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Thread: The Freak Convention

  1. #21
    Hostboard Member Maritalkombat's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention


    Late to the party on this one. I've been meaning to comment for a while. I usually enjoy your more erotic/sexual style, especially with the little micro aggressions, a la Maggie and Bianca. I was a little surprised how rough it got between Amber and Bianca. But you made it work and have me excited for more.

    I was really leaning towards Marissa and Isabella as my new favorite duo for their dynamics and physical descriptions. Then you throw Riley in the mix! And with Sylvia still lurking around, and Elise and Carrie a part of your literary sexfightverse, it's impossible to choose favorites at least for me.

    As always, thanks for amazing content! Can't wait for the next chapters of the Maggie Amber sagas, and I'm on the edge of my seat for your "Halloween Special". Keep up the great work.

  2. #22
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention Part 3

    Part 3

    Amber stood at the door of room 509 with a look of pure disdain on her beautiful face. This weekend was supposed to be just fun times with her and Marissa, eyeliner for her to really think about what she needed to say to Maggie about how she wanted to move forward in their relationship. Now that was all out of the window because inside the room was one of the most intense sluts she had ever met in her life. Her girlfriend’s co-worker, and an indirect reason for the extra heartbreak and pain she and Maggie had gone through in the last year. Bianca was only a bitch in her eyes, and after their pool spat, she knew equally as dangerous as she was when it came down to it. It was ironic to Amber because Bianca’s real personality was how she had imagined Maggie when they first met. But it was clear that this woman didn’t have Maggie’s kindness and willingness that had somehow made the ex-student fall in love with the redheaded librarian. No, this raven-haired bitch had a temper and much nastier vicious streak in her. Not unlike herself, Amber thought with a grimace.

    She knew Maggie had been trying to keep her and Bianca separated since the Gala, but it seemed that had failed. Bianca had cornered her, and Amber was very much ok with that. This other librarian was hurting her girlfriend indirectly, and she wouldn’t have it. She would deal with Bianca herself and get the bitch off their back for good.

    She knocked twice and on the third, the door opened to reveal the pale goddess standing there in a short midnight black robe as dark as the hair on her head. Amber had gone back to her room before coming, and it seemed in the time Bianca had already changed. Her silky straight black locks were in a tight bun as if she was at work while her lips were now a deep blood red making them look fuller than normal. Her dark black eyeliner highlighted the crystal blue eyes that were behind a pair of small square black glasses bridged on her nose. She looked like a hawk with how intensely she was observing her new arrival; then, the librarian smiled.

    “Oh, Amber, what a surprise.” She teased with a hidden snark. “You took longer than I expected…did you go and change for me?” She finished with a lick of the very dark red lips. She took in the blonde’s style and had a small shudder go down her spine. Skintight black jeans and a tiny red tank top. The blonde’s model-like face had a bit of eyeliner as well above the hard brown orbs, yet Bianca’s eyes were drawn to the small nose ring, a silver dot on the unblemished skin of the guitarist. Amber did look delicious as she was, but for this night to be perfect and go her way, Bianca knew she needed full control.

    “Well, I do love the look, but not exactly what I had in mind for you and me tonight. Luckily, I found your outfit at Miss Keeling’s little convention and placed it in the bathroom for you. Please go change and then we can discuss the terms of our engagement.”

    Amber’s face, which was already scowling, twisted into a forced smile. “Bianca, I’m here to talk about Maggie and about you leaving us alone. I’m already tired of your bullshit, and equally, I’m not going to get dressed up for you for whatever sick idea you have.” She hissed and walked forward but Bianca stepped in front of her so that they almost bumped chest to chest behind their clothes.

    “You may come in, only if you adhere to my dress code…or you may leave, and I’ll be forced to take more drastic steps.” The librarian breathed with sudden hardness, then her voice softened. “Pick.”

    The standoff in the hotel hallway was brief between the two beauties, but Amber hissed a few seconds later between gritted teeth. “Fine.”

    Bianca licked her lips once again now standing much closer to the other woman. “Good choice.” She whispered, as she stood aside and allowed Amber into her room without touching. The blonde moved past her and then took a quick left into the bathroom off the hall.

    The blonde couldn’t help rolling her eyes as she was presented what looked like an anime schoolgirl outfit hanging in the shower. “What the hell?” She said loud enough that Bianca would have heard it from outside the door but got no answer. She had seen these types of outfits before, mostly because Marissa owned several of them. It was very basic, consisting of a very short red and black plaid skirt and a tight button-up white collard top. Long thigh-high white socks were there to complete the look, though the three-inch white sandal heels were a bit out of place. She looked under the clothes and confirmed there were no thong or bra, but Amber hadn’t really expected there to be. Wanting this conversation over with…but also knowing the chances of getting out of this room with her clothes intact were low, Amber changed into the little sexy outfit. She fully got dressed and even decided to leave her own black thong off and go commando in the tiny skirt. After the pool fight, she wasn’t about to lose two of her favourite skimpy thongs to this bitch in one weekend.

    Amber marched out of the bathroom looking even more annoyed in this new get up, only to see Bianca resting on her side atop the bed. In this position, the black robe was nearly as high as Amber’s skirt, which didn’t even fully cover the blonde’s toned ass when she stood still.

    “Happy bitch? Ready to talk?” She hissed unable to keep the frustration out of her voice. Why she had followed the request she wasn’t sure, but maybe there was a tiny part of her that wanted to look sexy in front of Bianca. There was no question that this stupid outfit did have a flair to it, and made her body look fantastic. Hell, there was a chance she could win the cosplay contest in this.

    “Oh my, that looks even better than I expected.” Bianca cooed while biting the tip of her red nails while Amber stood there in the sexy getup. The blonde had only done up two of the shirt’s buttons, so her massive tits were nearly popping out. Amber cocked her hip at the comment, and the skirt flowed up to show off even more leg and ass when viewed from behind.

    The pale girl flipped around and put her long legs off the bed. For a second, the black robe got caught behind the librarian and Amber’s eye’s flashed down for a peak. For just a second, Amber glimpsed Bianca’s tight pink slit between the strong pale thighs of her rival before the sex was hidden again by the robe. Amber took a deep breath, it seemed Bianca was wearing nothing underneath as well.

    The librarian stood up on her black heels but moved away from Amber as she began to speak, “Never would have imagined that this weird convention thing would have so many outfits that would pique my interest. I’m honestly surprised you were so willing to change, but I do like you in it.”

    “I did the one thing you asked, now we are going to talk about you, Maggie, and the papers you said,” Amber demanded pointing a finger and her own red nails at the other woman.

    “Hmm, soon.” Bianca said as she turned around at the far seat and again let out a small laugh seeing Amber dressed up like a little schoolgirl, “You pull it off well, much like Miss Keeling, she did look quite fuckable when she dressed like that back during her internship.”

    “Ahh, so it’s some kink of yours?” Amber snickered. “The snooty librarian has a freaky side to her. Maybe you should go check out the rest of the cosplayers? You will fit right in.”

    “No thank you, but I’ll admit maybe it’s a little bit of a kink, but mostly the reason I made you change was just to get you used to taking my orders,” Bianca said with a light purr. Amber paused her walk forward towards the other chair but brushed off the comment. She was sure Bianca would play these mind games, so she might as well get used to them. Amber’s eyes now drifted and took in the much bigger and nicer room than she, Mari and Izzy were staying in. It was the kind of room Amber was used to staying in when she wanted to spoil herself by spending a little extra money and it bugged her that Bianca seemed willing to do the same. It had a massive bed to her left on the wall, a huge desk in the far-right corner, and a large TV up on the wall. In the far-left corner, there were two big puffy chairs with a small table between them. On the short table were a half-empty bottle next to two large completely full glasses of red wine and some papers.

    She finished her scanning and looked back to see Bianca was standing in front of the wine and table. Before sitting, the pale woman reached up and released her bun of hair letting the long black strands fall to the mid of her back. She ran her hands through the silk, her pale tits sticking out in challenge to Amber’s girls, stretching the black silk, desperate to be free from their bond much like the blonde’s own jugs.

    Satisfied with her hair, she motioned to the seat across from her, “Take a seat Amber, and let’s chat.”

    Amber took a few steps forward still with a scowl on her face but did not sit. “No more games Bianca. First, you are going to give me anything you got this weekend to fuck over Maggie, and second; I want you to say right now, you will leave Maggie and myself alone for good.”

    Bianca looked at her with a raised eyebrow but didn’t respond. Instead, she sat down in the far chair and crossed her long legs giving Amber another flash of her bare pussy and hips. Then, grinning as she had seen Amber’s eyes flicker down to her sex, she took a short sip of the wine.

    Amber watched the display and suddenly felt thirsty while the other woman took a long sip. Bianca finished with an ahh and gave Amber an equally intense glare that she was receiving from the ex-student. “You want me to leave you both alone? Hmm, I will consider it, but first I want you to admit how very attracted you are to me.”

    Amber gave a short loud laugh ignoring the request, “Bianca, unless you give me what I want, I’m going to fucking kill you. I didn’t want to fight you this weekend, but you messed with me, and worse; you threatened Maggie…I won’t forgive that.” Then, unable to stop herself, she leaned forward, her giant breasts hanging down and picked up her glass. She brought it to her mouth and in aggressive display drank a big gulp of the smooth liquid.

    Bianca watched for a second, then took a huge gulp of her own, both girl’s finishing half of their glasses in a second. The librarian then twirled the drinking glass in her hand as she eyed the other woman. “Please Amber, at least be honest with me. You do want to fight me, just as bad as I want to fight you and don’t forget, you were the one who jumped me at the Gala. You made me cum on your hot sweaty body when I was in the middle of fighting your bandmate. And before I could return the favor, you ran away with the little redhead like a coward. Now it’s time for my revenge because I want more, so much more of that hot sensation, and I’m going to take it.”

    “Really that is what this is all about? Not even your job? Are you that desperate? Can’t get me out of your head? You’re pathetic.” Amber shot in quick succession before finishing the rest of the wine. She put down the finished glass as the warmth in her stomach spread down her body. This conversation was already so different from what she imagined, and something told her that she had misread this situation.

    Bianca stood up to match Amber and placed her own now empty wine glass on the table. Then she leaned down slightly, her robe was loose enough so that plenty of deep pale cleavage could be viewed by the brown eyes. “Well, if you aren’t going to sit like a mature adult, we can stand and talk terms. Do you want me to stop messing with Maggie? I’ll consider it, but only if you agree to my demands.”

    “Tell me right now what you got this weekend or I’m leaving.” Amber threatened as she crossed her arms under her big jugs.

    “You aren’t going anywhere.” Bianca swiftly responded with a threatening tone. “Not until you start taking my orders.” The red lips curled up as the professional woman who held such a haughty attitude most times slowly disappeared. Her real self, the self she only showed to lucky and obedient people was coming out to play.

    “What the fuck do you want with me?” Amber hissed as she tried to make sense of it all, “Is this really all about the Gala? Or your job? Are you that desperate to beat Maggie that you want to fight?”

    “This isn’t about Maggie, in fact, I have nothing on her here. These papers won’t help her or myself get the desired promotion, the hosts emailed her everything, so she and I will have to meet with them personally to figure that out. But…you…I just knew you would come running to help your little orgy slut if I just mentioned her name.”

    “Then why? What…if you are just going to meet Maggie…what do you…” But Amber was cut off quickly.

    “What do I want? Well, I think that is abundantly clear...I want you.” Bianca breathed with a sensuality that would send men and women to their knees. Amber didn’t react visibly, however, but the words and tone sent a shiver down her spine that was fear and desire.

    Bianca stood up to her full height causing her robe to become looser and show off more of her bare skin. Her large firm breasts were threatening to come free from their silk bonds challenging Amber’s equally sized jugs. A big white smile was on her normally scowling face as she viewed the punk girl in front of her. “After your little stunt at the Gala, I have been thinking about you every single day. I have gathered information about you, studied your body, your attitude, and have concluded that you are everything I want. You are going to be mine.” Bianca breathed and it felt like the air was sucked out of the room.

    Amber fully froze looking at this sexy librarian, “What the fuck does that mean? Be yours?” Amber questioned at the other woman while the hair on her neck began brisling. The way Bianca was talking and looking at her was unlike anyone ever had. It was a mix of possessiveness, dangerousness, and a sense of hunting that she usually gave and did not receive.

    “Oh, I think you understand Amberrr. You’re going to be my little girlfriend. My sexy little sub. My pet.” Bianca explained, her blue eyes looking hungrier than Amber had seen in a person’s stare.

    “I have a girlfriend,” Amber responded quickly, the only thought coming into her head. She took a step backwards, moving the chair and while glancing at the door behind her. She was not normally one to run in the face of whatever challenge this was, but she felt a flash of fear at the words. A challenge to her relationship was not something she wanted to deal with, not with her own insecurities already digging at her.

    Bianca however, wasn’t done and took a small step to the side of the table. “Yes, you have mentioned your relationship status several times. I’m so happy that you and the redheaded slut admitted your feelings, but it’s of no matter to me. Relations can change quite easily when the right type of pressure is applied.”

    “You want to be in a relationship with me? I hardly know you!” Amber shot back trying to make some reason out of what Bianca was saying.

    “You will get to know me, so that is not a problem. It will be fast as well because our new relationship will be built on dominance, as women like us must have.” Bianca replied as if it was of absolutely no concern that she demanding someone who was taken.

    Amber’s mind was turning, out of every way this conversation could have gone, this was so far out of left field that she couldn’t think straight. “But why me? Why not Maggie? Why not Marissa, or Isabella? Or Jenny? Fuck there are so many other women who you know!”

    Bianca paused as she considered each name and then shrugged, “Personally, I don’t like redheads for my pets, and Miss Reynolds would bore me. Granted, she has more spunk than I realized when I first met her. She even got me once because I…”

    “Twice. She got you twice.” Amber hissed, defending her girlfriend and feeling a flush of pride in the redhead’s sexual abilities.

    Bianca’s mouth clicked and her calm face twisted into one of rage. “Do NOT interrupt me, Amber, I’m already going to have to punish you quite a bit so it’s best for you to be quiet.”

    “Fuck you.”

