella pens?, Marissa debe estar ah?. No hab?a visto al pasante regresar a la Gala ni en ninguna de las habitaciones de camino. Si Isabella hubiera estado de pie junto a la puerta un rato, habr?a visto a la rubia ir y venir.

    Llam? una vez esperando una respuesta: ??Hola! Marissa? ?Est?s ah?? ?, Pero la habitaci?n no respondi?. 'Extra?o.' Pens? de nuevo pregunt?ndose qu? hacer. Empuj? su o?do hacia la puerta tratando de captar alg?n tipo de respuesta. Por un segundo pens? que escuchaba la respiraci?n, pero no pod?a decir si era solo su imaginaci?n o si alguien estaba realmente all?.

    'Que ****?' Pens? Maggie. Si Marissa no estaba all?, ?d?nde estaba? Maggie no pod?a esperar aqu? y sali? de su oficina enfadada; dirigi?ndose al tocador cercano para refrescarse lo mejor que pudo sin sus suministros. Se arregl? el cabello, se limpi? el maquillaje y se frot? en los lugares correctos. El secador de manos tambi?n envi? una brisa a su vestido cuando se estaba secando las manos. El aire caliente calent? su co?o mojado reci?n desnudo y le dio un escalofr?o de emoci?n. Perder su tanga podr?a no haber sido lo peor que le sucedi? esta noche porque agreg? un nuevo nivel de emoci?n por algo que nunca hubiera hecho.

    Terminada, se dirigi? al sal?n de baile una vez m?s, sin bragas y recuperando su aspecto sexy con m?s clase lo mejor que pudo. Sus ojos verdes se movieron por la habitaci?n encontrando que Gala hab?a cambiado mucho mientras ella no estaba. La banda estaba terminada, y parec?a que la mayor?a, si no todos, los donantes se hab?an ido. El DJ hab?a vuelto a subir al escenario tocando m?sica de baile m?s actual. La multitud en el piso segu?a siendo fuerte pero parec?a estar llena solo de los muy borrachos y muy salvajes.

    Curiosamente, a primera vista, no pudo ver ni encontrar a ninguna de las personas que estaba buscando. Bianca se hab?a ido, Amber no estaba en la pista de baile, ni vio a Marissa, la persona que necesitaba encontrar. Se sinti? tonta por haberse tomado el tiempo extra para hablar con Isabella porque hizo que se encontrara con Silvia. La hizo sentir como si estuviera tratando de ponerse al d?a resolviendo todo.

    Parec?a que el maldito camarero ya se hab?a escapado con alg?n alma afortunada o desafortunada, dependiendo de lo que quisieran. Jenny tampoco estaba en la habitaci?n, tal vez se fue con Silvia, pens? Maggie, o tambi?n se llev? a casa, a alguien.

    ?Todas las mujeres sexys que Maggie hab?a notado se fueron mientras ella estaba ocupada? Luego vio a April en la pista de baile, su turno terminado y ahora divirti?ndose.

    La anfitriona estaba bailando con el mismo simp?tico cantinero con el que hab?a estado coqueteando antes. Ahora estaban conectados en una rutina caliente y sudorosa cerca del borde de la multitud. Ahora sin su ropa de trabajo, April se hab?a puesto unos ce?idos pantalones cortos de l?tex de voleibol blancos y un diminuto top blanco. Para no sorpresa de Maggie, el cuerpo de April era incre?ble y ahora sab?a que la anfitriona hab?a estado comparando sus pollas m?s temprano en la noche. La pelirroja not? que la parte superior de la cosecha mostraba algo de debajo del pene y que su culo apareci? en esos pantalones cortos ajustados. Ahora ten?a su cabello lacio negro azabache suelto, pero era bastante corto y solo llegaba cerca de sus hombros.

    Sin embargo, lo que la sorprendi? fue que la anfitriona estaba completamente entintada. Tanto sus piernas tonificadas como sus brazos sexys cubiertos con innumerables tatuajes incluso hasta el cuello. Tambi?n parec?an viajar a los pocos lugares ocultos por su ropa, incluidos su culo y su polla. Parec?a un lienzo con los colores de la tinta en muchos dise?os ex?ticos y hermosos. El hombre parec?a disfrutar realmente trazarlos sobre sus hombros desde detr?s de ella, mientras que April parec?a disfrutarlo tanto. En respuesta, se inclin? m?s hacia abajo y presion? su culo con m?s fuerza en la polla del hombre.

    Maggie se hab?a acercado para ver mejor a la multitud, viendo si Marissa o Amber se perd?an entre los pliegues. Tambi?n la acerc? a la pareja de baile cuando apareci? una tercera persona. Era el chef que Maggie hab?a visto besar al mismo hombre que ahora bailaba con April. Ten?a una mirada enojada y tambi?n se hab?a quitado la ropa de chef para lucir su incre?ble cuerpo que parec?a estar a la par con el de Aprils. Llevaba una falda ajustada de cuero marr?n y una camiseta sin mangas roja. Sin su sombrero, su cabello igualmente corto pero casta?o asombrosamente rizado estaba casi rebotando. Tambi?n estaba bastante p?lida, tal vez ni Bianca ni ella misma, pero del mismo tono que April sin los tatuajes.

    Se meti? directamente en la cara de April, quien dej? de bailar y se mantuvo firme. Maggie estaba ahora al alcance del o?do, pero no habr?a importado. Las dos mujeres estaban claramente borrachas y sus voces llegaban m?s lejos de lo que podr?an haber estado sobrias.

    ??Qu? est?s haciendo April?
    ?No conozco a Whitney, pero creo que estoy bailando con Toby. ?Qu? est?s haciendo?

    ?Toby! B?jate de ella ".

    El hombre salt? hacia atr?s ante la orden con aspecto de perro triste. Maggie no pod?a decir si era porque acababa de perder el contacto con el perfecto trasero de April o hab?a sido atrapado por su novia.

    "?Toby, no hemos terminado de bailar!" April sise? y el hombre dio un paso adelante ante el nuevo orden. Sin embargo, antes de que recuperara el contacto, Whitney los hab?a girado de modo que ella y los lados de April miraran al hombre, y se enfrentaran a la cara del otro.

    ?Te dije que retrocedieras. ?El es mi novio!" Whitney sise? cuando la camiseta sin mangas roja que conten?a el enorme conjunto de polla parec?a rebotar cerca del par del mismo tama?o de April.

    "Bueno, creo que a Toby le agrado incluso m?s de lo que le gustas a ?l, podr?a sentirlo". A escondidas adivin? la erecci?n clara del hombre que se le pegaba a la ropa. ??De todos modos, solo has estado saliendo con ?l durante dos semanas! ?Lo conozco desde hace mucho tiempo!

    "?Y qu?? ?Perdiste tu oportunidad de invitarlo a salir! "

    ?No creo que lo haya hecho, porque est? confundido acerca de a qui?n quiere m?s.
    April volvi? sus ojos marrones hacia el hombre. "Creo que tiene que elegir a uno de nosotros esta noche".

    "?Elegir a uno de nosotros?" Whitney repiti? horrorizada.

    "S?, y s? que ?l me elegir?". April continu? se?al?ndose a s? misma, claramente todav?a borracha. "Como dije, lo conozco desde hace m?s tiempo que t? y, por supuesto, la principal raz?n por la que me elegir?". Se inclin? hacia adelante y susurr? en voz alta: "Mi cuerpo es mucho mejor que el tuyo".

    Los ojos de Whitney se entrecerraron cuando April cambi? el desaf?o de un chico mucho m?s personal. Ella no tomar?a una comparaci?n del cuerpo de este idiota tatuado, ??Qu? dijiste?

    "Me escuchas."

    Sin embargo, en lugar de arremeter, los labios rojos brillantes de Whitney se curvaron. "Si se trata de nuestros cuerpos, me complace mostrarle por qu? est? completamente equivocado acerca de a qui?n elegir?a". Ella mir? al chico, ?Toby, vas a volver a mi casa esta noche, y April? ?por qu? no vienes tambi?n? Podemos imaginar cu?l de nosotros tiene mejor cuerpo con ?l mirando ".

    "?Por qu? no lo hacemos aqu? mismo?" April dijo desafiante dando un paso adelante.
    "Oh, estoy listo", gru?? Whitney sin querer ser puesta en esta posici?n mientras ella tambi?n daba un paso adelante, y sus cuerpos calientes se apretaban el uno contra el otro. La piel blanca de Whitney se mezcl? con la tinta colorida de April en los lugares donde les faltaba la ropa. Desde el exterior de su peque?o c?rculo, se ve?a como si estuvieran realizando una danza de molienda el uno al otro.

    Maggie vio las se?ales; estaba a punto de haber una pelea de gatas en la pista de baile. Ella estaba lo suficientemente cerca para intervenir cuando las chicas empezaban a llamar la atenci?n de algunos de los otros invitados. Justo antes de que Maggie interviniera, apareci? una nueva chica con cabello casta?o ondulado. Desde atr?s, Maggie casi pens? que era Jenny, pero cuando se volvi?, Maggie not? que esta chica ten?a bastantes reflejos rubios y un rostro m?s afilado.

    ??Qu? diablos creen ustedes dos que est?n haciendo? ?El nombre del restaurante est? vinculado a este evento y ustedes dos est?n causando una escena! " Casi grit? cuando April y Whitney se separaron sorprendidas. Entonces la atenci?n de las nuevas mujeres se volvi? hacia el chico que se hab?a estado encogiendo en la parte de atr?s.

    Toby, ser? mejor que te vayas a casa ahora. Quiero hablar a solas con April y Whitney ".

    El chico se movi? tan r?pido que ni siquiera se despidi? de su novia o de la chica con la que hab?a estado bailando. La nueva mujer se volvi? m?s y Maggie la reconoci? de repente por el vistazo. Hab?a hablado brevemente con ella cuando visit? el restaurante hace unas semanas, pero no recordaba su nombre. Se ve?a mucho menos feliz y ahora ten?a una expresi?n muy molesta en su rostro mientras miraba a April y Whitney. Las otras dos mujeres se alejaron un paso m?s la una de la otra.

    La mujer comenz? a decir algo en voz baja a la pareja que Maggie no pudo o?r, as? que esper? hasta que April le respondi?: ?S?, Paige. Podemos trabajar juntos."
    "Si podemos." Whitney tambi?n hizo lo mismo con el comentario. Sin embargo, ambos parec?an abatidos por la conversaci?n seria.

    ?Bien, porque ustedes dos van a hacer las maletas esta noche aqu?. Teagan y yo volvemos al restaurante. No quiero o?r hablar de una sola pelea y si me dicen una palabra de que ustedes dos discutieron o que Dios no lo quiera pelearon, los despedir? y los pondr? en una lista negra. ?Entendido?" Asintieron, pero cuando Paige apart? la mirada, Maggie vio que sus ojos se encontraban y el desaf?o se renov?. Esta noche, no hab?a terminado para ellos, solo ten?a que posponerse hasta que Paige y esta mujer Teagan se fueran.

    Esa crisis se evit? por ahora; Maggie pas? junto al grupo. Se habr?a presentado a Paige en cualquier otro momento, pero ahora ten?a que darse prisa. Pas? apresuradamente la barra, donde sus ojos vieron a la mitad de las chicas de la hermandad de mujeres en un grupo. Escuch? a la chica Thushara hablando con Lucy y una nueva rubia que podr?a haber sido la gemela de Lucy. ??Esta biblioteca es enorme! Elige una habitaci?n y ve a patearla. Yo me ocupar? de Sarah y Olivia puede encargarse de Jackie.

    Lucy se mord?a el dedo pensando, mientras ella y Olivia intercambiaban una mirada, pero la bibliotecaria no escuch? ni vio nada m?s pasar. Ella apart? todo lo que fuera de su mente, sin querer o no ser capaz de lidiar con eso ahora.

    Despu?s de hacer la ronda completa, finalmente vio a personas que reconoci? en un sentido m?s personal. Isabella estaba hablando con Daphne, m?s cerca que la gente promedio entre s?, pero parec?a una conversaci?n agradable.

    Maggie se levant? casi sin aliento, su b?squeda hasta ahora en vano. ?Isabella, ?has visto a Marissa? Ella no estaba en mi oficina y no la pas? al salir. ?O has visto a Amber, Daphne?

    Demasiado r?pido, ambas chicas negaron con la cabeza, deteniendo cualquier conversaci?n que acababan de tener. "No la he visto". Dijeron al un?sono, luego se miraron de reojo como si ambos hubieran cometido un error.

    Maggie mir? de un lado a otro entre ellos. Si hubiera estado un poco m?s tranquila y en su sano juicio, podr?a haber sido capaz de ver a trav?s de las obvias mentiras. "?Est?s seguro? Ok, bueno, dime si puedes, por favor! " No esper? a que respondieran, y ya se fue a hacer otra ronda buscando a cualquiera de las rubias. Isabella la vio morderse el labio. Hab?a querido decir algo, pero no valdr?a la pena la ira de Marissa. Despu?s de todo, era una esclava, al menos durante un mes.

    La mente de Maggie daba vueltas mientras segu?a mirando. Hizo dos rondas m?s cuando el tiempo pareci? acelerarse, pero a?n as? no tuvo suerte. Estaba claro que no estaban all? y no pod?a revisar toda la biblioteca.

    Ella mir? el reloj. 10:30 pm, no necesitaba entrar a su oficina ahora, ese barco hab?a zarpado. Solo 30 minutos para decidir conocer a Amber. Pero, ?c?mo pod?a decidir ahora? Su mente y cuerpo estaban m?s nerviosos que nunca. ?Necesitaba a Amber? Silvia proporcion? una rivalidad tan sucia, mientras que Bianca brinda una igualmente intensa. El sexo con ellos estuvo casi a la par. Ten?a a Isabella para un descanso f?cil si quer?a uno, y el interno mejorar?a. Incluso podr?a pelear con esa Jenny ***** si quer?a a alguien nuevo a quien humillar.

    Con Amber, no habr?a nada m?s que dolor y angustia? a pesar de que era el mejor sexo que hab?a tenido. Pero su constante deseo de golpearse mutuamente, el impulso de lastimarse mutuamente y toda su deshonestidad no era algo sobre lo que construir una relaci?n. Trat? de no pensar en lo que ten?an en com?n y cu?nto la hac?a re?r la rubia, mientras trataba de olvidar lo bueno. No funcion?.

    Su cabeza sigui? dando vueltas cuando una mano la agarr? por el hombro. Se volvi? presa del p?nico esperando a Amber, pero se encontr? cara a cara con el Director y una hermosa mujer un poco mayor que nunca hab?a conocido.

