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    Hostboard Member Guilty_Spark's Avatar
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    The Great Hunt of All Hallows Eve (A Halloween Short Story)

    Hello Hostboard,

    I wanted to write ashort story for Halloween that was vampire themed. Consider this mytreat to everyone as we cannot go out this year to trick or treat. Ihave no plans as of now to expand this universe, but I hope youenjoy. Happy Halloween!

    The Great Hunt ofAll Hallows Eve (A Halloween Short Story)

    On the 31stof October in the north of Poland at Malbork Castle, an anonymous organization had rented out the entire castle for of an exclusive group was gathering from across the world. The grand event for the night was to be a great feast and ballroom dance, with all in attendance dressing in the finest of formal wear however all of the guests were required to wear a simple domino mask. Every member of the group had know each other intimately for hundreds of years, but it was amusing and stimulating to give the ball an aura of mystery. This group was as varied as the human race, each member having been reborn into their new eternal family across the span of recorded human history. Tonight this family gathered to honor their Queen and her consort, as once every fifty years she held her Court of Spirits to reaffirm and strengthen the bonds between her children as it was easy for immortal beings to withdraw into seclusion as the years slowly ground everything mortal around them to dust. The ball was guarded by the most trusted of security details to ensure their privacy, and the servers were mortal thralls who had offered their loyalty willingly to their immortal masters as they were rewarded handsomely with wealth and power. As the guests arrived they entered the great refectory hall of the castle, the central arches of gothic rib supported by columns of stone. The white walls and painted fresco shone with the soft glow of warm light, and tables of sustenance lined the edge of the room was chairs and divans circling the exterior. But instead of tables filled with meat, fruit, wine, and other delightful delicacies; these tables contained elegant glasses of dark red fluid. At the head of the room two large ornate chairs had been placed together, this was to be the thrones of their queen and her consort. The room filled with over a hundred men and women, all of them beautiful and filled with the vigor of eternal youth. Dresses of every cut and color created a dazzling display, with provocative cuts of cloth and half revealed treasures of bountiful flesh enticing all present to abandon any sense of decorum. Old friends and lovers mingled and reconnected, some of them having not seen each other in over a century. Laughter and merriment filled the hall as the dark blood was imbibed and grand exploits from long ago were retold and embellished, and family members caught up with the lives they had lived since they last met. Any enmity or grudges between these estranged family members at the party was quickly forgiven as the only constant thing in their long lives was each other. When night had fallen and all had arrived, all the guests turned to the last couple to enter the hall and bowed to their queen and mother.

    Her regal bearing flowed over the crowd with the weight of the civilizations she had seen rise and fall. Her dark eyes and black hair were framed by a face unmatched in beauty for thousand years and still unworn by time. A ruby encrusted tiara crowned her head, matched by the bright red jewels that hung from her ears. Her dress consisted of multiple red bands of silk that wrapped around her midsection and down her legs, leaving her tanned arms and large breasts uncovered. Her long firm legs and bare feet peaked out past the silk with every graceful stride as she moved through the party, greeting each guest in turn with motherly joy. But it was her necklace that dragged the eye away from her haunting allure as a solid veil of darkest red hued rubies hung from around her neck and stretched in an unbroken chain down between her exposed breasts, creating the illusion of a wave of fresh blood spilling down her body. She had been born named Enanatuma among the people of ancient Sumer, the creators of the first cities and the first kings over five millenia ago; but over time she had shortened her birth name to Ena. When she was mortal she had served as a high priestess of Ninhursag and one day the goddess had reached down and blessed her most favored servant with the gift of eternal life, inhuman strength, and the ability to fly. But she had also bestowed the curse of eternal hunger, a hunger that replaced the desire for food with the desire for blood and pleasure. Ena honored the gift of her goddess by never draining a human to death, but her appetite for sensual encounters with men and women blossomed into a bonfire. Ena had seen her civilization rise and fall, to be replaced by another new people who also waxed and waned before fading away into the mists of time. She had lived through uncounted wars and seen the most horrible of atrocities, but she had also seen the great bounties during times of peace and the unbreakable spirit of mankind. Ena had watched the great wonders of mankind be built, and knew that one day they were destined to surpass her and her family. But throughout her countless years, Ena had always been alone except for the flickering flame of mortal lovers who lived like mayflies before fading back to dust. Ninhursag saw Ena?s plight, and in her mercy steered her towards the man who would become her eternal consort.

