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Thread: The Freak Convention

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    The Freak Convention

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    Re: The Freak Convention


    Nobody on this board spends more time inside of his characters minds than you do. You explore every idiosyncrasy, which works extremely well as many of your characters (at least the ones I've read so far) seem to be in relationships fraught with angst and insecurity. It gets a little heavy for me some times (not complaining, mind you) as I've had far too much personal experience with women who "overthink" everything.

    Having said that, I must say that each writer goes about the business of character development as he/she sees fit. Using myself as an example, I like to occasionally take a glimpse into a woman’s psyche. But often I find navigation of that terrain a bit too difficult and sometimes scary. As I’ve mentioned here a time or two, I’m a big fan of humor/satire. I like my “girls” to be witty and sarcastic, which is why I write more dialogue than most writers. But this isn’t about me.

    While your continuous delving into the minds of each of your characters is, at times, difficult to follow, IMHO it is your best trait/your greatest tool. Writers here should be doing more of this (myself included) as it gives each reader insight.

    Finally, the fight under the waterfall was brilliant! It actually had me worried for Amber’s safety. Great story so far and looking forward to the next part.

    By the way, thanks for providing me an opportunity to flash the word “idiosyncrasy.” LOL!

    A. Penman

  2. #12
    Junior Hostboard Member UltimateZeroStar's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention


    Great to see Bianca again. Is Bianca really still after Maggie? I was wondering how her fight with Jenny went. She seems really confident that she can beat Amber. I'm surprised Amber still has as many doubts about the relationship as Maggie did.

    Super interested to see what happens with Marissa and Isabella too. It seems to me that they're in a surprisingly similar situation to Maggie and Amber. I wonder if that fight is going to be a part of this story or another one.

    The fight under the waterfall was surprisingly savage. I'm looking forward to what comes next.

  3. #13
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    The Freak Convention Part 2

    Part 2

    Marissa woke up early the next morning after falling asleep alone in the room. Neither Amber nor Isabella had returned the night before and after texting both several times, she gave up and went to bed. As she rubbed her eyes, it seemed that her being alone was no longer the case. The other two occupants had turned up at some point and were still fast asleep even though it was already almost 11. Isabella was on the couch with a small blanket as planned and Amber beside her in the bed.

    Marissa looked at her sleeping roommate for a few extra seconds. She honestly didn’t know what to say to her after the outburst the night before. She had thought about living with Isabella all night, and what that would mean. Living with Isabella Sanz again…after everything they had been through; she had never even thought it was possible and yet the door was now open.

    The whole reason she needed to win this cosplay competition was to earn the sponsors for her stream and prize money to fund living in her own apartment. Granted, it wouldn’t be great living off-campus alone in the city and travelling in for school would be rough daily, but it is what she had to do. No one else seemed willing or wanting to live with her because of who she was, but that was ok. When she thought about the offer of living with Izzy again, the list went on and on for the negatives; they had fought multiple times, their shouting matches in the dorms were well known throughout the whole school, the bitterness of her making Isabella her sex slave, and they had completely opposite personalities that just clashed. They were a match made in hell, but even after all of that…Izzy was willing to go again being roommates…and she just didn’t know why. Sure, she guessed it was out of desperation, but she was desperate too if not for this event. Her only friend in the entire city was Amber, and her little spat with Maggie put a strain even on that. Would it really be that bad if she lived with Izzy again? At least she knew her roommate and they had begrudgingly accepted each other. These thoughts only made her more confused about her future relationship with the stand-offish girl.

    In the bed with her was Amber who was proving again she was not a graceful sleeper. Marissa had figured that out the few times she and her had slept over at each other’s places. However, as the sun peeked through the blinds, her hazel eyes left the drooling mouth, down to the light red marks on her friend’s hot body. It raised the question of how the talk with Bianca had gone…but Marissa decided she would have to wait for Amber to wake up to ask.

    To giddy thinking about the cosplay contest to go back to bed, she jumped up quietly and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. As she entered, however, she stepped into a soaked pool towel discarded on the floor in a puddle of chlorine water.

    “Ugh, gross!” She said as she jumped off it. She had no idea if it had been Isabella or Amber who decided to jump into the pool with their towel on but leaving it on the floor was unpleasant. She made a note to ask them again, once they were up. Forgetting about it, for now, she slipped off her pajamas and stepped into the tub. The hot shower helped Marissa calm some of her growing nerves, and with the other two women still sleeping when she got out; she decided to go down and get breakfast in the lobby alone.

    The trip down was quick, and a few minutes later she was enjoying some fruit and yogurt at a lone table…she was used to eating alone unless Amber and she were hanging out…or Izzy and she had to order food together in rare circumstances. It wasn’t obvious she was alone, however, as the breakfast lobby was very busy. It seemed lots of people had already arrived for the anime convention and whatever else going on in the hotel. Not bothered, and only keeping a slight eye out for Amber…or Bianca, she zoned out to her K-pop music and didn’t notice a group that had taken notice of her from the table opposite.

    A minute later, and Marissa felt like someone walk up to her, “Hey.” A voice carried through her headphones, but Marissa didn’t lookup.

    “HEY!!?” The voice repeated and this time it got her attention. She looked up to find herself face to face with a girl she had never seen before because she was sure she would have remembered if she had. She looked about her age, with reddish-blonde hair that was long going all the way down to her ass. Her facial features could only be described as eastern European, sharp but very pretty. Her blue-eyed stare was intense, but overall, she gave off an air of aloofness like she really was just bored even though she initiated the conversation. Her body was what Marissa noticed next, unable to stop herself from looking down to see what this random girl was packing. The loose black pajama pants and tank top weren’t flattering, but she couldn’t deny…this girl was in her and Isabella’s league when it came to down to it.

    Behind the woman were three more hot girls and some very good-looking guys. It looked like the groups that use to tease her when she was younger, Marissa thought, back when it used to bother her.

    “You are Marissa, right? People are saying you are the favorite for the cosplay event?” The front girl said, the tone of her voice even if not slightly curious as Marissa felt the new arrival do a similar inspection of her own body at the same time. It wasn’t uncommon for her to get an extra glance from people who either were jealous or curious about her body. Most of the time she thought it was because people couldn’t stand how hard she worked on it with her other hobbies. To be this nerdy and have a body like this, she considered herself pretty special.

    “Oh hi! Umm, I guess that’s me. Who are you?” Marissa questioned, as she got the weird feeling as if she was suddenly surrounded by a group of people. It made her feel nervous because it was weird that a lot of people like this group of good-looking people her age would want to talk to her…this didn’t happen…like ever.

    “Oh, where are my manners.” The woman remarked, but there did not seem to be much remorse in the tone. “I’m Riley, I’m new on the scene of cosplay, but I have heard you are really good. I think we go to the same school; I have seen you around.”

    “Oh! Really?” Marissa asked surprised, “That’s weird because I don’t think I have seen you… but I also don’t go out to parties, or socials, or events, or sports, or clubs, unless they are anime!” She listed absent mindedly then paused trying to think of more.

    A few of the people behind Riley snickered as the blonde listed things, but she shot them a look and they went quiet. Marissa was still thinking, and Riley gave her a wave to snap her out of the thoughts. “Yeah, I normally just hang with my sorority sisters. So, you are like really into this stuff then huh?”

    “Oh, a sorority? That’s cool…but yeah, these events are my favorite thing in the world! I’m going to win because my costume is super good!” She proclaimed, but then realized she was talking to a potential opponent in terms of the competition. “But I’m sure yours will be awesome and second is really good!”

    Riley’s bored looked shifted as she lifted an eyebrow at the blonde, and Marissa panicked slightly knowing this conversation was starting to go a bit off. She decided to try and switch the chat back, because, besides herself, she didn’t know many girls who enjoyed these kinds of events.

    “But this is really cool! I always want to know more cosplayers! We could totally do a team-up or maybe a co-stream! Do you play games?” Marissa said with a sudden big smile as the ideas filled her head. She knew a few other gamer girls, but they didn’t like her much…she had a feeling it was because they all thought she was a whore.

    “Oh, this and that…” The redhead answered, her eyes flicking around Marissa as if she was searching for something. “I’m really just looking to get the prize money for my sorority, and this seemed like a great way. We need a lot of money for the big Greek games next month. You heard of them?”

    “Oh, yeah, I have heard of those, not really my thing.” Marissa replied but trying her best to keep this potential friendship open, “Well, I really hope you do well and maybe we can talk about a team-up later!”

    “Yeah, you too. But before we go, can me and my friends get photos with you? I want to say I met the winner, and we can get another in costume later.” Riley smiled; it was a bit too big, but Marissa didn’t notice or care.

    “Oh, sure…I guess, but I’ll hold you to it!” Marissa responded, it wasn’t uncommon for people to want photos with her, but normally only once she was in costume…or in a bikini.

    Riley gave her friends a little look and then there was a big rush of movement as they all squeezed in around the surprised blonde. For the next minute, Marissa was smiling and posing as they took photos with her which in a way, felt good. No matter how much she tried to tell herself she didn’t mind being alone…it wasn’t bad to feel like she had more than one friend. Afterwards, they all said goodbye and returned to their table huddled together speaking in low voices. Marissa sat back down, feeling a little better when her phone buzzed. She looked at it expecting to see Amber or Izzy but was surprised to see it was Maggie.

    She hesitated, but then answered, more for Amber’s sake than Maggie’s. “Hello?” She answered, only to get a panicking Maggie asking about Amber. The student wanted to just hang up on her, but the tone in Maggie’s voice made her hesitate as she asked about her girlfriend. Finally, Marissa sighed, “She’s fine…but this weekend has not really gone as planned.”

    “Really? Ok, well that makes me happy she’s fine. And are you having fun? I know you really were looking forward to this?” Maggie asked her over the line, genuine care in the voice. For a brief second, Marissa wanted to just tell her everything, thinking about the friendship they had built. But not yet, she couldn’t forgive Maggie and wanted a REAL apology before they took those steps. Without answering she hung up the phone a few seconds later.

    The rest of the walk back to the room, her mind was now on Maggie. The call bugged her because maybe she should have said more…she could forgive Maggie one day, but for now, she had her own stuff to deal with and didn’t want her friend to rush off before the event. Besides the Amber and Isabella stuff, the event really wasn’t going that bad. The Riley girl seemed nice, and maybe if she was going to be on the scene of these cosplay events, they could eventually become friends.

    As Marissa made her way back up to the room, the idea of finding a roommate who loved to game was growing on her. Sure, the Riley girl was in a sorority, and those groups hadn’t been very nice to her before but maybe that could change. The heads of the two big houses on campus, Hina and Lucy had both been welcoming when she and Isabella had met them, though that was almost a year ago. It was mostly the girls in her own year that joined the Greek life that seemed to dislike her and Isabella the most. She felt it was because they couldn’t stand the idea of two hot bodied girls like the roommates who didn’t want to be part of their cult. But if Riley came around to liking her, that could all change!

    99% of the time, she didn’t care about being alone, but the roommate situation was changing her attitude towards her solo lifestyle. She liked having a best friend like Amber and wanted to keep that while creating more…but with her bestie dating Maggie...that was also at risk. She should have been nicer on the phone…because if Maggie told Amber to end their friendship…she was worried the punk girl would consider it. So far, she was grateful to the librarian for not making that demand…but it still was stressful thinking about.

    After the long elevator ride with a lot of thinking, Marissa made it to the door of her room. She shook her head, trying to clear all the thoughts that had been running wild for the better part of the morning. There was no point worrying, because she could win this and figure the friend stuff out later. Feeling only a little less confident since seeing competition in Riley, she reached into her back pocket but weirdly found nothing.

    ‘Huh, where is my key?’ She thought, but just as she was about to try her other pocket the door opened. Marissa almost jumped as she came face to face with Isabella who looked just as surprised to see Marissa in front of her. They both recovered quickly and stood face to face, looking at each other with a lot of unanswered questions between them. The extra tension could be felt after what Isabella had asked the night before and Marissa’s nonresponse to it.

    Instead of talking or even acknowledging the questions between them, Isabella simply sidestepped her roommate and walked down the hall the way without saying a word. “RUDE!” Marissa called out, but then let out a little sigh when she got no acknowledgment. This whole thing was not making the weekend easier, and she just hoped Izzy would still be up for the makeup and hair duty when it came to the contest.

    Not up for worrying about it now, she walked into the room to see her best friend slowly sitting up from the bed. Marissa was about to tell her about Maggie’s call but stopped as the ex-student groaned loudly as she stretched.

    Swallowing her words, Marissa smiled, “Morning Amber! Today’s the day of the show!” She cheerfully proclaimed as she walked fully into the room and towards her bag. She got a quick sight of Amber’s hot nude body as the other woman sat up and felt a shiver go up her spine. She imagined that most people did when they saw Amber like this.

    “Hey, Marissa…” The ex-student replied, sounding already very annoyed which even in Marissa’s overly excited state, she picked up on. The cheerful girl looked at Amber for a long time not saying anything before Amber looked up feeling the intense stare. “What?”

    Marissa bit her lip, trying too quickly to decide again whether to bring up Maggie’s call or not. “Umm, you sound…annoyed…and I’m guessing it is whatever happened with Bianca? How did the talk go?”

    Amber sighed loudly and rubbed her temples, a motion she had started doing since dating Maggie, “Bad, but it’s fine. I’m just going to have to go see her again today. Need to get her off Maggie’s and my back for good.” She threw off the covers on the bed and stood up fully nude sending another sexy shiver down Marissa’s body. The purple highlights seemed to glow off the dyed yellow due to the sun peeking through the shades. It was hard not to be attracted to the absolute babe that was Amber Fielder. The feeling was mutual, however, as Amber was watching Marissa now and felt a similar sexual hunger as her best friend started stripping out of her pajamas.

    “Oh…okay, but remember tonight we are going to hang out, right? Two besties plus Izzy, celebrating my win because we are going to enjoy this weekend as we promised!” Marissa assumed, trying to hide the desperation in her voice. She really needed a friend now, more than she cared to admit even to herself.

    Amber was dressing in tight yoga pants and a sports bra, “Yeah, we will hang out. I just need to see Bianca first, then it’s back to a fun chill weekend.”

    “Ok…sure,” Marissa responded, but she felt doubt in the back of her head. Lots of people had promised to hang out, but very few were able to back it up. With that Marissa decided to push it a bit further, “Umm, I also need to ask for your advice…” She trailed off, as she thought about what to say about Isabella and the roommate thing, and Maggie.

    “About what?” Amber asked, now dressed, and looking at her phone, but Marissa could tell it was off or maybe broken.

    “Umm…you know, forget it and don’t worry…I’ll just deal with it, and we can talk tonight. Right now, you should go get breakfast with Izzy and I’ll get my costume prep up and ready. We have a few hours to sign in, but I need every second to get ready!”

    “Ok…thanks Marissa, and hey,” Amber said, and Marissa looked over at her friend. Suddenly Amber gave her a natural smile that she usually only saved for a very short list of people. “I’m really sorry about this whole Bianca thing. You are a real friend letting me take care of this, and I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

    Marissa smiled back at her friend, and at least some part of the worry she felt went away. “Amber, just you saying that makes it all okay.” The two blondes shared another smile before Amber left and Marissa started prepping the room, by first moving the bed towards the wall.

