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Thread: The Freak Convention

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    The Freak Convention

    Part 1

    Amber Fielder walked back inside her girlfriend’s flat as the redhead left for her little meetup with Silvia. She took a deep breath to calm her weird nerves seeing Maggie drive away. At the same time, a shot of jealousy and fear of being left gave a little nip to her heart. She did well to hide it from Maggie, but when she was alone, it was a struggle. ‘She will come back. She will come back.’ She told herself over and over and remembered the looks and words that Maggie had said to her before she left. They calmed her. I mean, she couldn’t be mad, it had been her idea for the whole ‘half’ open relationship thing with their rivals and she kept up her brave face no matter what. She was scared it would backfire, but she wanted to do anything to make Maggie happy. Silvia was not even the biggest worry to Amber, not in that way of course. The bartender was just a sex addict and had a fixation on her girlfriend. Amber had figured that Silvia was going to force Maggie into another showdown whether they were together or not, and she also figured that her girlfriend would have accepted one way or another. Maggie still struggled to admit she might be just as addicted.

    It was always the next new rival that scared her, a new woman appearing that Maggie would hate, and then love the way she did her. Her girlfriend’s co-worker, her own bandmate, that chef, Maggie had met at the Gala. The sexy once short-haired redhead had so many rivals and that didn’t include the weird relationship they had both built with Marissa and Isabella. Now that they were both seemingly becoming friends if not best friends with one-half of the roommates, who in turn were enemies. Though both she and Maggie always made each other priority, there were quite many people in the mess of their lives they had created over the last year and a half.

    Tonight, did bring up questions however, she wasn’t sure what Silvia would demand if she won, or what Maggie would if she did. She guessed her girlfriend would make the slut promise never to contact her again, but Amber had a feeling they would seek each other out no matter what happened unless something went really wrong. An orgy, sounded hot, but seemed a lot more about the sex than the hate…maybe that was their thing.

    As she started to pack, she relaxed a bit more because she told herself it didn’t matter. Maggie would not leave her for Silvia, or Bianca or any of the other old or new girls, and if she did, Amber would just hunt her down and force her back. She was confident that Maggie would do the same to her, that was kind of their thing.

    It didn’t help that sometimes she still struggled to say the word ‘love’ out loud, but for all it was worth, she knew she loved Maggie with every bit of soul she had. She just wanted to show it easier and make sure the redhead knew…and that meant letting her girlfriend fuck fight anyone she wanted. It was harder than she expected because she made it hard. She hadn’t felt the desire to fuck fight as her girlfriend did, but she would deal with it because her life felt much better with Maggie Reynolds in it. Pushing it out of her mind, she focused on this weekend. It was all about having fun and getting to help Marissa with her cosplay. Meeting Isabella was a bonus but she wasn’t going to look for a fight unless the other roommate pushed her.

    At least the weekend was offering a lot more than just her sitting around waiting for her girlfriend to come back. She was finally going to meet Isabella properly and that alone was worth the trip. She was very curious about the other woman fucking Maggie like she was, and in a less combative way than the others. Maggie spoke very highly of her, while Marissa did the opposite, so Amber assumed they were both being half truthful about who the Spanish beauty was.

    Again Maggie came to her mind as she thought about what her girlfriend was doing. ‘An orgy…’, she thought, Maggie and Silvia would disgustingly go at each other, but that wasn’t her problem now, and she trusted her girlfriend. No matter what happened, she would be here when Maggie came back, she just wondered how far her girlfriend would go.

    Anyway, if the worse happened, she would go fuck Silvia till the girl passed out. Amber would not deny the bartender was a fantastic ride and was a spicy sex fighter, but she could deal with her if needed. Right now, she was only a small thorn she and Maggie had to deal with but she hoped it wouldn’t turn into a bigger problem.

    She finished packing and then left thirty minutes later to Marissa’s dorm at her old school. She was going to pick the other blonde and head to the weekend convention that Marissa was so excited about.


    “I’m so happy you are here Amber! Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming with me!” Marissa gushed, riding shotgun in the car as they drove into the city. It was a 30-minute drive from the school to the massive hotel downtown and the friends used the time to chat and laugh, something that came easier between them every time they hung out. The hotel itself was commonplace in the city for conventions and gatherings of the elite. It hosted parties, galas, and basically anything else where you had a lot of people wanting to gather. It was big enough for multiple events at once and this weekend, a small section had been rented out to the comic and anime convention they were now going to.

    Amber smiled at the other blonde who was wearing her hair in one massive side ponytail. She had green lips today with her green eyeliner, continuing her common theme of wearing colorful mixes of makeup. Her hazel eyes were sparkling in excitement, and she was looking at Amber with a big smile every chance she got.

    The cool-looking ex-student smiled back, “After all you have talked about this, I’m excited to see what it is going to be like, can’t lie though, I’m not really into this anime shit.”

    “Yes, I know you are not, but you are still coming! That’s what real friends do, and obviously, it’s like my favorite thing ever. I’m a really popular cosplayer and streamer online, and it will even be more fun with a friend! The prize money is really big too and the sponsors! But don’t worry, the event is pretty small so we can go chill most of the time and just enjoy the hotel. I just need your help with a few things!”

    “So, then why are you bringing Isabella if I’m coming now?” Amber questioned shooting a glance at the other blonde. It had been a question on her mind after she had found out that the roommates were planning a final match between them before the new year ended next week. In fact, it potentially would be at this very hotel after the Convention. As much as watching them in their sex contest would be very fun, Amber knew that they wanted it to be alone. They were going to be moving out after it and would never see each other again, per Marissa.

    The student gave her a sheepish look, “Honestly, I didn’t think you and I would become such amazing friends this fast. I had planned for Maggie to come before I realized she sucked. Then, I panicked cause really wanted someone to go with, so I gave up a week of Isabella being my slave to have her come as a promise. It works better when you have a second and the chance of me winning the cosplay tournament is even higher when you have two people! Plus, who I’m cosplaying has this ‘friend’ that Isabella could pull off easier than you or I could cause of her complexion.” Marissa paused, realizing she was just speaking without getting to the point. “Sorry! I always do that! So, like I could have told her not to come, but after giving up my week. That wouldn’t be fair to me, and she needs to take her medicine. She dislikes this kind of stuff too…but I think only because I like it.” She trailed off, but then like a lightbulb she bounced in her seat. “Oh! And it’s perfect for us to find out which one is the winner. I can’t wait to beat her once and for all!”

    Amber nodded, while still looking at the road. “Okay, so that makes sense, but can I ask you something, Marissa? Who are you going to live with now next year? Or are you moving off campus to your own place?”

    Marissa didn’t say anything for a second, then sighed. “I’m still working on it…I don’t know yet. I can’t afford a place on my own, unless I win this and get a lot of sponsors. For on-campus, it's way cheaper but you need to have a roommate, and no one I have asked has said yes. They think I’m…weird.”

    “Those people are fucking stupid.” Amber quickly said again, and Marissa gave her a smile that meant a lot more. However, the older blonde didn’t say anything else. She would have offered Marissa to live with her, and maybe the other blonde was hoping for the same thing, but there was no way Maggie would be okay with that. So instead, she changed the subject again.

    “Well, then I guess you are still annoyed with Maggie huh. You know stealing her favorite purple lingerie piece was rude. She was pretty upset.”

    “Hey! She stole my blue, yellow neon bikini before that! I had told her I had just bought it before the Gala! She targeted that one on purpose!”

    Amber rolled her eyes but couldn’t help snickering as well. “You two are so childish, I think you make Maggie act like a schoolgirl again, but I know you guys are going to make up eventually, so why not just bite the bullet.”

    “Hmph.” Marissa huffed though she didn’t say anything else, and the topic was dropped. A few minutes later they were walking towards the massive hotel with their bags in hand. Marissa’s suitcase was huge, packed to the brim with makeup and several other costumes while Amber’s was a bit more travel-sized. There were plenty of people around, and nearly all of them stopped to catch a glimpse as the two blondes walked side by side towards the entrance. One, looking way too cool to be here, a silver nose ring in her left nostril and her purple highlights in long yellow highlighted hair. She had changed it up a bit more so that there was a darker brown complexation near the roots clearly made on purpose. She looked like a model; her natural beauty making her turn heads every step.