    Beside her was a tall handsome man of pale skin and green eyes, his blond hair peaking out past an Egyptian nemes headdress that rested on his head. His hairless chest was uncovered like his wife, and he only wore white skirt around his waist along with soft leather sandals. A direct descendant of Ptlomey of Macedon who had conquered the known world alongside Alexander the Great, he was named after his grand sire and had been born a prince of Egypt during the Ptolemaic Dynasty centuries before the birth of Christ. His fine features and royal bloodline had been bred strong and would later manifest in the great beauty of Cleopatra, who seduced first Cesar and then Mark Anthony. As such he had the lighter features and skin of an ancient Macedonian and not the darker features of a native of the Nile. At the time Ena had ruled a minor city in modern day Syria, and Ptlomey had been sent as an envoy to forge a treaty of trade between her city and Egypt. Ptlomey had entered her throne room after being granted an audience, but had been thunderstruck by the dark beauty staring down at him from her throne. Ena had seen the tall blond figure enter, but when his green eyes met hers she felt a sudden weakness in her limbs. Each knew that from that moment forward their destinies would be entwined, and that night the first flames of lust and love had been ignited which still burned brightly after thousands of years. When Ptlomey had drunk of her blood, her gift and curse began to flow through his veins. As the years past, Ena and her consort would find others with kind hearts and brilliant minds to join them as a new family. Ena had finally found peace as she and her lover danced together into eternity, always watching over their beloved children.

    After slowly greeting each of her children in turn, she and her husband ascended to their thrones. Ena?s musical voice floated over the crowd as she summoned forward the eight women who had offered themselves for the main entertainment of the night. Bowing to their queen, the eight masked beauties of differing skin shades and body types left to change into their assigned costumes. Ena ordered the musicians in the corner to play the first waltz, and the crowd parted to clear a wide lane that Ena and Ptlomey moved to the head of as he gently grasped her arm and encircled her waist. When the music filled the hall, the queen and her consort enthralled the crowd with the honorary first dance. Their graceful movements hid the teasing caresses the bestowed on each other, and their joyous laughter brought a smile to their children as the two lovers once again danced beyond time. When the first dance was done, the royal couple returned to their thrones to the sound of applause.

    Ena issued forth another summons, and from the antechamber eight stunning nude women entered to assemble before the throne. Each of the women had the strength and vigor of youth, their bodies varying from petite to curvaceous, from the pale skin of northern climates to wonderful dark pigments of the jungles of Africa. Each woman had tied their hair into a ponytail and wore a detailed filigreed mask of gold around their upper face and head. The masks were the features of eight animals, each woman?s head now resembling a beast of the forest. A fox, wolf, hound, doe, lion, owl, hawk, and bear. A servant brought forth a large goblet of blood which contained a powerful drug lost to the passage of time, now known only to Ena. This drug would inflame the lust and hunger of her kind into a frenzy, and Ena only permitted it?s use for special occasions and even then only under her personal supervision. Each of the women drank deeply of the goblet, their lips became stained red from the blood as each felt a warmth slowly grow in their core. As the effects of the drug spread through the women Ena proclaimed that the winner of the this year?s hunt would be granted a boon of her own choosing, and that she would also share the night with her and her consort in bed. The seven women who succumbed to the hunt would be sealed together for the night into one small prison cell, to be released when the sun rose the next day. All present knew that the mortals were not the target of the hunt, but instead it was to be each other. The eight women would fuck and drain each other, with the winner being the last one standing. The effects of the drug now began to manifest in the women, their teeth sharpening and canines extending as they prepared to feast on the other women?s blood and cum. At Ena?s signal for the dance to begin, the eight women flew up into the air above the ballroom and began their erotic battle. Beneath them, dancers weaved and twirled with the music as those not dancing watched with growing lust and ardor the eight women twisting in the air above.

