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Thread: Story: Olympia

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    Senior Hostboard Member Spear's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    the next part should be finished soon, but I am struggeling a bit to get it as exciting as I wish it to be, can‘t get my mind to focus on ghe next part because the part after it is so much more present in my thoughts :-)

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    Junior Hostboard Member cockfighter64's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    Quote Originally Posted by Spear View Post
    Hi everyone,

    here is the first part of my Olympic story, first we will meet two wrestlers, our main protagonists. But we will meet a high jumper, a long jumper, a water-polo player, a rugby player and two male swimmers down the road.
    Have fun. Feedback is much appreciated and helps me getting better. Please keep in mind that I am not a native speaker
    Waiting for that part, is it forthcoming?

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    Senior Hostboard Member Spear's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    Chapter 14: The Final
    “Finalists please prepare” the address-system announced.
    Slowly Silvia and Susann stood up and faced each other hands at their hips. Silvia in her red leotard, Susann in the blue one. Their eyes locked together in an unblinking stare, bright green eyes glaring into deep brown ones.
    Slowly they walked forward until they were toe to toe and nose to nose. With their gazes burning into each other, both relished the feel of the others breath swirling against their lips and each savored the fragrance of the enemies skin and hair, that they had not smelt for so long.

    Susann’s mind was swimming from all the sensory input that verified that her most hated rival, her arch-enemy was here, in front of her. Ready to fight the most important match of both their careers and the most important fight of their lives. The eagerness to battle Silvia, the hatred she did feel inside, were monumental. But the craving to feel her rival’ skin, the yearning to feel Silvia’s muscles flex and work against her own, were almost as strong.
    Deep down inside her, sat a new though, kindled by Susann’s adventures three days ago. She could not help it but think about Silvia and herself entangled like the Swedish jumpers, going pussy to pussy. It would be the ultimate duel. Would her own sexual energy defeat the Spanish girls libido?

    Susann could not have guessed, how equal Silvia’s thoughts were in that moment. In the spaniard’s mind, mental pictures appeared. Pictures of her own caramel colored skin entwined with the naked alabaster skin of her enemy. She imagined what would happen if she would press her pussy down into the Swedish girls pussy. Would Susann be bold enough to fight her like that? Who would prove sexier, hornier in that ultimate duel ?
    Suddenly the locker room door flew open, both athlete’s staff stood there
    “Come on” “Hurry” “What are you doing?” “It has to start”

    Annoyed both wrestlers separated and let their entourage guide them away from each other and to the opposite sides of the mat. Here, under the bright spotlights, in front of half a dozen high-res cameras and in front of almost 1000 people, they would battle for the gold.
    Their gazes linked to each other with their eyes burning deep into the rivals soul. Slowly they walked forward and shook hands. The referee gave the usual little speech to them but both fighters were so deeply in tunnel-vision, that not one word reaches their minds.
    The signal to start was given, both bend down low to minimize the attackable surface. Still their mutual stare was unbroken, unblinking. They circled each other, their foreheads touched together and their burning eyes were now so close to each other, that their eyelashes touched.
    Each wrestler tried to lung forward, grab a part of the opponent, get the first advantage but their skills equaled each other out.

    Susann could feel that her red eyebrows were deeply intertwined with Silvia’s black eyebrows. The thought distracted her for a split-second. It was all that Silvia needed, the Spaniard’s arms flung up before the Swede could block it and Susann had been caught in a front headlock.
    Frantically the Redhead tried to escape while the dark-haired Girl did hold the lock with all her might. They circled around the mat and suddenly Silvia’s fingers slip and Susann pushed her away.
    Lightning fast the Swede used the second Silvia was out of balance to bend low and grab her leg.