    The other blonde was skipping alongside her. A big smile and waving at every person who was staring at her. She had a short blue skirt, her fully yellow ponytail bouncing on her left side. She was also a beauty but more of a playful type, with her friendly looking face. Some of the people might have mistaken them for sisters with their hot bodies, side by side but their different facial features and demeanors made them stand apart. They got to the entrance quickly but waited to check in for the final person in their group.

    They chatted again in the lobby, as some people came up to talk to Marissa. It seemed she was not joking and was very popular online. It was mostly men wanting a photo with her, but a few women too came up to say hi. The time seemed to fly and after 20 minutes, the other person in the group still had not joined them. “Where is she?” Marissa huffed, tapping her foot impatiently. She looked at her phone again and then back to where the taxis and Ubers were dropping people off.

    “Maybe she won’t come?” Amber said lazily as she took a long look around the main lobby of the hotel. There were two groups of people walking around, some in business suits and others in more casual clothes. It looked like there was more than one event happening, but Amber hadn’t seen any signs of anything other than the anime convention. Though the business groups of people were looking very annoyed at the kids and adults in their casual wear making a lot of noise.

    Marissa continued checking her phone, “She will come. She promised when she was my slave, and even though we hate each other, we have been good at keeping our promises. And she wants to compete with me!” And then, right on cue, she got a text. Marissa glanced down then smiled, “Perfect! She is here!”

    Amber looked over at the entrance as a taxi pulled up and the door opened a second later. Out stepped the other student and sexy roommate of Marissa. What a sight she was and both Marissa and Amber couldn’t help watching the Spanish girl leave the car with wide eyes. The darker girl took out her own bag and began to walk out towards the entrance, seeing the two blondes easily in the crowd. Marissa noted the way she walked was similar to how Amber had been; way too cool for school and with a cooler, less friendly air than herself. The blonde roommate was also surprised by what Isabella was wearing, because usually, her roommate would wear more modest clothes in public. But today she was in tight black short shorts that showed off nearly all of her sexy brown legs and ass to a far greater extent than the jeans she normally wore. That was combined with her small red t-shirt that even showed off some of her toned midriff.

    Marissa gave a huff as she noticed all the guys who had wanted photos with her start to watch Isabella walk down the main entrance. “Wow. I hate how hot she is trying to be, she must be trying to show off to you.” Marissa hissed with a roll of her hazel eyes as Isabella came up towards them.

    “Me? You two are the ones going to fight this weekend, right? She’s prob trying to scare you off with her body.” Amber countered; it was what she would have done if she was about to have a sexfight.

    “Yes, we are, but she already knows that I find her hot, and I know she finds me hot, that’s not a secret between us. We see each other nude almost every day. But I can promise you, this is about you. She never wears stuff like that out in public, also she is fucking your girlfriend BTW in case you forgot.”

    “Yeah, and I’m fucking you? Doesn’t mean that doesn’t mean I have to hate her right away. We talked about that, and besides Maggie’s already sex fighting some other bitch right now.” Amber said, though she did grit her teeth a bit as Isabella came closer.

    “That Silvia woman, right? I met her at the Gala, I think she was really up to fuck.”

    “Yep, that’s her,” Amber replied, but didn’t care, and she had no right to worry. She had been fucking Marissa just as much, but damn this Isabella looked hotter than she had ever expected. The girl didn’t have social media so this was the first time she had really been able to see her. Right now, she was sure her girlfriend was nude and locked up with Silvia anyway, potentially in the middle of a mob of people. God, she never would have guessed that Maggie would be the one pushing for more fights…maybe they would have to talk.

    “I guess,” Marissa said snapping Amber out of it, but she gave her friend a worried look as Isabella came up to stand in front of them.

    “Hey,” Isabella said, looking back and forth at the two blondes and feeling out of place very quickly. She really wished Maggie had been here, then at least she would have felt like she would have a friend and not be outnumbered like she was.

    “Izzy! You are almost late! Common, we need to check in now.”

    Now Isabella rolled her own brown eyes to that comment, and Amber noticed how similar the roommates reacted to things that bugged them. Maggie had told her they were more alike than they admitted but convincing them that was impossible. Before anything else could happen between the two students, Amber walked up and stood eye to eye with the new arrival. Their equal shade of brown eyes quickly looked at each other with a coolness as they measured each other up. They judged each other’s bodies and looked quickly, doing a full up and down and taking in every little detail that they could. Amber’s short plaid skirt and Izzy’s shorts showed a lot of leg for inspection, both had nicely toned muscles from their working out. On their upper bodies, Amber had more skin showing off her cleavage in the small red tank top she was wearing, but Izzy’s own red t-shirt was far tighter and made her breasts even more prominent. After a few seconds they seemed to come to the same conclusion, damn this is a fucking hot bitch.

    Izzy broke the silence first and, in a more perky tone than her normal voice smiled, “Amber, it’s nice to officially meet you. I mean, outside that one Gala meeting way back then.”

    Amber smiled at Isabella, not sensing any sort of anger or even competitiveness off the girl. She either was really good at hiding it or was actually being as pleasant as her tone came off, so she responded in kind, “Isabella, same. I have heard a lot about you.”

    “Yeah? Good or bad?”

    “Both, two different sides from Maggie and your roommate.”

    Isabella couldn’t help but laugh, “That doesn’t surprise me. Both Maggie and Mari talk about you a lot too, but all I hear are the positives. I hear you are a really good dancer.”

    “Dancing? And who told you that?” Amber said with curiosity, she and Marissa never really talked about dancing.

    Isabella looked confused for a brief second, “Maggie did. Has she not shown you her new moves yet?”
    “No, she hasn’t,” Amber said, with a bit too much suspicion than she meant.

    “Oh, she must be wanting to surprise you!” Isabella responded quickly. There was a short awkward silence, and Izzy almost started panicking, she could not mess this first meeting up. “Umm, well. Sorry. I know that you are helping Mari, and that I guess we are supposed to hate each other because I’m sleeping with your…umm. Okay, sorry.”

    Amber smiled and was about to respond kindly to a clearly nervous Isabella when another voice picked up. “Back off Izzy. She is my friend, not yours.” Marissa suddenly said, breaking up the little chat between the two women.

    Isabella shot her roommate an annoyed look but didn’t say anything else and turned away from Amber to her roommate, the cold wall going back up slightly. The ex-student however watched the Spanish girl curiously. Maggie had said that Isabella was very cold, but so far, she didn’t see it. Or maybe she was trying to be as open as possible to Amber for a reason she didn’t know yet. Either way, so far, Maggie’s positives were outweighing Marissa’s negatives.

    “Ok! You guys now know each other now, let’s move on!” Marissa continued with a tone of cheerful and excitement even though she was eyeing Isabella with disdain mixed with curiosity. Her roommate was being really friendly to Amber, and she wanted to know why. She would figure it out later however because for now there were plans to discuss. “Now before we check in, let’s run through the itinerary!”

    Marissa pulled up her phone and Isabella and Amber turned to face her as she began sliding through the list.

    “Okay, tonight is a free night for all of us! There is an awesome pool and bar I think we should check out; Amber will just have to buy us the drinks. Umm, there is also a world-class health club and spa if we want to work out or get a steam. The rooms also have really big baths if you want to do that. I know you really like a good bath Izzy, so I brought some bath bombs for you.”

    Isabella blushed at the details her roommate was sharing, but Marissa didn’t notice and kept going.

    Amber listened to her best friend running through the list with an interesting look now. Normally Marissa talked about how much she hated Isabella, and that she didn’t care about her at all. But either she was so excited about the weekend and wanted everyone to have a good time that she didn’t have time to hate Isabella, or subconsciously was helping Isabella out to not feel uncomfortable. She didn’t know and all the while Marissa kept speaking at a fast pace.