    The eight women quickly split off into pairs, their hands stroking smooth flesh flush with the heat of the drug burning within them. Gasps and moans began to fill the air as lips glided along necks and warm skin, latching onto nipples or earlobes as licking tongues left cool trails exposed to the air. Sharp teeth teasingly scraped along skin as the women did not yet sink their teeth into flesh, but instead tried to drive their opponent mad with lust so they would succumb to their hunger and seek the hot blood so tantalizingly close. Limbs and breasts of different colors rubbed and twisted together as all the women pressed tighter against their prey, with legs pressing up into wet cunts as clits began dragging up and down now slippery thighs. Arms encircled backs and hands gripped the flexing muscles of buttocks as hungry mouths sought each other and tongues caressed sharp teeth or wrestled the opponent?s. The eight women suspended in the air shifted in all directions, some remaining vertical while others lay slowly rotating on their sides. One pair had even twisted themselves upside down but were too intoxicated by the sensual pleasure they were inflicting on each other too notice.

    With a rumbling growl, it was the lioness who succumbed to temptation first. Pressed tightly against the doe?s writhing body, in a frenzy of lust she dragged her mouth free of the doe?s sucking lips and sank her teeth into the doe?s neck. The doe released a cry of pain and pleasure as she felt her burning blood being sucked into the lioness?s greedy maw, and she quickly sank her own fangs into the exposed neck of the lioness to begin draining her boiling blood in return. Upon hearing the first cry of pleasure, all the other masked women descended into a frenzy of pleasure as teeth pierced flesh and they began to suck each other?s blood. Thighs shifted away to wrap around waists as steaming cunts began to slip together and clits tangled to drive their ecstasy even higher. Slippery labia were pushed together and squeezed their opponent?s folds as they were bathed in the combined juices of both women as they began to climax. One pair of hunters quickly rotated so that they faced each other?s gushing pussy as tongues wrapped around clits and sharp teeth sank into their prey?s intimate lower lips to begin draining their blood again while cum flowed into their sucking mouths.

    Beneath this erotic spectacle, the dance continued as drops of blood and ejaculate began to fall upon the dancers. The eager tongues of the tightly pressed dancers reached out to lick their partner?s flesh clean, as pussies began to throb with lust and cocks engorged with blood. Suddenly a pair of masked dancers split away to move to the side of the room, the woman wasting no time and simply bending over a chair to lift her dress up as the man pulled his erect cock out and plunged into her melting heat. More and more of the crowd stopped resisting the erotic atmosphere filling the room, and an increasing number of couples moved to the chairs and divans along the side of the room to begin fucking and sucking tender flesh. Within minutes the dance had stopped, and covering the floor of the hall there now was a writhing mass of half dressed bodies thrusting and grinding together in ecstasy. Above this spectacle the eight golden masked women continued their battle even as it was mirrored below. The doe was the fist to fall, as wave after wave of pleasure was pushed out of her defeated clit and her bloody teeth fell away from the lioness?s neck as she convulsed in continuous orgasms. The lioness pressed her advantage, quickly draining most of the doe?s blood as she continued to grind their clits together to further weaken her prey. With a final cry the doe went limp and fell down toward the floor, but her plummeting body was gently caught by the quick reflexes of the crowd below. To her pleasurable horror, the crowd that caught her descended upon her defenseless flesh as lips and tongues licked every drop of blood and cum covering her body. She was quickly trapped in another cycle of orgasms as she was too weak to resist her saviors. In the struggle that continued in the air above, the lioness quickly moved to pounce upon her next victim. The wolf and the bear had been locked together in a stalemate, both of their cunts sucked together as each pumped cum back and forth between them. Their teeth remained lodged deep in each other?s necks, as warm blood flowed from one to the other and back again and their breasts rolled and dragged together. Her warm body covered in the cum and blood of the defeated doe, the lioness slid against the bear?s sweaty back and sank her teeth into her shoulder as her arms and legs surrounded both the wolf and bear?s struggling forms. The bear released her hold on the wolf?s neck as she cried out in ecstasy as both of her attackers began to drain her blood. As she grew weaker and weaker while sandwiched between the warm flesh of her attackers, her cunt surrendered to the wolf?s consuming pussy and began to gush wave after wave of cum that fell onto the crowd below. With a shudder the bear also fell limp, and the wolf and lion quickly dropped her so they could sink their fangs into each other?s necks as they brought their cum soaked pussies together. Sensitive nipples circled and stabbed soft breasts as their arms crushed each other tightly against their prey, their previous cooperation instantly discarded by the burning hunger consuming them both. Beneath them the bear masked woman was caught by the crowd, and her shrieks of bliss echoed through the hall as they again descended upon her weakened form with hungry mouths inflicting pleasure without mercy.

