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    How Women Hug Chapter 2

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    How Women Hug Chapter 2

    Dear Hostboard friends,

    Here is Chapter 2. This is my first straight-up tit fight story. So, perfectionist that I am, I spent hours and hours carefully observing the big boob clashes on various internet educational websites, paying close attention and taking meticulous notes. I hope you will all appreciate the hard work I logged in your behalf…LOL! But seriously, I hope you will enjoy this and I hope that I have lived up to the fine tradition of tit fight story writing on this board.

    NOTE: In this chapter, I’ve changed the spelling of Pancit. The internet research I’ve done has revealed “C” is more typical than “S.” At some point I will edit chapter one for spelling.

    HOW WOMEN HUG Chapter 2
    by A. Penman


    I showed up at the flat of Anita Benson and Jasmine Reys at 5:45PM.

    Beforehand, I stopped at my local wine shop for wine that might pair well with Pancit. Fortunately for me, Rob, my favorite wine guy, was working. He explained that Pancit wasn’t an easy pairing. In an effort to help, I explained that it was going to be made by a lovely Filipino woman who was taught by her mother.

    “So, more traditional then…”
    “Follow me.”

    I followed him to the French wine section.


    Rob ignored me and continued to a section I had never before considered. He stopped, turned to look at me with a grin. He then waved his arm in a grand sweeping gesture at a display of long, sleek green bottles. I had to check the sign to see which section we were in and if I was in a dangerous part of the store. There had been some recent reports of gang activity, but Rob assured me it was in the jug wine section, so we were safe.

    “Absolutely, brother!”
    “OK…I know nothing about wine from Alsace. Amaze me.”

    Rob turned to scan a few bottles and as he looked he asked “How many people?”
    “Three,” and before I could stop myself, I added “me and two gorgeous women.”
    “You dawwwg!”
    “Naw, it ain’t like that bro…just dinner.”
    “Yeah, riiiiiiight!”
    “Just give me some good wine, man. And quit painting pornographic scenarios in your head.”
    He laughed.
    “OK, three people…two bottles should do it. Unless the three of you are planning on doing some serious drinking.”

    He reached for one bottle on the rack and handed it to me. I scanned the label.

    “A Riesling? No kidding!”
    “Sweet or dry?”
    “Dry, but there’s no mistaking that delicious Riesling taste.”
    “OK, one more bottle.”

    But he didn’t give me another Riesling. He moved six feet further down the aisle, scanned the offerings, then picked another bottle and handed it to me. Again, I scrutinized the label.

    “Gewürztraminer? I would have never thought…”
    “Oh yeah, it’s a great wine. Have the Riesling with dinner, and the Gewürztraminer after, so you can savor it,” he paused, “it has a nice background spiciness…the ladies will love it!”
    “Thanks. You da man!”

    At the register I swiped my card and waited for approval from some unknown entity. I signed the receipt.

    “Let me know how dinner goes…especially, the after dinner part when you get those two ladies out of their clothes.” He chortled.
    “Man…fuck off!” I fist bumped him and left the shop.


    “Wow, David, wines from Alsace! I have not yet had a chance to try them,” said a very impressed Anita Benson.
    “Highly recommended by my wine store guy. Are we going to have enough time to properly chill them?”
    “Sure, we’re running a bit behind schedule anyway. They should be fine by the time dinner is ready. I can’t wait to taste them!”

    At 6:30 we all sat down to eat. As I expected, the Pancit was fantastic! The girls also liked how well the Riesling paired up with it.

    “David, this wine is delicious! And it goes so well with my masterpiece!” said Jasmine.
    “Hear, hear!” Anita raised her glass to toast Jasmine’s delicious dish, and the wine. I followed suit.

    Things got quiet for about fifteen minutes as we all dug in. The only sounds that were heard were oohs and aahs and the wet noises of noodle slurping. Unlike American culture, Asian culture does not look down on this. They regard slurping of noodles as true enjoyment of the food, and a compliment to the chef. The Japanese are especially into slurping. Or, so I’ve heard. How I’d love to spend some time in Japan, slurping that fantastic Ramen!

    By 7:15 we were all leaning back in our chairs, emitting satisfied noises and groans.

    “Damn, that was good!” I exclaimed.
    “He’s right Jaz…you really outdid yourself with this batch. Best one you’ve made, so far.”
    “Well, I knew we were going to have a very special guest tonight.”

    Jasmine looked directly at me, smiled, and then raised her glass and swallowed the last gulp of Riesling. Anita excused herself to go to the kitchen for the second bottle of wine.

    “So, David, Anita told me about your very interesting theory on hugging.”

