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Thread: Italian Gypsy Heiress vs Black Irish Princess

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    Junior Hostboard Member jjcool1480's Avatar
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    Italian Gypsy Heiress vs Black Irish Princess

    Hannah was 100% Italian, heritage wise coming from the Sicilian hills of Italy she loved living not far from the coast in Palermo. She had a particularly hot edge to her from dominating dance floors to dating the long raven haired stunning got attention and found it easy to get revealing her wears and she made no excused fucking whom she loved.
    Caitlin as black Irish, her ancestry could be traced back to her native Ireland where she was born in Tipperary but had recently moved to Cork the long raven haired beauty was also hot she loved dancing and dating and fucking as well she was unashamed showing that side of herself for those that she loved.
    Each was a meat lover and they preferred fit thick hung guys with large balls and did not mind one night stands or long term dating relationships. Of course they were each labeled a whore or slut for her carnivorous dealing with the opposite sex.
    They stood about the same height 5'5, Caitlin had a bit more rubensesque look to her with fuller tits a 34c that bounce more on her frame. Hannah was more lithe and had 32b with torpedo style tits that swayed side to side.
    Hannah had a wanton attitude she was a born confronter and Caitlin had a touch of arrogance to her personality and was unafraid of an argument if one started. Somewhere far away from home they crossed paths on their way to Trinidad at a tropical vacation resort.
    As fate would have it the had sharing the same connecting flight from France each woman had scheduled a 2 week holiday in warm and tropical Trinidad as each cuddled in comfort aboard British Airways. Hannah had a bit of a olive skin hue to her and Hannah was Caucasian. At an waiting lounge at a Paris France airport the made initial acquaintance in a busy departure lounge ladies room quite accidently as they were exiting side by side stalls.
    On her connecting flight from Italy Hannah and run into a nice Italian guy and she offered to take him to the ladies room, little did she expect that the the stall next to hers was occupied but Caitlin and a UK lad she had met on her connecting flight and she end up in the opposing stall next to Hannah's. The guttural snarls of ectasy permeated though the small bathroom as both men has his enjoyment with the woman he found on the early airplane connecting flight. The black Irish Princess girl Caitlin and the Italian gypsy heiress each with her long raven tressed hair flying had a wild time of it in the ladies room.
    The metal stalls shared a common opposing metal wall, at the right angle each woman could see into the opposing stall. Each one leaning palms first on the wall as she was fucked by her male mate.
    Each woman was rewarded with a private view of the other woman's tits bouncing and swaying as the other was fucked. Gasps were overheard as each one squealed as she got the fucking she wanted from the male filling her hole in back of her. Brief moans filled the bathroom as she had consensual sex with the guy stretching her pussy. They could each see through the conjoined duct into the others stall as Hannah's torpedo tits bounced and swayed wildly and Caitlin's slightly fuller obs bounced and jiggled wildly on her chest as they dangled defying gravity.
    They each hand interlaced her fingers into the small metal airducts chrome grill for support on the grates on the wall and could feel the others opposing fingertips as the hooked their fingers which were curled at the knuckle as she sought to hold herself by use the grate as fingerhold. As their fingers clutched at he grate on her side of the wall each was reward with a few scratches to her fingers courtesy of the other woman's manicured nails. They were a sweaty soaked mess and wet in several ways. It was wild and furious however it didn't last long as both men finished his time with his impromptu activity and left before the bathroom got any busier.
    Each woman eyed each other as they stepped out of her occupied stall their long hair a wild mess from the nearly 20 minutes of exertion and activity. Each knew what the other was doing for the last 20 minutes as Caitlin and Hannah smiled wickedly at one another both not even really breathing hard. They stood over the bathrooms vanity area as she brushed her hair quickly and straightened her top and jeans from the activity.
    Without a word they each turned towards each other and wrapped her arms around the other woman's torso and hips and embraced in a hot kiss. Each one trying to stagger the other backward as she pushed against her rocking and thrusting their legs as their knee high black leather boots shifted below them, each one precariously balanced on her knee high's stiletto heels expertly.
    Each was a dominant dueler and kisser as each wrapped a hand around the other throat trying to dominate the other woman in front of the vanity as the squeezed the other woman's throat in defiance and resentment as each drove her long tongue into the deep recesses of the others mouth swirling her tongue expertly in the others soft wet cave. They each wrapped her slender fingers in the other woman's long raven bangs pulling hard as they embraced each other a little more violently as the smashed their blouse and bra covered breasts into the others unprotected bosoms.