    ?Maggie, ah? est?s, ?te hemos estado buscando! Realmente lo lograste esta noche, ?este evento ha sido genial! " Proclam? el hombre con una sonrisa. Luego hizo un gesto a la mujer que dio un paso adelante. ?Me gustar?a presentarles a Elise Hawthorn. Quiere tener una conversaci?n contigo y creo que deber?as escucharla ".

    La mujer sonri? afablemente; su cabello rubio platino hasta los hombros era suave. Le record? a una versi?n m?s corta de Amber cuando se conocieron, aunque su ex ahora ten?a un poco m?s de su natural marr?n claro en las ra?ces. Parec?a tener unos treinta y cinco a?os, pero su cuerpo no mostraba signos de ello, de hecho, podr?a haber sido lo mejor que Maggie hab?a visto en su vida. Solo esperaba que cuando tuviera esa edad, su cuerpo se mantuviera as?. La mujer vest?a un delgado vestido blanco que era muy sexy pero ten?a un aire de profesionalismo que le faltaba a ella y a Amber.

    Cuando habl?, sali? elegantemente. ?Maggie, si puedo llamarte as?, es un placer conocerte. Me ha impresionado mucho c?mo ha resultado este evento y me encantar?a hablar con ustedes sobre algunas pasant?as y patrocinios. Mi empresa quiere donar y trabajar en estrecha colaboraci?n con esta escuela y, lo que es m?s importante, con esta biblioteca para sus servicios. ?Te unir?as a m? para una cena tard?a esta noche y podemos hablar de los primeros pasos?

    "Umm." Maggie respondi?. Estaba escuchando, pero no bien, su mente ahora estaba tratando de recordar la lista pro-contra que hab?a creado sobre Amber que dej? en su escritorio. No necesitaba a Amber para tener sexo, ni siquiera para este nuevo sexo combativo que encontraba tan adictivo.

    "Umm, lo siento, ?podr?as darme un minuto?" Maggie le pregunt? a Elise que parec?a sorprendida pero volvi? a sonre?r.

    "Por supuesto." Cuando su tel?fono dio un leve tintineo. Ella lo mir? y su sonrisa vacil? solo un segundo y luego creci?. ?Bueno, haremos una mesa para cuatro. La maravillosa esposa de nuestro CEO tambi?n se unir? a nosotros. Ella no pudo estar aqu? para el evento, pero nos recoger? en unos minutos. Muy habitual en ella ".

    Maggie ahora ten?a su carrera y Amber en una batalla cara a cara sobre lo que deber?a hacer. Y en este momento, simplemente no pod?a lidiar con eso ya que su cerebro parec?a dividirse en dos. "?Puedo tener unos minutos?" Maggie dijo y sin esperar respuesta, se alej? del grupo para sorpresa de Elise y el Director.

    No estaba segura de a d?nde iba, pero sus piernas siguieron movi?ndose hasta que dej? a Gala por la puerta trasera cerca de la cocina. El aire fresco de la noche llen? sus pulmones relaj?ndola ligeramente mientras tomaba una idea de lo que estaba haciendo. Su cabeza trataba desesperadamente de despejarse del tira y afloja que ocurr?a en su interior.

    Su mente iba y ven?a hasta que no pudo soportarlo. Se derrumb? en un peque?o banco a solo unos metros de la puerta; todav?a insegura de lo que quer?a.

    Justo en ese segundo, la puerta se volvi? a abrir y otra figura apareci? desde la cocina. Tambi?n vest?a un traje de cocina blanco como el que hab?a estado usando Whitney antes. La ni?a se dirigi? a su banco mirando su tel?fono y estaba a punto de sentarse cuando not? a Maggie. La ni?a salt? sorprendida; Claramente, no esperaba a nadie aqu? con ella.

    "?Lo siento! Solo estaba buscando un lugar para tomar aire fresco ". Dijo el reci?n llegado. Llevaba un delantal de cocina blanco similar al traje del otro chef que Maggie hab?a visto antes esa noche. En la luz limitada, la pelirroja realmente no pod?a ver a la chica mientras estaba de pie al otro lado del asiento.

    "Oh, est? bien. No me importa, estaba haciendo lo mismo, por favor, el banco tiene mucho espacio ". Maggie respondi?, oblig?ndose a dejar de intentar ver a esta nueva mujer. Ya ten?a muchas cosas en qu? pensar.

    ?Ahh, gracias. Lo aprecio." Mientras la chica nueva se sent? r?pidamente junto a Maggie y dej? escapar un largo suspiro. La pelirroja no pudo evitar echar un vistazo cuando la chica se quit? el gorro de chef y se dej? caer el largo cabello negro. A esta distancia, Maggie pod?a decir que ten?a m?s o menos su edad, pero a?n no pod?a decir si era solo otra mujer la que la har?a correr por su dinero en el departamento de cuerpo. En este punto, despu?s de ver tantos, lo esperaba. Hubo unos segundos de silencio mientras ninguna de las dos dijo nada, simplemente disfrutando de la calma.

    "?Noche dif?cil?" Pregunt? la chica mientras se estiraba un poco, presionando sus brazos bronceados en el aire. Sus ojos miraron hacia la pelirroja y la sexy cantidad de piel que estaba presentando.

    Maggie volvi? la cabeza para mirar a la chica nueva con una mirada curiosa. Las luces de la puerta abierta del edificio y alrededor del muelle de carga le dieron suficiente para ver que esta chica era muy atractiva, incluso sexy. Su herencia se manifest? con su cabello negro lacio oscuro y un bronceado profundo natural. Parec?a hawaiana o de alguna isla del Pac?fico, pero Maggie no estaba segura.

    Por alguna raz?n, la amable sonrisa de la ni?a y la pregunta inofensiva le dieron a Maggie una sensaci?n de alivio. Pens? que no har?a ning?n da?o hablar con esta mujer al azar siempre y cuando se lo explicara con delicadeza.

    ?S?, pero sab?a que iba a ser, pero luego se dobl? y se descarril?. Supongo que podr?a haber ido peor, pero ... no lo s? ". Maggie luego se ech? a re?r sin poder controlarlo. Mientras hablaba en voz alta, sonaba rid?culo sobre lo que estaba haciendo y por qu?. Hace un a?o, ella nunca hubiera estado en esta posici?n, desafiando sexualmente a otras mujeres abiertamente y teniendo concursos sexuales en el evento m?s grande de su carrera. Ella y Amber realmente se hab?an iniciado en un camino interesante.

    "Conozco ese sentimiento." Dijo la mujer ri?ndose a s? misma.

    "S?, ?tu noche ha sido una locura?"

    ?Me refiero a que cada vez que soy l?der en la cocina de uno de estos eventos hay potencial de locura, pero no, esa parte estuvo bien. Mi noche est? empezando a volverse loca o descarrilarse como dijiste ". Mientras se re?a de nuevo de algo en lo que estaba pensando.

    ?Espera, ?eres nuestro jefe de cocina? Soy Maggie Reynolds, una de las bibliotecarias principales aqu?. Vine a tu restaurante hace unas semanas para probar algo de comida, pero no pudiste venir a conocernos. ?Trabajas con Paige?

    ??Oh, eres Maggie! Y s?, mi nombre es Teagan, soy el chef de ese d?a y esta noche. Trabajo con Paige, que est? en la gerencia y es la anfitriona principal. En cierto modo, somos los dos jefes del restaurante. Tambi?n, mundo peque?o, pero tengo un libro que necesitaba devolver de esta misma biblioteca. Creo que fuiste t? quien me llam? para record?rmelo ". Termin? t?midamente.

    ??Teagan? Oh, vaya, s?, qu? mundo tan peque?o ". Ella le hab?a hecho llamadas pero no hab?a hecho la conexi?n de ninguna manera. ?Por favor, no se preocupe por el libro, por lo general estoy desesperado por que me lo devuelvan, pero los libros de cocina no se alquilan con frecuencia y usted es el chef. Apuesto a que fue ?til ". Ella termin?. Nada hizo a Maggie m?s feliz que sus libros us?ndose de la manera correcta mientras continuaba, ?Es lindo ponerle un nombre a la cara. ?Disfrutaste esta noche? ?O al menos disfrutarlo antes de que se descarrile?

    ?Gracias, y s?, el libro es maravilloso. ?Prometo que terminar? pronto y que tenga una buena noche! Me encanta cocinar hasta el punto de que puede ser relajante, pero es para la fiesta posterior de esta noche para la que me estoy preparando ". Hizo una pausa, luego pareci? dar el m?s m?nimo encogimiento de hombros. ?Paige, la que conociste, y yo vamos a charlar esta noche. Tenemos algunos asuntos pendientes de los que ocuparnos, y esa parte de mi noche tiene muchas posibilidades de volverse loca ".

    Maggie le devolvi? la mirada de curiosidad. Quiz?s hace un a?o, no habr?a pensado en nada, pero ahora, Teagan sonaba como la forma en que describ?a sus peleas a extra?os. ?Qu? tipo de charla iba a tener este chef? ?Entonces, es una charla que se volver? loca? curiosamente, estoy en el mismo barco que t?. Tengo un amigo con el que tengo asuntos pendientes y quiere charlar esta noche. Pero no s? si deber?a hacerlo ".

    "?Qu? te detiene?" Teagan pregunt? mientras la conversaci?n parec?a fluir naturalmente. Luego mir? de nuevo a la chica p?lida con la prenda sexy. "Quiero decir, considerando ese vestido, debes estar buscando a un chico para llevar a casa esta noche, porque no ser?a dif?cil encontrar uno que lo use".

    "Oh no." Maggie se ri? de la audacia de la chica y de la idea de salir con un chico esta noche. Todav?a pod?a disfrutar de los hombres, pero en comparaci?n con Amber, solo ser?a insatisfactorio. "Este 'amigo' se parece m?s a mi ex ... as? que es un poco complicado porque creo que quieren ... ligar". Ella admiti?.

    ?Ahh, s?, eso es un poco diferente. Aunque mantengo la frase, "Ponerse encima de alguien nuevo es la mejor manera de superar a alguien viejo".

    "?Est?s ofreciendo?" Maggie coquete? con una peque?a mirada. El traje de cocina no era revelador, pero no pod?a ocultar completamente la figura de la chica sexy. Con solo ver las piernas bronceadas, Maggie pudo distinguir el ligero m?sculo de sus pantorrillas para insinuar que el resto estaba igualmente bien proporcionado.

    Teagan se ri? en voz alta ahora de la audacia de Maggie, "Normalmente lo har?a despu?s de verte mejor con ese vestido, pero no puedo salir de esta noche y no quiero".

    Maggie tom? nota de que la chica era bisexual, o al menos m?s abierta en cuanto a qui?n follaba, ten?an eso en com?n. "?No quieres?"

    ?De ninguna manera, he querido hablar con Paige tanto como ella ha querido hablar conmigo, y despu?s de que nuestra ?ltima discusi?n terminara con ... bueno, tom? un tiempo, pero finalmente acordamos hablar de nuevo. Y esta vez creo que ambos comprendemos mejor c?mo se desarrollar? la charla y no puedo esperar ".

    "Vaya, debe ser una charla intensa, desear?a tener tanto entusiasmo como t? por el m?o".

    ?Bueno, ?quiz?s deber?as? Si se parece en algo a mi charla, estoy seguro de que podr?a ser divertido de alguna manera ". Brome? Teagan.

    "Si soy honesto contigo, creo que estamos viviendo vidas paralelas en la mayor?a de los aspectos". Maggie se ri?, aunque sab?a que el de Amber podr?a ser un poco m?s complicado. Teagan habl? de Paige como hablar?a de Bianca o Silvia.

    ??Eso crees? Bueno, si eso es cierto, ?por qu? no estar?a emocionado de resolverlo o resolverlo? " Mi noche no es un misterio, pero parece que la tuya lo es, as? que, cu?ntame m?s sobre ?l.

    "Su." Maggie corrigi?, y Teagan dio un peque?o "Ahh". Como si ahora entendiera mejor la l?nea paralela.

    ?Bueno, pasamos unos meses en los que fue genial de una manera extra?a, pero todo ese tiempo? nunca pudimos admitir lo mucho que lo est?bamos disfrutando. Pero ahora la odio y ella siente lo mismo ". Maggie dijo a medias, como si dijera en voz alta que odiaba a Amber.

    "?Vos si? No quiero cuestionarlo, pero tu voz sonaba diferente cuando hablabas de los buenos meses. Entonces, tal vez lo m?o con Paige y el tuyo podr?a haber comenzado en paralelo, pero t? y tu ex 'se salieron de los rieles' y se emocionaron. Quiero decir, primero, te refieres a ella como tu ex ... es decir, en alg?n momento tuviste sentimientos por esta persona de alguna manera porque saliste con ella. En segundo lugar, tal vez ambos se necesitaban el uno al otro y no lo sab?an en ese momento, como si fuera m?s de lo que ambos pensaban. ?Tener sentido?"

    "S? ... eso podr?a ser cierto", respondi? Maggie en voz baja.

    "Entonces, ?qu? quieres de esta charla si vas?"

    "No lo s?." Pero Teagan no estaba satisfecho con esa respuesta.

    Ok, d?jame hacerte una pregunta diferente, pero tienes que responder sin pensar. Solo un s? o no, ?entendido?

    "Est? bien", respondi? Maggie, sin estar segura de a qu? se refer?a esta chica.

    "?Listo? Recuerda que tiene que ser r?pido, sin pensar ".

    "OK estoy listo."

    "?Todav?a la amas?"

    ?S? ?respondi? Maggie r?pidamente, sorprendi?ndose incluso a ella misma de que le hubiera resultado tan f?cil.

    "?Bueno, ah? est? tu respuesta!" Teagan le sonri?, "A veces, simplemente no puedes pensar en eso y tienes que seguir tu instinto".

    Maggie miraba a Teagan con los ojos ligeramente abiertos. Ella sinti? que tambi?n le hab?an dado una verdadera charla. ?Vaya, s?. Eso fue raro." Pero ella ten?a una peque?a sonrisa en sus labios finalmente dici?ndoselo a otra persona.

    ?Supongo que sabes lo que quieres, pero no puedes saber lo que ella quiere, y apuesto a que est? tan confundida como t?. Para ser justos, eso es lo que el amor le hace a la gente ".
    Maggie se sent? all? escuchando a esta mujer al azar darle consejos y palabras que cambiaron su vida.