    For a moment Silvia dances around on one leg, the other one caught in the grip of her out of reach enemy. With amazing skill she jumped a legsweep by the girl in the blue leotard but a second sweep knocked her feet out. Silvia turns around in mid-air and crashes down on her front. The audience cheers loudly for that feat. But Susann is awarded the first 2 points of the match. Because Silvia had touched the border of the circle, Susann was not allowed to follow through and use a top position on her opponent. The score was Red 0 Blue 2.
    Both returned to the middle of the mat, a could fury on Silvia’s face, a hint of satisfaction on Susann’s.
    They faced off again but this time Silvia immediately took a high risk and dived below Susann’s defense, jumped at the blue fighters legs and took her down. But Susann managed to turn them around in the fall to land on top. 2 Points for Spain for the takedown but 1 point to Sweden for the reversal. The score was Red 2 Blue 3.
    Panting heavily the wrestlers stood up to face each other again. Once again their eyes locked and each tried to test the defense of the Other with little faint attacks. Silvia, the girl in red, launched an attack at Susann’s legs but this time the Girl in blue was ready for it, she grabbed the Spaniard around the waist and hoisted the struggling fighter over herself in a beautiful executed suplex. But the black-haired fighter managed to twist around and land on top for 1 point. The score was Red 3 Blue 5.
    This time the referee did not stop the the fight and both rivals found themselves locked body to body in a fierce scramble to get the top position or pin the others shoulders down for the ultimate win.
    Their intertwined limbs and being skin to skin, awoke something in both women.
    A mutual headlock brought them face to face.

    Susann’s face was above Silvia’s when an unexpected drop of sweat fell from Susann’s forehead onto Silvia’s lips. The salty tase of her hated rivals body fluid aroused an unbelievable lust in the Spanish fighter.
    The unwanted lust fueled her anger and she managed to use that to slightly turn their intertwined bodies, so her face was no above the Swede’s. With mad satisfaction she watched drops of her on sweat sprinkle down on the hated face of the redhead.
    Now their lips were really close to each other and Susann could feel her enemy’s breath on her lips. Each ragged gasp of Silvia, that entered into her own mouth, streamed over her lips and tongue and washed down into her own burning lungs made her hornier than she had ever been. Enraged by her feelings she wriggled out of her inferior position. But their equal strength brought them into a stalemate, limbs entwined and immobilize. Faces pressed cheek to cheek into each other with sweat mixing and the corners of their mouths touching.

    Neither of them could break their mutual lock and the referee broke it up. Gasping for air they sat on the mat, and fixed their disarrayed buns. Their eyes met again and burned deep into each other. Both knew that the other was aroused and both hated the sought that the other did know it about herself, too.
    Their lust for the rival did not lessen their hatred in any way. On the contrary, it did fuel it, the desire to control and overpower the Enemy had reached new heights.

    The match went on with a firework of skills. A suplex from Silvia evened the score: Red 5 blue 5.
    Seconds after the next lockup Susann swept the Spaniard off her legs but Silvia turned them around while hitting the mat. Red 6 Blue 7.
    Silvia scored a point for rolling her opponent around. Red 7 blue 7.

    Only 10 seconds where remaining on the clock. A last time they circled each other brow to brow. At the same time each pressed an attack and their spandex-clad bodies clashed together. By chance their lips met and both fighters gasped in shock but Susann, on instinct, closed her eyes for a split second. It was all Silvia needed.
    With all her might the Spanish wrestler pushed forward, slinging her arms around the blue-clad rival.
    Susann felt the fall backwards as if it was in slow motion, she tried to wriggle out, to turn them around but Silvia’s hold was perfect. Susann’s shoulders hit the mat and the wight of her hated Arch-Enemy crashed down on her body like a thousand tons. She had lost.

    For a second their eyes met in disbelieve, then Susann’s gaze broke in desperation and Silvia’s eyes shone with the dawning realization. The Spanish wrestler jumped up and was swept away by hugs of her trainers and team.
    Susann was left on the ground crying, oblivious by the efforts of her trainers to comfort her.

    Chapter 15: In the shower
    For Susann, the medal ceremony went by like a bad, hollow nightmare and she had to endure an interview by Swedish TV, the reporter gratulated her for the silver medal and an amazing fight.
    Finally she was alone in the deserted locker room, she tossed the silver medal in her bag, and freed herself from the tight blue leotard.
    Feeling empty inside she started to shower but after a few seconds she broke down and sat down on the tiles, crying her eyes, out with hot water pouring over her skin. Her soap bottle had fallen to the floor and was spilling out its content which slowly covered the floor with foam.

    Susann had no idea how long she had sat there when suddenly the water stopped. Looking up she saw Silvia standing above her, stark-naked like herself.
    Silvia was looking down on her beaten rival. Her gaze met the broken, tear-filled green eyes and conflicted feelings ran through her mind. She felt pity, she could rely to her enemy, she knew how easily their roles could have been swept, it had been a split-second that had decided the match.
    But the feelings of triumph, of pure joy, of righteous revenge was stronger.