    Sitting upon the throne Ena watched her family as they strengthened the bonds between them with love, lust, and blood. Her breath was short and her arms tightly gripped the arms of her chair as beside her Ptlomey had leaned over and one of his hands had slipped between her silk bands to caress her moist pussy while the other gently squeezed and pulled her stiff nipple. The bodies of her children covered in cum and blood that rolled and fucked below and above her filled her vision and inflamed her lustful passion beyond restraint. Ptlomey?s fingers moved slowly through her wet folds, teasing Ena as his thumb stroked her clit with irregular rhythm. His hot breath filled her ear as his tongue swirled around inside it, his tender voice filling her with his love as he brought her to the edge of climax again and again but refused to let her spill over into orgasm. She shuddered as she whimpered out a shaky breath, ?You are so deliciously wicked to me husband, I will enjoy punishing you for this.? Ptlomey chuckled as he sucked her earlobe, his taunting reply whispered into her ear. ?Bold words for someone who I currently have trapped by my fingers, you can?t even move let alone stop me.? His lustful boasts caused her to experience a small orgasm that spread through her belly, and a warm gush of fluid flowed out of her cunt to coat his fingers which he then proceeded to thrust deeper within her until he found her g-spot. ?By the gods I love this man? Ena thought to herself as her lover prepared her for the night of passion they would spend with the winner of the hunt.

    She remembered over a thousand years ago when they had begun a sensual competition between themselves, both of them refraining from touching each other while trying to drive their lover insane with lust. For almost six months every night had been a contest of wills as they restrained their lustful urges to grapple with the sensual body laying in bed beside them. When they awoke, the teasing and taunting only intensified. Ena would flaunt her breasts and pussy to Ptlomey by wearing little to nothing, stroking herself so her scent of arousal filled his sensitive nostrils. Ptlomey would respond by exercising his body, as he knew the sight of his rippling muscles combined with the smell of his sweat drove Ena into a frenzy. Finally one night while dining together in their manor by the woods, Ena had spread her legs before him and blatantly rubbed herself like a wanton whore under his lecherous gaze. It was at that moment she saw something in Ptlomey snap, his eyes shifting from a kind lover to a savage animal consumed by instinct. A thrill shot through her system and forced a stream of cum to splash on the ground before her. Filled with a dizzying mixture of fear and lust, she cast off her clothes and ran with inhuman speed into the dark forest. Once she had reached the trees, she slowed her pace so that Ptlomey would eventually catch her. She wanted to experience the thrill of being hunted and the suspense of his inevitable attack kept her pussy gushing, leaving a scented trail his inhuman senses could easily follow. With a terrible roar a shadow leapt down from a tree in front of her, and Ena released a shriek of terror as she was borne down to the ground and she felt teeth sink into her neck. Her shriek of terror instantly turned into cries of pleasure as she felt Ptlomey?s huge cock easily thrust into her soaked pussy as she submitted to his unrestrained animal passion. That night in the dark forest she was ruthlessly used by Ptlomey, and she was drunk with ecstasy by the time the sun rose. But to her horror Ptlomey had not been sated, and he carried her over his shoulder as he flew back to their house where he threw her upon the bed. For three long days she was brought to climax after climax, her soul rejoicing as she was filled, twisted, and roughly abused by her lover. When they had both finally worked the sexual tension from the past six months out of their bodies, they had collapsed in each other?s tender embrace with their love and lust burning brighter than ever before. Whispering in her ear that he would get her back for what she had put him through, it was over a century later that Ptlomey fulfilled his promise. After nine months of once again denying their lover their touch while taunting and teasing them, it was Ena who finally succumbed to her lust as she was driven wild and attacked Ptlomey like a wild beast. At the time they had been sailing a small boat around a wide lake covered with ominous rain clouds, so Ptlomey had flow up into the dark wet clouds as he fled before Ena pounced. Their bodies slick with the water filling the air they had twisted and thrust together in the misty sky as they shook through orgasm after orgasm, to any who could have observed it would have appeared as if Zeus and Aphrodite had returned to the Earth to grapple together in the clouds.