    Down in the breakfast hall, Amber found Isabella sitting alone, the room nearly empty except for the Spanish girl and a group of people who looked like students sitting at the table next to her.

    “Hey, can I eat with you?” Amber inquired as she came up to the table, even though she was already sitting down before Isabella had a chance to respond.

    “Oh, of course!” Isabella responded, with an unnatural amount of enthusiasm. For the first time, she and Amber were alone, and after the disaster with Marissa last night…she was really hoping for a win.

    As both girls ate, Isabella finally spoke up, desperate to make a good impression without Mari here to interrupt. “Amber…I just want…”

    “Shut up.” Amber interrupted and Isabella swallowed her words. The girl’s locked their brown eyes together, and Izzy wasn’t sure if she was about to get into a catfight with her best friends’ girlfriend. The tense moment passed however as Amber then let out a little snicker. “Isabella, I know what you were about to say, but please you don’t have to try so hard with me for fucks sake. Maggie likes hanging out with you and I want whatever makes her happy…as mushy as that sounds. She sees you like I see Marissa, a really good…if not a best friend.”

    “Oh….ok. Well, thanks…I’m not good at making friends…it means a lot to hear you say that.” Isabella responded but didn’t want to end the conversation. Amber however didn’t continue, turning her focus back to her food and seemingly putting her mind elsewhere.

    “Does it make you happy though? You are her sexfighting other people? Or are you both just chill with it? Must be kind of weird.” Isabella blurted out, and Amber looked up at her with an intense glare that would make most men and women shrink.

    Isabella knew right away she had said too much, “Sorry, that was a stupid question, obviously you have been helping Marissa...and Maggie has me and that Silvia girl. Plus, Bianca, and I know that Jenny girl wants a piece of her.” Isabella stopped, and in a second of horror realized she had pulled a Marissa by not just shutting up.

    Amber looked like she was going to lash out, as Isabella got a glimpse of how dangerous the guitarist could be in a fight. The intensity of the glare was so much that it made Isabella gulp. The blonde was both beautiful and intimidating, a perfect combination that was alluring but scary. Isabella’s brown eyes viewed the darker brown roots that turned into the straight yellow hair that flowed down strands, which covered some of Amber’s scowling face.

    Then as if Amber ran out of steam, the blonde seemed to relax and let out a breath she had been holding in. “It’s okay, and to answer your question…I’m not sure how I feel.”

    This time Isabella dropped the question but offered. “Well, if you ever need to talk, I can listen. I know Marissa would too, but she never stops talking most time.”

    Amber let out a laugh, “Well thanks, Isabella. Yeah, she does like to talk but that’s what I like about her.” Then she smiled, “And thanks for the offer, but I’m sure Marissa would hate if you and I started hanging out, so maybe only if I’m desperate.” She finished and gave a small wink at the other woman who also relaxed. The conversation hadn’t started the way Izzy had hoped but it worked out well enough.

    They smiled at each other, and Amber felt a small connection with Isabella. It helped slightly knowing the girl that Maggie was ‘teaching’ at least didn’t seem like a total bitch. She was also the first person to ask regarding how she really felt about everything. Now she just had to learn to be this honest with Maggie, or risk losing her…but that was way harder.

    A few minutes later and a light bite, Amber gave a stretch, “I’m going back to the room…what’s our room number again?” She asked as she stood up. She noticed the group of kids next to her had gone quiet.


    “Ok, cool. You better hurry up too before Marissa goes crazy at us.” Amber laughed thinking of her friend, “I’ll see you in a bit.”

    “Ok, be up in a few.” Isabella stayed as she watched the other girl walk away, Amber’s ass in those tight leggings shorts insane. No wonder Maggie was dating her…if only just for her body…it might be worth it. The talk with the ex-student had gone well though, and she felt more confident in her friendship with Maggie, but also more confused on exactly who Amber was.

    The blonde clearly had some issues with something they were doing, but from what Maggie had told her it Amber was even pushing her into fights. Maybe there was more to it, but it seemed that Amber was either lying to Maggie or lying to herself.

    Some snickering next to her from the group of students her age caught her attention next to her now that Amber was gone. In the center of the group was a redhead blondish girl she recognized from school. She was one of the sorority girls from the top two houses, and one of the less friendly ones from what she understood. She had been pressured by them a lot into joining when she first got to college, as did Mari. But she had realized it wasn’t for her when it came to how social and fake it all seemed; the problem was they didn’t take rejection very well.

    The girl looked up and locked eyes with Isabella for a brief second and sending a spark down her body, to somewhat near her loins. She wondered if it was because like her, and Marissa, this girl had a fucking amazing body and knew it. It seemed to be a thing now that she accepted; she liked to struggle against equally built women and there were plenty in at this school. The other woman gave her a little look that was half a taunt, half a what do you want before looking away. Isabella looked away as well and started to clean up the table. Something felt off about that group and that reddish blonde girl, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

    On the other side of the hotel, Amber was walking through the lobby thinking about her conversation with Isabella when she noticed a very well done up Bianca near the front desk. She felt a flush of rage, and she quickly forgot all about the chat she would have to have with her girlfriend soon. From across the lobby, their eyes met, but Bianca didn’t even react. She simply looked away without a care in the world, acting as if they hadn’t tried to drown each other less than 12 hours before.

    Annoyed from even just the eye contact she had made with Bianca; Amber made the rest of the way back to the room with a huff. Inside Marissa was waiting, already having all the prep work done for her costume and looking impatient. The room was reorganized, and with the bed moved, it opened a lot of space in the center. The hazel eyes flashed as Amber walked in, “Amber! Perfect, ok, now where is Izzy?”

    Seconds later, Izzy walked in, happily not seeing Bianca, but again knowing she and Marissa would have to talk about what happened. Annoyingly she felt like she had laid all her cards out for no reason and Marissa hadn’t.

    “Izzy! Ok, perfect, Amber and I will be right back after we sign in. It might take like…an hour so can you just stay and watch the costume?” Her roommate asked, but without waiting for an answer was already directing Amber back out the door. It seemed after their awkward first interaction this morning, Marissa was willing to just pretend it didn’t happen.

    Isabella was grateful for that but knew that judging her roommate’s reaction last night, that she would have to find another way to stay at the school. It was true she had already exhausted every other option, but she could get by…she would just need to pick up a new job. She had interviewed at a few places a while back but never followed up once they offered her the job. She had gone to the library instead, half to just compete with Marissa she thought with a little grin. It still made her laugh thinking about Mari’s face when they both got accepted as interns.

    Damn, maybe she liked annoying Marissa as much as Marissa liked annoying her…at least it kept life interesting. She huffed, the last thing she wanted to do was just sit here and do nothing but think about her future. Watching the costume seemed like a waste of time, because it was not like anyone could get in here anyway. Deciding she had at least 45 minutes, she picked up her workout gear to go do a quick lift at the gym, leaving the room a minute after the other girls.

    When Isabella returned 45 minutes later, she noticed that one of Amber’s bags had shifted on the ground, but she assumed it was housekeeping and paid it no further thought. 10 minutes later, the other two returned and Amber and Isabella started helping Marissa put on her costume. It was a long process that included makeup, hair, and everything in-between which was their only big ‘work’ process of the weekend. Alone, it could take almost four hours to get ready, mainly because it included a large set of ‘fake’ robotic wings that were essential to the character Marissa was going to play.

    The big busty steampunk angle girl was one of her favorite characters and this was her best cosplay. Only a few months ago, she did a streaming event wearing its prototype and gained 20 followers in an hour which was quite a lot. It took almost two hours to get her entire makeup right, including the erotic sexy underwear the character was famous for. Luckily it seemed Amber had pushed Bianca out of her mind to help with the details and even Isabella was into it as they treated her like a bride, making sure everything was perfect…even joking and laughing while doing it.

    Almost 2 hours later, and after a lot of work, Marissa stood up with a big smile, “How do I look!?” She asked just as Isabella had finished doing the blondes hair with a lot of extra effort. Amber looked up the photo on her phone and even gaped at how similar her best friend and the anime character she was playing appeared.

    “You…look just like her...which should be impossible cause her body is a joke some guy must have fantasized in a wet dream.”

    Marissa beamed, “Yay! Thanks! I know! There is no way I can lose! I can’t wait to show everyone my gaming skills, my streams are going to be amaze-balls!”

    Amber asked Izzy what time it was and brushed off questions on where her phone was when Marissa asked her. Izzy however groaned when she realized her phone was also dead.

    “Mine is charged, oh and Maggie called Amber! I forgot to tell you.”, Marissa commented, hoping the blonde wouldn’t’ be mad.

    Amber sighed but it seemed she was more annoyed at the situation and not Mari, “When? Did she say anything?”

    “Not really, just checking in, I think. Do you want to call her?”

    Amber gave a shake of her head, “Nah, I’ll do it after the show, and I don’t want to lie or worry her about Bianca. Let’s just get down there in time.”

    With that, Marissa hurried all of them out of the room. It was a long walk down to the cosplay area even with Amber and Isabella helping Marissa maneuver with her wings. This time as they made their way through the lobby towards the big room, everyone, the businessmen, businesswomen, workers, and staff all stopped to look at the shocking blonde in her crazy but very sexy costume.

    As they waited in line, the worst thing that could happen for the trio happened. Marissa saw her first, followed by Amber and Isabella who heard the clicking of her professional high heels to their right. Bianca was approaching the group and Amber knew the bitch had no good intentions judging by the cocky smirk on her face.

    “Hello, Amber.” She said as she came up to them wearing a short navy-blue cocktail dress that was revealing to the point it teased you could see under it as the librarian moved. Her bright blue eyes found Amber’s brown and a wave of heat passed between them. The professional fully ignored the other two women as if they were simply flies on the wall and not worth her time much to both Izzy and Mari’s frustration.

    “What do you want? I’m busy.” Amber hissed, as she turned to face her rival. She was not dressed as sexy, wearing only small tight jean shorts and a white t-shirt but right now she did not care.

    Bianca smiled at her and wasting no time gave her demand, “15 minutes…be in my room or I’ll make do on my threat from the pool.”

    “Fuck off.” Amber hissed.

    “Tsk attitude Amber, and you should be grateful that I’m even giving you the chance.”

    “I said, fuck off.”

    Bianca’s smile only grew as if she liked Amber’s refusals, “So very disobedient. Well, you have my demand. Make sure you tell Maggie, that this business event has been fantastic, and it’s such a shame she missed it for a little orgy.”

    Amber’s couldn’t help but recoil slightly, ‘How did she know about the orgy?’ she asked herself.

    “15 minutes or I will go after Maggie again. You have my word about that.” Bianca finished, with a little grin.

    Amber was quiet as the professional gave a pearly white smile that was almost scary with how hungry it seemed. “I guess if you want to help her, I will see you shortly. See you soon Amberrr.” She finished teasingly and turned on a heel towards the elevator at a brisk pace.

    Amber decided right then and there that even if she didn’t want to, she was going to finish this bitch. She hated herself for giving into Bianca’s demands but also was aware this woman was not one for empty threats. Besides the documents, Amber just wanted Bianca to stop messing with Maggie, and the only way to do that seemed to be putting her in place herself.

    “Marissa, Isabella, I’m going to go talk to her now.” She said following Bianca’s sexy ass moving away in the short dress. She wanted to rip it off and sink her claws into those muscled buns once again.

    “Wait, Amber,” Marissa said taking her arm. “Just after my show, common.”
    Amber turned around and felt regret having to do this now and hurting the only person besides Maggie that she generally liked.

    “Marissa, I’m really sorry. I promise we will hang out after like we planned. Anyway, the way you look, there is no chance any of these sorry cosplayers have a step on you. You have already won, but as you said, this bitch is going to ruin our weekend unless I stop her here. I’m going to go put Bianca in her place, and if she wants to talk now, fine with me.” Amber said with confidence, as she pulled her arm free.

    Marissa let out a sigh knowing the battle was lost, “Alrighty. Do what you have to do, and we will meet you back or the room or pool tonight to celebrate BOTH our wins!”

    The two blondes smirked at each other, “Thanks bestie. I’ll see you both later.” Amber said using the nickname she rarely did, and Marissa beamed at her once again. A second later, and Amber left the line, heading towards the elevator that Bianca had entered just a minute or so ago.

    Marissa watched her best friend go but had not time to think about it. The show began minutes later, and they were rushed to the back, Isabella being more helpful than Marissa had expected as she guided her costume alone.

    The next moments were a flash, and suddenly she was backstage about to go out for her presentation. She was the second the last to go, so she knew she had to wipe out the minds of everyone they saw before. The large man who was dictating when they went out, gave her a cheery smile, “You are up, knock them dead.”

    Marissa smiled back and took a deep breath. She was glad they all decided Izzy should not dress up too, because it may have distracted from her own look. All she had to do was go out, smile, do the classic wing pose from the show and there was no way she could lose. The gaming companies would sponsor her, and the prize money would be enough for a deposit to a solo flat. Her life would be on track…and even though last night she had given a lot of thought about living with Izzy again, she had to do this.

    Though even now a tiny voice in her head kept telling her that…it was nice having a frenemy. That she and Izzy had become close even with them trying to hate each other. Was living with her that bad?

    For the millionth time, she silenced the voice and was given the signal. Now was not the time to think about this. Walking confidently on her heels, she appeared from the left side of the stage and made her way to the middle. The huge crowd reacted exactly as she hoped, a loud cheer, whistles, and gasps at how authentic and well done the cosplay looked. The announcer gave out her name and then her twitch name as she gave a wave to the crowd. The costume was a silk pink sheet that went down her legs but was just see-through enough in the right light that you could see her white thong underneath. The top was bandages wrapped around her tits, and a harness for the mechanical wings she created that she could move with her arms. Her bright yellow hair was down and flowing topped off with a light-up halo above her head.

    Isabella watched from the back of the stage and felt a little proud. Seeing her makeup and hair work get this kind of applause was great, and she couldn’t help even credit Marissa for how much work she put into this. Then she noticed that woman from breakfast was the final person to go to the event.

    Isabella looked at the eastern European looking woman with a sharp eye, because the girl was looking at Marissa with an intense stare. Something about this blondish redhead put Isabella on edge, and then it was confirmed when the other woman started to snicker behind her hand for a reason that was unclear to the student.

    Suddenly, as Marissa went for her big pose on stage, one of her wings snapped off from the back of her harness. A loud gasp came from the shocked crowd and seconds later, the other wing fell to the ground as well. Marissa’s entire outfit seemed to be falling at the worst possible time as if it had not been tested for the exact pose Marissa was trying to do. The heaviness of the material caused a boom like sound throughout the entire conference room sending people jumping to their feet.

    Offstage, Isabella jumped back from the sound, and then froze unsure of what to do. There was a long silence and then came the laughing as the people seemed to enjoy seeing the failed costume. Marissa meanwhile was in a panic as she tried to save her outfit the best, she could. But thanks to her silk long dress getting caught by the falling wings, she tripped and felt it rip half off, only making the laugher increase. The announcer commented on how much a shame it was, and that the judge’s number one rule was costume integrity.