    For a seconds after their eyes had met, both faces had been in neutral blandness. But now the harbinger of a smirk started to form around Silvia’s lips. Susann saw it and acted.
    Before Silvia knew what was happening, Susan had kicked out and swept the dark-haired wrestler off her feet. The instant Silvia’s back splashed into the foamy floor, the Swedish redhead was upon her.
    Susann landed upon her enemies body, crushing the air of the Spaniard’s lungs.
    Susann’s rage-twisted face filled all of Silvia’s vision, when to the Spanish girl’s utter shock, Susann’s lips slammed hard into her own and a tongue was invading her mouth and pressed against her own.Silvia’s brown eyes widened in shock

    For a second none of them moved. Both lay perfectly still, while their minds had to process what was happening. The the taste of the most hated persons saliva, the feeling of the enemies skin, the hard nipples pocking into their soft titflesh.
    The second passed. Hell broke loose. Silvia’s eyes slowly narrowed and suddenly her tongue sprang to live, tangling around the pink invader in her space. Susann had to overcome a mili-second of panic as her tongue was strangled and pulled deeper into hostile territory but soon she fought back vigorously, slapping and grappling with her pink muscle. She had the advantage of the upper position which made her saliva flow down into the rivals mouth.
    Silvia used all her muscle power to escape the pin by her enemy but Susann pressed down with all her strength. Their bodies wriggled against each other, soon their legs had entwined and their arms were coiled around each other.

    Suddenly their hard nipples scrapped against each other for the first time, both women gasped and broke the kiss with spittle flying in every direction.
    Silvia used the moment to push, Susann aside and escape.

    Both sat up a meter apart from each other. Panting heavily they glared at each other in hate.
    Unexpectedly Silvia smiled, she pointedly liked her lips clean of her enemies saliva.

    “So, you little bitch think, if you can’t beat me on the mat, you can beat me in … other ways?” she hushed.
    “I can beat you in anything, BITCH” Susann spat “On the mat it could have easily gone the other way, we are evenly good out there and you know it”

    “Maybe” Silvia said hesitantly “ but I have gold! LOOSER! And you have not answered my question” she hissed “You assaulted me WITH A FUCKING KISS, can you back it up, BITCH?”
    Both felt fear and lust in their stomach as both knew were this conversation was going to.
    Susann straightened up on her knees, showing off her lite, muscular body. Her alabaster skin was shining from the foam water slowly running down her body in little puffs. To her satisfaction she saw Silvia’s eyes wander up and down, drinking in every piece of her form.
    “I can back it up, little slut, my body is better than yours and I can …I can fuck you down.”
    Silvia was surprised by the open challenge, she sat up as well, her olive-skinned body looking like an exact double of her rivals.
    “I will make you scream my name when you cum” she hissed.

    Both extended their arms and their fingers interlocked. They pulled their bodies together. With a loud smack their wet skin crashed into each other as each tried to overpower the rival and push her down.
    Every muscle in their athletic bodies was strained. Their tight belly muscles were competing directly against each other as each could feel the muscle fibers under the soft skin working against her own. Their navels moved up and down over each other, rubbing and sometimes sucking tight together, each contact send shivers through both women. Their Thighs were pressed together and each could sense the wet and hot pussy waiting behind the rival pubic mound.

    Their mouths found each other again but this time, despite the fierce pushing duel, they kissed much more tender as each tried to overpower the rival sexually. With each flick of their tongue and each brush of their lips they tried to break the standstill of their equal muscle-power by proving their sexual superiority.
    All the while their perfect round tits were smashed together. Every tiny sway of their battling bodies made their breastflesh move, rub and roll. Again and again their aureoles and their sensitive stiffed nipples came into contact sending waves of lust throughout their nerve systems.

    Slowly Susann pushed her rival back millimeter by millimeter. Maybe her need to win was greater, slowly a frustrated Silvia was bend backwards until she could not hold it any longer and crashed down, the red-head on top of her.
    Her wrestler-instincts kicked in the second her back hit the tiles and before Susann could enjoy her little victory Silva had rolled them around. But Susann was as experienced as her Arch-Nemesis and returned the roll immediately.
    They started to roll back and forth through the foam, grunting and hissing. Their hands had found each others long hair and both were viscously pulling at it while their bodies slowly interlocked. Their legs had interwined and each could feel the soft skin of the enemies inner thigh against her own.