    Bianca almost launched herself at the sexy dressed schoolgirl for the talk-back but stopped herself. There was plenty of time for that if required, so instead, she grinned, “There is that bad girl attitude I love, I hope you keep it up all night.” She waited for Amber to speak again, but the blonde stayed quiet, so Bianca continued, “She even got me ONCE because I underestimated her, and the second time, I had her down until the little interns joined us. Each time she gets lucky, but she won’t be next time and that time is going to be very soon. I and my new friends are going to ensure it to put her in a position...that well…hmm you know that is for later.”

    A million questions flew through Amber’s head, but in her current predicament she couldn’t really think about what Bianca was implying or the threat she was applying.

    The professional seemed lost in thought for a second as she thought about the other women she had met over the last year, “As for Miss Sanz I admit, I do still like her though our partnership is no longer required, but she is too cold, and I like a little more emotion in my pets. Miss Keeling was a very interesting prospect I won’t deny…but I found her too annoying. I could train her, but it’s preferable when a pet is already more my style. And Jenny? Well, we started off on the wrong foot, but now…I think soon we will be the of best friends, we get along. And before you ask, Silvia is a bit too wild for my taste…just look at what she and Miss Reynolds are getting up to. I have a friend named Natalie just like her. Did I hit everyone you could think? Or do you want to know about the other prospects you beat out my soon to be pet?”

    “Who the fuck is Natalie?” Amber asked, her mind too full of questions to inquire about anything else. Other names ran through her head, Teagan the chef, that Paige woman, and the group of sorority girls that Marissa talked about, but this Natalie had been paired with Silvia and Jenny, yet she had never heard the name before.

    “Oh, I’m sure you will meet her soon. She is an old friend of mine and funnily enough, she and Silvia are quite good friends too. Such a small little sex contest world we live in. I bet she can’t wait to meet you or really Miss Reynolds. She loves slutty nerds.”

    Amber didn’t respond but felt more chills. The number of women like this only made her life harder, and the tension and worry she felt for her relationship was building in her core. Bianca however didn’t notice and simply kept grinning at her soon to be prey.

    “But enough about them, because you won Amber, you are figuratively perfect. Exactly what I want to ride and crush every night as my perfect pet. To follow my orders and beg for sex like a whore. You will be my final project, and I will break you down for my own satisfaction piece by piece until you beg to be my pet.

    Bianca suddenly kicked the small table to the side, sending the glasses, papers, and still full wine bottle down the floor spilling out. It was a loud crash, but nothing broke on the soft carpet as Amber jumped back with a small leap.

    “Are you insane?!” Amber hissed, as she took one more step back in her white heel sandals.

    “I think we both are,” Bianca whispered, as she took a big step forward in her own tie-up black heels. The only items she seemed to be wearing besides her robe.

    “If you wanted me to be your little slut, why the fuck did you try to drown me last night?” Amber hissed and stopped moving backwards as her temper began to flare as she remembered their previous encounter. She would not back down to this bitch and this sick game she was trying to play. If this psycho wanted to try her, she would give this pale bitch a ride or fight she would never forget. It also annoyingly didn’t help that seeing Bianca’s body was sending another type of thrill down Amber’s body straight to her clit.

    Bianca let out a giggle, “I just wanted to make sure you were ready to go all the way in the pool with me. I need that fire in my pet, and a girl willing to struggle with me in any environment. All I need to do is whip you into submission, and then we will have ourselves a wonderful time as girlfriends.”

    Amber now took a step forward as her anger took over all other her other emotions including worry and fear. “You fucking freak. You picked the wrong bitch to mess with. I won’t be your little pet, AND I would never be submissive to you.” She stuck out her own chest, happily willing to make sure Bianca knew that her body was still inferior.

    “Oh, I’m the freak? You know Amber, the first thing I need to teach you is about lipping off to your new girlfriend.” Bianca hissed as she slowly approached her prey of the evening. That the blonde was challenging her body was great, because that was just another thing that Bianca would never accept. She was inspecting Amber’s body and undressing the girl’s skimpy outfit with her eyes. The pool fight had shown her a lot, but it was better now, far clearer than the water, and far more her taste in the bedroom.

    Amber’s brown eyes followed the approaching robe-wearing girl, her own muscles tense, her attraction to Bianca like an annoying buzz in her body.

    “I can tell you haven’t had a proper girlfriend before, have you?” Bianca breathed, “You still have quite a bit of attitude. It’s very clear Miss Reynold’s has done quite a poor job getting you in line, I won’t make that mistake.”

    “Maggie and I are a team; one of us isn’t above the other.” Amber hissed, but her voice didn’t have the conviction and Bianca could tell. Wasn’t that everything they were? Isn’t that why Maggie was going out to fuck other rivals, just to prove she is better? Is that the outlet they chose and did it still apply to them?

    Bianca laughed wildly, “Now, that is quite hilarious. Please, Amber, you and your fake girlfriend built your relationship on this type of power dynamic, didn’t you? Sexfighting to make the other feel inferior. I have a lot of new friends…I know so many of your secrets. Do you and Maggie really think both of you can last without one taking control? Don’t pretend you are equals. One of you is better, one of you will have more options than the other. That is how a relationship built on sexfighting works, and why they first don’t work, and secondly can be so easily broken when trying to find balance and real love…these truths hurt don’t they?”

    Amber took in the words, letter by letter, and she licked her own dry pink lips. The bitch was attacking her insecurities, hitting her in a place that she had tried to protect, but it was hurting. Yet, her beautiful face hardened, and she stuck up her nose at the other woman unwilling to show weakness to anyone. “You don’t know me or my relationship Bianca, and we won’t be broken like that. And if you really think you would have any chance to make me submit in a fight or in sex, you are more delusional than you act.” She said in what might have been the punkiest voice she had ever used. She didn’t care, she would do this now not just for Maggie but for herself. Bianca was right about that…if her girlfriend was fighting some slut to prove she was better, she could do the same…and give Bianca a good taste of her own medicine.

    Bianca licked her own lips, only a few feet from Amber now as the two beauties inched closer together. “Ok, Amberrrr, then let’s find out which of us is more delusional. If you beat me in a sexfight right here, right now, I will leave you and Maggie alone for good. If you can take me, ravage my incredible body on the bed until I quit, I will back off. But if you can’t, and I’m the one ravaging your sweaty cum covered body in the end. Well, then you will become mine…for one week to start. Those are the terms; do we have a deal?” She waited, and then did a full up and down of Amber’s legs, torso, and face, and feeling her clit spike in desire.

    “And don’t you pretend you don’t want to fuck me.” Bianca hissed quickly with a deadly tone. Then she relaxed just as fast, two very different personalities clashing, “We can be honest and admit that we are so so attracted to each other, just like Maggie and Silvia, or Maggie and Jenny, or even Maggie and Isabella or Marissa…Oh my, she has plenty of options besides you, doesn’t she?”

    Amber finally smiled back while she flipped her yellow, purple hair back showing off the darker brown roots and tilted her head. “Oh, I’m not afraid to say I’m very attracted to you Bianca. It’s a problem with me. And besides Maggie and Marissa, I usually find myself only attracted to absolute fucking bitches nowadays.”

    Bianca laughed, “Same, it is frustrating, isn’t it? I wonder after Maggie fought me the first time, who gave her more pleasure? You were her first fight, right? And I was her second. Is that the reason you two spent so many months apart, thanks to me and Maggie’s little spat? Was she so desperate to hook up with me again that she forgot about you? Or did you know…I was better than you?

    Amber didn’t respond but took a step forward just as Bianca did the same, their hot young bodies nearly touching, the room was a smelting degree after the exchange. The pale beauty came to the stand in front of Amber, their open outfits an inch away, their clits already screaming in desire. “Answer me pet, admit I’m better now and be my slut, or I’m going to make you scream it. That’s an order.” Bianca whispered, her tantalizing lips begging to be kissed and chewed.

    “An order?” Amber questioned, and then without warning, she brought her hand up and slapped Bianca with a perfect shot right on her left cheek. Bianca screamed in pain and fell back on her heels a few feet till her ass knocked on the door. The sexy punk girl stood there with a snarl on her lips, “And I bet you haven’t had another owner who is willing to hit you back? Guess what bitch, I’m going to fuck you up till never go after or look at Maggie or me again, and I’m going to make sure of it tonight.”

    Bianca looked up, her cheek stinging, and then she laughed, “Oh my god, yes. This is fucking perfect. I’m going to hurt you, Amber, in a way that I haven’t been able to in a long time. All my subs cry and want out eventually, and sexfights give me just enough fun to last. But breaking you will be my final product, I’ll use your fucking body like a toy, and trust me…in the end, I’ll teach you to love it.”

    Amber wasn’t going to listen anymore and moved forward to smack the bitch again, but as she swung it Bianca sidestepped easily. Then not only did the robed girl swing a closed fist punch at Amber, but she also lifted a knee and hit the blonde right in the stomach with a loud thump.

    “Ugh!” Amber yelped as she fell back on her heels, the punch only glancing her chin, but the knee impact landing on her abs. She didn’t even have time to recover as Bianca quickly moved in her heels, the black robe tie coming free as their bodies slammed together for the first time. They could feel their big tits meet under the two thin materials covering, and their muscles quickly reacted to the battle.

    Amber twisted to throw her off, but the momentum caused her to fall on the bed behind her instead. She ended up half on the mattress, her legs bent hanging off the side with her heels still dug in the carpet, Bianca’s sexy form hovering above her. The professional was still standing, her black heels on the floor and her pale legs spread and straight as she bent at the hips showing off her nude ass that the robe could not cover. Her hands were holding Amber’s shoulders to the mattress tightly, and the wild librarian was looking down at the punk girl with a dangerous smile as their eye’s met.

    “I don’t like getting slapped bitch.” The professional growled with conviction and then she smacked Amber on the face with a lot of power and an open palm. It stung painfully and got Amber’s full attention as she yelped in shock turning her face. A second slap came down next, but Amber caught her rival’s wrist in time and freed her other shoulder. Instead of risking letting the blonde escape, Bianca lowered her sexy body onto Amber’s for the first time still half on the bed.

    “Fucking bitch.” Amber hissed, but that is all she got out as Bianca slammed her red lips into Amber’s pink pair. They groaned at the sudden erotic kiss while their tongues shot forward instinctively to wetly tangle, the intensity of their hate fueling their desperate attraction, their desire to out fuck the other’s body into nothing. Only Amber’s thin white shirt, which was barely keeping the blonde’s breasts contained in this position, separated their large overflowing tits. The real submission would come from the woman’s body unable to handle the pleasure and the pain. Amber rolled them still half on the bed, taking the top spot with her own naked ass in the air with her plaid skirt pulled up. She had a chance to jump off and separate herself from Bianca, but she didn’t and began to kiss the pale woman with more enthusiasm, unable and unwilling to stop herself.

    She was dangerously attracted to Bianca, and this danger was something she missed. Maybe, she wondered, this was the reason Maggie went after Silvia, why her girlfriend wanted to fight Jenny and Teagan…this intensity of finding out who comes out on top, was this what Maggie couldn’t resist? Now she and Bianca would settle this like the sexy women they were. Find out who gave Maggie more pleasure in their fights…and who would really dominate the hypothetical Dom Sub relationship between them.

    A pale leg went around Amber’s ass and pulled her down closer with a force. They didn’t break the sloppy kiss as the red nails of the professional began to explore the blonde’s backside, quickly slipping into the plaid skirt. The fingers travelled over the hump of muscle and Amber felt the pale woman shiver when she found no thong on the blonde’s sexy body. Even more excited, the professional she squeezed the bubble ass to Amber’s growing desire until the ex-student forced another roll to get back on the bottom. Looking for payback, the blonde’s right hand went right under the disheveled robe, finding no panties as she had expected on Bianca’s body and only a strong sexy ass that felt like her own. Playfully, she ran her finger down the crack and then squeezed the left cheek, earning a moan from deep in the raven-haired girl’s throat while their pink tongues pushed back and forth, the spit building up under their lips.

    Bianca felt the hand leave her tense pale buns for a second, then she was given a spank that made her hump forward into Amber. The sensation was incredible for both, as the skirt and robe had been pulled up enough so that their smooth wet pussies danced apart. With the thrust, their wet pussies missed by an inch, but they could feel the heat radiating off her rival’s sex.

    It was hot enough that their spit covered lips separated, but only by a centime so they were touching each breath. Their foreheads were still pressed as the hot air washed over each other’s cheeks. Their chests were still mushrooming, and they could feel their nipples harden into the other’s pair, still unable to meet thanks to the white top.

    Bianca licked Amber’s lips in a little taunt, “This is the problem when two women meet who both think their dominant because there is always one submissive and they just need to find out which. So, let’s find out Amber which one of us is it. It’s going to be so fun tying you down and fucking you senseless…and only when you whisper in my ear that you love me will I know you are now broken.”

    Amber glared at Bianca, then licked her red lips back, “Maybe I will, or maybe it will be me out fucking your body silly until you realize you aren’t worthy of having me. Only Maggie is.” Amber provoked and Bianca’s blue eyes seemed to glow with a fire of hate. She moved forward and sealed Amber into another wet kiss, their lips spreading the red and pink gloss as they oozed enough spit to fill a small cup between their maws. Their big tits were already molded into the other hungry to meet bare, while their bare slick cunts began to lubricate the other’s strong thigh.

    Bianca rolled them again, the bottom position safer for her hot ass now that Amber was exploring with zero inhibition. It was true the bottom spot allowed that woman to claw and rub her rival’s strong glute meats without consequence and each was feeling out the competition. Looking to make the easy access even easier as they continued the steamy make out, Bianca’s claws took hold of Amber’s bottom garment lightly. Then as Amber adjusted her hips, Bianca’s grip tightened on the cloth and without warning, she pulled it hard to the left. The skirt was not made for even the slightest tearing and in a flash, the zipper snapped as the skirt was easily ripped off Amber’s body.

    The feeling of her ass now fully free made Amber’s brown eyes shoot open as Bianca’s hand gave her a sharp spank. She broke the spity kiss and pushed up in surprise as she suddenly found herself bottomless, her ass free for business. But Bianca wasn’t done, and Amber still was overdressed in her eyes. Using her other hand, she reached up between the space of their tits and tore the buttons off the front of the white top. They popped easily off, freeing Amber’s perfect puppies and letting them hang down just above the big pale pair though the small shirt remained on her torso.