    On the other side of the door life in they busy airport continued, it was a reminder each need to present herself for her connecting flight as they separated amongst snarls and gasps.
    Caitlin's eyes glared at Hannah's in the vanity mirror as Hannah's stared back at Caitlin's. Each one knew they did not have much time before her connecting flight would be loading at the departure waiting gate and neither wanted to miss her flight for a vacation she needed as they exchanged a leering glance at each other. Silently each clutched her shoulder bag and turned and walked out without saying a word.
    They ignored each other as each blended in with the other passengers waiting for the same flight in the departure lounge. Soon enough the staff of the British Airways called for boarding to begin, the called for rear or aft section and then for mid section, and then finally for business and first class. It was a proven and scientific process for filling the seats of each sections. Both Hannah and Caitlin were going to be sharing a seat in the mid section.
    Each sat in the coach area of the British Airways flight sharing as fate would have it a center aisle seat each one sitting hip to hip occasionally locking eyes as they thumbed though a couple of magazines each had purchased at the airport in Paris. Neither had spoken a word till Hannah introduced herself in her best English with an Italian inflection in her voice. Caitlin introduce herself in English though her Irish brogue came out. The two made subtle chit chat as the plane flew them to their final destination. Each was dressed casually light blouses, denim high rise jeans and black leather knee high boots as each crossed her slender legs and rocked one leg over the other knee.
    Each also noticed that the others nipples tented her bra and blouse they were each wearing. In the handful of magazines they had purchased in France.....they were shocked to see the other carrying a woman's fight classified journal as well. One glance was all took as the barrier between Italy and Ireland came to a quiet fall that spoke volumes above the whir of the jet turbines mounted on the wings outside the passenger compartment as the made eye contact out of the corner of her eye with the other. The large jet plane was back away from the departure tube and terminal and it taxied to the correct runway and took off from the runway that was reserved for departing planes.
    During the long flight the flight attendants serve a meal and beverages as both continued to sit quietly side by side, with the meal trays collected some passengers passed the time sleeping, or watching the onboard television, while some elected to read whatever material they had brought with them or the standard airline marketing material. Caitlin quietly decided to see what interested her magazine she flipped the pages till she came to a section labeled wrestling. Hannah shook her head and quietly flipped a few more pages to one labeled boxing........this time Caitlin shook her head Then Caitlin opened a page to MMA and Hannah shook her head. Then Hannah turned to a page labeled to ring wrestling and Caitlin shook her head. Then Caitlin flipped a few Catfighting to which Hannah nodded. Now each was on the same page figuring out what interested the other as Caitlin smirked and Hannah grinned.
    They each sat looking at each other stoically....then Hannah had and idea.......she quietly separated her forefinger and her middle finger and slowly stroked her thumb between her slender finger. Caitlin shook her head. Then Caitlin reached into her shoulder bag, it took a few moments to locate but she found it at the bottom of her shoulder bag, a stressball she had bought during a visit to a shopping center a month early, is was smaller than her palm as she clenched inside her palm, she dug her short yet sharp nails into the soft nylon ball leaving indentations in the fabric and boldly placed it on the table on the back of the seat in front of Hannah. Hannah smirked and she palmed the stress ball in her hand and squeeze her slender fingers around the ball as she dug her nails into the nylon ball leaving indentations as well. Caitlin grinned as Hannah smirked
    This was better than having ESP.........She placed the stress ball down on the seatback table of the seat in front of Caitlin with their eyes locked each one having the others silent attention Caitlin reached down pick up the small stress ball as she noticed the indentations that Hannah had left in the stress ball, she pushed the ball to her face and at first Hannah thought Caitlin was going to kiss the ball, instead Caitlin bit the ball between her teeth and gnawed it. Her teeth left bitemarks on the nylon stress ball, satisfied she remove it from her mouth and returned it the the seatback tray that was in front of Hannah and she gave her a cocky smirk.
    After a bit of time showing Hannah what she could do, Hannah took the ball into her slender hand her thing fingers grabbing the stress ball Caitlin had just bit lifted the ball to her mouth and leaned her face closer biting it between her teeth and chewed it maliciously between her teeth. After a giving it a good chew, Hannah removed the stress ball and placed it on the the seatback table in front of Caitlin as Caitlin smirked as Hannah grinned wildly in reply.