    Silvia was on top in the moment their thighs suddenly touched against the others pussy. Both screamed with the unexpected sensation. Waves of pleasure flooded up from their groins as their pubic lips started to grind against the enemies upper leg. Susann released Silvias hair and grasped her rivals ass to push the Spanish girl harder down onto her thigh, cancelling the effect of being on the bottom. She gripped Silvia’s firm butt and clawed her fingers into the muscular flesh to pull her enemy tighter against her leg.
    Both rivals started to moan as waves of sexual pleasure washed through them. With sheer willpower both managed to keep their eyes wide open and fixed to the burning stare of the Other. Their whole bodies were sliding over each other, skin to skin. Bubbles of soapy foam squished out whenever parts of their skin separated for an eye-blink.
    For the first time these bitter Enemies, two wrestlers who had been each others Arch-Nemesis for years, were linked body to body in a way both knew deep down, was the one and only true way to battle like women. A way, that evolution might have inserted into humankind back in the day their ancestors had lived in caves, or even earlier deep in the jungles. Back in the dawn of time, two alpha females bickering would have destroyed a tribe. A clash would have been inevitable, and from an evolutionary standpoint, to keep the sexually more productive female in the tribe, would have been more important than to keep the physically stronger one.
    Their humping became more and more frantic, as orgasmic energy was building up in both of them. Susann realized with a jolt of joy, that Silvia had a much harder time, keeping her orgasm down then herself. The beautiful Spaniard had difficulties keeping her eyes open and her moaning became more intense with every breath. Susann went all in, pushing her body upwards to mush her tits deep into the perfect globes hanging above them. She arched upwards to press her belly so hard against Silvia’s flat muscular stomach, that their deep navels sucked together. She rubbed her leg deeper and harder into her rivals crotch. She could see Silvia’s deep brown eyes loosing focus, she could feel the quiver in the lite body above her. She knew she was almost there, she would make that bitch cum unto her…
    …suddenly the sound of a door opening and many female voices speaking broke the silence around the fighting pair. The wrestlers of the next weight class had entered the locker room in front of the showers.
    Silvia’s eyes focused and widened in shock, before Susann could stop her, the spaniard had sprung up and was hastily wrapping a towel around herself while running out of the shower room.
    Susann was pounding her fists Ito the water in frustration, she almost had her, only a few seconds and she would have had her. Dismayed she stood up and slowly left the shower room wrapped in her own towel.
    She found Silvia surrounded by female wrestlers who congratulated her heartily. To her surprise many wrestlers came towards herself to congratulate her on her great fight and her silver medal. She stammered some thanks but kept her eyes fixed on her enemy. Silvia was glancing over to her from time to time, she could see a smirk around the spaniards mouth, Silvia knew quite well how close it had been for her. But whenever their gazes met, Susann could see the unbroken hate and fighting spirit in her black-haired enemies eyes. It confirmed to Susann, that this was not over, Silvia wanted to finish their sexual battle as much as she did.
    Soon members of the Spanish and Swedish Staff came in, wondering what took their new superstars so long, there where interviews to be held, photos to be taken, hands to be shaken. Soon the two rivals were separated and had lost sight of each other - for now.
    Well, this part was not easy to write, I am afraid it got a bit to technical to be really exciting.It did not help that my mind had been fixed on the next part which excites me much more than this part. And in that part, to answer cockfighter64’s question the swimmer-boyfriends will have a good part to play, but not jet to sexfight themself.
    Please give me feedback, good or bad. keep in mind that Feedback is the only thing we writers get for putting stories up on the internet.
    Best regards,


  4. #14
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    Susann’s face was above Silvia’s when an unexpected drop of sweat fell from Susann’s forehead onto Silvia’s lips. The salty tase of her hated rivals body fluid aroused an unbelievable lust in the Spanish fighter.
    Damn man! This was great.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For the first time these bitter Enemies, two wrestlers who had been each others Arch-Nemesis for years, were linked body to body in a way both knew deep down, was the one and only true way to battle like women. A way, that evolution might have inserted into humankind back in the day their ancestors had lived in caves, or even earlier deep in the jungles. Back in the dawn of time, two alpha females bickering would have destroyed a tribe. A clash would have been inevitable, and from an evolutionary standpoint, to keep the sexually more productive female in the tribe, would have been more important than to keep the physically stronger one.
    Oh boy!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, this part was not easy to write, I am afraid it got a bit to technical to be really exciting.
    These days, I like the buildup and the other stuff more than the actual sexfighting. This part had a great buildup. Thank you. Good job.