    Amber didn’t really react having her firm tits fully released but did notice that the pale breasts of her rival were still slightly covered by the black robe, held on by the now pointy pink nipples. Both girl’s eyes were looking on the other’s tits with a hint of jealously, a reaction to finding a rival who could easily be considered as stacked as herself. It only fueled their desire to beat the other, every part of their body would need to be matched.

    “You want me to flatten you bitch?!” Amber growled, swinging her firm tits at her rival left and right, the white cloth swaying with her. Her brown nipples were desperate to crush into the rival chest, she had a feeling it would be a good start to getting more into each other’s hot bodies if one of them could crush the other to start.

    “If you think you can, but let’s do it slowly.” Bianca groaned sexually, their attraction holding back their desire to really fuck each other up for now. She gave her sexy figure a shake so that her tits jiggled back and forth several times allowing the robe to fall off her nipples. Now they were both fully exposed, and for the first time since the pool fight, there was nothing in between their desperate bodies.

    “Slow it is.” Amber breathed, and indeed slowly moved down, letting her rubbery nipples flick the other woman’s first earning a hiss from Bianca. The twin pair of rods were the same length, and they both touched soft areola at the same time. Then Amber began to press in as the duelling nipples inverted and their areola matched like two equally sized coins, the pleasure quickly spreading from their nipples to their cunts. Deliberately they crushed bodies, bringing their faces closer as their fat tits between them moulded and wrestled for the limited space. They groaned in unison as they mushroomed each other less aggressively than they expected as the womanly fat squished out as the pressure increased bit by bit, waiting for one to crack. Amber used gravity, but Bianca, not to be outdone, pulled Amber in harder to return the compression.
    Their lips touched, again, but they weren’t kissing, just letting their breasts flatten each other as hard as possible. Bianca’s tongue gave the other pink pair the lightest of licks, “I feel you bitch…this is just the beginning, and then you will beg for my girls to crush yours.”

    Amber licked back, even rubbing her tongue on Bianca’s gums for a hot second, “I feel you too whore, every piece of our bodies will match up, you are going to regret wanting to try and own me.” But so far, they had remained even in their compression.

    “Oh, I doubt that.” The professional tongued Amber’s mouth back for a brief second until they moaned as they continued pressing, unable to break or collapse the other’s perfect tits between them. Keeping this intense hold, Bianca rolled them, her own tits now having the assistance of being on top but gaining no inches as Amber’s girls kept up easily. Neither girl had given or taken an inch, their mushroomed tits starting to slicken up from the sweat of exertion.

    Amber’s tongue snaked into Bianca’s mouth again, meeting its counterpart as she began to grind from the bottom, her brown nipples doing a small rotation with the drips of sweat to assist. It didn’t take long for Bianca to counter as the meats began to swivel around, starting to lose their hot pressing but forcing the women closer. Their hard nipples started getting bent by the other’s firm breasts, and the pain of the pressure was quickly turning into the pleasure of having such a bit pair of hot breasts rubbing on her own.

    Their breathing was turning into panting, but as Bianca felt Amber’s fingers began to trace down her sides towards her cunt, she bit down on the bottom pink lip. Amber hissed as her soft mouth flesh was trapped between the pearly whites for a second and Amber began to pull away. Bianca let her go, the make-out far too soft for what she needed to do and wanted a more aggressive approach once they began to finger fuck the wet sloppy cunts.

    Amber pushed away from Bianca’s body, stepping back on her heeled sandals a few feet from the bed. Bianca sat up after catching her breath on her back, her face also pink from the heat of their tongue men ship. Her silk robe was fully open as she brushed her equally smooth hair back, her tits moving with her. She had her legs slightly open giving Amber one hell of a view of the clearly aroused pink cunt. Then looking forward at her rival, she slowly stood up off the bed and let the black robe fall off her shoulders to the floor, leaving her nude except for her black heels.

    Amber followed the silk robe falling onto the floor, then slowly peeled off her now broken white shirt, letting her own torsos free, and leaving her sexual organs on full display. The blonde was standing their nearly nude, her own pink pussy open, unable to hide her desire for her sex rival.

    The two now nearly nude women faced off after a hot ten minutes of sucking tongues and breast pressing on the bed. It had been far calmer thus far than their pool fight, but Amber guessed they were just testing and feeling each other out…looking for weaknesses to exploit. The pale professional looked incredible in only her heels, but Amber wearing her thigh white socks and white heels was a perfect match. They stared eye to eye, waiting for the other to move, but then Bianca smirked, “That was some really hot kissing Amber, and I plan to get plenty of more of that once you are my pet. But I’m not here to just fuck you, I’m here to make you submissive with my lips and my claws. Until you beg for me to take you.”

    Amber let a little air out of her nose as she huffed, “Whatever Bianca, you have never fucked around with a woman like me, I can promise you. And last chance to back off, because fighting while I fuck is what I do best.” She boasted, then spread her legs wider giving a little pose. She brushed her yellow and purple hair back and giving her body a shake, her big firm tits moving with her, her ass looking big and strong behind her as she twisted her hips to the left and right.

    “Let’s play Amber…” Bianca breathed excitedly, ready to fight, her pink pussy already dripping some cum on the robe under her. She spread her own legs wide, her ass and limps looking strong and firm in the black heels. They both held the pose in some animalistic display that instead of intimating was only turning them both on. Another few seconds later, and Bianca began to walk forward like a model. Amber did the same, neither rushing as they watched the woman in front of them approach step by step. Neither stopped till they slapped together again, breasts meeting first, then stomachs, with their legs going one in between the other until they finally stopped, face to face, and touching their fronts.

    Their glares didn’t end, even as Amber brought her red claws up and took two holds of the black silky locks. Her face remained passive, her brown eyes baring into the blue as she felt her own smooth blonde strands taken hold of a second later. Neither showed any sort of reaction as they again slowly increased the intensity of their hair pulling.

    10 seconds, 20 seconds, almost half a minute, till they were biting their lips in discomfort, only re-adjusting to get stronger grips to tear at the roots in this body-on-body standoff. Eye’s twitched as their scalps took more and more pain, both full heads of hairs having some single strands ripped out. It was hard to focus with the other woman’s bountiful tits starting to sweat on her own. This hairpulling contest looked to go on for another whole minute until Amber suddenly spit right onto Bianca’s face to the surprise of the grimacing librarian. The professional flinched as the goo hit her left eyebrow and dripped in front of her blue eye and she broke the standoff unintentionally. That loss of focus gave the punk girl all she needed to take advantage and she screamed as she stepped back in her heels. With a strong pull, she ripped at Bianca’s hair harder now with a new passion to win. The professional lost her hold and her balance as she wailed, pulled forward on her heels a few feet, until Amber tossed her forward by the hair into the two plush chairs.

    The fall looked more dramatic as the raven-haired girl landed in the seat she had been sitting in before and it flipped back with a crash. Amber followed her fallen rival, fury on her features, but as she stepped forward planning to take hold of Bianca’s hair again, the collapsed chair moved. Bianca had kicked it into Amber’s shins, and the blonde almost fell forward as it connected, but caught herself in the last second with her hands on the chair. Unfortunately for her, Bianca was already standing, and now got hold of the blonde strands hanging down around Amber’s shoulders. The punk girl gasped as she was pulled roughly over the fallen chair and then thrown back onto the bed a second later. She landed on her stomach and tits but was able to roll over just in time as Bianca jumped. The professional landed on Amber’s hot body in a similar position they had been in just a minute ago on the same bed. This time though, they didn’t kiss.

    The impact crushed their tits again, but Amber was successful in pushing Bianca off her to the side. The ex-student rolled herself away and got to her knees quickly still in her white heels and watched Bianca get into the same position from across the king-sized bed. The librarian was looking at Amber with a hunger unmatched, the blonde goddess was so attractive, and just rubbing up on her body was getting the professional hornier by the second. She didn’t mind though, because she knew this was not a stupid little one-off and this time no one was going to interrupt them. She would just win this sexual war of attrition or get fucked into the pure satisfaction trying.

    Without speaking they launched themselves at each other, meeting in the center of the bed, and quickly going into a hot bear hug that many men and women could only dream of. They grunted and groaned as they tried to push each other back, their heels digging and ripping the mattress behind them as they worked to gain some leverage. Their tits both worked to gain the top spot on the other pair, but it was their asses that were providing the force and contest now. The glutes were flexed showing off both their size and power. Snarling with their mouths when they weren’t grunting, they again found this battle even, until Bianca released one of her hands and with no warning pressed her palm into Amber’s already wet smooth sex.

    “Fuck!” Amber cried as the desire from the big tit rubbing exploded down her body, but before she could release the other woman, the palming became more as Bianca slipped her pointy finger into Amber’s sex. The ex-student moaned as she felt the warmth spread from her clit and the tightness of her pussy seemed to very much welcome the insertion. She cried in pleasure again, her ass relaxing, and she was pushed down to her back, losing the short contest. Bianca half tackled have rolled Amber down and got herself into a better position to begin to finger her pet harder.

    “Yes! Guess my ass is stronger than yours!” Bianca screamed as she inserted two fingers into Amber’s cunt who struggled to return the favor in this bottom position. The librarian’s face had also ended up on top of the lightly tanned boobs and the professional got a good licking of big left tit, spreading some spit on Amber’s fat. The punk girl moaned again, spanking and clawing at the firm pale buns of Bianca unable to reach the other woman’s pussy or tits and return the sexual favors at the moment.

    The hot fingering went on, and the sound of Amber’s pussy getting pleasured filled the hotel room. A soft squishing caused Amber to gasp with how wet she was being made even as she began to thrash looking to escape. Bianca tried to keep the punk girl down, but the blonde’s legs were flailing both in resistance and pleasure. Due to the pale woman’s body being lower on the tanned girl’s body, the threat of having her feet stabbed by one of the white heels was increasing as the blonde struggled. It didn’t help that she had found Amber’s g-spot and was rubbing with extra pressure. At the same time, the white heels caught into one of the soft white pillows near the head of the bed and ripped it open easily. The next kick allowed even more of an outpour of feathers than from the mattress under them as they flew into the air.

    Then the left white heel accidentally touched a barefoot and Bianca froze in both her fingering and her licking. She immediately tried to re-adjust but Amber used the moment of her cunt not being pumped to roll them and get on top of her rival. She quickly pressed her big tits hard into Bianca’s face and cut off her rival’s air before she was able to take a breath. Bianca panicked for a short second, covered by the sexy balls of fat as Amber motorboated her with a snarl. She almost froze though as the black-haired woman was already trying to suck her nipples into her hungry maw. Instead of letting that happen, Amber forced their legs to untangle, and being on top, she threw her lower half-forward in a reverse crunch. In one fluid motion, Amber was able to sit her bubble ass on Bianca’s big chest with some force while the raven-haired girl gasped free from the suffocating boobs. Right as the pale woman began to struggle and claw at the tanned thighs of Amber, she felt the guitarist’s fingers enter easily.

    “UGH!” Bianca moaned as she felt her pussy split for the first time, her body enjoying the sensation even if she knew that her attraction to Amber made every second like this dangerous.
    The beautiful punk smiled looking down at Bianca’s moaning mouth, the blonde’s own open pussy dripping small drips of cum onto the librarian’s torso as she played with her rival, “Your pussy feels so good and wet! You must really love this!” Amber laughed as she increased the rhythm of pumping into the equally tight sex while rocking her own body at the same time.

    Amber played with her rival’s sex, loving the feeling of Bianca’s pussy in her hands. The sex was warm and tight, and she couldn’t help moaning herself as Bianca groaned underneath her, sunk into the mattress. Every thrust, Bianca’s screams get louder, and every time the pale woman wiggled, trying to dislodge the blonde, inadvertently gave herself more pleasure.

    On another rocking motion a second later, one of the professional’s hands escaped its pin and reached up to claw Amber’s big bouncing tits. The lightly tanned girl screamed but ripped the handoff a second later while continuing her fingering, but that distraction, with the swaying, gave Bianca the chance to bump up so that Amber’s body was launched forward a few inches. This brought her sweet dripping cunt next to Bianca’s sexy mouth, and exactly what the pale girl wanted. The librarian’s tongue shot out and licked Amber’s cunt as hard as possible, running up the wet open slit to the delicious clit near its hood. The blonde was so turned on already that the sensation of her clit getting touched by the pink muscle, then sucked without warning, shocked her beyond reason. She wanted to pull away but didn’t even have a chance. It wasn’t even a race between tongue and fingers as she tried to press Bianca’s clit down with her thumb, because the sucking was too sudden and powerful. Just like that Amber began to cum on top.

    “Fuckkkkk!” The blonde cried, her fingers leaving Bianca and taking two handfuls of the black hair, mixing the strands with the librarian’s own cum. A little grin came to the librarian’s sucking lips as the punk girl’s resistance lessened, the sensation moving down her hot body in a short but hot little orgasm that allowed Bianca to spank her and bring her already convulsing pussy closer. The punk girl couldn’t stop her rival’s tongue from going deeper into her folds as she seemed to thrust in times with the spiking of pleasure. Amber was unable to deny how well Bianca was giving her this treatment, letting the intense pressure roll down her body as she unleashed one final big moan with some cum, until finally, she was able to control herself and roll off her rival.

    She lay there catching her breath, as Bianca sat up and licked her dripping lips clean with her tongue, then wiped the sides of her mouth with her finger before sucking that as well.

    “Incredible…you taste even better than I imagined” She breathed, without a hint of irony. “God, I can’t wait till you’re mine, I will make it so you can’t live without me, and you will end up begging to be with me. Just imagine me having you like this every single night as my submissive little girlfriend.”

    Amber listened to the taunting and felt a spike of annoyance that the bitch was enjoying her cum so much. It just seemed there was no denying the attraction and satisfaction that Bianca gave her after going off like that. It was like back at the Gala, a fulfilling sensation that seemed so random after they had pressed their pussies together and felt the fire. She guessed her body reacted this way because of how long she had wanted to fight Bianca, to prove herself better than her girlfriend’s co-worker, and tame this bitch once and for all. She let out a huff trying to forget the intensely pleasurable feelings of a minute ago and pushed herself up on her hands and knees. For a girl like her, one orgasm wouldn’t do much to tire her out, but Bianca was dangerous….and she knew she hadn’t cum that fast against a new opponent in a long time.