    On stage, Marissa was panicking fully now, still trying to get her costume back together on the ground. “No, no, no, I checked this! It’s…” Marissa yelled over the laughter, but her hands ran over a small cut on the back piece that she had never seen before. It looked like it had been done with scissors and done in a place they wouldn’t have noticed when putting the costume on. “How…” She whispered to herself; how did this happen?

    Isabella was still stunned, but her eyes were drawn to the breakfast woman who seemed to be laughing louder than the rest of the people. The snickering had started before Marissa’s wings fell, Izzy thought to herself, she then looked back at Marissa who had just given up trying to salvage the show. Isabella moved forward to now help clean up, but a man from the convention got there first. The laughter had died, and now It just looked sad with Marissa still on her knees with her face down.

    Isabella didn’t know what to do or say when Marissa finally looked back at her from the middle. The pain on her roommate’s face was worse than she had ever seen, even after losing their first fight almost a year ago. Leaving the clean-up to the man, Marissa suddenly bolted, jumping off stage and running out of the convention room, her head in her hands. Some people jeered and again laughed as she went while Isabella was left to pick up the pieces. She was about to go after Mari, but a judge held her up.

    “Sorry miss, you will need to stay and collect the stuff after the contest.” He said, a huge man at least 300 pounds but had a kindly face when addressing the younger woman.

    “No, I need to go check on my friend,” Isabella responded, though the word friend came out naturally, it felt weird a second later considering she was talking about Marissa.

    He let out a sigh, “Miss, there is only one more person, and then you go back for the stuff and leave. I’m sorry for what happened, I’m sure your friend will be okay.” He added kindly and smiled at her.

    Isabella sighed, it seemed she had no choice. “I hope you are right.” She responded, and then made her way back to the watching area. Once everyone finally stopped their chatter, the final contestant went out to perform.

    Isabella stood there, not focusing on the men and women checking out her body backstage. She was sure a lot of these guys hadn’t seen a woman like her before at an event like this. Her thoughts were on Marissa’s costume, the one she had worked with Marissa multiple times during her slave period. She knew it almost as good as her roommate did, and she had personally checked the wing connections in the morning. It didn’t make sense…they had tested it so many times. But as she looked at it as the man brought her the pieces, it was clear some several cuts and bends had not been there last night. There was no way Amber did this, and she didn’t do it…so who?

    The redhead girl, who was announced as Riley walked out next. The sorority girl was cosplaying some sexy street girl, from another anime Isabella had seen Marissa watching. Honestly, the girl’s costume had nothing on Marissa’s outfit, but with the red bra, tiny jean shorts and pink thong pulled up high on the sides she wasn’t sure it would matter.

    A picture of the character came up behind her, and Izzy admitted that she did look slightly like the character. At least the reddish-blonde hair was a perfect match, and the costume had some resemblance. It might not have been the most elaborate even out of the other challengers, but it was clear the crowd had no problem picking her now that the only other girl in the contest who could compete with Riley’s body had fallen out.

    3 minutes later, Riley walked back onto the stage and accepted her reward. Isabella gapped at the 2,000-dollar prize which was way more than she expected. The sponsors who provided the check were all big-name brands…something Izzy knew Marissa had desperately wanted for her gaming channel and now would be for the sorority. She always talked on and on about them every night she signed onto her computer to play endless games for random people’s entertainment. ‘No wonder she wanted to win this.’ She thought as the awards ended way faster than the show had run.

    Now allowed, Izzy ran to the back and picked up her and Marissa’s stuff, unsure of what she was going to say to her roommate after the disaster. Not looking, she almost ran right into the Riley woman near the exit.

    The blonde redhead looked surprised, but then smiled sneakily at Isabella, as she did an up and down of the sexy girl.

    “Oh, you are Marissa’s roommate, right?” She said, and Izzy quickly narrowed her eyes. Who the hell was this bitch? “That was so sad, about her costume!” The girl continued with a tone that was dripping in sarcasm.

    “Yeah, it sucked…” Isabella responded, not really looking to have this conversation even in the best of her moods. But Riley didn’t step out of the way of the exit and was looking at her with a curious stare.

    “You still live with her right? And it was you two who had the shower thing that the whole school was talking about, and now everyone calls you both ‘the freak pair’.”

    Isabella didn’t say anything but had to stop herself from slapping the woman right in the face. She knew about the nickname, she, and Marissa both did…but they never talked about it. It wasn’t one of their proudest moments that happened right after the slave period had ended.

    The event had ended the already low chance of other people wanting to hang out with either of them. The boys all did, but only cause they all expected to watch her and Mari lez out in front of them. It was one of the few things they both didn’t think Maggie or Amber would understand.

    Amber was so pretty, and she doubted anyone ever tried to exclude her. Her coldness wasn’t shyness like herself. The blonde was bitchy yes, but seemed very relaxed with Mari, and Maggie.

    The redheaded librarian might understand the situation a bit more, but being a nerd was far off where she and Marissa found themselves in the loner social circle. Isabella had gathered that there was never had a point where her redhead friend had no one else to hang out with, or at least someone to talk to. I mean, Maggie and her old college roommate were still close, something the redhead reminded her of every time they hung out.

    Isabella guessed this Riley girl was either ditzy or just had no problem speaking her mind. Her tone was a mix of being talked down to while also distracted; a tone Isabella found only the rudest or dizziest of girls could master. The woman wasn’t done, however, “If I remember, my sorority and I tried to recruit both of you a while back, but you BOTH turned us down. Guess it was for the best though, you have the bodies, but she is weird, and your personality is…average.”

    “Excuse me?” Isabella questioned with a bit of hiss in her voice as she turned to face the girl. Their bodies were on par, and which was a unique feeling for both of them. The sexy sorority girl surely turned many men and women to mush with a glance, but for Isabella, it was just adding her to the growing list of hot but bitchy women she had met in college.

    “Oh, sorry. I’m just being honest, don’t take it personally.” She said while looking at Isabella with little remorse. She did an extra up and down of the girl and a little grin came to her lips, “You know, you don’t seem as bad as the Marissa chick, and if you smiled more, maybe people would like you. Why don’t you come to our open house next week and I can show you the robes? It’s right before the sorority games kick off too so we could see what you are really made of.”

    “I’ll pass, thanks.” Isabella quipped, not even giving it a second of thought.

    “Really? Well, ok then.” Riley answered taken a bit aback, but not without a flash of annoyance passing her face. “You two hate each other, right? I bet that was so fun for you to watch her costume breaking at the last second. I mean, I would have won anyway, everyone knows those nerds always vote for the best body.”

    Isabella was looking at this woman with disbelief, she had never met someone so rude…besides Bianca. “You’re joking, right? You really think you would have won?” Isabella doubted at the other girl.

    “Umm, duh? Have you seen my body and my costume? I mean, the freak is good looking, but guys don’t like when they got all that color in their hair…oh and I mean normally, not just with her costume today.”

    Isabella usually wouldn’t continue, but she felt a flush of pride in all the work Marissa and herself. The attack on her roommate made her angry in a way she didn’t expect. “You would not have won, my roommate put a hell of a lot more effort in and her body is better than yours.”

    Riley’s eye twitched, but she kept up the guise of coolness. “Well, maybe cause some people have lives and can’t spend all day making a costume? I guess freaks do have to stick up for each other huh? Think you want, but I guess that what she gets for being careless.”

    “What does that mean?” Isabella questioned with suspicion.

    Riley didn’t answer and gave her a sarcastic little wave, “I’m bored of this conversation…Isabella, right?” She didn’t wait for an answer, “Tell Marissa, no hard feelings yeah?” With that, the long blondish redhead moved out of the way and towards her group. She loudly pronounced that she felt like sunbathing the rest of the day to cheers from the women and men. Isabella watched her go, her feelings confused more so than ever after her standing up for Marissa so much.

    She made her way back to the room a few minutes later. She was going to try and call Amber, after making sure Marissa was okay. She felt worried for her roommate, mainly because of how much she had talked about this weekend. She had never seen her roommate look so hurt than on stage. Besides that, Riley’s comment also bothered her a great deal…what had she meant by careless. Marissa had mentioned leaving her key at breakfast…could someone have gone into the room when she was at the gym?

    Reaching their room, she pulled out her key and walked in seeing Marissa’s backside as she sat on the bed. The blonde’s head was in her hands, and she seemed fully unaware that someone had just entered the room. Izzy glanced around, noticing the torn-up costume pieces and used makeup wipes everywhere. As soon as the door closed with a loud click, Marissa’s head shot up and turned, her face red with absolute fury.

    “YOU! ISABELLA! You…you…ruined it! You did something to my costume! You made me lose my chance to live alone, to have sponsors!” She screamed, pointing a finger at the arrival.
    Isabella stepped back shocked, she opened her mouth to speak, not understanding what the eccentric girl was saying but Marissa wasn’t done.

    “I know you did it just so I would be forced to be your roommate again!” She said, her voice shaking with anger. “EVEN FOR YOU, HOW COULD YOU!?” Marissa screamed, her voice reaching a pitch that even Isabella had never heard her use.

    “What are you talking about!?” Isabella gasped back, holding up both hands in front of her body.

    “Don’t pretend Isabella! You knew I needed this sponsor money for my streaming because I…can’t afford to live alone either! To think…just last night I was actually thinking of living with you AGAIN, but…but…YOU ARE A BAD PERSON!”

    Isabella’s eyes widened at the admission from Marissa about them living together, but also the accusation. She shook her head violently, “It wasn’t me! I promise!” The darker girl pleaded. Marissa had stood up and was standing in front of her now, costume gone and just in cotton shorts and a tank top. Her face was fully clear of makeup or color and for the rare moment was just her natural self.

    “DENYING IT? The least you could do is admit it because I’m sure you are fucking proud of finally ruining my life!”

    “I CAN’T ADMIT it Mari because I DID NOT DO IT.”

    “DON’T CALL ME MARI!” Marissa screamed, her voice literally hissing in rage as she pointed a finger right at her rival. “You don’t get to do that now! Not anymore!”

    Isabella paused and took a breath. She had long thought that calling each other Mari and Izzy had been insulting, a weak pet name. But…had Marissa been doing it because she actually liked it? Or had it changed from when they started? More and more questions filled her head, but she had to first deal with the situation in front of her. She knew it would be easy for her to lose her own temper, but she needed to keep a calm head, she had to get through to Mari somehow. “Marissa…I didn’t do it and I also didn’t know about the sponsor thing; I swear on my life.”

    “LIAR!” Marissa screamed, the calm voice of Isabella having zero effect. “Who was it then Isabella? I checked the costume right before I left to sign up with Amber! You were the only one in the room! No one else could have done it!” Marissa accused, and logically…it made sense and Isabella went quiet. She had left…but that still didn’t’ answer the questions when a lightbulb went off in her mind.

    “No, Marissa, please listen, I left to go to the gym after you guys went to sign up! I wasn’t in here…” She said feebly, knowing that it wouldn’t make her roommate calm at all knowing she had left. The Spanish girl racked her brain quickly, thinking back, there had to be some explanation. Could it have been Bianca? No, that didn’t make sense, she didn’t know their room. Someone else must have had a way in…and then she remembered the look on that Riley girl’s face. The snicker when Marissa‘s costume had broken on stage…it hadn’t been like those in the crowd. In fact, she had been smiling before it broke, like it had been calculated, like she had known something was going to happen. More questions came to her head, why had she acted so friendly to Marissa in the morning? Why had she and her little posse been standing so close to her and Amber when they were eating?

    It had to be her, and then a passing comment from her roommate this morning made even more sense. “Marissa, you said you lost your key this morning right!? What if someone came in and ruined it while I was gone? What about that Riley girl?! She was laughing…”

    “EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING AT ME! And that’s impossible, no one else knew our room number!” Marissa interrupted with a snarl.

    But someone did know their room number, and Isabella knew it. Amber had said it…when that group with Riley was eating next to them. And the redhead had known she was Marissa’s roommate, so naturally, they would be rooming together in the hotel. In her mind it all made sense, but…how could she prove it. Marissa had looked down at her as a single tear escaped her hazel eyes and Isabella could see her roommate’s arms shaking. Then Marissa looked up, her face twisted, her voice low and dangerous, “I hate you Isabella and I’m going to make you feel as bad as I do right now.”

    “Mari! Calm down! You aren’t making sense! I know it was the Riley girl! We can talk about this, let’s go find Amber!” Isabella cried, trying to get her roommate to see any sort of reason at a final chance but it all fell on deaf ears. The wild blonde girl only saw red as she glared at her roommate with fire. The intensity of the look gave Isabella a wave of worry that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Something about seeing a more natural Marissa was eerie. No colorful makeup, all wiped clean, no wild hairstyle and even plain clothes with a simple shirt and shorts, it really seemed like Marissa was off and not just mentally.

    “No. I won’t calm down. I hate you and now I’m going to ruin your face like you ruined my life.” Marissa said in an unnervingly calm voice as she began walking towards Isabella. The darker girl backed away avoiding her roommate reach.

    “Wait! Marissa! Stop!” Isabella yelled, but she knew it was a lost cause as her roommates’ eyes seemed almost blurry with rage.

    “Isabella. Come here!” Marissa suddenly screamed, sounding quite off in her mental state. Isabella jumped away and onto the bed as Marissa dove for her, but the blonde caught Isabella’s t-shirt mid-way. She tried to pull her roommate down but didn’t have a very good grip as Izzy bounced to the other side and into the small space between the wall and bed.

    “Marissa! STOP!” Isabella hissed pulling herself free and trying to again create some distance between them in the small hotel room.

    “Never! I’m going to win at something this weekend!” Marissa hissed, crawling on the bed and trying to again lunge at Isabella again.

    She missed, as Isabella moved in time to get to the front of the bed and open space of the room. Marissa turned on her knees and let out of huff as her roommate avoided her punishment.

    “You can’t keep running Isabella, and I’m not going to let you ruin another outfit of mine.” Marissa laughed as she began to crawl again at her roommate while also pulling off her shirt and letting her braless tits out for view. They were looking firmer, and more perfect than ever. Maybe it was rooming with Isabella, but Marissa had taken extra care of her body the last year. Lotions, workouts, and oils, anything to keep her skin and body in the best condition it could be, and it was paying off.

    In that second, Isabella made her mind up. It was clear that if she was ever going to salvage this situation, she had to fight back. She wasn’t sure how it would end, but letting Marissa just attack without consequence was not going to work. But with the stripping, Isabella thought maybe there was a chance she could switch this potential catfight into a more sexual showdown like they normally played.

    “Ok, Mari! If you won’t listen, then it is on!” She growled back, as she reached down and peeled off her shirt over her head and let her huge black bra covered tits out. In a single motion, she unclipped the clasp in front, and with a small bounce her own rack came out for display. The nickel sized areola were like targets with the pinpoints being her brown nipples. The size, shape and form were just like her roommates and one of the things they taunted each other most about.

    “You are dead.” Marissa growled back as she continued to strip taking off her shorts from both legs. She was smooth and her pink pussy looked inviting, though Isabella knew even with her roommate stripping, the girl wasn’t looking for a sexfight. They hadn’t had a real catfight between them before because things always turned sexual between them…but it looked like that trend was going to end if the blonde had her way.