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    Junior Hostboard Member cockfighter64's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    Quote Originally Posted by Spear View Post
    Well, this part was not easy to write, I am afraid it got a bit to technical to be really exciting.It did not help that my mind had been fixed on the next part which excites me much more than this part. And in that part, to answer cockfighter64’s question the swimmer-boyfriends will have a good part to play, but not jet to sexfight themself.
    Please give me feedback, good or bad. keep in mind that Feedback is the only thing we writers get for putting stories up on the internet.


    Waiting for the next part then! When their actual sexfight will take place?

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    Sorry I'm late on commenting here. Great story! Love the Olympic theme and the build up. Can't wait for more!

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    Re: Story: Olympia

    Hi everyone,
    next part. Disclamier: in chapter 17 is a little action involving the men, but no MvsM fight or sex is included (jet) but a bit of male to male interaction is featured.
    As always, Feedback and helpful critique is very much appreciated.

    Chapter 16: Confrontation in the park
    It had been the longest day, and maybe the best day in Silvia’s live. In the morning, she had beaten Susann, her enemy, her hated rival in the olympic final, wining gold. After the sexual aftermath in the shower, she had been occupied by a stream of interviews and photoshoots for various media, though she had not given much thought to her Swedish foe.
    Now as the daylight was starting to change she finally had some free time. Silvia was taking a walk through the beautiful park of the olympic village. At her side, his strong arms around her shoulder, was her hunky boyfriend Antonio. He was a swimmer in the Spanish team, tall and handsome with a boyish smile and wavy black hair. Like herself he was wearing the official Spanish tracksuit bottom and zipper jacket in the Spanish colors red and yellow. They had been strolling around aimlessly, just relaxing and enjoying the quite, when suddenly Silvia stopped, her body went rigid and her eyes narrowed.
    Down the path she had spotted Susann.
    The Swedish wrestler was walking hand in hand with Lasse, her boyfriend. A tall and broad-shouldered, good looking guy with a gorgeous face and light blonde hair in a side-parting that would make every mother-in-law swoon. Both were in blue and yellow Swedish team-tracksuits. The sunlight glittered on their blonde and bright red hair and exaggerated the vision of bodily perfection of the pair.
    Susann stopped, she had seen Silvia finally. Their gazes met. The instance in which their brown and green eyes drilled into each other, both shook of their boyfriends and sprinted towards each other, screaming in rage. Both boyfriend, after a second of shock, set of after them, yelling for them not to do it. But to no avail.
    Susann and Silvia collided in the middle of the dusty park trail. Their bodies slammed into each other hard, and their hands shot up to rip hair, both were kicking and screaming, spinning around each other in a circle of fury. Their men had caught up now, and were trying to entangle their respective girl from the ball of rage but to no avail.
    Antonio made eye contact with Lasse, both knew they had to do something quick before someone, least of all someone from the media, caught this situation.
    „Over there, behind the bushes“ Lasse said. And each grabbing his girl around the waist, they tracked the entangled fighters of the track. Behind the bushes they found a little hollow that was sheltered from view on all sides. None of the four had eyes for it at that moment, but it was quite a romantic place, surrounded by green, the evening sun was sending golden rays through the leaves.
    Using their superior body strength, the men laboured to separate the girls limb by limb. After a time both men stood behind their girlfriend, with a strong grip around her upper arms. Whispering into their ears to keep still and to at least keep their voice down.