    “Oh, that was a fast recovery…good, I need a girl with some stamina.” Bianca teased and got onto her own hands and knees in the bed, as they faced each other like cats, their heart-shaped asses in the air ready to move. And indeed, there was no more foreplay as Amber hissed and launched before Bianca could react. Their strong feline bodies met as they slapped and scratched with wild abandon for a few seconds until Bianca took hold of the yellow and purple hair and pulled them to the bed. They hissed and rolled, again their heels clicking as they locked. As Amber got on top of Bianca, she locked her sex rival into another intense tongue swallowing make out, struggling body on body while they deeply explored each other’s mouths.

    All while Amber began to dominate the kiss, Bianca was desperately trying to keep her pussy free from any contact. It was extremely difficult focusing on both battlegrounds, as Amber’s wet taster thrashed in her mouth, running all around her teeth, gums, and roof freely. The professional was hoping to build up Amber’s sex drive again before she herself went off under the punk’s hold. There was little point in resisting too much because Amber was far too attractive for her to hope to beat the punk without cumming herself most likely several times. But to win, she needed to keep her advantage after making the guitarist slut cum first. On the third roll, however, she didn’t realize how close they had gotten towards the end of the bed, but Amber did. The ex-student suddenly separated herself from Bianca and went off the bed, but with grace to easily catch herself. Her heels landed and she moved her flexible leg around to get into a standing position as Bianca had tried to stay on. The professional quickly shot her hands up to Amber’s tits, but she was slapped twice on her own pale tits and then her face sending her back down.

    “Bitch!” Bianca screamed as she flopped back down on the bed when her ankles were gripped right above where her heels were on. Amber huffed as she did a hard pull, taking Bianca half off the mattresses with the covers and then placed her sexy leg between the woman’s open limps. Bianca shot up again to stop this, feeling weirdly exposed in this position, but she was too slow as Amber pressed her thigh, right above where the tight white socks in between Bianca’s parted limps and open pussy with a laugh.

    The reaction was instant as Bianca wailed and Amber did a hot grind of sweaty muscle to open cunt, this standing position allowing her to provide an extreme amount of pressure with her flexed ass. Bianca’s clit was still erect and open to be ground in full even as her whole vulva seemed to move with Amber’s thrusting. Still held by her ankles, the professional lost their ability to function as the stress in her own twitching cunt became unbearable. Her blue eyes looked wide, and she screamed from only three thrusts of the punk’s hot body on the edge of the bed. Bianca began to cum on Amber’s sexy leg, the cum starting to drip out and into Amber’s thigh socks. The pale girl’s stare bore into the brown orbs as electricity sparked between them as their rivalry deepened by the second. Then, the blue eyes closed, “Ughh, bitch…fuck me!” She cried as Amber felt her rival’s hot body shake on the entire frame of the bed with her body. Bianca moved with the motions as she came, her mouth in an o shape, and her clit pressed to the strong leg even harder. Amber moaned as well, syncing her flexing with the sounds of Bianca, watching the pale girl’s huge tits bounce up and down in rhythm. There was a nice long line of sex juice oozing down Amber’s thigh as the tightening of Bianca’s cunt was strong enough to make her dizzy. After almost 20 seconds, the professional began to relax, and her legs went limp back to the floor with a light thud as Amber let them go.

    Amber backed off a few steps and wiped all the professional’s cum off her leg that hadn’t been absorbed by her socks. She then took the goo from her hand to her mouth for a hot second of sucking that was just for her. She filled her mouth and annoying admitted to herself that it tasted wonderful, a pungent taste that seemingly was unique…she remembered tasting it when she had kissed Maggie so long ago on that horrible night. The memory filled her with rage and instead of swallowing the substance, she spit the goo right onto Bianca’s chest who only flinched slightly as it hit her soft thing stomach and filled her belly button.

    But she wasn’t about to stop knowing that if Bianca was as ravenous as Marissa and Maggie had said she was, there would need to give a lot more pleasure to overwhelm the professional’s body. Amber quickly got back onto the bed and put her knees on each side of Bianca’s face as she sat on her heels and pushed her big, toned ass out behind her.

    “You have a lot more of that coming bitch.” Amber hissed looking down at her heavy breathing sex rival.

    “Good!” Bianca hissed, her eyes easily regaining focus and she shot her hands up into Amber’s hair. The blonde gasped, surprised at how fast Bianca was ready to fight. Her upper body was pulled forward, but she used the new position to reach forward and rub the still sensitive cunt of her rival. Bianca screamed as she felt her sex start up again, but she shot her pales legs up from off the floor towards Amber’s head. Amber tried to pull back, but calves wrapped around her neck unable to move with her hair pulled as tight as it was.

    “Fuck!” Amber hissed but couldn’t stop her rival, as Bianca used her own strong ass to roll her sex rival forward. In a fluid motion, she sent Amber’s whole body off the bed with a scream. The blonde doing a fast somersault that landed her hard on her back after the shortfall off the bed. She tried to sit up, but Bianca had stood and dropped to her own knees, but a little more forward so she was able to press her naked bare ass right onto the blonde’s face.

    “Like my ass baby?” Bianca laughed as she shifted back and forth, spreading her pale cheeks all over Amber’s face who screamed into the hot muscle. Amber struggled to breathe but had no problem using every tactic. She shot her own legs up and got around Bianca’s neck who hit the bed trying to move back. The blonde then stuck her tongue into Bianca’s asshole and gave the puckered flesh a wet lick. The professional gasped, surprised her rival was willing to go to that length so quickly. Instead of getting rolled forward this time, she fell to her side, freeing Amber’s face, but also allowing her to trap the blonde with her own thighs. They ended up in a dual head scissors that quickly turned into an intense wrestling match as they both slipped free thanks to the sweat and energy. They rolled wildly, and Bianca shot her fingers back into the blonde’s open cunt pumping twice. Snarling, they rolled again, both girl’s exchanging fingering until they pulled apart, their fingers soaked with cum and spit.

    Bianca jumped up and pulled the rising Amber with her by the hair moving around the room. They slammed into the tall desk and the impact sent the items on it crashing to the floor, cups, a coffee maker, and plates. The room was already starting to look more like a hurricane as Bianca and Amber pushed each other into the walls of the room with thuds, even causing a painting to fall off the wall away from the bed a second later.

    On the next pushing contest, the raven-haired beauty tripped backwards thanks to the fallen chairs. Amber’s eyes flashed seeing Bianca fall, but the professional kicked out with her heels to shoot the chair at Amber’s feet making the blonde jump. And two things happened. First, Bianca’s heel sunk into the softness and quickly got stuck. “Shit!” The professional hissed as her foot was trapped. The second, as Amber landed from her quick jump, one of her heels snapped a second later and she screamed falling with a yelp.

    The pause allowed them to remove the final pieces of their outfits mainly because Amber was not willing to let an advantage like she could have had slip away again, reached for her shoes. She looked up to see Bianca was already taking her own heels off and both sets of shoes went flying into the corner a second later. Then with a cruel smile, fully nude, and sweaty they leapt and met again, but this time, Amber was able to slap and twist her body around Bianca. The girls struggled in front of the bed like snakes wrapping and squeezing. They clawed the smooth backs to less success through Bianca earned some cries of pain from Amber’s mouth.

    Finally, after a good kick to the pale stomach, Amber got on Bianca from behind, their nude bubble asses pressing as the blonde took a seat on her rival. The punk girl then reached around her rival’s sexy torso before Bianca could roll or struggle her way out of it. She let out a deep hiss as the red claws filled with the soft moonlight pale tits once again, but this time Amber twisted her fingers trying to indent the woman’s body and causing Bianca to howl in pain. “OWWW BITCH!” Her proud breasts were mauled and her back bent in this pose.

    “You like it don’t you?!” Amber screamed back in this half wrestling half catfight hold. “Or do you like this?” Amber then jeered, switching it up as she released her claws and began to softly rub the fat girls, teasing the pink nipples with a softness. Bianca let out a deep moan at the shift of tactics unable to control herself as her hot nipples were played with and made her pussy pulse.

    Amber huffed at the sudden shift of her rival’s tone, and she moved, fully laying down on Bianca’s body with her own, feeling their hot sweat mix. She brought her pink lips to Bianca’s ear “You sadist bitch. You really love both the pain and the pleasure, don’t you?”

    “You sexfight, so I know you do too, even if you haven’t fully embraced it like I have…but you will when you are with me.” Bianca purred with a sudden coyness and got a low growl from Amber in response. The blonde increased the pressure, pressing her body into Bianca’s so that the pale girl’s toned back could really feel the two pillows of Amber’s big tits. At the same time, the pale tits were released, with one of Amber’s arms looped around Bianca’s throat, while the other went between the pale strong legs and palmed the wet pink sex.

    Amber pressed her lips to Bianca’s ear again and used her tongue to lightly lick the lope. “You keep thinking I’ll be with you…but you aren’t anything special…and I will show you that you aren’t good enough to have my body like a toy.”

    Bianca let out a low growl, “I have gotten you once…and honestly, I have already won the first part of our fight. You are already fucking me in this sex game, and you can’t deny your attraction…you can’t deny how much you wanted to taste me…even when you are dating the little redhead slut.” She as her taunting toned seemed to drop and became a bit more playful.

    Amber brought her mouth to Bianca’s ear and blew just a little bit of hot air while she began to finger the professional once again. The pale woman was already so wet that in an instant she almost came from the playful digits. “Oh, Bianca, won’t you come for me baby?” Amber teased, and incredibly the tone and sound of the punk girl’s voice worked on the horny librarian. The blonde worked the pussy harder, the finger’s dancing in and out as she moved her palm to her rival’s clit.

    “Ugh…” Bianca hissed but knew the chance of getting out of this hold without cumming was starting to waver. Amber’s hands felt so good, and the blonde had even curled to her g-spot. She began to break, but at the last second, Amber seemingly freed her. She tried to relax her nearly cumming sex, but Amber had only backed off to flip her rival’s body so that Bianca was now facing the ceiling. “What the fuck!?” The pale girl moaned, but the rest was swallowed as Amber’s hot body crashed down on Bianca bare tit to tit and sealed them into a kiss.

    “You bitchhhhh.” Was the last word the librarian got out before her mouth was worked against Amber’s oral cavity. Their wet tongues twisting wasn’t enough of a distraction as the professional’s clit was pressed up and she began to cum, letting her body shake as she took hold of Amber’s firm buns. It was by far the best ass she had held in a long time as she screamed into Amber’s mouth. Chest to chest, Bianca seemed to cum for a long time under Amber’s body, partly because the punk did not let her rival’s pleasure spike until almost 10 seconds into the heated passion. Only when the blonde inverted the soft clit between her fingers did the professional shriek in pleasure and began to descend. Bianca kissed back hard but as her breasts were squished by such a perfect pair, she felt her body dominated for a brief moment, and the pleasure shot up longer than she expected or wanted.

    As they kissed near the end, Bianca’s hands let go of Amber’s ass and moved to her shoulder’s to push her punk girl desire away. Amber allowed herself to be rolled off as Bianca caught her breath. The orgasm had been intense but felt fantastic to Bianca’s sex. She had been in the mindset for a long fight and going down early wasn’t a problem at all. This would only be settled by the one who could out last the other in sex and fighting, and she had the stamina for either. “Not bad my pet.” She breathed, watching the ceiling.

    “Yeah, you ready to quit?” Amber asked a few feet away, knowing the answer.

    “Quit? Please, babe, I wouldn’t be in this game if this little spat tired me out. I know you can go for a nice long time, and so can I. We have a lot more fun in front of us until we settle it. And in the end, you will be my little girlfriend for a hot week. But I’m sure by the end you will beg for more.” The librarian giggled with a smile, as she turned to her side to look at Amber’s womanly form on the bed near her.

    Amber shifted to face her in a similar stance, their tits looking even bigger on their sides. “Well, I’m glad you aren’t tired. I don’t like women who talk a big game and can’t back it up.” The punk girl huffed, feeling out her own tits in the process. It was impossible to deny anymore and for the first time this night, Amber felt a hidden bit of excitement. The same one that Maggie described to her about fighting other women with their sexes, yet one she had not felt for a long time. But now she would no longer deny herself because she wanted to fight Bianca, not just for Maggie but for herself. To prove she was better, and by settling this real dispute with a showing and control of their sexual impulses…against each other…against another woman who thought she was her equal.

    “So that’s our deal then Bianca. If I win by making you sexually submit, you back off Maggie at work and leave me alone for good. If you win…you get me as a slave.” She finished bitterly, knowing if she lost…how could she face Maggie.

    It seemed Bianca was seeing through the blondes’ words, and a little smile came to her beautiful face. “No, not a slave Amber. I mean, yes, you will follow my ordinances as I require, but only as a girlfriend would act. As a lover for a full week…I want to make sure you understand that, and that Maggie does too when you tell her.”

    “I will not break up with Maggie,” Amber replied with force. She wouldn’t back down from that.

    “Hmm, we will see how you feel after my week. But I’m not worried, because I think she will end up breaking up with you. Already you are risking your relationship in a fight with me…and from what I understand she might be doing the same in that slutty little orgy.”

    Amber was quiet, again confused…how was Bianca so in the know…and why did she herself get so trapped like this.

    The librarian continued, using her snake-like tongue to see what else she could do. “You can be honest with me Amber, you don’t like Maggie fighting other people. Or maybe you do, but you are scared she will leave you. I can promise you when we are together for our week, I won’t fuck fight other women as Maggie does. It will just be me and you…I’m sure you will like that.”

    Amber didn’t reply and seemed to freeze a little as if Bianca had just read her secret thoughts, but she didn’t have time to react any further. Instead of continuing their talk, Bianca jumped at Amber and with a shriek, the blonde was suddenly on her back with the nude sexy professional on top of her. Her hands shot into the black strands, but Bianca went savage and sent her mouth down to Amber’s neck in a hard bite as they struggled body on body. The punk girl screamed and latched onto Bianca’s exposed neck in relation, her mouth suddenly filled with the salty sweaty skin of her rival. They both screamed from their throats onto each other’s necks but did not break apart, chewing and sucking hard to lightly bruise and leave some long-lasting hickies on the other’s soft skin.