    ?Pero si ella quiere tener una conversaci?n intensa, al menos sabes que quiere algo. Y si esta conversaci?n es tan intensa como la m?a va a ser con Paige. Entonces tal vez solo intente 'ganarlo', si sabe a qu? me refiero. Hazle entender lo que quieres o haz que admita lo que quiere ".

    Maggie la miraba casi conmocionada, con la boca entreabierta. ?Era esa la respuesta que hab?a estado tratando de encontrar? El que ella hab?a querido escuchar, y parec?a tener total sentido para ella que se lo dijera en voz alta.

    Amber y ella hab?an estado en este baile durante casi un a?o, nunca siendo completamente honestos el uno con el otro. La ?nica vez que la rubia se mostr? a prop?sito, la vulnerable ... fue cuando Maggie la golpe? durante su segunda pelea. Cuando Amber suplic? y Maggie le ofreci? una rama de olivo en respuesta.

    Teagan hizo un punto, si quer?a saber lo que Amber realmente quer?a y ver el verdadero yo de la rubia; no tuvo m?s remedio que luchar contra ella. Fue entonces cuando fueron m?s abiertos entre ellos, la ?nica vez que no mintieron. Y durante esta pelea, ego?stamente har?a que Amber viera que todo era culpa suya. Golpear?a a la rubia y le har?a admitir lo que quer?a y que estaba equivocada. A pesar de que quer?a una reconciliaci?n con su ex, nunca lo admitir?a, no hasta que Amber se disculpara, no hasta que asumiera la parte justa de culpa. Era la ?nica forma de avanzar. Iba a pelear con Amber Fielder esta noche e iba a hacer todo lo posible para ganar. Fue casi esclarecedor llegar a esa conclusi?n.

    "Vaya, eres incre?ble organizando mis pensamientos".

    Teagan sonri?, ??Bueno, gracias! Esto fue divertido, no quer?a sentarme aqu? pensando en esta noche. Fue un buen descanso para hablar de los problemas de otra persona. Se estir? y Maggie tuvo buena suerte con el cuerpo de los hawaianos. Seguramente ser?a una polla tentadora y Maggie sab?a que Teagan ser?a un desaf?o muy dif?cil si tuvieran su propia charla.

    Antes de que se pudiera decir algo m?s, un peque?o ding sali? del bolsillo de Teagan. Sac? su tel?fono y Maggie observ? los labios de su nueva amiga mientras le?a el mensaje.

    "Bueno, parece que es hora de que me vaya, no puedo llegar tarde para esto".

    Maggie casi pregunt?, quer?a preguntar, pero se contuvo. No ten?a sentido, e incluso en el mundo loco donde Teagan tambi?n estaba a punto de tener una competencia sexual, no cambiar?a nada esta noche. La chef estir? un poco su cuello y se puso de pie d?ndole a Maggie una vista completa de su incre?ble figura detr?s de la ropa. Se imagin? a la mujer Paige y Teagan peleando con sus formas perfectas, era un pensamiento seductor.

    "Fue un placer hablar contigo Maggie ... buena suerte esta noche, espero que hagas lo que te hace feliz ... y espero que ganes". A?adi? con un gui?o y, por alguna raz?n, Maggie sab?a que Teagan sab?a lo que estaban haciendo los dos esta noche.

    "Si tu tambien." Maggie respondi? mientras Teagan comenzaba a alejarse cuando la pelirroja se levant? de un salto, ??Oye! Teagan, ?puedo darme tu n?mero? Realmente disfrut? esta conversaci?n y quiero devolver el favor alg?n d?a. Creo que tenemos m?s en com?n de lo que damos a entender ".

    Teagan sonri?, "Iba a pedir el tuyo, pero no quer?a ser grosero con todo el asunto de tu ex". Tom? los d?gitos de Maggie y los agreg? a su tel?fono, enviando un mensaje de texto r?pido.

    ?Ah?, y oye, si no te funciona o incluso si funciona, env?ame un mensaje de texto. Me alegra hablar m?s y esto me ayud? tanto como a ti. Y qui?n sabe ... tal vez podamos divertirnos un poco entre nosotros ".

    Maggie no pudo evitar sonre?r ante la implicaci?n: "Eso suena encantador".

    Teagan le sonri? de nuevo, luego se dio la vuelta y regres? a la cocina donde Paige estaba esperando con las llaves del auto. Ten?an una segunda reuni?n muy esperada en el Meza por la que ambos estaban hambrientos y era hora de comenzar.

    Maggie se sent? en el banco otro largo rato, las palabras de Teagan pasaron por su cabeza.
    Un camino estaba despejado, no te vayas y nunca m?s te preocupes por Amber. Esa fue la manera m?s f?cil, dejar que esta aventura post-universitaria desapareciera y seguir adelante con su vida.

    El otro camino fue turbio en su mejor momento. Si iba a Amber y perd?a, nunca escuchar?a las palabras que necesitaba escuchar. Incluso si ganaba, la rubia podr?a no admitirlo y de todas formas tomar?an caminos separados.

    Era un riesgo, pero tambi?n lo era todo lo que involucraba a Amber. Sab?a que no pod?a simplemente ganar, ten?a que romper la mierda punk de la misma manera que lo hizo la ?ltima vez en esa ducha qu?mica. Vea si Amber finalmente ser?a honesta con ella, si es que pudiera serlo. Tambi?n podr?a mostrarles una respuesta a una pregunta muy personal entre ellos, cu?l de ellos era la reina del sexo de su peque?a ida y vuelta. Esa sola respuesta podr?a valer la pena luchar.

    Su tiempo se estaba acabando, la Gala estaba casi vac?a. Amber se hab?a ido, pero sab?a d?nde encontrarla, en ese lugar. Hab?a decidido que Silvia pod?a esperar, continuar?an con lo suyo m?s tarde. Bianca y ella eventualmente lo arreglar?an, as? que eso tambi?n podr?a esperar. Encontrar?a a Jenny cuando tuviera tiempo, y Marissa lo entender?a ... esperaba. Todos pod?an esperar mientras Maggie pensaba en su vida y en todo lo relacionado con su ex.

    Pens? en lo que la hac?a feliz y lo que la entristec?a. Sab?a que cuando se despertaba ma?ana solo hab?a una opci?n que le importaba y esa era Amber. Incluso esta cena, que ten?a el potencial monumental tanto para la biblioteca como para su carrera, pod?a esperar. Porque ten?a algo m?s importante con lo que lidiar.

    Regres? a la Gala, donde solo quedaban unos pocos cuerpos y el DJ incluso se hab?a ido. El director segu?a esperando con Elise y ahora se les hab?a unido otra hermosa mujer de largo cabello casta?o ondulado, ?Maggie, ah? est?s. ?Est?s listo para venir con nosotros? Pregunt?.

    Maggie mir? a las dos mujeres. La miraban con curiosidad, con una sonrisa maliciosa en ambos labios, como si supieran su secreto. Esta fue la oportunidad de cambiar su carrera y la biblioteca de una manera incomparable, pero esta vez no dud? en su elecci?n.

    "Lo siento. De hecho, tengo que reunirme con alguien justo despu?s de que termine este evento. Voy a tener que rechazarlo ". Respir? hondo y mir? el reloj detr?s de las mujeres. 10:45. La ola de alivio que se extendi? por su cuerpo por esa elecci?n instant?neamente le dio la confianza de que hab?a tomado la decisi?n correcta. Iba a buscar a Amber e iban a hablar de nuevo, y esta vez lo resolver?an.

    ?Oh, bueno? es una l?stima. Ambos est?bamos muy interesados ​​en conocerte mejor ". Carrie dijo, pero le sonri? a Maggie, quien le devolvi? la sonrisa por su comprensi?n.

    El director se volvi? r?pidamente hacia el vicepresidente y su esposa: "No se preocupen, tengo otro bibliotecario al que le encantar?a venir y a?n podemos tener esta reuni?n".

    Maggie suspir?; ella sab?a que Bianca no renunciar?a a esta oportunidad incluso con su supuesta tregua. Como en la cola, Bianca apareci? junto al grupo. ?Ahh Bianca, impecable sincronizaci?n como siempre. Estas son Elise y Carrie, dos de nuestros principales donantes que quieren discutir futuras donaciones. Ser?a una gran parte de su carrera en crecimiento y una mayor oportunidad para el puesto de bibliotecario jefe ".

    Bianca mir? a la otra bibliotecaria y Maggie supo que estaba usando sus opciones tal como lo hab?a hecho. Pero Bianca no ten?a una Amber y era libre de aprovechar esta oportunidad para bloquear el papel.
    La mirada de ella y Maggie se prolong? durante unos segundos antes de que la chica de cabello azabache le diera a su compa?era de trabajo la m?s peque?a de las sonrisas.

    Luego se volvi? hacia las dos mujeres un poco mayores. ?Lo siento, tambi?n tengo una cita previa, pero estoy seguro de que Maggie y yo podemos reunirnos la semana que viene. Ser?a un placer comer con dos mujeres de tu estatura y conexiones ".

    "S?, eso es lamentable, pero me gusta la idea de que los cuatro nos reunamos". Coment? la vicepresidenta rubia mientras miraba a las dos mujeres m?s j?venes. "?Qu? tal si preparamos un almuerzo la semana que viene con ustedes dos para que los cuatro podamos discutir algunos asuntos con el tiempo requerido?"

    "Y un poco de diversi?n, quiero escuchar lo que hacen estas j?venes universitarias en su tiempo libre". Carrie agreg? en broma con una sonrisa maliciosa. Elise le lanz? una mirada que la otra mujer mayor le devolvi? con un peque?o encogimiento de hombros. Ambos hab?an notado los cuerpos de las chicas m?s j?venes, y era imposible no estar un poco interesado en c?mo se construy? su relaci?n laboral. Elise y Carrie sab?an personalmente algo sobre las relaciones laborales interesantes.

    ?Har? que mi secretaria les env?e un correo electr?nico a ambos esta semana. Esperamos con ansias nuestra reuni?n ". Dijo Elise y Carrie asinti? con la cabeza. Ambos sonrieron y luego se volvieron hacia la salida caminando uno al lado del otro. El director mir? a la bibliotecaria con enojo mientras segu?a a las dos mujeres para mostrarlas. Acababa de perder la oportunidad de cenar con las dos bellezas mayores y dar a conocer su propio nombre.

    "Gracias, Bianca", dijo Maggie, mientras ve?a a Carrie y Elise alejarse, nuevamente sorprendida de lo bien que se ve?an para sus 30.

    "No lo estoy haciendo por ti". Bianca sise? en un tono que le record? a Maggie sus peleas. La pelirroja se volvi? para mirar a su compa?era de trabajo, pero sus ojos instant?neamente se posaron en el vestido plateado que llevaba. No era de ella, era el vestido de Jenny.

    Bianca todav?a segu?a a Carrie y Elise con la mirada. ?Esas dos mujeres van a ser una gran parte de nuestras carreras. No lo olvides, podr?amos ser compa?eros de trabajo y tener una tregua, pero te voy a joder para conseguir este trabajo ".

    "Lo s?, y planeo hacer lo mismo contigo, tal vez frente a esas dos mujeres", respondi? Maggie simplemente.

    Bianca se ri? de la audacia, "Eso podr?a haber pasado esta noche, incluso con nuestra tregua, pero los dos tenemos otras cosas de qu? preocuparnos esta noche".

    Maggie sigui? los ojos de Bianca hacia la puerta del pasillo, donde Jenny se demoraba, dando golpecitos con el pie con impaciencia. Estaba claramente en el vestido de Bianca por cualquier cambio que hubiera ocurrido. Parec?a llenarlo en el pecho de la misma manera que Bianca usaba el suyo, y Maggie estaba segura de que eso debi? haberlos vuelto locos a ambos. Incluso desde la distancia, Maggie tambi?n pudo ver una mancha roja en el frente del vestido plateado que Jenny amaneci?. Luego mir? hacia atr?s y not? que Bianca ten?a una mancha similar en el vestido que llevaba, pero no dijo nada.

    Debe haber sido por eso que Bianca estaba tan acalorada, algo ya hab?a comenzado entre la cantante y su compa?era de trabajo, y parec?a que no ten?an planes de detenerlo. Jenny estaba esperando y mir?ndolos, pero Maggie se dio cuenta de que esta vez su mirada ardiente era para Bianca.

    "Disfruta tu noche Maggie, porque yo voy a disfrutar la m?a de la mejor manera". Dej? a la pelirroja y camin? hacia Jenny con paso sensual. La cantante dio su propio estiramiento sexy cerca de la puerta, luego, sin esperar a Bianca, se desliz? de regreso al pasillo. La bibliotecaria estaba pis?ndole los talones, hambrienta de una nueva revisi?n sobre cu?l de ellos se quit? mejor el vestido. Maggie solo pod?a imaginar lo que iban a hacer o hacia d?nde se dirig?an. Se pregunt? cu?ntas peleas estaban ocurriendo en este edificio.

    Se tom? unos minutos adicionales que ten?a mientras se mostraba la puerta a los invitados finales. Esper? junto a la barra vac?a, sirvi?ndose una ?ltima copa, una peque?a pero que le calent? la barriga. Tomando asiento en el mismo taburete en el que hab?a estado hace unas horas, se sinti? tranquila ahora que sab?a su objetivo y c?mo lo quer?a. Sus pensamientos se dirigieron a Jenny y Bianca, dos mujeres que solo se hab?an conocido esta noche y ahora estaban en lo que probablemente era una lucha f?sica y muy sexual. Estaba segura de que ser?a muy atractivo de ver y se pregunt? cu?l de los dos idiotas saldr?a en la cima. Dudaba que estuvieran en el mismo lugar donde Amber la estaba esperando.

    Mientras dejaba su bebida, vio a la otra persona que hab?a estado buscando desesperadamente. "?Marissa!" Maggie grit? saltando de su taburete. La otra rubia se detuvo y mir? a la pelirroja que se acercaba. Por una vez, no sonri? ni salud? con la mano de ninguna forma o capacidad.

    "Oh, Maggie", dijo Marissa, y la pelirroja supo instant?neamente que algo estaba pasando. El tono no era amistoso e incluso insinuaba enojo, lo cual era inusual en su pasante.

    "Marissa, quer?a hablar ..." Dej? de notar que la apariencia de su pasante hab?a cambiado dr?sticamente desde la primera vez que la vio. El cabello rubio estaba fuera de su trenza y todas las flores blancas desaparecieron. Su rostro estaba ligeramente rojo y parec?a m?s salvaje que antes. "??Qu? te ha pasado?!"