    As Isabella pulled down her own jean shorts and black thong, leaving her equally as nude, they stopped moving to eye each other’s bodies with scrutiny. The pairs of fats on their chests had been the first thing they had noticed when they moved in together. How even their sizes seemed, and how for the first time in their lives, they could swap clothes with another girl. For most, that would be a fun way to get close, but for their clashing personalities, it only made their rivalry worse.

    Isabella’s cunt was smooth as well, slightly darker than her roommate as was her entire body. She still remembered the first time they had gone at it pussy to pussy in that four-way match with the two librarians. It had been intense, dirty, and a long time coming…now it seemed like the usual way they settled their arguments.

    The truth was, they could have helped each other out many times the entire year, even if had just been for selecting makeup and clothes. For Isabella, who for an entire year had hated Marissa because of how they met…this thought made her sad. Maybe things would have been different if they could have been just a little nicer to each other, maybe the trust would have been there if they had tried a little harder. But it was too late now.

    Marissa’s eyes shot back up into Izzy’s brown once the body inspection was complete, and she gave her a twisted smile. “I should have done this to you back when you were my slave, Isabella...I should have hurt you more then. But now I’m going to make up for it now. I would never live with you again, even if it means…dropping out…if it means having no friends.” Marissa threatened, though her voice sounded very weak for the first time.

    “Well, I did want to live with you again Marissa…and yeah, maybe I asked because I was desperate, but honestly…every time I think about it…we work as roommates. You know me better than anyone else in college and I weirdly know you, even though I ‘hate’ you. I mean, for fucks sake, we are still sharing a hotel room after everything we have done!”

    “I…wanted to live with you again too…but not anymore,” Marissa said quietly, but that last second of weakness was pushed away seconds later.

    “Just know I don’t want to fight you, Mari. I know we can talk about this, but if not, I will make you understand.” Isabella hissed, using her roommate’s pet name again. “I won’t hold back, and I’ll hurt you worse than you hurt me, I promise.”

    “All your words are lies, Isabella. You hated me, you hated me! You are only saying all this now that because you have nowhere to go! Just stop lying! We hate each other, that’s who we are!”

    “I’m not lying but, fuck you anyway. You won’t listen to me, so let’s settle this then so I can out fuck you!”

    I will NEVER lose to you again!” Marissa screamed as she jumped off the bed and came again. Isabella flipped her long curly black hair back and with a growl moved forward to meet her.

    They met in the middle of the room, slapping wildly at each other’s nude forms, in the most cliché catfight either had ever been in. Hands moved quickly hit their exposed arms as they swung down, up and to the sides, landing hits over and over on the other’s fingers. The sounds of slaps filled the room as they screamed in rage with the sound of their strikes. Each wanted to get close enough to strike their rival’s pretty face but were unable to without the risk of getting hit themselves.

    They began to move around the hotel room with quick steps, as Isabella began pushing Marissa back with her slaps towards the bed. Hissing Mari threw a foot out in a powerful kick that just missed Isabella’s stomach by an inch as she jumped back with a yelp. The blonde didn’t taunt or say anything else as she charged forward again, her face of rage masking the amount of pain she was in. She began throwing out slaps and kicks wildly trying to hit her roommate as Isabella blocked and dodged everything she could leaping back.

    “Kicking Mari!?” Isabella hissed as she tried to catch the blonde’s foot but missed and was hit in the hand hard sending pain shooting up her fingers.

    The blonde’s aggression worked out, however, as Isabella lost the ground she had won and even was backed up to the far wall from the bed next to the door. She had not yet thrown a kick but was quickly realizing she would need to match her roommate’s aggression if she had any chance to keep her at bay, but it was too late. Marissa got close enough and slammed a foot right into Isabella’s abdomen making the Spanish girl almost kneel over at the impact. Isabella gasped, the pain in her hand almost numb after the shot to her stomach replaced it.

    She didn’t have time to fall however as Marissa got hold of her roommate’s shoulders and aggressively pushed her into the wall. Their hot young bodies crushed together a second later as Marissa used her full body for the pin, the giant lightly tanned breasts leading the way, followed by their stomachs and then their hips as they got nice and tight.

    Isabella grunted and felt her body react both from the pain and now the pleasure of having her roommates body touching her so tightly. She wanted nothing more than to lock her sex to Marissa’s and find out which one of them could last longer in a sex grind but looking into the hazel eyes of her roommate signalled a far more dangerous intention.

    “I have you Isabella, and I’m going to hurt you for all the times you made me feel like I was worthless.” Marissa hissed, but her voice seemed distant, like she really wasn’t aware of what she was saying or doing. “I’m going to…” but she didn’t finish as Isabella forced her red lips onto the other’s girl’s pink in a wet kiss, the trapped girl’s tongue splitting the lips and running it on Marissa’s gums. The blonde seemed to stager but right as she began to kiss back, Isabella’s bit down on her rival’s bottom lip with quite a bit of force.

    “OW!” Marissa yelped in discomfort as she pulled her mouth away but had her lip was dragged an extra inch after. She released the body on body hold that her roommate was trapped with as their big tits getting separated with a slight jiggle.

    Isabella pushed off the wall with a hiss. “Fuck off with the kicking Mari. We both know we could rib each other to shreds, but that isn’t how we play. So, fight me in a sex contest because if you don’t, I’ll know it was because you were too scared.” She mocked at her rival. This taunt was done for a simple reason. Marissa was fighting on another level of aggression and if Isabella did match it, one of them would get hurt.

    Marissa started laughing, a creepy laugh that even Isabella felt a chill from the longer it went. “Scared? You think I’m scared? Fuck you, Isabella Sanz, we aren’t friends, so we aren’t going to play nice anymore! You wouldn’t leave the room on my night, and I made a mistake just fingering you then. I would be letting you off easy if we just had a sexfight, so this time I AM going to rip you to shreds!”

    “Oh, you want to talk about that night, Marissa Keeling!? How about you making Maggie hate me? How about you not listening to me now after all we have been through!? You want a real fight, Mari!? Bring it on!”

    As she finished the sentence, Isabella suddenly sprinted at her rival and hit Marissa with a full-on body tackle with her shoulder into the blonde’s soft breasts. Marissa screamed as she slapped at her rival’s sexy back, before wrapping her arms around her Izzy just as they fell onto the bed with twin screams of snarls.

    On the bed, there was a flurry of movement of legs and arms jostling for position. The girls turned into wild scratching cats, hissing, and scratching each other’s bodies as they got entangled on the white sheets. Isabella was on top first, trying to hold Marissa down, but this let the blonde wrap her legs around Isabella’s hips and smack their hips together. At the same time, Marissa used her nails to run down Isabella’s back and slap the darker ass.

    “BITCH!” Isabella screamed knowing the scratch had left a mark. She leaned up before another clawing could occur and slapped Marissa right in the face connecting fully with the red cheeks. It rang around the room as Marissa screamed both in pain and fury as Izzy felt the claw leave her ass. For a second, Isabella almost got another slap in, but Marissa’s hand didn’t remain separated from her rival’s body for long.

    The blonde threw a punch into Isabella’s oblique bending Izzy to the left and allowing Marissa to roll on top. Isabella tried to return the favor with a similar shot, but Marissa’s body was flexed, and the impact didn’t have the same reaction. The blonde’s hands meanwhile had new targets and that was the pair of tits she had to see each morning. Her pink nails sunk right into Isabella’s breasts, and she twisted them with a cry of frustration.

    Isabella screamed and tried to free her attacked tits for a second, before realizing it was futile as Marissa squeezed them roughly. She slapped Marissa’s face again trying to get her off, but Marissa took the impact and refused to let go. The nails dug in deeper, and the pitch of Isabella’s wail got higher as she felt her skin burn. This time, she closed her fist and swung again hitting Marissa in the jaw, and time sending the blonde off her with a thump to the mattress.

    The once eccentric girl fell off to the side, and Isabella quickly checked her breasts, seeing a few red marks but nothing that looked as bad compared to how they felt when she was attacked. She looked over at Marissa on the other side of the bed rubbing her jaw from the shock.

    Their eyes met, “So you are going to fight back. Good! This way I can beat you fair and square!” Marissa hissed as she got to her knees on the bed. Isabella didn’t say anything in response but got to her knees to match her. They approached slowly but were more hesitant to bring out their claws and fists again. This time they had a new target as they both reached forward and took hold of the other’s long flowing hair.


    They screamed their personal insults as their hair was tugged back and forth on their knees. They tugged each other’s head to the left and right for a few seconds, before Marissa screamed going down to her side on the soft bed. Isabella went with her, and they rolled again, but this time away from each other while still holding the other’s long locks. They screamed as pain shot down their roots as their heads were whipped back from the sudden jerking feeling. They rocked back and forth winning and losing the feet they earned and lost. On the fifth roll, Marissa took advantage as she was able to get half her body off the front of the bed and then used the angle to rip Isabella’s whole body.

    “FUCK!” Isabella cried as she released the blonde hair and was dragged off the bed by her curly black locks. She landed on her back, her legs in the air as Marissa stood up over her. For a second, Isabella thought Marissa was going to stomp on her face, and maybe the idea did pass through Marissa’s head, but the still small sane piece of her stopped herself before she performed such a dangerous act. Instead, she dropped to her knees landing them on each side of Isabella’s head. The Spanish girl reached up, but Marissa spit on Isabella’s face and eyes causing her to flinch and blink. Then the pink claws went right back onto Izzy’s tits this time upside down with a snarl. The bottom girl cried out but was able to flip off the bed and with a little aim was able to knee Marissa in both tits.

    Isabella felt the sensation as if her knees sunk into two pillows that happened to two sharp points sticking out. The blonde screamed out as her chest was pressed in slammed and she fell back, releasing Isabella’s tits once again from her grasp.

    The Spanish girl rolled up to her front still between Marissa’s legs and jumped on top of her roommate by the hips in a successful mount. Marissa had been distracted for a second, rubbing her smashed tits tenderly but the relief didn’t last long as Isabella pressed her advantage. The top girl decided to return the favor from seconds ago in this new missionary position, and she reached down to sink her black nails into Marissa’s big breasts while giving them a cruel twist.

    Surprisingly, Marissa snarled but almost in a thrill of the fight, and that her roommate was starting to match her savagery. She grabbed Isabella’s wrists and tore them off her own breasts after just a second of the piercing. Holding Isabela’s arms out to the side, Marissa tried to roll them, but Isabella instead brought her hot body down onto Marissa’s sexy form in a full-body missionary pin. The top girl used her dark legs to spread Marissa’s limbs and forced the blonde into a squat position. This both increased Isabella’s ability to hold Marissa down while also allowing their smooth pussies to dance an inch apart.

    Marissa snarled as she was pinned, trying to bite at her roommates’ cheeks or do anything to get out. Isabella avoided the teeth and instead ground her hips down, able to lightly touch her wet sex to Marissa’s. Even in her rage, the blonde groaned from the sexual touch and tried to buck her roommate off, but the move only slammed their wet labia together harder and synced their moans.

    “You still want to catfight after feeling this?” Isabela growled as Marissa finished her sexual howl. Their conjoined breasts continued to expand deeper every breath as the position they found themselves in was one they had used many times to settle their roommate’s issues the last few months.

    “Bitch…fuck you.” Marissa hissed and started struggling again to get out of the missionary pin, though the wiggling sent their bodies further down the path of a sexual conflict. Isabella huffed trying to hold her roommate down with her body, their legs straining in the contest as they been spread wide. Holding down Marissa in this pin was rough and quickly felt her muscles strain in the new effort.

    “You could have stomped my face in, but you didn’t, I thought you wanted to kill me?” Isabella gasped at an extra surge as Marissa’s right leg went free and wrapped around Isabella’s body and ending their sexual touch.

    Marissa snarled but didn’t respond with any sort of words.

    “How about I remind you how it started between us…and how I’m going to finish you like this because I’m hotter, and I’m sexier than you.” Isabella breathed as she leaned her face forward and pressed her mouth onto Marissa’s sensually. At the same time, she pressed her now wet sex down drawing out a moan and granting her deeper access into Marissa’s mouth. Marissa began kissing back for a second, their tongues slashing, less playful than other kisses they had shared. After just a few seconds of the wet tongue action, Marissa freed her mouth and separated their pussies at the same time.

    “If making you cum is how I get out of your little pin, fine, but then I’m going to ruin your body…and next time I will stomp on your pretty little face,” Marissa whispered, and Isabella felt the shiver of fear.

    “You don’t mean that,” Isabella whispered back, then she felt her own surge of anger. “How many times could we have hurt each other beyond reason? That’s NOT how we play.”

    “You fucking loner whore. This is HOW we are playing now.” Marissa growled, but she let up an extra gasp as they had their bodies pressed together tighter on the carpet floor in this sex position. The last time they had been locked this tight was in the shower of the dorms, soaking wet, body on body, trying to force the other to cum. A small disagreement escalating much like it had today, but at least then they only wanted to out sex each other like usual. Of course, they had accidentally fallen out of the shower snarling like animals and landed right in front of the dorm rooms. More than 20 people had seen them laying on each other ‘fighting’ and in one afternoon, they had earned the nickname lesbo freaks. They lost any chance at other groups wanting to hang out with them, and boys only begging to watch them get it on.

    With a desperate groan, Marissa freed her spread legs and quickly intertwined them again now straightened with their feet at the bed. Strong thighs were pressed up in-between the other’s limbs and hotly onto the wet sexes as they rocked back and forth on the ground, Isabella holding the top spot by the skin of her teeth. The motions caused a light grinding which sent pleasure spikes from their groins to the rest of their bodies.

    Marissa was still snarling and looking to bite her roommates face, while Izzy dodged and licked back all the while trying to tease her into a more pleasurable showdown. After Marissa landed a light nip on her chin, Isabella hissed and pressed her leg harder into Marissa’s pussy leaked who gasped from the growing sensations as they cat fought.

    To stop the biting, Isabella locked her mouth onto Marissa’s dangerous maw, forcing her roommate into a kiss. Tongue met tongue for a brief second before the blonde shot it deep as if to choke Isabella and cut off her air. The pink snake was damn near at her rival’s tonsils before Isabella nearly gagged from the invasion. She coughed slightly and punched Marissa in the stomach with as much power as she could force this tight together. The kiss broke as Marissa huffed from the hit and released her roommate’s mouth.

    “Give up Mari!” Isabella growled, her hold on Marissa becoming easier as they shifted back and forth from the catfight and the sexfight.

    “STOP CALLING ME THAT.” Marissa shrieked and then sunk her teeth into Isabella’s shoulder in a threatening bite.

    “OW! BITING BITCH?!” Isabella squealed and sunk her own teeth into the opposite shoulder of her roommate. At the same time, they rolled as they chewed, leaving several teeth marks up and down the other girl’s necks as Marissa took the top spot. This went on for a few seconds, before Isabella realized that her roommate was starting to lock down harder near her neck.

    “Off!” The Spanish girl hissed, and started thrashing with hands and feet, hitting Marissa all over, until she felt her roommate’s jaw unclench and jump away.

    The break was brief, as Marissa got another good hold of Isabella’s black hair in a tight grip, the curly sweaty locks filling her hands. She began to spin her roommate while Isabella screamed, until she was half tossed onto the bed when Marissa finally let go.