    “Now tomorrow, the morning is whatever, but the convention begins at 11 and lasts till 6. That part is where we can go around, and do the cosplay thing, and then I have a streamer meet and greet. I’m pretty popular!”

    “And we know why.” Isabella interrupted, and Marissa stopped and glared at her.

    “What does that mean Izzy?” She turned to her roommate.

    “Nothing.” The Spanish girl responded, and they shared another glare. Isabella thought that Marissa was one of those gamer girls who just used their bodies to get likes, while Marissa said it was her skill that got her there. In a way, they were both half right.

    “Okay then, don’t interrupt anymore. Then, Sunday night, Amber you can stay or go home like we talked about, while Izzy and I have our match and settle it once and for all. Till then however, we have a truce, right Izzy?”

    “Yes,” Isabella responded, and Amber felt the heat between the roommates’ return. It seemed to switch between hot and cold faster than any other rivalry she had ever seen. They would get their little shots in and then they dropped it like it was nothing.

    Finishing the reading of the list, they quickly began to check into their room, and knock the first thing off the long list. They had been able to only book one bed and a couch single room for all three of them. For all the looking forward to it Marissa had been doing, she still didn’t end up booking the room till the last minute and that was all there was left. The sleeping arrangements would be tight, but it was fine and only for two nights. Marissa and Amber would share the bed, and Izzy would be on the couch. The Spanish girl looked even more annoyed but didn’t say anything. The second night, Amber planned to leave early or get another room if she wanted, which would give time for the roommates to settle it finally. After getting flirted with by the desk worker they finally got their three keys from the clerk when a voice from behind them hit their ears.

    “Well, isn’t this a coincidence?” A haughty expression said behind them, and all three women; Marissa, Isabella, and Amber froze in place. ‘It couldn’t be,’ they thought in unison as they all turned around all at once. There standing behind them in line was none other than a very professionally dressed up Bianca Marshall. The convention goers stood there in stunned silence for a full second, all confused on why this person, the last person they expected to see would be at this hotel.

    “What are you doing here!?” Marissa finally gasped loud enough for a lot of people around the lobby to glance towards the four women. Bianca didn’t answer right away and viewed the three women with a hidden aloofness behind her high value sunglasses. She was wearing a short business skirt, one she normally saved for meetings in which she used her sexuality to its full extent. Her long strong pale legs were out in the open for once and looking as formidable to the other woman. She also had a button up white blouse that was thin so that the you could almost see the black bra she was wearing underneath in the right light. Her black hair was in a messy bun, and her dark red lips looked freshly coated. It seemed this woman knew that in the professional business, her body was a weapon, and she was using it now more than ever. A small smirk came to her very red lips as the woman looked at Marissa first.

    “Now don’t be rude Miss Keeling, I don’t believe you own this hotel?”

    Marissa almost lost it at that second but closed her mouth and glared at her ex-mentor instead. She didn’t want to cause a scene. Isabella looked equally as shocked as well at Bianca’s appearance. The last time they had talked, this woman had ditched her and, in a way, abandoned her for no reason. The hidden blue eyes found her brown ones next, but if Isabella was looking for an apology or some form of regret, she wasn’t about to find it.

    “Miss Sanz, I must say, when I told you that our partnership was over, I was slightly disappointed. You were a very efficient intern, but seeing who your present company is now, I believe it’s clear that I made the right choice ending contact with you. Very disappointing.”

    Isabella’s face went red, the words hurting more than she would let on and she didn’t say anything. She again wished Maggie was here to defend her, it only made her feel more alone. But a new voice picked up directed towards Bianca.

    “What the hell is your problem? Leave them alone.” Amber hissed and she took a step forward to get face to face with Bianca. The women immediately sized each other up and felt a spike of heat that was not from the temperature. Bianca was standing slightly higher due to her high heels compared to Amber’s flip flops, and she glared down at the challenger. The last time they had been face to face, they had been nude, and Amber had tribbed Bianca to orgasm in the middle of her duel with Jenny.

    “Hello Amberrrr, it’s such a pleasure to see you again,” Bianca responded with a coldness that she did not give to many people.

    “It’s not mutual.” Amber snapped back, “Now tell us, what are you doing here? Are you stalking us or something?”

    Amber could see Bianca’s blue eyes narrow even behind her glasses, and a second wave of heat passed between the two young women, something that had been building in the back of their heads for months. A heat from their mutual desire, and an unspoken hatred that had been building since the Gala, and even before that for Amber. Marissa and Isabella watched the standoff from behind the ex-student, and both of them felt a level of tension that was even beyond theirs.

    “I have much better things to do than that, Amber. But if you must know, there is a meeting for young professionals this weekend at this establishment and I was invited by two sponsors I met at the Gala. It just so happens to be the same weekend that young Miss Keeling talked about so often instead of working. Quite the coincidence if you ask me.”

    This reason caught Bianca's attention for a weird reason. Maggie had never said anything about an event like that, and she was sure her girlfriend would have been invited to everything that Bianca would have been. Why had the redhead not brought it up? She was sure she would have blown off Silvia if something like this for her job was on the line.

    “What are you talking about? Maggie never mentioned a meeting like that.” She questioned, but the answer was already in her head before the professional responded.

    A little smile came to Bianca’s lips, “Did she not? Oh, that is quite unfortunate, isn’t it? I wonder if Miss Reynolds ever received the invite? I think I remembered to forward it to her, but I guess I just can’t say for certain.”

    Bianca lifted her glasses so that her blue eyes locked directly to Amber’s brown and a second chill went down the punk girl’s body that sent her loins pulsing. She felt herself almost shake in rage; this woman was still hurting Maggie and in a way that was not part of the sexual challenge like the other girls in their lives. If anything had changed since getting her first girlfriend, the biggest one is that Amber felt a fierce desire to protect Maggie. Not from girl’s who wanted to sexfight like Silvia or Isabella, she couldn’t stop that, and she knew deep down that Maggie didn’t want her to. But when it came to anyone who attacked Maggie in other ways, Amber wouldn’t stand for it. This was especially true when the redhead was not around to defend herself. In addition, Bianca was also attacking Marissa, her best friend right to her face and even Isabella, who Amber had been told about the email exchange of her getting dumped by the librarian.

    Bianca’s eyes did not break contact with Amber’s, and she seemed to be relishing the tension between them. So far, Maggie had kept them apart since the Gala, but now, nothing was stopping her from getting at this bitch. She wanted to hurt Amber, both sexually and physically and take her, but that was her little secret.

    The tension was broken as Marissa finally spoke up, “Well, sadly Bianca, we already have a very busy schedule. So, we won’t have time to see you. So, goodbye!” At the same time, Amber felt a hand wrap around her wrist to pull her back, she glanced back and saw it was actually Isabella. The look the three of them shared was simple, thank you, but this wasn’t the weekend, and they did not need to deal with her. Amber sighed, in understanding. There was nothing she could do now to help Maggie now even if she texted her. Fighting Bianca would gain her nothing, no matter how badly she wanted to slap the smirk off her face.

    Bianca watched the little display of unionship with a huff, “I’m sure you all do, but I’m guessing the three of you sharing a room would be very tight. We could split it up, two and two? I don’t mind sharing.” Bianca asked with a fake innocence and Amber knew it was a direct invite for her and only her. For a second neither of the three other women said anything, even Isabella who felt more and more hurt every second Bianca was treating her like this.

    “We are good.” Amber hissed and the two students nodded in agreement for once.

    Bianca gave a little sigh, her first gambit not working but she had plenty of ammo, “Okay, well, if it does start to feel a little crowded, let me at least give you a key to my room.” She took a step forward and, not caring who saw, slide a thin hotel key from her hand right between Amber’s sweaty cleavage to the surprise of the guitarist. The blonde had frozen as Bianca attacked her in this not-so-subtle way. The card slid down between her massive breasts easily from the sweat and stuck out her tank top. Amber couldn’t help sucking in a breath as Bianca played her little game more out in the open than she ever had before. It was true, the librarian didn’t care, she was out of school and was going to do what she had to do to get Amber into the position she wanted.