    Hannah pressed the call button for flight attendant on the overhead service device and when the flight attendant arrived she subtlety asked for a blanket ....before the attendant could leave Caitlin also asked for one. With in about 5 minutes the attendant returned with two blankets and handed one to each woman. The fleece like blankets were warm to snuggle in. But neither one planned on sleeping nor snuggling.
    Each woman pulled her blanket to discretely cover herself form her legs up to her the attendant left to take of other passengers the two were quiet as they wrapped hands together under the fleece blankets. As they wrapped the slender thin fingers together each one entwined her fingers with the other, they kept the eyes riveted on the others, neither one wavering the least.
    As their slim finger entwined, the edges of their manicured nails stabbed into the others hand flesh, clawing and scratching at the others hands bringing soft gasps to the lips. The jet meanwhile continued it's flight as each woman remained strapped in her seat her lap belt fastened around her waist, the only thing that separated her hip form the other was the small armrest separating the two as black leather boot and lower calves kissed and entwined together under the fleece blanket covering each.
    Their thin lips quivered a snarl or a hiss from one or the other broke the silence as their nails dug into the back of the others hand their fleece blankets made it appear each was napping as the flight flew on at about 35000 feet. The only thing that blocked the stars and the moonlight thought coming in and window was cloud cover creating shadows and darkness in the passenger compartment of the aircraft.
    Hands went for the other's blouses and bras as each went after the other woman's bare skin beneath the other woman's attire. A few times they squirmed in silence as the scratched and gouged at each other raking soft exposed flash. There was no escape, trapped in adjoining seats embroiled in conflict. The only thing visible was the heads, from neck down they were obscured by the fleece blankets. The only thing blocking views of what was happening was thin fleece blankets as tears could bee seen rolling down her cheeks from the corners of her eyes. as each one turned her head to glare in the other woman's eyes, they maintained there scornful glares.
    In the darkened passenger compartment, each one silent to the misery she was receiving from the other woman as she paid her back, nails digging into the bare breasts that were unclothed under the fleece blanket. Nails scratched at Hannah's torpedo shaped breasts and nails raked into Caitlin's orbs. With the lights out and flight attendants seated in their assigned seat no one on board the commercial plane knew what was going on in the 1st class seating area of the plane. Each squirmed further back in her seat, tolerating the others ones nails clutching one of her breasts the other woman's nails dug deep in the soft orb of her breast. Hannah seemed to be focused on sawing the circumference of Caitlin's aroused nipple.
    Caitlin's fury was as hot as Hannah's as she maliciously dug her nails into the skin digging her nails into the others soft ball like flesh of her tit, nails dug in painfully as tears ran down her cheeks from the assault on her own mammary which was being twisted in pain. Hannah's own breast bled from the punctures that Caitlin dished out and Caitlin's breasts trickled with red from the blood that seeped out of the puncture marks Hannah was leaving on her breasts and areolas and aroused nipple shafts. Caitlin seemed to be focused on digging a deep furrow from the base of Hannah's perky nipple from areola to aroused nipple tip.
    Perhaps it was the wildness of the moment as each went after the others areolas nail pinching the others engorged nipples. Hannah's nails were intent on mutilating the Irish woman's swelled nipples sawing each with her slashing nails. Caitlin dug her nails into Hannah's nipples from the base of Hannah's nipple and her nails dug cruelly into Hannah's as she ripped deep furrows from the base of her nipple to the tip.
    Hannahs Italian fury crested in savagery as did Caitlin's blistery Irish demeanor. Caitlin leaned across her seat into Hannah and whispered into her ear and said "I am going to fuck you up cunt" to which Hannah leaned back and whispered into Caitlin's ear "bring it, I will destroy you bitch". In the darkness of the passenger cabin the two women leaned into one another bring their meanness to full bearing on the other's soft warm body.
    The blood smeared and trickled from the furrows and numerous puncture wounds each was suffering from.
