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Thread: The Magnitude Duel

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    The Magnitude Duel

    The Magnitude Duel--

    She tried the right lock around her wrist again but had no luck. It didn’t matter anyway; the guards at the door would just tie her back up if she escaped. She had been caught and now she was playing the damn damsel in distress…she hated that role. The prison room in which she was the sole occupant was an old-style dungeon, with green moss on the stones and rusted metal bars that led to a long hallway in front of her. Judging by the state of the room there hadn’t been any other guests for a very long time. Her hands were bound over her head giving her some move ability to shift her body, but not enough to make any sort of escape. She had been in here for roughly 30 minutes when the shaking of the entire temple began. They were digging for the final piece and if they got it, her and Brock’s quest would end in failure.

    Brooke Velda had never been very lucky, not with her job, relationships, or general life. 8 months ago, she had been a boring 25-year-old endless student living in a one bedroom flat with nothing going for her. She had no friends, no family, and no acquaintances to speak of, in fact, it was like she didn’t even exist. She had fallen prey to the same path of so many people did, never taking risks, and letting chances slip past her as she wallowed through the drones of daily life.

    Then, that all came to a change one cold October night when her childhood crush from next door, the handsome Brock Smith had visited her in the dark of night. She hadn’t seen him in 10 years and swooned on the spot from his cheeky smile and fit body. He asked for her help, to come with him as he needed someone to trust and everyone he knew had been compromised. Without thinking of the consequences for the first time in her young life, she followed him on his adventure him help save the world.

    That night on a train leading to a place she had never heard of; Brock explained to her what happened, and where he had been the last 10 years. A rogue scientist, Vladimir Targon had stolen a serum created in secret by the dark government. The contents and effect of the serum were top secret to even them, but Brock had been tasked with tracking the young man down and recovering it before he could complete and use it. It seemed a simple enough task, Brooke had thought, but she had been very wrong. She had far underestimated what he had meant when he asked her to join and had not expected to be thrown into a mess that eventually led her to the dungeon in which she occupied.

    For the next six months after that chilly night, everything was a blur as she left her old life behind. They travelled to cities, mountains, and got lost in the world of this undercover life of adventure and espionage. She was trained hard and fast by both Brock and several other members of the secret un-named organization. As the weeks passed, her already well-shaped body took the next step in terms of fitness and beauty. She lost the last few pounds of extra fat and added some muscle in some very sexy places. She had always been voluptuous as a woman, but now it was becoming something more, something she could feel as she walked in the streets and people would stop and stare. It felt almost counterproductive as she mixed her developed body with her spy training making her more noticeable in a crowd while also trying to blend in. She had always had a kind face, with straight long honey blonde hair that went down to her lower back. She had wide blue, but murky eyes and her red lips filled out her rounded cheeks with her button nose. She still had a very classical cute look, but now underneath her clothes, the organization had turned her into a near-perfect sex pot. A powerful skill for any woman or man to possess and Brooke had every aspect to use it. Regardless, however, she was still far from a full-fledged spy. As Brock told her, a good body is a weapon, but using it the right way is what mattered.

    Eventually, after her short but intense training, she and Brock caught up to the scientist. They had cornered him on a bullet train, but to their two-fold surprise, he wasn’t alone. It turned out he was not the only one who had conspired to steal the serum and even seemed not to be the one pulling the strings on the whole operation. The young voluptuous Victoria Maleness was there too, and the pair were blown away by her betrayal. Besides being an incredible spy in her own right, Victoria was also the ex-partner of Brock before she too went rouge from the same organization. This made Brock’s shock of the treachery even more painful as she mocked them during her and Vlad’s helicopter escape.

    After their first meeting, the two pairs had clashed several times over the last 3 months. The battles normally ended with Brock and Vladimir duelling with both swords, guns and fists but never able to finish the job. Brooke and Victoria always at their sides, helping with their plans and eyeing each other with growing disdain. Yet they have never physically clashed, always missing the opportunity by seconds, or being tasked with other roles. Brooke knew that despite all she had accomplished, Victoria was her final test and eventually, they would have to settle the score.

    Then, the women’s rivalry got really kicked into gear. Just two weeks ago, they had both been captured by the tribal leader of the very valley in which the temple was located. With the entire tribe of savages watching, the chief had made both Brooke and Victoria strip down to compare their nude sexy bodies in front of each other and the people. This night had shown Brooke just how incredible Victoria’s body was, and she felt a flush of competitiveness that went beyond her spy training. Even in the life-threatening danger, she wanted to know which of them really had the nicer body something Victoria clearly was interested in knowing as well.

    All the while as they eyed each other, the chief set out to pick which of the two intruders would live to please him that night, while the other was left for the rest of the tribe to be gang-raped by the tribe. Both spies knew the one picked to go with the leader would be easily able to escape, while the other would be left to her fate.

    That is where a deeper, more natural rivalry had been born between them as they presented themselves in the near-nude for the chief, unwilling to be defeated. They used the flow of their large chests, their hot toned asses, their lightly visible abs, every inch was compared, scrutinized by the man and princess who would decide their fate. The native girl, whose body was hidden behind her robes, and whose English was near flawless felt her own sense of rivalry with the two outsiders but kept her own secret intentions hidden from them and her tribe. At the end of the dance, the chief had decided he could not choose between Brooke and Victoria and picked them both in a frustrating turn of events. But before anything could happen, Brock and the evil henchmen of Vlad rescued the girls. During the commotion, the sexy princess simply watched. She messaged her own organization about the two spy groups and the sexy women. That night she abandoned her tribe to act on her own plan. With the other two groups going after the serum, her current plan had failed. But she swore she would find those two women one day and act on her own supernatural plots.

    But that was just the spark that led to the next event of their rivalry. Just a week ago, Victoria successfully seduced Brock while Brooke had been away from their camp. During the passion, he gave away the locations for the final ingredient needed for the serum as he came underneath Victoria’s perfect body, the yellow-haired blonde’s sex a drug in which few could deny. He had apologized to Brooke for falling for the ex-spy’s trap, but Brooke didn’t blame him. She blamed herself. She should have been there; she could have seen through the ruse and handled Victoria in whatever way they would settle it. At a personal level, a rival woman had fucked her man, and she felt the shame of that loss as well. In fact, the shame was so much that Brooke had almost given up the spy life thinking she had been so outmatched.

    The whole last week, Brock seemed to only want to fuck Victoria again and no longer showed any interest in Brooke or their mission. Until just two days ago, Brooke pushed down her worries of being rejected and finally fucked the spy to make him forgot about Victoria’s incredible sex. She gave it her all and fucked him harder than she ever had fucked another person, using her massive tits, sexy ass, mouth, and pussy to break the spell. It had worked, snapping the man out of his funk, but he accidentally admitted that the two women were both eerily skilled in the arts of sex and prolonging the pleasure. Brooke had thought about that the last two days, wondering how she would ever prove to him that was indeed the better lover.

    The sound of the dungeon’s door opening snapped Brooke’s mind out of the past year and into the present, and her current trapped situation. She again tried the locks but for the 15th time, had no luck once again. All she could do was wait as the approaching figure appeared in front of her cell and let herself into the small prison room.