    Finally both wrestlers stopped struggling against the hold. Both were panting heavily and were staring daggers at each other. But they had stopped yelling curses and just glared into the hated eyes of their arch-nemesis. Their angry faces were covered in sweat and dust. Susann’s curly red locks were in total disarray, as were Silvia’s long black strands. Ripped out hairs, red and black, were sticking on both their sweaty faces.
    Lasse was looking down on the two angry faces and somehow, he realized that he had rarely seen his girlfriend more sexy. But, at the same time, he did feel a strong desire for the raven-haired enemy of his girlfriend. He looked up and his eyes met Antonio’s. He instantly knew that the Spanish guy did feel the same way. Somehow, both men wanted nothing more in this moment, than to see their girls closer together.
    Slowly they extended their arms a bit to give the wrestlers a little more space. Both girls leaned forward immediately, trying to escape the grips that held them back, but the boys held on with all their swimmer-strength.
    Susann and Silvia leaned as much into each other as they could, their faces came almost nose to nose. Each tried viscously to bite at the other, their teeth clapped at the air but they could not reach the rival. After a few furious attempts both gave up and used the only parts of their body that could actually reach the enemy - their tongues.
    Both boyfriends gasped, when two pink rods suddenly shot out lashed at each other, slamming wetly together in mid-air. Instantly both men got a boner, they had never seen anything as arousing in their lives.
    The two furies were slapping with their tongues as hard as they could, spittle was flying through the air. Antonio and Lasse moved closer to their girls which gave the fighters a few more millimeters of leeway. Instantly both tried to wrap her tongue around the enemies, the slapping match had turned into wet, frantic tongue wrestling. Both could feel the erected cock of their boyfriend pressing against her but-cheeks.
    After a while of furious kiss-fighting, their tongues started to tire and hurt and eventually they slipped out of each others grasp. Both fighters wrestler-instincts kicked in and they pulled their heads back, which slammed against the strong chests of their boyfriends and each girl arched their bodies back like a bow, ramming their bellies against each other. Both screamed when their mid-sections collied heavily, hard muscles against hard muscles. Their tracksuit tops had slid up a bit and so, a small stretch of skin above their track-pants had been revealed and now was pressed into the skin of the enemy.
    Both women screamed in pleasure as her skin was reunited with the soft, hated, perfect, unbearable skin of her eternal enemy. They pressed so hard together that they could feel every muscle sinew under the skin of the other. Both tilted their head, that was pressed against their boyfriends chest, to look up at him through strands of hair.
    „Lasse, please, give me her navel, I neeed her navel, NOW“ Susann purred at her man.
    „Antonio, my dear, I must feel that bitch’s bellybutton, give it to me, I NEED IT“ Silvia whispered ecstatically .
    Both men cautiously released one arm of their girlfriend and slowly, with trembling fingers, reach out to the other girls stomach. Both men did not even think about revealing their own girlfriends navel, they had been asked to give the rivals navel and in their sexually overheated state, they simply followed the order.
    Fingertips simultaneously touched unclaimed skin. All four did shutter at the impact. Then each man gradually pushed the rim of the jacket upward until two perfect, deep, sharp-rimmed bellybuttons had been freed.
    Both navels had a tiny roof of skin at the top and both sat perfectly between the strong but girlish belly muscles. Each man graced the tip of his index finger once around the prefect belly-button, than retreated and grabbed the free arm of his girl again.
    None of them dared to breath while both girls slowly rolled their bodies upward until the lower rims of their navels kissed. All four could see how identical their navels were, the only visible difference was the skin tone surrounding the deep dent - alabaster white on one side, olive tanned on the other. Slowly, with shivering breath they pushed together until the little roofs touched, both girls moaned and the with a deep look into each others eyes they pushed all in. Their navels sucked together immediately and a scream escapaded both girls.