    Each must have been in agony but neither complained, time seemed to pass quickly as soon the jet was landing at it's destination in Trinidad. As fate would have it there travel service had booked each at the same resort in Trinidad as the prepared themselves to disembark the jet each was sore under her hastily adjusted blouse that she straightened up to make it look halfway presentable. With that they followed the instructions to disembark from the jet which had pulled up to the Terminal arrival gate. It was a warm sunny day in Trinidad as each made her way through the busy concourse picking up her suitcase that she wheeled behind her after retrieving it from the rotunda and exiting the small crowded concourse each exited the arrival terminal found herself on the sidewalk in front of the arrival terminal hailing a mutual taxi to the resort hotel her travel service had booked her reservation with. Caitlin had an unhappy frown on her face as Hannah grimaced at seeing the Irish bitch climbing into the waiting taxi. No doubt the Italian Hannah had felt the pain that coursed through her mammary glands as much as Caitlin felt coursing through her twins as well. Each woman had a shoulder bag slung over her arm as each climbed in each blurted out to the driver the name of the resort almost if on que the instructions were he same. They would be sharing the ride to the same destination resort together.
    The drive of the taxi cab was a dark skinned Trinadian native, he smiled as each woman entered from opposite doors as they climbed in the car. The airport skycaps loaded each woman's luggage into the trunk of the cab and once down, they closed the rear deck lid and motioned for the driver that he was set to leave.
    The drive seemed to take an eternity as each sat on the same back seat of the taxi cab. If one allowed herself to be stared at intently enough one could have seen the specks of dried that smeared each ones swaying jiggly titflesh. The ripped bras under their blouses hanging by the shoulder straps and tightened by the hearty main back straps kept the bras in place. Save for that even with the rips material the bras managed to stay intact by the clasps and the heavy-duty double stitched thread. Little did the driver seem to notice as each woman coyly wrapped her leather boots around each other, entwining the others stiletto shafted high heels as they twisted and wrapped around each others stiletto shafts of their black leather knee highs.
    As the driver drove the taxi cab to the resort he could feel the kicks of each woman from their locked legs, he could feel their toes of their boots reverberating though the back of the front seat and the guttural moans and grunts that escaped each woman hips. Out of the corner of the rear view mirror he saw each get in some rough hairpulling which brought out a few squeals and yelps from their mouths.
    He was not born the night before, he had been witness to how Trinidad street whores and hookers settled their nightly disputes and he theorized that his two passengers had were having a similar dispute.
    He was relieved when the resort destination came up on his GPS, he did not want his cab destroyed as he pulled up to stop in front of the resort's rotunda driveway, he smiled as each one paid him his fare and gave him a modest tip with a smile in return, he thanked each for the payment of the fare and gratuity as resort attendants pulled each woman's luggage from the trunk and wheeled it into the resort. Each woman climbed out of the the back of the taxi cab and entered the front lobby of the resort giving each other the cold shoulder and brush off. He could tell by the twang in Caitlin' s voice that Caitlin was English however the lilt in her voice was remarkably Irish and the sultry sound in Hannah's voice that she was Italian. He would have liked to follow each but he had more fares waiting to get involved with a dispute between each woman.
    Each stood in front of the check-in desk as as the front desk clerk checked each in for her vacation stay at the busy Trinidad vacation resort. The bellhops waited patiently as guest checked in, each woman along with the other guests that filled the hobby located her luggage and a bellhop offered their services to bring the luggage to their rooms. In the modern tourism industry it was most efficient even with the wheeled luggage each bellhop had a cart even that held even the bulkiest suitcases and garment bags.
    The only thing that really had changed was the locks were now opened by swipe cards and the swipe cards could handle also purchases at the resort gift shop and dining options as well and bar charges. For the next two weeks all charges would be places on the room cards and tallied at the end of the guests stay at the resort. It was efficient and timely. After the front desk check in each woman was taken to her room escorted by her bellhop, the rooms were lavish as further fat would have it each woman was booked on the same floor, floor six rooms 6 and 9.....once inside her room each thanked the bellhop for their prompt service. As she dismissed the attendant she had the room to herself as the door closed behind their exit locking automatically.
    Each woman now officially on vacation took the time to relax in the quietness of the room as she unwound from a hectic arrival travel and air transportation. Hannah was pissed off at the UK black Irish lass mouthy bitch Caitlin that she had found trouble with on her inbound flight from France. She had a chance to take notice in the wall mirror the marks and welts that were left on her soft bouncing tit flesh. Her aroused nipples were quite ravaged from their hours long encounter in the first class passenger cabin on the plane.
    In a room futher down the corridor, Caitlin stood in front of a mirror checking the damage the Italian heiress had left on her body. Her swaying breast flesh were ravaged and she was left with plenty of marks and welts that she got back from the mouthy cunt during their hours long transoceanic flight to tropical warm Trinidad from France.