    As Ena suffered through another small climax at Ptlomey?s hands while she sat upon her throne at the party, she still shivered as she remembered the consuming passion they had shared those nights centuries ago after denying each other for so long. Raising her gaze she saw the six masked women had slowly drifted together, and all had broken off their attack on their partner. Instead now the six women slithered and grappled together in a sensual mass high in the air. Like a ball of twisting snakes, they entwined their constantly shifting bodies so that each of them unleashed their hunger on an ever changing opponent. Mouths and teeth sought out nipples, pussies, and necks as cum and blood was swallowed by greedy lips. Hands squeezed engorged breasts and fingers thrust into cunts and assholes as each woman was attacked by at least two others at the same time. As each of the hunter drank the blood of the others, the mixture of so many different women?s blood in their veins overloaded their senses and combined with the drug to drive their lust and pleasure even higher. Like wild animals with no semblance of restraint their arms, legs, pussies, breasts, and mouths squeezed and attacked as more blood and cum rained down on the undulating mass of people below. With a rapturous cry the blood drained owl tumbled out of the slippery tangle of limbs as she convulsed in orgasm, her cries drawing the attention of the wild pack below waiting to unleash their own pleasure upon her. As she was caught and then submerged under a pile of ravenous beasts, the wolf also released a cry of ultimate pleasure before she too was thrust out of the shrinking mass of the slithering women above to plummet towards the ground. Her cries were also quickly swallowed by the crowd below which lowered her to the ground as they feasted upon the next victim of the wild hunt going on in the air above.

    In the air above, the four remaining women formed a closed circle as each thrust their tongue and teeth deep into the woman before them while being eaten by another woman from behind. In this position no woman could defend herself, and hands were quickly pushed up into cunts and asses to form thrusting fists as twisting tongues stroked slimy clits. For several minutes each masked woman shrieked into the warm flesh filling her mouth as she swallowed the waves of cum and blood flowing into her from her prey only to have it drained out by the hunter eating her. Some of the blood from each woman flowed in a complete circle to end up within her again as spilled blood poured past devouring lips again and again. Finally the hound moved her mouth away from the fox?s cunt as she shuddered and shook, helpless to the overwhelming climax eroding her sanity as the lioness finished draining most of her blood. With only a whimper she began to fall towards the terrifying sight below of fanged mouths and grasping hands waiting to catch her so they could feast upon the blood covered flesh of their next defenseless victim. The fox, lion, and hawk separated as they prepared their final attack on their two remaining prey. Once again standing vertically, the three women drifted together so that they pressed tightly face to face. Each of their breasts rubbed against one of the other women?s as they leaned forward to begin a sloppy three-way kiss. Their entire bodies were coated in red blood and cum, which they slathered against each other as their legs and arms rubbed and squeezed them tighter and tighter together. Once they had locked their legs together so no one could escape, their brought their hands before them to reach down and stroke each other?s gushing pussies or to squeeze and maul tender breasts of both opponents at once. As the six hands twisted and thrust between the three women, they tilted their heads and sank their fangs into the necks beside them. For several minutes their vicious fingers forced pussies to pour hot ejaculate down on to the writhing crowd below, as blood flowed along their necks and down their torso?s to join the rain of fluids. The women switched necks and continued their orgasmic torture, each of them determined to resist to the bitter end. With a sideways glance, the hawk and the fox locked smoldering eyes and silently came to an agreement. With sudden purpose, the fox released her grip on the hawk's neck and sank her teeth into the other side of the lioness?s neck. At the same time they each latched one hand onto a breast of the lioness as both their other hands violated her pussy and stroked her throbbing clit. The lioness shriek at the combined assault, as waves of pleasure rolled through her cunt and mauled breasts. Her flush of hatred at the treachery of the fox and the hawk was forgotten as the waves of heat flowed into her brain, as she bucked through climax after climax. Even after the lioness succumbed to unconsciousness the hawk and fox keep stroking and feeding on her malleable flesh, punishing her for being the first to give in the hunger at the beginning of the battle. Finally they untwisted their legs and allowed her to fall to the waiting horde, neither caring about the lioness?s plight that awaited her below.

