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Thread: The Library Gala

  1. #61
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Another great part! Amber and Maggie are finally going at it, with a heavy dollop of mutual emotional battery and pure sexual hunger on the side! Great work! I'm hoping that Jenny and Bianca don't get pulled into the Maggie/Amber conflict, but I imagine not - Amber and Maggie clearly want to wrap things up between themselves. But I'm kind of surprised that Bianca and Jenny have not found a room in which to fight already! Bianca left with Jenny quite a while ago, even before Maggie went looking for Amber - what have they been doing this whole time?

    Can't wait for part 13!


  2. #62
    Junior Hostboard Member GMC10's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Excellent part once again, and totally worth all the build-up so far! Great to see Maggie and Amber going at it in full force. I just hope there is a clear winner after all this. And that might or might not lead into something more between them.

    I have to agree with JB57, i hope too that Bianca and Jenny doesn?t interrupt them. They could have their own tussle and leave the punk and nerd to have their own. But of course you make these choices!

  3. #63
    Senior Hostboard Member Spear's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Hi King,
    I did't had time to read the last part, yet. But wanted to tell you how much I love this story (and all your Amber&Maggie stories).
    Excellent Work. One of the finest series in our little genre.

    Best Regards

  4. #64
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala Part 13

    Part 13

    Right outside the window passed Jenny with an aggressive strut and looking very flustered. The brown wavy locks were wild, and she was red in the cheeks with her girl next door face scowling. The silver dress was once again her own but half off, her right large breast was out jiggling on each step. The bottom half was torn near the legs and the giant red stain was ever-present on her torso.

    Not a second later, Bianca came into view looking equally as frizzled as the singer. Both of her massive milky tits were hanging out of her dress which had been pulled down. The rest of the dress seemed fine besides the equally large red stain, but her pale skin was flushed red in her face too, and she had an equally annoyed scowl on her lips.

    As they had gotten closer to the office, Maggie and Amber could finally hear and understand the conversation between their two ?allies? of the night. Jenny was speaking while not looking back at the following women. ?I beat you, I got you off first and you owe me a good review, so get off it.? She said dismissively, continuing her strut towards the main hall.

    ?I went off seconds before you did, and I beat you in the breast contest earlier. That?s one to one if we are keeping score, so I don?t think we aren?t done.? Bianca hissed back easily, keeping up in her heels.

    Jenny stopped and turned around on her heel which allowed Bianca to get right into her face. The girl?s watched as Jenny?s fat right tit and Bianca?s fat left tit pressed and molded into each other. Clearly, they weren?t afraid of making it personal and tight, and Maggie guessed it already was in many ways.

    They glared eye to eye for a long sexy second, blue to green seeing if either would back down in this tense standoff. Maggie wondered how hard their nipples were and who was poking whose chest deeper. She had only fought Bianca, but Amber had fought Jenny and she felt very interested in seeing who would come out on top of their two rivals.

    ?You are going to give me a perfect review now or I will fuck you into the ground, then drag your fat ass to your computer to write it.? Jenny threatened with a sexy small lick of her purple lips. Bianca smiled then licked Jenny?s lips as well making the singer hiss. Even now their nipples were flattened into each other, their equally sized areola connected.

    ?I?m going to give you a review, that?s what you won for holding on a second longer, but right now, my calculations are 1 out of 5 stars. I?m more than happy to raise it, but that depends on how much you can entertain me.?

    ?1 out of 5? That?s bullshit.? Jenny jeered, and Maggie watched her adjust her chest slightly and was sure she was moving her nipples in the smallest of confrontations with Bianca?s pair.

    ?You want to make it higher? Then we continue our little dispute, but dirtier, and I will give you a star for every orgasm you can pull from me.? Bianca offered, knowing she again had Jenny in a bind.

    Jenny glared but from the look on her face, Amber knew she wanted that deal if for nothing else to keep fighting. Their first-round had been a long good hard fuck, and she wanted to push her body against this librarian in more ways. ?If that?s how you want to do this, a long sexfight, then you should have said so in the beginning, but what do you get in that little game??

    ?Well first I get to fuck your bad attitude out of your body, which will be my pleasure, but you are correct, I do want more. If I can get to 5 stars before you, you are going to be my little bitch for a month.? She grinned at the annoyed look Jenny gave her. She would one day need to thank Marissa for the idea because having a sex slave was something she could very much get into, and Jenny was perfect. ?It will be nice to have a little bitch to call up if I need a good body to get me off.?

    Jenny?s annoyed look changed into a hungry smile at the proposition and pressed her tits harder forward into the pale pair, ?Oh, so now you want this little issue between us to go on even after tonight, that?s perfect because so do I.? She gave Bianca?s lips another lick. ?Fine, I accept, but I want the same agreements, and that means you as one of my groupies for a month when I win.? Then she paused, ?But regardless, I still want my review!? She added at the end.

    Bianca rolled her eyes, ?You?ll get your review, but I doubt it will be very high, and in the end, I?ll get a slave.?

    ?We will see. Now, should we go back to my office and continue our sex slave review further? I look forward to grading your performance and having you take my every command by the end of the night.?

    ?Why? When we can review it right here.? She suddenly pushed Bianca with her tits in surprise. The librarian gasped at the sudden surge and she tripped back on her heels to the left. She caught herself on the very window where Maggie and Amber were watching in hidden view.

    If Jenny had focused, she might have seen them as the redhead and blonde ducked down into the darkness. They stayed there for a second, then realized they were still hugging. With a hiss, they released each other away but didn?t separate very far. On the glass, Bianca?s firm bubble ass was pressed and even with the dress still on, looked big and strong facing the hidden watchers.

    Bianca wasn?t about to be pinned for long on the wall and she arched her back to push her tits out harder into Jenny?s equally sized pair. She also brought her hands up to Jenny?s tanned shoulders and pushed the singer off roughly creating some separation. The brown-haired beauty fell back a few feet but caught herself before she tripped to the ground.

    Bianca gracefully came off the window and reached for the singer just as Jenny came forward again with her hands outreached. Their forms crushed as they began to grapple body to body in the center of the hall cursing and slapping the exposed skin. Quickly, Jenny?s remaining hidden tit came popping out of her dress from the wrestling. With them now both equally exposed, their hands switched targets and they began to slap and pinch each other?s exposed nipples.

    ?Hands off or I?m going to milk you dry!? Bianca gasped as Jenny squeezed her pink rods between her thumb and pointy finger.

    ?Fuck off you cow, I?ll flatten you first!? Jenny growled as her rods were bent from a perfectly placed slap from the silver claws of the librarian.

    After a few seconds, the breast strikes ended, and their hands moved to take hold of the other?s silver dress. Each got hold easily and tried to pull the other?s down while keeping hers firming under her tits.

    ?I already told you, you don?t have the tits to pull this dress off!? Jenny screamed as she tore and tried to force it down the sexy pale body in front of her. They spun twice but neither relinquished her grip and it only made them more feral to disrobe the other before she was left nude.

    ?And you don?t have the ass!? Bianca howled back. The librarian got a hold of Jenny?s dress once again and their focus moved away from their tit slapping. They were far too overdressed for what they had planned, and whoever could get her rival out of the silver garment first would be at an advantage in the sexual struggle.

    Maggie and Amber could already imagine them nude; it wasn?t hard. They noted their body types and skin tones were not far off the other pair sexfighting. Bianca?s pale skin was only a shade off of Maggie?s if you took away the freckles. While Jenny and Amber?s light tans were nearly identical and unbroken, clearly nude tanning was something they were familiar with. Maggie couldn?t help imagining Amber tanning naked outside at her house, then dripping in tanning oil, they could wrestle in it. She pushed the thought away quickly as it made her even wetter and more turned on. She tried to think of anything else besides Amber?s fingers pumping up into her in slow, powerful thrusts.

    The fighting girls continued to claw and spin each other using the thin material as a clutch. This impaired their attempts to pull it down their rival?s torso further, but they didn?t seem to care. They moved back and forth in the small hall, completely focused on each other, and the removal of the clothing by any means necessary.

    Lost in the fray of tearing and spinning, Bianca successfully tripped Jenny after pulling her close and kicking out at her silver heel. The singer yelped as she fell backward, but in the last second, however, the singer got hold of the top of Bianca?s dress and pulled the pale girl with her. They went to the ground together in a ball of shiny silver that immediately became a blend of womanly action.

    Now on the ground, Maggie and Amber stood back up to get a better view of the catball that was quickly becoming a catfight. They even sounded like cats as they traded the top position rolling in a wild spin and slapping the exposed skin. The watchers were standing shoulder to shoulder, very aware of each other?s presence and how interested their ex was in the sexy show. The smallest bit of jealousy hit Maggie?s heart, but she pushed it down as best she could as she watched her co-worker struggle against this perfect match.

    The dresses had already begun to move lower but seemed to be stuck at each other?s sexy womanly hips. Their toned stomach flexed on the ground against each other, both in well enough shape to fight like this for a good long while. The twin balls of silver moved around the hallway with sexy shrieks with their hands on each other?s shoulders for another minute.

    Maggie watched on through the dark window. The circumstance was so strange, hiding in her own office with her ex-Amber, while unable to keep her eyes away from the developing sexfight that was in front of her. Bianca and Jenny were so attractive, and she wanted to see how this played out even as her body yearned to continue her own fight or maybe even join them.

    She almost yelped when a finger touched her cunt and began to slide up and down in a playful sensual manner. She looked to her left to see Amber was watching the display as well, but her hand had drifted towards her ex?s pussy, and it felt incredible for Maggie. The blonde then renewed their tender embrace, so she had easier access, wrapping her one free arm around Maggie?s back in an almost hug. Her right and Amber?s left tit pressed into each other in this new hold. They were close now so that their intense body heat was shared, and each heated breath was felt on their skin. Maggie had thought watching sexfights alone was a sexy experience, but the sensation and emotion of watching it with Amber made it an entirely new level.