    I was a bit nonplussed by learning that Anita had shared my ground-breaking hypothesis with Jasmine. Especially since it had not yet received a formal peer review from experts at the Institute of Body Contact in Stockholm, Sweden. The Swedish IBC wasn’t my first choice, however. I had intended to submit my theory to the far more prestigious D. J. Drumph Institute in Moscow, but they were conducting important research in female genitalia fondling, or something like that.

    “Oh really?” I said with hesitance in my voice. I wondered what else Anita might have told her. But what the hell, why not jump in? “What did you think of it?”
    “I think is has some merit. Women can sometimes be leery when hugging men. Especially if they think a man is prone to interpret a hug the wrong way, to read into it something that’s not there.”
    “Good point…have you personally experienced any men who do that; men who think you are offering something more?”
    “I have, but not very often. Still, in today’s climate, a girl has to be careful.”
    “Ah, yes.”

    Jasmine then offered a demonstration of my four different hugs. The lovely brunette rose to her feet.

    “Stand up, David.” She said this with dripping honey in her voice.

    “You can skip number 3.” I said, in no uncertain terms. She chuckled and, before I knew it, her body was pressed to mine. And then, it wasn’t.

    “Number one,” she said, “friendly, with body contact, but no committal, no hint of anything more.”

    Then again.
    “Number two.” Her body was in and gone so fast, I hardly had time to process the thought of being hugged, much less imagine how soft and full her breasts might actually be.

    “How about a number three, for the purpose of this demonstration?”
    “I suppose.”

    Her arms wrapped around my neck and we were cheek to cheek. But the rest of her body might as well have been on the other side of town.

    “Did you feel it?”
    “I didn’t feel anything. That’s why I hate that hug.”
    “I mean did you get the gist?”
    “The gist?”
    “The message, ‘you aren’t getting any of this.’”
    “Yes, I did…”

    I thought to myself, now comes the best part, hug number four.

    Beautiful Jasmine was on me like stank on shit. Her arms were wrapped around me so tightly that it felt like our bodies had melded into one. I felt every part of her, from cheeks to knees and everything in between. It was glorious! It was dick inspiring! It was also being witnessed by miss Anita Benson.

    “That definitely looks like a number four hug.”

    A surprisingly unperturbed Anita said, as she casually filled all three empty wine glasses. She even flashed a sly grin at the two of us. Jasmine did not relinquish the incredible grip she had on me.

    “Would anyone care for some Gewürztraminer?”
    “I’d love some!” I replied.

    But Jasmine wasn’t quite finished with me.

    “Do you want to kiss me, David?” She asked, at a volume just loud enough for Anita to hear. I responded truthfully.

    “I would love to, but it feels a bit awkward.” My reference was to Anita’s presence.

    But then…

    “Go ahead, David. Jaz deserves a nice, sexy kiss for the amazing job she did with the Pancit.”

    For a moment, I thought I was dreaming. This HAD to be an alternate level of consciousness! But before I could do any further rationalization, Jasmine’s full lips were on mine and both of our mouths opened to each other. Her body was still pressed to mine as her lush tongue slipped past my teeth and my tongue moved to meet with it, and swirl with it.

    Then, something really mind boggling happened. The grip of her mouth on mine loosened a bit. I figured that she just needed a gulp of air. Next, I felt another arm slip around my back and a fulsome breast pressed to my left arm. But then, the most amazing thing happened. A third tongue entered the mix! Anita clearly had taken a swig of Gewürztraminer before she decided to enter the fray. The three of us instinctively angled our faces so that we could chew on lips and swirl and suck tongues. Jasmine then pulled away from me. The two roommates turned into each other, then engaged in a furious kiss. They broke away from each other, locking in an intense stare, both breathing heavily.

    “Good Lord, Anita! That’s delicious wine!”
    “I told you two to come to the table, but noooo…” Anita teased us.

    At that point, we separated and all three of us had looks and thoughts as if we were trying to absorb what had just happened. But we all knew what had just happened. Question was, what next?

    Back at the table, we raised our glasses in a toast.

    “Here’s to good food, good friends and good wine!” I toasted.
    “Cheers!” the girls said, simultaneously. Three wine glasses clinked.

    There were several lip smacks and a chorus of ooohs and aaahhs as the distinct taste of Gewürztraminer asserted itself.

    “It has a hint of spice, David.” Jasmine correctly observed.
    “That’s exactly what my wine guy said you would notice.”
    “Spicy and delicious!” Anita added.

    I had to make a reference, I just couldn’t stop myself.

    “Is it better from the glass, or better from Anita’s tongue?” I asked Jasmine.

    She then gave me the sexiest, dirtiest look I’ve ever seen a woman give. It was a look that made my manhood stir uncomfortably. And then she opened our evening up to what was likely going on in Rob’s mind when I told him I was going to wine and dine with two gorgeous women.