    The last two survivors paused to assess their final opponent. The fox had bright red hair in a pony tail that ended at her shoulders and the pale white skin and freckles that betrayed her Celtic heritage. Below her piercing blue eyes her right bicep was encircled by a Celtic knot tattoo, with a matching tattoo of the trinity between her shoulders. Her tall figure and long shapely legs were accentuated by her narrow hips and pear shaped ass. Her breasts were small but firm, her areola being so pink it almost blended with her fair skin but with two stiff nipples standing proud. She had been born named Caoimhe over two millennia ago, and had been captured by Caesar's legions during his conquest of Gaul. After being sold as a slave in Rome, she had eventually escaped before by chance she had met Ena and Ptlomey as they traveled across the empire. They had welcomed her with open arms, seeing a beautiful soul that had suffered more than most in the few short years she had lived. They had given her the gift and welcomed her as a cherished member of their eternal family. Across from her the hawk was her complete opposite. Her name was Aminata, and she had been born in Timbuktu in the 14th century. Her black skin glistened with fluids in the soft light that highlighted her warm brown eyes, her braided black hair pulled up into a tail that flowed down her back. Her figure was full and curvaceous like an African goddess of fertility, her wide hips complimented by her heart shaped butt. Her massive breasts still hung taunt and high due to her eternal youth, and the muscles along her arms and legs showed she was descended from a long line of powerful warriors. Each of the women licked the blood off their lips as they regarded the blood, sweat, and cum that covered almost every inch of the hunter between them and their prize. Both knew that they were exhausted from their long battle, and that defeat would be determined by the closest of margins. With a wily grin, the gold mask fox Caoimhe spread her arms as she thrust her breasts forward in a challenge to the gold masked hawk. Aminata instantly agreed sliding forward in the air to press against the pale flesh of her rival. As their arms gripped each other?s back, they began to roll and grind their breasts together. No words were spoken, as both forced grunts exertion and moans of pleasure to spill out of each other?s lips. Their stiff nipples locked together as they tried to push their rival pair back into dense tit flesh. Sometimes they would snap apart and both women would drag them in circles around each other as they scraped against the sensitive areola of their opponent. Aminata?s breasts appeared to have the advantage as they flowed over and surrounded the smaller tits of the Celtic warrior. But as the minutes dragged on, it was Aminata who was losing ground as the smaller, firmer breasts of the redhead easily crushed and pushed aside the larger less dense breasts of the African goddess. With a final cry of pleasure, Aminata?s breasts began to lactate as they submitted to the breasts of Caoimhe and her milk spread to coat their grinding breasts. Caoimhe was quick to dip her head down to suck the sweet milk pouring out of the dark nipples, her sharp teeth gently nibbling at each of the sensitive tips to force more milk to spillover her lapping tongue. When Aminata ceased shivering, Caoimhe raised her head and opened her lips to reveal a reservoir of milk trapped in her mouth. With a desperate groan, the two women sank their mouths together as Caoihme tongue forced Aminata?s milk into her own mouth as they sucked and licked each other?s lips. As their tongues wrestled, Caoihme pressed her advantage and shifted her hips so that their stiff clits gently brushed together. A cry of ecstasy from both women flooded into their locked mouths as they began to fence up and down with their slick rods. Gripping each other?s ponytail, they dragged their mouths apart in a spray of saliva and milk as the spread their legs and opened their pussies to each other. With gentle finesse they brought their wet cunts together, until their vaginas formed one long channel ready to fill the other with their cum. As their soft fold squelched and pressed into a tight seal, the two women shuddered as their clits tangled into a twisted knot. Both women were now trapped in each other?s arms as they thrust their hips and shoulders to begin the final contest. As mouths slid down bloody necks, they slowly sank their teeth into the jugular of their prey as they began the most intimate of violations. Locked together from mouth to pussy, they would devour each other like animals until one reigned supreme over her defeated foe. Cum shot back and forth up each of their vaginas as their locked clits forced their shared ecstasy to rise and fall like the tides. Throats swallowed hot blood down into their stomachs, the taste of copper in their mouths fighting with the smell of sweat and cum that filled their nostrils. Hands massaged the bountiful flesh of their buttocks with gentle caresses as each woman shook and moaned through faster and faster orgasms. To the watching crowd, the black and white warriors appeared almost motionless; the only sign of their ferocious struggle being the constant flow of ejaculate that slipped past their sealed cunts to splatter on the ground below.