    Amber smiled at the reaction Maggie was showing, she could tell her ex was enjoying this. ?Do you like watching them? Does it get you wet like when you watched my video? Let me find out.? The blonde breathed just over a whisper as she lightly teased Maggie?s sex lips, splitting them and cupping them over and over. From the touch, Amber was answering her question as her fingers became sticky with the love juice of the redhead.

    ?Yes, I am enjoying it?do you? Have you ever watched two women fight like this?? The redhead whispered back, while her own hand drifted down to play with her ex?s cunt as well. She touched the rose and gasped at how wet Amber already was. The warmth covered her palm as pressed into the smoothness that was Amber?s sex.

    The guitarist let out the smallest of gasps and for one second their eyes met. In the shadow, they watched each other?s orbs as one then two fingers were inserted into each other, looking for a sign of weakness. Finding none and satisfied with how wet and turned on they were, they turned their view back to where Jenny had found her way onto Bianca?s hips.

    Their heads were facing the mirror so they could see the singer?s large tanned tits jiggling as she struggled to stay on top. Pulling their hands to the side Bianca sat up by the waist and latched her mouth onto the girl?s right boob for a hot second of sucking. Jenny groaned and took hold of the silky black hair and freed her nipple by pulling the strands of hair and forcing her pale rival to look up at her. With a snarl, Jenny slammed their lips together where Maggie assumed their tongues and spit mixed in a lashing. The blonde picked up her fingering pace and so did the redhead as they had their little masturbation race while Bianca and Jenny made out in front of them.

    Jenny forced Bianca back down to the ground by the lips, their tongues visible as they twirled them outside their jaws. A few seconds into watching this and Amber finally answered the question that Maggie had asked almost a minute ago.

    ?No?I haven?t watched one, but I do too, and I want to watch you fight another woman.?, Amber admitted what was a long-hidden secret that made Maggie glance at her again. She felt surprised about the honesty the blonde had just shown fully expecting a lie. Amber didn?t return her glance and remained focused on the sexfight. Bianca had rolled atop Jenny in a nearly identical position that the singer had been in while continuing their wet kiss and tit press.

    Maggie wasn?t watching however and was still looking at Amber, ?You couldn?t handle even thinking about me doing it with another girl once, and now you want to watch me? I don?t understand.? Maggie questioned her ex, unable to hide the pain in her voice. Amber?s reaction, the night it had ended, the last time they had seen each other before this, rushing into her head. What had changed? She had to know.

    Amber didn?t answer the question, because she couldn?t admit she had been wrong, not to Maggie, not ever, but inside the truth was there. Instead, she changed the subject, ?Who do you think will win?? She asked as she spun her pointy finger around Maggie?s clit making her rival shiver. The bundle of pleasure nerves was again reacting to Amber?s touch far faster than the freckled girl expected. She honestly wasn?t sure she could ever get used to how fast her ex could turn her on.

    The sounds and view of Jenny and Bianca also didn?t help control her pulsing sex. On the floor, the catfighting girls had rolled with Jenny once again sitting on top. Instead of clawing though they were spitting on each other?s big tits with large globs. They hissed in disgust as they covered each other?s milk jugs, making them wet and even drip. Then their faces came together, making their spit covered tits wetly crush, but instead of kissing like last time, the two beauties started licking each other?s faces.

    Maggie however didn?t see as she continued to look at Amber, desperate for the truth and answer to her question, but she held up pushing further. There was only one way she would get the truth, and it would be when Amber was broken, raped, and sexually satisfied in every way. And she was the only one in the world who could do that.

    ?I want them both to lose,? Maggie admitted, but she guessed if she had to choose, she would pick Bianca. Both of the two women had given her trouble tonight because she had a weird feeling Bianca had more of a role in what happened with Marissa. Though Jenny had a direct tie to Silvia, and she wanted to get closer to both of those sluts, so she could knock them both off of their apparent high horses, first Silvia, then Jenny.

    ?Do you? And here I thought you two would be best fuck friends.? Amber giggled as Bianca rolled on top again landing another spit onto Jenny?s sternum. Weirdly the singer smiled at it, clearly enjoying what this fight was turning into this fast. The blonde continued while Jenny got her face into Bianca?s tits to chew the pink nipples in retaliation. ?I think Jenny will come up top of your little friend, and I bet that would mean she could come up top on you too in this.?

    Maggie hissed as she finally looked back at the spit-covered girls, almost gasping how fast they had covered each other. She pushed her fingers a little harder into Amber at the dig of her sexual abilities and also felt her own loins massaged firmer in response.

    ?You really think I would lose to either of them?? Maggie questioned with plenty of aggression and doubt. The comment had sparked her competitive nature, something Amber did very easily.

    ?I know you lost to Silvia, and Jenny has beaten her a few times.? Amber said matter of fact, she felt her competitive tone pick up to match Maggie?s. Their pride of who was better between them always pushed them forward, in a way, it defined their entire relationship.

    ?Silvia and I have never gone all out at each other, and I have beaten Bianca. I would not lose, but I bet you would to my co-worker.? She taunted.

    ?Silva and I never have gone all out either, and I have beaten Jenny and Daphne. I could handle your bitch of a co-worker easily.?

    They hissed at each other until Maggie grinned from the thrill of their words, ?Do you feel dirty watching them? I bet you will cum when they do, you are so wet.? She felt Amber shiver at the question.

    ?I?ll make you cum when they cum, so you can all be little sluts together. I bet you would like that.? Amber smiled back as Maggie gave an identical shiver at the threat.

    ?You talk too much. Your mouth is only good for one thing, it?s all your good for.?
    ?I feel the same way about your stupid mouth.?
    ?No, you are.?

    Their free arms tightened on each other, pulling them somehow closer while their masturbating became more aggressive. They hissed like cats? face to face but didn?t fully renew their fighting just yet. A snarl from the fight outside drew their attention back to the sexy show.

    Bianca had stood up and was pulling Jenny?s dress down her body with a growl. The singer was on her back, but was clearly not trying to keep the gown on and even assisted her opponent by pushing it down her own womanly hips, just to get out of this awkward position she found herself in. A final good tug and Bianca stumbled back on her heels with the matching silver dress in hand as Jenny was left nearly nude.

    She may have been stripped but from her expression, Maggie assumed she wasn?t bothered at all. It left her in nothing but a silver string thong that was almost invisible from the back. It was literal floss, no small triangle in the rear and only the smallest one to cover her nether lips. The two strings crossed right at her lower back and down the muscular bubble-like glutes. Maggie also compared her own legs also to Jenny?s that looked incredible still in her heels. They were toned in all the right places and the redhead wondered if her own or the singer?s limbs would crush the other pair.

    Bianca didn?t have time to celebrate as the brown-haired girl was already up on her heels. She threw a dangerous kick at the librarian by extending one of the sexy legs Maggie had been comparing. The blue-eyed girl screamed dodging the spike by falling down to her own still covered glutes and hands. Copying her rival, Jenny took hold of her rival?s dress by the legs and pulling it down the pale hips with a hiss.

    Bianca however kicked wildly with her own heeled feet and forced the nearly nude girl to let go. Jenny almost pounced right back to finish the job, but it seemed Bianca was going to do the work for her. The pale librarian used her hands to strip out of her own dress and then spun to go up onto her knees. She tossed the silver garment aside right where she had thrown Jenny?s a few seconds prior. Blue and green eyes began to run down and scrutinize every inch of the other?s 99% nude body. Maggie however couldn?t help but grin at the sight of them both wearing the exact same silver thong that most have gone with the dress. It was tinier than anything Maggie had seen her co-worker wear, but she wasn?t surprised that she owned string pieces like that. She assumed the girl saved it for other fights that did not include dressing up in professional gear like the two fights she had with Maggie.

    The professional stayed on her knees and Jenny went down to match her position, then the two sexy women grinned at each other with a sexual hunger that Maggie could recognize from anywhere. She had been given and had given that look quite a few times in the last year. They both began to stretch and pose in the tiny string silver thongs, trying to make the other hornier just from the sight of their fantastic bodies. They seemed to relish in finding someone like themselves, a fellow sex queen who wanted to use her body and dominate other women. Now, one of the best figures they had seen outside a mirror was in front of them, ready to be fucked.

    The stretching continued as they began to converse for Maggie and Amber to listen in as they still continued to finger each other. ?So, I just need to get you off 4 more times for my 5 stars, right? Are you sure you can even last that long? Not many women can with me.? Jenny bragged, as she got her best look at Bianca?s sexy body so far tonight. Their titfight, dress exchange and first round of the sexfight had been in near darkness, now in the light, the feelings and sensations her fingers had felt on her new rival were confirmed. Bianca?s body was hard and soft in ALL the right places.

    ?Oh, I can last far longer than you Miss Hashford, and I intend to really emphasise that point over the next few hours. I doubt you will make it out of here with more than two stars on your little review.?

    Jenny giggled and Maggie noted even her laughter sounded lovely to the ears, ?Oh I?m getting five stars at least, and then maybe six when I fuck you a little extra just for fun. That of course, after you submit to me.?

    ?Oh, I love your confidence Miss Hashford, because it just so happens that my favorite thing to do is find confident bitches like yourself and make them my sluts.? Bianca hummed, then she flashed her pearly teeth between her pink lips. ?And you, Jenny are the perfect candidate.?

    Maggie noted the first name, and that meant this fight had already become very personal to Bianca. She doubted that Jenny would have picked up on that significance, however.

    ?Am I? Well, I feel the exact same way about you, Bianca. It looks like we do have that in common, it?s funny how different girls find their way into these kinds of confrontations.?

    ?I?ve thought about that same thing, and it just seems that girl?s like us just can?t get out of each other?s way. I noticed you seemed plenty interested in my co-worker, or was that little lick just for show?? Bianca asked as she stared right into Jenny?s green eyes that were a nearly identical copy to Maggie?s. It added a little extra something for her to make this singer keep eye contact when she eventually came under her pale body.

    ?And you seem really interested in my bandmate.? Jenny snapped back, also recalling the stare between Amber and Bianca. She also has been gathering more information regarding Amber?s and Maggie?s relationship after her talk with Silvia and wouldn?t mind finding out more now how much this raven haired woman was involved. If the two librarians were co-workers, she could safely deduce they must have had their own little match. As Bianca had said, girls like them always seemed to get in each other?s hair.