    Knowing some people must have been watching them, Amber glanced around and then down at the pale fingers that held the plastic card there for an extra second before releasing it, leaving it sticking out of her red top. Finally letting go, but not pulling her hand away, the librarian brushed the tips of her fingers on the punk girl’s smooth skin near her sternum and then leaned her face forward. “Room 509.” She whispered as the red lips lingered on Amber’s ear. The blonde didn’t react even as her body felt a pulse of extreme desire and hate from the seduction of her librarian. This bitch was basically begging for a night, but she wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of goading her into a showdown that had nothing on the line. This wasn’t her weekend to ruin, and she was going to hang out with Marissa and Isabella before running and competing against Bianca.

    When the blonde didn’t respond, Bianca took a step back and then smiled at her once again, ignoring the other two women completely, “You know, I do have some free time tonight now that I think about it. Amber...why don’t you meet me down by the pool bar for a drink tonight? I would be happy to give you some details on the event Maggie will miss, and at the same time, you and I could catch up?”

    Both Izzy and Mari shared a quick look, before looking at Amber. Marissa was wondering what her friend would say, hoping she would just ignore the bitch and not let it ruin the weekend. Amber was quiet for a second, tittering on letting her anger out, and trying to calm down. At the last second, she glanced back at her best friend, and they shared a look of understanding as the musician turned back to the librarian.

    “I don’t think so. I don’t drink with bitches.” Amber said with sharpness as she turned away.

    Bianca’s face didn’t react, and she simply tilted her head. “Manners Amber, I guess that is something I will have to teach you. It’s clear to me now why Miss Keeling likes you so much; delinquents have a way of finding each other.” Then her smile turned cruel, “I should have expected this type of attitude from a woman who is now dating that mousy little ginger slut.”

    Amber froze and then turned her head back to the raven-haired woman as she felt a spike of rage she had never known. Insulting her, fine, but insulting Maggie, it made her feel a new level of rage coming towards this woman. When Marissa, Jenny, or Silvia said anything about Maggie, she normally laughed it off because it was always sexual, but not this. Not from this bitch, not from the woman that unknowingly caused her months of heartbreak.

    “Don’t fucking talk about my girlfriend.” She said with heated breath turning her attention once again back to Bianca. She almost took a step forward but the grip on her wrist tightened as Isabella sensed something really bad was about to happen.

    “Or what?” Bianca questioned, but the glare down ended quickly as a beep went off the professional’s phone and she smiled tauntingly at the ex-student, “Well, my first meeting is now, so I don’t have time to waste with you all anymore. Good day, Miss Sanz, Miss Keeling. And Amber, hopefully see you tonight, say 9 pm? We can continue this conversation by the pool.”

    Not waiting for an answer, she turned around and walked towards the elevators with her rolling bag behind her. Her high heels clicking as her ass was flexed side to side in the mini skirt each step, she went. The professional did not look back even once, and a few steps later disappeared from view. The other three women stood there. No matter what happened now, this weekend had just gotten a lot messier.


    “Why is she here!?” Marissa flopped onto the bed as they entered their small hotel room. She flipped onto her back and groaned, placing her hands in her hair. “She is going to try and ruin this weekend for us, I know it.”

    Amber rubbed her temples as she sat down on the same bed next to her, her body trying to cool down after the heated moment downstairs against the bitchy professional. The card to Bianca’s room is now in her purse, though she didn’t say that to the other girls.

    “It’s fine Marissa, that bitch is doing her own event. We don’t have to see her and I’m not going to go fight her for no fucking reason other than fighting.” Amber commented as she tossed her own bag down off the bed.

    Izzy was quiet and sitting on the couch that was her own bed, she looked pained and confused after the short interaction.

    “No, it’s not fine! She is up to something. Did you notice she kept calling you Amber! Why? Why not ‘Miss Fielder’? Like she does everyone else?” She added in a terrible mock impression of Bianca’s most haughty voice.

    “I don’t know, but let’s not let her ruin our weekend,” Amber repeated as she tried to think of any reason not to go see this woman. A big piece of her wanted to make sure Bianca knew that Maggie was off-limits to her, but she hadn’t told her girlfriend about that train of thought yet. It would get messy if Maggie found out she was actually worried about stuff.

    “You aren’t going to meet her for drinks then? What about the Maggie thing?” Isabella said from the couch. Amber looked over at the other woman and felt a pain that this intern seemed to think of her girlfriend more than she did on that level.

    “What can I do? I can’t help Maggie now; she is busy for the rest of the weekend with Silvia. She wouldn’t answer her phone now or leave that fucking orgy even if I tried.”

    “Orgy?” Marissa questioned, but both Amber and Isabella ignored the question.

    The curly black-haired girl looked down again as Amber continued, “Besides, I bet she is just trying to get revenge for Mags and me jumping her at the Gala. Maggie told me she has been asking about me daily. My bandmate has been awfully quiet too, so I don’t know what happened the rest of the night between them. We got our five stars, but I thought Jenny would have bragged about it.” The singer's face came to her mind, but that opened up another whole line of questions in her mind.

    “Either way, this is our weekend, and I’m not going to deal with her bullshit just because she thinks she has the right to fight me. I’m not into that game, let’s just help Marissa get ready and have fun.”

    “You are the best friend ever,” Marissa said with a smile. “Awesome! We will not let that bitch get to us this weekend! I’ll order some food. Amber, can you go grab ice, and Izzy can you help unload my costume?”

    Amber left the room, bucket in hand. Her thoughts were much more confused than the confident speech she had just given to the students. If she could help Maggie in any way, she would do it, but something felt off about Bianca. Maggie had told her that the other librarian had become obsessed with her, and she got that feeling. Amber was used to people feeling that way about her, but this was different. Something about Bianca put her on edge, even if she did want to ensure the girl that Maggie wasn’t hers to play around with anymore.

    ‘But what if she hurts Maggie until you go see her.’ That thought filled her head the entire way to the ice machine and back. She would not let her girlfriend get caught in the crossfire because the bitch wanted to get at her even if that meant fighting her. By the time she was on her way back to the room, like 2 minutes later was definitely considering going to drink.

    As soon as Amber had left, Marissa quickly turned-on Isabella with a questioning look. “Why are you being so nice to Amber, Izzy? What is into you?”

    Isabella looked at her, “Nothing.” She said and then went back to unpacking.

    Marissa looked at her for a long time, “Fine, don’t tell me...but I’m going to figure it out.” She paused, “She is not going to be your friend.” Mari added less intending to hurt and more like she was stating a fact. Though it came off far meaner than she even meant, and Isabella looked up from her bag with rage in her eyes.

    “Fine, you want to know why? Did you hear Bianca? She doesn’t care about me at all! You don’t understand, you have Amber who doesn’t care if Maggie and you are fighting. She still wants to hang out with you! My only friend I have is Maggie and that still took me and her almost killing each other! If Amber hates me…then Maggie will stop hanging out with me…I know it. I don’t want to lose the only friend I have made all year.”

    The outburst of honesty from Isabella was shocking and even she seemed to go red in the face as she let the emotions pour out. Marissa was speechless and the soon to be ex-roommates looked at each other, the truth that both of them were very unpopular hitting them like a ton of bricks. A whole year had gone by, and every girl their year hated them while the boys only wanted to fuck them. The anime freak and the loner stuck together hating each other as much as everyone seemed to hate them.

    “Fuck this. I don’t know why I fucking came to this stupid event.” Isabella huffed a second later and grabbing what looked like workout gear and a bathing suit, stormed out of the room before Marissa had a chance to say anything else. The normally playful girl stood there alone in the room, more confused than anything about how this weekend was going to turn out.

    When Amber came back still undecided, she and Marissa decided to just let the other girl cool off. Even though Amber wanted to go talk to her, but Marissa shook her head over and over.