    “You enjoyed that kiss, didn’t you, David?”
    “What man wouldn’t enjoy kissing two hot women.”
    “True, but you enjoyed it even more when Anita and I kissed each other. Am I right?”
    “To be absolutely clear, I enjoyed kissing you, I enjoyed kissing both of you, and I especially enjoyed your hot girl kiss with Anita. Once again, what man wouldn’t?”

    Anita them made her provocative contribution, “You know, Jaz, it occurred to me that was our first girl/girl kiss.”

    My mind expressed disbelief, my mouth followed. “Ladies, somehow I doubt that. That kiss was way too hot for it to have been a first time kiss.”
    “We’ve never done that before, David, honestly,” said Jasmine.
    “It was really just a spur of the moment thing…or should I say, heat of the moment.” Anita added
    “First three way kiss too.” Jasmine stated.
    “I enjoyed that, too.”


    ~The room then got silent for several minutes because it was 7:29 AM and the writer was still working on his first cup of coffee. His brain was not yet fully functional. So, he looked out the office window into the morning sunlight in his yard and spotted a squirrel gathering his nuts, as if this might bring inspiration to a mind bereft of creative thoughts.

    Then came a fond flashback to a day, not long ago, when a beautiful lady stepped out of a black SUV, entered his home and in his bed and engaged his lady friend in a woman to woman battle of breasts and bodies while he watched with childlike wonder. Inspired by this memory, he knew exactly how he had to proceed.


    “Thanks for that hot demo of my four hug hypothesis, Jaz.”
    “It was my pleasure…but may I say, your theory is lacking something.”
    “Really? What?”
    “It lacks any mention or serious questioning of how two women hug each other.”
    “Or what two women think about when they hug each other.”

    Anita chimed in, although she was uncertain of where Jasmine was going with this thought.

    “You’ve ignored an entire area of scientific exploration; an important one, too.”

    I was mind-blown by her spot on observation. Why hadn’t I considered this aspect of the hug conundrum? Having overlooked such an important issue, how could I call myself a man of science? How could I NOT have considered the sensations and complexities of what goes on when four breasts come together in a tight embrace? I felt great shame. But, right then and there, I promised them to do a separate study about how women hug each other.

    “Perhaps Anita and I can help you with this, David.”

    I glanced at Anita, who seemed perplexed. At a moment when I suspected a scheme concocted by both women, it began to look like Jasmine was the sole conspirator.

    “Stand up, baby girl. Let’s see what happens. It’ll be good for David’s upcoming research.”

    Anita was tentative, but I just knew she wouldn’t decline such a sexy invitation. After all, minutes ago their tongues were down each other’s throats. Why turn down such a sexy enticement?

    At Jasmine’s prompting, we moved into the living room. I was told to take a seat on the couch and remain quiet. I believe the wording they used was “sit down and shut the fuck up.”
    Like the manly man I am, I acquiesced.

    Then, finally, after such a lengthy buildup, Anita Benson and Jasmine Reyes turned to face each other. Arms hanging down, the two women clasped their hands. They were close enough to meet boob to boob. Both women were wearing those shiny blouses that were made of some glossy fabric. It wasn’t silk, but it was a material that, when pressed together lightly, made a soft hissing sound as their breasts made contact and they rubbed against each other. Both women were pleasantly surprised by how quickly and easily their nipples hardened in this initial contact.

    “Ready?” asked Jasmine.
    “Oh, I’m ready!” Anita breathlessly responded. It seemed she was no longer hesitant.

    Their arms encircled each other and they met in a tight, full body hug.

    “Ugghh!” Anita groaned.
    “Mmmm…” Jasmine softly moaned.

    They were now cheek to cheek. There was a slight increase in upper body movement, but it was focused and tight. Clearly, the emphasis was on their extravagant breasts. I concluded that, if my top level hug was rated a four, this hug could have been a 5.5 on the Richter Scale. I could now hear intermittent grunts coming from both of them. What was next? But the fantastic tease ended when they abruptly separated. Jasmine and Anita, roommates for just about seven months, looked at each other with uncertainty.

    Anita spoke first. “Damn, Jaz, I mean…I never realized…”
    “Me neither…” Jasmine finished her thought. “Do you want to tell him?”

    They now seemed to both be on the same wave length.

    “Naw, go ahead.”
    “OK, David, here’s one possible answer…”
    “…to the question ‘what do two women think about when they hug?’”
    “Uh…I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming, but please, elaborate.”
    “Well, I’m not sure it happens every time, David, but in this particular instance, Anita and I were comparing our tits.”
    “And, may I add, we were both quite pleasantly surprised by what we discovered.”
    “What, that you’re both large, full and evenly matched? I could have told you that!”
    “You total sleaze bag! I knew you were comparing our tits!” Anita lashed out at me.