    They remained chewing the same side of their rivals’ collars the whole time while wrapping into a catball and bringing their wet sexes together once again. They rolled up and down the bed until the pain began to become unbearable and the sounds of muffled whimpering filled the room. They released their teeth hold at the same time with cries of pain, but instead of separating they shifted their heads and started kissing with wide mouths. Tongues lapped, and they could taste the salt from their own skin filling their conjoined mouths. They moved forward as tightly as possible, to the point their teeth clicked lightly which was jarring even for the sexfighters.

    This went on for a second before Amber felt herself starting to demand more. She spanked Bianca hard on the next roll, earning a hiss in their enclosed mouths. Then, the punk girl clawed into the muscle to bring their lightly touching sexes to graze a bit harder. But Bianca denied Amber, ending their hot kiss and rolling away to the other side of the bed before a full fuck could begin.

    The librarian sat up and rubbed her neck, dark red marks already starting to become purple. “Not bad again my pet, I can’t wait to eat your sex again and mix this sweat with your cum.” She hissed as she got to her knees and stretched out her arms. Bianca’s neck was indeed red, and she now had teeth marks to match the claw marks up and down her womanly body.

    “Yeah, you aren’t bad yourself.” Amber begrudgingly admitted as she stretched a bit as well. There was no doubt she had cum harder than Bianca had. She would have to be more careful getting into a position like this where she could be sucked and fucked so easily. Her own neck was also marked deeply, and she knew it would be impossible to hide it from Maggie.

    Bianca seemed to be pinching her sharp nipples with a huff, “It’s clear that several orgasms will be required before one of us starts to waver...but who knows, maybe one of us will have such an intense orgasm it puts her down.”

    “I was thinking the same thing, but I know just the way to give a psycho bitch like you just that.” Amber laughed, and spread her strong legs, offering her sexy wet sex that was already dripping cum and some leftover spit. She licked her pink lips and smiled fully at her rival. “How about it Bianca? Are you going to deny me again like you just did? It’s time I show you that I don’t need you already close to cumming on my bandmate to get you off.”

    The blue eyes flashed, and she was openly panting in desire as she took in the sight, “Oh, yes it’s been long overdue for me to return the favor and give you a little pleasure bitch!” Bianca hissed as she opened her legs wide in response, her sexy trickling pussy open and smooth. Amber hissed at the sight, knowing that pussy was one she had forced to cum, but had also made her girlfriend cum several times.

    “You won’t last with me,” Amber replied with her most punk-like tone, as she moved forward on the bed dripping as she went.

    “Let’s find out who won’t last this time,” Bianca whispered, but her tone was no longer playful. She wanted and needed this…this is what she had been waiting for against the woman and rival of her dreams. Their wet slick cunts touched, and they let out extra pants in pleasure, the buildup of their fight so far was everything they needed to make this explosive. After all the pain, the feeling was euphoric and the pussy of their rival seemed to relax their war-torn bodies. Their sex lips seemed to ooze together, blending into a soft pink ball of smoothness. Besides her hookups with Marissa, Amber had only fucked Maggie’s hairy sex the last month. She didn’t mind at all with her girlfriend, but it was an extra spike of desire taking on such an intense rival that had a smooth pussy like her own.

    She wasn’t the only one having to hold in her sudden desire as Bianca let out a deep moan while they pushed in closer until their foreheads touched, and their breasts lined up. “Just like two puzzle pieces bitch…we just fit together,” Bianca whispered lip to lip as she began to move her hips slightly up and down.

    “Yeah, we do,” Amber whispered back, unable to deny the fact that it just felt natural. She moved her own hips back and forth as they synced their slow fucking. Their labia lips seemed to rejoice in the contact as they were spread on the other, the slickness from the already released cum and Bianca’s spit letting the vulva move with nearly no friction. Their clits were already becoming more active as they picked up the pace just 15 seconds in.

    “Oh, yes…baby more.” Bianca moaned and Amber panted back. Looking for more pressure the blonde leaned back on her hands, letting her tits back but giving her more leverage to hump into her rival as her ass really began to work. Bianca moaned at the increased force and matched the pose a second later as they had begun to grind each other into a wild frenzy.

    The sound of hot sex filled the already thrashed hotel room as Bianca looked up locking brown to blue. “This is the pussy of your soon to be lover Amber, and in time you will learn to worship it!” Bianca gasped mid fuck as she fought pussy to pussy with her rival, their tactics switching to see who will last as their clits began to dance.

    “Please bitch! You…fuck… you will only be allowed to dream of mine after tonight.” Amber puffed back as she felt her love nub touch Bianca’s as their hoods disappeared and the nerves looked for more.

    “Just like back at the Gala, but this time…god fuck!” Bianca screamed as her clit was touched a bit harder into Ambers. The pleasure shocked her core, but she pushed it down. This time…we are starting even, and you will be cumming into me.”

    “I don’t need a head start to show you how much better I am at sex than you!” Amber growled back and then they focused on the trib and their wet sex organs grinding. The clits were easy to locate now, and the bundles were the focus to be engulfed and covered by their rival’s sex. It was close, and droplets of sweat were flying off their bouncing breasts as they tried to push the other over first when Bianca felt Amber move. She thought for a second, she had gotten the blonde off first, but she was wrong. Amber had leaned forward in their trib and locked her mouth onto the librarian’s big right tit, sucking it fully into her mouth as best she could. The dual attack was too much and too sudden. Bianca tried to pull her nipple free but couldn’t as she began to cum a second later, worried she would explode not just from her pussy but also from her nipple.

    Bianca screamed as she came on Amber’s cunt for the second time in her life as she was fucked on her bed. She took hold of the blonde hair and tried to find Amber’s clit with her own, but it was not to be. Bianca fell to her back, freeing her nipple with a trail of spit on it, but only to wreath on the sheets as Amber mounted her taking her left pale leg to her shoulder.

    “Looks like you are cumming again slut! You are my little bitch!” Amber screamed as she held in her own desperate pleasure, continuing to grind Bianca’s pussy until the pink slit seemed to tighten to the point that if Bianca had a man in her, she might have cut off the blood to his dick completely.

    Her blue glare was intense, as she stared at the punk girl’s beautiful face…the face she had stalked through social media the last month. “Amber…you SLUT! GOD FUCK NOOO...YES.” She cried, not enjoying this orgasm as much as she wanted…she hated going off first. She felt Amber hold on, and only her body release more of the cum between their even slicker sexes now knowing the blonde was showing such control.

    She pushed herself off the bed in a controlled motion, but Amber followed her, keeping their sexes touching Bianca’s butt hit the carpet. The blacked haired beatify kept moving back on the floor now, trying not to explode, when her back hit the small footrest that held her suitcase. She reached behind herself trying to brace but her hand ended up pushing the package off its platform and it came crashing down. Instead of only clothes falling out, all its contents came rolling out of the open bag. A mix of sex toys and even some domination objects came exposed from its compartment, but Amber didn’t notice, too lost in their slick trib, both taking turns running their slit up the other’s girl’s gash.

    Bianca however was more aware and knowing what was in her suitcase gave her a sudden advantage. She reached back into the fallen objects was able to find what she was looking for just a second later. She suddenly slapped Amber in the face and broke off their wet trib as the blonde recovered. Amber shook off the slap and not wanting to be mounted, quickly did the same, frustrated that she hadn’t been able to finish Bianca in that position.

    Amber hadn’t noticed Bianca had slipped a small device on her pointy finger as they came together tit on tit and began to kiss while rubbing up and down their rival’s body.

    “Running away? You must have been close.” Amber said between their heated make out.

    “Oh, don’t worry about me,” Bianca replied with some sarcasm.

    Amber seemed to sense something was up, but not before Bianca pressed her pointy finger and the small vibrator she had placed on it right onto her rival’s pink wet open cunt. Before the blonde could move or even moan, Bianca pressed the button from the clicker on her other hand to start the device. The reaction was instant, and as the ring began its incredible speed of pulsations, Amber wailed, her clit seemed to be moving in a thousand rotations a second. Her mind went blank, and she didn’t know what had just happened. It didn’t matter because Amber began to cum on her knees.

    “What the fuck!?” The punk girl cried with half a wail as she fell to her back trying to get away from whatever was making her pussy shake, but the vibrator was gone and had already been replaced by Bianca’s warm cunt. Their sexes crushed and like a pinpoint, their clits connected. Amber couldn’t push the sensations back down as her sex mingled with its counterpart, and for the first time in her life, the blonde began to cum on the professional’s sex, returning the pleasure just from a few seconds before.

    “YES!” Bianca cried as she felt Amber’s clit soften, and some cum from Amber get released between their legs. She bounced on Amber, even after just cumming, it felt so good to ride the punk girl back in such fast revenge.

    “BITCH! This…fuck.” Amber cried, still not knowing what had sent her over at such speed. She reached up to her own hair, laying on her back, and humping into Bianca as her clit was pressed. Bianca gasped as well as Amber fought back slightly, not yet recovered from her own orgasm but willing to take whatever sensations she was given to just drive Amber up a wall with her bare sex. It was a long orgasm, as Amber finished and only once the peak had passed, did Bianca move back and fell to her own back. There the girl’s rested, Amber, going off now, and in a way that made her feel ready for even more sex. The two women lay there in satisfaction, the duel of their sexes, their rival’s breathing the only other sound in the room.

    Bianca pushed up, the vibrator still on her finger and the clicker in her other hand. She was going to use her toys to weaken Amber, and in the meantime find out which one the blonde preferred for later. But Amber had caught sight of the ring, and all the other toys that had fallen around the fighters. She pushed up and launched herself at the professional who didn’t realize Amber had quickly put two and two together. They crashed back to the floor with Amber on top, while their hands fought for the toys. The blonde took control to the point she was sitting on Bianca’s hips.

    “So that’s what is!” Amber hissed as she tried to pin and keep Bianca’s wild hands away from her cunt. “Fucking using toys bitch?!”

    “You really liked it didn’t you!?” Bianca snarled, the button getting pushed on and off sending vibrations down their palms from their other hands.

    “I’ll show you who likes it!” Amber gasped back, as she fell of Bianca, and they continued fighting on their sides, for now, the ring and the on-off button.

    They lost focus on the sex and turned their full attention to winning both the vibrator and the clicker that turned it on. It went wild and due to Amber’s cum, the ring slipped off Bianca’s coated finger as she pulled it away quickly.

    “Fuck!” Bianca hissed as the ring rolled towards the pile of sex toys and clothes; away from the girls who watched it go with wide eyes. In a flurry, Amber rolled off Bianca and then jumped at the retreating toy on the floor. She got her hand around it, but Bianca was there working to free it a second later. She tried to pry open Amber’s sweaty, cummy fingers, but this time the blonde won the ring as they rolled on each other in the toys.

    Their skin slapped as they spun, legs tangled in the mess on the side of the bed. Amber’s freehand without the ring closed on Bianca’s other which was still holding the presser to turn on the toy. On their sides, they wrestled, bumbling big tits and trying to force the other’s girl’s legs wide and exposed for the toys.

    It ended up not being as difficult as she thought it would be, because seconds later, Amber was able to press the button with Bianca’s own finger, and she felt the vibrator ignite in her other palm. On the next roll from the bottom, she pulled her hand away and brought it down on Bianca’s exposed clit and spread legs. The sound of the small buzz was the only thing in the room before Bianca moaned loudly. The vibrations from the toy sent a wave from her clit to her head and made her start cumming instantly on top of Amber’s body.

    “OH FUCK my RING!” She cried, but she wasn’t fully lost in the orgasm yet. Instead of trying to back off as Amber had, Bianca used a different method. Being on top, she thrust down with all the power in her ass, and squished Amber’s hand right in-between their wet sexes. The toy trapped between the open drooling pussies. The small metal ring was between their cunts, and Amber unable to pull her hand away screamed at the sensation. The small metal on her clit, her hand the only thing stopping them from the ultimate contact. The toy did its work and both of them started to cum in this position, Amber somehow already going again thanks to the toy and fast vibrations on her clit.

    Bianca and Amber came as they rolled over toys, clothes and destroyed objects around the room. The toy seemed to have slipped off Amber’s finger during the fuck and let their pussies merge as they came with their legs wide, and their bodies molded as one. Finally stopping, Bianca took hold of Amber’s hair and ripped it to the side to free herself, but the blonde didn’t fall off her rival, and only got turned so they ended up in a cross position, both starting to finger each other again quickly, with Amber’s ass facing the ceiling.

    The punk girl on top tried to rotate on her rival’s sweaty stomach to get a turn and sit her rival’s hips, but Bianca twisted the other way faster. Suddenly, the librarian’s sexy thighs were in the position to trap her rival’s head which they did a second later, flexing, and clinching around the blonde.

    Amber screamed as she was trapped between limps, facing the floor, her head now locked between two sweaty but strong legs. She the contact with Bianca’s pussy and struggled against the strong thighs with her hands while Bianca tried to control her with this hold flipping her wet black hair back in concentration. Amber gasped from the strength of her rival’s muscles but with a burst was able to almost throw her whole body in the air and land on a screaming Bianca, the blonde’s knees landing on each side of the professional’s cheeks. Then she flattened and clinched her own legs around Bianca’s head. They were suddenly locked in a duel head scissors that was crushing and both girl’s groaned loudly.

    As they tried to crush each other with their legs, the pungent smell of sex filled their nostrils from the wet, sex just above them. They might have passed out if they kept going, losing consciousness in this powerful hold as their faces started going slightly red. They held on, however, starting to sink their nails into the other’s ass, clawing as desperation took hold. It was so intense, and almost went quiet when their legs seemed to falter and luckily for both of them, they released simultaneously, gasping for air on their sides for the second time. The loosening of their limbs showed off their own wet open sex for their rival, and Bianca, still slightly coughing, slid forward and brought her red face into her rival’s pussy. Amber felt the tongue enter her, and she took a full engulf of hair and did the same.

    They began to eat, feasting on the sweet already cumming sex as the sounds of slurping filled the room, their pussies already dripping after the toy had sent them in a ditzy. They both took only a second to almost clean each other up, sucking up the dripping cum and replacing it with their clear spit. Bianca widened Amber’s ass, running her tongue up the sex to the asshole that she had felt on her own buns prior. She took her time and teased it with a few licks and then back down. Amber clinched and came again, a short but hot little orgasm as she unleashed some cum and pleasure into Bianca’s mouth that had been started by the toy. She rolled them and stuck her tongue right into puckered ass and was rewarded as Bianca came a second later, in a quick exchange of sex fluids from their cunts into their mouths in a hungry display of pussy eating skill. But when Bianca began to cum into Amber’s mouth, the punk girl reached forward and grasped a huge the discarded dildo that they had been fighting with. Bianca was just starting to really cum when the tongue left her, and she moaned in displeasure. The feeling didn’t last long as she was impaled by one half of the rubber cock, Amber’s cum going deep as the punk girl’s tongue flicked the librarian’s clit.