    Marissa jumped on after her and got on top of her roommate’s nude hips. They wrestled until Isabella’s crown touched the wall, her hands dug into Marissa’s big chest. Unable to back up further, she saw a flare in her roommates’ eyes and switched her hands from her rival’s tits to her wrists, holding them as Marissa’s claws aimed for her face.

    Isabella’s eyes went wide as she noticed her predicament, as Marissa was trying to claw her eyes. “MARI! STOP!”

    “NO! I TOLD YOU I WOULD HURT YOU! I have too!” Marissa cried, but her arms seemed to lessen slightly as if she woke up from Isabella’s fearful tone just enough to realize how dangerous she was being. She didn’t back off fully however and kept them close as she struggled both with Isabella’s arms and her own decisions.

    The struggling pair had gotten closer to the headboard than Marissa seemed to have noticed, and Isabella could tell the girl had no awareness of her surroundings. Her hazel eyes still had the same level of rage from the beginning and now that the fight was dragging, it seemed Marissa was getting more desperate. Though she lessened her attack, their claws were still hovering just above Izzy’s brown eyes. Desperate herself, she bucked up with her bare hips in a sudden jerk and the top of Marissa’s head slammed into the wall with a loud crack. The pink claws lost all momentum and Marissa groaned falling backwards holding her head.

    She only made it back a few feet on her own when Isabella kicked her in the shoulder and sent her off the front of the bed in a tumble, her head and shoulder aching from the impacts.

    After Isabella kicked Marissa away, they both collapsed again separating from their aggressive fight. Now on the bed and carpet, they sucked in a desperate breath, neither given up nor cummed yet regardless of how often they switched tactics between sex and catfighting.

    While Marissa’s mind was set still on hurting Isabella, the other roommate was thinking quickly of how to finish Marissa without hurting her further. This short fight had been far too dangerous, and the looks in her roommate’s eyes gave the indication that she would be willing to resort to darker tactics soon if it dragged on. The only thing Isabella knew for sure was that her roommate’s mental state was still fragile, and she seemed to react extremely to both good and bad feelings. At this point, Isabella wasn’t even sure an orgasm would stop Marissa from trying to kill her, but she wouldn’t resort back to aggressive tactics again for both their sakes.

    As she tried to think about strategies from her fights with Maggie, she remembered how often she, and the librarian would attempt to put each other in a precarious position without her opponent being aware. No doubt that was her best chance in this fight, because Marissa wasn’t on her best form, and Isabella could sense it. Her roommate was too angry and was not trying to control her rage. She hadn’t tried to defend or stop any sort of pleasure or pain and seemed to be using them both to fuel her will to fight…and that meant without them, she would collapse. She had noticed during their bed wrestling that several times the blonde seemed fully unaware of her surroundings and was just trying to claw at Isabella regardless of what happened to her which is why she had been able to knee her roommate in the tits. Isabella just had to find some way, as she looked at the bed, and then the side where she almost fell, and an idea came to her.

    As Marissa pushed herself up with a huff to her hands and knees, Isabella stood on the bed in front of her. The dark brown eyes looked down at Marissa’s sweaty ragged breathing form and the heart-shaped ass sticking in the air begging to be fucked. She watched as the blonde hit the ground in anger and let out a snarl. Marissa’s thoughts were hazy, but she was mostly furious she hadn’t been able to beat Isabella down yet. It seemed she would have to be more brutal…she would have to hurt her roommate more…no more hesitations. She glanced up at Isabella standing on the bed, her big deeply tanned tits hanging on her roommate’s chest looking as good as ever, her rightly thick body in her hips and chest, and her long curly black hair flown back…she had a look of confidence and it pissed her off even more.

    “What’s the matter, Mari? Was all that time with Amber wasted? You haven’t gotten better at fighting or fucking the entire year I have known you! Looks like you are the loner because even your ‘best’ friend ditched you when you needed her!” Isabella taunted, choosing her words for the maximum effect.

    The hazel eyes shot up, and the fire in them burned like an inferno. The eccentric girl’s whole body was now shaking in rage as she pushed herself up to shaky feet, her cunt dripping from the short but intense duel. “Isabella! PLEASE STOP IT!” Marissa shrieked and tried tackling the naked Isabella by the legs on the bed.

    She was too slow however, and Izzy jumped back just in time towards the head of the bed and avoiding her roommate’s claws. Marissa pushed herself up with a huff and then climbed to stand on the bed like her roommate. Here the two women faced each other off in this almost childish position, feet seeking into the soft mattress as they glared at each other. Isabella took sight of her roommate as the sex duel continued, for a brief second wondering how the hell they ended up here, naked, on a bed, fighting with their sexes and claws over a misunderstanding. But that was their life, and all she could do to save any sort of thing with Marissa was to win. She knew she would only have one chance for this trap and if it failed, she doubted she could continue to match Marissa’s aggression and anger.

    Isabella’s eyes glanced down and to the left as she eyed her plan. They had moved the bed to the wall when they had been helping set up Marissa’s costume, and that created a small space, a little gap that was near perfect for a body to be thrown into. Her brown eyes flickered up just in time as Marissa screamed as she jumped forward at Isabella. The Spanish girl stood her soft, shaky ground as Marissa jumped far forward and their sweaty bodies met for what felt like the hundredth time today.

    But Isabella went low as Marissa jumped on her, the Spanish girl half catching her roommate as the blonde wrapped her strong legs around her Izzy’s ass to bring them down into a ball of sexy flesh on the bed. Isabella gasped as she held their combined weight standing on the sinking bed for half a second, her shoulders pressing into the bottom of Marissa’s soft tits as the blonde attempted to collapse them throwing her weight to the left and right wildly.

    “GET DOWN!’ Marissa snarled, and Isabella had to agree with her for once as her hands sunk into Marissa’s toned buns. As she fell through she angled their conjoined bodies the best she could, trying to land in a specific spot. She collapsed down onto the bed with Marissa on top of her, sinking into the mattress and feeling the blonde’s hands leave her back and dive surprisingly roughly into her cunt.

    The Spanish girl moaned and rolled their conjoined bodies to take the top once again, even as her pussy was fingered coarsely. The pressure was starting to build once again as the joints danced in and out. They were now right near the edge of the bed, and Isabella was trying to free their entangled legs but kept their bodies tight kept. “Looks like I’m on top again!” She growled as Marissa found her g-spot and was working it tenderly. The black-haired girl spit on her roommate’s face who winced and snarled, pumping her roommate harder to get her off. “You could never beat me without Maggie bitch! You needed me to be your slave just to have a chance!” Isabella screamed back and Marissa let out a shriek of anger.

    The blonde’s muscles were shot with adrenaline, and she forced her body to roll, desperate to get back on top. At the last second, Isabelle’s fingers slipped out of Marissa’s sex, and for a millisecond Marissa was unsure of why. But the plan of the darker girl worked as she used the momentum of her rival to allow the blonde to roll as the bed ran out. Instead of landing on the softness, she had before, Marissa’s body hit nothing but air and her hand exited Isabella’s sex as she went down between the wall and bed with a sudden lunge in her stomach.

    “AHH!’ Marissa yipped as she slid roughly down between the wall and the bed, taking some of the disgruntled sheets with her as she went. Her upper back hit the carpet first while her legs were able to stay slightly on the bed. She quickly tried to turn in the tight space and was successfully able to get on her front in a second, but Isabella was already moving. With a cry, the dark-skinned girl threw herself into the gap and landed with her tits first onto Marissa’ back with a thump, trapping her in the small space, their bodies in alignment.

    “OW! LET ME OUT!” The bottom girl cried as she tried to push up, but the weight of Isabella’s tits on her back alone was enough to keep her down. Isabella’s trap had worked and now she was on top and behind the struggling Marissa. The blonde screamed in frustration as she began to tussle, her arms now trapped at her sides. Isabella ignored the cries and moved her hand between Marissa’s legs and the warm sex between them.

    “Now I have you Mari, and you are going to cum like the bitch you are.” Isabella hissed unable to hide her own anger at her roommate and the fight they had. She ran her tongue over the back of Marissa’s ear who shivered under from the feeling and let out a whimper.

    “No! This isn’t fair! Me cumming doesn’t mean you win!” Marissa cried as Isabella began to tenderly rub her rival’s-soaked sex, splitting the cunt lips with her middle and pointy finger, then rubbing the exposed pink flesh within. It was tougher with Marissa’s legs unable to be spread, but Isabella knew this pussy only second to hers, and she knew exactly how to make Marissa cum hard even with the limited space.

    She started pumping her roommate’s wet cunt faster, curling the two fingers each time as Mari moaned as the blonde started leaking cum into the digits. It didn’t take long, their sexual touching and rubbing had already gotten them heated. It seemed Marissa’s high emotional mindset was coming back to haunt her as she struggled to control both her sex and feelings.

    “URHHHH, no, no, no, no, not again, not by you!!” Marissa screamed a few seconds later as she attempted to roll with all her power, but it was to no avail. Izzy was able to keep her big tits on Marissa’s back, and her free hand sunk into the blonde’s toned buns. The bottom girl’s sex was reacting to her roommate’s touch like it always did, now squeezing her rival’s fingers, and the hazel-eyed girl was panting in both heat and desperation. If you were to walk into the room, you would have thought it was empty except for the low grunts and girlish coming from behind the bed.

    Another 10 seconds went by with no change to their position, and Marissa was biting her lip in desperation to hold off what was coming. “No!” She screamed and Izzy heard the hint that the sexfight was nearing its end. Marissa was no longer fighting physically against her rival’s body now and had switched focus to keep her sex under control, but that was an equally tough battle. Then, in surprise, Marissa bumped up with her hips and launched Isabella a foot forward so that her tits bounced into Marissa’s head. The Spanish girl caught herself just in time with her free hand, but this placed her arm right next to Marissa’s mouth.

    The blonde turned her head and latched her mouth onto Isabella’s arm with a painful force, in a last-ditch attempt to free herself. Izzy let out a cry of pain, but she kept her arm there, and her other hand still moving in and out her sloppy cunt.

    Determined, she lowered her face and put her own teeth on the back of Marissa’s neck in a light clinch. For a breath, the girl’s had another chance to enter a dangerous fight, but it passed as Marissa whimpered with the teeth on her neck and let go. Isabella then released, thankful, and ran her tongue up Marissa’s neck to the base of her blonde hair. Marissa groaned again and licked Isabella’s fingers-on, trying to do anything and everything to get out, but it was too late.

    “No Izzy!!! You! UGH!” Marissa cried out as the Spanish girl pumped her harder than before, her limit approaching and under the powerful fingers of her rival. The sensation of having her roommate laying on top of her was already intense, her strong ass she could press into Isabella’s sexy cunt a bit, but not with nearly enough force to a draw. She didn’t want to cum yet, she had to get Izzy off first, she had to hurt Izzy and win the catfight...get her to apologize, prove she could do it. “This isn’t over! I can beat you! I have too!” She cried, trying to get her arms back to do anything, something to get Izzy off, but there was no chance.

    Under Isabella, her body pressed to the carpet, Mari couldn’t handle it. The rage, the anger, all built up into one orgasm that exploded from her clit to the edges of her fingers. She had less warning than she could prepare for, and it all came at once making her dizzy as she began to rock with the fingers involuntary. Her entire clit seemed to peak with overwhelming pressure, and she let out an extended wail as she began to cum. “IZZY!” She screamed as a frustrating and emotional orgasm passed in her body, every cell replacing the anger and pain as pleasure overwhelmed her young body. Izzy synced their breathing so that she thrust in time with the pants of Marissa, the girl’s body shaking.

    “You….” Marissa breathed as Isabella kept it up, going harder at the peak of the pleasure mountain breaking the last bit of energy her roommate was holding on to. It took almost 30 seconds, but finally, Marissa’s body began to relax, her orgasm seemingly draining her of more than just her cum.

    She pulled her now wet fingers out of her roommate with a light pop and an extra gasp from Marissa’s mouth. Isabella wanted to keep her rival down but decided against it as she felt the struggle in Marissa’s breathing. She slowly pushed herself up from the trap space, using Marissa’s bubble butt to put her hands on for a brief second, unable to stop herself from clawing the prized muscle. Once Izzy was standing, she waited, but the trapped girl didn’t move. Marissa stayed in the small, enclosed space, her breathing still ragged in a way Isabella hadn’t heard before. It looked like she was no longer struggling to escape, and Isabella wasn’t sure why…to the point, it worried her. After a whole minute, she reached down and pulled Marissa’s hair only to get some reaction. For a second nothing, but then her roommate slowly pushed herself up and out of the trapped space slowly. Getting to her knees, Isabella could only look at her roommate’s toned back, but the roommate did not turn and kept her head down. Izzy backed up, ready for more conflict while getting into a low stance and feeling out her body for more.

    But then Marissa let out a loud wail that was unlike the others she had given during the fight. She only turned halfway and flopped down to the mattress, her head in her arms and went silent. Isabella was cautious at the display, she knew from plenty of experience that her roommate could go a lot longer than one orgasm, but she had never seen Mari act like this. A few more seconds passed when Isabella was to hear Marissa speak.

    “I…just wanted to win...I just wanted to get her off first…prove I could do it. I can’t win…”
    Isabella heard from the muffled sounds of her roommate and didn’t know what to say.
    It seemed the emotion and rage that had fueled Mari was now empty and with her future in doubt, the always positive thinking Marissa broke. There was a long silence except for their mixed heavy breathing; when before Isabella could move forward, a wail filled the room. Marissa had begun to cry, on the bed, the fight clearly over. She only reached up and pulled a pillow to her face and started sobbing into it. It was loud and horrible as Isabella could only be made out the one sentence, “This is the worst weekend ever! I hate this, I hate all of this! I’M NOT A LOSER, I’m NOT A FREAK!” It sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else.

    The winning girl looked at her crying soon to be ex-roommate and felt an emotion she did not expect. Seeing Marissa in this level of pain had long been one of her fantasy’s since they had moved in together but now that it was here…it didn’t feel…right. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go…their final fight was supposed to be personal and long, not some reaction to their futures being on the line.

    “Mari.” She said with a last-ditch attempt to get through to the now post-orgasm roommate. She reached out and placed a soft hand on Marissa’s back, but the blonde flinched away.

    “GET AWAY AND GET OUT! YOU WIN ISABELLA, I DON’T WANT TO PLAY THIS STUPID GAME ANYMORE…I…can’t win at anything…I’m a loser with no friends and now I’m going to have to leave school!” Marissa screamed, which turned back into more crying as she dug her face deeper into the pillow.

    “No…it wasn’t you…we can talk about this.” Isabella said softly, but Mari wasn’t listening, and she doubted the blonde heard her over the wails coming from her mouth.

    ‘None of this should have happened’ Isabella thought as the outpour of emotion from her roommate filled her ears. Even winning the fight itself felt dirty because she knew it had been unfair. The only reason she beat Marissa so easily was only due to the other girl’s total loss of self-control…in a fair fight, it would have gone on much longer and been much more intense…and fun.