    All 4 of them had never felt as aroused as in that little moment, the two girls were pushing their flesh as hard into each other as possible. They screamed for their man to help pushing and both swimmers squeezed their strong bodies into the back of their girls. Their rock hard cocks were mashed deep into their girlfriends buttocks and both did shot a bit of pre-cum into their underpants.
    The two female wrestlers were plastered together body to body, their faces were nose to nose and from their eyes a hatred blazed at each other, that could be sated only by one thing on the planet.
    „You know what we have to do“ Silvia hissed
    „I know and you know, Bitch“ Susann spat back.
    They pushed their lips hard together, their noses flattened each other, their loathing eyes were eyelid to eyelid. Both took a deep breath, inhaling the air exhaled by the rival.
    Lips pressed hard against lips they whispered one word in unison :
    Both man gasped, they had no idea what their girls were taking about but this little word sounded so secret, unbelievable, forbidden. Like pleasure and pain, hate and lust, all at once.
    After it was out, both women relaxed. They told their man that they could release them, they would not fight here and now. In fact they were beyond the idea of a petty catfight and needed to sort some things out.
    Somewhat reluctantly both men opened their hands but keep right behind their girls with their bodies in contact.
    The Spanish Luchadora and the Swedish Kämpe kept their bodies pressed together. They even smiled at each other for a second, even so the smile did never reach their staring eyes. They wrapped their arms around the enemy, to grap the rivals butt. Both prushed against the bulk in the sweatpants of the others man.
    „Woa, your boy seems happy to see me, bItch“ Susann teased.
    „As much as you boy adoring me“ Silvia replied sharply and grabbed Lasse’s erected dick through the material of the tracksuit. Lasse gasped in shock. Antonio’s eyes narrowed but in that moment his own dick was squeezed by the strong fingers of Susann and his expression turned as dreamy as Lasse’s.
    Smiling hatefully at each other both girls pressed the unfamiliar dick against her rivals familiar asscheeks giving pleasure to both men. Than both released them, just to grab her rival’s men’s butt with both hands and pulled all of them closer again.
    „Maybe after I have fucked you down, I should fuck your man as a price“ Silvia teased into the lips of her foe.
    „After I made you cum screaming, I may fuck both our man at the same time, while you watch crying“ Susann hissed back, pushing her lips in with every word.
    „Agreed, then?“ Silvia asked sweetly „Winner takes a three-way with our men?“
    Both boyfriends started to protest but their girls silenced them with a hand gesture. Both wrestlers pushed their man back a few steps.
    „We have much to discuss“ Susann said in a business-like manner.
    „Rules, Time, maybe seconds“ Silvia specified smiling. Both women seemed to enjoy this tremendously, while their boys looked flabbergasted. Each put a hand at the chest of her boyfriend and pushed them back some steps. Then they turned around and gave each other their sweetest and coldest fake smile while strutting back towards each other with swaying hips.
    The two rivals went toe to toe, still smiling. As if agreed upon, each put her index-finger at her lips and collected a big, foamy blob of saliva. Both inserted the foam into their navel, then they pushed their navels back into alignment, trapping their mixed saliva in-between. A shiver of arousal visibly ran through both of them. They hugged really tight, tracksuit against tracksuit except for their exposed midriffs. Then they went cheek to cheek, with their lips right next to each others ear, their disarrayed hair hiding most of each others faces under strands of red and black. For a long time they stood like that, one hand resting at each others butt, the other buried in the rivals hair. They whispered rapidly into each others ear, lips touching the earlob.