    To her non-surprise, in came the very Victoria she had been thinking about. Each step a taunt, moving with a sexy strut that would look natural on a catwalk. She was in a full-body bright red latex catsuit that went up to her neck and built-in high heel red boots. The front zipper was undone down to her navel, presenting her firm and huge braless cleavage and underboob out for the world. In the heat of this Amazonian jungle they were in, Brooke could help think she wore it just to show off her body to the darker haired blonde.

    While Brock and Vlad had their rivalry from the get-go due to the mission, Victoria and Brooke’s had been a slow-growing seed that was now bloomed into full-blown hatred. Just a few weeks ago they had been nude and being judged, with that being inconclusive, it only heated their hate. Each of their biggest failures had been chalked up to the other’s persistence and presence. So far, besides one or two exceptions, Victoria had gotten the best of Brooke multiple times in their game. More apparent than ever now, with her recent capture by the yellowed haired queen bee.

    The ex-spy face was cruel, and distinct with a sharp nose and chin, but was also naturally beautiful in a way that gave Brooke chills. The distinguishing thing besides her full wavy yellow hair was the eyepatch on her left eye. It could not hide the thin scar that ran up from her mid-cheek to her hairline. Brock had told her that Victoria never took it off, even during sex and no one had seen that side of her since the accident. Her one good eye was a dark green, that seemed to always be watching for mischief. In another world, she might have been a very strict principal with her haughty expression and clear love of being in control. Her body was equal in every way of Brooke’s both in strength, size, and womanly aspect. She was toned from the exact same training method, with muscular legs, and an ass built on jumping and squatting.

    In the cell, Victoria walked up closer, her latex catsuit was so tight that Brooke’s bright blue eyes could see every curve of the blonde’s body. Every muscle definition, every sexy lump that seemed to stretch the material to the limit. The sweat from the amazon heat caused drips to run down the somewhat exposed belly from her forehead.

    “Well…well…well.” Victoria mused as she made her way up to the trapped girl, her 6-inch boots clicking loudly on the rocky ground and giving her the height advantage that normally wasn’t present when they stood face to face. Compared to Victoria, Brooke’s adventure outfit was not something to show off. A simple white button-up blouse and tan short shorts. Simple and effective for the forest but had been torn in multiple places. At least it showed off her own incredible body to the assistant scientist, but not on purpose.

    With her hands chained above her head, Brooke could do nothing but glare at her captor as she came nearer. Meanwhile, Victoria eyed Brooke with disdain, the woman who in a way replaced her in the organization. Even though she left on her own accord, it still irked her. How did they think they could replace her so easily? She would never know.

    She sighed slightly, “It seems in the end; our little game has finished without you and I ever getting to really play. When we learned that dear Brocky had brought along his own little companion, I almost was excited to see who he dared tried to exchange me with. Maybe she would be a challenge? Someone I could break after a hard-fought duel of minds and bodies, I thought it could be a rivalry that could match dear Vlady’s and Brocky’s so well.”

    She came up to stand in front of the trapped girl with her still cruel smile. “Oh, how I was mistaken…you were such a disappointment.” She hummed, then spat on Brooke’s face near her left cheek. The trapped girl flinched slightly at the goo hitting her face, unable to retaliate without fear of Victoria doing far worse to her.

    “You were so easy to beat. So easy to outmatch at every little opportunity, I almost feel sorry for you.”

    “Fuck you. You won’t win.” Brooke hissed unable to stay quiet, though she didn’t struggle on the chains. She didn’t want to look weak in her rival’s eyes.

    Victoria sighed louder as she began to pace back and forth in front of the dirty blonde with small steps. Brooke’s blue eyes moved down to Victoria’s ass that stuck out behind her like a caboose. The latex suit should have revealed every flaw, but Brooke still couldn’t locate one. It was full, strong, like the many Instagram stars that she followed before she had joined this life and though she hated to admit it, maybe as nice as hers.

    Victoria paced for a few seconds then stopped moving and came to stand right in front of Brooke once again. It seemed the little walk had indeed only been to show off her ass to her chained rival. The one green eye flashing as she looked at Brooke’s thin red lips, and incredible body. She too couldn’t locate a flaw on the other girl’s form, and it drove her crazy.

    “I long wondered why he picked you, clearly not skilled or trained in any way. No history in espionage or presence in our world, and of course, nowhere near as beautiful as me. I figured maybe it was the sex, something to distract himself so he wouldn’t be able to fall for me from our history. But I learned you hadn’t even fucked him when I caught him. And even better you weren’t even there to stop me. It makes sense truly why he wouldn’t sleep with you, after me, no woman can compare.” With that, Victoria displayed her womanly body, in its glory, and right now with how she was dressed, it was hard to disagree. Brooke felt small, trapped, not wearing near anything as sexy as the other girl.

    She also couldn’t fully hide her frustration that the man she loved had been taken by her rival, the feelings of inadequacy and the comment of them being eerily similar in sex rushing back. Even worse, that right now in this potential world-changing battle, this bitch was so vain that beauty was the most important thing to her. Then the one green eye of Victoria narrowed as it watched for the reaction of the trapped girl and seemed to find it. Brooke’s emotions still gave a hint and the other woman smiled with glee.

    “Have you ever taken him yet? Because of course, I have, and you know it and how good it was for him. Did it hurt when he told you I was his ex-partner? His ex-lover? Did you cry thinking of me fucking the man you love? You can’t hide it; I have seen the way you look at him. I want you to imagine my perfect body pressed into his muscular form, his moans moving my throat, his thrusts being taken by my body and him whispering how much he loves me. He is a very fun ride and you know he is still madly in love with me even after all I did.”

    Brooke again stayed quiet though the emotional pain was worse than before. It was true, she had not yet made her true feelings known, and knew Victoria was the ex-lover. But the rouge spy was wrong, they had fucked, just before her capture and she knew she could win his heart from this bitch. She believed she had finally broken the spell that the slut had placed on him, but the queen bee seemed ahead of her once again.

    The ex-spy sighed in thought, “Even if you have fucked him now, you know he was lying to you if he said you were better. I can promise you, baby, you have nothing that I don’t have. You are inferior.”

    With that, she reached down, and ripped Brooke’s already torn white shirt further, revealing the lightly tanned skin right under her bountiful chest. “Hmph.” She breathed through her nose, clearly annoyed that Brooke’s stomach was toned like hers and her tits seemed equally as firm for their size. But Victoria wouldn’t stop, and her own fuller red lips continued to grin as she sensually moved closer to the new spy so that their faces were only a few inches away. At this distance, their noses could only take in the sweat dripping off their bodies. She kept her one eye looking into Brooke’s even as she unbuttoned the tight shorts and undid the little zipper with her hands.

    The latex wearing girl backed away to lean down and peel the tan cloth off the sweaty legs of Brooke who could do nothing but be stripped down to her final pieces. A second later, she was left in her simple black athletic thong that hung high on her hips and low on her navel. Peeking out the front was a thin, clean strip of blonde hair just above her pussy that she kept well-trimmed and square. She knew Victoria kept her bush the same way thanks to Brock. Maybe that is why she did it because maybe a small bit of her wanted to replace Victoria and having the same pubic hair was something the man clearly enjoyed.