    Luckily each woman realized she couldn't finish the fight on the flight, each made the conscious decision to wait till the appropriate time to finish their unsettled business where they would not be stopped or interrupted. The rest of the their first day in tropical paradise she enjoyed and rested. Each did a bit of sun tanning by the resort's private inground pool. They also visited the resort's private spa where they attended to herself physically using some of the available elliptical trainers and treadmills and stair climbers.
    ,Neither minded showing off her anatomy in their fitness attire, lycra t-backs, fitness shorts, and nylon leggings. Each looked absolutely stunning in a two piece string bikini as well as fitness wear such as spandex as well. Each also loved her stunningly sharp nails that she prided herself on. They way Caitlin's slightly larger cleavage swayed under he top rivaled Hannah's own jiggly slightly smaller cleavage which she keep inside her tight top.
    The first couple of times they saw each other at the resort each would trade sneers and snickers that later turned to hisses and snarls. After the third day each exchanged slaps as well as nasty comments. Neither one backing down from getting in each other's faces. Caitlin had a short fuse and Hannah had a red hot temper. In her lycra or spandex body suits they each looked awesome. Hannah's spicy Italian-Sicilian personality came out as did Caitlin's Irish-sassy attitude
    Each was working out on one of the machines in the gym, the multi-purpose machine had at 4 different stations set up on surrounding the center core of the the machine, Caitlin was using a rowing machine to work out her upper back and Hannah was using a lateral pull down to work her shoulders. Caitlin remarked about Hannah's bouncing breasts under her spandex/lycra suit and Hannah remarked about Caitlin's own swaying breasts under her spandex/lycra attire. Each one wore the same type of revealing athletic work out suit that had a high rise to the cut of the material which was revealing in terms of the marketing of her plump buttocks seemingly causing the cheeks to swell.
    The two worked out alone choosing a time that each knew would be slow. Their words were replaced with replaced with slaps, and their fingers entwined as she pulled at the other one's hands. A few times each snuck in a hair pull or had her her own raven hair jerked. It brought a few swears from each and a several curses. Each ended up in the gym's ladies lounge where the claws and teeth came out as each one punished the other one's bosom. They scratched and raked at the others breasts Caitlin's swaying meaty cleavage was assaulted by Hannah's nails and Hannah's tender bouncing breasts were savagely worked by Caitlin's talons in return.
    It left each one moaning and gasping in agony. Her breasts criss crossed with nail mark and slashes and even nail dug into the soft glands and her own areola and nipples paid the price of the other one's savagery. The two balled up in the small confines of the ladies lounge as her nails went between the others exposed legs clawing at femanine soft spots. Both women were shavers since the were sexually active. Labia lips and aroused clitorises were each attacked by the other, Caitlin forced her claws up inside of Hannah's pussy as Hannah cruelly penetrated Caitlin's own pussy.
    Each woman's vagina taking its torture and abuse as they each raked at the inside of the other woman's vagina. Their talons dug into the other ones vulnerable pussy as they snarled and spit at each other as they battled in the small ladies lounge. Even the inside of her ass cheeks were targeted by the other woman. her own butthole felt the scorching pain of the others fingernails.
    The fighting seemed to last forever as each leaned her face closer to the others titmeat and bit into each other breasts. Hannah bit into Caitlin's swaying boobs and Caitlin used the moments to bite in Hannah's bouncing titties. They each bite into the soft swelling areolas and also but at the erect aroused nipples that protruded from the center of each one's areola. They were wincing in agony and yelping.
    Each smirked as she studied the other woman's response to the slaps an nasty nail attacks and bites she was dolling out to the other. The nasty looks each gave each other in addition to the pain as each regard the other with furious contempt and hate. Hannah was a bit more agile than the sultry Caitlin, she managed to get her from behind and slid her slightly longer legs around Caitlin's torso and straddled her back as she did so she smirked wildly as her finger dug into the corner of Caitlin's lips and pulled back with her nails on the inside of Catlin's mouth. She smiled with glee as he her nails stabbed into the inside of the Irish woman's mouth. Hannah challenged Caitlin threatening to tear her apart "go on fucker, I will rip you apart".