    "Nada de lo que tengas que preocuparte porque realmente no te importa, ?verdad?" Dijo Marissa bruscamente.

    ??Eh? ?Qu? estas diciendo? Maggie respondi?: "Me importa".

    ?No, eres un mentiroso. Nunca quisiste ligar conmigo, ni siquiera pasar el rato fuera de la escuela, pero te ofreciste r?pidamente a Isabella eso, ?eh? Si solo hubieras sido honesto, bueno, entonces al menos no habr?a perdido el tiempo pensando que podr?a tener algo como un verdadero amigo aqu? "

    " Marissa, deber?a haber ... "

    " Detente ", le orden? Marissa dando un paso hacia Maggie. y sinti? el aura burbujeante cambiar alrededor de su pasante. Los ojos verdes y avellana se encontraron con una mirada alarmante de uno de los pares.

    Un rostro que Maggie siempre hab?a visto en su costado ahora la miraba con fuego. Cuando Marissa habl?, su voz goteaba veneno. ?No eres m?s que un maldito mentiroso. Nunca quisiste pasar el rato conmigo al aire libre o follar como yo tambi?n te estaba preguntando. No podr?as simplemente ser honesto conmigo, haci?ndote tan malo como Bianca. Entonces supe que le pediste a Isabella que saliera con ella y le diera lecciones. Que ****? Nunca me ofreciste algo as?, ni siquiera para venir a mi dormitorio para relajarme. ?Ni siquiera tuvimos que follar! "

    Maggie no tuvo respuesta, sus palabras le fallaron. La verdad dol?a y sab?a que hab?a cometido un gran error con sus dos pasantes este semestre, simplemente no lo hab?a visto venir. Marissa dio un paso atr?s, y volvi? a su tono normalmente burbujeante, ??Realmente espero que Amber te duerma! ?, Dijo con una sonrisa y risa tan alegre que podr?a haberle dicho a Maggie que acababa de pasar el d?a jugando con cachorros o recogiendo flores.

    La boca de Maggie se abri? en estado de shock, ?Marissa? yo? nosotros?. "

    ?Oh, y mantente alejado de mi esclavo. Gan? la pelea el jueves, mientras t? estabas desmayado en el suelo como un idiota. Entonces, realmente no creo que hayas ganado en absoluto. De todos modos, supongo que todav?a tengo que trabajar contigo, pero no estamos del todo bien. No lo olvides ". Exigi? la rubia y luego se alej? de la pelirroja.

    "?Hasta luego Maggie!" Ella exclam?, con una risita sarc?stica mientras se alejaba hacia la salida dejando a Maggie at?nita con su vestido rojo. Despu?s de todo el bien que hab?a hecho, hab?a cometido un gran error y le hab?a costado un amigo. Deber?a haber sido honesta o haber pasado m?s tiempo tratando de salir con Marissa en lugar de buscar peleas con Bianca o preocuparse por Amber. La chica hab?a estado insinuando todo el semestre que estaba buscando un amigo incluso antes de que comenzaran su juego de coqueteo. Ahora hab?a perdido su oportunidad y se hab?a convertido en otro enemigo sexy.

    Marissa la hab?a llamado y la pasante ten?a raz?n, pero ?por qu? y c?mo explot? esta noche? Eso fue f?cil, Amber. Amber hab?a vuelto a Marissa en su contra incluso si hab?a sido su propio error. Siempre fue Amber, todo en su vida giraba en torno a Amber. Ten?a que cambiar y romper este c?rculo vicioso en el que se hab?an retorcido. Era hora de ir a buscar a su ex, estaba lista.

    Incluso con las ?ltimas personas que se demoraban, se dirigi? hacia su destino de regreso a la puerta del pasillo. El equipo de limpieza no estaba programado para venir hasta ma?ana por la noche y la seguridad no estar?a trabajando, todas las c?maras estaban apagadas. Estaba sola en los pasillos adentr?ndose m?s en la biblioteca.

    La tranquilidad crec?a a cada paso en el edificio. Ella con un sentido de prop?sito, f?cilmente conociendo cada rinc?n y cada habitaci?n. Este era su lugar; su cosa m?s importante y ella la defender?a.

    Despu?s de tres minutos tom? una ?ltima a la izquierda y mir? hacia el pasillo. Al final estaban las puertas dobles que conduc?an a la sala m?s antigua de la biblioteca. Sin luces y con muchas filas de estanter?as oscuras, era un laberinto. El lugar donde hab?a sucedido por primera vez entre ella y Amber. El primer lugar donde hab?an puesto todo contra el otro y luchado con sus sexos. Y, por supuesto, el lugar donde Amber la hab?a derrotado.

    Amber hab?a dicho, 'ya sabes d?nde me encontrar?s', y Maggie estaba segura de que m?s all? de esas puertas, su rival, su ex amante, su ac?rrimo enemigo la estaba esperando. Hizo una pausa en la entrada. No hab?a se?ales de que Amber estuviera all?, pero pod?a sentirlo. Amber estaba aqu? esper?ndola. "Esta noche ... se arregla". Dijo en voz baja para s? misma mientras empujaba las puertas para abrirlas y la oscuridad la envolv?a.

    Muy bien. Ya es hora de que Maggie y Amber act?en. Veamos qui?n puede obligar al otro a romperse. FINALMENTE. Gracias a todos por seguir con esta historia porque s? que ha pasado mucho tiempo. Puedo decir que las sorpresas a?n no han terminado, as? que no se preocupe si sinti? que se perdi? algo. Simplemente d?jate llevar y mira qu? pasa jaja, o dime que me largue, ambos funcionan. Lo siento, esta parte fue un poco corta, pero el resto de la historia es pura acci?n (en su mayor?a lol), as? que intentar? compensarlo. Las pr?ximas partes saldr?n pronto porque es una cantidad decente hecha, pero dir? que me tomar? mi tiempo. Quiero que estas partes finales sean geniales, as? que hasta que sean perfectas, las seguir? repasando con comprobaciones cuadrizables.

    S?, bueno, ?espero que todos hayan disfrutado! Gracias nuevamente por todos los comentarios y me gusta. S? que siempre los aprecio mucho y los leo todos. Prometo responder a cualquier pregunta una vez que esta historia est? terminada si alguien quiere preguntar o cosas o no jaja. Aunque probablemente usar? el foro de Rival para eso. Umm s?, ?hasta la pr?xima!

    Rey [/ QUOTE]

  6. #56
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Again, another great chapter! The build up to Maggie vs Amber is a-ma-zing.
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  7. #57
    Hostboard Member obipau's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    It was a sosprese will find Elise&Carrie.How his story continued?

  8. #58
    Junior Hostboard Member GMC10's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Okay, I don?t even know where to start.... amazing! I don?t know how you do it, but when you bring two (new or old) women into the story, I instantly want to see them fighting. In such a short moment you manage to create a great build-up between them and an important thing - a reason to fight. That?s very rare talent you got there.

    Just from this latest chapter I now want to read about April vs Whitney, Teagan vs Paige and Elise vs Carrie. And without forgotting the earlier chapters and rivalries in them. Oh, almost forgot Bianca vs Jenny. There is too much them for my memory!

    And finally we get to see Maggie vs Amber going for the last (or not?) time sex-to-sex. I repeat myself: I don?t know how you manage to do all this, but I love it!

    You already publish chapters with significant speed, so don?t worry about hurrying or rushing with the next ones. A little wait may actually make it even better when the anticipation grows... thank you again and take care!

  9. #59
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala Part 12

    Part 12

    Maggie closed the doors behind her softly, though she doubted it mattered, Amber would have heard it if she was here. The darkness became absolute as the room resealed itself to the point that she could only see a few feet in front of her face in the pitch black.

    For a second, she thought about stripping out of her red dress down to nothing. But then she hesitated; if Amber was still clothed it might give her a disadvantage in the sexual aspect of their fight. She wanted them as equal as possible, so there were no excuses.

    She reached to the small table next to her and picked up a flashlight, flicking it on and illuminating the darkness in front of her. She slipped off her heels and began to softly step down the line of books. Amber wasn?t in the first row; she turned down a few seconds later, but she had no doubt she was here. It was a huge room and many places to hide.

    Her nerves faltered slightly as she looked down three more rows and still nothing. The silence made it so only her heartbeat seemed to ring off the walls. She felt like she was being hunted and could remember when Amber had snuck up on her last time in this very room. The surprise when those rigid brown nipples had stabbed her in the back and started the very sexual aspect of the fight.

    She knew the blonde had chosen this room because she had conquered her here. But that had been when they were new to this game. Now they were more skilled in using their bodies to force pleasure on other women and even more importantly; they wanted it. She knew this was how they were going to fight again like they had so many times. After another row, she took off her heels and flipped off the light. There was no point having this on if Amber didn?t either and she wanted her eyes to adjust.

    Then as she turned down the next row, she saw her. In the darkness, a silhouette was there frozen in her own tracks. The two shadows seemed equally surprised that they were in front of each other even though they had both been looking. They stared at each other for a long 10 seconds, words failing them. The person who started it all, the person who haunted their dreams and changed their lives only a few feet away in the darkness.

    Maggie was terrified of what was about to happen and how this night would go. She wouldn?t let it show though, she had made her choice and now was here for the pleasure and pain that Amber provided. The perfect drug and she had a whole night with it to satisfy her addiction.

    It didn?t help that her heart was already hurting looking at her ex in this room. She had thought deciding to come here was tough, but now she realized it had nothing to do with what she had to do. Heartbreak was real and she wasn?t sure if someone else in the world had to face the source of it in the way she was going to. A dirty sexual fight.

    ?You came?? Amber nearly whispered, but then sealed her resolve. ?I thought you would run, too scared to meet me.? She finished in the punk voice she had used when they had first met, her bold carefree attitude left at the door. Maggie had always wanted to see the real her, and now she was going to get the whole picture in every aspect of the world.

    ?You and I?need to settle it in our way.? Maggie whispered back as she moved a foot closer. She could only see Amber?s form, but it was clear her midnight dress was still on. She was thankful she had kept hers on just in case.

    ?We do, then when I leave your pathetic body on the ground from the nastiest sexfight you ever have been in, I?ll never have to see your face again.? Amber replied, taking her own step forward.

    ?You want it nasty?? Maggie hissed back, ?Because I?m ready to get as nasty, filthy and violent as you want.?

    ?I want all of it. I?m going to break you here Maggie, because all of this, everything that has happened between us is your fault. And I?m going to do it through sex, I?m going to prove to you that you are below me in everything and in the thing we both want to be the best at?.

    ?We both have made mistakes Amber, but I?m at least adult enough to admit it. You can?t apologize, you can?t see past your own pride. But I?m glad you want to compare our sexes once again; I?ll make you scream my name till your voice cracks. The last time we really fought was in the school lab, and you remember what happened there I bet.?

    ?I remember, but things are different now. I?m better, I always was, but now I finally get the chance to prove it. But honestly fuck you. Me? Apologize? I will never say that to you. You don?t deserve it, you psychopath.?

    ?Me a psychopath? You are the fucking stalker here coming to my work just to fuck fight me here. We could have done this anytime you stupid bitch.? Maggie growled. Even at their best Amber brought out her most extreme emotions. Extreme happiness or extreme anger and sometimes both at the same time.

    ?Stalker huh? Well, coming from my esteemed T.A. that?s rich as fuck. You took that job just to fuck my life over, that?s the closest thing to a stalker I have ever seen. You also knew about my playing at the Showtime, so add another stalker point to your resume.?

    ?I wasn?t stalking you! I was just curious about the girl I was sleeping with every single fucking night. You know what? I?m glad you will never see me again, good riddance! I don?t need you; I have my job and when I throw you out of here in the morning after I fuck you raw, it will feel great.? Maggie threatened even as it hurt her soul. She still wanted Amber, but this girl always brought out the rawest emotions in her.

    ?Oh, that?s your plan, is it? Well, guess what? I don?t need YOU either.? Amber hissed with her own emotion. ?The only thing you were right about is we could have done this anywhere, any night; but I wanted it here. I wanted it back in this room, during a night you cared about as much as I cared about my grades, so you too knew what it felt like. And now, I get to leave your cum covered body on the ground in your own library again.?

    Maggie was about to respond but didn?t get the chance as Amber continued.
    ?What?s funny is that I came here looking for you to apologize, and that maybe we?we?could have talked. But now I don?t even care, and you know why? Because of this little thing I found.? Amber held up a notebook, one Maggie immediately recognized. It was her personal notebook.

    ?Where did you get that!?? Maggie questioned in actual worry. She had many private notes in there and there was one page she had marked that was the last thing she wanted Amber to see.

    ?While I was fucking your intern in your office, I happened to come across it. It?s a cute notebook, and well, you won?t believe what I found inside.?

    ?Amber. Do not read that, that?s personal.? Maggie threatened, and it was personal, that was her notes, not something for Amber or anyone to read.

    ?Why not Maggie? Did you write something in here you wouldn?t want me to see? Say, the page you have here looks interesting. ?Let?s see, wow look at this. Would I date Amber Fielder? A Pro and Con list?. How very official and a whole page just for me? How sweet of you.? Amber mocked though Maggie sensed something different in the way she was speaking for the first time.

    ?I guess we can start with the pro list. It?s pretty short. One. ?She makes me laugh?. Two. She is beautiful?. Three. She sometimes makes me happy. And wow, that?s it? Thanks,Maggie.?

    ?Amber, I said stop!? Maggie ordered with more force; she knew what was coming and she felt an extra shiver of misery knowing the other part of those notes.

    ?Then there is the other side. The con list and wow, it?s quite a bit longer. One: She is emotional. Two: She never thinks she is wrong. Three: She hates me. Four: She thinks she is better than me at sex. Should I go on? It gets better from here.?

    ?No, I said stop!? Maggie yelled, but Amber ignored it.

    Five: She isn?t a good person. Six. She doesn?t care about me, only herself. Seven: She is emotionally abusive. Eight: She is a bitch. Nine: She won?t try to make you happy.
    Ten: You deserve better. Elev?

    ?AMBER! STOP!? Maggie screamed at the top of her lungs knowing the list only got worse.

    ?What Maggie?! There are 15 more on your con side? Don?t you want to hear them all? And look at the dates you put when you wrote them? Some of these were written even back when we were still sleeping together? Isn?t that crazy? Look and here is my schedule and the songs I played so many nights at the Showtime?and you claim not to be a stalker? You are a fucking liar.?