    Meanwhile in the office, Maggie and Amber side eyed each other at this new exchange. They even slowed their own little contest to make sure they could hear the next part of this conversation.

    Before Bianca could respond the green-eyed girl continued with a smile. ?It?s true, I had an intention about fucking the little redhead if the opportunity came to me. I knew she liked to play these games, and she and one of my friends have a little rivalry.

    ?Does she? And is this rival Miss Fielder?? Bianca questioned with an educated guess, more than willing to get more dirt on Maggie if she could. They might have had a truce, but in this war of bodies, every detail was important. She also wanted more info on the other annoying blonde of the night. She had ensured that Marissa would have at least been a bother to Amber, but she knew a showdown between herself and the guitarist was coming. Women like them did not share looks like that usually.

    ?Miss Fielder? You mean Amber? No, that?s not her.? Jenny then laughed loudly. ?Amber and that freckled bitch are way more dysfunctional than just rivals like Silvia and her. I?m surprised you don?t know this.? Jenny mused eyeing Bianca carefully. The tension was building, and her body would not wait long for the satisfaction it craved, but she still wanted more information. This was another piece in Amber?s life that Jenny wouldn?t mind knowing for the upcoming debate about who was in charge of the band.

    ?I don?t care much for other bitches? personal life?s, as long as they don?t get in my way, but you have sparked my curiosity I?ll admit. In honesty, I simply thought you were just a bimbo looking to fuck the biggest pair of boobs you could find tonight, but now I realize you seemed to have this all planned out.?

    ?Somewhat planned out.? Jenny huffed. ?I didn?t expect the show to go so well, so now I have to consider that I?m going to keep working with her. We make a sexy team and sex sells if you didn?t know. With her in MY band, we could perform at gigs that make this one insignificant, but for now I still need my review.?

    ?Interesting, and don?t worry, your review will be settled between us here and tonight like we promised. Ironically, I was just looking for a bitch to tame tonight just for fun, and unfortunately Maggie was off limits?at least for now. But now I wonder and must ask, was your friend wearing a small purple cocktail dress?? Bianca questioned, thinking about how she had seen a woman she had considered to hunt at the entrance of Gala. They had shared a brief yet intense look, and she had a way of knowing a sexfighter when she saw one.

    Jenny grinned, ?Yes, that?s her, and just so you know she?s one of my groupies too after I gave her a fucking of a lifetime. You will get to know her after I make you one too. She?s a great fuck, but sadly still doesn?t really know her place or follow orders. I bet she had no problem breaking her little promise to Amber even though she lost their little contest.? She mused but it didn?t mean much to Bianca. Maggie however cared a great deal and quickly glanced at Amber for an answer but got none.

    ?I wouldn?t mind getting to know your friend, but it will be on my own terms. Her name was Silvia? I?m sure from my notes that she was from the Showtime staff, it will be easy for me to get in touch with her. But before I give you the fucking of a lifetime, I want to know about Miss Fielder, or Amber.?

    Jenny continued to stretch in that tiny silver thong and then gave Bianca a cocky grin. ?What do you want to know??

    ?So, she is quite good friends with Maggie? My co-worker hinted they had a past, but I assumed it was just a womanly rivalry like ours.? Bianca questioned as she widened her legs, the silver triangle barley able to hide the sex hidden behind it.

    ?Maybe it was, but from what Silvia and I understand is that those stupid bitches have feelings for each other now, or at least Amber still does. I can tell from the way she talks about the redhead like a heartbroken schoolgirl...pathetic if you ask me. But she is going to be my band partner, so now I have to play nice with her and her redhead, for a little while.?

    Bianca smiled at the info, ?Very interesting, so that is why the blonde bimbo was glaring at me so much, I just fucked Maggie out of her mind this Thursday. I remember how very nervous my co-worker looked when Miss fielder showed up. It?s almost cute to think she must have feelings too, and how pathetic it is.?

    Maggie felt her face go red, even now, as she was fuck fighting Amber, her fingers inside the blonde at that exact second, she couldn?t look at her face. She hadn?t expected to feel a different type of embarrassment, but having her relationship said out loud to her ears was too much. She wanted to know if Amber was looking at her, if what Jenny was saying was as true as Bianca?s words. Was ex blushing at the same intensity? She couldn?t look to find out.

    ?Yes, we can agree on that because I prefer fights like ours. Just two hot girls who need something from the other and both want to fuck for it. I think we have a long nasty fight ahead of us and I want to get started because you look very fuckable.?

    ?Oh yes, it will be longer and nastier than you have ever had. I?m going to fuck you, then I will fuck your little band mate and your friend too. My favorite people to fuck are stupid blondes and she looks very fun, maybe I?ll make you, Silvia, and even Maggie watch and cheer me on as I finish Amber.?

    ?I won?t lie, that does sound hot to watch, but I think you are already looking past me. Not many women can handle my body. I?m going to get my five-star review by making you scream, and then I?m going to fuck you more, just for fun.? Jenny taunted while she squeezed her big tits with one hand and ran the other down her smooth stomach to her navel, right at the edge of her silver thong.

    Bianca followed the hands with a new hunger. ?Thank you, Jenny, this information is very useful and quite interesting. I look forward to meeting your friend to learn a bit more about Maggie from her. I?m sure you can set it up once you are my bitch.?

    ?You?re welcome Bianca, I got some good stuff from you too, but this conversation is getting boring, we are way past the time to get nice and hot together. How about we start with another tit contest before we get to the hard fucking? I think the other one ended prematurely.? She shook her tanned tits at the pale pair, their firmness snapped them back with the good jiggle.

    ?I had your ass on the wall and was going to flatten you if we didn?t get interrupted by those stupid students looking to fuck.? Bianca hissed, the passive conversation ending and the aggressive sexfighters looking to tame each other came back to the forefront.

    ?Please, those stupid sorority girls saved you from getting embarrassed!? Jenny growled, ?Let?s make this more intense, no hands this time. I want to feel those small bags on your chest break against mine and nothing else.? She finished and began to slowly move forward on her knees.

    ?I?m going to have you right back on the wall in any sort of fight you want.? Bianca shot back with a shake of her own pale jugs. Then she licked her lips, ?How about a little kissing too this time??

    Jenny smiled at the question, ?We haven?t kissed yet, have we? That?s what happens when you challenge me to a tit contest then a pussy fuck off right after. But now we know the agreements for our fight. We are done with the one style contests, now it?s a full-on sex competition and we should get down to it.?

    ?Exactly, that?s why I plan to suck your tongue down my throat, I can do wonders with my mouth.? Bianca smoothly talked at her hot rival.

    ?I can tell by how much you enjoy listening to yourself talk. But don?t worry, my mouth and tongue will outdo yours in any way.? Jenny smacked back with confidence.

    ?Then let us begin, Jenny and see which one of us will be the other?s slave by the end of the night.?

    They began to move forward clearly very much wanting to get back in physical contact.
    They only stopped for a second, an inch away from crushing the two pairs of womanly body parts, then with twin cries of anger they slammed their bodies and breasts together.

    Maggie could only watch in awe as the four magnificent tits crushed and swung in the sudden seesaw battle. Then they pressed forward hard enough for their stomachs to touch and their faces to come close. Purple lips met the pink and Maggie watched her co-workers tongue dig into Jenny?s mouth with zero hesitation.
    The singer groaned, fighting off the rival invader near her gums and then forcing the wet battle back into the librarian?s mouth. They twirled the pink muscles, slashing them and stabbing them to taste each other. A few seconds later and they broke apart their lips, already a strain of spit on them.

    ?You have some weak tits, just like before.? Bianca growled.

    ?Fuck you, this is just to soften you up before I fuck you dirty. You will give me a 5-star review!? Jenny hissed before they locked lips again, and Maggie knew the unseen tongue battle was identical to the busty girl?s titfight, a slow and sexy contest of strength.

    Maggie watched on as they used their tits like weapons, and it was apparent they had plenty of sexual fighting experience. Quickly both women tried to get their own jugs under their rivals for leverage. When that failed, they resolved pressing head-to-head, slipping one in-between the other?s big globes.

    Another minute passed, and sweat seemed to explode on their bodies, the heat of the hallway and physical contact coating them in a sheen faster than Maggie had ever seen. The exertion must have been more intense than Maggie thought as neither gained more than two inches.

    They were no longer kissing, gasping in breath as their bodies went to war. Then Bianca attempted to bite Jenny?s chin with a soft snap, but any clench she got was broken quickly. Jenny returned the bite but used more of her tongue to wetly lick Bianca?s cheek. Then licking became the focus as they spread saliva on their rival?s lips, cheeks, noses and even across each other?s eyes.

    Then, as If they couldn?t handle it for a second longer, their hands released from behind their back. At the same time, they reached around each other and took hold of the other girl?s sexy silver thong. Each pulled up strongly as the two threads split up into their bubble asses and wet cunts.

    ?Fuck! Bianca wailed as Jenny hissed as the two silver strings were sawed up, in an attempt to split the other in half right by the sex.

    ?You whore, this thong looks better on me!? Jenny moaned through the pain.

    ?I don?t think so bitch! You won?t dare wear the same thong as me ever again!? Bianca groaned back as they reached a stalemate in how far they could pull it up. Maggie noted that both silver G-strings were not built for this, and the stretched cloth was starting to snap. It seemed both Jenny and Bianca knew what was coming too.

    ?Bitch! I think it?s time we finally get nude!? Jenny cried, as she felt her silver strings reach their breaking point.

    ?I agree!? Bianca wailed in response as her own piece of cloth felt as tight as it could go.

    The two silver thongs stretched up for one last second and Maggie felt as though she could feel the pain on her own ass. She had been given this treatment many times over, and she suddenly wished she and Amber had been able to fight in their thongs like this.

    With twin snaps that were loud enough to be heard in the office, the silver thongs were torn off the sexy big asses. The sides broke first, then the bottom halves, the expensive clothing not designed for even the slightest of pulling by the in-shape women.