    “I don’t care about her. We aren’t living together in two weeks away! You can play her role in the competition; she just has to sit and waste a weekend.” Marissa declared, but Amber heard the slightest crack in her voice. Amber knew her friend was worried about her living conditions next year, and if she didn’t win this prize money or get new sponsors for her streams, even the always cheery Marissa would be in a bad place.

    They explored the hotel together for a few hours until it was nearly 9 PM. Isabella was still not back, and Marissa huffed.

    “I’m going to go look for her.” The roommate declared.

    “Ok,” Amber said, looking at the clock. The time Bianca had told her to meet was quickly approaching. She knew she had to meet her, the idea of Maggie getting hurt overwhelming her sense of danger. Just talking didn’t mean she had to fuck fight…in fact, she didn’t care much for sexfighting Bianca. Attraction was one thing, but there was no other reason besides that and she was not Maggie.

    It seemed Marissa was reading her mind, “Amber…go talk to Bianca. I know it’s bugging you and I know you really care about Maggie and want to help her. Trust me, as someone who knows Bianca, she will not stop fucking with Maggie until you do what she asks. Honestly, I don’t think she even cares about her rivalry with her co-worker anymore. Isabella mentioned their relationship was souring again, but between you and me, I don’t think it’s about the job. I think it’s only getting worse because Maggie knows she wants you and Bianca isn’t backing down.”

    Amber looked at her best friend with doubt, but the always cheerful girl’s face was flat. She didn’t say anything but knew this is what she wanted to hear.

    “I’m serious.” Marissa finished before standing up.

    Amber sighed, “Are you sure you are okay with me going? After what I said.”

    Marissa nodded overly enthusiastically. “Yes! You already came here with me; you did your half. I can at least help you in some way while I deal with Izzy and get her back. She has never shown me that much emotion before, even when she was my slave.”

    “Do you know what’s the matter with her?”

    “No, but I’m not going to worry about it. I’m going to out fuck her tomorrow night and then never have to speak to her again!” But for the second time, Marissa’s face looked less happy and excited than her voice would leave you to believe.

    The decision was made; Amber got dressed to both show-off and make sure that if Bianca did want a piece of her, it would be a nasty piece. She pulled out one of the bikinis she had picked for this weekend. It was skimpy, only because Marissa had told her the pool allowed it…and she didn’t own many without revealing them, especially with her dating Maggie. They always teased each other when they would go tanning in her backyard and she liked the feeling of swimming in the near-nude.

    She wrapped a towel around her lower body while her large chest was only hidden by the two pink triangles while her bottom half was a high waisted side tie pink thong. She looked in the mirror, the purple in her hair, the beautiful face.

    She made her way down to the pool bar easily, passing by workers, guests, and others who stopped and stared at the purple highlighted beauty moving through the halls. This was normal for Amber, but she didn’t care. As she entered the pool courtyard, it was very easy to find Bianca. The pale beauty was sitting on a stool at the bar sipping a drink alone. Amber watched for a second as a man made his approach and was rebuffed instantly by the librarian with what looked like a cutting remark. Well, it seemed she was indeed waiting for her.

    The woman turned after the rejection of the man, and stood up quickly as she noticed Amber approaching, looking as tasty as she had hoped. She herself was in a white one-piece swimsuit that covered her chest and stomach fully, but the backside was quite the sight. Her pale firm ass cheeks were fully out to view as the cloth went up into a thong style, far more risqué than was her normal beach attire. Amber could see that the other librarian’s pale ass, unable to not compare it to Maggie’s. It had the same size and shape but somehow even whiter. She swore that Bianca must have never seen a day in the sun. They got within talking range and Bianca couldn’t help but give her a sultry smile.

    “Amber, I was very curious to see if you would show up.” Bianca cooed as she sat back down in the swirling seat. They looked at each other’s choice of outfit and felt the common wave of competitiveness, but there was something more now, something Amber felt but couldn’t describe.

    “Shut up. I’m here for one reason and one reason only. Stop messing with Maggie to get to me.” Amber demanded, pointing her pink fingernails at Bianca. The sitting girl looked at her with a coolness.

    “Here.” The sitting woman said with a new coldness in her voice like back in the lobby as she lifted a drink off the bar. It was a old fashion, a strong drink of choice for the two women who could not handle their alcohol well. Amber didn’t move and Bianca’s right eye twitched.

    “Sit and drink,” Bianca ordered with authority.


    “I said sit.” Bianca breathed, a dangerous tone escaping her lips. Amber could tell this woman was one who normally got what she wanted. But she was the exact kind of bitch to tell her off.

    “No, you fucking bitch. Say you won’t mess with Maggie, and then I’m leaving.” Amber growled back.

    Bianca’s eyes flashed, but instead of getting angrier, a small smile came to her lips. She loved breaking women and Amber seemed to be the exact type of woman who needed it. She turned back to the bar and easily got the attention of the man working.

    “Excuse me, could you please put these in two plastic cups, we will be going to the pool.”

    “You got it.” He responded and a second later, Bianca had two plastic cups and was walking away from Amber who followed her needing to hear what she wanted.

    “Bianca. I’m not playing around. Do not mess with Maggie or I will fucking deal with you right here.” She hissed as the two babes made their way around the pool, their flip flops slapping, Amber’s white towel flowing behind her as she followed behind one of the best assses in the city.

    “See Amber,” Bianca replied, not really listening to Amber or caring what she had to say as she walked. “I’m a woman who knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. Recently however, I have had a little problem. See twice my professional career has been nearly ruined by your little girlfriend because she can’t accept her inferiority to me.”

    “Good, and that is because you have nothing on Maggie.” Amber shot following the hot backside of the other librarian.

    Bianca paused, and Amber knew she had gotten under her skin if not a little. At least it proved Bianca was not totally immune to taunts like she acted. She almost kept going but Bianca recovered her little speech, “But that doesn’t matter. I will beat her in the end with my new solution…though it does come with another problem like so many things in life.” She did a little pause, “Though solving this problem is something I will very much enjoy.”

    “And what is this new problem?” Amber questioned, though she knew the answer before it left Bianca’s lips. The pale girl paused, her sexy ass giving a slight jiggle from the sudden freeze. She didn’t look behind at Amber who waited until she turned just enough for her blue eyes to meet the brown.

    “You. You are both my new problem and solution. It’s perfect.”

    Amber let our air from her nose. “Me? I knew you were fucking crazy. I don’t have anything to do with you after you promise to get off Maggie’s back.”

    “Oh, how very wrong you are. See, I have a hobby or passion to take people who need order and discipline and shape them correctly as my…pets I guess you could call them.” Bianca said as she started walking again. Against her best judgment, Amber followed her though Bianca’s tone had again changed to something more sinister.

    “What does that have to do with me? What the hell do you mean by pets?” She questioned.

    “It has everything to do with you. The Gala proved that.” Bianca replied simply.

    “Bianca, stop playing games. Last warning, because I’m not like Maggie, and I will fucking hurt you if you mess with her or me.”

    Bianca laughed, still walking, they had almost done a full loop of the pool now. “How threatening you are. I’m sure you know Amber that most sexfighting women do it to hide their fighting. Keep the struggle we have hidden, much like how Miss Reynolds and I have settled things. It’s a fantastic way of settling disputes, which is, of course, something I understand and I’m sure you do too.”

    Amber couldn’t disagree, though it was weird hearing someone other than Maggie explaining it in this way. Bianca kept going, however, and Amber knew she was building to something.

    “But for my pets…humiliation and cumming first is not enough. Allowing there to be no sign of their punishment is not enough. I need to break them in more ways than one, so let me warn you…I can hurt you just as bad Amber if you prefer it.”

    Amber froze as she sensed the real threat, she felt the warning that Bianca was implying. She knew from experience that this other woman’s body was as nice and could be as intimidating as hers; both sexually and physically. But she wouldn’t let that stop her, she would not be intimated.