    Though her rival was now bottomless left only her thong, Victoria seemed to decide that she wasn’t done after seeing the thin strip her copycat possessed. She wanted and needed to find a flaw and to do it, she began to undo the buttons on the white shirt instead of tearing it off further. One by one, they came undone, and the heat of their bodies could be felt through their clothes.

    Brooke’s upper body was then shown to her rival, only left in her bra. It was a simple sports bra, stretched to the limit by Brooke’s tits and made to help reduce the extreme bouncing that would occur when the new spy moved. Her tits were her pride, large, and firm on her chest that even before her training, she used to her best way. The second was her ass and yet both were matched by her rival to Brooke’s annoyance. Not normally did she meet another woman who could match her in looks and body departments, but Victoria could.

    The platinum blonde’s tits were near her size, they had to be the same cup, if not only a cm or two differences. There was a reason why Brock had been able to give her all of Victoria’s old clothes and gear only after a month into her training. Victoria seemed to see the same, and her one eye narrowed in further scorn at the close comparison and equality she found even now. She took a step closer, her red latex revealing her hard nipples that would have lined up if not for her heels. She was tired of this; she would simply let this woman die here and no longer had to worry about it.

    She cupped Brooke’s chin and brought their mouths tantalizingly close. “You lose.” She whispered between them, ensuring there was no doubt as to who was in charge. Then to add insult to injury she lightly kissed her trapped rival, forcing Brooke to taste the lips that had also taken her lover’s sex. The lips that claimed Brooke even when she and he were on opposite sides of this conflict.

    The kiss was not for attraction, but dominance between the two sexpots. A kiss that showed Victoria could take Brooke without consequence; that there was a superior between them in body and mind. It lasted a long five seconds, and a hidden urge to use their tongues had to be pressed down. Finally, their lips separated, and they both gasped from the pleasurable feelings pulsing in their veins. It seemed to raise even more questions than answer them. Then, Victoria whispered again, “Remember it bitch, you are nothing compared to me, and these lips have taken what you desire and now I’m going to leave you here to die.”

    A large shaking caused Victoria to look up and then smile again. It was almost time. She backed away a foot and stood up to her full height, her incredible body on display, the tight catsuit yearning to split on her womanly mounds. Her dark green and Brooke’s baby blue eyes glared into each other, a rivalry that felt not yet complete but was now finished. Like they had missed the event that should have happened between them and no longer would. Victoria’s seemingly permeant cruel smile again was given to her captured opponent and spoke in her haughty voice.

    “With the serum almost complete and in our possession, a new world order will be upon us. Vlady will take control, and I will gain the power and respect I deserve. Goodbye…little girl.”

    Brooke stayed silent, fuming, her lips tingling from the touch of the other tasty pair. She knew that Victoria had often been sent to seduce men and women spies, and even now she felt a desire for the sexy rouge spy that she couldn’t believe. But she had been picked by the organization for the same type of jobs and judging from Victoria’s slight gasp after their kiss, it seemed they both could turn each other on. But it didn’t matter now, or ever because she had lost.

    Not saying another word, Victoria left the dungeon, leaving them trapped and even more nude Brooke to nothing but her defeat. The new spy had failed, she hadn’t been ready for something like this and here was the final proof. She had been nothing but a burden to Brock, and Victoria had shown that. Her head hung low for a few seconds until her eyes opened and she looked down at her hot trained body.

    “No.” She said aloud to no one in the room. She wouldn’t quit, she had come so far from where she had begun. She wouldn’t die here; she wouldn’t go back to that normal boring life. She had survived and she had been picked for a reason. This would not be the end, she swore it. She began to work on the right lock again, trying to twist her body to get a better look.

    A few minutes later, a new sound came from the grunting of guards outside the prison door. Then BAM the door swung open and Brock stood there.

    “Hey, Brooke…sorry I’m late.” Though he stopped to see his sexy partner was already free and standing there in nothing but her underwear, her arms now free and a makeshift weapon in her fingers. She flipped her light brown hair back and gave her own huff looking as sexy as any woman alive could standing with a cocked hip.

    “Better late than never…but forget that! We have to hurry! The serum is almost complete, and they are almost done!”

    “Shit…let’s go.” He turned back, but not without taking an extra glance at Brooke’s body whose simple black thong and sports bra left little to the imagination over her lush body. He couldn’t believe he had not been fucking her for the last 6 months, it was a big ol regret, but one he could make up. She seemed to notice and went up to him to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Gawk later. Come on!”

    With that, they ran down the corridor, meeting little resistance and any they did was easily dispatched. The natives had abandoned this place and now the guards seemed to have left their post in fear of what was going to happen. Brock had done his research, and though at first, he ran behind Brooke to watch her ass jiggle, he then took the lead maneuvering around the ancient temple. After a few quick turns, they came to a large clearly modern metal door. Brock quickly brought out the badge he had stolen and scanned it, granting them access.

    They burst into the main lab, a huge room, and there, sitting on the rock throne was Vladimir. He had the dose of serum in his hand, his eyes flashed in victory as Brock and Brooke entered. He stood up and gave a long slow clap.

    “Welcome my esteemed guests, but it is too late! I have gotten the final ingredient and the growth serum is complete!” He laughed, and so did Victoria who appeared from behind the chair, her own serum in hand. She was still in her red latex suit and Brock couldn’t help but gulp at her attractive body. They shared a look that did not go unnoticed by Brooke, though it did by Vlad as he continued his monologue.

    “With this now complete. I will be as tall as skyscrapers, my body immune to any type of pain from weapons that the mortals of this world could produce. I will swim across oceans for fun! I will smash any army who dares attack me, crush cities with my bare feet…ALL IN MY GRASP! This world is mine!”

    He laughed loudly again as Victoria smiled at him, her bright red lips visible even from the other side of the room. She then turned to the other occupants with a snarky look, “See Brocky, you picked wrong. This is the path that will finally give me the satisfaction I have been craving. World domination…you always said to ‘dream big’ and here I am.”

    “We have very different dreams.” He snapped back, but Victoria’s smile only grew. Vlad was no longer paying attention as he lifted and began to drink the thick liquid. “No!” The new duo yelled, and to their surprise, he dropped the vial only halfway complete.

    “UGH!” Vlad cried then screamed in pain dropping the vial which awkwardly rolled towards the other pair. Victoria jumped away from her spasming partner and watched in surprise as Brock saw his chance. He ran forward at the screaming scientist with Brooke following him a second later. The young white-haired man was already showing signs of something happening and Brock knew there was only one way to stop him. He picked up the half-empty vile as well and swallowed the rest.

    A few feet away, Brooke jumped at Victoria and the sexy red leather blonde slipped her vial between her tits, on the now zipped up catsuit. She then moved to meet her ‘replacement’. After months of build-up, they were finally about to fight. They met and quickly their training and instincts kicked in as they exchanged painful jabs and kicks in fast motion. The kicks were precise, but Brooke started to lag on a few seconds later with their long legs swinging and landing on their skin and clothes. They knew each other’s moves after being trained by the same organization, but Victoria had 5 years of experience on Brooke, and it showed.