    Chapter 17: just Rewards -The man stood awkwardly at the side, watching this strange negotiation. Both were still highly aroused and tried to avoid each others eyes. But each had the same thoughts in their mind: Would they want their girl fuck that other guy? Hell no! But would they like to fuck the other girl? Oh yeah! They were both extremely hot for their girlfriends arch-enemy. But would they be up for a three-way? Well, strangely both were not taken back by the thought, at least the other men would be very good looking with a swimmer body to match their own.
    After a time, that had seemed endless for both boys, both women stopped talking and for a second each sucked the enemies ear-lob between her lips. Both released the rivals hair and separated their faces just to come nose to nose again. Terribly wicked smiles formed around both women’s lips as they stared into each others eyes again. Both looked very happy with their negotiation. Both grinned even brighter and then, as if they had agreed on it, both pushed their hands down into the enemies sweatpants and squeezed their fingers into both firm buttocks of the other wrestler.
    „Deal?“ Susann hushed.
    „Deal“ Silvia confirmed breathlessly.
    Then, both of them produced a big, foamy, white gob of saliva at the tip of their lips. With their gazes burning at each other, they pushed their saliva drops into each other, bubbles were popping until their wet lips pressed together in a long, wet, lip to lip smooch to seal the deal.
    Their lips came apart with a wet pop, and both grinned wide and evil at each other.
    „ midnight“
    Finally the two girls separated and set their eyes on the men standing at their sides. Both boys looked awkward but both still had their dicks massively hard.
    „Tomorrow, we will have sex against each other“ Susann explained, smiling „and both of you will watch, as will to seconds and a judge.“
    „Then you will have a three-way, with the winner“ Silvia said matter-of-factly „but now, we think, you need some instant release. See it as a reward for saving us from doing something stupid in public“
    The wrestlers smiled at each other, they gave each other a quick nod and slowly and seductively strolled towards the boyfriend of their enemy. They took the boys hands and lead them towards each other until the girls were back to back with the boys sandwiching them. After a quick feel of the rival’s boyfriends butt, they pulled the sweatpants and underpants down and stepped aside.
    Two hard, swollen dicks faced each other now, for a moment all four of them just looked down at the sight. Both cocks were of similar length and girth, not small but not huge. Each was very straight and stood at a 45 degree angle upward, both had perfect, arrow-like, pink glans with a small, well-formed slit at the tip. As swimmers, each man was shaven even down there.
    Each girl reached out and cupped the strangers penis tenderly in their hand as if they would weigh them. Then they nodded at each other again, pulled down their own sweatpants and slips. Both turned around until their naked asses were facing each other. They had to stand on tiptoes to get their butts to be level with their boys manhoods. Now, their perfect round buttocks grazed and tickled the two cocks from both sides.
    Each wrestler had to tilled their head to look up and seek eye contact with their own boyfriend, they gave their man the sweetest smile. Each girl grabbed a hand of their boyfriend and a hand of the other man and guided them under their jackets towards their flat muscular bellies.
    Together the whispered „Enjoy“ and pushed their sexy butts into each other, trapping each hard dick in between two rival asses. Instantly, each man started to moan. It was an incredible feeling to have his cock pressed between two perfect, full, round, toned butt-cheeks, one of his own girl, one of an equally beautiful stranger.
    The four butt-cheeks were pressed so tightly into each other, that no trace of the dicks trapped between was visible, but both men knew that right inside the other sandwich of sexy flesh, there was a cock getting the same ecstatic treatment as they were given. The two men locked eyes and started humping their buttock-sandwich vigorously. Both were wondering if, when they would ram in very deep, the tips of their glans would meet in the cleft separating their parts of the joined butts. Their fingers sometimes met on their exploration of both flat stomachs, each man had claimed the bellybutton of the strange girl with the tips of their index fingers, and each of them knew how good the navel of their girl would feel to the touch of the other man.
    The two women leaned backwards with their upper bodies and each let her hair fall over the shoulder of the other. Their cheeks touched and they started a open mouthed tongue kiss while holding eye contact with their boyfriend. It had the desired effect. Watching the two slippery pink muscles wrestle made both man hump the asses even harder and soon both man did cum into the butt-flesh shaking and moaning.
    After the boys had stopped shaking the girls entangled themselves satisfied with their deed. And in that moment, the two freed up cocks, for a tiny fraction of a second, touched glans to glans. Both man yelled in shock and each cock instantly shot a last drop of cum right at the tip of the others glans. Quickly they separated, each with a bit of strangers semen as a parting gift. Their eyes met in a look full of shame and uncertainty, but both men had to admit to themselves that it had been an electric, intoxicating experience. They gave each other a shy smile and a shrug, after all their girlfriends were determined that one of them would have a three-way with both men, only one day away.
    Now that all was set and done, the hostility returned to the eyes of Susann and Silvia. Their burning gazes locked together in one last staring contest.
    „Tomorrow I will fuck you down, Bitch! I will make you whimper my name“ Silvia hissed
    „I will fuck you raw, Slut, you will scream and beg and then I fuck the boys above your crying body“ Susann spat back with an icy voice.
    Both turned around, grabbed the hands of their boyfriends and dragged them away into the darkness of the approaching night.

  8. #18
    Hostboard Member Maritalkombat's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    More great content. Thanks Spear!

  9. #19
    Junior Hostboard Member MrMota's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    Great story, great buildup and excellent details about people and places and how each character feels at the moment! I just wish the real action followed suit And had much details and content as the buildup! But that’s just me, it’s a great setup however u look at it! I’m actually interested to see what you would do about MvM stuff and how it’s gonna come together.

  10. #20
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Olympia

    This is so good. I can't get enough. Susann and Silvia are great rival's and you really feel their tension building into something that just can't last. I didn't post on the last part, but the shower scene was done well, very intense and good description of the fight. I have no doubt it was not easy to write but it was hot lol. Looking forward to more!

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