    “GOD! AMBER!! YESSSS!” Bianca moaned as her orgasm started again, the release shaking her entire body like a way it hadn’t before while her pussy was filled with the rubber dick.
    The blonde didn’t respond and kept working, trying to make up the lost ground, and even finish Bianca if she could. But the professional only held her tight, and then kicked the punk girl away. Amber fell off with a cry, but Bianca was already sitting up before Amber could keep her down.

    Damn, she thought, but then smiled. Bianca was again proving to be an incredible opponent. Looking to make sure Bianca knew how far she was willing to go, took the double cum soaked dildo and making sure Bianca was watching, began licking it clean. She took long strokes, leaving her spit as the cum seemed to fill her mouth. She moaned loudly, not even on purpose, it was so good.

    “You taste wonderful Bianca, sad that you are a total bitch.” The blonde hissed.
    Bianca didn’t reply, as she caught her breath, glaring at Amber with a. new ferocity.
    “I could feel you faltering now…is this a bit too much sex?” Amber continued to taunt in her punky voice; a small snarl on her lips.

    Bianca huffed, she did feel a wall, but she could go as long as she needed. “You slut. I’m going to fucking kill you before I make you my slutty girlfriend.” Bianca growled as she slowly stood.

    “Oh, we are going to kill each other alright,” Amber growled back as she got to her feet.

    They screamed as they charged, both dripping spit off their legs and Bianca charged Amber as a second catfight broke out. It wasn’t as fast as before, because the girls were far more tired and drained, but their desire for a sexual and physical submission drove them forward.

    They began to spin each other by the arms in front of the bed wildly cursing each other and looking to throw the other girl off balance. On the second spin, the librarian reached for anything to slow them down and ended up gripping the curtains. Amber released her rival, but Bianca held on as half the curtains came down with a long tear. She only half fell as Amber moved forward but Bianca held onto the curtain, and it ripped away the rest of the way covering both under the white sheet.

    The two goddesses who disappeared under the cloak, the sounds of cat cries and screaming coming from under it as moved wildly. Amber appeared first crawling away as Bianca threw it off herself a second later. She crawled after Amber and caught her foot with her left hand, and in her right the half-empty wine bottle. Amber kicked back at her and got a shot onto Bianca’s shoulder that freed her. The punk girl then got to her knees as Bianca lifted the bottle but was unable to swing it as Amber got into her first. The blonde caught it above her rival’s head and both girls struggled with it above them. The bottle was already upside down and began to pour the sticky strong-smelling liquid down onto the struggling women’s tits for a few seconds. The focus shifted again as Bianca forced her mouth onto Amber’s who kissed back roughly, even as they continued to fight for control of the wine bottle turned weapon.

    The red liquid splashed around on the walls, floor, and each other for the entire 10 second struggle. Bianca pale skin turned purple in spots as more than a cupful landed on her tits, and then was shared onto Amber’s skin as the bodies jiggled and bounced into each other. The bottle went further over Bianca’s head as she leaned back looking to free it, but this allowed Amber to bend forward and begin to suck Bianca’s sticky wine covered tits, tastier than ever. The sensation was enough for Bianca to shiver but she gained control of where the bottle was pouring. She opened her mouth as it dripped from above and caught some into her hungry jaw. Then she spit the wine from her mouth onto Amber’s hair and face who screamed as the sticky stuff filled her vision around her rival’s tits. She tried to wipe it free, but Bianca was already moving. She moved behind the blonde and pressed her rival’s face to the carpet, with her ass in the air. Amber moaned in the downward dog position as Bianca began to finger her sloppily.

    “You liked the wine on my tits? How about you try some from the floor?! LICK IT BITCH!”, Bianca screamed as Amber felt the wet carpet squish onto the side of her face and cover her cheek. Her pussy was pumped twice, and she moaned, but she was able to swing up one of her arms and kick out to escape. She crawled away and stood up, but Bianca had already leapt at her, and their sticky breasts crushed. They pushed each other around the room by hair, hands, and tits, leaving marks as they thumped into the walls. Amber swung a punch that connected to Bianca’s right swinging breast after an aggressive exchange and the impact turned the professional around with a groan. Amber pressed forward using her body to push Bianca into the far wall and then hold the woman on it. Her sharp brown nipples pressed into the pale toned back and Amber brought her spit covered left hand teasing between the big strong buns of her trapped rival.

    “How about you try some from the wall?” Amber hissed as Bianca felt her asshole teased, then a single finger was inserted from behind making her groan. Amber grinned as she spit into Bianca’s hair, doing anything to cover her rival in more spit and cum. The librarian screamed a few seconds later thrashing on the wall, her tits leaving two big spots of where she was pushed. Her ass getting pumped caused her to scream again and she was able to step on Amber’s toes to the blonde’s shock as she fell back letting Bianca off the wall. She flipped around, their wine covered hair nice and wet. They faced each other, trying to catch their breath and clean their eyes, when Bianca smiled. Instead of attacking, she circled Amber who moved with her around the room. But when Bianca got around to the fallen toys, she picked up something new, something Amber hadn’t seen…but should have expected.

    A hot double-sided dildo, one she and Maggie played with once or twice but rarely. Bianca’s smile widened as she spun it in her hands, showing off its firmness, “How about ass to ass Amber? We can pussy fight with this in-between us.”

    “If that’s how you like it, Bianca. I can play that game.” Amber replied, as Bianca stepped back and onto the bed, waiting for Amber to approach her.

    “Oh, I will teach you what I like once you are nice and submissive.” Bianca laughed as she turned around and shook her toned buns at Amber who climbed onto the bed with her. The pale back was toned, and the ass dimples defined as Bianca let her black hair flowing down her back. Amber could have lashed out or pulled Bianca’s hair, but she was far more interested in seeing which of their buns could take the heat and grinding glutes was a very real pleasure for her.

    “Let’s play nice for a minute and get set up properly.” Bianca hissed, not looking at Amber but again somehow reading her thoughts.

    “Fine.” Amber hissed back, knowing that they had the same idea and plan for their booty’s. She turned her own equally built body around and continued moving back until their legs passed and they felt their butts graze on the first soft contact. Light gasps escaped their lips at the raw sensation. It was unique not looking at your sexual rival while also getting more intimate. It was a light touch at first, but quickly that was not enough, and they backed up letting the two pads begin to gain more sweaty contact. Slowly, on purpose, they pushed in all the way until each of the strong buns split the other girl’s thick meat to the point, they could almost feel their rival’s heartbeat. Their straight hair mingled on their backs, blending, and their ass dimples faced off.
    “You must work out a lot.” Bianca moaned, “I like my lovers to be my workout partners too.”

    “Yeah, feels like you do too,” Amber grunted back, wanting to insult her…but unable to do it yet. She was admiring her rival’s muscles as they rotated and worked the other’s tush like a stripper pole. The sweat made it easy, and they began to grind, their asses being massaged by the other behind, rubbed onto the puckered flesh of their assholes.

    Amber reached her arms back and hooked their elbows as they began to breathe heavier. She began to lean forward and felt her body begin to win, her ass, pressing Bianca’s back. The ass play was good, but after using the other’s body for a while, the delay was almost boring. They stopped moving at the same time, and Amber growled. To bring down a bitch like this, she would just need one more big push. The toy had helped, and even sped up their fight, so why not use more the blonde considered.

    “Let’s stay like this and get that big rubber toy between our bodies, you really seem like the bitch who needs a dick to shut her up.” Amber huffed, shaking her ass once more into Bianca’s and getting a little shake and spank in return.

    “A little pussy tug of war?” Bianca giggled, then leaned her head back on Amber’s shoulder like she was resting it. “You are on, you absolute slut…this sounds like the perfect way to settle this. Toy’s really can speed up the process huh?”

    “Yeah, but Maggie and I are so good, we don’t really need them often.” Amber taunted and heard a little hiss escape the professional’s red lips.

    “You and Maggie won’t be fucking at all during my week with you as my pet bitch…and that week will turn into forever once you accept.”

    “You still think you can tame me? Do you feel my ass, Bianca?”

    “Do you feel mine?” Bianca shot back, the always professionalism dropping further as she

    “Yeah, it feels incredible. I bet Maggie enjoyed spanking it with your own clipboard.” Amber snarked back, and she felt Bianca freeze, and she knew she had finally gotten a good shot into the professional.

    “Let me just go get the dildo…stay right here,” Bianca said, her tone quiet and deadly.

    “I’m not going anywhere,” Amber repeated back in the same tone.

    Bianca regrettably separated their bouncing asses away but did a little bump back before she had moved away fully to Amber’s surprise that made her give a cute yelp. Then, the professional was off and, on the bed, again in a flash, this time holding two things. A big black double-headed dildo, and a small bottle of what seemed like heated oil if the red label gave anything away. She didn’t say anything, and neither did Amber as she dripped and covered the two-headed toy with a light sheen, just to ensure that they would have to really show control to force the other girl down for good. Then, Bianca got back into the same position, rubbing her ass on Amber’s and letting their black and blonde hair blend fully.

    “Doggy style? I think that would work best so our ass’s don’t separate.” Bianca asked,

    “If that’s how you like it.”

    They both went to their knees with their asses in the air and slowly helped each other move the dildo between them, a rare moment of cooperation between the sex enemies. Amber felt the dildo slide in once again, splitting her walls and filling her insides as she took 6 inches and felt Bianca take the other half. Their butts met again a second later and they moaned as their cunt took control of the full 7 inches on their side. It felt like their cores became connected and Amber could feel every shake of Bianca’s inner body. It was a unique sensation that she had not even done with Maggie.

    “Bitch….” Amber moaned trying not to think about doing this with her enemy, her ass moving as she rocked as she started moving back and forth.

    “You…slut….” Bianca gasped back, and moved in sequence with Amber, the slaps of gym-built ass on ass filled the room getting louder by the crush. When they found a sensitive spot, the other girl would arch her back and let out an extra moan as she gripped the sheets tighter in frustration and indulgence.

    At the same time a few seconds later, they brought their faces and tits lower to the disgruntled bed as they worked their asses into each other, no longer slapping and trying to just control the dildo by pushing it deeper into her rival. Then they started aiming it into their rival’s g-spot best they could which caused their backs to arch further, Amber especially was bending as she felt her own body shiver. She tried to think of tricks she and Maggie had used but thinking of her girlfriend only got her angry and horny as she found herself in this ass-to-ass fight with the redhead’s obsessive co-worker.

    Over the next minute, it was a slow draw. Their tits hung down like melons and Amber groaned feeling Bianca’s pale bubble ass flex on hers. When they went deep enough, she felt like it was filling her, and those damn sweaty buns rub her slippery.

    Bianca was biting her red lips, and though their asses and legs were the only ones touching, it felt far more personal. She wanted Amber, this girl’s ass was perfect, a sexy little slut doll that could give as good as she could take. The double-headed dildo was now gone except for a sliver that they couldn’t disappear even as they got as close as possible. Their pussy grips were tight somehow as the assfight reached its peak. The worse thing for Amber was how much she was enjoying it. She wanted to win, she wanted to beat Bianca, but it felt fucking amazing having this whore dildo ass fight her with so much enthusiasm. Even now, she wasn’t sure which of theirs’s loose grip was lessening, which ass pad and sweat were starting to bruise and break.

    They froze, the duel being decided by millimetres as they rotated their asses. This time, Amber’s ass lost an inch and she moved back and her dildo tensing falter. “Fuck!” She gasped as their piston ass fuck began again, but this time Amber was on the defensive, though she didn’t back down, or move forward, not willing to show even the slightest bit of defeat. Her head turned to the left, and Bianca’s had gone to the right so their eyes could glare. Then, they reached for each other, with their opposite hands, locking finger’s ensuring that they would ride one another to end in this doggy slut fuck.

    Bianca’s ass began to use the dildo without any resistance, but the blonde held on as long as possible. She only screamed as she took the dildo fuck, cum dripping out of her in fast drops as she arched forward, her tits facing the wall and she flipped her blonde hair back with an extra loud groan. There was no stopping it, as they reached the five-minute mark of grinding ass on ass, their g-spots now devastated by the soft oily rubber. Amber was still humping back, but in a flush of pressure, she began to cum in this doggy style. “UGH!” She hissed, as her pussy tightened and she widened her legs and knees to allow easier access, her body going against her mind. Besides the loud squishing of her sex organ being split, the only other sound was Bianca moaning in victory sensing the blonde’s orgasm.

    For the first time, Amber began to feel her limit and the peak came faster than ever as Bianca began to twerk slightly, shaking her booty in a way Amber never expected the librarian to be able to do. She tried to twerk back but doing so only caused it to start to go off even harder and she let out a wail as the dildo finally slipped out of her and she screamed into the sheets.

    Bianca flipped and took a more advantageous pose on her knees while Amber was forced to her side. The professional took the dildo in her hand and used it like a cock into the still exhausted Amber, the blonde’s pussy offering no resistance to the hot pumping and taking far more than she was giving. Amber screamed in pleasure as Bianca drove her dildo into her, powerful thrusts that made her clinch and groan in desire, this was one hell of a dildo fuck. It might have only been a piece of plastic, but this librarian knew how to thrust it into her better than any guy she had been with. After a few more hot pumps and a spanking that shook her ass meat, Amber nearly came again holding on by a thread and hoping her minimal thrusts back would force Bianca off. Her hands gripped the white sheets and she focused as best she could. She tried to kick out a few times, and Bianca suddenly stopped. Amber gasped as the dildo was pulled from her cunt with a pop. She was both thankful she had been spared the next orgasm but frustrated because it felt incredible.

    On the bed, she laid there, breathing heavily after the sex war had gone up another level. Cumming while being slapped, spanked, and dildo fucked was a lot to take in. Yet, she was still horny and holding on. At least giving this all back to Bianca felt even better, she just needed to last a bit longer. Though as she felt out her body, she knew she was down in the fight, and didn’t know why Bianca had stopped. She assumed; her rival had been too close to being kicked from that position, but then she felt Bianca get off the bed.