    “For someone Maggie said is smart, you sound fucking dumb. You don’t fucking scare me, Bianca. You can’t intimidate me like you must with all your stupid ‘pets’.” She said in a mocking voice that sounded a lot like the one Marissa had used to make fun of Bianca earlier.

    Bianca’s walking had slowed, and her voice sounded more and more serious. The insults were building, and it only got her more excited. “Oh, but I will Amber, and tomorrow night, I will show you why you will be intimidated by me, but first a quick question if I may. You know that your girlfriend is fucking Miss Sanz, correct?”

    Amber didn’t say anything.

    “Ahh, your non-answer is enough. Doesn’t that hurt you? I guess you also know she is at an orgy with a woman named Silvia, right?”

    Amber blinked at the back of Bianca’s head with malice in her eyes as the professional attacked her insecurities. How did she know all about this?

    “I don’t care who my girlfriend fucks, she can sex fight anyone she wants,” Amber murmured, but a hint of insecurity slipped in that Bianca picked up on.

    “You don’t? Hmm, I can tell you are lying. I will make sure you don’t do that to me once you are my pet.”

    “Fuck you. You don’t know my relationship with her. Maggie likes to fuck fight and prove her body and sex is the best for no other reason than to do it, so what? She and Isabella have fun, and Silvia, well you don’t know her, but she is a fucking sex addict. She just wants Maggie’s body and someone to fight as much as possible. They can fucking touch and fight all they want, it won’t change anything.”

    It was all half true, but Amber wasn’t done as something she had been holding onto for a long time threatened to sneak out. “But not you, you touch her again, and I’ll kill you.” Amber finished with a snarl. Bianca’s smile grew from that line, it was all she needed.

    “Me? And what makes me so special? I assume it must be because Maggie talks about me quite a bit. Oh my, does she enjoy my sex more than yours? That must be hard for a lover to swallow.” She taunted with ease.

    Amber felt her rage growing, the voice of Maggie that kept her calm drowned out. She couldn’t keep a long-held secret any longer, not to this bitch. “No, it’s because you are the reason, we…didn’t get together faster. You broke us up. You fought her in the library while we were just…figuring it out. It was our thing.” She finished, a look of annoyance on her own face that she had said it out loud.

    Bianca stopped abruptly and turned to face Amber who came to a halt as they sized each other up at the edge of the pool. The distant waterfall sounds like a loud hum in the background.

    “Your thing? She didn’t seem to mention that when she was hooked to my garters and spitting in my mouth. Are you sure you are not just pushing the blame onto me for something you clearly did?”

    Amber didn’t respond staring into the blue eyes of the librarian. The memories of that horrible night flashing into her head, the hate and pain she had felt. She knew it was her fault, she had apologized to Maggie, and been forgiven but it still hurt. She lost out on a year with the love of her life because of her own hate, but she wouldn’t let this bitch off the hook fully. She had no problem pushing the blame off.

    Bianca however wasn’t letting up. “No response? So that’s it isn’t it? You can’t stand the fact you hurt her emotionally, and then let it carry on for months. Wasting all those months? Well don’t worry, once I’m done with you, I’ll make sure you have a healthy way to show your emotions, when I demand it.”

    “Shut up. Shut the fuck up! This whole thing is done, it’s clear you have nothing on me or Maggie. You are just insane, and I don’t have any reason to deal with you.”

    “You think that Amber, but I do, and you will come to my room tomorrow night for us to discuss in more detail.” But her blue eyes flashed as she saw Amber was no longer paying attention to her.

    The blonde had stopped walking and taken out her phone from her bag to text Marissa, but as she pulled it up to text, slap. Her hand was hit, and the phone went flying out of her grip and into the pool with a small splash. “What the fuck!?” Amber yelled, as Bianca simply walked away as if she didn't care what she had done. Amber made a quick choice and jumped in after it, making a big splash as her towel came undone at the impact of the pool. This left her only now in her skimpy pink bikini bottoms and top as she waddled in the waist-deep water. Getting above the phone, she dunked her head scooping up the water-filled device. A second later she burst out the surface and swam to the far side as quickly as possible holding it above the water. Reaching the edge, she tried to turn it on, but no luck, the screen was dark, and the only other sound besides the waterfall was the laughing from Bianca.

    Amber looked over at her in shock, but Bianca was simply standing on the other side of the pool. “It’s rude to look at your phone when someone is talking to you. I have a lot of lessons to teach you, it seems.” Bianca yelled, watching the blonde curiously.

    “You fucking psycho!” Amber hissed as pushed her hot body out of the water. She was going to jump out and throw Bianca in, then she might drown the librarian if she had the chance. However, she didn’t have to jump out because Bianca had already walked to the steps on the far side of the pool and stepped into the shallow water. The revealing skimpy one-piece became skin tight as the pale girl began to perform clean strokes towards the waterfall cave about halfway in-between them.

    Amber moved, swimming as well with aggressive strokes trying to get to Bianca before she got there, but the raven-haired beauty was able to disappear under the roar of the waterfall a few seconds faster.

    Amber didn’t hesitate as she dove through and under the crashing water above her, the sound of the waterfall vibrating off the walls of the fake cave she was entering. She broke to the surface and her eyes tried to adjust to the dim light. The water was deeper here, and she couldn’t stand, having to tread water while she looked forward into the darkness. Unfazed, she took two strokes forward when a hand took her left ankle from behind. She let out a gasp as she was pulled back in the water, turning her head to see Bianca had been waiting just behind the waterfall for her.

    “Come here bitch!” The librarian screamed and the next thing Amber felt was a claw sinking into her left tit as she was pushed under the water. Surprise was all Amber felt as she struggled suddenly in a bad spot. Bianca snarled as she kept Amber down by the tits and at the same time, sunk her black painted nails deep into Amber’s big chest. This wasn’t a playful clawing, and Amber knew that Bianca wasn’t messing around as the sharp points raked against her exposed skin. The nails went in far enough for Amber to scream in pain and lose the little bit of air she had pulled in before this attack. Desperate to get away and above water, she was able to bring her legs up between them and launched a powerful double kick into Bianca’s hips, pushing herself away in the water and sending Bianca back with a grunt. Amber used the distance to break above the surface with a gasp. She sucked in air but had no time to rest.

    Bianca was coming at her as fast as she could in the water and Amber wasn’t going to wait. She started swimming at her rival and the two swimmers met a second later in the cave, the sound of the waterfall making it impossible to hear the other’s screams of fury.

    Bianca shot her arms forward and they met Amber’s as they began to swim around in a small circle like a chicken fight without the other person. The fight was focused on their upper bodies, a mix of scratching and slapping while their legs kept them upright, powerfully moving the water under them. They both landed slaps on each other’s faces, and even scratched the other’s skin harder than either might have expected the other to do so. Pain shot into Amber’s arms and shoulders, but the adrenaline made her feel nothing as the fight began. The look of rage on both their faces did nothing to hide their plans of hurting the other.

    “You freak!”
    “You are dead!”
    They both yelled just over the sound of the roaring water. Unfortunately, Amber took an extra slap from Bianca as the pale girl gained a foot forward in the water, bringing their womanly bodies closer. The blonde screeched as the second slap had its nails included and raked some of her skin near her lip. But her brown eyes only narrowed, and she began to tear out wildly trying to return the favor.

    It didn’t even take two full rotations, for Bianca to try to break the stalemate. She was easily able to take hold of the pink bikini top and dislodge it, sending the blondes huge tits free on the next spin. It floated away, but Amber didn’t even notice, as they continued to spin, slap and claw. The marks on their arms became redder and deeper as they scratched and clawed like two deadly water nymphs. Not discouraged, Bianca suddenly splashed water into Amber’s beautiful face and brown eyes. The punk girl flinched back, and in the next second she was spun in the water by her rival. The librarian got behind her and she felt the woman’s huge bikini, covered tits press into her back. She attempted to kick back and slide down and away, but an arm was suddenly around her neck and then she was dunked.