    They each held the tiny cloths in their hands for a brief second, taking the relief of no longer being split up the vagina and ass. Jenny tossed her won silver cloth away and brought her now free hand down to the pale perky bums with a hot slap. Bianca however used the destroyed material like a whip onto Jenny?s ass. It snapped on the skin and though Maggie guessed it was not painful; the sensation was clearly something Jenny enjoyed as she moaned in surprise.

    Bianca tried again, but Jenny caught her hand and they started to fight for the cloth in a small tug of war.
    ?Let go!?
    ?Fuck you!?

    The thong ripped in half after only a few seconds sending them both apart and to their backs. The singer was quicker to recover and with a flexible roll, was up on her feet then onto the other woman?s sexy form. Jenny pinned Bianca to the ground and spread her hot body out, so they were in as close contact as possible. She began licking the librarian wetly who returned the animalistic attacks with equal moisture.

    Bianca?s fingers found the soft brown hair and tugged it attempting to roll them, but Jenny resisted. Then arms and legs began to fly around as they catfought for the top position. Maggie and Amber watched on with bated breath, the pressure of their rival?s fingers starting to take hold of them. After almost 30 seconds of fighting, the singer and librarian had ended up in a dual-head scissors. In fairness, it looked as though they had been both trying to get into this type of position the whole time.

    ?Does your tongue do anything other than that poor excuse you call singing?? Bianca taunted as they strained against another.

    ?It can do more than just talking like yours.? Jenny shot back as she groaned from her muscles burning against her rivals.

    They were still wrestling, but the goal had changed, and the movements had the clear intention to how they wanted to move their bodies with less resistance. Quickly they had put themselves in a sexy little ball that looked perfect for a 69, and Maggie held her breath in excitement.

    ?So, this is how you want to get this going? I think you and I have a lot more in common than we think.? Jenny hissed as she caught Bianca?s head between her thighs but released it quickly. She just wanted to make sure both of them knew what was coming and make the librarian feel the power of her thighs.

    ?I?m sure we do, and I think this is a perfect way to start this.? Bianca agreed and returned the head lock for the briefest of seconds.

    ?Fair warning Bianca, I?m really really good at this.? Jenny taunted as she got into position on her back with her brown hair fanned out behind her. Bianca?s perfect dripping pink cunt was coming closer to her ravenous mouth that had out eaten many sexual rivals in her young life. This is usually how she finished girls but starting with it worked just as well.

    ?So am I baby.? Bianca responded with a grin and Maggie was surprised that her always professional co-worker was letting her more playful side show. There was plenty at stake, but maybe because it wasn?t for her job, Bianca was more relaxed. She assumed that the other librarian really enjoyed matching her body against a new and sexy rival just as much as she did.

    ?Are you? Don?t disappoint me.? Jenny giggled back. Many women thought they could go mouth to mouth with her, and all found themselves screaming in the end.

    ?Trust me, my sexual performance never disappoints.? The librarian continued as Maggie watched her head lower down further between the singer?s legs to begin her feast.

    Jenny didn?t respond and only smiled as she closed the final inches of her own lips in silence and bated breath, the anticipation incredible for both the combatants and the secret viewers. Lips touched lower lips concurrently as the quarreling women put their tongues and lips into a sexy indirect war.

    Amber and Maggie watched as they began to 69 on the floor, each of their legs nice and wide, giving full access for the deepest of tonguing. Bianca was on top with her ass and open pink pussy facing the window for the watching girl?s view. Her bubble butt was incredible, perfectly large with the right amount of muscle for slapping and fucking, and Jenny seemed to enjoy having both her hands sink into it. The girls watched as the singer?s tongue playfully moved around the sweet pussy and Amber shivered at the sight. She knew what kind of magic her singer could do with that tongue and could only imagine the pleasure filling Bianca?s body.

    Maggie watched as well, remembering the taste of her co-worker from the fight on Thursday night. She felt a sudden rush of desire to fight Bianca once again in their own private match, it still felt very unsettled between them. But when she side eyed Amber, the rush was lessened considerably. All of her other sexual fights would not hit the emotional level she was having now, and she wondered if Amber felt the same. She wanted to ask, she wanted to know, but she couldn?t. It hurt to think that there was a very high probability she would never get an honest answer from Amber ever again.

    Her attention was brought back to the window as Jenny gave a good slap to the pale ass and she heard Bianca release a moan of desire. She felt the singer was ahead in this sex contest, but then Jenny gave a desperate sexual gasp from something Bianca did and suddenly, she wasn?t sure who had the upper hand.

    They rolled, trading the top spot and while they still couldn?t see Jenny?s cunt, her heart shaped ass was now in the air for their viewing. Bianca?s hands quickly went to massaging it like a professional and returned a few of the spanks she had received to the tanned muscular buns.

    Maggie could tell this duel was between two very sexually skilled women and this contest would mean a lot in who took the lead in the night. She also could tell they must have realized the same thing as the sucking girls seemed to go quiet and started focusing with deadly precision on their rival?s clit and ass. It had only been two minutes but both women were panting loudly clearly heading to a massive orgasm if they kept up at this pace.

    They rolled again and Maggie watched Bianca?s ass almost drooling, her co-worker?s buns looked incredibly flexing as Jenny?s fingers dug and rubbed them at a furious pace. Then the singer got on top and Bianca could be seen sticking a spit covered finger into her rival?s ass.

    Amber began to finger Maggie with more pressure as if she could tell her ex was enjoying the sight more than her presence. It was bothering her. Maggie returned the favor for the exact same reason though that was never shared. Their vaginal walls were now fully soaked, and desperate for more access by their ex?s fingers. It seemed their bodies were now demanding they renew their own sexfight and were tired of just being spectators.

    ?I want to fight her?in front of you.? Amber suddenly admitted as she eyed Bianca?s top form, her mouth wanting to replace Jenny?s, to see which of them was better, and answer many of her questions. She had built a rivalry with this Bianca woman in her head over the last few months. They only had shared a few sentences between them, but it was enough after what had occurred. She knew Maggie hadn?t cheated, she had accepted that, but it didn?t matter now, it still hurt and that made Amber furious with both librarians.

    ?Well, I want to fight HER, in front of you.? Maggie whispered back as she looked at Jenny?s pretty face deep into her co-worker, their earlier confrontation bubbling into her surface. And now that she knew that she and Amber were going to continue their musical team up, she felt a shot of jealousy against the singer. Amber was willingly going to hang out with her, and in doing so made her a rival for her time. It wouldn?t matter if they never saw each other again, but she didn?t think about that fact right now. It wasn?t fair that Amber had accepted hanging out with Jenny, Silvia and Marissa over her. It didn?t feel right.

    As she looked at Jenny?s pretty face, she got the same primal feeling that she normally only got around Silvia. A drive to humiliate her and out sex her in every way. Amber could tell by Maggie?s eyes that the librarian had found another woman like the bartender and seemed to read her mind and emotions.

    Amber had to push her own emotions down, the jealousy was starting to fester and she had to remind herself that she hated Maggie for an extra second. ?You couldn?t handle Jenny?you would lose just like you did to Silvia, but then you and the bartender would both be her bitches, you too could fight for your shared owner.? Amber mocked at the redhead. She knew she had found an extra sensitive nerve as she felt Maggie hesitate in their mutual fingering.

    She left out a huff of heated air from her nose and then gasped as Amber continued to rub up and down her sex. The green eyes narrowed, ?Well, I doubt you could beat Bianca, because you never really beat me while I have outfucked her.? She rebuked and felt Amber tense at that comment as they exchanged barbs.

    She continued, ?Who knows maybe she would make you a little library slut. She and I, maybe Isabella and Marissa too could all share you when we got bored. I would really enjoy making you fight them and watching you get outfucked.?

    ?You are that desperate to watch me fuck other girls?? Amber shot back as the fingering started to take its toll on both standing women. Their legs were starting to shake in slight motions while they focused on their rival?s g-spot. They pressed up on the rough sex skin, each using her curled pointy finger to find it over and over.

    ?You are projecting and such a hypocrite. You freak out when I fuck another girl, but I bet your dream is to watch me sexfight for you. Both of us begging you to pick one of us.? Maggie hissed as she looked away from the fight. She leaned her head down and bit into Amber?s neck lightly, sucking on the smooth wet skin and was rewarded with some extra cum and a soft moan from Amber?s throat.

    Amber was quiet for a second lost in thought while still getting fingered, then in a small voice she answered, ?I would like that,? to Maggie?s surprise. The redhead almost responded without thinking she would do it for her anytime, but Amber continued before her words began, ?And I know you would too?and we could do it now.? She finished in a sultry bitchy tone and her fingers sped up, making Maggie groan at a dangerous volume.

    The freckled girl stuffed down the next groan and increased her own pace at the same time, ?We could?do you want that?? She questioned at her ex, not knowing what she wanted herself as she watched Bianca and Jenny fuck.

    ?Do you?? Amber whispered back in the same tone of confusion. It was always a game whenever they were in a room together, daring each other, and this one was dangerous. Could they risk being caught and forced into a four-way fight? There was a high chance they might not be able to finish their thing alone if they did. All the while they considered this, they moved towards a mutual standing orgasm, panting from the fingers that moved faster in and out of their sexes.

    ?I bet you couldn?t live seeing me fucking someone else right in front of you. I already watched your video, so you know I don?t care.? Maggie whispered back, as she pushed her own emotions down again. It was another lie, she did care. Tonight, she wanted Amber to herself as they fought to the finish and if someone else got involved, it would spoil it. Marissa had already gotten Amber off once and she had cum with Silvia, which annoyed her. She needed to beat Amber, the girl who humiliated her here, who read her private notebook, her ex-girlfriend, who was the cause of everything wrong and right in her life, and she needed to do it alone.

    ?I could deal with it just fine cause I don?t give a fuck about you, but I bet one of your fantasies is watching me the woman you cheated on me with?? Amber hissed. She knew Maggie hadn?t cheated, but she also knew knowing it would hit her ex in a very sore place.

