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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    The Amazon and the Valkyrie


    On the first day of the new college year, Erika Norberg moved around the campus like the queen bee in the university beehive, her shapely hips moving in rhythm with the outstanding sensuality of a woman who knows that she?s the best among the best. Around her, nothing had changed from the previous year: all eyes were on her, some with passion, others with envy?Erika enjoyed both attentions equally, bragging openly about her perfect body with an eye-catching outfit: short skirt, tight blouse, high heels.

    Everyone admitted?some girls reluctantly?that Erika was the campus alpha female, something incredible in the hard college ecosystem considering that she had moved to Princeton from Stockholm only a year before. However, the combination between magnetic beauty, spectacular curves, clever mind and aggressive attitude had catapulted her to the top of the college food chain above cheerleader captains, sororities leaders and former prom queens.

    With her chin slightly raised, the gorgeous young woman entered the beautiful building that housed the History Department, running into two classmates. The other girls forced a tense smile that Erika understood: they were so afraid of her sharp tongue and quick temperament that they preferred to have her as friend rather than as enemy. Erika couldn?t help but smile as she recalled how she had made one of them cry in a debate on religions in the European Middle Ages. She really enjoyed trampling women she shared classes with, and that lack of scruples made many students wonder why she wasn?t studying Political Science. However, Erika thought that ?anything goes? attitude was one of the virtues that would push her into a promising future.

    The classroom door opened before her in the same way that every obstacle in her life did. A hot silence and two dozen eyes received her, drinking from her appeal after a summer of abstinence. Erika?s big, juicy breasts trembled slightly with every resolute step, her powerful ass wiggled in a kind of sexual dance, her tongue licked lustfully her fleshy lips in a heartbreaking promise. The beauty deliberately swayed her golden hair in the air, spreading her suggestive perfume all over the class before she sat down in her seat.

    From her position, Erika could control the whole class. All the guys looked in her direction, some boldly, others discreetly, all with fascination; the girls, on the other hand, tried to ignore her, but the magnetic power of attraction of the blonde beauty forced several of them to turn their heads towards Erika. Eyes overflowing with jealousy struggled to hold the arrogant gaze of the blonde, but none managed to do so for more than a few seconds. Erika smiled smugly, showing without secrets how much she enjoyed her position as college?s femme fatale.

    However, her smile faded from her beautiful face. Something was about to happen. First, she felt it in the air, a flow of static electricity that made her skin crawl, a kind of warning of the coming warfare. Then she heard the sound of a pair of heels, war drums on the other side of the classroom door. And then, when Erika?s skin got all brittle, the door opened like it had done a minute ago with her?and the presence that the blonde had felt before time entered into Erika?s world with arrogant steps.

    Erika always fed on the attention she got from others?it was her sustenance, as important, or even more important, than the air she inhaled, than the food and water her body demanded every day. But now that vital attention was moving away from her to focus on the newcomer girl, a girl that neither she nor any of her classmates had ever seen before, but that certainly none of them would forget?big-breasted, long-legged and dark-haired, the new student seemed designed to make her image last in the head of the observer.

    Like a huntress who has come to a new hunting ground, the attractive, exotic brunette moved around the class as a heated murmur rose around Erika, with whispered words she didn?t want to hear coming to her ears, words that spoke of that haughty curvaceous body barely contained under a tight black skirt and a white blouse. Grinding her teeth together, the blonde checked the brunette from top to bottom: the cleavage of her blouse could barely contain her swaying fat tits and, beyond an enviable waist-hip curves, two delicious thighs peeked out from under the short skirt, in the beginning of her incredibly strong, feminine legs.

    Sitting not far from Erika, the brunette responded to the excess of attention with a smile that the blonde found annoyedly smug. Unable to look away from the other beauty, Erika felt pangs of jealousy in her heart and in the depths of her stomach as she realized that, for the first time in her life, she was before a woman who was able to match her in appearance: the amber eyes of the unknown girl were as feline and suggestive as her own blue eyes; the other reddish lips were equally fleshy, equally kissable, than her pink mouth; the new student?s jet-black hair matched her own golden hair in length, silkiness and volume; the other bronzed skin was as smooth and youthful as her fair skin. Looking down, Erika can?t see any difference between their figures, with tits, hips and legs apparently drawn from the same mold.

    It was then when, in the middle of the comparison, the other beauty turned her face to discover her attentive gaze. Erika?s feminine cheeks flushed slightly, as the brunette?s eyes were suddenly fixed on her. Beyond the amber irises, Erika read conflicting messages: on the one hand, there was surprise, doubt and delicious envy; on the other, a raw challenge. The blonde stiffened her gaze, the blood in her veins and arteries burning.

    The rising female hostility was interrupted by the arrival of the History of the Modern Caribbean?s professor. Reluctantly, the two gorgeous rivals moved their eyes away from the other, paying attention to the first class of the new year. During the introductions, Erika learned that the brunette answered to the name of Melike Balik, and she had just moved to Princeton from some unknown city in the interior of Turkey. When the blonde heard the new girl bragging about her achievements at the university of her small hometown, a wave of arrogance flooded the Swede, forcing a sigh of relief and superiority from her mouth: the new girl wouldn?t be any competition in class if she came from a whatsitsname university?

    However, the next few hours proved to Erika that she had seriously underestimated her newfound Turkish rival. It all started in the European Middle Ages class, when Melike?s conceited voice interrupted her when she was talking about Eleanor of Aquitaine.