    With a long groan of defeat escaping from her lungs, Aminata felt herself growing weaker and weaker as Caoihme drained more and more of her blood. Her entire body was awash in rapturous ecstasy that sapped her will and weakened her limbs. With a gentle sigh, she slipped her teeth out of Caoihme?s neck and gently nuzzled her ear as Caoihme drove her into unconsciousness. The victorious Caoihme quickly pulled the limp Aminata against her, not letting her fall into the snarling mass waiting below. Instead she glided through the air back to Ena?s throne, and gently lowered her dark skinned foe to the ground before giving her lips a tender kiss. Rising to stand before her queen she waited as Ena?s voice once again filled the hall, and instantly the crowded room stilled with all pausing in their sensual activities to heed their queen and mother. Smiling down at her children with an infectious grin, Ena spoke to the crowd. ?We finally have a winner of the great hunt before us. She has overcome several of the finest women in the history of the our Court to earn her prize of spending tonight with my consort and I. But now I ask you, my sweet Caoihme, what boon do you request tonight? If it be in my power you will have your wish fulfilled.? The silent crowd watched the red haired fox as she pondered her decision. Finally she leaned forward to whisper her reply into Ena?s ear. Bursting out into laughter, Ena wrapped her daughter in a warm hug as she whispered back. Stepping back, before all the guests she reached up and unlatched her blood ruby necklace and locked it around Caoihme?s neck. Gently gripping her shoulders she turned her to face the crowd as she again spoke loudly for the crowd. ?My daughter has wished to keep our favorite necklace until the next Court of Spirits. However she did say that if I were to challenge her at any time before then I could take it back if I defeat her. Perhaps in time I will take up the gauntlet thrown before me by my beloved, but for now she has earned her prize and I proclaim her to be the Champion of the Court this night!? Embracing her child again, she guided her into Ptlomey?s gentle hands as he hugged and kissed her before quietly whispering in her ear as he plotted with Caoihme behind Ena?s back, both of them quickly agreeing to team up on the queen tonight.

    Ena continued her speech oblivious to the erotic treachery Ptlomey was fomenting behind her, ?Bring forth the victims of the hunt!? With loving hands, the previously ravenous crowd brought forth the unconscious forms of the defeated women. Ena was handed a bottle of blood, and she quickly roused the tired women and fed them some of the blood to replenish their strength. When all seven stood again before he with slumped shoulders and downcast eyes, Ena proclaimed their punishment for being defeated. ?These seven are to be taken to the prison cell as I had previously decreed, and they are to remain locked together until the sun once again rises. Please return to the party, the blood will be supplied all night until all have had their fill. If you wish to sleep here, there are rooms for all. I will escort the prisoners to their cell before retiring to join my husband and daughter for the night. Farewell and don?t be strangers to your family or myself. I leave you until the next Court of Spirits but be assured of my endless love.? Ena quickly led the seven women down into the depths of the castle, until she reached a small wooden door only four feet high. Inside was a small cell deliberately too short to stand in, and with with not enough room to fit seven bodies on the floor. Inside a padded mat had been placed so the women would not be in complete discomfort, and a grinning Ena turned to the downcast women as she beckoned some servants forward again. Taking several bottles of the blood, she placed them in the cell before turning to grasp a familiar goblet. The seven women gasped as they realized that she held the chalice with the drug infused blood, each of their nipples hardening as their pussies once again began to leak a trickle of cum. As Ena began to have each drink again from the chalice she explained, ?It?s going to be a long night in that small room, you are all going to be crushed together in such a tight space. My imagination runs wild thinking of what levels of debauchery could happen within as cum and blood covered bodies slithered and slipped together all night long. I am almost tempted to join you, but Caoihme has earned her prize tonight. When I come back in the morning I hope you seven are reduced to nothing but a quivering pile of cum soaked flesh. You seven are also forbidden from participating in the hunt at the Court of Spirits for one hundred years, but I have a feeling after tonight you will all be eager to join it again. Goodnight my sweet beauties, but I doubt your going to get much sleep.? As the seven women felt the burning drug warming their blood again, they eagerly crouched down to enter into their ?prison? for the night. As Ena began to climb the stair back up to her room, she could already hear behind her the passionate shouts and cries of pleasure echoing past the wooden door of the cell.
    Last edited by Guilty_Spark; October 30th, 2020 at 06:23 AM.