    ?Stop reading that Amber. It?s not fair, I did it because I cared about you, I wanted to know you more!? Maggie said, her arms shaking at her sides. She felt humiliated on a personal level that Amber would read her notepad, where she kept her lists, where she wrote more secrets than she should have. But weirdly her ex did stop reading it and went silent for a few seconds. Maggie took another step forward ready to fight the notebook out of her ex?s hands, before the guitarist spoke again.

    ?Do you know the worst part, favourite Maggie? I don?t even care that you followed me, because I would have done the same. Maggie froze noticing that her ex?s voice was trembling unsure of what to say. ?What I hate is that your stupid fucking list is longer on the con side. I hate it! How could you do that?? Amber screamed that seemed to carry off the walls of the labyrinth and made Maggie step back in surprise. ?You said you loved me back then! But you don?t do this to people you love! You don?t rank them!?

    Maggie was quiet, already this conversation was twisting in a way she could not control. She wished she had not written it down, because she knew if it had been her finding a similar list, she might have lost it in the same way. Amber was already emotional, and she sensed that this was the final part of driving her off the deep end. With her green eyes adjusting she could see Amber wiping her brown eyes with her arm and a loud sob escape the blonde girl?s lips.

    Maggie froze in surprise as a second sob escaped Amber?s lips. Her ex was crying in front of her and Maggie didn?t know what to do. She didn't know if the tears were from anger or sadness and didn?t understand why her list is what caused this intense reaction.

    ?Do you know I have never been in a relationship?? Amber said through her sobs. ?Normally they only want me for my body, which I don?t give a fuck about, so I treat them the same way. Growing up, everyone always gave me everything I wanted, no one ever stood up to me. I loathed that boring life, only wanting to get my inheritance so I could waste it on worthless objects. But now I know why people act like that to me, because you were able to point all my flaws out to me in this notebook.?

    It sounded like the punk girl started to get control of her emotions. ?Then you appeared, and our fights. God, I hated you, the most passionate thing I had ever felt, and I craved it. All those nights at your house, at my place, the struggle, the conflict, the sex?it was so perfect, our little ball of hate. Then, it all changed?do you remember the first night I slept over at yours? When there was that terrible storm and I asked to stay over??

    ?Yes...? Maggie whispered, remembering it very clearly. She had daydreamed about that very night nearly all the time. ?I beat you that night, and then we woke up?cuddling by accident, then you left. What about it?? She wasn?t sure she could handle it, but she had to know.

    ?An accident?It wasn?t an accident. I woke up terrified and cold?storms give me horrible anxiety. You wouldn?t have known that because I still hated you, but I was lying awake shaking in fear and saw you sleeping next to me so soundly. I decided to get closer just for warmth and then I cuddled into your body because?I don?t know, but it felt so good. I felt safe??

    Maggie?s heart was breaking every word to the point it was almost painful. But why would Amber tell her now? This didn?t change anything and slowly started making Maggie angrier as it was a game.

    ?My plan was I would wake up before you, but I didn?t. I hadn?t slept that well in forever, and then you woke me up playing with my hair?and I felt it. The thing.?

    Maggie wouldn?t take that, not after all Amber had done. Her voice carried as she opened her lungs. ?You never said anything! You could have told me! I said how I felt, and you didn?t?you didn?t talk to me for months! I tried everything; I sex fought another person just to try to see you!?

    ?You fuck fought another girl after saying it! That very day!? Amber screamed back, her sadness gone and only her anger remaining.

    ?The day you came back!? That?s not fair, you rejected me before that! You just couldn?t live knowing I fuck fought another girl and you hadn?t! This is your fault! Maggie shrieked.

    ?No, It?s your fault! Stalker!?

    ?No, it?s yours! Think about how you have acted?! You are a complete psychopath!? Maggie screamed back at the top of her lungs. Then the room got quiet as they inhaled sharply, all feelings of sadness gone from Amber and Maggie. The emotional pain had pushed them to the edge. They wanted to hurt and fuck each other as hard as possible.

    Amber was breathing heavily, and in the dark, Maggie could only imagine those brown eyes were puffy and red. Then her ex?s voice turned deadly and sultry somehow at the same time as she spoke again.

    ?That?s it then. I will never apologize to you and you won?t apologize to me. So, let?s settle it once and for all. A sexfight, me versus you. The psychopath and the stalker. Winner takes everything she wants. No rules, no time limit, as nasty and sexual as we can be. For as long as it takes and till one of us can?t go on.?

    Maggie took a deep breath. Amber was right, words had failed and there was only one thing to do. ?That?s why I?m here Amber. If this is the last night we ever see each other, I want you to remember it forever. To remember the exact moment when I make you orgasm so hard your eyes roll. When I swallow all of your cum down my throat and make you swallow mine.?

    Amber breathed deeply as well, ?Yes, Maggie, I like that. And I will suck your nipples till you give milk, I will suck your tongue till you gag, and I will suck your clit till you scream. Then I?ll suck some more just for fun.?

    ?Perfect Amber, and I?m going to taste every inch of you, and by the end, you won?t ever enjoy sex with another person.? Maggie threatened.

    ?Yeah? I think that will work for both of us. Do you remember what we said to each other on the phone? Do you remember what we threatened to do to each other?? Amber asked, a cruel smile coming to her face. Maggie?s eyes widened slightly at what Amber was implying, and the darkness seemed to double.

    She stayed silent because she remembered?she remembered the horrible hate, the horrible words they shared on that phone call. In the dark Amber gave Maggie a twisted smile that showed acceptance, a willingness to go as far as she needed, to a place she never imagined she would be with the librarian.

    ?We promised to rape each other babe, and you said that if we ended up alone again, it would be worse for both of us. Well, here we are Mags, you and me alone, back in this hell of a room?alone. If you have nothing else to say to me, I think the only thing we can do is get started fulfilling those promises. Let?s see which of us can stand in the end and who will be on her back, cumming like a raped slut.?

    ?If you want that Amber, I?m happy to give it to you. I?ve been waiting to sink my teeth and tongue into your body. I?ve missed your screams of surrender that I had every single night.?

    ?Now that sounds fun Maggie. So painful and so fun; my favorite kind of night with you. Your wails of despair will only make me keep going. I won?t stop when you give up this time.?

    Maggie stood there, and even with her entire vocabulary available; she could not describe the feelings that were rushing through her. There was nothing left to do but fight and fuck and god did she want it. She doubted either would surrender till the very end and that this would be the sexfight of her life.

    Their eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness so they could now see each other. Amber smiled at Maggie like she was seeing her for the first time in months, and in a way, she was back to how they viewed each other before their fights.

    ?You do look beautiful tonight.? Amber breathed suddenly changing her tone to even more sultry that would bring normal men and women to their knees.

    ?So do you,? Maggie responded, her muscles and body yearning for a fight, the games they played slowly driving them to insanity. It was perfect, their looks, the scenario, everything for their sexfight.

    Amber took the initiative already feeling very overdressed for what was going to happen in this room. ?Well then, would you unzip me, Maggie? It would be a shame to lose both of these beautiful dresses because of our little problem. Then we can get started.?

    She turned around in an elegant movement offering her backside to Maggie. Then flipped her long straight blonde hair out of the way and listened to see if Maggie would come to her.

    The redhead knew the games would never end between them. Even now, at this moment, they would test each other. ?Of course, I would love to strip you.? She breathed as Amber waited.

    She was shaking as she stepped closer until she came up behind the blonde. She took in her scent that made her heart flutter and her mind flash to happier times. Knowing what was to come would be unbearably painful, and so very satisfying. The conclusion and ending she needed with her ex.

    The sex with Amber was unmatched by any other woman or man had given her, and that even included all her other fights. All of them each had their own flair, but Amber and her souls seem to have direct flames linked between them. When one of them got hot, it only enflamed the other and tonight one of their blazes would engulf the other?s inferno.

    She reached up and took the small metal between her fingers, then took a deep breath and felt Amber do the same. She slowly pulled the zipper down revealing Amber?s bare skin as the tight black dress peeled apart. Even in the darkness, Maggie let out a slight gasp from the scratches and teeth bites on her ex?s shoulders.

    ?Your intern is very fun.? Amber whispered sensing Maggie?s reaction.

    ?She hates me?because of you.?

    ?You?re still lying, you know it was you.?

    Maggie didn?t respond to that. Because she knew it was true because she knew her own pride and mistakes are what led Marissa hating her. But she would never admit it that out loud, and never to Amber.

    The zipper ended around Amber?s mid-back, but Maggie wasn?t done. She brought her hands to the bundled cloth and pushed it down across her rival?s hips. Her fingers ?accidently? caught the black thong Amber wore under it, but the blonde didn?t react. She didn?t seem to mind being stripped fully nude, easily letting her already wet black thong fall to the ground with the dress. The dense air of the room felt almost warm on her nude figure.

    Maggie pushed the dress all the way to bare Amber?s feet, then ran her hands back up the legs of her rival, tracing the calves and the toned muscle of her thighs and hamstrings. She traced up her womanly hips, then around her body as she pressed her fingers lightly onto Amber?s belly feeling the soft skin that covered the light smooth muscle.

    She moved up further to the blonde?s breasts, where she traced around them. The redhead?s own breathing increased rapidly as she turned herself on. Amber?s body was so perfect, Maggie had spent months looking for a flaw and found nothing. Her palms stopped at the punk?s shoulders not wanting to let go, a tiny hidden piece of her wanting nothing more than to hug the girl and put a stop to what was about to come.

    But she told herself again, this was a game for two. She needed to win if they would ever move past it. Then she stepped closer; so that they could feel the heat of the other?s body. Amber tensed slightly, but Maggie simply brought her lips to Amber?s left ear and whispered with such sensuality it made the musician?s knees give a slight shake. ?Your turn?. baby...?

    She took a step back and turned around with her red hair still down. But before she had a chance to move it Amber?s hands ran through the straightened hair. She let out a small gasp but the aggressive attack did not come.

    ?It?s longer??, Amber whispered as she ran her hands through the red straightened locks, ?I miss the curls.? She sighed; Maggie didn?t know what to say but suddenly wished she had not straightened her hair. Every millimetre of sexual attraction would be needed to win this. So, she stayed quiet and waited for herself to be stripped.

    Unfortunately, she thoroughly enjoyed the sensations of having her hair played with by Amber. It reminded her of the rare times they let each other explore without consequence after their fights.

    The feelings didn?t last when Amber then brushed the hair over the redhead?s shoulder, letting her fingers linger on the exposed skin. After what felt like an hour, she began to peel down the red dress with a purposeful slowness.

    Maggie?s pale body seemed to almost glow in what tiny amount of light there was. It showed off her own scratched back while the zipper ended at the top of her toned muscular ass. She waited for Amber to push it down her legs, as she had done, but the blond stopped when she noticed something. ?Nothing?? Amber questioned finding no thong or anything underneath.


    ?Hmm, I told her not to touch you.?

    ?Yes, well?maybe I touched her first? Does that bother you??

    ?Maybe, but I think you know who fucks you best.? Amber admitted and Maggie couldn?t tell if she was serious or not. In this environment, truth and lies were so intertwined that it was impossible to distinguish.
    ?Yeah, you do.? Maggie admitted though she wasn?t sure if Amber believed her.

    The punk girl stepped away after tracing the muscles on the librarian?s back for a few seconds. Maggie took one final breath; she could do this, and she could win. She turned around, facing Amber in the nude with less than three feet of space between them. The only thing left for them was the sex and pain of each other?s bodies.

    ?This is it. You ready?? Maggie asked, almost shaking there exposed. Not from the cold, but the anticipation, the knowledge that once it started, it wouldn?t end till one of them was finished sexually.

    ?No, I have one more thing I need to say,? Amber whispered and she took a step closer to Maggie so that they were only a foot apart. It was the closest they had been in over 5 months and their bodies reacted in kind. Maggie?s pink nipples were like daggers, she was literally dripping cum onto the floor from her cunt. She was sure the fight was seconds away, but her curiosity of what Amber would say stopped her from lashing out.

    Amber leaned closer, letting their well-endowed perfect chests meet and press lightly. The first contact of their tits sent a wave of endorphins and pleasure from their nipples to everywhere on their bodies.

    Their minds seemed unable to distinguish that they were going to fight or fuck, they had crossed the two wires in their heads so many times that it was just one emotion. Amber moved till her red lips were an inch apart from Maggie?s. Their perfume started mixing into a shared scent engulfing their nostrils while they stood there, eye to eye with the person who started it all. Then Amber gave Maggie the faintest of smiles with her sad eyes.

    ?I love you Maggie, more than anything.? Amber breathed in such a whisper that Maggie wasn?t sure if it was real, as the red lips moved forward to brush the equal pair so lightly it might have been the wind. It ended as quickly as it happened and for one millisecond, Maggie and Amber felt like everything was perfect. But like everything between them, it was not to last.

    ?You??, Maggie whispered back, her own eyes desperately hiding the truth of her soul.

    ?Now die,? Amber whispered as she launched her claws towards Maggie?s throat. The redhead?s flight or fight kicked into fight mode as she caught the blonde?s hands an inch from her face and just like that the fight was on. Twin screams of rage snapped the quiet of the room.

    Maggie saw red, the words sending her over the edge of her temper. She screamed bloody murder while holding Amber?s hands above their heads. The blonde however, rushed her body forward and slammed her massive tits into the redheads with a slap. Electricity shot down from their nipples to their clits from the crushing sensation of the womanly fat.

    ?Oh god!? They cried, already unbelievably horny with the renewal of their still unresolved chest comparison. The surprise slam sent Maggie backwards a few feet and into the bookshelf with a thump. Their nipples dug deep into the other, missing direct contact between them by an inch.

    Maggie snarled as she was pinned by the tits, her ass pressed into the old books. ?You bitch?you don?t get to say that to me.? She freed Amber?s hands and used her own to take hold of the long wavy yellow hair.

    Before Amber could react, Maggie slammed their lips together in their first kiss since their intense breakup make-out. If the breast press had made them moan, the kiss made them scream into each other?s mouths. It was as if they had set fire to their lips, moving in sync with their jaws at an incredible pace. Their legs were spread so that their pussies were close, but not in contact. No tongues, no clits, just kissing in the dark, but a few seconds later something happened.

    Their clits swelled in a breath, and their cunts leaked from two quick powerful pulses of desire. Their nipples hardened to an unbelievable stiffness and in an instant, their bodies demanded the sexual release from the other. Green and brown eyes shot open at the same time to their horror, the unexpected sensation too much. Amber broke the fiery kiss and pin of Maggie?s boobs at the same time in shock. She pushed back and off just a second before she came, but the redhead did not let go of her hair and came off the bookshelf with her.