    Water filled her ears and nose as she submerged with Bianca on top of her. She quickly went wild as Bianca held her under the water, the blonde understanding that Bianca was not kidding. This is how dangerous she was willing to go, and this was not just a sexfight. She used all the power in her legs and was able to get ahead and got up above water for just a second before she was dunked again, water filling her mouth even more.

    “BEG!” She heard Bianca yell, and Amber began to panic, as the grip on her neck tightened, but in her thrashing, she was able to slightly turn her body against Bianca’s. At this angle, she shot an elbow right into Bianca’s chin knocking the girl back and freeing her neck. The impact was jarring, and Bianca let out a painful yelp over the sound of the waterfall as she was forced off her rival. The blonde spun and tried to press her attack, but Bianca shot her lower body forward in the water and wrapped her legs strongly around Amber’s waist, suddenly putting both of their weights on Amber’s ability to keep their heads above water.

    Just a few seconds of holding them both up above started to drain Amber’s energy quickly. She suddenly needed more oxygen and couldn’t keep them both up above the water as Bianca squeezed and attempted to claw at her body from this horizontal angle. The blonde half decided, half was forced to go under and the second she stopped trying, they both were submerged. Underwater, both tried their best to break the other’s hold, Bianca squeezing Amber’s stomach with her powerful legs while the blonde had reached up clawing Bianca’s covered tits and stomach so deeply that her nails could feel the flesh get marked under the swimsuit.

    Their muscles demanded oxygen quickly and Amber knew the advantage was with Bianca. The pale legs squeezing her stomach and that in turn was forcing more air out. Desperate, Amber took her pink claws off the tits, unable to see if she was doing any real damage. Instead, she took hold near the front of the white swimsuit and ripped it up Bianca’s pussy, splitting the lips and making it as thong looking in the front as it did the back. She almost heard a wail even underwater from Bianca’s lips and a large amount of air escaped the red-lipped mouth of the librarian. The strong pale legs released, but before Amber moved away, Bianca kicked out, hitting Amber directly in the breasts with her feet as the pale beauty shot herself away.

    They floated away from each other; the pain now being felt in all areas of their body. Amber looked up to see Bianca now floating a few feet away and thought about her next move. She looked around desperately looking for an advantage and noticed she had ended up close to the rock cave wall behind her. To the left was a small platform just two feet out of the water that in a normal time would be easy to climb up to if you could focus. Amber didn’t have time to focus, however, and she quickly tried to climb up and onto it. With the height, she could jump onto Bianca full force or kick the librarian’s face in from the platform. It took a long second, but she found a footing and stepped up half out of the water to execute her plan. That was as far as she got, however, because Bianca had seen and caught up faster than she expected.

    “No, you don’t!” The librarian hissed, as she reached up caught the backside of the tight small pink bikini bottoms above Amber’s sexy buns.

    “Bitch! Let go!” Amber hissed, feeling her bottoms taken hold off as she froze on the wall unable to get that final footing up. Bianca ripped the thong back, easily pulling Amber off the slick rocks with a shriek and causing a massive splash as the thong came undone as well. Free from the grip, Amber tried to backstroke away, now annoyingly fully nude, but her foot was quickly grabbed. She was pulled back towards Bianca half underwater for the second time, but Amber was ready. She came in swinging and shot her upper half out the water body up to hit Bianca squarely in the face while also taking a punch on her own. They grunted and gargled water as they exchanged the punches near the wall. Now, Amber’s thighs crushed Bianca’s tight obliques, and the black-haired girl couldn’t keep them both up. To break out though, she didn’t go under and used her position. She put her feet on the rock wall behind her and used it to launch herself forward Amber still attached back to the center of the deep cave. The blonde held on with her hands but lost her leg grip as they began to spin in the water like a whirlpool made of two sexy women. The sight of the long yellow highlighted blonde and raven black was incredible as they followed the spinning in a delayed manner. They continued this for ten full seconds, going faster and faster as they dunked their rival’s head into the water, again and again, swallowing more than their fair share.

    They thrashed in the water wildly, limps going everywhere, the commotion causing large splashes all around in the cave. Their claws were out, and they started digging into each other’s skin hard enough to leave deep marks and long scratches on their buns. Each was trying to keep the other one under and hold her there for longer, more threatening lengths of time. But their legs were too strong, and they used that strength to just keep them both above water now conjoined at the hip.

    After another second, Amber finally hooked her leg around Bianca’s, causing them to lose their function and stop the treading and spinning. Their bodies were so tight that they were already fully wrapped, their legs entangling beneath them. The clawing ended as their arms became the next thing trapped and with one last gasp of air, they began to sink. It was a long way to the bottom as the long blonde and black hair trailing behind them like mermaids.

    They sank quickly, going deeper, and allowing the weight of the water to increase the pressure on their bodies, each refusing to let go of the other’s sexy form. The already dangerous situation was quickly turning into one that was deadly between the girls. A few seconds later, Bianca’s back hit the bottom of the pool with Amber on top of her. Their eyes shot open, and they locked showing fueling their hate and anger for a brief second before the orbs started burning and were forced to close them again.

    As Amber struggled to last longer than her rival, Bianca’s mouth suddenly latched onto hers and then a tongue split open her pink lips. Amber’s own mouth muscle met its rival naturally and the sparks exploded down their bodies and sexes. The kiss this time wasn’t for desire and each quickly tried to suck the last bit of oxygen away from the other’s lungs and make herself last longer underwater, but it didn’t work. They were unable to create a perfect seal and water-filled their conjoined mouths as their tongues slashed erotically together. The water-filled kiss caused sudden panic for both women as their mouths were filled, and neither could hold on any longer. They broke apart in desperation, Bianca’s arms releasing first, but Amber’s legs pulling back at the same time.

    They pushed off the bottom, desperate to reach the surface, unable to focus on the other’s destruction for a second longer as their minds went blurry. At the same time, they broke the surface gasping and coughing up water, Amber’s chest rising and falling in large breaths as struggled to the side of the cave. She held onto the rocks, not able to believe how far she and Bianca had gone in the last five minutes. That had been very dangerous, she thought, but she didn’t care. If Bianca went down with her, that is how far she was willing to go, she hated her that much. She whirled in the water ready to re-engage her rival, but Bianca wasn’t there. In fact, her rival was swimming away towards the waterfall and seemingly looking to escape the cave.

    “Get back here!” Amber hissed as she made her way after the other woman, but her lungs stung and couldn’t recover the power she normally felt when swimming. It took her an extra second, but she finally got to the waterfall, intent on pulling Bianca back and drowning her. But as she appeared, it was too late, the other girl was too far ahead and Amber realized with a shock that she was fully nude. They were back in the main pool area where a few people could see them if she went out too far. She looked back into the cave, but didn’t see any sign of the skimpy pink top or bottom floating in the cave.

    She went back to the other side of the waterfall and covered her nipples with her hands with annoyance as she watched Bianca make it to the steps. The pale girl’s white one-piece remained intact and as she carried the stolen pink bikini top and bottoms in her hand. A first little trophy for the librarian and now left Amber in a peculiar position. Instead of giving chase, the blonde went the other way and was luckily able to recover her still floating soaked towel from when she first jumped in. She wrapped around her body to hide her exposed bosom and cunt from the eyes of the crowd. To be forced nude without returning the favor pissed her off.

    She then made her way to the side of the pool to exit it quickly, but the towel made her slow. Bianca had long left the water and was moving towards her place of exit. Just as Amber had placed her hands out on the side to push herself out, Bianca’s foot pressed down onto the blonde’s fingers with a lot of pressure.

    “Sheeh.” Amber hissed; her fingers trapped by the feet of her rival. The brown-eyed girl looked up at her dripping wet rival, who was standing over her like some queen. Bianca’s womanly body was amplified from this view, her large tits sticking out, a few tears in the one-piece bikini from Amber’s claws. At this angle, Amber could look up at the thin line of white cloth that went around her rival’s sex and ass. The only other sign from their fight was the red cheeks on Bianca’s face, hinting how close they had been to drowning each other.