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    Re: The Great Hunt of All Hallows Eve (A Halloween Short Sto

    Thanks for the Halloween treat. I am most intrigued by the handsome king consort hehe!

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    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Hunt of All Hallows Eve (A Halloween Short Sto

    Holy shit, this story is criminally underrated!!

    I came across it while actually looking for threeway kissing, but was so surprised to see that you had another story out there, Guilty_spark!

    And by "came across it" I mean that quite literally - I shot two massive loads in quick succession, omgggg.

    This hits on so many great points, I don't even know where to begin. But how about:

    1. The dark and mysterious setting added a layer of intrigue that I really enjoyed. And the potion that the duelling women took - Unf! So sexy, we love supernatural sex, it opens up so many possibilities.

    2. I love multi-ways and orgies. Eight sexy fighters, all ready to struggle and show why they're the best? Bring it on!!!

    3. The range of different skin tones is super arousing. Idk why, I may not want to delve too deep into that (heh) but I think it adds to the contrast and conflict between the sexfighters. Like, even our skin tones, our biology, disagrees! Black and white rubbing together just highlights how different they are, and it was so sexy.

    4. Again, supernatural sex with the flying pairs. Amazing imagery.

    5. The animal masks added such a sexy element! Truly some incredible sex is about to unfold, the masks representing just how much of their humanity is about to be stripped away, leaving just the wild and animalistic behind. Brilliant.

    6. I think I let out an audible moan when the lion started drinking the doe's blood, and then a "Oh fuckkkk" when the doe returned the favour and made it mutual!!! That was an amazing moment, I've kinda always like the eroticism of two people feeding off each other at the same time, and the best things in life are mutual. Like vampires making a circuit, holy fuck. Sublime.

    7. The description of the bear and Wolf exchanging cum and blood between them is incredible. The lion seizing on the bear is incredible - something super hot about two attacking one, though both for selfish reasons. Like I said, I was looking for multi-way kissing and to me it's so hot when three have a free-for-all struggle. Both the lioness and the wolf draining the bear at the same time?? AND THEN TURNING ON EACH OTHER?? FUCK!

    8. "Instead now the six women slithered and grappled together in a sensual mass high in the air. Like a ball of twisting snakes, they entwined their constantly shifting bodies so that each of them unleashed their hunger on an ever changing opponent". Jesus. This paragraph alone, holy shit...

    9. "As each of the hunter drank the blood of the others, the mixture of so many different women?s blood in their veins overloaded their senses and combined with the drug to drive their lust and pleasure even higher." This was so erotic, their very essences weaving together and combining, such deep intimacy between rivals!! And love that it has a turbo-charging effect on them, as is only right and natural. Fuckkkk...

    10."Some of the blood from each woman flowed in a complete circle to end up within her again as spilled blood poured past devouring lips again and again". Amazing, they're bonding in a circuit. Mmmf...

    11. The threeway between the fox, hawk and lioness was where I lost it. No coincidence that it was three predators crossing paths in a heated clash, holy shit that was amazing, what a threeway - each of them preying on another! The imagery of them coated in the blood and cum of all their opponents, feasting on each other, trying to force as much pleasure on their rivals. Brilliant.

    12. Ok I think I have a thing for underhanded tactics, and the fox and hawk slyly teaming up on the lioness sent me over again. Fuck yeah, play it dirty you sluts!!

    13. The final battle between hawk and fox was great. Former allies turning on each other, revealing the beast underneath, reminding us all that there is no honour in a heated sexfight... The intimacy of it, the colour contrast... excellent.

    14. The description of them locked together so tightly that it appears to other that they're static is so erotic. Their close battle was known just to them...

    15. And finally, the description of all the losers forced into tight, pressured proximity. One wonders what they did to each other in their bondage indeed...

    This was brilliant, an absolute gem of a treasure and further proof that you're one of the most skilled sexfight authors out there. Absolutely love your work, Guilty, and hope you're doing well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, perhaps needless to say from my comment that I didn't particularly love the Ena/Ptlomy line of thought, but hey that's just me. I don't really like MvF fights personally, because I like the equally that FvF (or preferably, MvM) offers.

    Now fuck, if you did an orgy fight like this with eight hunky guys facing off, and fucking each other? I may not survive, my balls might just explode with ecstasy!

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