    ?There?s no real evidence that Eleanor?s Court of Love existed.?

    ?Haven?t you read Capellanus?? Erika answered, turning her face to the brunette. ?His book clearly states that she and her daughter??

    ?A single source doesn?t prove anything,? Melike insisted.

    Erika opened her mouth to reply, but the bell rang, ending the class. The professor thanked the debate and, without further ado, she walked away, leaving the couple looking at each other with tension.

    That was just the beginning, though. Class after class, Erika?s discussions with Melike?s grew in intensity, until reaching the climax in in a debate on mythology in the Ancient European History class. Erika didn?t know how it happened, but she found herself praising the role of the Valkyries in the Norse myths, while Melike confronted her with the role of the Amazons in the Greek myths. The background of the discussion couldn?t be more obvious: as a Nordic blue-eyed woman with blond hair and pale skin, Erika looked like a Valkyrie emerged from the myths of her native country; Melike, on the other hand, could be one of the black-haired, tanned Amazons who many classic Greek authors located in present-day Turkey. On the surface, the debate might seem to be about the women of the myths, but the big-headed beauties were actually arguing about themselves and about the eternal blonde-brunette rivalry.

    At first, Erika felt the situation was under control, especially when Melike failed to dismantle her arguments about the origin of the Valkyrie myths, but the direction of the debate changed when the Turk managed to silence her with a few facts about the Amazons that the blonde didn?t know. The initiative in the debate went from one side to another, with the victory and defeat feelings crashing into Erika?s feminine ego to create a bittersweet contradiction in her head.

    ?Amazons are much more interesting than Valkyries,? Melike said at a tense moment in the debate. ?Hippocrates defines them as fierce female warriors??

    ?Valkyries are warrior goddesses,? Erika interrupted. ?Amazons aren?t in their league, whether we?re talking about importance in mythology or as warriors.?

    ?Girls, I think we?re missing the point.? The professor got the debate on track, opening it up to other students while Erika blushed with anger at not being able to finish the debate with Melike?again.

    By the time the day?s classes were over, Erika felt so much hostility towards the Tuskish woman that she thought she would explode at any moment. As the blonde picked up her things, she cursed mentally that the newcomer confronted her in front of her classmates, openly challenging her position as alpha female over the course of six long hours of class. But, to her regret, she had also grudgingly accepted that she had much more in common with Melike than a crushing, powerful gorgeousness: the striking brunette was verbally as combative as herself, a passionate and cruel debater who took no prisoners. Erika knew that the bitter and heated discussions of that day would be the first ones of many between them.

    ?I can?t wait?? she whispered to herself, leaving the classroom with a multitude of butterflies fluttering inside her belly.

    The air became electrified around it again as soon as she stepped out into the hallway. Looking to her left, she was not surprised to see Melike several steps away. The new girl was socializing with several classmates, rocking her long hair and waving her eyelashes in a bold seductive effort that, given the stupid smiles from the guys, was working. For half a second, however, Melike stopped paying attention to the male audience, and moved her amber eyes against Erika?s blue eyes. The glances spoke of hatred, envy and personal matters that had to be solved at another time. Maybe not all their arguments would be discussed in class?

    With one last disapproving look, Erika left the building, licking her thick lips nervously. The cool autumn breeze kissed her heated body, while the angry beauty lost herself in thoughts that Melike Balik dominated.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, I want to start sharing with the whole forum my version of Emery's Pajama Party, one of my favourite stories. I haven't finished the whole story yet, but I hope the feedback will help inspire me for the grand finale of the story. As the story progresses, it moves away from the original in some parts, so I hope you enjoy this new approach, perspectives and girls.
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Amazon and the Valkyrie

    This is a great start! I don't think I'm familiar with that Emery story - I'll to look it up. The idea of a Valkyrie/Amazon battle is fantastic.


  3. #3
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Amazon and the Valkyrie

    Great start, very simple approach to set up the stage for the battle, another one in the endless rivalry of female fatales.

    With this two being so confident it eaay to see them being ready to use their bodies and pushing the other to the limit and break boundries that maight wake ther ancesters.

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: The Amazon and the Valkyrie

    I?m very interested to see what new dimensions you can add to this story!

    I?m a huge fan of your writing style. Given your focus on their muscular legs, I?d love to see you make them have a leg war of some sort.

    By the way, any ebooks on the way? I own all of them

  5. #5
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Amazon and the Valkyrie

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow View Post
    I?m very interested to see what new dimensions you can add to this story!

    I?m a huge fan of your writing style. Given your focus on their muscular legs, I?d love to see you make them have a leg war of some sort.

    By the way, any ebooks on the way? I own all of them
    I second everything spartwow said, specially about the ebooks

  6. #6
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Amazon and the Valkyrie

    Here is the direct link to Pijama party by Emery

    Pajama Party - Repost

  7. #7
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: The Amazon and the Valkyrie

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow View Post
    I?m very interested to see what new dimensions you can add to this story!

    I?m a huge fan of your writing style. Given your focus on their muscular legs, I?d love to see you make them have a leg war of some sort.

    By the way, any ebooks on the way? I own all of them
    Now working in two e-books, another free story based in a classic sexfight story and a comic.
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  8. #8
    Junior Hostboard Member Nastia's Avatar
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    Re: The Amazon and the Valkyrie

    Thank you, Anubis, it is always a great pleasure to read your stories! Can't wait for the next part!

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