    Maggie?s heart picked up in a different manner than just sexual and she turned her face away from the window to give Amber a dark look, ?I did not cheat on YOU!? She nearly screamed, her voice feeling like it would go horse with how many times she had raised it at Amber. They froze knowing that there was a chance that Jenny and Bianca would have heard it, but a second loud moan was the only response as the sexfighting women neared their own climatic ending.

    Suddenly the mutual fingering was over as Amber tried to pull Maggie to the floor in a sudden explosion of movement, but the redhead was ready. Their sticky fingers slipped free of each other?s pussies to their mutual displeasure as their nude forms began to press and wrestle.

    They no longer cared about the sexy duel outside as they began to silently struggle trying to desperately topple the other. Both were already incredibly turned on by the masturbating and sex show, making their touching electric in many ways. Their nipples flicked and their breasts jiggled on each other, and their limbs went around sweaty backs and asses. Maggie?s right leg finally got around Amber?s left and she pulled the blonde hair forward to the ground. It worked to bring them both down, but Amber ended up on top.

    On the floor there was a flurry of quiet movement, nipples were licked, necks bit, and arms bent as the struggle intensified. Maggie wanted to slap Amber?s perky ass but knew it would alert the other girls, so she was forced to squeeze it as hard as possible. A few seconds in and Amber was able to pin Maggie onto the carpet by the breasts, her pink nipples perfectly pressed into Maggie?s pink pair to the point they almost inverted each other. Their hot breath blasting each other?s faces as their bodies demanded sexual release.

    ?You know Maggie, let?s fucking find out together who can deal with watching the other fuck someone else!? Amber growled then kissed the bottom girl hard with only her lips. Maggie had tried to snake her tongue into the warm cave, but then the pressure on her entire body was lifted.

    ?Huh?? Maggie gasped at the horrible sensation of separation from Amber?s body. Before she could do anything, her ex had jumped up and rushed towards the door. Maggie moved as fast as possible, getting up and going after her, not really sure what Amber had meant. The librarian?s ears instantly picked up the sound of both Bianca and Jenny moaning loudly into each other?s pussies as Amber opened the door. She figured they must have been seconds away from cumming at their rate.

    ?Amber!? Maggie whispered to her ex, but the blonde didn?t stop so she followed her. She came out the room just in time to see the sexy nude Amber standing over the completely oblivious sexfighters. With one last look at Maggie, she reached down and took two full handfuls of Bianca?s silk black hair. She harshly pulled her off of Jenny as the pale woman let out a scream of surprise and anger at the random attack.

    ?What the fuck!? Bianca screamed unsure of what was happening as her lips were dragged off of Jenny?s delicious cunt, and her own was suddenly released from the singer?s tongue. She had been devastatingly close to cumming but had felt Jenny was about to crack too. The sensation of losing physical contact with her new rival was almost as bad as not getting to finish Jenny there on the floor.

    ?What?s up Bianca!? Amber hissed and twisted her black hair so that Bianca flipped over to the ground where she mounted her by the hips. The librarian?s blue eyes found Amber?s beautiful face and narrowing threateningly. ?Miss Fielder! You fucking blondes always seem to get in my way.? She growled though Amber didn?t fully understand that she was referring to Marissa.

    Meanwhile, Jenny?s eyes shot open thinking Bianca had rolled away or given up. She had been so lost into the sex, that the break was almost unbearable for her pulsing clit. She either needed to win or lose and having it interrupted was not acceptable. But her eyes quickly took in the situation as she watched her sexy blonde bandmate flip her opponent over and mounted her.

    ?Amber what the fuck?!? She yelled, watching Bianca, her prey, start to get fucked by the guitarist. She almost got up to stop her but didn?t get the chance as Maggie suddenly jumped on top of her to her full surprise.

    ?Looks like we didn?t have to wait long at all for me to humiliate you!? Maggie taunted, as their identical green eyes met with sparks. The singer gasped at the sensation of the new pale body on top of hers, the sexy redhead looked even better out of her red dress than she did earlier in the night.

    The singer?s own womanly tanned body was a perfect match to the freckled girls, but she was in a similar state as Bianca. Far too close to orgasming to put up much resistance and as their womanly clefts touched, it made her scream at a new pitch. Maggie began to grind the brown-haired girl?s pussy in the same dominant position that Amber had forced Bianca into.

    The hot black-haired librarian and the gorgeous singer?s sexes were crushed by their new opponents? wet flowers. They had already been seconds away from exploding into their original rival?s jaws and now had to feel their new adversaries? erotic forms. They screamed as they neared the edge of a powerful orgasm, humping back with their smooth cunts in the sudden clit duel between their groins. While Bianca?s blue eyes glared at Amber?s beautiful face, the blonde was focused on Maggie with a deadly stare.

    ?You like watching me fuck her Maggie!? Amber screamed as she watched her ex-girlfriend fuck Jenny right in front of her. She had to see it, she had to watch it. It hurt, but not in a way she expected. She didn?t feel the same rage she had felt the first time, or when she thought about it at night. In fact, she wanted to watch her more, and she also would do anything to get back on top of Maggie.

    Bianca struggled against the guitarist, feeling another annoyance that Amber wasn?t focusing on her now that they were fucking. She was attracted to Amber, more so than she had felt in a long time and felt a rush of fury she hadn?t expected. It was like with Jenny, but she felt more at stake, more of a rivalry, that she and Amber were two opposite lifestyles born to clash. She slapped up at Amber?s fat tits that bounced in rhythm of her fucking, her anger rising at the understanding that Maggie and this blonde had interrupted her own fight.

    For Amber, Bianca?s pussy felt incredible, and as her tits were slapped, her attention was drawn back to the other librarian. The spit that covered the pale girl?s labia was perfect lube for the fuck she was being given. Brown and blue eyes met, and Amber felt the sudden surge that Bianca did, a deep sense of rivalry. She and Bianca would go at it in a way she hadn?t before when they eventually hooked up, it was not a matter of would, only a matter of when. Their sexy little clits that were already sore and tender from Jenny and Maggie?s lips began to seek each other. Then just a few seconds into the trib, they found and clashed.

    Maggie?s green eyes turned to watch the other pair as they screamed in unbelievable pleasure. She was sure their clits had just met, and the sound Amber created made her blood boil. In a way, she now understood why Amber had been so upset. It was a mix of emotions that she couldn?t process but her eyes couldn?t look away.

    But suddenly she wailed as her freckled tits were clawed by purple nails. Her eyes met Jenny?s once again who was glaring at her with equal rage. The librarian felt her own surge of rivalry that she had felt only with Silvia. A rivalry that was nothing but sex and hate, and a deep desire to humiliate the singer, or be humiliated in turn. Jenny and she were going to get nasty, and she couldn?t wait. She began to spread her rival?s labia with hers, Bianca?s spit offering extra lube for the rubbing of sexes. She glanced up at Amber who seemed lost in the pleasure of her battle with Bianca.

    ?As much as you like me fucking her!? Maggie screamed back at Amber?s taunt. She forced her clit to rub on Jenny?s in a way that made the singer and herself moan, ?Am I cheating now Amber!? Is this part of your sick fantasy!?? Maggie cried again as she ground her perfect pussy into Jenny?s but was fucked back by the tanned woman. She had thought she would just dominate Jenny, but her sex was delicious, and she then had to focus as the singer gave it back. The naturally wavey-haired girl noticed the change and smiled dangerously as if this was confirming they were going to be the deepest of sex rivals. Their bodies and personalities demanded it.

    ?If you think Silvia knows how to fuck, I?m in another league! I can get dirtier than anyone and I?m going to tie you up and keep you in a collar when we are finished.? Jenny hissed as her strong ass pumped back at Maggie. She might have been at a disadvantage, but she was never out when it came to sex.

    Maggie?s green eyes narrowed at the other green pair, ?I?m going to out fuck Silvia, then I?ll come for you. You WILL be my slutty pet! I?ll even take you for walks!? She shot back as their own clits crushed to howls of indulgence.
    ?UGH? They repeated, unable to distinguish which of them was cursing more.

    A few feet away Amber pressed her clit right into Bianca?s again, trying to keep this fight one sided. The professional was starting to lose it, but she wasn?t the only one. Jenny was howling in a frustrating pre-orgasmic state, both bottom girls? clits and labia were fully connected to the top ones. Amber and Maggie were hot, and the blue and green eyes of the fucked woman took in their forms with great indulgence. They wanted so bad to be fighting them even, and maybe even private. Their rage had kept them going to keep their orgasms at bay, but now even that was no use against the sexy redhead and blonde. They seemed unstoppable tonight as they once again locked eyes with each other. Just the look alone seemed to make them begin to hump harder and with more passion.

    The ex-girlfriends were facing each other, with the crown of Bianca and Jenny?s heads nearly touching. They still tried to fuck back, but they were already too close, and the surprise of the sudden pussy fight was too much to overcome right after the 69.

    Maggie suddenly leaned down and began kissing Jenny with a lot of tongue. The singer groaned as the invading muscle forced hers back. She knotted it up best she could but was unable to focus enough to push it back past Maggie?s red lips as her clit was slashed. Amber gasped at the sight and copied her with Bianca, splitting her new rival?s pink lips and locking her into a wet kiss. The other librarian moaned at the new contact as she felt the electricity of the new rival, she was becoming more and more interested in. She kissed back with a ferocity that Amber matched to both their surprises. All the while this was happening, the ex?s glared at each other in this new sick game of jealousy while they kissed the other?s seconds of sexfighting.

    The scene to Maggie?s eyes was everything she dreamed and hated. Even she couldn?t deny that Bianca and Amber were hot together, even scorching. She wanted nothing more than to stop and watch to see which of them would be the winner. But she also wanted Jenny alone, she wanted to see who the pet between them would be. She had a feeling a lot of toys would be used, and she almost couldn?t decide if she wanted Silvia or Jenny more now. Both were perfect to humiliate and fuck in the nastiest ways, and both seemed willing. Somehow, the brown-haired girl was still lasting as was Bianca while Maggie and Amber gave them a proper fuck.