    Caitlin screamed in agony as Hannah dug her nails into the inside of her mouth, she abruptly bit down on Hannah's slender fingers chomping down on them as Hannah swore. Caitlin replied " I will bite you to pieces whore" she remarked to Hannah. Hannah twisted her head and tilted it closer her teeth found it's mark, the soft palm of Caitlin's free hand as she bit into the soft flesh palm. Caitlin could feel the palm of her hand on fire as Hannah bit into it. Hannah screeched out "let go of my fingers you temperamental witch or you may be lucky if you pull back a stump"
    As she did Caitlin's other hand clawed at Hannah's face as she ripped her nails across Hannah's temple and down the Italian hottie's cheek leaving deep furrows in return. Eyes narrowed as each stared insolently at one another as their lips curled back in menacing snarls. The two moved in again as their flashed the teeth at one another again. They grew closer this time the balled together in a tight embrace as their faces got closer to each others bodies. Each was sacrificing herself to the other's animalistic charms. They got closer a as their teeth went for the others boobs, Hannah's mouth going for Caitlin's swaying orbs and Caitlin going for Hannah's bouncing dough balls. Each one bit into the scarred scratched and raked flesh with her teeth. Caitlin felt Hannah's teeth bite into her areola as she bit at the perky nipple the blood and lymph leaked out of Caitlin's wounded swaying orb as Hannah felt Caitlin's teeth bit into her bouncing breast as she could feel Caitlin's own teeth penetrated her areola as she felt her nipple get chewed in return feeling the warm blood and lymph leak from her wounded bouncing breast.
    Both raven haired beauties pulled hard on the others long scalp hair through gritted teeth the growled at one another. It took quite a bit of vicious tugging and pulling to get the other off her rack as Caitlin winced and squealed Hannah eyelids fluttered as she moaned in pain. They want at each others mouths with teeth biting and chewing at he others lips as they pulled the others lips with her teeth, blood smearing and splatter as it leaked from the fresh puncture wounds on her lips, gobs of saliva and blood dribbled from the corners of her moth drooling downward to form a river as it flowed down over their breasts. The taste of blood permeated each woman's palette.
    In defiance each was stabbing the others asshole with her nails as each drilled her nails deeper into the others anus as she clawed at the other demon's shit tube. Sharp talons crudely and rudely dug into the others rectum Hannah was forced to blink her eyes to get the tears from the corners of her eyes and Caitlin was in no better condition either as her tears streak her cheeks. Eye shadow and mascara was streaked from each jungle cat's salt tears that rolled down her cheeks. Each woman brutally humped one of the others thighs as the ground in hard, pressing wounded titflesh against wounded tit flesh. Hannah moaned as her breast flesh swayed and bounced against Caitlin's breasts that just defiantly swayed defiantly on her chest. Hard nipples were thrust in the other's woman's areola like that drilled in deep into the other woman's areola.
    They sculpted taut tummies and fitness defined abs pressed tighter as more fuel was added to the obscene fire. Each woman fighting on such a primal level as each ground her sexy attributes into one another as her thighs scissored one of the other woman's thighs as she did she leaned in tighter as pussies brutally collided, vulva meeting vulva, pussy lip against pussy lip. even in some obscene way womb against womb as their bellies pressed tighter. Luckily Caitlin had more breast tissue than Hannah which gave her a slight advantage over the Italian bitch as the Irish princess pressed into the Italian heiress.
    The Italian tightened her buttocks capturing Caitlin's finger in her glory hole as she prevented Caitlin from gaining any more leverage then she had. Caitlin's own buttocks were sealed around Hannah's hand as she crushed Hannah's finger inside her own anus preventing Hannah from backing away also. The two women were long past perspiring, they were drenched in sweat, blood, and saliva. Even each woman's vulva were spasming out of control as cum squirted from the crevices of her pussy a mix of not only cum but urine leaked wildly from the corners of each one's clit as she weakened in the grip of the other as she finger banged the other woman's ass.
    In the end Hannah felt herself losing consciousness, she was exhausted but she gave Caitlin a battle that Caitlin would remember, Caitlin gave her everything that Hannah could take in the end the Irish Princess remained standing in victory over Italy's proud Princess, Hannah; in the dirtiest fight she had. Irish women always had a subtle mystique and she was happy to have won as Hannah collapsed to the floor in the confines of the small ladies lounge if the fitness center of the Trinidad vacation resort.
    Big Bubba

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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: Italian Gypsy Heiress vs Black Irish Princess

    Great story

  3. #3
    Junior Hostboard Member Monk's Avatar
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    Re: Italian Gypsy Heiress vs Black Irish Princess

    Excellent story, loved the buildup to the final fight, starting with their fight on the plane.

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