    She was right, of course. Despite my vehement denials of one week ago, an occasional boob comparison would float through my mind whenever Jasmine gave me one of those hugs, or Anita gave me one of those hugs. Indeed, how could I not compare them? Jasmine never held back her chest when her arms were around me, on the pretense of thanking me for fixing her computer. Neither did Anita. My silence was all the corroboration she needed. Then it happened. And when I say it, I mean IT HAPPENED.

    Lovely Jasmine Reyes offered her sexy roommate, Anita Benson, an opportunity to find out what they both wanted to know. Her delicate hands moved up. Anita’s eyes widened as the dark haired beauty deftly unbuttoned her blouse. Her breathing became more animated. The off-white blouse was tossed. It landed next to me on the couch. She was wearing one of those wireless bras that fit so well it looked like it was painted on. The color was a light beige which contrasted beautifully with her medium tan skin tone. When I managed to tear my eyes away from her tits, I noticed that she had a smooth, toned tummy. What a gorgeous woman! Her hands went to her hips. She locked eyes with her roommate. Anita shook her head. But I was unable to gauge whether this response was grounded in admiration or disbelief. Her tongue appeared and made a quick stroke of her upper lip. The tension was almost unbearable! What would Anita do? How would she respond to a challenge of this nature? All speculation dissipated when I watched her pretty hands move to the top blouse button. In seconds, all buttons were undone and Anita’s blouse opened. She then removed it and tossed it in my direction, just as Jasmine had done. But she was wearing a traditional bra. It was a lacy material and was solid black. She looked amazing in it! I noted the swell of her cleavage and was reminded of that night, a little over a week ago when those massive tits attempted to murder yours truly in fleshy softness. The bra had the traditional metal fasteners in back.

    “Humph.” Jasmine huffed. Clearly, she was ready for the next step.

    She then eased the straps of her tittie-restraining device past her shoulders and removed her arms. Next she slipped her fingers under the bra and lifted it over her head. And oh my hell! Out bounced, joyously, two of the most perfect breasts I’ve ever seen! Good gracious! Then her hands went to her hips, once again. Anita’s eyes widened at the site of what her two beauties would soon be up against. I had to wonder what was going through her mind. Then, she looked at me.

    “David, would you be a darling and unhook my brassiere for me.”

    I was on my feet in fractions of a second. I couldn’t see it from behind, but Anita flashed a smug grin at Jasmine.

    “Bitch!” was Jasmine’s terse response.

    Anita waited for me to return to my seat before she unveiled her two beautiful tits, revealing their splendor to her roommate for the first time. Jasmine gasped in awe. Then she decided to take it to the next level…to the most logical level…to the level dreams of a deviant like me are made of. She stepped out of her slacks. Now it was Anita’s turn to gasp as the oh so hot brunette stood naked, except for the skimpiest of thongs. I could not keep my eyes from fixating on the alluring V of her thighs and the tight material that revealed a succulent cameltoe.

    The deep sigh that came from Anita seemed to ask “what the fuck is going on here?”

    “Jasmine!!! What the hell? I thought this was just going to be a breast embrace?”

    Jaz moved to Anita and, with perfect aim, flicked her nipples across Anita’s stiff nubs then pulled back. But that was all it took.

    “You don’t have to take off your slacks, baby. But it would be so much nicer if you do.”

    Jeesh!!! If a woman said that to me, my pants would be down at my ankles before she finished the sentence…jockey shorts too.

    Jasmine reached in and popped the top button on her roommate’s slacks. Anita did the rest. She slipped her thumbs carefully under the waistband so as not to inadvertently peel off her thong as well. Although, I don’t know what the point of embarrassment would have been as her thong was as meager as the one Jasmine had on. And, I’m pleased to note that those sweet labia that one week ago lovingly caressed my cock were as engorged and excited as the sweet lips between Jasmine’s thighs. In a moment of pure depravity, I tried to imagine a succulent cunt kiss.

    But, that’s another dinner for three, at my place, and possibly another chapter. I had to survive this night first. Right now, right in front of my enamored eyes two thong clad, otherwise completely naked women were going to meet in a full body embrace. The four most perfect and perfectly matched breasts I had ever seen were going to engage in a fleshy duel…all for the sake of scientific research.

    I decided it was time for me to delineate the proper rules of engagement of this flesh on flesh analysis. I stood up and moved to them, lovingly placing a hand on each of their shoulders. My goodness, Jasmine’s skin was as smooth as silk! And, I don’t know if it was just me, but Anita’s skin felt like satin. Anyway…

    “Remember ladies, this embrace should be far in excess of my number four standard hug. Both of you are expected to give it your all. No hesitation, no holding back. Every inch of your bodies must be fully committed, fully engaged with the other woman’s body. You must be…dare I say it…inosculate…” I felt power surging through my loins as that glorious word rolled off my tongue. They responded appropriately.