    The professional quickly found what she was looking for and crawled back on the torn battleground, while Amber kicked out at her feebly again. The black-haired girl dodged it and was able to swing her legs onto Amber’s hips and mounted her forcing the ex-student onto her back. The blonde looked up, knowing that she had to keep going even as the sex drained her. But then, her eyes caught what Bianca was holding, and all of her muscles woke up at once.

    “Let’s see how you look bald!” Bianca screamed as she turned on the electric razor and shot it down towards Amber’s skull. The ex-student screamed and caught the wrist of her rival holding the buzzing razor just above her head. “BITCH! What the fuck are you doing!?” She wailed, her burning muscles struggling to hold back Bianca who was looking at her with a crazy view.

    “MAKING MY PET EVEN MORE MY TYPE!” Bianca screamed again and with a surge and gravity, forced Amber’s arms back to her shock. The brown eyes closed in fear, but she didn’t have to see it. She heard it, and then she felt it, the razor make contact with the side of her head as she was able to push it slightly to the right and the buzzing sound of her hair being shaved. It was a long movement, and Bianca successful ran a motion from the front to across the right side. The long strings of blonde hair falling to the pillow, now unconnected to her head.

    “FUCK!” Amber screamed in horror, and she threw a punch into Bianca’s face connecting with her chin. Fury took over Amber as the razor was dropped as Bianca fell back stunned on the mattress. Amber jumped up and took the still running razor, “I’ll make you bald bitch!” She shot it down for Bianca’s forehead but partly missed as the pale woman rolled. It caught only the end of the black stands, but Amber successfully did take off a decent massive chunk of Bianca’s long black hair far closer to her shoulder. As Bianca rolled, she left a small trail of black hair in her wake that the blonde had caught with the electric razor.

    Amber jumped after her, but Bianca had gotten off the side of the bed and moved towards her fallen luggage going for another weapon, but Amber leapt off the bed in chase. “Come here!” She yelled but Bianca shifted plans and lunged at Amber who missed trying to shave her enemy bald. Their big tits met as they slammed each other body to body, the razor falling to the ground as Bianca pulled it free from Amber’s grasp. It landed, still buzzing wildly while they fell back on the bed in their removed hair. They landed on the side of the mattress, then to the floor with the top comforter coming with them and covering the fighting wild cats.

    There was a flurry of arms and legs under the covers and for a second it was impossible to tell which sex queen was winning with just the screams and howls coming from under it. Bianca appeared first, throwing it off her and seemed to be retreating towards the front of the bed, several new scratch marks on her back. Amber threw the cover off second, several feathers going flying that had come with them from the tears on the pillow and mattress. Then Bianca turned and got to her knees, allowing Amber to crawl up to her, where they met on their knees. With snarls, they began to finger while also pulling hair and clawing with their free hands.

    “I’ll never lose!!” Bianca screamed in Amber’s face, as their finger’s danced, trying to break.

    “You will be my BITCH!” Amber screamed, back, but after the dildo, her hot body still was aching and somehow, the dildo fuck hadn’t gotten Bianca as it had gotten her. For a devastating second, Amber felt her clit began to spasm and her tits shoot shots of adrenaline to the love nub. Only a few seconds of her declaration, Amber began to wail just after cumming on the bed…her sex well overflowing.

    “Fuckkkk.” Amber screamed, and though Bianca had started cumming too, Amber’s faltering form, caused her to not be able to give the professional anywhere near the intensity needed, her finger’s leaving Bianca’s clit.

    Bianca’s focus intensified, and she even ignored her own mild orgasm as she finger fucked Amber with every bit of strength left in her arm. She had never been this close in a one-on-one duel, she had never allowed anyone to take her to this aggressive fighting and sexual limit like Amber had. Her body was clawed and torn at, her pale skin easily showing the dark red marks from her rival’s claws…but Amber looked no better. And now the blonde screamed as she fell back to her back against this rival sex queen, letting Bianca break her body and mind with her fingers. The student cried out in pleasure, her hot body shaking, as Bianca watched Amber’s big tits bounce with her thrusts, and Amber’s legs seemed to widen involuntarily as Bianca was on her knees next to her before getting on top and kissing the ex-student.

    It was a long hot kiss, as Amber’s final screams were swallowed by Bianca, and the pale girl forced her rival’s clit into her folds with her thumb and Amber moaned at a deeper tone than she had had ever released this night. The domination seeking professional gasped as she screamed in pleasure back into Amber’s mouth as the blonde’s ass finally relaxed and she seemed to be drained fully.

    Amber lay there on the floor, her legs spread out on each side, defeated, and drained beyond anything she ever had been. Bianca lay on her for a long time, her own sexy figure ravaged both sexually and physically on a new level. The teeth and claw marks they left on the other’s skin could be seen in the dim light, but now it was over. “Not bad bitch…but I pet” The professional breathed, as she licked the smooth neck of her rival, and received no response.

    She knew she had to get Amber tied down or marked before the student got back up. It took a long minute, but the professional successfully stood up and walking back towards the toys. She glanced around the carnage, looking for either marker or tie up silk robe. She found them under the mattress a minute later, but right as she stood up, she felt it. In the last second, she tried to turn but her whole body was tackled as a savage Amber slammed her tits and body into Bianca’s back.

    Feathers went everywhere as they landed on the bed, and Amber shrieked in fury as she successfully flipped Bianca over to her back. The punk girl widened her legs, granting her wild sex enemy full and continued access to her pleasure point. The librarian took the offer without hesitation as they screamed in unison, words failing them as they took one last second to adjust before they continued down the path of sexual destruction. Amber was giving it her all, she had been so close, but forced her body and mind up. Now she would risk it in a pussy fuck with her rival, as their sore clits and cunts forged into one entity.

    Sloppy cunts squished harshly as they began to trib all in the destroyed room. The pleasure returned in a second, and both girls screamed as their tender clits locked for what felt like the millionth time in this intense night, the sexual pleasure starting to send them over the edge.

    “Oh god! Yes!” Bianca moaned, and Amber screamed in desire but with a level of desperation that she had not used in a long time, “You bitch! Fuck yes! Let’s settle this!” She cried out over the sound of their slapping cunts and bouncing tits. The women seemed to sync once again, as if they were on the same wavelength, both taking more pleasure than they needed, only to push more onto her rival. In between the sexy flesh, the two clits continued to grind and flick, the center points in what was a pleasurable zone. Now, however, their entire labia had the sensitivity of their clits, every nerve starting to explode one by one. Their tits bounced, and they spit while slapping the fat jugs all they could. The two beauties no longer talked, just humping and doing a final comparison of their muscles and their sex.

    For a long minute, it went on. They exchanged leaning forward to suck each other’s tits and spit on each other’s faces even more so. All the while Bianca felt the blonde start to hump faster, but for once maybe not on purpose. Amber’s gasps were getting higher pitched and the ex-student herself couldn’t believe what she was feeling this again. She began to go down to her back, trying to shift to hold her pleasure back, but it was too much. ‘Bianca...this bitch,’ Amber thought before she screamed one last time as her clit was suddenly bent back by Bianca’s nub just a bit more than she could get her rival’s. “OH god!” Amber screamed again as she had on the floor a minute ago and Bianca felt it, just holding in her pleasure knowing she needed to make Amber unable to continue from the amount of pleasure. It seemed having that small orgasm had helped Bianca keep her sex in check, and Amber had not nearly recovered from her own. A hot pussy fuck was far too different than their fingers.

    “YES! CUM AMBER BE MINE!” Bianca screamed as she pressed her just standing clit into Amber’s form, their labia fused and the blondes tensing first.

    “NO! NEVER! FUCKK, OH GOD, fuck yes.” Amber wailed, as Bianca moved forward and took the top position. Amber didn’t resist and even pressed her tits forward as if begging them to be sucked. The professional rode the punk girl down like two true sluts, both moaning, screaming, and scratching each other until the blonde’s body finished her pleasure and her limps went slack. Her perfect clit was pushed down, and though Bianca’s was the same, she held on a little longer. The blonde’s screams went louder than ever as she released her orgasm that was one too many for the blonde girl. She tried to think of anything other, but by the time, the pleasure was already overwhelming her senses and mind as she looked up at Bianca and couldn’t stop looking at her hot body. She came, exploding, more cum being released as Bianca squeezed Amber’s nipples and spit on her, sending the blonde into a peak for almost 30 full seconds. She groaned, “Bianca…fuck.” As the final peaks and Amber’s whole back arched as it finally passed through her and she collapsed down, her mouth open in shock as her girlfriend’s co-worker pushed her past the limit.

    The brown eyes were distant as Amber Fielder surrendered to the pleasure. She knew the cum she had just released was from her last orgasm and the last thought she had was how hot Bianca looked. “Fuck…” She breathed lightly before closing her eyes and simply resting outfucked by the professional, the sexfight over as her orgasm passed.

    Bianca felt Amber relax but didn’t break apart until the blonde fully stopped thrusting her perfect defeated pussy back into her form. The professional couldn’t’ believe it but it seemed her rival’s hot body had finally quit in this draining sexfight. She had beaten Amber and given the punk goddesses more pleasure than she could handle. Letting Amber’s leg fall off her, the pale beauty moaned loudly in victory filling the hotel room with the sound of her pleasure. She had claimed her pet, and now she had to mark her prize. Not wasting a second with her own body teetering on the edge of pleasurable consciousness. She found her bag and pulled out a marker, clicking the top off, she marked Amber with a black B, right on sexy punk girl’s perfect chest. Then, she reached between her legs and covered her fingers with her own cum. She spread some of the goo onto Amber’s body and face for a few seconds admiring her new toy until she rolled off the blonde and passed out next to her.

    Bianca woke up with a start and noticed that Amber was still half passed out next to her just about ten minutes later. It seemed they had both been out a few hours, and the professional grinned as she pushed herself up. She had won, and she had somehow conquered the perfect body of her co-worker’s girlfriend and now a pet. Their sexes had exploded in a way that made her shiver in just the memory. They had destroyed the room with their catfight, but it was all worth it.

    “You are mine,” Bianca whispered into Amber’s ear who groaned in response, slowly coming too. The thought that she now belonged to Bianca, even for a week…a week she would no longer belong to Maggie. It as might has well been a lifetime… there was no way Maggie would still be with her because of this.

    She felt Bianca crawl away but was in no position to follow her, the annoyance of defeat mixing with the satisfaction of the sex. A knocking sound a few seconds later made Amber sit up. It seemed Bianca had gone to the door and opened it slightly, “Oh, of course. I will just finish getting ready. Please give me just a minute.” She heard the professional say to someone.

    Then the door shut it and the fully nude wine covered beauty came around to stand in front of Amber before sitting on her hips with a thud. The blonde glared up, but the new dynamic was apparent about who had just out fucked who. Bianca smiled, as she reached down and used her finger to trace the B on Amber’s chest. The punk girl looked down and her eyes went slightly wide at the mark, there was no denying it now.

    Bianca’s grin grew as could tell Amber understood who had outclassed who when it came to sex. “Excellent, you are finally awake. As you can see, I out fucked and marked you before you could get up, Amber. As per our deal, you now belong to me for one week. Lucky for you, I’m away this upcoming one so it will have to be after…try not to look so disappointed my pet.” She cooed, as Amber’s glare intensified, but she remained quiet, her pussy unable to feel anything else but satisfied. “I will message you the details as I need to get back to the convention you were tougher than even I could have imagined. I will leave you to tell Maggie.” She added, her voice switching back to a very professional tone. But then a sparkle came to her blue eyes, and she leaned down and brought their faces and lips to touch as the two beauties stared eye to eye.

    Bianca breathed lightly and placed a light kiss on her pet’s lips before she pulled away. Amber’s whole body was shaking, the rage…no one was allowed to say that to her besides Maggie. “Fuck you bitch.” She hissed, and Bianca only smiled wider, the thrill all she wanted. Saying nothing else, she stood up and began to get dressed all the while Amber watched her nude in the destroyed room, unsure what to say or do.

    She watched Bianca slowly turned back into the perfect professional from the wild sex demon she was in secret. It would be nearly impossible to hide every mark on her body, but for once the pale woman didn’t really care; this convention was made for people in her departments to fuck. She was sure, she and Maggie would have had a picking if they both arrived. But she would worry about the redhead later…though the look on Maggie’s face was something she was desperate to see, she would let Amber tell her. It would hurt more. Finally ready, she moved towards the door, but stopped to get one last hot look at the wine covered, the sexy blonde sitting wide-legged on the floor.

    “I’ll see you soon my love.” Bianca breathed as she moved away, and a shiver crawled up Amber’s spine. The door opened and closed, and Amber was left with nothing but satisfaction, rage, and confusion of what to do now.

    The blonde left a few minutes later, her anger even more now, but her body satisfied in a way it hadn’t been in a long time…not since Maggie and hers second, fight. How could she risk so much? How could she do this…this was nothing less than a disaster. Only getting few halls down, and she ran right into Isabella and Marissa who almost bumped into Amber rounding the corner. The two interns both screamed in shock and surprise seeing the ex-student and her state.

    “AMBER! What happened!?” They yelled in unison.

    “Bianca…” Amber hissed, not wanting to explain any further in the middle of the hotel hall, “Can we go back to the room? I need to lay down…and try to fix my hair somehow.”

    Surprisingly to Amber, the interns helped her together and seemed to be on far better terms than when she had left them a few hours prior. Marissa did all her best work to fix Amber’s hair, but doing so, she had to shave a bit more of Amber’s blonde locks, but at least now it looked on purpose to the point it REALLY made her look punky with a bit of a shaved head. Then, after hearing what happened with Riley and the two roommates, Amber explained her story to the girls to their shock.

    “Maggie will understand,” Isabella said as Amber finished…the confident girl feeling small naked on the conch. But Marissa nodded in agreement with her roommate, seeing her best friend emotional to the point tears were threatening to drop.

    “She will Amber…you fought Bianca for her and so it didn’t go great but that happens...maybe Maggie risked something at the orgy too, I wouldn’t put it past her,” Marissa commented then she was smacked by Isabella. “Ow, sorry ok. Well, what I mean is you don’t know what happened with her…Bianca might have been messing with you with this whole obsession thing. Are you sure she even knows that Silvia girl?” Marissa added and Amber gave a small nod, but a light sob escaped her lips.