    It was frustrating that Mari hadn’t been willing to listen to her…but not surprising from their history. She could admit to herself that if they were in the reverse position, she would most likely not have trusted Marissa. But that could change Isabella thought…and sitting there, next to her sexual beaten roommate, a realization hit her. She didn’t mind if Mari was crying, but it had to be her doing it…not some other bitch or ruining each other’s life.

    In fact, she liked living with Marissa, even though the blonde was the most annoying person ever. They at least had something that she could rely on, and though she didn’t want to use the word ‘friendship’, the roommate ship was something. If she and Marissa went their separate ways after all this...she would only have one friend in the entire city and that was Maggie. That wasn’t good enough, and even if she and Marissa would never be real friends…they at least understood each other. That was more than any other person she had met in college. She didn’t want to move home and she needed a roommate. Marissa may have been her only choice, but she was also would have been her first choice.

    She wasn’t sure if there was anything she could really do to fix this situation, but she could try. One thing was for certain, she KNEW that girl Riley was part of this, and now she had to somehow prove it. Without another word to her crying roommate, she grabbed a skimpy bikini out of her bag and changed, all while listening to the sobs from the main room. All year she had imagined making Marissa cry, but not like this, not because of some costume contest. With one last look of pity at Marissa, she left the room and made her way down to the pool area where she was sure the Riley girl would be.

    She was right, and in fact, it took less than 5 minutes to find the other student sunbathing poolside. Even now, there was a small crowd of admirers around the sorority girl as she applied smooth tanning oil on her insanely hot body. From here, it seemed she was wearing a very tiny gold bikini that would not be allowed at most pools due to how much skin was exposed. It was even skimpier than Isabella’s silver one by an inch or so, which was the smallest one the Spanish girl owned.

    Isabella huffed thinking of how she was going to approach this. Her body was sore, and she still felt quite turned on after wrestling her roommate down the last half hour. If this Riley girl attempted to fight…it could be a problem. Regardless, her first move was to separate the main girl from the group. Alone, she assumed it would be easier to get her to admit to the sabotage…somehow. Still unsure of the exact plan, but thinking she would have to just wing it, she walked up to the group. The closer she got, the more worried she became, a gnawing suspicion that Riley played the game she and Marissa did and wouldn’t go down easy.

    The group saw Isabella approaching and made a gap quickly for the serious sexy looking girl in the tight silver bikini.

    “Hey.” She said as she broke the line and looked down at the gold bikini-wearing tanned woman. The small group of men and women were now gawking at the new arrival of the group with equally as big eyes. Isabella expected it, as she stood there wearing a skimpy silver thong bikini, an interesting contrast between this Riley girl’s gold.

    It was a smaller low waisted cloth that showed the top of her navel and plenty of her ass. It was the smallest one she owned and bought it for the specific reason of intimidating Marissa. Now she was wearing it for her roommate. For some reason, she knew it would be important to scare Riley and her little followers with her body, it just made sense. Plus, the look they shared at breakfast made her think a fight with Riley could only go one way.

    Riley looked up and a confused grin came to her lips, “Oh, it’s the freaks roommate again…listen, like I said, no hard feelings to her, things happen.” She snipped, drawing laughs from all the people around. She then pushed her glasses down her eyes to take a better look at this challenger and wasn’t disappointed with the view. The loner had a body…a very good body. Ever since she had gotten to college, and joined her sorority, she had been given a lesson on how things could be handled especially with women that looked like this freak. She wondered if this loner had any idea who she was messing with. When Isabella didn’t respond, the redhead slowly pushed herself up, her big tits and hot body giving a nice glow of the sun from the oil as her skimpy bikini shinned just as brightly.

    Isabella gave her a little fake smile back at the laying girl. “Yeah, no she is pretty upset. I was wondering if I could ask you about something real quick? Privately.” She added looking at all the other people whose eyes were shooting back and for between the women. Separating the queen bitch from the hive was the first step Isabella thought. Luckily, she could tell that this Riley chick could sense the hidden challenge from her tone and wouldn’t be one to back down to someone she found inferior.

    Riley looked up at the girl’s body, and then with a little nod of her head, all the people in the group dispersed, leaving the two babes alone by the side of the pool. Before Isabella could ask again, however, Riley stood up and started walking towards the pool showers with a sway in her hips. They were small little full stalls that were fully enclosed beside the top and far more spacious than you would expect being roughly 5 by 5 feet with a waterfall head. Not hesitating, Isabella followed her and that sexy looking oiled up ass as Riley walked into the furthest one and left the door open. A daring invitation to such an enclosed and private space. Izzy walked in, feeling tense, whenever she was alone with another girl like her, the college had taught her, she had been right to expect this.

    Izzy pulled the door closed after her and clicked the lock shut as Riley turned, the silver and gold bikini girls’ bodies looking even sexier standing a few feet apart. With a little cocky grin, Riley turned on the hot water making it pour loudly and draining out any sound that could be heard unless you were standing right outside the door.

    “So, what do you want?” She asked, looking at Isabella with a curious glare on the other side of the water. It wasn’t often she was confronted by a bitch with a body like this outside the sorority world. The loner girl’s breasts were more impressive than she had originally thought, and her body looked like she worked out 24/7 but somehow kept those feminine curves. The smooth stomach and ass certainty spoke to the loser’s drive to be hot and desired in a way a lot of her friends dreamed of. “If you want me to put in a good word with my sorority, I guess I can do it. I know some of them to call you a loner freak too, but if you really beg and put on a big smile, I’m sure we can find a way.” She curiously said, unsure if maybe that was the reason they were now here.

    “You broke Marissa’s costume. You cheated to get her out of the cosplay contest, and I want you to admit it now.” Isabella accused not even willing to bother responding to Riley’s little comment about the sorority. Now that they were alone in the tile showers, she could say what she wanted, and in a flash, she saw Riley’s eyes go a little wider like she had been caught. It was the only sign she needed because Izzy now knew she was right.

    Riley recovered quickly, the surprise disappearing from her face as she flicked her still dry long red hair, “Oh my god, is that why you wanted to talk?” She laughed, then when she noticed Isabella’s intense glare, her smile left her face. “Umm, you have to be able to prove it.” She snarked, as she watched Isabella grit her teeth. “And so, what if I did anyway? She wasn’t playing fair.”

    “Fair? What the hell do you mean.”

    “Nothing. It’s just that she clearly had more time on her hands because she has no life. I mean, with the rumors about you two, she is definitely the one people laugh at the most…wait till the video of her little collapse on stage gets out!”


    Riley fell back shocked as the impact of Isabella’s hand landed on her face. Her butt hit the wall as blue eyes looked up with rage. “UMM OW?” She exclaimed, acting surprised she had just been hit for no reason in her mind.

    “Don’t fucking talk about my roommate like that.” Isabella hissed; she felt a wave of strange anger after what had happened between her and Marissa. The shower between them drowned out both the impact, but it seemed to ring around the small room.

    Riley rubbed her cheek as her left hand caught herself on the tile sidewall. She hadn’t been slapped like that in a while, and not by a loser like this, “That was uncalled for! I guess you are a freak too, but that is not surprising.” The slapped girl hissed, and then, she jumped up and returned the favor to Isabella with a surprising amount of speed who fell back, her face stinging to the far side of the room.

    “Get out of here or you are going to get hurt, my sorority knows how to handle a want to be like you.” She growled, as Isabella stood back up, a look of rage on her features. The slaps were rough, but it was distracting how aggressive they were, compared to how skimpy they were dressed, the silver and gold bikinis only covering maybe 5% of their total skin.

    “You aren’t leaving with that ribbon in your bag. I’m taking it and giving it to my roommate, and you are going to admit to fucking her over.” Isabella shot at her sudden enemy, as Riley too stood to her full height, the long light red hair wet and down her back.

    “And how are you gonna do that?” Riley questioned, her head-turning, her blue eyes still playful.

    “By kicking your ass right here in this stall.” Isabella hissed as they began to circle each other in the small shower, the rainfall water creating a wall between them.

    “You think you can? Well sadly, I’m not about to ruin my face or get hurt in some nasty catfight, but I’m feeling sporty and you do have the body for it. So how about a little game?”

    Isabella watched her rival near-nude body, the look from the breakfast confirming another thought. It was almost like she knew what Riley was going to offer even before she said it. “I don’t care what game we play, because you aren’t leaving with that ribbon.”

    “I think I will be, but I’m glad you are willing to play because I need practice for my sorority.” Riley openly admitted with a twisted smile on her sharp facial features, “The name of the game is a titfight and it’s one of the ways I and the girls in my sorority settle little disputes.”

    Before Isabella could ask, Riley kept going. “It’s very simple, it’s like a pushing contest but only using our breasts, first to pin the other and force a submission from their opponent’s mouth ONLY using her tits, wins.” She pointed with two fingers at Isabella’s melons and then her own.

    “A titfight?” Isabella questioned, though she knew what it was. She and Maggie had done a few of these, and not to mention her times with Marissa, they always ended up chest to chest in their fights. Though admittingly they never finished a fight like that…and eventually they always went far more sexual. To finish it only using her girl’s…she imagined the amount of beating it would take.

    “Yeah, ever heard of it?” Riley questioned, then she smiled, “Unless, THAT is what you were doing with your roommate in the dorm showers? Everyone said you too were rubbing on each other like horny sluts when you fell out, the two loners. A match made in heaven.”

    “Maybe we were,” Isabella said confidently, and for a second Riley seemed to flinch back. She had never met a girl outside of the sororities who played this game and had fully expected the loner to back off. The sexy Spanish girl smiled, “Titfight or whatever, it doesn’t matter. I’m taking that ribbon for Mari.” Isabella hissed, steeling her resolve.

    Riley seemed almost more excited that Isabella wasn’t backing down, she looked very confident. “Perfect, but of course, I get something when I win too, or it really isn’t worth it for me.”

    “Fine. Name it.”

    “When you lose, you are going to come to my sorority house next week and be our little maid. We even have a costume for you to wear for a whole month.”

    Isabella couldn’t help pausing, her confidence wavering for a millisecond. This was the second time she was risking her freedom, and compared to just being Marissa’s slave, this had the potential to be a lot worse.

    But she had to do this. For Marissa’s sake, and for her own living conditions, she had to fight. “Fine. I agree, if I lose, I’ll be your maid.”

    “Perfect. Then it’s a match! Now, remember, there is nothing really stopping us from using our hands except our pride, but if they touch anything other than each other’s palms or ass, that girl loses.” The sorority girl continued, looking away from Isabella and at the ceiling having her indifferent tone return.

    “I get it, you need these rules to make sure I don’t fuck you up, but it’s fine.”

    Riley giggled, “You are brave for a loner freak, maybe you would have made it in my sorority. But I know you are just going to regret matching your body against mine, the sororities at our school are just different.”

    “Keep dreaming, sorority freak.”

    Riley’s green eyes narrowed, and a snarl escaped her lips at the word freak…like it hit Riley far worse than a simple name should. Isabella hadn’t expected that, but it seemed that this bitch could pretended to give it but couldn’t take it.

    The ex-intern smirked as she reached back and undid the knot that held up the silver bikini top. It fell off and her big proud girls came out from behind the small triangles. She glanced down at her tits, knowing she would need every pound of them to keep up in this fight. The downside being, she could already see marks and hits already done by her feisty roommate less than 15 minutes ago.

    “Not bad.” Riley grinned, surprised how big this loner girl was, and how firm the large tits seemed. It looked like the water shot off her nipples horizontally with their sharpness.

    It made it clear that this bitch and her roommate could easily fit in with the girls of her sorority if only they had the personalities to do it. She then undid her gold top, and felt Isabella’s brown eyes flicker down to compare, finding another large set of tits of the redhead’s chest. She gave her tanned girl’s a big squeeze and even bounced them in a sexy display. But with both tops discarded, Riley reached up, offering her hand in the middle of the warm water. Isabella reached out and interlaced and then offered her second hand that Riley accepted.

    “First girl, to submit right?” Isabella hissed over the waterfall.

    “Wins,” Riley responded. “On three. One, Two…” But three never came and Riley rushed forward with a snarl. The four nude breasts squished as the unique sensation as an equally stacked girl pressed together, and Isabella screamed as she was pushed back to the wall.

    “CHEATING BITCH!” She hissed but a second later was pinned onto the side of the shower stall. Their tits were crushed harder now, as Riley took advantage of her head start meshing their forms. Isabella’s back and thong covered ass was forced back and for the second time in 30 minutes, the Spanish girl found herself pinned to a wall by a big titted slut. It was impossible to ignore that Riley’s body felt good, but in a way, she could not deal with right now if she hoped to win. It was regrettable that she had gotten so horny during her fight with Marissa and didn’t get any release from her roommate. Her dark nipples had already hardened to spikes, but surprisingly Riley’s reddish spikes were impaling her in the same way.

    “Already pinned loner?” Riley giggled, as she rotated her babies on Isabella’s, squishing and softening the other pair for more brutal strikes to come. “You should have left me alone and just accepted that I won my anime convention.”

    Isabella hissed, as she tried to push off the wall, but Riley’s fat chest had her perfectly matched to the point when the sorority girl stopped moving, their nipples were inverting each other.
    “Fucking cheater, I’m going to ruin your pathetic tits.” She gasped, missing the word my in the sorority girl’s words.

    “No, you’re not. And no one is going to save you.” Riley taunted aggressively, then brought her mouth tantalizingly close to Izzy’s. “You see, in my sorority, there is a small group of us that have a different way to settle our disagreements and will be the queens of our school. Maybe that’s what we will use you for, a little practice slut…you can invite the other freak too.”

    Isabella hissed at the implied threat and bumped her hips forward into her rivals with a wet slap. The impact knocked Riley off balance and gave the trapped girl the chance to slide her big ones to the left and away, freeing herself from the wall. Their fingers next broke off, as Riley turned with Isabella, and they slammed together again with their shoulders next to the wall now even as their breasts matched again and again.

    “You are going on the wall next!” Isabella growled, and Riley hissed in response, their mushroomed balls sticking out at the sides. They had wrapped their arms around each other, and Riley reached down to take hold of Isabella’s strong dark buns and felt a returned grip a second later. The firm ass muscles keeping their pose and hold as they felt each other up erotically, but not on purpose. In this new pose, they stepped to the left and went back under the down power of the shower, the water dripping and running down their smooth skin. They seemed to stop there and continued to breast fight in the center of the stall, their vision blurry as the water cascaded off their bodies. The pool created by their fat crushing chests emptied and refilled again and again as they bashed back and forth, continuing to make each other tender.

    Isabella’s muscles strained on Riley’s pale skin as the flesh blended everywhere they touched. It became more difficult to breathe with the increased muscular exertion and bear hug while water poured above them like a waterfall. Their legs moved quickly as if they had begun to dance, stepping around on quick feet with wet slaps on the tile all while keeping their boobs connected. To keep balance while being so tightly wound together, showed their practiced balance, until they forced their wet bare thighs up into the gold and silver bikini bottoms, doing a slight sexual grind that made Isabella gasp. She was still very turned on from her fight with Marissa, and now this breast fight with Riley was sending her body into a deep sexual heat.