    The kissing had ended with plenty of spit strings, and Bianca?s blue eyes were wide with rage. ?Miss Fielder! You fucking slut!? She screamed, no sense of professionalism as her body went to the edge. ?I have fucked your bitch, and I made her cum so hard. You think this fuck settles anything between us, I?ll fucking come after you!? Bianca growled, then began to break as Amber?s brown eyes flashed. For a second, somehow, she forgot about Maggie, she wanted Bianca, she wanted this new duel and for them to settle it.

    ?I?m looking forward to it?Miss Marshal.? She said cruelly and Bianca?s eyes widened further as she felt Amber began to pump her into orgasm.

    At the same time, Jenny screamed as the pleasure started to explode down her body in waves. Her green eyes found Maggie?s once again, and a torrid of words poured out of her mouth. ?This isn?t proving anything Maggie! I fucked Amber harder than you ever could, and I made Silvia my little on call slut! I?m going to do the same to you! This isn?t FUCKING OVER! We will go harder than you ever have!?

    ?Bring it on Jenny! I can?t wait!? Maggie grinned and growled back; her pale buns flexed into Jenny?s form as she felt the singer?s cunt contract.

    Four clits connected on the next several thrusts as the bundles of nerves exploded for the two bottom girls. Bianca and Jenny screamed at the top of their lungs as Maggie and Amber clit fucked them up the wall. Their clits had been sucked by one of the best pairs of lips and tongues they had ever come across, and now they were pressed in by two of the best sexfighters they had matched in their lives. The combination would make it impossible for any woman to hold in longer than they did, and they lasted longer than they should have.

    The cum they released seemed to spread down their lower bodies as the two rivals came simultaneously onto Maggie and Amber. The top girls relished in the small victory they were stealing from the new girls. Amber was not able to believe how good it felt having Bianca cumming under her. The pale?s girl?s tits jiggled; her muscles flexed randomly as her clit continued to be slashed by Amber?s love knub. Jenny was having the same treatment and began cursing the girl?s names as she and Bianca began to moan like to gutter whores, shaking as if they were synced in their orgasm.

    For Amber and Maggie, they had to hold in their own spiking shot of sex while riding these girls. Watching and feeling Bianca and Jenny was everything they wanted in a sexfight, but then their eyes locked. In a flash, they were reminded why they were here and what they were doing, tonight was about them, the other girls could wait even now. The battle was quickly changed to see who could make the other?s ?friend? cum longer and harder without a word shared.

    It seemed their bodies had a reaction to each other even when they weren?t in physical contact. They focused to hold onto their own orgasm away from the cumming women underneath. They needed it for each other, even with how hot and how much they wanted to give it to Bianca and Jenny.

    They gasped and groaned on the bottom and were unable to reach their fucker?s red and yellow hair. Bianca?s back arched as her orgasm continued, ?Oh god, yes, fuck me!? She cried against her own will, Amber?s body giving her a feeling she hadn?t gotten in a long time.

    ?Yes, more!? Jenny moaned as well, as they basked in the indulgence that was forced on their bodies. They couldn?t handle it and that only caused them to be fucked harder, Maggie and Amber not letting up the clit-on-clit action even through their own almost breaking pleasure. Almost 15 seconds passed of shaking and cumming until Bianca and Jenny both hissed as they relaxed and stopped fucking back. The buildup of the 69 and then the surprise clit fuck against a new rival made it so they couldn?t recover in the short time span. They also didn?t seem to be on the drug or whatever was making Maggie and Amber continue to run at another sexual level against each other.

    Maggie and Amber were looking at each other with another level of rage and curiosity. Maggie had been wrong, watching Amber in her video wasn?t hot, not compared to what she had just witnessed. Seeing her ex fuck her co-worker and looking as though she enjoyed it more than she did with herself was maddening. She felt jealous, attracted, angry, upset, desperate, and needing, all at once; god Amber was infuriating.

    In fact, she needed Amber now, she had to fuck her, she had to make the blonde admit it her fault. But she looked down at Jenny?s body; fuck she was equally as hot, and the idea of her dominating Silvia was incredible. She knew this singer wouldn?t rest until she and her had gone at it again. If it had been her fight that had been interrupted, she would have hunted Jenny until the singer was humiliated beyond reason.

    She glanced up again at Amber who was eyeing the drained Bianca while thinking the exact same thing. They had interrupted a sexfight just for their own sick pleasure of watching the other force a girl off. But they might have just created a new intense rivalry in the wake. Amber wanted Bianca again, and she was going to make it happen. She wanted to tap into this challenge that seemed to be returned equally from the pale beauty, and she wanted them both even when it began.

    But for now, green and brown eyes met again, and Amber moved back off of the pale hips with a grin at her ex. She was going to build her rivalry with Bianca, while also making sure Maggie felt annoyed, in a win-win situation. Instead of getting up, she moved her face down between the pale toned limbs. Maggie watched and knew she had started kissing Bianca?s cunt judging by the gasp that escaped the drained librarian?s lips.

    Maggie quickly did the same to distract herself from the jealousy, and also to taste Jenny as well. The ex-girlfriends coated their lips and mouths in their new rivals cum, both knowing it was going down their ex?s throat in a second They only cleaned and sucked the cum from the drained women for a few seconds, letting their tongues taste and split the sex defeated lips. They did not want to give Bianca or Jenny the chance to recover as they knew they would. As Maggie sat back up, she gave the watching Amber a come-hither motion. She stood up and took a step over Jenny towards the office but on her second step when Jenny gripped at her foot.

    ?Where the fuck do you think you are going?? The singer hissed, her purple nails digging into Maggie?s skin harshly, her green eyes ablaze. Amber had also just stood up but had not even taken a step when her own leg was grabbed by the black nails of Bianca.

    ?You two don?t get to come out of your little office and fuck us like we are your second choice!? She growled.
    ?Yeah, and when were already that close to cumming you fucking cheaters!? Jenny finished the sentence as she rolled her body but did not release Maggie?s foot.

    Bianca began to sit up too, her blue eyes not leaving Amber?s sexy body. She was going to tame it and make it hers right here, right now. Jenny could wait. ?You are staying right here and getting taught a fucking lesson, Miss Fielder!?

    ?That?s right Maggie. You just started something nastier than you ever had. I?m going to humiliate you in a way you can?t imagine.?

    Maggie was about to turn around and get back on top of Jenny from that comment when Amber gripped her arm and pulled her harshly. She was freed from the singer?s grasp both and she was led into the office and away from the other women. Once in, she turned and locked it loudly making sure Bianca and Jenny couldn?t follow them. They were sealed and with not a second to spare as outside came twin screams of anger and then slamming on the door.

    ?Maggie! Open the fucking door!? Bianca screamed at her co-worker, as she tried the door again.
    ?Amber! I swear to god, let me in!? Jenny howled as well as the two women outside tried the knob to no avail.

    ?Get out of the way!!? Bianca hissed and they heard a slap on skin.
    ?No! Fuck off, you should have stopped them!? Jenny hissed right back, ?Why don?t you go get another key? Don?t you fucking work here?? Followed by a second slap that sounded like a spank.

    ?Shut up bitch, It?s not my office.?
    ?Are you fucking kidding me? So, we can?t get in??
    There was a silence, then Bianca started talking to Amber.

    ?Miss Fielder?I know you felt it. You and I are going to fuck each other in a way Maggie can?t give you. I?ll be waiting.?

    ?Same to you Maggie. If you think Silvia and you are going to go at it hard, just wait till I get you alone. I?ll have you so red in the face, it will match your hair.?

    Maggie and Amber didn?t respond, but the thrill of their new rivals? threats sent even more sparks of desire in their forms.

    There was another long silence and it seemed Jenny and Bianca had accepted that their prey had escaped their grasp. The green and blue eyes met, and though they wanted the other girls, they still needed to settle their own match and disagreement.

    Eventually the two nude raging women began to move away from the office, arguing where to finish their fight. Their minds stuck on Maggie and Amber. Regardless of whatever result they had; it wasn?t over between the four of them. Jenny was going to Maggie she swore, and Bianca had her eyes set on Amber. It was just a matter of time and jumping at the opportunities when they arose.

    Maggie listened until they seemed to turn the corner and move out of earshot. She let out a sigh of disappointment due to the fact she wasn?t able to get Jenny off again. Her rivalry with the singer felt in full bloom, and she wanted nothing more than to conquer and out sex this growing adversary. But for now, she was glad she and Bianca were gone.

    She needed Amber alone to finish and settle it, because that?s all that mattered tonight. Jenny had been a nice break but her rivalry with the singer was similar to how she viewed Silvia. A purely physical and sexual confrontation that promised humiliation. Amber was something else, it was all of that and more. Physical, sexual, emotional, and more humiliation than she thought possible; it was addicting.

    She turned around to see Amber had walked over to her desk, running her hand on the smooth wood. The blonde looked up and gave her a stunning smile as she crawled on top of it, her tits hanging down, her back arcing to show off her heart shaped ass from the librarian?s point of view.

    Maggie?s green eyes widened as she watched the blonde turn over to said heart muscle, and began playing with herself lightly, similarly to what Maggie had been doing to her during the show. The redhead was frozen in her spot viewing the display. She could hear how wet her ex was and watched as Amber gave a lick to her red lips. She couldn?t help mimicking the motion and felt how dry her own red lips were.

    After a second the guitarist seemed satisfied with how wet she was and laid down on the wood, looking like a Greek statue and more incredible than Maggie had ever seen her. Now she was the one who gave the redhead a come-hither motion, looking like nothing less than a sex goddess calling her prey.

    ?Come here Mags, come crawl on top of me and I will blow your mind. Bring your little pussy and Jenny?s cum in your mouth. I have some of Bianca?s for you, and now let?s fuck this out, nice and hard here on your desk. That?s what we both want right? The secret we both want answered.?

    Maggie grinned like a happy schoolgirl; she couldn?t help it when Amber acted like this. It was her favorite type of attitude because she was representing the exact type of confident bitch she loved to fuck, and it worked that it was also the exact person she wanted to fuck. She flipped her long-ish red hair back and stood in her own sexy pose with her hip cocked to the side.