    “David, will you please sit down and shut the fuck up!”
    “Jasmine and I understand the scientific method.”
    “Besides, you’ve kept the readers waiting FAR too long for this.”
    “Let’s do this, sweetie.” Anita’s breasts tingled with anticipation.
    “Nobody ever spoke to Einstein like that!” I groused as my ass plopped down on the couch. Then it began.

    They both looked tentative at first. Maybe this really was a first for them. But then, they did what came naturally. Arms encircled each other at waist and shoulders as Jasmine’s silken, tan body met fully with Anita’s creamy satin body. I’ve never seen such pristine symmetry, especially at the tit to tit level. Their foreheads pressed together, eyes locked. Tips of noses touched and both sexy mouths were slightly open, as if ready for a heated kiss.

    They proceeded slowly, backing off so that they could square their nipples. Even their nipples were a perfect match. It was then I noted that Jasmine’s areola were a deep reddish brown, lovely and pebbled from scraping ever so gently with Anita’s pinkish, pebbled areolae. The simmering square off ever so slowly began to intensify. The girls began to move in circular motions, the purpose of which seemed to be more areola to areola decadence. They pressed and held the enervated tissue together. Next came the anticipated, by me, side to side rubbing, designed to flick and bend their aching nipples. Their heads both tilted back and their eyes closed. They groaned and gasped as sensitive nerve endings began to tingle in a mix of pain and excruciating pleasure; pleasure that pulsed through each full breast.

    “Awww, fuck!” Anita cried out.
    “Oh, those sweet titties!” Jasmine responded.

    Content with a nipple duel, the two beauties continued to square areolae for several more sexy minutes. The side to side rubbing continued. They seemed to be getting the hang of how to fight their nipples in the most intimate way. I was fascinated by the sight of how they seemed to stick together and then snap as they separated. Then, speaking to each other with their eyes, Jasmine and Anita backed off about a foot, keeping their lower bodies connected. Next came the sound I’d been waiting to hear since the realization hit me that they were indeed going to lock tits.

    The softest, yet most distinctive “splat” sound filled the otherwise silent room. It was the sweet sound of one pair of tits aggressively engaging another pair of tits. I hadn’t heard that sound since Carolyn Monroe, in defending the honor of the USA, smacked tits with KGB agent Lacy Legends, and for sixty breast to breast battling minutes the Cold War became a hot war. This was in NVP 323, “The Bust Soviet.” Ah…memories!

    Since this was kind of a confrontation, it carried with it an underlying quest for dominance. You could see it in the way they looked at each other after the first delicious tit smack. What followed next was an exquisite, boner inducing pattern of smash, press and hold, smash, press and hold, again and again. They must have smashed their fabulous knockers a dozen times, trying to gain some sort of advantage. After each splat of tit meat, the girls would involuntarily emit those sexy, girlish groans and grunts. I hadn’t seen boob bashing like this since Jasmine Aloha matched boobs with Stephanie Rage in “Blonde Conquest,” NVP 225. That title seems rather appropriate for this occasion, doesn’t it?

    They took a brief respite from this pattern of slow-building anger to lock in their second incendiary kiss. My guess was that the repetitive smacking had caused a bit of soreness. It was so hot to see them kiss while almost completely naked. But you’d think they would have had the common decency to tear off those damn thongs by now. I would have loved to monitor their reactions as those two shaved, swollen twats slowly worked their way to each other, ultimately meeting and sharing juices, lips to lips. Hey, I guy can dream, can’t he?

    They separated once again. I noticed that bashing tits with her roommate had caused some redness on Anita’s luscious tits. Indeed, Jasmine’s sweet boobs even seemed a bit reddened. Neither woman seemed distressed or uncomfortable, however. Rather, they seemed eager to continue.

    But first, a few words from the sanitation department:

    Jasmine: You think your tits are better than mine, don’t you?
    Anita: I know my tits are better than yours.
    Jasmine: It’s pretty clear that my tits are beating your tits, Anita.
    Anita: In what universe? Certainly, not this one.

    This intriguing remark got me to thinking on a cosmic level. What if, at this exact moment in space/time, in a parallel universe, two busty women were locked in the same tit fight? That would be really cool! And in that parallel universe, was there another version of me, sitting on the couch with a hard-on? Food for deep thought. Back to the action…

    Jasmine: I guess we’ll just have to settle this.
    Anita: I guess we will.

    SPLAT! The clash of the tits continued, even more vigorously. Smash, press and hold now brought forth occasional whimpers of discomfort. I admired the staunch efforts of these two tit warriors so much that I took it upon myself to intervene…kind of.

    “Bathroom?” I loudly asked.
    “Down that hall…first door.” Anita’s response was clearly laced with discomfort.

    I bolted to la salle de bain, but not to piss. A far more important matter was afoot. Once there, I looked around with purpose. I pulled back the shower curtain…nothing. Then it hit me; medicine cabinet! I pulled back the mirrored door and there it was! EUREKA!