    After all their build-up, the aggressive fight was brief, and a quick succession of punches and kicks sent Brooke down to her back still in her black thong and bra. “Ugh.” She grunted from the kick to her shoulder that she failed to block. Before she could flip herself up and fight back, Victoria had sat down on her hips trapping her once again. The bottom girl hissed as the red latex smoothly rubbed against her hot skin. Victoria laughed as pulled from between her tits the vial of serum in her free hand, her green eye flashing.

    “See? You lose again! And when I’m the size of mountains, I will crush you like an ant!” Victoria screamed as she popped open the serum. She looked over at the two growing nude men who were slowly standing up. She would soon join them and together, she and Vlad would finish Brock, then it would just be them, ruling with unlimited power like giant gods. She tipped the thick green serum and took the entire liquid into her mouth. Blast! The whole room shook as the two men were now the size of two-story houses and had seemingly regained their minds. They had stood up sending rubble and rocks everywhere just as Victoria had taken the substance into her mouth.

    The queen bee froze from the bang and shock of the collapsing building. She was still holding the liquid in her mouth, it was thicker than she expected and the second delay gave Brooke her chance. Using her much-improved flexibility and yoga skills, she flipped her legs up to wrap around Victoria’s torso and forced her off her. But knowing the other woman already had taken the liquid into her mouth gave her only one option. Laying on their sides, she gripped the back of her rival’s head and smashed her red lips onto the other pair and began to suck hard, trying to pull every drop of the thick green cum like liquid into her own maw from her rival.

    Victoria gasped from the ground at the sudden position change and erotic kiss, losing half the substance in the first second from her lips into Brooke’s powerful mouth. Instinctively she began to suck back just in time to stop the flow from completely draining her. Her good green right eye glared into Brooke’s blue left as they awkwardly kissed. Victoria used her legs to keep Brooke’s near-nude body from escaping ensuring one of them would take the prize. They ended up rolling on each other and the rocky floor for a few seconds, hot nude body on hot latex body, while trying to keep the other girl from swallowing her load. They latched a hand on each other’s throat’s closing out the path. Then suddenly the juice began to burn between their lips painfully, but still, they kissed on. Brooke rolled to the bottom position so that gravity was assisting her, and she doubled down by using her tongue to split Victoria’s lips so that it would ooze into her mouth from the ex-spy. Victoria rolled them back a second later and shot her own tongue to meet Brooke’s in a spit battle for the liquid. The pink snakes knotted and pushed the other muscle back and forth a few times, sloshing the thick juice.

    The hand that was not on their throats moved to the back of their rival’s heads holding their lip lock in place as the sexual pressure and burning intensified. The body press was turning them on in another way as Brooke’s sweaty skin slid on the red latex. Victoria was not about to let a single drop be wasted on the ground and would pull it all back she swore as she actively sucked her opponent mouth to mouth. They let out moans from the pain and building heat in-between their legs as the sexpot’s kiss fought. The building amount of spit fully mixed with the formula and suddenly it was impossible to tell who had what in her mouth as they rolled around, keeping their lips pressed together and tongues slashing. Almost 30 seconds passed until a collapsing rock shook the room and, to their surprise, they separated with gasps of sensuality and an extreme burning in their mouths.

    The erotic sensation of the kiss gave them a weird sexual desire for the rival sexpot, and that integrated with the boiling liquid going down their throats sent their minds ablaze. There was a green sheen on each of the lips and simply stared eye to eyes while they both swallowed the substance down their red-marked throats. It seemed they had each swallowed half of the serum and spit, more than enough and seconds later, they began to grow. Victoria began to scream first followed quickly by Brooke as they wreathed on the ground a few feet away from each other. The pain was harsh for the new spy, and she wasn’t sure how she would survive. It felt like her skin was on fire, then ice, then fire again. A few more seconds and she couldn’t hear Victoria anymore as everything went black.

    End of Part 1
    Hello everyone. Just a random short story I wrote. Only one more part after this so it should be up and over quickly. Hope you enjoyed this part.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Magnitude Duel

    Hi King! The story is off to a really good start! Looking forward to the rest.


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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: The Magnitude Duel

    What an awesome atory. I loved it. Hopefully the fight isn't too much about them boys. But you just write what you want to write. I'm looking forward to it anyhow.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Magnitude Duel

    Quote Originally Posted by cc25 View Post
    What an awesome atory. I loved it. Hopefully the fight isn't too much about them boys. But you just write what you want to write. I'm looking forward to it anyhow.
    I'm hoping the "boys" don't factor into it at all, except as a sidebar. I'm also curious to see how King will handle Victoria's missing eye- is that eyepatch really covering a missing eye or something else! And, if the former, will the formula have a regenerative effect?

    Looking forward to the next part!



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    Re: The Magnitude Duel


    At first I thought you were giving us a spy thriller with sex. I guess I just didn't understand the title. Now I'm envisioning two giant women (clothes ripped off from a sudden growth spurt) locked in a nude sexual battle. At least I think that's where this is headed.

    Looking forward to the next part. Nice work, King! Very cool story!


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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: The Magnitude Duel

    What am awesome story. Cant wait for the next part.

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    Re: The Magnitude Duel

    I like it, Its kinda got a Danger Girl vibe to it. Well up into the super size me part, that'll be entertaining.

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    Re: The Magnitude Duel

    I'm kinda visualizing the boys going off to wreck Tokyo, a la Godzilla vs Kong, while the ladies lock loins and use houses as pillows to lean on
    Last edited by 44automag; June 27th, 2021 at 07:09 PM. Reason: typo

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    Hostboard Member dwcole8's Avatar
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    Re: The Magnitude Duel

    This story caught me by surprise, action adventure with some sci-fi and with hot babes = YES.
    A vary interesting and hot story for the board.
    I am way curious to see, where things will go next.

    Thank you Kingofdapirates1

  10. #10
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    The Magnitude Duel Part 2

    Part 2

    Slowly Brooke’s blue eyes opened to the sun blasting down from the sky. When did she get outside? What had just occurred? Where was she?! What had just happened?!! Question after question nagged at her dizzy head. It took a second, but then all of it came flying back at once, her sucking kiss with Victoria, the serum burning her throat, the pain that had engulfed her senses. She sat up and the first thing she noticed was that she was fully nude, her bra and thong gone and her incredible sexpot-built body out for open view. ‘When…when did that happen?’ she wondered. The second thing she noticed was that the agony she felt from a minute ago had vanished like it was nothing, in fact, she had never felt better. It had been many months if not years since she felt so rested, yet it felt very weird in the circumstance of where she was. Her eyes regaining focus, she was able to look around, but all she could see was the treetops from outside the temple. Her brain struggled with the very idea that she was now at eye level with them. ‘Huh?’ She questioned again, as she sat up and noticed she was sitting in the temple, in fact like her whole body was fitted in the entire building. It took one extra second, but she started to understand and was given full confirmation as she looked down at two little black specs that seemed to be her destroyed black thong and bra.