    ?Bitch! What the hell was that!?? Maggie yelled, thinking Amber had a new trick, one that almost had just gotten her off with a kiss. She felt a wave of worry that she hadn?t expected to bubble in her heart. Instead of pulling Amber back, she tried to lead her to the ground by the hair, but the blonde had gotten a hold of the ginger hair in retaliation.

    ?Me? What the fuck did you do!?? Amber hissed back too confused how close she felt to the edge with one kiss. That was not normal. Instead of pausing to figure it out however, they both screamed starting a nasty hairpulling catfight. They swung each other to the left then the right, their muscles in their legs and back flexing to outdo the other. The roots of their hair firing in pain abused from the harsh tactics from the secretly strong women.

    After a few seconds Maggie?s grip fell loose and she lost her leverage against Amber. The blonde showed no mercy and spun her by the hair around twice, some of the red locks nearly coming free from her scalp. ?Let go!? Maggie wailed in pain and the blonde gave her the request.

    She tossed the pale body by the hair roughly into the bookshelf that sent books falling from above around them. Maggie tried to push herself off quickly, but Amber was faster. She pressed her big lightly tanned tits again into Maggie?s and invaded the librarian?s mouth when she moaned at the rough breast contact.

    Amber used the full length of her tongue to delve deeper than before, moving past the red lips, teeth and rival tongue. The pale girl couldn?t prepare herself mid moan and nearly gagged on the wet muscle as it almost reached her tonsils. She groaned down Amber?s throat as the instant sensation of orgasm shot back up again out of nowhere.

    They struggled on the shelf by the mouth and tits in this growing sexfight. The blonde?s muscular ass flexed to hold her rival to the wall as she choked the redhead with her tongue with deep hard thrusts. The librarian almost gagged again, desperately she tried to suck the invader like a cock and force Amber?s taster muscle to retreat. It worked for a second, but the punk only pushed their mouths and faces closer so that their teeth nearly clicked, and Maggie couldn?t close her red lips around it further.

    Instead, she took hold of Amber?s perfect ass and squeezed it with her red claws making the pinning girl hiss in pleasure. The blonde widened her legs to keep Maggie on the wall even as her glutes were slapped with loud sexy spanks. The blonde groaned at the ass play but refused to stop tongue fucking her rival as she worked another millimeter deeper into Maggie?s throat.

    But that is what the redhead wanted. She used the shift of the blonde?s lower body to get one of her legs between the two sexy thighs of her ex. She then brought that leg up, bent by the knee in a direct line with Amber?s cunt. She could have aggressively slammed it into her, but instead lightly pressed her smooth thigh right onto the pink open slit.

    She felt Amber freeze with her tongue a millimeter from Maggie?s tonsils. The blondes sex juice made it easy for the redhead to glide it up and down once the full length of her ex?s sex in a sensual motion.

    A half second later and Amber screamed at the surprise contact, making Maggie?s entire throat vibrate to her core. The invading tongue retreated back to its cave as Amber released the pin and jumped back to separate her dripping cunt from the strong leg. One second more of that pressure, and she would have left more than a light sheen of cum on Maggie?s pale thigh.

    Maggie pushed off the wall with her own legs shaking. The deep kissing and feeling of Amber?s pussy on her limb almost made her cum too. She looked over at her rival who seemed to be trying to control her pulsing sex leaning on the other bookshelf. She had already been pinned twice by Amber and wouldn?t give her another chance to hold her on the wall.

    ?You bitch, I?m going to kill you for everything! All of this is your fault!? Maggie shrieked as she jumped forward, and tackled Amber into the opposite shelf sending more books down from the upper layers. Amber refused to be pinned, twisting them and opted to take them both to the ground in a ball of womanly flesh. Their nude forms clawed at each other?s legs and asses, sinking nails into the missed muscle of their ex.

    ?NO, it?s yours!? Amber wailed as they ended up in a bearhug rolling back and forth into the bookshelves causing the room to shake with every impact. Maggie pressed her thigh up into Amber?s split form and was rewarded with the blonde doing the same to her. They pressed into each other, forehead to forehead and leg to pussy.

    ?You are so wet Maggie, going to cum already??

    ?Not before you Amber.?

    ?You want to bet, stalker??

    ?Sure thing, psycho.?

    Then their lips met, and they silenced any other threats and hurtful names they thought of. The girl on the bottom explored the top girl?s back and ass while also getting drowned by the growing pool of their saliva. They rolled back and forth twice letting the spit continue to build around their gums, trying to see which of them would swallow it from a hard spanking. Then the sensations returned at a higher intensity than before as their pussies seemed to expand on the other?s leg. They were going to orgasm if they stayed like this for just a few more seconds.

    Just then, Maggie was able to roll Amber?s back roughly into the wall which loosened the blonde's grip enough to push herself up and off the hot body. Their lips separated with a gasp, long strings of spit connected them for almost two feet as Maggie leaned up and moved down. The redhead gripped Amber?s leg who let her do it, she knew what was coming and she wouldn?t stop it for the world, it would always come back to this if she was going to win.

    ?Let?s see how you remember my pussy Amber; you never could handle it when we were together!? Maggie screamed as she thrusted her sex forward in this crossed legged trib.

    ?Bring it on, you heartbreaker!? Amber shrieked back from the bottom position and thrust up to meet her ex?s sex. Their pussies met in a brushing motion for the first time in the night and somehow their clits, which had already come out to full attention, came together like magnets. They connected in a perfect meeting for less than half a second as they wetly slid past each other.

    Like their kiss, their clits reacted to their ex-lovers like two live wires. At the same time their perfectly smooth labia blended passing each other and firing every single nerve. It was only one touch, a light trib, nothing to two sex queens like Maggie and Amber. But it didn?t matter, in that one touch, Maggie and Amber unleashed a four-month building nova between their conjoined sexes.

    Twin screams of pleasure escaped their mouths as they started to cum and cum hard. The months of heartbreak, dreaming and desperate yearning for the other unleashed all at once on their unsuspecting forms.

    ?AHHH!? Amber cried in shock. She had never cum so fast, and by such surprise. The sensation seemed to tighten every muscle down to her vaginal walls and her clit exploded in pleasure. Like a perfect puzzle piece, Maggie?s clit seemed to slit into hers shattering any sort of resistance.

    She wasn?t the only one, Maggie too fell down to her back in a spasm as she came. ?Oh my god!? She squealed at the explosion between her legs. Amber?s body going off only made her cum harder as it spread down her appendages. Her toes curled and she felt a type of sensation of pleasure that she hadn?t had in months. None of her other fights, could make her cum from one touch, this wasn?t normal, but it felt so good and so right.

    Even as she came, Amber humped into Maggie trying to push her clit harder onto the other love nub but felt equal pressure back.
    ?I?m not going to lose!? Amber hissed and felt Maggie humpback harder in defiance.

    ?You will to me!? Maggie jeered, as they fought through their orgasms. Whatever they had done to each other had morphed their bodies into magnets that seemed to react in a sexual way to the other?s perfect form.

    It became a test of ass strength even as they came, their arm muscles spasming, but their fingers interlacing to pull each other closer. Almost 15 seconds past of these sensations when they mutually let the pressure stop and they scooted an inch. They took a breath, relaxing as a wave of endorphins were released. They could feel the cum strings, like the spit ones but gooier and stickier from their kiss now connected them by their groins.

    They laid apart in the darkroom, breathing heavily with their eyes wide open. That orgasm had been incredible with almost zero physical foreplay.
    ?What?what was that?? Amber quietly questioned to the ceiling as she took account of her sex drive. It was already restarting after just 30 seconds coming down off the instant high, she had just experienced. She didn?t understand why her clit had just exploded, why Maggie was having this effect on her. She could only guess thinking about the redhead and her body for the last four months every single night might have had something to do with it.

    ?I don?t know.? Maggie quietly replied having heard the question. Her body never acted this way in any of her other fights, or even her first competition against Amber. She came to a similar conclusion as her rival that the buildup in her head over the extended time apart had made the first touch just far too much. She was confident she could control it from happening again but guessed Amber would be able to as well.

    ?That was just getting the edge off, I had forgotten how fun it was to make you cum. All the other women I have fought lasted much longer and now I?m worried you are going to disappoint me tonight.? Amber taunted as she confirmed the thought in Maggie?s head.

    ?Yeah, I guess we can agree on that. All my other girls at least lasted a few minutes before I made them cum like sluts.? Maggie snarked back, when she looked down at their sexy forms and the cum that was keeping them together with a sense of desire and need.

    She reached down and snapped the cum strings by wrapping them around her finger, similarly the way Silvia had done a few hours ago. The white goo was sticky, and the smell of it sent goosebumps down her body. She had missed the combined taste of their cum like a drug and needed her fix. She brought the cum covered fingers to her mouth, ready to taste the nectar when Amber reached forward and took hold of her wrist. Maggie flinched back for a second, ready to fight, but the grip didn?t tighten and was in fact soft.

    ?Let me.? Amber whispered gently as she got to her knees in front of her.

    Maggie could have stopped it, she could have attacked or pulled her hand away, but she didn?t. The way Amber asked gave Maggie a different type of shiver and she wanted, no, needed to watch and feel this. The blonde pulled the wrist towards herself slowly making sure Maggie knew she wasn?t trying to fight for just a second.

    She took the two fingers and spread them on her own red lips, running them on them like a cum lip-gloss. Then, she slowly opened them to let her tongue come out where she playfully ran it down the sides and between Maggie?s fingers.

    Unlike Silvia, Amber did it with incredible care and sensuality. She took her time to move over the librarian?s soft skin over and over with her tongue, all the while never losing eye contact with the green orbs. The redhead watched on with sensual awe as goosebumps doubled and spread down every inch of her body. It only got hotter as Amber began to suck them lightly with a slight moan, clearly enjoying the taste and feel as much as Maggie was. The guitarist moved up and down the digits like a cock, cleaning each knuckle for a few seconds. She even made sure to get under the fingernails so that no piece of Maggie?s skin went uncleaned.

    The pale girl could not look away from the blonde?s brown eyes. They were doe-like with how innocent and big they got as she continued sucking her fingers. She knew why boys would have said ?I love you? to Amber so often, when she looked like this, it was nearly impossible not to fall for the beautiful woman and her sexual skills. Her own already recovering sex drive was spiking at the sight and for the briefs of moments she felt her heart again beat quicker. Only when every last drop was gone, Amber let out the fingers with reluctance and a small pop.

    ?Don?t stop?? Maggie whispered, and Amber felt her own breathing hitch at the request. They were looking at each other with almost confusion and the rawest of desires. They were still fighting, Amber told herself, but regardless of her thoughts, she began to move the fingers back towards her mouth unable to deny the demand.

    Then as if remembering who she was with and what they were doing, Maggie pulled them away roughly, leaving a disappointed and almost pained Amber shocked on her knees. It snapped them both out of the short dream state they had trapped themselves in while for Amber, a terrible sense of rejection shot into her heart. Even the smallest of acts from Maggie could make her blood boil and the redhead forcing the hand away just cracked her sanity a bit more.

    The disappointment and anguish quickly vanished from her beautiful face and was replaced with visible rage. ?You bitch. I?m going to fuck the life out of you!? Amber shrieked and then she jumped at Maggie with her nails first. The redhead was ready, and just as angry as she half caught, half took the body blow from the blonde as they crushed together like wild cats.

    The impact was electric and the large bouncing target?s clear on their rival?s chest. Both girl?s sank their nails into the other?s torso as Amber took the dominant position on Maggie?s hips. Their bodies seemed to be able to somewhat control their sex drives now when touching, but the sensations of pleasure quickly returned even as they inflicted pain.

    ?You jealous nerd!? Amber snarled as her breasts were mauled by her ex-lover.

    ?Envious punk!? Maggie snarled right back, giving as good as she was taking feeling each other?s large full jugs nails first. Though they had met many women who could match their heavy globes recently, something about each other?s tits drove them to claw harder. It was because it was the first and the main thing that had been compared when they first met, they had both tit fucked the boy Wayne, and it had been deeply ingrained in their minds that they both had been considered equal.

    It didn?t stop for another ten seconds as Maggie twisted her red nails deeper into Amber?s tits. The top girl howled as she returned the twisting motion a half second later with her black nails making Maggie wail just as loud. They cursed and swore at each other with foul language and painful shrieks. Somehow their hands sunk deeper into the womanly balls of fat to the point it was starting to become unbearable.

    They groaned about how much pain their ex could take hating and loving it at the same time. Slowly the red nails seemed to go in a bit deeper and the punk girl screamed again, unable to take the pain any further.

    She released Maggie?s pale girls and quickly forced Maggie?s hands off of hers, ending the clawing to the relief of both women. They couldn?t see in the dark clearly, but the big boobs now had several red indentations where they had been specifically scratched and dug in the worst.

    Neither woman wanted to renew that challenge, but between their eyes it was an evident victory for Maggie. She wanted to taunt, to laugh that she could take more pain even if it was just for half a second. But an embarrassed Amber screamed and slammed her tits down into the other from her top position causing them both to cry out in the pain. Their hot tender flesh on their breasts molded like sandbags while their rigged nipples seemed even more abrasive.

    As they groaned, Maggie forced her mouths and lips onto Amber?s pair the second she was close enough. Her tongue moved like a hungry snake desperate to find and steal back any amount of their mixed cum she had given up, driven wilder by the taste of her ex?s cum coated lips.

    Amber groaned and kissed back quickly but Maggie?s tongue was wild, slashing across the punk girl?s pearly teeth and gums with a hard pressure. She was desperate and needed to taste what she wanted as their nipples dug into the marks on their skin.

    ?Give me back the cum.? Maggie demanded between their kissing as she tenderly chewed Amber?s lower lip when the girl tried to pull away from the tongue lashing.

    ?No, it?s mine.? Amber moaned back as she pressed forward and met Maggie?s tongue head on. The two muscles intertwined in a spity knot alternating between their mouths in an aggressive kiss fight. There was no visible cum to fight for now, but Amber still tasted like it, and that alone made Maggie kiss harder.

    Their sharp nipples seemed to find every little mark on their breasts while Maggie?s tongue won out the wrestling match. She pushed Amber?s onto the top of her mouth and shot her own as deep into her ex?s throat as possible. Amber hissed as she started to gag on the slimy muscle, but she refused to pull away.

