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Thread: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

  1. #21
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    Those two were more than adorable, readying this was a blast.
    They ain´t done fighting, but they will eventually join forces as the ultimate pair of dorks, I guess that Izzy isn´t very fond of that happening, from knowing how much of a bitch Riley can be, calling it a bluff, and the fear of being replaced so quickly being a big part of it, I can see her trying to keep up with the nerdyness but she is just unable to best Riley on that regard.
    Izzy lowkey turning into the Amber of the intern side of the story, full of insecurities, and Marissa a little Maggie with a free spirit.

    Riley and Maggie is to be a banger, a pair of readheads going at it, yes please, but too early for Riley to match Maggie.
    Not a big fan of the super Hippie look of Natalie, but she brings so much into the table, can´t wait for her speech about how sexfights are just a natural thing that have been going for centuries, speech to be delivered to Maggie probably.

    Scenarios are endless.

    Riley´s stock is on the rise, to the moon!

  2. #22
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    I guess I should touch upon some predictions for the sorority. I hope we get that fight between Hina and Lucy that was teased way back. I’m sure we will given King’s memory and attention for detail. Like I said, I think that regardless of whether or not she wins the fight with Mari, I think Riley will confess about her love for anime to the sorority herself. She then either quits or the sorority has no problem with that and embraces her. If the latter happens, I’m guessing Riley encounters more anime fans there and maybe even Mari and eventually Izzy will join. If the former happens, I think it will result in another cold war, this time between our leading ladies and the sorority girls. Maybe even that new girl band will belong to the sorority.

  3. #23
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    This just occurred to me. One of the very few notable issues I have with the series is how the whole “sex slave” thing is handled. We saw a little bit of teasing with it at the gala but it was pretty minimal. I loved the idea of Izzy being Mari’s slave for a month and only being able to reciprocate when Mari tells her to. However, that’s all we see of it. Everything else with that happens off-page. I hope we get maybe a flashback arc on that sometime. Also, once we finally find out how Bianca and Jenny’s fight went, I hope we also get to see which of them ended up a slave

  4. #24
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber serie

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Oh, yeah. I just now realized that I forgot to predict the results of the fights themselves. Might as well. Marissa will almost certainly beat Riley since she’s far more experienced but knowing Riley, she’ll probably try and pull some dirty trick, so who knows? As for our little master vs apprentice battle, I’m not too sure. Neither Bianca nor Isabella has straight up won a sexfight yet, unless you count Izzy’s scuffle with Riley but that wasn’t really a sexfight. I’m guessing Bianca will win and vent her feelings, causing them to make up and/or plan a rematch.

    As for our 2V2 match, I’m guessing that Maggie and Amber win and have an emotional make up scene. Jenny and Debbie both blame the other for their loss and have their own fight. Our girls celebrate by playing with their new slaves, Sylvia and Natalie in a non-competitive foursome, which can also function as practice for the upcoming 3V3 fight with the other girl band. I’m guessing that Amber doesn’t wanna be left out and the other band’s hot female manager joins in and makes it a 4V4 match. It would be nice to see this installment have a happy ending after the Freak Convention was such a disaster for our girls.
    I was looking back at these old posts and I can’t believe I forgot that Biance beat Amber at the convention. I have no idea how something so important to the story could’ve slipped my mind

  5. #25
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    We finally got another update. Bianca and Isabella have not resolved their beef but it now looks like all of the girls with the exceptions of Sylvia and Natalie will be going at each other in a massive team battle. Can’t wait to see that. Also, I really hope Maggie doesn’t jump to conclusions about seeing Bianca and Izzy together. We already went through something just like that. After this, I don’t blame King for wanting to do shorter stories for a while but at least there’s a chance we’ll still get more of our favorite girls

    - - - Updated - - -

    Should’ve predicted this a few chapters ago but I think after Maggie, Sylvia and Natalie fight and hopefully beat that other girl band, it will convince Jenny and Daphne that Maggie is worth keeping around and stop pestering Amber over their relationship. It will also cause all six girls to become friends or at least frenemies like Mari and Izzy. Speaking of the band, something that Jenny said during her brief fight with Bianca at the gala gives me another idea. She says she’ll make Bianca a groupie if she wins. Maybe the band actually can get a groupie at some point. Or maybe three. One for each girl.