    ‘It can’t be.’ She wondered with astonishment, but it made sense, she had taken the growth serum and it had worked! She was now outside the temple because she was now as big as the temple! She was as tall as the smaller trees to the left and right! She was massive, at least 30 feet tall and still growing quickly.

    “What the hell? This can’t be real.” She gasped, looking at her hands for a few seconds. Then she stood up and noticed that indeed the baby trees only came up to her waist. She tried to calm her nerves and take note that what was happening to her right now was and should have been impossible, but here it was actually happening!

    She had no other time to think about it, however, as a loud sound gripped her attention. She looked to the right to see a fully nude massive Brock and Vlad exchanging punches what might have been a few 300 yards away but as far at her current size. Both men landed good hits, but it was Brock tripping that made her blue eyes go wide. Victoria seemed to have already recovered before the new spy, and Brooke watched as her partner duelled both the evil scientist and sexy ex-spy at the same time. The tide turned quickly as Victoria landed a kick to Brock’s face as her want to be lover struggled to strike back at the woman for some reason.

    She had to help him! Brooke jumped up carefully and stepped out of the destroyed building. She stumbled once but found her feet quickly. She noticed that the impact of just her walking caused foot shaped divots onto the ground. It seemed all four giants were still growing, and the loudest shake of the valley yet came as Brock went down to his back from a hard punch of Vlad and was mounted on by the fully nude Victoria by the hips.

    “Brock!” She yelled and ran in massive bounds at the other three overgrown people. Vlad turned a second too late as the new spy launched a precise kick right into his face from her flexible left leg. The impact sent him flying down to the ground to his side but didn’t seem to hurt in any physical way. However, the kick briefly stunned him by the force of impact, and before he could push himself up, Brooke mounted him. She had decided that if she could hold him off, Brock could get out of Victoria’s pin on his own.

    Vlad tried to quickly push the light brown-haired girl off, but it seemed the woman’s new strength was amplified even beyond his! The muscular scientist eye’s widened as he quickly realized he was unable to dislodge her and that she seemed far stronger than him. Even as they struggled in this pin, they were both still growing, now at least 50 feet as the man reached up to pull her long hair. Brooke yelled out, but more from the surprise at the sensation of it being tugged. Weirdly there was little to no pain, just a pleasurable feeling coursing through her body from the top of her skull. She forced his hands off and punched the bottom scientist to stun him again. He groaned but his eyes couldn’t look away from Brooke’s massive tits swinging above his head. She didn’t know what to do after the second punch did nothing. Should she just start hitting his balls or what? Luckily her partner yelled out from under Victoria almost a mile away.

    “Brooke! Punches and kicks don’t work! They don’t seem to feel it.” The trapped Brock yelled as he too attempted to force Victoria off him, but then went silent. Brooke whipped her head around, just as Victoria moved her ass back into her ex-partner’s face covering it with her glutes. The ex-spy had reversed her pin, and it seemed just like herself, her strength was now beyond the man she held down.

    Brooke turned her attention back to Vlad, who was openly staring at her sexy body, clearly distracted. “Then what?” She said to herself, continuing to use her newfound strength to easily hold the man down to earth harder. If her partner was right and they felt no pain from her punches, how would she get him out of the fight? How could she exhaust him? She felt the scientist again try to throw her off, but copying Victoria, she spun around and moved her body back. She pressed her own muscular ass into the scientist’s face, drowning out his screams that turned into a moan of pleasure. Then in front of her, she found her answer. Vlad’s massive cock was fully erect and at full attention. It seemed being sat on by Brooke’s legendary behind and having to watch her large tits sway for the last minute turned him on very much. A lightbulb went off in her head, there was a way to exhaust him…one she was very good at. She had considered her newfound sex appeal her greatest weapon, and it seemed Vladimir thought so too.

    She looked across the tree line where she could easily see the giant Victoria sitting on her man. It seemed the rogue spy had gotten Brock into the exact same position Brooke had gotten Vlad. Both men’s faces trapped between the amazing ass cheeks of the sexpots, drowned by the sexy thighs. The two women ended up facing each other as they locked eyes sitting on their rival’s partner. It seemed neither man was able to hide the desire they held for the two women.

    For the first time today, Brooke was able to see the fully nude Victoria, her red latex suit gone from the transformation much like her bra and thong. The woman’s milky tits looked just as big as hers, with sharp pink nipples pointing out of them much like her own. But Brooke’s focus was on the scarred eye of her rival, the eye patch lost much like the rest of their clothes. It was now fully visible, and the mark ran from Victoria’s mid-cheek and up to her hairline. The left eye was still there, but it was not green like the other, it was milky white, seemingly without function and contrasted to the colourful green one on the other side. It made Victoria look more dangerous and somehow even more attractive in a deadly way that made Brooke gulp.

    Weirdly, even though they were now giants with otherworldly powers, it was the sexual tension that was the most apparent between the girls. It felt thick and they seemed to both be thinking the exact same thing on exactly how they were going to bring the rival man down and keep him out of the fight. Sex was the answer, and the two sexpots knew it was their only chance to turn this fight into a two on one against her rival. The question would be, who could get her trapped man off first? Victoria smiled at her rival a mile away just at the thought, and at the same time, she spit onto Brock’s dick. The entire shaft twitched as the barrel amount of substance landed on it. She took grip and began to slide her finger’s up and down Brock’s thick shaft.

    “See, you inferior copy?! Your partner is still fully erect just being pinned by me!” Victoria laughed as she watched and felt Brock’s reaction through his dick. He moaned so loudly that Brooke was able to hear it from the distance. It made Victoria’s grin grow wider with malice as she watched the want to be spy, this would hurt her far more than she would ever know. It felt so good to have her ex-partner in-between her ass, the place he belonged. He always could scratch that sex itch when she needed it.

    This time, however, Brooke didn’t’ back down, or lose confidence, in fact. she felt very more than ready for the competition she knew was about to start. “You aren’t the only one who can easily turn on a man, look how hard I made your partner just by sitting on him! I think he is just so excited to have a real woman on top of him for once!” She shot back, and then spit right onto Vlad’s dick. It oozed down the left side as she took a grip and slid her hand up and down, matching the timings with Victoria. The similar sounds of the wet dicks being gripped filled the entire valley as they worked the hand jobs. It confirmed they both planned to use sex, and the question of who could get the man off first was now open for debate.

    The girl’s eyed the other’s work, the massive throbbing dick in front of them, amplified by the desire and power of the serum. This seemed like foreplay, and both women were itching to get to the main event quickly to then destroy the other. They just needed a small push to get it really going. Fortunately, Victoria was more than happy to give it to them.

    “Watch Brooke! Watch me fuck the man you love! Once he is out of the way, I will kill you!” Victoria taunted with a small shake of her house-sized tits. They were very big now.

    “You can try to get him off, but I’m going to exhaust your man even faster and then I will take you down for good!” Brooke snarled back, her whole body shaking from anger, including her own bountiful huge breasts.

    “HA! Vlady has been getting blown by me for the past year, I can promise you that your pathetic skills will not be able to get him off after the pleasure I have given him.”