    20 seconds passed in this stalemate, only grinding on each other with their womanly breasts and thighs as the leg game switched into hooking, trying to break the other’s stance. The movements of their lower bodies allowed their impressive yet sore bosoms to mushroom each other deeper. Riley was strong, and several times Izzy thought she would be thrown down, but her quickness on her dancing feet kept her up. She struggled against the growing sensation of her nipples being bent on Riley’s soft skin while her silver thong was dislodged slightly. The sexual pull only made it harder to concentrate on the breast fight and getting the eventual pin Isabella knew she would need to force any sort of submission out of her opponent’s mouth.

    Sensing an extra slight shake as they ground sex zones, Riley looked to target another part of the loner’s body that had given the girl the reaction. She pressed her strong thigh hard into Isabella’s silver covered sex harder, and the Spanish girl let out a desperate moan that came deep from her core. The pitch drove Riley further as she suspected this bitch was feeling something other than the pain of grinding their tits, something that hinted towards what they could really do to each other if they had set those conditions. She wanted to pull the silver thong to the side, get her leg directly on her rival’s cunt, but Isabella’s own strength was dangerous to shift against. In fact, every time she tried to do so, her own cunt was pressed by the tanned thigh of the longer girl, sending secret shivers down the sorority girl’s wet body.

    Trying to focus on finding an advantage proved tough as the sound of their gasps and groans filled the small stall. Their chests had proven even thus far, as their arms went to their sides, granting them closer connection down to their belly’s. It was true that having their tits so thoroughly touched by another equal pair was sending stronger spikes of pleasure even as they looked to make the rival woman flat. They had given each other a good tendering, both girls feeling their chest fat moved by the other pair up and down, jiggling all the while.

    The real battle would be on the ground when one on top would use gravity to swing her babies down into the pair, pressing them together until one was like sand. They began to take the steps to topple the other sexy girl to begin that special type of treatment. Ducking slightly, Isabell was able to get her breasts under Riley’s bosom slightly as she pushed them up. The sorority girl gasped as her boobs got shifted as if she was wearing a push-up bra before they slid back into place into their symmetrical docking before Izzy could use it.

    “You are being so uncool right now.” The aloof girl laughed with a grimace, “But I bet that’s normal for you.”

    “You don’t deserve that ribbon.” Isabella hissed back, her hidden temper flaring hotter and hotter.

    A look passed the redhead’s face, a look that seemed to give more away than she expected. “Yes, I did. My costume was perfect! I looked just like my character.” Riley gasped unexpectedly, with an extra push of bodies. For a second Isabella looked openly confused as she sexually struggled against his woman. Then, Riley’s face twisted, and their breasts loosed backing off enough so only their brown nipples flicked.

    “Wait, do you actually care about this award?” She questioned with a confused look.

    “Umm, no I don’t!” Riley responded, but it was so obviously a lie that it almost surprised Isabella more how causal it came mid titfight. Their tits crushed again, and their chins touched on the side of the wall. As they spoke this close, the spit from their mouths spat onto the other’s face.

    “You call Marissa a freak? But you joined this cosplay thing because you wanted to, didn’t you?!

    “No!” Riley lied again, but she seemed to freeze as if she was trying to cover her tracks.

    Isabella hooked her left leg on Riley’s behind the right knee and drew it back. The pressure broke Riley’s stance and she let out a gasp as she lost all power to hold her form against the equally built woman. Isabella spun them, and using her own thigh stuck between Riley’s pythons for power, took them down to the hard wet floor with her on top.

    Slap! Riley’s back hit the hard tile with Isabella on top of her, their firm tits not separating for even half a second. The impact hurt, and Riley for the first time let out a wail of pain as her chest was pressed nearly flat by the top pair. She wrapped her legs around Isabella’s back to try and keep the girl motionless as they struggled now on the floor.

    Legs entangled, they rolled, and Riley took the tops spot a bit out of the water downpour. She pushed their interlaced fingers out and began slamming her upper body up and down in quick succession over and over to Isabella’s agony. Their full chests squished flat and reset each time, neither surrendering even as the pain grew starting at their nipples. Isabella’s strong dark legs writhed, and she pushed herself back, sliding slowly on the tile with Riley’s body still on top of her. The secret anime loving girl tried to follow the movement, but her foot slipped, and she ended up sliding down Izzy’s body so that her face rubbed against the silver thong for a brief second.

    For the first time in minutes their breasts had a moment to rest, but not wasting a breath, Riley pushed up to her knees and off her rival’s legs. The sudden exertion was wearying her out faster than then she expected in this heat and before she could take an advantage, Isabella had matched her pose.

    They sized each other up again, and Isabella let out a huff and a little grin. “So, now I get it. You fucking love anime don’t you? But you don’t want your little sorority to find out, and yet you call Marissa a freak? That’s fucking pathetic.”

    Riley’s eyes narrowed behind the water, then she laughed with her continued aloofness. “Oops, guess I said too much huh? Whatever, so I do like anime, but I won’t give up my sorority for it. I’m finally in the popular group. Even if I have to give up my favorite thing, I’m not about to be some loner in college like I was in high school. I remember when we talked to your roomie about joining. The reactions she got when she admitted to loving anime was exactly what I expected. They would never let her join, and I won’t be like that again!”

    Isabella almost laughed; this girl really didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. “Wow, you know, I almost would feel bad for you. Was the reason you broke Marissa’s costume because you really wanted the money…or were you jealous hers was better? And that she gets to do what she likes not caring what people think of her.”

    The aloof girl’s features hardened, and she was unable to push her emotions down again. “I’m not jealous of that freak! Look how much good being herself has done her? No friends, and a roommate who fucking hates her. I’m not going to be that person again!” She snarled as Riley’s always bored face was now one of fury.

    Isabella steeled herself, it was shocking seeing this new side of this sorority girl, but she couldn’t worry about it now. Riley was already sliding forward on her knees, and Isabella matched; ready to crush tit on tit and settle the score. The nipples met first, tip to tip for a long breath, before they were engulfed by the rest of the meat. Their foreheads bumped and they again almost kissed as they looked to hold this deep pose, grimacing as the soreness of the previous rounds were quick to return.

    “That seemed to piss you off huh? Maybe you are a freak like us.” Isabella taunted through heated breath as their stalemate again turned into light grinding breast on breast. Their bumpy areola seemed to be the pinpoints of grinding on their skin. Riley’s eyes flared, but the focus of the fight still took priority.

    “Still, you needed to cheat to win…how fucking pathetic is that?” Izzy continued, looking to draw out more emotion, using the same tactic she had applied to Marissa. She needed some advantage to make up for the pre soreness of her body.

    “Fuck you. I’m a better cosplayer than her anyway! I just don’t have the time because I’m building a social life! I would NEVER lose one of these, these are my favorite things ever!” The sorority girl admitted, suddenly spanking Izzy hard, but giving up an inch on her tits.

    On their knees, they slapped at each other’s hot asses but ignored their enemies bouncing tits to keep to the rules. The slaps were loud, and the muscled behinds enjoyably took the beating. With a really good spank that froze Isabella, Riley this time got under her rival’s chest and boob uppercut her, bending the dark-skinned girl back just for a millisecond. For a flash, Riley wanted to push her mouth down and begin to suck the brown nipples sticking up, but she resisted the sexual urge. It would open a dangerous game with how sore her own nipples were being connected to this sexy loser, and she doubted this bitch knew the next level of fighting. The delay allowed Isabella to shoot back up and their girls met again as the first signs of real pain began to get felt as they bashed their already sore tits boob to boob multiple times. The impacts starting to create red spots, that were sure to become bruised skin with how hard and fast they were fighting.

    After a hot long stalemate where their nipples inverted each other, Izzy was able to push Riley back a foot in the water, and then when she bent the sorority girl down, she was able to force her onto her side then ass.

    “Ugh.” Riley huffed, landing, their hands connected as she fell and gave the other woman the chance to get her body on top of her as they had been before.

    Isabella took the top spot on Riley’s hips, their fingers still interlaced and waging a war of their own as the main force of their battle compressed. With a desperate cry, Isabella slammed her upper body down crushing the bottom pair with her sore tender breasts. The wet slap was only drowned out by Riley’s scream of pain as they flattened into each other. The Russian looking girl losing the advantage she had taken just a few seconds before and is now on the defensive.

    The cold tile floor was hard on the sorority girl’s back, while her breasts were squished down by the soft but unyielding balls on Isabella’s chest. Her girls had never been matched by a pair like this loner, and it was fucking frustrating. She snarled at Izzy’s close mouth and was snarled back by the red lips of Izzy almost kissing but keeping the soft flesh a centime apart. Their eyes bore into each other, blinking only to stop the water from blurring their vision more. Their flat smooth stomachs were touching just enough to show how tightly they kept each other.

    “You quit you little anime slut?” Isabella hissed, a slight bit of desperation in her voice.
    “Fuck you,” Riley growled back, but her voice quivered just enough for Isabella to hear it.

    Knowing this was her chance to finish the fight, Isabella leaned back and up and shot down with a force tit first. It was a loud slap as the four balls of womanly meant met but this time Riley had puffed her chest up and even with gravity on Isabella’s side, she was pressed back slightly more letting out a hiss of pain.

    They pressed on for an extra second and this crash ended up a stalemate, as they both let out little whimpers while rolling their boobs on each other over and over, almost tenderizing each other before they slapped again. Up and down the fats moved, their still hard nipples dragging on each other’s skin like knives on tender meat. It was undeniably erotic, and if they weren’t hell-bent on the destruction of the other’s chest, they might have fallen trap to the sexual pulses in their covered cunts that were no longer willing to be ignored.

    They ended up resting in this position, Riley’s long red hair spread out behind her head, her face turned as she breathed feeling the water rushing between her back and the tile. This big titted, sexy bitch on top of her, pressing down on her with not just her breasts but her stomach and hips drove her crazy. They were touching each other in the shower as if they were going to collapse from their fight and begin to fuck without any hesitation.

    Their hot bodies had been connected for an extended time to the point it felt weirdly natural to touch the other everywhere. The erogenous zones around their brown and red nipples had goosebumps as they fought the intense hotness between their legs. They rested for a second under the water, Isabella’s brown nipples bent and lost in the fat on Riley’s chest. She felt like they were going to fall off if she touched them, but they still had a job to do. She just wondered how much longer she could go because this fight was already far more intense than she had anticipated.

    She knew her girls had been bruised a bit and were now almost broken in this nasty shower fight. She had no other action than try to finish this match here and now, because if she was forced back down to the bottom…it would be over. She felt the hot water pour on her neck and move down her curves before dripping onto Riley. The pain in her breasts did help distract from the desire of her sex begging to be touched, both from this fight and the previous one with Marissa.

    Honestly, she wasn’t’ sure she had another breast slap in her and could only hope Riley didn’t either. Her brown girls were screaming for a break, for an end, being a maid for a bunch of sorority sluts wouldn’t be so bad, she thought for a second. Not just her tits, but her pussy was tight, holding onto an orgasm that would both drain her last bit of energy and give the sorority girl the full advantage if she exploded.

    She decided one more, and then she would quit because no matter how bad she wanted it for Mari, her tits could not take anymore. She pulled her wet upper body of Riley’s once again, letting their tits to shift back into their usual perfect form, though both pairs looked a bit more swollen and red. Their brown nipples were still sharp, but all four shafts looked as if they had been bent slightly from the jarring impacts in the last 10 minutes. Izzy took a breath, pushing her darker still firm tits and ready to risk it all. Time froze with water pouring down every inch of her body, her long black soaked, her normally passive face one of rage. She felt her tight silver bikini pressed down on her rival’s hips and was aware of how close the two still protected cunts were from each other.

    She began to lower her worn down torso, but at the last second right before the impact, Riley’s eyes went wide. “OH GOD, I QUIT! STOP! YOU WIN!”.

    The words hit Isabella’s ear halfway down and she froze just before the crushing blow. Half of her wanted to do the final crush, while the other half demanded she save her own girls from more damage. The second half won out and she backed off flipping her soaked black hair back with a slap. She let out her held breath and pushed her body down on Riley’s hips in a dominating manner.

    “Say it again,” Isabella demanded over the sound of the shower water. She felt as if a massive weight was lifted off her chest and the thrill of victory dulled the ache. She glared down at Riley, whose face looked pained from the fight, yet still angry…as if she was surprised the surrender had escaped her lips.

    “You win…take the ribbon,” Riley growled again, though not as passive as a woman who had just lost should seem in Isabella’s eyes. The hot water was still pouring atop them and causing a cover of steam in the heated arena. For a second, Izzy forgot about the prize or her roommate and was just basking in the glory of her tits lasting longer than this new incredible rival. This sorority and secret anime-loving bitch thought she could play the game she and Marissa perfected…well, at least she had been taught her lesson.

    Riley looked pained and furious as she felt her proud chest hurt worse now that the fight was over. The loss of both the fight and the ribbon stung...because she did want it. The piece of her that she hid, the loser she had been in high school was desperate to prove she had earned it. She might not have been able to show it off to her sisters, but it would have meant a lot.

    Annoyingly it felt as though practice bouts she had been in with her sister’s had not prepared her for a real fight against another woman built like her. She knew her friends would give her so much shit for losing a titfight…and especially to one of the freaks who turned joining her sorority down. At least the weekend wasn’t fully ruined because she had gotten the money for the sorority games, so she could hide it. But her pride was far more important to her. The only thing that mattered now was to beat this loner freak. She would do the next cosplay event that came up and was sure she could find a way to corner her…or Marissa.

    Isabella slowly stood up over her beaten rival as Riley pushed herself up to her elbows looking up but still on her back. Unable to stop herself, the sorority girl hissed, “Bitch…this isn’t over. I will beat your roommate in any cosplay event she does, and you and your freak of a roommate are going to fucking cry when I and my sisters get our hands on you.”

    Isabella raised an eyebrow at the threat, both of them. So, she really does care? It was hilarious this bitch really thought she could talk shit to her after crying out her surrender seconds prior, “Whatever you say Riley, but you know how you said this is how you and your sister’s settle disputes?”

    Riley went quiet and shot a nasty glare at Isabella not really understanding what she was going at. The normally quiet girl’s face twisted into a cruel but sexy smile, as she stood in just her silver thong bikini over her near-nude rival.

    “Well, let me show you how freaks like Mari and I settle our disputes.” She breathed, and before Riley could react, she had dropped back to her knees and taken one of the bent nipples of her rival into her warm mouth. The sorority girl screamed in pain, shooting her hands to pull Isabella off by the curly long black hair, but Izzy had latched on hard and was sucking with a force.

    “BITCH!” Riley wailed knowing her secret was out to this freak. She couldn’t focus for long, however, as the satisfaction from Isabella’s soft tongue sent shocks of gratification from the abused boobs. That was just the beginning as Isabella attacked her breast rival on multiple fronts. While the sorority girl had been trying to dislodge her, Izzy slipped her hand down her rival’s wet sexy body and right into the tight gold thong. Riley seemed to freeze as Izzy’s hand found her smooth wet pussy that was sending off heat hotter than the pouring water. After one touch, it was clear that water wasn’t the only thing that had soaked it over the last 10 minutes. Even while sucking, Isabella’s lips curled into a smile, it seemed their hard nipples had been a bit more of a sign than they let on about how turned on they had become. It only made it easier as Isabella began to finger the bottom girl’s sex whose attempt to escape faltered.