  6. #26
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    Not seeing any breakups happening with the next chapter, but with the name being the last women standing, some seeds may be planted for the future. With them being competitive like no others, there may be moments in which their old animosities may start to flourish, just implying that if enough strain is put into some of their relationships they may break at some point, but mostly new seeds to plant. Riley somehow got things going with most of the main features already, her interaction with Maggie being a massive one in terms of their similarities, and who knows, maybe Amber has a thing for redheads, not just one redhead.
    Bianca and Jenny on a tangle of limbs are most likely to target each other, calling back to that mysterious encounter after the gala that is showing to have a big impact on the universe.
    Maggie-Riley. The redheads. Maybe Riley- Amber. Amber having the hots for redheads.

    Maggie-Bianca. Endless war. Bianca-Jenny. The Gala aftermath. Amber-Bianca. The slave and the mistress, maybe the blonde having a crisis of confidence.

    Overall a chapter that will serve as a platform for many things, the battle of the bands is yet too far to predict.
    Just because I love to cheer for the bad teams, I´m likely to side with the new band.

  7. #27
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    Well, that was certainly an eventful last part. We know that our girls will live happily ever after now but we can still get some great in-between stuff. All the slaves and owners is actually a bit hard to keep track of and the possibilities are endless. I don’t really have any new predictions for the current time period but maybe once we go past the timeskip again, Maggie and Amber can find another lesbian couple and mothers to fight with. Just imagine all the milk…

  8. #28
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    There is a lot going on here. But we got some development with Bianca, our pale spider used to be a punk girl, that was a bit of a surprise, so hard to think of her as something but a profesional, exploring her past will be fun.

    Also her interest in not making the same mistakes she did now with Riley will get us to see a more tender side of Bianca, we got some glimpses of it with this entry. Riley backing her up at every turn will drive them even closer.

    Now the interns and Riley are locked on contest to know who is the best fuck of their generation, that should be very interesting.

    Natalie I think will be key on setting Maggie and Amber into their future paths, no more are they going to break up worries.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Jenny vs Maggie is going to be so much fire, they are like early Maggie/Amber mixed with some of Bianca/Maggie passive agressive moves. I was surprised that Maggie was able to beat Jenny's tongue, I was so much expecting her to win that contest.

    Not much redhead to redhead action with Riley and Maggie, but Riley is mostly busy on the other side of the board at the moment, I guess we wait.

    Daphne is probably the most benefited from this story, she still has some way to go before catching up to Jenny and Amber, but she got a well deserved boost.
    We still have an ass contest to be settled, and who knows who might show up at that dance class.

  9. #29
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    Quote Originally Posted by thedemba2 View Post
    There is a lot going on here. But we got some development with Bianca, our pale spider used to be a punk girl, that was a bit of a surprise, so hard to think of her as something but a profesional, exploring her past will be fun.

    Also her interest in not making the same mistakes she did now with Riley will get us to see a more tender side of Bianca, we got some glimpses of it with this entry. Riley backing her up at every turn will drive them even closer.

    Now the interns and Riley are locked on contest to know who is the best **** of their generation, that should be very interesting.

    Natalie I think will be key on setting Maggie and Amber into their future paths, no more are they going to break up worries.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Jenny vs Maggie is going to be so much fire, they are like early Maggie/Amber mixed with some of Bianca/Maggie passive agressive moves. I was surprised that Maggie was able to beat Jenny's tongue, I was so much expecting her to win that contest.

    Not much redhead to redhead action with Riley and Maggie, but Riley is mostly busy on the other side of the board at the moment, I guess we wait.

    Daphne is probably the most benefited from this story, she still has some way to go before catching up to Jenny and Amber, but she got a well deserved boost.
    We still have an *** contest to be settled, and who knows who might show up at that dance class.
    Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about it mentioning that Bianca used to be a punk girl. That’s very interesting.

  10. #30
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: Predictions/Wishlist for the Maggie and Amber series

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about it mentioning that Bianca used to be a punk girl. That’s very interesting.
    That was very easy to miss, maybe Bianca was a gum chewing punk girl, with a nose ring and dyed hair, just like certain blonde.

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