    “You are so full of yourself. I only needed to suck Brock off once to make him forget about all your half-assed blowjobs! And now, Vlad here is going to show you how much better I am at them!”

    Victoria’s good green eye twitched and she released the dick with a huff. There were long strings of spit connecting her fingers and the shaft for a full second as she moved her hand away while preparing for the next stage. It was time to stop playing games with this pathetic bitch. She was going to win this sexual challenge presented to her, then she and Vlad were going to kill this giant copycat.

    Without another thought, the wavy-haired blonde lowered herself and her mouth towards Brock’s dick, her monster-sized tits hanging down tauntingly towards the new spy. All the while, she kept both her green eye and the milky white one locked to Brooke’s blue. She kept this up even as she took in the full length of the now bus long dick down the full length to the back of her throat. The eye contact was not broken as Brooke quickly copied the maneuver, taking Vlad’s dick to the base with her lips. They held it there for a good five seconds staring at each other, willing to be choked to hold the deepthroat position longer than her rival.

    Seconds passed as they held it for as long as they could and then gasped as they slid the rod out from their throats at the same time with sexy loud gasps. Both girls had even longer strung of gooey spit connecting their lips to the head of their dick. Impressive…they both thought unable to ignore that this race just got a lot more interesting. Meanwhile, both men could do nothing but shake and groan under the sexually powerful women who began to blow them in a race to drain them out of the battle.

    A half-mile away, but what was only a couple yards for them, the woman duelled all the while still growing atop their men. They focused on their own blowjobs now, knowing they would need every second and piece of skill to win. Each used their tongues and lips to their full effect to push more pleasure onto the shaft presented in front of them. It had always been in the back of their minds, ever since Brooke and Victoria had seen each other from afar. The question whether either could steal or capture the other’s man with her superior sex appeal. Now they would get their answer by proving which man would blow his load first and turn this into a two on one giant fight.

    Brooke moved up and down with her lips, pumping the dick with her mouth, feeling the shaking, and groaning of the enormous man to know she was doing it just right. She enjoyed taking it deep and making sure she kept the whole length of it warm while also using her other free hand to lightly fondle his sack. She would do anything and everything to get that extra step ahead in this sexual race. Victoria meanwhile, was twisting on Brock’s dicks head like a vortex, every swirl causing him to scream louder and louder into her ass with consistent pleasure.

    The girl’s used their lips and tongue to lather the shafts in spit, making the rods slick for further play. Brooke moved up and down slowly, her lips dragging on the sensitive skin of the scientist, her previous life’s sexual skills tuned by her time as a spy. The man under her had submitted and was simply enjoying the sensation of being blown. She released it with her lips and ran her tongue over the head, in a full show to Victoria who watched with a look of pure annoyance. The new spy played with the front vein, flicking her tongue on it and causing the entire shaft of Vlad to twitch and him to groan. Victoria’s eye’s narrowed at the sound and sight, she knew the signs that her man was starting to wane and only a minute into the blowjob from this copycat slut.

    The yellow-haired blonde released Brock’s dick with a loud pop, but she didn’t stay separated for long. She leaned up and waited one second for Brooke to look from her work before spitting a long glob of spit onto the head of the spy’s dick. It oozed down the side before she leaned back down to suck it all back up hard. Brock groaned loudly at the new sensation into Victoria’s juicy ass, loud enough that even Brooke could hear it clearly. She hissed at the challenge and apparent very pleasurable method that was being done to her man. She knew all too well that sound meant he was not as far off as she had hoped he would last under Victoria’s skills. The blue-eyed girl doubled down and kept her mouth on the entire head of the dick and sucked while covering it in warm spit like a jacuzzi, twirling her tongue around and around until she received a similar sound from Vlad a few seconds later.

    Now things got wet as the girls began to get sloppier on the men’s dicks, coating them in a swimming pools worth of spit while speeding up their mouths in desperation. The woman’s own faces became wet from how much they rubbed their faces on the penises to get any sort of advantage. The natives and tourists from the nearby city watched the show with wide eyes as the two giant goddesses each blew their rival’s man in an unbelievable erotic show. The women weren’t shy about their sizes or who could see them either as they stuck their huge heart-shaped asses in the air showing off their massive wet cunts. They went deeper, faster, working the head for a few seconds before reaching around and taking each ball in their mouths. Even with their faces free, the men didn’t force their way out, they, themselves fully paralyzed in pleasure. They only wanted to stay underneath the incredible ass of the giant woman that pinned them. Anything to keep letting their dicks sucked and titfucked to completion from the largest set of breasts in existence, or at least one pair of them.

    The sounds the men were making proved that the battle was reaching its end. Brooke had brought her big girls into the race first, and Victoria didn’t delay in mimicking her now. Now they were titfucking and sucking the two dicks while somehow keeping their glares locked. The giant men were screaming underneath them, but it was no use, the women were too skilled and strong. Their resistance to their incredible bodies futile as if they had accepted their fate. Both men could no longer hold in their pleasure and with a scream that could be heard miles away, they started to groan. Brooke pressed her tits harder into the shaft covering them with her wet sticky sandbags while Victoria did the exact same knowing what was coming. Pre-cum had been leaking out of the tip of the shaft the last minute that they both licked clean until it was flowing at a constant pace. Brooke started to time her squeezes and upthrusts with the spasms of Vlad’s dick. She just had to get him off, then she could free Brock from Victoria’s incredible blowjob.

    But her own sexual haze was becoming a problem. She struggled to not enjoy this sexual race to found herself in. Something about watching Victoria do this against her drove her wild. She had always enjoyed sex more than she liked to admit, and now the serum was upping her own sexual urges including the hidden desire for her rival’s body. That mixed with the competition was enough to send Brooke into a frenzy that she could not deny. In fact, she could feel her own pussy leaking onto Vlad’s face from the sight of her partner and the femme fatal.

    The men were screaming in pleasure as the girls went wild with their tits, squeezing them together around the shaft as hard as they could in the final seconds. The fattest globes in the world molding around the soaked dicks and putting enough pressure on them to crush a car. Each woman quickly used her tongue to lap up and swallow the barrel amounts down their throats as a river began to flow. It was a close race, way too close to turn this giant battle into a two on one as it suddenly was over.

    At the exact same time, Brock and Vlad blew their loads high into the air like the yellow stone geyser. They were massive flows increased from both their size and the serums special work. Brooke and Victoria had both released the dicks from their mouths and allowed the jizz to explode all over their giant tits, soaking them with gallons and gallons of cum. Yet their eyes continued to glare at the other woman, watching her get saturated at the same time and with equal amounts of juice.

    It was clear the serum had increased the sexual discharge 10-fold, enough to fully cover the hill sized globes. The girl’s watched the other pair of rival tits, seeing the amount of spit and cum as each pumped almost 8 times in a surprisingly long orgasm. Then it ended as the last shot of cum landed on their smooth skin and the shafts began to go flaccid.