    Instead, she gripped Maggie?s hair to keep them close and felt her own taken hold of. At the same time, Maggie rolled their bodies while the blonde focused on evening the tongue fight in their warring mouths. This new position allowed Maggie to use gravity to rub her tits harder into the lightly tanned pair which only made Amber gasp in pain and pleasure.

    It felt like Maggie had taken the advantage in the fight but while her amazing body was being overwhelmed, Amber switched targets. She took one hand out of the soft red hair and moved it down between their lightly toned stomachs. Before Maggie could react, she inserted two fingers into her ex?s tasty cunt with a snarl. The green eyes shot open at the incredible sensation and she separated their mouths to moan loudly.

    Amber launched her mouth into Maggie?s exposed neck, nipping it lightly as the pleasure froze the top girl. The blonde then rolled them and began to pump the smooth wet cunt harder so that Maggie gasped in pleasure. Re-gaining her wits, the librarian quickly tried to reach down to return the favor, but Amber lifted her ass and cunt away in a doggy style position.

    ?Bitch.? Maggie growled as Amber pumped her twice from the top position. She used her pale legs to wrap around Amber?s waist to pull her closer as the punk resisted the powerful limbs.

    ?What?s the matter whore? Can?t play?? Amber taunted while keeping her pussy just an inch away from Maggie?s reach. The redhead strained against her, the pale arms stretching to touch Amber?s slit and give her every bit of the finger fucking she was taking.

    ?I can play with your body like a toy!? Maggie growled but failed to reach it a second time. She then gave up her task and slapped the big perky ass instead while taking two more wet pumps.

    ?Yeah, and I bet I can make you sing!? Amber hissed and started to pump harder, giving more and more pleasure while exploring every inch of Maggie?s cunt, the amazing feeling sending its type of pleasure up the blonde?s body.

    Maggie growled but Amber had a point, her voice had already reached a slightly higher pitch when her ex?s finger?s hit her g-spot. She reached down again and was able to get her own fingers into Amber?s dripping pussy for a second. She twirled them in Amber for a second making the blonde gasp and even whimper in surprise. But the punk girl quickly adjusted her perfect ass and with a slight pop, Maggie lost contact.

    Not wanting or able to take the further one-sided fingering, she desperately rolled herself and forced Amber?s finger?s out of her. The loss of the sensation was good for her fight but frustrating for her sex. Unfortunately, because she had only rolled herself, Amber was now facing her backside. Maggie realized it had been a mistake and tried to push up to her hands and knees to crawl away, but the blonde wouldn?t let this opportunity pass.

    She reacted by pressing her sexy nude body into Maggie?s back as the pale girl was forced on her stomach. The redhead tried to push herself up but then the weight of Amber?s chest and body pushed down on her. She could feel the sharp brown nipples poking her back like two needles atop two soft pillows. That, along with her pale perfect muscular ass feeling Amber?s wet sex dripping on it made her moan. Thankfully the carpet was soft enough to not scratch her nipples raw and not make this unbearable even as she was trapped.

    Amber wrapped her left forearm around Maggie?s neck applying a light pressure that forced the red hair head up. She also tenderly fingered herself with her right hand once, covering them in her gooey cum. With a cruel smile, she then brought them right outside Maggie?s mouth, moving them tantalizingly close.

    ?Suck!? She ordered while applying just slightly more pressure onto her ex?s neck. Maggie wanted to resist, but more so, she wanted to taste the nectar. She opened her jaw and let them slide in, her tongue tasting Amber?s substance and filling her mouth with it. She began to slurp them strongly, letting her tongue explore slowly and tenderly.

    ?Good girl, make them wet.? Amber hissed, though the comment made Maggie spit the fingers out of her mouth. She knew what was coming now. With Amber?s right hand free, it was already moving, using her nails to graze down the pale back softly. The redhead struggled once more, but Amber?s two wet fingers started sliding down her ass crack and between the strong buns making her freeze.

    The redhead groaned as Amber stopped at the puckered flesh and teased it just slightly with her own spit, going around the rim twice with her fingers. Maggie stopped struggling as the sensation made her shiver and she let out the slightest of whimpers.

    ?Oh, I remember how much you like that, don?t worry, I?ll come back.? Amber promised. She could and wanted to ass fuck Maggie then, but right now, she needed her real prize. Her spit covered hand slid down the redhead?s body till it reached the dripping pussy that almost seemed waiting for her.

    This time she cupped the full sex with her hand, embracing and letting it drip onto her palm. Maggie moaned louder as Amber applied more pressure to her neck and cunt. For Amber it was perfect, just like she remembered, every detail of Maggie?s body exactly how she had left it months ago. And her ex?s pussy was everything she wanted and needed. She began to tease the slit, spreading the lips with her two fingers, then she ran her three fingers up and down the full length of the labia with some force.

    Maggie whimpered again as she was kept in this pin, her tits flattened on the carpet, Amber?s sexy body on top of her, forcing pleasure into her soul. She suddenly rolled desperately but Amber went with her, so that Maggie faced the ceiling with Amber now under her and also looking up.

    ?No escaping Maggie, and I don?t think you want too.? Amber soothed as she sped up her attack, pumping the girl on top of her with sexy strokes. Her fingers were being covered in her ex?s white slush and she had to stop herself from ending the pin to get a taste. She pulled the pale neck tighter forcing the redhead?s face back further so she could lick her ex?s cheek wetly, while her legs hooked around the pale limbs to keep them wide.

    ?What?what are you doing to me!?? Maggie gasped, her own hands now trying to break the choking hold. Her body was instinctively humping the air and into Amber?s hands, and she couldn?t stop herself. Slowly the punk girl started to lose her grip on Maggie?s struggling sweaty body. The redhead also rubbed her hot bubble ass into Amber?s cunt from this position which made the blonde?s sex twitch aggressively, but luckily for her, the librarian couldn?t get enough pressure onto it to break Amber?s hold or make her cum.

    The blonde then forced them to roll so she could use gravity on her side. This helped keep the redhead under her while their sweat oiled them up and made them slipperier. This also stopped Maggie?s ass grinding that was driving Amber insane at a much quicker pace than she expected.

    The librarian screamed in frustration, she could not grasp why her body was already at this stage of pleasure, why she was already nearing the edge for a second time. She had gone almost an hour against Bianca and Silvia before cumming, yet with Amber, an hour became 10 minutes. It seemed the blonde was thinking the same, both from her own pulsing sex thanks to Maggie?s ass.

    ?What I?m doing is fucking you perfectly, because I know you Maggie, I know everything about your body. Cum babe. Show me how much you love me?? Amber whispered into Maggie?s ear with pure venom that only poured oil into the inferno of their duel. Maggie groaned as the words hit her ears, her clit twitching faster at the threat and desperately wanting to lock and squish the matching counterpart on Amber?s body.

    ?You bitch?I don?t love you. Not anymore?.? She gasped and struggled as Amber?s fingers explored her folds. Her own words had a similar impact on Amber, and she heard a hiss from the other pair of red lips. The rejection stung, and Amber felt as if Maggie stabbed her heart for the millionth time. It didn?t make sense to the punk why the words still had this effect, but they did.

    Meanwhile, Maggie felt as if she could just get out of this hold, she could make it even, but she couldn?t think of a way while she was pumped, her mind going numb from pleasure. She wanted to cum so badly and wanted the blonde to give it to her, but she refused to be the first to go off alone in this fight and continued to lash wildly to escape.

    Amber took a calming breath and held back the torrid of words she wanted to scream out. This time, instead of lashing out, her voice turned more loving and softer. ?If I recall, you like when I do it with two gentle, and then one hard thrust.? She breathed tenderly with the smallest of licks to Maggie?s ear. Then she began to pump in that exact motion she had promised, and Maggie?s cunt immediately recognized the wonderful sensation.

    ?Oh my god!? The freckled girl wailed, as her pussy widened even more, letting the invaders deeper into her core. She stopped struggling, unable to focus on anything besides keeping her sex from exploding.

    Cum was dripping out of her slit faster, soaking Amber?s hand and making her finger?s slide with zero friction. Maggie began to near a cliff she could not come back from and tried again to rub her ass into Amber?s cunt, but it didn?t change much. She gasped louder as the rhythm took hold of her body, it was exactly how she liked it, but she had never told Amber that?how the fuck did she know?

    ?No?you don?t know me?.? Maggie lied through the thrusts while her ass seemed to involuntarily move with the it in contrary to her words. The grip around her throat tightened again for a second then released as the thrusting of the fingers remained at the exact perfect pace.

    ?You are lying again?I do know you?better than anyone. And I know your about to cum Mags, you can?t hide anything from me, you can?t control yourself when you are with me, fucking cum like the pathetic stalker you are.?

    ?No?? Maggie groaned with her last bit of defiance.

    ?Yes.? Amber demanded and she hated that it turned her on more getting told what to do by the bitch of her ex. Maggie fought and struggled to hold on to her orgasm, she wouldn?t cum even as Amber?s thrusts continued exactly how she preferred it. What if it was true, the blonde did know her body, even better than she did? It was a terrifying but amazingly alluring thought. There was no doubt in her mind that she also knew Amber?s body better than the blonde did herself. She could easily match the sexual knowledge if she could only get the chance.

    Maggie lasted another 15 seconds, as her hands reached around to pull Amber?s hair as hard as they could, which in this current position, was not much. Amber huffed, frustrated and amazed how long Maggie was lasting on this fingering. She needed to get her off now, for her pride and the risk of the redhead getting more aggressive to get out of the pin. Just that second the red claws left her hair and missed her brown eyes by a few inches.

    So, she leaned her lips down again, a dark look on her face that Maggie couldn?t see. The librarian continued to hold on, and that is not what was supposed to happen now. So, she would play as dirty as possible and, in a way, only they together could play. She pressed her red lips right onto Maggie?s ear and took a breath. ?Mags?I need you to cum now?because I love you.? She moaned into Maggie?s ear like a mistress would in the passion of the night.

    Maggie?s body froze for less than half a second as her brain dissected those words. ?You?you?psych??, but that is all she got out. Her mind and body could not handle that mixed with the perfect fucking, and in a sense, the ?I love you? sent her over the edge of the cliff. She screamed as she began to orgasm on the next hard thrust with those words resounding in her brain.

    She began twerking on Amber?s fingers wildly who pumped her through the sensations. The blonde kept the same pace, two soft one hard the whole time wanting to draw out this as long as possible. She had the smallest of smiles on her face seeing the impact the phrase had on her ex.

    ?Oh fuck, I HATE YOU!? Maggie wailed as she shook in tune with her sounds, her entire body going into overdrive and her orgasm spreading, her muscles contracting. She could feel Amber?s tits and her hard nipples on her back, she could feel the blonde tongue give a sexy bite to the back of her neck as if claiming her, marking her. She could feel her toes curl as she released her tension onto Amber?s fingers as the pleasure spiked. It felt so good, yet cumming again in this room, under Amber, was a personal hell for the young librarian.

    ?GET OFF!? Maggie shrieked, finally starting to come off the high. She thrashed like an animal as the situation of this room spiked her rage in a way nothing ever had. Amber held on for a few seconds but then her sweaty arm slipped up towards Maggie?s mouth. The redhead took the chance and bit her teeth into the forearm with more than light pressure making Amber yelp in shock.

    The librarian clenched her white teeth harder forcing her ex to finally release the hold. Doing so, allowed Maggie to spin awkwardly under the blonde where she then launched a claw straight for the brown eyes. Amber dodged just in time as she hopped off the angry cumming redhead in a fast motion. She moved away a few feet to lean on one of the bookshelves, a big smile on her beautiful face.

    She had done it; she had brought Maggie to orgasm before she did. Maggie wasn?t immune to her like in her nightmares; she could win this sexfight and break the redhead. Then she could see if Maggie had even the smallest bit of truth left in her body and decide what to do with her.

    Meanwhile, Maggie came off her high after the hard 15 second orgasm. She caught her breath, as she took in the state of her body, aware that Amber was watching her. The first thing she noticed was how fast she was recovering. She already wanted more, a lot more of what they were doing. It felt like she had just started fighting, almost fresh in a way, and her body wanted another slice. She wondered if this was another reaction her body was having towards her ex that was different than the other women, she had fuck fought.

    ?That?s two, you slut. Want to give up?? Amber taunted a few feet from her. Maggie looked up to see she was cleaning her fingers of the cum with her mouth, drinking it like it was nectar. She then looked down at Amber?s pink tasty cunt that was only a few feet from her. She couldn?t wait to get to the source of the honey pot and then she would drain it.

    ?If you want to just lay down and take it from here, I?ll be a little gentler with my mouth.? The blonde offered and couldn?t help but continue to smile as Maggie only snarled in response. Getting her ex off before her gave her the biggest rush of endorphins in her life. She had built the redhead into so much more than she was, and she was winning.

    ?You think two little orgasms is going to stop me from fucking the life out of you?? Maggie questioned sarcastically and she was already crawling towards Amber with a dangerous hungry look in her green eyes.

    ?No, but it?s a fucking start you bitch. Every word you speak is just another lie!? Amber growled

    Maggie paused a few feet still from the waiting blonde, ?You really think I lie more between us??

    Amber didn?t warrant that with a response as she waited for the redhead to jump at her, but Maggie didn?t move forward and was looking at her curiously.

    Then the librarian started to laugh as she went to her knees still looking at her ex. ?You are so pathetic Amber. I know the reason you say those words to me now.?

    ?Shut up.? Amber hissed, but Maggie didn?t stop even as her own green eyes threatened to tear up.

    ?It?s because you aren?t over it, and what happened at my place. Now you are using our fight as a disguise because you were too much of a coward to say those words when it mattered. So, listen to this Amber. The truth is, I don?t need you, no matter how much you think I do. Unlike you, I have my job and other passions while you have nothing. No dreams, no people who care about you, except the ones you push away in some sort of fucked up self-sabotage.?

    Amber sat there looking at Maggie with wide eyes, but she didn?t speak. Her world was collapsing onto her as Maggie spoke these painful truths. Even if it secretly pained the redhead to say it, she had to get this out now, because maybe the blonde was right about her lies. If she could speak her mind and tell Amber all of the reasons, then maybe her ex could change, and she would understand why.

    ?I?m a better person than you, and the only reason I act this terrible is because of you and your actions! You don?t think about other people, especially when it?s me. You never consider my feelings, then you come back, make demands, threaten to leave, because you are selfish, just like I wrote down in my private notebook.?

    Amber?s breathing was visibly starting to pick up, and yet she still didn?t interrupt.