    “Well Amber, that was a fun little spat, but I’m not looking to drown you,” Bianca said, still standing over Amber who could only glare up as her fingers were crushed painfully.

    “Well, I wouldn’t mind drowning you, so how about you get back in here?” Amber hissed but knew the bitch wouldn’t dare with all the people around.

    “I’m sure you would, but that’s enough for tonight.” Bianca then frog squatted down in front of Amber’s face. The brown eyes flicked to the white swimsuit that was still pulled up her rival’s sex. Bianca’s sexy pink pussy lips were right there in front of her, and Amber could tell it was flushed and excited...not unlike hers. Before she could react or make a comment, Bianca cupped her chin.

    “Tomorrow come to my room and we will make sure this is all settled. If you don’t, I’ll ruin Maggie’s life, and then find you.”

    With that, Bianca released Amber and stood to her full height. She released her rival’s fingers, flipped her long black hair back as she turned and walked away, her body dripping water off it. The all-white one-piece thong was pulled extra high into her fantastic ass cheeks as a final taunt to Amber who seethed in the pool.

    One hour earlier.

    Amber had just left and gotten into the elevator down to the pool. As the door closed, the one next to it opened and Isabella stepped out after her workout and sauna to relax. She made her way back to the shared room ready now to have the conversation with Marissa she had been planning for the last few hours. Right as she walked in Marissa looked up, her face lighting up before returning to a scowl.

    “THERE YOU ARE, Izzy! Where have you been? Ok, it doesn’t matter because I need to make sure my costume is set. Let’s eat first.”

    Isabella had a whole thing she planned to say, but seconds later she was eating next to her roommate in bed watching some random anime. She listened to Marissa go over the day again and again. Why her costume was the best, why she wanted to win, any competition she might face. There was nothing that could go wrong, she repeated over and over.

    Another hour passed and finally, Marissa stopped talking long enough for Isabella to get a word in. Something she knew she had to do.

    “Marissa…I need to ask you something.” Isabella said suddenly now that she was sure Amber was gone for the night dealing with Bianca. It had to be a private conversation. They had just finished their dinners in bed and Marissa was looking over her cosplay costume for tomorrow with extreme detail. She was normally very confident but felt a worry for a reason she couldn’t place…the prize money and sponsors were very important for her future.

    “Izzy, if this is about our fight, then yes, it is still on. We can settle it Sunday night, and then we move out and never have to speak again. Like we agreed.” Marissa casually commented as if she wasn’t talking about having a sex competition with her roommate and was just talking about the weather.

    Marissa looked over after a second when she got no response, but Isabella was looking down and not at her. The Spanish girl’s hands were gripped. “No, it's not that, I need to ask you something else.”

    “What? No, you can’t leave.” But Isabella didn’t say anything else and stood up. She reached into her bag and then handed Marissa a sheet and that made the eccentric girl’s eyes go wide. It was the last thing she ever expected to get from Izzy and at the strangest times. It was a next year roommate document, signing them up to live together for another year and Isabella had already signed her name.

    “What?” Marissa said now with disbelief as she read the sheet. Isabella looked pained as Marissa was reading over the sheet.

    “Listen, I’ll be as honest with you. I did the math, and I can’t afford to live on my own off campus, and after I talked to Maggie…at least…at least I know what I’m getting into with you. I know what we have said, but…I don’t want to leave school or move off campus alone. That’s why I still came here. Not the slave thing, but because I need a roommate, and no one else wants to room with me…our little shower yelling match I think got more rumors out…and the two boys talked.”

    “You…want to live with me again?” Marissa gasped and was in total shock. How was this happening? Her whole plan suddenly fell off.

    The long part of silence was not the answer that Isabella needed as she tried to be open. “Fine. Fuck you.” She hissed when Marissa still hadn’t responded after a full ten seconds. Before the colorful roommate could, however, the black-haired girl had angrily left the room with a slam for the second time that night.

    “What…what is happening?!” Marissa groaned aloud as she flopped onto her bed, the weekend was already off the rails. Amber was gone, Bianca was here, and Isabella had just asked to be her roommate again. How could it get any worse?

    Don’t start a new story till you finish the other one, he said. Don’t start a new story till you finish the other one…well fuck. I don’t know, just couldn’t get this story out of my head and thought might as well write it down. Hope you enjoyed it at least. Bianca and Amber are savage, and I think they will have some pretty savage ‘fun’ together. The roomies also have some talking to do. Anyway, until next time.

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    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Yes!, Bianca is back, and she is as lovely as always.
    Don't know about you lads, but i love that bitch Bianca.

    Seat belt is on, great way to start us up, and the plot, i love the many ingredients of this, always a fun read when the Maggie saga gets an update.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Another great chapter in the Maggie/Amber saga! I thought it was self-contained, but this has the makings of another long story. This chapter is reminiscent of the fantastic Morton story "The Last Resort", but a lot more violent. Looking forward to the next chapter.


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    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Bianca getting the beter of Amber.
    My Bianca is a pale spider and i love this.

  6. #6
    Hostboard Member Eights's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Oh this is gonna be fun. For no other reason then at some point, some other story later on, Bianca and Amber will have to explain to their friends/coworkers they tried to kill each other one time. Really hope my hunch on why Bianca is there is right, cause HA!

    Enjoying the dynamic between Mari and Izzy, as always. Weird I'm looking forward more to them stumbling over being nice to each other than who ever wins their "last" fight. Btw what shower thing were they talking about?

    Only criticism, if you could even call it that, is Amber taking anything Bianca said seriously. The minute she started talking about pets and disciplining people it was like.. who? Only known fights she's had she's lost, been ambushed or been given a literal spanking. Amazed Amber didn't tell her to take her Saturday morning cartoon villain speech back to He-man.

    Agree with JB on the Morton vibe with the pool fight. Was expecting more Odd Woman Out when they went under the waterfall. NOPE, a little more brutal then I care for but still loved it. Fits their short tempers and bitchiness perfectly. Looking forward to the next part.

    Unrelated, I can't find your Perfect Ingredient story any where ,help.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Hi King,

    It is an excellent continuation. Plot, building erotic tension, feelings... they are here, all of them, to keep us begging for more !

    I expect to read about the orgy, about Maggie's reaction when she will find about Bianca, about Izzy and Maris, about Amber and Bianca,...
    I am sure you will suprsise us with new persons, new secrets, new fights (sexfights, catfights), new feelings...
    it will be a LOOOOONG saga and that so hot, so good !

    I can hardly wait for more ...yesterday ! LOL

    Be well
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; July 24th, 2021 at 05:56 PM.

  8. #8
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by Eights View Post
    Oh this is gonna be fun. For no other reason then at some point, some other story later on, Bianca and Amber will have to explain to their friends/coworkers they tried to kill each other one time. Really hope my hunch on why Bianca is there is right, cause HA!

    Enjoying the dynamic between Mari and Izzy, as always. Weird I'm looking forward more to them stumbling over being nice to each other than who ever wins their "last" fight. Btw what shower thing were they talking about?

    Only criticism, if you could even call it that, is Amber taking anything Bianca said seriously. The minute she started talking about pets and disciplining people it was like.. who? Only known fights she's had she's lost, been ambushed or been given a literal spanking. Amazed Amber didn't tell her to take her Saturday morning cartoon villain speech back to He-man.

    Agree with JB on the Morton vibe with the pool fight. Was expecting more Odd Woman Out when they went under the waterfall. NOPE, a little more brutal then I care for but still loved it. Fits their short tempers and bitchiness perfectly. Looking forward to the next part.

    Unrelated, I can't find your Perfect Ingredient story any where ,help.
    found it but in multiple post:
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 1
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 2
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 3
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 4
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 5
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 6

    I can´t remember if this one is, or was completed, anyways six parts for you to enjoy.

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    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by AegonHentaryen View Post
    Ahhhh, a man of culture, i see.

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