    ?Yep, I think we both want that babe. I have been waiting for this. Jenny seems fun, but I can fuck her later. I don?t want any more distractions between us until one of us is done.? Maggie hummed as she began to move forward as well, sexually strutting in a way the redhead normally did. Amber watched her come with her own grin, her ex was more confident now, and more fun to break.

    ?I enjoyed Bianca too, but I agree. You and me till the end and I think we both need a little remainder of what it feels like to be pressed up on each other for longer than a few seconds. Let?s see how long we can last babe.? She gave her most glowing smile at Maggie who returned it. After all the jealously, all the pain, now it was time just to fuck it out which they both clearly wanted and needed.

    Maggie looked at Amber with desire as the blonde laid back down fully and waited for her to get on top. The librarian was the one who normally offered herself to let girl?s crawl on top of her, she was that confident her ability to pussy fuck, but of course her ex would be too. That?s what made their fights so much more intense; they both knew they were going to win.

    So, this time, she would change this fight and keep it interesting. She wanted to take a page out of Bianca and Jenny?s book after watching them anyway. Instead of crawling atop Amber as she would for a trib, she went to the opposite side of the desk and stood above the yellow hair. The blonde grinned at her upside down knowing fully what Maggie was planning, ?You know I had your little intern in this exact position earlier.? The sexy guitarist smiled cockily.

    ?Did you? Well, I think we both know I?m in another league than her.? The redhead whispered as she leaned down planning on connecting their lips.

    ?We will see.? Amber breathed just as they squished their mouths together. Jenny and Bianca?s saved cum exploded around their cheeks and gums while they playfully mixed it further. They moaned in clear satisfaction from the new taste and sensation of the upside-down kissing. The front of their tongues grinded on each other as their taste buds took in this similar yet new flavor of the other pair of sexfighting girls.

    The kiss was long and wet, with plenty of tongue swapping spit. Almost two minutes passed until they broke apart out of breath like two lovers. The sensation of each other?s lips still gave them a shock of electricity kissing other people couldn?t match and it drove them mad.

    ?You sure you want these lips down there?? The redhead said then gave the smallest of pecks to Amber?s pair.

    ?As much as you want mine on you.? Amber moaned in reply and answered with her own simple peck.

    That was enough and Maggie wanted to 69 right away. She started crawling up and onto the desk and over Amber?s prone body that was shaking in excitement. She was enjoying this new almost playful sexfight they were having; it was almost as if they had gotten over their jealousy by fucking Jenny and Bianca in front of each other. That or they had burned their anger and hate out at least for a little while.

    She stopped midway down to give two little sucks to each of Amber?s nipples, and then couldn?t stop herself from sucking the fat meat into her mouth fully. This of course left her own hanging jugs to be slurped right back by her ex who happily returned the favor. The tit suck off became another sex race between them and Maggie began sucking harder, as if she could pull some milk out of the fat balls of her ex. The blonde?s nipples seemed to harden in her mouth and her tongue ran over the goose bumped areola over and over to Amber?s pleasure.

    Maggie was rewarded with the blonde giving her own hardening pink rods a little chewing that made her hiss in pain and pleasure. For a second she thought she was the one going to be milked, and both girls suddenly stopped in fear of a nipple orgasm that had made their clits shiver without even touching them.

    ?Wow??, Maggie breathed quietly to herself as she took a second, almost waiting to see if Amber would continue. If her ex did, then she would, but it seemed Amber was thinking the exact same thought.

    ?I don?t get it,? Amber thought in her own mind about what Maggie could do to her. This-minute-long race was a reminder of what they could do to each other when they got into it sexually. They could have kept going but they both knew that a nipple orgasm wouldn?t be strong enough to force them to break. She wondered how long they would be able to last with this sex intensity turned up between them.

    When neither moved to renew the suck off, Maggie continued her path down Amber?s body with her tongue. Amber took a deep breath as she felt the librarian?s mouth snake travel the length of her body. ?You sure you want to tongue baby?? She groaned as she chewed the pale freckled skin with sexy bites as her ex?s dripping cunt neared her face.

    ?Of course, why do you think I crawled on you baby? I want to taste you and cover my tongue in your cum again. I?m pretty hot and bothered after watching Bianca and Jenny do it and I honestly think we do it way hotter.?

    ?Yeah, I think we do too, and this will be the perfect way to really start to grind each other down. Let?s break each other girlfriend.? Amber said as the mutual feeling of hate began to re-bubble back to the surface between them, like a volcano starting to erupt.

    ?Yes, let's...girlfriend, I want to show you how much I still love you,? Maggie whispered, her own sexual anger and hate driving her back into a state of madness and frenzy. She could play this game too; she wouldn?t be the only one that let love be used as a weapon. It would hurt Amber just as much as it hurt her, and this was confirmed when Amber tensed at the words. She didn?t expect Maggie to be willing to say it back, but she pushed her emotion down quickly. She was confident the redhead wouldn?t be able to keep up in a duel of icy hearts, in fact, she doubted anyone could beat her.

    They finally reached their destination and wrapped up in a tight ball of two perfect bodies on the desk. Maggie atop Amber, their hands exploring every inch of the other form they could reach, from the under the huge tits to the large bubble asses that had been sticking out at them all night. Then they started to tease the saturated and overheated cunts by blowing cool air on them from their puckered lips. Mutual groans escaped as the breeze made them hump up towards its source, their bodies begging to be fucked.

    The pale girl?s pink pussy dripped onto Amber?s beautiful face in desperate anticipation, her pussy perfectly ready to be eaten. Neither girl tried to close their legs or offer any resistance, because they knew it would be futile from what was to come.

    Maggie took in the view of Amber?s cunt under her, her pupils as large as they physically could be when looking at her greatest desire. It was incredible how perfectly it was shaped, how the smell of her ex?s sex sent goosebumps down her limbs, how wet it was waiting for Maggie?s touch. The passion her body felt for Amber?s body was only matched by the pleasure that she was about to give it.

    Seconds ticked by as they waited, letting the moment build until Amber couldn?t last another breath. Maggie felt the blonde?s pink tongue lightly run up her slit, spreading the folds delicately with her taste muscle, the redhead?s smooth labia already wet enough that extra spit made no difference.

    Maggie shivered at the touch with a gentle smile, Amber?s tongue was so soft to her, even after the words of hate they had spat. The sensation was that of a lover, which in a way they were. She relished in the feeling as the tongue began to slide in an inch deeper and Amber took in the smell of Maggie?s sexual tartness and tasteful discharge.

    Maggie had the smallest of smiles as she too moved in, kissing Amber?s groin inch by inch. She could taste Bianca in a few places, and she expected Amber was getting more of Jenny as well. She moved inward until she reached the top of the hood that hid her favorite part of her ex. She had missed this clit, she missed sucking it when she lost, and she missed it more when she crushed it with her own. It was the way she could make Amber cry in pleasure, and now it was hers to play with as long as Amber could last.

    She tenderly rubbed it once with her nose, then began to playfully flick it back and forth with her tongue. She could almost see it begin to swell at her touch, and she felt some gratification, Amber?s body remembered her just as much as her own body remembered the blondes. She knew she needed to treat it like a lover, but she guessed Amber knew that was her preference as well.

    Instead of continuing and risking starting the clit suck off just yet, she moved down and worked into the vaginal walls to match what Amber was doing to her. Slowly she pushed her tongue into Amber?s soft opening while groaning at the taste. The cum started coating her lips and gums making her moan in happiness that sent a shiver up Amber?s body from the vibrations. Her red lips moved up and down the sex lips, and she began to piston it in and out. Amber moaned back and returned the favor, her long tongue able to rub the g-spot with its curve, but so could Maggie.

    The girl?s both worked slowly, each building into a crescendo as they teased and licked each other?s nerves, as close to the prize as they could without directly touching it just yet. Hands and fingers got into the action a minute later as they took a break to catch their breath after a hot five minutes.

    ?Do I taste as good as you remember bitch? Are you enjoying it?? Maggie hissed as her fingers began to tease the puckered asshole. Her other hand squeezed Amber?s ass, sinking the fingers into the meat as hard as she could.

    ?Even better, it?s my favorite thing in the world.? Amber groaned, and the words themselves made Maggie also shiver in pleasure, but for once not from her ex?s playful tongue. It was the truthful words that shot an extra sense of pleasure into Maggie?s body, it was Amber?s still hidden love that she hinted at.

    She pushed the feelings down again and split the labia with her tongue. Working the outer folds with every motion matched by Amber as they kept avoiding each other?s clits. Both of the knubs were now pulsing and begging to be sucked or kissed by the ex-lover, but they knew the second they were touched; the sex race would be back on until one of them came. She felt Amber shiver as she began to slurp the cum that was leaking out of her ex-girlfriend and could hear the blonde swallow her discharge down her throat on the other side of the desk.

    Another minute went by and the girls were moaning heavily into each other?s holes. At the moment, Maggie?s ass was being spread and massaged with strong palms that loosened her resistance. Once it was lowered enough, she felt Amber?s tongue slip out of her pussy and run over her asshole. It felt incredible, but the blonde did not tongue her fully yet and instead returned back to the cunt to cum coat her mouth once more.

    Maggie couldn?t handle it and needed to change the fight so her ass would be safe. She ran her top lip over Amber?s clits slowly and deliberately making the punk girl gasp at what was a 10-fold increased sensation. She jolted under the redhead, and that reaction was all Maggie needed. She continued by running her tongue around it, circling it like a shark, and then at the exact right moment, she finally began to suck it softly and between their lips.

    Amber screamed then to Maggie?s surprise; her ass was invaded by a wet finger that would not be denied. Her pale ass clenched on it sending a new sensation to her head, her gambit failed. This happened at the exact same time her clit was spit on and then sucked up, almost as if Amber was giving her the world?s smallest blowjob. Maggie screamed in response and was thankful she was on top, but it did widen her ass for more. Amber gave it a resounding spank, then the finger was gone, and her ex?s tongue replaced it.

    Maggie screamed again as Amber ate her ass for the briefest of seconds. Instead of matching, she started going harder on Amber?s clit while she quickly fingered the blonde?s ass as well. Then she began to do her twisting motion that Amber loved to force the blonde to match her. She needed to get Amber?s tongue out of her ass, or she wouldn?t last.