    Brooke had chosen not to swallow, to make sure Victoria could watch her man explode. It seemed her rival had thought the same, and now they both had a coating sheen of cum highlighted by the blazing sun. In truth, she had expected Brock to cum under Victoria because the ex-spy looked far too gifted in sex for him to last, but for her, it was a small victory that the men went off together. They were far more equal in sex than they were in martial arts and weirdly that meant more to Brooke than anything. Brock and Vlad looked drained and neither girl was worried about them now, they wouldn’t be getting up for a while after that.

    They only had looks for each other, memories of their games, their meetings, all the way down to just half an hour ago when Victoria had stripped and kissed Brooke without consequence in the jail. But this time there were no chains, nothing holding them back from destroying each other’s massive forms.

    They stood up off their depleted men, each woman now about 70 feet tall. The forest and trees around them like tall grass in the valley they found themselves, looking more and more like an arena. They both noted the dripping cum off their rival’s nipples, the large amount of ooze covering their massive laboured breathing chests. Both pairs of pink nipples like daggers around the bumpy areola, their legs and thighs looking stronger than ever and only more impressive at their current size.

    It was apparent that both girls had been turned on by their sexual task while watching their rival’s blowjob. The matching pinks sexes between the legs of the women were dripping cum slowly out. Anyone’s eyes on them were drawn to the pussies by the clean landing strips of pubic hair above their pussies. It was a long second as the two newly found giantesses watched each other waiting before they began to take large steps forward. Their huge firm tits bouncing, their asses jigging, their muscles flexed as they neared closer and closer 15 yards a step. The entire ground was shaking from their movements as the giants charged with matching snarls.

    Slam! Their palms met in a loud bang sending a sound shock wave thru the valley. Their extended arms freezing in place as they locked into a test of strength. “Ugh!” They grunted in unison as they found another form with increased power like their own. Unlike when she had held Vladimir down with her ass, Brookie felt that Victoria’s newfound strength rivalled and even equalled her own! Their arms flexed as they ended up in a muscle battle stalemate gaining and losing 20 yards at a time with large loud steps. Brooke’s blue eyes stared into the milky white eye and green pair that was Victoria’s, the other woman grimacing at the draw. They pushed back and forth a few times, but neither gained any advantage. Then, Victoria drew their palms and interlaced fingers down to their sides allowing her to puff out her massive chest and sharp pink nipples.

    Another sonic boom blasted out as the two pairs of monster-sized tits crushed together with a slap and scream from the women. The mountains of womanly flesh bouncing up and down on the other wet cum covered pair as the two oversized giants duelled in the middle of the valley chest to chest. Droplets of cum the size of bricks went flying in every direction as the girl’s human-sized nipples dug into their rival’s areola and the balls of fat slapped. They ground each other sending a sensation of pleasure down their bodies that they ignored.

    “You dare try to match me!? Victoria screamed as she gained a massive step forward, her boobs melding into the only pair in the world that actually could match her own at her current size. They pressed in tighter, snarls on their mouths, their stomachs touching. Even as they meshed, they were growing, it was slower now, but still apparent for anyone watching the titanic struggle from afar.

    “You are the one who can’t match me!” Brooke growled back. She struggled to control her desire that was building due to the other pair of tits. They felt hot and sticky on her own; fuck she loved it. She was already horny, and Victoria’s body with Brock’s cum plus whatever the hell the growth serum was doing was sending her into a sexual frenzy. But she couldn’t worry about that now and pushed down those intense sensations, focusing on the battle for the world. She had to beat down this bitch until Victoria could no longer stand, and only then could she worry about her sexual release.

    With a cry she released Victoria’s hands and pushed her away, separating their cum covered tits with strings two feet thick of the goo. The push was more powerful than Brooke thought it would be, and she sent Victoria back 100 yards, her strength incredible. Victoria seemed to notice too of their new power and as she regained her footing, she knew what was next. With a smirk, she took her sexy yet deadly stance. Brooke took the same, pushing her earlier quick defeat from her mind, it was time for round two. Unlike their previous fight, or precision and skill, they now only used their newfound size to deliver slow yet powerful strikes that could destroy buildings as they landed blow after blow on each other’s skin. When the punches and kicks had little effect, they threw their nude bodies together beginning to wrestle, merging as one as they screamed in their second long-awaited meeting. The huge Amazonian valley was their arena for the deadly battle for the giant queens.

    Victoria won the first round and showed her superior skill once again in their battle, landing several strong kicks to Brooke’s body and face that sent the new spy down to one knee in discomfort, destroying an entire section of the forest around them. But the light brown-haired girl didn’t feel a thing, and for both girls that was a problem to how they would settle this. Exhausting wouldn’t work, they had to fully break the other or at least Brooke did to save the world.

    Desperate to force some sort of painful reaction out of her rival, Victoria kneed the kneeling Brooke in the face with all the force she could muster. The sound of the impact was heard throughout the whole valley and sent the new spy flying backwards and down to her back with a slam. The strength and impact of that strike had the power to destroy massive tree trunks like they were twigs and it landed right between Brooke’s eyes. But again, like all the others it was a numb hit, and Brooke didn’t feel anything. She could only feel the force from the strike and the blowback was like an air cannon hitting her, slamming her down but that was it. Her mind was struggling to understand what the hell was wrong because it expected pain.

    As Victoria moved to stand over her collapsed giant rival, Brooke showed off her own hidden skill and flipped her whole body up. Her super flexible leg shot up like a striking snake and for once caught her rival by surprise. It landed on Victoria’s chin with mountain shattering force sending the blonde one-eyed giant down with a scream, but it was a scream of surprise and not pain.

    Brooke sat up, rubbing her nose, and watched as Victoria rubbed her chin. It was a surreal experience because their minds expected the agony of the attacks, but with the pain receptors haywire, they could only imagine it. Even with both landing what should have been decisive blows, nothing had changed, hell Brooke thought, she didn’t even feel winded. At this rate, it would be impossible for them to hurt each other, but it seemed the ex-spy had no problem trying.

    Victoria pushed herself up, eyeing the other nude giant with disdain, they were nearing 100 feet now and the trees were quickly looking smaller and smaller. This copycat was going to ruin her one chance at world domination, and she would not have it. The light brown-haired girl moved to meet the rogue spy and they came face to face thinking of their next move. It was a calm moment of the two giant women, ready to settle their long-built rivalry. Victoria then leaned back and threw a powerful punch to Brooke’s face that the other woman didn’t intentionally block or dodge. It landed with a boom, and she stumbled a bit, but then stood back up with a weird smirk. She then leaned back and returned her own massive punch to Victoria’s face who faltered for a second before coming back eye to eye with her hot rival. They began to exchange powerful punches and slaps to each other’s face, taking them full on to see if there was any other reaction, could they break the serum’s magical work.