    “This is a sexfight slut!” Isabella growled as she switched tits with her mouth and curled her finger right into Riley’s g-spot at the same time. This is what she liked, and it was clear as Riley’s screams turned into moans of desire that she liked it too.

    “You bitch! I know how to fucking sexfight…ahhh!”, Riley groaned as she tried to control her pulsing cunt, but her tits were in no condition to press against the other pair and she was hornier than she realized after rubbing up so much against this hot freak. Their bodies strained under the water, as the two gorgeous co-eds wrestled for half a second, but was clear Isabella was in control.

    “Good, I’m glad!” Isabella hissed back, as her thumb found Riley’s now fully revealed love nub. She pressed it into the hood, and only a second later Riley began to cum, basking in the mixed pain and pleasure forced onto her by the loner freak.

    “UGH!” The sorority girl cried, her pussy convulsing in her gold thong, tightening on the invader’s digits as Isabella finger fucked her, the second woman to orgasm in less than an hour from those fingers. It was weird how similar Riley and Marissa felt as they came, their pussies seemed to tighten in the same manner while the bottom’s girl’s back curved and she let out a deep moan. Her eyes almost went cross like some real anime slut, as she humped into the finger’s accepting her fate as her indulgence filled her body. Isabella felt every second, she knew what Riley was feeling and was almost jealous of how intense it must feel.

    There under the pool shower, the spicy loner girl drew the orgasm out as she switched tits a few more times with her mouth and even found Riley’s still erect clit in which she gave a soft pinch with her cum covered fingers. On her exposed clit getting pressed, Riley humped up into her rival’s hands and wailed as she seemingly exploded a second time in a matter of seconds. It wasn’t the strongest orgasm Isabella had given during a sexfight, but it was enough. She withdrew her messy hand as soon as Riley’s cunt relaxed on her fingers and pushed herself off the heavy breathing sorority girl.

    Isabella looked down at her defeated rival and couldn’t help but smirk. “That’s so funny that you secretly love anime. Too bad you aren’t as confident as Marissa and own it, maybe it would help you fight or fuck better. I’m sure your sorority sisters would understand.” She finished sarcastically.

    Riley didn’t answer, but Izzy noticed that her eyes closed a little bit tighter as if the words hurt her more than she would ever say.

    Isabella said nothing else as Riley’s sex and mind danced on cloud hell laying on the shower floor now with her sex drained and tits broken by the other pair. Bruised, sore, but victorious, Isabella stood up, her own tits starting to swell from the impacts of the drawn-out fight. Even though she had won, it had been too close to comfort. This Riley woman’s body was dangerous, and she had a bad feeling that this was not the end of their war.

    But she won the battle and to the victor go the spoils. She leaned down and peeled the gold thong bottoms off Riley, leaving her nude in the small shower stall. The secret loving anime girl didn’t resist, but she knew what was happening. This Isabella girl…had gotten her to say things she had hidden deep, and she knew her reputation could be at stake if word got out of her anime love or her defeat.

    Isabella wasn’t even thinking about that now though, as she picked up both their bikini tops and the ribbon from the girl’s bag as she left the stall leaving the still dazed satisfied girl on the cold wet tile floor. It wasn’t the money or the sponsors, but at least she could prove to Marissa that she wasn’t the one to destroy her costume, then they could go their separate ways if Mari still wanted.

    She put on Riley’s gold top that matched well with her silver bottoms. She quickly found a towel at the station to wrap around her body, not wanting to give away any sign of what had just happened in the small stall. With the new bikini bottoms in hand and the cosplay ribbon in her other, she left the pool area and made her way back inside unable to wipe the small grin on her red lips.

    A few minutes later, and Isabella walked into the shared hotel room. Marissa was in the same position when she had left almost an hour ago, though the pillow she was crying in had been swapped out. The blonde was quiet except for her ragged breaths and this time didn’t react when the door closed. Isabella assumed her roommate had cried herself out, but she still wasn’t sure how willing she would be to listen. Still wearing her new mismatched bikini, she crawled onto the bed on her back next to Marissa. The blonde, sensing it was not Amber finally moved, but only to roll to her side facing away from Izzy and towards the window.

    It was now or ever, and with a deep breath, Isabella started, “Mari…you don’t have to talk, just listen.” She waited, to give her roommate a chance, but as expected Marissa remained quiet.

    “Listen, I know we both have made a lot of mistakes since meeting each other but…, and I’m going, to be honest with you so don’t laugh…you know how hard this is for me.”

    No response and Isabella took a calming breath, she had just had a vicious titfight for her roommate’s happiness, if that didn’t say I don’t hate you and I want to be friends; she had no idea what would. “The truth is Mari, I don’t hate living with you.” She said, looking up at the ceiling. “I mean, I still want to like…beat you at everything…especially sex, but like, it is more fun having a roommate that can kinda match me. I could find a way to live alone I’m sure, and I bet you could do too even after what happened down at the contest. But I want to live with you.” She finished and let out a gasp of air like she had been holding in her breath and finally had said it. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been this open with someone.

    She paused, unsure of what to say next, but noticed Marissa wasn’t breathing as heavy, meaning she was at least listening. Going with the only thing she had, she reached off the bed and grabbed the ribbon. “Here, I got this for you.”

    She held up the prize in the air, and Marissa’s hazel eyes cracked open to turn around and look at whatever it was. Then at the sight of her bikini wearing roommate holding the first-place trophy of the cosplay contest, the hazel eyes shot fully open.

    “What?” Marissa gasped through a little sob as she pushed herself up slightly for the first time in an hour and half-turned to face Isabella. The blonde quickly took in the sight of her still slightly wet roommate and was surprised to see a small smile on Isabella’s lips. The black-haired woman didn’t say anything but handed her the ribbon. Marissa looked at it for a long second before reaching out and taking it like it was a trick. She ran her fingers over before looking back at Isabella.

    “You don’t own a gold bikini top…” Marissa said firstly, and Isabella couldn’t help but laugh out of all things her roommate would notice first.

    “I do now…but forget that. You deserve this because you should have won it. I got it off Riley after we…talked. She admitted to messing up your costume, but I couldn’t get her to record it, so I guess I don’t really have proof except for this ribbon…and her bikini as you noticed.”

    Marissa was now fully looking at her with a stare that was half wondering and half confused. “You…you are telling the truth…aren’t you Izzy?” She whispered, and Isabella smiled at her roommate using her nickname.

    “Yeah…I think she stole your key at breakfast and when you went to sign up with Amber…she sent her friends to ruin your costume. She must have overheard me and Amber at breakfast which is how they found out our room number. And to be honest…I…went to the gym and didn’t stay in here like you asked…and I’m sorry, that’s my bad.” Isabella explained, looking a bit sheepish near the end.

    Marissa meanwhile seemed to be thinking hard, but after an hour of crying, she was struggling to take in all this information at once. “It…wasn’t you.” She breathed, letting out a slightly less sob this time. Isabella gave her a small smile and nodded. She then took one more deep breath, “Mari…I need to ask you again, and I understand that the situation might even be worse than before when I asked you. If you don’t want to live with me, I get you and we will figure it out…but will you be my roommate next year?”

    Marissa sat up slowly, and wiped her red puffy eyes, “You…you…still want to live with me again after…after all, I said to you during our fight?” She fully turned in bed and looked at her roommate for the first time, the hazel eyes red and puffy. It was a bit weird lying in bed with her nude roommate and not trying to pin her, but Isabella figured she and Marissa had long passed anything that normal roommates would do.

    “Yeah, and I mean…we have both said a lot of things all year that I don’t think we meant. I know…this is weird, but I think that’s why I want to live with you. You are an annoying bitch, but you are an annoying bitch that I know and understand. We are kinda a team…two freaks in a pod.” Then she gave Marissa a sly look. “Plus, I also won’t be happy until I have you as a slave as you had me for at least a month.

    Marissa looked and let out one last sob that was a laugh. “Yeah…I guess we are.” She wiped her eyes and then nodded, “Well, I really would like to be your roommate again too…Izzy. But we can still hate each other’s bodies though, right?” She asked, with what sounded like genuine worry as blinked away the last few tears.

    Isabella let out a rare laugh from her very serious look the last few minutes, “Oh, of course, we are going to keep ‘hating’ each other! We are NOT Maggie and Amber and never will be. Honestly, I think we will always be rivals, but rivals who accept that the other isn’t the worse roommate that she can find.” She finished, and they locked eyes for a long time as a little desire slipped into their conversation.

    It was broken a few seconds later by Marissa who was slowly nodding. “Ok…cool.” There was a second long silence until Marissa just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Can I hug you? Just once I promise.”

    Isabella looked at her roommate, who could only be described as a sad kitten. “Fine.” She huffed and had zero time to react, as the fully nude Marissa jumped up and hugged her much tighter than expected. Izzy gasped as her tender boobs pressed into Marissa’s hot form, and she let out a wail of pain. Marissa instantly let go and cried out an apology and then demanded to know every little detail of what happened. Isabella began to explain, and Marissa gasped at the aggressive details, Riley’s secret love of anime, and the implications of the sorority games for the two roommates. After a long talk, they simply relaxed and ended up ordering a large bottle of wine under Amber’s name and very fatty food to the room to make up for some lost time…as they laughed endlessly about the year they had.

    Two hours later when Marissa was finally feeling a lot better, she looked over at her roommate who resting with her eyes closed.

    “Hey, can we go look for Amber? I want to make sure she is okay?”

    Izzy’s brown eyes opened, and she sat up. She nodded, “Should we go check by the pool? They might have ended up by there by now.”

    Marissa agreed and went to grab a bikini when Izzy grabbed her arm with a mischievous grin. “Hey, do you want to try on my new gold bikini? I think if we see Riley, it will be even better if you are wearing it.”

    Marissa grinned back at her, “Oh! That’s a fun idea, I think that it will fit me perfectly.”

    A few minutes later, the girls had dawned their skimpy attire and headed out to the pool. They may have looked a bit more ragged than usual, but for once, they had smiles on their faces walking side by side.

    =====To be continued.
    Well, that was fun. A bit messy and more violent than I normally write, but fun. Hopefully, you enjoyed it. Now on to finishing Bianca and Amber, before getting back to Maggie.

    Response time!
    Demba- Thank you! Bianca is so fun to write about, and I want to use her a lot more coming up. The pale spider will officially be her supervillain name if I write like that one day. She is sexy and determined, a good combo.

    Anubisx- Applause back!

    JB!- As always, your feedback is awesoem. I promise the magnititude duel is up next after a Maggie story now that Perfect Ingreidtnt is FINALLY done.

    Eights- Its true, I agree about Bianca, but we will see if she can take down Amber, the blonde is equally as intense as her. You were right that Mari and Izzy did end up being friendly, after a pretty nasty showdown. I like them as a team coming up and I do think they are fun together if their war with the sorority girls comes to fruition. I can promise they won’t ever be a couple like Maggie and Amber. These story fights are a bit more violent than normal, but I do have more sexy playful ones coming up next, looking forward to posting them.

    Giannis- Thank you! The orgy fight is posted, thought I’m still unsure on how I handled it. I think its good, but went off a bit of what I had planned. Happens. Hopefully this new part hits your expecations.

    Ageon- Bianca is FIRE. Another villain you like more haha.

    Apenman- Wow, thank you, for the message! Can’t lie, did look up the word idiosyncrasy hahaa. Your comments are so nice, and I’m glad you liked it. I do want to get back to more playful, sarcastic one day, but need to practice that a lot. I just like being in their heads, but I do agree it gets messy. This part I think was one of them that worried me.

    Ultimate- Hmm, no I don’t think bianca cares as much about Maggie anymore. Maybe a bit on the revenge aspect? But not as strong as it was before. I think Amber would still be a bit more nervous about the relationship. She has never had one, but it will be interesting to see how she handles it and if more fights strengthen or weaken her resolve.
    Jenny and Bianca will be explained, though i don’t know if I will show their entire fight. I REALLY want to get Jenny more into the stories. She has been a bit sidelined, but hopefully not for long.

    OK! Thanks all. Till next time.
    Last edited by kingofdapirates1; August 27th, 2021 at 08:20 AM.

  4. #14
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    I'll go ahead and buy some Riley's stock while it is still cheap.
    I loved this entry, that Riley girl will look very nice sitting next to my Pale Spider Bianca

  5. #15
    Senior Hostboard Member Spear's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    it is unbelievable how fast you put out content in that quality. Great work.
    Some of that story was a bit more violent than my personal taste but you pulled it off to still keep me in it. The new bad girl is really promising and I like that she is not a one dimensional villan.
    I love the new attitude between Izzy and Marissa.
    Can‘t wait to see where the story goes next for them

  6. #16
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Well, I’m all caught up now. I originally wanted to wait until it was all uploaded to Rival’s site but I just couldn’t wait. Once again, excellent work. I love a good shower fight. That bitch Riley got what she deserved. Looking forward to Amber and Bianca going at it.

  7. #17
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    Well, I’m all caught up now. I originally wanted to wait until it was all uploaded to Rival’s site but I just couldn’t wait. Once again, excellent work. I love a good shower fight. That bitch Riley got what she deserved. Looking forward to Amber and Bianca going at it.
    Riley is money, i'm telling you.

  8. #18
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Dear King,

    I finally got the time to read Part 2. I was a bit surprised that the whole thing was about Isabella and Marissa, but the story did a lot to add to their characters and actually make them into distinctive personalities - more than anything else you have written about them to this point, I think. I loved the fight between the women in the room and Isabella's showdown with Riley. I do wish that Izzy had managed to get some sexual satisfaction/pleasure herself, out of all of the sexual encounters she had over that relatively brief time. But it was great to see her fight for Marissa. The two of them now have a chance to become genuine friends. Even the fact that they have taken becoming a couple off the table, they can still be "friends with benefits" (or continue being such).

    Great work! Now, I'm really pulling for Part 3 of this story and the long-awaited Amber vs. Bianca fight (though I think I have an inkling of what will happen there).

    Looking forward to the conclusion of "The Magnitude Duel"!


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    Re: The Freak Convention Part 2

    More violence than i expected.
    Less trib than i expected (almost not at all, for first time).
    Even if these two characteristics (minimum violence, maximum trib) picture my taste, I LIKED this chapter !
    It was good for me too ! OK, not among the very best (my taste speaks) but good !

    As i have said, he is a TALENTED writer, HE DOES KNOW TO WRITE !!
    (i will not be surprised if he is also very good for non erotic stories).
    Besides, I bet that there are readers who liked this chapter more !

    Let's go for the continuation !!
    I can hardly wait !

  10. #20
    Junior Hostboard Member UltimateZeroStar's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention


    Another amazing part.
    I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Riley. I like her a lot. I hope she pops up again.

    I definitely feel like Isabella and Marissa are a lot closer now. Marissa having another friend feels really good. It'll be interesting to see what happens to them in the future. The fight between Marissa and Isabella was a lot more brutal than I thought it would be.

    People calling Izzy and Marisa "Freaks" was an interesting twist. I feel like I've seen that kind of thing a lot in real life. Especially the stuff with Riley.

    Excited to see where the stuff with Amber and Bianca is going? I have an idea but you always exceed expectations. You always have such creative ideas for these fights.

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