    Clear plastic bottle in hand, I rushed back to the living room. Anita and Jasmine had stopped the tit bashing and were now engaged in a tight bear hug, grunting and cursing. From my perspective I saw Jasmine’s left tit flesh-locked with Anita’s right breast. They were pressed so tightly, they looked like two portabella mushrooms having a fight.

    “Ow! That hurts, you bitch!” Anita squealed.
    “What’s the matter? Can’t you take it?” Jasmine said with disdain.
    “I can take it. How about you?”

    Anita pulled back then pushed her sore beauties hard into Jasmine’s once again. Now Jasmine winced and squealed.

    “Ow! Goddammit!”
    “Now who can’t take it?”

    They snarled at each other, then began once again to slam their boobs into each other quite rapidly this time. Each Woman hoping to dominate. I decided that before any damage was done to offer them a graceful way out.

    I held up a bottle of baby oil and suggested this might be a good thing. They both looked at me but said nothing. I saw this as a tacit stamp of approval. I popped the cap on the oil and raised it a couple of feet above the four fused breasts. Then, I allowed two to three drops of oil to slip between each pairing, right to where they were connected. The sensation cause both women to softly moan. Instinctively, they began slowly rubbing their tits against each other in a circular motion. This allowed an even distribution of slick coating. I looked down to see that all four nipples and their areolae were now glistening. Both women then looked at me and thanked me with their eyes. Then I decided a little more oil would be a good thing. Neither of the girls objected as I released enough oil to completely coat the four beauties. Again, no hands were used. Jasmine and Anita used their bountiful breast to spread oil over each others breasts. Once again, the thought hit me.

    “You two have done this before. I’m certain of it.”
    “No, we haven’t!” Anita replied.
    “Why do you say that?” asked Jasmine.
    “Because what you two just did, how you used your tits to spread the oil on each other’s breasts…”
    “What about it?” Anita wanted to know.
    “…that’s EXACTLY how Dominique and Leanna Foxxx did it in NVP 150, “Duel Of The Show Mates.”
    “We appreciate your efforts, David. Now, will you please sit down and shut the fuck up?”

    I shook my head. Once again, I acquiesced. But I didn’t mind. I had an oily battle of tits to observe.

    The application of baby oil seemed to reignite both women’s enthusiasm. As their perfect breasts began to once again roll and smack and squish, I realize I had done a good deed. It must also be noted that the new dimension of sensuality that the oil added to this equation caused a corresponding increase in the sexual tension between the two women. But in all honesty, I suspected that from that first nipple to nipple provocation by Jasmine, the level of sexual desire could eventually eclipse the original need to find out which of them had the best tits, which of them was the “better woman.” In my mind, this was just as much about discovering newfound pleasures of the flesh as it was about my research into the human practice of hugging. Either way, these two glorious women were clearly becoming more and more enamored with each other and how amazing it felt to be with each other like this.

    The amazing tit tussle continued. But with the complimentary oil, it took on a much different dimension. The aforementioned smack, press and hold now became press, hold and roll as both women sought to get maximum gratification from their oleaginous breasts.

    But, for all intents and purposes, what had started out as two women wanting to have a duel of breasts to see which perfect pair was better, had now devolved into a match to see which one could inflict the most pleasure. I wondered if such an affair of honor could bring either or both of them to a legitimate orgasm.

    I could see that the oil was starting to be absorbed. Evidently, a second application was needed. So, I leapt to my feet, baby oil in hand, and did what a man had to do. All the two women could focus on was the slick mating of their soft globes. But it was clear that they appreciated my efforts as their fused breasts began to slip and slide sensuously once again and sensations of imminent orgasms began to escalate in their loins.

    Anita’s breasts seemed to have an ever so slight advantage, but it was difficult to be sure. Jasmine was not backing away from full engagement. The four beauties smacked and squished and pressed repeatedly in this hedonistic fray. In the ruckus, they lost their balance and tumbled to the living room floor. The fight for top position was immediate and fervent. Anita prevailed. Jasmine cursed and groaned, but the thrill of her roommate’s body on hers was too overpowering. Anita sensed that she now had the added advantage of body weight.

    “Slut!” Jasmine screamed.
    “Fuck you, Jasmine. You KNOW my body feels fantastic.”

    Grabbing Jasmine’s wrists and holding them above her head, Anita managed to position herself in a way that made it difficult for the brunette to roll her. All she could manage was to twist and squirm and writhe beneath her blonde flat mate. But every twist and squirm only served to heighten the exquisite thrill of their bodies thrashing against each other.

    “Stop struggling bitch! Enjoy the moment. Feel my fabulous tits all over yours.” Anita was basking in her dominance. But that wouldn’t last long.

    “FUCK YOU! I’ll get out of this. I’ll think of something,” vowed Jasmine.