    They traded a few more worthless punches until Victoria screamed in anger. She landed one more strike that half turned Brooke and this time she did not let the new girl get back to eye level. She reached forward and took Brooke in by her arms, pulling her in close from behind. She could feel the replacement spy’s hot back on hers, the huge powerful bubble butt pressed into her groin. Victoria let out a gasp as she felt something in this position, holding Brooke to her but like her rival she ignored them, only looking to destroy the other woman. In a powerful pull, she flipped the rival giant up and around in a Supplex with her powerful strength. Brooke screamed as she was flipped and then landed on her head and neck, the whole valley really shaking this time. The flip had been so quick that her firm fat tits were pressed up near her own chin. Victoria let her go and Brooke rolled away as the blonde ex-spy flipped around to see if she had finally done it, finally hurt her rival, but Brooke simply sat up and even gave her a small shake of the head. The new spy also noticed she had crushed the entire temple with her back, the building in which she had been prisoner now nothing but flat rubble and the lab where the serum was created, gone. The destruction of their environment was intense, and Brooke knew that the city was only 10 miles away over the small mountains. At the rate, they were growing and their speed, it would not take them long to reach it if they went over the hills. She had to make sure that did not happen.

    “NO! I WILL BREAK YOU!” Victoria wailed, as she pushed herself up again and started running in 25-yard steps at her rival. Brooke jumped up, forgetting about the city for now. As the hot blonde ran at her, she forced herself to look away from the bouncing tits and sexy muscle coming at her. Then she went low and used Victoria’s momentum against her. She hooked her arms around the wildly charging woman and lifted the other giantess with her clutch, her elbow joint hooked on her rival’s wet sex. Brooke and Victoria screamed in unison as the new spy lifted the other blonde into the air around and down into the ground causing an authentic earthquake and forcing a loud grunt from Victoria’s sexy mouth as they struggled on the ground. Wiggling together as they looked to spread and pin the other woman for good. They had reached almost 120 feet tall and were destroying more land and forest by the second.

    A catfight broke out as Brooke tried to hold her rival down from on top, but Victoria took hold of her light brown hair. Ripping it to the side caused them to roll on each other, grappling to force some form of submission as they clawed each other’s bodies, but the futility of it all was dawning on them. Their hot bodies were dripping with sweat and other juices between their legs as the body-on-body struggle continued. After a minute in which they had rolled two miles, Brooke was able to separate just long enough to stand. She reached both hands down into the wavy yellowed hair and took hold of the strands. She began to drag her rival through trees and boulders, then picked up the pace to spin Victoria around once by the hair and launch her away as far as possible, but the released momentum made her fall back herself, her perky big ass now the size of a rounded monster truck as she fell back while Victoria stumbled two hundred yards away.

    Brooke caught her breath on her back trying to think of a plan. Neither had broken the serum, even after they had been fighting ferociously for 10 minutes and were much bigger now, nearing 150 feet. That made her think, the men should have been that size too, but…they weren’t, in fact as she looked around the valley, she suddenly realized that the men were gone. She and Victoria were the only monsters left. She looked around desperately worried they had been crushed during the fight when she saw them. The two men had shrunken down to their original size, like ants to her now and seemed to be helping each other out of the way from the incredible battle towards the ruins that had already been crushed. Carefully, Brooke leaned down and picked them both up in her palm to move them to their destination and somewhat safety.

    As she left them off, Vlade did not say anything but gawk while Brock yelled at the top of his lungs. “Brooke! I think it was the orgasm! That’s what shrunk us back, the sexual release forces the serum out of your body! You must get Victoria off! That’s how you can beat her! Physically fighting won’t do anything, you two can’t hurt each other that way! You have to out FUCK her!”

    “Get her off…” Broke mouthed to herself. She looked up and back at Victoria who was sitting up with a very annoyed look on her beautiful cruel face. She seemed to be struggling to find a way to beat Brooke and was equally confused. Brooke knew it was true that their physical fight had done nothing. Even after the last 10 minutes of battle, there were no scratch marks, no bite marks, bruises, or any sign of discomfort from their wrestling. She hadn’t felt anything of the sort, after all, the wild and powerful moves they had performed on each other. Even when she should have been screaming in pain or knocked out, her body glanced off the blows like they were nothing. Hell, her skin looked unblemished and was glowing in contrast to the destroyed terrain in which they fought.

    But she had felt something when her boobs were attacked, she felt feeling, pleasure, intense pleasure when they had been rolling on each other. Even more so when she rubbed them against the other woman’s massive pair earlier in the fight, in fact, anytime her sex or ass had been gripped she had felt it. It all made sense, while physical pain was dropped, the sexual sensation was enhanced. It explained why the men were so out of it during their blowjobs, they had literally been frozen. She looked across the valley again at her rival, of Victoria’s sexy curves, of her erotic body, and what it could do. She thought about their searing kiss in the dungeon, of the questions that remained, a sex rivalry built from their equal bodies. They had answered that they could similarly blow a man, but did that really answer who was better at sex? Couldn’t they only answer that question between the two of them?

    She didn’t have any more time to think as Victoria had gotten up and was moving towards her once again. The scarred cruel face with a mask of determination, desperate to find something that would hurt and break her giant rival. Brooke lay there letting her come close and even widened her legs and cunt at her rival, hinting at what was going to come.

    Victoria almost hesitated as she looked at the open pussy of her rival with a huff, it looked far more appealing than she wished it did, but she couldn’t let it distract her now. She was this close to being the queen of the world and this bitch had to be crushed. She took the final yards and stood above her rival before going to her knees and sitting on Brooke’s hips, their hot bodies touching once again. The milky white eye was alluring as Brooke investigated it along with the perfect body, preparing to do what she had to as the hot sensations of their sweaty skin touching were enough to confirm that the pleasure was starting to win over.

    Victoria however ignored the sensations again and picked up a boulder the size of a truck to smash Brooke’s face in for good. She lifted it above her head, but before she swung it down, Brooke shot her hips towards the big milky tits. It was now or never, and the light brown-haired girl took in one of Victoria’s huge soft pink nipples into her mouth. Instead of biting, she began to suck on it tenderly, while her right hand gave an almost playful squeeze to the yellow-haired blonde’s massive, toned ass.

    “Oh!” She heard Victoria moan loudly followed by a long sexy gasp that could be heard around the entire valley. The reaction drove Brooke forward as she sucked more of the house-sized tit into her massive mouth, cleaning it of Brock’s cum and replacing it with her own spit. She flicked the pink shift with her big tongue at the same time, doing everything and anything to turn the blonde on. Victoria groaned again as she felt Brooke’s left hand near her cunt still sitting up on her knees above her rival. Before Brooke made contact however with the wet sex, Victoria pulled her big tits away and threw herself off her rival’s body in shock.

    Brooke let the nipple leave her mouth and felt a wave of desire to chase after the tasty bottle. Judging by her rival’s reaction, Victoria had felt that, like she had really felt it! It looked like Brock was right about how she would have to continue and even win this fight. She would have to fuck her rival before Victoria fucked her back to their normal size. She knew she was gifted at sex, and she knew that this weirdly gave her a better chance than a real fight. All she had to do was push overwhelming pleasure into Victoria until the giant body shook the valley with her orgasm. Only then could she get the want to be a world dominator back to her original size. The only problem was Victoria would be looking to do the same to her and Brooke knew her rival would be very much up for that game.

    I thought I could finish this in two parts but didn’t happen, not writing as fast as I was. I’m looking forward to seeing them get really sexual and head into the city for a giant sex battle. Cool. Thanks all. Great comments and yeah, till next time. King

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