    ?You will always be a second choice for me behind my job, and if you didn?t have your body, you would be a second choice to everyone else in the world. Now, I?m going to fuck you till you understand and leave your raped body here on the floor.? Maggie finished and she wiped a tear from her own eyes. She hated it, she hated saying it, but again, it was needed. Amber had said ?I love you? twice now and that hurt Maggie almost just as much.

    Amber?s brown eyes were huge and pained as Maggie?s words hit places that she didn?t expect. The cracks in her sanity seemed to snap just a bit more and she even was shaking.
    ?This place?? The blonde repeated. She struggled to process it all now, because the redhead had been so right.

    ?You always loved this place more than me?? The blonde whispered again and for a second, her real self, the one that couldn?t handle the rejection and pain was visible. The ice walls melted, but Maggie couldn?t see it, or she might have stopped and not continued. Another missed chance between the two star crossed women.

    ?Yes... even when I said it to you back in my room. Now, after this, you will never be that person in my life.? Maggie lied, but did so for both their good?she hoped.

    Those final words made Amber suddenly scream into the room that even made Maggie stop moving. When she finally looked back at her ex, there was a new fire on her eyes. ?FINE, THEN before I fucking rape you, I?ll?I?ll?ruin this whole place, starting with your fucking office!?

    She jumped up onto her feet and threw a violent kick aiming directly for the pretty freckled face. The redhead dodged the strike by falling backwards with a yelp as she felt the wind from the ferocity. Amber then turned her eyes to the books around them. She started grabbing books off the shelves and threw them to the ground in front of the librarian.

    ?Amber! Stop! Maggie screamed watching the pages bend and her favorite things ruined right in front of her.
    ?Make me!? Amber hissed as she picked one up and tore three pages out.

    Maggie lunged at the sexy legs but missed as the blonde leaped back in time to avoid the tackle. Knowing she had to hurt Maggie more, the punk girl ran down the lane of books smacking them all off the shelves as she went. Each landing of the pages created an explosion in the silent room. Then the blonde turned a corner and was out of the redhead?s line of sight.

    Maggie watched in horror for an extra second then shot up and gave chase. She did not want her office or any books to be damaged because of their fight. That, and she did not want to lose a second of sexfighting with Amber because she needed to pay her ex back for the excellent finger fuck she had taken.

    Amber broke through the twin doors of the maze-like room shoes in hand. She had luckily found them on the row she turned down, and that was because Maggie?s key was hooked to her right high heel. Marissa had given her the small piece of metal after their fight and if she could get to the office first, she could destroy it with Maggie outside watching helplessly.

    The bright light from the hallway almost blinded her, but she kept running knowing Maggie would be right behind. Her rage was only increasing with her mind on everything destruction. She wanted to destroy the office, destroy everything Maggie loved in there including the books, and then she would fuck Maggie down in-between the torn pages. Till the only thing the redhead had left was her and then she would leave the broken librarian anyway. She had realized Maggie would never apologize and right now it hurt too much to think about.

    She ran down the halls, fully nude, her large firm tits bouncing in the motion, her ass flexing on the steps. It felt weird and liberating to be running like this here, and she honestly didn?t even care if she got caught or seen. All that mattered was hurting Maggie in any way she could.

    She turned the final corner to the office, but Maggie had beaten her there using a shortcut. Their bodies slammed together at the bend with their heads leading the way and the crack of a skull on skull sent them falling apart. They released twin screams of pain right on the ground in front of Maggie?s office.

    Amber groaned in pain, her head pulsing from the incidental headbutt and she was not even sure what she had run into. She rolled to her side, trying to rub the pain away and couldn?t see Maggie already getting up. The redhead looked over with a hiss seeing the fetal positioned blonde not yet recovered. She crawled over to Amber and took hold of the yellow smooth hair with her right hand tightly, the thought of her books being ruined making her see red. Amber whimpered in pain as her face was pulled up so that their lips were just inches apart on the hallway floor.

    ?You want to destroy my office huh? You want to destroy my books and you thought I wouldn?t stop you. Fuck you Amber.? Maggie hissed, then she kissed the blonde hotly letting her tongue force itself between the rival pair of red lips and white teeth. They swapped spit for a long second, Maggie?s tongue slashing Amber?s around who put up little to no resistance. After ending the kiss roughly, she wetly spit onto Amber?s face and pushed the stunned brown eyed girl back down to the ground.

    She then moved back down and forced the blondes long toned legs apart. Her green eyes ran over the sexy tight cunt of her ex, and she licked her lips. She had been wanting to get back here more than anything and was hungry for a taste of Amber. She sunk her claws and looped her arms around the top of Amber?s thighs, locking them in place. ?You can?t run now bitch.? She whispered as she ran her tongue over the slit lightly causing the blonde to shake in shock.

    ?You knew how I liked it?but I know your body too.? Maggie soothed as she repositioned her mouth and brought Amber?s clit was right in front of her. ?You never admitted it to me?but on nights you won, you always screamed a little louder when I twisted my lips on your clit, and even more when I did it slowly, like a?lover. I?m going to test that theory now.?

    ?No!? Amber screamed, as she tried to close her legs, but when Maggie gave the lightest stuck to the small bundle of sex nerves, it made the blonde?s muscles spasm. The reaction was instant, and Amber screamed out in pleasure all the while cursing Maggie for what she was doing. Her cunt seemed to want and need Maggie?s tongue on and in it even if she wanted to resist. The librarian got her taste, and it was incredible, and she wasn?t sure how she had lasted this long without eating Amber out.

    Though she wanted to keep her twisting going, she couldn?t stop herself sinking her tongue into Amber?s pussy. The deeper she went, the harder the vaginal walls started squeezing and coating her tongue with cum, which in turn, made her moan.

    Amber felt the impaling like a sexy wet snake was filling her out, and the vibrations from the moan made it worse. She reached down and took hold of the red hair to pull her ex off, but the pleasure was too much, and her grip slackened as her back curled with another profound moan.

    Like when Amber had fingered Maggie, she seemed to not be able to handle Maggie?s tongue like she could with other women. She now understood why the redhead had cum so fast from their fingers, they couldn?t handle each other sexually. She tried to hold back her words, but after an especially good lick, Amber screamed, ?Take back what you said Maggie! You are the horrible one! You came after me at school, you tried to ruin my life and you never said sorry!? She finished as she screamed again, the long-lost tongue giving her everything she wanted and hated.

    Maggie?s eyes widened as Amber seemed to admit more than she ever had. She was even more surprised when the blonde kept going as she neared the edge. ?You are the selfish one! You said you loved me, but you didn?t, because you don?t know what love is! That makes you worse!?

    Maggie wanted to respond, she felt her rage grow and the pain from her own heart start to pulse. But she couldn?t stop, she had to make Amber cum as the blonde held on against her. I don?t?I don?t need you either, I?m happier without you!? Amber wailed, forcing her pleasure down again as Maggie sped up, frustrated that her blonde rival continued to not break and talk.

    ?I know you will always be lonely and miserable; I know, because of who you really are!? Amber howled uncontrollably and became jumbled as Maggie twisted left and right feeling her pain in her heart. Amber?s clit seemingly jumped for joy that someone was doing this motion to her, it swelled and after holding off for so long, Amber froze. Maggie knew at that instant she had snapped the blondes last string and she was about to cum.

    ?No! FUCK you Maggie! I?m going to kill you!? Amber cried in desperation as her pussy tightened onto the pink muscle. It felt incredible, but Amber despised every second as she knew who was doing it to her. Maggie could feel it on her own lips as she removed her tongue and began twisting the clit with a cruel smile on her face.

    Amber came hard with Maggie playing in-between her legs, lasting only a minute from the tongue torture that her librarian provided. The redhead could feel and even see the goosebumps shooting up her ex?s perfect body as the pleasure spread. She watched the legs around her head spasm while she twisted the clit again and again in line with Amber?s screams. Slowly cum leaked out in larger droplets and Maggie dove down to suck it into her lips, while also trying to keep the pleasure going.

    However, the second she felt her love knub free she rolled to the left mid orgasm. Her right thigh hit Maggie?s face stunning her enough for the blonde to get away and create some distance. Even separated, Amber was forced to feel every second, the emotion and physical static arching her back. She wanted more of it, but also needed it to stop as her mind struggled to control her actions.

    She rolled four times till her body hit the far wall of the door. There she laid on cloud nine, breathing heavily as the orgasm started to pass. It was incredible that her body was already recovering because the amount of pleasure had been astonishing. Fuck, she thought, maybe Maggie knew her body just as well as she knew hers. She wasn?t sure how to counter that or how they would continue to use the learned secrets on each other, but she knew things would only get dirtier and far more intense once they neared the end.

    Meanwhile, Maggie was looking at her with a dark expression that clouded the normally kind librarian?s face. The words from Amber had stung her into the heart, and she hated that she again let the blonde dig into her insecurities. She knew what love was?she thought, but it didn?t matter because she wouldn?t take that from Amber anyway. She had just made mistakes, and it wasn?t her fault that all her short-lived relationships seemed to fail?like her and Amber.

    It didn?t matter she told herself, they had already gone too far. ?Get used to being on your back Amber, I?m going to be keeping you there all night.? Maggie hissed as she flipped her red hair back with a sadistic grin that again was uncommon on her appearance. She crawled over but instead of mounting Amber moved down between her wide legs and started to lick clean any of the cum that remained on her thighs.

    Amber groaned as the tongue worked her sensitive skin around the groin. She tried to close her legs, but her muscles were still not responding to orders after what they had just gone through, allowing Maggie to push them apart again easily. Once she had filled her mouth with the small pool she had gathered, she slowly crawled up Amber?s body to be on top while on her hands and knees.

    ?Do you want to taste yourself baby?? Maggie cooed as she leaned down and pressed her cum filled mouth into her ex?s. Amber groaned as the goo oozed into her jaw, but she kissed back definitely as their tongues slashed. The blonde even pulled the redhead closer and they ended up making out for a full minute, letting their bodies recover and prepare for more violent sex.

    Once Maggie had fully coated the gums, teeth and tongue, while also forcing a decent amount down the brown eyed girl?s throat, did she end the kiss with a gasp. As she began to take a seat on Amber?s hips, the blonde bucked wildly sending the pale girl off her. The punk girl shot up and got onto her knees where Maggie was already waiting in the same position.

    Amber swallowed all the remaining cum and spit in her mouth while flipping her own yellow hair out of the way. She had a cruel expression on her face that would scare off even the bravest of sexual partners. Not Maggie however, and the redhead looked back with equal cruelness. The ex?s reached for each other?s hands and allowed them to interlace their fingers on their knees. They moved together slowly, letting the two incredible bodies of the nerd and the punk come together by the breasts and renew their sexual duel to the finish.

    ?Get back down Amber, I need to fuck you.? The freckled girl huffed with exertion. If not for the fight, but just to feel her body under hers. She knew the words she had uttered had hurt Amber and she had been hurt in turn by the blonde?s outburst. Now she wasn?t sure if they could ever forgive each other and needed to drown her sorrow in sex.

    ?Fuck you Maggie, I?m the one who needs to fuck you. I?I?will never forgive you.? Amber snarled and Maggie snarled right back, like two feral animals locked in a duel to the death.

    Their breathing seemed to pick up once again at the demands and admissions of their desires.

    ?I?ll prove to you why I?m better. You will see what you missed out on because I understand what it means to love someone better than you!? Amber cried out suddenly as the pressure increased, her cunt opening again waiting for Maggie?s fingers or tongue.

    ?No! You don?t! I know more about love than you, and that is because I know the opposite! I fucking hate you!? Maggie wailed as the titfight picked up steam they seemed to get more aroused by the hateful words they shared.

    ?I hate you more!? Amber hissed as their hands went out to their sides, letting their full torsos connect erotically. The sensations were incredible from their slick sweaty skin.

    Even now for Maggie, the blonde?s big boobs seemed to mock her, challenge her. They shifted, sliding one of the sweaty mammary into the other pair so they could somehow squeeze in tighter. She could feel the blonde?s brown nipples stab at her and her own pink nipples bend and snap again and again. Her body showed signs that with Amber, even a nipple orgasm wasn?t out of the question.

    They struggled and pressed their foreheads together now quietly so they could glare eye to eye, looking into the source of their love and hate. But right as they were about to kiss and begin another round in the hallway; a new voice filled their ears. The illusion that they were alone in this giant building was shattered and their eyes widened in shock. They had to keep fighting was the same thought between them, and they couldn?t be stopped until it was settled.

    A second later, a different yet familiar voice echoed down the hall, now louder and clearly coming towards them.

    Maggie jumped up, and instinctively helped Amber to her feet, forgetting about their fight for the briefest of seconds. She then froze unsure where to go, but Amber took control. She picked up her shoe with the key and opened Maggie?s office door pulling her ex in with her. She shut the door softly just as two new figures turned the corner. Amber reached for the lock, but Maggie stopped her and gave her a shushing motion. She knew the old bolt was very loud to the point that whoever was approaching might hear it.

    As the still indistinguishable voices moved closer, Maggie pulled Amber in near who returned the embrace, softly hugging as they waited. They couldn?t be caught; they could not risk their fight ending now or themselves being separated because of a third party. They had promises to keep and that meant finishing one another somehow or someway tonight.

    There was a brief second of quiet with only the sound of heels clicking. Then the voices spoke again, this time easily recognizable as they neared the door. Both the green and brown eyes widened in shock as they shared a look, realizing who was approaching, because it was two people they knew very well. The ex?s let out small twin groans of frustration as Jenny and Bianca made their way down the library?s halls.


    Random Tuesday update.
    Well, there ya go. Maggie and Amber are back at it FINALLY and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. God, they hate each other, but I think there are plenty of signs too that they might still be lying to themselves. Maybe they can figure it out or maybe they can?t, but we will see. Don?t worry, they have plenty of strength left for each other and are not close to being done. But now some new people are on the scene! What the hell is that about? Hahaha okay that?s enough of that before I spoil lol.

    Well, we are inching our way closer to the finale, ummm yeah, again really thank you all for the support and comments. I always appreciate them. Again, let me know your thoughts if ya want or save it till the end, or say, fuck this story I?m not saying shit, they all work haha. I was worried about Maggie and Amber and how to have their fight be worth their build up, but I guess we will see. So far though I'm happy with it hahaha, but I guess I have to be

    Yeah, cool, next update should be in a week (maybe two depending). Again, I?m taking my time and doing a lot of cleaning up. OK that?s way too much written without saying anything important haha.

    Till next time.

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    Re: The Library Gala

    Good writers know how to make a fight feel real, and make it matter. You are one of them, King.
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    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

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