    Luckily it worked, but only because Amber wanted to do the same twisting motion to her. Maggie froze, shocked how good it felt, and that her own body looked to enjoy it more than she would have expected. She whimpered but stuck her own finger into Amber?s ass in retaliation. This is where they ended up, one finger in between the glutes, the other hand spanking hard enough to leave red welts, and finally their clits being twisted like wrenches between their red lips. She wanted to scream at Amber, taunt her, distract her with love or hate, but any second her mouth wasn?t on the punk girl?s clit was a second lost.

    The race went on, still atop Maggie?s desk where Marissa had suffered a brutal loss just a few hours ago to the bottom blonde. It felt like the duel was going on forever, but in reality, it had only been 5 minutes since they had started this contest. The pressure was quickly building to unbearable levels hinting how strong their orgasms would be once one got the other off.

    Maggie thought she could last as long as she needed and was giving as good as she got. But while the top position had its advantages the blonde had other ideas. With Maggie lost in the eat off, Amber let go of pale muscular ass and took hold of the long wavy red hair. She gripped the soft stands and then jerked it roughly back and as hard as possible. The librarian gasped as her roots were ripped and she lost contact with the succulent cunt. She screamed at the rough sensation, but now she was not sucking Amber and lost her own focus. She had been using her attacks to distract yourself, but now she had to feel it shooting to her core. It was only a second, but with her hair pulled and Amber providing the perfect twist to her clit, Maggie?s dam broke. .

    ?No!!! AMBER!? Maggie wailed as she started to cum while Amber continued the twisting motion. She then screamed as her ass twerked onto Amber?s tongue, her body involuntarily going off as the sexy redhead unloaded. She then began to suck harder on her rival?s clit, trying to at least make it a simultaneous orgasm, but it wasn?t enough. Amber finally rolled their bodies to take the top spot but in doing so accidentally rolled them off the desk.

    They landed on their sides but didn?t separate and only began to fuck each other harder and deeper with their tongues as Maggie came. There was no escape for the redhead in a desperate locked clit suck off. Maggie?s sex demanded a break, and she tried to hold on till Amber came, but unfortunately for her, the next wave broke her hold. Her lips slipped off of Amber, and her mouth opened to wail out as she took her loss of the 69 through pleasure.

    Her clit free, Amber got on top and continued to suck Maggie?s clit to break her ex, she just had to keep it going. Maggie screamed as she leaked out cum, her body shaking. ?Fuck! You??, the bottom girl moaned, only able to slap the blonde?s perfect ass in retaliation.

    Maggie?s toes curled, her body shook and Amber successfully drew an almost 20 second orgasm out of her ex. The buildup of their fingering, the sex with Jenny and now their 69 making it one of the most intense of the redhead?s life. Only once Maggie stopped shaking, did Amber roll off of her satisfied.

    Maggie laid there in the afterglow until she pushed the sweat out of her eyes and sat up. Without talking, without saying anything at all; she gripped at Amber and began kissing her passionately, mixing and creating their shared taste that they both needed. Amber kissed back with enthusiasm, letting their tongues explore, for once not trying to gag but simply press and ensure that they both got a good taste of the perfect drug that they alone could create and share.

    Wanting to continue and show she wasn?t done; Maggie even wrapped her arms around Amber and pulled her with her to the ground so they could make out. The blonde didn?t resist, both lost in the sensations and feelings as they continued the long-drawn-out fight. Maggie was on her back, Amber on top but slightly off to the side, their tits puzzle pieced into each other and their legs intertwined. It was almost peaceful after the cursing and groans from the 69 to the point Maggie gave an almost playful squeeze to Amber?s sexy glutes.

    ?You?re finished. Say I win. Give up??, Amber whispered knowing it wasn?t true and her ex was not done. But she had to ask as their soft kissing let their bodies begin to recover once again. They knew one orgasm might be the difference in victory and defeat between the two powerful sex gladiators. Right now, she had Maggie down one, though Amber knew she was close to cumming herself. She just had to continue this pace and finish Maggie for good. It would be over for good once she raped the redhead and left her forever, no matter how much it hurt. No matter how much she didn?t want to leave.

    ?Never?not until I rape you.? Maggie moaned back in defiance, but they continued to kiss softly on the floor of her office in contrast to their hateful words. The redhead also hated it, she hated she had said that to Amber again. She wished she could have taken it back the second it left her mouth.

    ?No?I?ll rape you.? Amber groaned back but still they kissed softly.

    Another minute passed, and Maggie whispered on the smallest of breaks of the lips being separated. ?Please don?t say that to me again? She begged in a moment of weakness. She thought she could handle it, she knew she had just said it, but hearing words from Amber, it was too real. Even if she never saw Amber again, she didn?t want that to be the last memory she had of her. Amber and Maggie broke their kiss, and the blonde was looking at her with a softness in her brown eyes.

    ?Ok, but only if you promise to not say it to me,? Amber whispered back, showing her own tenderness to Maggie?s feelings. Neither the blonde herself or the redhead expected that.

    ?I won?t.? Maggie replied as she brushed Amber?s cheek.

    Amber almost nuzzled into the touch of her palm, ?But one of us has to win and one of us has to lose. This is the end of us. It?s over either way.? Amber whispered back and then started kissing Maggie again even softer.

    ?I know?I will never see you again after I beat you.?, Maggie murmured between the kisses trying not to cry, because this is what she wanted, after every fight she had with Amber. She wanted it to end with them kissing just like this, like girlfriends. But she knew the fight was not over and the sexfight would only continue until one of them was raped. They didn?t need to say, their actions would be more important than their words when one of them was broken. The kissing went on and on, five tender minutes as they soothed away the bruises, scratches and marks that had started to cover their bodies, blemishing their soft perfect skin.

    She knew she was down in this sex duel, but it wasn?t over, not by a long shot. She couldn?t imagine her body doing this with anyone else, but in an almost scary way, she wanted more. She felt she could go as long as she needed, even as the orgasms between her and Amber were so intense. She could only hope that Amber was in the same boat, but how long could they go? Would she start cumming till she couldn?t stop? Would she be broken? Could she finally end it with Amber, even if it shattered her heart even more?

    As their make out continued, their sex drive came fully alive, but hidden behind their eyes, they each felt the wall, the cliff, the ending of what was this sexual struggle to the end. They couldn?t go forever, and even in this sex loop they found themselves in, eventually, one would break the other and neither knew who would end up on top once and for all.


    The end is near! Yep, there is only one more part to go, which is crazy after how long this story has become. (I didn?t really plan for it lol) Thanks for sticking with it and I hope you enjoyed this part. With this story almost over, I?m starting to look into what I want to write next. There were quite a few matchups setup in this ol thing, including this part alone. Maggie with Silvia and Jenny, Amber and Bianca, the interns. Whitney and April, Finishing the first perfect ingredient to finally get to its sequel, and then the sorority girls.

    I also have a few one offs I want to write, including a Halloween story that is like 5 months too late lol. I would love to hear people?s thoughts on what they want to read next. I won?t promise anything as I always write what I want to write, but I?m interested in what spoke to people the most. I promise to thank each person who commented this story is done and will send it to Rivals once it is fully done so people can read it in one big spot along with all the others of this universe.

    Ok, I?ll save the rest of this dreadful monologue for once the story is finished hahaha.
    Hopefully this part alone met your expectations and yeah let me know your thoughts if you are willing!

    Till next time!


  5. #65
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Hi King! Another great chapter, though I was hoping for more of just Amber and Maggie. Still, their final battle must be coming in the next/final chapter. I really hope that you find some way to keep the women in each other's lives - in fact, I don't really see how they can avoid this - but I also hope there is some way to resolve their conflict that works out for both of them. The final part of this chapter, where they are holding each other and kissing, as a prelude to the war to come, is strangely touching.

    Great work!


  6. #66
    Hostboard Member obipau's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    It would be wonderful to know about Carrie & Elise

  7. #67
    Junior Hostboard Member GMC10's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    As good as always! I liked the way that Maggie and Amber interrupted the other fight for just a while and then escaped to the office room leaving the other bitches laying on the floor. The last fight will be epic!

    For next stories I would like to read about mature bitch or two getting into sexfights. Maybe some mature vs young tussling. But you of course choose to write what you want. I am perfectly okay with these busty younger chicks too .

    Thanks for the great series so far!

  8. #68
    Hostboard Member Maritalkombat's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala Part 13


    We actually made an account just to comment on this epic. I'm current on it. My wife is starting the Maggie Amber saga now. You've definitely created something great!

    As far as what I'd like to read next:

    We LOVE Halloween. I'm sure it won't disappoint.

    You have me spinning about the Maggie Vs Silvia orgy fight.

    I always felt The Home Invader needed a closer to the weekend. The staged "events" were super hot. So I'd love to see more of Carrie and Elise as well.

    I'm sure wherever your pen takes you on the seven seas of sexfighting, you'll continue to confirm your reign as King!!! (Sorry I love themes haha) Thanks for the great content.

  9. #69
    Senior Hostboard Member animefreak's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Oh wow King I really cant get over this ...saga! The emotional turmoil they're putting each other through is unreal and I just love that this building is swarming with lust and rivalry in every corner.... those poor books though!

    Not that I'm picky or anything but I would LOVE to hear more about the run ins and dress trading that Jenny and Bianca did throughout the night..... the sorority rivalry and whats that about.... more about the perfect ingredient characters (I forgot their names there aree are so many I love it haha) ... the hinted at halloween story....and some closure for how the sequel to the 14th floor ended. But Honestly, everything you put out is gold. Thank you for sharing your skill with us.

  10. #70
    Junior Hostboard Member UltimateZeroStar's Avatar
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    Re: The Library Gala

    Another amazing part. I was surprised at how intimate Maggie and Amber got at the end there. The hallway scene was amazing.

    What do I want to see next? I think anything would be amazing. There are so many loose ends from the Gala alone. Any one of those would be great since everything seems to be connected now.

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