    And, she was right. You see, oil is a strange entity. Sure, you can put it on your boobs and it will stay there for a while. But, if your tits are wrestling with another set of tits, eventually the oil is going to do what oil always does…spread out. It’s going to go wherever it wants to go. Jaz understood this.

    At some point during the stand up struggle, their hands came into contact with baby oil. That’s why she was able to easily free her wrists from Anita’s grasp. The inevitable body roll happened.

    “You devious bitch!” the busty blonde cried out.
    “I told you I would get out of it.”

    I was in such awe of their upper body clash, I didn’t notice that their legs had become entwined. And there had been a slight shift in their lower bodies which brought their womanly mounds into perfect alignment. I didn’t notice the ever so subtle bump of their thong clad crotches because the two nearly naked brawlers chose not to make it obvious. Unbeknownst to me, an understated agreement had been reached. They spent the next few minutes chewing on each other’s mouths and sucking each other’s tongues in the most passionate kissing I’d ever seen in my life. I couldn’t be sure, but it seemed like this memorable evening was winding down. Hell, the woman to woman action was so sexy that I never bothered to check my wrist watch. It was now 10:15 PM.

    They untangled themselves and got up. As they faced each other, I could see that they were weary.

    “I’m exhausted!” said Anita.
    “Me too!”
    “Agree. Draw,” said Jasmine.

    Anita then surprised me, “Are you OK with that, David?”
    I sighed, “No, actually. I’m not.”

    They looked at me, quizzically.

    “What do you propose?” Jasmine asked.
    “How about a five minute, sudden death overtime period; an all out, hands behind your backs, tits against tits battle?”
    “Just tits?” Anita asked.
    “Just tits,”
    “What do you think, Jaz?”
    Jasmine thought for a second, “OK…I’m down with that.”

    They moved to each other, stopping at nipple to nipple, where it all began, a little over two hours ago. Hands behind their backs, they were just about to start when I interrupted.

    “Wait!…Before we begin, would m’ladies care for another smidge of oil?”
    “Yes, please,” they chimed and giggled.
    “There is a caveat, however.”
    “And that is?” Jasmine wanted to know, for both of them.
    “David Coleman, procurer of fine wines and all around nice guy, gets to apply the final coating of oil to these four magnificent breasts. I stand firm on this proviso.”
    “You’ve been ‘standing firm’ for at least an hour, David,” Anita quipped. Jasmine laughed out loud, “but I’ll agree to that.” She looked at her roommate, “Jasmine?”
    The brunette shrugged her shoulders, “Sure, why not?”

    YESSSS!!!! I suppose my caveat could have been considered a bit sexist, but neither of them felt that it was demeaning in any way.

    “Ladies, if you would both turn and face me. Good, now move in close together. Excellent! Now, Jasmine, if you would put your arm around Anita’s waist…Anita, please place your arm around Jasmine’s shoulder.”

    Before I decided to study computers, I had a brief dalliance as a professional photographer. The income was inconsistent. And with the advent of the new “do everything for you” digital cameras, except for special circumstances, the need for pro shooters greatly diminished. But if I took anything away from that experience, it was the knack of recognizing a potentially great photo. This arrangement had the desired effect. Right before my eyes, four large and luscious tits were lined up in a row. I whipped out my iPhone and fired off six rapid fire close up shots. They turned out perfectly!

    “What the hell?”
    “Wait, before you get mad, have a look at the beauty I’ve just captured.”

    I wasn’t kidding. All six shots came out great. Jaz took my iPhone from me and scanned all six pictures. Anita had some anger simmering, but Jasmine was able to assuage her. She held the phone and swiped through all the photos for Anita to see.

    “Look how beautiful they are!”

    Anita reluctantly agreed. “I hate to say it, but I agree. Look at those four fabulous tits!”

    But then, she offered a blatant threat. “But these shots better not show up on the internet, David, or I’ll send a hit man to your house.”
    “No ma’am…no way, no how…I promise.”

    Back to the finale:

    After using all of my sensual skills in order to apply the final coat of oil to the four most beautiful breasts I’d ever seen, the girls turned into each other for the final showdown. Hands behind their backs, they stuck their chests out in order to lead with their breasts. The full frontal smash and squish was astounding! Best one of the night! It was like these four beauties were desperate to be together once again. With so much oil, I don’t know how they did it, but Jasmine and Anita managed to fuse four mountains of tit flesh so perfectly to each other. This was WAY better that any of those bashing boobs at NVP! I wondered if either one of these two glorious women would ever prevail. Which set of tits would carry the day?