    “I hope you are right…but I…just have a bad feeling. I was so dumb…I should have ignored that stupid bitch and…I should have talked to Maggie first. I enjoy fighting other people too…but I’m still worried she won’t come back. I just don’t know how to explain it…I don’t know what I want…besides her.”

    Isabella smiled, “She will forgive you. She loves you like crazy like she talks about you so much…and yeah she might be mad…but yeah…she loves you.”

    “And I mean, you fuck me, and we don’t have feelings, I mean, I love you but like as a friend! And Maggie fucks Izzy here. It can work, and you guys can do it. I think you just have to trust her…and she has to trust you! As long as you both always pick each other over the other stuff, and other people who care. You’re both priority to each other unless it’s me or Izzy, we get a say.” Marissa added after her overly long speech, and Amber nodded at her best friend with a laugh.

    “Thanks, Marissa and you too Isabella, I’m glad you guys are here. Now we just need to get you and Maggie to make up.” She said, her normal voice returning, and Isabella nodded as Marissa rolled her eyes. “No,” Mari said, and the other too sighed. The rest of the night they talked and chilled, Marissa and Isabella getting along better than ever, and Amber being a great mix.

    The next day, Amber walked into her girlfriend’s flat, finding Maggie almost in tears and apologizing for something that Amber had no idea about. Like always, her redhead was overthinking everything, but when Maggie looked at Amber in shock, her mouth dropped. “Amber! What the hell happened to you!?”

    Her girlfriend’s hair was changed, some of it missing, and all the purple strands gone. Her body looked ravaged as if the sexfight she had been in was far more aggressive than she expected.

    “Umm hey Mags, I can explain,” Amber replied, unable to look her girlfriend in the eye, her mind having a panic attack. She had practiced the convo a million times with the interns and on the way home, but when Maggie ran at her and hugged her, she freaked. All the while the redhead was holding her tightly while asking a flurry of quick questions, ‘Are you alright?’ ‘Tell me everything? Why didn’t you call me?’

    Amber pushed her girlfriend back slightly and looked at Maggie’s green eyes, desperate to tell her everything…but equally as desperate to keep the illusion. In the last second of holding her girlfriend and scared beyond reason, she would lose the redhead…Amber lied. “Nothing happened…I just tried a new due with Marissa…and we got a bit rough with Izzy. I should have called, but my phone fell in the pool…then I just didn’t have time.”

    “Oh so, you had a weekend too, ugh, I was freaking out…I’m sorry. I just am amazed how much better you are than me in trusting; I’m always scared you are going to leave.” Maggie responded wiping away the tears. “Ok, but all is good!” She said, though a smile and sob. “I like your hair.” The nerd smiled and Amber smiled back.

    “How did your weekend go?” Amber asked, knowing the answer...if Bianca had been telling the truth.

    Maggie sighed, “I guess let me get this out of the way.”

    She pulled Amber to the couch and sat down, looking suddenly solemn. “The orgy fight was insane…I didn’t win, but it was so close. And I promised to fight Silvia once a month for a year instead of being her slave…just to find out which one of us can bring the other down. She already texted me, she wants us to fight next weekend, and she wants you there.”

    “Umm, Mags I think I want to talk about something,” Amber responded, her lie already having repercussions. She could still fix it.

    “Umm ok, what is it? Oh, and by the way, I would really like you to come. I know I can win, and having you watch me…is something I would really like. You were right, I think I do like a bit of a show, and I want nothing more than my girlfriend to be audience” Maggie continued, as she jumped up and started dinner, blushing from what she sure would be Amber teasing her. It also was to try and hide her own puffy face from the previous hours of what she thought unneeded tears.

    Amber was quiet, three voices fighting in her head. The honest one that wanted to tell Maggie. about what happened with Bianca, that she had stupidly risked so much against the other librarian and had lost. That Bianca was going to try and collect her prize at some point. A second part, to keep face, keep the smile and let Maggie continue like she had been, wanting her girlfriend to be as happy as ever. Maybe there was a way she could find a way to deal with Bianca before the bitch got her week or do it without Maggie knowing. Or she could just ignore it, and if Bianca tried to use it against her…just lie again.”

    She looked back at the kitchen to see Maggie standing there in her pajamas, her hot body hidden by her loose pajamas, but Amber still was so attracted to her. Then the blush, the smile, how could she not do what she wanted “Of course, I’ll go idiot. If you want me there, I’ll go wherever you want.”

    “You are the best, and I love you so much.” Maggie smiled and seemed to turn to hide a tear of happiness that leaked out. Then, putting down the pot, she turned with a different type of hungry look in her eyes, and the nerdy girl licked her red lips. “Before we eat…you want to shower with me?” The redhead teased, “I still feel really filthy and want you to clean me…every inch of me” She groaned and took off her shirt right there in the kitchen letting her huge tits and pink nipples come out. Amber could see the marks from Silvia, and weirdly that still turned her on more than anything.

    Amber paused though glanced at her favorite tits in the world. She wanted to say yes, she wanted to sleep with Maggie more than anything, but right now the black mark B on her chest felt like it was on fire.

    “Umm, you go first, I think I need to lay down…and shower alone as I need to do my hair. we can have some fun in the morning and shower then.”

    “Oh, okay babe. I’ll be in bed in a few.” Maggie responded, disappointment in her voice, and a bit of fear entered her own soul that had been gone just seconds ago. Amber never turned her down…and she wondered if her blonde lover did care about her fights with Silvia and the other woman…but Amber would tell her…she hoped.

    Amber smiled at Maggie, but it didn’t reach her eyes and Maggie noticed but didn’t say anything. A few minutes later, and Amber was in the shower rubbing away the black B…wondering what to do…how could she be happy and keep Maggie happy when those two things clashed. She wanted to fight other women but knowing Maggie did it…scared her. Maybe watching her girlfriend fight Silvia or Isabella would help...maybe. Now she just needed to find a way to get out of her deal with Bianca. The bitch was out of work this week, so she had till next Monday before Maggie would see Bianca. That should be enough time.

    That night Amber laid in bed next to her girlfriend, the redhead cuddling her body tightly. The ex-student was unsure of what to do, but sleep took her before she made any real decision…the lie about Bianca already hurting. And the knowledge that the other woman and rivals…wanted them both…how the hell would she protect Maggie.

    Meanwhile, a half-day earlier back at the hotel.

    Riley was sitting out by the pool, her fingers moving fast on her phone. She was breathing heavy, her short search around the hotel coming up empty…the freaks and the hot blonde must have left. Leaving that shower stall after getting out titfucked then, actually fucked was one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. Losing hurt her pride, but her secret, her own freaky hobbies being out in the world worried her more…that Isabella girl knew more than anyone else…and that meant the Marissa girl would too. Those sluts would pay…and she would fight each of them and shut them up personally.

    The money from the cosplay contest was good, and her sorority was happy, but this was a moot point to her now. Suddenly she looked up to see a woman of incredible looks walking by her, though her moonlight pale body hidden behind a sexy white one-piece bikini. She had several red marks on her skin and was talking on the phone to someone when some words hit the sorority girl’s ears.

    “Yes…well, my little thing with Amber went well, but I can wait to claim her if Jenny thinks that is best. I’m glad to hear you were just able to beat Maggie…though it sounds quite close which is what Jenny said you wanted, but doesn’t really help us…with what you offered her”

    She went quiet and Riley was now listening fully, something told her, this was something she needed to hear. “Well, next time, beat her fully as I did to Amber. Yes, I agree, your agreement works with the circumstance, and then we can really have some fun with them. I’ll get what I want, you and Natalie yours, and Jenny can as well. No, Miss Keeling and Miss Sanz…sorry, Marissa and Isabella, the two interns won’t be in the way. You, Jenny, and Natalie can have your fun, and I’ll get my job and my beautiful punk prize…though I will share her as promised. Of course, Jenny will get her band stuff. My…we do have so much to do, don’t we?”

    Riley shot up hearing enough and approached the woman who was sitting down and already had waved away a few suitors. Bianca eyed this girl’s approach. “Let me call you back.” She said into the phone, and then laid back. If this young girl wanted to challenge her, Bianca figured there must be a good reason.

    “Hey, did you just say Marissa and Isabella?” Riley asked the woman, who quickly looked surprised, then giving Riley a hot up and down. Satisfied, she motioned to the sun lounge next to her.

    Up close, Riley recognized the woman slightly. She was one of the two hot librarians at the school…every guy on campus wanted to bang them. She took a seat on the cushions and waited as Bianca ordered two drinks.

    “I might have, and who you might be?”

    “I’m Riley, I go to the college where you work, and I think we have something in common…”

    “Do we? And what do you think that is?”

    Riley took a breath and took the risk. “Well, I’m looking for some help to pay back those two little sluts.” The sorority girl hissed. “And I can’t ask my friends, but I if you want to go after them and that hot blonde chick, they were with…I want to help.”

    Bianca looked at the girl, and then her body again…she certainly had the assets and if she had been messing with Isabella and Marissa…maybe this girl could be of some use.

    “It’s funny, I was curious that you were looking to fight me…but this is even better. I assume you know the game?”

    “Yeah, and I’m good at it...I was just stupid."

    “Oh, I have been there, and you know, I think we can help each other…I too have an issue with the two girls you are mentioning and my coworker. Some friends and I are going to have some fun with them.

    “The redhead librarian, right? The one with her tits out all the time? I mean you both do…and I would too. All the sorority girls like me think you guys have such hot bodies, but they get annoyed that guys want to fuck you both.

    “Well, thank you, I take that as a very high compliment. What was your name again?”

    “Riley Carter.”

    “Well, hello, Miss Carter I’m Miss Marshall, but you can call me Bianca for now. Tell me a bit about yourself and I’m sure I can figure out something for you to help with the two sluts and that blonde and redhead.”

    The end.


    Well, hope you all enjoyed it and sorry it took so long. I still need to respond to many comments, so sorry about that. More to come soon, but this was one fun fight to write. I liked them being more aggressive, but still very sexual, damn I enjoy Amber and Bianca...will prob have them meeting up again soon. Umm, yeah, halloween is still on the plan, Magnitude duel just needs more clean up but is close. Umm, and yeah, I have a short fun playful one almost done, but need to finish another first. So 4 on the go right now (4th being the next in this series), And a really long one that I’m seeing how it works. Ok! Yeah, thats it. Hope you all enjoyed the Freak Convention and would love to hear your thoughts if you are willing. Yep, thats all I got...till next time. Cheers.

  3. #23
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Love this fight!
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  4. #24
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    I have many things to say about this.

    Daaaaaamn! my favorite girl is a crazy bitch, I can't stay away from crazy, even on stories, dammit!.

    Amber you damn fool!

    This is reaching telenovela levels of drama, we need popcorn for this things.

    The sexfightverse is a small world, even shadows want a piece of you, the possibilities on this thing.

  5. #25
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Conventi

    Another incredible chapter. Looks like we’ve got a conspiracy against our favorite sexfighting GFs going on. I just have two complaints. One of which I’m sure you’re already planning to address later and the other is more of a personal gripe. The first is that Bianca’s character development from the Gala seems to have been for nothing. Even after swallowing her pride and begging Maggie to help Izzy, she still ends up being a conniving bitch out to ruin Maggie and Amber, even pushing away Izzy, her seemingly only friend. Like I said, I’m sure you have it all planned out, so I’ll just wait and see.

    The second thing is the whole shaving thing. I personally love women with long, beautiful hair. I think it adds a lot to their beauty, so seeing it shaved like that is a massive turnoff. I know it’s just in my head and I can picture the girls looking like whatever I want but still. Again, that’s a personal gripe only and it thankfully could’ve been way worse. At least nobody went bald.

    So, looks like we’ve got Maggie, Amber, Marissa and Isabella against Bianca, Jenny, Silvia, Natalie and now Riley. Maybe Teagan will end up joining our heroes so it’ll be an even 5V5 thing. As always, I can’t wait for more. This series is not only hot as Hell but also extremely compelling.

  6. #26
    Hostboard Member darkmoonfades's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    I’m new to get to the Maggie saga but I’m not late ������. Amazing story writing and when you thibk one has the upper hand next minute you don’t. Keeps teasing the reader. Kingofpirates is a king and a champion story writer on this forum. I still have a few chapters to read but I thought to let you know how amazing those chapters were.

    Ps: Please please continue the magnitude duel too, that was such an erotic story. ������

  7. #27
    Hostboard Member Eights's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    So is Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne Bianca's ringtone? I feel like it is.

  8. #28
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Hi King!

    Finally had a chance to read this. It is incredibly hot. The description of the fight and the sex between the two women is mind-blowing. The ass to ass battle is incredible and has given me a few ideas!

    The conspiracy between Maggie and Amber's enemies makes a certain kind of sense, though I fear the whole thing may become really complicated. At any rate, I'm very disappoinated that Amber did not tell Maggie right out what happened and give them a chance to face it together. I hope that happens later.

    I'm really looking forward to the next Maggie/Silvia battle with Amber in the audience - though, from the sounds of it, she may not be the only one. And I'm also looking forward to see how Maggie deals with Bianca after this.

    I hope the Magniture Duel is up soon!


  9. #29
    Junior Hostboard Member UltimateZeroStar's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: The Freak Convention


    That was an amazing conclusion! I expected Amber to lose here but the little details really surprised me. It seemed to me that Bianca was using similar tactics to when Maggie beat Amber the last time. It also seemed like Bianca knew what happened at the Gala. Marissa and Izzy being so understanding was something I didn't expect.

    It's crazy how many people are involved in this web that Silvia/Jenny/Bianca are making. I have no idea what happened with Jenny and Bianca but I really want to know now. Seems like this plan is mostly Jenny's idea... I really lived the stinger scene too. Riley getting involved in this web is a really cool development.

    I don't know where things go from here but I'm really excited.

  10. #30
    Senior Hostboard Member Rivals_Rapture's Avatar
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    Re: The Freak Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by thedemba2 View Post
    found it but in multiple post:
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 1
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 2
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 3
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 4
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 5
    The Perfect Ingredient Part 6

    I can´t remember if this one is, or was completed, anyways six parts for you to enjoy.
    I have added these parts to the site!

    I will reach out to King and see if he has the other parts, or cleaner versions without the weird question marks.

    Also! Now in black!

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