    Now seven minutes and thirty-five seconds into the five minute overtime period, the two women couldn’t take it any longer. They wrapped their arms tightly around each other and, pressing their bodies tightly to each other, began to kiss with unfettered sexual desire. Jasmine then dropped her hands and squeezed Anita’s butt cheeks. Anita responded in kind. They repositioned their pelvises, then pushed hard into each other. I was absolutely certain that their engorged love mounds were now in a tight crush. Anita’s head then violently whipped back. She let out a scream as Jasmine’s thick pussy invaded her privacy. She then looked at me and spoke.

    “It has to be five minutes by now, David.”
    “Umm…eight minutes and forty seconds, to be accurate.”
    “Why didn’t you stop us?” she demanded to know.
    “No man in his right mind would have tried to break you two up.”

    The two women’s chests were heaving mightily into each other.

    “Well, Jaz and I are worn out. We need to go to bed. So, if you don’t mind…”

    “I understand.” I said, but was cognizant of her wording. She said they needed to “go to bed,” not go to sleep.

    “Wait,” Jasmine spoke up, “he’s been so sweet and he brought us such lovely wine. Don’t you think that’s worth a little reward?”

    Anita read her mind. “You’re right Jaz, he deserve a sweet sendoff.”
    “It shouldn’t take long…a matter of seconds.”
    “Then you and I can go to bed.” Anita agreed.

    The next thing I knew, my pants and my shorts were down to my ankles and two luscious mouths were entertaining my cock. Both of them were studied in the art of the blow job. Jasmine was right. I erupted in less than sixty seconds. Understandable, since I’d been holding that climax in for several hours.

    At the door, I thanked them for the Pancit, the tit fight and the blow job.

    “Thank you for a wonderful evening, ladies. It will be forever etched in my hard drive.”

    They giggled, blew me kisses and closed the door behind me. I drove off into the night, reasonably certain that Anita Benson and Jasmine Reyes were going to spend the rest of the night between each other’s thighs.

    Methinks a study of what happens when two women bump crotches during an enthusiastic hug is indicated…


  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    OK, now we absolutely have to have a story about how Jasmine and Anita spend their night - or maybe a subsequent night, since I can't believe they will stop doing this once they start! Is this really the first time for both or are we meant to be suspicious of that claim?

    Great story!


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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    what a great build up, apenman.

    two women attracted to each other, fulfill their desire through a man they are both attracted to.

    first titfight story to include quantum physics.


    this was hot.

    great uniquely witty work as usual.
    Last edited by kamafight; April 16th, 2021 at 07:33 AM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    Thanks for this amazing, sexy, really well-written story!
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

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    Junior Hostboard Member tgrannei's Avatar
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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    Have you tried to search the information online about this? I think you can also contact the company support team directly. I think they have offices everywhere. I am from Canada, and it is not a problem here at all, see here. Alternatively, you may post the same on the other forums. The wider audience see your question, the higher probability of reasonable responses.
    Last edited by tgrannei; April 17th, 2021 at 04:35 AM.

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    Cool Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    Quote Originally Posted by tgrannei View Post
    Have you tried to search the information online about this?

    Thanks for your question. This story is a mishmash of things I know, (wine, Pancit) things I've experienced (different types of hugs) and some things I've looked up online (how to actually make and spell PANCIT). But, for all intents and purposes, it's fiction. I hope that you enjoyed this figment of my imagination.

    A. Penman

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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    OK, now we absolutely have to have a story about how Jasmine and Anita spend their night - or maybe a subsequent night, since I can't believe they will stop doing this once they start! Is this really the first time for both or are we meant to be suspicious of that claim?

    Great story!

    Hey JB,

    Thanks for the positive feedback!

    A subsequent chapter, which I am inclined to write, would pick up right where this one leaves off. Indeed, who would believe that they could just go to their rooms and ignore the heat? And yes, we are meant to be suspicious of the claim that they had never done anything like this before.

    Hope all is well, and I'm enjoying Duranna.


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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Anubisx View Post
    Thanks for this amazing, sexy, really well-written story!

    Thanks, Anubisx!!!


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by kamafight View Post
    what a great build up, apenman.

    two women attracted to each other, fulfill their desire through a man they are both attracted to.

    first titfight story to include quantum physics.


    this was hot.

    great uniquely witty work as usual.

    Quantum physic indeed! For the sole purpose of getting everyone's "Johnson hard." LOL

    Thanks for your comments. Always appreciated.


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    Hostboard Member dwcole8's Avatar
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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    LOVE, Love, love this hot tit story.
    The way the women gave the lucky guy his sendoff is - WOW.
    I think these women have done this before, lol.

    And let's hope David does some research into, what happens when
    two women bump crotches during a overly friendly hug - YES.

    Thank you A. Penman

    Now I'm off to my fav wine shop, where are my shoes ?

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    Junior Hostboard Member Thotless's Avatar
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    Re: How Women Hug Chapter 2

    Very well written, but I wish I hadn't spent the time since there was no outcome and nothing resolved.

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